Course Notes
Course Notes
Course Notes
Margaret L. Morrow
SUNY Plattsburgh
Acknowledgements iii
1 Introduction to groups 4
Introductory worksheet: some useful examples
1. Symmetries.
We can think of a symmetry of a plane figure as a rigid motion of the
figure that results in the figure simply being repositioned on top of its
original outline. (We can extend this idea to symmetries of figures in
three dimensions.)
It is the final position of the figure that is important, not the motion
as such. For example, if we rotate the triangle below through 120 or
480 the triangle ends up in the same final position, so we do not think
of these as distinct symmetries.
(a) Consider the symmetries of an equilateral triangle, as illustrated
below. Each sketch shows the resulting position when the speci-
fied motion is applied to the triangle starting in the original posi-
Acknowledgements 2
2. Clock arithmetic
Consider the numbers on a clock, and imagine 0 in place of 12. We
Introduction to groups
Notational conventions:
N: The set of natural numbers:{1, 2, 3 . . .}
Z : The set of integers: {. . . 2, 1, 0, 1, 2 . . .}
Q: The set of rational numbers: { mn |n, m Z, m 6= 0}
R: The set of real numbers.
C: The set of complex numbers: {a + bi | a, b R} where i = 1.
1. (ex) Which of the following are binary operations on the specified set?
If not, explain why not.
(a) Addition on Z.
(b) Subtraction on N.
(c) Division on R.
(d) Division on Z\{0}.
(e) Composition on D4 .
(f) Composition on the set of rotations in D4 .
(g) Multiplication mod 6 on Z6 .
Introduction to groups 5
A binary operation on a set A is said to be associative if
(a b) c = a (b c) for all a, b and c in A.
A binary operation on A is said to be commutative if a b = b a for all
a and b in A.
Suppose is a binary operation on A. An element e of A is said to be an
identity for if a e = e a = a for all a A.
Suppose is a binary operation on A, with identity element e. Let a A.
An element b of A is said to be an inverse of a with respect to if
a b = b a = e.
(Reminder: test your understanding of each definition by finding examples
of operations that do have the property, and examples of operations that do
not have the property.)
2. (ex) Refer back to those operations in question 1 that were binary op-
erations. Do the following for each of these binary operations.
(a) Determine whether the operation is associative, and if not, prove
that the operation is not associative.
(b) State whether there is an identity for the operation, and if so, iden-
tify it.
(c) If there is an identity for the operation, determine which elements
(if any) have inverses.
3. (ex) Determine which of the binary operations in question 1 are com-
mutative, and if not, provide proof that the operation is not commuta-
4. Prove that if a binary operation on a set A has an identity element,
then that identity element is unique.
5. (ex) Which of the following are groups? If not, explain why not.
(a) hZ, +i
(b) hZ, i
(c) hZ, i
(d) hZ, i
(e) hR+ , i (R+ denotes the set of positive real numbers.)
(f) The set of symmetries of a regular pentagon with operation com-
(g) Z6 with operation addition mod 6.
(h) Z6 with operation multiplication mod 6.
(i) Z6 \ {0} with operation multiplication mod 6.
(j) Z5 \ {0} with operation multiplication mod 5.
6. Prove that the following is, or is not a group, as appropriate.
The set S = R \ {1} with operation defined by a b = a + b ab for all
a and b in S. (On the right side of the equation, the operations are the
usual addition and multiplication in R.)
7. Prove that the following is, or is not a group, as appropriate.
The set M2 (R) of all 2 by 2 matrices, with real numbers as entries, and
operation matrix multiplication.
A group hG, i is said to be abelian if is commutative.
We say a group is finite if the underlying set contains finitely many el-
ements. We say a group is infinite if the underlying set contains infinitely
many elements.
For a finite group G, the order of G is the number of elements in G.
9. (ex) Refer back to question 5. Identify the finite groups in that ques-
tion, and for each of these state the order of the group.
10. Provide at least two examples of non-abelian groups. For one of these,
prove that the group is non-abelian.
11. Suppose hG, i is a group,with s,t and u in G. Prove or disprove as
appropriate: If s t = u s, then t = u.
You have shown in problem 12 that (an )1 and (a1 )n have unambiguous
meanings, and are in fact equal. The symbol an on the other hand is not
automatically defined by the definitions already given. It is convenient to
define an as simply another notation for (an )1 and (a1 )n :
Definition: In a group G with a G, we define an to be (an )1 . Also we
define a0 to be the identity, e.
As we said, we cannot simply assume that exponents will have the same
properties in an arbitrary group as they do when working with real numbers.
Some familiar properties of exponents for real numbers are in fact false in
certain groups. The next two problems establish two basic principles that
do apply in an arbitrary group.
Historically, the central focus of abstract algebra was the solution of equa-
tions. The following problem gives an indication of the connection:
You have thus shown that if G is a group, then for all a and b in G, there is
a unique solution in G for the equation ax = b. Similarly there is a unique
solution in G for xa = b.
From now on, the phrase the group Zn , will be taken to mean the set
{0, 1, 2 . . .n 1} with operation addition mod n.
For groups such as Zn , where it is natural to use additive notation,
we replace our multiplicative expressions by the additive analogues, as
for n an integer, in place of an write na
in place of a1 write a
write 0 for the identity.
New groups from old 10
26. (ex) Determine the operation table for Z2 Z3 , where the operation is
defined component-wise. (Use additive notation, since the operation is
based on addition.)
27. Prove that if G and H are groups, then G H, with operation defined
component-wise, is a group. (Use multiplicative notation, since there
is nothing to indicate that additive notation is appropriate).
2.2 Subgroups
37. (ex)
(a) List the units in each of the following:
i) Z7 . ii)Z6 iii) Z8 .
(b) Draw up the table for multiplication (mod 8) in U (8).
Is this a group? Explain why or why not.
Determine the inverse of 3 in U (8).
(c) Draw up the table for multiplication (mod 10) in U (10).
Is this a group? If not explain why not.
(d) Is there any positive integer n for which U (n) with multiplication
(mod n) will fail to be a group? Either provide an n for which
U (n) is not a group, or explain why U (n) is a group for all positive
integers n.
(e) Make a conjecture: what condition on n ensures that the underly-
ing set for U (n) is precisely Zn ?
(f) Make a conjecture: for a given positive integer n, how can one
identify the units in Zn , without writing out the whole table for
multiplication mod n on Zn ?
Suppose hG, i is a group, and a G. Consider the set {an |n Z}. Note
that this set is closed under the operation of G. (Why?)
Definition: Suppose G is a group with a G. We let hai denote the set
{an |n Z} together with the operation inherited from G.
38. (ex) List each of following, where the calculations take place in the
specified group:
(a) In U (10), list h3i and h9i .
(b) In U (8), list h3i and h1i.
(c) In U (5), list h2i, h3i and h4i.
(d) Let R denote R\{0} . In hR , i, list h2i, h 21 i and h4i.
39. (ex) List each of following, where the calculations take place in the
specified group:
(a) In hZ, +i, list h2i, h3i and h3i
(b) In hZ6 , +i, list h2i, h0i, h1i, and h4i.
(c) In hZ12 , +i, list h3i, h5i, h7i and h10i
40. Let G be a group, with a G. Prove that hai is a subgroup of G.
41. (ex) Determine the order of the specified elements in the specified
(a) 3 and 1 in U (8)
(b) 3 and 7 in U (10)
(c) 1, -1 , 2 and 1
2 in the group hR , i
42. (ex) Suppose hG, i is a group , and that G = hai, where a is an el-
ement in G having order 10, with G = hai = {a0 = e, a1 , a2 , . . ., a9 }.
Determine the order of each of the elements of G.
43. (ex) Determine the order of the specified elements in the specified
(a) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in hZ6 , +i
(b) 0, 1, 2, and -1 in hZ, +i
(c) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in hZ12 , +i
44. (ex) Which of the following are cyclic groups? Explain why or why
not in each case.
(a) U (10)
(b) U (8)
(c) U (5)
(d) D4
45. (ex) Which of the following are cyclic groups? Explain why or why
not in each case.
(a) hZ, +i
(b) Z8
(c) Z3 Z5
(d) Z2 Z4
46. Prove that every cyclic group is abelian.
47. Prove that if G H is a cyclic group, then G and H are cyclic groups.
48. Prove or disprove, as appropriate: If G and H are cyclic groups, then
G H is a cyclic group.
49. (ex) Suppose hG, i is a group , and that G = hai, where a is an element
in G having order 10, with G = hai = {a0 = e, a1 , a2 , . . . , a9 }. List all
generators of G. (Exercise 42 should help.)
50. (ex) List all generators of Z12 . (Exercise 43(c) should help.)
Our next goal is to deeply understand the structure of all cyclic groups. First
we need some results from elementary number theory.
Recall the following definitions.Here n and m are integers and m 6= 0:
51. (ex) Find the values for q and r as specified in the division algorithm
for each of the following:
a) n = 47, m = 7 b) n = 42, m = 6 c) n = 26, m = 5.
d) n = 3, m = 5.
More on cyclic groups. 16
Note that the previous three problems basically tell us about the structure of
every cyclic group, as follows:
59. Theorem: (Already proved in the previous problems.) Suppose G is a
cyclic group with generator a (so G = hai).
(a) If the order of a is infinite, then G = {. . . a2 , a1 , e, a1 , a2 . . .},
where the elements listed are all distinct from each other.
(b) If the order of a is finite, order m say, then G contains exactly m
elements, namely G = {e, a1 , a2 . . . am1 }.
66. Suppose that G is a cyclic group, with generator a, where the order of
a is m. Prove that if k is an integer relatively prime to m, then ak is a
also a generator of G.
67. (ex) For each of the specified cyclic groups, list all distinct subgroups.
a) Z12 b) Z18 .
68. (ex)Suppose that G is a cyclic group, with G = hai, for some a G,
where the order of a is 12. Determine all distinct subgroups of G.
69. (ex) Suppose that G is a cyclic group, with G = hai, for some a G,
where the order of a is 18. Determine all generators of G.
70. (ex)
(a) Write the statement of the theorem in problem 66 using additive
(b) Determine all generators of each of the following cyclic groups:
a) Z12 b) Z7 c) Z24 .
71. Prove that the units in Zn (where n is a positive integer) are precisely
the elements of Zn that are relatively prime to n.
Suppose that hG, i and hH, i are groups. We say that a function
: G H is a homomorphism if for all a, b G, (ab) = (a) (b).
We say that a function : G H is an isomorphism if is a homo-
morphism, and as well is one-to-one and onto.
(Recall the definitions: A function f : A B is said to be one-to-one if for
every x, y A, whenever f (x) = f (y) then x = y. A function f : A B is
said to be onto if for every b B, there exists some a A with f (a) = b.
Definition: We say that groups are isomorphic if there exists an isomor-
phism between them.
Intuitively, two groups are isomorphic if the operation table for one of
them can be obtained from the operation table of the other, by simply re-
ordering and renaming elements in the group, and renaming the operation.
We express this by saying that the isomorphism preserves algebraic struc-
ture. Try the following exercise to get a feel for this:
72. (ex) Draw up an operation table for each of the following groups. Then
decide which of these are isomorphic, in the sense of the intuitive re-
ordering and renaming description given above; if reordering is nec-
essary, show the reordering; also specify the renaming.
(a) hZ4 , +i
Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms 20
Note carefully: To prove that two given groups, G and H say, are isomor-
phic, you must show that there exists an isomorphism from G to H.
So, logically, to prove that two given groups, G and H, are not isomorphic,
you have to show that no function : G H is an isomorphism. But this
direct approach is too hard! Instead one usually tries to demonstrate that no
isomorphism could exist using one of the following approaches:
show that the two groups have different order (or different cardinality)
show that one group has some algebraic property that the other does
not. For example,
G might be abelian, and H non-abelian,
G might have an element of some specified order, while H does
not (as a special case, G might be cyclic, and H not)
every equation of some particular form (such as x2 = a) might
have a solution in G, while some equation of that form in H does
not have a solution.
80. (ex) In each of the following, prove that the two groups specified are
not isomorphic.
(a) D4 and Z2 Z4 .
(b) Z2 Z4 and G = ha i, where the order of a is 8.
(c) Z3 Z3 and Z9
(d) U (10) and Z2 Z3 .
81. (ex) Let : U (10) U (10) be defined by (a) = a2 for all a U (10).
(You already proved in problem 73 that is a homomorphism.) Deter-
mine (U (10)) and Ker( ).
The following three problems develop some properties of cosets that are
very useful in later proofs.
Cosets: first ideas and applications 24
99. (ex) Consider the group hZ18 , +i. What are the possible sizes for a
subgroup of hZ18 , +i? For each of these possible sizes, provide at
least one subgroup of hZ18 , +i that has that size.
(Do not however assume that if G is a group of order n, then G has a sub-
group of order m for every divisor m of n; this is not in general true.)
100. Prove that if G is a finite group and a is an element of G, then the order
of a is a divisor of the order of G.
101. Prove that if G is a group with prime order, then G is cyclic.
(Isnt that beautiful? You have just figured out something about every finite
group with prime order in the whole universe :-) )
We have been studying cosets, and we found that they were very useful in
proving that the order of a subgroup is a divisor of the order of a group. An-
other way in which they are a powerful way of thinking is in forming new
groups called quotient groups. These are a crucial concept in Abstract
Algebra. Before we can talk about these we need to consider a special kind
of subgroup, called a normal subgroup.
102. (ex) Refer to questions 88, 89, and 90. In each case, determine all right
cosets of the given subgroup in the specified group.
Is is true or false that if H is a subgroup of a group G, then for all
a G, we have aH = Ha?
103. (ex) Refer to questions 88, 89, and 90. In each case, say whether the
given subgroup is a normal subgroup of the specified group.
104. Suppose G is a group, and H a subgroup of G. Prove that H is normal
if and only if the following condition holds: for all h H, and for all
x G, xhx1 is in H.
Normal subgroups and quotient groups 27
By the way, notice that normal subgroups were defined the way they were
precisely so that the operation on cosets would be well defined.
Notice that we have developed a new way of constructing new groups from
existing groups. We will show in problems that follow that there is a deep
relation between factor groups and homomorphisms.
109. (ex) Consider the group G = Z20 and the normal subgroup H = h5i of
this group.
(a) List H.
(b) List the distinct left cosets of H in G.
(c) Draw up an operation table for the group G/H.
(d) By inspection, identify at least one familiar group that is isomor-
phic to G/H.
110. (ex) Consider the group G = D4 (symmetries of a square) and the nor-
mal subgroup H = {0 , 1 , 2 , 3 } of this group.
(a) List the distinct left cosets of H in G.
(b) Draw up an operation table for the group G/H.
In abstract algebra, one of the most common ways of showing that two
groups are isomorphic is by defining an appropriate homomorphism and
then deriving an isomorphism via G/Ker( ) = (G). Use this idea to do
the next problem: