Lesson Plan: Catching 2: Prettyphoto
Lesson Plan: Catching 2: Prettyphoto
Lesson Plan: Catching 2: Prettyphoto
14th 17
Specific AK-1 experience and develop locomotor skills through a variety of activities
Learning AK-5 experience and develop ways to receive, retain and send an object,
Outcomes using a variety of body parts and implements and through a variety of activities
AK-11 demonstrate an understanding of basic rules and fair play
BK-2 recognize improvement in physical abilities
BK-6 experience how physical activity makes one feel
CK-1 begin to develop respectful communication skills appropriate to context
CK-5 display a willingness to play alongside others
DK-2 participate with effort in physical activities
DK-3 show a willingness to listen to directions and simple explanations
DK-4 participate in safe warm-up and cool-down activities
Introduction 1. Get the students attention and one-by-one get them to line up at the
(5 min.) door for gym.
2. In the gym, with the students seated at the center, explain the warm-up
Lara Buchmann-Duck Tuesday, Feb. 14th 17
Body of Lesson 1. Remind and explain the elements of catching to the students:
(9 min.)
- Keep your eyes on the object until it arrives in your hands.
- Get your body behind the object (i.e. in front of its flight path).
- If you see the ball passing to one side, move your whole body to
the side. Dont just reach your arms out to the side.
- If the object is arriving above your waist, your palms face
forward, your fingers point up, and your two thumbs should be
- If the object is arriving below the waist, your palms face
forward, your fingers point down, and your two pinky fingers
should be touching.
- As you receive the object with your hands, you should bend your
arms and bring the object in towards your body.
- Cues: Eyes on the ball; Get behind the ball; Hands together
(pinkies or thumbs touch); Bring to body.
2. Explain the main activity to the students: Triangle Toss and Catch
- Leader divides children into groups of three.
- Children spread out around activity space and form a triangle
with their group.
- Each group has a ball.
Lara Buchmann-Duck Tuesday, Feb. 14th 17
Closure 1 When we have ran out of time for gym, thank the students for their hard
(1 min.) work and participation, and praise their catching skills. Ask them to put
the materials away and line-up at the door to go back to the classroom.
Specific Learner Some students may need some extra help with catching the ball. Converse with
Considerations these students and give them extra support and guidance as needed.
and Adaptations