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COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated

Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

A. over cases against: Section 5(2). Art
affecting 1. CA XIII
3. COA
other public 4. Sandiganbayan Review, revise,
ministers and 5. CTA en banc reverse, modify, or
consuls 6. Ombudsman in affirm on appeal
(concurrent with criminal and non- or certiorari, as the
RTC) administrative law or the Rules of
B. and over petitions disciplinary cases Court may provide,
for CPMQH final judgments and
[Section 5(1). Art orders of lower courts
XIII] in:
C. Petition for writ of
Amparo (a) All cases in which
D. Petition for Habeas
the constitutionality
or validity of any
E. Petition for
treaty, international
or executive
F. Petition for writ of agreement, law,
Kalikasan presidential decree,
(others concurrent proclamation, order,
with CA,SB and instruction,
RTC) ordinance, or
regulation is in

(b) All cases involving

the legality of any
tax, impost,
assessment, or toll,
or any penalty
imposed in relation

(c) All cases in which

the jurisdiction of any
lower court is in
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction


(d) All criminal cases

in which the penalty
imposed is reclusion
perpetua or higher.

(e) All cases in which

only an error or
question of law is

Others cases
decided by:

1. CA (Rule 45)
2. Sandiaganbayan
(PD1606 as
amended by
RA7975 and 8249)
3. CTA en banc
4. RTC (Rule 45)
5. Petition for writ of
amparo decided
6. Petition for
Habeas Data (AM

COURT OF 1. annulment of A. over all final

APPEALS A. Writs judgments of RTCs judgements,
of MPCHQ,and (Section 9. BP resolutions, orders
auxiliary writs or 129) or awards of:
processes, 2. NLRC decisions, 1. RTC
whether or not in final orders, and 2. and quasi-
aid of its resolutions judicial
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
3. SOLE decision, agencies,
appellate final orders in the instrumentalit
jurisdiction exercise of its ies, boards or
Section 9. BP 129 appellate commission,
jurisdiction over including the
B. Petition for writ of decisions of: SEC, SSC,
C. Petition for Habeas Administrator, Except those
Data NLRC contempt falling within
D. Petition for decision, etc the appellate
continuing jurisdiction of
mandamus the SC in
E. Petition for writ of accordance
Kalikasan with the
F. Petition for freeze
and PD 442
(Section 9. BP
B. RTC in the exercise
of its original
jurisdiction (Rule 41)
C. RTC in the exercise
of its appellate
jurisdiction (Rule 42)
D. Quasi-judicial
bodies in the exercise
of its quasi-judicial
functions (Rule 43)
E. MTC decision on
delegated jurisdiction
on cadastral and land
registration cases

REGIONAL TRIAL Section 21. BP129 CIVIL CASES(Sec. Section 22. BP129 Section 23. BP129
COURTS (1) In the issuance of 19.BP 129, as over all cases The Supreme Court
writs of CPMQHI amended by RA decided by MTCs in may designate
which may be 7691) their respective certain branches of
enforced in any part "(1) In all civil actions territorial jurisdiction the Regional Trial
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
of their respective in which the subject Such cases shall be Courts to handle
regions; and of the litigation is decided on the basis exclusively:
(2) In actions incapable of of the entire record of 1. criminal cases
affecting pecuniary estimation; the proceedings had 2. juvenile and
ambassadors and "(2) In all civil actions in the court of origin domestic
other public ministers which involve the title and such memoranda relations cases
and consuls. to, or possession of, and/or briefs as may 3. agrarian
real property, or any be submitted by the cases
A. Petition for writ of interest therein, parties or required by 4. urban land
Amparo where the assessed the RTCs reform cases
B. Petition for Habeas value of the property which do not
Data involved exceeds fall under the
C. Petition for Twenty thousand jurisdiction of
continuing pesos (P20,000,00) quasi-judicial
mandamus or, for civil actions in bodies and
Metro Manila, where agencies
such value exceeds 5. and/or such
Fifty thousand pesos other special
(P50,000.00) except cases as the
actions for forcible Supreme
entry into and Court may
unlawful detainer of determine in
lands or buildings, the interest of
original jurisdiction a speedy and
over which is efficient
conferred upon the administration
Metropolitan Trial of justice.
Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts, and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts;
"(3) In all actions in
admiralty and
maritime jurisdiction
where the demand or
claim exceeds One
hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000.00)
or, in Metro Manila,
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
where such demand
or claim exceeds Two
hundred thousand
pesos (P200,000.00);
"(4) In all matters of
probate, both testate
and intestate, where
the gross value of the
estate exceeds One
hundred thousand
pesos (P100,000.00)
or, in probate matters
in Metro Manila,
where such gross
value exceeds Two
Hundred thousand
pesos (P200,000.00);
"(5) In all actions
involving the contract
of marriage and
marital relations;
"(6) In all cases not
within the exclusive
jurisdiction of any
court, tribunal,
person or body
exercising jurisdiction
of any court, tribunal,
person or body
exercising judicial or
"(7) In all civil actions
and special
proceedings falling
within the exclusive
original jurisdiction of
a Juvenile and
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
Domestic Relations
Court and of the
Court of Agrarian
Relations as now
provided by law; and
"(8) In all other cases
in which the demand,
exclusive of interest,
damages of whatever
kind, attorney's fees,
litigation expenses,
and costs or the
value of the property
in controversy
exceeds One hundred
thousand pesos
(P100,000.00) or, in
such other cases in
Metro Manila, where
the demand exclusive
of the
items exceeds Two
Hundred thousand
Criminal cases
20. BP129)
in all criminal cases
not within the
exclusive jurisdiction
of any court, tribunal
or body, except those
now falling under the
exclusive and
jurisdiction of the
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
Other cases
1. intra-
Securities and
2. Special
Agrarian Court
a. Determin
ation of
b. Criminal
under RA
3. Annulment of
MTC judgment
(Rule 47)
4. Civil cases for
of Copyright
and Unfair
5. Civil forfeiture
of monetary
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
FAMILY COURTS Section 5. RA 8369
(RA8369 Family a) Criminal cases
Courts Act of 1997) where one or more of
the accused is below
eighteen (18) years
of age but not less
than nine (9) years of
age but not less than
nine (9) years of age
or where one or more
of the victims is a
minor at the time of
the commission of
the offense: Provided,
That if the minor is
found guilty, the
court shall
promulgate sentence
and ascertain any
civil liability which
the accused may
have incurred. The
sentence, however,
shall be suspended
without need of
application pursuant
to Ptesidential Decree
No. 603, otherwise
known as the "Child
and Youth Welfare
b) Petitions for
custody of children,
habeas corpus in
relation to the latter;
c) Petitions for
adoption of children
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
and the revocation
d) Complaints for
annulment of
marriage, declaration
of nullity of marriage
and those relating to
marital status and
property relations of
husband and wife or
those living together
under different status
and agreements, and
petitions for
dissolution of
conjugal partnership
of gains;
e) Petitions for
support and/or
f) Summary judicial
proceedings brought
under the provisions
of Executive Order
No. 209, otherwise
known as the "Family
Code of the
g) Petitions for
declaration of status
of children as
dependent o
neglected children,
petitions for
voluntary or
commitment of
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
children; the
termination, or
restoration of
parental authority
and other cases
cognizable under
Presidential Decree
No. 603, Executive
Order No. 56, (Series
of 1986), and other
related laws;
h) Petitions for the
constitution of the
family home;
i) Cases against
minors cognizable
under the Dangerous
Drugs Act, as
j) Violations of
Republic Act No.
7610, otherwise
known as
the "Special
Protection of Children
Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and
Act," as amended by
Republic Act No.
7658; and
k) Cases of domestic
violence against:
1) Women -
which are acts of
gender based
violence that
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
results, or are
likely to result in
physical, sexual
or psychological
harm or suffering
to women; and
other forms of
physical abuse
such as battering
or threats and
coercion which
violate a
integrity and
movement; and
2) Children -
which include the
commission of all
forms of abuse,
neglect, cruelty,
violence, and
and all other
prejudicial to

METROPOLITAN (Sec. 33, BP129, as Section 35. BP129 (Sec.34, BP129, as

TRIAL COURTS, amended by RA In the absence of all amended by RA
MUNICIPAL TRIAL 7691) the RTC Judges in a 7691)
COURTS, AND Civil Cases province or city, any hear and determine
MUNICIPAL CIRCUIT "(1) Exclusive original MTC Judge may hear cadastral or land
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
TRIAL COURTS jurisdiction over civil and decide petitions registration cases
Metropolitan Trial actions and probate for: covering lots
Court- in each proceedings, testate 1. writ of habeas
metropolitan area and intestate, corpus 1. where there is
established by law, including the grant of 2. applications no controversy
Municipal Trial provisional remedies for bail in or opposition,
Court-in each of the in proper cases, criminal cases or
other cities or where the value of in the province or city 2. contested lots
municipalities the personal where the absent where the
Municipal Circuit property, estate, or Regional Trial Judges value of which
Trial Court -in each amount of the sit. does not
circuit comprising demand does not exceed P100k
such cities and/or exceed One hundred
municipalities as are thousand pesos
grouped together (P100,000.00) or, in
pursuant to law. Metro Manila where
AO33 such personal
property, estate, or
amount of the
demand does not
exceed Two hundred
thousand pesos
exclusive of interest,
damages of whatever
kind, attorney's fees,
litigation expenses,
and costs, the
amount of which
must be specifically
alleged: Provided,
That interest,
damages of whatever
kind, attorney's fees,
litigation expenses,
and costs shall be
included in the
determination of the
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
filing fees: Provided,
further, That where
there are several
claims or causes of
actions between the
same or different
parties, embodied in
the same complaint,
the amount of the
demand shall be the
totality of the claims
in all the causes of
action, irrespective of
whether the causes
of action arose out of
the same or different
"(2) Exclusive original
jurisdiction over
cases of forcible
entry and unlawful
detainer: Provided,
That when, in such
cases, the defendant
raises the questions
of ownership in his
pleadings and the
question of
possession cannot be
resolved without
deciding the issue of
ownership, the issue
of ownership shall be
resolved only to
determine the issue
of possession; and
"(3) Exclusive original
jurisdiction in all civil
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
actions which involve
title to, or possession
of, real property, or
any interest therein
where the assessed
value of the property
or interest therein
does not exceed
Twenty thousand
pesos (P20,000.00)
or, in civil actions in
Metro Manila, where
such assessed value
does not exceed Fifty
thousand pesos
exclusive of interest,
damages of whatever
kind, attorney's fees,
litigation expenses
and costs: Provided,
That in cases of land
not declared for
taxation purposes,
the value of such
property shall be
determined by the
assessed value of the
adjacent lots."

(Sec. 32, BP129, as

amended by RA
Criminal Cases
"(1) Exclusive original
jurisdiction over all
violations of city or
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
municipal ordinances
committed within
their respective
territorial jurisdiction;
"(2) Exclusive original
jurisdiction over all
offenses punishable
with imprisonment
not exceeding six (6)
years irrespective of
the amount of fine,
and regardless of
other imposable
accessory or other
penalties, including
the civil liability
arising from such
offenses or
predicated thereon,
irrespective of kind,
nature, value or
amount thereof:
Provided, however,
That in offenses
involving damage to
property through
criminal negligence,
they shall have
exclusive original
jurisdiction thereof."
Summary procedures
in special cases:
1. forcible entry
and unlawful
detainer cases
2. those
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction
violations of
traffic laws,
rules and
3. violations of
the rental law
4. and such
other cases
disposition as
the Supreme
Court may
5. small claims
200k (Rules of
Procedure in
small claims
cases AM 8-8-

SHARI'A DISTRICT over all cases tried in

COURTS Concurrent (a) All cases involving the Shari'a Circuit
PD1083 Jurisdiction with custody, Courts within their
existing civil guardianship, territorial jurisdiction
courts: legitimacy, paternity
and filiation arising
(a) Petitions by under this Code;
Muslims for the
constitution of a (c) Petitions for the
family home, change declaration of
of name and absence and death
commitment of an and for the
insane person to an cancellation or
asylum; correction of entries
in the Muslim
(b) All other personal Registries mentioned
and real actions not in Title VI of Book Two
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

mentioned in of this Code;

paragraph 1 (d)
wherein the parties (d) All actions arising
involved are Muslims from customary
except those for contracts in which
forcible entry and the parties are
unlawful detainer, Muslims, if they have
which shall fall under not specified which
the exclusive original law shall govern their
jurisdiction of the relations; and
Municipal Circuit
Court; and (e) All petitions for
(c) All special civil prohibition,
actions for injunction, certiorari,
interpleader or habeas corpus, and
declaratory relief all other auxiliary
wherein the parties writs and processes
are Muslims or the in aid of its appellate
property involved jurisdiction.
belongs exclusively
to Muslims 2. settlement of
estate of deceased

COURTS (1) All cases involving
offenses defined and
punished under this

(2) All civil actions

and proceedings
between parties who
are Muslims or have
been married in
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

accordance with
Article 13 involving
disputes relating to:

(a) Marriage;

(b) Divorce
under this

(c) Betrothal
or breach of
contract to

(d) Customary
dower (mahr);

(e) Disposition
distribution of
property upon

and support,
gifts, (mut'a);

(g) Restitution
of marital
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

(3) All cases involving

disputes relative to
communal properties.

SANDIGANBAYAN RA 1379 Over judgment of RTC

Civil cases for whether in the
illegally acquired exercise of its original
wealth or appellate
APPEALS division CRIMINAL 1. Decisions of
RA 9282 OFFENSES the CIR in
-reviewable by CTA cases
en banc analogous "1. Exclusive involving
to Rule 43 original disputed
jurisdiction assessments,
over all refunds of
criminal internal
offenses revenue taxes,
arising from fees or other
violations of charges,
the NIRCor penalties in
TCC and other relation
laws thereto, or
administered other matters
by the BIR or arising under
the BOC: the NIRC or
Provided, other laws
however, That administered
offenses or by the BIR;
mentioned in 2. Inaction by
this paragraph the CIR in
where the cases
principal involving
amount o disputed
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

taxes and assessments,

fees, exclusive refunds of
of charges and internal
penalties, revenue taxes,
claimed is less fees or other
than One charges,
million pesos penalties in
(P1,000,000.0 relations
0) or where thereto, or
there is no other matters
specified arising under
amount the NIRC or
claimed shall other laws
be tried by the administered
regular Courts by the BIR,
and the where the
jurisdiction of NIRC provides
the CTA shall a specific
be appellate. period of
Any provision action, in
of law or the which case
Rules of Court the inaction
to the shall be
contrary deemed a
notwithstandin denial;
g, the criminal
action and the 3. Decisions,
corresponding orders or
civil action for resolutions of
the recovery the RTC in
of civil liability local tax cases
for taxes and originally
penalties shall decided or
at all times be resolved by
simultaneousl them in the
y instituted exercise of
with, and their original
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

jointly or appellate
determined in jurisdiction;
the same
proceeding by 4. Decisions of
the CTA, the the COC in
filing of the cases
criminal action involving
being deemed liability for
to necessarily customs
carry with it duties, fees or
the filing of other money
the civil charges,
action, and no seizure,
right to detention or
reserve the release of
filling of such property
civil action affected, fines,
separately forfeitures or
from the other
criminal action penalties in
will be relation
recognized. thereto, or
other matters
arising under
the Customs
Law or other
by the BOC;

"5. Decisions
of the CBAA in
the exercise of
its appellate
over cases
involving the
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

and taxation
of real
decided by the
provincial or
city board of

6. Decisions of
the SOF on
customs cases
elevated to
for review
from decisions
of the COC
which are
adverse to the
under Section
2315 of the
Tariff and

7. Decisions of
the Secretary
of Trade and
Industry, in
the case of
l product,
commodity or
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

article, and
the Secretary
of Agriculture
in the case of
commodity or
dumping and
duties under
Section 301
and 302,
of the Tariff
and Customs
Code, and
Republic Act
No. 8800,
where either
party may
appeal the
decision to
impose or not
to impose said


a. Over appeals from

the judgments,
resolutions or orders
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

of the Regional Trial

Courts in tax cases
originally decided by
them, in their
respected territorial

b. Over petitions for

review of the
resolutions or orders
of the Regional Trial
Courts in the exercise
of their appellate
jurisdiction over tax
cases originally
decided by the
Metropolitan Trial
Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts in
their respective

c. Jurisdiction over
tax collection cases
as herein provided:

1. Exclusive original
jurisdiction in tax
collection cases
involving final and
assessments for
taxes, fees, charges
and penalties:
Provided, however,
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

That collection cases

where the principal
amount of taxes and
fees, exclusive of
charges and
penalties, claimed is
less than One million
(P1,000,000.00) shall
be tried by the proper
Municipal Trial Court,
Metropolitan Trial
Court and Regional
Trial Court.

2. Exclusive appellate
jurisdiction in tax
collection cases:

a. Over appeals from

the judgments,
resolutions or orders
of the Regional Trial
Courts in tax
collection cases
originally decided by
them, in their
respective territorial

b. Over petitions for

review of the
resolutions or orders
of the Regional Trial
Courts in the Exercise
of their appellate
COURT Original Exclusive Original Exclusive Appellate Special Jurisdiction Delegated
Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction Jurisdiction

jurisdiction over tax

collection cases
originally decided by
the Metropolitan Trial
Courts, Municipal Trial
Courts and Municipal
Circuit Trial Courts, in
their respective

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