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Results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS-ELAN project

Edited by Franc Trek & Drago Kos
Ljubljana 2012
Edited by: Franc Trek & Drago Kos

Proofreading: Franc Smrke

Correctors: Ilija Stojanovi & Danijela Tame

Reviewer: Pavle Gantar

Design and Layout: Jasmina Plotajner

Publisher: Zaloba FDV/The Publishing House of the Faculty of Social Sciences

For publisher: Hermina Krajnc

Co-Publisher: CIVITAS ELAN

For Co-Publisher: Zdenka Simonovi

Print: Tiskarna Littera picta d.o.o.

Edition: 500

Financial support: The book was published with financial support from the EC within the CIVITAS Initiative in the 7th
Framework Research Programme. All work described in the articles was (co)funded by the CIVITAS Initiative in the 7th
Framework Research Programme.

Monograph is available in e-book format on:


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RETHINKING everyday mobility : results and lessons learned from the CIVITAS-ELAN project / edited by Franc Trek & Drago
Kos. - Ljubljana : Fakulteta za drubene vede, Zaloba FDV = The Publishing House of the Faculty of Social Sciences : CIVITAS
ELAN, 2012

Dostopno tudi na:

ISBN 978-961-235-600-2 (Zaloba FDV)

ISBN 978-961-235-601-9 (ePub, Zaloba FDV)

1. Trek, Franc

The massive automobilization of the second half of the 20th century has made traffic in the
cities into a chronic problem. The traffic issue has started to endanger the raison dtre of
cities. Together with the expansion and suburbanisation of the cities, forcing the inhabitants of
dispersed cities to make longer trips to work, study, or for errands, the traffic problems
accumulated over decades have become hardly manageable. Though there are a few
exceptions worth imitating, we may generalise that the traffic issue is an identity feature of
contemporary cities and urban regions. Moreover, the massive production and use of cars has
affected the nature of contemporary societies to an extent that we may rightly refer to them as
system of automobility, i.e. societies adapted to massive car use. The fact that the adapted
system is inevitably never finished, and that it constantly requires new interventions and
infrastructure investments, is highly convenient for the expansive interests of the powerful
automobile complex, which in addition to car producers comprises numerous interest groups
from the cluster of the car ideology. In the early stages of automobilization, the most eminent
representative of the branch, the eloquent Henry Ford, exclaimed: We shall solve the city
problem by leaving the city.
His prediction has largely come true. In the second half of the twentieth century, the cities in
the developed parts of the world succumbed to the intense attacks of automobilization.
Suburbanization became the leading trend, cities expanded, and numerous metropolitan
regions and conurbations emerged. This urban development suited the growing middle
classes, which could afford two basic goods: a detached family home and one, two or more
cars. In the consumer society of high modernity, formally and legally founded on the individual,
the patterns of urban mobility have become increasingly diverse, temporally and spatially
dispersed, and consequently perplex and less predictable. The long-term projection of these
trends leads to a radical transformation of the urban areas and, logically, of the rural areas as
As long as automobilism suited the basic features of contemporary consumer culture or until
it turned into an obstacle to ensure accelerated flows of goods and people, alternative
proposals were marginalised. Only constant traffic congestions and the consequent
deterioration of the environment which sensitised many users led to broader views and
reflections on the absurd and irrational domination of automobilism. However, introducing
environmentally friendlier forms of mobility for people and goods, and asserting alternative
traffic models, is far from simple, especially because of the relatively low operational capacity
to legitimately introduce changes to the complex systems into which modern cities and urban
regions have turned. These changes indeed have to meet economic, organisational, technical,
political, social, cultural, and other criteria. This means, in other words, that it is very difficult to
legitimately change traffic systems because it interferes with a strongly rooted system of
interests, and at the same time directly affects the common routines of everyday life.
Nevertheless, the time is right for a shift and turn.
This monograph presents the conceptual reflections on possible alternatives within the
Civitas Elan project, its successful concrete solutions, as well as obstacles to the introduction of
changes. The project has provided evidence of both continuing acute traffic problems and the
spreading awareness of the necessity of change. Nevertheless, systemic resistance was often
so powerful that for most of the time radical shifts seemed unlikely, but with some of the
projects measures they were achieved all the same. It is also clear that the traffic issue is a
specific, socio-technical combination, which necessarily requires the cooperation of
technicians, technologists, organisers, logisticians, administrators, and various groups of
users; in our modernist world this, too, is quite difficult and requires innovative approaches.
CIVITAS ELAN, which is part of the Civitas (stands for CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability) Initiative of
the European Commission, is a program coordinated by cities and simultaneously a program
of cities for cities. The initiative derives from the premise that cities are living laboratories for
learning and evaluation, where political commitment is a basic requirement in the search for
better alternatives, which will provide cleaner and better transport in the cities, while
promoting and implementing sustainable, clean and (energy) efficient urban transport, and
building up a critical mass and markets for innovation. The cities joined in the projects
consortiums endeavour to solve similar traffic challenges in the form of demonstration
projects; in their common living laboratories much tacit knowledge is exchanged and new,
better solutions are searched for within the eight Civitas policy fields (Alternative fuels and
clean vehicles, Collective transport and intermodal integration, Demand management,
Influencing travel behaviour, Safety, security, and health, Innovative mobility services, Energy
efficient freight logistics, Transport telematics).
The CIVITAS ELAN project is a consortium of five cities (Brno, Ghent, Ljubljana, Porto, and
Zagreb) that includes 39 partners from seven European countries. In spite of the starting
differences in the level of development of socio-technical traffic infrastructures, organisational
and political cultures, and the specific nature of developmental traffic-infrastructure
challenges, a CIVITAS ELAN family emerged already during the preparation of the application
for the project, and strengthened during its four-year course. This family combines a wide
range of technical and sociological experts in the fields of traffic, mobility, urban and regional
(infrastructural) development, public administrators, representatives of civil society initiatives,
and a very broad and diverse range of users. A part of our reflections and solutions is
presented in this monograph, which is also the projects WD 11.4 Final Research Report.
To paraphrase Henry Ford, the project was essentially about action, i.e. how to solve traffic
and related problems in the cities without leaving them. Though certainly a praiseworthy
objective, it was also a very complex task. The experiences with our measures show that a
rescue operation can succeed only if it manages - with the help of new green traffic, ITC
supported, technologies and legitimately open decision-making processes - to convince the
users that they may expect a higher quality of living in the cities. The postfordian city is an info-
urban habitat that enables a high level of individual autonomy, including peoples mobility.
The CIVITAS ELAN project showed that massive car use in the cities is unnecessary and even
outdated, that it lowers the quality of living, and that new approaches and technologies are
capable of facilitating something that quite recently was thought impossible: to stop the
prevailing suburbanisation trends and perhaps even trigger a new urbanisation trend, which
will not deteriorate the environment and also prove to be economically efficient and generally,
socially legitimate.
Greening city traffic is certainly a demanding task, but also a task with high added value
for the quality of living in a city. Though such ambitious objectives undoubtedly cannot be
achieved with a single project, it is possible to approximate them. The publication of the texts
gathered in this monograph may contribute to spreading alternative views on the development
of city traffic. And that is a very important task in modern reflexive societies, which face
decision-making blockades precisely because of their reflexive nature. Given the automobility
of contemporary societies, spreading ideas about new alternatives and improving old transport
systems is important for their later legitimate introduction. This is the basic ambition and
intention of the present scientific monograph. City traffic is beyond any doubt a technological
issue, but it is an important shift to acknowledge that it is a social issue as well and that it
therefore has to be addressed from sociological viewpoints as well. This opens the way to an
operational definition of city traffic as a concrete socio-technical combination, which is not the
simple sum or aggregate of its social and technical aspects. Rather, it is a new socio-technical
entity, which cannot be taken apart cleanly into merely technical and simply sociological
The range of texts in this monograph is quite diverse, but some common points are easy to
identify. The starting point of all the articles is the understanding that the means, ways, or
technologies to green city traffic are known and actually available in our cities. However,
many difficulties have to be overcome in the introduction of changes due to systemic
resistance. Surprisingly, these difficulties do not primarily depend on economic potential, but
are rather caused by the necessary coordination of many institutionalised and non-
institutionalised, even informal, interests and processes. It is important to identify this
perplexity and to find ways how to coordinate and perhaps connect them synergistically.
The first part of the book includes texts dealing with the social circumstances of changing
urban mobility and consequently with changing urban traffic systems and traffic policies. The
second part presents some of the most successful methodological solutions that were used to
analyze the changing, ever new forms of mobility. In the more extensive third part the articles
present new techniques, technologies, solutions, approaches and products, which contribute to
more efficient and environmentally friendlier city traffic. The monograph concludes with the
reflections of the projects scientific coordinator about the cooperation in the RTD part of the
project. It contains proposals which we hope will contribute to a better understanding of the
projects achievements and stimulate further discussions on the objectives of the Civitas
The published articles, of course, do not represent the entire research range of the CIVITAS
ELAN project. It is rather a sample selection of texts illustrating the width and depth of socio-
technical urban traffic combinations. The joint publication of these widely diverse articles also
aims at transcending standard specialist treatment, because the increasing perplexity of
modern urban mobility makes it more and more obvious that we are all even if we are not
particularly mobile part of the problem as well participants in the creation of changes and
alternative solutions.
To conclude this preface the editors would like to thank the authors of the articles and the
reviewers, who responsibly and rigorously proposed many improvements to the texts. We also
wish to sincerely thank Volker Hoffman, the projects official photographer, for the visual
enrichment of the monograph, and the language editor Franc Smrke. We are particularly
grateful to Ilija Stojanovi and Danijela Tame, who thoroughly checked the texts and
technically prepared them for publication, as well as to Jasmina Plotajner, who designed the
Dr. Franc Trek
Scientific coordinator
of the CIVITAS ELAN project
Dr. Drago Kos
Drago Kos
There exists virtual consensus among policymakers, stakeholders and academics that public
and stakeholder involvement in decision making processes can help to overcome the problems
of trust, legitimacy and public acceptance encountered by past attempts to implement, for
instance, solutions to city mobility. This belief is based upon growing evidence from several
cases of progress towards solutions after years, sometimes decades, of controversy and
deadlock. In a number of domains distrust of official actors is increasing, as is evident from
public opinion polls or peoples concrete behaviour. Peoples reactions to policy measures are
increasingly influenced by distrust in the institutions that are responsible for providing
information. In fact, the solutions of many urgent problems nowadays at least in democratic
societies - depend more on public acceptance than on technical possibilities. The reason is
evident. The benefits of technical options are much more transparent while public acceptance
depends on a number of known but also unknown, often quite enigmatic, factors. Nevertheless,
the necessity to open the decision-making process to public participation instead of simply
educating people is increasingly evident. This development is not unique to city mobility
problems but reflects a wider trend in governance, in which the use of participation and
consultation has become unavoidable and a credible way to achieve legitimation. The reasons
for the legitimation crisis are paradoxically summarised as a consequence of modernist
reflexivity, which consists in the fact that social practices are constantly examined and
reformed in the light of incoming information about those very practices, thus constitutively
altering their character. (Giddens, 1990: 38)
At the general level three possible variants of legitimation procedures exist: 1. authoritative:
legitimation through the legal state (municipality) authority; 2. the market: legitimation through
market negotiation; 3. consensual: legitimation through a transparent information process and
participatory decision-making. In practice all three options are combined, but due to the critical
credibility of state and market institutions (Habermas, 1975; Offe, 1987) legitimation through
participatory decision-making is probably the most plausible, i.e. politically and socially
desirable solution to the legitimacy crisis. There is quite extensive evidence of such practices.
Legitimation difficulties were already addressed by previous CIVITAS projects. Here are some
quotations from different CIVITAS initiatives on participatory planning and promotion of
sustainable mobility.

... to go further down the path to a more participative management model in the field of
mobility, which is one of the most complex issues faced by cities and towns today.

the general campaign will increase the knowledge of the population about the links
between their behaviour and the quality of air and other environmental issues.

missing direct customer orientation in the phase of product launching often prevents
customers acceptance of innovative measures for cleaner and better transport in cities.
Considerably improved knowledge about customers needs is necessary for a successful
launch of these products.

the main purpose of this measure is to ensure sustainability and raise awareness of all
the activities to increase citizens support for environmental ways of travelling.

... the relevance of the planned measures and their level of impact on the mobility
scenario require strong social consensus and public awareness.

(The Civitas Initiative, 2012)

In fact, the difficulties encountered in previous CIVITAS projects have been one of the
reasons for the CIVITAS ELAN project to deeply integrate a focus on citizen engagement in its
work plan. Little systematic analysis has however been carried out on the limits and problems
associated with such participation of individuals and interest groups. Success depends on the
complex historical, cultural, political, and legal background that is incorporated in the carefully
designed participation of all interested parties. Urban mobility is a special case in this respect.
Besides general legitimation problems existing in contemporary modern societies, planning
and changing mobility patterns in urban settlements is an extremely interesting and complex
issue for two general reasons.
The first is the fact that urban mobility issues affect nearly all urban residents and visitors.
In this respect, it is one of the most widespread issues and hardly any urban resident or visitor
can possibly avoid it. Mobility is in fact the fundamental defining feature of the urban way of
life. It provides access to people, institutions, businesses, spaces, events, etc. Mobility actually
makes networking possible and effective.
The second reason is that the most popular and most commonly used technological means
for achieving mobility, cars, are in constant conflict with the urban (city) way of life. The
alternative solution, i.e. urban public transport, has been known long since but a more or less
explicit confrontation between individual and public mobility practices continues to exist.
Virtually uncountable sources deal with this chief urban problem. At a very general level, its
persistence may be explained by the very powerful ideology of automobility, which has a very
strong impact on popular, modern ways of life. According to Urry, automobility is one of the
principal socio-technical institutions of modernity. The ideology of automobility represents
freedom, flexibility, efficiency, privacy, movement, speed, progress, autonomy (Urry, 2005).
But nevertheless the urban way of life is indeed a constant conflict with individual motorists.
There is hardly a modern city where this conflict is not acute. Because the mobility issue in
cities is so ubiquitous in the sense that it affects nearly everybody, and because automobility
is such a popular ideology and practice, it is not difficult to conclude that the solution to the
problems largely depends on legitimation procedures. From the opposite point of view (the
other way round), it is obvious that any move, any change to urban mobility practices
immediately causes legitimacy problems. Although urban mobility problems are widely
acknowledged, they challenge the motivational ability of the entire urban population, meaning
that they challenge cognitive as well as a value dimensions. In the implementation of changes
to mobility it is therefore vital to: 1) structure and select the most accute problems and 2)
reach a consensus about the dynamics of the introduction of measures that are as desirable
as they are unpopular.
It is clear then that we are dealing with highly complex conditions. The task is demanding
because we have to simultaneously deal with numerous individual components and their
interdependence. The standard assignment of responsibilities between the numerous relevant
disciplines and specialists is rather questionable in methodological terms. Simultaneous
disciplinary specialization and integral treatment is one of the key conditions for an expert
approach to mobility changes. This means that we have to simultaneously observe
environmental, economic, political, legal, i.e. social aspects in their interdependence. Such an
integral methodology, however, first needs to be developed and asserted, because in spite of
the in principle agreement on the necessity of interdisciplinary treatment, we are still in the
embryonic state in this aspect too. In these circumstances, a promising approach would be to
constantly confront expert reflection on individual issues with general social value contexts,
which largely determine our capacity to act. From this viewpoint, it makes sense to observe
urban mobility change at three levels: a) analytical, b) normative, and c) strategic (Becker et
al., 1997).1
At the initial analytical level, we try to establish and empirically measure the traffic impact
and social and environmental consequences of present mobility practices and proposed
mobility changes. Basically, this is about an objective as possible selection of sustainable and
non-sustainable urban mobility behaviours. An essential element is the assessment of the
carrying capacity of the urban environment and a realistic prediction of possible
(technological) innovations, which will bring about more social, economical and environment-
friendly use of transport technologies. At first glance, it is obvious that the analytical level is
above all related to the field of technical sciences and that, at least in principle the results of
these analyses mainly depend on the capacity to carry out as accurate as possible empirical
measurements and assessments of the effects of mobility practices. The analytical phase is
thus mainly dedicated to the technical assessment of the impact on the urban environment
caused by the operation of mobility technologies. The gathered data should give us a clear idea
how to timely introduce rational restrictions and even eliminate effects which will exceed the
environments carrying capacity.
Because of the complexity and interconnectedness of social and environmental effects and
consequences, and because many cause-and-effect connections are still unknown, for instance
the vague relation between network performance and perceived quality of service, the
relatively clearly defined analytical task turns out to be quite demanding and cannot be
entirely achieved as yet. This means that the information generated by expert systems is often
not coordinated and transparent enough to have a mobilizing impact. The expert evaluation of
environmental effects is a plural undertaking, and this means that expert assessments of one
and the same effect often disagree. This issue, of course, belongs to a field that exceeds the
sociological dimension of sustainable urban mobility. For the discussions on the
implementation of urban sustainable mobility, these disagreements produce a highly
important side effect a decline in the credibility and social legitimacy of specialist
assessments. The analytical level is thus expected to contribute as credible as possible
information about what is the best possible sustainable urban mobility technology.
For the aforementioned reasons, CIVITAS ELAN has developed an ambitious plan for
conducting the research and analytical activities in the initial, preparatory phase. The aim was
to carefully examine the existing circumstances in the field (technical ones as well as those
related to perception and preferences of the PT users), provide adequate scientific working
methods and procedures for the consortium members, and plan and prepare all the measures
before the demonstration phase had begun. For this purpose, the following activities have
been included, as stated in the Description of work:

Technical studies
Financial & economical studies
User needs assessment
Negotiation & consultation processes
Implementation planning

As an example, a modal split analysis can be mentioned. It has been conducted

simultaneously in all the cities of the consortium (respecting their specific historical
development paths by introducing a tailor made design of the analysis for each of them) in
order to determine the actual use of transportation and travel habits at urban and suburban
level, test the quality of service satisfaction on public transport modes and help local measures
to recognize important themes, issues, vulnerable groups and potential conflicts that may
arise. Within this modal split analysis, in the city of Ljubljana two surveys have been
conducted: Changes in the public transport system of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region and
Travel habits of the respondents in the Ljubljana Urban Region. Through these surveys data
were collected on transport mode usually used for various activities, use of car pooling,
frequency of public transport use, average travel times, transport mode in relation to
distance/travel time etc. This contributed greatly to the final design of the measures to be
implemented, and the control of their effects during the implementation.
The simplest definition of the normative level would be that it is an assessment of the gap
between analytical findings on sustainable urban mobility and the way actors respond to these
findings. Because even the most developed (post)-modern societies often respond reflectively,
we may theoretically expect a wide range of responses from opposition and indifference to a
major surge in the motivation for concrete changes from non-sustainable to sustainable
behaviour. Though analytical methods can be used at the normative level too, so many diverse
factors are involved that we do not have available accurate determinist forecasts at this level.
What we can try to establish are concrete connections between the degree of economic
development, social context, and the willingness to change.
Within the CIVITAS ELAN framework, much attention has been paid to citizens response to
mobility management projects. Surveys were being conducted on a permanent basis in an
attempt to get the adequate feedback to analytical findings. These surveys were to reveal the
ways in which users of the PT system respond to them, thus showing to which extent theoretical
conclusions are really applicable and effective from the point of view of the final beneficiaries.
The city of Ljubljana has used such surveys, introducing them as a consultative instrument and
a very useful mechanism for the inclusion of various stakeholders in the assessment of the
changes to be implemented. The results were very indicative.2 They have shown that the vast
majority of the participants were very well aware of the problems related to the PT system, and
that most of the proposed measures, aiming at a shift towards more sustainable transport
solutions, received professed support. However, as much as these value-based considerations
were in favour of measures foreseen, a big gap has been detected between professed attitudes
and the actual willingness to change existing mobility practices. In the explanation of this
obvious discrepancy, besides the individual cost-benefit analysis (as an apparent antithesis to
value-based considerations, predominantly emphasizing the community benefit) a number of
other factors have been taken into account, using socio-theoretical concepts to bridge the gap.
Furthermore, the surveys have not only stressed the importance of the economic, social and
political factors in the acceptance of changes in mobility practices, but also imposed the
necessity to include a broadly defined range of stakeholders in the decision making processes
on mobility issues, since they affect virtually everyone: residents, commercial entities, guests,
and tourists equally.
Useful information for assessments of sustainable behaviour is which social groups are
aware of the analytical findings and which are willing and capable to respond actively to these
findings. Widely diverse responses are normal and to be expected. And this is of course a very
important circumstance for the efforts for introducing sustainable urban mobility. The
differences are also very big within relatively homogenous social groups. Even in such
circumstances, there is a wide range of options - from indifference to energetic engagement;
the key point is, of course, when awareness starts to motivate strongly enough to change
questionable behaviour, and people become actively engaged. Peoples behaviour is obviously
influenced by a wide variety of perceptions, interests, financial, cultural, psychological, and
even accidental factors. A model that would take account of the connection between the degree
of urban pollution and the willingness to change ones mobility behaviour would be highly
reductionist. And this is what actually occurs when we observe the analytical level only, when
we assume that by merely declaring expert findings on sustainable mobility practices we will
bring about changes in behaviour. To introduce sustainable mobility principles to social
practices, it is very important to assess why and how major or minor differences are generated
between analytical findings and normative responses to them.
If we do not take account of essential contextual influences, our assessment may be totally
wrong. One of the essential features of this concept is thus calibration, that is the
assessment of mobility behaviour in view of concrete, economic, and cultural characteristics.
The normative assessment of behaviour is therefore hard to standardize and this of course
causes difficulties in comparisons. This is particularly true of isolated assessments of
individual questionable behaviour. At the aggregate statistical level, the assessment is easier,
but even there it is hard to avoid relativising.
The differences between the analytical and normative levels make it very hard or nearly
impossible to implement a uniform strategy to achieve sustainable urban mobility. The
management, regulation, stimulation, and conduct of various policies in order to achieve
goals must be adapted to the highly diverse conditions at all levels, from the local to
regional, national, and even international level. To elaborate and legitimize policies of
sustainable urban mobility is therefore a demanding task. Such a task is beyond the
management skills, capacities, and motivation of project managers, because legitimation as a
social and political process goes beyond expert competencies. It is a kind of action research
where the main protagonists construct a communication forum, a kind of stakeholders arena.
The strategic level of sustainable urban mobility can produce good quality results only if it is
based on competently performed previous phases: that is analytical and normative
assessments of the situation at hand, and if it is open to participation of so-called civil
societies, i.e. all stakeholders. Key information for the construction and implementation of a
successful strategy must certainly include an estimate of the gap between analytical findings
and their evaluation by different social groups. And it is hardly less important to establish the
reasons for differences in the evaluation of questionable practices of urban mobility. Only such
diverse information will allow us to obtain a clear enough idea how to elaborate an operational
strategy for sustainable urban mobility.
It is of paramount importance how the harmonization of the differences between the
analytical and normative levels will take place. In theory and practice there are two rather
different options: 1) instrumental action oriented toward success (one-way communication
from analytical to normative level only), or 2) communicative action according to Habermas
(1987/91) oriented toward understanding (two-way participative interactive communication
from analytical to normative level and back). The difference between these two options is the
difference between a reduced, instrumental PR legitimation campaign and communicative
legitimation procedures which include a transparent information flow and is open to
participation from the urban public in the decision-making process. It is likely that changes to
city mobility practices will trigger so intensive responses that without the participation of civil
society it will not be possible to achieve legitimacy. It is therefore essential to establish
mechanisms which harmonise the differences between the analytical and normative levels.
There are a number of possible mechanisms, but success decisively depends on the
implementation of two-way communicative action oriented toward understanding.
From the very beginning CIVITAS ELAN has been oriented towards citizens. It is obvious from
its mission statement, agreed at the initial phase between the representatives of the
consortium cities: To mobilise our citizens by developing with their support clean mobility
solutions for vital cities, ensuring health and access for all. The focus on citizen participation
is a very important feature of the work plan, and it has an essential role in many measures, in
evaluation, dissemination, and risk management. Putting the citizens first means an essential
shift from perceiving them as a problem to their inclusion as the most important and
constructive part of the solution. In that sense, CIVITAS ELAN has accepted the great
responsibility of finding solutions which are, at the same time, sustainable for the PT systems
and acceptable from the point of view of the citizens and their habits and personal
preferences. In order to harmonize this strategic orientation and the structure of the project,
several NGOs have been included in the project consortium, so that the voice of the civil
society can be ever present during the implementation.
Public understanding of an issue depends on how it is framed. Erving Goffman (1974: 21)
defined frames as schemata of interpretation which enable their users (individuals or groups)
to locate, perceive, identify, and label events and occurrences, thus rendering meaning,
organising experiences, and guiding actions. Of the two types of frameworks he distinguishes,
the natural and the social ones, the latter are of interest to us, as they provide background
understanding for events that incorporate the will, aim, and controlling effort of intelligence.
To Michael Kosicki (2002: 66) framing is a perspective from which to approach the study of
public consultation, the process of collective and open reasoning and discussing about the
merits of public policy. Framing includes the discursive process of strategic actors utilizing
symbolic resources to participate in collective sense-making about public issues (ibid.: 66).
Framing is part of the broader processes of selecting and structuring social problems. Actually,
the frames are the changeable results of a perplexed and continuous social construction of
social reality. The person who structures and selects is the person who has the power to
determine what is more and what is less important, safe, dangerous, etc. In this respect,
framing processes are an attempt at invoking a particular image of an idea, for instance
about urban mobility. It is quite obvious that these processes are open to a variety of
interventions and therefore so complex and multileveled that precise management of the
framing procedures is not possible. As a consequence, these elusive framing procedures are a
persistent problem to the technocratic style of urban development management. It must also
be understood that multiple frames exist in any given society, where particular frames may
prevail with different groups holding on to them. Frames change in time and between groups. It
is particularly interesting to analyze the dynamics between different framing clusters.
In order to optimise the legitimation of urban mobility changes through an open information
flow and participatory decision-making, it makes sense to incorporate the presented theoretical
sketch in the projects outline. Ideally, deliberation and the inclusion of stakeholders is seen as
a virtue for the reasons outlined above, all of which results from opening up the decision-
making process to the engagement of a wider range of interests. Since community tendencies
exist to take an active role in decision-making, it makes sense to consider an institutional
framework for the participation of interest groups. This could be a kind of local council, board,
committee, local partnership, or some other way facilitating residents and users of the urban
transport infrastructure to participate in the planning and implementation of changes to urban
transport. Such an institution can contribute to the information flow, transfer of expertise,
knowledge building, and especially trust building. Community engagement is consistent with
the European requirement in the Aarhus Convention to provide access to information and
public participation in decisions concerning the environment. However it is important to control
the relations between the efficiency and legitimacy of policies.
Institutionalizing the framework for the inclusion of citizens in a decision making process
regarding the changes that are to be applied (which also means gaining the necessary
legitimacy) was a key issue in some of the measures implemented during the course of the
project. Measure 2.9-GEN Participatory redevelopment of main station area (CIVITAS ELAN,
2008: 332336) is one of those, and probably the best example of such practice. The goal of
the measure is to design and develop a participative communication policy and for this
purpose different tools are being used: information letters to the people living in the station
area; public fora; a periodical sent to all inhabitants of Ghent; press releases; website items
(newsletters, audiovisual presentations, news items). Furthermore, a special digital 3D scale
model has been designed as one of the major innovations delivered by the project, and several
press releases were sent to different newspapers, broadcasting companies and local TV
stations on a wide range of topics related to the works. In addition, reduced hindrance
meetings were held on a weekly basis, functioning as a bridge between the project partners
and the neighbourhood. As a final outcome there is a reconstructed station, designed in
accordance with the needs and preferences of the people, along with verifying an apparently
very successful practice of including the final beneficiaries in the essential phases of the
project. An additional synergetic effect is the increased interest in the citys tourist offer as well
as in future activities related to infrastructure facilities, signalizing that a specific culture of
effective communication between stakeholders about mutually important issues has started to
As pointed out above, the institutional framework is not formed in a neutral environment. It
is embedded in its particular local and national context and this will have an influence on its
design, effectiveness, and legitimacy. When establishing a participatory framework, the
contextual and specific characteristics of every case should therefore be considered. This
context does not refer to the physical and social environment only, but also to cultural,
economic, and historical evidence that should be considered. In this respect, past experiences
and comparative practices in traffic management are of crucial importance. This means that
the framework depends on the structure and definition of the problem. It is easier to construct
and operate a framework if we are dealing with a single-issue problem. In city mobility
changes, this is certainly not the case and the participation framework needs to be carefully
In any case, the institutional participation framework should also provide a forum for
community discussions on the organisation and improvement of the traffic issues of individual
cities. It should gather and disseminate information, keep abreast with the scientific research
performed by other actors, develop and deliberate on solutions to address the impact on the
community of infrastructure and the operation of traffic, give recommendations to other actors,
monitor their performance, and play a role in the decisions on the organisation of traffic and
the changes to it. A further list of the participation of interest groups in an organised
framework includes their cooperation in defining goals, defining roles and responsibility,
ensuring early and inclusive participation, offering and discussing alternatives, ensuring that
values and interests are weighed and balanced, providing a comprehensive and stepwise
approach, ensuring flexibility and adaptability, making sure that early action does not make
desirable action impossible, ensuring that the decision-making process is transparent and
open, allowing sufficient time, sticking to the rules of the game, establishing control over the
process, adapting the format to the task, allocating adequate resources, ensuring continuity of
the structure and awareness, etc. Implementing a selection of these approaches may help to
overcome the abovementioned gap between the analytical and normative levels of urban
A number of measures within the CIVITAS ELAN project have been dedicated to this issue.
Just to mention some of their anticipated outputs:

a sustainable congestion charging scheme for Ljubljana has been prepared in

cooperation with actors at the national and agglomeration levels (3.1-LJU),
an individualised mobility marketing campaign has been designed, based on social
research on mobility needs (and a traffic regime in Ljubljana, based on citizens
expectations, has been adopted) (4.1-LJU),
a participatory Sustainable Urban Transport Planning Process for Ljubljana has
been initiated (4.9-LJU),
mobility dialogues with citizens have been established and marketing campaigns
have been carried out in Ghent, Zagreb, Brno (4.10-GEN, 4.11-ZAG, 4.12-BRN),
an attractive Integrated Mobility Centre has been set up in Brno and a Mobility
Shop in Porto (4.13-BRN, 4.14-OPO),
freight roundtables of stakeholders about an integrated freight policy development
in all the cities have been established (7.1-COM), etc.

However, some researchers (Fisher, 2000), have expressed concerns that such processes
can also have the effect of closing down deliberation. This can result when certain groups are
excluded or where consensus building results in forced agreement, both of which can narrow
down the range of possibilities considered. These and other concerns have led to questions
that focus upon whether participatory processes are really fit for purpose; for example, in
terms of their success in avoiding problems such as stakeholder fatigue, insufficient feedback,
financial resources, time constraints, ensuring representativeness etc. In the planning and
implementation of urban mobility changes, a problem of representativeness has been exposed.
It is difficult to establish an operational institutional framework representing all the interested
parties (residents, visitors, car users, public transport users, owners of real estate in the city,
employees, and people with special mobility needs) in the city or even the whole metropolitan
region. One option is to let the people themselves, not by the project leader or the
administration, define the institutional framework facilitating participation. This of course
presumes a quite high level of self-organisation and a highly developed urban civil society of
the kind that was called CIVITAS in the ancient world.

Becker, Egon, Thomas Jahn, Immanuel Stiess and Peter Wehling. 1997. Sustainability: A
Cross-Disciplinary Concept for Social Transformation. Paris: UNESCO.
CIVITAS ELAN (2008): Description of Work, 332336 (???)
Earle, Timothy. C. and George Cvetkovich. 1999. Social Trust and Culture in Risk
Management. In Social Trust and the Management of Risk, eds. George Cvetkovich and Ragnar
Lfstedt, 921. London: Earthscan.
Fischer, Frank. 2000. Citizens, experts, and the environment: the politics of local knowledge.
Durham and London: Duke University Press.
Giddens, Anthony. 1990. The Consequences of Modernity. Stanford: California SUP.
Goffman, Ervin. 1974. Frame analysis: An essay on the organization of experience.
Middlesex: Penguin Books.
Habermas, Juergen. 1975. The Legitimation Crisis. Boston: Beacon Press.
Habermas, Juergen. 1987/91. The Theory of Communicative Action (I & II). Boston,
Cambridge, Oxford: Bacon Press & Polity Press & Blackwell Publisher.
Inglehart, Ronald. 1997. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and
Political Change in 43 Societies. Princeton, New Jersey: PUP.
Kasperson, Roger E. and Kirstin Dow. 1993. Hazard Perception in Geography. In Behavior
and Environment, eds. Tommy Grling and Reginald G. Golledge, 193222. Amsterdam:
Kos, Drago, Matja Uri, Franc Trek and Marjan Hoevar. 2006. Diskurzivna analiza
besedil o (ljubljanskem) urbanizmu. (Discourse analysis of text on Ljubljanas urbanism).
Ljubljana: FDV.
Kos, Drago. 2002. Praktina sociologija za nartovalce in urejevalce prostora (Practical
sociology for urban planners). Ljubljana: FDV.
Kos, Drago. 2004. Tri ravni trajnostnega razvoja (Three levels of sustainable development).
Teorija in praksa 41(1/2): 332339.
Kos, Drago et al. 1994/97/02. Socialno prostorski vplivi avtocest v Sloveniji (Socio-spatial
aspects of highway construction in Slovenia). Ljubljana: FDV.
Kosicki, Gerald Michael. 2002. The Priming Effect: News Media and Considerations
Affecting Political Judgements. In The Persuasion Handbook: Developments in Theory and
Prastice, eds. James Price Dillard and Michael W. Pfau, 6381. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Marega, Milena in Drago Kos, eds. 2002. Aarhuka konvencija v Sloveniji (The Aarhus
convention in Slovenia). Ljubljana: REC.
Morgan, M. Granger, Baruch Fischoff, Ann Bostrom and Cynthia J. Atman. 2002. Risk
Communication: A Mental Models Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Offe, Claus. 1987. The Utopia of Zero-Option: Modernity and Modernization as Normative
Political Criteria. Praxis International 7(1): 124.
Plut, Duan. 2007. Ljubljana in izzivi sonaravnega razvoja (Ljubljana and challenges of
sustainable development). Ljubljana: Faculty of Art.
Urry, John. 2005. Automobilities. London: Sage.
The Civitas Initiative. Cleaner And Better Transport In Cities. Available at: http://www.civitas-, 5. 1. 2012.
1 This approach was developed to deal with sustainable development, but it makes sense to use it in approaching other
topics as well.
2 For more detailed explanation, see in this book chapter Public perception of changes in Ljubljanas traffic system
identifying key themes, barriers and relevant stakeholders by Matja Uri.
ELAN Youth Congress I To get to know better the different cultures and backgrounds of the ELAN cities, the students were
divided into five groups, each with a representative from every city.

ELAN Youth Congress I The Mobility Treasure Hunt was not only a sightseeing tour, but also a game in which challenging
riddles had to be solved.

ELAN Youth Congress I 40 students from all ELAN cities came to Brno to share new ideas on PT.
Marjan Hoevar, Ane Zorman
In recent years, research into spatial mobility, as well as strategic mobility planning in
practise, have not only intensified, but have taken into consideration new dimensions because
of the issues rapidly evolving complexity. There is an increasing amount of collaborative
projects between transport researchers and sociologists, addressing the nature of mobility in
modern life in relation to new forms of communication and the structure of social networks
(Urry, 2007; Larsen, et al., 2005; Axhausen, 2003; Timo, 2006), with interdependent social,
political, and spatial dynamics leading to completely new reflections on trans-sectoral and
multilevel spatial conceptualisation and planning.
Because of the increased scope of movement in the physical (and virtual) space, an
increasing portion of the built environment is dedicated to various forms of built mobility
infrastructure: roads, airports, parking lots, crossroads, stations, rest areas, refuges, etc.
Alongside the growing number of occasional and temporary structures occupying space, there
is also the functional geography of wi-fi networks, mobile signal reach, satellite connections,
etc. In general, we are witnessing many ways to ensure the simultaneous presence of people or
actors, therefore implying a multiplication of the methods for travelling in time and space. New
forms of mobility are emerging from the combination of physical and virtual mobility, leading to
new, mixed forms of daily, residential, and travel mobility. These new forms of mobility have in
common that they are largely based on the use of transportation systems, as well as the
efficient appropriation of information and communication technologies (mobile phones,
internet, etc.). They require actors to have a well-developed ability to appropriate technological
systems and new tariff schemes for services (Flamm and Kaufmann, 2006: 168). In the face of
mounting environmental costs these new mobilities are increasingly modelled in accordance
with sustainable development principles. These call for consideration of the intersections and
interactions between environmental, economic, and social systems, taking into account varying
spatial scales (from local towards global ones) and temporal scales (from short-term towards
long-term ones).
We observed that so far the discussion on how to improve mobility systems and the everyday
life of individuals, institutions and businesses, has mainly focused on two obvious dimensions:
space and time (where and when). Urban planners and transportation experts are
consequently and primarily concerned with the technical issues of space consumption and the
rationale of travel time budgets, regardless of specific personal, social, cultural, or even
political contexts. Therefore, mobility is (on average) indeed increasingly freed from spatio-
temporal and geographical constraints with the support of information and communication
technologies (ICTs), and with the ever more sophisticated integration and diversification of
transport modes, such as various modal-split options.
But in terms of broader social action and specifically of human interaction related to
mobility, the issues of why, how, by whom, in which circumstances, as well as under
which considerations these travels occur should be contextualised. In this paper we will
advocate a contextual notion of mobility by arguing that being mobile or capable of being
mobile is not just a rational matter of travelling (going somewhere and reaching ones
destination) but that, more importantly, it is about the interaction individuals perform and the
reflexive ways in which they interact with each other in their everyday lives (Kakihara and
Sorensen, 2001). In other words: the contextuality in which the action occurs is of equal
importance to organising human interaction as are the spatial and temporal premises,
calculations of space consumption, and travel time budgets.
...mobility research still focuses mainly on modal choice. Further aspects, such as
realised distances, activity participation, or time structure of activities, are neglected.
Nevertheless, these aspects remain important from an analytical as well as from an
applied point of view with respect to sustainable transport planning: For instance, realised
distances are connected to the consumption of resources and to the emissions of
transport. Opportunities to participate in activities are highly relevant for older or mobility-
restricted.... (Scheiner and Kasper, 2003: 323)
In a more practical way, some of these spatial, temporal, and contextual issues were
addressed when conducting a public opinion survey on travel habits (choices) in the Ljubljana
region, Slovenia, and while dealing with different measures of the CIVITAS ELAN project.
Let us exercise a brief sociological explanation of the above introduced mobility complexity.
On the one hand, we have the needs of the actors-users (individuals, families, organisations)
for efficient, adaptable, interchangeable, and diversified temporal-spatial coordination. On the
other hand, we have the strategists and operators of mobility services, who are presumably
several steps behind in understanding temporal-spatial social dynamics and their effects on
mobility. In the context of mobility, social dynamics reveal themselves in new relationships
between individualism and reflective rationality. Individualism shows itself in the belief of
individuals that it is their inalienable right to freely choose their ways and the extent of
movement in space related to their life-style (e.g. opting for a car at any price), or limit it
consciously by self-restraints as part of his/her social value orientation. Reflective rationality
concerns the process of choosing and making decisions between different mobility options in
the relationship between individual choices (wishes) and actual decisions based on other,
specific personal circumstances (e.g. the use of public transport for reasons of ecological
awareness). In terms of everyday life, this is basically the dilemma of mobility mode (more
technically: modal split) discussions at the individual level as one of the measures we have
been dealing with in the CIVITAS ELAN project. But this also means that measuring mobility,
expressed with transport statistics in the sense of distance covered in time, can no longer be a
key indicator explaining mobility motives, patterns, and potentials in modern societies. When
conducting empirical research on mobility and life-style inter-relations, Scheiner and Kasper
(ibid., 2003) analytically explained the broader socio-spatial context:
...Decisions on mobility behaviour are reached within the context of certain space-time
structures. These do not determine human activities (particularly with respect to
opportunities for spatial mobility). Rather they have to be understood as dynamic and
permeable resources. Space-time-structures are macrostructures that consist of global and
national spatial and time regulations (e.g. spatial division of labour, EU regional planning
policy, high-speed transport infrastructure) as well as settlement structures and time
regimes on the scale of cities and neighbourhoods such as land use, quality of life in local
communities, small-scale time-regimes (e.g. opening hours, time agreements), situation in
the urban context and so forth. Interpretations have to be made with regard to economic,
social, political and technical frame conditions (e.g. real estate market, fiscal housing
grants, mobility-related taxes). Neither lifestyles nor mobility can be separated from macro-
structural frameworks... (Scheier and Kasper, 2003: 89)
Mainstream transport and spatial mobility statistics do not adequately consider the
increasing degrees of freedom and functional ambiguity, nor the subjective rationales behind
mobility decisions. Spatial mobility should no longer be understood merely as a means (of
transportation) for arriving at a destination, but as a range of social activities, including travel
as an aim in its own right. The time spent on the move (to work, holiday) is not necessarily
identified as dead time which must be reduced. An increasing number of activities, associated
with ones private interests or job obligations, i.e. with a fixed location, can be practiced while
travelling. Clearly, these activities are likely associated with various modes of public and/or
group transport (such as trains, buses, ships, or planes), giving our conceptual discussion an
operational, meaningful public policy perspective (see illustration 1). Even if passive, the
transition time can be experienced as a vehicle of functional transition between spheres of
personal involvement; as such it can be even interpreted as non-existent in the new labour
regimes of precarious, despatialised, and flexible arrangements.

Illustration 1: Categories of activities conducted while on a train, grouped by types (leisure, business, commuting) of journey.
Source: Lyons, Gleen et al., n.d.

In the same vein, a concept of active travel has emerged and has been actively promoted
by government agencies and health institutions in recent years. The concept assumes walking
and cycling for commuting purposes and other necessary trips (rather than leisure trips) for
reasons of personal health and general well-being, thus embedding travel itself in the self-care
paradigm. The rationale behind this can be judged from the large body of economic research
on the subject, measuring cost-effectiveness or the cost benefits of introducing either structural
or environmental measures to support these practices. Though the research findings seem to
substantiate their economic viability, they betray a certain level of conceptual reductionism.
Recent research (Anable et al., 2010) proposes active travel to be considered as a culturally
and socially differentiated practice, with both socio-economic and cultural factors playing a
decisive role alongside objective factors such as bicycle lanes, pedestrian areas, and the like.
For example, according to the gathered data a) access to local shops and services and b)
traffic congestion, both function as less significant explanatory factors for people opting to walk
than their subjective sentiment or notion of environmental responsibility. Also, as the urge to
get fit and healthy is one of the most significant factors explaining the frequency of walking or
cycling, it is notable that residents of so-called deprived areas perceive fewer benefits from
these practises, and that they are less common among people from the lowest income brackets
and in poor health.
Still, the terms suggestive implications lead us to propose to place the concept in a wider
framework. To us, active travel is thus a way of perceiving spatial transitions as a synchronised
and intertwined set of social, cultural, symbolic, economic, psychological, and physical acts.
While the physical mode of transition can already be embedded in these other actions, they
can also be performed independently at the same time, as a set of meanings, decisions, or
positions and, if taking into account various ICT effects, presences and flows. Deliberate or not,
travel is always active.
Spaces, places, towns, or regions are no longer stable destination entities in a similar way as
travelling should not be perceived merely as transitory. An already established way of
discussing the modern interconnectedness of social and spatial dynamics and statics is the
notion of networks and flows the spaces of flows and the spaces of places - resulting from
technological and telecommunication changes (Castells, 1996). The qualities of places, either
as location points or area units in geographical space, do not suffice in any way to satisfactorily
explain the activities of an individual, either in space or his daily travel patterns, e.g. in a town
or between places. Administrative and geo-morphological urban areas are redefined in this
context from spaces of production and collective consumption into points of functional
interurban and supranational flows and networks. Carasco and Miller illustrate the
development in these words:
A spatial framework based on fixed points and distances among them are no longer
adequate for understanding urban travel. Although people still move on transportation
networks, the decisions and processes that lead to these movements are now much more
complex.... Further, while land use still seems to be a useful predictor of aggregate trip
patterns under the conventional zone-based framework, there is some evidence to suggest
that the configuration and composition of peoples social networks also play an important
role in their propensity to undertake social activities and travel (Carasco and Miller,
2006: 33)
Given that high-mobility societies are network societies, the movement of people, goods, and
information assumes these social dynamics and the nature of socialising to have an
ontological meaning. Alongside the network paradigm, a parallel mobility paradigm is
emerging (Wellman, 2001; Urry, 2004; Sheller and Urry, 2006), where travel is perceived as
an integral part of social relations and processes, in the narrow sense of social networking,
and not merely as a refurbished concept of transports useful calculability. Travel is not just a
destination means but also the glue of human interactions, social networks and the
strengthening of social and cultural capital. Dense, dispersed, and heterogeneous networks,
which are at the same time highly selective, are one of the key features of modern societies.
The above rule can be applied at all levels of social and spatio-temporal reality: in the family,
among friends, between business partners and within towns, between towns, regions, and
countries. The contextual relationship between travel and sociability is increasingly important
because the geographical dispersion and remoteness included in social (business and other)
networks is constantly growing. Spatial vicinity thus explains the steadily falling share of the
operation of networks, especially in the complementary combination of physical co-presence
and different forms of telecommunication connections between the actors in virtual networks.
For example: We no longer enter the Internet, but carry it with us. We experience it while
moving through physical spaces. Location-aware technology has thus made it possible to locate
ourselves and be networked within multiple patterns of mobility.
Seen from the social and spatial viewpoints, the co-existence (or co-presence) of different
social groups and heterogeneous areas is the result and feature of new social configurations.
The spatial distribution of co-presence has became more individualised and heterogeneous
due to the contemporary ICT, which enables harmonising among multiple flows of activity and
the interplay of planned and improvised action (Jain, 2003), making real-time modifications
to schedules and timeframes, and thus further delimiting our notions of domestic, public and
working spaces.
As we already mentioned in the introduction, mobility has turned into one of the most widely
discussed interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary issues in different social contexts and at all
levels of everyday socio-spatial reality (whether individual, local, national, or global) in the past
decade. The ubiquity of research into the different forms, types, and complex combinations of
the movement of people, buildings, objects, capital, culture, information, ideas, symbols,
transport, etc., is directly related to sciences response to intense social change. Compared to
spatial mobility (travelling, moving, commuting, recreating, etc.) the share of social sedentarity
(settled, static, unchangeable practices) is generally falling, and the accepted ideas on stable,
territorially delimited socio-spatial entities have less and less explanatory or action power.
Dispersed, geographically unlimited, but selective and differentiated movement of people is
one of the key characteristics of modern societies. The application of this rule concerns the
entire variety of social relations: in the family, among friends, between business partners,
within towns, and between towns, regions, and countries. The ratio between spatial mobility
and sociability is increasingly important because the geographic dispersion and remoteness of
the actors included in social (business and other) networks is constantly growing. Spatial
vicinity is able to explain only the rapidly falling share of the operation of networks, especially
in the complementary combination of physical co-presence and various forms of
telecommunication connections between the actors in virtual networks. The level of proficiency
in using movement options and managing the subsequent connections is thus a component of
the so-called network capital that an individual or group possesses, being a function of and a
supplement to his (its) social and cultural capital. The structure of ones personal networks
and his positioning in them is a crucial determinant of his vertical social mobility capacity.
Knowledge, skills, resources, and other attributes of the potentials one has can only be
leveraged properly when combined with a network capital that effectively moves them towards
ever fluid social relations.
Often, a dramatic designation is used, illustrating that not only people are constantly
moving, but entire societies (Societies on the move). A commonly accepted image is that of
spaces of flows, contrasting with traditional spaces of places. The complexity of mobility is
expressed, on the one hand, through the (un)manageability of increasingly numerous
infrastructural and social networks, intersections of (un)coordinated connections within
mobility systems and between them and, on the other hand, through the increasing need of
users for individualisation, customization, and accessibility of movement in space .
The emerging meta-paradigmatic framework of mobilities is an attempt at an integrated
approach, combining all spatial disciplines and sub-disciplines, and is aimed at explaining,
and later solving, one of the key features of modern societies. This approach sees the entire
social structure as thoroughly embedded with (spatial, virtual, even imaginative) movements
and the dynamics of people, information, machines, money, dangers, and image transitions. As
Law (2006) points out, we are dealing with complex intersections of `endless regimes of flow,
which move at different speeds, scales, and viscosities. Consequently, the paradigm suggests
that we take into account these dimensions when considering the regular set of questions in
individual social science disciplines. But it is also opening a new set of focal points altogether,
shifting our attention to certain tools and immobile infrastructures which organise, enable,
regulate, and limit these flows of (systematic or sporadic, deliberate or forced) movement. This
broadly defined framework does not aim to posit itself as an affirmative approach towards
mobility per se, but, on the contrary, functions as an apt criticism of so-called hypermobility,
undesirable or forced mobility, confrontations with environmental restrictions and other risky
forms of mobility, new-age nomadism as possible forms of social escape, the deterioration of
collective and territorial identities, and the like.
Along with the mobilities paradigm, there are some other cross-disciplinary conceptual
exercises, aimed at achieving an integrated approach to the highly complex body of mobility
issues. For the sake of illustration, we will mention only one of these exercises and elaborate on
it, because the attention of its proponents is clearly similar to the mobilities paradigm: the
motility concept is defined as the capacity of an actor to move socially and spatially, and
Mobility is not only about movement but also a system of potentials characterized by
intentions, strategies and choices. Consequently, motility is how an individual or group
endorses the field of movement possibilities and uses them (Kaufmann, 2002; Canzler et al.
eds., 2008) (see also illustration 2).
...motility differs from accessibility by focusing on the logic of an actors actions, in
particular the reasons behind the choice of tools and localisations, without being
concerned with an actions maximum utility. In this sense, motility concentrates more than
accessibility on how an actor builds his/her relationship with space and less on the
possibilities offered by a given territory... (Flamm and Kaufmann, 2006: 168)
Illustration 2: Mobility, motility and movement. Source: Canzler, Weert et al., 2008.

To use a conceptual frame of linguistics, motility then is a competence, whereas mobility is a

In establishing a framework of scientific relevance for integrated mobility and to reconsider
travel modes, sociology has partly spontaneously and partly systematically a coordinating
and epistemological role, especially the sociology of space. Spatial constellations indeed
inevitably depend on the existing social structure and cannot be managed or controlled merely
with technical or technological innovations. In other words: the built environment and
movement in it is a reflection of society, its stratification, organisation, and differentiation.
Understanding vertical social mobility (climbing up or sliding down the social status scale) as
an instrument for establishing stratification, inequality, hierarchies, and the dynamics of social
relations, is of key importance for understanding spatial and other forms of horizontal mobility.
The most general starting point for understanding social complexity is precisely the
relationship between systems linking up (integration) and their internal divisions
Studying this relationship in the context of an integrated approach to mobility does not have,
of course, a merely theoretical explanatory meaning:

Do mobilities establish new social contradictions or eliminate old ones?

Do they contribute to strengthening or reducing inequality in society?

The complex positioning of mobility within the broader context of social stratification can be
easily neglected or narrowed down to questions of spatial accessibility and economic
affordability. While these questions have a valid starting point, they can overlook the reciprocal
relationship between patterns of social inequality and mobilities. Also, the in plural view
extends to inequality as well, encompassing not only the differential distribution of (and access
to) scarce, but desirable, goods or resources, and the disparity of opportunity to maintain or
improve ones status. When taking into account the increasing variability of lifestyles, attitudes,
life rhythms, and network positions, these vertical differentiations are also diffused with more
complex inequality structures and expanded horizontally. Mobilities as the prevalent dynamic
systems in modern societies can both function as the precursor of the existing differences in
social position, status and power, or they can stand as an empowering factor in the social
positioning of those with lesser means.
As outlined by Manderscheid (2009), a multi-dimensional perspective can be applied to the
interconnections between social inequalities, spatial dispositions, and mobilities. At the first
plane, the spatial structure is addressed in terms of accessibility and movement patterns,
focusing on observable and measurable factors. The material environment, the technological
constitution of spatial networks, and the dispersion and connectibility of the available nodes
are directly linked to the levels of social inequality and operationalised as access to activities,
resources, and goods. Geographical positioning can then allow or hinder job acquisition,
access to healthcare and educational facilities, etc.
The second, less often discussed perspective is based on the aforementioned concept of
motility as the ability to move - potential mobility. It is a three-component theoretical construct
that encompasses access, competence, and appropriation. The elements were explained by
Kaufmann et al. as follows:
Access refers to the range of possible mobilities according to place, time and other
contextual constraints, and may be influenced by networks and dynamics within
territories. Access is constrained by options and conditions Competence includes skills
and abilities that may directly or indirectly relate to access and appropriation
Competence is multifaceted and interdependent with access and appropriation.
Appropriation refers to how agents (including individuals, groups, networks, or institutions)
interpret and act upon perceived or real access and skills. Appropriation is shaped by
needs, plans, aspirations and understandings of agents, and it relates to strategies,
motives, values and habits. Appropriation describes how agents consider, deem
appropriate, and select specific options. It is also the means by which skills and decisions
are evaluated. (Kaufmann et al., 2004: 750)
As such, motility can be viewed as a form of social inequality or a mechanism for its
reproduction, where its composition either enables an individual or a group to participate and
even imagine (desire) participation itself in the preferred sociocultural spheres, or prevents
them from doing so.
The third view focuses on the social meaning of movement, taking into account
representations and discourses, which are inherently based on power relations and as such
infuse mobilities with corresponding symbolic meanings. Travel modes as a function of a
symbolic transmission of dominance were the theme of a much cited article in the New York
Times in 2009, which interpreted the unusually high number of vandalised Velib bikes (a bike-
sharing system in Paris) as a response to the rampant patterns of social inequality and their
spatial attributes, which reduced the options of contemporary mobilities for the (less well-off)
residents of the peripheral areas. In a complementary way, the fourth perspective deals with
questions of technologies as arbitrary, excluding, and stratifying phenomena, questioning the
divergence between their in principle capacity and the actually existing priorities, needs, and
sociocultural composition of individual societies. This perspective functions as a critique of the
techno-deterministic concepts of mobilities, as technology itself is not an enabling force per se
and is always socially appropriated and situated, functioning in accordance to what it means
to different social groupings.
Though we touched upon the question of inequality only cursorily, it is of paramount
importance that these perspectives should inform urban and transportation planning when
decisions are taken at the systemic level. They show not only the extent of mobility complexity
but also the wider responsibilities included in mobility management and its essential
connections with social, cultural, economic, and political processes.
The difficulties of translating conceptual knowledge about the implications of general
social trends into mobility systems in cities and regions, and applying this knowledge to
integral and interchangeable transport networks with real instruments has accelerated the
emergence of a specific scientific discipline - urban governance science. This discipline is to
incorporate technical and sociological conceptualists and theoreticians, as well as
practitioners from the fields of public opinion surveys and user (inhabitant) participation, and
public relations consultants, who are to establish the framework for political (public) decision-
making related to changing and introducing integrated mobility systems. We consider our
research efforts, dealing with the broader issues of modal split within CIVITAS ELAN, as a tool
for governance officials when making long-term decisions. All these profiles of experts are to
operate in coordination at three levels of mobility governance:

the strategic level should elaborate an ambitious and coherent mobility policy, adapted
to the actual urban infrastructure, with means and goals that will meet be the collective
needs of the users as closely as possible, while taking account of the long-term, broader
social trends that are not exclusively connected with mobility (e.g. planning bicycle lanes
or public transport corridors by reducing the roadway available to cars),
the tactical level should strive to ensure by combining techniques of inclusion and
participation of the public, especially direct users, with education and consensual
persuasion that the strategic goals are in harmony with particular, individual, and
community interests (and to be honest - vice versa). In the context of education and
persuasion it will be necessary to develop instruments for continuous, comprehensible,
and convincing stimulation of users towards a reflective-rational understanding and
values-based identification with the proposed forms of mobility (e.g. to abandon driving
and take up cycling in connection with personal health and environment protection),
at the operational level, strategy and tactics should be implemented in the execution of
a mobility system from the viewpoint of transport in the narrow sense, with mobility in
the general sense. Continuous monitoring of the execution by authorised operators will
be necessary from the viewpoint of economics, social equity, maintenance, ecological
criteria, and concrete usefulness to the users. Complementing, expanding, and
changing the system to meet new, emerging circumstances will have to be monitored,
especially from the standpoint of the timely detection of emerging new mobility patterns
among the users.

The highly sensitive balance between the expectations of the users of mobility services in the
city, and the capability of planners, operators, legislators, and regulators to meet these
expectations, demands complex planning procedures. Dealing with questions of implementing
sustainable urban development measures, Hanja Maksim (2012) notes that success
predominantly depends on effective and efficient inter-sectorial coordination of urban and
transport policies.
She also notes the impact of the large differences in practice, depending on the political
culture, planning traditions, and local contexts of different European countries, because these
define the particular modalities of tactical and operational consideration and execution. An
additional circumstance in managing the modal split are the nationally specific and locally
deep-rooted differences in the value orientations of the actors, which have a strong impact on
existing mobility patterns and the ways and pace of changing them.
Consequently, when transferring and mirroring concepts and policy measures from the so-
called demonstration cities (or urban laboratories) of the Civitas initiative, followers should first
extensively elaborate the concrete local specifics of these generalised socio-spatial trends and
perspectives. Briefly outlined, they are of course just the basis and generalised background of
different real situations, helping us to reflect on how to research, substantiate, conceive, and
finally operationally improve.
Based on researches and conceptual consideration, we can list a comprehensive selection of
indicators to empirically measure integrated mobility in any national society or (city) region
within the European territorial system. The potential range of the emerging integrated mobility
paradigm can be divided analytically into several thematic subsets, whose validity we
empirically tested (on some of them) by means of a public opinion survey on modal split and
other surveys within the CIVITAS ELAN project:

mobile spatiality and temporality,

temporal-cost mobility matrices,
environmentally sustainable and alternative forms of mobility,
mobility rights and risks,
new social networks and mobile media,
immobility and social exclusion,
access and availability of mobility networks,
travelling (leisure) and commuting (daily, job-related) mobility,
migrations and diasporas,
transport and communication technology,
transterritorial and transitive connectedness of mobility infrastructures,
contemporary spatial management competences.


In the case of Slovenia, we will start from the following hypothesis: the Slovene territorial
system is seemingly ideal from the viewpoint of approximating integrated mobility (in the
movement of people as well as material and immaterial goods) because of its relatively small
area. But this smallness, combined with dispersed settlement and local self-sufficiency, has a
curbing effect on working and especially living sedentarity or settlement mobility. Now that the
motorway network is nearly finished, accessibility has in general greatly increased, but the
administrative territorial system has remained unchanged, and is accompanied by a tendency
toward further fragmentation into (smaller) municipalities and even more dispersed
settlement. These circumstances obstruct settlement and job mobility, which are at present
among the lowest in the European Union. This is a serious structural problem because:

it makes it impossible for social relationships to become flexible and modernized,

obstructs the integral socio-spatial development of Slovenia,
strengthens self-sufficient local interests and
prevents processes of supranational (European and global) integration.

Rigid mobility reinforces traditional social networks of individuals and groups (e.g. kinship,
where young people keep on living with their parents), and it does not accelerate the
strengthening of individual autonomy and responsiveness to the turbulent demands for
adaptation to dynamic social conditions.
Our previous research attempts at investigating value orientations, based on the countrys
historically rooted territorial development and the mobility patterns resulting from it, show that
anti-urban value orientations, as we label them, constitute the essential characteristics and
specific aspects of the perception of space in Slovenia, its symbolisation and symbolic
representations. One of the essential spatio-demographic characteristics in Slovenia is that it
is highly fragmented and diverse, compared to other territorial systems in Europe. According to
Eurostat (2009), among the member states of the European Union Slovenia has the highest
share of people living in detached houses around 69% (followed by Hungary, Romania,
Denmark and Norway), while the EU average is only half that percentage (34%). Along with a
low (17%) and later stagnant population growth, the number of dwellings1 in Slovenia
increased by 72% between 1971 in 2007, and the share of detached houses increased
sharply from 1960 onwards. In 2001, 92% of all housing units were privately owned in
Slovenia (Statisticni urad Republike Slovenije, 2002) and although the share dropped to
around 88% in the past decade, it is still the third highest in the EU (behind Hungary and
In most Slovene towns the residential areas cover 2/3 of the urban space, but in Ljubljana,
Maribor, Celje, kofja Loka and the coastal towns individual housing construction consumes
up to 15 times more land than multi-dwelling construction (Drug, 1999; Uric and Hocevar,
2007). The average net size of residential area per capita in the urban environment is at least
15% lower than in the rural environment. The average entire (gross) area of consumed land
(building lot) per single house is around 1000 m2 in suburban settlements, with a total
residential space between 200m2 and 300m2 (Rebernik, 2007). Nearly half the dwellings in
Slovenia are outside the urban settlements. Of a total of around 6000 settlements, only 200
(or 3%) have the status of an urban settlement and about half the countrys population lives in
these 200 settlements. Around 90% of all settlements have less than 500 inhabitants and
these are home to 35% of the population. The 15 urban settlements with over 10,000
inhabitants include less than 35% of the population. Areas of dispersed settlement with low
population densities, prevailing freestanding single-family houses, and low spatial use are
typical even of individual areas within the city of Ljubljana. In the case of Ljubljana, these were
initially residential areas of unlicensed construction, later legalised, as well as urbanised
rural settlements in the immediate vicinity of the central areas of the city of Ljubljana, which
emerged through the gradual transformation of former rural villages. Like elsewhere in
Slovenia, these areas developed unsystematically and without a uniform urbanist or
morphological concept (Rebernik, 2007: 30).
The essential spatio-demographic characteristics outlined above position the development
and mobility indicators in the value system of Slovene society concerning the populations
settlement pattern and desired ways of living. The actual spatial dispersion of settlement in the
Slovene territory and the use of space correspond with the anti-urban values of the population.
These findings are supported by the interpretation of the public opinion survey Spatial values,
2004, carried out on a representative sample of the Slovene population (See illustration 3)
(Hoevar, 2000; 2004, Uri and Hoevar, 2007).

Illustration 3: Preferred modes of urban or rural settlement for living. Source: Uri, Matja and Marjan Hoevar, 2007.

The value system of the Slovenian population concerning spatial constellations is thus
crucial for understanding the findings about the actual modal split situation, the value
orientations of the actors, mobility patterns, motility externalities), the ways and pace of
changing them with various governance actions, and how all these findings correlate with the
objective morphological factors. These findings are:

The geographic and urban configuration of Ljubljana requires a system of mobilities

that is in principle compatible with the goals of the CIVITAS ELAN project. As such it
figures as an enabling factor, which until recently has been overlooked, as has it
capacity for more efficient, inclusive and diverse travel modes. Its densely concentrated
historical city centre and the relatively short distances to be covered within the citys
perimeter partly explain the surveys findings that the perceived conditions for
pedestrians are very well arranged in terms of infrastructure (see illustration 4).
Illustration 4: The perceived adequacy of Ljubljanas traffic system for different user groups. Source: Uri et al., 2009.

This perception also results from the closure of the city centre to motor vehicles a few years
ago. Despite their otherwise very automobile inclined perspective on urban questions, the
respondents showed a marked inclination towards further pedestrianisation of certain city
areas with distinct ambience and reflexive values, and we may interpret this as a kind of
conscious self-limiting. Since the survey was applied, the city administration has actually
excluded car traffic from additional areas, re-structuring the citys mobility in terms of a more
differentiated and paradoxically even inclusive mode.
It should also be noted that this same pedestrian infrastructure is much less user friendly if
we focus on the handicapped or some other traffic user groups: the urban accessibility factor
has been additionally reduced for the already disadvantaged, showing that inclusiveness is
very unevenly focused.

The city space of Ljubljana is hypothetically well adapted to bicycles and its users
favour them very much. As the city is relatively small, a proper adaptation of traffic
spaces and further development of its cycling infrastructure (which was perceived as
very problematic in 2009) would allow for a whole new mobility context; following the
findings of a later survey (performed in 2011 and 2012), the citys residents consider
bicycles to be the chief, and much appreciated, alternative for spatial movement. As an
example we refer to the preferred use of the money collected with a hypothetical
congestion charge (see illustration 5).

Illustration 5: Preferred ways of using money gathered with a hypothetical congestion charging scheme.Source: Uri et al.,

However, this affinity for the use of bicycles curiously stems from the same logic that propels
the use of automobiles in the first place speed. Environmental sustainability, personal health
and recreation do play a role, but they are all secondary to speed and a bicycles
supplementary benefit - no parking issues (see illustration 6). Cycling thus functions more as a
negative definition in the interplay of the dominant mobility categories.

Illustration 6: Reasons for bicycle usage in the city. Source: Uri et al., 2009.

It should also be noted that the spatial distribution of public bicycle rental points follows a
certain logic, which diverges from the principles of equal accessibility and inclusiveness, and
actually worsens the existing uneven mobility options.

Moving our focus to the means of public transport, a different picture emerges.
Although there was a general consensus that the city bus infrastructure was
appropriate, the actual use of public transport is relatively low, both at the urban and
suburban levels, especially if look at the active population (excluding school-goers). As
many as 40% of the population would never consider using a city bus and more than
three quarters of the population do not use suburban buses or trains.

The respondents who used public transport were relatively and consistently satisfied with the
aspects of the service that are human factor based (staff), and much more dissatisfied with
objectively based ones (speed, schedules, frequency, ticket price, accessibility). The citys
actual modal split is thus largely determined by the governments transportation policy, which
prioritised building motorways instead of developing public transport.
Consequently, the use of public transport is largely determined by a persons position in the
social stratification scheme, and its most frequent users are older, retired people or younger
people, students, and, in addition to these two groups, the unemployed and people with lower
education levels (see illustrations 7 and 8). They are the ones who cannot individualise
themselves symbolically and must use collective means of transport - instead of the
individualised, private, and perceivably freer mode of travelling by car. The fact that public
transport fees are an often hotly debated issue shows that we are indeed talking about
economically peripheral groups of users when discussing the current use of public transport in
the region.
While the gathered data make it hard to draw conclusions about the potential of public
transport as an enabling factor, we support the claim that its sociability dimension plays a
significant role in it use by seniors.
Illustration 7: Usage of public transport for work or school commuting, grouped by age. Source: Uri et al., 2011.

Illustration 8: Usage of public transport for work or school commuting, grouped by educational levels.Source: Uri et al.,

According to a number of surveys, traffic jams are always quoted first as the biggest
problem in Ljubljana, followed closely by parking space issues. We may conclude that
the urban configuration is not adapted to automobiles as the hugely dominant form of
transport (see illustration 9).

Illustration 9: The distribution of modes of transport for commuting to school or work. Source: Uri et al., 2011.

On the other hand, however, the data tells us that the average time spent on the move is
actually relatively low (see illustration 10), especially when taking into account the distances
the commuters from neighbouring towns about half the respondents - have to cover. We may
claim that Slovenias specific sedentary culture affects our perception that the time
consumption listed below is highly problematic.

Illustration 10: Average time usage for one-way commuting to school or work. Source: Uri et al., 2011.

Automobile use functions as the core attitude and value orientation of mobility in Ljubljana
and its wider regional hinterland. Although keeping a car is a considerable expense in almost
any household, cars were owned by 88 % of respondents from the 2009 survey (85% in 2011)
and they were again at a considerable cost more or less used by a single person per car for
work or school related travels (see illustration 11). Further taking into account time
management (since other means of transport can be cheaper and faster) and the relatively
short distances the respondents had to cover, using a car is an increasingly irrational choice
for many people, and as such must be rooted in hard to detect reasons.

Illustration 11: Number of passengers by car when commuting to school or work. Source: Uri et al., 2011.

Respondents who used a car to drive to work or school dominated in the demographic
groups of people between 25 to 45 years of age, and a slight majority of them were men; this
corresponds with the stratification patterns established elsewhere.

The presented auto-mobility paradigm is mirrored in the disregard of questions about

environmental costs and sustainable traffic options. Certain discourses and themes
have yet to become part of individual stances and public debates, and therefore have
not been able to have an impact on mobility values, which still rest on speed,
individualism, freedom from spatial constraints. We notice indifference towards
collective agendas, rational and holistic consideration of ones personal well-being,
income use, or other relevant contexts, and this may result from the relatively archaic
patterns of the economy, lifestyles, and social networks of a considerable segment of
the population.

In line with this, we also notice that the contemporary mobilities agenda is valued relatively
higher by younger respondents, who live a less sedentary life with asymmetric rhythms of
obligations and endorse more flexible means of transport, using different mobility modes,
extending into the virtual world with the use of applications like, for instance, Google maps.
The article addresses contextual mobility, which is characterized by its focus on some
important social aspects of travelling and peoples movement in space in general, but in
particular on the interconnections between mobility and sociability. Contextual mobility
attempts to bring together different modern sociological and interdisciplinary concepts: the
mobilities paradigm (Urry), the motility concept (Kaufmann) and the socio-spatial network
theory (Castells). Mobility complexity is first explained through the interlacing instrumental and
reflexive actions of individuals. The way people actually make use of the given mobility options,
while taking account of objective limitations, is defined as their network capital and is part of
the wider principle of social capital. This is the individuals ability or competence level to
create a mobility and social matrix of his own, based on his lifestyle or philosophy of living,
and taking account of the objective circumstances. Lower and higher competence levels can
also be understood in the sense that new forms of inequality are established in society,
because mobility increasingly influences the life courses of individuals and groups. The article
advances the thesis that the ordinary focus of travelling on spatial-temporal and cost budgets
may explain merely the instrumental motives of mobility in the sense of as fast and as cheap
as possible, but not reflexive ones, which refer to the (e.g. environmental, social) value
orientation of every individual in a given society. We established that peoples reflexivity relates
to the already asserted concept of active travelling (walking, cycling), which assumes either
personal benefits (e.g. health benefits) or social benefits (environmental awareness). Someone
may choose a longer or even more expensive route to his destination, e.g. from point A to Point
B, if he considers the benefits contextually, as a component of social responsibility (e.g.
environmental responsibility). But as we show in the article his decision on his travel mode or
means of transport (e.g. train) may be connected with his wish to socialize or to spend time on
different activities, e.g. work, reflecting, relaxing, or other activities. In these cases, reflexive
mobility is not merely the domain of leisure travels, as is suggested by most literature on
mobility, but it increasingly refers to daily, routinized movement in space and time. From the
aspect of spatial planning, these movements should no longer be treated merely as
instrumentally transitive, but as multi-purpose spaces, including social ones. Only then will
such spaces be perceived and used as places. The articles conceptual sociological discourse
is linked to the example of mobility patterns and travelling habits in Slovenia and it establishes
the high importance of taking account of the specific value systems of individual societies,
because these essentially influence the success or failure of mobility strategies. Within the
CIVITAS ELAN project, major emphasis is given to civil engagement in mobility strategies and to
mobility management; here, persistent specific values in peoples mobility patterns (e.g. the
extreme significance of automobility in Slovenia) play a key role in the dissemination of the
projects measures and results to the inhabitants and traffic users. The article also briefly
presents the challenges of mobility management at the strategic, tactical, and operational
levels, and draws attention to a series of aspects that have to be taken into consideration.
In the light of the social values in Slovenia and other socio-spatial circumstances, including
its dispersed settlement in small settlements, where most people live in individual houses, we
examined the existing travelling habits of the inhabitants of the Ljubljana region. All these
circumstances have a strong impact on peoples travel habits and on the success/failure of
implementing mobility strategies aimed at higher efficiency, inclusivity, and diversity of
travelling modes. The data which formed the basis for our interpretation were partly acquired
with public opinion surveys performed as part of the CIVITAS ELAN project, and partly stem
from previous surveys and mobility patterns in the territory of Slovenia and especially in the
Ljubljana region. One basic finding is that contextual mobility is not yet perceived as a mobility
matrix in the Ljubljana region, and that is has not yet become part of the value patterns of the
inhabitants. The role of cycling, for instance, has been increasing, but people continue to
associate cycling mostly with efficiency (speed, cheapness), and quite less with health,
socialising, environmental sustainability. Our analysis of the modes and frequency of using
means of public (city and regional) transport show that ones lifestyle and consequently
reflexive perception of contextual mobility is not significantly important to the users. The results
reveal a classical stratification in the use of mobility modes, because public transport is often
used by the lower classes, seniors, and the young, who do not have the option to use a car.
Exceptions, suggesting at least in part a shift towards contextual mobility, are seniors who use
their travels with public transport for socializing as well, and young people who attribute to
cycling different, not exclusively transitive meanings. The findings of the empirical researches
within the CIVITAS ELAN project and other researches reveal that automobility as a mobility
mode remains deeply rooted in peoples value system, where the individual freedom of mobility
choices is perceived in a distinctly one-dimensional (instrumental) or traditionalist way. To
understand contextual mobility it is essential that we differentiate between, on the one hand,
the value systems of modern, progressive societies and communities, orientated toward
combining peoples individualised lifestyles with active participation in the long-term
sustainability of social development and, on the other hand, the value systems of non-modern,
regressive societies of atomised individuals. Mobility strategies and mobility management at
the level of cities and regions cannot bear fruit unless the development paradigm of society as
a whole changes radically, transforming societys value system. The mobility image of the
Ljubljana region thus reflects its wider socio-spatial circumstances; the measures and
activities of the CIVITAS ELAN project have, as we established, great mobilisation and
demonstration importance for the reflexivity of the inhabitants; they in turn can influence
change in the entire Slovene society with a changed perception of modern mobility principles.

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1 We define dwelling as any structurally unified whole intended for residence, with one or more rooms, with or without
appropriate utility spaces (kitchen, bathroom, toilet, anteroom, larder, etc.) and with at least one separate entrance. Account
has been taken of all occupied and unoccupied dwellings and dwellings for occasional use (definition by the Statistical Office
of the Republic of Slovenia). All premises that are intended for habitation in various buildings (apartment blocks, skyscrapers,
detached houses, etc.) are included (see Hoevar, 2012).
LJUBLJANA I Several riverbanks of the Ljubljanica have been renovated in the past few years.

LJUBLJANA I The city aims to reduce motorised traffic in the streets. Many areas have recently been turned into pedestrian

LJUBLJANA I Two free-of-charge Kavalir electric vehicles operate in the pedestrian zones, based on a call-on-demand system,
and their popularity is growing.
Matja Uri
Planning transport and mobility systems is all too often regarded as a merely technical
undertaking that positions adequate systems and infrastructures, whose functions are
determined on the basis of accurate measurements and instruments. Is it assumed in advance
that spatial planning will follow in detail the procedures and selected objectives of urban
policies, limiting negative spatial processes and favouring such that will work to the benefit of
the entire community. However, only in very rare situations can spatial problems actually be
solved with merely technical or formalized measures; much more often, what is required is to
connect population groups with planning practices that yield more informed decisions on
interventions into space. Placing transport infrastructure in an urban area is a very sensitive
undertaking in terms of social and cultural values, and requires a great deal of qualitative
data and long processes of coordination between different groups of stakeholders. Planning
the mobility and transport system is in this context perceived as a form of consultation or
interactive management, where the objective is to harmonize the interests of the different
(political, class, ethnic, cultural, capital) socio-economic groups that are present in a given
space (Healey, 2003; Wilson, 2006). These groups may have conflicting interests and differ
not only in regard to aims and expectations but also according to the acceptance level, which
may be translated into group power, i.e. influence when it comes to the decisions about
interventions in space. Because of the sensitivity of organizing transport, spatial planners are
to adapt as much as possible to multiple aims, expectations, acceptance levels and needs of
different groups or users, while simultaneously adhering to the formal procedures and selected
objectives of urban policies aimed at limiting harmful and favouring useful spatial processes
that will benefit the entire community.
Public opinion surveys as a consultative mechanism can constitute an important instrument
for ensuring a higher degree of inclusivity of the public in joint planning of mobility and
determining transport development priorities. By identifying the interests, needs, expectations,
power relations between various groups of stakeholders, public opinion surveys can give
orientations on how to prepare the processes of planning for transport solutions and give voice
to deprivileged groups, i.e. assure sufficient participation of different users / the public.
Despite the fact that the information gathered by public opinion surveys indicates a range of
clear opinions and attitudes to the ways of organizing transport, they also reveal certain
seemingly paradoxical situations, where the respondents both accept and reject certain
transport development orientations. One of these seemingly paradoxical situations, registered
in the public opinion surveys carried out for the needs of the CIVITAS ELAN project, is the high
professed support for measures related to sustainable mobility and transport development,
combined with the simultaneous rejection of the implementation of these measures at the
practical level, i.e. in attempts which try to transfer sustainable transport practices into the
populations everyday life.
The article presents in which way and, especially, why public opinion surveys on the theme of
organizing mobility and transport in Ljubljana region often reveal apparent discrepancies in
the attitudes of respondents when considering desirable changes to the transport system and
mobility practices. We must however emphasize that in the case of professed support that is
combined with simultaneous rejection of the practical implementation of sustainable mobility
and transport solutions, the discrepancies in the respondents answers are not surprising. The
opinions of respondents are contradictory only at a first glance and can be explained with
socio-theoretical concepts, like for instance professed (vs actual) opinions or so-called passive
activism (Gladwell, 2010; 2011).
In the case of peoples professed opinions or passive activism, what we see is apparent
social engagement that is not realised in practice. It is a form of support to certain trends that
is based on words but not on actions. Similarly, elements of self-organisation and self-action,
which are often connected with the activism of civil social movements, are absent in this case,
and peoples expectations about the successful implementation of changes in the environment
are low. From passive activism not much is expected, because it is based merely on the
professed wish to change the conditions in the environment. In this context we can delimit
passive activism from activism on the basis of the principle which points put that wishing to
change something is different from wanting to change it and becoming actively engaged in
the processes of changing ones local environment. This difference in the degree of social
engagement is well illustrated by public opinion surveys when they reveal specific value
orientations, ideas, concepts that are not always in harmony with the respondents actual
expectations. It is often difficult to figure out how strongly someone really wants changes in his
or her environment; for a variety of reasons (distrust, wishing anonymity, self-satisfaction, local
conditions, etc.) respondents will voice only part of their actual opinions or orientations about a
given theme.
In a more detailed explanation of professed opinions in selected surveys we will draw on
individual cost and benefit analyse regarding the usage of various transport modes. In the
context of Slovenia, we will show which elements and mobility features constitute the key
factors for favouring the most frequent means of transport cars. Last but not least, the
findings deriving from the analysis of professed opinions in public opinion surveys about
mobility and transport issues attempt to reveal not only possible barriers and potential
conflicts in the implementation of the principles of sustainable transport systems, but also
provide guidelines for solving these issues and suggest which instruments and mechanisms
would be worth using among the population of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region.
In public opinion surveys respondents sometimes express opinions about an issue or
attribute major importance to sustainable development themes that are in conflict with their
responses at the practical level. During the attempts to translate expressed attitudes into
practice substantial modifications and changes occur, indicating that their actual decisions
are influenced by hidden factors, veiled ideas, and tacit information, which they do not reveal
publicly or explicitly.
These cases reveal the differences between expressing apparent, professed support and the
actual, legitimating power of decisions, which would lead to changes in mobility and transport
systems. Why are people not willing to accept (legitimate) practical measures that would lead
to a more sustainable transport system in spite of their professed support for these measures
at the general, conceptual level? To understand the issue, it is essential to correctly define the
differences between the categories of professed and legitimating statements, which are
often confused or even erroneously linked in public opinion analyses. Although it appears that
high professed support for sustainable transport development facilitates the implementation of
practical measures, it soon becomes clear that this is not a sufficient condition for their
implementation in the field. If professed arguments would suffice to implement more
sustainable transport solutions, there would be no conflicts in spatial planning nor stagnation
in implementing such solutions.
The reactions and opposition of different social groups to interventions into space suggest
that many decisions, taken at the level of professed opinions about interventions into space,
cannot be implemented due to the low level of legitimacy, feeble support, or overt/covert
opposition from important stakeholders (local stakeholders, opinion leaders, interest groups)
in specific urban areas.1 In these events it is quite clear that the lack of legitimacy does not
abolish nor reduce the projects legality (Kos, 2002: 2225), but only prevents the adoption
or implementation of certain professed decisions. Seen from this angle, it is possible that
individual professed decisions on more sustainable mobility and transport solutions in
Ljubljana may be correct and that their implementation would contribute to better
development and a higher quality of life in the area, but their realisation is blocked by a
specific, informal socio-cultural system that is not willing to change traditional, routine patterns
of living, based on preferring transport by car. In this constellation of social conditions, every
little change towards developing more sustainable forms of transport is perceived as an
illegitimate measure or potential danger that will cause unpredictable consequences for the
local community.
The respondents in the surveys on the subject of mobility and transport, carried out as part
of the CIVITAS ELAN project (2008, 2009, 2011) are seemingly strongly in favour of more
ecological and sustainable patterns of mobility (Table 1), which would reduce the use of cars.
They positively judge and support most of the measures of sustainable mobility and transport
solutions, which would be executed as part of the CIVITAS ELAN project (Table 2) and which
they consider to improve Ljubljanas transport system. In this context, the data indicate2 that
the respondents are aware of the mobility and transport problems in Ljubljana and are thus in
favour of certain changes to alleviate the present condition.
I totally I I neither agree nor I I totally
disagree disagree disagree agree agree
1. In transport solutions efficiency must have priority over environment protection 24.6 37.9 19.2 13.0 5.3
2. Bicycles and public transport must have priority over other means of transport
1.4 6.6 13.9 40.1 38.0
3. A transition from cars to public transport would reduce the traffic burden in the city
centre 0.9 2.2 8.2 47.4 41.4
4. The construction of new lines of public transport is too costly, it would be better to use
the funds for new parking lots 21.5 32.4 28.4 13.4 4.3
5. Employers should encourage their employees to use public transport with financial
incentives. 2.3 6.9 14.8 42.1 33.9

Table 1: Please state to what extent you agree/disagree with the following statements.Source: Civitas Ljubljana, 2009.

I totally Idont I neither support nor I
oppose support oppose support
1. Construction of additional P&R (Park & Ride) facilities 0.8 2.9 13.0 40.9 42.3
2. Introduction of Car Sharing 4.7 17.7 36.4 29.2 11.9
3. Introduction of Car pooling 4.2 15.9 34.9 30.8 14.2
4. Introduction of vignettes for entering the city centre 21.6 29.4 18.3 19.4 11.3
5. Introduction of payable access to the city centre by car (Congestion Charging) 22.8 31.2 18.9 17.2 9.9
6. Introduction of universal tickets for trains and buses 2.4 5.6 14.8 41.0 36.2
7. Additional reduction of traffic speed in certain zones (e.g. to 30 km/hr) 7.3 17.3 25.6 33.3 16.5
8. Introduction of a system of one-way roads in the city centre 5.6 18.8 29.9 32.3 13.5
9. Introduction of traffic obstacles (road bumps) 11.7 22.6 25.9 29.5 10.3
10. Introduction of a special yellow lane for public transport 1.0 4.9 11.7 41.6 40.8
11. Introduction of non-stop public transport (24 hrs/day). 0.9 5.0 20.0 38.8 35.3
12. Electronic information displays showing the time of arrival of buses at the bus
1.1 3.8 14.8 41.4 38.9
13. Environment-friendly buses (hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles) 0.5 1.3 7.0 31.1 60.1

Table 2: Which measures would you support/oppose in Ljubljana? Source: Civitas Ljubljana, 2009.

In favouring changes to Ljubljanas transport system the respondents were rather

unselective and generally supported most of the measures proposed by the CIVITAS ELAN
project. Unselective or general support for measures related to sustainable transport mobility
suggests that the respondents maybe wish a different transport system, but at the same time
their answers reflect that the level of conformity offered by car transport prevails over the
wishes to implement the changes in practice. We must mention here that unselective or
professed support for measures related to sustainable transport system is most pronounced
with the more gentle measures, including improvements of public transport, the construction
of P&R (Park and Ride) facilities and the introduction of car-sharing and car-pooling systems.
Much less support or even opposition is drawn for concrete or hard, restrictive measures, like
a congestion charging fee, which means the introduction of various forms of payment
(vignettes, tickets, road tolls) for accessing the city centre by car.
The absence of clear opinions, ideas or orientation points, which would form the basis for
the respondents to better differentiate between the effects, role, temporal feasibility and
suitability of the introduction of sustainable mobility and transport solutions in Ljubljana
indicates that the respondents wish changes in the transport arrangement. Nevertheless, the
even bigger question is at what cost are they actually willing to accept transport measures that
interfere with their daily routines. How substantial is the legitimating support for measures
related to change in the mobility and transport system is revealed by the so-called control
questions, which refer to the transfer of proposed mobility and transport solutions into
practice. The control questions reveal that the majority of users are not willing to incur
additional financial burdens (e.g. questions 4 and 5 in table 2), and are even willing to tolerate
a higher degree of negative impacts from the increased use of cars (Table 3).
I totally I neither agree I totally
I disagree I agree
disagree not disagree agree
1. Id rather pay for access to the city centre than stop driving there 33,1 30,9 21,4 11,6 2,9
2. Crowds and noise are inherent to life in city centres 13,9 26,6 20,7 31,4 7,6
3. The citys existing four-lane access roads should be widened into six-lane roads 11,6 19,7 28,3 24,9 15,5
4. The existing transport conditions in Ljubljana make me consider to move out of the city 37,9 30,9 18,9 8,4 3,9

Table 3: Please state to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements. Source: Civitas Ljubljana, 2009.

When answering control questions, which queried the respondents about concrete measures
that would reduce car dependence, a majority favoured changes that would cause as little as
possible economic costs and consequently even increase car traffic flows. The respondents
particularly rejected measures involving increased payment for car traffic in the city centre,
even though this might in the long-term bring about certain positive effects for the quality of life
(less air pollution, less noise, etc.). Although in principle supportive of other measures to
reduce car traffic flows in the city (e.g. reduction of the speed limit to 30 km/h), the
respondents categorically rejected all measures that would mean a higher financial burden to
them. At this point, it should be taken into account that the reasons why respondents chose
such pattern of answers may be divided into two groups. First, the reluctance of citizens toward
the practical implementation of more sustainable transport solutions could be explained as a
lack of convincing alternatives. In other words the use of very concrete sticks (e.g. reducing
the number of driving lanes, congestion charging fee) prevails in comparison to relatively
uncertain carrots (e.g. excellent public transport and accompanying services) that should
offer reciprocal solutions to the comfort, travel time and economic benefits provided by cars.
Secondly, the resistance of citizens against the implementation of a more efficient and
sustainable transport system may be explained by the anticipated reluctance toward any
attempts that try to change the daily routine of everyday life and would disrupt the existent
socio-cultural relations. Strong beliefs in the benefits of the use of cars are inherently
connected to specific value orientations and rooted into the wider cultural system and process
of socialisation (Urry, 1999). In this sense, we may add that the categorical rejection of
measures involving increased economic costs for transport users is a strongly present element
also in other public opinion surveys (e.g. Hoevar, 2004). Such inclination toward rejecting any
additional transport cost is particularly indicative for the respondents with a strong materialist
value orientation3, not only in the area of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region, but in Slovenia
as a whole.
The respondents answers draw attention to a deep-rooted car culture4 and a value
system and lifestyles that strongly depend on the use of cars. Besides fearing money
sanctions, the severe dependence on cars as the principal means of transport is a crucial
reason for the phenomenon of passive activism and the low level of willingness to accept the
introduction of more sustainable mobility and transport solutions in Ljubljana. Take for
instance the question What annoys you most about the traffic in Ljubljana? where most
respondents mention problems related to providing smooth traffic flow (congestion, crowded
roads, and the lack of parking lots) (Table 4). Another element worth noticing is that over 40%
of respondents adapt their daily activities and spatial-temporal rhythms or daily routines to
using a car, while 15% of respondents would stop travelling in the city if the use of cars were to
be limited.
Rang Traffic annoyances %
1 Congestions, crowded roads 63.6
2 Lack of parking lots 45.9
3 Dangerous driving by other transport users 28.0
4 Poorly laid-out cycle lanes 26.1
5 Inefficient public transport 22.3
6 Air pollution 21.3
7 Excessive parking rates 20.4
8 Infrequent bus schedule 17.5
9 Excessive public transport fees 16.4
10 Noise 9.8
11 Poorly connected city bus lines 9.6
12 Poorly adapted public transport for the disabled 8.7
13 The way irregular parking is fined 7.8
14 Too high fines for motorists 5.6
15 Poor traffic conditions for pedestrians 4.9
16 Too low fines for motorists 3.1

Table 4: What annoys you most about the traffic in Ljubljana? Source: Civitas Ljubljana, 2009.

How strongly the use of cars is rooted among the respondents is among others indicated by
cross-examining the answers to the questions about the introduction of vignettes and other
money fees for entering the city centre with the answers of different groups of respondents,
including both car users and public transport users (Table 5).
I totally I strongly
I oppose I neither support not oppose I support
oppose support
Group of car users 25.6% 34.6% 15.9% 17.0% 6.9%
Other groups:
1. Bicycle 17.7% 30.2% 19.8% 18.8% 13.5%
2. Bus 20.8% 28.7% 27.7% 11.9% 10.9%
3. Train 5.9% 47.1% 17.6% 11.8% 17.6%
4. I walk 26.1% 31.1% 16.0% 16.0% 10.9%
5. I equally use two or more means of transport 34.2% 20.5% 19.2% 13.7% 12.3%

Table 5: Support for the introduction of charges for access to the city centre by car - by groups of respondents. Source:
Civitas Ljubljana, 2009.

The analysis of the answers to the question about the introduction of vignettes or charges for
access to the city centre shows that there are no major differences between the groups of
respondents which use or do not use a car for travelling to work (school). Car users were
somewhat more opposed to paying any charge for access to the city centre, but even among the
groups that do not use car, the level of rejection of such measures was quite high. The high
shares of rejection of money costs connected with using a car in the city centre among other
groups can be explained either by a low level of information, the lack of information about the
long-term effects of car transport on the living environment, or by the occasional use of a car by
these groups. Though they do not use a car for travelling to work (school), many respondents
occasionally use a car or use it for specific activities and reject money sanctions for this use.
What attitude people adopt towards traffic changes likely to influence their living
environment largely depends on the information they gather from different information
networks. In addition to the information they receive from the media, experts, and other
reference groups, other important information sources are undoubtedly the individuals own
experiences or previous knowledge for processing the information from his environment. When
considering which would be the most appropriate means of transport in a specific local context,
individuals make up their own scale of priorities and adhere to it in the process of decision-
making. They draw on their own cost and benefit analysis and decide to circumvent, sabotage,
or openly oppose changes to their mobility patterns when and if they consider that
unconditional acceptance of the novelties would cause them too high or unnecessary costs.
A cost and benefit analysis is based on elimination (tapering off) or, in our case, selecting
the most adequate traffic infrastructure (service provision) that is available for daily travels to
work, school, shops etc. Users thoroughly evaluate all possible features of the infrastructure
that may bring them either benefits or loss. The benefits of using a specific infrastructure
(service) taper off in line with increasing costs, measured in terms of time used, input of
physical effort, (psychological) emotional reasons, or money spent.5 The higher the costs, the
lower the benefit and this increases the possibility that the individual will choose another, more
favourable infrastructure for his daily activities. Where the individual goes beyond the point of
balance between benefits and loss, his costs continue to increase, and the balance point is
therefore the ultimate moment for sobering up, i.e. the moment when the individual becomes
aware that there are alternative and financially more favourable options of using means of
transport. Any further investment of time, effort, or money would be pointless in view of the
individuals subjective cost and benefit analysis. After going beyond the point of balance, when
the costs prevail over the profit or benefits, the individual finds himself in an area of so-called
structural constraint (Giddens, 1984) and chooses a different way of acting or decides to
either circumvent, sabotage, or openly oppose changes or, as in our case, to opt for other
means of transport for his daily activities. Structural constraint is a mild form of coercion in
which individuals are not explicitly (by law) sanctioned if they choose to further ignore their own
cost scheme. The individual acts within an environment that offers him different options to
satisfy certain needs, but he always chooses or is gently coerced to choose the option which he
thinks will bring him most individual benefits (Table 6).
Material constraint (Negative) constraint Structural constraint
Constraint deriving from the character of the Constraint deriving from punitive Constraint deriving from the contextuality of action, i.e.,
material world and from the physical qualities responses on the part of some agents from the given character of structural properties vis--vis
of the body toward others situated actors

Table 6: Three types of constraint which potentially limit an individuals behaviour. Source: Giddens, Anthony, 1984.

The concept of an individuals cost and benefit analysis is an important mechanism that
explains apparently impractical or irrational behaviour. For example, in the context of Ljubljana
and the Ljubljana region, where cars are the daily, i.e. most frequently used means of
transport. From the viewpoint of sustainable mobility and transport development (e.g. air
pollution, the problems of using up space for parking lots, the construction of additional roads
in the city centre, traffic congestion, etc.), as well as in the long-term perspective, this may be
irrational behaviour, but from the viewpoint of the average users individual short-term cost
and benefit analysis, it is quite rational and justified, because using his car means lower costs
(in time, money, and effort) than using other means of transport, making it his most favourable
means of transport. An individuals cost and benefit analysis works in two directions and to the
wider community it brings either positive or negative consequences. On the one hand, the
individual may establish that a certain kind of behaviour causes him loss in the sense of costs,
but that the wider community as a whole will benefit from his behaviour and recognize the
altruistic surplus (Faulkner and Tideswell, 1997) he sacrifices for the well-being of the
community. On the other hand, there are situations where individual motivations direct people
towards behaviour that is detrimental to the wider community. For instance, in the case of
attempts to meet long-term objectives of transport policies, where the immediate effects of
peoples altruistic surplus are not immediately recognized by the wider community. This may
lead to a so-called peoples tragedy, which Hardin (1968) describes as an autodestructive
scenario. A good example are attempts to reduce the use of cars and consequently decrease
the emission of greenhouse gases. In this case the change in a single individuals behaviour,
i.e. when he stops using his car and opts for alternative options (bicycle, bus, train), does not
yield any immediate benefits to the wider community; but at the same time the individual, who
opts for altruistic behaviour, incurs higher costs in time, effort, and money. The result is that
the scenario of altruistic surplus is abandoned, opening the way for the autodestructive
scenario that leads to the exhaustion of common resources and gradual or long-term
deterioration of the quality of life for the wider community and individuals.
It must be mentioned here that the concept of an individuals cost and benefit analysis may
include, beside spatial or physical features, also various characteristics of the social
environment. Other important characteristics in this context are social pressure, the demand to
conform to cultural patterns, peoples trust in institutions, and the options different groups of
stakeholders have to be included in the planning process of mobility and transport solutions. In
the formation of strategies for including users in planning mobility and transport solutions a
basic dilemma often emerges, where the institutional structures must consider to what degree
it is meaningful to include the users or the public in the planning procedures without
endangering the objectives of transport planning. Arnsteins classification (1969) of the power
relationships between the authorities or formalized systems and the users shows the variety of
forms of (non-)cooperation between the actors in the process of spatial planning (Illustration

Illustration 1: Arnsteins ladder of user participation in spatial planning. Source: Arnstein, Sherry, 1969.

The ladder of user participation in spatial planning is divided into eight degrees (rungs of
the ladder) that can be divided into three wider categories. The first category is that of low
citizen power or non-participation and includes the two lowest rungs on the ladder. The
category of non-participation provides the users only with an illusion of power in the planning
processes, because the levers of decision-making always remain firmly with the political and
economic actors. The second category, that of symbolic power (tokenism), is based on a one-
way strategy of informing the users in a top down approach, using various techniques of
informing, advising, negotiating with the users. The third category is the only one that grants
the users full participation and ensures two-way communication between the actors, allowing
also bottom up influences in the different phases of spatial planning. The essential question
then is how to coordinate the planning processes of traffic solutions to make sure that there is
as little as possible tension between the producers, planners, authorities and users-
consumers. If no suitable connections are established between the stakeholders and the
formal system of spatial planning, this may lead to the autodestructive scenario, where
individuals as part of their own cost and benefit analyses include the costs of reduced
inclusion in the transport planning process, and this consequently reduces the options to
change transport or mobility habits.
Taking into consideration peoples cost and benefit analyses explains why respondents
sometimes strongly voice professed opinions, which they perhaps hold at the principle level
and consider being in harmony with their view of life and self-image. But their individual cost
and benefit analysis, which they face at the practical level as participants, users of traffic
solutions that are being implemented reveals their lack of actual willingness to change their
mobility pattern in everyday life. This stage often reveals that they merely engage in passive
activism, and that their professed opinions have no real substance or have not sufficient
legitimating potential, which would enable the physical implementation of changes in the real
environment. Peoples personal analysis of the short-term costs and benefits deriving from
envisaged changes to their daily living routines prevents car users from immediately accepting
measures related to the development of more sustainable mobility and traffic solutions.
The results from the public opinion surveys of the CIVITAS ELAN project show that deep-
rooted automobility leads to the emergence of passive activism, which then blocks faster
implementation of more sustainable transport solutions in Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region.
This opens up the question in what ways it may be possible to overcome passive activism and
facilitate the introduction of measures connected with sustainable transport solutions. Foreign
examples of the introduction of a congestion charge show that in certain environments, where
professed support for sustainable mobility and transport measures exists, it is possible to
introduce, i.e. practically implement such measures in spite of the negative public opinion at
the start of the implementation process. In spite of the high unpopularity and open opposition
to the introduction of practical measures, which would reduce the car traffic burden in the city
centre, the data show that the unpopularity of these measures dropped within a relative short
period of time after their introduction (Graph 1).
Graph 1: Comparison of public opinion support before and after the introduction of a congestion charging fee (CCT) in London
and Trondheim. Sources: Trondheim Toll Scheme, 2011 and Transport for London, Congestion Charging, 2011.

Kos (2002: 30) explains that spatial planners present themselves largely as spatial
experts, even though in accordance with the above definition of spatial planning they should
be experts on space AND time. The physical nature of space is all too often pushed into the
forefront, while the non-physical categories, related to time and social behaviour, are relegated
to the background; their importance only emerges when unexpected events occur, upsetting
the initially conceived plan of interventions into space. In the case of implementation of
measures related to congestion charging in selected cities, we can confirm that a segment of
the population that was initially opposed to them because of the increased money burden in
their individual cost and benefit analyses was over a certain period indeed capable to
recognize the long-term positive aspects and benefits of the new measures connected with
more sustainable transport system.
In London, the congestion charging scheme was introduced by the mayor as part of his
winning election programme and in spite of the initial opposition of most respondents.
Similarly, Stockholm introduced a congestion fee after an initial trial period that was
immediately followed by a referendum on the justification of the measure. Trondheim
introduced its congestion fee with the aim of acquiring funds for the construction of urgently
required bypass roads for the transit traffic passing through the city centre. In spite of the
initial strong opposition, one year after its introduction the measure had gained major support
as people recognized the advantages of the reduced car traffic burden on the city, and the
share of respondents who opposed the introduction fell below 50 %. It has to be noted that in
comparison to Ljubljana both London and Stockholm have excellent public transport networks.
In spite of their different contextual characteristics the selected cities faced similar dilemmas
when trying to implement specific sustainable mobility programs, indicating their sensitive
nature and possible shifts in the public opinions inclination.
During the process of spatial planning for mobility and transport solutions we must make
sure that the interests of different (social, economic, political) groups are roughly equally
represented, since incorrect distribution of the costs among the members of a single group
would lead to conflicts and open opposition to the introduction of more sustainable transport
solutions. Moreover, the process of spatial planning should include a component of long-term
planning and identify the externalities (Tietenberg, 1994: 36), i.e. attempt to establish where
problems and obstacles are likely to arise after a certain period. Furthermore, the findings
based on experiences with the introduction of measures like a congestion charging fee in
various European cities show that for the inhabitants to recognize the positive effects of initially
unpopular measures, it is of extreme importance whether the implementers (spatial/transport
planners, responsible institutions, economic/political representatives) provide them with
sufficient information about the positive and negative effects of changes transport systems.
This information must include a comprehensive approach to mobility and transport problems,
which do not affect just local communities, but the quality of life in an entire urban region6.
Only when the negative effects of car dependence are identified by the majority of the
population, greater support will follow for initially unpopular measures, which may at first
increase the burden in the individuals cost and benefit analysis, but in the long term
contribute to a higher quality of life for all population groups. The most illustrative example of
the negative impact of car traffic on cities which is simultaneously environmentally damaging
is an excessive level of pollution, which can affect all population groups. In Milan, for
instance, the ECOPASS system (restricted access of cars to the city) was introduced when the
level of pollution exceeded critical pollution levels for a longer period and a state of emergency
was declared, including a stop to all motorised transport for several days (in the winter of
2005). What should be mentioned here is that a preventive presentation of the positive effects
of introducing measures for a sustainable transport system, as was the case in Trondheim, can
be equally efficient as the physical presentation of the negative or coercive effects, which by
the way of threatening peoples health trigger the implementation of adequate sustainable
transport measures.
The analysis of data from the public opinion surveys from the CIVITAS ELAN project show
how complex the mechanism of an individuals cost and benefit analysis is in the context of
mobility and transport in Ljubljana. The results show that the element of automobility is deeply-
rooted within various groups of stakeholders in Ljubljana. Even groups which do not use a car
on a daily basis occasionally express strong dependence on mobility patterns based on car
use. This leads to the emergence of strongly professed attitudes, i.e. passive activism, which is
best illustrated by the data showing strong opposition to any concrete measures which would in
practice interfere with the daily routines of car users or cause them an additional financial
The analysis of data opens up the question in what ways it may be possible to overcome
passive activism and facilitate the introduction of measures connected with sustainable
mobility and transport solutions. Two examples of the introduction of a congestion fee, London
and Trondheim, show how important the element of time is in spatial planning, and how
important the choice of a correct strategy of transport development is over a longer period. The
selected examples show that planning for mobility and transport solutions should not only be a
long-term process but also include various phases of social dialogue with various stakeholders,
ranging from supportive to antagonistic groups. Gaining sufficient legitimating potential from
the most antagonistic groups, which would enable the physical implementation of changes in
the real environment, is in this sense of primary importance for any project that strives to
enhance the quality of life in Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region. In this context, the evidence
from the data suggest that the existing approaches to mobility and transport issues should be
modified and new forms of spatial planning for transport solutions should be introduced.
While modern approaches to mobility and transport issues were considered to be based on
self-evident support for measures that would lead to smoother traffic flows, postmodern
approaches attempt to include as many different views as possible in order to ensure a high
level of mobility, as well as a high quality of life in the cities. Postmodern approaches are
based on the assumption that all urban spaces are a symbolic reflection of values, social
behaviour, and the individual acts of people, marking a specific location at a given time.
Spatial as well as transport planning is thus perceived as the product of dialectic interaction
between society and space (Soja, 1995). It is indeed clear that there are several political and
economic systems, which through their formal, institutionalised systems in various ways
include or determine the level of interaction between society and space. In doing so they, they
may give more or less consideration to individuals and local communities regarding
interventions into space and consequently encounter different kinds of problems. Regardless
of the different approaches to the interaction between society and space, it is roughly true that
the economically highly developed European countries typically call for a break away from
modernist planning methods and for increased consideration of postmodern concepts of
spatial planning, which try to ensure the highest possible level of active citizen participation in
spatial planning. The effect of strongly professed attitudes shown in the analysis of public
opinion surveys (2009) calls for an immediate increase, i.e. intensification of strategies to
include the citizens of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region in matters related to the
implementation of sustainable mobility and transport solutions.
The aspect of ensuring a higher level of citizen/user participation is undoubtedly the weak
spot of the present system of planning transport solutions in Ljubljana, the Ljubljana region
and Slovenia. Considering Arnsteins ladder of the power relationships regarding interventions
into space, the users in Slovenia are granted mainly symbolic power, while the levers of power
remain firmly in the hands of formal institutions. The range of participation strategies has seen
little change in recent years, as it continues to focus on conventional methods, which largely
involve disseminating information to the public, and not on direct inclusion of the users
(bottom-up approach) in spatial planning processes. Conventional participation strategies
include, for instance, exhibitions, public debates, various publications of statistical data
analyses in the media and, in certain cases, consultative referendums and public
investigations. Approaches that would allow for a higher level of user involvement in spatial
planning are as yet in the initial stage and fail to have an impact.
Unselective professed support, combined with simultaneous rejection of the implementation
of measures for a sustainable transport system in Ljubljana, indicates peoples distrust, but
above all their lack of information or poor communication between the transport users and the
institutions that deal with planning mobility and transport solutions. The respondents
schizophrenic answers show that the mechanism for planning transport systems in Slovenia
are relatively immature and therefore all the more sensitive to changes in social behaviour, as
is indicated in the frequent (micro) conflicts accompanying attempts to change the habits of
car users. The biggest problem deriving from the pseudo-planning of mobility and transport in
Slovenia is the narrow orientation of formal interventions into space, as they consider only
physical and temporary solutions for individual transport situations and do not seek
connections with the wider environment and society.
At this point it is clear that direct, physical solutions to mobility and transport problems do
not suffice and that they cannot eliminate the undesirable social influences which appear from
time to time in response to a modified transport system. Actually, a certain level of conflict in
planning for sustainable mobility is inevitable and has to be considered as an important force
for changing and adapting transport system to (post)modern trends. In this context, the
sensitivity of car users and the potential conflict with them in Slovenia result from individual
adaptations to the current conditions. The solutions to this problem do not stem from the direct
inclusion of the unexpected or as yet unknown needs of individuals in planning transport
solutions, but concern the improvement of a mechanism that would reduce the gap in the
communication between planners and users, if and when such needs emerge. As such,
mobility and transport planners will have to adapt their communication strategies to various
stakeholders regardless of their insistence on the higher objectives of formal transport
policies if they wish to avoid the potentially excessive costs for each change they plan in the
transport system.

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political change in 43 societies. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
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Kos, Drago. 2002. Praktina sociologija za nartovalce in urejevalce prostora. Ljubljana:
Fakulteta za drubene vede.
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Potovalne navade udeleencev v ljubljanski urbani regiji: poroilo o anketni raziskavi.
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Urry, John. 1999. Automobility, Car Culture and Weightless Travel. Available at:, 10. 11. 2003.
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2009. Konno poroilo o rezultatih 1. dela javnomnenjske raziskave: Spreminjanje ureditve
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CIVITAS ELAN Ljubljana. 2011. Available at:,
%20Ursic%20Matjaz.pdf, 15. 3. 2011.
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1 The differences between professed acceptance of and legitimating interventions into space are most evident in the NIMBY
syndrome, where locating certain social, economic or cultural activities in a given area triggers strong opposition from the local
community (e.g. locating waste dumps, rehabilitation centres for drug addicts, mosques, etc.). In these cases, the civil
sphere prevents the implementation of formal, systemic spatial decisions: they are given only professed support, not the
required legitimacy for physical implementation (see more in Kos, 2002).
2 The survey was carried out on a sample of 1069 persons (N=1069) living in Ljubljana or the Ljubljana region.
3 In his analyses of values in European countries, Inglehart (1997) mentions that in some East-European countries a shift is
noticeable towards post-materialist values (typically, these values put a higher emphasis on features like self-
expressiveness, the quality of living, and social affiliation), but materialist value orientations (based on features like the
value of goods, survival and individuality) continue to dominate.
4 Urry (1999: 1) refers to the Western civil societies as societies of automobility because of their dependence on cars; the
increasing degree of automobilization is indeed closely linked with the origin of social patterns of behaviours that are based on
automobility. Automobility changes our perception of spatial-temporal dimensions and enables the emergence of new social
spaces, which builds up the flows of people on certain roads and motorways.
5 The scheme of cost calculation is not defined on a strictly rational basis but is formulated according to individuals internal
perception of the costs, i.e. his/her personality. In other words, what may for some individuals represent a huge cost, may be
a benefit for other individuals. At the general level, some activities, e.g. the duration of daily commuting to and from work,
daily waiting for transport are perceived by a majority of people as costs. Some aspects of a cost-benefit analysis cannot be
measured or it is impossible to define their exact influence on individuals, because they are related to intrinsic socio-cultural
characteristics (e.g. tradition, social pressure, cultural patterns).
6 This involves both a higher level of inclusivity and participation of the inhabitants and traffic users in planning new
sustainable transport solutions, as well as an illustrative presentation of the effects and consequences of the changes the
new traffic system will bring about at different levels of everyday life.
LJUBLJANA I Experts have tested pure plant oil for vehicle propulsion in laboratory conditions and in practice.

LJUBLJANA I Ljubljana is striving to improve freight delivery conditions. To this purpose, a freight delivery portal with a
simulation planning tool has been established.

LJUBLJANA I 20 new, modern CNG and 5 hybrid buses are driving on the streets of Ljubljana, contributing to a cleaner and
less noisy environment.
Veronique Van Acker, Elias De Vos,
Begga Van Cauwenberge, Frank Witlox
Many studies try to model and measure the relationship between the built environment and
aspects of travel behaviour (for a review see e.g. Ewing and Cervero, 2001; 2010; Van Acker
and Witlox, 2005; Bartholomew and Ewing, 2009) such as mode choice and cycling (for a
review specifically on cycling see e.g. Handy et al., 2002; Saelens et al., 2003; Krizek et al.,
2009; Heinen et al., 2010). After all, people mainly travel in order to access activities such as
living, working, shopping and recreating, which are in most cases spatially separated.
Consequently, it seems commonsensical that travel patterns might be altered by changing the
location of these activities and the design characteristics of these locations.
The greater part of these studies uses aggregated or macro-environmental data to
characterize the built environment. For example, many studies point out that increasing land
use mixing, aggregated in zones such as statistical wards or traffic analysis zones, likely
encourages bicycling (e.g. Cervero and Duncan, 2003; Pechora et al., 2003; Moudon et al.,
2005; Pucher and Buehler, 2006; Litman, 2007). Having a mixture of land uses or functions
such as grocery stores, offices, schools and houses in a neighbourhood reduces travel
distances. A decrease in travel distance likely results in cycling having a much higher share in
mode choices (Moritz, 1998; Zacharias, 2005; Pucher and Buehler, 2006). Non-cyclists often
mention having to travel long distances as an excuse for not travelling or commuting by bicycle
(Dickinson et al., 2003; Stinson and Bhat, 2004). A survey among residents of Ghent
(conducted within the CIVITAS ELAN project 20092012) illustrates that this excuse holds for
30.3% of non-cycling commuters, compared to 16.5% of regularly cycling commuters. Travel
distances can thus be a daunting factor for bicyclists (Heinen et al., 2010).
Because of this at first sight logical relationship between the built environment and
cycling, policy makers and academics try to find out what makes a neighbourhood bikeable
(e.g. Winters and Coopers, 2008) and try to rate various neighbourhoods according to their
bikeability. Considering the importance of travel distances in cycling, it is no surprise that most
bikeability indices are based on the distance from the neighbourhood to important
destinations such as grocery stores, offices and schools (e.g. a rating method using counts of
destinations by facility type within a specific distance threshold from the origin location
developed by McNeil, 2010 or similarly for walking the Walkscore at
Such indices mainly focus on how attractive a specific neighbourhood is for cycling to facilities
within bikeable distance. However, such indices do not measure how safe or how easy it is to
cycle and do not evaluate the bicycle infrastructure itself. For example, there is no guarantee
that people will opt to cycle in a mixed neighbourhood if a safe bicycle infrastructure (width
and safety aspects of bicycle path, bicycle sheds, etc.) is missing. Instead of focussing on only
the distance to facilities, bikeability indices should also take into account the condition of the
bicycle infrastructure itself. Some bikeability indices (e.g. the Bikeability and Walkability
Evaluation Table of Hoedl et al., 2010) account for the presence of a bicycle path, but without
a thorough evaluation of the condition of this bicycle path (e.g. width, simple marked path or
additionally raised path, width of the separation strip, etc.). This paper therefore illustrates the
construction of such a systematic, infrastructure-based bikeability index.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the methodology of calculating an
infrastructure-based bikeability index. The results of this methodology are illustrated in the
third section. This third section starts with a statistical analysis of the results before discussing
a geographical analysis identifying green spots and red spots (or neighbourhoods with
excellent respectively poor bicycling infrastructure and facilities). Finally, the results are
summarized and discussed in Section 4.
This section describes the approach developed by researchers of the Department of
Geography at Ghent University in collaboration with the mobility department of the city of Ghent
to obtain a quick overview of the infrastructure-based characteristics of bicycle paths.
In October and November 2009, five observers cycled 49,760 km and evaluated the
infrastructure-based characteristics of 298 street and bicycle path segments. These segments
are derived from the Road Information System (Wegen Informatie Systeem), a GIS with basic
road characteristics in which the mobility department of the city of Ghent administers all road
works. Data were collected for bicycle paths especially in the area of the main station, Gent
Sint-Pieters, as this area is important for cyclists (mainly commuters and students). The
observers cycled down a street and recorded the existence or value of a specific infrastructure-
based item for every street and bicycle path segment on a scoresheet. The infrastructure-based
items listed on this scoresheet are predominantly based on guidelines from the Flemish
Government related to bicycle facilities and described in a cycling handbook (Ministerie van de
Vlaamse Gemeenschap, 2006). Table 1 summarizes all items mentioned on the scoresheet.
These items mainly refer to safety aspects of bicycle paths, route conditions and interaction
with motor vehicles. Such items are likely to influence the likelihood of cycling (Winter et al.,
Item Description Scores
Bicycle path
1 = present over the entire length of the segment
presence of any type of bicycle path 2 = partly present
3 = not present
1 = one-way
cycling direction along the bicycle facility 2 = both ways
3 = no bicycle facility present
Width width of the bicycle facility including signposting and curb measured in cm
1 = bicycle path marked by a different colour
2 = adjacent bicycle path (aanliggende fietsstrook) 3
Type specific type of bicycle path
= separate bicycle path (vrijliggende fietsstrook)
4 = bicycle road (fietsweg)
5 = bicycle street (fietsstraat)
Width of
separation width of the space between the bicycle path and the roadway measured in cm
1 = not present
Screening presence of any type of screening
2 = present
1 = unpaved
Screening 2 = fixed objects
specific type of screening
type 3 = closed partition
4 = parking lane
how much cms the bicycle path is raised compared to the roadway measured in cm
bicycle path
1 = red coating
Accentuation presence of a specific type of accentuation
2 = other (other material than roadway)
1 = not present
Marking presence of any type of signposting
2 = present
1 = well passable, well maintained
general condition of the bicycle path related to passableness (e.g., no loose 2 = well passable, badly maintained
tiles, no holes) and maintenance (e.g., no fallen leaves, moss, weeds) 3 = badly passable, well maintained
4 = badly passable, badly maintained
Car parking
1 = allowed (parking lane, parking places ... )
Parking car parking allowed or not
2 = not allowed
Parking 1 = hindrance
car parking in relation to bicyclists
hindrance 2 = no hindrance
Bicycle parking
1 = present
Bicycle shed presence of bicycle parking
2 = not present
Visible 1 = yes
any visible defects of the bicycle shed
defects 2 = no
Parking 1 = yes
bicycles are arranged in the shed
arrangement 2 = no
Occupancy ratio between the number of bicycles in the bicycle shed and the total
rate number of parking places in the bicycle shed
Bicycles 1 = yes
bicycles parked outside the bicycle shed
outside shed 2 = no
Bicycles at
1 = yes
house bicycles parked at house faades
2 = no
1 = yes
Green space presence of any green space
2 = no
other remarks

Table 1: Summary of all infrastructure-based items mentioned on the scoresheet.


Before a bikeability index can be calculated, the initial observed scores must be recoded into
values between 0 and 1 (according to the recoding rules in Table 2). We have to note that
some recoding rules only hold for bicycle paths in streets with speed limits over 30 km/h
(Zone 30). In principle, there are no bicycle paths in a Zone 30 since the maximum speed
limit of 30 km/h allows mixed traffic of motorized and non-motorized users. If this link with
speed limit regimes were to be neglected, streets without a bicycle path, but situated within a
Zone 30, would have low scores on the bikeability index since all bicycle path related items
would be missing. The bikeability index for streets without a bicycle path but within a Zone 30
is thus only based on the recoding rules related to their condition, car parking, bicycle parking
and other items.1
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1
Bicycle path
Bicycle facility not present present
Cycling direction one-way
[150 -
Width < 150 cm 175 cm
bicycle path marked by another
Type all other types
Width of separation
< 25 cm [25-50[ 50 cm
Screening no yes
Raised bicycle path no yes
Accentuation similar to roadway different from roadway
Marking no yes
badly passable, badly well passable, badly well passable, well
Condition badly passable, well
maintained maintained maintained
Car parking
Parking hindrance yes no
Bicycle parking
Bicycle shed no yes
Visible defects yes no
Arranged parking? no yes
Occupancy rate 100% < 100%
Bicycles outside shed yes no
Bicycles at house
yes no
Green space no yes

Table 2: Recoded scores per infrastructure-based item.

Furthermore, not all infrastructure-based items are equally important and weights must be
assigned to each type of item. These weights were assigned based on the Saaty method which
is a pairwise comparison of each item (Saaty, 1977). The Saaty method starts by determining a
hierarchy of all infrastructure-based items. The top level in the hierarchy consists of only one
(most important) item. In our approach, the general condition of the bicycle path is considered
the most important item. The importance of the other items is expressed relative to this most
important item (see Table 3). For example, all bicycle path items (bicycle facility, cycling
direction, width, type, width of separation strip screening, raised bicycle path, accentuation
and marking) refer to safety aspects of a bicycle path. We consider safety to be the second
most important level. Priorities must then be assigned to each level relative to the other levels.
A scale from 1 (both levels are equally important) to 9 (one level is totally dominated by the
other level) is used. Since we consider safety aspects as the second most important level in the
hierarchy, it receives a priority of 1/3. This means that the general condition is three times as
important as safety and so safety is 1/3 as important as the general condition.
Hierarchy Infrastructure-based item Priority (relative to condition)
For streets segments with a bicycle path
1. General condition State 1
Bicycle facility 1/3
Cycling direction 1/3
Width 1/3
2. Safety aspects
Type 1/3
Width of separation strip 1/3
Screening 1/3
Raised bicycle path 1/3
Accentuation 1/3
Bicycle shed 1/3
Visible defects 1/5
Arranged parking? 1/5
3. Extra bicycle amenities
Occupancy rates 1/5
Bicycles outside shed 1/5
Bicycles at house faades 1/5
Parking 1/7
4. Hindrance
Parking hindrance
5. Pleasant cycling Green space 1/9
For street segments without a bicycle path
1. General condition condition 1
Bicycle shed 1/3
Visible defects 1/3
Arranged parking? 1/3
2. Extra bicycle amenities
Occupancy rates 1/3
Bicycles outside shed 1/3
Bicycles at house faades 1/3
3. Hindrance Parking hindrance 1/5
4. Pleasant cycling Green space 1/7

Table 3: Initial weights according to the Saaty method.

Comparison matrices are then formulated for each pairwise comparison (see Table 4, only
for street segments with a bicycle path as an example). The sum of all priorities by column is
the total absolute priority of a specific infrastructure-based item (i.e., the sum of all pairwise
comparisons). However, calculating an index needs relative weights for each item and thus the
total absolute priorities must be translated into total relative priorities (see Table 5, only for
street segments with a bicycle path as an example). Total relative priorities are thus assigned
to each item by a pairwise comparison of that item with all other items. The calculation of the
bikeability index is thus based on these total relative priorities:

Bikeability index (for street segments with a bicycle path) 2 = 0.18 condition + 0.08
safety aspects + 0.03 extra bicycle amenities + 0.01 hindrance + 0.01 pleasant cycling


Bikeability index (for street segments with a bicycle path) = 0.18 condition + 0.08
(cycling direction + width + type + width of separation strip + screening + raised bicycle
path + accentuation + marking) + 0.03 (bicycle shed + visible defects + accordingly
parked + occupancy rate + bicycles outside shed + bicycles at house faades) + 0.01
parking hindrance + 0.01 green space.

Width of Raised Bicycl

Cycling Parking Bicycle Visible Accordingly Occupancy
Width Type separation Screening bicycle Accentuation Marking State outsid
direction (hindrance) shed defects parked rate
strip path shed
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Width 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Type 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Width of
separation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Screening 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Raised 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
bicycle path
Accentuation 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Marking 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Condition 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.14 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Bicycle shed 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
outside shed
Bicycles at
house 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Green space 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.33 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
SUM 1 13.32 13.32 13.32 13.32 13.32 13.32 13.32 13.32 5.09 66.33 35.53 35.53 35.53 35.53 35.5

Table 4: Comparison matrix in which each infrastructure-based item is compared to all other items (for street segments with a
bicycle path).

Width of Raised Bic

Cycling Parking Bicycle Visible Accordingly Occupancy
Width Type separation Screening bicycle Accentuation Marking Condition out
direction (hindrance) shed defects parked rate
strip path sh
0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Width 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Type 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Width of
separation 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Screening 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
bicycle path
Accentuation 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Marking 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0
Condition 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.20 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0
Bicycle shed 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
outside shed
Bicycles at
house 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0
Green space 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0

Table 5: Total relative priority for each infrastructure-based item (for street segments with a bicycle path).

Step 3: Data analysis

The data was then processed and analyzed in ArcGIS 9.2. Within GIS the bikeability index
visualized which streets had a good bicycling infrastructure. Moreover, five specific cluster
indices were also created (technical condition. safety. extra bicycle amenities, hindrance and
pleasantness; see Table 6), explaining positive and negative scores on the general bikeability
Cluster Infrastructure-based item Weight
- width
- state
1. Technical condition* 1/4
- bicycle facility
- cycling direction
- type
- width of separation strip
- screening
2. Safety* 1/6
- raised bicycle path
- accentuation
- marking
- bicycle shed
- visible defects
- arranged parking
3. Extra bicycle amenities 1/6
- occupancy rate
- bicycles outside shed
- bicycles at house faades
4. Hindrance - parking 1
5. Pleasantness - green space 1

Table 6: Cluster indices. Note: * These cluster indices are available only for streets with a bicycle path, not for streets without

After having specified the construction and calculation of the general bikeability index and
its five cluster indices, this section describes the major results.
Average score on the bikeability index: 49.3% of all street and bicycle path segments
obtained a bikeability index between 0.41 and 0.60. However, the bikeability in streets with a
bicycle path is considerably higher than in streets without a bicycle path (see Figure 1). The
fairly low bikeability index for streets without a bicycle path is mainly due the lack of sufficient
bicycle amenities and the fairly low scores for the pleasantness aspect (see Figure 2).
Almost one third (31.9%) of all street segments with a bicycle path scored a bikeability index
of at least 0.61. This is mainly due to a positive evaluation of the technical condition (see
Figure 3). A good technical condition refers to well passable and well maintained bicycle paths
- any other type than a bicycle path marked by another colour with a minimum width of 175
cm and a one-way cycling direction. However, the lower scores on the safety cluster index
indicate that various safety aspects of bicycle paths can be further improved.
Interesting to note is that parked cars generally do not hinder bicyclists. This holds in streets
with bicycle paths as well as streets without bicycle paths.
Figure 1: Distribution of scores on the bikeability index.

Figure 2: Distribution of scores on the cluster indices for streets without a bicycle path.

Figure 3: Distribution of scores on the cluster indices for streets with a bicycle path.

A geographical analysis in ArcGIS 9.2 allowed us to identify red spots (neighbourhoods
with poor bicycling infrastructure and facilities) and green spots (neighbourhoods with
excellent bicycling infrastructure and facilities).
It is noteworthy that streets with high traffic intensities scored higher on the bikeability index.
Figure 4 illustrates this for De Sterre, a roundabout which distributes traffic towards the Gent
Sint-Pieters railway station, but also towards the city centre of Ghent and other cities such as
Kortrijk and Oudenaarde. These high scores are mainly due to the good technical condition of
the bicycle paths along these streets.
Figure 5 on the other hand identifies the neighbourhood around the Gent Sint-Pieters railway
station as a red spot. The low scores on the bikeability index in this area are due to the lack
of sufficient bicycle amenities in many streets and moderate scores for the safety aspect.

Figure 4: Example of high bikeability scores along streets with high traffic intensities.

Figure 5: Example of low bikeability scores around the Gent Sint-Pieters railway station.

This paper reports on the construction and calculation of a bikeability index to evaluate the
bicycle infrastructure in Ghent. Most existing bikeability indices focus on the attractiveness of a
specific neighbourhood for bicycles by measuring the distance to important destinations such
as grocery stores, offices, and schools. The bikeability index described in this paper however
evaluates the bicycle infrastructure itself and thus illustrates how safe and how easy it is to
bicycle to such important destinations.
Our infrastructure-based bikeability index is actually a flexible tool to evaluate the bicycle
infrastructure of a specific city. Depending on the interest, other aspects can be added to the
score sheet to be evaluated and other weights can also be attributed to the various aspects of
the bikeability index. In other words, this bikeability index offers a flexible tool in transport
planning, which can be applied in other cities and projects.
This general bikeability index and its specific cluster indices provide us with a micro-scaled
and objectively measured indicator of the technical quality of the bicyclists environment.
However, it remains unclear whether bicyclists perceive their environment in a similar way as
the bikeability index would indicate. Therefore, it seems interesting to complement this
bikeability index with further survey research among cyclists and non-cyclists on their values
and attitudes towards cycling and different attributes of the bicyclists environment. Combining
the objective bikeability index with findings from a survey about subjective perceptions of
cycling would increase our understanding of the factors that influence bicycling in an urban

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1 298 street and bicycle path segments were evaluated. The greater part of these segments is situated in a Zone 30 (281
segments in a Zone 30 versus 17 segments outside a Zone 30). Of all segments in a Zone 30, the majority still has a bicycle
path (218 segments with a bicycle path versus 63 segments without a bicycle path).
2 Bikeability index (for street segments without a bicycle path)= 0.37 state + 0.09 extra bicycle amenities + 0.04 hindrance +
0.02 pleasant cycling or Bikeability index (for street segments without a bicycle path) = 0.37 state + 0.09 (bicycle shed +
visible defects + arranged parking + occupancy rate + bicycles outside shed + bicycles at house faades) + 0.04 parking
hindrance + 0.02 green space.
GHENT I Belgiums first cycling street. Cyclists have priority over cars.

GHENT I Following the successful pilot program, Ghent will introduce 27 bike bins - mini bike garages - on public property by
the end of 2012.
GHENT I With the online route planner, its easy to calculate your personal cycling route.
Luka Mladenovi, Alja Plevnik,
Mojca Balant, Lea Rui
Creating a cycling culture in cities is one of the most important pillars of a sustainable
transport system. After walking, cycling is the simplest, most natural means of transport. It is
the fastest means of transport for distances of up to 5 km (Reiter, 2009), and improves the
health and well-being of citizens of all generations.
Cycling was well developed and one of the main transport modes in Ljubljana up to the
1970s when motorization started to increase. The available data for the last thirty years show
a gradual decline of all transport modes, except private cars. In the last five or ten years, the
number of cyclists has been rising again, but since there is no regular, systematic data
collection about cyclists in Ljubljana in place, the trend is not captured in any transport study.

Figure 1: Changes in modal split in Ljubljana in 1977, 1994 and 2003.

Source: Projekt nizke zgradbe, 2003 and Prometnotehniki intitut, 2005.

With the increasing importance of cycling in the citys transport policy, Ljubljana has become
aware of the lack of such data. When setting goals and targets for the transport systems future
development, it was impossible to determine even the relevant baseline situation, let alone the
potentials for future changes to the shares of trips made by individual transport modes, for
instance the increase of cycling.
The last available systematic data collection of the travel habits of citizens and visitors of
Ljubljana and the Ljubljana Urban Region was conducted almost a decade ago, in 2003
(Projekt nizke gradnje). Since then, only partial studies tried to follow up the development of
the transport system. However, the methodologies used were so different that the collected
data are not comparable. Nevertheless, the established trends showed continuous growth of
car use even for short trips and a decrease or stagnation for all other transport modes.
The paper describes the current share and potential for work-related trips, an important and
stable share of all trips made in the city. Commuting to work has the most important share of
all trips. It is also the main reason for the two daily peaks in the transport demand, which
usually result in traffic jams. The congestion results from a predictable increase in the number
of travels in limited periods of time (between 7.00 and 9.00 a.m. for trips from home to work,
and between 3.00 to 5.00 in the opposite direction) and directions (to the employment centres
in the morning, home-bound in the afternoon), exceeding the networks capacity.
Data from 2003 show that more than two thirds of all work-related trips in Ljubljana were
done by car. The share of trips done by bicycle was only 10.5%. Considering transport modes
for individual travel purposes, car use has the highest share for nearly all purposes.

Figure 2: Modal split by travel purpose in Ljubljana.

On the other hand, the Slovene Road Directorate claims that 75% of all trips presently done
by motor vehicles in the cities could be done on foot or by bike (Direkcija Republike Slovenije za
ceste, 2005). Comparing this to the 18.0% share of walking and cycling in the available data,
the actual potential of these two modes is self-evident.
The share of commuting trips of course differs from the total number of trips within a city. It
is closely related to the distances the commuters have to cover. The Danish Road Directorate
observed (Road Directorate, 2000) that the share of bicycle use in larger towns varies
according to the distance between home and the town centre. The closer to the town centre
people live, the more they tend to cycle.
There is, however, no set maximum acceptable distance for these trips as it depends on
many aspects. Half the cycle trips are under 2 km, and 9 out of 10 cycle trips are under 5.5
km. The length of the cycle trip depends on the purpose of the trip, e.g. the trip to work often
being longer than other cycle trips (Road Directorate, 2000).
The UK Department of Transport (2008) sets this distance at about 7 km: For commuter
journeys, a trip distance of over five miles is not uncommon. A similar distance is proposed by
the Dutch Ministry of Transport (2009), which states that given that the standard
infrastructure is in place most people believe half an hours travelling time to and from work
is acceptable. Cyclists can certainly cover some 7.5 km in this time. But where a city develops
a high quality cycling infrastructure, the distance can further increase: Until recently, a
maximum cycling distance of 7.5 km was considered realistic. However, more and more inter-
local commuter routes are being designed with few obstacles and sometimes even real bicycle
motorways. In the framework of the Fileproof project, five such routes were constructed. All
over the country, there is interest in cycle routes for longer distances. As a result, distances of
up to 15 km are achievable, with cyclists able to reach speeds of 25-30 km/hour.
In the case of Ljubljana some infrastructure is available, but not all of it is of good quality,
and we can therefore expect regular cyclists to commute for up to 7 km. As we are dealing
specifically with cycling to work, a 10 km distance was used as the maximum for most cyclists.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to answer the following questions: what is the share
of the population that could cycle to work and which we might expect do to so, if or when the
conditions for cycling in the city would improve sufficiently to meet to the citizens expectations.
And secondly, what are the barriers that prevent them from doing so.
As part of the CIVITAS ELAN project in Ljubljana, two travel plans were prepared for larger
traffic generators. A travel plan is a document that helps a company or institution to manage
the accessibility of its location and thus influence the travel habits of its employees and
visitors. It contains a number of measures aimed at improving the companys/institutions
accessibility with all transport modes. Special attention is dedicated to accessibility by public
transport, bicycle, or on foot. The plan is based on soft measures like information, awareness
raising, education, and the organization of services within the framework of the existing
infrastructure. It can include the construction of additional infrastructure, but on a small scale
and only as a supplementary measure.
Methods for developing a travel plan are described in many European guidebooks on the
topic and they include a series of work steps. One of the first steps is a status analysis,
outlining a locations level of accessibility and the activities that are already in place. A status
analysis can be conducted using a number of methods: accessibility analysis, interviews with
key stakeholders and travel habit surveys. Travel habit surveys help us with the numerical
determination of selected elements, for instance modal split or attitudes towards specific
topics or transport modes. The method is also very useful for evaluating measures taken since
regularly repeated surveys allow us to trace changes.
The paper includes the combined results of four travel habit surveys conducted between
January 2009 and May 2010. One of them was part of the CIVITAS ELAN project. Other
locations were added to the sample, as the four institutions share similar properties regarding
accessibility and type of institution. Two of the analyzed institutions are small and their data
are not useful on their own because the samples were too small. The combined data are
nevertheless relevant for the analysis of the current state in the central part of the city.
The question we posed during our work on the travel plans had two parts. Firstly, how large
is the actual share of employees that has the physical option to cycle to work. We determined
early on that there are groups of employees with health or social issues preventing them from
cycling to work. For a large part of the population, however, the most important aspect in
deciding is the distance from home to work.
Secondly, we wanted to identify the main barriers preventing those who have the physical
option to cycle to work from doing so. We wanted to identify the most common types of barrier
and whose competence or jurisdiction is was to try and remove them - the employers or the
The research method used was a standardized survey, tested in previous similar analyses. It
consisted of 20 questions falling into several categories: questions about current habits
regarding travel to work, motivations and barriers for different travel modes, short business
trips and, finally, demographical information. The participating institutions usually wanted to
add a set of specific questions regarding the problems they face at their location, attitudes
towards ecology, sustainable development, or car use.
Part of the travel plan methodology is that the surveys findings are presented to the project
group and employees for consideration. The survey is then repeated at regular intervals so that
the changes in travel behaviour can be traced. This requires the survey to be repeated in a
similar or the same season of the year, for instance spring or autumn, when the use of different
travel modes is balanced.
For the purpose of this paper the methodology used was an extended analysis of collected
data. During the review of the general information many new questions arose, which we tried to
answer with the available information.
The aim of the survey was to describe the current state of travel habits in a company or
institution. It is important to include all individual groups of employees, such as management,
full-time and part-time office workers, as well as maintenance personnel and couriers. Since
the institutions we worked with were small or medium sized, we wanted to include as many
employees as possible.
All employees were invited to participate in the survey by a superior, the director or a
department manager, with a short explanation of the background. Since most of the staff in the
analyzed institutions has computer-based jobs, we decided to conduct an online survey using
SurveyMonkey, a web based tool. The link to the survey was sent to all employees. Where
large groups of employees did not use a computer at work, a printed version of the
questionnaire was prepared for them and the filled out forms were later transferred to the
database with the other results.
A few days after the initial invitation, a reminder was sent to the employees that the survey
was still open and that there was still time to participate. The individual surveys were open for
two weeks, giving all the employees enough time to participate, even if some were absent for a
few days during this period. With this method we managed to achieve a response rate of over
50 % in all cases. This is in line with UK Department for Transport guidance (2002) which sets
appropriate samples for 1-200 employees at 100 %, and for 201-1000 employees at 50 %.
Another method to improve the response rate is to add a prize draw for the participants. We
discussed this option on many occasions, but in the end decided against it because of survey
anonymity. Some employees used different address for their permanent and actual places of
residence. As we were not interested in their formal place of residence, but rather in their
actual commuting trips, we decided to design the survey so as to prevent connecting individual
respondents to the collected travel information.
Time of survey Number of employees Response rate
Site 1 January 2009 30 97%
Site 2 April 2009 10 100%
Site 3 September 2009 373 56%
Site 4 May 2010 194 54%

Table 1: Analyzed locations and basic data on surveys.

The surveys were conducted in four institutions. The four locations share many similarities.
They all lie on the edge of the core city centre, within walking distance from the inner city ring
road that symbolically represents the centres edge.

Figure 3: Map of the centre of Ljubljana, inner ring road, analyzed locations.

All locations are well accessible by public transport, cycling, or walking. Parking is regulated
in the vicinity of the institutions and they all have a parking lot available for a small percentage
of their employees. All locations thus have limited car access compared to the rest of the city.
The available number of parking places however maintains a stable share of employees who
commute by car regardless of the distance from home to work. Since the city centre generally
has good bicycle lanes, bicycle parking lots, and even a bike sharing scheme, we expected a
higher share of cyclists in this institutions than in the outer parts of the city.
The current modal split measured by the surveys shows an expected high share of car trips.
The share of cyclists is quite high as well. With 16.7 %, it exceeds the generally stated modal
split for trips in Ljubljana by more than 5%. Beside the central, well accessible location, this is
partly a result of the good infrastructure in place in the wider area of the analyzed locations. In
areas with less cycling infrastructure closer to the outer ring road, the share is much lower.

Figure 4: Modal split, usual transport mode for trips to work.

Regarding the transport modes used for trips to work we asked another question: What is
the alternative mode of transport that you use when you are not using the main mode. Here,
the share of cycling was 7.7%. This group includes employees who are occasional cyclists and
who have the physical means and knowledge, but need additional encouragement to cycle
more often.
Figure 5: Stated alternative transport modes used for trips to work.

As mentioned above, distance is but one of the main barriers that limit cycling. At this point
it is worth mentioning that the distance from work increased drastically in Slovenia in the last
twenty years. Besides general trends of suburbanization the cost of commuting to work is
reimbursed by law and the amount is calculated according to the distance from the
commuters place of residence, employees are indirectly encouraged to live as far from their
place of work as possible.
According to the survey results 10.3% of the institutions staff lived less than 2 km from their
place of work. This distance is appropriate for walking and cycling for all demographic groups.
23.3% lived at a distance of 2 to 5 km, a distance a healthy adult is able to cycle without
breaking a sweat. An additional 17.9% lived 5 to 10 km from work, a distance a healthy adult
who engages in regular physical activity is able to cycle in 30 minutes.

Figure 6: Distance from place of residence to work.

The share of all employees living within a distance of 10 km was 51.5%. This is the total pool
of the people who have the option to cycle to work. There are, of course, other barriers to be
considered, but given the current spatial dispersion of the population this is the maximum that
could theoretically be reached.
Regarding the barriers the employees stated that they considered when thinking about
cycling, almost 40% mentioned hygiene issues. Sweating on the way to work is a problem with
distances over 2 km. Changing rooms and showers are not common facilities in office
buildings. Analyzing the premises, we discovered that even if they were planned, they were not
Distance was stated as the second most important barrier to cycling, and the lack of
appropriate infrastructure was in third place with 27%. The latter includes both the cycling
network and parking facilities. Most institutions have some kind of bicycle parking area, but
usually of low quality and limited capacity. This aspect is then related to the mentioned high
fear (25%), of bicycle theft, even though this is not really an important problem at the city level.
But if we consider that commuting requires a reliable, usually more expensive bike, this aspect
emerges as an important topic in the development of future measures.
Figure 7: Stated main barriers to cycling to work.

Concerns about personal safety were stated by 18% of employees and the lack of company
bikes by 16%. The last three options provided in the survey each stood for around 5%. They
included the transport of freight on the bike on the way to or from work, and the lack of
information about routes and distances. Health issues ranked last with 4%, indicating that a
large part of the population within an appropriate distance could physically cycle to work if
other barriers were addressed adequately.
The stated barriers quite clearly point to the topics that should be considered in future to
increase the share of cyclists. Given the limited resources, it would make sense to invest in
eliminating the most commonly stated barriers.
To understand the habits and needs of the population living up to 10 km from work, an
additional analysis was performed, focusing exclusively on this group, which stands for 51.5%
of the total population. Here, the modal split is more balanced, with 41% using a car,
compared to almost 64% of the total population. 29% regularly cycles to work and 14%
chooses to walk. As we see, the shares of sustainable modes are much higher in this

Figure 8: Modal split for employees living less than 10 km from place of work.

To determine this groups potential we combined the shares of respondents stating they
already cycled regularly to work, respondents stating that they used their bicycle as an
alternative mode, and respondents who chose cycling as a mode they would be willing to
consider in the future. The total share of these employees was 72%. If we transfer this to the
whole population, it stands for 37.1% or more than double the share of cyclists we have today.
The Slovene Road Directorate claims that nearly half the population walks or cycles to work
in European cities with a well developed cycling culture (Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste,
2005). The collected data from the four institutions in Ljubljana show that there is a potential
for such development in Ljubljana as well. To determine the actual city-wide potential, more
similar research should be done in other, less urban areas with large employment centres.
Especially business areas and shopping centres near the outer ring road, with fast access to
the motorway system, which attract more employees from wider areas, show a completely
different picture.
But even in the wider city centre the current share of those who cycle to work, 16%, is far
from the estimated potential of over 35%. In order to maximize it, new measures and
improvements are required at the level of both the city and individual locations.
Many of the stated barriers can only be overcome with support on city level. A good cycling
network consisting of fast bicycle routes, dedicated bicycle lanes, and areas with slow motor
traffic, are preconditions for convincing a greater share of the population to cycle to work. And
with some cycle lanes already reaching their capacity limits during the morning and afternoon
peaks, the city should start to consider improving the infrastructure in order to meet the needs
of twice the number of cyclists using the network than today.
Other important aspects of the cycling infrastructure are adequate numbers, quality and
dispersion of bicycle stands. The city has been working on this topic for several years. Many
new bike stands are put in use every year. But the lack of a systematic approach is increasingly
evident since some important public areas remain without appropriate bike parking facilities
or with capacities that meet only a fraction of the demand.
Employers, on the other hand, have narrower competences and can improve the conditions
only at their locations. Changing rooms and showers are needed, especially in office-type
institutions, which may have a strict dress code. In our experience, the management of the
participating institutions is often not in favour of such facilities. Because of their lack of
experience with such facilities in an office environment, the management is not certain how to
include the time spent for changing and showering in the working process to avoid abuses. But
with the increasing flexibility of working hours and therefore long hours spent daily at work,
some employers decided to test this measure on a small scale.
Another important measure an employer can implement is to provide adequate parking
facilities. Institutions receiving visitors should provide safe bike stands near the entrance.
Safer and covered parking lots must be provided for the employees to leave their bike without
having to fear theft, including overnight parking.
Regarding the infrastructure, this is usually all an employer can do. But other measures can
be implemented, focusing on the promotion of cycling, providing information or incentives and
showing general support for those to decide to actively travel to work. Measures such as doctor
bike or company bikes are often implemented and well accepted by employees. After using
company bikes for short business trips, some of them find it easier to use a bike for commuting
to work as well.
Finally, in the last few years we have been witnessing a renaissance of cycling in European
cities. People are rediscovering this healthy and pleasant mode of transport that proves to be
very efficient as well, especially for the majority of distances that have to be covered. The
number of cyclists is therefore growing, and this has been observed in Ljubljana as well. But
the potential for further development of cycling is even greater. As we showed in this paper,
cycling to work could double its share if appropriate conditions were developed.
Department for Transport. 2002. The travel plan resource pack for employers. London:
Department for Transport.
Department for Transport. 2008. Cycle Infrastructure Design. Local Transport Note 2/08.
Department for Transport, Scottish Executive, Welsh Assembly Government. Norwitch: The
Stationery Office.
Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste. 2005. Zasnova dravnega kolesarskega omreja v
Republiki Sloveniji. Ljubljana: Direkcija Republike Slovenije za ceste.
Ministrie van Verkeer en Waterstaat 2009. Cycling in the Netherlands. Ministry of Transport,
Public Works and Water Management, Directorate-General for Passenger Transport,
Projekt nizke zgradbe. 2003. Anketa po gospodinjstvih, raziskava potovalnih navad
prebivalcev Ljubljanske regije. Naronik: MOL, Oddelek za urbanizem. Izvajalci Projekt nizke
zgradbe, Ninamedia, Urbi. Ljubljana: MOL.
Prometnotehniki intitut. 2005. Uvajanje mestne prometne politike predlog broure.
Naronik: Mestna obina Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Prometnotehniki intitut.
Road Directorate. 2000. Collection of Cycle Concepts. Copenhagen: Road Directorate.
Reiter, Karl. 2009. 20 Good Reasons For Cycling. Developed within the framework of the EU-
Project Trendy Travel, supported by the European Commission.
LJUBLJANA I The city administration is greening its public fleet with among others 6 hybrid cars and 50 company bicycles.

LJUBLJANA I The city is introducing a sustainable electromobility plan with a set of measures intended to stimulate and
promote the use of electric vehicles in urban transport.

LJUBLJANA I The city envisages banning motorised traffic, except PT, from this main arterial road through the city centre. More
space will then be dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists.
Veronique Van Acker,
Begga Van Cauwenberge, Frank Witlox
You cant manage what you dont measure. This old management adage is still accurate
today. You cannot manage for improvement unless you measure what is getting better or
worse. This principle also holds for mobility management projects. Mobility Management (MM),
also known as soft policy measures, refers to a concept to promote sustainable transport and
manage the demand for car use. Soft measures like information and communication
campaigns and offering tailor-made mobility services are used to change travellers attitudes
and behaviour. Such soft measures are frequently used to support and strengthen hard
measures like the construction of new tram lines or new bike lanes (EPOMM, 2011). Some
commonly used techniques such as cost-benefit analysis exist for the evaluation of these
hard measures. However, no such standardized evaluation techniques yet exist for soft
Interest in MM projects as a solution for mobility problems and associated environmental
problems has undoubtedly increased in recent years. For example, the first annual European
Conference on Mobility Management was organized in 1997, but afterwards the need was felt
to have a platform providing some continuity. Consequently, two years later, in 1999, the
European Platform on Mobility Management (EPOMM) was established. It started as a
European platform, but soon developed into an international association (in 2006).
If MM projects were given greater policy priority, they could be much more effective than
initially assumed. Based on a review of UK and international evidence, Cairns et al. (2004)
developed a low intensity and a high intensity impact scenario for the future
implementation of MM projects in local and national transport policies. In the low intensity
scenario, they maintain the interest in and attention on MM projects at the current level. The
scenario results indicate a reduction in peak period urban traffic of about 5% and a
nationwide reduction in all traffic by about 3%. In the high intensity scenario, they assume
much more interest in MM projects and many more funding and resources. In the high-intensity
scenario, MM projects have the potential to reduce urban traffic during peak hours by about
21% (off-peak 13%), non-urban traffic during peak hours by 14% (off-peak 7%), and a
nationwide reduction in all traffic of about 11%. They also estimated the potential effect of
various individual MM projects: workplace travel plans can reduce car use between 10 and
30%, school travel plans between 8 and 15%, and personalised travel planning initiatives from
7 to 15% in urban areas and from 2 to 6% in smaller urban areas and rural areas. These
projected changes in traffic levels are thus quite large and indicate that MM projects merit
serious consideration in local and national transport policies.
However, other transport researchers (e.g. Stopher and Bullock, 2003) warn that results of
review studies such as Cairns et al. (2004) might be too optimistic. This is mainly due to the
poor quality of the data used in the studies that are reviewed and, subsequently, used as input
for scenario development. Moreover, different mobility habits due to cultural, economic, social,
or other reasons complicate a cross cultural analysis of MM projects. For these reasons, Mser
and Bamberg (2008) critically re-evaluated 141 studies on the effectiveness of three types of
MM projects (workplace travel plans, school travel plans, personalised travel planning). They
found a much lower potential of 7%.
These inconsistencies between the findings of various studies call for the development of a
rigorous evaluation method. Typical methods used to evaluate MM projects generally lack
empirical vigour (e.g. small sample sizes, unrepresentative samples, over reliance on self-
reported behaviour, the lack of corroborative data to confirm self-reported data, a number of
external factors not included in research methodology) and, thus, serious questions remain
about the reliability of these methods (Mser and Bamberg, 2008; Bonsall, 2009; Carreno et
al., 2010). There is clearly a need for the development of robust evaluation techniques.
MaxSUMO is considered as a suitable technique to evaluate MM projects. This paper therefore
illustrates the usefulness of MaxSUMO to evaluate MM projects which were recently
undertaken by the city of Ghent, Belgium.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the MaxSUMO approach, and the
usefulness of it is illustrated in the third section. This third section first describes the study
area of Ghent, a medium-sized city in Belgium, before discussing the results of various MM
projects undertaken by the city. Finally, results are summarized and discussed in section 4.
There is clearly a need for the development of robust evaluation techniques, but in order to
accomplish this we must first understand what we are evaluating. Or in other words, a better
understanding of how MM projects work and how they affect individuals modal choices is
needed as well. Carreno et al. (2010) mention two key facts.
First, some people are more susceptible, or ready, to change their travel behaviour than
others. For example, Curtis and Headicar (1997) found that only a minority of car commuters is
susceptible to change. This group is more likely to be male, in their 30s and, most importantly,
they travel short commuting distances (5 miles or less). More recently, Anable (2005)
segmented a population of day trip travellers into potential mode switchers. Six distinct
groups were extracted, but susceptibility of car users to switch modes was rather limited. These
varying degrees of mode switching potential partly relate to differences in objective and
subjective factors. For some people the barriers to switch modes can be objectively determined.
For example, people will not switch to public transport if no adequate bus services are offered
and the quality of public transport is poor. On the other hand, switching potential might also be
influenced by subjective factors such as peoples perceptions, attitudes, value, level of
confidence towards their current travel choices, but also towards alternative travel choices, as
well as their willingness to actually alter travel choices. For example, if people have negative
attitudes towards public transport (whether justified or not), have little or no confidence in
public transport or see no reason to change their car use, they are less susceptible to switch
from car to public transport. The question however remains whether these subjective factors
correspond to reality, and how the switching potential is influenced by a mismatch between
these two.
Second, politicians might ultimately be interested only in short-term changes such as a
targeted reduction in car use but changing peoples behaviour is not a one-step process.
Changing travel behaviour must instead be seen as a series of transitional stages through
which individuals progress (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1984). For example, it takes time to
change an individuals modal choices and it usually starts with altering non-behavioural
aspects such as attitudes that are not necessarily connected strictly to mobility
Consequently, any MM project is likely to affect people in different ways based on (i) peoples
susceptibility to change behaviour, and (ii) their stage position within the behavioural change
process. Any evaluation methodology must therefore not only focus on behaviour change as
such, but also on the more subtle changes in attitudes and perceptions underlying the
behaviour change process. Researchers use a variety of pre-existing theoretical frameworks
such as, among others, the Theory of Planned Behaviour, the Norm-Activation Model and the
Social Cognitive Theory (for a more comprehensive review see e.g. MAX SUCCESS, 2008).
However, no consensus exists on which framework is the most appropriate. Each theoretical
model conceptualizes other factors of behaviour change instead of the process as a whole, and
often uses different terminology to indicate very similar (or even identical) factors (Weinstein,
1993; MAX SUCCESS, 2008). Evaluating the step-wise behaviour change process thus requires
specific evaluation techniques. MaxSUMO is such a new standardized evaluation tool that
takes this step-wise process into account.
MaxSUMO has been developed as part of the wider MAX project (20062009), the largest
research project on MM within the EUs sixth framework programme. MaxSUMO is a general
evaluation framework that provides step-by-step guidance for users to effectively plan, monitor,
and evaluate MM projects (see section 2.1). It is based on a new theoretical behaviour change
model MaxSEM which acknowledges the step-wise behavioural change process (see section
The evaluation strategy of MaxSUMO is based on the idea of measuring effects at different
levels (see Figure 1). The gap between the MM project and the expected effects is often large.
MaxSUMO divides this gap into smaller steps, or assessment levels. Targets, indicators, and
results can be specified at each of these levels, so that each level can be monitored and
evaluated separately. This makes it possible to measure effects at an early stage in a project.
Figure 1: Assessment levels in MaxSUMO (MAX SUCCESS, 2009a).

The different MaxSUMO levels are divided into four main categories:

Intervention framework conditions (although not symbolized in Figure 1) refer to

external factors and person-related factors. External factors include background
information of the location where the MM project is offered. These external factors are
similar for all users (e.g., quality of public transport services). Person-related factors
include information about the personal situation of different users. These person-
related factors are objective factors such as the distance to the nearest bus stop as
well as subjective factors such as the individuals stage of behaviour change and their
travel behaviour before the MM project was offered (e.g., home-work travel distance). In
other words, the intervention framework conditions refer to the wider context in which
the MM project is organized. These contextual characteristics might thus constrain or
facilitate the success of the MM project.
Services provided refer to the different activities of the MM project in order to achieve
changes in travel behaviour (e.g. information meetings, distributing brochures and
posters). After describing the project activities and output, researchers should also pay
attention to (i) the degree to which people are aware of the MM project, (ii) the usage or
interest in the MM project by people who are aware of the MM project, and (iii) how
satisfied the users are with the services provided.
Mobility options offered through the services provided refer to the new travel behaviour
the MM project aims to encourage. For example, by offering free season tickets for
public transport (= service provided) frequent car drivers might switch to public
transport for some or all of their trips (= mobility option). One should also distinguish
between (i) people who intend to change travel behaviour and are willing to accept the
mobility option offered, and (ii) people who eventually test the new travel behaviour and
take up the mobility option offered. Afterwards, the latter might also be asked whether
they are satisfied with this mobility option. After all, being satisfied with the new travel
behaviour remains a pre-condition for long-term changes in attitudes and behaviour.
Overall effects, finally, refers to the main outcomes of the MM project in terms of (i) new
attitudes and behaviour (e.g. decrease in car use), and (ii) more general system impacts
due to these new attitudes and behaviour (e.g. CO2 emissions saved by this decrease in
car use).

The design of MaxSUMO is thus simple and the methods included are not significantly
different from other guidelines for transport and policy evaluations. However, MaxSUMO is
unique in how targets, indicators and results can be specified at different assessment levels
bridging the gap between implementation of the MM project and its expected effect. MaxSUMO
thus provides step-by-step guidance so that MM projects are effectively planned, monitored,
and evaluated.
As mentioned above, the use of MaxSUMO starts with describing the intervention framework
conditions. One of these conditions refers to person-related factors and describes the
individuals stage of behaviour change. These stages can be determined using MaxSEM (Max
Self-regulation Model). MaxSEM not only measures individuals stage positions (i.e. their
susceptibility to change behaviour), but also stage movement (i.e. progression towards actual
behaviour change). It utilizes the most important factors of static psychological models of
behaviour change, such as norms and goal feasibility, and links them with the temporal
dimension of the process of change by incorporating four key stages of behaviour change
(MAX SUCCESS, 2009a). This helps to analyze and segment the target group and thus to
choose and design the most appropriate and effective MM projects for them.

Figure 2: Overview of MaxSEM stages and critical thresholds (MAX SUCCESS, 2009a).

Stage 1: Pre-contemplative stage. Persons in this stage are habitual car drivers who have no
intention to reduce their current car use or feel that it would be impossible to change due to
objective and subjective reasons. In this stage, travel awareness campaigns are necessary to
persuade this group to consider travel alternatives other than their car.
Stage 2: Contemplative stage. Persons in this stage mainly use their cars, but are not
content with their current car use and would like to reduce it. However, they are unsure of how
to do so or lack the confidence to change their travel behaviour. Persons in this stage thus
need tailor-made travel information.
Stage 3: Preparation/action stage. Persons in this stage still use their cars, but already know
how to switch to another travel mode (e.g. public transport). Moreover, they also intend to
switch to this alternative, have the confidence to do so, and may have already tried this new
travel mode for some trips. The aim here is to have the group actually try out new behaviour
(e.g. by offering free season tickets for public transport), and to assist them in maintaining this
new behaviour (e.g. with a tool visualizing the money saved while travelling by public transport
instead of by car).
Stage 4: Maintenance stage. Persons in this stage have successfully changed their travel
behaviour and have formed a new habit. MM projects in this stage should reward the new
habit so that no relapse to the old behaviour occurs.
The aim of MM projects is to move the persons to the next higher stage and prevent
relapses to a lower stage. Critical threshold criteria must be satisfied before any stage-
progression can occur (see orange boxes in Figure 2). For example, for progression from pre-
contemplative to contemplative stages individuals must first recognize their current car use as
problematic (Perceived negative consequences). This might eventually result in the formation
of a personal goal (e.g. reducing personal car use in order to save CO2) which must be
perceived positively (Perceived goal feasibility). Once in the contemplation stage, people seek
for the best alternative travel mode. People must first have a positive attitude towards this
alternative (Attitude towards different behavioural change strategies) and/or need to feel
confident that they can use this alternative themselves (Perceived behavioural control). Once
this is achieved, the previously formulated goal is translated into a more precise behavioural
intention (e.g. the intention to use a bus instead of their car for some trips in the weekend).
Now, people need to plan more specifically in the preparation/action stage: when, where, and
how to use the new travel alternative. It is important that they use their cognitive planning
abilities to retrieve relevant information (e.g., interpreting the timetable of the local bus) and
are able to cope with implementation problems (e.g. using a regularly updated web service
instead of an outdated timetable). If people make definite plans to try out the travel
alternative, their behavioural intention is translated into an implementation intention (e.g.
going to the city centre for shopping by bus at 10 a.m. next Saturday). Finally, in the
maintenance stage, before a new habit is formed, people need to repeat the newly tested travel
alternative (e.g. by travelling by bus for other work and leisure trips and at other times as well).
Therefore, they must use their skills to resist temptation (e.g. fall back into their old behaviour
and use their cars). If they do not resist, they have to recover from relapse and take up the new
behaviour again.
Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about your current level of car use for daily trips (in city X / to your Stage
workplace1) and whether you have any plans to try to reduce some or all of these car trips? allocation
Please choose which statement fits your current situation best and tick only one box.
At the moment I use a car for most of my trips. I am happy with my current level of car use and see no reason why I should reduce Pre-

it. contemplation
At the moment I use a car for most of my trips. I would like to reduce my current level of car use, but at the moment I feel that it

would be impossible for me to do so.
At the moment I use a car for most of my trips. I am currently thinking about changing some or all of these trips to non-car modes,

but at the moment I am unsure how I can replace these car trips, or when I should do so.
At the moment I use a car for most of my trips, but it is my aim to reduce my current level of car use. I already know which trips I Preparation /

will replace and which alternative transport mode I will use, but as yet have not actually put this into practice. Action
As I do not own / have access to a car, reducing my level of car use is not currently an issue for me.
As I am aware of the many problems associated with car use, I already try to use non-car modes as much as possible. I will Maintenance

maintain or even reduce my already low level of car use in the next months.

Figure 3: MaxSEM stage-diagnostic questions (MAX SUCCESS, 2009a).

1 The exact wording of this question will depend on the type of trips the MM project is attempting to change (e.g. random trips
or more specific trips such as journeys to/from workplaces, schools, etc.).
MaxSEM provides six so called stage-diagnostic questions (see Figure 3) which objectively
measure peoples stage position and readiness to change. This set of questions results from a
series of validation studies within the MAX project (MAX SUCCESS, 2009a). With the help of
these questions, it becomes clear whether MM projects directly result in changing the actual
behaviour or rather that people move to the next stage and move closer to behaviour change.
MaxSEM is thus on the one hand a theoretical model explaining the process of behaviour
change (see Figure 2), and on the other hand a practical tool determining the different stages
of behaviour change (see Figure 3).
By asking the stage-diagnostic questions, people are grouped into different stages. This
facilitates the design of appropriate MM projects according to which stage the individuals
within the target population are currently in. For example, an appropriate travel awareness
campaign might persuade pre-contemplators to consider alternatives for their current car use.
By asking the same questions after the travel awareness campaign as well, the effect of this
campaign can be evaluated and it then illustrates whether people progressed to advanced
stages of readiness to change behaviour (MAX SUCCESS, 2009b).

In this paper, we illustrate the use of MaxSUMO based on the results of an MM project
recently undertaken by the city of Ghent, Belgium.
Since 2008, the city of Ghent has been taking part in CIVITAS. The city of Ghent has
implemented 24 sustainable mobility measures, grouped into five integrated packages. One of
these packages specifically focuses on MM as a tool for changing mobility behaviour. This
integrated package contains all types of soft measures that will be implemented to improve
(i) citizens awareness of different sustainable transport modes and (ii) citizens commitment to
change their non-sustainable urban mobility behaviour. The measures consist of new
communication strategies (e.g. a 3D-model) and new concepts (e.g. school travel plans for
secondary schools). In this paper one specific campaign, I keep moving, even without my car,
is evaluated using MaxSUMO.
The integrated package focusing on MM as a tool for changing mobility behaviour consists of
six measures. One measure provides tailor-made information to citizens about public transport
and bicycle or walking routes in their neighbourhood. Doing so, this measure aims at raising
citizens awareness about options for sustainable mobility, illustrating that a modal shift from
car use towards more sustainable transport modes is achievable.
Information on sustainable transport modes was distributed among citizens in the first place
by a tailor-made brochure (mobility campaign entitled Our district is moving or Onze wijk
beweegt in Dutch). The city of Ghent is divided into 20 residential neighbourhoods, each with
very specific transport features. Neighbourhood-specific characteristics are therefore included
in each brochure (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: The brochure Our district is moving for the Mariakerke district (left) and Muide-Meulestede district (right).

Citizens who received this brochure were afterwards invited to join mobiteams, groups of
citizens per neighbourhood who exchange ideas, information and experiences related to
sustainable mobility. Mainly people who already use sustainable transport modes responded
to the invitation. The target group of car-dependent people was, however, not interested in
being part of a mobiteam. They did not respond to the general brochure, which did include
neighbourhood-specific characteristics, but neglected the specific characteristics of car-users
themselves. After the distribution of the brochures and invitations, no follow-up was organized
and citizens were not questioned about why they did or did not wish to participate in the
campaign. Consequently, we are not sure whether the disinterest of car-dependent people was
the result of an inadequately designed brochure or other reasons. However, the results do
suggest that car-dependent people do not spontaneously seek out information on sustainable
mobility; therefore, more specifically and carefully designed initiatives had to be undertaken to
inform car-dependent people about sustainable travel options.
One possibility was to contact people through the system of play streets. Play streets are
closed for motorized traffic during specific hours or days in the holidays so that children can
play freely in the streets, and they are organized by the city on request of citizens. One might
expect that the willingness to participate in a project about sustainable mobility is greater in
these streets. Consequently, residents of these play streets were invited to participate in a
competition between play streets to find the street with the highest modal shift toward more
sustainable transport modes (the mobility campaign entitled Our street is moving or Onze
straat beweegt in Dutch). Residents were asked to use public transport, a bike or walk for
trips which are normally travelled by car. They could register their sustainable trips and travel
distances in a specifically developed website, which also calculated the amount of CO2 saved,
calories burned, and money saved. This illustrated the environmental, health and monetary
benefits of sustainable transport. Despite all efforts, only a handful of households wanted to
participate. To gain insight in this total lack of interest, residents of play streets were
personally interviewed two months after the start of the campaign. Only one third recalled
having received the invitation to participate. Two thirds of them had actually read the invitation
letter, but did not reply, mainly due to lack of time. However, many residents became interested
in the campaign after the interview. Thus, a very personal approach seems necessary,
especially in campaigns aiming at changing attitudes and behaviour. From this notion, a third
campaign, entitled I keep moving, even without my car (or Ik beweeg ook zonder auto), was
The campaign I keep moving, even without my car aimed at changing travel behaviour of
frequent car users by providing personal guidance and advice on sustainable travel options.
The city planned interviews with at least 300 citizens who frequently use their cars but are
willing to switch to public transport, cycling or walking for some of their trips. From this group of
300 citizens at least 10 citizens should be willing to participate in the campaign. This means
that these 10 citizens should be very aware of their travel behaviour during one month and use
sustainable alternatives for each trip whenever possible. The city thus set targets at different
assessment levels according to the MaxSUMO approach (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Defining targets and indicators at different assessment levels.

In April 2011, two pollsters interviewed 454 citizens at various public places such as the
shopping mall, library, and sports centres. 44 citizens did not own a car, used public transport
or walked/biked frequently. These respondents were already in the final maintenance stage of
the behaviour change process and, thus, did not belong to the target group of this MM project
(i.e. frequent car users). The other 410 citizens all owned a car and might be interested in
participating in the campaign. To determine their stage position, five stage-diagnostic
questions were asked, similar to the MaxSEM questions mentioned earlier (see Figure 6).
Almost one in ten car owners stated that they frequently used their cars and saw no reason
for changing this (9.0% in the pre-contemplation stage). At the other end of the spectrum, one
third frequently used sustainable transport modes (33.4% in the maintenance stage). These
two groups clearly did not belong to the target group of this MM project. Consequently, more
than half of all car owners can be described as frequent car users, who might be willing to
switch to sustainable transport modes but have not done this so far for various reasons:

7.1% wanted to use public transport and bike more frequently, but were unsure how to
replace their car trips with sustainable travel modes (contemplation stage),
15.6% already knew how to switch from car to public transport or bike, but had not put
this into practice (preparation stage),
34.9% already used public transport and bike, but wanted to use these sustainable
travel modes more frequently (action stage).

Figure 6: Distribution of stage position according to the campaign I keep moving, even without my car.

These three groups of respondents (236 respondents) might be interested in personal

guidance and advice on the use of sustainable travel options. Consequently, these
respondents were questioned further about their susceptibility to change travel behaviour.
After explaining the content of the campaign I keep moving, even without my car, they were
asked what they thought about the campaign. The majority (71.2%) considered the campaign
to be a great initiative. One quarter (25.0%) did not have a strong opinion about the campaign,
while only a minority (3.8%) thought it a completely useless initiative.
Despite the generally positive opinion about the campaign, peoples willingness to
participate was significantly lower. The questionnaire did not include any questions on the
reasons for (non-) participation. Consequently, no further insights can be gained on the
significant gap between the respondents positive interest in the campaign and their
willingness to participate. Only a dozen respondents (7.0%) were willing to participate in this
campaign, but ultimately only 6 citizens actually participated. In June 2011, these 6
participants were asked to consider sustainable transport alternatives for each car trip they
used to make. They were given personal assistance and detailed information (e.g. city maps,
brochures, and websites on sustainable mobility). The consultancy bureau Traject was standby
24/7 to give necessary transport information (e.g. which bus or bike route to take to a specific
destination). If needed, free bicycles and season tickets were also offered to the participants.
During this test month, the participants were contacted several times in order to inquire
whether additional help or information was needed.
The 6 participants were asked to forgo as many car trips as possible and to register their
sustainable trips on a specifically developed website, which also calculated the amount of CO2
and money saved. Table 1 illustrates that, during just one month, these 6 participants
travelled more than 2,000 km with sustainable travel modes instead of with their cars. This
equals almost 340 kg less CO2 and 600 Euros less spent on travel.
sustainable km CO2 saved (gr) Euros saved
Gert 33 5,148 8.84
Carole 67 10,452 19.43
Doris 296 46,176 81.87
Femke 302 47,112 92.00
Ann 405 63,180 117.51
Daria 1,060.5 165,438 283.00
TOTAL 2,163.5 337,506 602.65

Table 1: Results of the campaign I keep moving, even without my car.

A follow-up is planned in November 2011. The 6 participants will be surveyed over the
telephone, assessing their mobility behaviour after the campaign. This will clarify whether the
6 participants formed new travel habits and really progressed to the final maintenance stage
of the behaviour change process.
This paper reports on the usefulness of MaxSUMO as a new methodology to effectively plan,
monitor, and evaluate MM projects. It breaks down the complex process of behavioural change
into smaller steps, facilitating monitoring and evaluation. These steps are presented in
MaxSUMO as different assessment levels. For each assessment, level targets and indicators
must be defined, but some levels can be skipped as it is neither possible nor necessary to
monitor all levels in some MM projects. This approach is illustrated by Figure 7 which
summarizes the evaluation of the campaign I keep moving, even without my car, recently
organized by the city of Ghent, Belgium.
This campaign aimed at changing travel behaviour of frequent car users, who were willing to
change but did not know how to, or had not changed their car use yet. The participants
received personal guidance and tailor-made advice on sustainable travel options so that they
could switch from car trips to more sustainable trips by public transport, biking or walking as
much as possible. The city targeted that at least 300 citizens should be made aware of the
campaign, with at least 10 citizens willing to participate in the campaign, resulting in more
sustainable trips and less CO2 and money spend on travel. Eventually, 454 citizens were
interviewed on the street, but only 236 respondents belonged to the target group of frequent
car users willing to change their travel behaviour. The campaign was presented to these
respondents only. Consequently, the initial target of 300 citizens to be made aware of the
campaign was not fully achieved. Furthermore, 71.2% of the respondents considered the
campaign a great initiative. Although no initial target was set for the respondents interest in or
usage of the mobility services provided, the interviews revealed great interest in the campaign.
However, 7% of the target group, or 16 respondents, were effectively willing to participate in
the campaign. The willingness to participate was thus higher than targeted, but eventually only
6 respondents participated in the campaign. A large gap seems to exist between the
respondents interest in the campaign, their willingness to participate, and their actual
participation. However, the reasons behind this significant gap are unclear since the
questionnaire did not account for this issue. This offers avenues for future research. Gaining
insight into the reasons why someone decides to (not) participate in a campaign might provide
useful information so that campaigns can be designed more successfully.
Although only 6 persons participated in the campaign and received personal advice on how
to switch their car trips to more sustainable trips, the results are quite positive. During only one
month, these 6 persons travelled more than 2,000 sustainable km and saved more than 300
kg CO2 and 600 Euros.

Figure 7: Summary Results at different assessment levels according to MaxSUM.

This paper also reports on the many efforts that were needed to design a successful
campaign. The campaigns prior to the I keep moving, even without my car campaign
illustrate that contacting a target group is not always an easy undertaking. However, this step
was facilitated by using the stage-diagnostic questions of MaxSEM at the beginning of the
interviews on the street. These stage-diagnostic questions easily clarified that almost one in ten
respondents would not change their car use, one in three respondents had already changed
their car use to more sustainable travel options, and half of all respondents belonged to the
target group of frequent car users willing to change their travel behaviour. This narrowed down
the initial sample of 454 citizens interviewed on the street to a specific target group of 236
respondents, facilitating the further steps within the MM project.
Although a tendency exists to report only good practice case studies of MM projects (Mser
and Bamberg, 2008), using the step-wise approach of MaxSUMO offers better insight into both
the positive and negative aspects of a MM project. For example, the final results in terms of
more sustainable kms and the amount of CO2 and money saved are clearly described.
However, the drop from great interest in the campaign to limited willingness to participate, and
even more limited actual participation in the campaign, is significant. This step-wise approach
thus offers valuable insights for anyone organizing a MM project as it clearly illustrates at
which specific steps the MM project was successful (or not).
Some reservations should, however, be raised since any model of behavioural change is a
reduction of real processes. It is obvious that there are numerous reasons for supporting
behavioural change, which cannot be included in every model. Furthermore, the evaluation of
a mobility campaign promoting sustainable travel options must take into account the broader
context of modern societies, which are mainly automobility cultures. Therefore, every
campaign against individual car use will face (informal, veiled) pro-automobility campaigns,
(in)directly supported by fossil fuel energy producers, car manufacturers, car dealers, and
others with a stake in the car industry.

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MAX SUCCESS. 2008. Comprehensive State of the Art Report Annex B1.1 Behaviour Change
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MAX SUCCESS. 2009a. Work Package B. Final Report. Available at: http://www.max-, 6. 7. 2012.
MAX SUCCESS. 2009b. MaxSumo. Guidance on How to Plan, Monitor and Evaluate Mobility
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Mser, Guido and Sebastian Bamberg. 2008. The effectiveness of soft transport policy
measures: A critical assessment and meta-analysis of empirical evidence. Journal of
Environmental Psychology 28: 1026.
Prochaska, James O. and Carlo C. DiClemente. 1984. The Transtheoretical Approach:
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Health Psychology 12: 324333.
GHENT I Cycling paths have been restored and new cycle lanes have been installed.

GHENT I The measuring tram led to technical adaptations. De Lijn saves up to 200,000 euro per year.

GHENT I Cycle monitor counts every cyclist on a daily base.

Marko Matulin, tefica Mrvelj,
Hrvoje Gold, Niko Jelui
Public transport (PT) is generally perceived as a public service of great importance. It is a
service that meets the needs of mobile citizens and contributes to overall quality of life and
sustainability. This is true of many CIVITAS cities, but especially in the ELAN cities in which
improving the quality of life and sustainability are among the specific project objectives. The PT
system itself can be described as a system with complex relations between transport
infrastructure, transport demand, economy, politics, land use planning, and, more recently,
marketing, environment, and the quality of life. These relations define the development of PT
through its accessibility, availability, usability, flexibility and, ultimately, through its
performance. An efficient way to of improve PT performance is to give priority to PT vehicles at
signalised intersections. In this case, the PT system is supported by a traffic control system that
ensures the progression of public transport vehicles through the citys traffic signals on the
tram or bus corridors. This paper is based on the research undertaken within the CIVITAS ELAN
project where one of the objectives (within measure 8.2-ZAG Public transport priority and
traveller information) was to introduce such a system in the City of Zagreb (see The Civitas
The benefits of introducing PT priority systems are often expressed through their economic
impact, where we can see in which way and to which extent specific implications affect the PT
company, city authority, users, society, etc. Currie et al. (2005 and 2007) and Vedagiri et al.
(2009), among others, report on the results of these economic analyses. Detection and
evaluation of transport impacts of PT priority system include comprehensive evaluation of PT
performance on different PT lines. This means defining performance indicators and conducting
field measurements.
By reviewing the literature we found that PT performance is often expressed with a mix of
quantitative and qualitative indicators. This lack of standardisation was previously indicated
by Pullen (1991). After an extensive review of the literature on measuring PT performance,
Pullen concluded that there was a distinct lack of standardisation in the definition of the
attributes (i.e. indicators) which comprise PT performance, and argued for improved definition
and clarification of these attributes.
After two decades, the merits of PT performance are still ambiguously defined. Harrison et
al. (1998) defined hard quality attributes as such which are more quantifiable (e.g. access
time), and soft quality attributes as non-journey time attributes such as information
provision, staff attitude, and satisfaction. In their research, Prioni and Hensher (2000)
grouped bus performance attributes into six quality dimensions: accessing the bus stop,
waiting time, trip, vehicle, driver, and information. In 2002, the EU deployed a standard for
certification of public transport system performance (EN13816) which categorises qualitative
and quantitative performance indicators into eight categories: availability (network, operation
time, reliability), access (interfaces, ticketing), information (travel information), time (travel
time, punctuality, regularity), customer service (staff availability, competence, assistance),
comfort (space, driving), security (criminal attacks, accidents), and environment. PT companies
are not obliged to comply with this standard and to date the standard and certification has
been implemented in only a few PT companies in the EU. Evidently, few PT companies have so
far recognized the benefits which unified standardization across the EU would bring (the most
important benefit: the ability to compare results).
Egmond et al. (2003) defined four levels of PT performance: external, strategic, tactical and
operational. The first level performance focuses on population attributes, population density
and distribution; the strategic level refers to political interest and regulations; the tactical level
performance analyses the organisational and financial framework; and the operational level
deals with the accessibility of different PT modes, inter-modality, marketing and information. A
further distinction between different views of PT performance was put forward by Thompson
and Schofield (2007). They attribute higher importance to the user perspective of PT
performance and state that hardcore performance is a good indicator for the service
provider, but that true performance can only be evaluated with customer satisfaction
This brief overview of the literature serves for the purpose of showing how different
interpretations of PT performance can lead toward inconsistency in the approach to evaluation
and in defining performance indicators, which are important for defining PTs priority effects.
This implies that a set of indicators is needed to describe PT performance in a qualitative and
quantitative manner.
In order to solve the problem of connecting qualitative and quantitative indicators for
describing the quality of service of any PT system, an analogy is drawn with
telecommunications systems. This is because the definitions of indicators and their relations
are much better investigated in this kind of system. In general, two equally important sets of
indicators can be defined when evaluating a PT system:

performance indicators (or hard indicators) this set of indicators describes the
performance of PT in a quantitative manner (e.g. operating speed, dwell time, service
intervals, number of accidents, punctuality, etc.),
quality of service indicators (or soft indicators) this set of indicators is used for
surveying user opinions about specific aspects of the PT service and describing it in a
qualitative manner (e.g. satisfaction about punctuality, travel time, safety, ticket price,
comfort, company image, etc.).

For the purpose of evaluating different impacts of PT priority we focused exclusively on the
operational performance of the tramway lines. The vagueness of PT performance definitions
encouraged us to define our own evaluation indicators, which were then used for evaluating
the conditions before the implementation of the PT priority system in Zagreb. This approach,
which was developed during the ELAN project, was presented by Matulin et al. (2010) and
then updated by Matulin et al. (2011). A complete evaluation of the impacts of the PT priority
system would also require investigating user satisfaction (i.e. investigating the qualitative
indicators1), but this is outside the scope of this paper. We present the results of the
performance analysis of one tramway line which passes through the ELAN demonstration
As mentioned before, measure 8.2 of the CIVITAS ELAN project was the introduction of a PT
priority system in Zagreb. The objective was to implement the PT priority system at signalised
intersections within the ELAN demonstration corridor, and to evaluate its impacts (the majority
of ELAN measures was implemented in this corridor in order to maximize the projects impact).
The ELAN corridor area is a 3.2 km long two-way street (Savska cesta, located in between Ilica
street to the north and Selska cesta street to the south) with mixed traffic conditions (i.e. the
traffic infrastructure is often shared by PT and individual transport modes).
In order to collect the data for this purpose, four data collection methods were used and
analysed: manual time recording, GPS vehicle tracking, PDA computer system, and manual
video data processing. After a comparative analysis of these methods, several use-case
scenarios were defined in order to elicit a preferable combination of methods for this type of
measurement. Use-case scenarios describe different traffic situations on the PT vehicles
itinerary which are closely related to the location of the PT station and PT vehicle occupancy.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: section 2 defines the impacts of the PT
priority system and connects specific impacts with performance indicators. The different data
collection methods which were applied are described in section 3, as well as their pros and
cons. In section 4 we present the results of the measurements and in section 5 the
A single journey of a tram has two terminals (origin terminal A and destination terminal B)
and a finite number of PT stops and signalised intersections in between. The main impact of
the PT priority system on the operational performance of trams is the reduction of intersection
delay (see Figure 1). This reduction should result in a decrease of travel time between adjacent
PT stops and terminals on the same PT line, but sometimes this is not the case due to the
various background impacts, which will be described in detail in this chapter: mixed traffic
conditions, number of PT users, number of PT vehicles in operation, time-gap between PT
vehicles and partial implementation of the PT priority system.
An analysis of the tramway infrastructure in the city of Zagreb shows that on most tramway
lines the infrastructure is shared by other transport modes (mostly individual transport). This is
due to the structure of the city, the limited available space, the costs of building new
infrastructure (e.g. underground systems), and other factors. Due to this mixed traffic
conditions, queues of cars build up at signalised intersections, often blocking the tram tracks,
during the peak and off peak periods of the day, when transport demand is at its highest level.
The tram tracks are occasionally blocked by traffic accidents, resulting in further performance
deterioration. Sun et al. (2008) detected and described the complex interactions between PT
vehicles and general traffic vehicles in such mixed traffic environments. In this case, the
positive impacts of giving priority to the PT vehicles at signalised intersections are easily
cancelled out because the trams cannot reach the intersections.
Several measures of the CIVITAS ELAN project in the city of Zagreb are devoted to the
promotion of PT services and improvement of its quality (e.g. safety and security improvements,
introduction of energy efficient PT vehicles, a PT electronic ticketing system, etc.). The main
objective of these measures is to increase the number of users and contribute to a more
sustainable urban transport system. More users may require more PT vehicles in order to
satisfy the increased transport demand. More trams may increase the possibility of congestion
because seven tramway lines are in operation in some parts of ELAN corridor. This means that
the time-gap between two trams may become too short, and several PT vehicles may arrive at
the same PT stop at the same time, negatively affecting boarding and alighting times.
Moreover, one could argue that with more PT users it will also take longer for passengers to
board and alight at the PT stops. This means that tramways will spend more time at the PT
stops, and their round trip times and passenger travel times will increase as well.
Furthermore, the effects of the PT priority system may be reduced if the system itself is only
partially implemented. This can happen in two cases:

if the PT priority system is not implemented at all signalized intersections of the selected
line/corridor (in this case PT vehicles may pass through one intersection to cause
blockage at the next one),
if the priority equipment is not installed in all PT vehicles travelling on the same
line/corridor (in this case a vehicle that is not equipped with the priority equipment may
disturb the traffic flow of equipped PT vehicles).

All the above described background impacts affect the tramways operational performance.
In the analysis of the possible benefits of a PT priority system, such impacts must not be
ignored. In our case, when a PT priority system is implemented only for a certain part of the
tramway line, improvements achieved at the micro level (e.g. at specific intersections or
between two adjacent PT stops) may remain undetected if the operational performance is not
evaluated for each segment of the line.
To detect all impacts of the PT priority system in the demonstration corridor, as well as
background impacts, we introduced operation time decomposition as depicted in Figure 1. A
list of expected events on the PT vehicles itinerary is included at the bottom of Figure 1, and a
specification of specific operation time segments in relation to these events is included at the
top of Figure 1.
Apart from the indicators presented in Figure 1, two more indicators, which can be derived,
are described: speed per segment and operating speed (see Table 1). Note that the running
time indicator can also be related to user perception about his/her travel time between
adjacent PT stations.

Figure 1: Operation time decomposition.

Indicator Description
Operation time The time that elapses from the departure of a PT vehicle from one terminal to its arrival at the lines other terminal.
The average journey speed of PT vehicles between an origin and a destination terminal, including any delay arisen in the course
Operating speed
of the journey.
The time a vehicle spends at a PT stop due to passenger exchange. The time needed for opening and closing the doors is also
Dwell time
part of the dwell time.
The time that elapses from the arrival of a PT vehicle at an intersection until it leaves the intersection.
Speed per
Vehicle speed for predefined segments of the line (a segment represents a part of the PT line between two adjacent PT stops).
Running time The time that elapses from the departure of a PT vehicle from a stop to its arrival at the next stop.
Driving time The time a vehicle spends in motion.

Table 1: Indicator description. Source: Matulin et al., 2011.

The mathematical equations for the group of indicators defined in Table 1 are presented
below. According to the definition (tefancic, 2008), the total vehicle operation time ( ) is
defined by:
is the total time spent at PT stops and is the total time spent on running between PT stops
by the PT vehicle on a journey between two terminals. For a known length of a PT line ( ) and
after having calculated , the operating speed of the PT vehicle ( ) can be derived:
The total time spent at PT stops is the sum of dwell times elapsed at different PT stops of the
same PT line:

is the dwell time for PT stop and is the number of PT stops on the PT line, (tefani,
2008). The total running time between PT stops is equal to:

is the running time between two adjacent PT stops and is the number of PT stops,
(tefancic, 2008). The first PT stop is the origin terminal A and -th PT stop is the destination
terminal B. We now decompose running time between two adjacent PT stops ( ) into:

is the time which a PT vehicle spends in motion between two adjacent PT stops (i.e.
driving time) and is the total intersection delay which is caused at the finite number of
intersections between two adjacent PT stops ( ). Any additional loss of time (e.g. delay
caused by mixed traffic conditions) is included in ( where is the number of events
which caused unplanned vehicle stopping). Note that expression can be equal to 0 in two
cases; firstly, when the PT vehicle passes through the intersection without stopping, and
secondly, when there are no intersections between two adjacent PT stops.
Speed per segment ( ) is the distance travelled between two adjacent PT stops ( )
divided by :
This group of evaluation indicators and their mathematical equations allowed us to detect
even minor changes in operational performance because we were able to analyse the
performance on an intersection-by-intersection basis. Moreover, the data analysis helped to
detect critical spots in the network where performance deteriorates rapidly, especially during
certain periods of the day.
In order to collect the data about the operation time and its segments, four data collection
methods were used:

Manual time recording. Six students equipped with stop watches travelled in trams in
the time period of one week and manually recorded the time at tramway stops and
signalised intersections. The data was then manually imported into an Excel table.
During data processing, the above-mentioned indicators were derived.
GPS vehicle tracking. Four GPS receivers were installed in four trams travelling on the
same line. Recording took place in a period of one week, each day from 6 AM to 10 PM.
Every device recorded the vehicle position and actual speed for each second. GPS data
was extracted from the devices and imported into an Excel table.
Manual video data processing. A video was extracted from the vehicle surveillance
system (for one working day). While observing the recorded video, two students
manually entered the data for performance indicators directly into Excel spreadsheets.
Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) computer system. By using the application installed on
a PDA device one student recorded arrival/ departure times at PT stops and at
intersections, as well as the duration of every dwell time. The application recorded and
calculated the values of the performance indicators. Data from the sections database
on the PDA device were exported to the sections database in the computer for data

While experimenting with different data collection approaches some advantages and
disadvantages were detected. This experience serves as a good basis for a comparative
method analysis.
For the purpose of conducting a comparative analysis of data collection methods, a set of
criteria was developed:
Accuracy of the measurement. The accuracy of the measurement has been assessed
based on the analysis of collected data and results. For instance, while applying a
manual time recording method, errors in the running time and intersection delay
occurred. Depending on each individual student and their perception, errors were in the
range of 5 to 10 seconds for the ELAN corridor. The PDA computer system reduced that
error to about 1 to 2 seconds. While applying the GPS vehicle tracking method the
source of errors is a mismatch between the geographical locations of the PT stations or
signalised intersections and the vehicles actual position recorded by the GPS receiver.
This error has special significance if it occurs at PT stops and intersections when vehicle
speed is 0 km/h.
Resolution of the measurement. The resolution of the measurement means the
frequency of data input (e.g. the GPS vehicle tracking method had the best resolution
because vehicle position and speed were recorded every second and data was thus
collected for the entire ELAN corridor instead of at control points only).
Method reliability. The method reliability criterion refers to representativeness of the
data and results. For example, while applying the manual time recording method, the
students sometimes did not record the exact date and time when the measurement took
place. Furthermore, after the data were processed, we established that a few derived
speeds per specific segment of the tramway line were simply inaccurate.
Data processing. An easy conclusion is that for some of the applied methods data
processing is the main disadvantage (e.g. manual time recording method and GPS
vehicle tracking) whilst for the PDA computer system method partially processed data is
exported into a computer database. This aspect was evaluated with a data processing
Method execution (preparation, human resources, duration, equipment cost and
simplicity). The intention of the method execution criterion is to point out different
aspects. The preparation sub-criterion is associated with activities that have to be
undertaken before measurement. For instance, manual time recording includes
organising the students and designing the layout of the data entry forms, while GPS
vehicle recording requires only the installation of the device. The number of people
needed to execute the measurement and data processing is evaluated with the human
resources sub- criterion. Likewise, the time interval from the preparation phase to the
production of results is graded by the duration sub-criterion. Equipment cost refers to
the approximate cost of the used equipment. A last sub-criterion is introduced to
evaluate the simplicity of the method.

The results of the comparative analysis of data collection methods are presented in Table 2
in a scale from 1 to 5 (1 meaning worst performance and 5 meaning excellent performance).
As Table 2 indicates, the manual recording method performed the worst (average grade). A
slightly better method is the manual video data processing method, but it still has a large
number of disadvantages, which makes it unattractive to use. The initial evaluation of methods
shows that the PDA computer system method performs very well, thanks to the user-friendly
application (developed specifically for this use). The same grade applies to the GPS vehicle
tracking method, but the data processing first has to be improved, i.e. map matching has to be
used to improve the accuracy of the recorded tracks.
Manual time recording PDA computer system GPS vehicle tracking Manual video data processing
Accuracy 2 4 4 4
Resolution 3 3 5 4
Reliability 2 3 5 3
Data processing 2 5 1 2
Preparation 2 4 3 2
Human resources 2 3 5 4
Duration 2 5 2 3
Equipment cost 5 2 3 2
Simplicity 2 4 5 1
Average grade 2,44 3,67 3,67 2,78

Table 2: Initial method evaluation.

Based on the results of the initial evaluation of data collection methods, it is evident that the
PDA computer system method and the GPS vehicle tracking method produced the best results.
During the measurement some specific traffic situations occurred in which additional
differences between those two methods emerged. Based on those traffic situations three use-
case scenarios for one signalised intersection were synthesised.

Figure 2: a) recorded GPS track; b) actual PT vehicle position. Source of orthophoto: Croatian State Geodetic Administration.

Figure 2 shows the recorded GPS track (white line) for that specific intersection. The white
triangles on the map indicate the movement of a single tram (v 0 km/h) and rectangles
mean that the tram was stopped (v = 0 km/h).
In general, the GPS vehicle tracking method gives very accurate results for the vehicle
operation time and average operating speed. But when the speed is around 0 km/h and due to
the GPS signal reflection, GPS tracks can indicate the trams position as around 3040 meters
away from its actual position. Without map matching (Figure 2.b) it is impossible to determine
the vehicles actual position at a specific point in time, which is important for the calculation of
different operation time segments.
If two trams arrive at the same station at the same time, as is depicted in Figure 3.a, it is not
possible to determine the exact reason why tramway B stopped with the GPS vehicle tracking
method. In this specific situation, the geographical location of the PT stop and the position of
vehicle B, when the speed is 0 km/h, do not overlap. Having the GPS signal reflection problems
in mind, it is hard to determine during the data processing whether vehicle B has reached the
PT stop and started to board passengers or another vehicle (PT or even personal car) was
occupying the PT stop at the time.
When the PT stop is located directly before a signalised intersection and the red period is
activated (Figure 3.b), intersection delay and dwell time measurements are incomplete when
using the GPS vehicle tracking method. This results in an inaccurate calculation of driving time
and speed per segment. While processing the data extracted from the GPS device it is easy to
establish when the vehicle speed was 0 km/h, but in this case the difference between dwell
time and intersection delay cannot be determined.

Figure 3: Two use-cases: a) arrival of two trams at the same PT stop; b) specific geographical location of PT stop.

Applying a PDA computer system method avoids the above-mentioned problems, because
the measurer can distinguish dwell time from intersection delay. Furthermore, the measurer
travels in the PT vehicle during the measurement and he/she can initialise the dwell time
measurement only when the PT vehicle reaches the PT stop. Although the GPS vehicle tracking
method has several disadvantages, it is still very appealing in comparison with the PDA
computer system method because data is recorded every second, enabling a more detailed
analysis. Hence, the following results of the measurements were produced based on the data
collected with the GPS method.
The amount of time a tramway spends at a specific PT stop depends on the stops location
and can vary during the day. As an example of these variations, we present the results of the
measurement of dwell times ( ) for several PT stops during one PT vehicle journey (Table 3).
In order to obtain dwell time results we had to conduct a comparison between a trams speed
and position and the location of PT stops. When a tram reaches a specific PT stop (a
geographical position), its speed equals 0 km/h and this is the point in time when the dwell
time starts. The end of the dwell time is identified when the trams speed becomes different
from 0 km/h (departure time). In this example, two time intervals were analysed on a typical
working day. The presented results show that the tram spends less than 15 seconds at some
PT stops, meaning that only few passengers board or alight there.
First interval Second interval
Name of the PT station_sequence number
Departure time Departure time
Frankopanska_1 0:00:33 14:40:38 0:00:29 16:40:50
Trg_mar_Tita_2 0:00:58 14:43:38 0:00:27 16:42:43
Vodnikova_3 0:00:35 14:45:13 0:00:25 16:44:03
Stud_centar_4 0:00:15 14:47:58 0:00:26 16:47:27
Zagrebanka_5 0:00:19 14:51:29 0:00:13 16:50:23
Uit_akademija_6 0:00:17 14:52:51 0:00:20 16:51:59
Vjesnik_7 0:00:12 14:54:38 0:00:12 16:53:44
Prisavlje_8 0:00:10 14:55:43 0:00:14 16:54:59
Veslaka_9 0:00:08 14:56:25 0:00:12 16:55:50
= 0:03:27 0:02:58

Table 3: Result of measurements.

Knowing the values of dwell times can be important when analysing the running time
between specific PT stops. For example, if there is an increase of passengers, and
consequently an increase of the dwell time (this is one of the detected background impacts),
while the running time between two stops remains the same i.e. when comparing the
conditions before and after the implementation of the PT priority system then this means that
the priority system has significantly contributed to the operational performance on that
segment of the line.
PT vehicles travel in urban environments and their operational times may be significantly
affected by the intersection delays on their routes. Where PT vehicles do not have priority at
signalised intersections, can be a major part of . Based on the Level of Service (LoS)
framework, defined in the Highway Capacity Manual 2000 (Transport Research Board, 2000),
which comprises six LoS classes for signalised intersections (A, B, C, D, E and F with defined
intervals expressed in seconds [0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 35), [35, 55), [55, 80) and [80, + ],
respectively), we present the daily variations of average intersection delay (ID) for three
selected intersections (Figure 4). For each in a specific time period we assigned a LoS class
beneath the horizontal axes. The vertical grey lines in the diagrams correspond to the upper
and lower limits of the assigned LoS class for the specific time period. This allows us to see, for
instance, that on the northbound approach to the Vjesnik_10 intersection (Figure 4.a.) the
falls under class C in the period from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., but it is very close to the upper limit
of that class, i.e. its performance deteriorates toward class D.
Comparing this with another intersection (Zagrebanka_8) reveals that the signal plans on
that intersection and the transport demand cause lower performance in the period from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. for southbound PT traffic, compared to the performance in the northbound
direction (Figure 4.b and Figure 4.d). In other periods, however, the situation is almost exactly
the opposite. Based on these findings, a strategy for the implementation of priority measures
can be defined more easily and background impacts can be detected. For instance, if the PT
priority system is installed at specific intersections, and there is no change in intersection
delay, this indicates that the PT vehicles are having difficulties reaching that intersection. This
may be caused by mixed traffic conditions and infrastructure sharing or by partial
implementation of priority equipment in the PT vehicles. Furthermore, Satiennam (2005)
elaborated the importance of intersection delay measurements in the development and
evaluation of priority systems control logic.
Figure 4: Daily variations of intersection delay at: a) Vjesnik_10-Northbound; b) Zagrebanka_8-Northbound; c) HT_7-
Southbound; d) Zagrebanka_8-Southbound.


As an example of speed per segment analysis, Figure 5 shows the comparison of measured
PT vehicle speeds between two adjacent PT stops (Stud_centar_4 and Zagrebanka_5)
during different time periods.
The speed trajectories depicted in Figure 5 are useful for examining the main reasons for
deceleration and stopping. The slow progress with an almost constant-speed trajectory in the
beginning, recorded for the monitored PT vehicle in the 23 p.m. period, is the result of a
blocked PT lane, i.e. mixed traffic conditions. In addition, this speed trajectory shows a long
delay at the second intersection (Zagrebanka_8) over one minute (see Table 4). The time
spent waiting to move forward to the intersection is included in because the length of the
intersections approach lane is defined by the GPS measurement.
The time spent waiting to move forward to the intersection is included in .

Figure 5: Comparison of measured PT vehicle speeds between two adjacent stops.

Time of running
12 AM - 1 PM 0:01:36 0:00:21 0:00:27 0:00:48 0:00:00 0:02:24 13.09
2 PM - 3 PM 0:01:49 0:00:14 0:01:08 0:01:22 0:00:00 0:03:11 10.83
Table 4: Decomposition of running time .
These two indicators (speed per segment and running time) are important for evaluating
operational performance on specific segments of the ELAN corridor. By comparing the same
line segments, but in different time periods, fluctuations in transport demand can be identified
with more precision and this may be helpful when developing a signal control scheme for PT
Since we conducted the measurements in the predefined demonstration corridor, we
considered operation time to be the time that elapses between the moment when a tram enters
the corridor and the moment of its exit from the corridor.
For example, for the time period between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. and for both directions of travel,
the trams operation times ( ) are shown in Table 5. For the northbound and southbound
directions we recorded four and nine journeys of PT vehicles, respectively, in the above-
mentioned time period. The shaded cells in the table indicate the minimum values (recorded
on Sunday) and the maximum values are indicated as bold text (for the northbound and
southbound directions the maximums were recorded on Tuesday and Wednesday,
respectively). The data in Table 5 reveals that, in this period, the trams travel faster when they
are heading north and generally travel faster during weekends.
Northbound Southbound
Journey number Journey number
1 0:14:43 1 0:19:16
2 0:13:28 2 0:15:31
3 0:15:37 3 0:12:22
4 0:13:08 4 0:19:12
5 0:19:40
6 0:17:53
7 0:19:19
8 0:13:07
9 0:13:11

Table 5: Operation time comparison.

Figure 6 depicts the arithmetic mean (AM) of the derived operating speed in the
demonstration corridor of different PT lines and each direction of travel. Depending on the
direction of travel, it is evident that the operating speed significantly differs on every PT line. If
we exclude PT line number 4, we may conclude that trams travel faster when they are travelling
northbound (for some PT lines the difference is close to 50 %).

Figure 6: Comparison of operating speeds for two directions of travel.

If the PT priority system would be installed at every signalised intersection along a specific
PT line, it should be possible to determine the overall improvement of operation performance
on that line by keeping track of these two indicators.
The analysis of the data collection methods reveals that the GPS vehicle tracking method
provides a very wide resolution of collected data because it records vehicle position and speed
every second. Despite some disadvantages in comparison to the PDA computer system method,
it is still very appealing because it enables a more detailed analysis. It must be noted that in
the past 5 to 10 years all newly produced PT vehicles are equipped with GPS receivers,
meaning that this data collection method can be implemented with relatively small efforts from
the PT companies.
The positive impacts of the PT priority system (reduction of running time between PT stops)
can be cancelled out by the background impacts described throughout this paper. To
determine the actual impact of the PT priority system we introduced operational time
decomposition, enabling us to evaluate public transport performance on an intersection-by-
intersection basis. Hence, all the positive impacts of priority systems can be quantified and
expressed in financial terms, where necessary, in later analyses. The measurements were
conducted with the GPS vehicle tracking method in real-life traffic conditions and the results
show that our evaluation approach is valid, and that analyses are possible even on the
smallest scale.
By recording and monitoring intersection delay and running time indicators, operational
performance can be determined for a specific segment of a PT line. If there is no improvement
in network performance after the introduction of the priority system, a detailed analysis of
every specific evaluation indicator can provide clarification (i.e. background impacts can be

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Proceedings of the 26th European Transport Conference PTRC: 225236.
Matulin, Marko, tefica Mrvelj and Hrvoje Gold. 2010. Evaluating the public transport
priority system Identifying background data impact. Proceedings of the 17th ITS World
Matulin, Marko, tefica Mrvelj and Niko Jelui. 2011. Two-level evaluation of public
transport system performances. Promet Traffic & Transportation: Scientific Journal on Traffic
and Transportation Research 23(5): 329339.
Prioni, Paola and David Hensher. 2000. Measuring service quality in scheduled bus
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Pullen, William Thomas. 1991. The Measurement of the quality of local bus services with
respect to the effects of bus deregulation in Scotland. Newcastle: University of Newcastle upon
Satiennam, Thaned, Atsushi Fukuda, Toshiaki Muroi and Sarawut Jansuwan. 2005. An
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1 Note that the measurement results (e.g. PT vehicle travel time or operating speed) are not influenced by user opinions
(qualitative indicators) in any way.
Zagreb I Real-time travel information has been made available via 147
displays installed at PT stops.

Zagreb I 70 new trams provide more comfort and a higher level of security to all passengers. Security improvements were
achieved by introducing CCTV cameras in the vehicles.

ZAGREB I A series of workshops on safer use of PT has been held with senior citizens. The main focus of the workshops was
on PT, the most important transport mode for seniors apart from walking.
Ivan Grgurevi, Marko Slavulj,
Veselko Protega
The City of Zagreb with its about 800,000 inhabitants has to deal with a sudden increase in
the level of motorization. The modal split has been constantly shifting in favour of passenger
cars (44 percent in 1990, 59 percent in 2003, according to The Croatian Bureau of Statistics)
and the city centre is thus faced with traffic network congestion, generating negative effects
such as increased pollution and noise, a growing number of traffic accidents, illegal parking,
and longer journey times. In response to the existing traffic system, attempts have been made
to implement various mobility management solutions (MVA, 1999).
The realization of mobility management objectives is still related to the proposals from the
1999 Traffic Study of the City of Zagreb. Attempts are made to use partial projects and
solutions, based on annual plans and in accordance with the citys current financial options, to
improve its traffic throughput capacity and enhance the mobility of citizens. In Europe, many
international projects have been started (among them the CIVITAS Initiative) aimed at
improving the mobility of citizens and their daily migrations, regardless of the purpose of their
movements, including walking.
Given the 555,372 officially registered vehicles in 2008 (compared to 380,464 in 2000
and 226,676 in 1995; exclusive of transit vehicles and vehicles from the city environs), the
City of Zagreb has intensively invested in studies and projects in the last decade (1999 Traffic
Study of the City of Zagreb, 2007 research project: The realization of the underground-
overhead light rail system in the City of Zagreb etc.) to improve the urban traffic system and to
manage mobility. These efforts have intensified due to the forthcoming accession of the
Republic of Croatia to the European Union and the accessibility of its structural funds.
Before starting the CIVITAS ELAN project, there had been almost no constructive dialogue
related to traffic issues. Within the CIVITAS projects activities a constructive dialogue started
among stakeholders, but, on the other hand, this dialogue proved to be a great challenge to
inexperienced stakeholders.
In Croatia, citizens have been included in decision-making processes regarding urban
development through public hearings and in various other ways since the 1960s. However, in
relation to mobility issues, the main decisions are taken by professionals and the public most
often can react only after decisions have been implemented. The inclusion of the interested
representatives of the public will help to reach appropriate decisions, reduce dissatisfaction,
and introduce shared responsibility for the implemented solutions. Appropriate decisions had
to be reached on issues of crucial importance for the projects success. The mentioned issues
are further addressed in the projects procedural structure and relate to several potential risks
regarding the successful implementation of solutions.
Considering the improvement of citizen mobility as the major goal, citizens participation in
the decision-making process has been emphasised. Citizens participate in different processes,
such as: searching for suitable mobility solutions, evaluation of proposed (customized) mobility
solutions, and evaluation of risks regarding the introduction of solutions.
The paper investigates citizens participation in introducing solutions referring to the
following measures: 4.4 Mobility management for large institutions, 3.2 Study on
Congestion Charging and Dialogue on Pricing, 7.4 Freight Delivery Restrictions (Civitas
inicijativa, 2012). The first measure (4.4) is oriented towards citizens as employees and
students, while the other two measures (3.2 and 7.4) are oriented towards citizens as traffic
All projects involve certain potential risks and uncertainties, both in relation to the broader
environment in which the project operates (e.g. financial markets, political situation) and the
execution of the project itself. Some of these can be minimised through the way in which the
project is managed and financed, while in other cases the best solution is to prepare
contingency plans, so that any problem can be addressed with minimum delay. Risk
management procedures should be applied to identify potential sources of uncertainty and
risks, as well as their likely causes, and to then prepare countervailing or contingency plans, as
Challenges to the implementation of innovative urban transport solutions are not always of a
technical nature. The main obstacles rather tend to be behavioural, changing implementation
conditions, or institutional issues. CIVITAS ELAN adopts a process-oriented approach and
accentuates risk management, including contingency plans and early warning systems for
project risks.
In general, two levels of risks were differentiated:

risks to measure implementation and success,

project management-related risks.

For the first level, all local project partners had identified and described potential risks and
contingencies in their measure descriptions using the following risk types for categorisation:

technical risk e.g. due to failure or low performance of (immature) technologies,

technical systems or methodologies, incompatibilities between systems, safety hazards
of particular technologies,
financial risk e.g. related to delayed payments from third parties (cash flow),
substantial cost increases for major components, parallel investments and budget
organisational risk e.g. dependency on a single supplier, interdependence of
implementation steps and stages, coordination between project and other measures,
availability of management skills and capacity,
political risk e.g. cooperating agencies are governed by opposition political parties,
politicization of measure topics, existing resistance or lobbying against measures,
institutional risk e.g. related to the restructuring or privatisation of organisations,
project tasks beyond usual practices or competencies, changing composition of boards
or committees,
legal Risks e.g. due to conflicts of interest between actors, legal gaps or uncertainties,
spatial Risks e.g. related to the physical interference between measures and urban
structures (infrastructures, operation area).

Each of the mentioned risks has numerous characteristics that require a comprehensive
analysis in order to implement the solution and improve the citys traffic capacity. The risk
management and contingency plans regarding the introduction of a carpooling system in the
City of Zagreb are summarised in Table 1.
Probability Potential Impact
Risk type Risk Description Contingency Plan
(high/medium/low) (high/medium/low)
Possible questions concerning
Legal insurance of passengers in Explore legal possibilities medium medium
carpooling schemes
Price of necessary web application
Financial Finding sponsors medium medium
for carpooling
Possible problems in the operation
Technical IT professionals tasked to maintain the system low low
of web applications
Lack of support by possible user
Organisational groups Communication campaign low low
Lack of motivation
Political Not understanding the problem In terms of support and decision making medium medium
Insufficient cooperation between
Institutional Regular meetings low high
involved partners
User Communication campaign, provide links to
Insufficient number of users low high
Acceptance carpooling website from various sites
Defining area for use of carpooling
scheme Study will determine optimal area for use of
Spatial low low
Determining trip origin carpooling carpooling system
locations in urban areas

Table 1: Risk management and contingency plans for the introduction of a carpooling system in the city of Zagreb.

A risk analysis we conducted showed that user acceptance and institutional risk have a high
potential impact on the introduction of a carpooling system in Zagreb. Carpooling is a basic
indicator of mobility management and the occupancy of private cars in the City of Zagreb has
shown low values: 1.44 (1999), 1.37 (2009), and 1.40 (2010). For the observed years, minor
deviations from the average values have been noted, ranging from a total of 27.4 to 28.8%
(1.4%). Alternative modes, such as a carpooling system, cannot by themselves generate an
economically (self) profitable service of sufficient dimensions. To achieve better effects,
support at the institutional (local and national) level is important.
Risk management and contingency plans regarding the study of congestion charging and the
views on pricing are summarised in Table 2. Principled types of risks are presented according
to their probability and potential impact (high/medium/low/very low).
Potential Impact
Risk type Risk Description Contingency Plan (high/medium/low/very
(high/medium/low/very low)
Close cooperation with the
Legal Lack of legal tools for implementation medium medium
respective authorities
Financial No risks identified - very low very low
Technical No risks identified - very low very low
Difficulties in conducting public Measure timetable will allow for
Organisational medium low
procurement process delays up to 6 month
Lobbying of consumer associations by Communication campaign -
Political medium medium
political opposition Explanation of priorities
Insufficient cooperation between
Institutional Regular meetings low high
involved partners
Potential users could oppose charging Communication campaign medium high
Delay in definition of zones where Communication with city
Spatial medium medium
congestion charging is made authorities

Table 2: Risk assessment and contingency plans for the study of congestion charging and dialogue on pricing.

The risk analysis detected two major issues with a high potential impact on the
implementation process: user acceptance and institutional risk (see Table 2). The possibility
that the proposed congestion charge solution would be rejected can be reduced by a high level
of acceptability.
Analysing the main objectives of measure 7.4 Freight delivery restrictions raising the
acceptance of a delivery restriction policy and reducing the traffic congestion level it
becomes obvious how important stakeholders participation is. One has to be aware of the
various risks involved during the analysis and implementation phases (see Table 3).
Potential Impact
Risk type Risk Description Contingency Plan (high/medium/low/very
(high/medium/low/very low)
Strict implementation by
Legal Non-obeying of existing regulation high high
municipal guards
Financial No risks identified - very low very low
Specific demands for freight deliveries
Technical Pooling among possible users low high
by various users
Delay in defining acceptable means of Measure timetable allows for
Organisational low low
transport delays up to 6 months
Lobbying for rejection of any motorized
Political Communication campaign medium medium
traffic by some groups
Insufficient cooperation between
Institutional Regular meetings medium high
involved partners
User Users may consider joint deliveries
Communication campaign medium medium
Acceptance complicated
Spatial Finding out area of implementation Study will define area low medium

Table 3: Risk assessment and contingency plans for new urban freight delivery regulations.

Similar to the former freight delivery regulations (Slubeni glasnik Grada Zagreba 8/2007;
10/1998), which were not properly observed, the proposed new regulations may (if not
observed) cause increased daytime congestion and further discourage pedestrians and cyclists
as traffic participants. Municipal guards and traffic police should be able to reduce this legal
risk with a high potential impact (see Table 4) by ensuring strict implementation of the new
regulations. The fact that various businesses have different supply demands (various kinds of
goods, quantities of goods, different working hours, locations, etc.) may cause difficulties in
defining common delivery schemes. The planned action of pooling businesses from different
branches should prevent this technical risk with a high potential impact.
A typical organisational risk is a delay in the measures time schedule (of a small step or an
entire phase). In this case, the possibility of a delay in defining suitable transport means as an
important element of the freight delivery solution, would be prevented by anticipating an up to
six-month delay in the measures schedule.
Achieving the measures objective, i.e. decrease the number of vehicle movements (as key a
source of nuisance), is only a small step in the long run to the final goal. Citizens with a higher
awareness level of the importance of environmental issues, expecting more than a small step,
may lobby for more radical solutions, like a general ban of motorized traffic in the city centre.
Due to the contingency plan, this political risk can be avoided through communication
campaigns targeting different citizen groups.
An institutional risk with a high potential impact (see Graph 10) is the insufficient
cooperation between measure partners. The contingency plan includes the planning and
scheduling of regular meetings between measure partners, where necessary, to avoid these
types of risks.
One of the project objectives is to increase the acceptance of new traffic management
policies in Zagreb. However, this also represents a risk. Users may, for example, consider the
proposed delivery solution too complicated or too difficult to achieve in the present
circumstances. The contingency plan seeks to avoid this user acceptance risk by
communication campaigns aimed at all stakeholders.
Another risk may be how to define an area that is suitable for implementing the proposed
scheme and, at the same time, will yield positive effects of the delivery solution. This spatial
risk is avoided by first using a suitable demo zone in which the delivery-system parameters
(characteristics of infrastructural objects, road network, businesses, operators, traffic flows,
goods flows, etc.) can be analysed.
The majority of countries with a developed traffic system are giving up the past concept of
adjusting traffic to private cars to replace it with a concept of active mobility management
through alternative transport modes. Alternative mobility in this case refers to the introduction
of a carpooling system (measure 4.4), the development of transport plans for the employees of
certain companies and the student population, as well as the development of the preconditions
for greater usage of bicycles (The Civitas Initiative, 2012). Before the start of the CIVITAS ELAN
project, there had been no systemic implementation of mobility management strategies such
as carpooling, carsharing, etc. in the City of Zagreb. Carpooling, for instance had been mainly
applied sporadically at the level of personal acquaintances and usually without sharing the
transport costs. The basic aim of introducing carpooling is to implement an efficient and high-
quality solution that will improve citizen mobility. One of the reasons why carpooling was not
practiced earlier in Zagreb was that the necessary (institutional, user acceptance, etc.)
conditions for successful implementation were not met, while these were achieved in the
majority of countries in which the system is functioning successfully. There are multiple
reasons for developing the concept of shared rides and they can be considered from several
angles that are typical both of Croatia and other European countries. This refers mainly to: the
overload and reduced capacity of urban roads, citizens expect greater mobility in the cities,
citizens prefer private cars because of the poor-quality public urban transport, the low average
occupancy of private cars, reduction of costs when sharing rides, etc.
In April 2010, data was gathered by means of a survey conducted by Faculty of Transport
and Traffic Sciences to determine the current state of citizens traffic mobility on the target
corridor in the City of Zagreb, and to analyse the possible risks of introducing carpooling
measures. By analysing a target group of employees and potential users of the carpooling
system, very positive responses were obtained regarding passenger carsharing with other
people on their way to work. About 57% of the citizens questioned considered the possibility of
sharing a passenger car with one or more persons as acceptable. About 37% of respondents
exclusively referred to travelling together with fellow workers or family members, whereas 3% of
respondents did not want to share a private car. The group of persons who do not want to
share a private car in any way are all drivers and most of them are vehicle owners. When
considering only drivers of company vehicles, the percentage is 0.2. Company policies on
employee mobility play an active role in this distinction.
The survey method has identified the limiting factors or enhanced risks of greater usage of
the system of sharing vehicles and rides (for the city of Zagreb); they are presented in Graph 1.

Graph 1: Limiting factors to greater usage of the systems of sharing cars and rides.

The infrastructure required to expand ridesharing has not yet been developed in the City of
Zagreb. It is therefore necessary to first elaborate a plan for the introduction and
operationalization of a ridesharing system. The introduction of a pilot project is expected,
motivated by the CIVITAS ELAN project.
Various internet portals are being developed for better coordination and communication
between users and to facilitate reservations of vehicles and rides. Coordination among users
can be more easily established through the cooperation of business subjects (companies)
regarding their support to the mentioned system (co-financing of transport) or through the
academic community.
Legislation needs to be harmonized by introducing the concept of carpooling and the system
must be defined in detail with legal regulations. Also, the legislator needs to find models of
subsidizing this transport mode, either through tax reliefs (e.g. through excises when a
purchased vehicle is intended for carpooling, by subsidizing the costs of regular or special
vehicle technical inspections), or through direct subsidies from the government (or municipal)
budget, making the carpooling system as cheap as possible for the end user.
The research included a multi-criteria analysis of the issue of introducing three alternative
transport modes: carpooling, carsharing, and public bicycles (measure 4.4). Each of the three
transport modes is in its early beginnings in the city of Zagreb. The analysis considered the
following criteria: Political/strategic; Institutional; Cultural; Problem-related; Involvement
(communication); Positional; Planning; Organizational; Financial; Technological; Spatial and
Other. Graph 2 shows the three analysed alternative transport modes from the position of
identified risks. Considering these alternative travelling modes, the meteorological data for the
city of Zagreb have not been considered, i.e. the values of climate elements such as air
temperature, sunshine, precipitation, the number of days of bright, foggy, rainy, frosty, snow,
freezing (tmin -10oC), cold (tmax < 0oC), chilly (tmin < 0oC), etc. weather.
Using the method of assigning the actual (current and planned) values of certain
alternatives to the criteria evaluated on the basis of the results of studying the traffic demand,
a model has been developed that shows the selection of the optimal alternative transport
mode from the position of identified risks. Evaluating all the criteria from the position of
identified risks of introducing the mentioned alternative transport modes in the city of Zagreb,
the most favourable option would be the introduction of public bicycles (0.144), followed by the
carpooling system (0.352), and with the carsharing system in third place (0.504).

Graph 2: Presentation of alternative transport modes regarding identified risks for the coty of Zagreb.

One of the main obstacles of non-formal carpooling today is that a critical mass of users has
to be achieved to make it really attractive to drivers and passengers. The research on the
CIVITAS ELAN project shows that (as yet) informal carpooling is used by 8.73% of the survey
participants (2010) in the city of Zagreb. Greater usage of ridesharing would be achieved
through more concrete user incentives (from the city, companies/institutions).
The development of a proposal for a congestion charge scheme in Zagreb was the main aim
of ELAN measure 3.2 Study of congestion charging and dialogue on pricing. After many
meetings with the collaborators to elaborate a proposal for a congestion charge scheme, the
option of users purchasing annual vignettes was selected and the prices for certain types of
vignettes were agreed upon.
In order to avoid misunderstandings and because of their importance, some terms have to
be defined. The term acceptability describes the prospective judgement of measures to be
introduced in the future. Thus the target groups will not have experienced any of these
measures, making acceptability a constructed attitude, subject to strong situational and
temporal factors. Acceptance involves respondents attitudes, including their behavioural
reactions after the introduction of a measure (Schade and Schlag, 2003). A public survey on
acceptability (see Graph 3), showed that 68 percent of respondents support the introduction of
a congestion charging zone in the centre. Other survey results are presented in Graph 4.
Graph 3: Level of support for paying traffic congestion charges in the city of Zagreb (2011).

Graph 4: Question about the scope of the zone (2011) .

Based on well-known technical solutions for road urban charging, an analysis of applied
urban charging strategies, and an analysis of the existing transport system of the City of
Zagreb, the proposed preliminary solution suggests the introduction of an eco-zone in the city
The main objective of the measure is not to generate additional income for the city, but to
reduce congestion and improve air quality. The potential funds should be used for the
operation of the congestion charging system, and for the implementation of further measures
discouraging the use of personal vehicles.
When studying citizen mobility in the context of urban freight delivery in general, one first
has to identify all kinds of situations where citizens face freight deliveries and the different
locations where this confrontation occurs. Furthermore, citizens can have different roles
(depending on their interests reasons for being at the location) and freight delivery processes
can vary as well (depending on the drivers activities and the vehicles location).
In April 2010, a survey on the awareness and acceptability of freight delivery restrictions
was conducted with a random sample of 600 citizens in the area of the city centre. The citizens
participating in the questionnaire considered passenger cars as the principal cause (average
grade 7.05) of all sorts of undesirable impacts in the city centre (see Graph 5). In the citizens
perception a combination of temporal and spatial restriction (Bestufs, 2011) (see Graph 6)
would be the best solution, while restricting freight traffic to a few street-corridors through the
city centre (see Graph 7) was ranked as the second best solution.
Graph 5: Citizen survey weight of undesirable traffic impacts.

In May 2010, a survey on the awareness and acceptability of freight delivery restrictions was
conducted on a random sample of 60 businesses. Every respondent represented a business
(shops, coffee shops, bistros, restaurants, hotels, etc.) with delivery demands.
The analysis of the possible acceptance of solutions revealed that businesses in this area
generally regard most of the suggested solutions as unacceptable. The most acceptable
measure (avg. mark 3.9) was time-limited delivery in some specially marked zones, (similar to
the present situation) and the implementation of freight corridors for delivery (avg. mark 3.9).
Taking into account its effectiveness in alleviating the consequences (3.1) and its acceptability
(3.0) (see Graph 8), the weight of the proposed solution time-limited delivery is 0.114 by

Graph 6: Citizen survey effectiveness of temporal and spatial restrictions.

Graph 7: Citizen sirvey effectieness of limited delivery corridors.

Graph 8: Business survey effectiveness and acceptability of time-limited delivery.

Given the perception of vendors on the low efficiency of the proposed measures and
highlighting the low acceptability of the measures from the standpoint of their businesses, two
measures could be extracted as averagely effective, but also as the least unacceptable by
the vendors as stakeholders: time-limited delivery and delivery corridors. In order to extract a
solution proposal based on the stakeholder surveys results, a freight delivery model had to be
designed that anticipates the implementation of either one or a combination of these two
The measures described above might seem very different, but they actually have a lot in
common, in particular their major goal: to increase citizen mobility. However, in order to
achieve that goal, some threats or risks have to be taken into account and eliminated. Picture
1 represents the risk assessment of the introduction of suitable solutions for the three
analyzed measures.

Picture 1: Risk assessment for measures on citizen mobility in the city of Zagreb.

Since citizens are involved in all the measures in varying roles, their cooperation is extremely
important to the risk assessment, because the same types of risk might manifest themselves
differently in various measures. Citizens are vital participants in developing and implementing
solutions, and in evaluating their results.
The implementation of measures included in the CIVITAS ELAN project has revealed risks
which appear to be high in two (user acceptance) or even all three observed measures
(institutional risk). The biggest potential risks assessed for all three observed measures were:

institutional (3x),
user acceptance (2x),
legal (1x) and technical (1x).

To establish an efficient carpooling system in the City of Zagreb requires cooperation and
dialogue between all stakeholders (user acceptance). The first phase of implementation is
most easily implemented by big and small-size companies or state institutions and the student
population, which are particularly interested in the savings yielded by alternative transport
modes. The advantages of alternative travelling methods, i.e. carpooling, need to be clearly
emphasised. In spite of the mentioned significant savings (reduction of travel costs for
individuals, reduction of air and noise pollution levels and the occupation of public urban
areas, reduction of traffic congestion, reduction of the load on traffic places, and other
advantages), an action plan for additional user motivation is required. Dialogue with citizens
should not be neglected, since they act as a corrective of traffic-oriented decisions.
The most important risk for the success of the congestion charging measure is citizen (non-)
acceptance of the proposed solution. Another important risk is the quality level of its
implementation by the municipal institutions. With a proper approach and high-quality
dissemination a lot can be achieved in order to make the majority of citizens accept the
proposed congestion charging scheme. In line with the decision of the Zagreb City Council on
the introduction of congestion charging, the municipal institutions will need to get organized in
order to implement the proposed solution. After the introduction of a congestion charging
scheme, its feasibility needs to be continuously verified and improved.
Implementing the proposed solution to decrease the share of delivery vehicles in the traffic
flow during morning peak hours should among others result in reducing congestion and CO2
emissions. A new freight delivery regulation should be beneficial to all involved stakeholders, in
particular the citizens. The success of this measure depends on the acceptance level of the
shippers and vendors, but it also and maybe even more depends on the citizens willingness to
cooperate in evaluating the solution as such and, last but not least, in evaluating the
implemented solution. At this point, the importance of high-level potential impacts of legal,
technical and institutional risks on freight delivery regulations had to be emphasized.
It would be interesting to observe risk assessments in future research from the citizens
perspective, especially regarding the implementation of other measures and activities aimed at
improving citizen mobility.

BESTUFS. 2011. Good Practice Guide on Urban Freight Transport. Available at:, 1. 12.
MVA. 1999. Traffic Study of the City of Zagreb. Report on General Traffic Plan. Zagreb.
Schade, Jens and Bernhard Schlag. 2003. Acceptability of urban transport pricing
strategies. Transportation Research Part F: 4561.
Slubeni glasnik Grada Zagreba 8/2007 (28th June). Available at:, 10. 7. 2012.
Slubeni glasnik grada Zagreba 10/1998.
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS). 2011. Statistical Yearbooks 2011. Available at:, 10. 7. 2012.
Civitas Inicijativa. Available at:, 1. 10.
The Civitas Initiative. Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities. Available at: http://www.civitas-, 1. 10. 2011.
ZAGREB I The info point, a refurbished heritage tram, serves as an information hub. Tram Wednesdays and round table
discussions were an excellent opportunity for citizens and journalists to obtain information on Zagrebs sustainable mobility

ZAGREB I The new low-floor trams provide better access to elderly citizens, as well as to all other passengers.

ZAGREB I A brochure with tips on how to use PT safely has been published and a short film, Alojz and Vlatka,produced.
Jana Vlkov, Kvtoslav Havlk,
Iva Machalov, Daniel Seidenglanz
Transport is fundamental to our economy and society (White Paper Roadmap to a Single
European Transport Area Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system).
But at the same time transport is a still growing source of greenhouse gas emissions. Hence, it
is essential (also in line with the objectives of the EUs Europe 2020 growth strategy) to find
solutions to mitigate the undesirable effects of transport, but without negative effects on the
economy and peoples mobility. One of the best solutions for the sustainable mobility of people
is to foster the use of public transport and improve its quality.
The share of public transport in daily commuting is remarkably high in Brno. According to
the results of the 2010 Modal Split Survey, almost 65% of Brnos commuters use public
transport for travelling to work. The best way to maintain this high share is to adapt the range
of public transport services in Brno to peoples needs.
The City of Brno, which commissions public transport services as a public service, provided
by the Brno Public Transport Company (a 100% city-funded enterprise), decided to identify the
most important issues, which needed to be changed or improved, through a series of mobility
dialogues called Transport Plans. These are based on annual sociological surveys known as
Transport Barometers, focusing on the evaluation of public transport services by their users.
The gathered data are processed with a SWOT analysis that highlights the services strengths
and reveals what needs to be improved. Additional inputs are gathered from representatives of
Brnos city districts. Together with a demographic analysis and city development data (such as
new residential areas), the Transport Plans represent the basis for finding the most efficient
mode of operation for the public transport.
Reflecting the public opinion in an annual update procedure brings the Transport Plans
closer to the public, with the hope of increasing the number of public transport passengers.
Transport is of great importance in the contemporary world; one could even say that
transport in particular is a supporting structure to the current spatial and functional relations,
including at the global scale. According to Rodrigue et al. (2006) or Seidenglanz (2008), the
reason for the powerful impact of transport is its ability to overcome spatial barriers, which can
be understood in different ways, i.e. highlighting either physical or social barriers. As a result of
the ability to overcome spatial barriers, transport can create interactions (functional links)
between differently disposed places of the Earths surface (enhanced complementarity, for
details see McBride 1996; Wheeler and Muller 1981), contributing thus to the formation of
settlements and the economic structure of the world or its individual regions (although the
impact of transport on the economy is neither unequivocal nor straightforward for details see
e.g. MacKinnon et al., 2008; Banister and Berechman, 2001; Knowles, 2009; Matthiessen
Coe et al., 2007), and also their spatial structuring and organization. The above-mentioned
ability of transport to promote the formation of functional links is reflected even on the scale of
a city/urban region, for example by allowing the existence of phenomena such as commuting to
work, school, services, medical care, cultural and other facilities, leisure etc. within its space.
These days, the hegemon of short-distance transport mobility in western cities definitely is
the car. This fact can be illustrated by the increasing number of cars and their increasing use,
as well as by the ever-growing size of cities/urban regions and their greater adaptation to the
general availability of cars, which is reflected in phenomena such as residential and
commercial suburbanization. Marada (2006) and Urbnkov and Ouredncek (2006) analyzed
the links between transport and the suburbanization in Czech settings on the example of
Prague, while foreign authors worth mentioning are Sheller and Urry (2000), Urry (2004), Volti
(1996), Adey (2010) and others. The said authors introduced the concept of automobility
that covers all conceivable social implications of universal access to cars in contemporary
societies. Automobility in their view is defined as a system including cars, drivers, roads, gas
stations, roadside rest areas, spare parts, tuning parts and many other new objects,
technologies and features; a system spreading around the world, affecting, reconfiguring and
restructuring peoples perception of time and space (enabling personalized, subjective
temporalities and de-synchronization of individuals), while at the same time reproducing and
strengthening itself.
However, the increasing dependence of contemporary society and contemporary western
cities on cars, associated with high mobility, has negative impacts as well. In this context and
randomly picking, we may emphasize the strong environmental impact of road traffic, the
number of accidents, the extensive consumption of resources (oil and petroleum products,
space), as well as emerging issues for certain groups of people lacking access to a personal
car (individual aspects are discussed in detail by Vickerman, 1998; Hall, 1998; Crawack,
1993; and others). In contemporary cities, such persons are exposed to a higher risk of social
exclusion (Kenyon et al., 2002), because compared to more mobile persons they are face with
limited availability of jobs and other opportunities. A number of authors have carried out
research on these phenomena; the most important concepts emerging from their works are
mobility gap, forced specialization, new prisoners of the city, etc. (Cebollada, 2009).
A partial solution to the above outlined situation is public transport, which in our opinion
might at least alleviate the urgency of some of the above issues in the areas of cities/urban
regions. Therefore, it is appropriate for the public sector to support/finance it. For such support
to be reasonable and responsive to the needs of the users (passengers) of the services
provided, it is important to carry out user satisfaction surveys. This chapter presents the results
of the Transport Barometer, a survey carried out annually and aimed at including public
opinion in transport planning in the city of Brno.
Promoting the use of public transport becomes a necessity to keep large cities clean and
sustainable. This research wants to investigate the perception of citizens themselves as
passengers and their satisfaction with public transport services. Therefore, our aim was to
answer the following research question: What is the perception of Integrated Transport System
(ITS) passengers of the use and their satisfaction with the public transport services in Brno and
the South Moravian Region? This research question may be divided into two sub-questions:

What is the perception of use of the Integrated Transport System (ITS) in Brno and the
South Moravian Region?
How satisfied are Integrated Transport System (ITS) users with its services?

A quantitative approach was chosen as the most adequate, as the city wanted to assess the
level of satisfaction with public transport among a large group of people, representative of the
citys population and its visitors. The survey, which was to collect as much information as
possible, was conducted using a completely new questionnaire, developed specifically for this
purpose. The questionnaire, also called the Transport Barometer, contains questions covering
various issues related to public transport:

use of the ITS (frequency, intensity, modes of transport),

perception of ITS (reasons for using the ITS, recommending the ITS to others, repeated
satisfaction with the ITS services,
specific questions related to current problems.

The Transport Barometer contains different types of questions, some of them using a five-
point scale to express satisfaction levels. Several reasons were behind this decision. First,
compliance and comparability of the data with other existing research. A survey using these
scales was conducted in Germany (EMNID) and in five Czech cities in 2001. The second reason
is the ease of filling out the questionnaire for the respondents1. Thirdly, the point of this
assessment was not to find out whether the respondents were more in favour of one side or the
other, but how they really evaluate the service in question. In this case, even mark 3 (neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied) may still be considered satisfactory.
The main research question was divided into two parts, exploring peoples perception of the
ITS in the South Moravian region and their satisfaction with the ITS services. Below we describe
which components were examined and the indicators used to answer our following questions.
What is the perception of the use of the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian region? The
following information was collected to answer this question:

reasons for using the ITS,

repeated choice,
recommending the ITS to others.
How satisfied are the users of the ITS with its services? The survey collected information on
the following aspects of the ITS system:

general satisfaction,
services network, interchange hubs, distances, interchange and interconnection of
time frequency, punctuality, reliability of services, maintaining timetables, travel
ticketing range, availability, user-friendliness of ticket machines,
information amount, availability, timetables at stops,
comfort and cleanliness of vehicles and stops,
security during daytime and at night,
staff behaviour and appearance.
value-for-money ratio between fares and quality of services.


To achieve the research objective, a representative sample had to be defined. The total
population that would ideally be part of the survey are all the passengers using the ITS in the
South Moravian Region. To define the sample for this survey we used a strata and quota
sampling method.
In order to obtain sufficiently accurate results while minimising costs, a sample of
approximately 500 to 700 respondents was selected. A sample of this size offers sufficient
data for evaluation and further work with the data. The statistical deviation at the level of 20%
is approximately 3%. This dispersion can be considered acceptable given the outputs. Beside
the sample size of the target group, the selection of quotas is another key factor influencing
accuracy. The quotas may be divided into two groups quotas per interview location and
quotas per socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents.
The first group of the quotas was based on the fact that the research objective was to evenly
cover the entire area of the city of Brno. In order to achieve this, the locations (interchange
hubs) or routes (radials) where the interviews took place, were selected approximately 20 of
them in Brno. Based on the known approximate movement of the passengers, the number of
respondents was then selected.
Setting the other group of quotas was more complicated. The reason for this was the
unknown age and gender structure of the passengers. This required screening public transport
vehicles to establish the passenger structure by these two indicators. This was done by
counting the passengers in approximately 100 vehicles, noting their gender and approximate
age (distributed into age categories) approximately 1,000 passengers in total. A further
comparison established that the obtained passenger structure in public transport correlated
with the structure of the inhabitants of Brno according to public records. The share of women
was a little higher and that of middle-aged passengers a little lower, as was expected. Men and
middle-aged passengers indeed use public transport less frequently than all other groups.
The quotas of the numbers of respondents by gender and age were then set based on the
mentioned screening criteria. Setting other quotas, e.g. by education or other characteristics,
was deemed inadequate. These data were not available and, moreover, it was interesting to
discover the education structure of the passengers.
The survey was conducted at the designated locations over a period of approximately 3
weeks, whenever there were no school holidays and the weather was as average as possible
(no rain or frost). Every interviewer had an assigned location or locations where he/she could
operate. Apart from interviewing at the stops, using the spare time the passengers had on their
travel to work proved effective as well. The total number of filled out questionnaires in 2011
was 599.
The creation of a SWOT analysis of the transport service might be considered an important
part of the methodology used to evaluate the survey. Unlike in other, similar surveys, we did not
rely on the respondents subjective assessment in rating the respective elements of the
transport service. We used a correlation between the overall assessment of the transport
service (1 figure) and the assessment of each specific element (27 elements).
In the field of transport, it is typical to encounter deeply rooted stereotypes which often lead
to misleading statements by the respondents in their rating of the service. The correlation
method significantly decreases the risk of distortion due to their conventionally shaped
The researchs limitations show in the selection of proper locations for interviewing. While in
a relatively compact city as Brno is - the important interchange hubs and the number of
passengers using them, were easily identified, this might be more complicated in other, bigger
cities. Another potential problem arises from the setting of the socio-demographic quotas for
the interviews. There are no exact records of public transportation users that would contain
relevant socio-demographic data. Adequate screening can eliminate these obstacles.
The Transport Barometer has been conducted every year since 2004 and by now allows a
timeline comparison of the data. The validity of the results can also be double-checked against
the results of the Modal Split Survey, organised in 2010 the framework of the CIVITAS ELAN
Project. This large survey assessed some aspects of satisfaction with public transport in Brno.
The Biannual Survey on Passengers Satisfaction organised by the Brno Public Transport
Company is another available data source allowing for a triangulation of results.
First of all, let us look at the perception of the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian Region by
its passengers. The survey contained questions asking about peoples motives to use public
transport, their perception of using PT in the coming year, and their overall perception of PT as
reflected in their willingness to recommend public transport to visitors and tourists in Brno and
the South Moravian Region.
One important aspect considered in the survey were the motives of the ITS passengers to
travel by public transport. The main reason for travelling by public transport in the South
Moravian Region (see graph 1) was that the passengers were used to do so and did not feel
any motivation or pressure to change their habits. This most frequently stated reason indicates
a good overall perception and satisfaction with the services provided, embedded in the lifestyle
of Brno and South Moravian residents. The Modal Split Survey from 2010 also confirmed the
good perception of the IT System in the Region (Modal Split Survey, 2010). The second most
significant reason was the unavailability of a car, while the third was the price of transport and
time spent on travelling. These reasons were the most important ones for 10 % of all ITS

Graph 1: Reasons to use public transport. Source: Transport Barometer, 2011 and own contribution.

The perception of the ITS may also be assessed by asking how the passengers felt as public
transport users. We therefore focused on their intended frequency of travels in the coming
year. Table 1 shows that almost 90% of passengers intended to use public transport in Brno
and the South Moravian Region in the following year, with at least the same or higher
frequency than in the current year. Only around 10% of respondents expected to use public
transport less frequently in the future. These are passengers whose needs should be further
assessed and better addressed in order not to affect their favourable attitude towards public
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
more often 73 12,2 12,2 12,9
same frequency 458 76,5 76,5 89,3
less often 64 10,7 10,7 100,0
missing 4 ,7 ,7 ,7
Total 599 100,0 100,0

Table 1: Perception of the frequency in public transport use.Source: Transport Barometer, 2011 and own contribution.

Another interesting way to assess user perception of public transport is to ask them if they
would recommend it. The issue is addressed by asking them if they would recommend either
public transport or another means of transport to tourists for travelling around the city and the
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
definitely public transport 240 40,1 40,1 40,4
probably public transport 239 39,9 39,9 80,3
hard to say 102 17,0 17,0 97,3
probably other options 13 2,2 2,2 99,5
definitely other options 3 ,5 ,5 100,0
Missing 2 ,3 ,3 ,3
Total 599 100,0 100,0

Table 2: Recommendations to use public transport. Source: Transport Barometer, 2011 and own contribution.
Table 2: Recommendations to use public transport. Source: Transport Barometer, 2011 and own contribution.

80% of the respondents would recommend to tourists to travel around Brno and the region
by public transport. This shows that the public transport provided by ITS is perceived as a good
quality and comfortable way of travelling. Graph 2 shows that the share of ITS passengers who
would recommend public transportation has been growing since its last downturn in 2006. In
2010 and 2011, the share of people who would definitely recommend or prefer to recommend
local PT remained the same.

Graph 2: ITS passengers who would recommend public transportation. Source: Barometr spokojenosti cestujcch, 2011.

Public transport user satisfaction is a concept composed of different elements or aspects of

satisfaction. This paper looks both at the notion of general satisfaction and its components.
Passengers of the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian Region are quite satisfied with the
provided services 93% of Brno commuters by PT are happy with the services. Only 7% of PT
users are rather or fully dissatisfied with the IT system. Compared to the previous year, the
number of people that are fully satisfied has been growing steadily and they represented one
fifth of the total number of respondents in 2011.

Graph 3: General satisfaction with the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian Region. Source: Barometr spokojenosti cestujcch,

Looking in detail at the average grade of general satisfaction with the ITS, we can see an
improvement the medium grade assigned to the ITS (on a scale from 1 to 5, similar as in
Czech schools, mark 1 meaning the best and mark 5 the worst grade) reached 2.38 in 2011,
which was the best grade ever since the launch of the Transport Barometer in 2004.
Graph 4: Satisfaction with the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian Region - weighted average. Source: Barometr spokojenosti
cestujcch, 2011.

The level of satisfaction was also assessed through various aspects of satisfaction. These
aspects were defined in detail to cover among others interchange hubs, interconnection of
services, time dimension of travelling, ticketing, provision of information, comfort and safety.
Respondents were also asked to rate the value-for-money ratio between the fares and the
quality of service provided. Graph 5 shows how these aspects of satisfaction changed over the
last year.

Graph 5: Components of satisfaction - comparison between years 2010 and 2011. Source: Barometr spokojenosti
cestujcch, 2011.

Among the aspects perceived as most satisfactory were staff appearance and neatness,
distance from to the nearest stop, walking distances at interchanges, provision of information
on public transport and the network of services. On the other hand, the worst rated features of
the ITS included the comfort and cleanliness of bus stops, safety at night, and prices in relation
to the quality of service - the value-for-money ratio. The average rating of the ticket vending
machines functioning improved from 2010 to 2011. This finding may be explained by the
implementation of a new diagnostic system for ticket vending machines in Brno. This measure
was implemented as part of the CIVITAS ELAN Project (8.7 BRN) and has led to better
diagnostics of problems and defects in the ticket vending machines and to their quicker fixing
thanks to immediate online signalling of these defects to the control room of the Brno Public
Transport Company. The introduction of the ticket vending machine diagnostic system was
organised in two phases pilot functioning and testing of the new system and up-scaling of the
measure to the whole city area and on all ticket vending machines. The operational phase of
the measure started in July 2010. The Transport Barometer from 2011 already proved that
this measure had led to higher satisfaction among PT passengers.
However, there are also challenges to be addressed, namely the range of tickets available
and the value-for-money ratio. The range of tickets was seen as less satisfactory in 2011 than
in 2010. This may have been caused by changes to the fares and the time validity of individual
ticket types. Generally speaking, the time validity of tickets was extended, but this was followed
by an increase in fares. This fact may effectively be reflected in the value-for-money ratio that
expresses the relation between price and quality. Nevertheless, the ITS in Brno and the South
Moravian Region is seen as fully satisfactory or very satisfactory with only some aspects of it
needing to be continuously developed and improved.
The Transport Barometer allows us to make a SWOT analysis in which the general level of
satisfaction is correlated with different measured aspects of satisfaction. The vertical axis
displays the satisfaction with various characteristics of the ITS, and the horizontal axis
represents the correlation coefficients of the impacts of given characteristics on the general

Graph 6: SWOT analysis of the ITS in the South Moravian Region. Source: Barometr spokojenosti cestujcch, 2011.

The measured aspects of the ITS operation may be divided into four groups. The first group
has a strong impact on the overall satisfaction, but is perceived as dissatisfactory in the group
entitled Action needed! These are ITS features that should be better addressed because of
their comparatively lower rating in 2011 and their overall importance to satisfaction. Together
with KORDIS JMK, the City of Brno is committed to better planning service interconnections and
interchange options, further planning to develop the interchange hubs and strengthen the
efforts to enhance the services provided.
This chapter investigates the perception of the ITS in Brno and the South Moravian Region
by its users and their satisfaction with the services provides. These are the main questions that
need to be answered to plan transport in the city and region effectively and in line with the
citizens needs. One way to learn how the public opinion about the ITS can be incorporated into
the process of transport planning is to conduct a representative survey. This challenging task
was addressed by KORDIS JMK, a company managing the Integrated Transport System in the
South Moravian Region, and resulted in the development of the Transport Barometer. The
survey has been carried out in the city and the region every year since 2004, covering various
aspects such as the use of the ITS, perception of the ITS, satisfaction with the ITS, and other
specific issues. Regular data collection allows for a year-to-year comparison of the results and
for a definition of strengths as well as problems to be tackled.
The results of the 2011 Transport Barometer showed that the perception of the ITS was
generally very good and had even improved comparing 2011 to the previous years. For
instance, the number of people that would recommend travelling by public transport to a
tourist in the city and the region has grown.
The satisfaction with the services provided by the ITS is generally very high and still
developing positively. There are, however, certain aspects of the ITS that need to be paid
attention to and that require additional action to be taken. The SWOT analysis provides a clear
insight into the different dimensions of the ITS. It revealed that developing the interchange
hubs in terms of interconnection of services, but also new and improved equipment, are very
important to ITS passengers and should definitely become a priority of the city. CIVITAS ELAN
helped the City of Brno to take the firsts steps by means of the common measure 2.8
Participatory Intermodal Infrastructure Planning.
The Transport Barometer is an extremely useful tool helping the City of Brno to improve the
quality of public transport services. The City of Brno reflects the needs of citizens, hoping to
increase the number of public transport passengers in order to create a better and cleaner
environment in Brno.

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1 Respondents were able to assign values in the way that is typical of the Czech schooling system and every mark had a clear
meaning to them.
BRNO I You dont need to call a repairman when a problem arises. Every ticket vending machine automatically sends a
message to the control centre.

BRNO I Low-floor minibuses help the disabled to travel by public transport. Their interior is specially designed to carry up to six

BRNO I If you need information about travelling by public transport or bike in Brno or the South Moravian Region, go to the
Integrated Mobility Centre or check its website.
BRNO I Minibuses can be used in the parts of the city where the demand for PT is low. PT services can thus be provided during
the weekends and in the evening as well.
Cristina Vilarinho, Jose Pedro Tavares
Within the CIVITAS ELAN project the city of Porto implemented six measures. One of them
refers to the development and implementation of Integrated Accessibility Planning in Asprela
(Measure 3.5-OPO, see Civitas Initiative). For the research and development phase, before the
actual implementation of the measure, it was decided to use a traffic simulation model that
would support the tests and analyzes of different traffic circulation solutions.
The traffic simulation model is a powerful tool for analyzing a wide variety of dynamic
problems that are difficult to analyze by other means. Model simulation is a technique that
simulates the real conditions of a network and through which analyzes and forecasts can be
carried out by replacing physical experiments with representations in a computer programme.
The ability to draw conclusions and to test new solutions without having to disturb the real
system and undertake new data collection are the great advantages of simulation models that
make their use so important. Other potentials of simulation models are the evaluation of inputs
and their relationship, as well as information availability with temporal and spatial sequences
in terms of average and deviations. However, due to the unavoidable simplification of the
reality the models must be practical (Ortzar and Willumsen, 1990), and because of the way
data is collected and encoded there a certain degree of error and uncertainty remains.
Furthermore, traffic modelling consumes a large amount of resources because it requires a
wide range of data, specific knowledge of the model, and time to perform the different
modelling phases.
Concerning the demonstration area on which this model focuses, each CIVITAS ELAN partner
city selected a corridor within the city to work on as a living laboratory, where the measures
were implemented and evaluated. In the city of Porto the CIVITAS ELAN corridor is called
Asprela one of the fastest growing areas in the city over the last decade, mainly because of the
increasing number of educational institutions transferred to the area (28,500 students of
higher education). The major hospital in the north of Porto, Hospital de So Joo, is also
located in this area, as well as several faculties and other large institutions. Overall more than
50,000 people daily enter the area for work or study, resulting in more than 100,000 trips per
working day. This area is also a major entrance point for public and private transport to the city
centre. These facts cause severe mobility and accessibility problems associated with illegal car
parking and traffic congestion, which happen in spite of the good provision of public transport
(buses, metro light rail).
The objective of the work undertaken was to find the best traffic circulation scheme for the
area to reduce traffic congestion levels on the roads and at the same time free up space in the
network for introducing cycling lanes and improving the infrastructures for pedestrians and
public transport. The temporal scope of the analyses was morning (M) and afternoon (A) peak
The present paper aims to contribute to the application of microscopic traffic simulation
models for impact evaluation in urban road networks, using the AIMSUN software. This paper
is organized as follows: the methodology used in the model development is described in section
2, the introduction to the new policies in section 3, the analyses of tested scenarios in section
4. Section 5 includes a discussion of the results and the conclusions are presented in section

Once the aim of the model had been defined, the methodology applied for the traffic model
development of the area was divided into six main steps: (1) selection of the traffic simulation
model to be used, (2) definition of the study area, (3) description of the supply and demand
data (including their collection), (4) codification of the network, (5) calibration and, finally, (6)
validation of the model.
Once the base model was set up, it was possible to define the different scenarios for the
circulation scheme, which again had to be codified and evaluated through the analyses of
different performance indicators. Also, a base model was codified in which the new policies
for the pedestrians at traffic lights were implemented.
One of the objectives of this study was to build a base model reflecting the existing traffic
conditions. In this way the traffic model can be used for testing different circulation schemes in
order to improve citizens mobility. To build a traffic simulation model detailed data of three
types have to be collected: (1) origin-destination flow patterns (OD Matrix) for private vehicles,
(2) routes and frequency of public transport and (3) transport system characteristics (lane
configurations of roads, signalized intersection characteristics, etc.).
A microscopic traffic simulation model was selected as the ideal approach for this case
study. More specifically, the AIMSUN (Advanced Interactive Microscopic Simulator for Urban
and Non-Urban Networks) model, developed by the Universidad Politecnica Catalunya (UPC)
and by Transportation Simulation Systems (TSS) of Barcelona, Spain (Barcel, 2001). It should
be noted that the European Project SMARTEST (Barcel et al., 1999) classified this model as
highly applicable and suitable for urban and highway networks.
As a microscopic traffic simulation model, AIMSUN can show the individual performance of
each vehicles network during the simulation time, established in accordance with the various
theories of vehicle behaviour. AIMSUN has proven to be very useful in testing new traffic control
systems and the management of policies based on traditional technologies or the
implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (Transport Simulation Systems, 2005). The
model can also estimate the environmental impact of air pollution emissions and fuel
The demand codification in AIMSUN can be done in two different ways, depending on the
available traffic demand data. One is based on the input of traffic flows and turning
percentages, and the other is based on O-D matrices and routes or paths. During their journey
in the network, vehicles are updated according to vehicle behaviour models: car-following,
lane-changing and gap acceptance (Hoogendoorn and Bovy, 2001). For example, drivers
tend to drive at their desired speed in each section, but the environment influences their
Unlike other vehicles, public transport operates on set routes and timetables that determine
the frequency. For each line the route, its stops, stationary time, departure time and type of
public transport (bus, metro, tram) can be defined.
The CIVITAS ELAN demonstration area in the city of Porto is called Asprela, located in the
northern part of the city. Its 3 km2 represent 7% of Portos city area (Figure 1). This area is
largely occupied by functional buildings (education, health, R&D) (42,500 workers/students)
and houses (12,000 inhabitants). The area is intersected by the highway that connects Porto
to the north of the country and is bordered by the citys ring road to the south. The rest of the
road infrastructure consists of local roads.

Figure 1: Study area.

As the modelling area should be bigger than the study area in order to understand the traffic
condition in the boundary areas, which might influence the behaviour in the study area
(Federal Highway Administration, 2004), the modelled area was extended to the closest high-
capacity roads (Figure 2): to the highway (N14) to the west, and to a large avenue (Avenida
Ferno Magalhes) to the east.

Figure 2: Area limits.

One of the project objectives was to describe traffic conditions in the CIVITAS demonstration
area. However, due to a municipal policy guideline, the study area was limited to the centre of
Asprela (cf. Figure 2) where due to the high concentration of large institutions the major
congestion problems are concentrated.
The network supply data were obtained by consulting the digital cartography and aerial
photographs of the area provided by the Municipality and imported in the AIMSUN software in
order to overlay the length and curvature of sections (roads) and intersections. Unfortunately,
details such as lane lines and other pavement markings were not always available from these
information sources. Therefore, additional information had to be obtained on site through
several visits, recording the missing data about roads, surface metro line, and intersections
(traffic lights, vertical signs).
Traffic control data was obtained from the files of the citys Traffic Control Department and
updated on site, when there was a risk of outdated files.
Measuring traffic demand of private transport was performed trough directional traffic
counts and O-D surveys in the area, during morning (07:4509:45) and afternoon (17:00
19:00) peak hours in order to include the traffic congestion periods. To ensure that the
network conditions and traffic signals were operating normally and that there were no other
unusual activities (road works, festivals, traffic incidents, etc.), the surveys were conducted
from Tuesday to Thursday in the last week of September and the first two weeks of October
2009. The survey encompassed 7,014 private vehicles during morning peak hours and 7,129
vehicles during afternoon peak hours.
The public transport demand (bus, light metro) was generated by AIMSUN based on the
encoded information, consisting of the route, frequencies and bus/ metro stop locations of
each line. In this way, all data was collected for the selected peak hours.
The first step for the development of the O-D matrix was splitting the Asprela area in smaller
sub-areas. The definition of the sub-areas had to be done very carefully: if too small, they would
have been too numerous and require too many resources. But if too large, some trips would be
lost because trips inside the sub-areas were not accounted for (Her Majestys Stationery Office,
1997). Altogether, 34 sub-areas were defined, 15 within the area and 19 external ones.
After data collection and processing (codification of the survey responses and extrapolation
of the number of responses according to the traffic counts) the ME2-Method of Maximum
Entropy (Van Vliet and Hall, 2004) was applied to obtain the O-D matrix. For safety reasons it
was not possible to conduct some O-D surveys, mainly on the highways, and consequently a
large number of trips was not surveyed.
As the AIMSUN model does not have ME2 functionality, the CIVITAS demonstration area had
to be modelled in SATURN (Van Vliet and Hall, 2004). Once the area had been modelled in
SATURN, it was possible to expand the O-D matrix, using the ME2 to obtain the Final Matrix
for each peak period.
The final O-D matrices represent a total of 73,456 trips in the morning peak hours and
76,452 trips in the evening peak hours. In Figure 3, the trips are analysed by type of

75% in the morning peak hours and 77% in afternoon peak hours are trips crossing the
demonstration area,
6% in the morning peak hours and 3% in afternoon peak hours are trips that have their
origin and destination within the area,
19% in the morning peak hours and 19% in afternoon peak hours are trips between the
demonstration area and external areas.
Figure 3: Type of movement, for morning peak (left) and afternoon peak (right).


The development of the micro-simulation traffic model, using AIMSUN software, started by
coding links and nodes, including traffic control data (lanes assignment, green waves, stop
signs, yield signs, etc.), public transport routes and bus stop locations, travel demand data into
the network (O-D matrices for private cars, routes and frequencies for public transport), data
associated to traveller behaviour and vehicle performance, as well as selecting the control
parameters for the model run. After this stage, tests were carried out to identify possible errors
to ensure that the model was built correctly.
The modelling area includes five hundred and fifty seven sections (links) with a total of 73
km in section length and 135 km in lane length; one hundred thirty one intersections, of which
twenty are regulated by traffic lights: two traffic lights with signal pre-emption, one centralized
(UTC GERTRUDE), nine semi-actuated, four fully actuated and four fixed signals.
In order to develop a proper working model network, checking is an important task. To this
purpose, AIMSUN has a specific tool that reviews the coded traffic demand, turning conflicts
and control plan (Transporting Simulations System, 2005) and divides the check results into
errors and warnings. Another verification test consisted of running the simulation model and
analysing the animation output in close detail to observe vehicle behaviour: anomalous vehicle
behaviour (such as unexpected braking or routes) is a quick indicator of possible coding errors.
The test was performed at a low demand level and at the real demand level, i.e. the two peak
periods (morning and afternoon), to isolate congestion problems when (private and public)
transport demand changed during the day and traffic control was able to respond to the
specific time of the day.
After checking for possible errors, the simulation model was ready for testing. However, there
was no guarantee that the results reflected the exact reality, not just another similar
situation. The process that determines when a model is sufficiently close to the real system is
usually referred to as validation, which is an iterative method involving the calibration of the
models variables and comparing their performance with the real system, using the parameters
and two different samples of real traffic data. These two steps are essential and crucial to
ensure the models credibility.
During calibration, the variables in the model were adjusted to improve the ability to
reproduce driver behaviour and the characteristics of the network elements. To evaluate the
network performance we defined which variables would be subject to calibration and
compared the observed values with the simulated ones.
Parameters require associated criteria, which serve as acceptable limits. When parameter
values are within the criteria, the model is calibrated. Therefore, model calibration is
performed to adjust the variable values that are responsible for representing the networks
condition/behaviour; the aim is for the performance estimated by the model to reflect the
actual reality.
A micro-simulation model has a set of variables that can be defined and modified by the
user to enable model calibration for local conditions. In the literature (Barcel and Casas,
2004; Hourdakis et al., 2003) default values are being suggested, but during calibration some
tests must be carried out in order to verify if they are suited to local conditions. The calibration
of simulation models is a necessary process, since one cannot expect any model to be suitable
for all possible traffic conditions.
To assist the procedure, variables can be classified into three groups according to their
influence on the network elements: general, local section, and particular vehicle type (Barcel
and Prado, 2006). General variables influence all vehicles, independent from their type, while
driving anywhere in the network: reaction time, reaction time at stop, queue up speed and
queue leaving speed. Local section variables influence all vehicles regardless of their type
when driving on a particular section of the network: speed limits, turning speed, and visibility
distance. Vehicle variables influence all vehicles of a specific type when driving anywhere in
the network: maximum desired speed, maximum acceleration, normal and maximum
Table 4 presents examples of the calibrated variables used in this article, which are
frequently mentioned in the research literature (Barcel and Casas, 2004).
Variables Default Value Calibrated Value
Reaction Time 0.75 0.55
Reaction Time at Stop 1.35 0.90
Headway 0 1.00
Vehicle (private car)
Critical Gap 10.00 7.00

Table 4: Example of calibrated values.

Various methods can be used for the output evaluation of the micro-simulation model
(Hourdakis et al., 2003; Tavares, 2003; Barcel and Casas, 2004): defined parameters,
graphical representation, or statistical analyses.
Usually, performance evaluation of traffic simulation models is made by comparing the
values observed in the system with simulation model values. After selecting the parameters,
the input data on traffic supply and demand should be collected at the same time as the data
collection activities described above. When comparing the actual values with the values of the
variables obtained by the model, it is important to ensure that sufficient data was collected to
specify each variable, and that the values are compared with a certain level of accuracy. In
urban networks, this issue assumes even greater importance given the temporal variability of
traffic behaviour, and this consequently affects the values of the variables that characterize it.
Calibration and validation should have two separate sets of data; if the same set of values is
used for calibration and validation, the results might be flawed and not reflect the reality (Her
Majestys Stationery Office, 1997). In this case, the data used was the traffic flow of several
movements. Then the set of traffic counts was divided in two, the first set (85 movements) was
used to calibrate the models variables and the second one (50 movements) to validate the
calibrated model.
The selected parameters for model calibration and validation presented in Table 5 were:
GEH statistic < 5 for individual link flow, GEH statistic for the sum of all link flows, GEH statistic
for the sum of 85% link flows with a minor GEH value, positive relative mean error (EMRP) and
negative relative mean error (EMRN) (Van Vliet and Hall, 2004; Tavares, 2003).
Calibration Validation Criteria
GEH<5 71% 61% 68% 47% 85%
GEH 4 5 5 6 4
GEHM 3 3 3 5 2

EMRP 0.06 0.08 0.14 0.19 -

EMRN -0.05 -0.04 -0.13 -0.13 -

Where: E = model estimated volume, V = field count, = Observed volume in section k, - Model estimated volume in section k.
Table 5: Parameters of calibration and validation.

Although the recommended criteria were not always fully achieved, the model was
considered validated and calibrated for application.
The journey times of private cars were collected for five defined routes in the CIVITAS
demonstration area. Data was collected repeatedly five times for each route during each peak
period. The observed data were compared to the simulated data to support the process of
model calibration and validation.
The tests of alternative conditions of traffic flow were the reason for developing and
calibrating/validating the present network. The study goal was to find a solution for the traffic
circulation scheme with better network performance.
The tests carried out considered only changes in the central part of the network (see Figure
2), in order to identify the impact changes within the circulation scheme of the intervention
area had on the surrounding area. If the focus had been only on analysing the intervention
area, the networks performance might have improved in this area, while deteriorating in the
surrounding area, because traffic would simply move out of the intervention area.
The scenario tests took into account only the existing road infrastructure network, with the
exception of a proposed new 100m long street. The studied scenarios considered changes in:
road directions, traffic control management at intersections, allowed turning movements and
new bus corridors for the same demand conditions. Scenario development took into account
the reorganization of the road space due to the introduction of a cycling network, a better
pedestrian network, and a new parking regime that will reduce on-street parking supply. Figure
6 presents the base circulation scheme and two of the seventeen scenarios that were studied.

Figure 6: Base circulation and examples of studied scenarios.

The evaluation of the scenarios was based on measures of effectiveness (MOE), i.e.
indicators quantifying the degree to which a particular scenario met the projects objectives
(Federal Highway Administration, 2004). They were selected according to the projects purpose
and the simulation models outputs. The used MOE were divided into two sets: average
indicators and general indicators for the whole traffic modelling area.
The average indicators included:

average travel time, mean of the difference between exit time and entrance time for
every vehicle that has crossed the network, converted into time per kilometre,
average delay time, average difference between travel time and the time it would take
to traverse the system under ideal conditions, delay time per vehicle per kilometre,
average travel distance, total travel distance divided by the average number of vehicles
per hour that have passed through the network,
density, average number of vehicles per kilometre for the whole network.

The general indicators included:

total travel time, the sum of travel time experienced by all vehicles that have crossed
the network, in hours,
total travel distance, the sum of the kilometres travelled by all vehicles that have
crossed the network, in kilometres.

The analysis of the indicators should be undertaken with caution since they depend on the
networks load (the number of vehicles in the network during simulation time), which differs
according to the capacity of each tested scenario. The simulated value of each indicator for
each tested scenario in the morning and afternoon peak hours is presented in table 7.
Average Travel Time Average Delay Time Average Travel Distance Density Total Travel Distance Total Travel Time
(s) (s) (km) (veh/km) (km) (h)
Base 75,78 84,97 43,67 34,65 3,32 3,30 17,57 20,98 117 675 117 441 2 173 2 420
1 77,56 87,79 46,61 36,45 3,34 3,31 18,13 22,01 117 461 117 193 2 220 2 525
2 78,67 83,98 42,78 37,78 3,32 3,29 18,03 21,09 117 748 115 676 2 232 2 351
3 81,21 91,44 50,52 40,13 3,31 3,31 18,37 21,53 116 416 118 031 2 249 2 527
4 76,79 83,98 42,78 35,86 3,34 3,29 18,12 21,09 116 907 115 676 2 178 2 351
5 75,52 103,37 62,32 34,42 3,30 3,27 17,46 27,28 117 441 108 520 2 161 2 847
6 75,81 79,98 39,26 34,99 3,32 3,34 17,40 18,66 118 550 121 788 2 161 2 338
7 89,23 85,61 44,76 48,36 3,32 3,29 20,21 21,66 115 938 114 415 2 411 2 349
8 77,78 79,26 38,57 37,71 3,39 3,35 21,11 19,34 113 580 121 148 2 125 2 340
9 75,39 77,72 37,02 34,45 3,37 3,33 19,09 20,61 115 610 118 151 2 176 2 228
10 74,32 85,57 45,03 33,20 3,32 3,33 17,04 21,51 119 788 119 746 2 216 2 430
11 74,54 80,58 40,03 33,42 3,32 3,32 17,30 20,46 118 330 119 603 2 203 2 319
12 75,99 76,20 35,82 34,93 3,32 3,32 17,44 21,16 118 588 116 459 2 197 2 161
13 71,53 77,13 36,18 30,39 3,34 3,30 16,44 17,61 118 934 120 895 2 106 2 225
14 74,48 80,67 39,94 33,35 3,31 3,32 17,23 20,60 118 857 115 951 2 168 2 207
15 75,08 82,52 41,83 33,98 3,33 3,33 17,32 21,41 118 503 116 276 2 188 2 408
16 70,58 78,05 36,94 29,42 3,34 3,30 16,13 17,53 118 997 121 751 2 071 2 250
17 71,04 74,51 33,40 29,91 3,33 3,29 16,31 17,59 119 705 122 714 2 096 2 258

Table 7: Indicators results.

The analysis of table 7 shows that scenarios 13, 16 and 17 stand out due to the positive
and more relevant impacts they include, with an emphasis on the last scenario (17), as it
includes major impacts.
Scenario 17 has a decrease in the average indicators: about -6% and -12% in travel time,
14% and -24% in delay time, in the morning and afternoon peak periods respectively, and
without a significant increase in average distance travelled in the morning (+0.3%), and even
with a decrease of this value in the afternoon (-0.3%). With the general indicators, the travel
distance increased by 2% and 4%, travel time decreased by -4% and -7%, and density
decreased by 7% and -16%, in the morning and afternoon peaks respectively.
The decision which scenario should be studied in detail and serve as the basic support for
preparing the Asprela Mobility Plan was a political one. The decision-maker was the City Hall
of Porto, which based on the technical report opted for scenario 17 in the end.
Since 2010 the Municipality has a new policy for the traffic lights at intersections, which
avoids conflicts between pedestrians and cars, and improves the safety and mobility of
pedestrians. The changes in the policy are: the minimum time of pedestrian green is calculated
to allow crossing at a minimum speed of 0.4 meters per second, and the pedestrian green
cannot be activated at the same time of car movement that would collide with crossing
The selected scenario was simulated again, including these changes in traffic light policy.
The cycle time of the traffic lights increased by 31% on average the time given exclusively to
pedestrians. In order to compare the baseline with the scenarios, the baseline too had to be
simulated, taking into consideration this new policy, because the changes have quite an
impact on traffic conditions.
The circulation scheme of the chosen scenario consists of the operation of each block as an
independent system in a clockwise direction, reducing the conflicts between turning movement
because these usually are right turns (scenario 17, Figure 6). The streets bordering the
intervention area have a traffic collector and distributor function, while the streets inside the
area have an accessibility function. A high number of trips use the area in transit. This traffic
should be channelled to the ring road formed by highways (VCI, A3, N13 and N12).
The intersections controlled by traffic lights were optimized to achieve better performance
results. The baseline versus the proposed scenario was analysed, using average indicators, at
the level of traffic modelling and the intervention area, for morning and afternoon peak hours
(see table 8).
Traffic Modelling Intervention Area
Indicators M A M A
Base Proposed Base Proposed Base Proposed Base Proposed
17,6 15,8 21,0 16,8 31,7 29,4 37,4 17,9
Average Speed (km/h) 62,8 66,1 61,7 64,4 18,0 23,5 20,7 25,9
Average Travel Time (s) 76 72 85 74 266 215 265 164
Av. Travel Distance (km) 3,32 3,31 3,30 3,29 1,00 0,96 0,91 1,00
Average Delay Time (s) 35 31 44 33 210 161 212 109
Table 8: Baseline versus proposed scenario.

In order to analyse the robustness of the solution, the impact of the proposed scenario was
studied at the microscopic level. For the sections and intersections within the intervention area
the following performance indicators were defined: average travel time on each section and
total delay at each intersection, for morning and afternoon peak hours respectively. According
to the simulations results, the proposed scenario decreases the total delay by about -20% in
the morning peak hours and by about 30% in the afternoon peak hours. Average travel time
decreases by -20% in the morning peak hours and by about 40% in the afternoon peak hours.
When the new policy for traffic lights in the intervention area is included in the simulation,
the proposed solution results in a decrease of total delay by about -30% in the morning peak
hours and by about -15% in the afternoon peak hours. Average travel time decreases by -13%
in the morning peak hours and by -31% in the afternoon peak hours.
The AIMSUN modelling conducted for the CIVITAS demonstration area contributed
considerably to gaining further knowledge and to become more consistent in the application of
microscopic models in urban networks. The application of simulation models allowed testing
different scenarios and consequently to find a solution that, according to the impact
evaluation, improves traffic congestion levels during morning and afternoon peak hours, with
no changes in the same demand because a modal shift was not taken into account.
The simulation model proved to be very useful for testing the new policy on traffic
intersections concerning the safety and mobility of pedestrians, both for the actual and for the
proposed traffic conditions.
The model has shown that the actual solution has more network capacity than the baseline
scenario. The additional capacity becomes available due to more sustainable means of
transport (public transport, walking and cycling) and due to a reduction of the traffic
congestion levels. The exclusive public transport corridor has been extended by 1.1 km (=
150%). The proposed cycling network has a length of 7.7 km with double lanes, of which 5.8
km are lanes on the right side of the road and 1.9 km are within an urban park.
Pedestrians and cyclists were not considered in the simulation model due to time and data
constraints hence a quantitative analysis about the benefits of the introduced changes cannot
be conducted. Another limitation of the simulation model is the impossibility of modelling street
parking, meaning that the impact of the new parking policy introduced in the study area
cannot be derived from the model.

Barcel, Jaume, Eric Bernauer, Laurent Breheret, Gianni Canepari, Carlo di Taranto, Jaime
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deliverable D6. Project funded by European Commission.
Barcel, Jaume. 2001. AIMSUN Microscopic Traffic Simulator: a tool for the analysis and
assessment of ITS systems. Highway Capacity Committee, Half Year Meeting, Lake Tahoe.
Barcel, Jaume and Jordi Casas. 2004. Methodological Notes on the Calibration and
Validation of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models. 83rd Transportation Research Board
Annual Meeting Washington D.C.: Paper #4975.
Barcel, Jaume and Maria Teresa Perez Prado. 2006. Methodological note on the calibration
and validation of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models. AIMSUN Training Course, 23rd and
24th November 2006.
Federal Highway Administration. 2004. Traffic analysis toolbox volume III: guidelines for
applying traffic micro simulation modelling software: FHWA-FRT-04-040. Federal Highway
Her Majestys Stationery Office. 1997. Traffic Appraisal Manual: Manual for Roads and
Bridges. Traffic Appraisal of Roads Scheme 12, Section 1, Part 1.
Hoogendoorn, Serge P. and Piet H. L. Bovy. 2001. State-of-the-art of vehicular traffic flow
modelling. Proceedings of the IMECHE Engineers Part I. Journal of Systems & Control
Engineering, Professional Engineering Publishing: 283303.
Hourdakis, John, Panos G. Michalopoulos and Jiji Kottomannil. 2003. A Practical Procedure
for Calibrating Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model. 82nd Transportation Research Board
Annual Meeting Washington D.C.: Paper#4167
Ortuzar, Juan de Dios and Luis G. Willumsen. 1990. Modelling Transport. West Sussex: John
Wiley & Sons, Lda.
Tavares, Jos Pedro Maia Pimentel. 2003. Aplicabilidade e Robustez de Modelos de
Afectao de Trfego em Redes Urbanas. Dissertao de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil,
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
The Civitas Initiative. Cleaner and Better Transport in Cities. Available at: http://www.civitas-, 21. 10. 2011.
Transporting Simulation Systems. 2010. Microsimulator and Mesosimulator AIMSUN 6.1.
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Van Vliet, Dirck and Mike Hall. 2004. SATURN 10.3. User Manual. The Institute for Transport
Studies, University of Leeds.
PORTO I The Demand Responsive Transport service was available every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, between 00:30
a.m. and 05:30 a.m., mainly targeting students.

PORTO I The ELAN activities have given mobility and transport issues a big push. Decision makers and citizens are now much
more aware and the willingness of people to change their travel habits has increased.

PORTO I The infrastructure for non-motorised modes has been adapted to contemporary needs.
Tnia Fontes and Nelson Barros
In most urban areas, as Porto, road traffic is the main source of ambient air concentration of
pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), benzene (C6H6), and
particles (Alpopi, 2010; Keuken et al., 2004). In order to monitor this problem urban air
quality monitoring and forecast has become an important issue for many environmental
protection agencies around the world in the last decades (Horlek et al., 2005). To generate
maps of concentrations means that interpolating and extrapolating methods have to be used.
Spatial prediction techniques, also known as spatial interpolation techniques, differ from
classical modelling approaches in that they incorporate information on the geographic position
of the sample data points (Cressie, 1993). The interpolation is the procedure of predicting
unknown values using the known values at neighbouring locations which may be regularly or
irregularly spaced. The values derived in this way are not necessarily the true value; they are a
mathematical best guess based on the known values (Aranoff, 1995). Thus this method is
necessary when the ground truth data does not cover the whole area. Demers (2005),
classifies interpolation methods into linear and non-linear.
Usually, interpolation methods use the weighted average of nearby data to calculate the
estimates. The weights could be assigned according to deterministic or statistical criteria. The
quality of the interpolation results depends on the accuracy, number, and distribution of the
known points used in the calculation and on how well the mathematical function correctly
models the phenomenon (Aranoff, 1995). Also, the pollutants are governed by different
mechanism, of acting on a different spatial scale: regional and local effects. Fluctuations in the
concentration pattern are mainly driven by meteorological phenomena; however, air pollution
can have a distinct local character due to local emission sources and their temporal variability.
In the dense urbanized region of Asprela in Porto, the study area, the latter effects are
significant. This is a sensitive area with several universities and two hospitals, with high traffic
density and mobility problems, yet it does not have any air quality station within the national
Among statistical methods, geostatistical kriging-based techniques, including simple and
ordinary kriging, universal kriging and simple cokriging have been used for spatial analysis. In
the deterministic interpolation methods, inverse distance weighting method and its
modifications are the most often applied. Kriging and Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) are the
most commonly used methods when measuring air quality (Wong et al., 2004; Horlek, 2005;
Mesquita, 2010; Snchez, 2009). Both methods estimate values at unsampled locations
based on the measurements at surrounding locations with certain assigned weights for each
measurement. However, while kriging requires the preliminary modelling step of a variance-
distance relationship, IDW does not require this step. Many studies have compared IDW and
kriging, and the performance of kriging was generally better (Wong et al., 2004).
In this paper, two interpolation models have been used IDW and Ordinary Kriging which
can incorporate both the regional and local aspects of the air pollution phenomenon. The main
objective of this study was to describe and analyse the relative performance of these
interpolation methods to predict the field concentration of air pollutants, such as benzene
(C6H6) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in Portos Asprela area. This work summarised below was
performed twice, once in winter 2009 and once in summer 2010.
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 the methodology is described in detail
and in Section 3 and 4 model results are discussed and validated. A conclusion is presented in
Section 5.
The present study focuses on the atmospheric concentration of C6H6 and NO2 in Portos
Asprela area. These two pollutants are considered to be good indicators for pollution caused by
traffic. Hence, they can be regarded as the most important emission source in the area.
Measurement of these pollutants was conducted in the scope of the CIVITAS ELAN project
(TREN/FP7TR/218954 - ELAN), co-funded by the European Commission between September
2008 and September 2012.
Statistical analyses were done in two stages. First, a geostatistical analysis was performed
and then the distribution of data was described using conventional statistics such as mean,
maximum, minimum and standard deviation (SD). In this second step the results were also
compared with the annual limit value for the protection of human health defined in the
Directive 2008/50/CE (5 g.m-3 for C6H6 and 40 g.m-3 for NO2). Although these limits are
linked to annual averages and the results are based on a relatively short measuring period
(three weeks), this approach represents a good indicator for the potential impact of the air
quality in Asprela (study area) on human health.
Regarding the first step, firstly the number of observation points needed for a correct spatial
representation of atmospheric concentrations field in the area was defined. To do this, a
statistic approach based on a screen run of a numerical dispersion model was used.
Due to its ability to reproduce mesoscale atmospheric circulations and photochemical
production, the possibility to work with long data series, as well as its speed of data processing,
the air quality modelling was performed using the TAPM model (Hurley, 2008). The model was
applied using a three level nesting technique with 25 x 25 points, centred on the city of Porto
(41934, 94N, 83719, 32W) and 25 vertical grid levels, between 10 and 8,000 metres.
The larger grid uses cells of 30 km x 30 km, the intermediate grid, cells of 10 km x 10 km and
the finer grid, cells of 3 km x 3 km (Figure 1). The synoptic forcing was done based on the
ECMWF data for 2006, a year that can be considered a good approximation to the usual
climatic conditions within the study region (Fontes, 2010). The simulation of air quality was
made using CO and NO2 UNECE emissions (Boavida et al., 2008) for the finer grid. Because
the UNECE emission inventory does not include C6H6 emissions the TAPM was used to
simulate, as a tracer of C6H6, the CO concentrations. Thus, two types of air quality simulations
were done, one in non-reactive mode for CO concentrations, and another in reactive mode for
NO2. In the reactive mode simulation a value of reactivity pattern of VOC emissions (Rsmog) of
0.0067 (Hurley et al., 2005) was considered. Additionally, in order to get a refinement of the
concentration field over the study area, the output grid was processed to a sub-grid with cells
of 300 m x 300 m. The simulation was performed for both measuring periods (winter 2009
and summer 2010).
Figure 1: Meteorological areas considered in the air quality simulation using TAPM model in Metropolitan
Area of Porto (MAO).

Using the estimate concentrations over the Asprela area (Figure 2), a CO
average concentration of 241.86 13.80 g.m-3 and a NO2 concentration of
18.43 0.51 g.m-3 was predicted. Based on these confidence intervals (S),
the minimum number of observation points for each pollutant was estimated, considering that
the confidence level (LC) has a significance level of 5% of the mean value (Eq. 1).

(Eq. 1)

This approach resulted in an estimate of about six observation points for CO and two for
NO2 required for a representative description of the study area.

Figure 2: Air concentrations (g.m-3) estimated by TAPM model in the Asprela

area: i) CO; ii) and NO2.

Based on these results two measuring periods were chosen (19 November 16 December
2009 in winter and 28 June 20 July 2010 in summer) using a diffusive sampler technique to
monitor pollutants (PASSAM, 2010). In order to control deviations and diffusive samplers lost
due to vandalism, 12 observation points were used. The diffusive samplers were placed on
poles at a height of 3 m and evenly distributed within the area (Figure 3). Additionally, and in
order to monitor the background concentration, measurements were also done at the top of
four buildings of the city (height: 4050 m): Antas tower, Burgos building, JN building and CMP
building. At these locations replicas were used to control eventual deviations. Due to vandalism
point number 4 of C6H6 was lost during the measuring period.
Figure 3: Location of the diffusive measurement points in the Asprela area

To estimate the spatial distribution of C6H6 and NO2 during the winter period, two interpolation methods were used: (i) a
deterministic method, the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), (ii) and a geostatistical method, the ordinary kriging. These
methods were implemented using the ArcGIS 9.3 software.
The IDW is a method often used to interpolate data from air quality, given its simplicity (Brigs
et al., 2005; Keuken et al., 2005; Lindley and Walch, 2005). To predict a value for any
unmeasured location, this method uses the measured values surrounding the prediction
location. Closest values have more influence on the predicted value than those farther away,
hence the name inverse distance weighted. The surface calculated depends on the selection of
a power value and the neighbourhood search strategy. IDW is an exact interpolator, where the
maximum and minimum values in the interpolated surface can only occur at sample points.
The output surface is sensitive to clustering and the presence of outliers. IDW assumes that the
surface is being driven by the local variation, which can be captured through the

(Eq. 2)

Where zi is an observed value i, di is the distance between the estimated point and the observed point i; w(di)=1/(di)p is the
ponderation of the observation i; and p is the power function.

The IDW predictions were performed varying the number of power (0.5 and 3) and using
different radiuses and neighbours.
The kriging method is similar to the IDW for considering the measured values in the
neighbourhood to predict the concentrations in an unmeasured location. In ordinary kriging the
weights depends on the model fitted to the measurement points of the local distance estimate,
and the spatial relationships between the measured values around the local forecast (Johnston
et al., 2001). Ordinary Kriging assumes the model:
(Eq. 3)

Where is an unknown constant.

The performance of each evaluation technique was assessed comparing the deviation of
estimates using the cross-validation method. To use this technique, a point was excluded and
then the model was applied to estimate the concentrations at this removed point. Therefore,
the comparison of the performance between the different interpolation techniques was
achieved using the average error (ME )(Eq. 4), the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (Eq. 5), the Root
Mean Squared Error (RMSE) (Eq. 6) and de Normalized Root Mean Squared Error (NRMSE) (Eq.
7), and the coefficient of determination (R2) (Eq. 8) (Mesquita, 2010):
(Eq. 4)
(Eq. 5)

(Eq. 6)

(Eq. 7)

(Eq. 8)

Where: E = Estimated value; O = Observed value; n = Number of cases; O = Mean of observed values.

All of these parameters have to be equal or close to zero, except the R2 where the optimal
value is 1.
To verify if the selected map can be considered from the legal point of view, the value of
uncertainty was also calculated according to Directive 2008/50/EC:
(Eq. 9)
The results were compared with the uncertainty of estimation, for both pollutants, defined by
Directive 2008/50/EC, 100% to C6H6 and 75% to NO2.
Table 1 presents the results of the statistical analysis using cross-validation to the best
interpolation map, by pollutant and interpolation method. The specifications are presented in
Table 2. The comparison between the two methods of spatial distribution, IDW and ordinary
kriging, shows that ordinary kriging is the best method to simulate the C6H6 but the
differences to the IDW method are small. In the case of the NO2 concentrations the IDW gives
better results. This might be the case because of the different patterns of field concentrations
for the study pollutants (different emission and reactivity pattern) and/ or due to the lack of
one of the C6H6 control points (which was lost due to vandalism).
C6H6 NO2
IDW Ordinary kriging IDW Ordinary kriging
ME -0.0247 -0.0001 0.0164 6.8370
MAE 0.22 0.20 0.09 2.74
RMSE 0.30 0.29 0.11 3.69
NRMSE 0.24 0.23 0.002 0.078
All values 0.00 0.09 0.99 0.17
Excluding the best and the worse case 0.55 0.32 0.99 0.78
Uncertanty 4.36% 4.00% 0.22% 6.85%
Table 1: Results of statistical analysis using cross-validation.

C6H6 NO2
IDW Ordinary kriging IDW Ordinary kriging
Output 5 - 5 -
Specifications IDW Power 3 - 1 -
Search radius Variable - Variable -
Method - Spherical - Gaussian
Lag size - 500 - 500
Ordinary kriging Major range - 1000 - 1000
Partial still - 15 - 15
Nugget - 30 - 30
Radius number of points 6 12 16 12

Table 2: Selected specifications by pollutant and method.

Table 2: Selected specifications by pollutant and method.

Figure 4 and 5 show the two best maps resulting from different simulations for C6H6 and
NO2 respectively using the IDW method and ordinary kriging for the winter measuring period.
Figure 6 and 7 show the same results for the summer measuring period.
Although for all measuring periods the C6H6 maps record always low concentrations, the
NO2 map shows some areas with some critical points (hotspots). This is the case of sample 5
and 6 during the winter season (Figure 5) and sample 2 and 6 during the summer season
(Figure 7) where the concentration values are high and are the main concern of the area. Due
to this situation the IDW method can pick up these fluctuations better than the ordinary kriging
method. Although the whole area is characterized by the presence of roads and car parks, this
critical point (sample 4) was located in an area surrounded by vegetation and a sports park
with low direct emission of pollutants. Due to the one measuring point that was destroyed by
vandalism the C6H6 concentrations for this point were lost, but the records of NO2
concentrations confirm that this is an area with less pollution. This fact can be decisive to
show, in future measuring campaigns, that the IDW method may be the best interpolated
method for the Asprela area.

Figure 4: Average C6H6 concentrations (g.m-3) in the Asprela area from 19/11-16/12/2009 using different interpolation
methods: i) IDW, ii) Ordinary kriging.

Figure 5: Average NO2 concentrations (g.m-3) in the Asprela area from 19/11-16/12/2009 using different interpolation
methods: i) IDW, ii) Ordinary kriging.
Figure 6: Average C6H6 of air concentrations (g.m-3) in the Asprela area from 28/06-21/04/2010 using different
interpolation methods: i) IDW, ii) Ordinary kriging.

Figure 7: Average NO2 of air concentrations (g.m-3) in the Asprela area from 28/06-21/07/2010 using different
interpolation methods: i) IDW, ii) Ordinary kriging.

Once the best map for each pollutant had been validated and selected, the spatial analysis
of the results took place as summarised in the next chapter.
At a height of 3 m, the observed average concentrations of C6H6 are 1.25 0.23 g.m-3
and 47.22 4.18 g.m-3 of NO2 in the winter period and 1.08 0.06 g.m-3 of C6H6 and
44.98 3.66 g.m-3 of NO2 in the summer period. For the two pollutants the minimum values
were recorded close to the Estrada da Circunvalao and the maximum values were
recorded in the south close to the A3/ A4 motorway where the volume of traffic increases and
traffic speed decreases causing an emissions increase. In the winter period the background
average concentrations (observations in the top of the buildings) are 1.02 0.11 g.m-3 of
C6H6 and 34.86 1.45 g.m-3 of NO2, 18.4% and 26.2% lower than the average values
recorded at 3 m respectively. Otherwise, in the summer period the background average
concentrations (observations in the top of the buildings) are 1.07 0.10 g.m-3 of C6H6 and
41.70 2.02 g.m-3 of NO2, 0.6% and 7.3% lower than the average values recorded at 3 m
respectively, which may show a stronger atmospheric stratification situation during the winter
measuring period when compared with the measuring period in summer.
The uncertainty of the estimates for both pollutants in winter is below the limits defined in
Directive 2008/50/EC, 100% for C6H6 and 75% for NO2 (Table 1). Thus, these maps are
representative for the study area and are a good indicative tool to evaluate the results from the
legal point of view. The comparison of C6H6 results with the human health protection value of
5 g.m-3 defined by the Directive 2008/50/EC shows that, during the study periods, at all
monitoring points, the C6H6 concentrations are lower than this limit value. Even considering
the 23.0% of uncertainty of the C6H6 measurement method (PASSAM, 2010) the measured
concentrations never exceed the average annual limit value for human health protection. On
the other hand, the average NO2 concentrations are in the whole study area higher than the
average annual limit value for human health protection defined by the Directive 2008/50/EC
(40 g.m-3). However, considering the 18.7% of uncertainty of measurement method (PASSAM,
2010) for NO2, 25% of these control points may not exceed the mentioned limit value.
The methods of spatial analysis used in this study do not render possible the definition of an
optimal interpolation method for the winter and summer measuring period in the Asprela area.
However, the analysis indicates that, in general, the IDW method should be the best method to
be used for the study area. In order to confirm this, other tests have to be done for other
periods and pollutants. Furthermore, other methods such as ordinary cokriging or multiple
linear regression, using auxiliary variables to adjust the spatial interpolation, could be tested
in order to minimize errors.
The results for both measuring periods show that, when compared with the Directive
2008/50/EC average annual limit values for the human health protection, the C6H6
concentrations are very low (lower during the summer when compared with the winter values),
while the NO2 concentrations present some values above that limit, in particular during the
winter period. Even considering the uncertainties of the measurement methods, the C6H6
recorded concentrations are never above the annual average limit value for human health
protection. Nevertheless, the NO2 recorded concentrations are above the annual average limit
value for human health protection at most of the control points of the analysed area during
both measuring periods.

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risks in Europe. Final Report Section 6. London: Imperial College.
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Seabra and Hugo Maciel. 2008. Alocao espacial de emisses em 2005. Lisboa: Agncia
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European Commission. Directive 2008/50/EC. Define the ambient air quality guidelines to
avoid, prevent or reduce harmful effects on human health and the environment.
Fontes, Tnia. 2010. Impacto da qualidade do ar na sade pblica: O caso da cidade do
Porto. Thesis presented to the University of Aveiro to obtain a PhD on Environmental Sciences.
Horlek, Jan, Pavel Kurfurst, Bruce Denby, Peter de Smet, Frank de Leeuw, Marek Brabec
and Jaroslav Fiala. 2005. Interpolation and assimilation methods for European scale air
quality assessment and maping Part II: Development and testing new methodologies. Final
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Johnston, Kevin, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Konstantin Krivoruchko and Neil Lucas. 2001. Using
ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. GISby ESRIS.
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Health effects of transport-related air pollution, contribution of traffic to levels of ambient air
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nitrogen dioxide concentrations across Greater Manchester. Atm. Env. 39(5): 27092724.
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do ar em Lisboa usando sistemas de informao geogrfica. Instituto Superior de Estatstica e
Gesto de Informao da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Master thesis in Geographical
Information Systems.
PASSAM. 2010. Available at:, 16. 4. 2010.
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Guadalupe, Antonio Vallo Vzquez, Ana C. Pompa Toledano and Odila de la Torre Villasenor.
2009. The spatialtemporal distribution of the atmospheric polluting agents during the period
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Wong, David W., Lester Yuan and Susan E. Perlin. 2004. Comparison of spatial interpolation
methods for the estimation of air quality data. J. Exp. Analysis and Env. Epid. 14: 404415

To Fundao para a Cincia e Tecnologia (FCT) for grant support to Tnia Fontes (Ref.
PORTO I The Porto Lightweight Bus Shuttle has been put in operation.

PORTO I The partner OPT has developed the mobile application MOVE-ME for Androids and iPhones. With an average of 1,000
requests per day, OPT has improved the application based on users feedback.

PORTO I The Mobility Shop counted an average of over 100 visitors per day. The information provided is related to all the
means of transport available in the city, advice services for better mobility management, and many others issues.
Nuno A. Couto, Antnio Torres Marques, Carlos Aguiar, Fernando Gomes Almeida,
Francisco Xavier Carvalho, Jos Ferreira Duarte, Bernardo Almada-Lobo
The fast globalization has made efficient and reliable transportation a key factor in the
competitiveness of individual regions. At the same time, oil prices, CO2 emissions and global
warming constitute unprecedented challenges and an incentive to work towards a form of
mobility that is sustainable, energy-efficient and respectful to the environment.
The context of mobility in Europe has changed considerably over the last years. In the wake
of enlargement, mobility has now to be considered on a continental scale basis.
The objective of a European Union (EU) sustainable transport policy is that its transport
systems meet societys economic, social and environmental needs. Effective transportation
systems are essential to Europes prosperity. The objectives of EU transport policy, from the
transport White Paper of 1992 via the White Paper of 2001 to todays communication, remain
valid: to help providing Europeans with efficient, effective transportation systems, once having
significant impacts on economic growth, social development and environment.
Mobility must be disconnected from its negative side effects using a broad range of policy
tools, and the potential for technology to make transport more environmentally friendly must be
enhanced, in particular with respect to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
Road transport is predominant in Europe, accounting for 44% of freight and around 85% of
passenger transport. For the period between 2000 and 2020, forecasts establish the average
annual GDP growth rate at 2.1%. Freight transport is expected to grow at roughly similar rates
whereas passenger transport growth is expected to be lower in the order of 1.5% on average
annually (European Commission, 2005). Modelling (European Commission, 2001) confirms
that the modal split will be roughly stabilized in the long term.
According to data from the European Environment Agency, transport accounted for close to a
quarter (23.8%) of total GHG emissions and slightly more than a quarter (27.9%) of total CO2
emissions in the EU-27 in 2006. Compared to 1990 levels, the growth rate of GHG emissions
in no other sector has been as high as in transport.
As the transport sector relies on fossil fuels for 97% of its needs, the fight against climate
change in this sector goes hand in hand with efforts to improve security of its energy supply.
Moreover, urbanization has been a clear trend in the past decades and is expected to
continue, with the proportion of the European population residing in urban areas increasing
from 72% in 2007 to 84% in 2050 (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social
Affairs/Population Division, 2008). Urban transport accounts for 40% of CO2 emissions and
70% of emissions of other pollutants arising from road transport (European Commission,
2007). Congestion that is prevalent in agglomerations and in their access routes is the source
of large costs in terms of delays and higher fuel consumption. As most freight and passenger
transport starts or ends in urban areas, urban congestion also negatively impacts on inter-
urban travel.
The scope of the project CIVITAS ELAN highlights the need for monitoring (environmental,
energy, operational, etc.) the main impacts of measures sponsored and, therefore, it was
decided that the area of intervention would be the area of Asprela Paranhos. It is an area
with high concentration of institutions of higher education (universities and polytechnics) and
health-care facilities (S. Joo Hospital and the Portuguese Institute of Oncology). There is also
the presence of consolidated residential areas and new ventures. These characteristics
generate a concentrated demand, around the peak time at morning and afternoon, as well as
variation over the school year periods.
In general, there are advantages of public transport over individual motorised transport,
particularly with regard to efficiency of land use, since it can carry more people requiring less
space, thus reducing congestion, but also in terms of energy and environmental issues
(Institute of Highways and Transportation and Department of Transport, 1987).
Those reasons are strong enough to justify all the efforts to develop better and cleaner
transports. Aligned to the growing need to reduce the consumption in urban public transport,
the intention of developing a lightweight bus took place within the CIVITAS ELAN project in
Using new technology and new materials is expected to reduce the weight of vehicles without
a decrease in the structural quality of their bodies. With the introduction of composite
materials in the design of the bus bodywork it is expected to achieve a significant reduction of
the weight of the bus body.
It was decided to transform a Toyota Coaster minibus, reusing its frame and designing new
and full composite materials bodywork. This solution results from a long process characterized
by several evolution stages with advances and setbacks, essentially due to available budget
and compliance with national laws.
The design concept, during the development process, took into account the following

superior specific strength and specific stiffness characteristics,

minimization of production costs and maintenance costs,
reduction of the structural weight,
development of a concept for the production and assembly of bodywork,
definition of methodologies that reduce time manufacturing.

Two possible manufacturing processes, namely the vacuum infusion and the filament
winding, were considered for the production of composite sandwich components.
Three previous concepts were analysed so that the ideal structure could be designed to
attend the objectives of the project, through several meetings with a few companies specialized
in the manufacture of large parts in composite materials.
The first one (Figure 1) is a structure of sandwich skin rectangular tube being produced by
lamination of the inner skin by filament winding over a removable (dismountable) mandrel,
followed by placement and bonding of the sandwich core and lamination of the outer skin by
filament winding.

Figure 1: Previous constructive solution considering reinforced core.

This concept was abandoned because it would be necessary to build a large mandrel to
produce only one prototype that would increase the costs too much.
In order to avoid the mandrel, the second concept considered a pre-form structure,
sufficiently strong and stiff that would work as the main winding spindle. The outer skin would
be laminated by filament winding, resulting in continuous shell, longer than the section. The
extra laminate outside the length of the body would be necessary to enable the machine to
correctly position the fibres. This extra length depends on the envisaged fibre orientations and
laminate thickness. The extra areas must be cut off and only contribute to increase cost. This
concept was also abandoned since the cut of the panels would bring to this process a big
waste of material and would seriously weaken its structural strength.
The third concept considered an integrated mandrel, made by welded aluminium, and both
the reinforced sandwich cores and the pillar cores would be completely assembled. The inner
skins would be produced by vacuum infusion prior to mounting the structure in the spindle.
The sandwich structure would be half produced before filament winding the exterior skin. The
remaining steps would be equal to the second concept. Meanwhile, with the partnership with
DesignStudioFEUP department and Estaleiros Navais de Peniche (ENP) shipyard, and after a
few meetings, it was agreed by all stakeholders to waive this last concept due to budget and
time constraints.
Other concepts were discussed just considering integral composite structures. First, a
modular structure constituted in structural rings and concluded with flat glasses on rear and
front allowing for different typologies of buses of different sizes. Second, a concept forming a
Monobloc bodywork with panels attached based on sandwich structure type (strongly reflecting
the traditional approach of a reticulated structure covered with metal panels- the usual
manufacturing process in this business) but now with an integral composite structure.
The difference between these two concepts is that the first considers bonding panels into a
main reticulated structure and the second considers bonding several parts/modules made in
Despite the filament winding technology being a promising approach (Figure 2), the Institute
for Mobility of Land Transports (I.M.T.T.) made it clear that it would be almost impossible to
homologate the bus taking into account the national laws, without weakening the main
structure (that must include large open areas for security reasons).

Figure 2: Reticulated structure concept.

The expertise of ENP shipyard in building parts with considerable dimensions through the
vacuum infusion of resin technology made possible the progress on the concepts based on a
truly monocoque structure in which the overall strength is mainly due to the behaviour of an
unitary shell and no longer from a braced bone of filiform elements.
From this phase onwards, the panels were considered as structural ones, reinforcing the
structure under the necessary openings (weakened sections), especially for the placement of
windows with the dimensions imposed by existing regulations for this type of product. The
floor was designed as a second part and welded to the bodywork (structural bonding) (Figure

Figure 3: Monocoque concept.

However, the budget needed to spend for moulds would be unsustainable.

Taking in account the requests of CIVITAS project and considering the most recent
technological approaches used in urban buses to improve mobility (low floor without steps,
front wheel drive), it was agreed by all partners that another solution would be to transform a
chassis-cab vehicle into a minibus, cutting the frame and allowing for an adaptation of an
independent suspension on the rear axle, reuse the front axle (where the mechanical
components are attached, as the wheel drive system and dashboard) and build a new
bodywork (Monocoque and freestanding structure) with large and empty internal space,
placing seats only at the rear (above the axle).
To reduce mould costs and to comply with the assembly technology used by ENP shipyard,
the new bodywork concept foresaw smaller windows, the width of the pillars and the radii of
curvature of the corners of windows increased to reduce stress concentrations looking like a
structure of a box.
When discussing the viability of this concept with national transportation authorities, the
huge difficulty imposed by its necessary future homologation became clear. A technical
authorization from the frame manufacturer would be necessary so the cutting of the frame
would be legal, which has discouraged any progress with this concept.
Finally, the team decided to keep the monocoque and freestanding structure, but returning
to the Toyota Coaster frame as the mechanical base to new bodywork, assuming a high-floor
bus. To that end, elevated platforms would have to be mounted at the bus stops to allow for an
easy and fast access to inside/outside of the bus, and large internal and free areas.

Once the design concept was approved, several meetings were held to select the
manufacturing process, to define the first set of materials (its proportions and dimensions)
which would constitute the sandwich, based on the project constraints (essentially budget and
A pure composite material bodywork was decided to emerge from this measure, but given
the low feasibility of using filament winding, the constructive technology SCRIMP was selected.
SCRIMP (an acronym which stands for Seemann Composites Resin Infusion Moulding
Process) is a resin transfer moulding process that uses vacuum to pull liquid resin into a dry
lay-up and is used to make very high quality, reliable composite parts with almost zero volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) emissions.
In the basic SCRIMP process, fibre reinforcements, core materials and various inserts are
laid up in a tool while dry, followed by a vacuum bag that is placed over the lay-up and sealed
to the tool. The part is then placed under vacuum and the resin is introduced into the part via a
resin inlet port and distributed through the laminate via a flow medium and series of channels,
saturating the part (Seemann Composites INC SCI, 2010).
The vacuum pressure compacts the dry fibres. For this reason, parts made with the
SCRIMP process have high fibre volume contour, typically about 6075% fibre by weight
(5065% by volume), depending on the type of fibre, the fibre architecture and the type of
resin used. The vacuum removes all of the air from the lay-up before and while resin is
introduced. The pressure differential between the atmosphere and the vacuum provides the
driving force for infusing the resin into the lay-up (Bac2, 2001: 1).
Even with the manufacture process selected and the design concept established, a few
revisions were done to promote the best quality of bodywork main structure, and anticipate
future executing difficulties.
In order to produce the body parts by SCRIMP, it is required the construction of moulds.
Great contribution was given by the ENP experience in manufacturing of composite parts to
choose the most suitable type of mould to the intended technology, providing the required
product of the physical properties necessary for their good performance, without compromising
budgetary sustainability of the project (see details in Mould chapter).
A constructive parallelism was established, making an extrapolation of the construction of a
cabin of a passenger ship (catamaran) to a body of a bus, without forgetting the different
requests (loads) that the structures are faced in service.
This analysis led to the readjustment of the bodywork concept, and to build the bodywork in
two parts, floor and bodywork properly, against the initial intentions to build it in one single
Specific geometries were predicted to improve the placement between the parts and make
easier the bonding process. The floor part already includes the sills and includes metal inserts
that allow screwing it to supports of the frame. The parts are bonded by structural adhesive
and after that the main structure is clamped on top of the frame (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Inserts (floor), bonding areas, fit geometries and assembly sequence.

It was also discussed the possibility of manufacturing the part bodywork by bonding four
different flat panels made independently from each other to finally form the box (multi-parts).
Through this process it would not be necessary to build a mould. Panels would be executed by
Vacuum Infusion too, manually stratified, with average times of 35 minutes each. ENP owns
equipment to produce panels up to 15m x 6m x 2m (ENP SA, 2011). Thereafter the body would
be assembled by vacuum assisted bonding the panels. Once more, for structural reasons it
was decided to go for one single part.
The SCRIMP process requires moulds to produce the parts, which is the most expensive
component of the construction budget. It was finally decided to build two open moulds, against
the initial intentions to build it in a single closed one. These moulds are made of plywood for
manual lamination and assured the critical dimensions of the project as well as stiffness and
manoeuvrability of the model (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Moulds open type for extract floor and body parts.

This choice was also based on the fact that cold process of consolidation can be used, which
uses low pressure, not requiring robust materials, heavy or expensive as the metallic to resist
to deformations.
The external and internal flat geometries and constant bending radius made easier the
lamination and the process of release parts from the mould.
To achieve structural parts with better properties (lower stress concentration) abrupt
changes in thickness and parts geometry were avoided, as the composite nature does not allow
for stress outflow (such as in metals that draining and absorb these stresses as permanent
Given the considerable size of the pieces to be extracted, this type of mould also enables a
better control of the infusion process because it allows the access to all of the part points, as
well as the detection and elimination of vacuum leaks, along with supervision of the flow of
This choice has enabled lower cost in comparison with the execution of mould for extraction
of the body in one piece, to form a continuous closed box (would need to be mould closed type)
since it requires cheaper materials that involve less constructive rigorousness (easy to execute)
(Composite One LLC, 2011).
The initial set from structural dimensions of the sandwich was established such as the
points/places where the bodywork should be reinforced.
Although the use of carbon fibre had been discussed, through computational analysis it was
possible to predict that the ratio properties vs. costs would be worse than with integral fibre
glass construction, for this shape. Even sacrificing the weight reduction (as the use of carbon
fibre fabrics it would potentially reduce more weight), the significant costs increase turned out
this solution not to be feasible.
The material base for the core of the sandwich is PVC foam, with 80Kg/m3 of density (H80),
and was involved by resin reinforced with fibre glass fabrics, mixing 0-90 plies with random
plies, on fibre orientation.
After the first approach, several tests to optimize the structure were done, which led us to
make several modifications until the final solution.
Simultaneously, the geometry of the Toyota frame was identified and a 3D model was
created using SolidWorks software, to help providing the correct fit to the floor (avoiding
geometrical interception between frame and floor and no mismatches on local provided for the
The best clamping solutions for each attachment place and the correct placement for the
inserts into the floor part were determined.
In order to guarantee the viability of the project, a few approximate structural conceptions
were performed in parallel with the design conception. This dynamic process led to a stable
and optimized conception.
The validity of the numerical models had to be guaranteed by laboratorial experiments.
Samples at 1:1 scale were built to be tested.
Several numerical simulations and tests for the bus body were conducted for a few
structures designed during the design concept evolution. For urban buses, which can only
circulate up to 50 Km/h, it is not necessary to perform the rollover test in order to legalize the
bodywork (United Nations, 2006), predicted in accordance to the European Regulations named
Resistance of the Superstructure of Oversized Vehicles for Passenger Transportation (ECE
ABAQUS software was used to do the simulations, in order to improve the designs and the
mechanical properties of the bodywork. In this section, only a few examples will be reported.
On the first models a bending strength tests was conducted to understand its behaviour and
help in calculation of its reference absorption energy. After that, rollover tests simulations were
run, according to one of the predicted methods inside ECE R66. In these first models, the level
of deformation was bigger than the acceptable values and these structures had to be
modified/strengthened. Note that the residual space, according ECE R66, cannot be invaded
in order to guarantee that the passengers are not injured.
The same process was executed with last model (chassis-cab), low-floor (real base of the
actual) (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Bending strength test (left) and rollover test (right).

Even with a high percentage of satisfactory results, it was possible to observe that
modifications could be introduced to enhance the structure.
The roof openings were reviewed and shortened and new static tests were performed
considering a rigid body, placed on roof to simulate the air conditioner unit (100 Kg), and an
uniformly distributed load, (passengers) 500 Kg/m2, applied in all parts of flat floor and
considering the bodywork fixed on the predicted places on the frame. The stress value
achieved 41.95 MPa, with 3.875 mm of maximum deformation (safe values for this
To validate the model, one sample of the column of the windows and two of the floor were
A profile with one meter of length reproducing a pillar of the bus was developed by hand lay-
up and consolidation with vacuum bag, with the dimensions shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: Window column geometry.

The column was tested by bending, simply supported, applying a load in it middle point, until
rupture (ranging from 800mm), to know its stiffness. A maximum displacement of 40mm was
obtained, under elastic conditions, for a load of 25000N. After the test, when unloaded, the
pillar practically recovered the un-deformed initial configuration. However, a local crash
damage was developed in the area were the load was applied.
For the tests two panels were also built, of 1:1 scale (1400mm x 1000mm) by hand lay-up
and consolidation with vacuum bag (as the column). These panels included metallic inserts to
assemble the floor on the frame.
The floor plates have the following composition:

panels: upper skin (thickness 2.4 mm); PVC Core - 25mm; Lower skin (thickness 2.4
reinforcements: PVC Core - 50mm; Skin strengthening - 3Combi (thickness 4.68 mm);
Outer skin - 2Combi (thickness 3.38 mm).

The samples were tested under bending until rupture according to their longitudinal and
transverse directions. For that, a beam was placed on top of the plate, applying the load
At the same time, a numerical model of a panel was developed with the lay-up specified in
figure 8 below (reproduction of the same manufacturing process and solutions used in
structural requirements to build the samples).

Figure 8: Lay up (modeled with the same characteristics of real floor plates.

The structural test was computer simulated by the finite element method, using the ABAQUS
software. The properties for the materials considered in this simulation were estimated by the
ESACOMP software.
Volume elements were used for the foam core and shell elements for the laminates and
reinforcements in the structure of the bodywork and floor. A rigid plane simulated the support
base and nodes were loaded prevented from carrying out horizontal displacements. The
loading has been applied in the normal direction to the panel. Two tests were performed on
each of the two main panel directions i.e. parallel and perpendicular to the floor rail.
Table 1 lists the values of stiffness obtained in the experimental and theoretical simulations.
K1 - Stifness in direction (kN/mm) K2 - Stifness in direction 2 (kN/mm)
Laboratory testing 2,892 5,189
Simulation 2,984 6,078
Error 3,18% 17,13%

Table 1: Comparison of results obtained for the stiffness.

Table 1: Comparison of results obtained for the stiffness.

Bearing in mind the uncertainties, and taking into account the simulation purposes, the
error obtained (17%) was considered acceptable. This error results from the simplifications
assumed, because variables such as void content and fibre volume fraction variation are not
Considering the results of previous simulations, ABAQUS software was used to create a finite
element model of the bodywork and perform a structural simulation of the same. The mesh
was built with elements of volume to the foam core and shell elements for the laminated (as in
the simulation of the floor panels).
The bodywork has the following composition:

panels: upper skin (thickness 1.7 mm); PVC Core - 25mm; Lower skin (thickness 1.7
reinforcements: PVC Core - 25mm; Skin strengthening - 3Combi (thickness 4.68 mm).

The bodywork model was supported just in the joining areas with the floor and unsupported
at the front sides. So, even if the connection to the chassis in front sides is insufficient, the
necessary stiffness to prevent any large deformations can be ensured. The constitution of the
floor was similar to the samples tested.
The applied loads on the roof were concentrated at points of the handrails used by
The following loads were considered in the simulation:

dead weight,
concentrated loads at points of support handrails according to the direction of 1, 2 and
3 (F1 =10kN, F2 = 3.35 kN; F3 = 3.35 kN),
weight of Air Conditioning equipment placed on the roof (0.5 kN),
doors weight (2 x 1, 5kN),
load distributed uniformly on the floor (7kN / m).

The final results can be seen in figure 9.

Figure 9: Displacements (mm) and equivalent stresses of von mises (MPa).

The maximum displacement value obtained (module value) was 41mm in the centre of the
roof. The maximum displacement was 31mm in the floor and the higher stresses occur in the
central reinforcements of the roof, with a maximum value of 77 MPa.
Again by ABAQUS software, it was estimated the weight of the main structure of the
bodywork (including its two parts and the glasses mass), approximately 1,700 kg. The
bodywork of the minibus, Toyota Coaster, weighs 2,370 kg. The proposed solution presents a
weight reduction around 30% comparing with the original bodywork.


The process began with mould building. Once the external dimensions of the bus were
established, its construction and improvements on the structures were done. With the
discussions regarding the manufacturing strategy, it has been possible to refine the concept
and introduce the relevant modifications to avoid future complexities.
With the validation of the model the several constructive solutions involved were applied and
a few subprojects were conducted for the development of components essential to a bus
performance (those for which the market does not have acceptable solutions for this specific
bus; e.g.: handrails, wheelchair seat bracket, supplementary step, internal lamps, several
covers, etc.), and its clamping solutions.
After conclusion of the shape design the moulds were finished and feed stocked.
The first infusion was the floor. First of all, it was necessary to fit and place the material
inside the correspondent mould as planned. Then, the vacuum bag was placed and the
vacuum pressure controlled, down to an acceptable value for that kind of infusion, below
The infusion was successfully done, but certain requirements had to be ensured before the
start of the process, as it could not be stopped in case something went wrong. After curing time
and verified the structure consolidation it was removed from the mould (Figure 10), and its
bonding area to bodywork part was prepared.

Figure 10: Floor part manufactured (infusion by SCRIMP).

To produce the part bodywork, the same procedures were followed.

That infusion was successful too and took 1h45m (part dimensions are 6220mm length x
2200mm width x 2300mm height) (Figure 11).

Figure 11: Bodywork part manufactured (infusion by SCRIMP).

After producing both parts several adjustments were done to fit them and promote a correct
bond. Structural adhesive was used on parts bonding and after the parts bonded, the main
structure was transported from ENP shipyard to MOBIpeople (bodywork builder). A few
adjustments were done on the main structure and on the frame to allow attaching them
properly. The bodywork was fastened on top of the Toyota frame with M14 screws, using the
metallic inserts (on the floor) like threaded nuts.
This bus has special features, which forced us to develop a few components, after a search
on bus components market did not provide any existent solution to solve the needs. The
majority of the covers were built after the bus arrived at MOBIpeople, even if some of them
were projected before, to improve a perfect integration into the bus (e.g.: dashboard, doors
mechanism and windshield wiper house covers).
Another challenge was the development of a legal sliding door for the vehicle. Metallic insets
were foreseen, substituting the PVC foam on the bodywork sandwich core, allowing the
fastening of a set of specific supports. The door panels were also specifically designed in order
to fit the bodywork curvature.
According to the European regulation, a 3D modelling test device to define the handrail
shape design was conducted.
The bus was then painted, from inside and outside, and some of its components were
attached on its servicing places. It has successfully gone through the homologation process
and it is now being tested at the Asprela area in Porto (Figure 12).

Figure 12: Bus completion and testing.

This project aims to demonstrate the potential that the used composite technology has in the
manufacture of high quality structural parts. Parts with curved surfaces, including complex
forms that would be expensive if made on metal, are easily shaped in such composite
materials, not just for aesthetical reasons but also for structural greater stiffness, relieving or
minimizing the use of ribs.
The structure obtained is transparent, allows for a visualization of its interior easing the
finishing work.
The SCRIMP manufacturing process has enabled parts of high surface quality with low
roughness. It is a cleaner process, with no VOCs release.
Using this technology the number of body parts is significantly reduced and consequently the
production time. However, the composite structure requires special care in predicting the type
of inserts to be used, taking into account the shapes, the nature of its material and the type of
loads solicitation.
The main structure bodywork weighed after bonding, without components and glasses,
1139 kg. This result fits the anticipated bounds and allows for an effective bodywork weight
reduction of around 30%. The structural behaviour of the bus can be predicted with some
accuracy from numerical simulation, since the results in tests and simulations are in
The teamwork within the consortium has promoted the transfer and sharing of knowledge
and technological development between partners. Conclusion of the bus assembly will enable
performance tests on the fuel consumption and gaseous emissions.

Bac2 Bouwmeester Advanced Composites B.V. 2011. An Overview of the SCIMPTM
Technology, 2001. Available at:, 1. 10.
European Commission. 2001. White Paper 2001. European transport policy for 2010: time
to decide. Available at:,
1. 10. 2011.
European Commission. 2005. Assessment of the contribution of the TEN and other transport
policy measures to the mid-term implementation of the White Paper on the European transport
policy for 2010. Available at:, 1. 10. 2011.
European Commission. 2007. Towards a new culture for urban mobility, Green Paper, {SEC
(2007) 1209}, COM (2007) 551 final, 2007. Available at: http://eur-, 1. 10. 2011.
Composite One LLC. 2011. Available at:, 1. 10. 2011.
Estaleiros Navais de Peniche, S.A. 2011. Available at:
1. 10. 2011.
Institute of Highways and Transportation and Department of Transport. 1987. Roads and
Traffic in Urban Areas. London: HMSO books.
Seemann Composites INC SCI. 2010. Available at:, 1.
10. 2011.
United Nations . 2006. ECE Regulation 66, Agreement, E/ECE/TRANS/505, Rev. 1/Add.
65/Rev.1, 22 Feb 2006. Available at:, 1. 10.
United Nations and Department of Economic and Social Affairs/Population Division. 2008.
World urbanization prospects The 2007 revision.
ZAGREB I 100 new PT buses on biodiesel and 60 on CNG, which emit less CO2, have been introduced.

ZAGREB I A new ticketing system has been introduced in Zagrebs PT vehicles.

PORTO I The PT network is becoming faster in Porto, with an excellent metro system as its backbone.
Viktor Jeji, Tone Godea, Toma Poje,
Marko Gerbec, Davor Konti
Carbon dioxide produced from the combustion of biomass does not contribute to air
pollution resulting in greenhouse gas emissions. Biomass produced in agriculture is used as a
source of nutrition for humans and animals, as well as for processing different raw materials
for clothes, other products, and fuels; one part of it, returns directly into the soil in the form of
organic waste. Beside solid and liquid biomass products, biomass is a source for liquid fuels or
biofuels. They can be used as a replacement or an addition to fossil fuels in transport and
various other uses. Among liquid fuels obtained from biomass the following fuels are currently
the most important: bioethanol, biomethanol, pure plant oil, and biodiesel. Recently, beside
biodiesel (commonly used in diesel engines), pure plant oil in its refined (or non-refined form)
can be used in modified engines, and as such has been gaining in importance.
Using pure plant oil in engines (diesel engines of working machines, tractors, trucks,
municipal vehicles, cogeneration units for the production of electric and thermal energy, etc.) is
an alternative for the current use of fossil fuels (diesel fuel of mineral origin). Pure plant oil as
an energy source is becoming more and more interesting due to continuously growing fossil
fuel prices and associated environmental issues. Pure plant oil is available practically all over
Europe. The northern parts of Europe are more suitable for the production of oilseed rape, and
the southern ones for sunflowers, soybean, etc. In other parts of the world palm trees, jatropha,
etc. are used for pure plant oil production. There are more than 4,000 plant species in the
world (Riva et al., 1999) from which plant oil can be produced.
Recently, Slovenia has witnessed increased interest in biofuels as a consequence of the
obligation to achieve a certain degree of self-sufficient energy supply; this was accomplished by
dedicating part of the agricultural land for biofuel crop production. In the framework of these
strategic goals, biofuel field crop production plays an important role in alternative energy
sources, especially in biofuels made from rapeseed.
The diesel engine was named after its inventor (Rudolf Diesel, 1858 1913) who patented
an engine with compression ignition of fuel in 1893. As a curiosity, it should be mentioned that
he presented an engine which used peanut oil for propulsion as early as the 1900 World Fair
in Paris. In the period between the two World Wars, when oil derivatives were cheap, the
interest in plant oil as an energy source fell to its minimum (Mittelbach et al. 2005). The
interest in pure plant oil as fuel increased again during World War II due to lack of mineral oil
derivatives. After World War II the interest declined, only to increase again in the early 1970s,
following the first oil crisis. In addition to the latter problem, scientists began to warn the public
about the negative consequences of global heating due to the increasing use of fossil fuels for
different activities.
Some enthusiastic users and researchers tried to use pure plant oil directly in diesel
engines, without modifying them, in the early 1990s. In older construction types of diesel
engines, especially those with indirect fuel injection (engines with IDI chambers turbulence
chambers) and high-pressure, inline piston fuel pumps, no special problems were noticed in
the initial phases of use. However, after longer use of such engines major problems became
evident. Investigation showed that even the simplest, robustly constructed engines broke down
after approximately 500 hours of operation. The following problems were observed: plugging of
fuel filters, build-up of carbon plaque in the combustion chamber and on the high-pressure
injection nozzles, damaged pistons and piston rings, etc.
But what caused the problems? The answer lay in the construction of the contemporary
diesel engines and the fuel. The development of modern diesel engines was logically directed
towards these kinds of fuels due to the widespread availability of mineral diesel fuel. The
combustion of plant oils is similar to that of diesel fuel but their viscosity is too high for modern
high-pressure fuel pumps and other elements in the fuel supply system. High viscosity causes
plugging of fuel pipes, filters and high-pressure injection nozzles. Investigation revealed that
the high viscosity results in incomplete atomisation (dispersion of fuel drops) of the plant oil,
thus preventing complete combustion of larger fuel drops, and causing carbon plaque to build
up. Further research showed that plant oil caused a delay in the beginning of combustion as
well as slower combustion, especially during low-load operation, causing later combustion and
expansion stroke of the engine (corrections to the fuel injection time are the best solution for
these problems). A part of the pure plant oil will be diluted into the engine oil. This results from
the quality of pure plant oil, which has a lower burning rate than mineral diesel fuel, because
pure plant oil cannot be atomised into very small droplets like mineral diesel fuel because of
its high viscosity. Bigger droplets will not burn completely or will need more time, and a small
part of the unburned fuel will be diluted into the engine oil. Diluted engine oil can affect the
engines wear rate. In this situation, some of the fuel will pass between the piston rings and
cylinder wall to the crankcase, where it will be diluted or mixed with the lubricating engine oil.
When mineral diesel fuel mixes with lubrication engine oil, the heat in the crankcase will
evaporate mineral diesel fuel. On the other hand, biodiesel or pure plant oil will not evaporate
easily and will therefore change the viscosity as well as other characteristics of anti-wear
additives in the engine oil, if it comes into contact with it.
All this means that plant oils cannot be used in diesel engines without addressing the
viscosity issues. The following three methods were developed to reduce the viscosity of pure
plant oil: trans-etherification of oil (commercial name: biodiesel), mixing plant oil with mineral
diesel fuel, and heating the oil to reduce its viscosity. The first two methods are quite
demanding, but the last one has proved to be the most appropriate. Using pure plant oil in
unmodified diesel engines is not recommended because it can cause damage to the engines.
In order to ensure as complete combustion as possible in a diesel engine, the plant oil must be
atomised just as finely as mineral diesel oil. To achieve this, the viscosity of the oil must first be
adjusted to match that of mineral diesel oil. The viscosity of pure plant oil is strongly
dependent on temperature: the higher the temperature is, the lower the viscosity becomes.
Heating plant oil reduces its viscosity and prevents damaging the high-pressure pump during
atomisation (highly viscous oil causes greater friction between pumps moving parts and
consequently reduced efficiency). Heating pure plant oil also reduces the damages to the high-
pressure injection nozzles and piston rings, resulting from incomplete combustion of highly
viscous fuel.
Considering the European and Slovenian conditions for producing liquid biofuel (climate,
agricultural technology, biofuel production technology, the price of biofuels, etc.), the most
suitable fuel to be produced from biomass is pure plant oil. The production of pure plant oil
from rapeseed is the simplest of all available production chains/ technologies for biofuel
production. In addition, the processing costs are lower compared to other biofuels. It is very
important to point out that pure plant oil from rapeseed, sunflowers, soybeans, etc. can be
used in converted diesel engines of vehicles and other machines that are used in various
activities requiring fuel based propulsion. This gives pure plant oil a huge advantage over
other energy sources, which often require a new generation of completely new engines to be
The evaluation of biomass energy and biofuels is usually based on their energy balance
ratios, a comparison of the energy stored in pure plant oil (the final product) to the energy
required to produce it. Rapeseed oil has an energy ratio of 1:5.5 with straw included and 1:3.2
with straw excluded (straw calculated as fuel). These data show the high positive energy
balance of pure plant oil. The production of pure plant oil requires fossil energy input in some
phases of the production process: the production of mineral fertilisers (which can be replaced
with organic fertilisers), use of agricultural machinery to grow oilseed rape, rapeseed drying, oil
extraction from the seed by mechanical or chemical methods, etc. For some of these phases it
is also possible to use energy from pure plant oil, mainly in the use of agricultural machinery
and seed drying. If (edible) cooking oil is used, the energy ratio is even more favourable since
the stage of oilseed rape and fertiliser production/ application can be omitted from the
The mechanical extraction of rapeseed oil (with oil presses) yields approximately 40% pure
plant oil, while more than 60% is a by-product used as animal feed in the form of oil-cake or
pellets. The production of pure plant oil therefore also increases the feed supply for farm
animals and reduces dependence on imports of high protein food from outside the European
Union. This additionally means a decrease of energy consumption for transport.
The pure plant oil used for vehicle propulsion purposes may be produced/ extracted with a
mechanical process, using oil presses, or industrially (chemically), using solvents. The pressing
process does not require sophisticated machinery compared to the industrial process of using
solvents. The outstanding features of the mechanical pressing process are low energy
consumption and zero chemicals for extraction (the use of chemicals is environmentally
controversial). Oil presses can operate continuously and do not require any special labour
Decentralised production of pure plant oil, intended for direct use in modified diesel engines
or for further processing in biodiesel fuel, has recently spread around the world and in EU
countries, as a result of oil production by means of mechanical pressing in small production
units. Decentralised oil production means pressing from 0.1 to 5 tons of seeds per day (in
some countries the production limit is a capacity of 25 tons of oil seeds per day). Such
production units can work economically and environmentally friendly since their technological
equipment and work process are very simple and require low energy use (up to 80 kWh per ton
of processed oil seeds). On average, decentralised oil production uses six times less energy
than industrial oil production. This type of oil production has other important advantages such
as: (i) it is performed near the locations of agricultural production, (ii) it is directly or indirectly
connected with agricultural production itself (no intermediaries), (iii) investment costs in
equipment are low, (iv) there are no waste waters, (v) highly flexible production (quick transfer
to pressing other types of oil seed, for example for consumer use, which increases the
machinerys utilization rate), (vi) shorter transport distances (up to 30 km from the production
site) resulting in lower costs, providing higher value added to the agriculture of the area, (vii) a
by-product produced with mechanical extraction is oil-seed cake that is used as animal feed
and has a high nutritive value (it contains 12 to 17 % oil compared to less than 1% oil in
industrial cake).
Plant oil was standardised as fuel in Germany in September 2010 (Pure plant oil quality
standard DIN 51605). This can also serve as the basis for an EU standard for pure plant oil
quality in the future. Quality plant oil for diesel engines has to have the lowest possible content
of phosphorus (below 10 mg/kg) and solid particles (impurities). Phosphorus is present in the
form of phosphorus lipids. A higher quantity of phosphorus augments the risk of oil oxidation
and water binding and, consequently, higher water content in the oil. A too high content of
phosphorus in plant oil and biodiesel from plant oil negatively affects the combustion process
in the engine (plaque builds up in the combustion chamber). The results of an experiment
conducted in Germany indicated that the quantity of phosphorus in oil obtained with cold
pressing ranges below 10 mg/kg oil (an additional advantage favouring decentralised oil
production). In cold pressing, the majority of the phosphorus in the seed passes into the oil
meal. This is the great advantage of cold pressing in comparison with the industrial process,
where the high phosphorus content in the oil has to be reduced by expensive refinement. The
reduction of the phosphorus content during the pressing process may be influenced by using
the lowest possible number of rotations of the pressing parts as possible and a slightly higher
temperature of the seed to be pressed.
Table 1 shows the physical characteristics of three different fuels used in testing vehicles
and a laboratory engine. Mineral diesel fuel has the highest calorific value (MJ/kg) compared
to pure plant oil and biodiesel. If the calorific value is calculated in MJ/l, then the calorific
value of the rapeseed oil used for our tests was higher than that of mineral diesel fuel and
biodiesel. And if we compare their viscosity at the same temperature, there are also differences
between the fuels. The highest difference in viscosity at 20C is between mineral diesel fuel
and pure plant oil.
Parameter Unit Mineral diesel Pure rapeseed oil 100% biodiesel
MJ/kg 42.96 39.4 40.5
Lower heat of combustion
MJ/liter 34.44 36.14 35.84
Spec. density at 20C kg/dm3 0.83 0.91 0.88
Viscosity at 20C mm2/s 2-3 32 3.5-5
Flame point C 74 >220 >100
Table 1: Main characteristics of mineral diesel fuel, oil from oilseed rape and methyl ester of oilseed rape (100 % biodiesel).


The work undertaken in the testing procedures involved a demonstration and field testing of
converted diesel engines in order to use pure (100%) plant oil instead of mineral oil (diesel D2)
or biodiesel (B100) fuels. The work involved the successful conversion of three vehicle engines
(two tractors and one off-road vehicle) and one stationary laboratory diesel engine in order to
use pure oil (in addition to conventional fuel), and was carried out in September 2009.
Field testing, subject to agricultural work seasons/ peaks, should provide practical insight
into fuel consumption, engine wear and internal deposits, exhaust gas composition (pollution),
reliability as well as maintenance costs all related to actual real life exploitation (e.g.
distances driven, working hours) comparing the use of conventional fuel (diesel business as
usual) and that of various qualities of alternative fuel (pure plant oil).
No series of research activities on vehicle propulsion with pure plant oil has been conducted
in Slovenia in the past. For this reason in-depth laboratory analyses were necessary in addition
to testing the vehicles in real-life conditions. Therefore, within the ELAN project a stationary
engine for use in the laboratory and three engines in vehicles for use in real-life conditions
were modified and adjusted for the use of pure plant oil from rapeseed, produced in
decentralized units.
Laboratory testing: The laboratory engine was converted so that every cylinder of the three-
cylinder diesel engine ran on one type of fuel at the same time (the first cylinder on mineral
diesel fuel, the second on pure plant oil, and the third on biodiesel). The load on the laboratory
engine was the same for the purpose of tribology research (the influence of different fuels on
engine wear and life).
Car testing: The car (with its engine converted to use pure plant oil) was tested in different
transport activities (transport of persons and materials throughout the entire test period of
approximately two years). It was used in different test cycles (driving short, medium, and long
Using plant oil in an unmodified diesel engine is not recommended because it can cause
damage to the engine (the viscosity of pure plant oil is too high compared to diesel fuel). In
order to ensure as complete combustion as possible in the diesel engine, the plant oil must be
atomised just as finely as the mineral diesel oil. To achieve this, the viscosity of the plant oil
must first be adjusted to match that of diesel. Heating plant oil reduces its viscosity and
prevents damages to the high-pressure pump, high-pressure injection nozzles, and piston rings
resulting from incomplete combustion when highly viscous fuel is used.
The diesel engines in the test vehicles and the laboratory engine were therefore modified for
the use of 100 % pure plant oil with an approach using a two-tank fuel system. To (cold) start
the engine, mineral diesel oil from a small auxiliary fuel tank was used. When the engine was
heated to regular working temperature, a valve switched the fuel supply from the auxiliary to
the main tank containing pure plant oil. Heating fuel reduces its viscosity and allows better
atomization of the fuel droplets during injection and prevents possible damage to the engine.
The pure plant oil supply in the engine is fully automated (controlled by an electronic control
unit) so that the user has not to be concerned about the proper use of the engine.
With a two-tank fuel system for starting the engine and just before stopping it, mineral diesel
oil is used (biodiesel may be used as an alternative). An additional fuel tank, containing a
small quantity of mineral diesel oil, is added to the engines fuel supply system. Furthermore,
an additional electric fuel heater and electrically heated fuel filter were built in. The engine
was started using the mineral diesel fuel. When the water in the engine radiator is heated to
working temperature, the thermostat switched on the electromagnetic valve for directional
control of the fuels (mineral diesel fuel or pure plant oil) to start fuel supply from the main tank
containing pure plant oil. With the help of a low-pressure fuel pump the pure plant oil is sent to
the high-pressure fuel pump. The electric heater installed before the high-pressure pump heats
the pure plant oil to a temperature of 85 95C (at this temperature the viscosity of pure
plant oil approximately matches that of mineral diesel fuel).
As mentioned above, starting the engine does not require any special procedures, but before
stopping it, it must be switched manually to mineral diesel oil, so that the engine is ready to
use mineral diesel fuel when it is restarted. The advantages of the two-tank system are that
there are no problems with starting the engine at low winter temperatures and that mineral
diesel oil can be used in case of a shortage of pure plant oil. The system is similar to that of
driving a vehicle on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in which two fuels, gasoline and LPG, are
used (Bi-Fuel System) Figure 1.
The two-tank system used in the vehicles (Figure 2 shows an example of the conversion in a
tractor; the same system modification was used in the test car). Details of the engine
modifications in the converted vehicles are presented in Figures 3 to 5.

Figure 1: Conversion of the engine to a two-tank system in the laboratory Lombardini diesel engine with a power of 25.7 kW;
(1 - fuel tank for mineral diesel fuel D 2, 2 - fuel tank for pure plant oil 100 %, 3 - fuel filter, 4 - fuel filter, 5 - (three-way)
electromagnetic valve, 6 - (low-pressure) fuel pump, 7 - heating device with electronic control unit (12 V electrical system), 8 -
injection nozzles with high-pressure fuel pump, 9 - diesel engine, 10 - brake dynamometer or electric generator (both for
different load simulation), 11 - main control unit).

Figure 2: Conversion of the engine to a two-tank system used in vehicles (an off-road Land Rover Defender and two tractors,
an AGT 835 and a Fendt Favorit); (1 - fuel tank for mineral diesel fuel D 2, 2 - fuel tank for pure plant oil 100 %, 3 - pure plant
oil fuel filter, 4 - mineral diesel fuel filter, 5 - (three-way) electromagnetic valve, 6 - (low-pressure) fuel pump, 7 - heating device
with electronic control unit (12 V electrical system), 8 - injection nozzles with high-pressure fuel pump, 9 - brake dynamometer
or electrical generator (both for different load simulation), 10 - main control unit.

Figure 3: Modification of the engine (left of the diesel engine is an electromagnetic valve which switches the fuel supply
between the mineral diesel tank and pure plant oil tank; to the right is an electric heater which heats the plant oil to a
maximum value, adjusted by the electronic thermostat on the tractors instrument board).

Figure 4: A detail of the electric fuel heater (the pure plant oil is heated to 80 95C in order to reduce the oil viscosity to
approximately that of mineral diesel oil).
Figure 5: A detail of the converted diesel engine in the off-road Land Rover 110 (left of the engine is an electromagnetic valve
which switches the fuel supply between the mineral diesel tank and the pure plant oil tank).


This section describes the approach to the selection of indicators and, in detail, the data
collection/ measurement methodologies used for each indicator.
The evaluation of the effectiveness and suitability of using pure plant oil provided practical
insight into fuel consumption, engine wear and internal deposits, exhaust gas composition
(pollution), reliability, as well as maintenance costs which are all related to the actual
exploitation of the vehicles (e.g. distances driven, working hours) of the fuels used. Finally,
the economic benefits for the end user and the environmental impacts were assessed using an
evaluation approach that consists of the following categories, sub-categories, impacts, and
general indicators:
Evaluation category Impact Indicator - general.
CO levels
CO2 levels
ENVIRONMENT Pollution Emissions NOx levels
THC levels
Particulate (PM10) levels
Fuel consumption Fuel consumption rate
Energy consumption
Fuel quality Set of indicators *
Deposits from fuel burning
Preventive maintenance costs.
Maintenance costs Cost benefit analysis
Corrective maintenance costs.
Engine oil quality

* includes the following indicators: combustion heat, phosphorus content, iodine number, water content, density, and
kinematic viscosity.

Table 2: Overview of the evaluation and data collection approach.

The overall data collection plan consisted of 19 specific indicators, collected for all tested
vehicles and all tested fuels and obtained either during operational service (e.g. fuel
consumption, work done, distance travelled, etc.) or during measurement campaigns (e.g. fuel
quality, emissions, engine oil quality, etc.).
The results of the measurements are presented according to the evaluation categories.
The test periods refer to the following:
start of the research 15th September 2008 month 1
test period 1 15th June 2010 to 15th November 2010 month 20 to 26
test period 2 15th June 2011 to 15th December 2011 month 32 to 39


In terms of environmental pollution the emission concentrations of CO, CO2, NOx, THC and
particulates (soot) were periodically measured. Typical results as obtained for the Lombardini
laboratory engine for three fuels and low and high engine speeds are presented in table 3.
Engine speed CO CO2
Fuel THC [ppm] NOx [ppm] Abs. Coeff.
(RPM) [vol.%] [vol.%]
Diesel D2 0.006 1.14 11 70 0.00
Pure Plant Oil 0.015 1.20 12 52 0.00
(1300 min-1)
100% Biodiesel 0.004 1.26 6 60 0.01
Diesel D2 0.007 1.62 9 50 0.02
Pure Plant Oil 0.008 1.46 12 52 0.00
(2600 min-1)
100% Biodiesel 0.008 1.32 8 42 0.02

Table 3: Summary of the measured pollution emission concentrations in the exhaust gases for three fuels and two engine
speeds for the Lombardini laboratory engine.

The results show that the pollutant emission concentrations are generally comparable for all
three fuels. While CO and THC concentrations for PPO are slightly higher compared to D2 or
B100, the NOx and particulate concentrations are lower. The overall conclusion is that the
combustion of PPO in a modified engine is of a quality comparable to conventional D2 and
B100 fuels.
Energy consumption was determined by measuring the fuel consumption of the test vehicles
and laboratory engine. The fuel consumption of all included diesel engines was established by
measuring the fuel volume consumed in a time unit by the tractor and laboratory engine, and
for a distance unit for the off-road vehicle. Average consumption was calculated from the total
volume of consumed fuel and total time or total number of kilometers covered over the entire
measurement period. The fuel consumption of the laboratory engine was calculated daily. The
laboratory engine was converted so that every cylinder of its three-cylinder diesel engine
worked at the same time on a different fuel (the first cylinder on mineral diesel fuel, the second
on pure plant oil, and the third on biodiesel).
The load on the laboratory engine was the same for the purpose of tribological research (the
influence of different fuels on engine wear and life).
Presented are the results for the Lombardini laboratory engine. In terms of energy
consumption, fuel consumption rates are presented in Table 4 and Figure 6.
Fuel used
D2 B100 PPO
Average consumption rate [l/h] 1.38 1.3 1.47
Relative difference to D2 [%] -5.67 6.65
Average consumption rate per work done [l/kWh] 1.44 1.35 1.53
Relative difference to D2 [%] -5.04 6.05

Table 4: Summary of fuel consumption results for three fuels used in the Lombardini laboratory engine.
Figure 6: Graphical presentation of the fuel consumption rate per work done for the three different fuels used in the
Lombardini laboratory/ stationary engine.

The results obtained show that pure plant oil consumption was higher by around 6 % in
comparison to the conventional mineral diesel fuel D2. This is due to the lower energy stored in
pure plant oil (PPO).
In terms of maintenance costs, the overall costs (referring to parts and work done) for all
vehicles/ engines were considered in the test periods. Regarding pure plant oil (PPO) and
B100 fuels, additional preventive maintenance work was carried out and the related monetary
costs are presented in the following tables.
Land Fendt 612 Lombardini Stationary
Parameter AGT 835
Rover LSA engine
Costs of pure plant oil incl. 20 % VAT (/l) 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
Costs of pure plant oil with added duty tax 0.43 /l 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52
Fuel consumption (20 26 month) (l/h) - 3.0 8.33 1.39 l/kWh
Fuel consumption (32 39 month) (l/h) - 1.27 7.89 1.04 l/kWh
Fuel consumption (20 26 month) (l/100 km) 13.18 - - -
Fuel consumption (32 39 month) (l/100 km) 12.18 - - -
Costs of fuel (20 26 month) (/h) - 4.56 12.66 2.11
Costs of fuel (32 39 month) (/h) - 1.93 11.99 1.58
Costs of fuel (20 26 month) (/100 km) 20.03 - - -
Costs of fuel (32 39 month) (/100 km) 18.51 - - -
Costs of fuel (20 26 month) (/100 h) - 456 1266 211
Costs of fuel (32 39 month) (/100 h) - 193 1199 158
Overall maintenance costs (/km) Campaign involving 5504 km [number of 0.0320
- - -
exchanges] [2]
Overall maintenance costs (/km) Campaign involving 5298 km [number of 0.0332
- - -
exchanges] [2]
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 153 hrs [number of
- - - 1.047 [2]
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 627 hrs [number of
- - - 1.534 [12]
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 419 hrs [number of
- 1.412 [8] - -
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 963 hrs [number of 1.382
- - -
exchanges] [18]
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 324 hrs [number of
- - 1.343 [2] -
Overall maintenance costs (/h) Campaign involving 390 hrs [number of
- - 1.116 [2] -

Table 5: Summary of overall fuel costs (100 % pure plant oil) and maintenance costs for all vehicles and the laboratory engine
in the test periods.
Parameter Land Rover AGT 835 Fendt 612 LSA Stationary engine Lombardini
Pure plant oil price incl. 20 % VAT (/l) 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09
Pure plant oil price incl. VAT & duty tax 0.43 /l 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52
Fuel consumption rate (l/100 km)
Campaign from month 20 to month 26 13.18 3.0 8.33 1.39
Campaign from month 32 to month 39 12.18 1.27 7.89 1.04
Fuel costs (/h)
Campaign from month 20 to month 26 - 4.56 12.66 2.11
Campaign from month 32 to month 39 - 1.93 11.99 1.58
Fuel costs (/100 km)
Campaign from month 20 to month 26 20.03 456 1266 211
Campaign from month 32 to month 39 18.51 193 119 158
Overall maintenance costs1 (/km) [number of exchanges]
Campaign involving 5504 km [2] 0.0320 - - -
Campaign involving 5298 km [2] 0.0332 - - -
Overall maintenance costs1 (/h) [number of exchanges]
Campaign involving 153 hrs [2] - - - 1.047
Campaign involving 627 hrs [12] - - - 1.534
Campaign involving 419 hrs [8] - 1.412 - -
Campaign involving 963 hrs [18] - 1.382 - -
Campaign involving 324 hrs [2] - - 1.343 -
Campaign involving 390 hrs [2] - - 1.116 -

1 includes consumables (oil, filters) and work, considering the number of oil exchanges indicated for each campaign.

Table 5: Summary of overall fuel costs (pure plant oil 100 %) and maintenance costs for all vehicles and the laboratory engine
in the test periods.

The values for pure plant oil consumption were estimated in the everyday use of the vehicles
(table 5).
The values for the pure plant oil consumption of the laboratory engine were estimated in
laboratory conditions, loading the engine with a brake dynamometer or DC generator.
Overall maintenance costs in
Fuel / Vehicle Land Rover AGT 835 Fendt 612 LSA Stationary engine Lombardini
Diesel - D2 87.51 295.81 217.4 80.1
Diesel - D2 87.94 665.57 217.62 481.29
Pure Plant Oil - PPO 176.12 591.62 435.13 160.35
Pure Plant Oil - PPO 175.89 1331.14 435.24 962.58
100 % Biodiesel - B100 176.12 591.62 435.13 160.35
100 % Biodiesel - B100 175.89 1331.14 435.24 962.58
Index PPO/D2 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00
Index PPO/D2 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Index B100/D2 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00
Index B100/D2 2.01 2.00 2.00 2.00

Table 6: Overall maintenance costs for three fuels.

The results show that the use of PPO and B100 fuels causes some additional preventive
maintenance costs. This is mainly due to more frequent preventive exchanges of the engine oil
and filters to assure good lubrication in the engines internals. The changing intervals for
engine oil had to be halved for all tested engines compared to normal intervals for engine oil,
when mineral diesel fuel was used in the tested engines. Furthermore, when the engine oil was
changed, oil and air filters had to be changed as well. However, overall costs were relatively
CO2 emissions were determined on the basis of the measurement of fuel consumption (pure
plant oil) of the three vehicles and laboratory engine (the engine operated simultaneously on
pure plant oil, biodiesel, and mineral diesel, with each of the three cylinder engine operating
on one and the same fuel) in a given period. The calorific value (MJ/kg) and fuel density kg/m3
were determined for mineral diesel fuel, biodiesel, and pure plant oil in a laboratory that
researches the physical and chemical properties of fuels (Petrol d.d., Zalog laboratory).
For biodiesel and pure plant oil the emissions of CO2/MJ were determined on the basis of
calculating the CO2 generated in the production of rapeseed, its transport and processing into
fuel (the value of 36 g CO2/MJ for pure plant oil is taken from: Approaches for optimising the
greenhouse gas balance of biodiesel produced from rapeseed, German Biomass Research
Centre, 2010). In our production conditions, the emissions of CO2/MJ from the production of
rapeseed oil are 24.2 g CO2/MJ (data from the Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Agricultural Institute of Slovenia). For example, in Germany the emissions of CO2/MJ from the
production of rapeseed oil are 25 g CO2/MJ.
The difference between the emission of 24.2 g CO2/MJ from growing rapeseed and the final
pure plant oil emission of 36 g CO2/MJ (data in Tables 1 to 4) is the additional energy
consumed for transporting and processing rapeseed into fuel pure plant oil (in the case of
biodiesel the energy consumed for the esterification of pure plant oil into biodiesel is added).
The emission of CO2/MJ of mineral diesel fuel is determined in accordance with the EU
Directive on the promotion of renewable energy from renewable resources, 2009/28/EC from
23 April 2009.
Parameter/indicator Mineral diesel fuel Pure plant oil
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.96 39.69
Calorific value volume (MJ/l) 35.65 36.5
Density (kg/m3) 833.2 921
Emissions CO2 (g)/MJ of fuel 83.8 36
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 20 26 month 13.18* 13.18
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 32 39 month 12.18* 12.18
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/100 km (20 26 month) 39,374.85* 17,318.5
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/100 km (32 39 month) 36,387.38* 16,004.5

* If we assume that the consumption of mineral diesel is about the same as the consumption of pure plant oil, then the CO2
emissions of mineral diesel in the measurement/ test period 1, month 20 to 26, amounted to 39.37 kg/100 km and 36.38
kg/100 km in period 2, month 32 to 39.

Table 7: Emissions of CO2 for the off-road Land Rover Defender 110.

The emissions of CO2 for pure plant oil in the measurement test period 1 from month 20 to
26, were 17.3 kg/100 km and 16.0 kg/100 km in the test period 2, month 32 to 39.
After subtracting the CO2 emissions of pure plant oil from those of mineral diesel fuel, the
difference represents the reduction in CO2 emissions when pure plant oil was used. In the test
period 1, the savings from the use of pure plant oil were 22.0 kg CO2/100 kilometers and in
period 2 they amounted to 20.3 kg CO2/100 kilometers travelled. A vehicle averaging a
mileage of 10,000 km per year could save up to 2.2 tons of CO2 yearly compared to one using
mineral diesel fuel.
Parameter/indicator Mineral diesel fuel Pure plant oil
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.96 39.69
Calorific value volume (MJ/l) 35.65 36.5
Density (kg/m3) 833.2 921
Emissions CO2 (g)/MJ of fuel 83.8 36
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 20 26 month 3* 3
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 32 39 month 1.27* 1.27
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h (20 26 month) 8,962.4* 3,942.0
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h km (32 39 month) 3,794.0* 1,668.7
* If we assume that the consumption of mineral diesel is about the same as the consumption of pure plant oil, then the CO2
emissions of mineral diesel in the measurement/ test period 1 (month 20 to 26) were 8.9 kg/h and 3.7 kg/h in test period 2
(month 32 to 39).

Table 8: Emissions of CO2 for tractor AGT 835.

The CO2 emissions for pure plant oil in the measurement/test period 1 (month 20 to 26)
were 3.9 kg/h and 1.6 kg/h during test period 2 (month 32 to 39).
After subtracting the CO2 emissions of pure plant oil from those of mineral diesel fuel, the
difference represents the reduction in CO2 emissions when pure plant oil was used. In test
period 1 the savings from the use of pure plant oil were 5 kg CO2/h and during period 2 they
amounted to 2.1 kg CO2/h. A tractor running on pure plant oil for 500 working hours/ year,
could save up to 2,500 kg of CO2 compared to one running on mineral diesel oil.
Parameter/indicator Mineral diesel fuel Pure plant oil
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.96 39.69
Calorific value volume (MJ/l) 35.65 36.5
Density (kg/m3) 833.2 921
Emissions CO2 (g)/MJ of fuel 83.8 36
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 20 26 month 8.33* 8.33
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 32 39 month 7.9* 7.9
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h (20 26 month) 24,885.6 10,945.6
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h (32 39 month) 23,601.0 10,380.6

* If we assume that the consumption of mineral diesel is about the same as the consumption of pure plant oil, then the CO2
emissions of mineral diesel in test period 1 (month 20 to 26) were 24.8 kg/h and 23.6 kg/h in test period 2 (month 32 to

Table 9: Emissions of CO2 for tractor Fendt Favorit 612.

The emissions of CO2 for pure plant oil in the measurement/ test period 1 (month 20 to 26)
were 10.9 kg/100 km and 10.3 kg/100 km in the period of month 32 to 39.
After subtracting the CO2 emissions of pure plant oil from those of mineral diesel fuel, the
difference represents the reduction in CO2 emissions when pure plant oil was used. In the
measurement/ test period 1 (month 20 to 26), the savings from the use of pure plant oil were
13.9 kg CO2/h and in test period 2 (month 32 to 39) 13.3 kg CO2/h. A similar tractor, running
on pure plant oil for 500 working hours/year, could save up to 6,950 kg of CO2 compared to
one running on mineral diesel oil.
Parameter/indicator Mineral diesel fuel Biodiesel Pure plant oil
Calorific value (MJ/kg) 42.96 40.06 39.69
Calorific value volume (MJ/l) 35.65 35.25 36.5
Density (kg/m3) 833.2 883.1 921
Emissions CO2 (g)/MJ of fuel 83.8 52 36
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 20 26 month 1.31 1.26 1.39
Fuel consumption (l/100 km), 32 39 month 1.00 1.1 1.04
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h (20 26 month) 3,913.5 2,309.5 1,826.4
Emissions CO2 (g) for fuel consumption, l/h (32 39 month) 2,987 2,016.3 1,366.5

Table 10: Emissions of CO2 for the laboratory engine.

Table 10: Emissions of CO2 for the laboratory engine.

The CO2 emissions for pure plant oil in measurement/test period 1 (month 20 to 26) were
1.8 kg/kWh and 1.3 kg/kWh in test period 2 (month 32 to 39) (one cylinder of the engine was
fuelled with pure plant oil).
The CO2 emissions for biodiesel in measurement/ test period 1 (month 20 to 26) were 2.3
kg/kWh and 2.0 kg/kWh in test period 2 (month 32 to 39) (one cylinder of the engine was
fuelled with biodiesel).
CO2 emissions for mineral diesel in the measurement/ testing period 1 (month 20 to 26)
were 3.9 kg/kWh and 2.9 kg/kWh in the testing period 2 (month 32 to 39) (one cylinder of
engine fuelled with mineral diesel).
After subtracting the CO2 emissions of pure plant oil from those of mineral diesel fuel, the
difference represents the reduction in CO2 emissions when pure plant oil was used. In
measurement/test period 1 (month 20 to 26), the savings from the use of pure plant oil (one
cylinder of the engine was fuelled with pure plant oil) were 2.1 kg CO2/kWh and in test period
2 (month 32 to 39) 1.6 kg CO2/kWh. At 100 kWh, the savings in CO2 emissions amounted to
210 kg and 160 kg respectively. The laboratory engine, using pure plant oil and operating at
500 kWh, could save up to 1,050 kg of CO2 (one cylinder of the engine was fuelled with pure
plant oil) compared to mineral diesel fuel.
In test period 1 (month 20 to 26), the savings from the use of biodiesel (one cylinder of the
engine was fuelled with pure plant oil) were 1.6 kg CO2/kWh and in test period 2 (month 32 to
39) 0.9 kg CO2/kWh. At100 kWh, the savings in CO2 emissions amounted to 160 kg and 90
kg respectively. The laboratory engine, using biodiesel and operating at 500 kWh, could save
up to 800 kg of CO2 (one cylinder of the engine was fuelled with biodiesel) compared to
mineral diesel fuel.
From the results obtained, it is evident that the reduction of CO2 emissions using biodiesel
in the laboratory engine was lower than that when pure plant oil was used.
Using pure plant oil can generate substantial savings in CO2 emissions. In the case of
tractor AGT 835 with 500 working hours/ year, savings of up to 2.5 tons of CO2 compared to
using mineral diesel fuel are possible. For Tractor Fendt 612 with 500 working hours/ year the
use of pure plant oil can save up to 6.9 tons of CO2 compared to using mineral diesel fuel. For
the off-road Land Rover Defender with a mileage of 10,000 km/ year, the use of pure plant oil
can save up to 2.2 tons of CO2 compared to using mineral diesel fuel. All vehicles together can
annually save up to 11.6 tons of CO2, which also means lesser impact on the atmosphere with
greenhouse gases.
The energy use of plant oil in engines (diesel engines in different road and off-road vehicles,
cogeneration units for the production of electric and thermal energy, ships, railways, etc.) is a
real alternative to fossil fuels/ mineral diesel oil. For driving modified diesel engines, beside
pure plant oils, waste edible/ cooking oil may also be used. This is due to the characteristics of
the combustion of plant oils, which are very similar to those of mineral diesel fuel, but their
viscosity is the only significant limiting factor, in terms of being too high for the fuel supply
systems in modern diesel engines. The high viscosity of pure plant oil causes plugging of fuel
pipes, filters and high-pressure injection nozzles because of the incomplete atomization of the
fuel drops of plant oil during the fuel injection, preventing complete combustion due to large
fuel drops and causing carbon plaque to build up. As a result, pure plant oil cannot be used
directly in diesel engines a modification of the engine is required. An efficient way to
accomplish this is to use a two-tank system. The two-tank system requires mineral diesel fuel
(instead of mineral diesel oil biodiesel may be used) to start and heat up the engine and to use
it before engine stop. The results of using such a modified engine yielded a significant
reduction of CO2 emissions, but also showed slightly higher energy/ fuel consumption and
higher maintenance costs.
Another important issue that should be mentioned is the duty tax. In Slovenia, the use of
pure plant oil is permitted for vehicle propulsion and cogeneration of electrical and thermal
energy. In these cases the same duty tax applies as for mineral diesel fuel 0.43 /l plus 20
% VAT. This also applies for the self-produced pure plant oil of farmers, but they are entitled to
an end-of-year reimbursement of paid taxes i.e. part of the duty tax (for either bought or self-
produced fuel). This is deemed extremely unfair with respect to the promotion of renewable fuel
sources. It is understood that the current national duty tax policy is one of the serious obstacles
to wider production and use of pure plant oil as fuel in Slovenia, and it appears as if the
national authorities currently do not regard this as an issue that needs to be addressed.

Godea, Tone, Viktor Jeji and Toma Poje. 2010. Characteristics of a tractor engine using
mineral and biodiesel fuels blended with rapeseed oil. Scientia Agricola 67: 510516.
Jeji, Viktor, Toma Poje and Tone Godea. 2008. Possibilities of running tractor and
vehicles by plant oil, Actual tasks on Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of the 36th
International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering, Opatija.
Kitani, Osamu (ed.). 1999. CIGR Handbook of Agricultural Engineering, Volume V - Energy &
Biomass Engineering. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Available at:, 21. 8. 2012.
Knuth, Hans Walter and Markus Winkler. 2009. Implementation of a 500 h engine test cycle
and field testing of Deutz Common-Rail Engines in Heavy Duty Euro IV Truck Applications for
Release of Biodiesel. Final report. UFOP Project No. 540/080. Kln: Deutz AG.
MAN B&W Diesel AG. 2004. Bio fuels for Diesel Engines.
Mittelbach, Martin and Claudia Remschmidt. 2004. Biodiesel, The comprehensive
handbook, Graz.
LJUBLJANA I The public bike-sharing system Bicike(LJ) has made cycling increasingly popular.

ZAGREB I ELAN activities have promoted tolerance and understanding among all groups of traffic users.

LJUBLJANA I Public transport users are able to plan their trips more efficiently with the help of 58 real-time information
displays at bus stops and the Google Transit portal with a route planner for the entire PT system.
Dirk Engels, Marko Matulin, tefica Mrvelj,
Ljupko Simunovi, Cristina Vilarinho,
Jos Pedro Tavares, Begga Van Cauwenberge,
Veronique Van Acker, Davor Konti,
Jana Vlkov, Eliene Van Aken
The main objective of the CIVITAS initiative is to support cities to introduce ambitious
transport measures and policies towards sustainable urban mobility, achieving a significant
shift in the modal split towards sustainable transport.
In this context it is crucial to have a good understanding of the transport term modal split,
which is an important indicator of the efficiency of the implemented strategies. In this way the
evolution of the modal split can be used for various purposes, e.g.:

to determine actual use of transport modes and travel habits at the urban and
suburban levels,
to test the quality of service satisfaction on public transport modes,
to analyse differences between urban and suburban population concerning their use of
transport modes and travel habits,
to adequately present and interpret the socio-spatial trends,
to plan transport infrastructure and related investments within cities and surrounding
suburban areas,
to identify important themes, vulnerable groups, potential conflicts that may arise, etc.

Especially for CIVITAS ELAN, the modal split indicator brings together the impacts of all
implemented measures, which is an important aspect of the integrated approach envisaged by
the CIVITAS initiative.
Having a look at the wide range of evaluation studies and policy documents, we notice that
we have a wide range of definitions of modal spilt. The main interpretations are the following:

modal split as the share of each mode in the number of trips done by citizens,
modal split as the share of each mode in the number of trips done by people going to
modal split as the share of each mode in the number of kilometres travelled by citizens.

Additionally, we see a lot of minor differences in the types and definitions of trips and modes
taken into account, the analysis group, and the way the data is collected. As most of the
measures are implemented only in a specific area, instead of in the entire city, the modal split
is often only measured in this corridor. All these aspects have a larger or smaller impact on
the modal split figures.
For this reason the ELAN evaluation managers initially had the idea to define one unique
approach on modal split and to organise identical surveys in the different cities. In practice this
was not possible for obvious reasons. Such surveys would require much higher resources than
available and would make it impossible to refer to historical data series. Some cities carry out
the modal split survey for ELAN-specific purposes, but others have carried out modal split
surveys before. For this reason the modal split surveys conducted in ELAN cities were usually
organised in a way consistent with existing surveys and optimised for specific target groups.
However, in this context the CIVITAS ELAN evaluation managers are fully aware of the
importance of high transparency and the need for further harmonisation in the modal split
approach. This article aims to contribute to these objectives. Since other research on transport
behaviour is done in a complementary way, we do not aim to give a comprehensive overview of
all surveys in the ELAN cities, but to describe in a critical way the main modal split surveys that
were used for the evaluation of the CIVITAS ELAN measures.
Further a comparative interpretation is made by indicating some key differences and their
related impact on the modal split figures. Finally, the importance of the different choices in the
modal split approach is synthesised, contributing to future optimisation of the modal split
This chapter contains information on how the modal split surveys are conducted in the five
cities of CIVITAS ELAN. The differences between the cities are summarised in a comparative
table (table 1).
In Ljubljana, two different surveys on modal split were carried out, one within the context of
changes in the public transport system arrangement, and one on the travel habits of the
inhabitants of the Ljubljana region. Both surveys were carried out in 2009, before the
implementation of the CIVITAS ELAN measures. A second one is planned in 2012, and there is
a possibility that it will be repeated in 2013.
The survey Changes in the public transport system in Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region
consisted of 12 thematic sections (over 47 questions). The questions regarding the modal split
were included in the section Transport and functionality, in which the use of various
transport modes by the respondents were surveyed. Specifically, the questions addressed the
type/kind of transport mode respondents usually used for various activities, use of car pooling,
frequency of public transport use, and the average travel times to work/school.
The survey aims at two target groups: inhabitants of the CIVITAS corridor and commuters
along the corridor. For the inhabitants, a random sample was selected, ensuring a high level of
representation and even distribution of social groups by selecting the person in the household
who last celebrated his/her birthday at the time of the interview and who was over 18 years
old. The area of the corridor was divided into several sample areas. For each, a specific share
of surveys took place. In order to gather information about daily commuters using the corridor,
the survey sample was extended to the outskirts of the city (regional level), to establish the
travel habits outside Ljubljana.
The population of the corridor and the number of commuters in the corridor is estimated at
approximately 60,000. The sample size was set to 1,000, which is considered to be a
statistically representative size (1.5% of the corridor population). Due to an expected response
rate of 0.65, the sample was increased to 1,350 (the confidence interval for the sample was
95%, the error rate 3%).
In the first phase of the survey, the questionnaire was delivered to 1,350 statistically
selected potential respondents (inhabitants of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana region), with a letter
describing the purposes of the survey and the details concerning the interview at their address.
Afterwards, the face-to-face interviews were conducted by the University of Ljubljana. During
the two weeks period between the delivery of the questionnaire and the interviews, at least one
member of the survey team was periodically available at a special telephone number and e-
mail address to respond to any questions from the respondents.
In the before survey, the response rate was over 80%, relating to a total number of 1,081
questionnaires, of which 12 questionnaires were excluded due to various reasons (missing
data, incorrect input of data into questionnaire, etc.). In the final phase, a total number of
1,069 questionnaires were included in the further processing of data. 901 responses were
obtained from the corridor, while 168 responses were obtained from the regional level (daily
The survey Travel habits of the respondents in the Ljubljana Urban Region aimed at
determining the actual use of transportation and travel habits at the urban and suburban
(regional) levels, and the relation with the services satisfaction with public transport modes
and demographic characteristics. Therefore, besides questions on the transport mode usually
used for various activities, also questions such as the frequency of public transport use,
transport mode in relation to distance/travel time, service satisfaction of PT and demographic
characteristics were addressed.
Based on a sample of landline telephone subscribers in the Ljubljana Urban Region, 1,111
adults were selected through random telephone numbers for a telephone interview using a
standardised questionnaire. The confidence interval for the sample was 95%, the error rate
Data analyses were based on a system of sample weights which reduce bias and errors in
the results deriving from the sampling method used. The sample weights were created on the
basis of the variables of gender, education and age.
The results revealed the connections between the views expressed by the respondents and
their status or socio-demographic characteristics. In addition to gender, age, and education,
the analysis thus included the occupation or employment status, type of settlement, and local
affiliation of the respondents. The analysis further included variables revealing specific
features of the use of public transport by individuals. The illustrations and data analysis were
based on a system of sample weights, which reduced bias and errors in the results deriving
from the sampling method used.
For both surveys, the paper versions of the questionnaires/notes needed to be transferred to
the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) computer database before statistical
analysis. The data was then cleaned, decoded, and prepared for further statistical analysis.
The answers were cross-examined to obtain additional information about multimodality, the
modal split for various groups of respondents and various purposes of the journeys. During the
data analysis, no additional demographic of other methodologically relevant pondering was
The department Data analysis and GIS of the city of Ghent collects modal split data for the
citizens, residents of Ghent, at the city level on a 5-year basis Ghent. The latest survey, done in
spring 2009, will be used as before data. The modal split is only reported for the main
transport mode used on journeys to work or school and during leisure.
To analyse significant differences in the modal split between the city and corridor levels, the
same indicators and survey methods were used for the modal split analysis within the CIVITAS
corridor. This additional before survey within the CIVITAS corridor was organised in spring
2009 as well.
The survey at the corridor level was based on a postal survey sent to all citizens between 10
and 79 years of age, residing in the corridor. Taking into account the number of inhabitants in
the corridor (29.525) and that a confidence interval of 95%, as well as representativeness of
age and gender had to be reached, at least 380 filled out questionnaires had to be received
from the CIVITAS corridor. Therefore, taking into account a response rate of 30%, the
questionnaire was sent to 1.018 inhabitants of the corridor. Also, the Dillman method was
used (reminder letters were sent to all selected citizens who did not yet fill out the
Especially for the CIVITAS project, additional mobility related questions were included in the
questionnaire distributed at the corridor level:

average length of trip to work or school,

average time of trip to work or school,
several questions related to bicycle thefts in Ghent,
satisfaction with communication and participation strategies,
quality of different types of infrastructure such as cycle lanes, footpaths, traffic
guidance system, etc.,
knowledge about several mobility services such as bicycle route planner, cycle website,
rental bikes, etc.

The after survey within the CIVITAS corridor was started in March 2012. To make sure that
an impact analysis at the corridor level could be conducted in proper way, the same indicators
and survey methods were used as in the before corridor surveys. To increase the efficiency of
the work of Ghents evaluation team, the questionnaire of this survey was extended with
additional questions needed for the evaluation of the impact of a range of measures on
Stimulating Cycling and Walking. Additional questionnaires were distributed in the area of
the main train station to make sure that the results of the after survey were representative at
this lower level. The after survey at the corridor level was also based on a postal survey sent
to all citizens between 10 and 79 years of age, residents in the corridor. Taking into account
the representativeness at the level of the number of inhabitants in the corridor, and at the level
of the number of inhabitants in the area of the main train station, and that a confidence
interval of 95%, with representativeness of age and gender had to be reached, a total of at
least 700 filled out questionnaires had to received. Therefore, taking into account the
response rate of the before survey, 46%, 1512 questionnaires were sent. The Mobility survey
at the city level is planned in early May 2012. Here too the survey methods are similar to the
before survey. To get trip-based modal split figures, a trip diary will be added to the
questionnaire. This trip diary is based on the trip-based modal split surveys organised by the
Flemish Government. Extra attention is given to the quality of this modal split survey, as this
study will be repeated on a 2 to 3 year basis in the future.
All modal split surveys were carried out by a subcontractor, Market Analysis & Synthesis
(MAS) consultancy. Data entry into the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) computer
database before statistical analysis was done by the subcontractor, using standard procedures
to prevent input errors. The answers needed to be coherent. For this reason, data cleaning is
done using e.g. cross tabulations. From the analysis of the survey done at the corridor level, the
ratios we find in the population by sector, age, and gender are also well respected in the
realised sample compared to the statistical figures. Although deviations between the sample
and population were restricted, it was decided to increase the representativeness of the
satellite results by weighting the functions of sector, age and gender. Finally statistical
analyses were done. The results and technical report of the survey were delivered to the city of
Ghent by the subcontractor.
In Zagreb, citizens were interviewed face-to-face on their mobility behaviour before the
implementation of the measures. The survey design was carried out by the Faculty of Transport
and Traffic Sciences (ZFOT) of the University of Zagreb, a partner of CIVITAS ELAN. The survey
will be repeated after the implementation of the measures. It is unsure if it will be repeated
after the project as well.
First, sample size, i.e. sampling fraction, was determined in order to meet the requirements
of the possible use of a particular sample, whose answers truly reflect the population. The
sample was derived by dividing the population into seventeen non-overlapping classes (there
are seventeen districts in Zagreb). A second stratification was based on dividing every defined
class into four subclasses (there are statistical data for the population, divided into four age
groups in Zagreb and its districts). This technique allowed the predetermined sample size of
500 citizens of Zagreb to result in a correctly differentiated view of travel behaviour in Zagreb.
For each district, the sample was selected from a given percentage of citizens from different
age groups. The calculation of the required number of citizens of a particular class or subclass
was based on the statistical data for Zagreb.
Data was collected by employees of the partners of CIVITAS ELAN in Zagreb. They were asked
to fill out the questionnaire for themselves and their family, neighbours and relatives. Beside
employees, students of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences were asked to fill out the
questionnaire for themselves and their family (if they lived in Zagreb) and for their neighbours
and relatives as well. Apart from that, some questionnaires were filled out by citizens who
visited the CIVITAS ELAN Info Point during a determined time period. Furthermore, 10 students
of ZFOT were trained to collect the rest of the questionnaires, in case the data collected by the
previously described methods were not satisfactory. For a few questionnaires, personal
interviews and telephone surveys were used to collect the data.
The questionnaire was in the form of a table containing a range of multiple choice questions
on the following indicators:
Transport mode* Purpose of the journey** Respondent information Journey/Trip information
1. Walking 1. School/Faculty 1. Age group 1. Origin
2. Cycling 2. Work 2. Gender 2. Destination
3. Motorcycle 3. Business (hospital, bank) 3. Occupation 3. Purpose
4. Car (driver) 4. Shopping 4. Level of education 4. Transport mode used
5. Car (passenger) 5. Leisure 5. Address 5. Departure time
6. Bus 6. Home 6. Drivers licence (Yes/No) 6. Arrival time
7. Tram 7. Other 7. Car ownership (Yes/No) 7. Length
8. Train 8. Bicycle ownership (Yes/No)

* For each trip several choices were possible.

** Each journey had to have a purpose.

A purpose was assigned to each journey, as distance and duration. Each journey was then
divided into trips. For each trip a transport mode, origin and destination, distance and duration
had to be filled out.
The answers from all questionnaires were entered manually into MS Excel. Data analysis
was conducted manually as well; data were derived about the modal split for unimodal
journeys, multimodal journeys, and for different groups of respondents and different purposes.
Moreover, average trip distances and durations were determined for each transport mode
which we analyzed.
In Brno, a modal split survey was carried out before and after the implementation of the
ELAN measures. The sample was composed of two groups, residents of the city and commuters
who enter the city, in a 70/30 proportion. The age group was defined as 15+ and only
respondents above this age limit were interviewed. Other stratifications were gender and
residence in a city district; the 29 city districts were divided over 14 areas of the city to achieve
the required quotas.
The sample was set at 1,000, which means a confidence interval of 95%. 20 people were
interviewed in a pilot survey, but no major changes were made to the questionnaire afterwards;
therefore these 20 questionnaires were included into the total of questionnaires that were
The data collection itself was carried out by 20 interviewers from 22 June to 9 July 2010.
Respondents were approached face-to-face in the streets at various collection points across the
city, both in the city centre and various city districts to meet the set quotas for the defined 14
areas of the city. It usually took around. 20 minutes to fill out a questionnaire.
The key information that was collected concerned the modes of transport used for regular
trips to work/ school, trips during work/ school time, and trips respondents made in their free
time. The modes of transport used on weekends, to travel outside Brno, or for various kinds of
activities (services, leisure, shopping, and meeting friends) were also included in the
questionnaire. Information on the accessibility of various modes of transport, apart from public
transport, and peoples options to use them was collected together with information on user
satisfaction with the different facilities and the ease to park a car in or outside the city centre.
The collected data was transferred to a computer and processed with IBM SPSS software.
The scope and contents of the questionnaire, as well as the sample size, allowed the use of
simple statistics (descriptive statistics), but also sophisticated analytical methods (such as
correspondence analysis). The next survey is planned for June 2012 (two years after the first
data collection).
Biannual use of this tool will be possible after the end of the project.
To measure the modal split in Porto, two separate campaigns were carried out, one for
modal split of students/ workers and another for the inhabitants of Portos CIVITAS
demonstration corridor (the Asprela area). This data collection was performed before and after
the implementation of the CIVITAS ELAN measures.
The Transport Infrastructure Division of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto,
organised the mobility home survey to establish the mobility of Asprelas inhabitants on a
regular working day. This was done by face-to-face interviews in peoples homes. The following
variables were collected:

the number of trips,

departure time,
arrival time,
travel reason,
mode of transport,
place of interchange and
characterization of the person inquired.

A samples size depends on the citys size and the level of statistical accuracy required. For
this survey, the size of the sample was estimated for a population of 12,000 inhabitants, with
a 95% of confidence interval and 5% error rate. This implied that 376 households in the
Asprela corridor were selected to be interviewed through a random generation of coordinates
using Microsoft Office Excel.
The company OPT and the City Municipality is in charge of planning the mobility survey for
students and workers in the Asprela area. Data was collected by an online survey that was
disseminated by e-mail to workers and students, and by face-to-face interview for visitors in
several Asprela institutions (companies, university, hospital). The following indicators were

travel reasons,
travel frequency,
origin, destination,
transport mode and
departure time.

1,434 valid answers were collected for an estimated population of 42,500, with a 95%
confidence interval and 2.5% error rate.
The data treatment considered only the means of transport used within the corridor, and
walking was considered as a mean of transport if the travel time on foot was more than 15
For both surveys the data was exported to Excel files and data analysis was manually
performed using Excel tools and macros. A general characterization of the data sample was
performed (age, gender, level of education, occupation) and mobility patterns established
(purpose of the journeys, uni/multimodal journeys) and, finally, the modal split results, taking
into account the number of trips. Data analysis was performed for the total sample and
separately for residents and commuters.
Ljubljana Ghent Zagreb Brno Porto
Ljubljana Ghent Zagreb Brno Porto
1: inhabitants and
commuters in the corridor; 1: households;
2: all inhabitants of the 2: workers/students
Ljubljana region
interviews (and
1: Face-to-face interviews at supplementary 1: Face-to-face interviews
Method of Postal survey (Dillman method: reminder Face-to-face
home personal at home
data letter sent to all selected citizens who had interviews in
2: Telephone interviews with interviews and 2: Online questionnaires
collection not filled out the questionnaire) the street
standardised questionnaire telephone surveys by mail
by students if
Inhabitants 1: Inhabitants of the
1: inhabitants of the corridor
of the corridor (total of 12,000)
and commuters (estimated
Analysis Inhabitants of the corridor 2: Workers/ students/
total of 60,000) Inhabitants of the corridor between 10 and
area target city (estimated (319,000) visitors of several
2: Inhabitants of the urban 79 years of age (29,525 in total)
group total of 779,000) and institutions in the Asprela
and suburban areas (total
commuters area (estimated total of
population of 400,000)
(143,000) 42,500)
One question addresses only
work/ school trips
Another question addresses
All trips made in Work,
Types of other activities: visits to the
one day: school/ school,
trips historical centre of Ljubljana,
faculty; work; services, 1: All trips that start/ end
included downtown shopping,
Main trips to work or school business, services leisure in the corridor
(trip purpose shopping on the citys
(hospital, bank); activities, 2: work/ school/ hospital
or travel outskirts , visits to the citys
shopping; leisure; shopping,
reason) parks and green areas, using
home; other. friends
the citys sports facilities a,
official errands, visiting
1: Number of trips, origin,
1: Average travel times, Average length of trip to work or school, Number of trips, Regular destination, departure
transport mode usually used average time of trip to work or school, origin, destination, mode of time, arrival time, travel
for various activities, use of questions related to bicycle thefts in Ghent, departure time, transport reason, modes of
car pooling, frequency of satisfaction with communication & arrival time, travel used, transport, place of
Data public transport use, etc. participation strategies, quality of different reason, mode of frequency of interchange and
collected 2: Transport mode in types of infrastructure like cycle lanes, transport, place of use of 2: Travel reason, travel
relation to distance/travel footpaths, traffic guidance system, interchange and various frequency, origin,
time, transport mode usually knowledge of several mobility services, e.g. characterization of modes in destination, mode of
used for various activities, bicycle route planner, cycle website, rental the person free time, in transport, departure time
frequency of public transport bikes ... inquired the characterization of the
use (bus, train), weekends person inquired
500 interviews
1: 376 interviews needed
needed (derived
20 pilot + for 95% level of
1: 1,000 interviews needed by stratification of
1,000 = confidence and a 5% error
for confidence interval of the population,
total 1,020; rate (households were
95% and error rate of 3%; based on age
70% selected through random
1,069 valid answers groups and
At least a total of 380 filled out residents generation of coordinates
received districts)
questionnaires needed for a confidence and 30% using Microsoft Office
Sample size 2: 1,111 interviews Non-random
interval of 95% with representativeness of commuters, Excel) (406
(representative sample of selection (relatives
age and gender. 99% questionnaires/ forms
LUR landline telephone and neighbours of
confidence and 385 validated).
subscribers), stratification in partners
level and 1% 2: 1,500 interviews
subsamples based on employees and
margin of needed for a 95%
demographic characteristics students, and
error confidence interval and
visitors of ELAN
2.5% o error rate
Info Point)
1: Car Car (no
Taxi distinction Car (no distinction
Train Car driver between between driver and
Bus Car driver Car passenger driver and passenger)
Motorcycle, scooter Car passenger Train passenger) Taxi
Bicycle Train Tram Train Bus
By foot Bus/ tram Bus Tram Metro
Combined modes Motorcycle Motorcycle Trolleybus Motorcycle
2: Car Bicycle Bicycle Bus Bicycle
Public transport On foot On foot (more than Motorcycle On foot (only if the travel
Bicycle/ motorcycle 100m) Bicycle time on foot was more
On foot On foot than 15 minutes)
Others In-line skates
1: It is possible to treat the Unimodal and
for travels to It is possible to treat the
Combination information in order to For trips by train, also the transport mode multimodal
work/ information in order to
of modes obtain the combination that is used to go to the train station is journeys
school; the obtain the combination
included? modes surveyed measured
rest modes
2: no separately
Before and after the
implementation of ELAN
before and after the
measures: before and after
Biannual: implementation of ELAN
1: 2 weeks in January 2009; the
Periodicity 3-yearly (2009 and 2012) June 2010 & measures: April-June
2 weeks in April 2012 implementation of
June 2012 2009 & March/ April
2: between 30 September ELAN measures
and 6 October 2009; April

Table 1: Key characteristics of the modal split approaches in the CIVITAS ELAN cities.

The above descriptions of the approaches in the ELAN cities provide a view of the variation
of approaches in the different cities. To allow a structured discussion on the theme, the key
aspects were brought together in the above summary table (Table 1). Making up this table
resulted in a first important observation: different terms are used in the description of the
characteristics of the modal split approach between the cities and research institutes. Some
examples are:

trip purpose or reason of travel,

modes of transport or main mode of transport,
the mode on foot has different meanings.


A basic aspect of any modal split analysis is the definition of the area in which we want to
gain insight in travel behaviour. In most surveys, the analysis is made for the city area (the
municipality) or the metropolitan area. For the CIVITAS ELAN cities a more limited area is
important as well: the corridor or area in which most of the measures are implemented and for
which we expect a significant impact of the integrated implementation of these measures. Most
surveys focus on the travel behaviour of the citizens living in analysis area. It is important to
realize that this approach covers only a part of the trips in the analysis area. Two extreme
situations are typical. On the one hand, there is the large metropolitan area around a city area,
in which most of the trips to and from the central city occur. A survey of the citizens will give a
quite complete view of the travel patterns of all movements in the analysis area. On the other
hand, we have the small area of, e.g., a city centre. In this case, only a small part of the trips in
that area will be included in the areas modal split analysis, since both commuters and transit
traffic are excluded.
Other surveys focus on specific activities (based on the trip purpose) in the analysis area,
e.g. working, going to school or visiting the citys commercial and tourist centres. Although the
first two activities are in many cases the main type of activities, an analysis of the modal split
for these activities is not representative of the general travel behaviour in the analysis area. A
specific analysis of this e modal split can, of course, be of high interest, but its results are not
comparable with a general modal split survey of the citizens.
From this perspective, a citizen-focused survey of a limited corridor or area in the CIVITAS
ELAN cities should be interpreted with care.
The method of data collection is important to guarantee the quality of the results. The
selected method strongly depends on the analysed target group. In many cases the necessary
choice is to use a sample of this target group as representative of the whole target group. The
size and the selection of the sample are not discussed here as this is common statistical
knowledge. Recently, surveys on travel behaviour of citizens have been able to use a much
wider range of techniques such as e-mail and the Internet. Traditional surveys by phone or
letter are used less and less. The representativeness of the latter is even doubted as fewer
citizens communicate in this way.
A detailed modal split survey will collect all the data describing all trips and modes used by
a person during one or more days, or in relation to the specific analyzed activity (e.g. work).
This gives a full view of a persons travel behaviour; it also includes the variation in choices
over the week days (e.g. going to work on Mondays by car, but by bus on Tuesdays). If the
relevant characteristics of the respondents are collected as well (e.g. age, gender, car
availability, etc.), such a survey will allow an in-depth and differentiated understanding of
mode choice.
A minimum modal-split survey will ask for the mode that is mainly used in general or for a
specific trip purpose. Such a survey can show evolution in travel behaviour and in this way it
will give an indication on the effectiveness of measures, but it does not allow for a detailed
analysis of travel behaviour. We have to be aware of the fact that in such a minimum modal-
split survey the modes used most will be normally overestimated in the modal split figures.
A survey on modal split is also a good opportunity to ask about other characteristics of
peoples mobility behaviour. The survey can include questions on the reasons for using or not
using certain transport modes, the perception of the quality of modes, travel times, etc.
The modes included in all surveys were car, public transport, and bicycle. Most surveys now
also include going on foot, and occasionally less common modes like ship or airplane. Since
the latter generally have only a very limited share in a city environment, they seem less
important. On the contrary, going on foot seems crucial to be included (this was done in all
CIVITAS ELAN surveys) as an important sustainable mode. Here we see differences in the
minimum distance of the trip on foot that is included. In many cases 100m is taken as a
minimum to avoid any discussion on trips inside buildings or complexes of buildings. In some
cases, the walking distance is counted in minutes rather than in metres.
As indicated above, some surveys include a detailed logging of all trips and modes used,
ensuring that detailed analyses can be made of all combinations of modes used by the target
group. Some surveys also try to have collect information on this aspect by allowing combined
answers, or by asking specifics about n the main mode and the before and after mode. This
type of analysis is crucial for arriving at conclusions about park and ride systems or the
importance of integrated information systems.
A further important element seems to be the distinction between car driver and car
passenger. Not all surveys include this distinction, making it impossible to have a view of the
success of carpooling. On the other hand, some surveys go even further here, using different
categories for car passengers drivers family members or not.
Finally, the identification of different sub-modes such as train, bus, or tram for public
transport, and different minor modes like motors and motorcycles, can make the surveys more
interesting, but also more difficult to compare.
The CIVITAS ELAN cities are using a wide range of techniques to collect modal split data. The
use of effective and appropriate methods, depending on the interviewed target group,
guarantees the quality of the data.
However, the results of the surveys can hardly be compared because of the differences in
survey area and target groups, types of trips analysed, and modes or sub-modes included. All
this calls for caution in interpreting the results: which modal split should be analysed?
Any modal split analysis, and especially a more general interpretation involving different
cities, should start with a clear understanding or, if possible, a well-considered decision on
the methodology in advance of the following elements:
the analysis area in relation to travel patterns,
the trips included in the survey: trips by the inhabitants of that area and trips by people
coming from neighbouring zones,
modes included.

Further research seems necessary to develop a structured scheme of different modal split
analyses in which all these aspects are combined and linked to policy issues.
For the CIVITAS evaluation where we are interested in the impact of an integrated package
of measures, which are mainly aimed to effect travel behaviour for trips in a specific area or
corridor of the city it seems important to have a layered analysis. On the one hand, a survey
of the citizens of a specific area will provide insight into changes in the travel behaviour of
these citizens. On the other hand, a survey of the trips coming in or going out the area or
corridor will give us complementary information on the impact of the measures on commuters
and visitors. Since both groups are influenced in different ways by the measures adopted in the
area, this distinction seems relevant. An overall survey for the whole city or metropolitan area
will give the best global view of travel behaviour in a city. For the CIVITAS evaluation, the data
can be processed into differentiated figures for both citizens and non-citizens.
To account for the long term impact of the measures implemented during CIVITAS ELAN and
to make the evaluation of mobility measures more structural, it is important that performing
modal split surveys is continued in the future as well, on a regular basis, and with a
standardised approach to ensure comparability.
ZAGREB I Public transport drivers have received special training to raise their awareness of the needs of older passengers
and increase their safety in PT.

ZAGREB I 47 bio-diesel waste-disposal and street-cleaning vehicles have been introduced in the public fleet.
GHENT I Free loading spots provide easier access to delivery trucks and ensure quick handling.
Franc Trek
This chapter presents a self-evaluation of the scientific coordination of the CIVITAS ELAN
project. Although officially designated as a demonstration project, it is based as a whole on the
application of scientific and research findings, and solutions deriving from them, from a wide
range of natural science and sociological disciplines to which the partners in the project
belong. To understand the scientific coordination therefore requires understanding and
evaluation of the project as a whole. In the self-evaluation of our joint efforts in the field of RTD
improvements in the complex system of public transport in the five partner cities I draw on the
findings I acquired not only as the projects scientific coordinator, but also as a spatial
sociologist, who has been dealing with urban technologies, new socio-spatial implications, and
local/regional development for two decades. I observed and analysed these findings as part of
the work on the project. This means that I arrived at my conclusions, as termed in sociological
methodology, through research with observation.
The evaluation of our joint efforts points out not only common successes, but also the
difficulties and, in particular, the many bottlenecks, that emerged in the execution of the
project, and specifically in its scientific coordination. Its intention is, of course not to point a
finger at an individual partner in the project or a group of partners, where these concrete
difficulties emerged. Quite the contrary. The intention of my analysis is to show how we
managed, in spite of many discipline-derived, administrative/bureaucratic, and cultural
differences, to successfully execute this, to date biggest, CIVITAS project, which will have long-
term effects improving public transport. Through the transfer of the acquired knowledge and
the territorial expansion of the measures the results of our numerous successful measures will
contribute to improvements, not only in the partner cities and beyond the corridors included in
the CIVITAS ELAN project, but in the entire regions where the projects participants are based.
In a projects final phase its successes are usually highlighted in glossy brochures, but my
professional deontology requires me to draw particular attention to the difficulties. These
derived on the one hand from the projects scope and nature and, on the other hand, in terms
of the actor-network theory, from the properties of the numerous actants included in the
project. The perplexity of actants, as indicated by the articles title, is one of the projects
strengths, but at the same time its limitation. The intention of this article is not only to point out
the difficulties brought about by this kind of perplexity. Its intention is rather to explore our
common findings and draw conclusions for future CIVITAS projects. This is after all my duty
after four years of dealing with the projects scientific coordination. I freely admit, of course,
that many partners included in the project with different tasks and responsibilities, will from
their different points of view perceive matters in different ways, but this does not mean that
either my findings or theirs are necessarily wrong or less important. They are merely different.
Below in this chapter I will first provide a brief history of how the scientific coordination was
included in the CIVITAS ELAN project, because this is necessary to understand both the
scientific coordination and my entire evaluation. This will be followed by a subchapter on the
conceptual and theoretical premises that form the basis for my analysis.
Improvements to public transport constitute an exemplary field where numerous users and
service providers, each with their own wishes and needs, become intertwined with the
complexity and variety of technological issues, the technical solutions derived from them, and
the simultaneous political/developmental decision-making process. For this reason I
considered it logical to use a conceptual-theoretical background for reflecting on the RTD
activities of our project and chose as starting point for the evaluation of the scientific
coordination the actor-network theory, as it often goes beyond the outdated division into people
and other (technical) artefacts. In this analysis I will use my own findings and the meta-
methodological dyadic model of four spheres, which I developed for studying the development
of the information society (see Trcek, 2003). In reflecting on the dynamics of the project I also
consider the findings related to the focus group method; this is explained in detail in a
The core of this chapter will use the storytelling method to analyse and evaluate our project
through the prism of the three above mentioned conceptual-theoretical bodies. The conclusions
contain recommendations and guidelines, which I hope will contribute to even better outcomes
of future CIVITAS projects.
As an autonomous part of the project, scientific coordination had to be conducted in a very
specific way in order to meet the expectations and completely fulfill its purpose, with the
requirements and imperatives constantly increasing over time, along with the amount of work
done within the project. Even though CIVITAS projects are not scientific projects in the narrow
sense, but demonstration projects for which European cities apply as key organizers, the very
concept set by the European Commission foresees the inclusion of scientific coordination, as
an instrument with a purpose to introduce additional dimension and increase overall amount
of relevant inputs to be further processed. However, just like any other serious work, the
introduction and conduction of scientific coordination had to have a dynamic of its own,
constantly encountering new challenges and requiring lots of hard work and good coordination
in order to cope with them.
The RTD and scientific coordination were planned as part of one of the horizontal
workpackages and gradual increase of their importance had been anticipated in the
preparatory phase of the project. Along with its importance, its quality was also expected to
increase during the course of the project implementation. There were several reasons and one
of them, if not the basic one, certainly was the fact that the initial phase of the project involves,
among others, that the partners get to know each other and find forms and ways of
communicating and cooperating, as well as whole range of more critical and urgent tasks, e.g.
getting familiarized with the FP7 administrative and financial rules. These urgent tasks were
largely related to the financial construction of this very complex project, which includes over 40
partners from seven countries and often also very different (organization) cultures. The two
other horizontal workpackages, i.e. evaluation and dissemination, have external monitoring
partners to advise and evaluate them, contracted by the CIVITAS consortium. Involvement and
contribution of these partners, combined with those from the European Commission, largely
influenced the nature of organization and (joint) management of all the currently running
CIVITAS projects in their first year, as well as later. This issue will be addressed in detail in the
evaluation analysis.
One of the strengths of the CIVITAS ELAN project was the organization of essentially similar
measures, which are implemented in the partner cities. This is a platform of common
measures that was to establish a discussion space for the exchange and transfer of specific
knowledge acquired by the partners in solving similar problems. In that sense, the experience
gained through previous CIVITAS projects had served as a precious input in an effort to design
and implement a successful scientific coordination.
As deducted from the evaluation of already implemented projects and considering the
significance of the issue, there has been a general recommendation that optimization of
scientific coordination should be addressed somewhat more carefully in the future. Following
that conclusion, among the first major tasks of the Centre for Spatial Sociology and one of the
first so-called deliverables in general, was the Methodological Background Paper. With the
exception of the chapter on interviewing methods, this important document, aimed at
presenting a broad selection of methodological approaches to studying the issues involved in
the project, especially in the light of greater inclusion of many groups of stakeholders in
planning future transport policies. The document started with deducting some upsides and
related downsides from the experiences of previous endeavors and envisaged common
methodological approaches to common measures, which would facilitate comparisons between
the cities.
After consulting the partner responsible for the overall project management, the future role
of WP 11 has been envisaged as a combination of methodological and advisory support to all
partners, identification and opening up of conceptual and theoretical difficulties related to
public transport development and situating transport policies in local/ regional spatial
development policies.
Further consideration has resulted in defining the twelve conceptual-thematic areas to be
discussed among the partners within the CIVITAS ELAN consortium. These themes, deriving
from the extensive research experience of the researchers in the Centre for Spatial Sociology of
the Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Ljubljana, address many critical areas from the
field of urban mobility that the project was certain to encounter (Consuming Places and Urban
Mobility, Alternative Urban Mobility as a Lifestyle, Urban-Rural Partnership and Mobility, City
or/ and Regional Mobility Planning, Influence of Institutionalized Individualization on Mobility
Patterns, Who are critical users better targeted marketing, Disabled and Mobility Social
Model of Urban Mobility, Social Innovations in Urban Transport, Mobility of Rich vs. Mobility of
Poor Stratus Social Exclusion, How Will the Aging of the Population Influence Urban Mobility,
Influence of Economic Crisis on Mobility ((re)localization of production and consumption, public
funding problems, social exclusion...), What is Safety and Security of Urban Public Transport
for Users). After a careful consideration and thorough harmonization, these topics have been
incorporated into a final decision about the issue.
The final decision was inclining towards an approach that assigns somewhat different role to
the scientific coordination, as it was not to directly support common measures but rather to
monitor them in detail. The key role of the scientific coordinator and the Centre for Spatial
Sociology was to closely monitor the implementation of the measures and offer every necessary
help and scientifically based second opinion, in cooperation with the partners responsible for
evaluation. Scientific support was also to be provided to the internal evaluators, coordinated
however with the support all CIVITAS projects are provided by the external contract partner
POINTER. The scientific coordination retained the dissemination of the scientific findings
acquired in the project and the preparation of a scientific monograph. The monograph,
including this chapter as its part, was envisaged from the beginning in the form of a final
scientific report about the project. In addition to that, besides all the support to the project,
science had found its own way to benefit from all the things done within CIVITAS ELAN, with a
most notable piece of added value found in the innovation regarding the search for the reliable
indicators of mobility changes.


Before turning to the self-evaluation, we have to outline its conceptual, theoretical premises.
As mentioned in the introduction to analyse the performance of the scientific coordination and
RTD of such an extensive project which involves natural science and sociological disciplines,
democratic (co)decision-making processes, administrative-bureaucratic procedures and
monitoring, and the interests of numerous groups of users and service providers a very
adequate reflection and approach is that taken by the actor-network theory (ANT). It is a theory
first developed in the sociological study of science and technology (STS Science and
Technology Studies) in the 1980s and 90s, when the foundations of ANT were laid by, in
particular, Michel Callon, Bruno Latour, and John Law. We can agree with Crawford (Crawford,
2004: 2) that ANT can be perceived as both a method and a theory. In our case it will serve
especially in the first sense, i.e. as a method that will facilitate our evaluation analysis. Why do
I consider the ANT approach to be a suitable method for self-evaluation?
ANT is an anti-essentialist movement (Crawford, 2004: 1) for theoretical reflection, aimed
at overcoming classical sociological divisions like agency-structure, nature-culture, context-
meaning, micro-macro levels, etc. Because it developed as part of STS, its adherents have
mainly addressed the research of socio-technical processes and networks from the initial
phase of the methods development. In their researches ANT adherents are especially critical
of social constructivism on the one hand, and techno-determinism or realism on the other
In its early researches of science in action they established that often the assumed default
autonomy and objectivity of (laboratory) science essentially does not exist, because it involves
laboratory work in a network that also includes cultural norms, fights between scientists and
groups of scientists over funding and research equipment, state research programmes,
cancelled projects, the cost of research equipment, educational institutions, professional
associations and their norms, charismatic persons, etc. All these are internal forces operating
within a STS network, and they may either help to create stability or cause the network they
belong to to implode. The topology of the temporal-spatial network emerges from the network of
relationships between the systems elements.
The key element of ANT for our analyses is the innovative answer to the question who exactly
operates and who exactly is (can be) an actor. In their conceptualisation the adherents of ANT
ignored sociologys dominant anthropocentric model to introduce the concept of an actant,
borrowed from semiotics. Any active part of a network can turn into an actant and, of course, it
is not necessarily a person or a group of people. Though ANT is often criticised for being an
inhuman theory, because actants can be non-humans as well, the emphasis on the agency
of things seems to us to be ANTs essential contribution, and Bruno Latour fittingly
demonstrated this in his analysis of public transport systems (Latour, 1997).
Slightly simplified, because the aim of this article is not an in-depth theoretical
(re)conceptualisation of ANT, ANT adherents ignore the divisions between nature and society,
people and things, hard scientific facts and, as has recently become popular to say, soft power.
A processual network of actants exists, which combines and mixes social, technical,
conceptual, and textual elements. Through processes of translation such a concrete network of
heterogeneous and irreductionist elements attempts to achieve stability and (at least medium-
term) durability. The translations are thus simultaneously practices, occurring in the network,
as well as the results of these practices, whose conditions the actants making up the concrete
network understand and accept. The nature of the internal networks hegemony of course
changes through these processes, which are, among others, attempts at simplifying
irreductionist complexities (see Latour, 2005; Law, 2003).
The concept of actants and the analysis of a concrete network as a whole is the element of
ANT that has proven to be suitable for analysing socio-technical systems, something CIVITAS
ELAN certainly is. We are of course aware of the ANTs defects, which show in particular in the
limit to which we can go in enumerating actants relevant to our analysis. To avoid this, I will
enhance the conceptual/methodological usefulness of ANT with a more classical sociological
approach that derives from an attempt to solve the basic sociological dilemma of the
relationship between agency and structure. It involves a dyadic mode of four spheres which I
developed for the needs of studying the information society.
In this model I start from the dyadic relationship between the social system and the actors on
the one hand, and the infrastructures properties and social action on the other hand. The
decision to use such abstraction of social practices is based on an attempt to synthesise and
overcome the micro-macro and objective-subjective dichotomies. In spite of the often
assumed objectivity of social systems and structures, facilitating the very existence of systems
through structuration processes, social systems nevertheless are not ontologically separated
from the actors operation and daily practices. Using their emancipatory capital the actors help
to create and adapt the structural conditions, aiming at usefulness and practicality in everyday
activities and living. In these transformations the actors go to the limit of their own
competitiveness, as well as to the limit of a concrete systems carrying capacity. The carrying
capacity of a system shows above all as the gap between the range of the actors needs and
wishes and the options to realise them, largely through systemic development policies. I tried to
capture this didactics of practice and policy in the widest sense in a dyadic model with four
spheres in which two spheres refer to the properties of the system (the technical and political
spheres), and two to the properties of individuals and collective actors (the social and
information spheres). This is of course a cognitive aid that facilitates mastering the complexity
of social practices in concrete analyses (see Trcek, 2003).
The technical sphere refers to the infrastructural development level of concrete social
systems, in our case to the mobility/transport public infrastructure, which is a key development
issue of our technical sphere. Even though from a classical sociological point of view it is at
first glance the least interesting sphere, it is a necessary infrastructural condition. The political
sphere refers to the field of regulation by the holders of political power. In our case it refers at
the external level to public socio-spatial development transport policies, which are formed in a
(co)decision-making process that includes a whole range of actors with different and often
contradictory interests. At the internal level it refers to the projects regulation and
management and the powerful influence of external factors on our self-regulation. Changes in
the balance of social power, which basically determine new policies of urban mobility, depend
on the competences and emancipatory potential of the actors. The social sphere is the field
where the actors social capital reveals itself. It is of course connected with their infrastructural
level of equipment and with the democratic level of the (co)decision making process. The
development question of the social sphere concerning changes in mobility patterns is the
question how well equipped individuals and groups are at the level of mobility. The information
sphere is the field where innovations occur in a perplex network of actors innovations
deriving from the initial competences of the social actors.
In the final reflections on the approach to self-evaluation, some essential methodological
starting-points and recommendations have to be addressed regarding the use of the focus
group method. The focus group method, while common in marketing research, is particularly
successful in the evaluation of projects and planning public (development) policies. A focus
group can be defined as a group of individuals who have common interests or similar
properties. It is useful for understanding why and how people form their views and opinions on
themes under study. In particular for the analysis of common sense views, the formation of
new ideas and concepts, the evaluation of existing programmes and public policies, gathering
proposals before taking decisions, accurate operationalisation of development strategies, and
improving the elaboration of new programmes and policies.
The method is based on the fact that we usually form meanings and opinions through
interaction with other people and/ or under their influence. It is further based on group
dynamics about a concrete research theme and in accordance with the principle of similarity of
connected individuals; therefore, the results must be analysed at the group level, not the
individual level, because the method provides us with answers about the views of relatively
homogeneous groups on the researched theme, not about the views of the individuals in them.
Because it involves small groups (usually 7 to 10 members) of voluntarily included
interviewees, the research findings obtained with the focus group method cannot be
generalised to other and different groups, or to the entire population.
The methods essential qualities are also its weaknesses. A key condition is the presence of
an experienced moderator. The moderator must guide the group dynamics towards the focused
theme. There is always a great risk that some members of the focus group will monopolize the
group interaction. For successful performance of focus groups the conceptual phase is of key
importance, because we have to define the reason and content of the research and also who
will be the users of the researchs results. Only when it is based on a defined and essential
focus we can answer questions on the composition of our focus groups. The methods name
indicates that the group has to focus on a concrete theme and address it through 5-6
questions. In the further phases of the analysis we use a comparative analysis of the focus
groups, aiming to find common and meaningful classifications of the researched themes. It is a
methodological approach that provides us with information in a live, usually colloquial
language (on the focus group method see Barbour, 2007; Greenbaum, 2002; Hennink, 2007;
Krueger and Cassey, 2009).
This brief summary of the essence of the focus group method was necessary for the self-
evaluation that follows, as it starts from the opinion that most of the group work in the CIVITAS
ELAN project was actually a series of (quasi-)focus groups. Together with the moderation of the
partners responsible for the project management, we used evaluations of existing transport
policies, researches into new ideas and concepts, attempts to operationalise them, inclusion in
future development strategies and new programmes and transport policies; the latter should
give more sensitive consideration to changes in urban mobility and attempts to improve and
enhance the existing mobility options in the partner cities. While aware of the importance of
non-human actants, which also influence the translation and durability of the CIVITAS ELAN
network, and using the model of four spheres for the self-evaluation analysis of our activities,
we have to be aware of the nature of our joint work, especially the exchange and transfer of
knowledge, which largely occurred in the form of expert focus groups including a wide range of
experts dealing with the concrete research subject.
Below I will use the storytelling approach for the promised self-evaluation. Storytelling is an
established methodological approach in poststructuralist sociology (Antonino, 1991), borrowed
to some extent from psychotherapy practices, where it was first developed. The storytelling
method is common in the field of narrative analyses in many fields of sociology and other
human sciences (see Nash ed., 1990). It is often used in attempts to reach a deeper
understanding of many socio-spatial issues (see more on the use of the method in Barber et
al., 2007; Miller and Zachary, 2007; Pollette, 2006).
Through the (micro) story of the projects temporal progress I wish to point out in particular
how difficult it is to achieve changes in fields with so many different interwoven interests of the
kind transport systems and transport and mobility policies certainly are. This approach
involves references to often problematic examples from our concrete project practices, through
which I want to draw attention to the complexity of the researched theme and to the fact that it
is impossible to be aware in advance of all the consequences of envisaged interventions.
However, the names of the cities or concrete partners, who dealt with a specific measure, will
not be mentioned, because our intention is not to provide internal criticism, but rather a
message for future similar projects. The reader can learn about examples where our solutions
for sets of problems were particularly successful in other chapters of this monograph.
For the purpose of our analysis, the technical sphere is defined as a complex transport/
technical system of infrastructures: a public city transport infrastructure and the services it
provides. Together with a whole range of concrete infrastructural/ developmental problems,
which differ between the partner cities and are related to changed mobility patterns, this
systems consist of numerous actors, where translations between them are hard, if not
Let us look at the example of a very banal problem in one of the partner cities. Searching for
a way to optimise traffic flows, they faced the problem that their traffic lights belong to three
generations of different and not entirely compatible series, making it practically impossible to
manage them efficiently and simultaneously: a traffic light from the first generation could
simply not communicate with one of the third generation. This is of course about an inherited
situation of incompatible actants, which will have to be solved in the long term with
technological standardisation and the elimination of incompatible actants from the network.
We often face a situation where an improvement that is obvious to everybody, for instance
the introduction of a technically more sophisticated actant in the technical sphere, does not
yield only positive effects. A quick sociological response would be that this is of course a
Beckian accepted social risk, but it is essentially more about peoples unawareness of all the
consequences the introduction of a new actant will have on the entire technical sphere.
Take, for instance, the introduction of new, more comfortable tramcars to replace old
mechanical and technologically less complex ones. The introduction of new computer-
supported intelligent means of transport of course brings about a range of improvements,
benefiting not only people, i.e. human actants, but indeed most actants and the network/
technical sphere as a whole (e.g. air-conditioned, comfortable tramcars, easier use for
handicapped people, an information system announcing arrivals, incorporated CCTV reducing
vandalism, higher energy efficiency). Used in practice, however, the new tramcars an
attractive actant for the needs of the PR project and introduced to stimulate the use of the
public transport system prove to a greater burden on the tracks and cause more damage to
them then the old and lighter unintelligent tramcars. And the energy savings are not as high
as was initially anticipated.
This of course does not mean that the partner who promised more than was realised
deceived the city. The matter primarily results from the unawareness of all the possible
multiplication effects that are caused in the network by the new actant. And, regarding the
energy savings, also because people were not aware that what was introduced instead of the
old actant was a micro-network of new actants, not just a substitute mono-actant. The new
tramcars indeed contain either a series of previously absent systems or updated old systems
with much more complex and information/ communication supported systems. Though these
do indeed enhance the comfort in the tramcars and the efficiency of our technical sphere, they
are of course not a perpetuum mobile, since they require energy for their operation.
Technologically more complex tramcars also mean a higher risk of defects in the individual
non-human actants they consist of, and that the human actants (drivers, maintenance teams)
have to be resocialized to adapt to the new actant in the technical sphere. It would be a
premature and superficial conclusion to say that the introduction of new tramcars did not
contribute the anticipated energy savings and caused additional cost for maintaining the
system and vehicles; this incorrect assessment derives from unawareness of the changes in
Easier to understand and more simple in the analysis of the technical sphere is the story
that involves a citys relief and which we can perceive as an important actant in our analysis of
RTD performance. The issues may range from problems with the groundwater in the partner
cities to questions how to introduce cycling to a city that is situated on hills above a river and
has neither a relevant cycling tradition nor a well developed network of cycle lanes. If we want
less fit citizens and visitors to join the cyclists, the city faces a presently insolvable financial
challenge at the level of mass use, because electric bicycles are too heavy on account of their
battery packs. By engaging all the cities of the CIVITAS consortium in a joint order of a series of
lighter, more suitable, but also more expensive electric bicycles, it may be possible to
substantially reduce the price per bicycle, but that is a question which in our dyadic model
belongs to the political sphere.
The domain of the technical sphere is immanently a field on which spatial sociologists,
unlike other CIVITAS ELAN partners from the technical academic sphere, have the least to
contribute to. It is, however, necessary to take into consideration the important surge in
complexity of the socio-technical system that is usually brought about by improvements in the
technical sphere in the form of the infrastructural consequences of new strategies of urban
and regional transport policies. This increasing complexity and the increasing numbers of
actants included in the technical traffic infrastructure also heighten the immanent probability
of interference in a much more complex system. As I have continued to point out in my role of
scientific coordinator, this interference, which often cannot be anticipated at all until it
emerges in practice, is a partial correlation that we have to take into consideration before
judging too harshly the results of our highly accurate series of indicators by individual
For the analytical needs of the CIVITAS ELAN project the political sphere can be divided in an
external and an internal one, although they are of course interwoven in practice. The external
political sphere is the field of public socio-spatial development and especially transports
policies where a wide range of human actants and their often contradictory interests, wishes,
expectations and opposition meet. For instance: in the attempt to obtain more active
engagement from taxi drivers in some of the measures introduced in one of the partner cities,
they did not perceive the project as an important means for realising their personal and
legitimate interests, and consequently were disinclined to cooperate.
At the internal level we understand the political sphere as (self)regulation, project
management, and the powerful influence of external factors on our self-regulation. The projects
of the CIVITAS consortium are co-funded over 50% by the European Union. This means that the
European Commission, the evaluators and external evaluation and dissemination advisors
constitute a key (co)decision-making partner, acting within the projects balance of social
power from the position of a legitimate hegemon, to use the language of classical sociology. In
attempts to objectivise, the key actant proves to be the rules of the game, contained in the
public tenders of CIVITAS and in the forms and contents of reports at the time of execution and
conclusion of projects. The logic and dynamics of reporting is the meta-actant that to the
greatest extent determined the behaviour of the entire CIVITAS ELAN network.
Here an urgent remark must be made: our project was put together in the application phase
before the outbreak of the present global financial and economic crisis, and this quickly as
soon as the project started became an unanticipated actant, whose power only increased in
the course of the project. In all the countries of the five partner cities anti-crisis measures have
been adopted at the national level, usually meaning reduced funding for investment in
infrastructure. In one of the countries a decision was adopted that very explicitly reduced the
funds from the national budget for the big (biggest) cities, obviously based on the logic that in
the spreading crisis these cities would find it easier to draw on internal resources than other,
smaller towns and non-central regions, which often depend on a single economic branch. This
external decision from the higher territorial level means for our partner city that it must
conclude the project in line with the prevailing logic that more services must be provided with a
lower budget, and that more efficient transport policies have to be elaborated and developed.
If we now return to the position of the meta-actant and address the self-evaluation of the
internal political sphere, I can conclude after four years of observation with participation
that reporting was the essential bottleneck that often drove the partners in the project to
despair. I am of course aware of the legitimate need for optimal use of public funding, the
monitoring this involves, and the required transparency of such project co-funding by the
European Commission. With reporting exposed as a meta-actant, defined by the European
Commission and the external dissemination and evaluation meta-actants, divisions
consequently emerged within the CIVITAS ELAN project.
On the one hand, certain difficulties occurred, typical for those situations marked by the
multi-actant interdependence, regarding the level of their familiarity with the specific
terminology of the EU reporting procedures. A division emerged into partners, who based on
their responsibilities in the project, were forced to accept and understand this specific
language, the reporting code, and others, who understood it only partly. Within the project a
discourse soon prevailed that consisted of a series of acronyms and EU reporting expressions.
For actants who had no such previous experience, this created difficulties, in some cases
causing frustrations and additional distress about the reporting logic. Overcoming the possible
stalemate regarding the issue required additional efforts put in order for the optimal
coordination and task division to be secured. Given the pace of semi-annual reports and
regular intermediate teleconferences, reports on the conditions in the city, the measures taken
and horizontal workpackages, reporting proved to be a very time-consuming task. It indeed
absorbed more time than the partners had perceived when the project started.
However, there have been certain differences also among those on the same side of the
language barrier. Namely, the complexity of the relations and the tasks assigned caused the
emergence of a group with the very delicate mission to coordinate the demands of the external
partners and the internal actants. Most of all, those in charge of projects management,
dissemination, and evaluation had to bridge the gap that appeared due to certan differences
between the workplan of the project and the agenda and priorities of the European
Commission and the external consulting partners for the evaluation and dissemination, who
strove towards utilitarian unification of the five contemporarily running CIVITAS projects. And
while this tendency could be considered well justified if understood both in the sense of
practicality and as wishing comparability, such unifying measures often conflicted with the
agenda of the project itself. Reflected on the inner structure of the project team, this
discrepancy created an atmosphere of pseudo conflict among the aforementioned group and
the rest of the project team. The reporting subsystem thus established itself in the project as a
higher-level system, leading to a situation where reporting at certain times during the project
became a dominating aspect. Far from being destructive, this situation emerged as yet another
challenge to be overcome.
Besides the divisions within the project, resulting from the reporting-discursive competences,
where the latter often acted as the key matrix in the (re)production of the balance of power
between the human actants engaged in the project, similar replications occurred at the level of
the cities, as well as the level of the horizontal workpackages. In these replications the actants
who performed the tasks of project management, evaluation and dissemination at the level of
the partner cities, assumed the role of mediators and transmissions of the reporting logic
provided by the external meta-actants. In some cases this led to frustration among the project
partners from the local urban subsystems.
As the project is of a demonstration and implementation nature, another difficulty emerged
within the political sphere at the level of the external urban political spheres. As mentioned in
the introduction this is a field of perplex contents, where a wide variety of needs and interests
intersect. Through (co)decision-making processes they are translated into long-term urban
development strategies and concrete policies, as well as legally enacted implementation plans
resulting from them. The content of the project and the perplexity of the field proved to be the
two critical actants, causing lower political support to the CIVITAS ELAN project than was
expected in the decision-making processes at the level of professional associations and
complex public organisations, as well as at the municipal, regional, and national political
levels. The project aimed at introducing rather ambitious changes and improvements in
selected corridors within the five cities, causing the professional collaborators as well as
politicians, including the so-called significant others in the local communities, to be sceptical
about the proposed measures and their (envisaged) effects.
A good example is the experience with a new priest in one of the cities. The priest was newly
appointed in a local community on the fringe of a selected corridor. He considered the
envisaged change in the traffic regime as a threat that would hinder the believers from
attending holy services. As he proved to be an important political actor in the local
environment, our partners were forced to look for an alternative solution. The newly arrived
priest thus made use of the project and its criticism to gain greater influence and respect in his
new environment. This example is a perfect illustration how difficult it is to foresee all the
external actants that are connected with the project and have an impact on its course and
Considering the field of RTD in the narrow sense at the end of this analysis of the political
sphere, I can say that while the partners had a high level of autonomy in the RTD activities, the
field was not immune to the balance of political power. On the one hand, the project and its
innovativeness clashed with the dominant views in the disciplines related to the themes (e.g.
giving priority to public transport over car traffic) and, on the other hand, it ran into a range of
difficulties deriving from the organisation cultures and organisation structures of the numerous
partners. Given the modest number of civil society partners in the project and the moderate-
sized consulting organizations, most CIVITAS ELAN partners were complex, large organizations.
First the cities with their public administration, then numerous large public-private
infrastructure companies with concessions for providing public transport, and finally a series of
research institutes and centres, which are (usually) part of universities.
These complex organisations and their key actants organisation structures, latent vs.
manifest and formal vs. informal balances of social power, differences in organisation culture,
significant others in the decision-making process, involvement with politics in the narrow
sense, etc. constitute the field in which RTD occurs. Many partners joined the project with
high expectations and because of possible multiplication effects. The financial and economic
crisis then emerged as a key actant, affecting the viability of their expectations. As is usually
the case, a whole range of unforeseen actants emerged in the realisation of the planned RTD
activities, causing a number of difficulties which influenced the temporal and cost aspects of
concrete RTD measures.
Such a complexity of the internal structure and relations inevitably produces certain lack of
tacit knowledge, as tacit knowledge is the experience related category. However, a multitude of
stakeholders has the inexhaustible capacity to produce new and unknown types of situations
with an obvious imperative for applied thinking outside the box. Therefore every expertise has
to be relative and a subject to a further upgrade. In practice this meant that numerous,
professionally excellent partners had to put additional efforts in order to optimize their own
capacities to suitably perform the reporting part of the projects cooperation. Furthermore, a
very demanding nature of the project caused some additional difficulties due to its prolonged
implementation, as many of the project executives had to cope with their daily duties as well,
occasionally being forced to neglect the projects increasing demand for attention.
We must point out that numerous organisations instrumental to the execution of the
measures were public service offices and largely funded by the city or national budget. The
funds of CIVITAS ELAN, i.e. the part funded by the European Union, constituted a minor share
in their annual financial plans. This had an important impact on the attitude of
administrations, department heads and other (important) decision-makers with the partners to
the project. If we take the example of the partners from the public transport field while
acknowledging the high engagement of the staff included in the project we must say that
they often met with numerous difficulties in the implementation of RTD measures within their
own organisations. As sociologists we know all too well that such difficulties are often related to
the internal balance of power and to Webers iron law of bureaucracy.
At the end of our analysis of the political sphere we must draw attention to the fact that the
issue of changes to our daily mobility patterns, which result from the spatial temporal
organisation of how we live and work, are a field that is connected with many sectors and their
policies. A British researcher with forty years of experience in the field recently told me an
illustrative example. When they started to engage in detailed planning of mobility in the UK in
the 1980s, they found out that no less than 11 ministries and government offices were
involved in the issues. Such sectoral and territorial-level dispersion of authority and
responsibilities is equally evident in our project.
The partner city with the longest transparent policy of democratic (co)decision-making is
from a country that is ethnically and regionally divided into two parts and has to cope with a
complex system of territorial-level decision-making at the local/municipal regional and national
levels. In another partner city, where the responsible ministry was to decide on the integration
of two types of e-tickets into a single one, something that would of course make intermodal
transport friendlier and more efficient, this decision was not made. Though this chapter does
not allow for a detailed discussion of the (in)adequacy of sectoral approaches, the field of
mobility illustrates quite well that reflection is required on supra-sectoral and other
organisational challenges and problems in planning transport policies, mobility, and socio-
spatial development in general.
Changes that thoroughly define new policies of urban mobility depend on the competences
of the human actants. The social sphere is the field where the social capital of the actors
manifests itself (on the concept of social capital, see Halpern, 2005 in Fine, 2001) and defines
their emancipatory potential. The latter is of course connected with their level of infrastructural
equipment and with the democratic nature of the (co)decision-making process.
If I try to first analyse the social sphere within the project, I can say that our network consists
of a range of experts from different organisational environments who deal with common issues.
Most of us have many years of experience and a well-established formal and informal network
of cooperation at different levels, including supranational ones. The cities that applied for the
CIVITAS ELAN project selected quality partners at the internal city level in their preparations for
the project. Over forty organisations, meaning that over three hundred human actants were
involved in and working on the implementation of the project, constituted a large pool of
behaviours and a mixture of diverse, but synergetic social capitals.
What became obvious quite soon, at least in the field of RTD and the scientific coordination
connected with it, was that there was no lack of professional knowledge, but above all a gap
between peoples wishes and the available options. On the one hand, of course, between the
wishes incorporated in the projects contents and the options to implement them, which were
connected with a whole range of actants, including often unforeseen ones. These ranged from
difficulties and problems in the socio-technical (sub)systems to difficulties in the (co)decision-
making processes. An additional difficulty was the fact that the human actants with the biggest
pool of social capital became key mediators or key nodes in the projects network, where we
were often drawn into a discourse on reporting rather than deal intensively with RTD.
The external social sphere, the key field and communication space for the projects
implementation, was of course much more diverse and chaotic. Moreover, this sphere was
often not aware of its (hidden) potential. Certain important nodes in this sphere were
composed of a handful of human actants, who through civil society initiatives succeeded (or
halfway succeeded) in questioning old, inadequate solutions, demonstrating and introducing
new forms of mobility. Despite of their dedication to the activities and their vigorous approach,
these pioneers, heralds of change, were at times simply not able to translate the projects logic.
A good example is the civil-society cycling network in one of the partner cities. It is driven by a
single person, who however was not able to join the planned cooperation due to constraints in
terms of time and money.
Similarly to the political sphere, the social sphere demonstrated that the field of mobility is a
problematic development field par excellence, where a wide range of very diverse groups of
actants intersect, and where translation and searching for a common communication code
becomes the essential issue, i.e. a code that would enable the actants to understand the
complexity of the issues at hand, because this a necessary condition in the search for future
optimal solutions. We can say that the CIVITAS ELAN project functioned as an important
catalyst and that it enabled at the level of the partner cities the development of a meta-social
sphere where many previously unconnected actants met (for example the cooperation on
hybrid and CNG buses between three partner cities) . And this new social sphere facilitated a
range of innovations. Those will, however, be elaborated in more detailed form in one of the
final chapters of this publication.
Turning to the information sphere in concluding the evaluation of the project and RTD
activities, I can say that based on the dyadic model of four spheres the success of our
innovative measures depended on the above addressed (analytical) spheres. The term
information sphere refers to the field where innovations occur in the network of actants,
innovations deriving from the enhancement of their initial competences. In a project with 68
measures, divided over eight policy fields, it is impossible to list most, let alone all the
innovations, which were either direct effects of concrete measures or stimulated by them. Some
of them are described in the other chapters of this book; others will be featured in the planned
publications on the project and in the scientific articles of the collaborators of the CIVITAS
ELAN project. I therefore wish to point out in particular the long-term effects CIVITAS ELAN
made possible in the partner cities and between the partners in the project.
Although CIVITAS projects are not scientific projects in the narrow sense, it is nevertheless a
fact that understanding changes in the field of (daily) mobility and searching for new, more
adequate policies of mobility is not possible without conceptual-theoretical and methodological
approaches from a wide range of sciences and disciplines connected with these issues. In spite
of the fact that the key focus of CIVITAS projects is on public policies and users, innovative
solutions emerge within the information sphere in a mixture of scientific findings, civil society
initiatives, the interests of service providers, (new) public development policies and, of course,
better solutions for old needs, as well as efficient solutions for the new needs and interests of
the users. Starting from these facts, I see the innovativeness of the CIVITAS ELAN project not so
much in the results of concrete measures, innovative in local urban environments, but above
all in the fact that CIVITAS ELAN triggered in the partner cities a process of trans-sectoral
linking up of actants who before the start of the project usually acted each in their own
Moreover, the project and its innovative approach of common measures offered a platform
for discussion between the human actants from all five cities engaged in trying to solve similar
issues. The innovativeness of networking enabled by CIVITAS ELAN lies also in the fact that it is
a platform offering equal communication to actants from different fields of the social
regulation of urban practices. In spite of all the difficulties that are typical of cooperation
based on different values and organisation cultures, different professional languages of
individual fields and disciplines and, last but not least, different fashionable or popular
concepts and solutions in individual fields and disciplines in the language of ANT these are
referred to as difficulties in translation the long-term result of CIVITAS ELAN is that the
discussion on mobility and transport, with a strong emphasis on ecological and energy-friendly
public transport, has moved in the partner cities from the margins to the attention of the wider
public and the centre of the social developmental political debate.
Personally, I view and understand the project above all as a series of mutually connected
focus groups. These are mixed internally and at the intercity level. It is a fact that people
usually form meanings and opinions, and change their behavioural patterns, through
interaction with other people and groups. Project brought together a whole range of actants in
a series of focus groups, where we dealt with concrete thematic fields. Many of our groups,
though not really homogenous, were professionally dedicated to concrete problems. And many
brought together experts, providers, mediators, and users who endeavoured to understand the
changes and sought to find answers to the challenges these changes would bring about.
Most of our joint work in the project, especially the exchange and transfer of knowledge,
largely occurred in the form of expert focus groups. These included a wide selection of experts
who deal with the concrete issues at hand. In the four years of the project this among others
meant that obstacles between different groups of experts were eliminated. In a retrospective
view of the attitudes between the partners from the technical disciplines and sociologists in the
discussions on RTD, I can say that we found a common language and understood that the work
involved socio-technical networks with complex series of actants, where we have to enter inter-
and trans-disciplinary cooperation, not because this is a popular phrase, but because the info-
urban habitats of techno-cultures in which we live are structured in such a way that they make
cooperation necessary. In the case of the repeated rejection of a joint methodological approach
to study modal split we gradually arrived at joint key conclusions, which consequently and in
spite of the specifics and differences between the individual cities and approaches, led to a
condition where comparisons between the cities concerning modal split were made possible.
Developmentally equally important are the networks that were established through the
activities of our dissemination networks. One of the basic focuses of CIVITAS ELAN was taken
into consideration: widest possible citizen engagement, with a special emphasis on the
inclusion of the marginalized groups. The socially marginalised are less visible in transport,
and users who are less mobile for a variety of reasons had the opportunity to become visible
and to be heard in a series of thematic workshops. Their needs were incorporated in numerous
measures in the partner cities. And even if their implementation was not possible, at least
information was collected for future improvements. Take for instance the above mentioned new
tramcar: it is more punctual, provides more comfort and is safer because of the use of CCTV
monitoring, but proved to be problematic because of the layout of its interior. A new
problematic actant thus emerged: the narrow space for moving down the tramcar.
How can we make our networking and numerous (focus) groups more successful? Although I
am aware that in the described cases quasi-focus groups were involved, we can nevertheless
use the instructions for successful performance of the focus group method. In the CIVITAS
ELAN project the content matrix of the project, organised around concrete measures and
connected series of measures, proved to be fairly challenging.
In addition to the reporting system, the number of measures and the quite big differences
between the numbers of measures in the individual partners affected our search for common
answers. Some measures have proved to be fairly demanding and massive and it would be
recommendable to consider putting some of them into a separate framework in order for a
proper treatment to be provided in accordance with their features. In that sense situations
regarding reporting, that have been occurring occasionally, can be transferred into valuable
lessons with a great capacity to contribute to a substantial improvement in the future project
and CIVITAS follow-ups.
In spite of the fact that in the course of the project a range of anticipated as well as
unanticipated difficulties and problems arose, which resulted in some measures not being
implemented to the planned extent, CIVITAS ELAN (co)created new information spheres which
go beyond the former forms of dealing with the contents in the participating cities. From the
position of a spatial sociologist this is the projects essential long-term innovative contribution,
which will trickle down further when CIVITAS ELAN has ended, through a capillary effect, to the
numerous fields in our cities that are connected with mobility and the temporal-spatial
organisation of working and living.
In my reflections, which are not an evaluation in the way of an objectivised and quantified
evaluation as it is performed by the colleagues from the evaluation network, I tried to provide
my own view of the quality contribution of the CIVITAS ELAN project, as well as the difficulties
we had in the implementation of the contents. Coming to the end of this chapter I now briefly
list proposals and recommendations for future CIVITAS (and similar) projects.

Greater emphasis should be given to similar contents and common issues the partner
cities try to solve.
As reporting is the most time-consuming activity, it would make sense to consider
reducing its quantity. Reduction of resources and time dedicated to reporting could
greatly strengthen those available for the other, core parts of projects.
The form of the reports should remain uniform during the entire four-year course of the
projects and focus on the quality of the information and innovations, not on the quantity
dimension of the reports.
It seems useful considering the comparability of the concrete project with the other
ongoing CIVITAS projects, as well as that among cities of the same consortium, within
the preparatory phase, and incorporate conclusions in a working plan from the very
Greater emphasis should be given to the exchange of experiences between the actors in
the cities who deal with similar issues (in the form of joint workshops and longer, 2-3
month exchanges between the cities).
The external evaluation and dissemination actants proved to be not sufficiently
synergetic and productive, especially because of their levelling down approach. A more
adequate solution would be for every CIVITAS project to have besides internal
consultants an external consultant for evaluation, dissemination, and scientific
coordination. These consultants would actively and regularly participate in the meetings
of the project consortiums since this would be the only way for them to remain abreast
of the projects dynamics.
As collaborators in the project we acquired substantial tacit knowledge that deserves to
be passed on to future partners in new CIVITAS projects. In particular the partners who
dealt with project management, evaluation, scientific coordination, and dissemination,
could act as external consultants in future CIVITAS projects, point out difficulties and
help solve them, based on their similar experiences.
Selection of the cities included in the project consortium should be conducted in a way
that would provide the highest possible level of institutional and political support.
CIVITAS ELAN has, among other things, pointed out at the significance of that factor.
In future it would make sense to direct CIVITAS projects towards mid-size and small
towns and regions, which have fallen into a long development crisis caused by
deindustrialisation. These crisis regions would certainly provide more support to the
projects, as they would be more interested in their success.
In the socio-technical improvements of mobility greater emphasis should be given to the
social actants, especially marginalized groups who normally are not included in the
selection of usual special groups in transport, and the concept of mobility challenged
and handicapped groups has therefore to be widened.
It would make sense to consider new funding shares because cities and regions will find
it hard to gather financial means in the current development crisis.

Antonino, Robert J. 1991. Postmodern Storytelling versus Pragmatic Truth-Seeking: The
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Hennink, Monique M. 2007. International Focus Group Research. Cambridge: Cambridge
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Krueger, Richard A. and Mary Anne Cassey. 2009. Focus Gropus: A Practical Guide for
Applied Research. London: Sage.
Latoru, Bruno. 1997. Aramis, or the Love of Technology. London: Routledge.
Latour, Bruno. 2005. Reassembling the Social: An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Law, John. 2003. Notes on the Theory of the Actor Network: Ordering, Strategy and
Heterogeneity. Lancaster University: Centre for Science Studies. Available at, 12. 3. 2012.
Miller, Stephen K. and Michael Jack Zachary. 2007. Storytelling as Narrativity: Rural Life
through the Prism of Social Tensions. Southern Rural Sociology 22(1): 1527.
Nash, Cristopher (ed.). 1990. Narrative in Culture: The Use of Storytelling in the Sciences,
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Polletta, Francesca. 2006. It Was Like a Fever: Storytelling in Protest and Politics. Chicago:
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sociologijo/Fakulteta za drubene vede (Zbirka Kiber, 1).
GHENT I The Civitas school competition resulted in real hands-on solutions for mobility problems in school environments.

ELAN Youth Congress I On the last day of the ELAN Youth Congress the students presented fresh ideas on how to improve PT
in the cities.

ELAN Youth Congress I The winning team of the Mobility Treasure Hunt solving the last riddle.
GHENT I Enthusiastic teenagers performing in the Civitas school competition.
Pavel Gantar
The following contribution does not aim to be a comprehensive reflection on the entire
CIVITAS ELAN project a multiannual project on sustainable mobility carried out in five
European cities1, as its author did not have complete insight into all the projects phases,
procedures, operational and technical details in the cities and their urban agglomerations. It is
quite obvious that the issue of urban mobility is of critical importance to the endeavours to
achieve a higher level of sustainability for modern urban living. From the sociological point of
view, the mobility issue is connected to spatial access to the various public and non-public
goods that sustain peoples daily life. Differences in the spatial accessibility of institutions
providing different public goods (among others education, health, work, recreation, etc.) have
been identified as an essential component of social inequality in modern, urbanised societies.
Therefore, the aim to increase citizens mobility is still one of the most distinctive and
recognisable features of various urban policies in different social and political contexts of the
modern urbanised world. Closer insight into such policies would likely detect two main goals: to
increase the competitiveness of the cities and to provide to the inhabitants better access to
institutions and facilities necessary for daily life.
This paper is based on reading the collection of papers on the researches carried out as part
of the CIVITAS ELAN Project. The papers address a great variety of subjects and approaches
and accurately reflect the scope of the project, which includes measures ranging from such
soft issues as influencing peoples behaviour to very technical issues like, for instance, using
new, more sustainable fuel. It is actually impossible to cope with such diverse approaches and
I closely considered only two issues: the interconnectedness of mobility and urban change, and
the issue of the public legitimation of mobility policies and participation in changing them.
One cannot overlook the enormous impact of the development of transport on the
transformation of urban structures and the spatial patterns of urban growth throughout
history. Urban researchers and historians have described in great detail the impact of the
railway on urban forms in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and this was followed by the no
less enormous impact of automobilization on the transformation of urban forms and the
spatial distribution of work, housing, public and private services. The Athens Charter, edited
and published by Le Corbusier, codified the conclusions of the IV. Congress of CIAM (Congrs
International dArchitecture Moderne) and elevated the idea of adapting inherited urban forms
to the requirements of automobilism to the level of an urban planning doctrine. In addition to
urban housing and renovation projects, the history of urban reconstruction has been narrowed,
so to speak, to adapting urban forms to the demands of personalised door-to-door transport.
Highway construction, transformation of public spaces into parking lots, street widening
projects, promoting suburban housing, building commercial centres on the outskirts of the
cities: all these developments served to promote the main imperative of automobility
increase traffic flows. This development has produced self-perpetuating effects: more space for
cars creates additional transport flows and thus congestions. At the end of such circulos
vitosus effective mobility tends to decrease and contribute to the general deterioration of the
quality of urban life. Since the 1960s the negative and partially devastating effects on urban
life have become increasingly evident and have given rise to various forms of public discontent,
leading to a quest to change mobility policies. The lessons learned from the past nearly one
hundred years of conflicts between the urban form and structures on the one hand and
(automobile) mobility on the other hand, show that fundamental changes to urban mobility are
not possible unless they target adapting and changing the urban structure and form to
redefine the relations between the different various spaces and structures in the cities and
their wider agglomerations.
These changes to the urban structure should encompass:

a gradual transformation of mono-functional urban areas to mixed spatial use, reducing

the distances between residence and work, education and services,
reclaim public spaces occupied by cars for other forms of mobility and for public use,
adapt the street and road infrastructure, now completely adjusted to car traffic, to other
forms of mobility. e.g. by constructing more cycle lanes, etc.,
readjust modal split preferences in favour of public transport.

Some of these changes are, of course, already under way in our cities, taking into
consideration the specific mobility problems of each individual city and its urban
agglomeration. In doing so, they face mixed responses from their citizens and users of
transport facilities. This is normal and expected, since even minor changes (i.e. changing
traffic signalisation) effect the habits of the users. In the CIVITAS ELAN project, 14 measures
out of 68 directly addressed the travel habits of the citizens. Such measures can be successful
only if they are accepted by those who are affected by them.


The CIVITAS ELAN project was conceived from the onset to focus on citizen engagement and
participation, as stated in the description of the project: The starting point for CIVITAS ELAN is
to put citizens first in the dual sense of:

considering citizens not only to be the problem in creating a sustainable transport

system, but to mobilise them by letting them become part of the solution through,
dedicated participation and consultation processes in many aspects of the project, and
giving priority to the needs and expectations of citizens in the ELAN cities - difficult to
achieve or contradictory as they may sometimes appear to the transport practitioner.
Throughout the project this will be communicated with the citizens by using five
characters, representing not only the five ELAN cities, but the citizens of Europe.
(The Civitas Initiative,

The above cited orientation towards citizens and transport users is certainly one of the
projects major strengths, since it does not consider users as objects of transport planning but
as active participants in changes designed in a joint communicative process. From words to
deeds is, however, a long and often conflict ridden process. Not only because of a certain
degree of distortion in the communication, which seems to be unavoidable, but because of
the simple fact that people have different value orientations, interests, and above all different
expectations about changes in urban mobility. What will these changes bring to them, how are
they going to affect their daily life, do they perceive themselves as victims or benefiters of
the changes?
The researchers who scientifically evaluated some of the projects distinctive measures
devoted considerable attention to this issue, because it seems to be critical to greater public
acceptance of the proposed changes in urban mobility.
Drago Kos, for example, addresses the legitimation issues of urban mobility changes,
emphasising consensual legitimation through a transparent information process and
participatory decision-making process. He tackles the problem of the inconsistency between
the factual (empirically observed) situation and the normative (desired) situation in facilitating
changes. He describes and analyses in depth the various modes of the deliberation processes
that would bring about consensus, but concludes that it is difficult to establish an operational
institutional framework representing all the interested parties (residents, visitors, car users,
public transport users, real estate owners, employees, and people with special mobility needs)
in the city or even the whole metropolitan region. Obviously, his final conclusion opens the
question whether the legitimation process is based on procedural rules or on the substance or
content of the issues deliberated? The author is inclined to search for the solution in the self-
organisation of the people concerned (civil society). Nevertheless, when there is a conflict of
different views, let alone interests, the decision makers face the following dilemma: if they
adopt only changes that enjoy wide public support, they might not be incremental, i.e. they may
only slightly, if at all, improve the mobility situation; but if they opt for more substantial
changes, which split public opinion, they may face the projects collapse.
The second issue that needs closer or even alternative elaboration is raised by Matja Uri
in a paper analysing peoples attitudes towards possible changes to Ljubljanas transport and
mobility system. The article reveals so-called passive activism, an attitude observed also in
studies on environmental values and behaviour. The main feature of passive activism is that
peoples actually observed mobility behaviour does not correspond with their professed
mobility values. People tend to put a high value on more sustainable modes of mobility (cycling,
walking etc.), but on the other hand they nevertheless tend to oppose measures that would
restrain car use in congested urban areas. Such discrepancy between mobility values and
actual behaviour is, of course, understandable if no alternative modes of mobility such as
public transport are available, or at least not at a comfortable level, and users therefore have
no alternative. Matja Uri understandably and convincingly analyses the discrepancies
between peoples values on sustainable mobility on the one hand, and their professed
attitudes towards limiting car use deriving from their cost-benefit analysis. He also explains
the respondents strong opposition to restricting car use with a deep-rooted car culture and a
value system and lifestyles that strongly depend on the use of cars. This is certainly a viable
However, in my opinion, another dimension of the problem deserves further elaboration.
From a game theory perspective, the problem of the traffic behaviour of a large number of
mutually unconnected car users can be seen as the problem of a non-cooperative game, in
which every user tries to maximise his/her own benefits with no regard for others. The obvious
result is congestion and all participants are off worse. The issue of mobility policies affecting
car users is therefore how to change a non-cooperative game into a cooperative one and
improve traffic flows. Put very simply, how to avoid the free rider dilemma when changing
mobility policies and setting restrictions on car use, including, for instance, payable access to
the city centre, high parking fees, traffic limitations, etc. Of course, the free rider dilemma can
be simply eliminated by imposing heavy fines on car users who break the new rules, but this
would likely cause massive discontent and resistance to the measures and eventually cause
the measures to be alleviated or even abandoned. In circumstances where access to certain
urban areas by car is increasingly restricted, the individual car user has the following options
in the implementation of the changes:
a) he will cooperate even if others do not cooperate (altruism),
b) he will cooperate if all others cooperate too (cooperation)
c) he will not cooperate even if others do cooperate (free rider, egoism), and
d) he will not cooperate if others do not cooperate either (non- cooperation).
Obviously, options a) and c) do not tend to be realistic. Altruistic behaviour can be expected
only from a minority of participants and egoistic behaviour is likely to be sanctioned with fines.
Option d) actually changes nothing and is unsuccessful by definition, and therefore only option
b) remains viable. To change a non-cooperative game into a cooperative one is actually based
on this question: what are the benefits for traditional car users if they change their mobility
mode? This brings us back to Uris initial investigation of peoples cost-benefit calculation.
There are, of course, still unexplored and unrealised opportunities for increasing walking and
cycling, but it is unrealistic taking into consideration the specific geographical conditions and
existing urban structure of the cities - to expect them to substantially improve sustainable
mobility in our cities. For the cities involved in the CIVITAS ELAN project (with the exception of
Brno), the solution towards more sustainable mobility lies in changing the relations between
private and public transport. However, conflicts seem to be inevitable in the elaboration and
design of such policies.
1 For a detailed description of the project and the cities involved see:
The Contributors
Veronique Van Acker ( is a member of the evaluation team in the CIVITAS Elan project in Ghent.
She is a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Geography, Ghent University. Her research focuses on transport
geography, spatial analysis, the interaction between the built environment and travel behaviour, and lifestyles and attitudes
related to mobility.

Eliene Van Aken ( is a project evaluation manager of CIVITAS ELAN. She holds a
masters degree in Commercial Engineering and Economics of International Trade and European Integration. She is currently
employed with Tractebel Engineering as a consultant on various mobility projects.

Carlos Aguiar ( is an Affiliate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). He has a
masters degree in Equipment and Product Design (FAUP). His research focuses on industrial design, environment, and

Mojca Balant ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN project measures 2.1-LJU Integrated High-quality
Mobility Corridor and 4.9-LJU Update of the Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. She is a landscape architect, who is active in
the fields of spatial planning and urban landscape design.

Bernardo Almada Lobo ( is the leader of the measure 1.5-OPO Light Weight Bus Shuttle. He holds a PhD in
Industrial Engineering and Management and is an Assistant Professor at the Industrial Engineering and Management
Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). Research areas: planning and scheduling, supply chain
management, project management, quantitative management methods.

Nelson Barros ( is an Associate Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University and a team member of the
CIVITAS ELAN project. He has a PhD in Environmental Sciences, a masters degree in Thermal Engineering and a degree in
Environmental Engineering. His research focuses on atmospheric air quality.

Begga Van Cauwenberge ( is a site evaluation manager in the CIVITAS Elan project in Ghent.
She is a directors assistant, employed with the traffic research department of Ghents mobility company. Her research
focuses on traffic research - mobility surveys, traffic counting, traffic modelling, and GIS analysis.

Nuno Couto ( holds a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and is a researcher at the Faculty of
Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). His research focuses on the production and development of products and automotive

Dirk Engels ( is an expert in mobility and traffic modelling with a long experience in the design and
evaluation of multi-modal traffic systems. He is currently an independent consultant with Traffic&Mobility Leuven. He acted as
the project evaluation manager of CIVITAS ELAN until 2012.

Jos Manuel Ferreira Duarte ( has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and is an Assistant Professor at the
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). Professional interests: mechanical characterization of sheet metal
materials, sheet formability characterization, automotive engineering, FEM simulation.

Tnia Fontes ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN project involved in the assessment of the impact of
road traffic measures, implemented in Oporto City, on air quality. She is a researcher at the Faculty of Science and
Technology, Fernando Pessoa University, Porto. Her main research interests are road traffic emission modelling and the
assessment of the impact of mobility strategies on air quality.

Pavel Gantar ( is an Assistant Professor of Urban Sociology, former Minister of the Environment and
Spatial planning, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia 2008-2011. He lectured Spatial Sociology at
the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana until 2008. Before entering professional politics, he was involved in numerous
research projects in the field of urban social research.

Marko Gerbec ( is a Professor at the Joef Stefan International Postgraduate School and a senior
researcher at the Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology. Joef Stefan Institute. His research focuses on process
safety issues (major accidents prevention), including risk assessment and safety management systems.

Tone Godea ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN project for measure M 1.7. Pure plant oil for
vehicle propulsion. He is a researcher with a masters degree in Agricultural Engineering, employed with the Department of
Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia His main research interests are the use of biogenic fuels in vehicles
(conversion of engines for using pure plant oil) and energy efficiency.

Hrvoje Gold ( is the leader of the measure 8.2-ZAG Public transport priority and traveller information. He is
a Full Professor of Transportation Engineering and Head of the Intelligent Transport Systems Department, Faculty of Transport
and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb. His main research interest is the development and application of computer science
and technology in transportation.

Fernando Gomes de Almeida ( obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bath, UK, and
is an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP). His
main research areas are motion control, fluid power systems, robust and neural control of non-linear systems, force and
impedance control of robotic systems.

Ivan Grgurevi ( is a project researcher in the CIVITAS ELAN project and an assistant teacher and
researcher at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia. He is a doctoral candidate in traffic and
transport technology. His fields of interests are transport planning&simulation, mobility management, and ICT technologies in

Kvtoslav Havlk ( is the Head of the Marketing and Development Department of KORDIS JMK, and the
Public Transport Coordinator of Brno and the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic. His fields of interest are public
transport marketing and research, new technologies in public transport, implementation of international and local EU-funded

Marjan Hoevar ( is an Associate Professor of Spatial and Urban sociology and Travel and Tourism
Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana. His research focuses on
urban changes and networking, urban regeneration, spatial planning, and mobility.

Viktor Jeji ( is the leader of the CIVITAS ELAN measure 1.7. Pure plant oil for vehicle propulsion. He is
the Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, and a researcher. He has a masters
degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Agricultural Engineering. His research focuses on renewable energy resources
(biogenic fuels with emphasis on the impact of biogenic fuels on the carbon footprint), biogenic fuels for vehicles with internal
combustion engines and rational energy use.

Niko Jelui ( is an expert assistant in measure 8.2-ZAG Public transport priority and traveller information
of the CIVITAS ELAN project. He is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of
Zagreb. His research focuses on intelligent transport systems, especially the application of telematics technologies in traffic
systems and collecting traffic flow data.

Davor Konti ( is the site evaluation manager for Ljubljana. He is currently employed as a researcher with
the Joef Stefan Institute (Department of Environmental Sciences) and as an assistant at the University of Nova Gorica
(School of Environmental Sciences). His research focuses on environmental management related topics, specifically process
safety related to land-use planning issues (major accidents prevention) and environmental impact assessment.

Drago Kos ( is an Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Sociology, Head of the Research
Centre for Spatial Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. His research focuses on urban,
environmental and developmental studies.

Iva Machalov ( is employed with the Transport Department of the Brno City Municipality as a
transport specialist and site manager of the CIVITAS ELAN project. She is a doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Science of the
Masaryk University and currently working on a thesis entitled Intermodal passenger transport in European cities involved in
the CIVITAS ELAN Project.

Marko Matulin ( is the site evaluation manager for Zagreb. He is currently employed as a research assistant
at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, where he also attends the postgraduate study
programme Technological Systems in Transport and Traffic. His main fields of interest are telecommunication, intelligent
transport systems, and the evaluation of the quality of service.

Luka Mladenovi ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN projects measures 2.1-LJU Integrated
high-quality mobility corridor and 4.9-LJU Update of the Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. He is a researcher in urban design
and spatial planning. He is active in the field of spatial planning, focusing on transport in urban areas, especially walking,
cycling, and accessibility to all users.

tefica Mrvelj ( is an Assistant Professor and Vice Dean for academic and student affairs at the Faculty of
Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, and a member of the CIVITAS ELAN evaluation team from Zagreb. Her
main research fields are the quality of service in traffic networks, network performance analysis, and capacity optimization, as
well as intelligent transport systems.

Alja Plevnik ( is the leader of measure 4.9-LJU Update of the Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. He is a
researcher in urban and transport planning, active in the fields of transport and spatial planning, with a special focus on their
integration, strategies of urban transport planning, and mobility management.

Toma Poje ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN project for measure M 1.7. Pure plant oil for vehicle
propulsion. He is a researcher with a masters degree in Agricultural Engineering and employed with the Department of
Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. His research focuses on renewable energy sources with emphasis
on liquid biogenic fuels (pure plant oil and biodiesel) and energy efficiency.

Veselko Protega ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN projects measures 7.1- COM Integrated
Freight Policy Development and 7.4-ZAG Freight Delivery Restrictions. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Zagreb
(Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences) and a researcher at the Facultys Institute of Road Transport and Traffic. His
research focuses on road transport technologies and city logistics.

Lea Rui ( is a team member of the CIVITAS ELAN projects measures 2.1-LJU Integrated high-quality mobility
corridor and 4.9-LJU Update of the Sustainable Urban Transport Plan. She is a researcher in geography, active in the fields of
transport, spatial planning, and environmental protection.

Daniel Seidenglanz ( is an Assistant Professor of Geography at the Department of Geography,

Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). His research focuses on transport geography, especially railway
and air transport, and the relations between transportation and urban and settlement systems.

Marko Slavulj ( is the leader of measure 3.2-ZAG: Study of congestion charging and dialogue on pricing. He is
an Assistant Professor at the Department of Urban Transport, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb.
His research focuses on urban traffic technology, transport planning, and road safety.

Ljupko imunovi ( participated in the development of measures 4.8-ZAG Improving cycling conditions
and 2.5.-ZAG Intermodal high-quality mobility corridor and as site evaluator in the CIVITAS ELAN project. He is an Assistant
Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, where he is the Head of the Chair of Urban Traffic Technology. His
narrower professional interest is non-motorized traffic.

Jos Pedro Tavares ( is the site evaluation manager for the city of Porto, and responsible for supporting the
City Council in the development of measures 2.10-OPO Participatory planning for new intermodal interchange and 3.5-OPO
Integrated accessibility planning in Asprela quarter. He lectures at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).
His research focuses on urban traffic modelling, traffic engineering, and traffic management.

Antnio Torres Marques ( has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and is a Full Professor at the Faculty of
Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). Research areas: mechanical behaviour and durability of composite materials;
design, manufacturing and testing of composite materials, NDT, biomechanics.

Franc Trek ( is the scientific coordinator of the CIVITAS ELAN project. He is an Assistant Professor of
Sociology at the University of Ljubljana and researcher at the universitys Center for Spatial Sociology. His research focuses on
urban and regional studies, cybersociology, and Balkan Studies. He is the editor of Community-net in South and East Europe
(2003) and co-editor of Glocal Localities (2002).

Matja Uri ( is a researcher a the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, He is a
member of the Centre for Spatial Sociology. His research focuses on society development, regional economies, infrastructural
development, urban cultures.,and changes of consumption spaces, with particular reference to transformations due to
processes of suburbanisation, deurbanisation, and reurbanisation.

Jana Vlkov ( is a site evaluation manager of the CIVITAS ELAN project. She is employed as a project
and evaluation officer with the Foreign Relations Department of the Brno City Municipality and is responsible for the
management of international projects co-funded by the European Commission. Her research focuses on family policy,
employment policies, and work-life balance in political discourse.

Cristina Vilarinho ( is a researcher in the CIVITAS ELAN project, involved in measures 2.10-OPO
Participatory planning for new intermodal interchange and 3.5-OPO Integrated accessibility planning in Asprela quarter. She is
doctoral candidate in Transport Systems at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). Her main area of
research is traffic modelling.

Elias De Vos ( is a member of the evaluation team of the CIVITAS ELAN project in Ghent. He is a
directors assistant, employed with the traffic research department of Ghents mobility company. His research focuses on
traffic research - mobility surveys, traffic counting, traffic modelling, and GIS analysis.

Francisco Xavier Carvalho ( is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP).
Research focus: industrial automation, the cork industry.

Frank Witlox ( is a Professor of Economic Geography at the Department of Geography, Ghent University.
He is also a visiting professor at ITMMA (Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp), and an Associate Director
of GaWC (Globalization and World Cities, Loughborough University). Since 2010 he has been the Director of the Doctoral
School of Natural Sciences (UGent). His research focuses on transport economics and geography, economic geography,
spatial modelling techniques, (city) logistics, world cities and globalization, and land use change/development.

Ane Zorman ( is a sociology graduate and post-graduate student of the Environmental and Spatial
Sociology programme. His research focuses on the history of urban habitats and innovative forms of urban revitalization. He
was instrumental in the implementation of CIVITAS ELAN public opinion polls on civil engagement in the Ljubljana region.

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