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FEM-Design Plate 13 - 2014-02-13

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STRUSOFT Basic training of FEM-Design Plate 13.0

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STRUSOFT Basic training of FEM-Design Plate 13.0



1.1 CODES 4



2.5 LOADS 19
2.5.1 LOAD CASES 19
2.5.3 LOADS 21
2.8 RESULTS 23




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STRUSOFT Basic training of FEM-Design Plate 13.0



The applied code affects on:

the material selection (built-in),
the automatic combination of load cases into load groups,
the reinforcement design,
cracked-section analysis.

Changing the code in a project removes material from the structural elements, so you have to
redefine the materials and the design data of the structure.


Define structure with FEM-Design tools (Structure, Edit & Draw menus).
Wizard for simple slab systems (Plate) and typical frame structures (3D Frame & Structure).
Model import & export within FEM-Design modules >
Export a slab system and its supports from Plate into 3D Structure module.
Export a story (slab & supports) from 3D Structure into Plate module.
Export a wall / wall system (on an axis) from 3D Structure into Wall module.
Open DWG / DXF files (only drawing import).
Attach (overlay) external references DWG-files into the model.
Open a 3D model defined in other CAD programs via IFC > (ArchiCAD, ADT, Tekla Structures, etc.).
Load one story with supports of a multi-storey building into Plate module.
Import complete 3D models, frames, etc. as architectural or structural models into 3D Structure
module from Tekla Structures or Autodesk Revit Structure (suggested for advanced users).

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The main menu shows you the steps of definition and modelling possibilities:

Structure > Commands for defining the geometry and the supports of the model.
Loads > Commands for defining loads, load cases, combinations and groups.
Finite elements > Commands for generating finite element mesh automatically or manually.
Analysis > Calculation of displacement, internal forces and reactions; displaying results.
RC design > Design parameters & results of reinforced concrete. RC design and checking.
Steel design > Design parameters & checking results of steel bars.
Timber design > Design parameters & checking results of timber bars.
Documentation > Module for defining documentation manually or by predefined templates.

At any time it is possible to go back and edit any previous made input.

The object layers are auto adjusted as Protected or Active depending on the selected menu. E.g. the
structural layers are protected when the Loads menu is selected.


Global (World) > Symbol > red, blue and green with 3 axes
Position & directions > fixed, not editable, absolute zero [0; 0; 0] point
Function > coordinates & directions, result values (Plate & Wall)

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Settings > hide/show (Settings/ All/ Window/ Co-ordinate systems)

User (UCS) > Symbol > 2 axes, green axis for X and orange axis for Y direction
Position & directions > arbitrary, depend on users (Insert; View/ USC)
Function > easy way for defining coordinates and directions in 2D
Settings > symbol size (Settings / All / Window / Coordinate systems)
Keyboard command > Alt+U

Local (Structural) > Symbol > 3 axes in arbitrary colours

Position & directions > fixed by objects. Recognized by the prime-sign in x, y or z
(Beam, Column, Plate, Wall and Edge connections Boundary conditions)
Function > results, standings and positions of objects (Beam etc.)
Settings > colours by axes (Settings / All / Display / Local systems)


Defining possibilities >

- Coordinate dialogue > Validity > in Global or UCS

Coordinate type > absolute (Origin) & relative (Last point)

- Command line > Validity > only in UCS

Coordinate type > absolute (Origin) and relative (Last point)

- Mouse & Snap tools > -- Grid (Settings/ All/ Window/ Grid)
-- Raster snap option (& Snap settings/ Normal)
-- End, Middle & Nearest point, Intersection, Center
-- Fixed directions: Orthogonal, Perpendicular, Tangent

- Function keys > -- F11: place point on a line/edge in a given distance (see later)
-- F12: place point in a distance from a previously defined one

Format & typing possibilities > (Examples are shown for UCS)

- Absolute >
Define a point with its coordinates (from Origin).
Definition ways >
-- Command line > X_Y Example: 4 2
(AutoCAD style) X,Y Example: 4,2
-- Coordinate dialogue > Origin, Example: X= 4, Y= 2

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- Relative (A) - Last point >

Define a point with its projection distances from
a point defined in the previous or last step.

Definition ways >

-- Command line > R_X_Y Example: R 6 -4

(AutoCAD style) @X,Y Example: @6,-4
-- Coordinate dialogue > Last point, Example: X= 6, Y= -4

- Relative (B) Arbitrary point >

Define a point with its projection distances from a previously defined point.
Definition steps >

1st step: Pick a point with a snap option.

2nd step: Click on F12.
3rd step: Set the projection distances in the dialog box.

Example: X= 2, Y= 4

- Relative (C) Point on a line/edge

Define a point on a line/edge with a given
distance of its nearest end point.
Definition steps >
1st step: Pick the line/edge near at its end
point by the Nearest point snap tool.
2nd step: Click on F11.
3rd step: Set the distances in the dialog box.
Example: d= 2

- Decimal point defined as . (point, not comma!).

- If you do not give Z value in 3D modules, its value will be automatically zero.

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Selection of one object > click on the object with the right mouse button (RB).
Selection of more objects >
-- Selection by Window (A) >
Objects will be selected that are fully in the
defined rectangular area. The end corner is
on the right from the start one. Start with LB.

-- Selection by Window (B) >

Objects will be selected that are fully in the
defined rectangular area and are crossed by it.
The end corner is on the left from the start one.
Start with left mouse button (LB).

-- Selection of objects independently and in more steps >

Use CTRL key and combine it with the previous selection
modes. Finish the selection with ENTER key.

-- Selection of objects defined by the same command >

Hold down SHIFT key and select one object with RB.
(There is no possibility for filtration.)
Example: selection of all columns with one click.

-- Selection of objects using filter >

Start a command and depending on what kind of command it is

the filter option shows valid objects that can be chosen. It is
possible to select and deselect objects, and when the selection is
done, and by selcting OK the command continues.

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Defining tools
Main tools
The Main tools
(An example for 3D plate command) Main
Define >
Tool for defining a new
object with given properties Default
at Default settings & Main settings
properties. It has other Defining
tools for geometry & directions.

Default settings >

It contains all the properties can be set for the new object (thickness, material, etc.).

Properties >
Tool for inquiring and modifying properties of previously defined object(s) (material, thickness, etc.)

Hole >
Tool for defining holes & cuttings in object regions.

Change thickness >

The only tool to modify the thickness of a region object (e.g. 3D plate) having different thickness
values (t1, t2 & t3).

Edge connection >

Definition tool of hinged and free connections between structural regions at their common edges.

Physical extent >

Definition tool for changing the physical extent of a region. Doesnt affect the analytical model.

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In this example we are going to build and calculate a plate by defining the structure geometry and loading
with the FEM-Design object definitions. The purpose is to get familiar with the object defining- and editing
tools and also the working structure from start to finish.

Open FEM-Design Plate and select code Eurocode (NA:Swedish).


Start with Structure/ Plate and its Define and Rectangular tools:

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The properties of the new slab can be set under Default settings. Click on the big button and you get a
dialogue with two pages.

The properties of the plate region must be defined before it can be designed. Define the thickness t as
0.25m and Material as C30/37. Set the Creep factor to 2 and the Shrinkage (effect) to 0.2. Click OK and
now we are back to the tool palette again.

The Shrinkage value is taken into consideration only in the calculation of the plate objects, because
the program models this effect as load (see later at loads, chapter 2.5).

Look at the command line and define the rectangular region with two opposite diagonal corner points. First
type 0,0 (Enter) and then 24,18 (Enter) in the Command line. Now the rectangular plate is defined. Press
the Zoom margin icon (or View/ Zoom margin).

To remove the bottom right corner, select the Hole command. The properties window will now grey out
some options.

At the bottom left corner of the FEM-Design-window the program shows what is expected from the user to
do. It should read Plate Hole Select region to add hole (LB, RB = Object). Select the plate to add a hole
in by right-clicking on it, then define the coordinates. First coordinate for the hole is 18,0 (Enter) and the
second can be defined as a relative coordinate from the previous coordinate by using the @-command. The
second coordinate is entered as @6,6 (Enter).

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The hole for the stairwell will be defined after the walls.


Next item is to define the plate supports. There are walls under the plate and the easiest way of defining
these conditions is to use the Structure/ Wall command.

For the plate calculation the walls are - although they have thickness - line supports with stiffness
against motion and rotation calculated automatically by the program from the geometrical and
material properties. A wall can be also modelled with the Line support command, but you have to
give the support conditions and stiffness values manually.

Use the Define and Straight Line tools. Set the support and material properties under Default settings.

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Set the wall thickness t1 and t2 to 0.2m and the height h to 3m. Set the connections to Hinged at the top
and bottom edges. Using these parameters the program will automatically create line supports along the
walls containing stiffness only against motion (the rotation will be free). The parameter e should be set to
0.000 (centre). This means that the line supports will be placed along and displayed in the centre line of the
wall. Set the material to C30/37, the Creep factor to 2 and Shrinkage to 0.2. Click OK to continue.
To place the walls snap on the top right corner (24,18), then the bottom right corner (24,6). The command
wants to continue placing the next wall, pause the command by clicking the spacebar. Be sure to snap using
the Endpoint or Intersection snap.

Continue placing the wall from (18,6) down to (18,0), either by snapping with the mouse or entering the
coordinates by keyboard.

By pressing Escape you will cancel all ongoing commands and be put in a basic state. You then have
to restart any command you were doing if you want to continue.

For the stairwell, be sure to have the Display Thickness button deactivated (Alt+D will toggle the command
on or off). With the Wall command still active, then place (do not press the mouse button!) the cursor over
the edge or the previous wall (18,6) and press F12.

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Enter the coordinates relative to the current point where the wall should start. X = -7, Y =0. Press OK to
place the first point of the wall, enter the second coordinate relative from the first point by writing @2,0 in
the command line. Now extend the walls between the last wall down to the bottom faade, one option is
to enter the coordinates or by snapping with the perpendicular snap: . Finish of the walls by placing one
between (11,0) and (13,0).

We skipped the hole for the stairwell during the definition of the plate but we can now take the hole by
opening up the Plate command again and select Hole and Rectangular.

Choose the plate to add hole in, select the orientation of the hole along one of the walls of the stairwell and
then place the hole by snapping on the corners of the stairwell.

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Next item is to define the column support. Use the Column command and its Define tool.

For the plate calculation the columns are - although they have sections - point supports with
stiffness against motion and rotation calculated automatically by the program from the geometrical
and material properties. A column can be also modelled with the Point support command, but you
have to give the support conditions and stiffness values manually.

Set the support and material properties under Default settings:

Set the connections at the endpoints to Hinged both in the y and z directions, the height is 3m. Define
square section by looking up a Concrete section, Square, 300mm. Finally set the Material to C30/37 and
the Creep factor to 2.

Give the insertion point of the column as an absolute coordinate; type 6,6 in the Command line. Add three
more concrete columns at the coordinates (6,12), (12,12) and (18,12).

As for the columns in the faade we will use steel columns HEA200. Open up the Column command and its
Define tool. Set all edge connections to Hinged, height to 3m and then define the cross section.

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If you choose a material that is not matching the profile selected in the Section tab you will get a
warning that the section and material do not match, and you will be asked to change. This is to
avoid mismatching materials and sections.

Use the grid-snap to be able to snap towards the grid and place the columns around the edges in the
coordinates (6,0), (0,0), (0,6), (0,12), (0,18), (6,18), (12,18) and (18,18). Deactivate the grid-snap. Take note
of which snap-features can be used for certain inputs, if an external reference is used Intersection or
Endpoint might be better to use.

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Next item is to define the beam working together and being under the slab (ribbed slab). Use the Beam

For the plate calculation the beam will contribute to an increased stiffness in the beam definition
line. However - the beam is also calculated as a separate beam calculation including all beam
analyses- and design results.

Under Default settings you can set the properties of the new beam. In the Section tab look up Concrete
sections, Rectangle and browse down to 250x750:

The next figure shows the real state and the model defined in FEM-Design:

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At Section look up a Concrete section with the dimensions 250x750. As End conditions check the Consider
eccentricity in calculation box and select the left picture to define how the eccentricity should be applied.
Check the box to apply the same end conditions at both ends and set the eccentricity to z = 750/2-250/2 =
250mm = 0.25m.

Set the material to C30/37 (same with the plate, because we would like to define a ribbed slab) and the
Creep factor to 2. Click OK.

Draw the beam as a line, so define its start and end point.

The beam should be placed along the free edge of the plate along the x-axis. From (0,0) to (11,0) pause for
the wall and continue at (13,0) to (18,0). The beam will now be continuous over the column that we placed
in the earlier chapter. Pause the command by pressing spacebar and continue to define beam, take note of
what it says in the bottom left corner about start- and endpoints..

Now the geometry looks like this:

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For this example we will define the dead load of the structure, the shrinkage effect and one surface live
load working over the whole plate. Normally you perhaps want to divide the live load into several stripes or
pattern (apply Edit/ Region operation/ Split region for the surface load (= region), see User manual),
depending on if calculating max field- or support results. This is not done automatically by the program and
thereafter you also have to make corresponding Load combinations. If you define Load groups the program
automatically generates the most unfavourable combinations of the load cases (see User manual). For
dynamic calculations (vibration shapes and eigenfrequencies) you have to define Masses (see User
manual). In the next chapters the load cases and their manual combination (load combination) will be


Define names for load cases with Loads/ Load cases.

The program on the basis of selected material and the thickness of the plate are now calculating
the dead load. No load input is required. However if you want to add some other dead load (e.g.
weight of filtration, layer-system), besides the slab concrete, you have to add this as an additional
surface load.

Load case types >

-- + Structural dead load The case contains the auto-dead load (as invisible load).
-- + Shrinkage The case contains the shrinkage effect (see the next figure).
-- Ordinary The case contains only the user-applied loads (e.g. surface load), so there is no
other special, additional effect.

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The theory of shrinkage effect (Only works together with applied reinforcement! See chapter

Define cs [] as material property

Specific rotation (curvature) /1m:

Every load case can be given a separate load coefficient in the ultimate- and serviceability state later on in
the Load combinations.


Start Loads/ Load combinations. We will now create two load combinations, one for Ultimate limit state
(ULS; Type: U) and one for Serviceability limit state (SLS; Type: S). The program also contains two other limit
states, Accidental load-limit state (Ua) and Seismic limit state (Us), but those are not covered in this course.
Create one ULS-combination (Enter a name that fits the load combination: ULS Live Load as main load or
something shorter but still recognizeable; for internal forces, reactions and RC design) and one SLS-
combination (SLS with Shrinkage; for deformations and cracks). The name of the load combination makes
it much easier to recognize the results. Set the load case factor (Factor) to 1.5 to live load, 1.35 for dead
load in ULS-combination and 1.0 for all other load cases in order to correspond with the results in this
documentation. Normally you will of course give the code dependent factors for the different load
combinations, using 0, 1, 2 etc.

List of the load combinations:

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2.5.3 LOADS

After defining the automatic dead load and shrinkage as load case types, place the live load as surface load.
First choose the load case name from the drop down list in the Loads menu (choose Live load). Start Loads/
Surface load and select the Pick existing region tool. Set the intensity value (q1, q2 and q3) to 3kN/m2.

You can apply built-in standard intensity values too for surface loads by clicking on the symbol next to q1
value and by choosing a value from the popup list.

Finally select the region for the load by right mouse button click (RB) anywhere in the plate.

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RC design needs initial reinforcement in the slab to calculate required reinforcement and design forces. As
you define a concrete plate, the program automatically put the so called parametric reinforcement into
place. You can show it by clicking on the RC design/ Surface reinforcement command. You can modify the
initial settings (steel bar quality, bar diameter and concrete cover) by selecting the plate by the Properties
tool (no 3 in the picture below). You may also modify the bars default direction (parallel with global X and
Y) with the direction tools. These directions will be taking into consideration in the design calculations:
required reinforcement in x or y and design forces (e.g. Mx). Also these directions define the directions of
the applied reinforcement (see chapter 2.8.2).

Change the allowed crack width to 0.4mm for both top and bottom according to the picture below. Note
that it is here you specify if you want calculate with/without min. reinforcement.

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We are now going to start FEM-analysis together with calculating the amounts of required reinforcement
(=RC design).
In the RC design-tab choose the first icon: Calculate. Select Load combinations for Analysis and Design
calculations. Activate Peak smoothing option in order to cut the moment peaks above the critical support
connections (see User manual). Start the calculations by clicking on OK, this should only take a few seconds.

During the calculations (before the analysis starts) the program automatically generates the finite element
mesh of the plate model (learn more about finite element mesh generation in User manual, chapter 9).


The calculation is now completed and we have results for FEM-analysis and reinforcement calculation
based on the input data (parametric reinforcement) we have entered.

Lets have a look at some different results. The program shows the possibilities (the command) of
displaying results next to the Calculate icon (the red -sign). Present and previous presented results will be
stored under the -button.

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Graph >

Click on New result, choose Analysis/ Load combinations/ Displacements, and select SLS with Shrinkage
(SLS combination). Finally click on OK. Click on Display options and in the dialogue you can see the
maximum value of displacement and a suggested scale to show the graph in 3D (normally it works very

The result is shown as a 3D graph, so we need to rotate the image in 3D to be able to view the graph. Use
the Space view command (View menu), icon or fast-key combination Alt+F9 to see the model in a built-in
general 3D view. Click on View/ Zoom margin, if some part of the image is not visible. The image will then
be zoomed to a size that will make the whole graph, as well as a small margin, visible on your screen.

We can now add some numeric values. Choose Numeric value . Specify the text size and the number
of decimals you want to use: click on Default settings and set the text size to 8 and the number of decimals
to 1 (because the default unit is millimetre for the displacement).
There are different ways to show numeric values:

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Absolute max/min (one value)
All local max/min
Selected object

With Select you can show numeric values in the nodes of the graph: use RB mouse click for one point or box
selection (LB) for more points.
With Find only absolute maximum/minimum and Maximum of absolute values tools you may show the
maximum displacement of the model by selecting the plate region with RB. You can see the result of this
procedure in the next figure.

By applying Find all local maximum/minimum and Minimum and maximum tools for the plate region (with
RB) the program shows all maximum and minimum values of the 3D displacement function.

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Contour lines >

Presenting displacements by contour lines can be good way to show the deformations in steps of
1mm/step, like a topographical map. But it will also be possible to present other types of results with
contour lines, like moment in the X-direction for instance.
Select a new result (the red -sign) and choose Analysis/ Load combinations/ Displacements, select SLS
with Shrinkage (SLS combination). Before pressing OK, select to present the values as Contour lines at the
very right of the result-selection-box.

The image is still rotated in 3D, which is not very suitable in this case. Apply Plane view (Alt+F1) to see the
result in top view. The scale can be seen in the legend with a scale from |max value|. (Positive values -
camber, are presented as red and negative, while deflection as green lines by default). To change the
spacing between the line, use the Display Options button:

Depending on which result type that is present the Display Options has different looks. To change the step,
select Continuous Palette and enter 1.0 in the step-box, while still in the step-box press enter once and
then press OK. The steps should now change and be much denser, see picture below.

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To present the numerical values of the contour lines, choose the Numerical value button and select two
points. The program will show the numerical value of the contour lines if they cross the user input line. This
step can be repeated until the user is satisfied.

From here

To here

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Now to present the internal force Mx as contour-lines first, then as colour palette.

The meaning of Mx as analysis result (in Plate and Wall modules):

Mx = bending moment around Y axis of the global coordinate system!
The meaning of Design forces, bottom, Mx as design result (in Plate and Wall modules):
Mx = bending moment around Y direction of the parametric reinforcement bars in the bottom
surface = design moment for X-directional parametric bars in the bottom surface!
Click on New result, choose Analysis/ Load combinations/ Plate internal forces / Mx, select Ultimate Live
Load as Main Load (ULS combination) and Contour lines. Finally click on OK.

The image might still be rotated in 3D, which is not very suitable in this case. Apply Plan view to see the
result in top view.

Colour palette >

Lets see Mx with colour palette too. Click on New result, choose Analysis/ Load combinations/ Plate
internal forces / Mx, select Ultimate Live Load as Main Load (ULS combination) and Colour palette. Finally
click on OK. In the Palette dialogue you can choose from two display mode types such as contour lines:

1. Continues mode: Colours by uniform steps between a maximum and minimum limit (Band width &
Set width).
2. Discrete mode: Colours at different values (non-uniform distribution)
(Value, Current colour & Insert).

Numeric values are marked in the same way as at graph. The exception is that, when we use the Select tool,
we can ask numeric values where we click on the figure (the program puts a cross symbol in that place).

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Click Others on the Surface, colour palette and you can also display with deformed shape.

Section >

Lets see Mx in a global x-directional section defined above the column. Click on New result, choose
Analysis/ Load combinations/ Plate internal forces / Mx, select Ultimate Live Load as Main Load (ULS
combination) and Sections. Finally click on OK. Click Display options and in the Section parameters dialogue
you can set a scale for the diagram (modify Scale factor to 0.03). Define the position of the section with a
given line, so a start and end point. You may define more than one section on the same drawing. In the
next figure we can also see the result of peak smoothing above the columns.

Start End

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Main directions >

Lets see bottom required reinforcement values in both x and y directions (in parametric reinforcement
system). Click on New result, choose RC Shell/ Required reinforcement/ bottom and select Ultimate Live
Load as Main Load (ULS combination). Finally click on OK.

Single bar result >

Lets first see the My of a beam as a graph. Click on New result, choose Analysis/ Load combinations/ Bar
internal forces / My, select Ultimate Live Load as Main Load (ULS combination) and Graph. Finally click on
OK. Click Display options and in the Scale dialogue you can set a scale for the diagram and some other

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If you would like to see all same-time internal force diagrams of the selected beam, you can do it with the
command Single bar result. Select the beam with mouse click on it, then set scale settings by choosing one
of the figure buttons (Common scale or Scale by figures) and colours for negative and positive values, and
finally click on OK. The result diagrams will be shown in a new window. You can anytime return to model
mode by navigating in the Window menu

Reactions >

Lets see the reaction forces in the point (column) and line (wall) supports. Click on New result, choose
Analysis/ Load combinations/ Reactions and select Ultimate Live Load as Main Load (ULS combination).
Finally click on OK. Click display options in page of the Reactions dialogue (Components) you can choose the
components you would like show to Point support, Line support, Surface support or Resultant forces. The
directions are valid in the global system. The meanings are: F = force and M = moment. Under Others you
can set the Hatch dist. and you can choose a Distribution display mode for the line reactions.

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For line supports there are 4 different ways of showing the line reactions. Normally you will prefer the
Linear, Constant or Constant by element distribution. Here follows an explanation (f(x) the original,
calculated distribution of line reaction):

Lets show only the Fz components in the column and the walls.

Reaction forces can sometimes be good to use, but most likely for several storeys together, like stability
calculations or a load summary. In this case we turn them off by unchecking all fields under the Reactions-

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Before start using the design tools, lets first have a look at required reinforcement plots (New Result -> RC
Shell -> Required reinforcement). The two results shown below are x bottom and y bottom.

At the lower part of the slab the required reinforcement is 400-500 mm2/m, it is clearly visible that the
requirement is lower where the lines of columns are affecting the slab. The minimum reinforcement is a
requirement for where the concrete is in tension, for this plate it is ~340 mm2/m.

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The top face of the slab has a required reinforcement of close to zero in field and almost 1300 mm 2/m over
the columns, and close to 1500 mm2/m at the end of the wall.

Applied reinforcement can be placed manually, or FEM-Design can place the reinforcement automatically.
Well use Auto design to apply the required amount of reinforcement.

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Start the Auto design function. Click on plate P.1 and Parameters

Choose B500 10 s300 as bottom base net. Set additional reinforcement in bottom as 8, 10 and 12
s300. Set top base net to 4 s300. Choose 10, 12, 16 s150 (or s300 if you think s150 is too dense) as top
face additional reinforcement.

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Click on Design to start the automatic design.

The result now shows if the utilization is ok or not. RBX, RBY, RTX and RTY stands for Reinforcement
Bottom/Top X/Y and shows if the reinforcement is enough for the loads on the structure. The program
designs the reinforcement to cover the need.
CWB and CWT stands for Crack Width Bottom/Top and is only a check of the cracking towards the value
entered in section 2.6. The program doesnt design reinforcement for cracking or deflections (serviceability
limit states), only for ultimate limit state.
The utilization for cracking are calculated as:
Actual crack width = CWB (or CWT) * Allowed crack width.
In our case we have 0.79*0.40 = 0.316 mm.

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As you can see by the plot, anchoring lengths are taken into consideration.

FEM-Design recalculates the defined reinforcement to the equivalient amount using the
parameters defined in Calculation parameters. If the Calculation parameters doesnt
conform with applied reinforcement parameters the Applied reinforcement plot may show a
different area than what has been defined.

When reinforcement is applied, it is also possible to check cracks (based on linear calculation).

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Lets see punching check of the slab above columns. First of all, we must enter some parameters for the
punching calculation at RC design. Choose the command Column punching. Click on Design calculation
parameters and choose the type of the column according to its position. In this example choose Calculate
automatically and click on OK. Mark the column by clicking on it with the right mouse button.

Run FEM-Design design calculations again (Analysis & Design) and after it punching result can be displayed.
Click on New result, choose RC Punching -> Utilization and select Ultimate Live Load as Main Load (ULS
combination). Finally click on OK. The column may be presented in three different colours:
- Green means the slab is OK for punching.
- Yellow means the slab is OK, but the utilization is 80-100%.
- Red means that the slab failed.

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Check detailed results by selecting the column using the magnifying glass.

Use the Auto design command to insert punching reinforcement.

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After defining applied reinforcement we are able to run cracked-section analysis for our concrete
structure by taking care of the changes in stiffness in the plate based on cracked elements and the (applied)
reinforcement. This calculation is used to verify that the plate thickness is approximately good for the
displacements. The analysis is done by iteration steps as the followings (the left diagram shows the load
levels by iteration steps and the right one the procedure of displacement calculation). When the cracking
calculation is run, the analysis will be run in load steps, until there is equilibrium for each step. The stiffness
of the elements will be recalculated in each run. The iteration will stop when the disparity with the previous
calculation goes below a certain value.

It works only for serviceability limit state (=SLS load combination).

Go to command Calculate. At Analysis/ Load combinations activate Cracked section analysis and at
Checking/ Load combinations and press OK. The analysis starts together with checking the concrete slab by
taking into consideration the user-defined reinforcement.

Lets see the displacement from cracked section analysis (the maximum was about 12.1 mm for the linear
Note that because of the applied reinforcement the shrinkage effect (load) also works.

For selected code the displacement is now approx. 12.8 mm. Now, lets see the results of checking:
missing reinforcement (New result/ Checking/ Load combinations). A plate example based on DWG

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FEM-Design has had dwg-support for over 10 years, close to 15 years now. In the end of 2011 we
introduced the External reference-command to be able to have a model that you could connect several
dwg-files to. In FEM-Design 11, we have made further refinements to this function. In this post we will
explain the function step-by-step.

Go into Edit > External reference..

Look out so the Display-box is ticked. Now use the >-button to search for the file.


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Now the program will ask for a few coordinates. First it is Origin. Most advisable would be 0,0.

Next step is to sort how the drawing should be orientated. Here it is advisable to select a coordinate along
the x-axis, entering a coordinate 1,0 is possible if you don't want to click out the direction in the 3D-space:

Third point is the direction of the Y-axis of the drawing. Select a point in the positive Y-direction to define a
plane in which the drawing will be inserted in:

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When the third point is selected, a dialogue-box will appear where the selected layers will be shown in the
FEM-model. If you have dual screens, the window might pop up on the first screen:

It is possible to tick the Do not show empty layers to condense the list with used layers. Check that the scale
is 1 unit = 1mm, depending on the scale of the drawing ofcourse. Be aware of that only the selected layers
will be shown in FEM-Design, so after setting the unit scale and layer filters select the layers that will be

Press OK. Now the drawing should appear in the modelling space, if not then the following steps might
guide you on the right track.

If the drawing isn't shown, but a file path near the insert point is shown, then the Display-option might not
be set.

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Open up the External reference-command again and select Properties, then right-click on the filepath-text.

Be sure to tick the Display-box.


Now the drawing should be shown in the model space. Using the polylines of the prepared dwg-drawing in
the model we can now speed up the modelling by using the Line by selection-tool for plates, walls and
beams among other objects.

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This is an example of how to place columns when we have no midpoint to snap the columns on. If you have
a x-ref and the columns are just shown with outlines (no centerline), it seems tricky to place the column in
the correct position. Shown below is a column 300x300 mm drawn on the CAD-drawing.

Start to define a concrete column, square 300. Material and end conditions can be arbitrary chosen by the
user for this exercise

The column insertion point (centre point) has to be moved into the middle of the squares diagonal. To find
this point use the Divider point tool at the bottom of the screen. The asked start and end points are the
opposite corner points of the square. Set the Ratio to 0.5 (middle 50%). Finally press Enter and the
column are now positioned nicely in the drawing.

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By setting the Ratio to 0 you will get the start point and 1 you get the endpoint. When the first column is
defined it is now possible to continue to place other columns in a similar way or by copy and selecting the
x-ref column-corner as a base point.

The Picture below shows how to multi-copy the columns into an array.

For circular columns the center-snap is a good tool for the placement, unless the x-ref circle would be an
polyline consisting of several small, straight lines. In that case snapping on lines on opposite sides of the

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Next item is the supporting wall definition. As the column is a point support in the calculation model, a wall
is a macro definition for a line support, with a calculated stiffness. The inserting line for the wall can be
positioned to the left or right in the visible wall object, in order to look nice (it is not a real eccentricity).
However, if you always leave the insertion line in the centre, the calculation model is good and input
mistakes are minimized, but the visualized presentation is not optimal. In this example we use the default
setting (middle).

Beware of creating small region parts to avoid too dense finite element mesh on them (see the
next figure).

Apply Tools/ Query command to measure the thickness (200mm) of the walls on the drawing. Start the
Structure/ Wall command. Inactivate Auto align option and select the Straight line tool. Under Default
settings define the height (2.60 m), thickness (0.2 m), material (C30/37) and statical system (Hinged)
Zoom in the left part of the plate. Snapping the wall insertion line to a dwg/dxf drawing can in some cases
be hard due to many selectable lines/points. The wall definition should be placed on the plate border line if

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Continue defining the walls around the structure. Dont forget to use the snap-function. A break/pause in
the wall definition can be made by pressing the Space-key. Then continue with the walls, the properties are
kept even if you close the Wall command and want to continue it later.

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