Question Bank HR
Question Bank HR
Question Bank HR
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Unit 2:-
Chapter 4
1. What is job analysis and what are the components of job analysis
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Unit 3:-
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
1. Explain the components of an employee compensation package
Chapter 9
5. What is succession planning and what are the advantages of the same
Unit 4:-
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part B:
1. Describe the importance of Human Resource Management.
2. Describe the role of Human Resource Manager in detail.
3. Explain Human Resource Information System.
4. Explain the role of trade union.
5. Explain the steps in Human Resource Planning.
6. Explain the recruitment process
7. Write a note on recruitment practices followed in Indian organization both in public and
private sectors.
8. Explain the steps involved in selection procedure (Selection Process)
9. Write a note on
** Psychological Test
** Stress Interview
** Application Blank
** Personality Test
** Reference Check
10. Selection is virtually a kind of elimination process. Comment
11. What is interview? Explain the different types of interview.
12. Briefly describe the concept of job analysis & explain the job analysis process
13. Briefly explain the various methods of job evaluation
14. Explain the training procedure in detail
15. Explain the various training methods in detail
16. What is Management Development Programme or Executive Development Programme?
What are the different MDP methods?
17. Can training be evaluated? Why? How?
18. Training Programmes are helpful to avoid personnel obsolescence. Discuss.
19. You cannot develop managers. People either have the ability to manage or they dont. Do
you agree or disagree? Discuss