The Supermarket Revolution in The Balkan Countries - Serbia
The Supermarket Revolution in The Balkan Countries - Serbia
The Supermarket Revolution in The Balkan Countries - Serbia
Faculty of Economics, University of Novi Sad, Segedinski put 9-11, Subotica, Serbia
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Volgina 15, Belgrade, Serbia (
In this paper, we have analyzed the modern grocery retail trends in Serbia in the transition
process as well as its influence on the end consumer. Our research has shown that the retail market
in Serbia is still immature, as it is of low concentration; it has poor format structure and under-
represented private label market share. The supermarket revolution has so far not brought any
benefits to the consumers in the sense of lowering food prices. Compared to the base year (2004-
2006=100), in the year of 2012 the prices of apples in retail grew by 83%, retail prices of milk grew
by 119%, potato by 87%, beans by 106%, pork by 60% and chicken by 83%.
Key words: supermarket revolution, profit margin, transition, food prices, monopoly
targeting affluent consumers to attending the Based on the basic indices (2004-2006=100)
needs of middle and low income consumers of producer and retail prices of fruit (apples),
(Humphrey, 2007), it is not surprising that vegetables (potato and beans) milk, and meat
the economic difficulties in countries of CEE (pork and chicken) in the period of 2000-2012,
have not destroyed their popularity. Up to 30% we have analyzed the influence that changes in
of 44.3 million shoppers in the 11 monitored the retail trade sector have on the development
CEE countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, of food prices. The most important source of
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, data for the analysis was the Statistical Office
Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia of the Republic of Serbia and the Statistics
and Ukraine) prefer supermarkets as the main Division of FAO. The approximate timeframe
FMCG1 retail channel (GFK, 2010). of the analysis of the presented phenomena
was the period of 2000-2012. It is necessary to
The latest analysis of global movements emphasize that there are certain variations in the
on the retail market shows that modern retail analyzed period, caused by data unavailability
industry is successfully recovering from the and by frequent methodological and statistical
World Economic Crisis. The revenue of the changes in the work of the Statistical Office.
worlds top 250 retailers rose 5.1% in the The beginning of the research is the year 2000,
fiscal year of 2011, up to US$4.271 trillion. the year of democratic changes which can
The average size of the Top 250 in 2011, as be considered the year when the process of
measured by retail revenue, topped $17 billion, complete trade liberalization started.
the composite net profit margin maintained
its level at 3.8% from 2010, and the composite
return on assets was 5.9% - slightly up from
5.8% in 2010 (Deloitte, 2013). Modern Grocery Retail Trends in
MATERIAL AND METHODS Urbanization in CEE, which brought
changes in lifestyle, a growth in income and
In this paper, we have analyzed the modern shifting family structures also resulted in
grocery retail trends in Serbia as well as changes in food habits of the population.
supermarket revolution influence on the end After the privatization of the retail sector in
consumer. CEE in the 1990s and the establishing of the
first supermarket chains, this region faced a
In our research, we started from the massive inflow of foreign supermarket chains.
following hypotheses: The retail sector in CEE countries shifted small
1) The changes in the trade sector in retailers towards larger formats, where foreign
Serbia take place spontaneously, without a clear companies dominate: Metro Group, Auchan,
vision and a development policy. Globus, Rewe Group, Rautakirja Group,
Tesco and Lotte. The biggest retail markets
2) The supermarket revolution has so far for packaged food and alcoholic beverages are
not brought enough benefits to end consumers. Russia (evaluated at over EUR 100.7 billion
Fast-moving consumer goods: products that are sold quickly and at relatively low cost.
in 2011), Poland (EUR 22.2 billion), Ukraine 2010). However, Serbia is at the bottom when
(EUR 21.0 billion in 2011) and the Czech it comes to shopping in hypermarkets and
Republic (8.5 billion EUR) (International discount stores. The percent of households
Markets Bureau, 2012). According to data from that supply themselves in supermarkets is
the year 2010 the average sales (of all products, the same as in Croatia (37%). It is noticeable
including food products) in retail chains in that Serbia has no true discount retail stores,
CEE was 1190.9 EUR/capita, and the average which participate with 1-13% in the market
sales through the network of modern grocery turnover in the other countries of the region.
retailers (largely multiples and chain stores) Serbia has a significantly worse structure of
and cash&carry/warehouse clubs was 979.2 retail chains than its neighboring transition
EUR/capita. The average food consumption, countries. A better retail chain structure exists
including spending on food services per capita in Slovenia, Croatia and Bulgaria, even in
in these countries was 1289.6 EUR in 2010. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Traditional stores
Comparison of this data with the data that with a relatively broad, but shallow spectrum
relates to Serbia, we can conclude that food of products, though jeopardized by large trade
consumption per capita in Serbia, as well as subjects, retain their dominance in the retail
the sale of food and non-food products in food turnover, partially due to insufficient
the retail network is close to the average in consumer mobility, slow public transportation
the CEE countries. We can also conclude that and the lack of large establishments in smaller
Serbia falls significantly behind the average in towns and villages (Ministry of Trade and
CEE countries when it comes to sale of food Services, 2008).
and non-food products through networks of
modern grocery retailers and cash&carry/ Besides the already mentioned poor structure
warehouse clubs (801.2 EUR vs. 979.2 EUR), of the retail format and its fragmentation,
which implies the insufficient development the under-represented private labels and the
of these formats. Slovenia, a former Yugoslav low concentration also speak in favor of the
republic, which has a highly consolidated retail immaturity of the Serbian retail market. In the
industry (Dmitrovi and Bodlaj, 2014) has sense of organization, the trade sector in Serbia
achieved the undisputed highest sales through is very fragmented. The data from the Statistical
modern retail formats (2348.6 EUR/capita). Office show that the number of stores in Serbia
doubled in 2005, compared to the year 1999
Household daily shopping structure (Table 1). For comparison, in the year 2006, the
through retail formats shows that Serbia is the trade sector participated with 43% in the total
regions leader in shopping in small grocery number of business entities in the Republic of
shops (55% of total grocery shopping) (GFK, Serbia.
Food Prices in Serbia comes from the Statistical Base of FAO, while
the data on retail prices comes from the
Based on the basic indices (2004-2006=100) Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. As
of producer and retail prices of fruit (apples), seen from the attached graphs, there is a trend
vegetables (potato and beans) milk, and meat in price growth for all chosen foods (Figures 1,
(pork and chicken) in the period of 2000-20122, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
we have analyzed the influence that changes in
the retail trade sector have on the development
of food prices. The data on producer prices
Except for beans, where the first year of analysis is
2006, due to data unavailability.
Agroeconomia Croatica 5:2015 (1) 1-10
6 Koviljko Lovre, Tatjana Papi Brankov