UNS S31254 F44 - Super Austenitic Stainless Steel: Related Specifications
UNS S31254 F44 - Super Austenitic Stainless Steel: Related Specifications
UNS S31254 F44 - Super Austenitic Stainless Steel: Related Specifications
F44 is a 6% Mo Super Austenitic stainless steel. The material combines moderately good mechanical strength and
high ductility with excellent corrosion resistance in a variety of environments.
This material is generally supplied in the annealed condition giving yield strengths in excess of 44 KSI (300Mpa),
this material cannot be hardened by heat treatment but stronger surface strengths can be achieved by cold working.
The typical PREn of 42-44 of this alloy ensures that the resistance to crevice and pitting corrosion is high, giving
this alloy particular use as an alternative to the 300 series alloys in applications where higher mechanical
properties are required.
Forging temperature for this material should be 1100 1250oC
Reheat as often as necessary and cool in still air.
Heat Treatment
Anneal Heat to 1150 1210oC ensuring sufficient time is allowed for the centre to achieve furnace temperature and
hold for a time commensurate with the ruling section, followed by water quenching.
Material in the annealed condition is readily machinable by all conventional methods.
F44 is readily weldable using many of the standard electric arc welding processes but oxyacetylene welding is not
recommended because carbon pickup in the weld metal may occur.