Master Computer Science (PO 2013) : English Taught Courses
Master Computer Science (PO 2013) : English Taught Courses
Master Computer Science (PO 2013) : English Taught Courses
VNr German course title English course title Course convenor ECTS WS 16/17 Alg+Math Inf+Komm Prog+Soft ITS focus IT-Sec+Rel
focus focus focus focus
0 Scientific Methods and Technical Kranz 5 WPf
0 Advanced Context Pattern Analysis* Amft 5 Wahl Wahl Wahl
0 Wearable and Implantable Computing* Amft 7 Wahl Wahl Wahl
0 Embedded Systems Programming* Kranz 7 Wahl WPf
0 Mobile Human-Computer Interaction* Kranz 8 Wahl WPf
0 ITS-Praktikum* ITS Practical Sauer; Forster- 9 WPf
Schuller; Amft;
0 Vernetzte Dynamische Systeme Networked Control Systems Wirth 6 Wahl
0 Warteschlangen Queueing Systems Wirth 6 WPf
5622 System Security System Security Posegga 5 Wahl Wahl Wahl
5670 Logik fr Informatiker Logics for Computer Scientists Kreuzer 7 WPf
5720 Modellierung und Beherrschung Modeling and Control of de Meer 7 Wahl Wahl Wahl
komplexer Systeme Complex Systems
5721 Computer Networking and Energy Computer Networking III de Meer 6 de Meer WPf Wahl Wahl Wahl
5722 Funktionale Sicherheit Micro Controller Hardware de Meer 6 de Meer; Reiser Wahl Wahl Wahl Wahl
5723 Computer Performance Evaluation* Computer Performance de Meer 6 Basmadjian Wahl WPf Wahl Wahl
5723 Methodological Foundations of Methodological Foundations of de Meer; 6 Wahl Wahl Wahl
Distributed Systems Distributed Systems Basmadjian
5724 Sicherheit in Netzen Network Security de Meer 6 WPf Wahl