Student Centered Lesson Plan

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Student Centered Lesson Plan

Grade Level/Subject
10th Grade American Government
Educational Standards
SSCG16 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the operation of the federal
Element B. Examine how John Marshall established the Supreme Court as an
independent, coequal branch of government through his opinions
in Marbury v. Madison.
Element C. Describe how the Supreme Court decides cases.

To determine how the Supreme Court received its judicial review duties
To explain how the Supreme Court decided to hear cases
To analyze the history landmark Supreme Court cases and how the
justices personalities impact future legislation
Student Activities
In a 2 week flipped classroom module students will review resources outside the
classroom to initiate the learning process. In the classroom students will display
what they learned through collaborative group discussions and project based
Blog: Students will review 3 lecture videos or readings at home and post a
reflection to each on their blog. They will then view three of their classmates blogs
in preparation for discussion during the next face-to face meeting.
Individual Project: After class discussion, students will make a PowerPoint as if
they were re-teaching the lesson. This PowerPoint will display the knowledge the
students gained from the unit. They will include all necessary information to meet
all 3 objectives and resources they used to further examine the content.
Group Project: In groups, students will choose a technology to create an audio
and video presentation of an assigned landmark Supreme Court Case. They will
research the case and the justices involved in the decision making process. They
will present the details of the case, why the Supreme court chose to hear it, how the
justices decided and how might the legislation be different if it were a case today
with our current justices.


Activity Point Criteria

Participation 10 pts Students participate in all face-to-face class
discussions; students are prepared to for
class by reviewing resources, forming an
opinion, and reading the opinions of others
Blog 10 pts Students formally recorded their opinion
prior to class. They have also read the blogs
of three classmates as evident during class
Individual Learning 40 pts Students have combined what they learned
Project throughout the module in a PowerPoint
Group Project 40 pts Audio/Video presentation is interesting and
meets all required criteria (details of the
case, why the case was heard by the
Supreme Court, what was the outcome of
the case, how might the case be different if
the current justices decided to hear the
case) Students equally participated within
the group.

Teachers Role
The instructor is responsible for posting module lessons such as video lectures and
reading. The instructor will facilitate in-class discussions and correct any
misconceptions. Instructor will answer questions and monitor assignments
throughout the module will be completed on a daily basis. The teacher will grade all
assignments and give timely feedback.

Student Role
This module is student centered with student in control of their own learning.
Students are engaged in video and article resources for initial introduction of
information then, they are able to present the information back in their own form
through PowerPoint. Students are also engaged in a collaborative project with audio
and visual representation.

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