Master Computer Science (PO 2013) : English Taught Courses

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Master Computer Science (PO 2013): English taught courses** 17.10.


VNr German course title English course title Course convenor ECTS WS 16/17 Alg+Math Inf+Komm Prog+Soft ITS focus IT-Sec+Rel
focus focus focus focus
0 Scientific Methods and Technical Kranz 5 WPf
0 Advanced Context Pattern Analysis* Amft 5 Wahl Wahl Wahl
0 Wearable and Implantable Computing* Amft 7 Wahl Wahl Wahl
0 Embedded Systems Programming* Kranz 7 Wahl WPf
0 Mobile Human-Computer Interaction* Kranz 8 Wahl WPf
0 ITS-Praktikum* ITS Practical Sauer; Forster- 9 WPf
Schuller; Amft;
0 Vernetzte Dynamische Systeme Networked Control Systems Wirth 6 Wahl
0 Warteschlangen Queueing Systems Wirth 6 WPf
5622 System Security System Security Posegga 5 Wahl Wahl Wahl
5670 Logik fr Informatiker Logics for Computer Scientists Kreuzer 7 WPf
5720 Modellierung und Beherrschung Modeling and Control of de Meer 7 Wahl Wahl Wahl
komplexer Systeme Complex Systems
5721 Computer Networking and Energy Computer Networking III de Meer 6 de Meer WPf Wahl Wahl Wahl
5722 Funktionale Sicherheit Micro Controller Hardware de Meer 6 de Meer; Reiser Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl
5723 Computer Performance Evaluation* Computer Performance de Meer 6 Basmadjian Wahl WPf Wahl Wahl
5723 Methodological Foundations of Methodological Foundations of de Meer; 6 Wahl Wahl Wahl
Distributed Systems Distributed Systems Basmadjian
5724 Sicherheit in Netzen Network Security de Meer 6 WPf Wahl

** These courses will be taught in English if there is reasonable demand. page 1 of 4

Furthermore, there is a
Stud.IP generated list of English taught courses
WPf = compulsory elective module, Wahl = elective module
* has yet to be formally approved by board of examinees
VNr German course title English course title Course convenor ECTS WS 16/17 Alg+Math Inf+Komm Prog+Soft ITS focus IT-Sec+Rel
focus focus focus focus
5734 Learning Theory Learning Theory Sauer 9 WPf
5739 Geometric Modelling Geometric Modelling Sauer 9 Wahl WPf
5740 Transaktionssysteme Transaction Systems Freitag; Schenkel 7 Freitag WPf Wahl
5742 Semantische Technologien Semantic Technologies Freitag; Schenkel 7 WPf
5747 Datenbanktechnologien* Database Technologies Freitag 7 WPf
5753 Signalanalyse Signal Processing Forster-Heinlein 6 Wahl WPf
5756 Funktionalanalysis Functional analysis Forster-Heinlein 9 Wahl Wahl
5757 Fourier- und Laplace-Transformation Fourier and Laplace Transforms Forster-Heinlein 9 Wahl Wahl
5762 Entwurfsautomatisierung Electronic Design Automation Polian 7 Wahl Wahl WPf
5763 Entwurf robuster Systeme Design of Robust Systems Polian 7 Polian Wahl WPf
5767 Software-Hardware Codesign Software-Hardware Codesign Polian 6 Polian; Wahl Wahl
5771 Multimedia-Datenbanken Multimedia Databases Kosch 7 WPf
5772 Web of Things and Services Web Of Things and Services Kosch 5 WPf
5780 Computeralgebra Computer Algebra Kreuzer; Sauer 9 WPf
5782 Kryptographie Cryptography Kreuzer 7 Wahl WPf
5784 Codierungstheorie Coding Theory Kreuzer 7 Wahl Wahl
5790 Struktur und Implementierung von Compiler Construction Beyer 7 WPf
5800 Mixed Reality Mixed Reality Kranz 5 Wahl WPf
5802 Spatial Augmented Reality Spatial Augmented Reality Kranz 5 Wahl WPf
5803 Context Recognition Architectures Context Recognition Kranz; Hlzl 5 Wahl WPf
5807 Programming Applications for Mobile Programming Applications for Kranz 7 Wahl WPf
Interaction Mobile Interaction

** These courses will be taught in English if there is reasonable demand. page 2 of 4

Furthermore, there is a
Stud.IP generated list of English taught courses
WPf = compulsory elective module, Wahl = elective module
* has yet to be formally approved by board of examinees
VNr German course title English course title Course convenor ECTS WS 16/17 Alg+Math Inf+Komm Prog+Soft ITS focus IT-Sec+Rel
focus focus focus focus
5810 Statistische Datenanalyse Statistical Data Analysis Mller-Gronbach 9 Wahl Wahl
5811 Stochastische Prozesse Stochastic Processes Mller-Gronbach 9 WPf
5812 Stochastische Simulation Stochastic Simulation Mller-Gronbach 7 WPf Wahl
5815 Computational stochastic processes Computational Stochastic Mller-Gronbach 6 WPf
5820 IT-Sicherheit Advanced IT-Security Posegga 6 Posegga Wahl Wahl Wahl WPf
5821 Wireless security Wireless Security Posegga 5 Posegga Wahl Wahl WPf
5822 Security Insider Lab II - System and Security Insider Lab II Posegga 12 Wahl Wahl Wahl
Application Security
5823 Security Insider Lab I - Infrastructure Security Insider Lab I Posegga 12 Posegga; Bilzhause; Wahl Wahl WPf
Security Belgacem
5824 Cloud Security Cloud Security Posegga; Reiser 6 Reiser Wahl
5842 Software Engineering II Software Engineering II Beyer 7 Wahl WPf Wahl Wahl
5843 Software Verification Software Verification Beyer 7 Wahl Wahl WPf Wahl Wahl
5853 Empirische Methoden fr Informatiker Empirical Methods for Computer Apel 6 Siegmund, J WPf
5880 Dependable Distributed Systems Dependable Distributed Systems Reiser 6 Wahl Wahl
5881 Privacy Enhancing Techniques Privacy Enhancing Techniques Posegga 3 Cuellar Wahl
5942 Social and User Centered Aspects of Social and User-Centred Aspects Granitzer 6 Granitzer Wahl
Web-based Information Systems of Web-based Information
5944 Web Mining Project Web Mining Project Granitzer 6 Wahl WPf
5946 Visual Analytics Visual Analytics Granitzer 7 WPf
5951 Intelligent Audio Analysis Intelligent Audio Analysis Schuller 5 WPf
5953 Intelligent Systems (Lab course) Intelligent Systems Schuller 5 WPf
5962 Control of Stochastic Systems Control of Stochastic Systems Wirth; Kawan 2 WPf Wahl

** These courses will be taught in English if there is reasonable demand. page 3 of 4

Furthermore, there is a
Stud.IP generated list of English taught courses
WPf = compulsory elective module, Wahl = elective module
* has yet to be formally approved by board of examinees
VNr German course title English course title Course convenor ECTS WS 16/17 Alg+Math Inf+Komm Prog+Soft ITS focus IT-Sec+Rel
focus focus focus focus
5963 Mathematische Systemtheorie Mathematical Systems Theory Wirth 9 Wirth WPf
5968 Regelung und Robotik Control and Robotics (Lab) Wirth; Schwarz 7 WPf
5971 Machine Learning and Context Machine Learning and Context Amft 6 Amft Wahl Wahl WPf
Recognition Recognition
5980 Text Mining Text Mining Handschuh 7 Wahl WPf Wahl
5981 Text Mining Project Text Mining Project Handschuh 8 Handschuh Wahl WPf Wahl

** These courses will be taught in English if there is reasonable demand. page 4 of 4

Furthermore, there is a
Stud.IP generated list of English taught courses
WPf = compulsory elective module, Wahl = elective module
* has yet to be formally approved by board of examinees

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