Clinical Biochemistry & Analytical Toxicology
Clinical Biochemistry & Analytical Toxicology
Clinical Biochemistry & Analytical Toxicology
Where will you work? What skills and qualities will you need?
The national pay system in the NHS is called
Agenda for Change (AfC). This applies to all
healthcare science staff except the most
senior managers. These are examples of
roles and the AfC bands at which they may
be paid: healthcare science support worker
To find out more about careers in
(Band 2); healthcare science assistant (Band
this area of healthcare science,
4); healthcare science practitioner (Band 5);
please go to
healthcare science specialist (Band 6);
healthcare science advanced (Band 7);
healthcare science consultant (Band 8a-9). For more information on the
For more information, visit professional bodies relevant to healthcare science, visit
For further copies of this factsheet call 0845 60 60 655. e-mail: NHSCF30 Oct2007 8k