Thermowell Vibration Investigation and Analysis
Thermowell Vibration Investigation and Analysis
Thermowell Vibration Investigation and Analysis
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Note: the constant of 2.64 is composed of a Strouhal number E = modulus of elasticity for thermowell material,
of 0.22 times the conversion of 12 inches/foot (0.22 x 12 = lb/in^2
2.64). I = moment of inertia of thermowell at root, in^4
The PTC considers the Strouhal number to be constant for w = weight per unit length of the thermowell, lb/in
typical thermowell applications at a value of 0.22, which is a g = gravitational constant, 386.4 in/sec^2
reasonable approximation for most industrial applications. Blevins
[3] provides additional information on the variation in values of The mounting of a thermowell on a nozzle on a thin walled
the Strouhal number. pipe or vessel will result in a somewhat reduced first natural
The PTC vortex shedding frequency calculation is based on frequency because the mounting is somewhat flexible. The use of
the tip diameter and is primarily applicable to a straight FE analysis to assess this type of mounting will provide more
thermowell. Industry also utilizes thermowells that are tapered to accurate frequency data, as discussed later in this paper.
increase the strength of the thermowell at the mounting region The calculation format above does not take into consideration
while maintaining a minimum diameter in the fluid flow region. the effect of the fluid mass around the thermowell and is valid for
This is done to increase the vortex shedding frequency. most applications up to a fluid density of less than 20% of the
There is no established standard for the rate of taper in density of the thermowell material. When the fluid density
thermowells. However, industrial thermowells typically have a exceeds 20 % of the thermowell material density, the effect of the
minimum 0.625 inch tip diameter for a 0.26 inch bore and a 0.75 fluid is to reduce the frequency at which the thermowell becomes
inch tip diameter for a 0.385 inch bore. Additionally, tapered excited. In investigations of the thermowell natural frequency for
thermowells typically have a maximum 1.0625 inch root (or the typical industrial thermowell application, it is not necessary to
mounting area) diameter. account for the fluid density.
At typical fluid velocities, the fluid flow profile will be The PTC uses the following formula to determine the
reasonably uniform except in the region adjacent to the conduit thermowell first mechanical natural frequency (Fqw) regardless of
wall, where viscous friction will reduce the velocity significantly. whether the thermowell is straight or tapered (note: this formula is
For calculation of the vortex shedding frequency it is reasonable not listed in the PTC but is directly distilled from PTC formula #
to assume a uniform velocity based on the average conduit cross- 5):
sectional flow area and the total flow. It is also reasonable to use
the average diameter for the length of a tapered thermowell that is
Kf E
in the flow region. For this assumption to be valid, the average Fqw = 2
* (3.)
diameter in the flowing fluid region should not exceed the tip L Den
diameter by more than a factor of 1.2. If the ratio is more than 1.2, Where:
it may be necessary to calculate the maximum and minimum Kf = ASME factor per table below:
vortex shedding frequency based on the minimum and maximum
thermowell outside diameter exposed to the fluid flow. The PTC Length of Kf for 0.26 inch bore Kf for 0.385 inch
vortex shedding frequency calculation methodology uses only the thermowell inches diameter thermowell bore diameter
tip diameter; for this reason, the PTC calculation results in a thermowell
conservatively high shedding frequency. 2.5 2.06 2.42
4.5 2.07 2.45
7.5 2.07 2.46
10.5 2.09 2.47
16 2.09 2.47
The thermowell natural mechanical vibration frequency can
be approximated by assuming that it is a simple cantilevered E = modulus of elasticity for the thermowell material,
structure. The PTC uses a formulation that is based on a lb/in^2)
cantilevered beam with a constant that is used to adjust for the Den = density of thermowell material, lb / in^3
thermowell test data developed by ASME. Similar cantilevered L = length of thermowell from root to tip, in
beam calculations are presented in the technical papers by
Blevins et al [2], Dozaki et al [4], and Bartran et al [5]. In the
paper by Dozak, special note is made that the natural mechanical
vibration frequency of a thermowell is affected by the mounting
arrangement. A very rigid thermowell mounting, such as a pad The thermowells discussed in the Blevins paper [2] have
type flange on a heavy walled vessel, will have a mechanical been modeled using finite element techniques. A separate model
vibration frequency very nearly equal to the theoretical cantilever of each thermowell was constructed. One of these thermowell
beam formulation of: models is illustrated in Figure 2. The thermowell models were
then combined with separate models of the restraining fixture used
in the testing as illustrated in Figure 3.
1.875 2 E*I *g
Fn = * (2.)
2 * * l 2
Where: FE Models
Fn = first natural frequency of thermowell, cycles/sec
1.875 = dimension factor - first mode The models used in these analyses employed approximately
l = total length of well from root to tip, in 8500 nodes defining approximately 5000 solid brick elements.
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Figure 2 Basic thermowell model Figure 4 Thermowell/pipe flange configuration
After the first model was constructed, it was a relatively frequencies computed for these model combinations are also
simple task to parametrically modify the model to account for the listed in Appendix A. It should be noted that the Blevins [2] test
various thermowell geometries. The computational effort was data
typically on the order of 15-20 minutes on a PC. Once the initial were developed using a relatively stiff mounting
model was completed, the total time to analyze an addition arrangement, as illustrated in Figure 3.
thermowell configuration was on the order of 1-3 hours. If we look at the results computed using different mounting
configurations, several trends are evident:
1. When mounted in standard wall 8 pipe, the natural
Computed Frequencies frequency of the thermowell is less than that computed or
The lowest modal frequency was determined for each measured using the test fixture. The difference is more
thermowell/mount system. Those results are listed in Appendix evident with the tapered thermowells than it is with the
A. It can be seen in Appendix A that the correlation between the straight thermowell.
test data and the FE-generated data is quite good. For the tapered 2. The computed frequency with the weld-o-let model is closer
thermowells, the FE approach correlates much better than the PTC to the tested frequency than the flanged model.
calculation with the test data. The PTC calculation tends to 3. The greatest deviation in computed frequencies is noted with
significantly underestimate the natural frequencies of tapered the flanged model of the short (9) tapered thermowell vs. the
thermowells. other mounting conditions.
While it is always dangerous to extrapolate from such a
limited number of examples, it would appear that the FE technique
may provide a significantly better estimate of the natural
MOUNTING EFFECT frequency of a given thermowell than does the PTC calculation
In order to investigate the effect of the mounting type on the procedure. This is especially true for the tapered thermowell.
natural frequency of the thermowells, three of the thermowell Additionally, in the case of a flanged connection to thin
models were combined with a model of a flange connection walled pipe, FE analysis or physical testing in place may be the
attached to a section of 8 dia. 3/8 wall pipe (Figure 4) and to a best way to obtain an accurate estimate of the true natural
weld-o-let connection to the same pipe (Figure 5). The modal frequency.
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DISCUSSION OF RESULTS The thermowell deflection, at resonance, is determined by the
Appendix A of this paper contains a summary of typical force applied by the vortex shedding and the vibration damping
thermowell natural frequency data. From the data set, it is ability of the thermowell. The self-damping ability of several
apparent that the PTC and FE results for a straight type typical thermowells was discussed and described in the technical
thermowell agree with the test data published by Blevins. It is also paper publication by Blevins. The damping is significantly
apparent that for tapered type thermowells, there is considerable different for empty thermowells versus thermowells with a
discrepancy between the PTC-computed frequencies and the test thermocouple installed. The placement of any solid item, such as a
data. The FE-generated frequencies tend to agree well with the test thermocouple, in the thermowell such that it is in contact with the
data. The authors recommend that if the PTC approach indicates thermowell bore will significantly increase the damping property
that a tapered thermowell is not acceptable for a critical service of the thermowell.
application, a re-evaluation should be made using either a physical The effect of the damping is to limit the maximum deflection
test or FE analysis. for the applied harmonic force. The same applied harmonic force
The 20% recommended design margin built into the PTC applied to the same thermowell without anything in the bore will
may not, in some cases, prove to be adequate. It is a known fact have a significantly higher deflection (and accompanying cyclic
that most process plants are eventually operated at a rate higher stress) than a thermowell with something in the bore that produces
than the original design capacity. Whether this is a result of a damping.
deliberate de-bottlenecking process or simply pushing the
process, the net result is higher velocities than were used for the
Stress Calculation Procedure
original design. The prudent engineer will keep these factors in
mind during the thermowell selection process. The forcing effect of vortex shedding on the thermowell is given
Additionally, consideration should be given to upset and by Blevins as:
other unusual events. For example, in some industries it is
common to use a steam blow of the lines during the construction 1
or startup process. This procedure can potentially result in Fu = * * V 2 * D * CL (4.)
velocities high enough to excite the second harmonic of the 2
thermowell. This combination of high velocity and Where:
correspondingly high excitation force, along with possible high
lock in frequency, can result in rapid fatiguing of the thermowell Fu = force per unit length of thermowell in fluid flow, lb/in
if the thermowell has not been designed to accommodate these = flowing fluid density, lb/in^3
conditions. V = fluid velocity, in/sec
It should be noted that in the Blevins paper [2], he states that D = outside diameter of the thermowell, in
for low density fluids (less than 0.17 lb/ft^3) the fluid does not CL = lift coefficient, (dimensionless, typically = 0.5)
have enough mass density to produce any significant vibration of
a typical thermowell at first natural frequency lock-in resonance. The damping coefficient suggested in the technical paper by
Blevins et al [2] is 0.002 for a thermowell with a thermocouple
installed in the bore. A note of caution should be made here: if the
FATIGUE ANALYSIS designer uses the fatigue basis for thermowell design, then there
must be assurance that the 0.002 damping coefficient is
The typical thermowell application should be limited to a
maintained by requiring the user to always have a suitable item
non-vortex-induced vibration design. However, it is not always
installed in the bore of the thermowell.
possible to completely avoid vortex-induced vibration. For some
For calculation purposes, it is easier to use a magnification
applications it is possible to achieve a design that can tolerate a
factor calculated by:
limited duration of vibration under certain operational conditions.
When the thermowell natural frequency matches the fluid
vortex shedding frequency, lock-in can occur. The thermowell 1
Q= (5.)
will then achieve its maximum deflection and the resulting
maximum fatigue stress. It is only necessary to investigate this
2 *
condition if the calculated vortex shedding frequency is more than Where:
80% of the thermowells natural frequency. Q = magnification factor
When lock-in occurs, the vortex shedding creates a force = damping coefficient
called lift on the side of the body perpendicular to the fluid flow
(see Figure 1). The force that is developed by the vortex shedding From this equation it is obvious that Q is equal 250 for the
effect is directly proportional to the square of the velocity of the typical thermowell with a thermocouple in the bore. The best way
flowing fluid. It is well documented (e.g. Blevins [3]) that vortex to visualize the effect of the magnification factor is to consider a
lock-in can occur when the Von Karman frequency is within thermowell with a point force on the thermowell that produces a
approximately 20% of the mechanical frequency of the body it is 0.001 deflection at the end of the thermowell. When that same
forming around. Therefore, it is conservative to assume that the force is exerted by a dynamic load (the vortex shedding at lock-
thermowell will lock-in with the fluid vortex shedding up to a in), the tip movement will be 250 time greater or, in this case, 0.25
frequency of 120% of the first mechanical natural frequency. If inches.
this maximum velocity exceeds the range of operating fluid The vortex shedding force will only exist on the portion of
velocity, the maximum design fluid velocity may be used to the thermowell that is in the flowing fluid. Therefore, it is
calculate the maximum force. necessary to determine the length of the thermowell that is
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extending into the fluid and consider that force to be acting at the RECOMMENDATIONS
mid-point of the length in the fluid flow. The total force is then In addition to the PTC calculated values, the thermowell
calculated. The moment produced by this force at the thermowell manufacturing industry should provide natural frequency
root is the product of this force and mid-point length. The formula data based either on actual test data or Finite Element
for the total force is then: analysis for various typical installation types.
When the PTC thermowell natural frequency and vortex
Ft = Fu * Q * Lf (6.) shedding calculation methods are considered to be too
conservative, such as in the case of tapered thermowells, the
Where: frequencies may be determined using FE methods.
The first natural frequency for a specific thermowell
Ft = force total applied to thermowell by vortex, lb application, including its mounting structure, may be
Fu = force per unit length from Equation 4, lb/in accurately calculated by Finite Element methodology.
Q = magnification factor from Equation 5 For typical thermowell applications, the vortex shedding
Lf = length of thermowell in fluid flow, in frequency should not exceed 80% of the thermowells first
natural frequency in order to avoid lock-in resonance, as
The moment applied to the root of the thermowell can now be recommended by the PTC. This calculation should be at the
calculated using: maximum design fluid flow conditions, and consideratiion
should be given for abnormal conditions such as upset and
M = Ft * La (7.) relief valve openings.
When the PTC 80% separation rule cannot be maintained in
Where: abnormal, high fluid velocity conditions, it is possible to use
M = moment, in-lb the fatigue analysis approach to assure that the thermowell
Ft = total force from Equation 6, lb will not fail in fatigue during the abnormal condition. It is
La = lever arm from root of thermowell to the mid-point of recommended that all such applications be fully reviewed
the force applied force region, in and confirmed. Also it must be understood that if a
thermowell is designed to accommodate vibration without
Finally, the stress in the root of the thermowell is calculated using: failing, the temperature measurement thermocouple or other
devices may be damaged during the vibrating condition.
Where the fatigue analysis procedure is used, it is
= * Scf (8.) recommended that the thermowells be investigated for
Sm fatigue failure at fluid velocities up to least 133% over
normal design flow and for all operational and startup
Where: conditions.
= stress in root, lb/in^2
M = moment from Equation 7, in-lb REFERENCES
Sm = section modulus of root of thermowell, in^3
Scf = stress concentration factor at the root, usually taken as 1. ASME Power Test Code 19.3-174 Part 3, Temperature
1.2 for a typical thermowell Measurement
This stress must be considered to be fully reversing. That is, 2. Blevins, R. D., Tilden, B. W. and Martens D. H., 1996,
the stress range for fatigue evaluation is twice the computed stress Vortex-Induced Vibration and Damping of Thermowells,
from Equation 8. The stress calculated above is only one PVP 328
component of the stresses that may exist in the thermowell. The
designer is cautioned to recognize that a high pressure or high 3. Blevins, R. D., 1990, Flow Induced Vibrations, 2nd edition,
drag thermowell application may need a complete stress vector Van Nostrand
analysis to establish the applicable cyclic stress. For typical piping
and vessels which are under the ASME Section VIII and B 31.3 4. Dozake, K., Morishita, M., and Iwata, K., 1998,
jurisdiction it is prudent to use the cyclic stress values from Modification and Design Guide for Thermowell for FBR,
ASME Section VIII Division 2 for the design, based on the PVP 363
assumption that the total cycles will be greater than 10^7. ASME
Section III also has similar fatigue values. 5. Bartran, D., et al, 1999, Flow Induced Vibration of
The calculated stress is typically considered fully cyclic and Thermowells, ISA Transactions 38
can be used as the total peak fully reversing stress (the pressure-
induced stresses are usually very small in comparison to the 6. Martens, D., and Hsieh, C.S., 1998, Finite Element
vibration induced stresses). The reader is referred to the technical Investigation of a CBA Reactor for the Effects of Thermal
paper by Martens et al [6] for addressing the calculated stresses Cycling, PVP 368
for cyclic determination for Section VIII applications.
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18-8 Stainless steel material
Well # 1 Well # 2 Well # 5 Well # 6 Well # 11 Well # 8
Size/Type 1 150# 1 150# 1 150# 1 150# 1 150# 1 150#
Length 7 10 10 10 9 16
Root Dia 0.752 0.752 0.878 0.867 0.100 0.760
Tip Dia 0.752 0.752 0.878 0.633 0.769 0.760
Shape Straight Straight Straight Tapered Tapered Straight
Bore Dia 0.26 0.26 0.375 0.26 0.375 0.26
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