Greenfield - The Human Brain - A Guided Tour
Greenfield - The Human Brain - A Guided Tour
Greenfield - The Human Brain - A Guided Tour
A GuidedTlrtrr
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Ffow does the brain work? What does it actually do? These
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- questions have fascinated
beings over many centuries.
and chailenged
At last, however,
countless human
r re now have
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People are living longer, but not necessarily better. The
t fo,nt rt, /Ze;z.qrz wooc/eo^&,/, ee4c"tr4 devastating illnesses of old age that attack the brain, such as
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:,.d :r/,.ott ro c>ars- zt4y cl!,cta -trf1o Parkinson's and Alzheirner's diseases, are becoming more
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t,'Jt^ ;.. ,"..c:4 J{ life have led
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to a huge increase in psychiatric
sion and anxiety. In addition,
there is a growing
such as depres-
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Remote from the rest of the bodv in its own custom-built
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casing of skull bone, the brain has a consistency similar to a the body into the brain. Btrt if t-[re].rrain was the centre for
soft-boiled egg and has no intrinsic moving parts. Thus, it is thinking, what about the soul?
obviously not destined to take any physical strain or The Greek physician Galen (x.o. a29-199) pointed to a
participate in any large-scale mechanical actions. The part of the brain that was the least solid, the most ethereal,
Greeks crme to the conclusion that this insubstantial and and clearly discernible to the naked eye. Deep within the
secretive substance was the perfect site for the soul. Most brain is a labyrinth of interconnecting cavities, formed
importantly, soul was immortal: it had nothing to do with during development in the womb and containing a colour-
thinking. In fact, all the abilities we now attri.bute to the less fluid. This insubstantial-seeming fluid bathes the whole
brain, the Greeks localized in the heart or the lungs (there of the outer surface of the brain and spinal cord and is
was never total agreement about the precise location). The known as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It is often used in the.
immortal 'soul' was of course so sacred and elusive t].at the diagnosis of various neurological problems when sampled
silent, remote grey home provided for it by the brain from the lower portion of the spinal cord in a lumbar
presented a serious focus with alrnost mystical properties: puncture. Norma}ly, however, the CSF is reabsorbed into the
the Greeks imposed strict taboos against eating the brains of blood supply, so that fresh fluid is constantly being pro-
any animal. The soul in this case was quite explicitly a duced (about o.2 rnillilitres per minute in humans) and is
different entit5r from 'consciousness' and the 'mind' and all thus constantly circulating.
the other interesting properties that we now associate with It is easy to imagine how this mysterious swirling
our individuality and personality. substance, as opposed to ttre sluggish slurry of brain, might
Such quirky reasoning, where normal mental activities have been a good candidate for the substance of the soul. We
were not associated at all with the brain, changed with a now know tl at the CSF contains merely salts, sugars, and
great discovery made by Alcmaeon of Croton. Alcmaeon certain proteins. Far from being the seat of the soui, it has
showed that there were actual connections leading from tle even been disparagingly referred to as 'the urine of the
eyes to the brain. Surely, he claimed, this area must be the brain.' No one, even those who believe in an immortal soul,
seat of thought. This revolutionary idea tied in with now expects to find it in the brain. The mortal brain, which
observations made by two Egyptian anatomists, Herophilus everyone regards as obviously responsible for all our
and Erasistlatus, who managed to trace nerves - obviously thoughts and feelings, presents in itself the most tantaiizing
not identified as such at the time - leading from the rest of of riddles.
In this book ure are going to see how far we can progress
with answering the question: FIow does the brain work? But
this question is far too global and vague to have any meaning
in terms of actual experiments or observations. What we
need to do instead is to tackle more specific sub-questions
that nonetheless make a contribution to a final understand-
ing of this secretive mass of tissue in which, somehow, the
essence of our personalities is locked away.
The first topic we shall explore in this chapter is the
physical appearance of the brain. Imagine you were looking
at a brain in your hands: what you would be holding would
be a creamy coloured, wrinkled object weighing just over 1 l
kilograrn, on average about 1.3 kilograms. (See Figure 1-.)
The first feature you would notice is that the strange-looking
object, small enough to be supported in one cupped palm, is
made up of distinct regions of a particular shape and texture
that fold around each other and interlock according to some
grand scheme that we are only now beginning to discern.
The brain has the consistency of a raw egg with an overall ii&*
ground plan that is always the same. There are two clear ,*rta$l
are ali diiTerent in surface texture, as weil as varying slightly gland. Malpigiii's vis;iou \tiir$ [haL thet nervous system rvas
cord' wilh
in colour along the cream--pink-brown. spectrum. Further- like an invertecl tr-ee. The trunk was in the spinal
the nerves
more, if you turned the brain over and looked at the the roots in the brain ancl the branches in
the flrst part
underside, it would be easy to see still further different extending throughout ttre bocly' A little later' in
Flourens also
regions again distinguishable by colour, texture, and shape. of the eighteenth century, Jean-Pierre-Marie
the results
For the most part, each region is duplicated on either side of conclrrcled that the brain was homogeneous' frorn
experiments' Flourens employed a
the brain so that you could draw a line down the middle as of his rather ghoulish
an axis, about which the brain would be syrnmetrical. \rerysimplerationale:taremoveclifferentpartsofthebrain
on a
The different regions of ihe brain pile around the stalk- and see what functiorrs remained' He experimented
animals' methodically removing more
like brain stem and are divided up by neuroscientists in an variety of laboratory
ordered anatornical scheme. One way to think of these brain andrnoreoftheirbrainsandobservingtheeffects'Whathe
regions is as countries distinguished by boundaries. Often found. that all function$ grew progressively
these boundaries than selective functions becoming specifically
are very obvious: one rnight be a fluid- rather
undeniable logic, Flourens decided that
filled ventricle where we saw the soul was once thought to impaired. With
lurk, another might be subtly changed in texture or colour. distinct functions could. not be localized as such within
According to tkre recognized scheme, each region has a selective parts of the brain.
brain with no specialist parts
different name, but we will be gathering such labels (for This scenario of a uniform
example, cerebellum or brain stem) only as we need them. inspirecl the concept of mass action' It is an idea that still
to explain a
Rather than a cletailed ciocumentation of the anatomy of the persists today, in a less extreme form, in order
brain, our prime concern here is to discover how certain seeming miraculous but fairly frequent occurrence: when
regions contribute to the feats of sun'ival in the outside parts of the brain are destroyed, say by stroke' then,after
that at }east
world as well as to consciousness of that inner world, one's while, other intact parts appear to take over' so
most private place of thoughts and feelings. These issues some of the original function is rq'stored'
have tantalized people since long before the dawning of the In complete contrast to this idea is tfre view that the brain
a highty"
Decade of the Brain. can bo divicled into rigid compartments' each with
For some, such as Marcello Malpighi in the seventeenth specific function' The most famous proponent of
century, the brain functioned homogeneously, as a huge i /as Franz Gall, a cloctor born in Vienna in L758'
I very interested
delicate to probe
in the human mind, but he considered
surgically. Given the techniques
it too
of the
expanded to thirty-two to include,
map of the surface of the head was produced,
for exarnple, banality
- a
t, time,
he was probably
quite right. Instead,
more subtle way of studying
GaIl hit upon
the brain.
were localized
to whether the
to greater or lesser degrees, accord-
lumps were small or large in each
He developed the theory that if he studied the skulls of the
I dead and then saw how these matched up with the alleged
individual. The nagging
was not even raised of how
and still unanswerable
a specific mental
state might
characters of those people, then perhaps he could identify a
I of the human
instinct of reproduction,
and friendship,
love for one's
defensive instinct of
Caspar Spurzheim,
readout of an individual's
one of Gall's colleagues, coined
t irnit
God and religion,
e different
qualities - which were eventually
soul. Seen as a secular, objective system, stripped
need for bli.nd faith, phrenology catered superbly
of any
to the
I \' ,nfim-''"
growing number of people disaffected at tirat time with the appeal. 'I'he problslrr lvas .roiirl)ounded wlien, a i.;w yoars I II
church. later, another physician, the Austrian Carl Wernicke, dis-
Anotller advantage was, of course, tl:at it was a new way covered a different type of speech problem. In the patients rl
of making large amounts of money: phrenology pamphlets, that Wernicke .studied, there was damage to a completely I
books, and models all started to proliferate.
ogy became an integral part of many people's lives. Just as
Indeed phrenol- different part of the brain.
Tan, could articulate
In this case the patient,
words perfectly. The only problem
today items ranging from mugs to jewellery bear signs of the
zodiac, so in the last century walking canes, for example,
tVernicke's aphasia is t}.at the speech is often gibberish.
Words are jumtrled together in an incoherent sequence and
would have a tiny,
handle. But eventually
personalized phrenology
this fascinating,
bust on the
painless, and lucra-
fr-equently new words are invented
ing at all.
with no apparent mean-
tive endeavour was to run into trouble. The discovery of yet another area of the brain, clearly
In 1861, in France, the neuroanatomist
Paul Broca examined
and anthropologist
a man who was unable to speak. This
associated with, but linked
shows that the problem
to a different
for phrenology
aspect of, speech,
was not even a
man could
only say 'tan': he couldn't pronounce
hence he was ref'erred to as 'Tan', even though
any other
mislocation of the speech centre: Wernicke's
raised the even deeper issue that, irrespective
of location,
real name was Leborgne.
because six days after the examination
Tan earned his place in history
he had the misfor-
even the concept of a single speech
Bumps on the skull clearly do not represent different
centre is not valid.
brain F
tune to die, thereby giving Broca the chance to examine his functions. Irrespective of the absurdity of measuring bumps
brain. It turned
out that the area of the brain damaged was
different from tllat predicted by phrenology. On
on the skull as an index of brain function,
problem of how a cohesive behaviour, skill,
there is still the
sensation, or
some phrenology
in the lower
busts, the centre for }anguage is localized
part of the left eye socket, whereas in Tan,s
thought is translated into a physical
brain, and vice versa. The phrenologists
event somewhere
in the
that there
brain, the damaged area was a small region toward the front
of the left-hand side of the brain. Henceforth tJ'is part of the
was a simple one-to-one mapping
product - a complex function
of the complete finished
such as language - with a T
brain became knornrn as Broca's orea. single, small region. In retrospect it is easy to see that they
Because it did not match up with
observations such as these, phrenology
unequivocal clinical
started to lose its
were wrong, although the idea
ernotion, and so forth still persists in folklore
of centres of memorY,
views of the
brain. But if chunks of the brain are not rnerely passively redolent of the bumps on a phrenology bust. Alternatively,
and directly corresponcling to chunks of the outside wcrld, the idea of an ultimate superego, while understandable in
or chunks of our behavioural and mental repertoire, then psychiatric or moral terms, does not have a physical
what kind of alternative scenario can be envisaged? counterpart as such. There is no mini-super brain within the
John Hughlings-Jackson (i.835-j.9j.1), a British neurolo- brain directing all operations.
gist, viewed the brain as organized into a hierarchy. The Another attempt at a scherne for interrelating the function-
most primitive drives were kept in check by higher restrain- ing of gross brain regions to each other was developed by
ing functions that were increasingly more sophisticated, and Paul Maclean in the 1-94Os and 1.95Os. Again, Maclean
hs'ce most developed in humans. This idea was to have viewed the brain as a kind of hierarchy, but this time
inrplications for neurology, psychiatry, and even sociology. composed of three tiors: the most 'prirnitive reptilian,' the
Abnorrnal rnovements resulting from brain damage could more advanced'old mammalian,' and the most sophisticated
now be interpreted as an unleashing of lower functions, 'ne'w mammalian.' The reptilian brain, which corresp-
lnvoluntary rnovements from their normal restraining higher onded to the brain stem (tlle central stalk arising from the
inlluencos. similarly, sigmund Freud was able to refer to spinal cord), was responsible for instinctive behaviour. By
tho passionate drives of the 'id' as being restrained by tl'e contrast, the old mammalian brain was constituted from a
'ogo' (consciousness), which was kept in check by the series of interconnecting middle brain-level structures
<:onscionce of the 'superego.' Finallv, everl in t]le political known as the limbic system, which controlled emotional
{rrona, far boyond an individual brain, the anarchic behav- behaviour, particularly aggression and sex. Finally, the new
lorrr of an ungoverned mob could also be interpreted as rnamrnalian brain was the area for rational ttrought pro-
havlng escaped from a 'higher' controlling force. cesses housed in the outer layer of ttre brain. This outer
Alttrough Hughlings-|ackson's idea is appealing in that it region is kno'r,vn as the cortex, derived from the Latin for
llrovides an interesting common framework fcrr neurology, 'bark,' sirrce it covers the outer surface of the brain as does
llsychiatry, and even crowd trehaviour, the erroneous the bark on a tree.
nssrrrnption rnade by the phrenologists lurks here also. The Maclean referred to his concept as the triune brarn and
r:orrr;opt of a lrierarchy implies something must be at the top, maintained that much of the conflict arising from the human
llrnl tlrero rnust be some ultimate controller. Flowever, the condition resulted from a poor coordination between the
irlun of a single executive centre for memory or movement is three tiers. Although this theory might help us understand
BR'Arhls t't I
the literally
rnindless and unifbrm behaviour of masses at every clay. Theref'ore' crthel thirn size
::."I. .i1it'rri'r
species, such as reptiles, non-hurnan mammals, and is composed of different regions' If
it might be very
humans, might provide some clues to the puzzle. In the r significance of different brain regions'
and see how
helpful to turn once more to evolution
brains from different animals, the most obvious feature is
with those of other
individual human brain regions compare
that they vary in size. An easy deduction
of the brain is all important,
then is that the size ,
that the bigger the brain the :
as a reptile such as the crocodile
In species as different
more intelligent
An elephant's
is five times bigger than a human
and a bird
for the
as the cockerel'
brain nonetheless
a basic and consistent
starts to emerge' Some
brain: it weighs about B kilograms, but would we say that an ,
elephant is fir'e times more intelligent than a person?
regions have hardly changed at all over time: for example'
the stalk that rises from the spinal cord' the
brain stem' is I
Presumably not: some people clairn that since elephants are there
a lot
bigger than
on its own
it might
not be size that
the percentage of body
is I
recognizable as a landmark in most cases' llowever'
are variations on a theme: for example, in the cockerel'
the t
cerebellum, the 'little brain,' is about half of the total brain
weight that is made up of brain. The elephant brain is only
O.2 per cent of its body weight compared to the human
mass. In contrast, in certain fish the cerebellum
reach up to 9O per cent of the total mass of the brain.
can actually
brain,'which is 2.33 per cent of body weight.
cerebellum must have a function that is common in the
But percentage of body weight ;
is not the entire story: the range of animals, including humans,
behaviour of a wide
shrew's brain is about 3.33 per cent of its body weight yet no of
but is nonetheless particularly dominant in the repertoire
one would claim that the shrew is particularly intelligent - i ;
cockerels, and even more important still in flsh.
in fact, the shrew is not at all famous for what it tliinks. l with more sophisticated
For animals such as humans,
Perhaps the most celebrated fact about this little creature is :
lifestyles, the cerebellum constitutes a far smaller fraction of ;
what it needs to eat, namely its own body weight of insects the total brain. It seems reasonable to presume that the
I cerebellum
is not linked
repertoire of
to the moxe varied
of which we
certain areas of the cortex, but by no merns all" seem to have
a clear correspondence with brain inputs and outputs. For
I capable
and for which we rnust presumal-rly
brains. In contrast to the cerebellum,
have more
the brair_l
example, the brain sends signals from nerves from a highly
localized part of the cortex down through the spinal cord to
An important clue to brain function is that in more areas of the cortex - for example, the visual cortex and
I sophisticated animals the cortex is folded - convoluted - so
that its surface area has been able to increase while
auditory cortex - that receive and process signals from the
eyes and ears respectively. In a similar fashion, rlerves in the
stilll Humans have the least stereotyped, most flexible be so neatly classified. For example, a region toward the
I lit'estyle of all animal species, and it is believed tJre cortex
urust therefore in sorne way be related to liberating the
back of the
receives input
head at tle top (posterior
frorn the visual, auditory,
parietal cortex)
and domatosensory
I be ;rble to react in
accordance with
a specific, unpredictable
the dictates of a conrplex
range of impairments,
of the lesion.
according to the exact area and extent
These symptoms can include a failure to
rnore extensive the cortex, the more an animal will be able to recogriize objects by sight or touch, or a failure to recognize
I think
for itself. But what is reallv rneant bv t]e term with one sense -what has already been experienced with
another: for example, someone with parietal Iobe damage
I 'l'he
cortex is about
according to different
2 millimetres
thick and can be
into functions
might be unable to recognize
previously heLd wtrile blindfolded.
by sight a ball he or she had
As well as these disor-
v. ; ;..,.... a,s *.*si-li4r*.rysr*w@ebElfryA$48&&.+r,
be clumsy (apraxia) in manipulating nbjecis o!: e\ren dress- Retulrririg ti; the strategy of comparing specilrc brain
ing. They can confilse left and right and have disorders of regions in different species, \Me might expect that cortical
spatial skills. As well as these problems involving the main association areas were most marked in animals with the
sensory inputs and motor outputs of the. brain, damage to most sophisticated, individualistic iifestyles. Even com-
the parietal lobe can result in some very bizarre thinking. pared to our nearest relative, the chimpanzee, with whorn
For example, patients may deny that h.alf of their body our deoxyribonucleic acid (IINA) differs by only 1 per cent,
actually belongs to them. This phenonenon is part of a still the areas of association cortex are indeed several times
wider problem where they neglect all tactile, visual, and that it is these aleas of cortex not
greater. It is not surprising
auditory stimulation of that side of the body, movement or to processing
directly allocated to controlling
It is irnportant to realize that patients with damage to their and at the same time
our senses that are the most intriguing,
parietal lobes have fully operational sensory systems and
the harclest to understand in terms of exactly what they do
crn move their muscles perfectly well. Rather, the problem
and how they do it.
appears to lie in the massive coordination of senses and
For example, a large part of association cortex (see Figure
rnovement that we normally take for granted. Because it
2) is found at the front of the brain, the prefrontal cortex. Of
seems that in some v;ay the parietal cortex relates one
all tl.e regions of cortex, this region has demonstrated ttre
sensory system to another,
motor systerns, this cortical region has become known
or indeed sensory systems to
as the
most spectacular growth: during mammalian
has increased 3 per cent in cats, t7 pet cent in chimps, and a
evolution it
association cortex. But a cortical area such as the parietal
staggering 29 per cent in humans. The first clue as to the
cortex does not just act as a simple crossroads for the inputs
actual function of the prefrontal cortex is from a chance
and outputs of the brain. In addition, there are problems of
recognition for parietal patients, possibly leading to bizarre event that happened in 1B4B in Vermont.
denials of half their body: in turn, this 'neglect' can give rise At that time in the United States there was an enormous
to even wilder claims that their arm, for example, belongs to expansion of the railways. Phineas Gage was a foreman on a
someone else. Clearly then, the parietal cortex, like other railway gang ancl it was his job to push dynamite down a
hole in order to explode any obstacles that blocked the
most sophisticated
areas of cortex, must be responsible
and elusive functions
for the
of all: thinking, or passage where the track was going to be laid. In orcler to
as neuroscientists prefer, cognitive processes. apply the clynamite, Phineas had to use a rod-like
knor,rrn as a tarnping iron, which in this case tvas 3 feet Z prefrontal cortex. Arnazingly, after a brief period of uncon-
inches long, and at its widest point was i..25 inches across. sciousness, Phineas seemed to be remarkably unaffected by
One day Phineas was pushing dynamite down the hole such a dramatic colrrse of events. Once the infection had
with his tamping iron, when a tragic accident happened. By cleared up, his senses and movements were as though
chance, a spark ignited the dynamite prematurely and it nothing had ever happened.
exploded. Although there was a very hefty explosion, But as tirne went on, people started to notice a difference.
Phineas survived, but not without some injurv. He had been Whereas before he had been a cooperative and friendly
holdi^g his head to one side, such that the prernature perscln, Phineas now became overbearing, indecisive, arro-
ignition of the dynamite drove t} e tamping iron up through gant, obstinate, and uncaring for ottrers. In fact, he eventu-
the le{t-hand side of his skull. The iron went through the ally left his job on the railway and ended up living the rest
bone into the front of the brain, severely damaging his of his life as a fairground freak, touring with the tamping
iron still lodged in his brain.
After this incident, more startling cases of brain damage
were reported, al} rnore or less indicating the same idea: the
prefrontal cortex does not appear to be related to brute
survival skills such as breathing or regulating temperature,
or to the processing of any of the senses or the coordination
of movernent, but rather wittr the most sophisticated aspects
of our rnind, the essence of our personality and how we
react as individuals to the world. Such anecdotes are
immediatelv interesting because in retrospect they reveal
that our cb.aracters, which we think of as fairly fixed and
F IGURE 2 inviolate aspects of ourselves, are really at the mercy of our
( i,rrr[)ilrib-()n.f thc r;ortex of the human andchirnpanzee.
Note thatrnore of the physical brain: they are our brain. For current purposes they
r,or'lrrx of tho r;himpanzee is devoted to specific functions (shaded
wlttttrttls tlttt llttrrrail has mluy rnore parts of the cortex that are not allocated also raise less philosophical, more specifi.c questions regard-
r :1,irr l.l,s (trrrsh ircled areas) - association cortex - particularly in the
front of
llrrr lrlrrirr (lrrofrontal cortex). (Adapted frorn p. corsi ing the function of the area of brain in question, the
{ed.), The Enchanted
l,t n )tr r, ( )x li rld (Iniversitl' Press, 1.991.) prefrontal cortex. Is this single area that controls character a
24 THE HUMAN BRA' / V B fi ,A IN S W ITH IN I B R A Ii ' IS /)
of executive
of character
was even too gross for phrenologists
a brain? Sur:]t a concept
who devised
them in
Drrrini; their' lrelzillllr' |.,1,toltlrnics waie claimed to result
in t-ew side-effects. It gradually
that there was no net arguable
became apparent, however,
therapeutic beneit and
brain area?
regions. What then is the function
hands of clinicians for whom surgery would have seemed of this damage is loss of vertral spontaneity:
prefrontal cortex tend
patients with
to volunteer less
the only possible course of action a few decades earlier. damage to the
information, as well as displaying the impaired social hard to match up familiar events in the outside world
behaviour that we saw with Phineas. exciusively with actual events in a single brain region.
Despite this wealth of information, it is still hard to say Different parts of the cortex, such as the motor cortex and
exactly what might be the function of the prefrontal lobes. the somatosensory cortex, clearly have different functions,
some neuroscientists have pointed to the similarities and association areas such as the prefrontal cortex and parts
between patients with prefrontal lobe darnage and schizo- of the parietal cortex must each have their own type of
phrenia. Schizophrenics also appear to have problems on specialized roles. But contrary to the phrenologists' vision,
the same working memory tasks as the neurological patients. these roles do not correspond on a one-to-one basis with
I-lence schizophrenia has been interpreted as a disorder of obvious aspects of our character and specific activities in the
matching up incoming information with internalized stand- real world. It is one of the biggest challenges in neuroscience
ards, rules, or expectations. The schizophrenic and prefron- today to understand the relationship between what is
tal patient would both tre overwhelmed and dominated by a actually going on within certain brain regions and how such
sonsory input that they could not adequately categorize or internalized physiological events are reflected in outward
l2y memories that they could not fit into the correct temporal behaviour.
soquence. It is almost as though they lack the inner The cases of Phineas Gage and leucotomized patients
resources that act for most of us as shock absorbers to the illustrate one approach used in brain study by those trying
happenstance of life. However, if such a hypothesis is true, to identify the role of a specific brain region: look at
it is too complex and abstract a process, rsith far too rnany examples of damage to a particular brain region and infer its
clifferent aspects, consequences, and corollaries, to be erstwhile function from whatever dysfunction is now appa-
summed up as a single and function in our daily rent. One well-known example of selective brain damage
lives. II we were phrenologists, it would be hard to think of a that might have been thought to indicate irnmediately and
one-worcl label that could be appropriately placed on the directly the function of the area in question is Parkinson's
l'rontal lobes. disease.
Wo can say that a patient has social problems or problems Parkinson's disease was originally named after James
rn'itlr working rnemory, but it is verlz hard to find out what Parkinson, who first reported the conctition in L81-7. This
I lru r:ornrnon lactor is between these two disparate impair- sevele disorder of movement affects mainly older people,
rnorrls. Inrleed for many, if not most, areas of the brain, it is although younger people can sometimes fall victim. Patients
B F.A IN J \^.' ITH I N B ' A .A II.IS
have great difficulty in moving; in addition, they might have - that is, dopamine - rrcr orre has any precise idea as to the
a tremor when their hands are at rest and stiffness of their function of the substantia nigra in normal movement'
Moreover, wo cannot ignore the fact that Parkinson's
limbs. The fascinating aspect of Parkinson's disease is that
unlike many disorders of the brain, such as depression or disease involves not just the substantia nigra as an anatomi-
schizophrenia, we know exactly where the problem lies, in cal region but is also specific to the chemical dopamine'
an area deep down in the middle of the brain. some might view the substantia nigra as the mere location
from which the critical cells deliver doparnine to anotfrer
At the very core of this middle part of the brain lies a
more relevant target brain region, the striatum' The impor-
moustache-shaped, black-coloured area consequently
tant question would. then be: what is t]-e function of
named in Latin substantia nigra (black mass). The substantia
dopamine in the striatum? The anatomy of the brain does
nigra appears black because the cells in tl:is region have the
pigment melanin in thern. Melanin is in turn the end not directly match up with the chemistry of the brain: there
product of an important brain chemical, dopamine, after it is no one chemicalexclusive to any one brain region. Rather,
has undergone various chernical reactions. Hence it is now the same chemical is distributed over marry different brain
firmly established that cells in the substantia nigra are regions while each brain region makes and uses many
normally makir-rg the chemical dopamine. different brain chernicals. It is therefore very hard to say
substantia nigra in the brain of a patient with Parkinson's balance in the brain'
disease is much paler - the cells containing the pigment There is an.other reason for being wary when trying to pin
have died. One of the important consequences of these cells down particnlar functions to particular brain areas: neuro-
nal plasticity. Brain areas can, of course, be damaged for
dying is that the chemical dopamine is no longer being
many reasons whether it be disease, car accident' or
manufactured in this region. If Parkinsonian patients are
(L-DOPA) gunshot, br.rt a very common reason is stroke' A stroke
given a tablet of the chemical from which
dopamine is made, then there is a dramatic improvement in occurs when there is not enough oxygen in the brain' This
movement. Even though we know exactly where the damage lack of oxygen could be due to a blood vessel that has
is in Parkinson's disease - that is, the substantia nigra - and become blockecl, thus preventing access of the blood nor-
even though we know what particular chemical is deficient mally carrying oxygen around the brain, or because there is
B R A IN S \^/ITH IN B R A IN S 3l
solution would be to rnake the brain more radio-paqrle, or brain tissuc. ijrrt r.rilrirtii' the blood vessels are functiclning
alternatively to make the technique of X rays more sensitive. normally? It coulrl be that there are problems with the brain,
Let's look first at how the inside of the brain itself could be but the blood circulation is not where the problem lies.
made to resemble the scenario of the gun in a case, how Then angiograms will not be helpfui.
certain components could be made to give greater contrast The alternative to making the brain more radio-paque is to
compared rnrith the rest of the trrain. This objective can be make the method of detection more sensitive. With norrnal
realized by injecting into the brain a dye th:rt, is very opaque X rays there are about twenty to thirty variations on the grey
in that it can absorb a lot of the X rays. I{owever, the scale; but a technique was developed in the early 1970s with
injection is not directly into t}re brain through the skull more than two hundred variations and has been routinely
bone. Rather, the dye is introduced into the artery that used since the early 19BOs: computerized axial tomography
pumps blood into the brain. You can locate tJ'is artery (the (CAT).
carotid artery)-if you place your hands on your neck, near In CAT, brain X rays are taken in a series of sections or
each side of the windpipe, and feel a pulse beating. Once the scans. The patient lies with his or her head in a cylinder
radio-paque dye enters the blood circulation, it is fed into with an X-ray tube on one side and an X-ray beam on the
the brain very quickly. The kind of picture that can then be other, and these two devices are placed around the head.
obtained is called an angiogram. Angiograms give a clear The X ray does not strike a photographic plate but rather'a
readout of the pattern of branching blood vessels that go sensor that is connected to a computer; this sensor is far
through all the brain regions. more sensitive than the photographic plate used in ordinary
Now imagine there is damage to the cerebral circulation - X rays. All the measurements ere taken and assembled by
for example, if someone has a stroke where there is a computer to give a scan. The tube moves along the axis'of
blockage or a narrowing of the blood vessel walls. This the brody and this procedure is repeated eight or nine times.
problem urill tl.en show up on the angiogram. Similarly, if a The kind of pictures that can be seen by CAT scans give
patient has a tumour it will sometimes push blood vessels neurologists and brain surgeons a valuable indication of the
away and the abnormal positioning due to the displacernent location and extent of tumours arrd tissue loss. For example,
will be detectable to a trained eye. In this way, angiograms CAT scans have recently given a clue toward understanding
are very valuable diagnostic tools that offer a way of the degenerative disorder of Alzheimer's disease, where
circumventing the problem of the insensitivity of X rays to ihere is severe confusion and loss of memorv. A. D. Smith
I over time
to about half the width
of the same age ('Use of structural
of that in healthy
imaging to
oxygen for only a few minutes.
than 2.5 per cent of our total body weight,
Even though the brain is less
it is responsible
study the progression of Alzheimer's disease,' British Medi-
I cal Bulletin 52, 575-5BO). Not only d.oes such an observation
for 2O per cent of energy consumption
happens to this energy? It enables the brain to 'work.'
at rest. But what
indicate the brain region that should be targeted for develop- When a brain region is working, it uses up much more
I ing possible
has enormous
for tJlis debilitating
potential for revealing
disorder, but it
the start of
fuel. The fuel for the brain is the carbohydrates
that you eat and the oxygen in the air that you breathe: when
in the food
I damage.
F{owever, there
that can be studied
are limits to the type
in this way. X rays detect
of brain and body. Thus, alttrough
\Marm, there is a chemical
some heat is needed to keep us
in the body that prevents the
I abnormalities
you have a CAT
in the anatomical
scan it will tell
you whether
of the brain.
you have
If irnmediate
release of all the energy from food we have eaten.
its formation we are able to store up this energy for
I something physically
brain, such as a tumour
wrong and enduring
or a lesion. But if the problem
within youf
t}.e rnechanical,
and the brain
has to
and chemical
do. The
work that the body
energy-storing chemical
functional rather than anatomical - something to rlo with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is produced from the food we
I the actual operations of the brain - X rays will
what bits of your brain are working at particular
rrot tell you
eat for as long as we are alive. ATP stores energy and has the
potential to liberate it like a compressed spring upon
I during
a particular task. How might this problem be release.
If brain regions are active during a particular task, they are
differential expenditure of energy by whatever brain regions sorne aspect of the task changes slightly, such as hearing
are working hardest; however, ttris time no injections are words rather than speaking words, then a different constel-
involved. Because there is no protrlem with ascertaining lation of brain regions appears.
exactly when the injected. label reaches the brain, imaging Brain events are monitored over a time scale exceeding
with MRI has the potential to give an even more faithful several seconds and averaged over, at best, a cubic milli-
r:eflection of what is going on at a given moment. MR[, like metre of tissue. Another rnethod, magnetoencephalography
PBT, also measures changes in blood o>cygen concentration (MEG), measures the magnetic field generated by differential
serving brain areas tJ:at are rnore active; however, the electrical activity of the brain and has a superior time
method of detection is different. Oxygen is carried by the resolution, but is only currently accurate for the outer
protein haemogl.obin. MRI exploits the fact that the actual regions of the brain. Although their true potential lies in the
amount of oxygen present affects the magnetic properties of future, when the space and tirne resolutions . are more
haemoglobin: these properties can be monitored in the commensurate with the scale of real brain cells, techniques
presence of a magnetic field, where the nuclei of the atoms such as PET, MR[, and MEG are already offering windows to
line up as though they were themselves miniature magnets. the brain at work. Perhaps the most obvious lesson they
When bombarded and pushed out of alignment by radio have taught us so far is that it is misleading to think of one
waves, these atoms ernit radio signals as they spin back into brain region as having one specific, autonomous function, as
line. The radio signal is unique to the arnount of oxygen in the phrenologists' scenario. Instead, different brain
carried by haemoglobin in the sample and therefore gives a regions cornbine in some way to work in parallel for
very sensitive measure of the activity of different regions of different functions
the brain. This technique can pinpoint an area as small as l- The brain is made up of anatomically distinct regions, but
to 2 millirnetres and measure events taking place over ttrese regions are not autonomous minibrains; rather, they
seconcls. constitute a cohesive and integrated system organized for
With the use of these techniques it is becoming increas- tJ e most part in a mysterious way. Therefore, it *"ill be
ingly apparent that during a specific task several different almost impossible to learn how the brain works by studying
brain regions are working simultaneously. There is not just just one particular region at a time. Insteacl, let us start with
clno brain area for one function but rather several brain areas specific and familiar functions and trace how their process-
ilppear to contribute to a particular function. Moreover, if ing is parcelled out between multiple areas in the brain.
as we do. to tell you very quickly what is happening and, most
Outside the realm of science fiction, no plant
locomotes importantly, to enableyou to respond to what is happening,
from one place to another.In clear contrast,
all animals are
to get out of the way of predatorsor to chaseafter prey. So
on the move - that is, they are antmofed.
Interestingly the brain, in whatevershape,size, and degreeof sophistica-
enough, the Latin onjmus means ,consciousness.,
tion, is somehowconnectedin a very basicway to ensuring
If you move about and you are a multicellular
organism, survival as both a consequenceand a causeof movement.
then you have, at the very least, a primitive kind
of brain. According to the lifestyle of the animal, there are different
The importance for moving creaturesof having
somekincl of types of movement. The trapeze artistry of the swinging
brain is best illustrated by an observationinitially
made by
the late Emperor Hirohito gf
Japan,for whom the study of
marine life was a passionatehobby. The tunicatein
monkey,the precisiongliding of the eagle,and the coordina-
tion of the legs on a millipede are examplesof specialized
movement accommodatingparticular lifestyles.
is known as a sea squirt. When it is an immature
larva the How is movement of any,sort actually achieved?The
sea squirt spends its time swimming around: not
only is it contraction of the appropriate muscle occurs following a
capableof coordinatedmovementbut it alsohas
a primitive signal sent down from the brain, along the spinal cord.
vibration-sensitivedevice,crudery comparablewith
an ear, Nervescontrolling all the different musclesleavethe spinal
and a primitive light-sensitivedevice,roughly analogous
an eye.In fact, the seasquirtcould be said to have
brain. However, when it becomes mature the sea
a modest
cord in an ordered fashion,accordingto the location of the
musclein the body. Peoplewith injuries to their spine are t
unable to move to varying extents accordingto the level at
changesits lifestyle and attachesto a rock. It no ronger
to swim around anymore,becauseit now lives by
which the spinal cord is damaged.
Sometimes the spinal cord can function more or less
seawater.At this .stagethe sea squirt actually performs
remarkable act of consumingits own brain.
the autonomously,without descendinginstructionsor control
from the brain. Such movementsare reflexes.A reflexcan be
The clue to brain functionprovidedby this taleis that you
clefinedas a fixed responseto a particular trigger- the most
obvious example is the knee jerk. The knee jerk reflex is is, however, yet a further type of movement that we tend to
triggered when the knee is tapped and in responsethe lower take for granted and that is not controlled by any of these
leg shoots out. Neuroscientists refer to this familiar four systems:fine movement of the fingers. Dexterity with
sequence of events as the 'stretch reflex' becausethe tap at our hand distinguishesprimates from all other animals. It
the critical point on the knee in effect compressesa tendon enables us to fashion and use tools and thus to attain a
by which the muscle in the lower leg is suspended,thereby lifestyle that other specieswill never be able to realize.The
exerting extra pressure on the muscle and stretching it. In
dexterity of a violinist, for example, where fast, controlled,
order to compensate for this lengthening, the muscle con-
independent movement of the digits is critical, is a spectacu-
tracts, so that the leg shoots forward.
Iar feat of evolution.
Our normal repertoire of movement is not one of fixed
Unlike the other descending spinal routes used for the
rsponses to rather artificial triggers like the neurologist's
contractionof muscle,the messagesinstigatingand control-
delicate hammer. We do not wait for someone to tap our
ling fine finger movement do not originate from the brain
knee so that we might jerk our leg. Many of the movements
stem at the top of the spinal cord but from the very top of the
that we make - such as wa[king, swimming, and running -
brain, a striplike region of the cortex fitting acrossthe brain a
involve a moie complex coordinationof muscle groups.But
Iittle like a hairband, and known as the motor cortex (see
even these movements are, in a sense, semi-automatic.
Chapter 1). The motor cortex controls fine movementsby
These kind of rhythmic, subconscious movements are
caused by signals coming down from the brain stem (see sending signals directly to the digits in question. It also
Chapter 1). Different groups of neurons in this brain stem indirectly influences movements by sending other signals to
region send signals down the spinal cord to cause the the four motorway centresin the brain stem, which in turn
appropriate contraction of musclesin a repeatingsequence. activate the appropriate contraction of muscle. Different
There are four such brain motorways coming down the parts of the motor cortex are allocated to controlling
spinal cord from the brain stem.One is responsiblefor semi- different parts of the body. It might be assumedthat such an
reflex rhythmic movements,like swimming, lvhile another allocation would correspondto the size of the body part in
coordinatesmovement with visual and sensoryinformation; question - that is, a tiny area such as the hand would be
yet another is important for balance, while the fourth controlled by only a tiny part of motor cottex, whereas a
nrotorway mediatesthe moving of individual limbs. There largearealike the back would have the lion's shareof motor
cortex to control its movements. However, nothing could be i brain, was seen in Chapter 1 to have a function that
further from the truth. presumablydominatesthe lifestyle of cockerelsand fish far
The critical factor turns out to be the precision of the more than it does our own. Pecking at food or swimming
movement that the body part needs to make. The more through the sea necessitatesan ability to coordinate the
precise the movementsgenerated,the larger the area of the information constantly coming in through the senseswith
brain that is devoted to them. Hence the hands and the appropriate movements. There is no time for thinking or
mouth have an enormousallocation within the motor cortex planning a movement as other animals loom close to the
compared with the upper arm and the small of the back, crumbs in the barnyard. Perhaps then the cerebellum is
which do not seem to have much representationat all. The important for automated movements triggered by outside
kind of movements you make with your back are not that events rather than by internalized proactive thought pro-
fine or precise. (SeeFigure 4.) cesses.
The motor cortex is pivotal to the generation of move- It is quite remarkable that as long ago as 1664 the
ment: not only does it have direct control of some of the physician Thomas Willis had also formed this view of the
muscles controlling the \ands, and hence of precision cerebellum, which he refened to as the cerebel. Willis
movements,ibut it also exerts a hierarchical influence over viewed the cerebellumas a structure truly isolatedfrom the
thelother four movement motorways. In the previous chap- rest of the brain, responsiblefor unconsciousmovements:
ter the idea of a single command centre for any one function
was rejectedrbut surely here it seemsthat the motor cortex The Cerebelis a peculiarfountainof animalSpiritsdesignedfor
is well qualified to be the 'Movement Centre' of the brain. someworks,wholly distincthom the Brain.Within theBrain..'
Not quite. Although the motor cortex plays a critical role motions,to wit, of which we areknowing
all the spontaneous
in the control of movement,it does not have a monopoly. and willing, are performed.... But the spirits inhabitingthe
Two other areas would also be worthy contenders for the Cerebelperform unperceivedlyand silently their works of
title of movement centre:the basal ganglia and the cerebel- Naturewithoutour knowledge anatome:
or carelWillis,Cerebic
lum. If either of theseregions,which are far away from the rrviduessitnervorumdescriptioof unes(London:1664),p' 1111.
motor cortex, is damaged,ttren movement is dramatically
impaired in various ways. Three hundred years later, this description could still
The cerebellum. the little brain at the back of the main apply. Patientswith damageto the cerebellumcan move,
that characterizesskilled movements such as playing the semblea cannonballexplodingout of a cannonmouth: once
piano or dancing. The cerebellum is important for move- started,it and its trajectory cannot be
ments where there is a continuous feedback from your modified. a golf swing, the ball might
stay mockingly on the tee becausethe movement cannot be moustache-shaped,black-pigmented region toward the back
corrected at the last moment: it is, literally, hit or miss. of the brain, the substantia nigra, that is less dominant.
The area of the brain associated wiih these ballistic Becausethese two regions are normally so closely linked
movements, the basal ganglia, is really a group of various lvith each other, any drug that restoresthe balanceof power
interconnectedbrain regions,When any of theseregions are betweenthem will be effective.In Parkinson'sdisease,drugs
damaged,there are devastatingconsequencesfor movement. that dampen activity in the striatum have a similar effect to
According to the part of the basal ganglia that is impaired, thoseenhancingactivity in the substantianigra. Conversely,
there can be wilcl, involuntary movements (Huntington's any drug that reduces activity in the substantia nigra or
chorea), or the exact opposite, difficulty in moving at all, enhancesactivity in the striatum is pernicious in Parkin-
combined with muscle rigidity and tremor (Parkinson's son's diseasebut highly beneficial in Huntington's chorea.
disease).Huntington's choreaand Parkinson'sdiseaseaffect Even within one generalbrain region, the basal ganglia,the
two different parts of the basal ganglia (the striatum and component parts themselvesare not autonomous but are
substantianigra respectively)that seem to normally work in functioning in an incessantdialogue with each other.
a kind of power-balancin! act, Iocked together so that the Thus, there is no single movement centre after all. Rather,
the second,a little like a seesawor
first region'counteracts movementcan be split up - although we are not consciously
arm wrestling. Normally, as with a seesaw or with arrn aware of it happening - into different types that are in turn
wrestling between two equally matched individuals, one controlled by different basic brain areas. However, even
brain region keeps the other in check. thesedifferent brain areas,such as the cerebellumand basal
But imagine a scenarioin wlilCh one person on a seesawis ganglia,do not function as autonomousunits, but are in turn
much lighter, or an arm-wrestlingopponent is much weaker, in dialogue rvith different parts of the outer layer of the
. n c eif o n e
the bilance c o lla p s e sHe
tha n his o r her colleague: brain, the cortex.The cerebellum,for example,has strong
brain region is underactive,the other becomestoo active,It connectionswith a part of the cortex that lies distinct from,
is this imbalancein activity that appearsto lead to abnormal and in front of, the moto.rcortcx (lateral premotor area),
movements.In the caseof Huntington'schorea,the deficient while the basal ganglia are in intimate contact rvith yet
region in the dialogue is toward the front of the brain, the anotherarea of cortex known as thc supplementarvmotor
striatum; on the other hand, in Parkinson's disease,it is the area. Indeed, damage to the strplllcnrcntarymotor area
"i;r I
tr' {
can lead to impairments strikingly similar to Parkinson's a symphony. The type of movement being made, and
disease. whether it requires conscious control, determines exactly
In the normal situation, an attractive though speculative which brain regionsare involved,.while pathologiessuch as
scenario is to view the subcorticalregionsas controlling the Parkinson's diseasehave highlighted the consequencesof
movements that do not rely on any contributior of con- dialoguesbetween brain regions becoming too one-sided.
scious thought. For example, pressing the brake when the But the idea of a 'centre' for different functions in the
traffic lights are red seemsto be an automatic movement, brain is so intuitively appealing,it is hard to relinquish. We
which is in fact associatedwith the cerebellum.In contrast, might have more luck with the senses.Unlike with move-
if you finally decide to dragyourself out of the armchair on a ment, the sensesoffer us a clear stimulus - be it a light, a
Sunday afternoon, the actual movement requires very little bang, a pinch, or the taste of raspberries- where we can
conscious planning. There is no immediate sensory trigger, tracethe fate of a 'signal' as it is processedat different stages
but the standing up is automatic nonetheless.Some neuro- in the brain. Perhaps such a clear path will lead us,
scientists even go so far as to refer to this type of movement naturally, to a final vision centre,hearing centre,and so on.
as a 'mdtoq program.' lVhatever the label, this type of Just as there are motorways leaving the brain via the
internally ftrii;gered movement that most of us take for spinal cord to control musqles and hence movement, so
granted is controlled by the basal ganglia. It is particularly there are incoming signalsthat, as we saw in Chapter 1, are
hard, however, for a Parkinsonianpatient. The basal ganglia sent up the spinal cord into the brain. Thesesignalsrelateto
and cerebellum in these casesare freeing up the cortex for touch and pain, and are referred to as the somatosensory
other roles beyond the minute-by-minute task of motor system. Triggered by the point of contact where, for ex-
control. On the other hand, some movements, be they ample, a pin pierces the skin, local nerves within the skin
ballistic or sensorytriggered,might require different degrees transmit signals to the spinal cord. These signals are then
of conscious control. In this case the supplementary motor relayed up from the spinal cord and finally arrive at the
area and Iateral premotor area dominate more fully in the outermost reachesof the brain, in an area of cortex just
respective dialogues over their subcortical partners, the behind the motor cortexknown as the somatosensorycortex.
basal ganglia or cerebellum. There are two major motorways heading up the spinal
The generation of movement is the net result of many cord for the somatosensorycortex; one, the evolutionary
brain regions acting togetheras individual instruments do in system,is chiefly relatedto pain and temperature,rvhile the
newer system carries precise signals relating to touch. This the body can be demonstrated very easily. If a pair of
arrangement has an intuitive appeal in that it makes sense compasspoints are set relatively near each other and placed
for the more basic, establishedsystem to be concernedwith lightly on different parts of the body, they will be perceived
basic survival factorssuch as pain and temperature,whereas either as one point or two according to where they are
the more refined skills involving precision of touch would placed, even though the distance between them remains
become increasingly important as the organism evolved. the small of the back, for example, where the
Different neurons in the somatosensorycortex correspond sensitivity is modest due to the modest allocation of cells in
to touch in different parts of the body. You might expect that the cortex, tr,vopoints relatively close are felt as just one. By
your hand, which is a relatively small part of your body, contrast, when the poinis are placed on the tips of the
would have neurons that register impulses in a very small fingers, there is a sufficient number of corresponding
part of the cortex. However, just as we saw for the motor neurons in the cortex to relay an adequately sensitive
cortex, there is no direct matching of an areaof your body to messagethat there are two points, The allocation of the
an area of the somatosensorycortex. The hands and the brain to coordinating parts of the body depends on the
mouth have an enormousrvastly disproportionaterepresen- importanceof that part of the body to the,task at hand. But
tation. i horv does the brain deal with inputs t{rough specialized
This biased allocation of neurons makes sense.Just as the organs that do not rely on messagesbding passed up the
hands and mouth claim a large allocation of neurons in the spinal cord or on different contributions from different parts
motor cortex to enableviolin playing and speaking,so those of the body? How do we even begin to see and hear?
same parts of the body lionize ljrrge proportions of neurons In simpler nervous systemswith much simpler lifestyles
in the somatosensorycortex it important for the mouth there is no need for a rich tapestry of visual scenes.A frog
and hands to be most sensitiveabtouch becauseeating and r,vouldbenefit little from being able to distinguish the fine
feeling things with the hands are among the most basic detail of the Mona Lisa, for example. In the frog world, all a
human hehaviours.If you have had a local anaestheticat the frog wants to know is if there are predatorsor prey: its retina
dentist, you know how debilitated you feel at not being has accordingly become sensitive only to shadows, which
sensitive to movement or lgyclt in even a small area of the would be cast by predatorsor prey that it can eat, namely
mou th. flies moving backwardand forward. Fine detail of objectsis
This difference in sensitivity to touch on different parts of irrelevant and thereforesimply not registeredby the frog's
eyes. When presented with a piece of cork dangling on a lens is a transparent, elastic convex structure that is
string, crudely resemblinga fly flitting past, a frog will make
suspendedby ligamentsto control its shape,and this shape
all the predatory and gustatory movements not only of
can change from one moment to the next according to
sticking out its tongueto catch the fly but of licking its lips whether you rvant to look a long way off or a short distance.
as well. With the corneaat the very front of the eye,the lens helps us
As a general rule in the animal kingdom, the more to focus. The coloured iris, which varies greatly between
complex or relatively big the eye in relation to the body,
individuals, regulateslight by constricting or dilating the
then the smaller the rest of the brain. More processingwill pupil. The gap betweenthe cornea and the lens in this front
go on at the earlieststages,in the peripheral organ, than in
part of the eye is filled with a watery fluid, By contrast,in
more sophisticated brains where the input will not have
the second compartment comprising the main body of the
already been heavily biased. Insects have compound eyes
eye, the cavity is filled with a jelly-like substance.
that look a little like geodesicdomes arrangedon each side
At the verl' back of the eye is the retina, rvhich is the
of the head. Each eye consistsof some ten thousand clistinct image-detectingzone. If you look at the retina under a
rnodules amounting to ten thousand facets all angled in
microscope,there is a tangle of cells seemingly forming a
different d]rections.someoinsects
ha'e up to thirty thousand jumbled mass that looks a little like a i* -hence the name
such facets. tight is funnelled through each module, so that retina,from the Latin retusfor'net.' Thesecells in the retina
thore is a huge magnification.However, in human terms the
respond to changesof light by a change in an electrical
rosults would be far from ideal as the lensesof these facets
signal passed on to two more relays of cells before being
cannot be focused.The huge advantagefor the insect is that
transmitted into the brain proper, via the bundle of fibres
a large visual field is projected onto a small number of cells
known as the optic nerve.
withorrt the insect moving i-tshead. The more facets,the
The exit point where this nerve leaves the retina and
rnolc dr,'tailedthe picture.Thh type of eye is very sensitive
burrows into the brain is the 'blind spot' where there is
tu nny change in tlie visual sceneand to the planes of light
obviously no room for light-sensitivecells. The blind spot is
the compoundeye cannotgive a high just to the side of the middle of the eye, near the nose.On
tlogrocol' resolution.
the other side of the middle of the eye, near the ear, is an
'l'lru hrrman eye is very different:
it is ball shapecland area of the retina called the fovea. The fovea is a small
r;orrsist.sof two main sections,separatedby the lens. The indent where there is a high concentrationof a certain type
58 T HE I + UI . I A N BR AIN
of cells that are sensitive to light. If light strikes this area, be converted by the retina into electrical impulses. In the
vision is optimal as there are more cells here to do the job. dark there is a steadyreleaseof a chemical messengerfrom
Birds of prey can have up to five times more concentrated the rods onto the next relay of cells within the retina. When
cells in their fovea than humans. In addition, unlike light first strikes, it is absorbed by a special chemical
humans, eagleshave two foveas.One, the searchfovea,is for (rhodopsin) within the rod. The ensuing change in this
sideways vision, whereas the pursuit fovea judges depth, chemical causedby the absorption of light then triggers a
which is done with both eyes. cascadeof chemical reactionsinside the cell. The end result
Unlike human eyes,all bird eyesare fixed in their sockets. of thesereactionswithin the rod is a changein its electrical
In order to turn their eyes, birds have to turn their entire properties.
head and neck. Our lifestyle would be drastically compro- It is this change in electrical properties, namely the
mised if we were unable to move our eyes back and forth voltage normally generated by the rod, that changes the
without moving our head - imagine reading, for example! message it had been transmitting as long as there was
For both the eagleand humans, however, light (electromag- darkness.In the caseof the other type of light-sensitivecells,
netic waves) travels through the eyeball and penetratesthe the cones, we start to'process colour_by the selectivity of
outer two layers of the retina to be processedby the lighf different cones responding to certaii ranges of light with
sensitive cells. The particular cells sensitive to colour are peak sensitivities for red, greeri, or blue wavelengths'
known as cones, and the other type of light-sensitivecells Different colours excite different combinations of these
are referred to as rods. Theserods are for vision in darkened cones in different proportions. For example, a certain
conditions, leaving three types gl cone to respond princi- wavelength excites red and green cones in equal numbers
pally to one of the three primoryiolor-os: red, green,or blue. and is perceivedas yellow.
Within the electromagnetic ,pr.trurr,, our human eyes We have seenthat electromagneticwaves are convertedby
detect only a very small sectionas visible light: between400 cells in the retina into electrical signals.However, the retina
and 200 nanometres on a scale varying between 10 metres, does not just signal uniformly and equally everything in
the wavelengthof an AM radio, and less than a nanometre, your visual field. The image is relayed into the brain with an
the wavelength range in which we find X rays and gamma enormousbias.For example,if there is a largeuniform area
rays. within an object, then only weak signals are passed on,
FIow is light actually registere-d
in the brain? It must first whereas if there is contrast the visual signals are most
vigorous. The retina is really only concerned with detecting for example, she poured tea, it apparently seemedfrozen
change. But change does not just occur in space, with like a glacier. Indeed she was unable to engage in this
contrasting edges; there is also change in time, namely activity becauseshe could not ptop pouring: she could not
movement. The retina can adapt so that it no longer seethe level of the fluid in the cup rising sufficiently well to
responds to stationary objectswhile still retaining the ability know when to stop. This patient also said that when she
to signal for movement. To appreciate the preference of the spoketo people,conversationproved a problem becauseshe
nervous system for statesof change, think of how a flashing was unaware of the movements of the mouth of the speaker'
light is more noticeable than a constant one. our survival Even worse,and more dangerous,she was unable to monitor
may well depend on a change in the surrounding situation the progressof a car: first it was in one place and then
much more than if everything remains the same. suddenly it was almost on top of her. On the other hand, this
The eyeball itself is not a self-contained centie for visiou woman could detect movement through her senseof sound
rather, it is the gateway,by which the all-important signals or touch.
gain accessto the brairl for further processingbefore we can Comparablesituations have been reported since World
actually see. From the retina, cells send out electrical signals War I, when people came under the scrutiny of doctors
along the fipres, exiting via the blind spot, deep into the following head injuries due to the wounds of battle. A
brain, to the thalamus,meaning'room'in Greek.This brain physician of the time, George Riddoch, studied these
structure, which occupies a substantialpart of the middle patients:he reported that there were people who could see
section of the brain (the diencephalon), then relays the movement,unlike the lady we have just been discussing,but
signalsto the visual cortex,the outer rayer at the back of the not shape or colour. Often anyone with normal vision can
head. studies of people who have lost parts of the visual experiencethis phenomenon: if something moves in your
cortex have given neuroscientistssome very helpful and extremeperipheral vision, you are aware of movement,but
intriguing insights into underslanding what might happen you then need to turn your head to see exactly what it was
in this area that enablesus to-see. that moved.
For example, a stroke victim in her forties had cells Similarly, there are those who can see form and move-
damaged in a highly localized region within the visual ment but cannot experience colour. A world composed
cortex. Although she could see ali stationaryobjectsas well entirely of shadesof grey would be the fate of people who
as anyone else, she was unablu to ,"" objectsin motion, If, had either a deficit of cones in the retina or damage to
critical regions on both sides of their head. If the brain is process vision at least partly in parallel, that is, we are
only damaged on one side, however, then half the world processingvisual signals simultaneously but in different
appearsin colour and half the world is in black and white. parts of the brain. Different aspects of our vision, form,
Finally, some patients with damageto the visual system colour,and rnovementseemto us a cohesive',vhole,'butare
can see movement and colour but not form. Agnosia, from actually processed,at least in part, by different svstems
the Greek meaning 'failure to recognize,, is a condition connectingthrough relays from the r,)tina to the back of the
characterizedby the ability to see objectsr,vithoutidentify- head.Thus, as we saw in the caseof movement,lve can see
ing them. Agnosia can vary in its severity from patient to that different regions of the brain are working together to
patient, and even the same patient may have better form contribute to what we regard as a single function, in this
vision from time to time. The vision expert semir Zeki caseseeing.The big mystery is how doesit all come together
suggestsone reason this particular condition can be so again?Where in the brain do we make all the parallel visual
variable:if complex forms were to be gradually assembledin signalsconvergeinto a single entity?
our brains from less complex patterns, then perhaps this Somepeople have suggestedthat there is a convergenceof
gradual processof constructioncould be arrestedat different these different pathways in certain parts of the brain, like
stagesin different people. some patients would thus have a railway tracks leading into Grand.-Central Station. This
more extensive visual repertoire than others. Zeki suggests scenariois, in a sense,a late-twentieth century version of
that understanding and seeing are not two separat'epro_ the doctrine of phrenology discussedin the previous chap-
cessesbut rather they are inextricably linked: if you see ter. Just imagine that we possessedthe brain equivalent of
something you will automatically identify it. on the other one or two Grand Central Stationsin our heads:if such an
hand, if you do not seean object in front of you, Zeki argues area were damaged, then it follows that vision would be
that it is because there has been a collapse of the higher completelylost. But this scenario never occurs.Thus, we
integrative processesfor complex form recognition in the have yet a further example of how the brain is not organized
visual cortex. obviously, you will not recognizethe object. as a simple bundle of minibrains.The connectionsbetween
You will be to a greateror lesserextent ,form blind.,
After considering the casesjust presented, it is evident
brain regionsare not directed to convergeinto an executive
centre but are more likely to take the form of balanced
that vision of form, movement, and colour can occur dialoguesbetweenkey brain regions,comparableto what we
i.dependently of each other. current thinking is that we saw for the control of movement.
Yet in itself this scenario of interactive, parallel brain interaction, is more critical than any individual region on its
regions does not solve one of the greatest mysteries of own. Harth suggeststhat not only are signals relating to the
neuroscience:how do we actually see?On the one hand, sensesconveyedfor processingto the cortex but in turn the
great strides have been made in understandingthe complex cortex can send signals that intercept this incoming stream
steps in the visual processingof an object: it is now known of information, to modify it. The more vigorous the cortical
what parts of the brain, during vision, are active at what interception, the more idiosyncratic and remote from objec-
times and under what conditions. But such responsescan tive external events will be the final conscious experience'
persist even when the brain is anaesthetized,when there is Zeki also makes uses of these feedback pathways in his
no consciousnessat all. No one has yet pointed to a single interpretation of blind sight.
event that occurs in awake but not anaesthetized brains Zeki suggeststhat blind sight is due to a rupture in this
where the intervention,.of consciousnessinto the visual balancedcircuitry. The processingof the signalscan still be
process could be identified as an unambiguous physiologi- relayed into the brain, but conscious vision is abolished
cal/anatomical mechanism or event. since certain pathways normally sustaining dialogue upon
The riddle is compounded by observationswhere there is dialogue between brain regions are no longer operational.
a conspicucius dissociation of brain visual processes and However, this idea does not square entirely with a particu-
conscious awareness in fully awake patients. The first larly interesting observation concerning blind-sight patients:
condition was again reported initially as a result of head the actual degreeof physical damage to certain brain regions
wounds in l,Vorld War I and was later dubbed hlind sight in need not be the only factor in determining how a blind-sight
the 1970s.Blind-sight patients are blind in a certain part of patient will respond. In certain casesblind sight can be
their visual field, but if asked to 'guess',they can neverthe- reversed by other factors: for example, if an otherwise
less point to objects, which they claim they cannot see, stationaryobject is made to move. Perhapsthen, for a final
placed in that area.Clearly the brain is still functioning, but consciousnessof seeing an object, not only are intact
the consciousnessis lost of actually seeingthe object.Some, neuronal circuits important but also the particular proper-
such as Zeki and the physicist Eric Harth, have argued that ties of the object in question.
the anatomical integrity of neuronal circuits is all-important. Another example of brain damage that leads to vision
As we saw earlier, brain regions can be viewed as partici- deficit is a condition that is the reverse of blind-sight:
pants on a seesaw,where the balance between them, their prcsopggesill from the Greek meaning 'failure to recognize
faces.' whereas blind sight entails recognition without that we learn through experience to distinguish sound from
awareness, this condition is one of awareness without sight; another idea is that each sensory system is linked
recognition. Patients can see faces as faces, but cannot
recognize anyone, even themselves.There can be a marked
preferentially in some way to certain types of movement,
which emphasizesthe distinction. I
difference if a face is made psychologically ,stronger' by However, there are well-known examples of where this
presenting faces that are linked. For example,if a picture of
Princess Diana is presentedafter that of her ex-husband,
Prince Charles, a patient can often recognizeDiana,s face.
distinction between the sensesfalls down, a mixing of the
sensesknown as synaesthesia.People displaying synaesthe-
sia may claim to 'see' certain musical notes in certain
Again we have an example of consciousnessbeing depend- colours.Virtually any combination of two of the five senses
ent on more than one factor, but we still have no idea how is possibie,although it is the experienceof different colours
such factors lead to the seemingly magic step within the upon hearing different sounds that is the most common.
brain that enablesus not only to prbcessan object registered Synaesthesiatends to occur more in childhood, but can
by our retina but to consciouslysee it as well.
For all the sensesthere.isalso the enigma of the nature of
the first-pqson subjectiveconsciouselement.There is much
often be triggeredin adults with psychotic disorderssuch as
schizophreniaor by hallucinatory drugs. The division of the I I
sensesthen is clearly attributable to some aspectof normal
more to hearing, for example,then mere vibrations. We do brain organization, but an aspect that is not immune to ;
not hear a symphony as vibrations any more than we see a individual perturbation. One poss'ibility is that there are
face as lines and contrast. Rather, our perceptions are
unified wholes, shot through with memories,hopes,preju-
additional connectionsin the brain of the synaestheticthat II
extend not only from the sense organ in question to the
dices, and other internalized cognitive idiosyncrasies.
Another tantalizing and related mystery of the brain is
cortex appropriate for that modality but also innervate
another cortical sensearea as well. This idea, horvever,is I
why electricalsignalsarrivingin the visual cortexshould be
experienced as vision, while exactly the same kind of
not very likely as it would not account for the variability in
synaestheticexperiences,namely that such statesonly occur
electrical signals,arriving in anotherpart of the brain such
as the somatosensorycortex or the auditory cortex,should
under certain conditions. It is more likely that the areasof
the cortex not allocatedto the primary processingof each of
ir be perceived as touch and hearing respectively.No one has
yet given a satisfactoryexplanation,although one idea is
the individual senses,namelv the associationcortex, some-
how play a part.
We saw in Chapter 1 that even compared to the brain of we moving about; at the other end of the spectrum, high
our nearest relative, the chimpanzee, the a-reasof human arousal leads to distracted behaviour where we overreact to
brain classified as associationcortex are vast, It is possible a minor occurrence and move about in a restless,prupose-
that inputs from association cortex into the areas of cortex less way. Psychologists have long found that we are most
devoted to particular sensesmight in some way be aberrant. efficient at performing tasks when we are in the middle
Certainly such a scenario would account for the greater range level of arousal. Arousal then is an important consid-
predominance of synaesthesiain children, before distinc- eration to our prevailing state of mind.
tions betweenthe sensesare learnedand where the neurons We are familiar with the extremes of arousal: when we
of the brain are less hard wired and thus more flexible and sleep, arousal levels are low; if we are over-activeand easily
versatilein their operations,as we shall seein Chapter 4. A distracted, with a racing heart and sweaty palms, we are
malfunctioning of plfsiology (the working of neurons) over-excited or over-aroused.Arousal is with us all the time,
rather than anatomy (their physical connections)would also to varying degrees. It is governed by distinct groups of
explain why synaesthesiacan suddenly appear in the brain different chemicals in the brain stem that predominate at
of a schizophrenic. On th.eother hand, any real explanation different times of the day and night, or with emotions or
of synaestfresiais impossible as it hinges on a subjective illness, and that send signals up to the large regions of cortex
perspective: the first-hand experience of an individual. to modulate, on a global scale, the workings of many circuits
Synaesthesiais a facet of consciousness,
that ultimate riddle of brain cells. One measureof arousal can be monitored as
of the brairr. changesin the ensuingelectrical activity averagedover large
So far we have seenhow that private inner world of one's areas of the cortex.
own consciousnessis influenced by sensoryinput pouring As long ago as 7875, weak electrical currents were
in and reflected in an outpu_!movement. By being able to recorded from the brains of rabbits and monkeys by an
receive detailed and incessdntinformation about our envi- English physiologist, Richard Caton. The finding triggered
ronment, and respondingquickly and appropriatelyto each little attention. Fifteen years later, however, controversy
individual situation, we are in a constantdialogue with the flared between a Polish physiologist, A. Beck, and an
outside world. A further factor in determininghow vigorous Austrian, E. FleischelVon Marxow, who each laid claims to
and effectivethis dialogue may be is level of arousal.When discoveringelectricalactivity in the brain. It was only when
asleep,we perceivenothing of the world around us, nor are Caton settled the matter by pointing to his much older
publication in the British'Medical lournal that the finding method has involved connecting a person's EEG to a toy
was duly recognized. The clinical implications of this electric train, which only actually travels along the track
discovery were not to be realizeduntil fifty yearslater, when when alpha waves are generated.People can learn to put
in 1929 a German psychiatrist,Hans Berger,first attempted themselvesin the correct state for making the train move. In
to record the electrical currents in the human brain. contrast,if you are excited and aroused,then the pattern of
When electrodeswere placed on the surfaceof the scalp, electricalwaves changesto one where the neuron is working
it caused no pain whatsoever - the person was totally less as part of a whole group and instead acting more
conscious and yet different types of brain waves could be autonomously.
detected.Berger was convinced that these signalswere due The pattern of EEG can also vary according to age.
to psychological energy, r,vhichhe referred to as p-energy. Electrical activity has been recorded from the mot}er's
This was the start of a technique that is still widely used womb as early as the third fetal month. It is only in the sixth
today in neurology: the electroencephalogram(EEG).Con- fetal month that the EEG changesto one of distinct, slow,
trary to Berger's vision of some special sort of brain/mind regular waves. Until children are ten years old, two very
energy, the EEG records Wavesof electricity generatedfrom slow rhythms can be detected: one is 4 to 7 waves per
hundreds df thousandsof brain cells iust beneaththe surface second ('!bg!glhy!h-'); the other is as slow as L to 4 per
of the brairt. second, but this 'delta rhythm' is never seen in healthy,
Not only does the EEG show what brain waves look like, awake adults.
but it shows how they vary: the pattern can actually change The EEG is important for studying not iust normal brain
according to different arousalstates.If you are relaxed and activity but brain disorders as well, such as epilepsy. In
conscious,then slolv \,vaveswi4be generated,mainly at the epilepsythere is a miniature brain storm of certain groupsof
back of your head. This p.oc-e&.iscall"dglpha .hyth-; yo., brain cells that can lead to convulsions. This virtual
can actually make yourself generate alpha rhythms by explosion of electricity can be detectedon an EEG used
relaxing. Increasing numbers of people have problems subsequentlyby neurologiststo locate where damagedbrain
relaxing, giving rise to one of the greatest scourges of tissuelies.
modern times: chronic stress,.One way of helping such Another use of the EEG is to provide a fascinatingwindow
individuals to learn to relax is _tolet them know when they into what bqBIerE in the bfeg when we go to sleep. There
are generating alpha rhythm. A particularly ingenious are four stagesof sleep, distinguished by different patterns
functioning of an immature brain, where neuronal circuits world into which our species evolved thirty thousand years
are still very modest. Perhaps dreaming is a type of ago,the sleeperwas highly vulnerable to attack from passing
consciousness resulting from a less vigorous dialogue predators.Sleepmust thereforehave some enormousbenefit
between brain regions, caused in turn by the fact that the in order to debilitate us in this way for up to eight or so
connecting fibres are still becoming established. hours per night. It is now known that during sleep the brain
If true, this idea could have two very interestingimplica- makes proteins at a much faster rate than when we are
tions. First, it suggeststhat when we are in REM sleep, the awake. Proteins are large molecules that are essentialfor
degree of comrnunication between regions in our brain maintaining the structure and which underpin the func-
becomes far less. Second, it has been noted that the tion of all the cells of the body, including neurons. Sleep
unconsciousnessof schizophrenicsis frequently very simi- gives us a chanceto stockpile the chemicalsthat seemto be
lar to the illogical but very real consciousnessof our dreams. vital for our brain to function properly. But functioning
Hence it might be the case that a central problem in properly does not refer only to the processesof which
schizophrenia is a reversal to a reduced communication we are conscious,such as learning and memory, but to the
btween regions of neuronq,leading to a dreamlike view of unconscious processesas well, such as those regulating
the world. Although the function of dreaming might end up temperature.
being one of consolidationof our problems,it is more Iikely We normally use only a part oy'the energy defived from
that dreaming arises as a result of certain states of brain food and oxygen for immediaib conversion to heat. The
activity that cannot processlarge amounts of sensoryinput remaining energyis stored for all the other vital functions of
becausewe are asleepor becauqe.,,as
in infancy, the brain is the brain and body. If people are allowed only three hours of
underdeveloped,or because,asin schizophrenia,prevailing sleepa night, many of thesefunctions start to decline within
chemicals have limited the efficacy of large-scaledialogues a week. If we are deprived of sleep, energy is not stored
over large banks of brain cells. Again, however, dreaming is efficiently;more is immediately squandered,dissipatedas
a further facet of consciousness,and thus its causeand its heat. Thus, persons who are continuously and completely
function can still only be extreme conjecture at the most. sleep deprived would eventually, literally, be burning
But what are the functions of ordinary sleep,when we are themselvesout. If rats do not sleep for long periodsof time,
completely unconscious? This--is an important question they gradually need more and more food to restore their
becausesleep is a pretty risky bu-siness
- in the Cro-Magnon energy. Eventually such rats die, underweight and
exhausted, despite their \uge food intake. Sleep then is sequenceof events might seem at first glance to be of little
vitally important. relevanceto us sophisticatedhumans, it is worth noting that
Another intriguing feature of the brain and its arousal in the United Statesmelatonin is proving to be a popular
systemis that usually the brain'knows'when to fall asleep. treatment for iet lag. A tablet of melatonin taken just before
At least in a number of non-human animals there is one area sleep in the new time zone might ensure that sleep occurs
of the brain that plays a very important part in sleep and rapidly and for a decent periorl of time.
waking: the pineal gland. The pineal gland lies deep at the In humans, the sleep/wakecycle is normally controlledby
centre of the brain: unlike most other brain structures that a variety of factors. We can soe just how important these
are duplicated on eachside of a midline, the pineal gland is outside clues are from experimr:ntswhere people have been
right over this midline, straddling t\e middle of the brain. put in cavesand left entirely to their own devices,free from
For this reasonthe philosopher$dn6 Descartes,over three all the demands of the outsido world.
hundred years ago, thought that the pineal gland was David Lafferty, a former Royal Air Force officer, answered
actually the seat of the soul. Descartesargued that since an appeal in the Daily Telegraph in 1966 for a volunteer to
there are not two pineal gla,ndsand since we have only one live in isolation in a cave 3S0 l'cet underground for at least
soul, the nileal gland must be wherethe soul is located. l00 days. In return he rccoived 100 ($roz;, plus an
Today we know that the pineal gland is important in additional 5 ($8.35)per day for.each subsequentday spent
regulatingsleep and wakefulness.Birds are stimulated underground. Lafferty set a new record by remaining
directly by light through their skull: we know that even underground for 130 days. At the end, doctors were sur-
when the pineal gland is isolatedfrom birds completely and prised at Lafferty's good physical and mental health. Laff-
put in a dish, it is still sensitiveto light. The pineal gland is erty was surprised when he honrd how long he had been
not responsive when it is already light and becomes dark; underground. His biorhythms hnd settled into a twenty-five
however, when it is dark and Jrt,ddenlybecomeslight, the hour schedule,causing hinr to trnderestimateslightly the
cockerel awakens. The pineal gland secretesthe hormone time he had spent undergrorrnd. Generally, this modest
melatonin. This substancefluctuatesin the brain according underestimateseemsto occur are isolated,so
to time of day. when levels are high in the brain, sleep clearly we do have a basic antl rirther regular internal clock,
ensues;in fact, when melatonin is injected into sparrows but we also need to fine-trrnt it by using cues from the
they sLrbseqrrently
fall asleep. Although such a simple outsideworld,
F I GU R E 6 o p p o s i te
An electron micmgraph of a slaapse (main picturel
To the left-haudside, a
nerve is 666ing iuto closecontactwith the second
cell to the right m tne cett
on the Ieft are small packetsof a hansmitter chemical,
seenas small circles,
that will empty their contelts iato the narow gap,
the synapse.The areas
where the transmitter wil diffrrse are seenas aait
tutre"i"gr. a s"mm" or
those two neurons is shown in iuset. (Adapted
from L B. Levitan and L. K.
Kazmarek, The Neurcn,Oxford University press,1991.)
-(r"\ )CU
*" a)con,and hence at the synapse.True, the end of the
axon (the a:ron terminal) is now excited; the potential is
briefly more posiuve. But where is this wave of excitation
Hence the lethal effects of the toxin: eventual death tbrough
suffocation. A clear demonsdJtion of how this naturally
occurring chemical provided the vital link in nerye commu'
Iiin$ {r
goingto go?How canit beusedasa signalto anotherneuron
when it is stoppedshortby a gap,the synapse?
It is a little
-like. &iving in a car and Cornin!"to-i river;
an ideal, albeit
nication was performed in 1929 by an Austian, otto Loewi.
The story runs that Loewi acted on an inspiration from a
dream he had several nights in a row. His first step was to
Nu$ exhavagant, strategy would be to abandou the car and find a repeatwhat was already known: if a nerve that enervatesthe
heart (the vagus)is stimulated, then the heart slows down. It
{:i more appropriate menns of bavel: a boat. We need a way of
translatinge,:""Ig:H_"d$pg!_r_nf-o_.98e_tbat-ca,,crossrle. is. irnportans to realize &at the hear't and- aceornpanying
\ synapse. nerve on which Loewi was experimenting was no longer in
Since the nineteenth century, chemicals have pricked the the body. Rather, the organ was kept alive but isolated in a
imagination as being involved, in some way, in neuronal special oxygenatedchamber,bathed in a fluid similar to that
communication. A Frenchman, Claude Bernard, was fasci_
nated by the effects of a poison that is used in South
normally found in the bodY.
'.The master stroke of this experiment was that Loewi took
America by Indians when they hunt their prey. Hunters the fluid that bathed the original heart and hansferred it to a
'(t -
s 3$
tlt I
PU L SE. IT.tPU L SE 9 '
second, unstimulated heart. He found
that even though this the axoq and invades this end region, this transieut change
second heart had not been stimulalgd,it
'-_ _
tpo slowed down. in voltage acts as a-tligger for some of the packetsto emBtv
r ne only explanation,it seemed,to
accountfor this discov_ out their contents - the dll-important acetylcholine - into
ery was that there must be somechemical-cejeose
d.intsthe _ the synapse.The more electricaisignalsthat arrive,the more
::::::::" '
rtuid asa resultoi,fr" ,J*,rt"uo' of th; n*t i.*t. Hence,
packets will empty out, and the more acetylcholine will be
when the fluid was applied to the
secondheart, the effects released.In this way the original electricalsignal is converted
were the same as on the first heart,
because the same faithfully into a chemical one: $e higher the frequency,
chemical was present. we now know
that this chemical is
the one that is blocked by curare:
@ Once released, acetylcholine diffuses easilv through the
acetvlcholine. Acetylcholine is the
prototype of many watery, salty iiquid outside all neurons (the extracellular
diverse chemical substances that
can be released from fluid), crossingthe slmapseas readily as a boat might cross a
diverse nerves and neurons in the brain
as the all-important river. The time scales are vastly different, however: since
link in the signaling process. They
are referred to bv the such chemicals are relatively small molecules, the synaptic
generic term
JFrnsnjffers. gap is crossedwithin thousandthsof a second.But how does
This discovery of the action of acetylcholine
on the heart a chemical, a mere molecule such as acetylcioline, actually
was to have profound implications
for understanding how transmit a message?
brain cells comm,nicate at the synapse.
Once we realize Let us return to the car and boat analogy:once the river is
]. gt- g.fe_gtrical
stipulaUon_releasesa naturally occurihg
negotiated and we are to continue our journey on dry land,
chemical from a nerye, we can see
more readily what might the boat will ideally be relinquished in favour of a car once
happen at a brain synapse, when
the end of an axon is more. The original electrical signal, which was converted
effectively stimurated by the electricar
signal. As soon as the
into-a chemical p:re, now needs to
elecbical impulse. We need to find out how acetylcholine,
axon' it createsthe right cond.itions
by which acetylcholine or any bansmitter, might cause a transient change in the
is releasedinto the synapse.
elecbical stafus - the voltage - in the target neuron.
At the end of the axon of the signalling
cell, within the Once it reaches the other side of the synapse, each
terminal, acetylcholine is stored
leq inm many small
small molecule of the bansmitter has to make some kind of
contact with the target neuron. The transmitter, like a boat,
the brain has a precision of connectivity of which the circuit within the brain leads to a third distinction from systemsin
board is only a pale echo, as well as the diversity of a silicon: of course, computers can 'learn,' but few are
shnnging alt &e time to give novel rcsponsesto the sane
chemical factory. Dffirent chemicals will be released from
different inputs converging sn x single cell and active at any
True, advanced robotic devices can seemingly organize
moment. In addition to the degreeof activity of these inputs,
and reorganizetheir own circuits to adapt to certain inputs,
different amounts of transmitter will be released. Finally,
but they are still following a set of rules - algorithms - that
iach transmitter will dock into its own reieptor that has its
have been progremmed. The brain does not necessarily
own characteristic way of influencing the voltage of the
operate according to algorithms: What would be the rule for
target cell. Thus, at every stage there is room for an
courmon sense,for example?The physicist Niels Bohr once
enormous flexibility and versati[ty in the brain, using
different combinations of transmitter gbgmi"sals.
beine logical.' ln f"ct, no external intelligence programsthe
;"r""J* il*t*t "*
o"r*, be regarded
comparable to the scenario inside a computer. First, and
brain at all: it is proactive, operating spontaneouslywhen it
decides to take its body for a walk iust becauseit 'feels like
most obviously, the brair.r is fundamentally a chemical
system-:. +rre*-the--electtricity it- generdt.C'cijmiis- hdn
A computer that does
chemicals. More signiffcantly, beyond the fluxes of ions into
and out of the neuron, a wealth of chemical reactions are defies its prime function; a Person who does T
may well be experiencinga revelation.
occurring incessantly in a bustling but closed world inside
the cell. These events, some of which determine how the Another insight that is generated by looking at the t
cell will respond to signals in the future, do not have a ical communication between neurons is to be ab!g-[g
g tgortsJAh8l'
artificially high levels of chemicar, the ne'rons gradually last two actions it used to be sold as an effective ingredient
inanti-;ougL"oa : " " '
A pernicious action of morphine and heroin is to slow
aur.o.rmaramounrc or srimula[gg.prgvide-dly-thq drug.
;aai"iioo.' within the basic part of the brain, the respiratory centre in
second, *u"r"., on leveral different the brain stem, just above th" spio"l cord, which controls
"*ayl"h"nnr ".ts
types of receptor, to have more balancedactions, nicotine breathing. Sometimes this action can be so severe that
works on only one receptor file, again resul.,.g in rather breathing stops altogether and the person dies. In fact,
one-sided effects. These unbalanced effects will also occur inhibition of breathing is the most common acute causeof
in a more global way outside of the brain: nicotine puts the death in heroin abuse.
body into a war mode, ready for fighting or flying. Heart rate Despiteits obvious dangers,the clinically most valuable
and blood pressrue increase. perhaps the feedback to the action of morphine is relief from pain. It is the most effective
brain that the smoker is in a flight or fight situation is in analgesicknown, but becauseof its addictive properties, it is
itself exciting or pleasurable.Most usually, however, smok- the treatment of choice only to those in very severe or
ers will light up simply becausetheir brain is signalling that chronic pain, or the terminally ill. A fascinating insight into
its respective receptors need more stimulation. the nature of pain comes from patients who take morphine:
Another drug that works as a caricafirre of a natural they often say they can feel the pain but it no longer bothers
!13rymitt91 alleit a*different -ona fton. acetylcholine,is them. Could this action explain why healthy iieople in ho
momhine. Morphine is made from a special type of poppy: pain still take heroin for 'pleasure'? Perhaps, in a similar
it is named after the god for sleep, Morphos, because it way, the heroin abuser is no longer bothered by the
makes people feel drowsy and relaxed..gglglg is a deriva_ everydayworries and anxieties of life. This reasonfor taking
;*.3:;;'i..,:::-:-;:;-;-:titrr8-of.morphiae;ehemficaltfn'diffb&SO that it is Easier tb heroin soon gives way to another,which is simply to satisfy
pass into the brain - hence heroin addicts prefer this a craving.
substancebecauseit enters the brain more readily and thus Let us revisit the synapse.
gives them a quicker effect, a 'rush.' The side-effects of mimic a certain classof naturallv occurring transmitters that
heroin include constriction of the pupirs, constipation, and Morphine is of a sufficiently similar
suppression of the coughing reflex. In fact, becauseof these molecular gsnffguration to fit readily into the receptor
annually by the 2 million inhabitants of the highlands of Dopamine, noradrenaline, and even acetylcholine are
Peru, who chew or suck the leaves for the feeling of well- releasedfrom clumps of neurons in the primitive part of the
being they produce.@-works brain (the brain stem) in a fountain-like diffirse arrangement
on a chemical transmit-
onto the more sophisticated regions of the cortex and
ter in the brain called noradrenaline, Unlike nicotine or
immediate subcortical sbuctures (see Chapter 1). These
morphine, which directly mimic the actions of the transmit-
wide-ranging systemsof chemical transmitters are related to
ters acetylcholine and endorphin respectively, cocaine
arousal levels, including sleep and wakefulness.In addition,
works in a different way. The drug increasesthe availability
they can bias, modulate, neuronal activity all over the brain'
of the naturally occurring chemical itself. Cocaineblocks the
It is not surprising that drugs that modify these systemswill
process by which noradrenaline is normally removed from
also modify arousallevels. For example, amphetamineusers
the site of action once its role is ended: the drug blocks the
cannot remain still. They cannot concentrate and are
transmitter being absorbedinto the interior of the neuron, so
incessantly distracted by segmingly neutal objects and
that it has unnaturally sustained effeclg. environment. In many regards
events in the
Cocaine is dangerous because it not only increases the "*tt*J
amphetamine users resemble schizophrenics in that they
availability of noradrenaline in the brain but also elevates are constantly at the mercy of the outside world, with no
the levels of this transmitter where it works more globally
feelings of disembodiment as well asan overriding feering of neurons are associatedwith the regulation of a mnge of very
elatedness.This drug causesan excessivJrefease"i***t"- I '-*'*-'bnsicfunctions; including sleep.'
nin. The flooding of the brain with serotonin results in These fountain-like serotonin-reieasingneurons are also
dg-amatic effects on metabolisrnr .on:how temperature is .:'--'thetarget for much anti:depressantmedication.Many anti-
regulated. In addition to feelings of euphoria, the drug depressantsact by enhancing the availability of serotonin,
causes hyperactivity; it is this incessant and repetitive albeit by a different mechanism and in a way that does not
movement that often characterizesthe dancers at raves, result in the neurons being killed. The most popular anti-
where ecstasy is frequently available. A similar effect can depressantto date,Prozac,works in this way' However,if a
actually be seen in rats. A normal rat placed in a box will net increased availability of serotonin is associatedwith
steadily explore the territory, displaying a variety of differ- 'happiness,'it follows that taking a drug such as ecstasythat
eD.t movements, such as rearing, sniffing, walking, and enhancesreleaseof serotonin in the short term wiii have a
washing. However, when a rat has been given ecstasy, it similar effect. If, unlike anti-depressants,repeated use of
makes the same movement over and over again, out of the ecstasy leads to death of the nerve endings, and thus
pennanent depletion of serotonin, then sustained use of
context of its normal behavioural repertoirc. This repeated
ecstasywould be predicted to have a depressantside-effect.
movement is chillingly reminiscent of the type of repeated
In fact, there is some data suggestingthat long-term-use of
dancing movements that drug-influenced humans demon-
ecstasycan be followed by depression and suicide.
We can ie-ethat drugs affect the brain in many ways due to
It is not yet known whether the effectsof ecstasyare due
the variety of brain chemicals upon which they act and the
to the fact that there has been an explosive release of
different .stages in synaptic transmission at which they
serotonin, or whether it is the subsequentdepletion of the
:l:l:-:iii:::'.&er*smitter-thatshas'caused-the-probleni: In dri' event, orie
rally occurring compound by acting at its receptor, whereas
serious consideration is that there is now evidence in rats
cocaine increases the availability of another type of sub-
that repeated use of ecstasyover the long term ca'ses death stance, before it diffuses across the synapse. Ecstasy is
of the clump of neurons (the raphe nuclei) that send a different in that it actually depletes the brain of yet a third
fountain-like spray of axons from the brain stem up and out type of transmitter chemical. Because we have so many
in a diffuse array to the higher regions of the brain. These transmitter chemicals in our brain, there are highiy specific
targets as well as these higNy diverse ways in which drugs individual brain is assembled,andhow it is expressed,are
-em-act. * -'
We know to a certainententnAatdrugseardo;'but tackled'reSiibctiVelyin the-next-two cliapfei;
we do not really know the full effects in the long term or the
side-effects on"the rest:of-the'bodv; -,::.- -'
Perhaps the most tantalizine issue is the link between the
known molecular/cellular changeand the changein the wa]r
we actually feel. Why should over-stimulation of enkephaiin
ve rise to the subiective
ggnsation of euphoria and a disregardfor pain? How might
.anti-depressantswork at the level of the synapsesuch that
enhanced availabilitv of serotonin leads to an alleviation of
induces chemical changes that preclude the entry of any embryonic disc, an oval-sheetthat is two-cell layers thick; It
is incredible to contemplate that this thin little d.iscis the
amassing around the egg. But it is a long way from an egg ultimate source of all the different cells that will make up
with a-diameter of aboul 0.005 inche,s-te.a,brairrThe-first the human body, but already these early pioneers have
step toward building a brain, and indeed the rest of a body, started to diversify, albeit rather crudely.
is to form a single cell from the eggand the sperm: a zygote.
At around twelve days,certain cells in the upper layer of
After just over a day, some thtty hours, this zygote divides
the disc start to move toward the middle, as though in some
into two cells and repeatsthe processagain and againso that
rehearsed and choreographeddance. tn the middle of the
within three days it has formed into a ball of cells
embryonic disc these mobile cells then insert themselves
resembling a mulberry, hence its name for
#9*I".(Latin between the original upper and lower layers, threading
along the disc and thus creating a third layer of cells. The
Five days following fertilization, the ceils within the
embryonic disc is now tlrree layers thick. It is at this stage
morula split into two $oups. One group forms an outer
that we can first focus on the future brain. The middle layer
of cells appearsto send chemical signals to the upper layer
i , congregate into a tight inner mass within the sphere at one
of cells so that they will diversify again,to becomeneurons.
vital stage is for the blastocyst to become implanted in the change in the middle, in that the centre sinks inward and
llning of the womb, whereby the new life will have accessto .&1dS9_r_*ov_9u^pyig$an.5l*o-.,1j,-A&qrthreerueelc,lhese
*"i'rii;:!*';",*'dll-tte'dubibdts-ifi^rill iffia'ffitd;il'>ctthil;nine weeksor edges will start to rise up, creating a neural groove. The
so. edgesof the groove then fold inward and fuse so that they
Within about a day of implantation, the inner ball of cells form a kind of cylinder, a neural tube. By the end of the ffrst
that had congregated within the blastocyst has separated month in the womb, a primitive brain has already been ,ii
from the outer wall. where it fuses with the womb. This formed. In fact, well before the neural tube took shape,the
jumbled mass of cells has started to flatten into the ]ottng brain was starting to manifest itself. Even at the stage
of the neural plate, certain segmentswere already d.estined interconnecting labyrinth that finally opens onto the spinal
the top of the neural tube thickens into three swellings. By animals, literally the primates, from which destiny led
the qlart of the second month, tlere are recognizablebrain ultimately to humans. Even into the first half of the
regions in place. The front stump of the neural tube initially twentieth century, such thinking continued: in one of his
bends in two places set almost at right angles with the novels, Aldous Huxley refers to'the 'ex-fish' standing in his
developing spinal cord, as parts of the brain grow faster than bishop's robes and proffering his bishop's ring.
l- __ __'- ' -: " -* _-l *_" _'_-
-------'-others: The'very front phrt iwiillc into two tremisprreres;at However interesting and attractive this idea might be that
around eleven weeks, the back part sprouts an outgrowth ontogeny (individual development)reflects phylogeny (spe-
that becomesthe easily recognizedlittle brain, the cerebel- cies development), it is not really valid as a blanket
lum. generalization.One brain is not simply more developedthan
It is due to the closed neural tube that cavities in the brain that of some 'lower' species.Evolution is more like a bush
- ventricles - are formed. These venhicles constitute an than a ladder, with speciesdevelopingalong different lines
each brain has evolved for the individual lifeslvle of a scrunching up paper into a bin: the more crumpled the
particular species. The human cerebeilum at no time in paper, the more can be accommodated.
development occupies either a half or 90 per cent of total
brain mass, as is the case for the cockerel and certain fish,
In this case it would seem that the development of a
wrinkled cortex was a case where glggenf, did reflect
respectively. The cerebellum is a sfucture that is the least phvlogenv. But perhaps the function of the cortex can be
changed acrossspecies;however, it is the high proportion of directly related to the general sophistication of the brain,
brain mass devoted to cerebellum that is a departure from irrespective of species-specificpeculiarities in lifestyle. If
the basic ground plan, the variation on the theme that fits a
particular species.Presumably,the lifestyles of the fish and
the cockerel, compared to the human, are dominated much
the cortex is the most important areafor cognitive processes,
as suggestedin Chapter 1, then clearly the more cortex ons
has, the better for being as flexible and adaptable to one's
more by the need to generatemovementsthat are exquisitely particular environment as possible.
coordinated with the incoming senses.A disproportionately
large cerebellum is not a 'statutory rite of passage for
developing breins of all species.
On the other hand, a stiking feature of the developing
On the other hand, dolphins have more convolutions on
theii cortex than we do, flt r"r estimated to be only as
intelligent as dogs.
-Sizeroj cortex, and hence the number of
convolutions, is not the only determining feature. Dolphins
human brnin is how the immature cortex at different stases
aoesinaeliaiJr"-ui. trr"i ot otn"i ,p*.irr. inr" *"".
h3vS- constrained,
as it is with humans, by the pelvic bones of the mother. t
rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs, for .ercample,is smooth in Although dolphins might have a large surfacearea of cortex,
it is thinner than that of h ;
texture, whereas that of the cat has some convolutions. By "nans and the neurons within are
organized in a less complex pattem. Thus, convolutions of
the time we arrive at the primate brain, these convolutions
have increased markedly, while the surface of the maturs the cortex are clearly a factor in determining the eventual
power of the brain, and increase as we grow in the womb
human cortex resembles a walnut. Interestingly enough,
C EL L S U PON C EL L S 1 2 7
I from the outer region of the neural tube toward the centre.
Once at the centre, the nucleus will divide so that the two
different functions. One glial type lqraqpLrygj plays a
part in removing the debris of dead cells within the brain
new cells then push back to the outer edgeof the neural tube
I to start the cycle again.
It is important to remember that the brain is not just a
following damage; another class of glial cells generatesa
fatty sheath around many neurons to act as electrical
I homogeneousmass,but, as we saw in Chapters1 and 2, it is
composed of highly specializedregions that can be distin-
The type of glial cell that is ne."ed after its starlike shape,
pstrocfie, and that is the most ubiquitous doesnot appearto
dlvlslon, must migrate to its correct location in the new clear, however, that asbocytesplay a wide range of diverse
braln. and more dynamic roles. In the healthy adult, these non-
Initially, neuronswill simply migratefrom the outerto the
neuronal cells protect neurons by ensuring that the micro-
lnner region of the neural tube, but as this zone becomes environment around the neuron remains benign in its
thtck with cells and well established,cells will move in chemical composition.They act as a type of spongeor buffer
for mopping up potentially excessiveor toxic amounts of further neuronsend.up misalignedand the whole cerebel-
In theeve"t,J- *i"ur";r"r;"J;;;;"*o= " - Iiiin*idinaihs-abnondiallysiiiatl. As wb iiw in Chapterz,
cytes will redouble their efforts and increase in size and sincethe cerebeiiumis importantin coordinatingmovement
"," n-umbet so that they;can relsxss.fuighlevels af:substancettii- :- arid seriiei,'it is haidly surprisingthat animalswith sucha
enable subseq-uentne_urongroyq an{ rgpair,of_the injury. compromised cerebellum extribit disorders of movement. At
How might glial ceils be important in migration of the moment it is a mystery how eachneuron knows when to
neurons to the far cornersof the developingbrain? Although get off the monorail, to alight in its particular piace in the
neuronal migration is a long way from being well under- future brain.
stood, it is known that one particularly important job of glial As more and more neurons proliferate, migrating along
cells in the development of the brain is to act as a kind of the giial monorail and then alighting, graduaily the brain is
temporary scaffolding. Glial cells set off fron their point of growing, accumulating cells layer upon iayer a little like an
origin ahead of neurons, as though layrng a track. In their onion. Eventually, the outermost layer, the cortex, starts to
wake, the neurons then slither along the glial cells as though assemblefrom an initial thin layer of cells, the cortical plate,
on a kind of monorail. If the glia are abseat, then certein As more cells arrive, th"y have to journey through this ffrst
neluons will not be able to migrate, with dire consequences. layer of new cortex to form a secondlayer, and so on. In the
One of the best-known illustrations of the type of prob- mature cortex, there are six layers in all. The neurons that
lems that ensue when neurons in the brain,are unable to were the first to arrive during development constitute what
-- migrate along their glial monoiail ciccurs in i certain abain ends up as the deepestlayer of cortex, that furthest from the
of mutant mouse, the weaver, so named because of the outer brain surface; the neurons in the outermost layer of
severe disorder of movement displayed- Instead of walking cortex, forming the very surfaceof the brain, were the Iast to
in straight lines, these mice will suddenly tu-rn in random
_ _ - :'
-. _ _* ;i ::l -__{
-:----^,.,. - -
directions, and are generally weak and subiect to incessant What makes a cell become a cortical neuron? Again, as
trembling. The problem for the weaver mouse lies in the with the actual point of descent from the glial monorail,
.littte brain at the back of its head, the cerebellum. Due to a little is known of this means of neuronal specification. We
mutation in the genes,tne ltiat cells in this region do not do know that in the brain there are molecules known as cell
develop as they should, resulting in a class of cerebellar adhesion molecules that may act a little like sticky badges,
neurons that do not migrate to their rightfui place. In turn, so that it is easyfor neurons literally to stick together to form
a group. For example,there are certain experiments
individual cells from different parts of,the developing
have been removed and mixed togetherwith other
ftg- other populations of potential brain regions;
original cells taken from the retina tend to retain
25 days 40 days
@ 100days
gate. The commitment of any neuron to a particular
shape, location, and connectivity will be
occurring at
different times. In addition, it is likeiy that the chemicar
a cell will use as its transmitter is determinedonce
and for five monrhs
six monrhs seven months
all as soon as the neurons have stopped proliferating.
nine months' gestation,we have most of the neurons
in our
brains that we are ever likely to have. (SeeFigure
So oow we are born! Birth aliows the brain to go
growing, since otherwise the head would soon
become too
big for the birth canar of the mother. At birth, the
head is roughly the same size as a chimpanzee,
some 350
- eubic"centimetres, By six months, it will be half
its eventuar
size, and by two years it wilr be three quartersthe
size of the
adult head. At four years old the human brain is
four times FIGURE8
the size it was at birth, some 1.,400cubic centimetres. The developinghuman brain. (simplified from M
,- canlibranr Series, 1g7g;)^
Evan withiii the'fiiii"month o] tiie, a babv n",
some reflexes. A reflex, as we saw in Chapter "tr""ay
2, is an
unchanging responseto a given, fixed,situation.
One such
reflex is a scooping movement of the arm that will
underrie from his body: the baby,s responseis
to retract his arm.
the eventual sophisticated abiiity to grasp objects.
This bringing it back into his trunk. This grasping
reflex becomes
reflex is seen if one tries to pull the baby,supper
arm away more and more refinedas the months pass.
From curling ali
his fingers around an object placed directly in the palm, the movement (the motor cortex, seeChapter 2) right on to the
' ' immediate nerves in the spiniil"coid that ale iesponsible.for
.-!$j-ps-co-m{p--ahle"io- turn-.his-hana to gmsp=an-
brought into contact with the back of his hand. Finally, he is contraction of muscles in each digit.
" --
- .b!.t !S-perform vohrntary grasgiqg,.where he is-first able to It is this fine finger movement that is the most refined, the
reach of his own accord for whatever is in view. _ most advanced.Within the motor cortex it is the digits that
Thesenagesof the aru"iop*-""i p*"nJ have some of the largest allocations of neurons. Moroovor,
"f ;;d;
changes occurring in the baby's cortex. During the first when the motor cortex is damaged, it is the fine flnger
months of life there is a massiveincreasein the cortex in the movement that frequently does not reappear, even though
insulati:rg substancemyelin (seeChapter 3). Once the a:<on most other movements miraculously return.
is insulated with myelin, it conducts the electrical signal far Once able to move each ffnger independently of the
more effrciently. Clearly, a movement as delicate 3s v6lrrn- others, manual skills increase enormously. This improved
tary reaching can only occur when the neurons in the cortex manual dexterity meensthat tool making is far easier,whlch
are working as efficiently as possible.Myelination continues itr turn will help enhance the progressand survival of the
apace right up to fffteen years of age, and even beyond. species.On the other hand, independent digit movement on
Furthermore, it is a pleasing thought that myelin can even its own is not the secretto the sophistication and versatility
continue to increase in density to as late in life as sixty years of the prinate lifestyle. The hamster and racoon also have
of age. good conhol of their digits.
.".. .The*-ultimate.skill in picking up objects comes,' often
unnoticed, toward the end of the first year of'Iife. Whereas voluntary patterns of movement. The Babinski sign, named
young babies can only move all digrts simultaneously, the after the man who first reported it, disappears in infancy. If
older child becomesable to move his fingers independently. the.,fqg! _Ln?4. adult .ars-stroked- then- the toeg
_,, F.9, !+--I-s-..
tend to curl inward, after a one-seconddelay. However, in
small object is picked up with the thumb and forefinger.The babiesthis stroking of the balls of the feet results in the toes
6ain group of animals able to make these types of move- being flexed upward in a fanning movement. As with the
ments is the primates. Unlike many other species, such as grasping reflex, sfunnges in the Babinski reflex during
the cat or dog, there is a direct connection in primates from developmentreflect x gfuengingnervous system.The Babin-
the area of cortex directlv associated with control of ski sigu qhangesas soon as netuons in the motor cortex (see
fli C E LLS U P ON C E LLS I35
walk. It is now known that this is not true. up the autonomic nervous system.
It is not just our voluntary functions,such as graspingand The autonomic nervous system is not just some sort of
walking, that gradually develop after birth. Another system .
steady-statemechanism but actually has two modes in
trlr involuntary functions has also come into play. We know which it works: a war mode and a peacemode. When a loud
C EL L S U PON C EL L S 'r 3 7
noise surprisesyou, your heart rate increasesautornatically. the ability of the skin to conduct-electricity and thus be
Ihe-survival vaiue {or--at irrcreasedheafi iate iS thet your - -
aeiecleaas i changing signal fi" a.t""tiJo *ifrto"r.
body is preparing for an emergencyaction where you might -itf,
,have-to exert yourself by running or fighdng; and theiefore the defauit condition and operateswhen we do not need to
your biood is pumping much more quickly to give you more - place immediatesurvival as the top prioritv. We have time
oxygen. - to reiax and to digest food without being on red alert to
.thetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The respond to a rapidly changing situation. The heart rate is
sympathetic division is activated when the usual daiiy slow and steadyand food is being steadiiv digested;we do
activities, which are not necessaryfor immediate survival, not need sweatto cool down or dilated airwaysto maximize
down, there is no time for digestion, and the blood carrying f,lft16rrgh it is normally the brain that controis the vital
organs,the stateof the body can also feed back to influence
oxygen is needed in vital organs,so that your heart rate and
the state of the brain. For example, a certain drug such as
blood pressure go up; airways are dilated to that you can
plqpranolol, (a 'beta-blocker')that slows down the heart rate
breathe more easily and an organ known as the adrenal
does not itself gain accessto the brain. Nonetheless,this
medulla releasesadrenaline to circulate around the body to
drug can be taken as a calming agent simply because the
help keep the organsresponding appropriately.
..slowed heart rate, rather like deep breaths, registers in the
.. Nowadays we are not necessarilyhunting or being hunted
brain that a non-stress situation prevails - that is,. the
in a literal sense; however, when you feel nervous or
: Parasympatheticneryous system is at work.
excited, your body has all the atavistic reactions needed on
the early cro_Magnon savannah. .to situationsthat are*rfrbfdStteeifie
IgyW include-adaptations
,5i3lir'-iiiopArates y";ilgoing to fight or flee,even to certain organs,rather than the global conditions of being
if you do not actually do anything. As you pick up the on'red alert or being relaxed. One reflex that everyonecan
phone to hear the result of an exam, job interview, or observeis the response of the iris to light. We know that
medical test, you might senseyour heart thud and you might when a light is bright, the pupil automatically constricts,
feel hot and a little sweaty, especially in the palms of your and dilates again when the light is dim, thus ensuring the
hands. It is this response of sweaty palms that can change correct amount of light is let into the eye. The iris also
responds automatically to emotion. If we are admiring --*, identifying exactly when this momentous event occurs.
ll something or feeling affeetionateand tender, then our pupils '
Ctearty,the single fertilized egg is not conscious,so when
automatically dilate. Apparently some wily saiespeople wouid consciousnesssuddenly intervene? And of what
ll have trained themselvesto observea customer,seyes to
assessthe chancesof a potential sale.Moreover,dilation of
iould a fetus be conscious?Another idea might be that the
babybecomesconsciouspreciselyas it is born. Again, this is
the pupils is considered a featurein enhancing attractive- a strangeidea as many babiesare born prematurely.So is it
ness. It seems
the act of birth itself that evokesconsciousness?
In a well-known, classic experiment,male subjectswere hard to accept this line of thought as the brain itself is
asked to sort photographsinto one of two piles accordingto completelyunaffectedby the birth process.
whether the females in the photographswere attractive or An alternative idea is that the child may become con-
not. There were many photographs,so the subjectswould scious sometimeafter birth. Not only would this scenario
have been unable to rememberindividual faces.The result i*ply that the neonatewas mereiy an automatonbut the
was that they frequently put duplicate photographs of the problem is again posedof identifying the critical stagewhen
same woman onto different piles. The only difference was consciousnessoccuued. The development of the brain in
that in one casethe pupils of the women had been touched. both the fetus and the neonate is a gradual process.It is
IJ up to look as though they were dilated. The men were ' thereforeimpossibie to identify some distinct and conspicu-
4. i subconsciously registering dilated pupils as the decisive ous event that could be correlated with the onset of
factor in the nineteenth cenfury, consclousness.
women contrived this reflex by taking a drug that blocked a There is another possibility. St"ce_th", br"t" d
certain type of receptorto the transmitteracetylcholine(see
Chapter 3);hencethe colloquial nameof the drug( the casetha
" ,
beiia donna,*""nirrg 'beautiful lady.' Phenomennnhrrtthar it grnwsas hreins do. If we acceptei
And so we are born equipped to adaptto stressand.with a that consciousnesswere a continuum in this way, then it
certain number of reflexes. lut are we conscious? This would follow that the fetus is conscious.but consciousto a
perplexing questionhas never beensatisfactorilyanswered. far lesser degreethan the human adult, or even the human
All the possibilities seem bizarre. one scenariois that we newborn.This way of looking at consciousnesswould also
,re' consciousin the womb, but then the problem arises of help with regard to the riddle of whether non-human
I animals were conscious. The less sophisticated the brain, _theenviroment in which we. are plaeed-Judging from the
.1 *o.rla-l
$-9-!e,9sthg deglee of consciousness-ffr*"rr*r.i*"i,
' '.i:
lgr,setdegreethan itshuman,counterpath:asthstfiains of the
It two species, so similar at birth, then follow different fates. - -- By nins months after conception; most of the neurons that
I The biain of the U,r*"r, that ;i the chimpanzeeare of will constitute our brain have proliferated to the appropriate
I "rra
comparable weights at birth. A vital difference is that the brain region. Once at their destination, each neuron effec-
primate brain, including that of the chimpanzee,undergoes tively sets down roots and initiates communications with
most of its develop*sn1 wi'hin the womb. For the human, neighbouring neurons by establishing a synaptic circuitry
much of its development - some might say most - occrus (seeChapter 3). All the time in the aew brain, the axons are
outside the womb. Might this postaatal growth of the brain now growing out from the neurons to connect them to other
give us any advantagesover our chimpenzee cousins, who neurons.Much of the spectacularincreasein brain size after
differ from us by only 1 per cent of their DNA (deoryribo- birth is actually attributable to the development of these
nucleic acid)? processesacting as lines of communication between neu-
Our brain, and its process of development in the womb, mns, rather than simply to the addition of more neutons.
has been the sr-e for thirty thousand years.With the brains [See Figure 9.)
we have as newborn babieswe could have just as easily been Even when grown in a dish - in tissue culture : brain cells
ushered into the world of early Cro-Magnon man.'stated will send out their iu<ons.Therefore, using a time-lapse
another way, the brain of an early Cro-Magnon baby could video, it is possible to observe directly brain cells pssshing
have been as intellectually agile and comfortable with out to their neighbours to establish contact. Viewed in this
com,putersas are many young people in developedcounfies YlY,*iLiS "Lrard-noltoanfhropenorphize- d:r-devetoptng
-- - .- - - i
'today*Tfie $iticil;Liil6!; for the adaptableand impres- cells. As they move on film, they appear highly purposeful,
yet with the fragility of spun sugar,moving acrossthe screen
sionable young humanbrain is to develop and mature under
the particular stimulation and constraints of the environ-
nent in which it is going to have to survive, whether it is
with alarming speed while literally feeling their way by
Itreansof fluted, weblike endings that undulate and flutter as
one of jungles or computers. Unlike 6u1 shimpnnzee rela-
tives, our brains have an extraordinary capacity to adapt to
they make their inexorable.progress.Almost a century ago
Ramony Cajal (see Chapter 3) referred to these endings of
lr l{,:/!trjll
chemical. The concentrationof this chemicalwill be strong-
li oYt
est near the target and weaker as it diffuses awav. Bv
:::--::flroving in the direction where the concentration of the
I ilr[i
r \' /
arrive at the target.
The prototypechemicalidentified as important in control-
ling the gro"r'thof nervesis@), It is
I il Ll
"_ thought that NGF works primarily by being carried back
udf. \
jl' ' tr
inside a cell once contact between neurons has been
established.Once transportedback in this wav, NGF possi-
3 months .r.,:, bly invades the nucieus to interfere with the expressionof
;", genes,in that it switchesoff a geneticallyprogrammedself-
F IG U R E 9 i-1::1,-
.. -
I:{f,,destruct mechanism. Conversely, if antibodies to NGF are
The deveiopment of the human cortexis characterizedby an increasein the
number of connections.Although individual cells can be readily seenin the t given, then the neurons in which it normally operateswill
newborn cortex, by two years the ner.rronsare hard to discern in a dense
network of connections.(Fromi. L. Conel,The Post-NatalDevelopmentof the ,',;ifi at". But brain developmentdoes not reiy exclusiveiyon
Human CerebralCortex,Vol. 1, HarvardUniversity Press,1939.) NGF. While NGF is used in neurons outside the brain and
str certain neurons within the brain, it is only one example
of many such probable guiding chemicals.
the nerves by the highly apposite term boffering rams; It is hard to imagine how such processeswould work for
however, their scientific name is growth cones. When i"T.i-: some of the very long distances that axo,-n!ate
looking at such fiIms; it is hard to undersfand how anvone :.:;.: bavel. A further possibiliqr, during early developmentwhen
could view the brain as a computeror even compareit witb "lii'. the brain structures are still close, is that there are a few
one. fibres that then become stretched out like melting
How do these vounq neurons know where to eo? It is toffee, but along which other axons will be able to follow.
thought that their primary orientation is probably genetic, ;ti,r,,,, Io *y event, it is certainthat thesegrowing axonsare not
but that any final routing will be fine-tuned later by local .,,; inefutably fixed in their course. Rather, growing neurons
lirctors.Another idea is that the targetcells releasea guiding can adapt sensitivelyto changingcircumstancesto makethe
are much larger groups of neurons allocated to the remain, -aeeordingto the working cells, which reflecte-din. tufn the
active brain cells. Sadly, the bandaging of the eye was In the b1ain,then, activity
misinterpreted by the brain as a clear indication that the growth go hand in hand: it is not only a question of 'use
would not be using that eye for the rest of his life. t[ or lose it' but 'use it as much as you can.,(SeeFigure 10.)
Normally, this 'use it or lose it'rule would be beneficialas itt.Aoy small change in the normal lifestyle or environment
it would mean that neuronal circuits were being established rill be reflected in a change in neuronai circuitry. For
I -_,environment,
not in those from the-ordinary cages. It
appears that sheernumbers of neurons are not as important
fasterreaction times. Although the middle-agedbrain is still
and reacting to the t""ito"*tnt, in terms of certain
processesit is siowing down - for exqmple,in the acquisi-
I as _the connections between them in the"brain. and these
connections are hiehlv changeablenot iust in development
tion of new skills such as driving. Although youngerpeople
do not drive better, they are better at learning to drive:
but also in adulthooC statisticsfrom the British School of Motoring suggestthat
^connectivity in highly specific neuronai circuits. the averagenumber of hours tuition (the number of hours a
We shouid be cautious about seemingiv obvious social personpays for at the schoolto learn how to drive) roughly
implications of this type of study. An enrichedenvironment matchesthe student's age.
for a human would not simply be one with accessto more Our brain continues to siow down in certain ways but to
material possessionsor increasedphysical activity, such as adapt and changein others, Most of us nurture the hopes of
repetitive dancing to a beat. Ralher, the key factor is living a long time, eventually reaching old age. It is well
stimulation of the brain. In the study with rats. it was forrnd known that we are living longer. Indeed, the increased
that it was the activities that involved learning and memory. emphasison brain disordersof the elderly is one of the most
compelling neasonsfor studying the brain. In 1900, the life
changes in the brain. You do not have to be rich to stimulate expectancy was forty-seven, and only 4 per cent of the
your brain with' enriched environment.' Human stimulation population was over sixty-five, whereas in 1990 more thar'
can be achieved informally outside of the schoolroom by 12 per cent of the population was over sixty-five. Twenty per
lively conversations, meaningful relationships, crossword cent of the population will be over sixty-five by the year
puzzles, and incessant reading, irrespective of whether such 2020. More &an any other generation, we have a greater
events occur in an inner city or on a beachin the Caribbean- .-chance.ofbeing in excellent'healthdue to"a good diet,"bdtter
Thus, as we tive out our lives, *" t"rt ion the connections medical care, and an increasing interest in physical fitness.
between neurons that endow us with an individual, unique However, it is at this final stagein life that the brain starts
brain. Nonetheless,by the time we arrive at middle age we to diminish in its mass.There is a 2o per cent loss in brain
are fairly flxed as a personality, or we think we are: weight by age ninety, and even by age seventy there is a 5
certainly, inside the middle-agedbrain someprocessesare per cent loss in brain weight. On the other hand, as
starting to slow down a iittle. Younger people will have discussedin Chapter1, we know that the remainingneurons
;;;;;;i:;;:':-,,-"-".N-gfr"ejltgless-brai*ellsdo-ehange-inifOfmal'ciftfag6. nE
believed by some that there is a reduction in the dendrites,
the receiving areaof neurons, although this idea is still hotly, ;
debated. If this is true, it might be thought that our
processing abilities decline, but a recent study has showu J
questioned about their preferences,attitud,e-qr iaeessant experiences thrown in our paF: For -expqrienCes
gsisthere are, perhaps-not-surprisingly;-otten"eotrsideiebli; fti"" *y-i"tu"g significancein this way, they needto be
similarities. However, a coincideuce in tastes and ideas ' remembered.The essenceof the individual thus lies in no
might not be that-remarkable'iu any siblings-real'infin'ihe'- p"tt *hai he or she can remember. Perhapswe
- could start with memory as a way of approaching the secret
same environnent.
Identical twins will also show signs of distinct percep- of the physical basis of individuality.
tions and thoughts that rnake it clear they are individuals In English at least, memory cen serve as an umbrella term
with their own priwate consciousness,even though their for a diverse range of processesthat may weil be quite
genetic make-up is the same. -distinct. Comparethe memory processesof an octopus and a
gble by genes,it must, at least in part. be due to some other human. The octopus has one of the largest brains of all
factor in the brain that is not shared even bv descendantsof invertebrates,roughly equal in size to the brain of a fish, and
the same egg. i.. composd of some 170 million nerve cells. Although this
We have already seen in the previous chapter how .,[rrmber seems large, it is trivial in comparison with the
experience is a key factor in shaping the micro-circuitry of iri,humanneuronal count of some 100 billion. Nonetheless,the
the brain. Eating something that you associate with an {-iictopus hasprovedpopular in learning and memoryexperi-
unpleasant event could well make you dislike that particu- i: ments,becauseit has highly developed eyes and a sophisti-
lar type'of food. Even more simply, only those e4posedto ::'catedsystemof touch via its many tentacles. In experiments,
the music of Mozart, for exdmple, will ever have the chance aD odopus can clearly tell the difference between certain
to say that they have a preference for Mozart. Experiences blours and can attach different meanings to each. For
we have never had can play no part in framing our it will readily grasp at a coloured ball it has
-leamed is associated witlr delive-iy bf a prawn,
but will not react to a ball of a different colour that has not
if the person was never exposed to different languages. been paired with anything either rewarding or aversive.
The process of evolving a unique lpin is perhaps most ii'i This type of memory, a simple association between a
dramatic up to and induding the teenageyears, but even lcoloured ball and a prawn, may seem a far cry ftom the
then the brain is not caught in freeze frame. Our character &emory of a particular hot surrmer day by the sea,or how to
continues to adapt as we respond to, and. rgcoil from, the a bicycle, or remembering the French for 'window.'
There are many rlj:;tinct types of brain processesthat fall
*;!lgg-1erm memory for nonsense words also have .a poor
under the general te'rmmemo.ry.The most basid ana famitiar
long-termmemory for unfamiliar namesof toys. Short-term
distinction is bet',areenshort-term an@.
srrd long-termmemory appearto work not independentlyin
Short-term memgrv operates when:we try to remember a
parallel but in series.First, short-termmemory comesinto
series of numbers. Everything is fine if there are no
operation:it is a transient,highly unstableand vulnerable
distractions, becausrrthe strategyis usually to repeat the
processwhere attentionand rehearsalare neededin orderto
sequencein our mjnd over and over again.This processis
lead into the more permanent and dormant long-term
surprisingly modest: we can only remember an averageof
memory. Successfulrehearsalin short-term memory will
seven digits.
eventuallylead to that speciaiphonenumber being retained
One of the most obvious questionsto ask about short-term
without constant attention to it.
memory is how it relates to long-term memory. This less
, We all know that short-term memory is improved if
contrived type of memory processoccurs without any need
numbers, for example, have significance, such as a tele-
for repetition or rehearsal. Do short- and long-term memorv
-. phone number or a security number to a building or a safe.
tn a com independent ? I t is
, h *y case,if an item survives in your memory for more
well known that patients who remembernothing about what
than about thirty minutes, it is probably not going to be
has happened to them beyond the immediate present, and
forgotten, at least for a matter of days. Patients recovering
who thereby exhibit an almost global amnesia,nonetheless
"ftom concussion or electric shock treatment (a radical
have a short-term memory ability indistinguishable from '- therapy for severe depression) characteristically cannot
non-amnesiacs. ClearLy then, the two processes can be
:ii:'rememberwhat happened an hour or so before the event,
separated, but coulrl someone have a normal long-tern ,,1,whereas their long-term memory remains operational. In
mgryory evenwhgn sho$:teng memoryabiliry i.*
Impairments in shart-term memory are difficult to study.
Long-term memory is not a one-stepprocessbut, just as we early rupture in the normal course of events subse-
saw for other brain functions in Chapter 2, it can be divided ,-.frt
quently obiiterates any chance of that hour of Iife beins
into many different aspects. For each of these different s'rr..tacorded
more permanently in the mind of the individual.
aspects there appears t-o be a respective form of short-term Sho\t-term memory operates to serve lnng-tcrm memnry
memory. For examplct, yal.lng children who have a poor But what do we mean by long-term memory? It turns out
that, once more, this other basic categoryfor the umbrella .--brarnremoved to conbol the epilegtic seizures.Despite its
-:succeCs-"in-combiting epilepsy, this operation has never
--*'diiitinCt ph"rro-"rr.. ih"r. is much that we learn and been performed since then, becauseof the terrible conse-
remember as we g! through life: how to drive.a car, the:- qLence:after surgery, H.M. could remember only events
French for'thank you,' and what we did when Aunt Flo last before his operation - up to about two years beforehand.
carne to visit: All these are examples of different types of Sincethe surgeryhe hasremainedconstantlytrapped in the
memory at work. However, the odd item in these three present.
examples would be how to drive a car. The memory for a It is very hard to imagineH.M.'s stateof mind. He fails to
fact, such as the French for'thank you,' or an event, such as - - recognizefriends or neighboursthat he has got to know after
the recent visit of Aunt Flo, requires that we should be the operation.Although he can give the date of his birth, he
making an explicit conscious effort. In contrast, driving a cannot give his conect age, always estimating that he is
car, like many skills and habits, is almost performed on ;;,- younger than he actually is. During the night he might ask
automatic pilot. This type of memory is therefore referred to ,,,the nurse where he is and why he is there. He cannot
as ,W, because we do not need to actively and fi'''reconstruct the event of the previous day. He explains,
consciously rememberhow to do something: we just get in a iffL,: Tvery day is alone by itself, whatever enioyment I have had,
car and drive. When you approach a red light your foot is
'automatically' on the brake. In contrast to this process,
memory for .events and facts. can be regarded as gxplibit .ffi--at result of this condition,H.M. has only beenableto
memory. ,- qarryout simple acts in the here and now. Therefore,he was
One of the most famous and intensively investigated cases . -gven monotouous iobs such as mounting cigarette lighters
of complete loss of explicit memory is that of H.M., a young g4fdboard-displays,-He eould' not givd d &isdiiption' of
epilepsfime -c"onditio"
man;.-who-had-severe il *nifr"tnt the place in which he worked, the nature of his job, or the
patient is stricken with a seizure accompanied by loss of route along which he was driven every day.
consciousness.In H.M.'s case, these epileptic seizures ". H.M. can still rememberstings of up to seven digits, thus
became so frequent that it was impossible for him to live a demonstating that short-term memory is a separateprocess
normal life. tom the subsequentstageof long-term memory. Moreover,
In 1953, at the age of twenty-seven,H.M. had part of his fil' although H.M. appears to have lost his ability to remember
in the long term, his brain has retained
a different t-vpeof sensesand the control of movement, different brain regions
memory. H.M. can actuaily perform
quite well- at eertafn for different aspectsof a function.
Iie r-ebponsible
moio. skills like tracing a star. However,
this task is not as The areathat H.M. had removed was the middle part of
easy as it sounds since the outiine
has to be traced while his temporallobe, which lies on either side of the brain, as
looking in a mirror: it is a demanding
exercisein sensory its name suggests,by the temples, just abovethe ears.This
motor coordinationthat improveswith practice,
like driving areaalso includes a region underneaththe cortex cailed the
or riding a bicvcie, Everv day, FI.M.
did indeed improve, hippocampus.which is Greek for 'seahorse,'becausesome
showing that this other type of memory, peoplethink this structurelooks iike a seahorse.It is, to my
implicit memory,
was not processedin the samepart of the -mind, actuaily easiestto visuaiize the hippocampus as it
brain as memories
for events.Interestinglyenough,H.M. nestlesin the brain below the cortex as a structure shaped
was not consciousof
remembering the event of learning to more like rams' horns, curling around the inner mass of the
draw the star (an
example of explicit memory), although ''brain. A considerableamount of clinical and experimental
his brain was quite
happilygettingbettera t d o in g s o -imp lic it me mo rY i,widence has shown, subsequentto the caseof H.M., that
:demageto this
Particularly relevant to our present brain region results in an impairment in the
discussion is that
although H.M. cannot remember events Iayrng down of memories.
occurring after, and
two years prior to, his surgery, past memories Even for this more specific aspect of memory, its initial
from long ago
are still intact, trapped in the brain like consolidatiotr, there is another area that appears to be
a fly in amber.
memories are obviously not dependent : tlg medial thalamus. which is vital for the
on the brain areathat
has been removed. It must be the case l.,relayrng of incoming sensory information onto the cortex
that no one brain i fseeChapter2). Iust as the processingof hearing and vision
region can assume the entire responsibility
for the whole
processof .factsand events.Ratlier, Ig]lt gn a,different-part,of the thalamus, so there iS a
'.}em-gl]4 memoriei musi
, rpecific area of the thalamus contributing to memory.
be somehow processedthrough one region
but consolidated ; . We know that the medial thalamus contributes to memorv
elsewhere.In H.M.'s case,the damagemust
have intervened lrecauseof one or two unfortunate and bizarre accidents in
at the stagewhere a new memory is first
processed.Hence, which people have ended up with either fencing
foils or
all the memories that had aiready been
consolidatedwere rnooker cues up one nostril, thereby destroying
the medial
safe. Just as we saw in Chapter2 in our consideration ii:':thalarnus.In such
of the cases,the victims of these accidents have
wt r H ] ilND t N r {t NO lat
iffi displayed amnesia for events. Unlike the elamples o{ events are rernembered,as occrrrringiat a.certain time and
;i; -. ' '
):..*--, -..'
ice,-bnt-*tio i" how they are associatedwith related
*-. --- ---*T::--- - - i-- ; ---'
" Seen only temporary, however. Despite the fact that the eveotsat presumably a similar time or place.
amnesia can be temporary, _thereis apeunannt inabilitytor': '*flc6; as in semantic memory, need differ only from the
-'":" ' memory of events that occurred while the amnesia lasted,. - events of episodic memory in that they are removed from a
- presumably whiie the medial thalamus *", specific'moment and place. Once the pink elephant is
Hence, as for the hippocampus, the medial thalamus can be displaced from the jungle hideaway in which you saw him
viewed as important in the consolidation of memories. one night in the last summer vacation, he becomesreduced
Source amnesiais a loss of memory for when and where to the generic thought that elephants can be pink. Damageto
an event occurred. If there is no space or time reference, the areawhere facts have been personalized into eventsby
events cannot be differentiated, and there is no personal +ime and space referencing would not achrally destroy
involvement of the individual with what hao happened. rnemoryitself but rather would uncouple facts from the
Because events are unique and personal, whereas facts are in which they occurred. Specific events would be
generic and free of time and space frr-es of reference, it ' to mere generic facts in that they would have no
follows that source amnesia will primarily affect menory for or unique features in time and space.
events rather than for facts. Whereas memory for both facts !,:l If the prefrontal cortex is needed for this type of time-
and events appeius to rely on the integrity of the hippocam- isPaceallocation of events, and if, as we saw in Chapter 1,
pus and the medial temporal lobe, only memory for eveniC *,+fheprefrontalcortexhasshownan extraordinarydifferential
seems affected by damage to this third area, the prefrontal , lgmwth during evolution, it follows that this type of memory
cortex, which we encountered in Chapter 1. ifur-events would be particularly pronounced in humans,
Interestingly enough, damage to the medial thdamus, Iargeprefroittaliiirtiix, anAA
frr less prominence in other animals. For other animxls,
result in special types of errors in the time-spaceallocation perhaps memory of an event is more generic, less anchored
of memories. Memories can come forward inappropriately, : trnique rime and place coordinates. A cat may not
out of context, when they are irelevant to the speech and ;ltmember a specific spring day when it caught a mouse in
ideas of the present moment. The prefrontal cortex is " tie back garden just after drinking a saucer of milk and
presumably havirig ssms influence not just in the way climbing a hee, although it may well have a vaguer
resources. Perhaps dreamers, schizophrenics, and non- Patientswith this diseasenot only have the same type of
h,umansshare a similar type of consciousness;characterized riibnory impairment as H.M. - namely amnesiafor every-
by little memory for previous events, and dominated by " thing that happenedsincehis surgery(anterogradeamnesia)
generic facts and the imrnediacy of the here and now. If so, 'tr'bui also loss of memory for everything that happened
such a profile of awarenessmight have contributed to the ,--. before being taken into the hospital, and even before the
character changeof PhineasGage(seeChapter1) following onsetof the illness (retrogradeamnesia).
the severe damageto his prefrontal cortex. The distinction between anterograde and retrograde
So far we have seen that for explicit memory of both amnesiawas demonstrated in a study carried out in the
events and facts, clinical cases(for ocample,H.M.) suggest "1970s.Korsakoffpatientsproved worse than H.M. at recog-
that the hippocampus and medial thalamus play a role in nizing the faces of celebrities who had been famous in the
laying down memories for about two years; these long-term 1930sand tg+0s. The problem in learning about memory
memories are somehow 'stored' in the temporal lobe, as Korsakoff patients is that it is hard to isolate the
revealed by Penfield's studies. Meanwhile, the preftontal ts from other types of thinking processes.With alco-
cortex, with which the hippocampus and medial thalamus the brain damage is so widespread that there are
both have connections, coordinates facts with an appropri- lna"y conditions affected other than memory. Korsakoff
ate time and space context to ensure that an event is patients, unlike H.M., would have extensive damage to a
remembered as a unique happening. of other brain regions, incuding large areas of the
i --.-. -- - --How might a fact or an eventbe stored in the brain? We
know that even though memories of past events might tlere a particular brain region where a memory is
suwive damageto the thalamus and hippocampus, they are y laid down? PsychologistKarl Lashley tried to answer
far from indestructible.It is helpful to cq!npar-e*_H,M_J Lashley bained rats'offa mdriiory-* -'
5; ; ; ; : - : ; l- : : : ; , _. i* ' - "- - . , * : ; , . - . - * - ; - ' '. - - - . '
niemory loss, where there was removal of the medial in mazes,and then removed different portions of cortex
temporal lobe, with another type of memory loss from seeif he could identify where the rnemory engram might
another group of patients. These patients have memory stored. To his surprise and consternation, removal of
problems due to chronic alcoholism. Among the many risks parts of the cortex did not result in a precise
of taking great abundanceis a diseaseassociated between one specific area and the retention of a
with a dietary deficiency of thiamine: Korsakoffs syndrome. memory. Rather the more cortex that was removed,
the same. Phaseof r1tol-tr:rm memory, but short-term memory only
dPenfield's find ..-lastsat most far hour. In contrast is the striking case
ehow of H.M., wherc, aithoughhe had perfectrecallof all that had
IZI THE I . I UM AN BRAI N wlTH r.ilND lN r.ilND t73
certain type of movement in an appropriate context without of this -chapter: presentation of an erstwhile
I needing to think about it, can be performed adequately in
amnesiac patients with medial temporal lobe damage.
naiiihalstimulus, siich as a ball, evoked a responseonce it
,hadbeen assocatedwith a meaningful stimulus, such as a
However, paJients guffering, from- dissrders of:::the bas
ilratarn;Certain iypes bf cond.itioning involving an immedi-
ganglia such as Parkinson'sdiseaseand Huntington,s chorea ate rnovement of the muscles are now thought to be
(see Chapter 2) have seemingly no problem explicitly
controlledby the cerebellum,the little brain on the back of
remembering facts and events.Instead,their problem is that the head (seeChapters1 and 2). For example,it is possible
they are no longer able to perform the habit of an appropri- in both rabbits and humans to condition the eye to blink to
ate sequenceof movement,or of recognizingthe next item in an erstwhiie neutral stimulus, such as the sound of a bell,
a sequencethat had been shown to them over and over again when it is associatedwith a natural trigger for the eye blink,
and normally would have been implicitly remembered. zuch as a puff of air.
An everyday example of a habit is the ability to generate .
We can see that for habits and skills. different brain
the right type of movement at the right time. patients with -*,sEucturesare involved compared to those used in explicit
Huntington's chorea no longer generatea movement in an i i --- ^.c 4-:-
^ -- of
memory -- r events.
facts and ,- - , r
A criticalr difference
r... r.
lies not iust
appropriate context - for example,the flinging of a limb that iin the identity of these structuresbut also in their relation to
can characterize that disorder might be appropriate on the &e cortex. Whereasthe medial thalamus and hippocampus
baseball pitch, but not in the shopping mall. On the other, have sbong reciprocal connections with the cortex, the
hand, Parkinsonian patients can no longer sequence'a with the basalganglia and cerebellumare not so
movement: the more complex the sequence- for example,., or dominant. The striatum, which is the pivotal part
standing up, or turning around -the greaterthe impairment.. the basal ganglia in both Huntington's chorea and
In both of these very different disorders of the basal is,-disease,reeeives an-input from' the-coiGx, but
.'',..-''.-.'" .-'?
- - ---thereisa lapsein the imphCit'memory;tri;*; ; fault in doesnot send one directly back. Similarly, the cerebellum,
different aspects(respectively,context and sequence)of the r.while indirectly linked to the cortex, does not have any
habit of generating movements .direct connections. Hence it is tempting to imagine that
The basal ganglia are not the only brain regions to be
ir-thesebrain regions, unlike those involved in explicit mem-
involved in implicit memory. Some memory tasks involve are left in a sense to freewheel more autonomously.
conditioning, rather like we saw for the octopus at the scenario might be expected of activities such as
implicit memory that are performed withoul attention or Again, purely for simplicity, let us think of each of these
- conscious-effort: such activities would nof n6ed-lonitant elementsas representedby two single cells.
referral to the cortex, which is known to play a key role in
- During a memory, the two previously unassociatedneu_
-eonscious attentiori. As we saw inr Chapd; z, orr.. .- rons would be simultaneouslyactive, and that coincidental
movement can become automated,either by internaiized-'T activitv would eventually have some long-lastingresult far
triggers in the basal ganglia or from sensory inputs fed outliving the periods for which each cell was active in the
through the cerebellum, the cortex is free for other func- first place.The easiestscenarioto imagine is that explained
tions, such as explicit memory, the rememberingof facts { in the 1940sby the visionary psychologistDonald Hebb.He
and events. proposedthat when an incoming cell, X, was particularly
We have seen that memory can be subdivided into j active,and exciteda targetcell, y, then the synapsebetween
different processesand that each process will be served by 1X and I would become strengthened.By strengthening,
different combinations of brain regions. But common to all Hebb meant that this synapse would be more effective in
these memory processesis perhaps the most my glemical signalling than the other, more dormant inputs
issue of all: We know that some people can rememberwhat contact with Y. This idea is a version of what we
happened to them ninety yeius ago, but by then already seen in &e previous chapter during develop-
molecule in their body will have been turned over ment, when the hardest working neuron (in this case, X)
times. If long-term changesmediating memories are ends up with the most effective connections.
ring continuously in the brain, how are they i, The second, more recent proposal for an alternative wav
ve of brain how do neurons registermore :ln which to strengthen a connection is for the strengthened
less pennanent change as a result of experiengqL_ not to involve the target cell y directly, but to
- We have been conridering memory using top-down luvolve the use of a third cell, Z. This third cell
egies. In order to answer this latest question, we have onXbefore it signalled to y. Hence this strengthen-
travel bottom-up. Imagine a synapsethat was participa would be presynaptic, not postsynapticas in Hebb,s
in a memory process of any kind. Let us think, e.If. Z and X were concidentally active such that Z
simplicity's sake, of a memory in its simplest form as 'ulated (seeChapter 3) the activity of & more transmit-
association between two previously unassociatedel would be releasedonto the final target y. Only when
the laying down of a memory, then the hansmitter would We learned in the previous chapter ft"t
not only have to be passingon the messageto the targetcell are to r-rlsdifynot so .much the numbers of
I on the other side of the synapsefor a more vigorous or
potentiatedresponsein the short term. in addition, thelong- ,-,
4guons themselvesbut rather the connections between
fr"rl, As a broad generaiization,we saw that the more
lasting result of this enhanced activity would actually have experience.the more connections.It is now known that
to be a changein what was happeninginside the targetcell. within an hour of training on a particular task, certain
Clearly, permanentchangescannotreiy on existing chem- important proteins are pressed into service. Two good
icais simply being releasedin greater quantities. Even if
examplesof these proteins are the sticky badges,the cell
certain enzymesbecomespontaneousiyactive, which they
adhesion molecules that we looked at in the previous
do, thereby increasing the efficiency of the synapse, such
chapter, and another aptly named growth-associatedpro-
molecules only have a life span ranging from minutes to
tein, GAP-43. Celi adhesionmoleculesappearto be impor-
weeks. Although much of what happens within the cell
tant for neuron recognition and for the stabilizatioa of
during memory is still a mvstery, certain facts are emerging.
neuronal contacts.As cell adhesion moiecules are made in
For both Aplysia and the LTP in marnmalian flains, ss
the brain, certain sugarsare incorporated..we know that cell
have seen that &e underlying corrmon event is the entry of
adhesion molecules are important in memory because if
calcium into the neuron.
sugarincorporation is preventedby administering an appro_
This entry can act as a trigger, in as little asthirty mfututes",
priate drug, then amnesiaresults.
for activating certain genes by using proteins that in
GAP-43 is an example of another protein that may play a
themselves eire short-lived. Nonetheless, the products of
role in memory - as its namesuggests,it is implicated in the
sudi genes are then able to activate other genes,which, by
the diverse ways in which they are expressed,can modify a a ,growth of neurons. Growth cones (see Chapter 4) contain
nsuron fol a very-long period. The effectsof activating genes GAP-43, and its synthesis is known to occur at a high rate
withiril the neuron might be to increasethe efficiency of the when neurons are extending their itxons. GAp_43 is appa_
transmitter, increase the number of receptors, or rently activated during LTp. Hence, it is tempting
increase the effi.ciencywith which a receptor opens an iou speculatethat the entry of calcium during the strengthening
channel. However, the alternative way in which a +:of a contact during a memory task
will lead to enhanced
might be changedby gene expressionis even more growth of neuronal contacts, perhaps
via GAp-43, and
:::::;=if oKr{tN WITH M IN D IN M IN O It'
stabilization of those contacts, perhaps by means of ceil --- triggermany associations.For example,associatinga num-
ber ('3') with somethingthat canbe readily visualized('throo
In this way there will be new synaptic contacts,which we blind mice'), and which is very familiar (an oid nursery
::r:-. ihyme), wiil improve the subsequentrecall of the number.
saw in Chapter 4 were. during deveiopment, the way the
brain most conspicuously reflected changesin the environ- --, An aitemative strategy is to imagine items of, say, il
ment. It would not be surprising, as we go through life, for shoppinglist, distributed in different parts of a room, such
that a bar of chocolatemight be nailed to the door, the buttor
the processof adaptingto experience,namelv memory,to be
' *"y be placed under the tabie, with the milk on the table
an echo in our brain of the developmentalprocess.
**'and the tea in the sink. An.alternative way of improving
connectivity between neurons, albeit sophisticated and , silce we are able subsequentlyto remember eventsfor
currently unidentified, is important. Someninsq/ years. Moreover, young children are able to
It is a well-known trick for improving memory to associate habits and skills from an early age - it is only
the item to be remdmberedwith something that would itseU i*plicit memory that is the problem. On the other hand.