Bigger Phish To Fry: California'S Anti-Phishing Statute and Its Potential Imposition of Secondary Liability On Internet Service Providers

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Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1


Camille Calman *

[1] The incidence of phishing, a form of internet fraud, has increased

dramatically since 2003.1 Identity thieves searching for vulnerabilities in
internet security have realized that customers are the weak link.2 Using
mass e-mailings and websites purporting to be those of well-known and
trusted corporations, “phishers” trick customers into revealing personal
and financial information.3 Once in the hands of phishers, that

*Associate, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; J.D., Columbia Law School, 2006. I would like
to thank Professor Hillel Parness for teaching the seminar that led me to write this article.
2006), available at
[hereinafter APWG June 2006 Report] (showing a record high number of reported
phishing attacks, 28,571, in June 2006); DEP’T OF JUSTICE, SPECIAL REPORT ON
“PHISHING” (2004), available at
[hereinafter DOJ Report] (describing rise in phishing from 2003 to late 2004); Ravi Puri,
Gone Phishing: Protecting Online Identity, OR. ST. B. BULL., Oct. 2004, at 37
(describing a recent rise in phishing). One study shows that one in four Americans
receive a phishing attack monthly, and that 70% of those users think the e-mail comes
from a legitimate company. AM. ONLINE & NAT’L CYBER SEC. ALLIANCE, AOL/NCSA
ONLINE SAFETY STUDY 3 (Dec. 2005) available at
See Clare Francis, Alert Over Risks of E-Banking, SUNDAY TIMES (London), Aug. 22,
2004, at Features 5 (quoting an information technology professional as saying, “The
banks' systems are pretty secure, which is why fraudsters are targeting customers – they
are the weakest link”).
Jefferson Lankford, The Phishing Line, ARIZ. ATT’Y, May 2005, at 14. The Department
of Justice defines phishing as “criminals’ creation and use of e-mails and websites,
designed to look like e-mails and websites of well-known legitimate businesses, financial
institutions, and government agencies, in order to deceive internet users into disclosing
their bank and financial account information or other personal data such as usernames
and passwords.” DOJ Report, supra note 1, at 1.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

information can be used to clean out bank accounts, go on credit card

spending sprees, defraud third parties,4 or to open accounts for credit
cards, loans, or mortgages.5 Information can also be sold to other thieves.6
Individual customers lost an estimated $929 million to phishing scams
from May 2004 to May 2005,7 and they are not the only victims.
Financial institutions and other businesses lose an estimated $2 billion a
year to phishing scams.8

[2] Legislatures have passed new laws in response to media reports of

phishing. In January 2005, Virginia added phishing to its Computer
Crimes Act, categorizing the use of a computer to obtain personal
information “through the use of material artifice, trickery or deception” as
a Class 6 felony punishable by prison sentences of up to five years and
fines of up to $2,500.9 New Mexico enacted a similar statute in March of

For instance, phishers often hijack the accounts of eBay users in order to defraud other
eBay users by listing auctions and accepting payment for items that do not exist. See Ian
Austen, On eBay, E-Mail Phishers Find a Well-Stocked Pond, N.Y. TIMES, Mar. 7, 2005,
at C2 (profiling coin dealer whose eBay account was hijacked and used to sell $780,000
worth of fraudulent items); Amardeep Bassey, Netted: Trio Jailed for eBay “Phishing”
Scam, SUNDAY MERCURY (Birmingham, U.K.), Nov. 13, 2005 at 13 (describing eBay
fraud scheme that brought in £500,000).
See Larry Williams, Restoring Their Credit, Reclaiming Their Lives: Crime: Victims of
Identity Theft Find Limited Resources in the Struggle to Clear Their Names, BALT. SUN,
Feb. 27, 2005, at 1C.
See Bill Toland, Watch That Hook: With Just a Couple Clicks, Internet Users Can
Become Part of a “Phishing” Harvest, PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE, Dec. 12, 2005, at
Science A1.
Press Release, Gartner, Inc., Gartner Survey Shows Frequent Data Security Lapses and
Increased Cyber Attacks Damage Consumer Trust in Online Commerce (June 23, 2005),
available at (stating that
survey participants indicated that financial institutions reimbursed them for most of those
Paul L. Kerstein, Talk Back: How Can We Stop Phishing and Pharming Scams?, CSO,
July 19, 2005, available at Statistics
relating to phishing loss may not be entirely reliable; it is not clear, for example whether
some of the losses are being double-counted, attributed first to the consumers who suffer
them, and then to the banks which make good on the consumers’ losses.
VA. CODE ANN. § 18.2-152.5:1 (2005); see also Larry Greenemeier, States Tell
Phishers to Cut Bait or Else: Virginia and New Mexico Set to Enforce New Laws That
Categorize Phishing as a Felony, INFO. WK., Apr. 13, 2005, available at; AOL Sues
Over IdentityThefts, Uses New Law, REUTERS, Feb. 27, 2006, available at

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

2005,10 as did New York in June of 2006.11 Bills like these have been
considered in many other states, including Pennsylvania12 and Florida.13
The state of Washington has gone even further by criminalizing attempted
phishing. Both the sending of “spoof” e-mails and the setting up of
fraudulent websites are considered criminal activities, even if no consumer
is defrauded by either action.14 At the federal level, U.S. Senator Patrick
Leahy has introduced a bill, the Anti-Phishing Act of 2005, which is
similar to the Washington state bill in punishing any attempt at phishing
even if no identity theft or other consumer damages result.15

[3] Bills that define phishing and attempted phishing as crimes are good
public relations moves for legislators, since they give an impression of
government taking active steps to wipe out a dangerous new crime. But
such legislation ignores the fact that phishing and attempted phishing are
already crimes. Fraud and identity theft have never been legal activity; the
only factor that makes phishing “new” is the particular electronic method
used to con the target out of his or her personal information.16 By
S.B. 720, 2005 Leg., Reg. Sess. (N.M. 2005), N.M. STAT. ANN. § 30-16-24.1 (West
Assemb. 8025, 2005 Assemb., Reg. Session (N.Y. 2005); see also Press Release,
Governor George E. Pataki, Governor Signs Important Legislation to Protect New
Yorkers Against Identity Theft (June 9, 2006), available at
H.B. 2292, Gen. Assem. 2005, Reg. Sess. 2005–2006 (Pa. 2005).
H.B. 7157, 2006 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Fla. 2006).
H.B. 1888, 2005–2006 Leg. Reg. Sess. (Wash. 2005), WASH. REV. CODE § 19.190.010
(2005); see also Eric Chabrow, Washington State Enacts Anti-Spyware and Anti-Phishing
Legislation, GOV’T ENTERPRISE, May 19, 2005, available at
S. 472, 109th Cong. (2005); see also Press Release, Senator Patrick Leahy, New Leahy
Bill Targets Internet “PHISHING” and “PHARMING” That Steal Billions of Dollars
Annually from Customers (Feb. 28, 2005), available at The bill is virtually identical to the
Anti-Phishing Act of 2004, which was still in committee when the previous Congress
adjourned. Robert Louis B. Stevenson, Plugging the “Phishing” Hole: Legislation
Versus Technology, 2005 DUKE L. & TECH. REV. 0006, at ¶5 (Mar. 14, 2005), available
Phishers may also be violating criminal provisions of the CAN SPAM Act, particularly
18 U.S.C. § 1037, which criminalizes falsifying e-mail account information, falsifying

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

declaring that phishing is now a crime, legislators do little more than state
the obvious.17 Such measures should not reassure consumers, since
phishers often operate offshore and are not available for criminal
prosecutions in state courts.18 Criminal penalties will have little deterrent
effect if they cannot be enforced.19 As long as phishing remains a low-
cost, low-risk crime, criminals will continue to phish.

[4] California has taken a more interesting approach in its anti-phishing

statute, which was signed into law in September 2005.20 The bill provides
for civil, rather than criminal, penalties against phishers.21 Individuals
who are victims of identity theft have a cause of action, but only against
those who have “directly violated” the statute—the phishers themselves.22
However there is no such caveat in the section of the statute allowing suits
by an entity which is “engaged in the business of providing Internet access
service to the public, owns a Web page, or owns a trademark.”23 The
existence of the word “direct” in the paragraph pertaining to individuals,
and its absence in the paragraph pertaining to entities, suggests that the
entities can sue indirect violators—for instance, the internet service
providers (ISPs) who provide phishers with e-mail access and web
space.24 These are both easier for plaintiffs to track down and deeper of

header information, and relaying spam. 18 U.S.C. § 1037(a) (2005). Violators can face
prison terms, fines, and forfeiture of proceeds from the crime(s). Id. at § 1037(b).
See Gene S. Koprowski, Tough State Laws Won’t Stop “Phishing” Scams, Experts
Say, TECHNEWSWORLD, Oct. 29, 2005, [hereinafter Koprowski, Tough Laws]
(quoting Jim Harper, Director of Information Policy Studies at the Cato Institute:
“Politicians who claim to protect consumers in this environment either don't know that
they are lying, or are deeply cynical”).
Id. (quoting a computer security expert, Naftali Bennett, as saying that 70% of phishers
are overseas, and adding: “[I]t's almost impossible to track down and prosecute the
fraudsters . . . Phishers are growing more sophisticated in masking their identities and
locations. They're taking over PCs – as zombies – and hiding very effectively”).
Id. (quoting Bennett as saying, “It's still incredibly easy to do, the rewards are very
high, and the chances of actually getting caught are still very low. Until one or more of
these factors change, I don't expect phishing attacks to decline”).
CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 22948–22948.3 (West Supp. 2006).
Id. § 22948.3(a)(2).
Id. § 22948.3(a)(1).
See id.; see also Gene J. Koprowski, Critics Doubt Effectiveness of California Anti-
Phishing Law, EWEEK.COM, Oct. 5, 2005,

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

pocket. Yet, nothing in the statute’s legislative history suggests that

legislators intended to create such liability.25 ISPs may be able to avoid
prosecution under the safe harbor provided by the Communications
Decency Act (CDA).26 But, in order to do so, the ISPs may need to take
affirmative steps to investigate and act on complaints about phishers.27

[5] This paper explores whether California’s statute will lead to imposition
of secondary liability for phishing, and whether this would have the effect
of decreasing phishing. Part I explains how phishers operate and why
criminal law has been largely ineffective in deterring phishers. Part II
studies the California anti-phishing statute and its legislative history, as
well as judicial precedents that suggest secondary liability may be
available in California. Finally, part III discusses whether imposing
secondary liability on ISPs is likely to be a practical tool in the war against


[6] The term “phishing” has been in use at least since 1996, when
computer hackers used it to describe tricking America Online (AOL) users
out of their passwords so that their AOL accounts could be used.28
Victims of the scam were known as “phishies.”29 AOL fought back using
both technical and informational means: it began quickly terminating,1895,1867673,00.asp [hereinafter Koprowski, Critics]

(quoting attorney Dan Venglarik: “[W]hile the law is likely to be ineffective, and while
it's doubtful that anyone will ever collect on a judgment against a phisher, there is real
potential liability for ISPs and Web site hosting services if they don't start investigating
and acting on complaints that their resources are being used for phishing”).
See infra note 77 and accompanying text.
47 U.S.C. § 230 (2000). California may offer a more hospitable climate than most
states for plaintiffs trying to impose liability on ISPs. See infra notes 89–103.
See Koprowski, Critics, supra note 24.
WIKIPEDIA, Phishing, at (last visited Sept. 16,
2006). (stating that the “ph” is said to derive from the hacker term “phone phreaking,”
used to describe a technique for fraudulently obtaining free long distance calls from the
telephone company). The AOL scam was mentioned in a 1997 newspaper article, the first
media reference to “phishing” that is not a pun on the name of the band Phish. Ed
Stansel, Don't Get Caught by Online ‘Phishers’ Angling for Account Information, FLA.
TIMES-UNION (Jacksonville, Fla.), Mar. 16, 1997, at G-3.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

accounts involved with phishing and it alerted users, adding a line at the
bottom of all instant messages that read, “No one working at AOL will ask
for your password or billing information.”30 Once AOL began offering
unlimited online access for a flat rate rather than billing by the hour,
phishers had less incentive to steal other users’ passwords.

[7] But the damage was done. Thieves had learned that the easiest way to
obtain private information was simply to ask for it, preferably while
pretending to be someone else—a pretense made far easier by the
internet’s anonymity.31 As more Americans began to do their banking and
conduct other transactions online,32 consumers became accustomed to
dealing with banks and e-commerce sites by sending and receiving e-
mails.33 An e-mail asking a user to confirm his or her information now
seems to many users to be part of the routine course of internet business.

[8] The typical phishing incident involves two steps.34 First, the phisher
obtains web space from a service provider and sets up a website designed
to mimic or “spoof” that of a financial institution, internet service
provider, or e-commerce site.35 The most popular targets include AOL,
Bank of America, Citibank, Washington Mutual, eBay, and PayPal.36

See Michael Rogers, Let’s See Some ID, Please: The End of Anonymity on the
Internet,, Dec. 13, 2005,
(“[A]lthough anonymity has been part of Internet culture since the first browser, it’s also
a major obstacle to making the Web a safe place to conduct business.”).
Forty-three percent of American internet users now bank online. See Susannah Fox
and Jean Beier, Online Banking 2006: Surfing to the Bank (June 14, 2006),
Indeed, some e-commerce sites offer only online customer service rather than
telephone support. For instance, eBay offers telephone support only to the high-volume
sellers known as “Powersellers” and to sellers who pay monthly fees to operate an “eBay
Store.” All other users can receive help only online or via e-mail. Laura Rohde, eBay to
Boost Support, Cut Fees, PC WORLD, Feb. 7, 2005, available at,aid,119594,00.asp. Because users expect to hear
from eBay only via e-mail, they are more receptive to e-mails from phishers than they
might be otherwise.
Puri, supra note 1, at 37.
Lankford, supra note 3, at 14; see also Press Release, Informatica Corp., Toronto
Security Experts Release Ready to Use Anti-Phishing Security Policy (Nov. 22, 2004),
available at

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

Government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service37 or the

Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC)38 may also be “spoofed.”
Phishers duplicate the look of the targeted site as exactly as possible, using
similar fonts and graphics39 as well as trademarked names and logos.40
Next, the phisher sends out a mass e-mailing, with the same logos and
graphics and a false “from” address.41 Recipients are warned that there is
an urgent need to update their information with the alleged sender, either
because the sender has detected fraudulent use of their account, or because
their account faces suspension unless they provide information.42 Some
recipients—from five to fifteen percent of them, according to some
studies43—will be frightened enough by the warnings that they will click

[hereinafter Informatica Press Release] (“[T]he vast majority of phishers use one of 44
major brands to gain the trust of their victims.”). The most popular brand among
phishers is PayPal. One study found that 54.3% of phishing e-mails were attempts to steal
information from PayPal customers. Over 75% of All Phishing Emails Target PayPal
and EBay Users, INFOZINE, Aug. 5, 2006, available at eBay ranked second,
with 20.9%. Id.
IRS Issues Advisory on “Phishing” Scams, PORTSMOUTH HERALD, July 31, 2006,
available at
at [hereinafter
FDIC Report] (describing six separate phishing attacks against FDIC in year before
report was written).
Tracy Baker, Ignore the Bait: Don’t Get Hooked by Phishing Scams, 16 PLUGGED IN 2,
54 (Feb. 2005).
Thomas J. Smedinghoff, Phishing: The Legal Challenges for Business, BANKING &
FIN. SERVICES POL’Y REP. 1, Apr. 2005; see also Jennifer Lynch, Note, Identity Theft in
Cyberspace: Crime Control Methods and Their Effectiveness in Combating Fishing
Attacks, 20 BERKELEY TECH. L.J. 259, 259 (2005).
Smedinghoff, supra note 40.
Lynch, supra note 40, at 259.
One article estimates that 70% of internet users have received phishing emails and that
about 15% of those have been duped. Smedinghoff, supra note 40, at 2. The Anti-
Phishing Working Group, an industry association of corporations and law enforcement
organizations concerned about phishing, estimates that the response rate for phishing e-
REPORT (Jan. 2005), available at
[hereinafter APWG Jan. 2005 Report]. Ordinary spam has only a .01% response rate.
Laura Sullivan, FBI on Trail of E-Mail Fraud, BALT. SUN, Feb. 13, 2004, at 2A.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

on the enclosed hyperlink, go to the fake website, and submit their

personal information.44

[9] Early phishing e-mails were often easily detectible, at least by savvy
users. They were frequently laden with typographical, grammatical, and
spelling errors.45 The hyperlinks were often entirely numerical,46
indicating to the knowledgeable user that the page to which they linked
was not an actual AOL or Citibank web page. Also, the e-mails were
often sent indiscriminately, reaching many users who did no business with
the bank or website in question.

[10] But phishers have grown more sophisticated. Today’s phishing e-

mails tend to be grammatically correct,47 though their titles may include
misspellings to evade spam-detection filters.48 Many phishers now target
users whom they know to be customers of the entity they are
impersonating, a technique known as “spear-phishing.”49 Further,
phishers have developed techniques for masking the actual URL of their
fraudulent site and allowing the URL of the real company’s site to appear
in its place on the user’s web browser.50

Information requested by phishers includes account numbers, passwords, credit card
numbers, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth. Lankford, supra note 3, at 14.
See Joan Collier, Sales, Service, Security: The Big Three of Internet Marketing, FLA.
UNDERWRITERS, Apr. 2005, at 19.
Lankford, supra note 3, at 14.
Informatica Press Release, supra note 36. One reason for the upgrading of grammar
and spelling is that phishers can now download free do-it-yourself phishing kits, with pre-
written e-mails as well as the graphics, web code, and spamming software necessary to
launch a phishing attack. John Leyden, DIY Phishing Kits Hit the Net, THE REGISTER
(U.K.), Aug. 19, 2004, at
Lankford, supra note 3, at 14.
Timothy L. O’Brien, For a New Breed of Hackers, This Time It’s Personal, N.Y.
TIMES, Dec. 4, 2005, § 3, Col. 2, pg. 1 (discussing how some spear-phishing is
alarmingly specific, mimicking messages from the user’s employer or university credit
See Lynch, supra note 40, at 269 (describing a technique that “replaces the ‘Address’
bar at the top of the victim’s browser with an appropriately-designed working fake . . .
[which] remains installed even after the consumer leaves the fraudulent site and allows
the phisher to track the consumer’s Internet movement as well as all of the information
the victim sends and receives”). Even more alarming is a technique called “pharming,”
which is beyond the scope of this paper, but which redirects users, without their
knowledge or consent, from real websites whose URLs they have typed to identical-

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

[11] While it might be tempting to blame the unsophisticated victims who

have voluntarily given their information to thieves,51 phishing victims are
more sympathetic than many other victims of online fraud. Victims of the
notorious “Nigerian scam” were motivated by the prospect of getting rich
quickly with little effort.52 Victims of internet auction scams are enticed
by the fantasy of getting a plasma TV or other big-ticket items for a
bargain-basement price.53 But phishing victims are motivated by fear and
by trust of the institutions with which they do business.54 Phishing e-
mails, ironically, often take advantage of that faith by describing the
information requested as part of new security measures being
implemented by the trusted website.55

[12] Although slippery, phishers are not completely uncatchable.

Occasionally they are located and criminally prosecuted. Recently, a
Florida man has been indicted in Pennsylvania for a phishing scam that
mimicked a Hurrican Katrina relief website.56 In 2004, Zachary Keith Hill
plead guilty in a Texas federal court to crimes related to phishing activity
and was sentenced to 46 months imprisonment.57 In England, 20-year-old

looking but fraudulent sites. See generally Michelle Delio, Pharming Out-Scams
Phishing, WIRED NEWS, Mar. 14, 2005,,1377,66853,00.html.
Even the U.S. House of Representatives cannot resist the temptation to scold the
victims. See H.R. REP. NO. 108-698, at 5 (2004), available at
bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_reports&docid=f:hr698.108.pdf (“[M]ost phishing
scams require the willing participation of the recipient to either visit a website or reply to
an email and give out personal information. As in earlier forms of fraud using the mail or
telephones, common sense and a healthy level of suspicion go a long way toward not
becoming a victim of phishing.”)
See Marisa Schultz, Bet on It: Online Lotto Scams Soar; Feds Warn Against
Sweepstakes, Nigerian Letter Schemes That Are Too Good to Be True, DETROIT NEWS,
Jan. 11, 2005, at 1A; Barbra Mikkelson, Nigerian Scam, SNOPES.COM, (last updated Sept. 6, 2003).
See Joe Morgan, Bid Goodbye to Your Money, THE TIMES (LONDON), Feb. 19, 2005, at
Money 12.
See Smedinghoff, supra note 40, at 2.
John Leyden, Florida Man Indicted over Katrina Phishing Scam , REGISTER (U.K.),
Aug. 18, 2006,
Plea Agreement at 1, United States v. Hill, Criminal No. H-04-, (S.D. Tex. 2003), 2003
WL 23338642 (S.S. Tex. 2003); Puri, supra note 1, at 39 (noting 46-month sentence).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

American fugitive, Douglas Havard, was sentenced in 2005 to six years in

a British prison for his part in a multi-million dollar international phishing
scheme.58 The U.S. Department of Justice has successfully prosecuted
several other defendants in U.S. courts.59

[13] In general, though, criminal law does a poor job of deterring

phishing,60 largely because phishers are so hard to find.61 As of January
2005, the average phishing site was active for only 5.8 days,62 by June
2006 that time had dropped to 4.8 days.63 Even if the victims notice and
report the identity theft within that time, law enforcement authorities have
little time to track down the criminal through the fraudulent site, which is
often the best evidence available.64 Once the site is shut down, the e-mail
is the only remaining evidence, and phishers often cover their tracks using
such tools as anonymous remailers.65 Even if they can be found, the
phishers are often not subject to U.S. jurisdiction. A study by the Anti-
Phishing Working Group in October 2005 estimated that only 28.75% of
phishing scams are launched from the United States.66 California’s
legislature, however, relied on statistics showing that 78% of phishers

John Leyden, £6.5m Phishing Duo Jailed, REGISTER (U.K.), June 28, 2005, at (stating that Havard’s
British accomplice received a four-year sentence).
See Jonathan J. Rusch, Special Counsel, Dept. of Justice, Phishing and Federal Law
Enforcement (Aug, 6, 2004),
H.R. Rep. No. 108-698, at 5 (2004), available at
bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_reports&docid=f:hr698.108.pdf (“[T]he most
egregious abusers are seldom legitimate businesses or individuals who might be
responsive to government regulation or civil penalties.”).
See Jeordan Legon, “Phishing” Scams Reel in Your Identity, CNN.COM, Jan. 26, 2004, (“Spammers
mask their identities by using a wide array of computer servers, opening and closing their
operations quickly and working outside the United States. All of this makes it more
difficult for U.S. law enforcement to catch up with them.”).
APWG Jan. 2005 Report, supra note 43.
APWG June 2006 Report, supra note 1.
Peter Black, Catching a Phish: Protecting Online Identity, 8 INTERNET L. BULL. 133,
136 (2006).
Michael Rustad, Punitive Damages in Cyberspace: Where in the World Is the
Consumer?, 7 CHAP. L. REV. 39, 66 (Spring 2004).
2005), available at

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

were in the United States and that 15% of those were in California when it
debated anti-phishing legislation in 2005.67


[14] In February of 2005, California State Senator Kevin Murray

introduced Senate Bill 355.68 The Bill, later named the Anti-Phishing Act
of 2005, was passed by both the California Senate and the California
Assembly in August 200569 and was signed by Governor Schwarzenegger
in September 2005 to take effect in January 2006.70 The Bill had the
support of both Microsoft and the Consumer Technology Industry
Association, a technology industry association.71

[15] Section 22948.2 of the new statute states:

It shall be unlawful for any person, by means of a Web

page, electronic mail message, or otherwise through use of
the Internet, to solicit, request, or take any action to induce
another person to provide identifying information by

Anti-Phishing Act of 2005: Hearing on S.B. 355 Before the S. Judiciary Comm., 2005-
2006 Reg. Sess. (Cal. 2005), [hereinafter Apr. 5 Hearing] (“According to the FBI and the
Internet Crime Complaint Center, 78 percent of all criminal "phishers" are located in the
United States. Of these, 15 percent of all phishing scams originate in California, the most
in the nation.”). These statistics may simply have been out of date in a fast-changing area
of technology. See Collier, supra note 45, at 19 (“Many of today’s scams are operated
beyond the reach of U.S. criminal prosecution. A year ago, most attacks were launched
within the U.S.; today, two-thirds are launched from overseas. The Ukraine, Eastern
Europe, Russia, Southeast Asia, and Africa are bastions of phishing.”).
S.B. 355, 2005–2006 Leg., Reg. Sess. (Cal. 2005).
See Press Release, Cal. Dep’t of Consumer Affairs, New Laws Will Help Protect
Against Identity Theft (Oct. 7, 2005)
( This press release should
be read with a grain of salt, since it erroneously states that “SB 355 makes the practice of
Internet ‘phishing’ a crime in the state of California.” Id. Senate Bill 355, of course, is
not a criminal statute at all.
See Apr. 5 Hearing, supra note 67 (“Microsoft contends that the ‘[s]trong laws and
adequate enforcement’ provided by SB 355 will be critical to addressing the phishing

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

representing itself to be a business without the authority or

approval of the business.72

[16] Three classes of persons may bring actions against violators of

section 22948.2. The Attorney General or a district attorney may bring an
actions against “a person who violates or is in violation of section
22948.2” for injunctive relief and to recover a civil penalty of up to $2,500
per violation.73 An individual “who is adversely affected by a violation of
section 22948.2 may bring an action, but only against a person who has
directly violated section 22948.2.”74 The individual plaintiff may recover
either three times actual damages or five thousand dollars per violation.75
Most importantly, a “person who (A) is engaged in the business of
providing Internet access service to the public, owns a Web page, or owns
a trademark, and (B) is adversely affected by a violation of section
22948.2” may sue for the greater of actual damages or five hundred
thousand dollars.76 This provision, unlike the provision for individuals,
does not specify that the defendant must be a “direct violator” of section
22948.2. The fact that direct violators are specifically mentioned in the
subsection referring to individuals, but not in the subsection referring to
corporations, suggests that we must read the latter subsection as applying
to both direct and indirect violators.

[17] The section of the statute regarding suits brought by the state does not
define direct or indirect violation of section 22948.2, nor does it define the
difference between violating and being in violation of.77 Nothing in the
legislative history gives any indication of an intent to impose liability on
anyone other than the phishers.78 There does not, however, seem to be any
other way to read the plain language of the statute: with “direct” violation
specifically required for individual plaintiffs but for no one else. The
large statutory damage amount available to corporate plaintiffs,

CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 22948–22948.3 (West Supp. 2006).
Id. § 22948.3(b).
Id. § 22948.3(a)(2).
Id. § 22948.3(a)(1).
See id. § 22948.3(b).
The legislative history of the bill, including committee reports, is available at the
California State Senate’s website,

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

$500,000,79 also hints at a defendant other than an individual phisher,

particularly since many phishers are judgment-proof.80 Though few
commentators seem to have noticed, the Bill appears to have a broader
reach than its press indicates. Secondary liability is a sort of stealth effect
of the California Anti-Phishing Act.

[18] If a trademark holder, web page owner, or an ISP were to sue another
ISP for indirectly violating, or being in violation of section 22948.2, the
defendant would almost certainly attempt to take refuge in § 230 of the
CDA,81 which states: “No provider or user of an interactive computer
service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information
provided by another information content provider.”82 The leading case
interpreting § 230 is Zeran v. America Online, a negligence suit brought
against an ISP for delays in removing messages after the plaintiff notified
the ISP of the messages’ defamatory content.83 The Zeran court read §
230 as not only providing ISPs with immunity as publishers, but with
distributor immunity as well.84 Under the common law of defamation, a
publisher is liable for dissemination of defamatory information even
absent specific knowledge that the information was included in the
published work.85 A distributor, however, is liable only if he or she has

CAL. BUS. & PROF. CODE § 22948.3(a)(1).
See Stevenson, supra note 15, at 20.
47 U.S.C. § 230 (2000).
Id. § 230(c)(2). The CDA defines “interactive computer service” broadly, as “any
information service, system, or access software provider that provides or enables
computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including specifically a service
or system that provides access to the Internet and such systems operated or services
offered by libraries or educational institutions.” Id. § 230(f)(1). Courts have interpreted
this definition to mean that the category of interactive computer services includes
websites such as See Carafano v., Inc., 207 F. Supp.
2d 1055, 1065-66 (C.D. Cal. 2002); eBay, see Gentry v. eBay, Inc., 99 Cal. App. 4th 816,
831 (2002); and, see Schneider v., 31 P.3d 37, 40-41 (Wash.
Ct. App. 2001).
Zeran v. American Online Inc., 129 F.3d 327 (4th Cir. 1997).
Id. at 332 (“Assuming arguendo that Zeran has satisfied the requirements for
imposition of distributor liability, this theory of liability is merely a subset, or a species,
of publisher liability, and is therefore also foreclosed by § 230.”).
PROSSER AND KEETON ON THE LAW OF TORTS, § 113, p. 810 (W. Page Keeton ed., 5th
ed. 1984) (“Those who manufacture books by way of printing and selling them . . . are
subject to liability as primary publishers because they have the opportunity to know the

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

actual knowledge of the defamatory statement.86 By holding that § 230

applies both kinds of liability, the Zeran court broadened the statute’s
applicability, perhaps beyond what Congress intended.87

[19] Since Zeran, other courts throughout the country have interpreted §
230 to provide complete immunity for ISPs for the actions of third parties,
not only for defamation but also for a range of other activities, “even if the
service provider has actual knowledge of ongoing torts or crimes on its
services.”88 For instance, in Ramey v. Darkside Productions, the D.C.
District Court found that § 230 immunized an online adult entertainment
guide against claims of intentional infliction of emotional distress, unjust
enrichment, negligence, and fraud for using a woman’s photograph
without her permission, even though the ISP had actual notice that use of
the photos infringed the woman’s intellectual property rights.89 In Doe v.
America Online, the Supreme Court of Florida found that § 230 protected
AOL from claims by a mother whose eleven-year-old son was featured in
pornographic photographs and videotapes sold by the Defendant via AOL
chat rooms, even though AOL had notice the Defendant was selling
obscene photographs of a minor.90 Further, in Doe v. GTE., the Seventh
Circuit found that under § 230 web hosting services had no secondary
liability on sites they hosted for the sale of videotapes of athletes filmed

content of the material being published and should therefore be subject to the same
liability rules as are the author and originator . . . .”).
RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS § 581(1) (1977) (“[O]ne who only delivers or
transmits defamatory matter published by a third person is subject to liability if, but only
if, he knows or has reason to know of its defamatory character.”).
See Barrett v. Rosenthal, 114 Cal. App. 4th 1379, 1395 (2004), cert. granted, 87 P.3d
797 (2004) (“The view of most scholars who have addressed the issue is that Zeran’s
analysis of section 230 is flawed, in that the court ascribed to Congress an intent to create
a far broader immunity than that body actually had in mind or is necessary to achieve its
purposes.”); see also Michael L. Rustad & Thomas H. Koenig, Rebooting Cybertort Law,
80 WASH. L. REV. 335, 371–73 (2005) (“An activist judiciary . . . has radically expanded
§ 230 by conferring immunity on distributors . . . . Courts have conflated distributors’
liability with publishers’ liability, blithely ignoring distinctions developed over centuries
of tort law.”).
Rustad & Koenig, supra note 87, at 370.
Ramey v. Darkside Productions, No. 02-730, 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 10107, at *12,
*20 (D.D.C. May 17, 2004).
Doe v. American Online Inc., 783 So. 2d 1010, 1017-18 (Fla. 2001).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

without their permission while showering.91 The judiciary’s broad

interpretation of § 230 “has resulted in an inhospitable legal environment
for consumers in cyberspace.”92

[20] There are, however, indications that California could become a

friendlier environment for plaintiffs seeking to establish tort liability
against ISPs. Initially California’s courts followed the Zeran reasoning.
In Stoner v. eBay, a California Superior Court held that the Defendant
could not be liable for its users’ sale of bootleg recordings, even if eBay
had knowledge or notice that the recordings infringed intellectual property
rights.93 The case cites Zeran favorably,94 and follows its reasoning. A
more recent California decision, Barrett v. Rosenthal, however, suggests
that at least some of the state’s judges may be rethinking the broad view of
ISP immunity under the CDA.95

[21] Barrett is a defamation case in which two physicians sued a woman

who posted a message to Usenet newsgroups calling them “quacks” and
accusing one of them of stalking a Canadian radio personality.96 The trial
court determined that the latter accusation was a provably false statement
of fact, but that the defendant had merely republished the information and
thus was immune from liability under the CDA.97 The appellate court
reversed, specifically repudiating Zeran and finding that Congress was
aware of the traditional distinction between publishers and distributors.
According to the appellate court, if Congress had “intended Section 230 to
immunize providers and users not merely from primary publisher liability
but also from distributor liability, it would have made this clear.”98 The
court went on to note that the imposition of distributor liability would not
require an ISP to screen postings in advance, but only “to act reasonably

Doe v. GTE Corp., 347 F.3d 655, 659–60 (7th Cir. 2003) (noting the plaintiff did not
allege that GTE had notice of the activity in question).
Rustad & Koenig, supra note 87, at 373.
Stoner v. eBay, 2000 WL 1705637, 1854 (2000).
Barrett, 9 Cal. Rptr. 3d at152.
Id. at 145–46.
Id. at 146.
Id. at 154 (pointing out that “while federal circuit court precedence on issues of federal
law is certainly entitled to substantial deference, it is not binding.” (quoting Yee v. City
of Escondido, 224 Cal. App. 3d 1349, 1351 (Cal. Ct. App. 1990))).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

after being placed on notice that the communication is defamatory.”99 The

Barrett court noted that its repudiation of Zeran did not conflict with two
previous cases that relied on Zeran, Gentry v. eBay100 and Kathleen R. v.
City of Livermore,101since in both of those cases the defendants would not
have been liable as distributors under the common law.102

[22] The California Supreme Court has granted review of Barrett v.

Rosenthal, 103 and oral arguments were presented on September 5, 2006.104
The court will issue its opinion on December 4, 2006.105 In the meantime,
the Court of Appeal’s opinion cannot be cited as precedent.106 Yet the
prospect of imposition of distributor liability has caused some alarm
among ISPs and other providers of online services. Amicus briefs were
filed by eBay 107 and by a consortium of online services and content
providers108 that includes AOL, Microsoft, Google, CNN, and the
Newspaper Association of America (NAA). The NAA is particularly
worried that California will attract forum-shopping plaintiffs who would
have no cause of action in any other jurisdiction.109

[23] If the California Supreme Court rules in Barrett’s favor and holds that
the reasoning of the Zeran court is no longer considered persuasive in
California courts, then liability could be imposed on ISPs if they have

Id. at 163.
Gentry, 99 Cal. App. 4th at 828-29, 835.
Kathleen R. v. City of Livermore, 87 Cal. App. 4th 684, 695 (Cal. Ct. App. 2001).
Barrett, 9 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 154 n.9.
Barrett, 87 P.3d at 797.
For an eyewitness account of the oral arguments, see Colette Vogele, Entry Archive:
Cal. Supreme Ct. to Hear Section 230 Case Today, Sept. 5, 2006.
Barrett, 87 P.3d at 797.
Brief for eBay as Amicus Curiae Supporting Respondent, Barrett v. Rosenthal, No.
S122953, 2004 WL 3256403 (2004).
Brief for, Inc., et al. as Amici Curiae Supporting Respondent, Barrett v.
Rosenthal, No. S122953, 2004 WL 3256404 (2004) [hereinafter Amazon et al. Brief].
See Newspaper Ass’n of Am., Public Policy News, Feb. 2005,
(follow “Publications” hyperlink; then follow “NAA Public Policy News” hyperlink; then
follow “Next” hyperlink; then follow “NAA Public Policy News, Feb. 2005” hyperlink)
(“The NAA brief argues the court of appeal’s decision will create confusion on an issue
that warrants a nationwide solution and will permit California’s courts to become a haven
for forum-shopping plaintiffs.”).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

knowledge that their facilities are being used for third party tortious
activity, but fail to act to stop such activity.110 In such an environment, an
ISP that had not taken steps to take down a phishing website or to cut off a
phisher’s e-mail access after receiving notification could conceivably be
found to be indirectly in violation of section 22948.2 of the Anti-Phishing

[24] One clue that the California legislature could not have had such
secondary liability in mind when it drafted the Anti-Phishing Act is the
involvement of Microsoft in the Bill’s passage.112 Indeed, Microsoft has
been a proponent of anti-phishing legislation around the country113 and has
filed 117 Lanham Act lawsuits against John Doe phishers, hoping to use
discovery to determine their identities.114 Yet Microsoft would probably
not be in favor of using secondary liability against ISPs. The corporation
operates its own internet service provider, the Microsoft Network
(MSN).115 Microsoft is an amicus curiae on the side of the respondent in
the Barrett v. Rosenthal appeal, arguing that § 230 should continue to be
construed to apply to publishers and distributors alike.116 It is unlikely
that Microsoft’s lawyers would be advocating for ISP immunity in one

See Rustad & Koenig, supra note 87, at 381–82 (“This case may well be a bellwether
decision that will reshape online intermediary law . . . . A decision by the Supreme Court
of California that downsizes § 230 would open the door to a greatly needed radical
reconsideration of the duty of care in cyberspace.”).
CAL. BUS. & PROF’L CODE § 22948.2 (West Supp. 2006).
See Apr. 5 Hearing, supra note 67.
See Mike Sunnucks, Microsoft Seeks to Stop “Phishing” Expeditions, BUS. J. OF
PHOENIX, Jan. 7, 2005,
Brian Krebs, Microsoft Seeks to Identify Phishing Scam Authors,
dyn/articles/A16257-2005Mar31.html. (describing Microsoft’s victory in one such case,
in which it obtained a three million dollar judgment on Lanham Act claims against a 21-
year-old Iowa resident named Jayson Harris who had used his grandfather’s computer to
set up a phishing scam). Harris now faces a 75-count criminal indictment in federal
court. See Ann McGlynn, Internet-Fraud Hunt Leads to QC, QUAD-CITY TIMES (Iowa),
Aug. 23, 2005,
Microsoft Network Home Page, (last visited Sept. 13, 2005).
Amazon et al. Brief, supra note 108.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

situation and for secondary liability on the other.117 Still, whether or not
the statute’s wording was intentional, and whether or not Microsoft’s
lawyers noticed, California’s anti-phishing statute could potentially be
read to impose secondary liability on ISPs which fail to take affirmative
steps when notified that their resources are being used by phishers.



[25] If the California Supreme Court affirms the Appellate Court’s

reasoning in Barrett, a corporation harmed by a phishing attack (say, a
financial institution required to make good on fraudulent credit card
charges) could sue an ISP as a distributor for actual or statutory damages
under section 22948.3(a)(1) of California’s Anti-Phishing Act.118 The first
such lawsuit could be an interesting test case. The ISP would likely argue
that it is neither a publisher nor a distributor, but a mere conduit. Under
the common law of defamation, there is no liability for conduits,119 which
have no duty to pre-screen or remove messages.120 The conduit argument
might succeed as applied to the phishing e-mails, but would be
considerably less convincing in regard to phishing websites, which are
active for multiple days and which the provider of hosting services could
easily find and remove upon notice. It is entirely possible that a court
could find distributor liability, under an affirmed Barrett, for an ISP that
failed to shut down phishing websites.

It is, however, likely that Microsoft would escape distributor liability under the Anti-
Phishing Act given its own proactive behavior in going after phishing. Still, even the
most anti-Microsoft conspiracy theorist would find far-fetched the suggestion that
Microsoft supported the Anti-Phishing Act in the hope that it would impose secondary
liability on other, less careful ISPs.
CAL. BUS. & PROF’L CODE § 22948.3(a)(1) (West Supp. 2006).
See Anderson v. N.Y. Tel. Co., 35 N.Y.2d 746, 750 (1974) (“The telephone company
is not part of the “media” which puts forth information after processing it in one way or
another. The telephone company is a public utility which is bound to make its
equipment available to the public for any legal use to which it can be put . . . . ”).
See Lunney v. Prodigy Servs. Co., 94 N.Y.2d 242, 249 (1999)(“[A]n ISP, like a
telephone company, is merely a conduit . . . . [W]e are unwilling to deny [the defendant]
the common-law qualified privilege accorded to telephone and telegraph companies. The
public would not be well served by compelling an ISP to examine and screen millions of
e-mail communications, on pain of liability for defamation.”).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

[26] Given the unresolved status of the Barrett case, the prospect of such
liability being imposed is so hypothetical that the mere possibility is not
enough to force ISPs to undertake steps to stop phishing attacks before
they occur. This seems a shame, since ISPs are almost certainly the least
cost avoider for phishing attacks.121 Given notice, they can shut down the
phisher’s website and internet access quickly and completely. Even absent
notice, they may be able to devise ways to prevent phishing attacks from
ever occurring.122 However, ISPs currently have no duty to take such
steps, nor a duty to cooperate with plaintiffs seeking information about
phishers’ identities. 123 Using secondary liability to force ISPs to take
steps to prevent injuries to customers and other corporations, steps they
would otherwise have no incentive to take, seems such an ingenious
solution to the phishing problem that it is almost disappointing to conclude
that such a result was probably not intended by California legislators.

[27] Of course, social problems do not always require legal solutions.

Problems can be solved extralegally through technological or market
means.124 Indeed, in the case of phishing, extralegal solutions may be far
See Rustad & Koenig, supra note 87, at 339 (“ISPs are generally in the best position to
mitigate damages from online fraudulent schemes, website defamation, and other
information-based torts by taking down objectionable content.”); id. at 390–91 (noting
that ISPs can install spam filters, identify computer intrusions, develop comprehensive
identification systems, and maintain audit trails).
Microsoft, for instance, has contracted to purchase data on an ongoing basis from
third-party vendors on phishing threats and known phishing sites. This data will be used
by Microsoft’s Phishing Filter, which is currently downloadable as part of the MSN
Search toolbar, and by the new Internet Explorer 7. Gregg Keizer, Microsoft Goes
Outside for Phishing Help, INFO. WK., Nov. 17, 2005,
However, the move is controversial; privacy advocates oppose the Phishing Filter since it
sends user data to Microsoft and potentially gives Microsoft power to decide what sites
are safe. Mike Ingram, Microsoft Anti-Phishing Software Raises Internet Privacy
Concerns, WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE, Sep. 17, 2005, (“There is a very real danger
that the phishing filter will have the effect of creating a two-tier Internet, with sites
designated as safe or not, supposedly on the basis of the number of people visiting them
on a list controlled by the world’s largest software corporation.”).
Rustad & Koenig, supra note 87, at 383 (“Not only are ISPs immune from lawsuits for
hosting or posting third part content, but they also have no legal duty to cooperate with
the plaintiff in tracking down cybercriminals.”).
See Lawrence Lessig, Preface to a Conference on Trust, 81 B.U. L. REV. 329, 329
(2001). Elsewhere, Lessig distinguishes between “East Coast Code,” that is, statutes, and

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

more promising than the law.125 So far, neither criminal nor civil law
seems to have much effect against the direct infringers, the phishers
themselves.126 Extralegal solutions to phishing include technological fixes
(either by the ISPs or by the large corporate targets of phishing) and
consumer education. Many web-based businesses are attempting to
educate their customers not to give out information,127 but there are signs
that the message has not yet been widely received.128 However, new state
anti-phishing laws may be indirectly effective by increasing public
awareness of phishing scams.129 Customers can even fight phishing
directly: one commentator offers a more devious way for consumers to
hoist phishers by their own petard:

If everyone who received phishing e-mails replied with

false information, the criminal would be forced to cull
through a million replies to get at the 100 with useful
information. While this requires the user taking time to fill

“West Coast Code,” “the instructions embedded in the software and hardware that make
See Stevenson, supra note 15, at 1 (“[A]lthough the Anti-Phishing Act can play a
supporting role in the battle, technological solutions are the most effective means of
reducing or eliminating phishing attacks.”).
Microsoft’s use of trademark law and John Doe lawsuits to pursue phishers may be
more effective than previous methods. See supra note 115 and accompanying text.
While it is unlikely that Microsoft will be able to collect its three million dollar judgment
against Jayson Harris, the technique may help Microsoft find United States-based
phishers, who can then be prosecuted criminally.
Press Release, TRUSTE, For the First Time, Security, Financial, E-Commerce and
Government Sectors Gather to Build Nationwide Consumer Education Program to Fight
Phishing Attacks (June 13, 2005), available at
Press Release, National Cyber Security Alliance, One in Four Computer Users Hit by
Phishing Attempts Each Month, According to Major In-Home Computer Safety Study
(Dec. 7, 2005), available at
(presenting survey findings that only 42% of those surveyed were familiar with the term
“phishing,” and only 57% of those familiar with it could define it).
See Koprowski, supra note 17 (quoting an executive at a data security firm as saying,
“[t]he anti-phishing law will help raise awareness for consumers, but otherwise will be of
little impact in increasing the number of phishers that will be prosecuted”).

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

out the forms, it would increase labor exponentially for the

phisher, greatly reducing the profitability of the scam.130

[28] Both legal and extralegal techniques have roles to play in fighting
online fraud. If secondary liability is an effective solution to the phishing
problem, its value will be in providing ISPs with an incentive to reduce
their own liability by developing technological fixes.

[29] But ISPs are not the only parties who can offer a technological
solution. The corporate victims of phishing already have incentive to
create technological barriers to phishing. Phishing causes them both direct
financial loss and erosion of their customers’ trust.131 It may seem
unreasonable for the customers to blame the corporations for the security
breach, since the customers themselves are giving away the information.
But con artists on the internet, unlike those on the street, may exploit
security choices made by the corporations in setting up their websites.132
By changing those security choices, banks and other institutions doing
business online may be able to foil the phishers.133

Kerstein, supra note 8 (quoting Robert X. Cringely, a columnist for PBS and
See FDIC Report, supra note 38, at 14 (“Some analysts . . . have suggested that the
rapid rise in phishing attacks is threatening consumer confidence and that diminished
consumer trust in online transactions will hurt all participants in Internet commerce.”);
see also Jeanette Borzo, Something’s Phishy: Online Identity Theft Scams Are So
Effective That They Threaten to Steal a Vital Ingredient of E-Commerce: Trust, WALL
ST. J., Nov. 15, 2004 (discussing potential erosion of consumer confidence caused by
See Smedinghoff, supra note 40, at 2 (suggesting that the approach to information
security taken by the spoofed company may somehow contribute to the success of the
Some commentators have suggested that banks, like ISPs, do not have sufficient
incentive to spend money on heightened security:
Financial institutions have no incentive to reduce those costs of identity
theft because they don't bear them. Push the responsibility ,all of it, for
identity theft onto the financial institutions, and phishing will go away .
. . . It will go away because the information a criminal can get from a
phishing attack won't be enough for him to commit fraud - because the
companies won't stand for all those losses.
Bruce Schneier, A Real Remedy for Phishers, WIRED NEWS, Oct. 6, 2005, at,1283,69076,00.html.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

[30] One obvious security weakness is the use of a single password as a

user’s only form of identification. Thieves thus need only one piece of
information to break into a bank account. Requiring an additional piece of
information, “two-factor identification,” is one potential solution.134
Another is the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip,135 a tiny security
chip that is assigned a unique, permanent, and unchangeable identifier
before the computer in which it is installed leaves the factory. If your
bank has TPM-reading software, it will allow you website entry with your
password only if you are also using your own computer with its unique
TPM code.136

[31] Other technological solutions include scanning software which

patrols the internet for phishing sites using someone else’s trademarks and
slogans137 and a form of Caller ID for e-mail138 that would allow ISPs to
make sure that incoming e-mail was in fact from the entity it pretended to
be from.139 But these technological solutions cost money, and online
businesses and banks may not have sufficient incentive to spend that
money absent regulation. As one commentator notes:

See FDIC Report, supra note 38, at 26 (“[A]lmost all phishing scams in use today
could be thwarted by the use of two-factor authentification.”). Two-factor identification
combines factor one, a password, with factor two, either biometric information (such as
fingerprints, eye scans, or a voice read) or a token (such as a USB device that plugs into
the user’s computer’s USB port, or a smart card inserted into a reader). Systems protected
by two-factor identification are far less vulnerable to phishers. Id. at 26–28.
See Rogers, supra note 31.
See id. (stating that while TPM chips are currently installed mostly in computers
belonging to large corporations, they will be installed in many consumer models
beginning in 2006).
FDIC Report, supra note 38, at 22–24.
Derek E. Bambauer, Solving the Inbox Paradox: An Information-Based Policy
Approach to Unsolicited E-Mail Advertising, 10 VA. J.L. & TECH. 5, at 39 (2005). The
Caller ID for e-mail approach was proposed by Microsoft. Id. eBay and Earthlink use
forms of Caller ID in their downloadable toolbars to alert customers to potentially
fraudulent sites. Borzo, supra note 131.
See id. at 39–40. Caller ID for e-mail would do little to stop spam that emanates from
domains and servers considered to be legitimate, but it could weed out e-mails with
forged “from” addresses. See id. at *42. Yahoo has a similar system, DomainKeys, a
cryptographic system that allows ISPs to verify the sender of incoming e-mails. Id. at

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

Financial institutions have no incentive to reduce those

costs of identity theft because they don't bear them. Push
the responsibility—all of it—for identity theft onto the
financial institutions, and phishing will go away. . . . It will
go away because the information a criminal can get from a
phishing attack won't be enough for him to commit fraud—
because the companies won't stand for all those losses.140

[32] Websites and ISPs are the obvious technological line of defense
against phishing—they can take global steps which most customers cannot
take. But absent liability, they may be reluctant to take on the expense.
Secondary liability is one way to spur the development of security
technology. If, however, the government did attempt to impose secondary
liability directly through legislation, it would face a great deal of
opposition from the online industries.


[33] The California legislature almost certainly did not intend to include
secondary liability for ISPs in its Anti-Phishing Act. But if the California
Supreme Court affirms the lower court’s rejection of the Zeran reasoning
and finds that § 230 of the CDA does not preclude distributor liability,
then a court could conceivably find such liability. ISPs can be a powerful
ally in the fight against phishing, but the threat of secondary liability
would need to be substantial before it would induce ISPs to introduce
more substantial anti-phishing measures. The larger ISP operators such as
AOL and Microsoft, who are likely to be the victims of phishers as well as
their enablers, will probably be at the forefront of any such developments.
Absent secondary liability, though, smaller ISPs will have little incentive
to take steps against phishers even when phishing is reported to them.

[34] Other tools such as ongoing consumer education and increased

security by the banks and websites whose customers are most likely to be
targets of phishing attacks may be more effective against phishing than
any sort of legal liability. Yet the possible addition of secondary liability
to the arsenal of those fighting against phishing could convince the ISPs,

Bruce Schneier, A Real Remedy for Phishers, WIRED NEWS, Oct. 6, 2005, at,1283,69076,00.html.

Richmond Journal of Law & Technology Volume XIII, Issue1

who are probably the least cost avoider in the prevention of phishing
attacks, to become more active in the fight against phishing.


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