There Is No Single-Issue Struggle
There Is No Single-Issue Struggle
There Is No Single-Issue Struggle
Few words on militarism, border violence and capital
The ammunition factories in Kragujevac, Serbia, are
constantely producing weapons and supplies filling the
pockets of war beneficiaries, supporting the slaughter of
civilians. Most of the weapon export from Serbia is going to
UAE, an from there we can imagine where they end up... Until
July of this year serbian government was proudly presenting
that the new municion factory in Uice will be completed and
has already deals with international players 1 At the same time
the military and security industry as well as nationalist
politicians all over Europe got what they have been pushing for
years: Since October 2016 a "European Border and Coast
Guard Agency" has been launched 2, with more powers than
Frontex. The dice of capitalist game is rolling...
All this makes it more important that ever for us to stick The so calledrefugee crisis has dissapeared from the news
together locals, passengers,newcomers and share the spirit of but its happening accutally constantely there where people
revolutionary solidarity. This means fighting for dignity! who attempt to cross the militarized border are being stopped,
tortured, humiliated and pushed back on the border. In this the
Abolishing a military system of power that affects all of us and hungarian border hunters and police well as the croatian
the individualization of all of us.Standing together with people border police have shown a new levels of masochism in the
who resist and sabotaging the capitalist infrastructure is and last months.
must be our priority. The torture - that we have reported on before, publishing
pictures of injuries - often consists of forcing the people to take
Febuary 2017, no border collective, Belgrade of their clothes, putting cold water on them and then forcing
them wait 3 hours in the snow or cold. Additionally there is
severe beating that is hard to show proof because the
borderpolice takes away peoples phones and smashes
them,then the beatings start. With iron sticks or other tools .
One specially disgusting way of beating is taking off the shoes
of people and beat the bare foot. After the procedure the
phones are givingback. Exept if there is a better phone than of
course it disapperars.
Also in the city of Belgrade and the other cities around serbia,
the state has to proof itself as the master. Gendarmerie is
circeling in big EU-financed-cars useless around the city
center or staying in front of the migrant-squats next to the train
station. In their terms this is an "operational support to
neighbouring non-EU countries who ask for assistance at their
border and share intelligence on cross-border criminal
activities with national authorities" 4 4
While huge protests against the corruption and mafia system recieve help. Especially for women and LGBTQI people its a
of the current government emerged, the level of the first BW very difficult place to survive.
(=Belgrade Waterfront)- builduings get higher and higher. We
are supposed to think that everything will be better, brighter, This has to be emphasized BUT at the same time the way how
nicer here in Belgrade. But in fact we are aware that this single man on themove are always presented and
gentrification is part of the shithole we are in and no fancy disadvanteged in the system is highly .As well as the potential
buildings will cover the state and its oppressive anti-human soldier in the naional-militarist state, theman is apparently by
agenda. The protest of the IMT-workers 5 and the homless its nature strong and can surviveeasyer all the direct and
people in the bigger cities, those in the village thinking about indirect violence that comes from the Fortress (sleeping in the
how to pay the water that is being privatized, all this is cold and rain, not having food or clothes,not bein in contact
showing that capitalist violence is still not accepted as with family, sickness, ) All this is basedon a patriarchal
anormality . view of society and social relations. Thisconstructed image of
a unbreakable man needs to be dismanteled.
The fences have become a fact that we can not ignore but
also they are not the only place where isolation and state The ongoing war against migrants, the creation and
violence is applied. The humanitarian camp-discourse has persecution of the otherin media and state-institutions is also
also arrived in serbia now. As we can not repeat often enough: having a function for securing the state power internaly: This
camps are not safe places for people. They are nonplaces that arguements and practices are necessary for the ruling elite in
remind us of colonialism and other fascist times.Practices from order to distract from the misery many of us live in. A concious
those times , remembered as dark times in history, as solidarity should be prevented which would have as a result a
essential elements in the modern capitalist democratic state. war against patriotism and its militarism.
People from the so called Balkan-wars (for example refugees
from croatia who fled to serbia) are many still living in camps. As it has always been where slavery and oppression rule:
A third generation of people who have been fooled by a From time to time protests errupt. In the camps, in the prisons,
nationalist serbian state that was promising them own in the self-organized spaceswhere people gather. A big group
apartments and butterflies. of people in the squatted warehouseswas refusing food for
several days in january in order to call attention on the fact that
This is the legacy of the camp system: a place where the they are selforganized individuals calling for freedom to move
state (in serbias case the Commesariat against refugees and and dignity, not for pity or charity. The protests in Harmanli,
the police) have the total control over the body and the life of Bulgaria6, was another example where resistance against the
peoples. Isolated in crowded places of not-hope people are military-border-state-system is strong. It was followed by a
being held, and the state and its trying hard to emphasize the wave of violent state-oppression.
lies about how safe it is for people there,how much they
5 refugee-camp/