EDC Fashion Manufacturing and Garment Center Strategy
EDC Fashion Manufacturing and Garment Center Strategy
EDC Fashion Manufacturing and Garment Center Strategy
NYCEDC Fashion Programs
NYCEDC Fashion Programs have committed $15M to the industry through programs
targeting support to fashion design, education, production, financing, and retail
New York City is a global fashion capital. The Citys Made in NY Fashion programs create
and retain quality jobs, catalyze innovation within and across the industry, and support
business and entrepreneurship growth. Our public-private partnerships generate talent
development and education, financing tools, stakeholder convening and networks, and
infrastructure investments.
Education Design Manufacturing
& Retail
MiNY Future Fashion Designers & Agents: Fashion Manufacturing NYC Fashion
Graduate Showcase Trade Show Initiative, including Production Fund
(Spring 2017) MiNY Designer technology grants, MiNY Barneys NY x
Fashion Forward / Marketing campaigns manufacturer & CFDA retail capsule
Ladders for Leaders designer open houses, collection
and digital directory
Design Entrepreneurs Waldorf Astoria Pop-up
NYC Fashion Fellows shop for NYC designers
Fashion Manufacturing Initiative
Partnership with CFDA to support
manufacturing innovation and technologies in:
Industrial & Innovation Grants
Business Development Support & Programming
Retail Partnerships (Barneys NY x CFDA)
3. Workforce Development
4. Industry Organization
10-Year Future of NYC Fashion Manufacturing Program
Fashion Manufacturing Initiative 2.0
available to all Garment Manufacturers Citywide
Manufacturing Apprenticeship Enhanced B2B
Initiative Grant Program Networking
Supervisory Business
Training Planning
Contact us at garmentmanufacturing@edc.nyc
10-Year Future of NYC Fashion Manufacturing Program
Second Hub Option: Sunset Park
available only in Sunset Park
Real Estate Stability and Clustering NYCEDC currently has 265,000 SF of garment
manufacturing tenants in Sunset Park
Private Market
Additional 2.4 Million SF available today
Garment District Today: Recent Trends
Strong need and demand for flexible, step-out office space for small and emerging firms
Garment District Today: Existing Land Use
Garment District Today: Significant Job Growth
Job Highlights
Tremendous job growth between 2009-2015 (+47%)
Overall employment of 66,000 (2015)
Over half of all employment in creative economy (59%)
Small firms (avg. ~3K SF per firm)
District remains a hub for fashion jobs and firms
$78k average wage (2012, ZIP 10018)
Need for Flexible, Small-Scale Office Space
Step-out office space for mid-stage companies represents the greatest need for NYCs
growing sectors
Center for an Urban Future Scale Up New York Report (Nov. 2016):
One of greatest challenges facing small businesses in NYC is securing space necessary to scale up
NYC has lost more than 1.6M SF of Class B and C space since 2000
Concentration of
office and commercial use
Subway stations
Fashion Manufacturing and Garment Center Strategy
A stabilized garment manufacturing industry & a dynamic midtown district
Garment District: Proposed Targeted Zoning Change
The proposed targeted zoning change will:
Maintain existing manufacturing and commercial zoning
Lift 1:1 preservation requirement of production space that has proven ineffective in protecting
garment manufacturers
Limit new hotels through a hotel special permit; prioritizing new office and residential creation
(where permitted)
Continue to allow new residential development and conversions on mid-blocks west of 8th
Avenue (P2)
Allow property owners to improve their properties
Improve neighborhood character through new height and setback regulations
Next Steps & Discussion
Next Steps:
Continued outreach to industry and community, including in-person and online survey of
garment manufacturers
Garment Center: Existing Zoning Framework
*Preserved space can be in the same building as converted space, or elsewhere in the district; Requires CPC Chairperson
Certification 20
The State of Garment Manufacturing
Declining Employment Trends
Garment manufacturing in the Garment District has mirrored the steep decline in employment
At the creation of the Special Garment Center District in 1987, the District had over 30,000 garment
manufacturing jobs as compared to approximately 5,000 today (83% decline)
Manufacturing 2000 2009 2015
Employment in SGCD
2000 2015
Special Garment
934 13,607 497 6,182 438 5,123 -53% -62%
Center District
SGCD: Preservation
536 6,793 319 3,761 286 3,022 -47% -56%
SGCD: Avenues 398 6,814 178 2,421 152 2,101 -62% -69%
Source: Garment District - Quarterly Census of Employees and Wages (QCEW), 3Q 2000, 3Q 2009, and 3Q 2015; DCP HEIP Division (January 2017)
The State of Garment Manufacturing
Loss of Production Space
Zoning has not been effective tool to keep up with globalization trends or market demands
There was roughly 9M SF of production space in the 1980s; today, only 830K SF (90% decline)
Only 2% of manufacturing space actively preserved via the preservation mechanism since 1987
Garment Manufacturing Space in
2009 2014 Change,
Garment Center District
2009 to 2014
In P1 and P2, production space has seen a 22% decline from 2009-2014
In the overall Garment Center BID, production space has seen a 52% decline from 2002-2015
Sunset Park Options Private Assets
There is also 2.4 Million SF of available industrial space in private sites (CoStar)
Private Assets
Units ranging in size from 1,000 SF to 50,000 SF
Rents from $16-34 psf; 3-10 yr. lease terms
Large private landlords actively seeking
garment manufacturing tenants for newly
renovated space
Industry City already has 325,000 SF occupied
by fashion and garment manufacturing tenants