SmartCloud Entry PDF
SmartCloud Entry PDF
SmartCloud Entry PDF
IBM SmartCloud Entry on
IBM PureFlex System
Introducing IBM PureFlex System and
Mike Buzzetti
James Kuchler
Charlie Lawrence
Rick Lemelin
Jim T. Suto
Sean M. Swehla
International Technical Support Organization
June 2013
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page v.
This edition applies to Version 2, Release 4, Modification 1 of IBM SmartCloud Entry and IBM PureFlex
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v
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Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
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Distributed computing has been transformed with the introduction of virtualization technology.
This has driven a re-architecture of traditional data center workload placement. In 2012,
IBM announced IBM PureSystems, an offering based on preconfigured software, servers,
and storage that form an expert integrated system.
Expert integrated systems now combine traditional IT resources into a single optimized
solution, with prepackaged components including servers, storage devices, networking
equipment, and software. With this evolution of technology, we move from discrete, siloed,
and underutilized IT resources to shared resource pools.
This IBM Redbooks publication can help you install, tailor, and configure IBM SmartCloud
Entry on IBM PureFlex System. This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn more
about cloud computing with IBM SmartCloud Entry and offerings based on IBM Flex
System elements.
This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center.
Several members of this team previously collaborated as authors for the following Redbooks:
Deploying a Cloud on IBM System z, REDP-4711
(Buzzetti, Kuchler, and Lawrence)
Deploying Cloud Components on POWER, SG24-8009
(Buzzetti, Kuchler, Lawrence, and Swehla)
Mike Buzzetti is an IT Architect at the IBM Design Center with worldwide focus on client
enterprise infrastructures. He began his IBM career in 2003 at the Test and Integration Center
for Linux. In 2006, Mike joined the Design Center, where he helps clients design optimized IT
Infrastructures. He designed several infrastructures that featured Linux on the mainframe and
has had extensive experience helping clients use virtualization in complex environments.
More recently, Mike has been a leader in implementing cloud computing. Mike has authored a
book on Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) on IBM z/OS security, and also several
white papers. He is a regular presenter at user conferences and several IBM-sponsored
venues. Prior to joining IBM, Mike was a System Administrator and Programmer for the
Chemung County (NY) Department of Social Services.
Rick Lemelin is an Executive IT Architect and Chief Architect for Converged Infrastructure in
the IBM Global Client Center with focus on developing next-generation enterprise
architectures. He began his IBM career in 2001 in IBM Global Technology Services, where
he was an Architect and Complex Solution Leader, specializing in IT Service Management, IT
Operations consulting, IT Optimization, Infrastructure Virtualization, and IT Technology
architecture. Rick led projects for clients focused on determining optimal usage for their
information technology, based on their unique business process requirements, to realize IT
flexibility, IT to business alignment and sustainable cost savings. He has worked with dozens
of companies in the Insurance, Banking, Financial Services, Industrial, Public, Health Care,
Pharmaceutical, Retail, Energy, Consumer Products, Technology, and Communications
industries. Prior to joining IBM, Rick worked 17 years at a U.S. based regional grocery chain,
Hannaford Bros. Co., serving 10 years in IT Operations.
Jim T. Suto is a Cloud Technology Specialist at the IBM Power and Smart Analytics
Benchmark Center where he is working on designing cloud solutions for internal and external
customers using best-of-class technologies. Jim joined IBM in 2006 as a Network Systems
Engineer for the IBM Tivoli Software Group development data center in New York City. In his
role there, Jim worked on architecting the design and implementation of web-based
technologies, enabling the monitoring of connectivity, resource availability, and environmental
conditions of Tivoli labs worldwide. As part of an initiative to enhance the scalability of the
infrastructure, Jim also worked with a global team deploying cloud computing capabilities at
multiple anchor sites enabling software developers and testers to quickly get systems
provisioned when projects required additional servers. Prior to 2006, Jim worked as Senior
Systems Administrator for IBM Micromuse.
Sean M. Swehla is an Architect at the IBM Design Center in Poughkeepsie. He began his
IBM career in 2005 at the IBM Design Center. He left the Design Center for a period to
contribute to Build Automation in High Performance Computing (HPC). Following that
assignment, Sean participated in projects within the Linux Technology Center. He returned to
the IBM Design Center in 2011 where he has been involved in various aspects of
cloud-related projects. Sean holds dual degrees from the State University of New York at New
Paltz: a B.A. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Music with a concentration in Jazz Studies.
Robert J. Brenneman
Frank De Gilio
Dave Dubetsky
Robert Maher
Sharon Selzo
IBM Poughkeepsie
Mike Ebbers
Ella Buslovich
IBM ITSO, Poughkeepsie center
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Preface ix
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The industry was looking for a new approach. Hence, the concept of converged
infrastructure, or expert integrated systems was born. Expert integrated systems package
traditional IT resources into a single optimized solution, with prepacked components
including servers, storage devices, networking equipment, and software for IT infrastructure
management, automation, and orchestration. With this evolution of technology, we moved
from discrete, siloed, and underutilized IT resources to shared resource pools. These
resource pools, enabled by expert integrated systems, exploit inherent features of advanced
hypervisor-based virtualization and cloud computing. To meet these new industry
requirements, IBM developed a completely new integrated data center solution.
IBM Flex System is at the heart of the new type of data center building blocks. The IBM Flex
System can meet the growing needs of any organization that requires the most advanced
blade system to date. The design of the Flex System hardware is focused on long term
investments, performance, and flexibility. This focus allows Flex System to support client
needs now and with future generations of technology.
IBM Flex System compute nodes support multiple compute architectures and up to four
separate operating systems. The converged infrastructure and advanced management aim to
improve utilization and productivity to ultimately lower the cost of delivering IT services. The
storage capabilities are built for performance and scalability.
IBM PureFlex System offering is designed for private clouds. It is available in three
By combining the flexibility of the general purpose PureFlex System with SmartCloud Entry,
clients can add cloud functionality to their converged environment. SmartCloud Entry
provides enterprises with the capability of managing their multiple architecture cloud solution
on a single system.
1.6.2 Midplane
The midplane in an IBM Flex System Enterprise chassis serves several functions:
It is responsible for distributing power. It does this in a single power domain, distributing
power to the compute nodes, the IO modules (scalable switch elements), and ancillary
It provides the physical connectivity from network and storage adapters in each node to
corresponding ports in the IO modules.
It contains apertures which connect the cooling channels in the front of the enterprise
chassis to the appropriate channels in the rear of the chassis to provide better airflow and
more efficient cooling.
The IBM Flex System Enterprise chassis midplane design differs from the backplane design
used in many blade chassis in that it eliminates active components. The midplane is designed
for high-frequencies and will support the next generation of networking and storage signalling
1.6.4 Cooling
The Enterprise chassis is designed to provide excellent cooling capacity to the installed
nodes, I/O modules and management modules. Cooling is divided into two zones, each of
which allows for up to four 80 mm fans.
Figure 2-1 shows the front view of chassis; Table 2-1 on page 9 lists the contents of the slots.
Empty Slot 6
Figure 2-2 shows the rear view of the chassis; Table 2-2 on page 10 lists contents of the slots.
Empty Slot 2
NOTE: The network external to the chassis in this environment currently does not support
IP version 6 (IPv6.) For the remainder of this document, IPv4 addresses are used.
However, in some instances IPv6 addresses are shown because of the default network
configurations; these interfaces are not used in this environment.
Management network
Table 2-3 shows the IP addresses of our management network. The gateway was set to and netmask to on all the components listed in the table. Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5
Empty Slot 6
Data network
Table 2-4 shows the IP addresses of our user data network. The gateway was set to and netmask to on all the components listed in the table. Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Slot 4 Slot 5
Empty Slot 6
From the web portal, IBM SmartCloud Entry supplies administrators with a point of control to
manage their virtualized environments. Administrators can deploy new virtual machines,
modify the machine characteristics, and delete them when they are no longer needed. One
can also enable reporting of usage and metrics to provide appropriate billing.
When a user selects and deploys an appliance, that instance becomes a workload.
3.2 Workload
IBM SmartCloud Entry uses the term workload for both x86 and POWER based compute
nodes. A workload is the combination of the metadata that describes a virtual machine and
also the actual virtual machine installation data. IBM SmartCloud Entry stores workload
information for POWER based compute nodes similarly to the workload information that is
stored in the Flex System Manager (FSM), including the AIX virtual machines. Workloads on
an x86 compute node are equivalent to VMware virtual machines. SmartCloud Entry stores
additional information to facilitate high level cloud functions such as copying a workload and
having approval information associated with a workload.
3.3 Approvals
Users can request to deploy an appliance in the projects to which they have access. System
administrators can enable approvals to ensure that the requests go through the proper
channels. Approvals can be associated with projects or with clouds. Approvals can be set for
the following actions:
Workload initiation
Workload expiration extend
Workload resize
Workload capture
Virtual server attach storage request
Virtual server detach storage request
Virtual server save image
Virtual server restore
When one of these actions is requested, a notification is sent to either the cloud administrator
or the project owner. They can then approve the request and allow it to continue, or deny the
request. The user is notified with the result and the action is automatically taken.
Figure 3-3 shows the SmartCloud Entry User Interface usage metering report.
Administrators can create a bill for the services used with this information. IBM SmartCloud
Entry can combine this information for all workloads in its own internal billing system.
3.5 Configuring
For the steps to configure these IBM SmartCloud Entry features, see Chapter 5, SmartCloud
Entry installation and configuration on page 141.
This architecture clearly differentiates IBM from the competition. Moreover, the
forward-looking node architecture enables PureFlex to achieve higher VM density levels too.
From a memory, midplane, I/O, and processor or core standpoint, the nodes are more
powerful than traditional blades although they are delivered in a similar footprint. Currently,
clients are achieving VM compression ratios ranging from 4:1 to 30:1 on traditional blades.
The node architecture should be able to attain higher VM compression ratios. On average,
this can be two to three times the compression ratio of traditional blades.
The IBM Flex System is a rack-mounted chassis based system. Each chassis will contain
compute nodes (POWER Systems or x86) and rear bays for power supplies, fan modules and
scalable switch elements. A midplane resides in the chassis to facilitate airflow, power
connections, and other connectivity between the compute nodes and the power and I/O
Compute nodes within the chassis are managed using four interfaces.
The Integrated Management Module (IMM) is used to manage an x86 compute node. The
IMM consolidates the service processor functionality, Super I/O, video controller, and
remote presence capabilities in a single chip on the server system board.
Several IMM standard features are as follows:
Access to critical server settings
Access to server vital product data (VPD)
Advanced Predictive Failure Analysis (PFA) support
Automatic notification and alerts
Continuous health monitoring and control
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) support
User authentication using a secure connection to a Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) server
The Advanced System Management (ASM) is used to manage a Power Systems compute
The Chassis Management Module (CMM) manages the devices in the Chassis in which it
resides. The CMM provides single-chassis management. The CMM is used to
communicate with the management controller in each compute node (IMMv2 in x86
processor-based compute nodes and FSP in POWER7 processor-based compute nodes)
to provide system monitoring, event recording and alerts, and to manage the chassis, its
devices, and the compute nodes. The chassis supports up to two CMMs. If one CMM fails,
the second CMM can detect its inactivity and activate itself to take control of the system
without any disruption. The CMM is central to the management of the chassis and is
required in the Enterprise Chassis.
The CMM can be accessed by connecting a notebook to the CMM using the serial or
Ethernet port located on the back of the CMM. This requires either an Ethernet patch cable or
a serial cable adapter (IBM Flex System Management Serial Access Cable Part 90Y9338).
The default factory defined IP address of the CMM is
To be able to connect to the CMM initially, the network interface on the notebook must be
configured with an IP address on the same subnet as the CMM. For example, configure eth0
2. The Initial Setup Wizard, Welcome page opens (Figure 4-2), which provides information to
help you get started. Review this and click Next.
4. The Import Existing Configuration page opens (Figure 4-4). The following message is
indicated near the top of the page:
If this is your first time setting up a chassis, you will not have a
configuration to import.
Because there is no configuration that can be imported, manual steps are necessary to
complete the configuration. Click Next.
The other General Settings fields are optional and specific to the CMM environment and
installation. After providing the requested information, click Next.
6. The Date and Time page opens (Figure 4-6). On this page, enter the current date and
time, select the appropriate time zone, and indicate whether or not the system should
automatically adjust the clock for Daylight Savings Time. Click Apply to make activate the
settings. Then, click Next.
8. The IO Modules page opens (Figure 4-8). The defaults on this page are acceptable.
Click Next.
10.The DNS page opens (Figure 4-10). Configure the DNS. The DNS configuration tasks are
referenced in Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-11 on page 25.
The DNS page indicates an IPv6 network with DNS not enabled. Select the appropriate
DNS address type (IPv6 or IPv4) from the drop-down list and, as needed, select the
Enable DNS check box. To specify DNS information for IPv4, select IPv4 using the
drop-down list.
11.The Events Recipients page opens (Figure 4-12). This page is used to specify the email
and SMTP addresses so that messages can be sent to the contacts. Click Next.
13.In the pop-up window (Figure 4-14) click OK to continue with restart and to acknowledge
that changes will take effect after the next restart of the CMM. You must wait for the CMM
to restart, which can take up to 30 minutes.
After the CMM is configured and restarted, the next step in the PureFlex configuration
process is the configuration of the FSM. Before doing that next step, read about setting up the
network (4.3, Networking setup on page 27).
The Flex System Manager (FSM) adds more complexity. The FSM is delivered as a physical
appliance that is similar to a standard compute node. However, the advanced management
capabilities of the FSM require it to have slightly different hardware than a standard compute
node. This is especially true in the network connections within a Flex System chassis.
Figure 4-15 is a greatly simplified logical diagram of the networking connections within the
If separate networks are chosen for management and data traffic, eth1 must also be
configured. The eth1 on the FSM is connected to an internal port on both I/O bays 1 and 2.
Configure it with an IP address from the data network. In the environment used for this book,
there is only one GbE I/O module installed (in I/O bay 1) with one internal port licensed for
each node. For completeness, the dashed lines indicate that there are internal connections to
I/O bay 2, although there is no scalable switch element installed there.
If one network is selected for both management and data traffic, only eth0 is used. As stated
previously, eth0 should be configured with the default gateway.
Click the device name (see the row for Bay 1 in Figure 4-16) for each of the scalable switch
elements to be configured. After clicking the device name, the window that opens is used to
specify the Static IP Configuration for the switch. Click Apply.
A login panel opens (Figure 4-18). Enter the Username and Password and click Submit.
The left side of the window populates with folder icons (Figure 4-20). Click the Switch Ports
Figure 4-21 Networking: Scalable Switch Configure with Switch Ports folder opened
Click INTA1 to view the Switch Port INTA1 Configuration. Then specify 97 for the Default Port
VLAN as shown in Figure 4-22. This VLAN ID was provided by the networking staff for the
environment used in this book.
To configure the FSM, the IMM must first be configured for remote access. Tot do this,
navigate to Chassis Management and select Component IP Configuration from the
drop-down list (Figure 4-24).
Click node01 (in the Compute Nodes section), which accesses the Current IP Configuration
for that node (Figure 4-26 on page 34).
After the FSMs IMM has IPv4 network connections, a remote presence console can be
opened. The FSM can be selected by clicking the image at the FSMs position (the node in
slot 1) at the lower left of the graphical representation of the back of the chassis. The Actions
for Compute Node [node01] menu is displayed to the right of the chassis (Figure 4-27). If the
FSM is not already on, click Power On.
Expand the More Actions part of this menu, then click Launch Compute Node Console.
The next window offers a choice between an ActiveX client or a Java client. Choose the
preferred method by selecting the appropriate radio button, then click either Start remote
control, depending on whether or not more than one person will be remote controlling the
When the remote control window opens, the IBM Flex Systems Manager License Agreement
is displayed. If the FSM was recently powered on, the boot window opens prior to the License
Review each of the licensing agreements by clicking the links in the left pane, then click I
agree to advance to the next window. See Figure 4-29.
On the next panel (Figure 4-31), enter the system-level user information.
Separate Management and Data Networks Separate Management and Data Net work s
Enterprise Enterpr ise
Chassis Chassis
P o
o r
r t I/O bay 1 I/O bay 2
t I/O bay 1 I/ O bay 1
Select adapter eth0 (Figure 4-33). Then click Next to configure the Management Network.
Figure 4-33 Flex System Manager: Configure Local Area Network (LAN) Adapters
If the Data Network will be used, select Yes, I want to configure another LAN adapter
(Figure 4-35). In the table that opens below the radio button, select the eth1 adapter and click
Figure 4-36 Flex System Manager: Configure IP Address for Data Network
The Configure LAN Adapters window opens again (Figure 4-37). Because there are no more
LAN adapters, click the No radio button and then click Next.
On the next panel (Figure 4-38), enter the short host name, domain name, and the default
gateway address for the FSM. This is required. The data network is optional. Click Next.
After the DNS specifications are complete, a Summary window opens (Figure 4-40). Verify
that the settings are correct, and then click Finish.
When the system is finished applying the settings, a pop-up window indicates that the setup
tasks are completed (Figure 4-42). Click Continue.
The network settings are applied. This involves a system restart which might last more than
30 minutes. A message about the server being restarted is displayed (Figure 4-43).
At this point there is no longer a need to be physically attached to the CMM. Because the
networking devices are now configured, the remainder of the setup can be completed from a
browser on any machine that can access the management network.
To continue, point a browser to the following address; be sure to replace the IP address with
the address entered previously for eth0 (as shown in Figure 4-36 on page 39):
The main panel (Figure 4-47) provides links that are used to access and perform the following
Flex System Manager: Check and Update
Flex System Manager Domain: Select Chassis to be Managed
CMMs: Check and Update Firmware
Compute Nodes: Check and Update Firmware
I/O Modules: Check and Update Firmware
If any available updates are listed (Figure 4-49) click Download and Install.
Figure 4-49 Choosing Download and Install: IBM FSM Updates Panel
A warning message recommends that you back up critical data (Figure 4-50). At this point,
you can disregard this warning, because only minimal configuration has been done. Click OK
(without doing a backup in this case).
A message indicates that a job has been created and started successfully (Figure 4-52). Click
Display Properties to observe the job progress.
Figure 4-52 Job has been created and started for updates
As indicated by the message in Figure 4-54, after the updates are installed Flex System
Manager must be restarted. Depending on the load on the IBM Update Server, the updates
might or might not complete with errors. If errors occur, wait a few moments and try the
updates again.
The next step is to add the Flex System Enterprise chassis to the FSM's inventory. To initiate
this task, click step 2, Flex System Manager Domain - Select Chassis to be Managed.
A list of all discovered chassis is displayed (Figure 4-56). This figure shows the selection
(note the check mark in the Selection column) of Click Manage (to manage
selected chassis).
The Request access panel opens (Figure 4-58), which prompts for the user ID and password
to authenticate access to, in this case, the selected chassis at Provide the
appropriate User ID and Password, and click OK.
Wait for the chassis discovery operation to complete. The icon in the Status column
(Figure 4-59) changes from Processing to Success. It might take as long as 20 minutes for
this status change as noted on the panel. Click Done when the status indicates Success.
Now that the FSM setup is complete, proceed to 4.5, Storage setup on page 48.
For the compute nodes to communicate with the V7000, a SAN fabric must be created. A
SAN fabric is a collection of ports on one or more compute nodes, Fibre Channel switches
SAN zoning is a way to assign parts of a storage subsystems available capacity to one or
more hosts, while restricting access to others. Zoning can also provide redundant paths
between hosts and subsystems to insure against failures of individual components. By using
ports on both scalable switch elements (ScSE) and ports on both V7000 nodes, there will still
be full access between hosts and storage in the event that one of them fails.
All compute nodes in a SAN fabric are represented by worldwide node names (WWNN). The
ports on each mezzanine card in each compute node are represented by worldwide port
names (WWPN), as are each port in the ScSE and the ports on the storage subsystem.
WWNNs and WWPNs are unique 16-hexadecimal digit identifiers. The WWPNs are grouped
together in various combinations to form the zones that are defined on the ScSE. Aliases for
these WWPNs can be defined on the ScSE to more easily configure the zoning.
This chapter covers the setup and configuration of all the components required to build a fully
working SAN fabric:
V7000 setup
Scalable switch element setup for storage
FSM setup for storage management
It is important to understand some key concepts before continuing to the listed steps.
The following examples use the half-wide POWER node, the scalable switch elements in
bays 3 and 4, and the V7000 to showcase the complexity of a SAN fabric on IBM Flex
Systems hardware.
Two Fibre Channel (FC) ports appear on the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS, or VIO Server) that is
installed on the internal hard disk of the half-wide POWER compute node. Example 4-1
shows a VIO command that returns the device names for each of these ports: fcs0 and fcs1.
The WWPNs for ports fcs0 and fcs1are listed in the Virtual Server's inventory on the FSM, as
shown in Figure 4-60.
Each of these ports WWPNs is accessible to the ScSE to which that port is connected. Unlike
traditional infrastructures, these links are not using physical cables, but they are using the
chassis internal midplane. The ports on this card are connected to separate I/O bays. Port 0,
which has the name fcs0, is connected to an internal port on the scalable switch element that
The show topology command (Example 4-2) can be run on this ScSE (in I/O bay 3)
command-line interface (CLI) to show the list of WWPNs detected.
Log in to the CLI by using SSH, as follows, and then enter the appropriate password:
Example 4-2 shows two external ports Ext1:0 and Ext2:15. The Remote NodeWWN listed
(50:05:07:68:02:00:d3:72 and 50:05:07:68:02:00:d3:73) belong to the two Fibre Channel
devices on the V7000: one on the control enclosure and the other on the expansion
The WWPN of port 0 (fcs0) on the mezzanine card shows up as the Remote NodeWWN for
bay 2.
Both of the devices connected to the external ports with the listed WWNs have two additional
WWPNs associated with them, one for each port on the device. These are the WWPNs that
are grouped with the WWPNs of the compute nodes Fibre Channel (FC) ports to define the
This zoning configuration has a single initiator (host port) per zone, meaning that there will
be as many zones as there are FC ports on all of the compute nodes. Example 4-3 shows the
two zones containing the FC ports on the single-wide Power node in bay 2. The one zone for
the compute node in bay 2 on the scalable switch element (ScSE) is installed in I/O bay 3
(Example 4-3).
The complementary zone on the scalable switch element is in I/O bay 4 (Example 4-4).
Notice that the WWPNs for the V7000 (known here as SN78N1XKA) are similar to the WWNs
for the external ports listed by the show topology command. For the WWPNs, the third-to-last
pair of digits are incremented by 10 as in the following examples:
The WWN for the FC device on the control enclosure (known as NODE1):
The WWPN for PORT1 of this device:
The WWPN for PORT2 of this device:
Similarly, the WWPNs for the remaining two ports (NODE2) on the V7000:
The zoning for the rest of the compute nodes is constructed in the same way. One zone is
created for each host FC port by grouping it with two of the four WWPNs on the V7000. The
complete zoning configuration can be shown using the zoning list command on either FC
switch's CLI. This is discussed further in 4.5.2, Scalable switch element setup for storage on
page 52.
Note: From the perspective of the V7000, a host is a named entity that is associated with
one or more World Wide Port Name.
The V7000 might need to be configured so that the disks it contains can be used by IBM
SmartCloud Entry, depending on how it was delivered. The first step in this configuration is
setting up the IP networking information. One way to accomplish this is by inserting a blank,
formatted USB flash drive into the USB slot on the back of the control enclosure. The
controller that controls the V7000 is the one that reads 00 on the LED display on the front.
After the IP address information is set on the V7000, the browser-based administration GUI
can be accessed. Using the GUI, the pools, volumes and MDisks can be defined and also
host definitions and subsequent mapping of volumes to those hosts. As with other sections in
this book, depending on how the hardware was delivered, the amount of setup needed can
vary. Therefore, this book does not cover the initial setup of the V7000. See Chapter 2,
Overview of example IBM Flex System on page 7 for an overview of the setup on which this
book is based.
The V7000 used in the discussion and examples initially has five volumes, defined as shown
in Figure 4-61. These volumes are used for the Virtual I/O Servers and x86 environment.
An example of creating volumes and mapping volumes to hosts is in 4.6.2, Create volume on
V7000 on page 68.
Figure 4-62 on page 53 shows the user interface when accessed over HTTP. Enter the Login
Name and Password for this ScSE, and then click Add Fabric.
After logged in to the ScSE, the scalable switch element's fabric is displayed, (Figure 4-63).
You can also use the command-line interface (CLI) to edit the zoning information. This was
discussed at the beginning of this chapter.
The commands used to create the aliases and zones are not covered here. For greater detail,
go to the following links:
Now, the Storage Array appears in Resource Explorer and the storage setup is complete.
From the home page of the FSM, select the Plugins tab. Scroll to find the VMControl
Enterprise Edition link (Figure 4-66).
The wizard that will create the image repository starts (Figure 4-74).
Figure 4-76 Create Image Repository: Select host that had subagent installed
Select the storage subsystem (Figure 4-77) that was set up in 4.5.1, V7000 setup on
page 51.
Figure 4-77 Create Image Repository: select storage to use for image
Click Finish to start the installation and start a new job. After it finishes completely, the cloud
services can be set up for the Power Compute node
The first step to build these services is to set up one or more VIO instances on all of the
POWER compute nodes. After the VIO instances are set up, a new virtual server can be
created and captured. This captured virtual server is the basis of the POWER cloud services.
The remainder of this chapter covers these steps, which include the following topics:
Create new volume on V7000
Map new volume to VIO
Create virtual server
Install AIX
Install VSAE
Define virtual server to FSM
Capture virtual server
Deploy virtual server
The first step is setting up the network information. In a VIOS environment, a Shared Ethernet
Adapter is used to provide virtual networking to multiple virtual servers. Figure 4-79 shows
how the various networking adapters detected by the VIOS operating system are related.
Adapters ent0, ent1, ent2, and ent3 are physical devices. They represent the four ports on the
mezzanine card installed in the half-wide POWER node. Adapters ent4 and ent5 are virtual
devices. They represent the VLANs that are configured on the physical devices. Adapter ent6
binds the virtual devices to the physical devices. It also provides the virtualization necessary
for more that one virtual machine to use a physical device.
The VIO server LPAR profile must be created or edited to configure the adapters to match.
From the FSM's Chassis Manager, select the node on which the VIO server is installed, then
select Manage Power Systems Resources from the General Actions drop-down menu.
From the Virtual Machines section, select the appropriate VIOS. Then, from the Actions
menu, select System Configuration Manage Profiles. From this panel, select the
appropriate profile and from the Actions drop-down menu, select Edit. Select the Virtual
Adapters tab.
The virtual adapter in slot 2 must be connected to VLAN ID 4091 (Figure 4-81).
To verify these connections, click View Virtual Network. From here, each VLAN ID can be
selected by way of a radio button. For instance, when VLAN 1 is selected, the result is similar
to Figure 4-83.
Notice that the virtual adapter ent4 is slot 2. Figure 4-85 shows 4092 is selected. Notice that
the virtual adapter ent5 is slot 3.
After the LPAR profile is saved and activated, you can use the mkvdev command to create a
Shared Ethernet Adapter:
mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent4,ent5 -default ent4 -defaultid 4091
This command creates a Shared Ethernet Adapter ent6. The -sea flag signals mkvdev to use
ent0 as its physical device. The -vadapter flag tells ent4 and ent5, created in the profile
previously, to use this Shared Ethernet Adapter. The -default flag specifies the Ethernet
adapter to use for untagged packets. In this case, ent4 is this default adapter. The -defaultid
flag specifies the VLAN ID of the default adapter.
The VIOS lsdev command can be used to show the configuration. Example 4-6 lists all of the
Ethernet devices configured for this VIOS.
A Shared Ethernet Adapter is a logical construct that is backed by one or more physical
adapters, or ports. In this case, there is only one active port, so the SEA will be backed only
by eth0.
When a new virtual machine is deployed, it can have up to two Ethernet devices. These will
appear to the deployed OS as ent0 and ent1. Adapter ent0 on the deployed virtual machine
will be backed by ent4 on the VIOS and have access to VLAN 4091. Adapter ent1 will be
backed by ent5 on the VIOS and have access to VLAN 4092 and VLAN 1. Physically, of
course, all traffic passes through ent0 on the VIOS. The ScSE is configured to only allow
external packets that are tagged for VLAN 4091, so the deployed virtual machine must use
ent0 as its external based adapter. The ent1 adapter can be used for virtual machine to virtual
machine communication.
As Example 4-7 shows, the SEA configuration can be verified by using the lsdev command.
The output of interest in this discussion is highlighted in bold text.
The details of the new volume definition are presented. If you select the Generic option
(Figure 4-87), a volume that uses a set amount of capacity from a single pool is created.
After choosing the Generic option, the pool must be selected. Figure 4-88 shows only one
pool listed, which has the name mdiskgrp0.
The result is the execution of commands that include mkvdisk to create a volume as shown in
Figure 4-90. Click Continue.
After the requested volume is created it must be mapped to a host, as shown in the next
several figures (Figure 4-91 through Figure 4-93 on page 70).
In the Modify Host Mappings section, select a host from the list. In Figure 4-91 the host
containing the serial number of the POWER node (SN102736V) is selected.
Assign dedicated memory to the virtual server, and assign one or more processors to the
virtual server. Also, select which Port VLAN IDs will be associated with the Ethernet adapters.
The scalable switch element is configured so that VLAN 4091 is accessible through the data
network from entities external to the chassis.
In Figure 4-96, virtual Ethernet adapter 2 is assigned to Port VLAN ID 4091 and virtual
Ethernet adapter 3 is assigned to Port VLAN ID 1.
In the Physical Volumes table (Figure 4-98), select the check box next to the disk that was
created previously.
The next Create Virtual Server Wizard window displayed is associated with optical devices
(Figure 4-99). No Physical Optical Devices should be listed. Under the Virtual Optical Media
section, select the check box next to the AIX 7.1 install disk, and then click Next.
The Summary page opens (Figure 4-101). Review the information. If changes must be made
to the virtual server specifications, click the Back button or click the appropriate topic link in
the left-side navigation. Click Finish to complete the creation of the virtual server.
The result is the choices shown in Figure 4-103. At this point select the Open a terminal
window or console session check box. Click OK.
When prompted to authenticate (Figure 4-105), enter the user ID and password of an
authorized FSM user. The default user ID is USERID and the password was set, as described
in Figure 4-31 on page 36.
After authenticating, skip the informational screens by pressing Enter until the language
selection screen opens. Select 1 for English (Figure 4-106). At this point, the installation of
AIX can begin as described in 4.6.4, Install AIX on page 77.
Note that hdisk0 is specified as Disk Where You Want to Install as part of 1 System
Settings. This is the first (and only) disk for this LPAR. This disk is the same volume that is
created (and referred to as hdisk4) in 4.6.2, Create volume on V7000 on page 68.
The Overwrite Installation Summary screen opens (Figure 4-108). Enter 1 (one) and press
Enter to begin the installation.
When the Software License Agreements screen opens (Figure 4-110), select Accept
License Agreement and press Enter.
To accept the license agreement, use the Tab key to specify yes (Figure 4-111), and then
press Enter to continue.
To continue with the installation, press F3 multiple times until the Installation Assistant menu
opens (Figure 4-113).
Use the Installation Assistant menu to select and configure the following settings:
Set Date and Time
Set root Password
Configure Network Communications:
a. Choose TCP/IP.
b. Respond to the prompt of Available Network Interfaces pop-up menu (Figure 4-114 on
page 80). Choose en0 from the list of available network interfaces. This is the interface
that connects to the 4091 VLAN.
For the FSM to access this virtual server, SSH must be installed.
On the subsequent menu (Figure 4-117) enter openssh next to SOFTWARE to install. Press
Enter to proceed.
Back on the Installation Assistant menu, select Tasks Completed - Exit to Login
(Figure 4-119), and then press Enter to get to the login prompt. Login as root, using the
password you set previously.
To confirm that the network settings are correct, use the ifconfig -a command, as shown in
Figure 4-121. Then, ping the gateway.
6. In addition, collect inventory on the V7000, FC Switches, the POWER Server itself and the
To transfer the VSAE package from the FSM to the new AIX use the scp command as follows:
# scp USERID@ /tmp
Although many examples in this book use the GUI for the FSM, by way of the management IP
address on the management subnet, that IP address is not accessible from the AIX server to
which the activation engine is being copied. The data networks IP address that was
configured on FSM's eth1 ( must be used. This is on the same subnet as the
address with which the AIX servers en0 interface is configured (
Extract the TAR file. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, then run the
script shown in Figure 4-128.
Before issuing commands: The following commands shut down the virtual server. Be
sure that the virtual server was properly discovered and inventoried by the FSM (described
in 4.6.5, Define virtual server to FSM on page 84) before issuing these commands.
rm /opt/ibm/ae/AP/*
cp /opt/ibm/ae/AS/vmc-network-restore/resetenv /opt/ibm/ae/AP/ovf-env.xml
/opt/ibm/ae/ --reset
Verify that the activation engine was activated. In Figure 4-129, the OVERALL STATUS for
vs0: Not Activated message is displayed.
If this message occurs, restart the OS and run the three commands again. Figure 4-130
shows the result of successful execution.
3. The first step in capturing the template is to give it an appropriate name (Figure 4-134).
This virtual server template will be used as an appliance, and contains AIX version 7.1.
5. The Network Mapping is next (Figure 4-136). These two networks are the same as
configured in 4.3, Networking setup on page 27. In the following figures, they are shown
in numerical order, and not necessarily the order that will be used for the captured
The Summary window opens (Figure 4-138) and a new job is created to capture this
virtual server.
This appliance will be deployed as a workload. Give any appropriate name to this workload
(Figure 4-144). As with the name of the appliance, this name helps you more easily locate the
The storage that represents the V7000 configured in 4.5.1, V7000 setup on page 51 is
selected (Figure 4-146). Click OK.
Now that the storage is assigned, the Assigned Storage column is populated (Figure 4-147).
The configuration for this workload must be manually entered on the panel shown in
Figure 4-149 on page 99.
Advantages: One of the advantages of IBM SmartCloud Entry is that the users do not
need to know this depth of technical detail to request a new virtual server workload. In
addition, the network information in this panel is stored and controlled from a pool of
network information, which makes management easier.
As with other wizards, the wizard's summary panel opens (Figure 4-150).
The job complete and a message indicates Deploy virtual server complete (Figure 4-152).
Consider how this process is accelerated by using FlashCopy. As shown in Figure 4-153, the
storage subsystem is making a fully asynchronous clone of the initial appliance disk and also
the virtual server disk. This process is completely transparent to the workload request and the
virtual server is ready for use. The background volume copies (using FlashCopy) continue for
a while after the workload is operational.
From the CMM, select Chassis Management, and the Component IP Configuration. Click
on the node that needs its IP set. On this window, set the proper IP address.
This IMM can now be discovered by the Flex Service Manager and inventoried. These steps
are not specifically covered in this section, but are similar to 4.6.5, Define virtual server to
FSM on page 84. The remainder of this section defines the steps to install or upgrade ESXi
hypervisor on the internal storage of the node.
A remote console must be started to the compute node from the FSM. This same task can be
accomplished from the IMMs remote control interface, but that is not covered here.
This action opens a Java-based Remote Control window similar to Figure 4-156.
Notice that ESXi is already installed on this node. For purposes of this section, what is
currently installed is irrelevant.
The next window (Figure 4-158) indicates the mounting options for this node. It shows there
are no Selected Resource, and no drives mapped to the node.
Locate the CD image of the VMware ESXi to be installed (Figure 4-160) and click Open.
The Mount All button is now disabled, but the Unmount All button is enabled (Figure 4-162).
With the CD mounted, the node can be restarted. Click the power icon and then select Shut
Down OS and Restart (Figure 4-163).
The End User License Agreement (EULA) opens (Figure 4-165). Press F11 to accept the
license and continue.
The installation program probes the hardware that the compute node has access to. This can
take several seconds. See Figure 4-166.
A new window opens, overlaying the current window. This causes the drive to be scanned to
determine whether it meets the requirements for the ESXi installation.
Figure 4-168 VMware ESXi: Gathering information about selected install device
Select the keyboard layout that is appropriate. US Default is highlighted in Figure 4-170.
Figure 4-170 VMware ESXi: Choices for keyboard layout (US is default)
Figure 4-172 gives a summary of what the installation will do. To prevent unnecessary
overwrites, the installation program provides a warning.
After the installation completes, click Unmount All (Figure 4-174) to unmount the CD.
After the CD is unmounted, press Enter to reboot. The server reboots (Figure 4-175).
Enter the login name (root) and password that was defined earlier (Figure 4-177).
Enter the appropriate networking information and press Enter (Figure 4-179).
To set up DNS, which is strong suggestion, scroll to and select DNS Configuration, and then
press Enter (Figure 4-180).
Press Y (Yes) to apply the changes and restart the networking stack (Figure 4-185). A good
approach is to test the networking changes when the restart operation is complete.
The test checks the network connection to gateway, to DNS servers, and ensures the nodes
host name can be resolved. After all of these tests return OK message, press Enter
(Figure 4-186).
Figure 4-187 Main screen after configuration changes have been made
Repeat this process for all x86 nodes in the chassis. This allows for a greater number of cloud
services. In the next few sections, the VMware management environment is built.
From a supported browser, open the following URL format, where <address> is the IP address
of the management network configured in the last section:
The link points to the executable that installs the client. Click Run or Save to begin
(Figure 4-189). The browser shows a warning that this software might be untrusted. In our
case, we clicked Run.
In this example, the installation is done in English, which is the default. Select the appropriate
language and click OK (Figure 4-192).
Read the License Agreement for the client, select I agree to the terms in the license
agreement, and click Next (Figure 4-197).
The vSphere client installation begins. When it finishes, launch the client from the Start menu.
The client opens (Figure 4-199) and can now be used to configure the nodes on which ESXi
installed. Enter in the IP address or host name and the credentials that were set up.
The client opens the vCenter environment. This installation has an invalid license
(Figure 4-201). In this case, an evaluation license can be used, or a site license from
VMware can be used.
This example was completed on the internal USB drive in the previous section. No persistent
storage was selected, as shown in the Configuration tab of the main vCenter window
(Figure 4-202). Click the link to create a datastore.
From here, a new storage device can be added. In this case, the first discovered LUN is used
(Figure 4-203) and corresponds to the volume created on the V7000.
Figure 4-205 shows the full ID of the LUN, indicating that it is blank.
Enter the name of this data store. This data store will be used for SmartCloud Entry
workloads and appliances, so the example uses the name SCEDataStore (Figure 4-206).
After the format is complete, the data store is ready to use. The first virtual machine to use
this data store is the vCenter Server Appliance, which is described in 4.7.5, Deploy and
configure VMware vCenter Server Appliance on page 123.
From a client session, select File Deploy OVF Template (Figure 4-208).
This wizard first requires a source. Although the selection was for deploying an open
virtualization format (OVF), this wizard can deploy an OVA file also. The vCenter must be
acquired from VMware and is not covered in the document.
Figure 4-210 shows the details of the appliance represented by the OVA file.
Figure 4-212 shows the settings. Verify that the information is correct. Select the Power on
after deployment check box and click Finish.
This deployment copies the contents of the OVA to the compute node and configures the
In the example environment, DHCP was not enabled. Therefore, as Figure 4-216 shows, a
warning message indicates that no network is detected. Select the Login option at the bottom
of the window and press Enter.
YaST, a set up tool, can be use to configure the virtual server. Type yast (Figure 4-219) and
press Enter.
Select the Network Settings option and press Enter (Figure 4-221).
Change the networking configuration to match the current environment. In this example
(Figure 4-223), static IP addresses are used.
Select the Routing option and set the Default Gateway (Figure 4-225). Press F10 for OK.
YaST reconfigures the network. When this is complete, the remainder of the configuration can
be done from a browser.
Open a new browser window and enter the following URL, where <address> is the networking
information specified previously:
After vCenter Server finalizes its internal setup, including the database and setting up of
single sign-on (SSO), it starts the actual server. Click Close to finish (Figure 4-231).
Figure 4-231 VMware vCenter Server Appliance: Database, SSO complete, and server starting
To manage all of the nodes as one unit, a new data center must be created. This is a vCenter
server logical construct (Figure 4-234). To add a host, click File then Add host.
The following steps must be done for every x86 compute node that will be used for cloud
services. Specify connection settings and authorization (Figure 4-236).
The host summary window opens (Figure 4-238). Verify this is the correct host. Click Next.
Lockdown mode (Figure 4-240) is not required for the security in this environment.
Note: Check with authorized security personnel to understand ramifications of this panel.
Review the summary (Figure 4-241). Click Finish to start the host addition.
When the process bar is finished (Figure 4-242), the host is added and can now be used for
deploying other workloads, appliances, and templates.
These host addition tasks must be repeated for each ESXi in the chassis. After the vCenter
server is fully configured with all of the available resources, IBM SmartCloud Entry can be
installed and set up.
After a virtual server is created and the operating system installed, the installation media
(sce240_linux_installer.bin) can be copied to the operating system.
Example 5-1 Command and responses to start the installation of SmartCloud Entry
[root@sce-intel SmartCloudEntry]# ./sce240_linux_installer.bin
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
strings: '/lib/': No such file
Launching installer..
Choose a link location. The link location represents the directory that contains links to the IBM
SmartCloud Entry binaries. These binaries are used to start or uninstall SmartCloud Entry.
The links are created as a convenience to the administrator. Configure the directory for these
links, as shown in Example 5-5.
Specify the installation folder and property folder by either entering the path in response to
the prompts, shown in Example 5-6, or choosing the default values. To accept the default,
press Enter.
The next part of the installation is to configure user data. The installation prompts for
importing existing SmartCloud Entry data or configuring new data as shown in Example 5-9.
If you choose to create a silent install response file, it will be located in this
The screen command allows for the terminal in which a program is running to be detached. In
this case, this means that the /opt/ibm/SCE24/skc command can be issued in a terminal
window and then the window can be closed without aborting the command. To accomplish
this, type screen in a terminal. Next, run the /opt/ibm/SCE24/skc command, then type Ctrl+A,
then D. At this point, the terminal running the /opt/ibm/SCE24/skc command is detached and
all windows can be closed. The SmartCloud Entry server will continue to run. In some
situations you might need to re-attach to the detached terminal. From any terminal window
running on the SmartCloud Entry virtual server, type screen -r to return to the terminal
window in which the command to start SmartCloud Entry was originally run.
The screen program might not be available in some AIX environments, so the nohup
command can be used instead. The SmartCloud Entry Administrator's guide gives this
example of using the nohup command to start IBM SmartCloud Entry:
nohup /opt/ibm/SCE24/skc -nosplash < /dev/null > /dev/null &
This starts the SmartCloud Entry server in the background and discards any output from the
OSGI console. Even if the terminal window is closed, the server continues to run. See
Chapter 11 of the IBM SmartCloud Entry Administrator Guide 2.4 for more information about
these commands:
Figure 5-1 IBM SmartCloud Entry Deploy/Configure: Specify file or URL of source
Figure 5-3 IBM SmartCloud Entry Deploy/Configure: Name and Inventory Location
3. The deployment wizard next asks for the data center that is to be used (Figure 5-4).
Figure 5-5 IBM SmartCloud Entry Deploy/Configure: Specific Host, IP address selected
6. For this appliance, the thin provision disk format is applicable (Figure 5-7).
Figure 5-9 IBM SmartCloud Entry Deploy/Configure: Customize properties of a software solution
As the IBM SmartCloud Entry Administrator, log in and select the Network section of the
configuration tab.
The New Network Configuration panel opens. In this panel, several items can be set, as
Figure 5-12 shows. Specify the appropriate data, and save the network configuration.
Note: Cloud must be set to None so that more than one pool can use this configuration.
The same is true for the Network ID being set to blank.
New IPs can be added by clicking Add. A single IP can be added to the configuration or a
range. When choosing to add a range, enter the appropriate start address and end address
as Figure 5-15 shows. Click OK.
Now that both the private and the public network configurations are defined to IBM
SmartCloud Entry, cloud pools can be added and the networks can be assigned to them.
After entering this information, a good approach is to test the connection and the parameters
that were entered by clicking Test Connection (Figure 5-21).
The notification to the administrator indicates that the test was successful (Figure 5-22).
Click Add.
The cloud configuration is added successfully, as the message indicates and the you are
returned to the Clouds sections of the Configuration tab (Figure 5-24).
To enable this functionality, a SMTP relay host must be set. Setting up a relay host is outside
the scope of this book.
By default, SmartCloud Entry billing is disabled. This means that no references to Accounts
are listed on the Access Menu when the Access tab is selected, as shown in Figure 5-29.
If billing functionality is required, it must be enabled in the properties file, which is in the
following location in the configuration directory:
After enabling billing, a new subtab (Accounts) is now available on the left side of the Access
tab of the IBM SmartCloud Entry portal as shown in Figure 5-30.
Use this New Account dialog to set the default information for this account. This information
includes the account owner and the account members. When a bill becomes due, the account
owner will be emailed with the bill contents.
The starting amount of credits and the low balance threshold are also set here. Figure 5-32
shows an example of creating a new account with a starting balance of $100, a low balance
threshold of $10, and only one account member. Click Create.
When modifying billing information for these accounts becomes necessary, a similar set of
panels can be used. Simply click the name of the account to be modified.
When an account balance reaches the threshold set, the account members are notified by
email that their accounts are delinquent. Figure 5-34 shows that account number 2551 is
overdrawn. The default delinquency policy shuts down all workloads associated with this
2. Navigate to the Access menu (using Access tab) in the IBM SmartCloud Entry interface,
click Users, and then click New User (Figure 5-36).
A summary panel shows the list of currently defined users (Figure 5-39). Additional new users
may be added by clicking New User and repeating the previous steps.
3. The New Project panel opens (Figure 5-41). Enter the name and description of the project
to be created. Click Create.
The newly added member (or members) of the project is listed in the Project Members
section of the project. Review the information. Note the message Project members updated
successfully for project SCE_Project_001, near the top of the Access panel (Figure 5-45).
4. To add an available user, click the user name from the list of available users, and then click
Add. The selected name moves into the list of account members (Figure 5-48). To remove
a user from the list of account members, simply select a user from that list and click
Remove. The selected name moves back to the Available users.
4. This window might differ from previous windows in this chapter because SCE_User01 has
the role of a regular user rather than an administrator. Again select the Appliances tab
(Figure 5-56).
Figure 5-58 shows the notification that the request is being held for approval.
The SmartCloud Entry Administrator can then log into the user interface and go the Request
Section of the Access tab. Figure 5-60 shows SCE_User01's request (3901) for the AIX
Deploy 003 resource. The administrator can approve or reject the request.
The administrator is notified that the request approval was successful (Figure 5-62).
Figure 5-63 User received mail when request has been approved.
SmartCloud Entry begins the deployment after the administrator approves the request. When
the deployment is successful, the user is notified and given the important information about
the requested appliance (Figure 5-64).
Figure 5-64 User receives email when deployment has been successfully provisioned on the Cloud
After the changes are made, IBM SmartCloud Entry must be restarted. For an example of a
usage metering report, see Figure 3-3 on page 16.
In 5.3, Configuring cloud network pools on page 151, two network pools were created to
correspond to the two VLANs.
Again, log in to the user interface. In the main panel, select the Appliances tab. Several
appliances are listed (Figure 6-1).
Select the AIX71_appliance link. This appliance corresponds to the AIX image that was
created in 4.6.4, Install AIX on page 77. Click Configure (Figure 6-2).
Figure 6-3 shows the overall settings of the appliance. It includes shared virtual processors.
Scroll down to see the network settings (Figure 6-4). This information is pre-populated from
the information set in 5.3, Configuring cloud network pools on page 151.
Figure 6-6 shows the second adapter. This is the adapter for VLAN 1.
The request for the deployment is sent as a new workload (Figure 6-8). The new workload
has the same settings as configured in the previous step.
When the workload is finished, an email notifies (Figure 6-10) the appropriate user that the
workload was deployed. This email also contains the information to log in to the newly created
operating system.
The network setup is not as complex, because the VMware switch on the ESXi already
defines the network ID.
Figure 6-14 Deployment snapshot has been sent for deployment as workload
SmartCloud Entry sets an on-screen notification that the workload has been stopped. Click
Capture. Figure 6-16 shows the notification as the request is sent to the cloud.
An email is sent to the requesting user when the capture is completed (Figure 6-17).
Figure 6-18 Appliance tab is updated with new appliance information and status
IBM SmartCloud Entry issues an on-screen notification that the workload was stopped. Now
you can click Capture. A notification that is displayed (Figure 6-20) as the request is sent to
the cloud as a result. An information icon is displayed in the upper left of window.
Figure 6-20 Information icon and message: Capture request has been sent
The IBM SmartCloud Entry Appliances tab is updated with the new appliance (Figure 6-22).
In Example A-1, LPARs 1 and 2 are missing values for both default_profile and
The workaround to this problem is to assign values to the empty variables using the chsyscfg
command on the FSMs command line. The commands are at the following site:
The Capture virtual appliance job log shows the following message:
DNZLOP899I Storage copy services is unable to copy one or more disks using the
FlashCopy function, because FlashCopy is not configured. The server that controls
the image repository will copy the disks.
To prevent this problem, do not use spaces when naming volumes on the V7000 (for example,
use AIX_bootdisk instead of AIX boot disk).
Because the operating systems file systems are clones, they contain identical UIDs, Tivoli
GUIDs, and SSH keys. To correct this issue, new UIDs, GUIDs, and SSH keys must be
generated for one of the two operating systems, and the Common Agent Services agent must
be restarted.
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed
discussion of the topics covered in this book.
IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about the topic in this
document. Note that some publications in this list might be available in softcopy only.
Choosing IBM Flex System for Your Private Cloud Infrastructure, REDP-4920
Connecting an IBM PureFlex System to the Network, TIPS0941
Creating Smart Virtual Appliances with the IBM Image Construction and Composition
Tool, SG24-8042
IBM Flex System Interoperability Guide, REDP-FSIG
IBM Flex System Manager, TIPS0862
IBM Flex System Networking in an Enterprise Data Center, REDP-4834
IBM Flex System p24L, p260 and p460 Compute Nodes, TIPS0880
IBM Flex System p260 and p460 Planning and Implementation Guide, SG24-7989
IBM Flex System V7000 Storage Node Introduction and Implementation Guide,
IBM PureFlex System and IBM Flex System Products and Technology, SG24-7984
IBM PureFlex System Solutions for Managed Service Providers, REDP-4994
IBM SmartCloud Entry 2.4 Deployment Use Cases, REDP-4908
IBM Storwize V7000 Unified Disk System, TIPS0837
IBM System Storage SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000 Replication Family
Services, SG24-7574
Implementing Systems Management of IBM PureFlex System, SG24-8060
Implementing the IBM Storwize V7000 Unified, SG24-8010
Implementing the IBM Storwize V7000 V6.3, SG24-7938
Implementing the Storwize V7000 and the IBM System Storage SAN32B-E4 Encryption
Switch, SG24-7977
Moving to IBM PureFlex System x86-to-x86 Migration, REDP-4887
Overview of IBM PureSystems, TIPS0892
Positioning IBM Flex System 16 Gb Fibre Channel Fabric for Storage-Intensive Enterprise
Workloads, REDP-4921
Real-time Compression in SAN Volume Controller and Storwize V7000, REDP-4859
Simple Configuration Example for Storwize V7000 FlashCopy and PowerHA
SystemMirror for i, REDP-4923
Online resources
These websites are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM SmartCloud Entry documentation on developerWorks:
IBM Storwize V7000:
IBM PureSystems:
Workaround information:
IBM SmartCloud Entry on
IBM PureFlex System
Introducing IBM Distributed computing has been transformed with the introduction of
virtualization technology. This has driven a re-architecture of traditional INTERNATIONAL
PureFlex System and
data center workload placement. In 2012, IBM announced IBM TECHNICAL
PureSystems, a new offering based on preconfigured software, SUPPORT
servers, and storage that form an expert integrated system. ORGANIZATION
Installing IBM
Expert integrated systems now combine traditional IT resources into a
SmartCloud Entry
single optimized solution, with prepackaged components including
hardware and servers, storage devices, networking equipment, and software. With
software this evolution of technology, we move from discrete, siloed, and
underutilized IT resources to shared resource pools. BUILDING TECHNICAL
Configuring and using INFORMATION BASED ON
This IBM Redbooks publication can help you install, tailor, and PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
IBM SmartCloud Entry configure IBM SmartCloud Entry on the IBM PureFlex System offering.
This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn more about cloud IBM Redbooks are developed
computing with IBM SmartCloud Entry and offerings based on IBM Flex by the IBM International
System elements. Technical Support
Organization. Experts from
IBM, Customers and Partners
from around the world create
timely technical information
based on realistic scenarios.
Specific recommendations
are provided to help you
implement IT solutions more
effectively in your