WSS Marine Chemicals Water Solutions Brochure
WSS Marine Chemicals Water Solutions Brochure
WSS Marine Chemicals Water Solutions Brochure
Active solutions
People. Products. Performance.
Ships Service
Marine Chemicals
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The products
and the
for every
Think about it
Water is a vital element in the effective specifications, rules and regulations,
operation of every ship. Whether its and at the same time limit impact
potable water for drinking, showering upon the environment.
and cleaning, technical water for
Water treatment is as much
boilers and cooling systems, or water
about asset protection as it is
for use in pools and spas. Both the
about maintaining efficiency. The
water itself and the equipment that
consequences of not using the right
relies upon it require the use of water
treatments can be costly, resulting
treatment to ensure safe, efficient
in unscheduled downtime, or in the
and continuous operation. These
worst cases catastrophic, leading to
treatments must be in line with original
total breakdown of equipment.
equipment manufacturers (OEM)
The products
and the
Ships Service
Marine Chemicals processes for
every application
Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) Weve delivered cooling water
water treatment solutions cover every treatments for all kinds of engines
key point in the water lifecycle from with all types of cooling systems,
intake, to water production, through and boiler water treatments to
water utilisation and eventually everything from a once-through boiler
discharge. We provide a complete to sophisticated high pressure boiler
portfolio of chemicals supported by water systems with multiple boilers
dosing and monitoring equipment, and complex condensate systems.
ranging from manual solutions to We are ready and able to discuss
highly automated dosing systems. your water treatment challenges.
This ensures a cost-effective, safe
and reliable solution every time.
Waterproof Test Data
We Know the Water
Regular testing of the technical water
With WSS taking care of all treated systems and review of the resulting
water on board, you can rest data provide vital insight into the health
assured that our understanding of of valuable equipment. Waterproof
your issues is comprehensive. We is a software package developed by
know the chemistry, so you get the WSS to support customers using our
right treatment programs to meet technical water treatments. With it,
your needs in the most effective you can store test data digitally and
and cost efficient solution. Our receive action notifications if results
recommendations are tailored to fall outside recommended limits. It
your vessels, and meet international also allows you to submit results to
standards and regulations. WSS for evaluation and get direct
feedback from our technical team.
A smart solution that ensures control
Breadth and Depth and compliance.
Its a simple equation. Because we
have an extensive product portfolio,
Total Support, Wherever
were able to select suitable products
You Are
or programs for all your water
treatment applications. That, along Wherever you are and whatever
with our worldwide delivery network, issues you face onboard, you can
makes sure that you get the products get on-the-ground support with
you need, when you need them. water analysis, technical advice and
training from WSS. Through our water
As the largest supplier of marine
analysis services we can measure
chemicals we work closely with OEMs
samples in our own laboratory, to
and the organisations who set out the
investigate further any problems
regulations to make sure we deliver
that cant be resolved onboard or
products that are in compliance at
to ensure compliance with OEM
all times. So thats another thing you
requirements. Wilhelmsen Ships
wont have to follow up.
Services global network of chemical
No matter how complex your specialists, technical support experts
requirements for water treatment and logistics teams provide a 24/7
onboard, WSS can offer a solution. service that is fully synchronised
Our technical support team has with your requirements.
extensive experience of even the most
complex water treatment applications.
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Test Solutions
Our test solutions range from
easy-to-use tablet or drop tests to
the more sophisticated MaxiDirect
photometer, capable of carrying
out a series of critical water tests
and delivering the results quickly
and accurately.
Dosing solutions
Our dosing equipment includes
a broad range of compact
units covering manual to
highly automated systems for
accurate dosing and control.
The equipment also assists
you in complying with HSE
regulations as it limits the need
to handle chemicals directly.
and expertise,
Ships Service
Marine Chemicals accessible
Health, safety
and environment
We work constantly to make sure our these risks. For the protection of
water treatments meet the highest your crew, ultimately were aiming to
safety requirements and cause the eliminate direct contact with chemical
least environmental impact. The treatments by providing automated
consequences of inadequate water chemical application solutions.
treatment can be serious, leading Were also working to extend our
Health, safety and environment
to equipment failure or biological
contamination of water supplies.
range of green products ahead of
environmental regulation, taking in
We provide you with the products, technical products that currently
the means to apply them correctly are not regulated.
and full technical support to reduce
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Active Solutions Portal
For you to know how to handle our
products properly and safely, you can
access a vast database of information
available offline through our Active
Solutions Portal. Here you can retrieve
handbooks, safety data sheets, training
packages and other product information,
and also access our Waterproof test
data software. Its good to know.
For enquiries about our products,
you can contact one of our chemical
specialists through your dedicated
customer services. Were on call for
you 24 hours a day.
Active solutions
People. Products. Performance.
ID No: 806025. Designed and produced by Dinamo. Printer: Erik Tanche Nilssen Norway. 08.12. 10K. Country of origin Norway.
marine products
Marine Chemicals
Part of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, maritime logistics
a Wilh. Wilhelmsen group company ships agency