10.1177 0269881113482532 PDF
10.1177 0269881113482532 PDF
10.1177 0269881113482532 PDF
JOP27610.1177/0269881113482532Journal of PsychopharmacologyHeal et al.
Amphetamine was discovered over 100 years ago. Since then, it has transformed from a drug that was freely available without prescription as a panacea
for a broad range of disorders into a highly restricted Controlled Drug with therapeutic applications restricted to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) and narcolepsy. This review describes the relationship between chemical structure and pharmacology of amphetamine and its congeners.
Amphetamines diverse pharmacological actions translate not only into therapeutic efficacy, but also into the production of adverse events and liability
for recreational abuse. Accordingly, the balance of benefit/risk is the key challenge for its clinical use. The review charts advances in pharmaceutical
development from the introduction of once-daily formulations of amphetamine through to lisdexamfetamine, which is the first d-amphetamine
prodrug approved for the management of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. The unusual metabolic route for lisdexamfetamine to deliver
d-amphetamine makes an important contribution to its pharmacology. How lisdexamfetamines distinctive pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile
translates into sustained efficacy as a treatment for ADHD and its reduced potential for recreational abuse is also discussed.
Abuse liability, amphetamine, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), drug formulations, lisdexamfetamine, microdialysis
2-D structures:
2-phenethylamine (-phenylethylamine)
HO * NH2 HO NH2 * CH 3
* NH2 * NH2
d-Amphetamine l-Amphetamine
3-D structures:
l-amphetamine (Cydril) achieved far less attention than either route of lisdexamfetamine is unusual because after absorption into
the racemate or d-isomer, clinical trials conducted in the 1970s the bloodstream it is metabolised by red blood cells to yield
demonstrated that both isomers of amphetamine were clinically d-amphetamine and the natural amino acid, L-lysine, by rate-
effective in treating ADHD (Arnold etal., 1972, 1973, 1976). The limited, enzymatic hydrolysis (Pennick, 2010). An overview of
use of Benzedrine to treat ADHD declined dramatically after amphetamine-based medications is provided in Table 1.
Gross (1976) reported that the racemate was significantly less
clinically effective than Dexedrine. Currently, the only use of
l-amphetamine in ADHD medications is in mixed salts/mixed A clinical perspective on the use of
enantiomers amphetamine (MES-amphetamine), which consists
of a 3:1 enantiomeric mixture d-amphetamine:l-amphetamine
amphetamine in the treatment of ADHD
salts that is available in both immediate-release (Adderall, ADHD is arguably the most under-diagnosed and treated of all
generic) and extended-release (Adderall XR, generic) formula- psychiatric disorders, especially in adults (Kooij etal., 2010). The
tions. A recent development in the amphetamine field is the intro- most recent European data suggest that about 5% of the population
duction of an amphetamine prodrug, lisdexamfetamine dimesylate suffer from ADHD in any one year, with a total of about 3 million
(Vyvanse). Lisdexamfetamine comprises the naturally occurring patients in Europe (Wittchen etal., 2011). Further estimates put the
amino acid, L-lysine, covalently bound to d-amphetamine via an cost of each patient at about 5000 per year in the UK (Gustavsson
amide linking group. It has been approved for the management of etal., 2011). Of the total just over half are direct treatment costs
ADHD in children (age 612), adolescents and adults in the USA and the rest indirect costs, for example lost productivity, social
and Canada. It is currently being developed for clinical use in harm, negative impact on family life, increased incidence of acci-
treating ADHD in a number of European countries. The metabolic dents and costs associated with criminality and legal intervention.
Heal et al. 481
The impact in terms of lost quality of life (days lived with disabil- Amphetamines, i.e. racemic amphetamine, d-amphetamine
ity) puts ADHD in the top 10 disorders of the brain in Europe. and methamphetamine, were widely used to promote wakefulness
Treatment of ADHD is generally inadequate, with estimates sug- in World War II, which in turn led to a large increase in production
gesting that, at best, less than one-third of patients with the diagno- that resulted in large surpluses of these drugs after the war. Much
sis get appropriate treatment (Gustavsson etal., 2011). of these stocks got into the black market, and in the 1950s
Although amphetamine has been established as an effective d-amphetamine abuse became recognised. In a classic study of
treatment for ADHD, as well as other central nervous system that period, Connell from the Institute of Psychiatry reported a
(CNS) disorders such as narcolepsy for decades, its use in the UK group of heavy d-amphetamine users who had become paranoid
(and in the wider European context) has been rather limited in (Connell, 1966). This flagged up the potential psychiatric dangers
comparison with its widespread use in the USA. The reasons for of this drug and may have encouraged prescribers away from
this are complex and relate to social and medical attitudes to the d-amphetamine and on to methylphenidate. Another factor was
condition of ADHD, pharmaceutical industry marketing policies, the use of d-amphetamine as an antidepressant in the 1950s before
as well as to concerns regarding the use of drugs in paediatric the discovery of the tricyclic monoamine reuptake inhibitors.
indications which are perceived to have a high potential for rec- There were cases of misuse by patients, and also a significant
reational abuse and to cause addiction. degree of diversion of the prescribed drug into youth misuse and/
ADHD has long suffered from being considered an or abuse that may also have contributed to wariness by prescribers
American diagnosis, and for many decades there was a con- regarding its clinical use. In later years, local outbreaks of
certed attempt by some experts in child psychiatry to deny, or d-amphetamine abuse have occurred in various parts of the UK,
at least minimise, its existence in the UK. On top of this, on the often using locally synthesised d-amphetamine; again, this will
rare occasions when the disorder was identified, the preferred have made doctors shy away from prescribing d-amphetamine lest
treatment option was psychotherapy because it fitted with the it contributes to its misuse. In the USA, d-amphetamine-contain-
background of the child psychiatrists and psychologists who ing medications, especially MES-amphetamine, have been very
were responsible for managing these patients. It was left to widely used as treatments for ADHD. Familiarity with prescribed
certain paediatricians to develop the requisite expertise in the amphetamines together with the increased availability of more
use of stimulants for treating children with ADHD, which and more tamper-deterrent drug formulations to reduce the poten-
many did quite successfully. In recent years, child psychiatrists tial for abuse, for example Adderall XR, have created a situation
have begun to assume a prescribing role as well, largely using where in the USA the abuse risk of d-amphetamine is perceived as
methylphenidate preparations. being similar to that of methylphenidate. This fact, along with the
482 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
perception that d-amphetamine is much safer than the more potent SERT, the higher the concentration of amphetamine present in the
and enduring stimulant methamphetamine, which is now widely synapse, the greater the number of amphetamine molecules trans-
abused, has resulted in a more relaxed attitude of physicians in the ported relative to every molecule of monoamine (see Figure 3).
USA to the prescribing of d-amphetamine. Luckily, for reasons Once inside the presynaptic terminal, amphetamine displaces
that are obscure, the recreational abuse methamphetamine has monoamines from the cytosolic pool. Furthermore, because
never really caught on in Europe, and almost all illegal use of the amphetamine also has affinity for VMAT2 (Teng etal., 1998), it
amphetamines is confined to d-amphetamine as the sulphate salt. prevents the translocation of monoamines into the intraneuronal
storage vesicles. The outcome of these actions is that the direction
The pharmacology of amphetamine of the reuptake transporter reverses, so that instead of pumping
neurotransmitter from the synapse into the nerve terminal, it
The chemical structure, particularly the 3-dimensional (3-D) pumps neurotransmitter out of neurones into the synapse. This
structure of amphetamine, is critical in determining the pharmaco- process is called reverse transport or retro-transport (Robertson
logical effects that underpin its considerable therapeutic benefits etal., 2009).
and also its liability for recreational abuse. Amphetamine belongs Consistent with the mechanism described above, in vitro
to the class of drugs called the -phenylethylamines. Although it experiments have unequivocally demonstrated that ampheta-
was synthesised many decades before the discovery that the mon- mines d- and l-isomers non-selectively release [3H]monoamines
oamines, i.e. noradrenaline (norepinephrine), dopamine and from preloaded slices or synaptosomes prepared from rat brain.
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; serotonin), were major neurotrans- There are experimental reports stating that d-amphetamine
mitters in the central and peripheral nervous systems, part of the releases [3H] noradrenaline, dopamine and 5-HT from synapto-
rationale for synthesising racemic amphetamine was its structural somes (Holmes and Rutledge, 1976; Rothman etal., 2001) and
similarity to the biologically active molecule, ephedrine. brain slices (Heal etal., 1998). l-Amphetamine releases noradren-
As shown in Figure 1, the similarity between the chemical aline, dopamine and 5-HT from synaptosomes (Heikkila etal.,
structures of the catecholamine neurotransmitters, noradrenaline 1975; Holmes and Rutledge, 1976) and noradrenaline and dopa-
and dopamine, and the isomers of amphetamine is abundantly mine from rat brain slices (Easton etal., 2007). Comparing the
clear. The 3-D structures of the catecholamines and amphetamine relative potencies of d- and l-amphetamine, Heikkila et al. (1975)
molecules reveal the long planar conformation that is common to and Easton et al. (2007) reported that the d-isomer was approxi-
all of these compounds. For amphetamines isomers, it is their mately fourfold more potent than the l-isomer as a releaser of [3H]
planar conformation, molecular size that is similar to the mono- dopamine. In contrast, l-amphetamine was either as potent, or
amines, the presence of an aromatic ring and a nitrogen on the aryl more so, than d-amphetamine as a releaser of [3H]noradrenaline
side-chain which are the prerequisite physico-chemical properties (Easton etal., 2007; Heikkila etal., 1975). The monoamine trans-
of a competitive substrate for the monoamine reuptake transport- porters are not particularly selective in terms of which monoam-
ers, i.e. NET (noradrenaline transporter), DAT (dopamine trans- ines they transport, and this lack of selectivity is explained by the
porter) and SERT (5-HT transporter). close structural similarity between them (Figure 1). Furthermore,
Figure 2 illustrates the mechanism responsible for the uptake this structural similarity between the monoamine neurotransmit-
transport of monoamines and amphetamine into presynaptic nerve ters and amphetamine explains why the latter has promiscuous
terminals. One molecule of monoamine neurotransmitter or actions to release the important CNS monoamines (noradrenaline,
amphetamine associates with two Na+ and one Cl- ion, and the dopamine and 5-HT). Amphetamine also releases adrenaline from
resulting molecular complex is actively transported into the pre- the peripheral sympathetic nervous system, an action linked to its
synaptic terminal by the relevant monoamine reuptake transporter. cardiovascular side effects. Although most of these experiments
The motive power for this active transport mechanism is a Na+ ion have looked at the effects of amphetamine isomers on basal [3H]
concentration gradient (high Na+ on the outside of the nerve termi- monoamine release from synaptosomes or slices, amphetamine
nal/low Na+ on the inside). The Na+ concentration gradient is also augments electrically stimulated efflux (Easton etal., 2007).
maintained by Na+/K+ ATPase that pumps two Na+ ions out of the This action indicates that its retro-transport mechanism can act
cell whilst simultaneously pumping in one K+ ion. There are two both co-operatively with, and independently of, neuronal firing.
pools of monoamine neurotransmitter within each type of nerve Although the pharmacological effect of amphetamine is pre-
terminal: the cytosolic pool that holds newly synthesised monoam- dominantly mediated by monoamine release, this mechanism is
ines, and the vesicular pool that stores the monoamines and from complemented by reuptake inhibition and probably also inhibition
which they are released when neurones fire action potentials. of monoamine oxidase (MAO) that combine additively or syner-
Although the concentration of a monoamine neurotransmitter gistically to augment synaptic monoamine concentrations. The
in the cytosol of the presynaptic nerve terminal is regulated, con- description of amphetamine as a monoamine reuptake inhibitor
trolled by its rates of synthesis, release, reuptake and catabolism, often causes some confusion, and the difference between the
it is now recognised that transport of the monoamine into the mechanisms of amphetamine, which is a competitive reuptake
vesicular storage granules has a critically important role to play in transport substrate, and classical reuptake inhibitors is illustrated
this process. Translocation of monoamines from the cytosolic in Figure 3. The potency of amphetamines isomers as monoam-
pool into the storage pool is performed by a similar active trans- ine reuptake inhibitors is summarised in Table 2 and they are com-
porter system, the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) pared against some highly potent classical reuptake inhibitors.
(Fei etal., 2008; Fleckenstein etal., 2009; Ramamoorthy etal., d-Amphetamine is generally accepted to be a weak dopamine
2011). Since amphetamine competes with the endogenous mono- reuptake inhibitor with a Ki value of ~100 nM, a moderately
amines for transport into the nerve terminals via NET, DAT or potent inhibitor of noradrenaline reuptake (Ki = 4050 nM) and a
Heal et al. 483
Storage pool
X Cl-
Na+ Na+
Na+/K+ ATPase
Cytosolic pool
very weak inhibitor of 5-HT reuptake (Ki = 1.4-3.8 M). indirect monoamine agonists, for example classical reuptake
Comparisons of the isomers of amphetamine reveal that l-amphet- inhibitors, can only be estimated from in vivo experiments. We
amine is 3.27-fold less potent than d-amphetamine as a dopa- have used dual-probe intracerebral microdialysis to explore the in
mine reuptake inhibitor (Easton etal., 2007; Kula and Baldessarini, vivo effects of d- and l-amphetamine in the spontaneously hyper-
1991; Richelson and Pfenning, 1984), but it is only 1.8-fold less tensive rat (SHR), which has been proposed as a rodent model of
potent against noradrenaline (Richelson and Pfenning, 1984). Its ADHD (Heal etal., 2008; Sagvolden, 2000; Sagvolden etal.,
potency is so low that l-amphetamine would not be considered to 2005, 2009; see review by Wickens etal., 2011).
be a 5-HT reuptake inhibitor. Both isomers of amphetamine dose-dependently increased the
Finally, excess monoamines within the nerve terminal are extracellular concentrations of noradrenaline in the prefrontal cor-
catabolised by the mitochondrial-bound enzyme, MAO. Inhibition tex (PFC) and dopamine in the striatum. The pharmacodynamics
of MAO would further augment the quantity of neurotransmitter of their effects are typical of those reported for monoamine releas-
that is available for retro-transport into the synapse. Amphetamines ing agents, i.e. a fast onset of action with peak increases of
isomers have long been known to be inhibitors of this important noradrenaline and dopamine efflux occurring at 3045 min, large
catabolising enzyme (Mantle etal., 1976; Miller etal., 1980; effects (400450% of baseline for noradrenaline and 7001500%
Robinson, 1985). Although this mechanism is often discounted of baseline for dopamine), with a relatively rapid decline after the
because amphetamine is a relatively weak inhibitor of MAO, in maximum (Figure 4). Although no comparative results have been
the situation where amphetamine is concentrated in presynaptic included in this review, the magnitude of the increases produced
nerve terminals, shown in Figure 3, it is probable that some inhibi- by amphetamines isomers are greater than those reported for clas-
tion of this enzyme would occur. sical reuptake inhibitors such as atomoxetine or bupropion, and
Although in vitro experiments provide a good insight into indi- there is no dose-effect ceiling to amphetamines actions (Bymaster
vidual mechanisms, the efficacy of amphetamine relative to other etal., 2002; Nomikos etal., 1989, 1990; Swanson etal., 2006; see
484 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
50% 50%
reduction reduction
Figure 3. Different mechanisms leading to a 50% reduction in monoamine reuptake produced by a classical reuptake inhibitor versus a competitive
substrate (releasing agent).
Table 2. Inhibition of [3H]monoamine uptake into rat brain synaptosomes by amphetamines enantiomers in vitro.
Amphetamine enantiomers
d-Amphetamine 50 82 1840 1
39 34 3830 2
225 3
45 132 1441 4
78 5
55 206 6
l-Amphetamine 90 380 10,000 1
720 3
259 1435 6
Reference reuptake
Atomoxetine 21 2355 6
1 1400 43 7
GBR 12935 277 4 289 2
Paroxetine 33 1700 0.73 7
- = Not tested;
1: Richelson and Pfenning (1984); 2: Rothman et al. (2001); 3: Kula and Baldessarini (1991); 4: Heal et al. (1998); 5: Rowley et al. (2000); 6: Easton et al. (2007); 7:
Bolden-Watson and Richelson (1993).
Heal et al. 485
A d-Amphetamine l-Amphetamine
600 600
Noradrenaline (% of baseline)
0 0
-45 0 45 90 135 180 -45 0 45 90 135 180
Time (min) Time (min)
1500 *** 1500
Dopamine (% of baseline)
1000 1000
*** **
750 *** 750
*** **
500 * * 500
250 * 250
0 0
-45 0 45 90 135 180 -45 0 45 90 135 180
Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 4. A comparison of the effects of the d- and l-isomers of amphetamine on noradrenaline and dopamine efflux in the brains of freely moving rats.
The effects of amphetamines d- and l-isomers on the extracellular levels of (A) noradrenaline in the prefrontal cortex and (B) dopamine in the striatum of freely moving SHRs
measured by intracerebral microdialysis. Each data point represents mean % of baseline SEM. (n = 611). The vertical arrow indicates the time of administration of drug or
saline. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 significantly different from appropriate control group according to ANCOVA with Williams test for multiple comparisons.
Data taken from Cheetham et al. (2007). Note the different doses of the two drugs.
also Heal etal., 2009, 2012). When comparing the effects of drugs catecholamines reveals d-amphetamine has greater effects on
on the efflux of catecholamines in the PFC it is important to take dopamine than noradrenaline, whereas l-amphetamine has a more
into account the highly unusual neuroanatomy of this brain region. balanced action to increase both dopaminergic than noradrenergic
The density of DAT sites on PFC dopaminergic neurones is very neurotransmission (Figure 4). Although the effects of ampheta-
low (Hitri etal., 1991), and as a consequence, most dopamine that mines isomers shown in Figure 4 were obtained in one particular
is released is sequestered via NET into noradrenergic neurones rat strain predisposed to hypertension (SHRs), similar effects of
(Mazei etal., 2002; Morn etal., 2002; Stahl, 2003). In spite of d- and l-amphetamine have been reported from experiments per-
the fact that there are few DAT sites on PFC dopaminergic neu- formed in the PFC and striatum of non-hypertensive strains
rones, their reuptake capacity is sufficient for amphetamine to (Cadoni etal., 1995; Granton etal., 2003; Kuczenski etal., 1995;
evoke substantial dopamine release from them (Maisonneuve Nomikos etal., 1990; Pum etal., 2007; Figure 5). Kuczenski et al.
etal., 1990; Pum etal., 2007; Shoblock etal., 2003), though it has (1995) determined the effects of both amphetamine enantiomers
been suggested that much of the release of dopamine in the PFC on caudate 5-HT release. The effect was considerably smaller than
comes from noradrenergic neurones (Shoblock etal., 2004). found for dopamine and there was a smaller potency separation
When the in vivo pharmacological profiles of amphetamines between the two isomers.
isomers are compared, d-amphetamine is three to fivefold more Earlier in the review, we described the formulation of MES-
potent than l-amphetamine (Figure 4). Moreover, an analysis of amphetamine. In vivo experiments have also been performed to
the relative effects of amphetamines isomers on individual explore the interaction between the 3:1 ratio of d- and l-isomers in
486 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
this formulation (Glaser etal., 2005; Joyce etal., 2007). The Based on observations that the isomers of amphetamine evoke
experiments were performed in anaesthetised rats using in vivo very large and rapid increases in the efflux of dopamine and
voltammetry to determine the extracellular concentration of dopa- noradrenaline in the PFC and dopamine in the striatum, it was
mine in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. Using this tech- predicted that these drugs would be highly effective in the treat-
nique, Joyce et al. (2007) demonstrated that the dynamics of ment of ADHD. This was confirmed by reports of efficacy in
d-amphetamine on dopamine efflux were not altered by the pres- ADHD with d-amphetamine (Arnold etal., 1972, 1973; Gross,
ence of the l-isomer in the 1:1 ratio present in the racemate, but as 1976; Huestis etal., 1975; James etal., 2001; Winsberg etal.,
the 3:1 d- to l-isomer mixture, l-amphetamine significantly 1974), l-amphetamine (Arnold etal., 1972, 1973), racemic
enhanced and prolonged the efflux of dopamine in the rat striatum amphetamine (Gross, 1976) and MES-amphetamine (Greenhill
produced by d-amphetamine. The authors hypothesised that etal., 2003; James etal., 2001; Pelham etal., 1999). It is generally
l-amphetamine in MES-amphetamine modulates the activity of accepted that the efficacy of the amphetamines is not different
DAT so that the actions of the d-isomer are prolonged (Joyce from that of methylphenidate (Faraone etal., 2006; James etal.,
etal., 2007). An alternative explanation for the observed prolon- 2001; Pelham etal., 2005), which is the other major stimulant
gation of pharmacological effect is that the 3:1 ratio of d- to l-iso- used to treat ADHD. However, a meta-analysis by Faraone and
mers in the MES-amphetamine formulation is serendipitously Buitelaar (2010) did show moderately greater efficacy for amphet-
optimised so that entry of the d-isomer into catecholaminergic amine medications. This agrees with preclinical findings that
nerve terminals is modulated by competition for DAT by the l-iso- methylphenidate also markedly enhances catecholaminergic drive
mer, thereby prolonging the neurotransmitter-releasing action of in the PFC and striatum (see Heal etal., 2009, 2012). On the other
the more potent d-isomer. hand, several trials have reported the superior efficacy of amphet-
amine in the treatment of ADHD in comparison with the non-
stimulant, selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, atomoxetine
Clinical implications (Strattera) (Biederman etal., 2006; Faraone etal., 2007; Wigal
etal., 2005). This finding fits well with results from in vivo micro-
The primary action of amphetamine is to increase synaptic con-
dialysis experiments that have shown atomoxetine can produce
centrations of monoamine neurotransmitters, thereby indirectly
moderate increases in extracellular noradrenaline and dopamine
enhancing noradrenergic, dopaminergic neurotransmission in the
in the PFC as a result of blocking the entry of both catecholamine
CNS. Although amphetamines isomers are also powerful
neurotransmitters into noradrenergic neurones via NET sites, but
5-HT-releasing agents in vivo (Heal etal., 1998; Kuczenski etal.,
as a selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor it is without effect
1995), this action does not appear to contribute to their efficacy in
in other brain regions, such as striatum and nucleus accumbens,
treating ADHD. This opinion is based on clinical experience with
where synaptic dopamine concentrations are regulated by DAT
fenfluramine, which is a chemical analogue of amphetamine and
sites (Swanson etal., 2006; see also Heal etal., 2009, 2012).
a powerful releasing agent with a preferential action on 5-HT
(Baumann etal., 2000; Gundlah etal., 1997; Tao etal., 2002).
Donnelly et al. (1989) reported that fenfluramine was not effec-
Safety and adverse events
tive in treating the disruptive and overactive behaviours in ADHD;
nor did it ameliorate the conduct disorder that was present in With clinical applications of amphetamine as a drug to combat
about half of the subjects. However, it is possible that the actions fatigue, an appetite suppressant and a treatment of narcolepsy,
of amphetamine to increase serotonergic drive may have a benefi- adverse effects such as anorexia, weight loss and insomnia are
cial effect on anxiety or depression that is often comorbid with predictable and frequent adverse events associated with the use of
ADHD. Thus, enhanced catecholaminergic signalling is the pri- amphetamine-based medications in the management of ADHD.
mary mediator of amphetamines efficacy in ADHD and narco- These side effects have been reported for d-amphetamine (James
lepsy. On the negative side, the same pharmacology is also etal., 2001; Pelham etal., 1990; Winsberg etal., 1974) MES-
responsible for amphetamines major side effects and also its lia- amphetamine (Goodman etal., 2005; James etal., 2001; Pelham
bility for recreational abuse. Therefore, optimising therapeutic etal., 1999; Wigal etal., 2005) and lisdexamfetamine (Adler
efficacy whilst simultaneously maintaining side effects at an etal., 2008; Biederman etal., 2007a,b; Findling etal., 2008;
acceptable level is a difficult balance requiring careful dose titra- Weisler etal., 2009). Other adverse events evoked by the amphet-
tion in the patient. amines include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, increases in
blood pressure and heart rate and possibly also the exacerbation of
motor tics (Adler etal., 2008; Biederman etal., 2007a,b; Findling
Efficacy etal., 2008; Goodman etal., 2005; James etal., 2001; Pelham
etal., 1990, 1999; Weisler etal., 2009; Wigal etal., 2005;
It has long been accepted that in ADHD there is dysregulation
Winsberg etal., 1974).
of the brain catecholaminergic systems in the PFC and its con-
nections to subcortical regions including the striatum (Arnsten
and Dudley, 2005; Durston, 2003; Russell etal., 2005).
Abuse liability
Neuroimaging studies in subjects with ADHD have revealed
anatomical alterations and functional changes consistent with Stimulants have a tendency to be liked by a certain proportion of
reduced dopaminergic function in various dopamine-rich areas the population, though not by everyone by any means. There is
of the brain including the frontal cortex, striatum and globus some evidence that basal dopamine tone determines this, with
pallidus (Castellanos, 2001; Castellanos etal., 1996; Ernst people who have a higher number of dopamine D2 receptors as
etal., 1998; Sieg etal., 1995). measured by [11C]-raclopride positron emission tomography
Heal et al. 487
1800 9.0
1600 8.0
1400 7.0
Extracellular dopamine
1200 6.0
1000 5.0
800 4.0
600 3.0
400 2.0
200 1.0
0 0.0
-45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480
Time (min)
1600 8.0
Extracellular dopamine
1200 6.0
800 4.0
400 2.0
0 0.0
-45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 465 480
Time (min)
Figure 5. The effects of administration of d-amphetamine and lisdexamfetamine on the extracellular concentration of dopamine in the striatum and
locomotor activity of freely moving rats.
Results are adjusted means; n = 56 SEM. Drug doses are expressed in terms of d-amphetamine free base for both d-amphetamine sulphate and lisdexamfetamine.
The vertical arrow indicates time of drug administration. Data analysed by ANCOVA followed by multiple t-test (d-amphetamine) and Williams test (lisdexamfetamine).
Significantly different from the vehicle-treated control group: Extracellular dopamine: d-Amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) 0.05 > p < 0.001 at time-points 15225 min and
255300 min; Lisdexamfetamine (1.5 mg/kg) 0.05 > p < 0.001 at time-points 30300 min. Activity: d-Amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) 0.05 > p < 0.001 at time-points 1590
min and 285300 min; Lisdexamfetamine (1.5 mg/kg) 0.05 > p < 0.01 at time-points 60120 min, 150180 min and 300315 min. Data taken from Jackson et al (2011)
and Rowley et al (2011).
(PET) finding the stimulants aversive rather than pleasurable because of fears of an explosion of recreational abuse similar to
(Volkow etal., 1999a). However, a pleasurable experience from that seen in the USA and Thailand.
d-amphetamine can lead to excessive use of it as a prescribed drug In reality, there is little abuse of these drugs by patients with
by the patient and the (mis)use of the prescription by others ADHD (Merkel and Kuchibhatla, 2009), and in most cases the
(diversion). For these reasons, all current amphetamine-type stim- challenge for the prescribing doctor is to keep the patients taking
ulant treatments are Controlled Drugs under the UK Misuse of their medication rather than limiting its use. Many teenage patients
Drugs Act 1971, with all members of being placed in Class B stop using despite the drugs having clear benefits for their school
except methamphetamine, which was recently placed into Class A performance; they cite reasons such as feeling too controlled,
488 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
wanting empowerment from medication, etc. For these reasons, concentration and dopamine D2 receptor occupancy for psycho-
observations of dependence and abuse of prescription d-ampheta- stimulant drugs of abuse. Although the dopamine release hypoth-
mine are rare in clinical practice, and this stimulant can even be esis of drug reinforcement proposed by Di Chiara and Imperato
prescribed to people with a history of drug abuse provided certain (1988) based on experiments performed in rats and then extended
controls, such as daily pick-ups of prescriptions, are put in place in humans by Volkow and colleagues (1997, 1999a) has its limi-
(Jasinski and Krishnan, 2009b). tations, it is now well accepted that euphoria, psychostimulation
It is well known that recreational drug abusers and dependent and reinforcement produced by stimulant drugs occur when there
users generally administer psychostimulants at doses several-fold are rapid and substantial increases in the synaptic concentrations
higher than those stipulated for therapeutic use. Furthermore, to of dopamine in the basal striatum and mesolimbic system of the
achieve its greatest pharmacological effect, the maximum quan- human brain. These researchers have also demonstrated that the
tity of drug must be delivered into the CNS in the shortest possible rate of DAT occupancy by drugs such as cocaine and methylphe-
time. It is this imperative which causes drug abusers to progress nidate is critical to their ability to produce highs in human sub-
from relatively safe methods of self-administration, such as oral jects (Volkow and Swanson, 2003; Volkow etal., 1996a,b, 1997,
ingestion, onto increasingly dangerous routes, for example snort- 1999a,b). Although d-amphetamine is a competitive substrate for
ing cocaine, smoking (crack cocaine or crystal meth) or intra- DAT rather than a classical reuptake inhibitor, these same princi-
venous injection. Another less well-recognised factor in drug ples apply to its pharmacological action. Thus, the rate and mag-
abuse is a desire of users for instant gratification. Thus, the appeal nitude of neuronal dopamine release produced by amphetamine
of a particular drug as a recreational substance of abuse is to a is absolutely dependent on the rate and concentration of drug that
large extent determined by its ability to produce its desired effects reaches DAT sites in the brain (Heal etal., 2008, 2009). There has
within minutes, for example the cocaine rush. been little research conducted in humans on this kinetic course
The kinetics of d-amphetamine when taken orally make it less using brain imaging, but it seems likely that the same rules apply.
rewarding (pleasurable) than cocaine or methamphetamine. Consistent with the findings in microdialysis experiments,
Cocaine, whether snorted or smoked as crack in particular, d-amphetamine has greater potency than l-amphetamine to evoke
enters the brain very quickly, and appears even to be concentrated stimulant-like subjective effects in rats (Schechter, 1978) and
in the brain relative to plasma; this explains the high rewarding behavioural activation in primates (Scraggs and Ridley, 1978).
potential of this drug: faster brain entry leads to a greater high. Cross-generalisation occurs between the subjective cues evoked
Methamphetamine enters more slowly and its peak effects are by amphetamines d- and l-isomers, indicating a common neuro-
delayed by 1015 min compared with cocaine (Fowler etal., chemical mechanism (Schechter, 1978). Both amphetamine iso-
2008). Although d-amphetamine sulphate has not been studied in mers have been shown to serve as positive reinforcers in animals
an exactly comparable way, we can predict from its physico- (i.e. animals will work to get more of the drug) (Gilbert and
chemical properties that after oral ingestion d-amphetamine Cooper, 1983; Risner, 1975; Yokel and Pickens, 1973). The same
would have even slower rate of uptake into the brain than meth- is true for human subjects (Smith and Davis, 1977; Van Kammen
amphetamine. Having said that, the abuse of d-amphetamine is and Murphy, 1975), with the d-isomer once again being two to
not a cause for complacency. Although amphetamine abuse threefold more potent than the l-isomer (Risner, 1975; Smith and
peaked in the 1960s (Rasmussen, 2008), the misuse of ampheta- Davis, 1977; Van Kammen and Murphy, 1975; Yokel and Pickens,
mine is a persistent social, legal and medical problem (Das- 1973). On the basis that the subjective and reinforcing effects of
Douglas etal., 2008). The intravenous use of d-amphetamine and amphetamines isomers translate well from animals to humans,
other stimulants still pose major safety risks to the individuals and with the assumption that the neurochemical mediators are
indulging in this practice (Charnaud and Griffiths, 1998; Das- similarly consistent across species, we can employ the findings
Douglas etal., 2008; Kll and Olin, 1990; Leino etal., 1997). from the microdialysis experiments to draw some conclusions on
Some of this intravenous abuse is derived from the diversion of this subject. The results in Figure 4, which reveal that both iso-
ampoules of d-amphetamine, which are still occasionally pre- mers are equally potent noradrenaline releasers, but d-ampheta-
scribed in the UK for the control of severe narcolepsy and other mine is around threefold more potent than l-amphetamine as a
disorders of excessive sedation. However, most intravenous dopamine releaser, point to dopamine as the primary neurochemi-
d-amphetamine use is from local illicit production. Some abusers cal mediator of amphetamines stimulant and euphoriant proper-
will use solvents to extract the active ingredient from tablets or ties. As indicated above, it is the combination of the rapid rate of
capsules, which can then be concentrated and injected intrave- increase and magnitude of effect that accounts for the powerful
nously. The development of tamper-deterrent d-amphetamine for- stimulant effects of amphetamine.
mulations has been a major objective of the pharmaceutical Although l-amphetamine is the less potent of the two isomers,
industry to prevent this type of abuse. Several new once-daily its pharmacological efficacy should not be underestimated.
d-amphetamine-containing prescription drugs have emerged Cheetham et al. (2007) reported that both isomers were capable of
that have a high degree of tamper deterrence, for example increasing striatal dopamine efflux by >5000% of baseline values,
Adderall XR. In addition, lisdexamfetamine as a prodrug of with these effects reaching a maximum within around 45 min. In
d-amphetamine, is a further advance in reducing diversion risk contrast, the maximum increases in dopamine efflux achieved by
since it provides a more gradual increase in brain drug concentra- classical dopamine reuptake inhibitors (e.g. bupropion and GBR
tion, thereby further reducing the pleasurable effects of the 12909) are five to tenfold smaller, and often take longer than an
d-amphetamine. These topics will be revisited later in this review. hour to reach their peak (Bredeloux etal., 2007; Desai etal., 2010;
Volkow and colleagues have performed an enormous body of Nomikos etal., 1989; Sidhpura etal., 2007; Westerink etal.,
research using PET and other brain imaging techniques to explore 1987). The importance of the rate of increase of synaptic dopa-
the relationship between DAT occupancy, synaptic dopamine mine concentrations to the induction of stimulation and euphoria
Heal et al. 489
is exemplified by the observation that bupropion and GBR 12909 Table 3. Lack of affinity of lisdexamfetamine for a portfolio of
were not experienced as stimulant or euphoriant by normal volun- abuserelated molecular targets.
teers (Hamilton etal., 1983; Peck etal., 1979; Sgaard etal.,
Receptor or monoamine reuptake transporter target
1990) or experienced recreational stimulant users (Griffith etal.,
1983; Miller and Griffith, 1983). In those bupropion and Benzodiazepine (1 site) Glycine (strychnine
GBR 12909 trials where d-amphetamine was employed as the insensitive)
positive control, its stimulant, energising and reinforcing effects Dopamine (non-selective)
were unequivocally recognised by normal subjects and recrea- Nicotine (-bungarotoxin
tional drug users (Hamilton etal., 1983; Griffith etal., 1983; GABAA insensitive)
Miller and Griffith, 1983; Peck etal., 1979). GABAB
Opioid (non-selective)
Glutamate - AMPA
Once-daily formulations - Kainate Serotonin (non-selective)
In previous reviews, we have extensively described the efficacy Monoamine
and safety of stimulant and non-stimulant drugs used in the man- Glycine (strychnine reuptake
agement of ADHD and compared the relative merits of each (Heal sensitive) transporter - DAT
etal., 2009, 2012). This analysis has revealed that the stimulants, - NET
including amphetamine, are still accepted to be the most effica- - SERT
cious drugs available. Some attempts to introduce new medica-
DAT, NET, SERT = dopamine, noradrenaline and 5-HT reuptake transporters,
tions, for example guanfacine XR (Intuniv) have been respectively.
successful, but many other new pharmacological approaches have AMPA = 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl)propanoic acid.
failed (see Heal etal., 2012). On the other hand, the innovations in NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate.
formulation technology and drug delivery systems have made sig- GABA = g-aminobutyric acid.
Displacement was determined in vitro at a lisdexamfetamine concentration of
nificant strides forward in improving the clinical management of 10M.
ADHD. All of the stimulants have biological half-lives Data on file (Shire Pharmaceuticals, 2003).
that require at least twice-daily dosing to deliver efficacy over
1214 h. ADHD is characterised by inattention, distractibility,
d-amphetamine occurs in red blood cells by rate-limited enzy-
working memory deficits and impulsivity, and as such, subjects
matic hydrolysis (Pennick, 2010).
with this disorder are particularly unsuited to compliance with
The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relation-
rigid dosing schedules. Since amphetamine has a high liability for
ships of lisdexamfetamine and immediate-release (IR) d-amphet-
recreational abuse, placing medicines in the hands of children
amine sulphate have been explored in rats, where automated
increases the risk of diversion/abuse, whilst the alternative
blood sampling was combined with striatal microdialysate
approach of putting the drugs into the care of the school authori-
sampling. The locomotor activity of the rats was also simultane-
ties carries with it the requirement for appropriate facilities for the
ously monitored. After administration of equivalent doses of lis-
storage of Controlled Drugs. Administering a once-daily stimulant
dexamfetamine and IR d-amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg ip as
medication to a child or adolescent first thing in the morning under
d-amphetamine base), the observed plasma PK profiles for the
parental supervision relieves him/her of the requirement to take
pharmacologically active moiety, d-amphetamine, were very dif-
additional medication outside of the home, and it also eliminates
ferent. The AUC0-480 min values were identical, but the maximum
the need for the patient to take additional medication within strict
concentration reached in plasma (the Cmax) was 50% lower after
time-windows. One of the additional benefits of these new formu-
administration of lisdexamfetamine and the time to Cmax
lations is their tamper deterrence, making it difficult for abusers to
(the tmax) was doubled (Jackson etal., 2011). These observations
extract amphetamine for self-administration by hazardous routes,
are entirely consistent with the postulated rate-limited enzymatic
such as smoking, snorting or intravenous injection. Examples of
conversion of lisdexamfetamine to d-amphetamine. This differ-
once-daily amphetamine medications include MES-amphetamine
ence in PK characteristics had a profound impact on the pharma-
XR and the d-amphetamine prodrug, lisdexamfetamine.
cological effects of these two compounds in rats (Figure 5).
Lisdexamfetamine produced a gradual and sustained increase in
striatal dopamine efflux, whereas the increase produced by IR
Lisdexamfetamine d-amphetamine was faster in onset, reaching a peak at 30 min, and
As briefly discussed earlier in the review, lisdexamfetamine is the it subsequently declined more rapidly (Figure 5).
first amphetamine prodrug to have been approved for use in treat- d-Amphetamines effects on striatal dopamine efflux and loco-
ing ADHD. Lisdexamfetamine has no affinity for a wide panel of motor activity are superimposable (Figure 5), that is, the rapid
transporters including DAT and NET (Vyvanse, US Product release of dopamine translates directly into an immediate and sub-
Label) or receptors, ion channels, allosteric binding sites and stantial increase of locomotor activity. In the case of lisdexamfeta-
enzymes (Table 3). This profile is consistent with lisdexamfeta- mine, the more gradual and sustained increase in dopamine efflux
mine being pharmacologically inactive. Although there is no was associated with a much smaller and visibly delayed locomo-
definitive information on the subject, the large molecular size and tor response. Using a hysteresis analysis to define the relationship
polar characteristics of lisdexamfetamine predict that the parent between the ascending and descending components of a concen-
molecule is unlikely to cross the bloodbrain barrier. In vitro tration-time curve for extracellular dopamine concentration in the
experiments revealed that the metabolism of lisdexamfetamine to striatum and the functional response (locomotor activity),
490 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
Placebo p.o.
20 ** LDX 50 mg p.o.
* LDX 50 mg i.v. NS
36 12 37 9 36 12 37 9
Peak change in systolic blood pressure Peak change in diastolic blood pressure
(mm Hg) (mm Hg)
Figure 6. A comparison of the mean peak increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure produced by intravenous versus oral administration of
50 mg lisdexamfetamine.
Means are adjusted for differences between the treatment groups at baseline. SEM was calculated from the residuals of the statistical model. Significantly different from
appropriate placebo control group: *p < 0.05; **p < ;0.01. p-values for differences to compare to the same treatment by the oral and intravenous routes were obtained
by the multiple t-test after fitting the data to a mixed linear model.
There were no significant differences between the peak increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure evoked by 50 mg lisdexamfetamine administered intravenously
and orally.
the relationship was anticlockwise for lisdexamfetamine, but Biederman et al. (2007a) published results from the only clini-
clockwise for IR d-amphetamine (p < 0.05) (Rowley etal., 2011). cal trial where the efficacy and safety of lisdexamfetamine in
Using the hysteresis analysis in a more conventional way to ADHD was compared directly against another clinically proven
explore the relationship between the plasma concentration of drug, MES-amphetamine XR. Following a 3-week, open-label
d-amphetamine and the functional response, there was a clear dif- run-in period where the dose of MES-amphetamine XR was opti-
ference between the two compounds with an anticlockwise hys- mised to 10, 20 or 30 mg once a day, subjects were then ran-
teresis for lisdexamfetamine and no hysteresis for IR domised into a 3-way double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover
d-amphetamine (Rowley etal., 2011). The anticlockwise hyster- trial. They received their optimal dose of MES-amphetamine XR,
esis shows that the functional effect of lisdexamfetamine was an equivalent dose of lisdexamfetamine in terms of d-ampheta-
greater as the plasma concentration of d-amphetamine was falling, mine base, or placebo. On the primary and secondary efficacy
whilst the lack of hysteresis with IR d-amphetamine demonstrates variables of behaviour, attention and problem solving, lisdexam-
that as soon as the plasma concentration of the drug starts to fetamine delivered equivalent or better efficacy than MES-
decline, so does its pharmacological effect. amphetamine XR with both drugs being maximally effective at
The clinical importance of these findings will be discussed in 2 h post-dose (Biederman etal., 2007a). However, on the prob-
the following section. lem-solving endpoints, it was also evident that lisdexamfetamine
maintained its maximum effect for at least 12 h, whereas the effect
of MES-amphetamine XR showed a clear decline after 68 h
Implications of pharmacokinetics of (Biederman etal., 2007a). An exceptionally long duration of
lisdexamfetamine for efficacy, safety effect of lisdexamfetamine was observed by Wigal et al. (2009,
2010b), who reported that significant improvements in deport-
and recreational abuse liability ment and attention in children with ADHD were observed as early
The efficacy of lisdexamfetamine has been demonstrated in a as 1 h after lisdexamfetamine administration, with its efficacy on
number of randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical behaviour, attention and problem solving maintained for up to
trials in ADHD in children, adolescents (Biederman etal., 13 h. A post-hoc analysis of the data also showed that the sex and
2007a,b; Lopez etal., 2008; Wigal etal., 2009) and adults (Adler age of the subjects had no significant influence on the efficacy of
etal., 2008, 2009; Wigal etal., 2010a). Since lisdexamfetamine lisdexamfetamine (Wigal etal., 2010b).
has been the subject of several reviews (Dew and Kollins, 2010; These observations fit well with the PD profile of lisdexamfe-
Heal etal., 2009, 2012; Howland, 2008; Madaan, 2008; Mattingly, tamine in the microdialysis experiments. Thus, a dose of lisdexa-
2010; Najib, 2009), we will focus on the probable contribution of mfetamine that produced only a small increase in locomotor
lisdexamfetamines special PK/PD profile to its efficacy as a treat- activity evoked >500% enhancement of striatal dopamine efflux
ment for ADHD and its potential for lower recreational abuse/ that was maintained for at least 6 h (Figure 5). PK studies in
dependence than amphetamine. human subjects have revealed the tmax of plasma d-amphetamine
Heal et al. 491
occurs around 3 h after taking lisdexamfetamine; thereafter, and lisdexamfetamine observed in humans by Jasinski and Krishnan
plasma d-amphetamine declines such that at 12 h its concentration (2009b) are very similar to the results from the rat PK/PD study that
has fallen to around 60% of the Cmax (Krishnan and Stark, 2008; are described earlier in this review (Jackson etal., 2011; Rowley
Krishnan etal., 2008). The maintenance of therapeutic effect in etal., 2011).
ADHD when plasma d-amphetamine concentrations are declining From these results, it can be concluded that although in terms
indicates that the anticlockwise hysteresis observed in the pre- of d-amphetamine base equivalents lisdexamfetamine is clearly
clinical PK/PD experiments probably also applies to its clinical less potent than IR d-amphetamine, it does nonetheless produce
efficacy. d-amphetamine-like subjective effects in man. It is also reasona-
Another way to produce a more gentle increase of brain dopa- ble to assume that if the intravenous dose of lisdexamfetamine had
mine is to bind d-amphetamine to a support. MES-amphetamine been increased, its Drug liking effect would have separated from
XR employs a bead technology to deliver two bolus doses of placebo. However, when considering any drugs potential for
amphetamine, the first immediately and the second approximately recreational abuse, the time required for it to produce its peak
4 h later, giving a Cmax for amphetamines d- and l-isomers 68 h response is likely to be as important as its magnitude. In the case
(Adderall XR, US Product Label). Therefore, the maximum of IR d-amphetamine, its maximum subjective effect occurred
therapeutic effect of MES-amphetamine XR (Biederman etal., much earlier than lisdexamfetamine, and switching to the intrave-
2007a) coincided almost exactly with the tmax for plasma nous route speeded up IR d-amphetamines onset of action and
d-amphetamine (Adderall XR, US Product Label). These find- increased its potency. Although increasing the dose of lisdexamfe-
ings are also consistent with the preclinical PK/PD relationship tamine enhanced its efficacy, it also progressively delayed its time
for IR d-amphetamine that found a lack of hysteresis between of peak effect. Furthermore, switching to the intravenous route for
plasma d-amphetamine concentration and the functional response, lisdexamfetamine appeared to have relatively little influence on
that is, locomotor activity. the abuse potential of the prodrug.
Another factor that almost certainly contributes to the consist- To explore this possibility further, we performed a post-hoc
ently high level of therapeutic efficacy observed with lisdexamfe- analysis on the data in the original clinical study reports
tamine treatment is the very low inter- and intra-subject variability (Jasinski, 2005, NRP104.A02; Jasinski, 2006, NRP104.A03)
in the plasma concentration of d-amphetamine observed after to compare pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of lis-
administration of the prodrug compared with traditionally formu- dexamfetamine when given by the clinical route (oral) versus
lated stimulants, including beaded and osmotic-release formula- one of those favoured by recreational abusers (intravenous).
tions. Once again, the reproducible pharmacokinetics of its active This topic is of particular importance because lisdexamfeta-
metabolite, d-amphetamine, are probably due to the rate-limited, mine has very high aqueous solubility, making the prodrug
enzymatic cleavage of the precursor molecule that occurs primar- very easy to extract. In fact, breaking the capsule open and
ily in red blood cells (Ermer etal., 2010). dissolving the contents in water is stated as a dosing route for
In two earlier published studies, Jasinski and Krishnan com- patients who are unable to swallow capsules (Vyvanse, US
pared the subjective effects of lisdexamfetamine and IR d-amphet- Product Label).
amine in drug-experienced human volunteers when these As shown in Table 4, the average maximum scores on the
compounds were administered intravenously (Jasinski and DQRS and Drug Rating Questionnaire Observer (DRQO) scales
Krishnan, 2009a) and orally (Jasinski and Krishnan, 2009b). In for Liking, Feel drug effect, and Disliking reveal
the trial where they compared these compounds after oral admin-
istration, IR d-amphetamine (40 mg (29.6 mg d-amphetamine Table 4. A comparison of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
base)) evoked a statistically significant increase relative to pla- of orally versus intravenously administered 50 mg lisdexamfetamine.
cebo in Drug liking on the Drug Rating Questionnaire Subject
(DQRS) scale, whereas the equivalent dose of lisdexamfetamine Outcome measure (Mean or LDX 50 mg, LDX 50 mg,
(100 mg, oral) did not (Jasinski and Krishnan, 2009b). Mean S.D.) oral intravenous
Furthermore, the time of lisdexamfetamines peak pharmacologi- Subjective effects
cal effect was substantially delayed compared with IR d-amphet-
DRQS scales
amine, at 3.0 h versus 1.52.0 h. When lisdexamfetamine was
DRQS Liking (VAS) 2.60.54 3.11.67
given at an increased dose of 150 mg, it significantly increased the
DRQS Feel drug (VAS) 2.50.86 3.62.32
DQRS Drug liking score to an equivalent extent to IR d-amphet-
DRQS Disliking (VAS) 3.10.51 3.32.21
amine (40 mg oral). However, the peak effect of the higher dose of
DRQO scales
lisdexamfetamine was even more delayed, at 4.0 h.
When the intravenous route was explored, IR d-amphetamine DRQO Liking (VAS) 3.30.75 1.70.55
(20 mg intravenous) produced a peak Drug liking score 20 min DRQO Feel drug (VAS) 2.90.57 1.90.65
after dosing, which coincided with plasma Cmax (Jasinsky and DRQO Disliking (VAS) 1.90.47 3.02.0
Krishnan, 2009b). In contrast, the equivalent dose of lisdexamfeta- Group size N = 36 N=9
mine (50 mg intravenous) did not significantly increase Dug lik- Pharmacokinetics
ing relative to placebo, and the Cmax of plasma d-amphetamine Cmax (d-amphetamine) 41.211.5 38.98.1
occurred considerably later at 2.0 h (Jasinski and Krishnan, 2009b). Tmax (d-amphetamine) 4.21.0 2.51.5
Both compounds yielded equivalent AUC0-24h values, but compared AUC0-1h (d-amphetamine) 2.82.8 22.56.8
with the equivalent dose of IR d-amphetamine, the Cmax for plasma AUC0-infinity (d-amphetamine) 815209 803225
d-amphetamine was threefold smaller for lisdexamfetamine and the Group size N=8 N=9
tmax was threefold greater (Jasinski and Krishnan, 2009b). These
differences in the PK and PD characteristics of IR d-amphetamine LDX: lisdexamfetamine.
492 Journal of Psychopharmacology 27(6)
that the subjective effects of lisdexamfetamine (50 mg) were not and, in turn, efficacy and safety in humans, makes amphetamine a
significantly different when the prodrug was administered orally or textbook example of translational validity. The primary pharma-
intravenously. This result shows that the subjective effects of lis- cology of these drugs is not only responsible for providing effi-
dexamfetamine were not enhanced when the drug was given intra- cacy in disorders such as ADHD and narcolepsy, but also for their
venously. Blood pressure measurements are useful objective spectrum of adverse events and liability for recreational abuse,
measures of the PD effects of sympathomimetic drugs. Compared making the balance of benefit/risk the key challenge in their clini-
with placebo, 50 mg lisdexamfetamine significantly increased the cal use. Amphetamine ranks alongside methylphenidate as the
peak systolic blood pressure when administered both orally and most effective drugs available for the management of ADHD, and
intravenously and diastolic blood pressure when given orally the advances that have been made in developing genuine once-
(Figure 6). What is also evident from the data in Figure 6 is that the daily medications have addressed some of the problems of thera-
magnitude of increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressures peutic coverage, whilst at the same time reducing the risk of
was not statistically different after oral or intravenous administra- diversion and recreational abuse.
tion of lisdexamfetamine.
The PK parameters for plasma d-amphetamine observed after Acknowledgements
oral versus intravenous administration of lisdexamfetamine (50
The authors wish to thank Shire Pharmaceuticals for their support funding
mg) are also summarised in Table 4. The AUC0-infinity shows that a portion of the writers time for the literature review and writing of this
the overall drug exposure was identical irrespective of the route of manuscript. The authors wish to state that the material presented in this
administration. Importantly, intravenous injection of lisdexamfet- review reflect only their views and not necessarily those of the Shire
amine did not either significantly increase the Cmax of d-ampheta- Pharmaceuticals.
mine, nor did it significantly reduce its tmax. Although the AUC0-1.0h
indicated that early exposure to d-amphetamine was reduced after
Conflict of interest
oral administration of lisdexamfetamine, this difference is proba-
bly explained by the fact that intravenous dosing route bypasses The authors declare that there are no conflict of interest.
the time taken for the prodrug to be absorbed from the gut into the
bloodstream prior enzymatic hydrolysis by red blood cells. Funding
These findings strengthen the view that the unusual mecha- Part of this research was funded by Shire Pharmaceuticals.
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amine has important implications for its liability for recreational
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