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Settling Some Intel Hash

By Anna Von Reitz

Re: What I Know About the "Reign of Heaven Society" and "The United
States of America" Part 2

I am a Hapsburg and a von Mecklenburg and a von Strelitz and Grimaldi and von
Liechtenstein and many other "bloodlines" run in my veins, but as with all things, we
all have free will. If you bother to look you will learn that I am connected by blood
to all the ruling families of Europe and that my particular bloodlines go back to very
ancient times.

Think of it in terms of dog breeds--- Dachshunds are born to hunt badgers and
retrievers are bred to fetch. The bloodline families were bred to rule-- but what we
rule is, for most of us, a choice. I have chosen to rule myself and find that a
profound enough challenge to consume a lifetime, so that I have no wish to control
or rule anyone else, nor any need to be ruled myself by others--- which is perhaps
also very much to the point.

Too many people refuse to rule themselves, and so wind up being ruled by others.
They avoid the rigors of self-governance, and so fall under the domination of tyrants
and con artists. And liars.

Hello? Earth to Richard? I am an American, born and bred in Wisconsin, to parents

who were also born and bred in the Midwest. My Father served in the 8th Army Air
Force in WWII. Got the picture?

These suppositions and rumors and gross assumptions that I am some kind of
foreigner are nothing but ignorant slander and here I find more of this nonsense
posted on Intel----- when you absolutely should know better and have no excuse for
not asking.

The Supreme Allied Commander in WWII was named Eisenhower. Ike was German.
Wake up and smell the roses.

Same thing with all this stupid old lady gossip about the Vatican, the Vatican, the
Vatican. I am convinced that hardly anyone here has any idea what the "Vatican" is,
and nobody is bothering to find out. Let's start with the fact that it came into
existence in 1929. It's an international city state, a tiny little postage stamp
country, where the Pope is king. The Vatican isn't the problem and never has been,
so you can all stop ranting about "the Vatican".

Blaming the Vatican for the actions and inactions of the Holy See is like blaming a
dog for the sins of its master. It's just as off-base and nonsensical as trying to make
something "evil" out of my name and heritage.

If an Eisenhower could lead this country through the darkest days of WWII, I am
certainly good enough to lend it some pointers now.

And no, I am not a "lawyer for the Vatican".

My unpaid mission in behalf of Pope Benedict has been simple---to demand

correction of federal and federated state government operations to bring them back
into compliance with The Constitution for the united States of America.

If you ever took an oath to protect and defend "the constitution"---- please wake up
and be aware that the actual and only constitution that you are supposed to be
defending is "The Constitution for the united States of America" not "the Constitution
of the United States of America" ---which is a look-alike, sound-alike fake.

The first pointer I want to give you and anyone who will listen is that the American
military has been a big part of the problem, not the solution. The Reconstruction
Acts are still in effect. And so is the Lieber Code.

The US Army has been directly responsible for guarding our money for 150 years
and they have done a wretchedly poor job of it.

Want to be angry about the "Federal Reserve" and all its abuses?

Want to complain about the devaluation of your money and the corruption of the
banking system?

Want to gripe about the corruption of the court system? Taxes? Brutality?
Foreclosures? Child custody abuses?

Lincoln left the US Army in charge and they are still in charge and they are still
getting it wrong, from Ulysses S. Grant to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.

Now you think--- and you tell others--- that General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. is
stepping up and in to act as Vice-President and that Paul Ryan is supposedly slated
to take over as President of Le Neu Republique----but even if this were to happen,
it's not actually change.

It's just business as usual that you can see, as opposed to business as usual that you
can't see.

The military officers have colluded with foreign bankers and politicians for six
generations to defraud and ruin our country ever since the Civil War. I wish it wasn't
true, but it is. Le Neu Republique isn't the government we are owed; it is just
another private, mostly foreign-owned governmental services corporation
masquerading as the lawful government that the actual Constitution requires and
which these men are supposed to uphold.

We wouldn't be in the situation we are in except that the US military has served and
sought after other masters and has allowed the corruption and suppression of our
lawful government. Exactly as Eisenhower warned--- the greatest danger to our
peace and prosperity is the "military industrial complex"--- a nexus of self-interest
and greed that enslaves the people it is supposed to serve.

There is only one Republic---- and its the Old Republic that is owed to the people of
this nation.

The second pointer I will address, is that your crystal ball doesn't work.


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