EEG (Electroencephalogram: The Measurement of Brain Waves

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The Measurement of Brain Waves

Part A
The cerebral cortex is composed of neurons that are interconnected to each other in
networks and also receive inputs from other areas of the brain. Electrical activity
in the form of nerve impulses being sent and received to and from cortical neurons
is always present, even during sleep. Biologically, medically and legally, the
absence of cortical activity signifies death.

The electrical activity you are measuring reflects both the intrinsic activity of
neurons in the cerebral cortex and the information sent to it by subcortical
structures and the sense receptors. This composite activity is called an
electroencephalogram or EEG.

An EEG electrode will mainly detect the activity in the brain region just under it.
Nevertheless, the electrodes receive the activity from thousands of neurons. In
fact, one square millimeter of cortex has more than 100,000 neurons. It is only
when the input to a region is synchronized with electrical activity occurring at the
same time that you begin to distinguish simple periodic waveforms in the EEG.

Four simple periodic rhythms recorded in the EEG are alpha, beta, delta, and
theta. These rhythms are identified by frequency (Hz or cycles/sec) and amplitude.
The amplitudes recorded by scalp electrodes are in the range of microvolts (V or
1/1,000,000 of a volt).

rhythm Freq (Hz) Amp(V)

alpha 8-13 20-200
beta 13-30 5-10
delta 1-5 20-200
theta 4-8 10

Alpha: The four basic rhythms have been associated with various states. In
general, the alpha rhythm is the prominent EEG wave pattern of an adult who is
awake but relaxed with eyes closed. Each region of the brain had a characteristic
alpha rhythm but alpha waves of the greatest amplitude are recorded from the
occipital and parietal regions of the cerebral cortex. In general, amplitudes of alpha
waves diminish when subjects open their eyes and are attentive to external stimuli
although some subjects trained in relaxation techniques can maintain high alpha
amplitudes even with their eyes open.
Beta: Beta rhythms occur in individuals who are alert and attentive to external
stimuli or exert specific mental effort, or paradoxically, beta rhythms also occur
during deep sleep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep when the eyes switch back
and forth. This does not mean that there is less electrical activity, rather that the
positive and negative activities are starting to counterbalance so that the sum
of the electrical activity is less. Thus, instead of getting the wave-like
synchronized pattern of alpha waves, desynchronization or alpha block occurs. So,
the beta wave represents arousal of the cortex to a higher state of alertness or
tension. It may also be associated with remembering or retrieving memories.

Delta and Theta: Delta and theta rhythms are low-frequency EEG patterns that
increase during sleep in the normal adult. As people move from lighter to deeper
stages of sleep (prior to REM sleep), the occurrence of alpha waves diminish and is
gradually replaced by the lower frequency theta and then delta frequency rhythms.

Although delta and theta rhythms are generally prominent during sleep, there are
cases when delta and theta rhythms are recorded from individuals who are
awake. For example, theta waves will occur for brief intervals during emotional
responses to frustrating events or situations. Delta waves may increase during
difficult mental activities requiring concentration. In general, the occurrence and
amplitudes of delta and theta rhythms are highly variable within and between

Electrode positions: Electrode positions have been named according to the brain
region below the area of the scalp: frontal, central (sulcus), parietal,
temporal, and occipital. In the bipolar method, the EEG is measured from a pair of
scalp electrodes. The pair of electrodes measures the difference in electrical
potential (voltage) between their two positions above the brain. A third electrode
is put on the earlobe as a point of reference, ground, of the bodys baseline
voltage due to other electrical activities within the body.

Goal of the project: In this project you will record the EEG with your eyes closed
and in a state of relaxation and compare the records with the EEG when your eyes
are open and attentive, when your eyes are closed and you are
hyperventilating. You will also compare the EEG records when your eyes are open
and attentive to when you are computing a mathematical problem.

Procedure: You will work in pairs. One partner will have electrodes placed on
their heads according the pattern illustrated in the diagram you will be given. The
other partner will be the recorder. The first task is to calibrate the equipment by
selecting the calibrate button. After calibration, there will be four 30 second
recording sessions divided into two 15 second components.. The first component
of the recording session will always be the same. Subjects will lie quietly with
their eyes closed and relaxing as much as possible. After 15 seconds of recording
the recorder will instruct to subject to do the following.

Recording 1: Continue to relax.

Recording 2: Open your eyes and stare at the computer screen WITHOUT
Recording 3: Keep your eyes closed and continue to relax but breathe very
Recording 4: Open your eyes and stare at the computer screen WITHOUT
BLINKING. Instruct the subject to take the number 2 and double it, double again,
double again, divide by three, multiply by 15, divide by seven, multiply by twelve.

10-20 System of Electrode Placement

The 10-20 System of Electrode Placement is a method used to describe the location
of scalp electrodes. These scalp electrodes are used to record
the electroencephalogram (EEG) using a machine called
an electroencephalograph. The EEG is a record of brain activity. This record is the
result of the activity of thousands of neurons in the brain. The pattern of activity
changes with the level of a person's arousal - if a person is relaxed, then the EEG has
many slow waves; if a person is excited, then the EEG has many fast waves. The
EEG is used to record brain activity for many purposes including sleep research and
to help in the diagnosis of brain disorders, such as epilepsy.

The 10-20 system is based on the relationship between the location of an electrode and the underlying area of
cerebral cortex. Each point on this figure to the left indicates a possible electrode position. Each site has a letter
(to identify the lobe) and a number or another letter to identify the hemisphere location. The letters F, T, C, P,
and O stand for Frontal, Temporal, Central, Parietal and Occipital. (Note that there is no "central lobe", but this
is just used for identification purposes.) Even numbers (2,4,6,8) refer to the right hemisphere and odd numbers
(1,3,5,7) refer to the left hemisphere. The z refers to an electrode placed on the midline. Also note that the
smaller the number, the closer the position is to the midline.

Nasion - point between the forehead and nose.

Inion - Bump at back of skull.

The "10" and "20" refer to the 10% or 20% interelectrode distance.
EEG amplitude and Frequency
The amplitude of the EEG is about 100 V when measured on the scalp, and about 1-2 mV when
measured on the surface of the brain. The bandwidth of this signal is from under 1 Hz to about 50 Hz,
as demonstrated in Figure 13.1

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