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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide,

Release 10.0(1)
First Published: December 03, 2013

Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Tel: 408 526-4000
800 553-NETS (6387)
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Text Part Number: OL-29844-01



The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCB's public domain version
of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright 1981, Regents of the University of California.



Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network
topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional
and coincidental.

Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: http:// Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership
relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)

2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.


Preface Preface xxxiii

Purpose xxxiii
Audience xxxiii
Organization xxxiv
Related Documentation xxxiv
Conventions xxxv
Documentation and Service Requests xxxvi
Cisco Product Security Overview xxxvi

CHAPTER 1 Overview 1
Cisco Unified Communications Manager 1
Deployment Models 2
Managed Services 3
Cisco Unified Serviceability 4
Trace Tools 4
Troubleshooting Trace 5
Trace Collection 5
Cisco Unified Reporting 5
Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool 6
Call Detail Records and Call Management Records 7
Call Detail Record Analysis and Reporting 7
Management Information Base 8

CHAPTER 2 New and Changed Information 11

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1) 11
Alarm additions and changes 11
New Caller-Specific Music On Hold Alarms 11

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Platform support 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Supports Virtual Deployments Only 11

CHAPTER 3 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring 13

Supported Interfaces 13
Critical Processes to Monitor 14
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes 14
IM and Presence Service Critical Services 24
View Presence Server Status 27
Available Supported MIBs 27
RTMT Monitoring of Cisco Unified CM System Health 28
RTMT Summary View 29
CPU Usage 30
% IOwait Monitoring 31
Virtual Memory 32
Disk Usage 34
Disk Name Mapping 35
Database Replication and Cisco Unified Communication Manager Nodes 37
CodeYellow 37
RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog 39
Critical Service Status 40
RTMT Syslog Viewer 42
Send Syslog Traps to Remote Server 42
RTMT Alerts as Syslog Messages and Traps 43
Recovery Hardware Migration and Backup/Restore 43
Backup/Restore 43
Platform Monitoring 44
How to Use Command Line Interface 44
Hardware BIOS RAID and Firmware View Details Commands 44
admin:utils fior CLI 45
admin:utils diagnose list CLI 45
admin:utils diagnose test CLI 46
admin:utils diagnose moduleName CLI 46
admin:utils diagnose fix CLI 46
admin:utils create report hardware CLI 46

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admin:utils iostat CLI 46

CLI for Intracluster Connection Management and Monitoring 47
Hardware Migration 47
Platform Security 48
Locked-Down System 48
Cisco Security Agent Support 48
Security Patching and Updating 48
Role-Based Access Control 48
Software Configuration Management 49
General Install and Upgrade Procedures 49
Detect Installed Release and Packages 49
Available Reports 50
RTMT Reports 50
Serviceability Reports 50
Cisco Unified Reporting 50
General Health and Troubleshooting Tips 51
Onboard Agents Support 51
Call Detail Records and Call Maintenance Records 52
Perfmon Counters 52
Native Hardware Out of Band Management (OOB) 52
Phone Registration Status 53
Historical Information Download 53
Cisco CallManager Service Stops Responding 53
Investigate Cisco CallManager Service Interruption 54
Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber 54
Verify and Repair Database Replication 55
Database Replication Does Not Occur on Lost Node 57
Database Tables Out of Synchronization Do Not Trigger Alert 57
Reset Database Replication When Reverting to Prior Release 58
Useful Commands and Utilities 58
Related Documentation 59

CHAPTER 4 Simple Network Management Protocol 61

Overview 61
SNMP Versioning 62

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SNMP and Cisco Unified CM Basics 63

SNMP Basic Commands 64
SNMP Community Strings and Users 64
SNMP and Cisco MIBs 64
SNMP Traps and Informs 65
SNMP Trace Configuration 66
SNMP Tips 66
SNMP Troubleshooting 67

CHAPTER 5 Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts 71
Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring 71
Performance Monitoring in RTMT 72
PerfMon Alert Notifications 72
PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 75
Cisco Analog Access 75
Cisco Annunciator Device 75
Cisco CallManager 76
Cisco CallManager External Call Control 85
Cisco CallManager SAF 86
Cisco CallManager System Performance 87
Cisco CTIManager 89
Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility 90
Cisco Extension Mobility 91
Cisco Feature Control Policy 93
Cisco Gatekeeper 93
Cisco H.323 93
Cisco Hunt Lists 94
Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device 95
Cisco IP Manager Assistant 96
Cisco Lines 96
Cisco Locations 97
Cisco Media Streaming Application 98
Cisco MGCP BRI Device 101
Cisco MGCP FXO Device 102

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Cisco MGCP FXS Device 103

Cisco MGCP Gateways 103
Cisco MGCP PRI Device 104
Cisco MGCP T1 CAS Device 105
Cisco Mobility Manager 105
Cisco Music On Hold (MOH) Device 107
Cisco MTP Device 108
Cisco Phones 108
Cisco Presence Feature 108
Cisco QSIG Feature 109
Cisco Signaling Performance 110
Cisco SIP 110
Cisco SIP Normalization 111
Cisco SIP Stack 118
Cisco SIP Station 129
Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device 130
Cisco TFTP Server 131
Cisco Transcode Device 135
Cisco Video Conference Bridge 135
Cisco Web Dialer 136
Cisco WSM Connector 137
PerfMon Objects and Counters for System 137
Cisco Tomcat Connector 137
Cisco Tomcat JVM 139
Cisco Tomcat Web Application 140
Database Change Notification Client 141
Database Change Notification Server 142
Database Change Notification Subscription 143
Database Local DSN 143
DB User Host Information Counters 144
Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors 144
Enterprise Replication Perfmon Counters 144
IP 144
Memory 146
Network Interface 147

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Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication 148

Partition 149
Process 150
Processor 152
System 153
TCP 153
Thread 154
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Performance Objects and Alerts 154
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects 155
IME Configuration Manager 155
IME Server 155
IME Server System Performance 158
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Alerts 159
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Objects 159
IME Client 160
IME Client Instance 161
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Alerts 162

CHAPTER 6 Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages 163

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages 163
CiscoLog Format 164
Log File and Syslog Outputs 164
Standard Syslog Server Implementations 165
Clock Synchronization 166
Multipart Messages 166
CiscoLog Message Format 166
Message Length Limit 167
SEQNUM Field 168
HOST Field 168
FQDN and Hostname 169
IP Addresses 169
HEADER Field 172
APPNAME Field 173
SEVERITY Field 173

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MSGNAME Field 175

TAGS Field 176
Tag Keys 177
Tag Semantic Extensions 177
Tag Values 178
Tag Guidelines 178
Process Identification Tag 179
MESSAGE Field 179
Internationalization 180
Versioning 180
Preconfigured System Alarm Notifications 181
Preconfigured CallManager Alarm Notifications 181
BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions 182
CallAttemptBlockedByPolicy 182
CallProcessingNodeCpuPegging 183
CARIDSEngineCritical 184
CARIDSEngineFailure 184
CARSchedulerJobFailed 185
CDRAgentSendFileFailed 186
CDRFileDeliveryFailed 186
CDRHighWaterMarkExceeded 187
CDRMaximumDiskSpaceExceeded 187
CiscoElmNotConnected 188
CiscoGraceTimeLeft 189
CiscoNoProvisionTimeout 189
CiscoSystemInDemo 190
CiscoSystemInOverage 191
CiscoSystemSecurityMismatch 191
CodeYellow 192
DDRBlockPrevention 193
DDRDown 193
EMCCFailedInLocalCluster 194
EMCCFailedInRemoteCluster 195
ExcessiveVoiceQualityReports 195
IMEDistributedCacheInactive 196

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ILSHubClusterUnreachable 197
ILSPwdAuthenticationFailed 197
ILSTLSAuthenticationFailed 198
IMEDistributedCacheInactive 199
IMEOverQuota 199
IMEQualityAlert 200
InsufficientFallbackIdentifiers 201
IMEServiceStatus 202
InvalidCredentials 203
LocationOutOfResource 204
MaliciousCallTrace 204
MediaListExhausted 205
MgcpDChannelOutOfService 206
NumberOfRegisteredDevicesExceeded 206
NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysDecreased 207
NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysIncreased 208
NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesDecreased 208
NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesIncreased 209
NumberOfRegisteredPhonesDropped 209
RecordingCallSetupFail 210
RecordingGatewayRegistrationTimeout 211
RecordingGatewayRegistrationRejected 211
RecordingGatewaySessionFailed 212
RecordingSessionTerminatedUnexpectedly 212
RecordingResourcesNotAvailable 213
RouteListExhausted 214
RTMTSessionsExceedsThreshold 214
SDLLinkOutOfService 215
TCPSetupToIMEFailed 216
TLSConnectionToIMEFailed 216
UserInputFailure 217
Emergency-Level Alarms 218
BDINotStarted 218
CallDirectorCreationError 219
CiscoDirSyncStartFailure 219

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ExcceptionInInitSDIConfiguration 219
FileWriteError 220
GlobalSPUtilsCreationError 220
HuntGroupControllerCreationError 221
HuntGroupCreationError 221
IPAddressResolveError 222
IPMANotStarted 222
LineStateSrvEngCreationError 223
LostConnectionToCM 223
NoCMEntriesInDB 223
NoFeatureLicense 224
OutOfMemory 225
ServiceNotInstalled 225
SyncDBCreationError 225
SysControllerCreationError 226
TapiLinesTableCreationError 226
TimerServicesCreationError 227
TestAlarmEmergency 227
WDNotStarted 228
Alert-Level Alarms 228
CertValidLessthanADay 228
CMIException 229
CMOverallInitTimeExceeded 230
ConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerInstanceFailed 231
ConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerSingleFailed 231
ConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerStartFailed 232
CiscoLicenseApproachingLimit 232
CiscoLicenseOverDraft 233
CMVersionMismatch 233
Remote Application ID Enum Definitions 234
CreateThreadFailed 234
DBLException 235
InvalidCredentials 236
MemAllocFailed 237
NoDbConnectionAvailable 237

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ParityConfigurationError 238
SerialPortOpeningError 239
SDIControlLayerFailed 239
SDLLinkOOS 240
LocalApplicationID and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions 241
SocketError 241
StopBitConfigurationError 242
TFTPServerListenSetSockOptFailed 243
TFTPServerListenBindFailed 243
TestAlarmAlert 244
TLSConnectionToIMEFailed 245
TVSServerListenBindFailed 245
TVSServerListenSetSockOptFailed 246
UnknownException 247
VMDNConfigurationError 247
Critical-Level Alarms 248
BChannelOOS 248
CallManagerFailure 249
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CallManagerFailure 250
CertExpiryCritical 251
CertValidfor7days 252
CDRMaximumDiskSpaceExceeded 252
CiscoDirSyncProcessFailToStart 253
CodeRedEntry 254
CodeYellowEntry 254
CoreDumpFileFound 255
DChannelOOS 256
ErrorChangeNotifyClientBlock 257
LogPartitionHighWaterMarkExceeded 258
MaxCallsReached 259
MGCPGatewayLostComm 259
StationTCPInitError 260
TCPSetupToIMEFailed 261
TimerThreadSlowed 262

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TestAlarmCritical 262
Error-Level Alarms 263
ANNDeviceRecoveryCreateFailed 263
AwaitingResponseFromPDPTimeout 264
BadCDRFileFound 264
BDIApplicationError 265
BDIOverloaded 266
CARSchedulerJobError 266
CARSchedulerJobFailed 267
CCDIPReachableTimeOut 268
CCDPSTNFailOverDurationTimeOut 269
CDRAgentSendFileFailed 270
CDRAgentSendFileFailureContinues 271
CDRFileDeliveryFailed 271
CDRFileDeliveryFailureContinues 272
CFBDeviceRecoveryCreateFailed 273
CiscoDhcpdFailure 274
CiscoDirSyncProcessFailedRetry 274
CiscoDirSyncProcessFailedNoRetry 275
CiscoDirSyncProcessConnectionFailed 275
CiscoDirSyncDBAccessFailure 276
CiscoLicenseManagerDown 276
CiscoLicenseRequestFailed 277
CiscoLicenseDataStoreError 277
CiscoLicenseInternalError 278
CiscoLicenseFileError 278
CLM_MsgIntChkError 279
CLM_UnrecognizedHost 279
ConfigItAllBuildFilesFailed 280
ConfigItAllReadConfigurationFailed 280
ConfigThreadBuildFileFailed 281
ConfigThreadCNCMGrpBuildFileFailed 282
ConfigThreadCNGrpBuildFileFailed 282
ConfigThreadReadConfigurationFailed 283
ConfigThreadUnknownExceptionCaught 284

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ConflictingDataIE 284
ConnectionFailure 285
DeviceType Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure 286
Reason Code Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure 288
ConnectionFailureToPDP 288
CNFFBuffWriteToFilefopenfailed 289
CNFFBuffWriteToFilefwritefailed 290
CtiProviderOpenFailure 291
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderOpenFailure 292
DBLGetVersionInfoError 292
DeviceTypeMismatch 293
DBDeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch 294
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch 296
DbInfoCorrupt 298
DbInfoError 299
DbInfoTimeout 300
DeviceCloseMaxEventsExceeded 300
DeviceInitTimeout 301
DirSyncSchedulerFailedToUpdateNextExecTime 301
DirSyncScheduledTaskFailed 302
DirSyncSchedulerFailedToGetDBSchedules 302
DirSyncSchedulerInvalidEventReceived 303
DirSyncInvalidScheduleFound 303
DirSyncSchedulerFailedToRegisterDBEvents 304
DirSyncSchedulerEngineFailedToStart 304
DirSyncScheduleDeletionFailed 304
DirSyncScheduleUpdateFailed 305
DRFMasterAgentStartFailure 305
DRFLocalAgentStartFailure 306
DRFRestoreFailure 307
DRFInternalProcessFailure 308
DRFTruststoreMissing 309
DRFUnknownClient 309
DRFSecurityViolation 310
DRFBackupDeviceError 311

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DRFTapeDeviceError 312
DRFRestoreInternalError 312
DRFMABackupComponentFailure 313
DRFMARestoreComponentFailure 314
DRFMABackupNodeDisconnect 315
DRFNoRegisteredComponent 315
DRFNoRegisteredFeature 316
DRFMARestoreNodeDisconnect 317
DRFSftpFailure 318
DRFRegistrationFailure 318
DRFBackupCancelInternalError 319
DRFLogDirAccessFailure 320
DRFFailure 321
DRFLocalDeviceError 322
DuplicateLearnedPattern 322
EMAppInitializationFailed 323
EMCCFailedInLocalCluster 323
EMServiceConnectionError 325
EndPointTransientConnection 325
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection 326
Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection 329
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection 332
IPv6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection 333
EndPointUnregistered 333
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered 334
Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered 337
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered 340
IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered 340
ErrorChangeNotifyClientTimeout 340
ErrorParsingDirectiveFromPDP 341
ErrorReadingInstalledRPMS 342
FailureResponseFromPDP 342
FailedToReadConfig 343
FirewallMappingFailure 344
ICTCallThrottlingStart 344

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IDSEngineCritical 345
IDSEngineFailure 346
IDSReplicationFailure 346
ILSTLSAuthenticationFailed 347
InsufficientFallbackIdentifiers 348
InvalidIPNetPattern 349
InvalidPortHandle 349
IPMAApplicationError 350
IPMAOverloaded 350
IPMAFilteringDown 351
IPv6InterfaceNotInstalled 351
kANNDeviceRecordNotFound 352
kCFBDeviceRecordNotFound 353
kCreateAudioSourcesFailed 353
kCreateControlFailed 354
kDbConnectionFailed 355
kIPVMSDeviceDriverNotFound 356
kIpVmsMgrNoLocalHostName 356
kIpVmsMgrNoLocalNetworkIPAddr 357
kIPVMSMgrWrongDriverVersion 358
kMOHTFTPGoRequestFailed 359
kPWavMgrThreadxFailed 359
kReadCfgUserLocaleEnterpriseSvcParm 360
kRequestedANNStreamsFailed 360
LostConnectionToSAFForwarder 361
MultipleSIPTrunksToSamePeerAndLocalPort 362
NodeNotTrusted 362
NumDevRegExceeded 363
PublishFailedOverQuota 364
ReadConfigurationUnknownException 365
RsvpNoMoreResourcesAvailable 365
SAFForwarderError 368
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SAFForwardError 369

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SAFResponderError 371
ScheduledCollectionError 372
SerialPortGetStatusError 373
SerialPortSetStatusError 373
ServiceActivationFailed 374
ServiceDeactivationFailed 375
ServiceFailed 375
ServiceStartFailed 376
ServiceStopFailed 376
ServiceExceededMaxRestarts 377
SIPNormalizationResourceWarning 377
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationResourceWarning 379
SIPNormalizationScriptError 379
Reason Code Enum Definitions SIPNormalizationScriptError 381
SIPTrunkOOS 381
SparePartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded 383
SystemResourceError 384
TestAlarmError 385
ThreadPoolProxyUnknownException 385
UnableToOpenMohAudioSource 386
UnableToRegisterwithCallManagerService 386
UserLoginFailed 387
WDApplicationError 387
WDOverloaded 388
Warning-Level Alarms 388
AnnunciatorNoMoreResourcesAvailable 389
ApplicationConnectionDropped 390
ApplicationConnectionError 391
authAdminLock 391
AuthenticationFailed 392
authFail 392
authHackLock 393
authInactiveLock 393
authLdapInactive 394
BDIStopped 395

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CallAttemptBlockedByPolicy 395
CCDLearnedPatternLimitReached 396
CDRHWMExceeded 397
CertValidLessThanMonth 398
ConferenceNoMoreResourcesAvailable 398
CtiDeviceOpenFailure 399
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceOpenFailure 400
CtiLineOpenFailure 400
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineOpenFailure 401
CtiIncompatibleProtocolVersion 402
CtiMaxConnectionReached 403
CtiProviderCloseHeartbeatTimeout 403
CtiQbeFailureResponse 404
DaTimeOut 405
DeviceImageDownloadFailure 405
Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure 406
FailureReason Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure 407
DevicePartiallyRegistered 409
Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for
DevicePartiallyRegistered 410
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DevicePartiallyRegistered 410
DeviceTransientConnection 414
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection 416
Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection 418
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection 421
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection 421
DeviceUnregistered 421
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered 423
Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered 425
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered 427
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered 427
DigitAnalysisTimeoutAwaitingResponse 427
DirSyncNoSchedulesFound 428
DirSyncScheduledTaskTimeoutOccurred 429
DRFComponentDeRegistered 429

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DRFDeRegistrationFailure 430
DRFDeRegisteredServer 431
DRFNoBackupTaken 431
DRFSchedulerDisabled 432
EMCCFailedInRemoteCluster 433
ErrorParsingResponseFromPDP 434
FailedToFulfillDirectiveFromPDP 435
H323Stopped 436
DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Stopped 437
InvalidSubscription 437
InvalidQBEMessage 438
IPMAManagerLogout 438
IPMAStopped 439
kANNAudioFileMissing 439
kANNAudioUndefinedAnnID 440
kANNAudioUndefinedLocale 440
kANNDeviceStartingDefaults 441
kCFBDeviceStartingDefaults 442
kChangeNotifyServiceCreationFailed 443
kChangeNotifyServiceGetEventFailed 444
kChangeNotifyServiceRestartFailed 445
kDeviceDriverError 445
kDeviceMgrCreateFailed 446
kDeviceMgrOpenReceiveFailedOutOfStreams 447
kDeviceMgrRegisterKeepAliveResponseError 448
kDeviceMgrRegisterWithCallManagerError 449
kDeviceMgrSocketDrvNotifyEvtCreateFailed 449
kDeviceMgrSocketNotifyEventCreateFailed 450
kDeviceMgrStartTransmissionOutOfStreams 451
kDeviceMgrThreadxFailed 452
kFixedInputCodecStreamFailed 453
kFixedInputCreateControlFailed 453
kFixedInputCreateSoundCardFailed 454
kFixedInputInitSoundCardFailed 455
kFixedInputTranscoderFailed 456

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kGetFileNameFailed 457
kIPVMSMgrEventCreationFailed 457
kIPVMSMgrThreadxFailed 458
kIpVmsMgrThreadWaitFailed 459
kMOHMgrCreateFailed 460
kMOHMgrExitEventCreationFailed 461
kMOHMgrThreadxFailed 461
kMTPDeviceRecordNotFound 462
kRequestedCFBStreamsFailed 463
kRequestedMOHStreamsFailed 463
kRequestedMTPStreamsFailed 464
LogCollectionJobLimitExceeded 465
LDAPServerUnreachable 465
LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded 466
MaliciousCall 467
MaxDevicesPerNodeExceeded 467
MaxDevicesPerProviderExceeded 468
MediaResourceListExhausted 469
MediaResourceType Enum Definitions for MediaResourceListExhausted 471
MemAllocFailed 471
MohNoMoreResourcesAvailable 472
MtpNoMoreResourcesAvailable 473
MTPDeviceRecoveryCreateFailed 475
NotEnoughChans 476
NoCallManagerFound 477
OutOfRangeMohAudioSource 478
PublishFailed 478
QRTRequest 479
RejectedRoutes 480
RouteListExhausted 481
ServiceStartupFailed 481
ServingFileWarning 482
SparePartitionHighWaterMarkExceeded 483
SSOuserNotInDB 484
SIPStopped 484

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DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped 485

InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped 485
OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped 486
SIPLineRegistrationError 486
DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError 487
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError 489
SIPTrunkPartiallyISV 490
SoftwareLicenseNotValid 493
StationEventAlert 493
TestAlarmWarning 494
TotalProcessesAndThreadsExceededThresholdStart 494
ThreadKillingError 495
UnableToSetorResetMWI 496
UnprovisionedMohAudioSource 497
UserInputFailure 498
UserUserPrecedenceAlarm 498
Enum Definitions for UserUserPrecedenceAlarm 500
BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions 500
kANNAudioCreateDirFailed 501
MOHDeviceRecoveryCreateFailed 501
kDeviceMgrExitEventCreationFailed 502
kMOHDeviceRecordNotFound 503
kMOHBadMulticastIP 504
SSODisabled 505
SSONullTicket 505
SSOServerUnreachable 506
WDStopped 507
Notice-Level Alarms 507
authExpired 508
authMustChange 508
BChannelISV 509
CallManagerOnline 510
CertValidityOver30Days 510
CodeYellowExit 511
credReadFailure 511

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DbInsertValidatedDIDFailure 512
DChannelISV 513
EMAppStopped 513
EndPointRegistered 514
Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered 515
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered 515
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered 518
IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistere 518
H323Started 518
DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Started 519
ICTCallThrottlingEnd 520
kDeviceMgrMoreThan50SocketEvents 520
MGCPGatewayGainedComm 521
MaxCallDurationTimeout 522
SDLLinkISV 523
LocalApplicationId and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions SDLLinkISV 524
SIPNormalizationScriptOpened 524
SIPNormalizationScriptClosed 525
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationScriptClosed 526
SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled 527
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled 528
SIPStarted 528
DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted 529
InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted 529
OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted 529
SIPTrunkISV 530
TestAlarmNotice 531
TotalProcessesAndThreadsExceededThresholdEnd 531
Informational-Level Alarms 532
AdministrativeEvent 532
AdminPassword 532
AuditEventGenerated 533
AgentOnline 533
AgentOffline 534
AuthenticationSucceeded 534

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authSuccess 535
BDIStarted 535
BuildStat 536
CiscoDirSyncStarted 536
CiscoDirSyncProcessStarted 536
CiscoDirSyncProcessCompleted 537
CiscoDirSyncProcessStoppedManually 537
CiscoDirSyncProcessStoppedAuto 538
CLM_ConnectivityTest 538
CLM_IPSecCertUpdated 539
CLM_IPAddressChange 539
CLM_PeerState 540
credFullUpdateSuccess 541
credFullUpdateFailure 541
credReadSuccess 542
credUpdateFailure 542
credUpdateSuccess 543
DirSyncScheduledTaskOver 543
DirSyncSchedulerEngineStopped 544
DirSyncNewScheduleInserted 544
DRFLA2MAFailure 545
DRFMA2LAFailure 545
CiscoDRFComponentRegistered 546
CiscoDhcpdRestarted 547
CiscoHardwareLicenseInvalid 547
CiscoLicenseFileInvalid 548
CMInitializationStateTime 548
CMIServiceStatus 549
CMTotalInitializationStateTime 549
ConnectionToPDPInService 550
CriticalEvent 550
CtiDeviceClosed 551
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceClosed 551
CtiDeviceInService 552
CtiDeviceOpened 553

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CtiLineOpened 554
CtiLineOutOfService 555
CtiProviderClosed 555
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderClosed 556
CtiProviderOpened 558
CtiDeviceOutofService 559
CtiLineClosed 559
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineClosed 560
CtiLineInService 561
DatabaseDefaultsRead 562
DefaultDurationInCacheModified 562
DeviceApplyConfigInitiated 563
DeviceApplyConfigResult 563
DeviceDnInformation 564
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceDnInformation 565
DeviceImageDownloadStart 568
DeviceImageDownloadSuccess 569
Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadSuccess 570
DeviceRegistered 570
Performance Monitor ObjType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered 572
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered 574
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered 576
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered 576
DeviceResetInitiated 577
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceResetInitiated 577
DeviceRestartInitiated 579
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRestartInitiated 580
DirSyncScheduleInsertFailed 582
DirSyncSchedulerEngineStarted 583
DRFBackupCompleted 583
DRFRestoreCompleted 584
DRFSchedulerUpdated 584
EMAppStarted 585
EMCCUserLoggedIn 585
EMCCUserLoggedOut 586

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EndPointResetInitiated 586
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointResetInitiated 587
EndPointRestartInitiated 589
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRestartInitiated 590
EndThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions 593
IDSEngineDebug 593
IDSEngineInformation 594
IDSReplicationInformation 594
IPMAInformation 595
IPMAStarted 595
ITLFileRegenerated 596
kANNICMPErrorNotification 596
kCFBICMPErrorNotification 597
kReadCfgIpTosMediaResourceToCmNotFound 598
kDeviceMgrLockoutWithCallManager 599
kDeviceMgrRegisterWithCallManager 599
kDeviceMgrThreadWaitFailed 600
kDeviceMgrUnregisterWithCallManager 601
kIPVMSStarting 602
kIPVMSStopping 603
kMOHICMPErrorNotification 603
kMOHMgrThreadWaitFailed 604
kMOHMgrIsAudioSourceInUseThisIsNULL 605
kMOHRewindStreamControlNull 606
kMOHRewindStreamMediaPositionObjectNull 607
kMTPDeviceStartingDefaults 607
kReadCfgMOHEnabledCodecsNotFound 608
LoadShareDeActivateTimeout 609
LogFileSearchStringFound 609
MaxHoldDurationTimeout 609
PermissionDenied 610
PktCapServiceStarted 611
PktCapServiceStopped 611
PktCapOnDeviceStarted 612
PktCapOnDeviceStopped 612

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PublicationRunCompleted 613
RedirectCallRequestFailed 613
RollBackToPre8.0Disabled 614
RollBackToPre8.0Enabled 614
RouteRemoved 615
Reason Code Enum Definitions for RouteRemoved 616
SAFPublishRevoke 616
SAFUnknownService 617
SecurityEvent 617
ServiceActivated 618
ServiceDeactivated 618
ServiceStarted 619
ServiceStopped 619
SoftwareLicenseValid 620
StationAlarm 620
StationConnectionError 621
Reason Code Enum Definitions for StationConnectionError 621
TestAlarmAppliance 622
TestAlarmInformational 623
TVSCertificateRegenerated 623
UserAlreadyLoggedIn 623
UserLoggedOut 624
UserLoginSuccess 624
WDInformation 625
WDStarted 625
Debug-Level Alarms 626
TestAlarmDebug 626
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 8.0(1) Obsolete Alarms 626
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms 626
CertMonitor Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 628
CMI Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 628
CTI Manager Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 629
DB Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 630
IpVms Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 630
Test Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms 635

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CHAPTER 7 Cisco Management Information Base 637

CISCO-CCM-MIB Revisions 638
CISCO-CCM-MIB Definitions 651
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions 652
CISCO-CCM-MIB Objects 661
CISCO-CCM-MIB Tables 662
Cisco Unified CM Group Table 662
Cisco Unified CM Table 663
Cisco Unified CM Group Mapping Table 667
Cisco Unified CM Region Table 668
Cisco Unified CM Region Pair Table 670
Cisco Unified CM Time Zone Table 672
Device Pool Table 673
Cisco Unified CM Product Type Table 675
Phone Table 678
Phone Failed Table 687
Phone Status Update Table 692
Enhanced Phone Extension Table with Combination Index 695
Gateway Table 697
Gateway Trunk Table 705
All Scalar Objects 705
Media Device Table 713
CTI Device Table 717
CTI Device Directory Number Table 721
Alarms 723
Cisco Unified CM Alarm Enable 723
Phone Failed Config Objects 724
Phone Status Update Config Objects 725
Gateway Alarm Enable 726
Malicious Call Alarm Enable 726
Notification and Alarms 727
H323 Device Table 736
Voice Mail Device Table 747

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Voice Mail Directory Number Table 751

Quality Report Alarm Configuration Information 753
Sip Device Table 753
Notifications Types 757
MIB Conformance Statements 761
Compliance Statements 762
Units of Conformance 762
Cisco Unified CM Managed Services and SNMP Traps 772
Cisco Unified CM Alarms to Enable 773
Traps to Monitor 773
Dynamic Table Objects 775
Static Table Objects 777
Troubleshoot SNMP 778
General Tips 778
Logs and Analytical Information for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Releases 5.x 6.x 7.x 780
Logs and Analytical Information for Windows and Cisco Unified CM Version 4.x 781
Limitations 782
Frequently Asked Questions 782
CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY Agent Capabilities 790
CISCO-CDP-MIB Revisions 796
CISCO-CDP-MIB Definitions 797
CDP Interface Group 798
CDP Address Cache Group 801
CDP Global Group 809
CDP MIB Conformance Information 811
CDP MIB Compliance Statements 812
CDP MIB Units of Conformance 813
Troubleshoot CDP MIB for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x, 6.x, 7.x 814
Frequently Asked Questions for CDP MIBs 815
CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB Revisions 816

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CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB Definitions 817

CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB Object Identifiers 817
Syslog MIB Textual Conventions 817
Basic Syslog Objects 818
Syslog MIB Message History Table 819
Syslog MIB Notifications 822
Syslog MIB Conformance Information 823
Syslog MIB Compliance Statements 823
Syslog MIB Units of Conformance 823
Troubleshoot Syslog Traps 823
Trap Setup 824
Frequently Asked Questions for Syslog 824
CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB Definitions 826
Syslog Ext MIB Textual Conventions 827
Syslog Setup Group 828
cseSyslogServerTable 830
cseSyslogMessageControlTable 833
Syslog Ext MIB Conformance 835
Syslog Ext MIB Units of Conformance 836

CHAPTER 8 Industry-Standard Management Information Base 837

SYSAPPL-MIB Revisions 838
SYSAPPL-MIB Definitions 838
System Application MIB 838
System Application MIB Textual Conventions 839
Installed Application Groups 839
sysApplInstallPkgTable 840
sysApplInstallElmtTable 842
sysApplRun Group 847
sysApplRunTable 847
sysApplPastRunTable 850
sysApplElmtRunTable 853

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sysApplElmtPastRunTable 857
Additional Scalar Objects Controlling Table Sizes 862
sysApplMap Group 864
Conformance Macros 866
Troubleshoot System Application MIB 868
Linux and Cisco Unified CM Releases 5.x 6.x 7.x 868
Windows and Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x 868
Servlets for Cisco Unified CM 7.x 868
Frequently Asked Questions for System Application MIB 869
RFC1213-MIB (MIB-II) 869
RFC1213-MIB Revisions 870
RFC1213-MIB Definitions 870
RFC1213-MIB Object Identifiers 870
RFC1213-MIB Textual Conventions 870
Groups in MIB-II 871
Historical 871
System Group 871
Interfaces Group 873
Interfaces Table 874
Address Translation Group 880
IP Group 882
IP Address Table 887
IP Routing Table 889
IP Address Translation Table 894
Additional IP Objects 896
ICMP Group 896
TCP Group 902
TCP Connection Table 906
Additional TCP Objects 908
UDP Group 908
UDP Listener Table 909
EGP Group 910
EGP Neighbor Table 911
Additional EGP Objects 916
Transmission Group 916

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SNMP Group 917

HOST-RESOURCES-MIB Definitions 927
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB Object Identifiers 927
Host Resources MIB Textual Conventions 927
Host Resources System Group 928
Host Resources Storage Group 930
Host Resources Device Group 933
File System Table 943
Host Resources Running Software Group 947
Host Resources Running Software Performance Group 949
Host Resources Installed Software Group 950
Host Resources Conformance Information 953
Host Resources Compliance Statements 953
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Feature Services 956
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Network Services 958
Troubleshoot Host Resources MIB 960
Frequently Asked Questions for Host Resources MIB 960
IF-MIB 963
IF-MIB Revisions 963
IF-MIB Definitions 964
IF-MIB Objects 964
IF-MIB Textual Conventions 964
Interface Index 965
Interfaces Table 966
Extension to the Interface Table 974
High Capacity Counter Objects 977
Interface Stack Group 982
Generic Receive Address Table 984
Definition of Interface-Related Traps 986
IF-MIB Conformance Information 986
IF-MIB Compliance Statements 987
IF-MIB Units of Conformance 989
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects 991

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Interface Test Table 991

IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Groups 997
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance 999

CHAPTER 9 Vendor-Specific Management Information Base 1005

Vendor-Specific Management Information Base 1005
Supported Servers - Cisco Unified CM Releases 1005
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1) Supported Servers 1006
Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Supported Servers 1006
Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Inapplicable MIBs 1007
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers 1008
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Inapplicable MIBs 1009
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Supported Servers 1011
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Inapplicable MIBs 1012
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers 1013
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Inapplicable MIBs 1015
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Supported Servers 1017
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Inapplicable MIBs 1019
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers 1019
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Inapplicable MIBs 1021
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) Supported Servers 1022
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) MIB Unsupported Servers 1023
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) Supported Servers 1024
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) MIB Unsupported Servers 1025
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers 1026
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 MIB Unsupported Servers 1027
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 Supported Servers 1029
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 MIB Unsupported Servers 1030
IBM MIBs 1031
IBM Hardware Status Messages 1032
Hewlett Packard MIBs 1034
HP Hardware Status Messages 1034
Intel MIBs 1040
Intel Hardware Status Messages 1040

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This preface describes the purpose, audience, organization, and conventions of this guide, and provides
information on how to obtain related documentation.

Note This document may not represent the latest available Cisco product information. You can obtain the most
current documentation by accessing the Cisco product documentation page at this URL:

Purpose, page xxxiii

Audience, page xxxiii
Organization, page xxxiv
Related Documentation, page xxxiv
Conventions, page xxxv
Documentation and Service Requests, page xxxvi
Cisco Product Security Overview, page xxxvi

This document gives an overview of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (formerly Cisco Unified
CallManager), deployment models, and related Management Information Bases (MIBs). It also explains
syslogs, alerts, and alarms for the managed services that Service Providers implement in their networks. This
document outlines basic concepts including Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and the features
of Cisco Unified Serviceability including Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).

This document provides information for administrators who install, upgrade, and maintain a service provider
network. You need to have an understanding of Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified

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Communications Manager Business Edition 5000. See the Related Documentation, on page xxxiv for Cisco
Unified Communications Manager documents and other related technologies.

The following table provides an outline of the chapters in this document.

Chapter Description
Overview, on page 1 Describes concepts with which you need to be
familiar to implement SNMP, MIBs, and
serviceability features.

New and Changed Information, on page 11 Describes the new and changed information in Cisco
Unified Communications Manager releases.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Describes methods for managing and monitoring the
Management and Monitoring, on page 13 Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers.

Simple Network Management Protocol, on page 61 Describes the versions of SNMP and provides some
troubleshooting tips.

Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing Describes the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring
PerfMon Counters and Alerts, on page 71 Tool, default alarms, PerfMon counters, trace
collection and other tools for troubleshooting.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Describes error messages in Cisco Unified
Messages, on page 163 Serviceability and CiscoLog message formats.

Cisco Management Information Base, on page 637 Describes Cisco MIBs and the functionality of each
with troubleshooting tips.

Industry-Standard Management Information Base, Describes industry-standard MIBs including the

on page 837 functionality of each with troubleshooting tips.

Related Documentation
This section lists documents that provide information on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco
Unified IP Phones, and Cisco Unified Serviceability. Find the index to the documents at
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 8.0(1)A suite of documents that relate to the
installation and configuration of Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Refer to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Documentation Guide for a list of documents on installing and configuring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager including:
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager System Guide

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide

Cisco Unified IP Phones and ServicesA suite of documents that relate to the installation and
configuration of Cisco Unified IP Phones.
Cisco Unified ServiceabilityA suite of documents that relate to the maintenance of managed services
within Cisco Unified Serviceability. Refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Documentation
Guide for a complete list of documents including:
Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Detail Records Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager CDR Analysis and Reporting Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Reporting Administration Guide
Command Line Interface Reference Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Solutions
Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

This document uses the following conventions:

Convention Description
boldface font Commands and keywords are in boldface.

italic font Arguments for which you supply values are in italics.

[ ] Elements in square brackets are optional.

{x|y|z} Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars.

[x|y|z] Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars.

string A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the string or the
string will include the quotation marks.

screen font Terminal sessions and information the system displays are in screen font.

boldface screen Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.


italic screen font Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font.

This pointer highlights an important line of text in an example.

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Documentation and Service Requests

Convention Description
^ The symbol ^ represents the key labeled Controlfor example, the key combination
^D in a screen display means hold down the Control key while you press the D key.

< > Nonprinting characters, such as passwords are in angle brackets.

Notes use the following conventions:

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the

Timesavers use the following conventions:

Warning Means the described action saves time. You can save time by performing the action described in the

Tips use the following conventions:

Tip Means the following are useful tips.

Documentation and Service Requests

For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information,
see the monthly Whats New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised
Cisco technical documentation, at:
Subscribe to the What's New in Cisco Product Documentation as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed
and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free
service and Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.

Cisco Product Security Overview

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing
import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority
to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws
and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending e-mail to

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

xxxvi OL-29844-01
This chapter gives a conceptual overview of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM)
and Cisco Unified CM Business Edition 5000, possible deployment models, Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) including traps, Management Information Bases (MIBs), syslogs, and alerts/alarms.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager, page 1

Deployment Models, page 2
Managed Services, page 3
Cisco Unified Serviceability, page 4
Cisco Unified Reporting, page 5
Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool, page 6
Call Detail Records and Call Management Records, page 7
Call Detail Record Analysis and Reporting, page 7
Management Information Base, page 8

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

The Cisco Unified CM serves as the software-based call-processing component of the Cisco Unified
Communications family of products. As of release 0.0(1), Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports
virtual deployments only. A wide range of deployments provide high-availability virtual server platforms for
Cisco Unified Communications Manager call processing, services, and applications.
The Cisco Unified CM system extends enterprise telephony features and functions to packet telephony network
devices such as IP phones, media processing devices, voice-over-IP (VoIP) gateways, and multimedia
applications. Additional data, voice, and video services, such as unified messaging, multimedia conferencing,
collaborative contact centers, and interactive multimedia response systems, interact through Cisco Unified
CM open telephony application programming interface (API).
Cisco Unified CM provides signaling and call control services to Cisco integrated telephony applications as
well as third-party applications. Cisco Unified CM performs the following primary functions
Call processing

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Deployment Models

Signaling and device control

Dial plan administration
Phone feature administration
Directory services
Operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning (OAM&P)
Programming interface to external voice-processing applications such as Cisco IP Communicator, Cisco
Unified IP Interactive Voice Response (IP IVR), and Cisco Unified Communications Manager Attendant

Deployment Models
Three types of Cisco Unified CM supported deployments existSingle site, multisite WAN with centralized
call processing, and multisite WAN with distributed call processing. The following paragraphs describe each
of these:
Single SiteConsists of a call processing agent cluster that is located at a single site, or campus, with
no telephony services that are provided over an IP WAN. An enterprise would typically deploy the
single-site model over a LAN or metropolitan area network (MAN), which carries the voice traffic within
the site. In this model, calls beyond the LAN or MAN use the public switched telephone network (PSTN).
Multisite WAN with Centralized Call ProcessingConsists of a single call processing agent cluster that
provides services for many remote sites and uses the IP WAN to transport Cisco Unified Communications
traffic between the sites. The IP WAN also carries call control signaling between the central site and
the remote sites.
Multisite WAN with Distributed Call ProcessingConsists of multiple independent sites, each with its
own call processing agent cluster that is connected to an IP WAN that carries voice traffic between the
distributed sites.

Cisco Unified CMBE supports three main types of deployment modelsSingle-site, multisite WAN with
centralized call processing, and multisite WAN deployment with distributed call processing. Cisco Unified
CMBE is a single-platform deployment, running both Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Unity Connection on the
same server. Each type is described in the following paragraphs:
Single-SiteConsists of Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Unity Connection running on the same hardware
platform located at a single site or campus, with no telephony services provided over an IP WAN.
Multisite WAN with Centralized Call ProcessingConsists of a single call processing appliance that
provides services for up to 20 sites (one central site and 19 remote sites), and this model uses the IP
WAN to transport IP telephony traffic between the sites. The IP WAN also carries call control signaling
between the central site and the remote sites.
Multisite WAN with Distributed Call ProcessingConsists of independent sites, each with its own call
processing agent connected to an IP WAN that carries voice traffic between the distributed sites. The
multisite WAN deployment with distributed call processing enables Cisco Unified CMBE to operate
with Cisco Unified CM or other Cisco Unified CMBE deployments. With this model, Cisco Unified
CMBE supports the use of H.323 intercluster trunks as well as SIP trunks to interconnect with Cisco
Unified CM deployments or other Cisco Unified CMBE deployments. Each site can be a single site with

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2 OL-29844-01
Managed Services

its own call processing agent, a centralized call processing site and all of its associated remote sites, or
a legacy PBX with Voice over IP (VoIP) gateway.

Managed Services
Two general types of managed services exist:
Basic services that provide connectivity to the networkRouting, Domain Name System (DNS), and
quality of service (QoS).
High-valued services that the Service Provider offers to its customersVideoconferencing, mobile IP,
VPNs, VoIP, and Wireless. The high-valued services use the basic services as a backbone.

The service provider may require these server types and services:
Web server with the ability to display web pages, even during high usage hours, to meet the demands
of customers. The web pages get used to pay bills, check minutes of usage in the case of a cell phone,
and buy new products. The web server and application server work together to display information that
the service provider customer requires.
Dedicated application server with the ability to advise customers when a product is out of stock, when
bill is past due, or when need arises to buy more minutes.
Mail server with the ability to notify customers to confirm an order or send a receipt for purchases.
Secure gateway with VPN with the ability to have secure communications between the service provider
and its customers and suppliers.

Be aware that any one of these services is critical to the operations of a service provider. Managing these
services to ensure continuous operation requires a system that monitors fault, configuration, performance and
security across all of the network elements. The introduction of element-to-element synchronization and the
issues of using different vendor products complicates the task.
Cisco Unified Serviceability and SNMP attempt to address some of these network management issues:
Are infrastructure elements functioning? If not, which are failing?
What cause the failure? For example, recent configuration changes.
What is the impact of the failure on the network as a whole and the impact on the elements within the
What is the impact of the failure on services and customers?
How long to correct the failure?
Are there backup facilities?
Are there any pending failures?
How many packets were sent and received on a particular device? How many web pages were accessed.
How were other devices usedhow often and how long?

Cisco Unified CM supports SNMP v1, v2, and v3. SNMP remotely monitors, configures, and controls networks.
SNMP sends fault messages to assigned managers as SNMP trap or inform request Protocol Data Units

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Cisco Unified Serviceability

Cisco Unified Serviceability, a component of Cisco Unified CM Administration includes its own set of error
messages and alarms. Both applications use Management Information Base (MIB) text files to manage alarms
and alerts, notifications, and error messages.

Related Topics
Related Documentation, on page xxxiv
Overview, on page 1

Cisco Unified Serviceability

Cisco Unified Serviceability, a web-based troubleshooting tool, enables the following functions:
Saves alarms and events for troubleshooting and provides alarm definitions.
Saves trace information to various log files for troubleshooting.
Monitors real-time behavior of components by using the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool
Provides feature services that you can activate, deactivate, and view through the Service Activation
Provides an interface for starting and stopping feature and network services.
Generates and archives daily reports; for example, alert summary or server statistic reports.
Allows Cisco Unified Communications Manager to work as a managed device for SNMP remote
management and troubleshooting.
Monitors the disk usage of the log partition on a server.
Monitors the number of threads and processes in the system; uses cache to enhance the performance.

For information about configuring service parameters, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Administration Guide. For information about configuring Serviceability features, refer to the Cisco Unified
Serviceability Administration Guide.

Trace Tools
Trace tools assist you in troubleshooting issues with your voice application. Cisco Unified Serviceability
supports SDI (System Diagnostic Interface) trace, SDL (Signaling Distribution Layer) trace for Cisco
CallManager and Cisco CTIManager services, and Log4J trace for Java applications.
You use the Trace Configuration window to specify the level of information that you want traced as well the
type of information that you want to be included in each trace file. If the service is a call-processing application
such as Cisco CallManager or Cisco CTIManager, you can configure a trace on devices such as phones and
In the Alarm Configuration window, you can direct alarms to various locations, including SDI trace log files
or SDL trace log files. If you want to do so, you can configure trace for alerts in the RTMT. After you have
configured information that you want to include in the trace files for the various services, you can collect and
view trace files by using the trace and log central option in the RTMT.

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Troubleshooting Trace

Troubleshooting Trace
The Troubleshooting Trace Settings window allows you to choose the services in Cisco Unified Serviceability
for which you want to set predetermined troubleshooting trace settings. In this window, you can choose a
single service or multiple services and change the trace settings for those services to the predetermined trace
If you have clusters (Cisco Unified Communications Manager only), you can choose the services on different
Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers in the cluster, so the trace settings of the chosen services get
changed to the predetermined trace settings. You can choose specific activated services for a single server,
all activated services for the server, specific activated services for all servers in the cluster, or all activated
services for all servers in the cluster. In the window, N/A displays next to inactive services.
When you open the Troubleshooting Trace Settings window after you apply troubleshooting trace settings to
a service, the service that you set for troubleshooting displays as checked. In the Troubleshooting Trace
Settings window, you can reset the trace settings to the original settings.
After you apply Troubleshooting Trace Setting to a service, the Trace Configuration window displays a
message that troubleshooting trace is set for the given service(s). From the Related Links drop-down list box,
you can choose the Troubleshooting Trace Settings option if you want to reset the settings for the service. For
the given service, the Trace Configuration window displays all the settings as read-only, except for some
parameters of trace output settings; for example, Maximum No. of Files. You can modify these parameters
even after you apply troubleshooting trace settings.

Trace Collection
Use Trace and Log Central, an option in the RTMT, to collect, view, and zip various service traces and/or
other log files. With the Trace and Log Central option, you can collect SDL/SDI traces, Application Logs,
System Logs (such as Event View Application, Security, and System logs), and crash dump files.
For more information on trace collection, refer to the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration

Cisco Unified Reporting

Cisco Unified Reporting web application, which is accessed at the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
console, generates reports for troubleshooting or inspecting cluster data. This tool provides a snapshot of
cluster data without requiring multiple steps to find the data. The tool design facilitates gathering data from
existing sources, comparing the data, and reporting irregularities.
A report combines data from one or more sources on one or more servers into one output view. For example,
you can view a report that shows the hosts file for all servers in the cluster. The application gathers information
from the publisher server and each subscriber server. A report provides data for all active cluster nodes that
are accessible at the time that the report is generated.
Some reports run checks to identify conditions that could impact cluster operations. Status messages indicate
the outcome of every data check that is run.
Only authorized users can access the Cisco Unified Reporting application. By default, this includes administrator
users in the Standard Cisco Unified CM Super Users group. As an authorized user, you can view reports,
generate new reports, or download reports at the graphical user interface (GUI).

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool

Administrator users in the Standard Cisco Unified CM Super Users group can access all administrative
applications in the Cisco Unified CM Administration navigation menu, including Cisco Unified Reporting,
with a single sign onto one of the applications.
Cisco Unified Reporting includes the following capabilities:
A user interface for generating, archiving, and downloading reports
Notification message if a report will take excessive time to generate or consume excessive CPU

Generated reports in Cisco Unified Reporting may use any of the following data sources:
RTMT counters
Cisco Unified CM DB
Disk files
Operating System API calls
Network API calls
Prefs (Windows registry)

Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool

RTMT is a client-side application that uses HTTPS and TCP to monitor system performance, device status,
device discovery, CTI applications, and voice messaging ports. RTMT can connect directly to devices by
using HTTPS to troubleshoot system issues. RTMT performs the following tasks:
Monitor a set of predefined management objects that monitor the health of the system.
Generate various alerts, in the form of e-mails, for objects when values go over/below user-configured
Collect and view traces in various default viewers that exist in RTMT.
Translate Q931 messages.
View syslog messages in SysLog Viewer.
Work with performance-monitoring counters.

In addition to SNMP traps, RTMT can monitor and parse syslog messages that are provided by the hardware
vendors, and then send these alerts to RTMT Alert Central. You can configure RTMT to notify the Cisco
Unified CM system administrator if and when the alerts occur. You can configure the notifications for e-mail
or Epage or both.
For more information, see the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide.

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6 OL-29844-01
Call Detail Records and Call Management Records

Call Detail Records and Call Management Records

Call Detail Records (CDRs) and Call Management Records (CMRs) get used for post-processing activities
such as generating billing records and network analysis. When you install your system, the system enables
CDRs by default. CMRs remain disabled by default. You can enable or disable CDRs or CMRs at any time
that the system is in operation.
The CDR Management (CDRM) feature, a background application, supports the following capabilities:
Collects the CDR/CMR files from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server or node to the
CDR Repository server or node.
Collects and maintains the CDR/CMR files on the server where you configure CAR.
Maintains the CDR/CMR files on the CDR Repository node or CDR server.
Allows third-party applications to retrieve CDR/CMR files on demand through a SOAP interface.
Accepts on-demand requests for searching file names.
Pushes CDR/CMR files from individual nodes within a cluster to the CDR Repository server or node.
Sends CDR/CMR files to up to three customer billing servers via FTP/SFTP.
Monitors disk usage of CDR/CMR files on the server where you configure CAR or on the CDR Repository
server or node.
Periodically deletes CDR/CMR files that were successfully delivered. You can configure the amount of
storage that is used to store flat files. Predefined storage limits exist. If the storage limits are exceeded,
the CDR Repository Manager deletes old files to reduce the disk usage to the preconfigured low water
mark. The post-processing applications can later retrieve the buffered historical data to re-get any lost,
corrupted, or missing data. The CDRM feature, which is not aware of the flat file format, does not
manipulate the file contents.

CDRM includes two default services, the CDR Agent and the CDR Repository Manager, and one activate
service, CDR onDemand Service.
For more information, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Call Detail Records Administration

Call Detail Record Analysis and Reporting

Cisco Unified Serviceability supports Call Detail Record (CDR) Analysis and Reporting (CAR) and is is
available in the Tools menu. CAR generates reports for Quality of Service (QoS), traffic, and billing information.
For its primary function, CAR generates reports about the users of Cisco Unified Communications Manager
and reports on system status with respect to call processing. CAR also performs CAR database management
activities. You can perform these tasks in one of the following ways:
Automatically configure the required tasks to take place.
Manually perform the tasks by using the web interface.

CAR processes the CDRs from flat files that the CDR repository service places in the repository folder
structure. CAR processes CDRs at a scheduled time and frequency. By default, CDR data loads continuously

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Management Information Base

24 hours per day and 7 days per week; however, you can set the loading time, interval, and duration as needed.
In addition, the default setting loads only CDR records. CMR records do not get loaded by default.
CAR provides e-mail alerts for various events, including the following events:
Charge Limit Notification indicates when the daily charge limit for a user exceeds the specified maximum.
QoS Notification indicates when the percentage of good calls drops below a specified range or the
percentage of poor calls exceeds a specified limit.

For more information, refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager CDR Analysis and Reporting
Administration Guide.

Management Information Base

The Management Information Base (MIB) converts object identifiers (OIDs) that are numerical strings into
an ASCII text file. The OIDs identify data objects. The OID represents specific characteristics of a device or
application and can have one or more object instances (variables). Managed objects, alarms, notifications,
and other valuable information get identified by the OID and get listed in the MIB.
The OID gets logically represented in a tree hierarchy. The root of the tree stays unnamed and splits into three
main branchesConsultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT), International
Organization for Standardization (ISO), and joint ISO/CCITT.
These branches and those that fall below each category have short text strings and integers to identify them.
Text strings describe object names, while integers allow computer software to create compact, encoded
representations of the names. For example, the Cisco MIB variable authAddr represents an object name and
gets denoted by the number 5, which is listed at the end of OID
The OID in the Internet MIB hierarchy represents the sequence of numeric labels on the nodes along a path
from the root to the object. The OID represents the Internet standard MIB. It also can get expressed
The Cisco MIB set comprises a collection of variables that are private extensions to the Internet standard MIB
II and many other Internet standard MIBs. RFC 1213, Management Information Base for Network Management
of TCP/IP-based InternetsMIB-II documents MIB II.
Cisco Unified CM and Cisco Unified CMBE support the following MIBs:

Related Topics
New and Changed Information, on page 11
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring, on page 13

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8 OL-29844-01
Management Information Base

Simple Network Management Protocol, on page 61

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Management Information Base

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

10 OL-29844-01
New and Changed Information
This chapter describes the new and changed information in Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco
Unified CM) for Release 10.0(1).
For more information, refer to the latest release notes at

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1), page 11

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1)

This section describes the new and changed information in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Release

Alarm additions and changes

New Caller-Specific Music On Hold Alarms

Three new alarms are added for caller-specific Music On Hold:
OutOfRangeMohAudioSource (warning-level alarm 4)
UnableToOpenMohAudioSource (error-level alarm 3)
UnprovisionedMohAudioSource (warning-level alarm 4)

Platform support

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Supports Virtual Deployments Only

As of release 10.0(1), Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports virtual deployments only. Cisco
Media Convergence Servers are no longer supported.

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New and Changed Information
Platform support

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12 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems
Management and Monitoring
This chapter describes how to manage and monitor the health of Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(Cisco Unified CM) systems.

Note Serviceability APIs (AXL/SOAP) that are used for serviceability queries and Administrative XML (AXL)
that are used as a provisioning read and write APIs are not covered in this document.

Supported Interfaces, page 13

Critical Processes to Monitor, page 14
Available Supported MIBs, page 27
RTMT Monitoring of Cisco Unified CM System Health, page 28
Recovery Hardware Migration and Backup/Restore, page 43
Platform Monitoring, page 44
Software Configuration Management, page 49
Available Reports, page 50
General Health and Troubleshooting Tips, page 51
Related Documentation, page 59

Supported Interfaces
The following interfaces are supported on Cisco Unified CM servers:
SNMP MIB/TrapSupports polling and traps by using select MIBs from Cisco and the native platforms.
SSH Secure Shell Client Replaces telnet and ftp clients by using a more secure protocol. This application
encrypts the entire network session and can use public-key authentication.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Critical Processes to Monitor

Local and Remote SyslogContains types of platform and Cisco Unified CM application events, alerts,
and alarms are written to syslog servers.
HTTPSDisplays the following web pages by using HTTPSCisco Unified CM Administration, Cisco
Unified Serviceability, Disaster Recovery System, and Unified OS Administration.
Command Line Interface (CLI)Used for a subset of functions available by using the web browser
interfaces and primarily used to re-establish these interfaces if inoperable. The CLI is accessible by using
SSH or a serial console port on the appliance. The complete set of CLI commands is described in the
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide.
Native Hardware Out of Band Management (OOB)Supports select features of HP iLO and IBM RSA
Secure FTP (SFTP)Used for secure file push from or pull to the appliance, including CDR/CMR push,
trace file push, push of backups or pull or restores, and pull of upgrade files.
Third-party Network Management Systems (NMS)Monitors appliances by leveraging the exact same
interfaces exposed to Cisco network management applications. Certain functions of these applications
may not be supported on the appliance if native platform access is required, such as account management,
software configuration management, or other forms of native platform manipulation. For example, the
system management portal web page on HP servers is not supported, but polling and alerting by using
the HP System Insight Manager and the appliance MIB is supported.
Cisco Unified Communications Real-Time Management ToolUsed for perfmon and TCT functions.

The following figure shows the supported interfaces in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.0 and later releases.

Figure 1: Supported Management Interfaces in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.0 and Later Releases

Critical Processes to Monitor

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

The following tables describe Cisco Unified Communications Manager critical processes that require
monitoring. Be aware of the following items while monitoring the processes:

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Any of the services, process names, or process sets could change at any time with newer Cisco Unified
CM releases without notice.
HOST-RESOURCES-MIB could be deprecated in any future Cisco Unified CM release.
Whether a process is auto-restarted or the maximum number of restarts could change for any newer
Cisco Unified CM releases without notice.
Process names represent value shown in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSWRUNName.
Any processes not included in this list are transient or not critical for system operation. Those processes
should be ignored and they can change without notice.
Services Cisco CallManager through Cisco CDR Agent can be monitored by using SYSAPPL-MIB.

The following table describes Cisco Unified Communications Manager critical services that require monitoring.

Table 1: Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Services to Monitor

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Serviceability/Tools ccm 3 The Cisco CallManager service provides
CallManager > Control Center - software-only call processing as well as
Feature Services signaling and call control functionality for Cisco
***** Unified Communications Manager.

Cisco TFTP Serviceability/Tools ctftp 3 The Cisco Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
> Control Center - builds and serves files that are consistent with
Feature Services the trivial file transfer protocol, a simplified
***** version of FTP. Cisco TFTP serves embedded
component executable, ringer files, and device
configuration files.

Cisco IP Voice Serviceability/Tools ipvmsd 3 The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming

Media Streaming > Control Center - Application service provides voice media
App Feature Services streaming functionality for the Cisco Unified
***** Communications Manager for use with MTP,
conferencing, music on hold (MOH), and
annunciator. The Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming Application relays messages from
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to
the IP voice media streaming driver, which
handles RTP streaming.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Serviceability/Tools CTI 3 The CTI Manager contains the CTI components
CTIManager > Control Center - Manager that interface with applications. With CTI
Feature Services Manager, applications can access resources and
***** functionality of all Cisco Unified
Communications Manager in the cluster and
have improved failover capability. Although
one or more CTI Managers can be active in a
cluster, only one CTI Manager can exist on an
individual server. An application (JTAPI/TAPI)
can have simultaneous connections to multiple
CTI Managers; however, an application can
only use one connection at a time to open a
device with media termination.

Cisco DHCP Serviceability/Tools DHCP 3 Cisco DHCP Monitor Service monitors IP

Monitor Service > Control Center - Monitor address changes for IP phones in the database
Feature Services tables. When a change is detected, it modifies
***** the /etc./dhcpd.conf file and restarts
the DHCPD daemon.

Cisco Serviceability/Tools ccmAgt 3 This service provides SNMP access to

CallManager > Control Center - provisioning and statistics information that is
SNMP Service Feature Services available for Cisco Unified Communications
***** Manager.

Cisco CTL Serviceability/Tools CTL 3 The Cisco CTL Provider service, which runs
Provider Service > Control Center - Provider with local system account privileges, works with
Status Feature Services the Cisco CTL Provider Utility, a client-side
***** plug-in, to change the security mode for the
cluster from nonsecure to mixed mode. When
you install the plug-in, the Cisco CTL Provider
service retrieves a list of all Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and Cisco TFTP
servers in the cluster for the CTL file, which
contains a list of security tokens and servers in
the cluster.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Certificate Serviceability/Tools capf 3 Working in conjunction with the CAPF
Authority Proxy > Control Center - application, the Cisco Certificate Authority
Function Feature Services Proxy Function (CAPF) service can perform the
***** following tasks, depending on your
configuration(1)Issue locally significant
certificates to supported Cisco Unified IP Phone
models. (2)Using SCEP, request certificates
from third-party certificate authorities on behalf
of supported Cisco Unified IP Phone models.
(3)Upgrade existing certificates on the phones.
(4)Retrieve phone certificates for
troubleshooting. (5)Delete locally significant
certificates on the phone.

Cisco DirSync Serviceability/Tools CCM 3 Unlike Windows versions of Cisco Unified

> Control Center - DirSync Communications Manager, Cisco Unified
Feature Services Communications Manager does not contain an
***** embedded directory. Because of this change,
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
database stores all user information. If you use
an integrated corporate directory, for example,
Microsoft Active Directory or Netscape/iPlanet
Directory, with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager, the Cisco DirSync service migrates
the user data to the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager database. The Cisco
DirSync service does not synchronize the
passwords from the corporate directory.

Cisco Serviceability/Tools acserver 3 The Cisco CallManager Attendant Console

CallManager > Control Center - Server service provides centralized services for
Attendant Feature Services Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Console Server ***** Attendant Console clients and pilot points. For
Attendant Console clients, this service provides
call-control functionality, line state information
for any accessible line within the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager domain, and caching
of directory information. For pilot points, this
service provides automatic redirection to
directory numbers that are listed in hunt groups
and failover during a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager failure.

Cisco Extended Serviceability/Tools cef 3 The Cisco Extended Functions service provides
Functions > Control Center - support for some Cisco Unified
Feature Services Communications Manager features, including
***** Quality Report Tool (QRT).

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Bulk Serviceability/Tools BPS 3 You can activate the Cisco Bulk Provisioning
Provisioning > Control Center - Service only on the first node. If you use the
Service Feature Services Cisco Unified Bulk Administration Tool (BAT)
***** to administer phones and users, you must
activate this service.

Cisco TAPS Serviceability/Tools TAPS 3 The Cisco TAPS Service supports the Cisco
Service > Control Center - Unified Communications Manager
Feature Services Auto-Registered Phone Tool, which allows a
***** user to upload a customized configuration on
an autoregistered phone after a user responds
to Interactive Voice Response (IVR) prompts.

Cisco Serviceability/Tools rtmt 3 The Cisco Serviceability Reporter service

Serviceability > Control Center - reporter generates the following daily reportsDevice
Reporter Feature Services Statistics, Server Statistics, Service Statistics,
***** Call Activities, Alert, Performance Protection

Cisco CAR Serviceability/Tools carschlr The Cisco CAR Scheduler service allows you
Scheduler > Control Center - to schedule CAR-related tasks; for example,
Feature Services you can schedule report generation or CDR file
loading into the CAR database. This service
starts automatically.

Cisco AMC Serviceability/Tools amc 3 Used for the real-time monitoring tool (RTMT),
Service > Control Center - this service, Alert Manager and Collector
Feature Services service, existed as a component of the Cisco
RIS Data Collector service in previous Windows
releases of Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. This service allows RTMT to retrieve
real-time information that exists on nodes in the

Cisco Trace Serviceability/Tools tracecollec 3 The Cisco Trace Collection Service, along with
Collection > Control Center - tion the Cisco Trace Collection Servlet, supports
Service Feature Services trace collection and allows users to view traces
by using the RTMT client. After Cisco Unified
Communications Manager installation, this
service starts automatically. If you stop this
service on a server, you cannot collect or view
traces on that server.

A Cisco DB CLI utils service start cmoninit 3 A Cisco DB acts as the Progress database
| stop A Cisco DB engine.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
A Cisco DB Serviceability/Tools dblrpc 3 The A Cisco DB Replicator service ensures
Replicator > Control Center - database configuration and data synchronization
Feature Services between the first and subsequent nodes in the

Cisco Tomcat CLI utils service tomcat 3 The Cisco Tomcat service supports the web
restart Cisco Tomcat server.

SNMP Master Serviceability/Tools snmpdm 3 This service, which acts as the agent protocol
Agent > Control Center - engine, provides authentication, authorization,
Feature Services * access control, and privacy functions that relate
to SNMP requests.

MIB2 Agent Serviceability/Tools mib2agt 3 This service provides SNMP access to variables
> Control Center - that are defined in RFC 1213, which read and
Feature Services * write variables; for example, system, interfaces,
IP, and so on.

Host Resources Serviceability/Tools hostagt 3 This service provides SNMP access to host
Agent > Control Center - information, such as storage resources, process
Feature Services * tables, device information, and installed
software base.

Native Agent Serviceability/Tools naaagt 3 This service allows you to forward SNMP
Adapter > Control Center - requests to another SNMP agent that runs on
Feature Services * the system.

System Serviceability/Tools sappagt 3 This service provides SNMP access to the

Application > Control Center - applications that are installed and executing on
Agent Feature Services the system. This implements the

Cisco CDP Serviceability/Tools cdpAgt 3 This service uses the Cisco Discovery Protocol
Agent > Control Center - to provide SNMP access to network connectivity
Feature Services information on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager node.

Cisco Syslog Serviceability/Tools Cisco 3 This service uses the Cisco Discovery Protocol
Agent > Control Center - Syslog to provide SNMP access to network connectivity
Feature Services SubA information on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager node.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Trace Serviceability/Tools Cisco 3 Cisco License Manager keeps track of the
Collection > Control Center - Syslog licenses that a customer purchases and uses. It
Service Feature Services SubA controls licenses checkins and checkouts, and
it takes responsibility for issuing and reclaiming
licenses. Cisco License Manager manages the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager
application and the number of IP phone unit
licenses. When the number of phones exceeds
the number of licenses, it issues alarms to notify
the administrator. This service runs on all the
nodes, but the service on the first node has the
responsibility for issuing and reclaiming

A Cisco DB Serviceability/Tools Cisco 3 This service periodically checks the expiration

> Control Center - License status of certificates that Cisco Unified
Feature Services Mgr Communications Manager generates and sends
notification when a certificate gets close to its
expiration date.

A Cisco DB CLI utils service certM 3 The Cisco Database Layer Monitor service
Replicator restart Cisco Database monitors aspects of the database layer. This
Layer Monitor server takes responsibility for change
notification and monitoring.

Cisco Tomcat Serviceability/Tools dbmon 3 The Cisco Log Partition Monitoring Tool
> Control Center - service supports the Log Partition Monitoring
Feature Services feature, which monitors the disk usage of the
log partition on a server (or all servers in the
cluster) by using configured thresholds and a
polling interval.

SNMP Master Serviceability/Tools Lpm 3 Cisco CDP advertises Cisco Unified

Agent > Control Center - Tool Communications Manager to other applications,
Feature Services so the application, for example, SNMP or
CiscoWorks2000, can perform network
management tasks for Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
MIB2 Agent Serviceability/Tools RisDC 3 The Real-time Information Server (RIS)
> Control Center - maintains real-time Cisco Unified
Feature Services Communications Manager information such as
device registration status, performance counter
statistics, critical alarms generated, and so on.
The Cisco RIS Data Collector service provides
an interface for applications, such as Real-Time
Monitoring Tool (RTMT), SOAP applications,
Cisco Unified CM Administration and
AlertMgrCollector (AMC) to retrieve the
information that is stored in all RIS nodes in the

Host Resources Serviceability/Tools CiscoDR 3 The Cisco DRF Master Agent service supports
Agent > Control Center - FMaster the DRF Master Agent, which works with the
Feature Services graphical user interface (GUI) or command line
interface (CLI) to schedule backups, perform
restorations, view dependencies, check status
of jobs, and cancel jobs, if necessary. The Cisco
DRF Master Agent also provides the storage
medium for the backup and restoration process.

Native Agent Serviceability/Tools CiscoDR 3 The Cisco DRF Local service supports the Cisco
Adapter > Control Center - FLocal DRF Local Agent, which acts as the workhorse
Feature Services for the DRF Master Agent. Components on a
node register with the Cisco DRF Local Agent
to use the disaster recovery framework. The
Cisco DRF Local Agent executes commands
that it receives from the Cisco DRF Master
Agent. Cisco DRF Local Agent sends the status,
logs, and command results to the Cisco DRF
Master Agent.

System Serviceability/Tools cdrrep 3 You can start and stop the Cisco CDR
Application > Control Center - Repository Manager service only on the first
Agent Feature Services node, which contains the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager database. This
service starts automatically.

Cisco CDP Serviceability/Tools cdragent 3 The Cisco CDR Agent service transfers CDR
Agent > Control Center - and CMR files that are generated by Cisco
Feature Services Unified CallManager from the local host to the
CDR repository node, where the CDR
Repository Manager service runs over a SFTP
connection. For this service to work, activate
the Cisco CallManager service on the first node
and ensure that it is running.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
Cisco Syslog CLI utils service sshd 3
Agent restart System SSH

Cisco License Auto-restart being syslogd

Manager addressed by Cisco

Cisco Certificate CLI utils snmp IBMsnmpd, slp_srvreg cimlistener, cimserver,

Expiry Monitor hardware-agent restart dirsnmpd, java...
** com.tivoli.twg.agent.TWGAgent ****

Cisco Database No API to monitor status of DRF Restoral

Layer Monitor Condition.

Cisco Log IBM process covered cimlistenerd

Partition by SNMP Service
Monitoring Tool

Cisco CDP IBM process covered cimserverd

by SNMP Service

Cisco RIS Data IBM process covered dirsnmpd

Collector by SNMP Service

Cisco DRF HP process covered

Master by SNMP Service

Cisco DRF Local HP process covered

by SNMP Service

Cisco CDR HP process covered

Repository by SNMP Service

Cisco CDR HP process covered

Agent by SNMP Service

SSH Service HP process covered

Status by SNMP Service

Syslog Service HP process covered

Status by SNMP Service

SNMP Service HP process covered

Status by SNMP Service

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Critical Processes

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
DRF Restoral HP process covered
Condition by SNMP Service

Cmaperfd HP process covered

by SNMP Service

Cmasm2d HP process covered

by SNMP Service

Cmastdeqd HP process covered

by SNMP Service

Cmathreshd HP process covered

by SNMP Service

hpasm HP process covered hpasm

by SNMP Service

hpasmxld HP process covered hpasmxld

by SNMP Service

snmpsa-ah INTEL process snmpsa-ah

covered by SNMP

Cisco Security Auto-restart being

Agent Service addressed by Cisco.

ciscosec Indefinite

Cisco Electronic Serviceability/Tools enStart 3

Notification > Control Center -
Feature Services

Time ntpd Auto-restarts according to 'init' rules (10 if

Synchronization instantaneous failure, otherwise higher).

Service Manager CLI utils service servM Auto-restarts according to 'init' rules (10 if
restart Service instantaneous failure, otherwise higher).

Racoon DB N/A racoon Internet Key Exchange (IKE) daemon for

automatically keying IPsec connections.
Auto-restarts according to 'init' rules (10 if
instantaneous failure, otherwise higher).

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
IM and Presence Service Critical Services

Service Stop | Start | Restart Process Auto Description

Instruction Name Restart
IP Sec Manager ipsec Auto-restarts according to 'init' rules (10 if
_mgr instantaneous failure, otherwise higher).

*HOST-RESOURCES-MIB and possibly other MIBS fail to function or respond when this service is stopped.
**Only in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.1(3) and Release 6.1(1) and later releases.
***All of the listed processes may not be running as it is a function of the particular server model or what the
service deems appropriate.
****There is more than one process by this name; second argument is relevant for distinction.
*****Feature Services are not activated by default.
The following table lists the critical SysLog test cases for Cisco Unified Communications Manager that require

Table 2: Critical SysLog Test Cases

Test Case Description

MGCPGatewayLostComm Natively supported alarmGUI Serviceability/Alarm/Catalog,
CallManager, MGCPGatewayLostComm/Find"

SDLLinkOOS Natively supported alarmGUI Serviceability/Alarm/Catalog,

CallManager, SDLLinkOOS/Find"

The following table lists the critical SNMP trap test cases for Cisco Unified Communications Manager that
require monitoring.

Table 3: Critical SNMP Trap Test Cases

Test Case Description

ccmGatewayFailedEvent CCM-MIB::ccmGatewayFailed

IM and Presence Service Critical Services

Use Cisco Unified CM Administration to view the status of critical services and self-diagnostic test results
for the IM and Presence Service node. The results of these self-diagnostic tests are displayed on the Node
Details window:
Verify IM/P Service Installed
Verify Node Reachable (pingable)
Version: The version of the IM and Presence Service that is installed on the selected node.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
IM and Presence Service Critical Services

The status of services that are listed on the Node Details window can be in one of three states:

For more information about services on the IM and Presence Service node, see the Cisco Unified Serviceability
Administration Guide.
The following table describes the critical services on the IM and Presence Service node that you can monitor
on the Node Details window using Cisco Unified CM Administration.

Table 4: IM and Presence Services Node Details

Service Name Description

Cisco SIP Proxy The Cisco SIP Proxy service is responsible for
providing the SIP registrar and proxy functionality.
This includes request routing, requestor identification,
and transport interconnection.

Cisco Presence Engine The Cisco Presence Engine is responsible for presence
composition. It takes sources of presence from the
XMPP client for the user, on-hook and off-hook status
from CUCM and in a meeting status from Microsoft
Exchange to generate the users overall composed

Cisco Login Datastore The Cisco Login Datastore is a real-time database for
storing client sessions to the Cisco Client Profile

Cisco Presence Datastore The Cisco Presence Datastore caches presence data
for users and replicates it between servers in a
presence redundancy group for high availability

Cisco Route Datastore This service is used if you configure SIP federation
for the IM and Presence service, or enable Partitioned
Intradomain Federation.

Cisco SIP Registration Datastore The Cisco Presence SIP Registration Datastore is a
real-time database for storing SIP Registration data.

A Cisco DB A Cisco DB acts as the Progress database engine.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
IM and Presence Service Critical Services

Service Name Description

Cisco XCP Router The Cisco XCP Router must be running for all
availability and messaging services to function
properly on IM and Presence. This applies to both
SIP-based and XMPP-based client messaging.
After IM and Presence Service installation, the system
turns on Cisco XCP Router by default.

Cisco XCP Connection Manager The Cisco XCP Connection Manager enables XMPP
clients to connect to the IM and Presence server.

Cisco XCP Authentication Service The Cisco XCP Authentication Service handles all
authentication requests from XMPP clients connecting
to IM and Presence Service.

Cisco Sync Agent The Cisco Sync Agent keeps IM and Presence data
sychronized with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager data. It sends SOAP requests to the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager for data of interest
to IM and Presence Service and subscribes to change
notifications from Cisco Unified Communications
Manager and updates the IM and Presence Service
IDS database.

Cisco Client Profile Agent The Cisco Client Profile Agent service provides a
secure SOAP interface over HTTPS for external client

Cisco Intercluster Sync Agent The Cisco Intercluster Sync Agent service provides
the following: DND propagation to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and syncs end-user
information between IM and Presence Service clusters
for intercluster SIP routing.

Cisco XCP Message Archiver The Cisco XCP Message Archiver service supports
the IM Compliance feature. The IM Compliance
feature logs all messages sent to and from the IM and
Presence server, including point-to-point messages,
and messages from ad hoc (temporary) and permanent
chat rooms for the Chat feature. Messages are logged
to an external Cisco-supported database.

Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager The Cisco XCP SIP Federation Connection Manager
supports interdomain federation with Microsoft OCS
over SIP. Note that you also turn on this service when
your deployment contains an intercluster connection
between an IM and Presence Service Release 9.0
cluster and a Cisco Unified Presence Release 8.6

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Available Supported MIBs

Related Topics
View Presence Server Status, on page 27

View Presence Server Status

Use Cisco Unified CM Administration to view the status of critical services and self-diagnostic test results
for the IM and Presence Service node.


Step 1 Select System > Server.

The Find and List Servers window appears.

Step 2 Select the server search parameters, and then click Find.
Matching records appear.

Step 3 Select the IM and Presence server that is listed in the Find and List Servers window.
The Server Configuration window appears.

Step 4 Click on the Presence Server Status link in the IM and Presence Server Information section of the Server
Configuration window.
The Node Details window for the server appears.

Available Supported MIBs

The following MIBs can be reviewed and used for monitoring system health:
Cisco MIBs

Industry-Standard MIBs

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RTMT Monitoring of Cisco Unified CM System Health

Related Topics
Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB, on page 637
CISCO-CDP-MIB, on page 795
CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB, on page 815
Industry-Standard Management Information Base, on page 837
SYSAPPL-MIB, on page 837
RFC1213-MIB (MIB-II), on page 869
IF-MIB, on page 963

RTMT Monitoring of Cisco Unified CM System Health

The following topics related to RTM monitoring of Cisco Unified CM system health are provided:
RTMT summary view
CPU usage
%IOwait monitoring
Virtual memory
Disk usage
Database replication and Cisco Unified Communication Manager nodes
ccm process and CPU usage
RIS Data Collectory PerMonLog
Critical service status
RTMT syslog viewer
RTMT alerts as syslog messages and traps

Related Topics
% IOwait Monitoring, on page 31
ccm process and CPU usage
CodeYellow, on page 37
CPU Usage, on page 30
Critical Service Status, on page 40
Database Replication and Cisco Unified Communication Manager Nodes, on page 37
Disk Usage, on page 34
RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog, on page 39
RTMT Alerts as Syslog Messages and Traps, on page 43

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RTMT Summary View

RTMT Summary View, on page 29

RTMT Syslog Viewer, on page 42
Virtual Memory, on page 32

RTMT Summary View

The RTMT summary view displays the overall health of the system, which should be monitored daily,
CPU utilization level
Memory utilization level
Phone registration status
Call in progress
Gateway status

If CPU and memory utilization levels exceeds the 70 percent mark, then the Cisco Unified CM publisher and
subscribers that are participating in call processing could be overloaded . Key indicators of system health and
performance issues are:
System Time, User Time, IOWait, soft irq, irq
CPU Pegging Alerts
Process using most CPU
High % iowait
High % iowait due to common partition
Process responsible for Disk IO

If you do not want the RTMT client running on your workstation or PC all the time, you can configure a
threshold for each alert that is of interest to you and how you want to be notified. Then you can close the
RTMT client on your workstation or PC.
The RTMT backend, AMC service, which is up and running as soon as the Cisco Unified CM server is up
and running, collects and processes all the information needed, and notifies you according to how you configured
the notification.
RTMT CPU and memory page reports CPU usage in terms of the following:
%SystemCPU utilization percentage that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel)
%UserCPU utilization percentage that occurred while executing at the user level (application).
%IOWaitCPU percentage of time of idle waiting for outstanding disk I/O request.
%SoftIrqPercentage of time that the processor is executing deferred IRQ processing (for example,
processing of network packets).
%IrqPercentage of time that the processor is executing the interrupt request which is assigned to
devices for interrupt or sending a signal to the computer when it is finished processing.

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CPU Usage

CPU Usage
High CPU utilization can impact the call processing by creating delays or interruptions in the service. It could
affect the end user service. Sometimes high CPU utilization is indicative of a memory leak. RIS DataCollector
PerfMonLog when enabled tracks CPU usage.

Note Cisco recommends that RIS DataCollector PerfMonLog be enabled.

You can also monitor CPU usage by using APIs. Using the SOAP API, you can monitor the following perfmon
Under Processor object% CPU Time, System Percentage, User Percentage, IOwait Percentage, Softirq
Percentage, Irq Percentage
Under Process object% CPU Time

Using the SNMP interface, you can monitor the following perfmon counters:
Host Resource MIBhrProcessorLoad, hrSWRunPerfCPU
CPQHOST-MIBcpqHoCpuUtilMin, cpqHoCpuUtilFiveMin

If you see high CPU usage, identify which process is causing it. If %system and/or %user is high enough to
generate CPUPegging alert, check the alert message to see the processes that are using the most CPU. You
can go to the RTMT Process page, sort by %CPU to identify high CPU processes.

Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager VMware installations can experience high CPU usage spikes
while performing tasks such as DRF backups and Bulk Administration Tool exports. The processes that
are commonly responsible for CPU usage spikes are gzip and DRFLocal.
If your system is generating CallProcessingNodeCpuPegging alarms, add an additional vCPU for the
support of 7500 Cisco Unified Communications Manager users following the Open Virtualization Archives
(OVA) template specifications for your system.

The following figure shows the CPU usage.

Figure 2: Cisco Unified Serviceability CPU Usage

For analysis, RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog tracks processes %CPU usage at system level.

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% IOwait Monitoring

RTMT monitors CPU usage and when CPU usage is above a threshold, RTMT generates
CallProcessingNodeCPUPegging alert. The following figure shows the alert status.

Figure 3: RTMT Alert Central with Alert Status

Monitor the In Safe Range column often. If it is marked No, then the condition is not corrected. For
example, if In Safe Range column displays No for CallProcessingNodeCPUPegging, then it means the CPU
usage on that node is above the threshold and requires attention.
In addition to CallProcessingNodeCPUPegging, high CPU usage potentially causes the following alerts to

When a service crashes, the corresponding trace files may have been overwritten. Cisco TAC needs the trace
files to troubleshoot the crash. In the case of CoreDumpFileFound, CodeYellow, and CriticalServiceDown,
the Enable Trace Download option should be enabled to assist Cisco TAC.

% IOwait Monitoring
High %IOwait indicates high disk input/output (I/O) activities. Consider the following high IOwait conditions:
Heavy memory swappingCheck %CPU Time for Swap Partition to see if there is high level of memory
swapping activity. One potential cause of high memory swapping is memory leak.
DB activityDatabase accesses Active Partition. If %CPU Time for Active Partition is high, then most
likely there are a lot of DB activities.
Common (or Log) Partition in the trace and log files storage locationCheck the following:

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Virtual Memory

Trace Log Center to see if there is any trace collection activity going on. If call processing is
impacted (ie, CodeYellow), then consider adjusting trace collection schedule. If zip option is used,
please turning it off.
Trace setting at the detailed level because Cisco Unified CM generates a lot of trace. If high %iowait
and/or Cisco Unified CM is in CodeYellow state, and Cisco Unified CM service trace setting is
at Detailed, please chance trace setting to Error to reduce the trace writing.

You can use RTMT to identify processes that are responsible for high %IOwait:
If %IOwait is high enough to cause CPUPegging alert, check the alert message to check processes
waiting for disk IO.
Go to RTMT Process page, sort by Status. Check for processes in Uninterruptible Disk Sleep state
Download RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog file to examine the process status for longer period of time.

The following figure shows an example of RTMT Process window sorted by Status. Check for processes in
Uninterruptible Disk Sleep state. The FTP process is in the Uninterruptible Disk Sleep state.

Figure 4: FTP Process in Uninterruptible Disk Sleep State

Virtual Memory
Virtual memory consists of physical memory (RAM) and swap memory (Disk). The RTMT CPU and Memory
window has system level memory usage information as the following:
Totaltotal amount of physical memory
Freeamount of free memory
Sharedamount of shared memory used
Buffersamount of memory used for buffering purpose
Cachedamount of cached memory
Usedcalculated as Total Free Buffers Cached + Shared
Total Swaptotal amount of swap space
Used Swapthe amount of swap space in use on the system.

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Virtual Memory

Free Swapthe amount of free swap space available on the system

Note Using SOAP APIs, you can query memory information for the following perfmon counters:
Under Memory object% Mem Used, % VM Used, Total Kbytes, Total Swap Kbytes, Total VM
Kbytes, Used Kbytes, Used Swap Kbytes, Used VM Kbytes
Under Process objectVmSize, VmData, VmRSS, % Memory Usage

Using SNMP, you can query the following perfmon counters:

Host Resource MIBhrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed, hrStorageAllocationUnits, hrStorageDescr,
hrStorageType, hrMemorySize

Note You can download some historical information by using RTMT Trace Log Central. The Cisco AMC
Service PerfMonLog is enabled by default. Deprecated in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 because Cisco
RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog was introduced. The Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog disabled by
default in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x and enabled by default in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0.

Note Perfmon Virtual Memory refers to Total (Physical + Swap) memory whereas Host Resource MIB Virtual
Memory refers to Swap memory only.

The RTMT Process window displays process level memory usage information as follows:
VmSizeTotal virtual memory used by the process
VmRSSResident Set currently in physical memory used by the process including Code, Data and
VmDataVirtual memory usage of heap by the process
Page Fault CountRepresents the number of major page faults that a process encountered that required
the data to be loaded into physical memory

The following figure shows RTMT Process window. You can sort VmSize by clicking on VmSize tab. Then
you can identify which process consumes more memory.

Figure 5: VmSize Listed by RTMT Process

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Disk Usage

Possible memory leak causes can be from the VmSize continuously increasing.
When a process leaks memory, the system administrator should report it to Cisco and include trace files. Ris
Data Collector PerfMonLog collects the data and it contains historical information on memory usage.

Disk Usage
There are four disks or partitions in the Cisco Unified CM hard drive:
Common partition (log partition)Contains the trace/log files
Active partitionContains files (binaries, libraries and config files) of active OS and the Cisco Unified
CM release
Inactive partitionContains files for alternative Cisco Unified CM release (for example, an older version
that was upgraded from or newer version recently upgraded to but the server has not been toggled to
this release).
Swap partitionUsed for swap space.

Using SOAP APIs, you can get partition information for the following perfmon counters:
Under Partition objectTotal Mbytes, Used Mbytes, Queue Length, Write Bytes Per Sec, Read Bytes
Per Sec

Using the SNMP MIB, you can query the following information:
Host Resource MIBhrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed hrStorageAllocationUnits, hrStorageDescr,

You can download the following historical information by using RTMT Trace and Log Central:
Cisco AMC Service PerfMonLog // enabled by default. Deprecated in Cisco Unified CM 6.0, because
Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog is introduced.
Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog // disabled by default in Cisco Unified CM 5.x; enabled by default
in Cisco Unified CM 6.0

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Disk Usage

The following figure shows disk usage in RTMT.

Figure 6: Disk Usage by Partition

Disk Name Mapping

Perfmon instance names as shown in RTMT and SOAP are:

Names shown in Host Resource MIB hrStorage description are:

Virtual Memory

The partition alerts are as follows:

LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceededOccurs when the percentage of used disk space in the log
partition has exceeded the configured low water mark. This alert should be considered as early warning

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Disk Usage

for an administrator to clean up disk space. You can use RMT Trace/Log Central to collect trace/log
files and then delete these trace/log files from the server. In addition to manually clean up the traces/log
files, the system administrator should also adjust the number of trace files to be kept to avoid hitting
low water mark again.
LogPartitionHighWaterMarkExceededOccurs when the percentage of used disk space in the log
partition has exceeded the configured high water mark. When this alert is generated, Log Partition
Monitoring (LPM) utility starts to delete files in Log Partition until the Log Partition is down to the low
water mark to avoid running out of disk space. Since LPM may delete some files that you want to keep,
you need to act upon receiving LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceed alert.
LowActivePartitionAvailableDiskSpaceOccurs when the percentage of available disk space of the
Active Partition is lower than the configured value. Please use the default threshold that Cisco
recommends. At default threshold, this alert should never be generated. If this alert occurs, a system
administrator can adjust the threshold as temporary workaround but Cisco TAC should look into this.
One place to look is /tmp using remote access. We have seen cases where large files are left there by
3rd party software.
LowInactivePartitionAvailableDiskSpaceOccurs when the percentage of available disk space of the
InActive Partition is lower than the configured value. Please use the default threshold that Cisco
recommends. At default threshold, this alert should never be generated. If this alert occurs, a system
administrator can adjust the threshold as temporary workaround but Cisco TAC should look into this.

The following table shows a comparison of disk-related perfmon counters between Cisco Unified CM Release
4.x and Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x.

Table 5: Disc-Related Perfmon Counters

Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x Perfmon Counters Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x Perfmon Counters
Logical Disk % Disk Time Partition % CPU Time

Disk Read Bytes/sec Read Kbytes Per Sec

Disk Write Bytes/sec Write Kbytes Per Sec

Current Disk Queue Length Queue Length

Free Megabytes Used Mbytes

Total Mbytes

% Free Space % Used

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Database Replication and Cisco Unified Communication Manager Nodes

Database Replication and Cisco Unified Communication Manager Nodes

You can use RTMT Database Summary to monitor your database activities as shown in the following figure.
For example, click CallManager > Service > Database Summary.

Figure 7: Database Summary in RTMT

CodeYellow state occurs when the ccm process is so overloaded that it cannot process incoming calls anymore.
In this case, ccm initiates call throttling.This does not mean that one processor CPU usage is at 100 percent
and the remaining processors are operating at 0 percent in RTMT.
Since the main thread can run on processor A for 1/10th of a second and processor B on the next 2/10th of a
second, etc., the CPU usage shown in RTMT would be more balanced. By default RTMT shows average CPU
usage for a 30-second duration.
You can configure the CodeYellow alert so that once it occurs, the trace files can be downloaded for
troubleshooting purposes.
The AverageExpectedDelay counter represents the current average expected delay for handling any incoming
message. If the value is above the value specified in Code Yellow Entry Latency service parameter,
CodeYellow alarm is generated. This counter is one of key indicator of call processing performance issue.
If you see CodeYellow, but the total CPU usage is only 25 percent, it is because Cisco Unified CM needs one
processor for call processing. When no processor resource is available, CodeYellow may occur even when
the total CPU usage is only around 25 to 30 percent in a 4-virtual processor server. Similarly on a 2 processor
server, CodeYellow is possible around 50 percent of total CPU usage.
Other perfmon counters should be monitored are:

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Cisco CallManager\CallsActive, CallsAttempted, EncryptedCallsActive, AuthenticatedCallsActive,

Cisco CallManager\RegisteredHardwarePhones, RegisteredMGCPGateway
Cisco CallManager\T1ChannelsActive, FXOPortsActive, MTPResourceActive,
Cisco Locations\BandwidthAvailable
Cisco CallManager System Performance\AverageExpectedDelay
Critical Service Down

The following figure displays the RTMT performance window.

Figure 8: RTMT Performance of Stand Alone Clusters

Note In general, Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x perfmon counters have been preserved by using the same names
and representing the same values.

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RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog

RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog

In Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x, the RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog file is not enabled by default. It is
recommended that RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog is enabled to assist in troubleshooting. It tracks CPU,
memory, disk, and the network. If you enable RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog, then you can disable AMC
PerfMonLog. In Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x, RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog replaced AMC PerfMonLog.

Note With RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog enabled, the impact on the CPU is small, around 1%.

Use RTMT Trace and Log Center to download Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog files for the time period
that you are interested in. Open the log file using Windows Perfmon Viewer (or RTMT Perfmon viewer),
then add Performance counters of interest such as:
CPU usage > Processor or Process % CPU
Memory usage > Memory %VM Used
Disk usage > Partition % Used
Call Processing > Cisco CallManager CallsActive

The following figure shows the output of the Windows Perfmon Viewer.

Figure 9: Windows Perfmon Viewer

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Critical Service Status

Critical Service Status

The RTMT Critical Service window provides current status of all critical services as shown in the following

Figure 10: Critical Service Window in RTMT

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Critical Service Status

CriticalServiceDown alert is generated when any of service is down. By default, RTMT back-end service
checks for the status every 30 seconds. It is possible if the service goes down and comes back up within that
period, the CriticalServiceDown alert may not be generated.
CriticalServiceDown alert monitors only those services listed in RTMT Critical Services page. If you suspect
if service got restarted without generating Core files, check the RTMT Critical Service page has elapsed time
and Check RIS Troubleshooting perfmon log files and see if PID for service (process) is changed.
The following CLI can be used to check the logs of Service Manager:
file get activelog platform/servm_startup.log
file get activelog platform/log/servm*.log

The following CLI can be used to duplicate certain RTMT functions:

admin:utils service
show perf
show risdb

CoreDumpFileFound alert is generated when RTMT backend service detects new Core Dump file. Both
CriticalServiceDown and CoreDumpFileFound alert can be configured to download corresponding trace files
for troubleshooting purpose. This helps to preserve trace files at the time of a crash.

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RTMT Syslog Viewer

RTMT Syslog Viewer

Syslog messages can be viewed using RTMT syslog viewer as shown in the following figure.

Figure 11: Syslog Viewer

Send Syslog Traps to Remote Server

To send syslog traps to a remote server for the CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB follow these steps:


Step 1 Setup Trap (Notification) destination in Cisco Unified Serviceability SNMP window.
Step 2 Enable trap generation in CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB.
Step 3 Set the appropriate SysLog level in CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB.
If syslog traps are not being generated for some Cisco Unified CM service alarms, check the RTMT syslog
viewer to see if the alarms are shown there. If not, adjust alarm configuration setting to send alarms to local
Syslogs generated due to hardware failures have an event severity of 4 or higher and contain one of the
following patterns:

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RTMT Alerts as Syslog Messages and Traps


You can search for the above patterns to find hardware failure events in syslog.
For information on alarm configuration, refer to the Alarm Configuration section of the Cisco Unified
Serviceability Administration Guide at

RTMT Alerts as Syslog Messages and Traps

RTMT alerts can be sent to a remote syslog server. To send to a local and remote syslog server, configure the
AMC alarm in Cisco Unified Serviceability. The following figure shows the window.

Figure 12: Local and Remote Syslog Configuration

Recovery Hardware Migration and Backup/Restore

Cisco provides the following backup/restore utilities:
Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x uses the Backup and Restore System (BARS) application

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Platform Monitoring

Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x uses the Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF)
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x uses the Disaster Recovery System (DRS), essentially a renaming of
DRF above

These tools support writing backup files to (or reading restore files from) a local tape drive, or a file on a
network location. BARS uses Windows shares and DRF/DRS use SFTP to access the network location. If a
third-party backup solution is desired, BARS/DRF/DRS can write to a network location for the third-party
backup solution to pick up.
DRF/DRS perform a cluster-wide backup, meaning data from all nodes is backed up, but restores are only to
the node (s) that need it.
For more details, including what is configured to be included in the backup or what files are created, refer to
the following documents depending on release:
Disaster Recovery Administration Guide
Cisco IP Telephony Disaster Recovery Administration Guide
Cisco IP Telephony Backup and Restore System (BARS) Administration Guide

It is recommended to take a fresh backup every time an install, upgrade or options install is done to the
appliance, whether or not configuration data changes were made.
If a catastrophic hardware failure occurs and the hardware must be replaced, reinstall Cisco Unified CM on
the new hardware, then perform a restore from your backup.

Note Drive pull/swap is not supported as a fast recovery solution for the appliance.

Refer to the Replacing a Single Server or Cluster for Cisco Unified Communications Manager chapter of your
release of Cisco Unified Communications Manager Install and Upgrade Guide at this index:

Platform Monitoring
This section describes hardware-layer monitoring for system component temperature, fan status, power supply
status, RAID and disk status, network status, and operational status. CPU status/utilization and Memory
status/utilization are covered in another section.

How to Use Command Line Interface

Hardware BIOS RAID and Firmware View Details Commands

System BIOS is viewable during the server boot sequence. The following commands are useful to view details
about hardware, BIOS, RAID, and firmware. These items are included as part of the Cisco Unified CM image
and do not need to be managed separately as in Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x, but may need to be inspected
during diagnostic activity.

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How to Use Command Line Interface

show hardwareshow environment [fans | power-supply | temperature]

show tech all
utils create report hardware

admin:utils fior CLI

You can also use the admin:utils fior status CLI to isolate which process causes high IOwait.
For example, at the command prompt type admin:utils fior list. This displays the following:
2007-05-31 Counters Reset
Time Process PID State Bytes Read Bytes Written
17:02:45 rpmq 31206 Done 14173728 0
17:04:51 java 31147 Done 310724 3582
17:04:56 snmpget 31365 Done 989543 0
17:10:22 top 12516 Done 7983360 0
17:21:17 java 31485 Done 313202 2209
17:44:34 java 1194 Done 92483 0
17:44:51 java 1231 Done 192291 0
17:45:09 cdpd 6145 Done 0 2430100
17:45:25 java 1319 Done 192291 0
17:45:31 java 1330 Done 192291 0
17:45:38 java 1346 Done 192291 0
17:45:41 rpmq 1381 Done 14172704 0
17:45:44 java 1478 Done 192291 0
17:46:05 rpmq 1540 Done 14172704 0
17:46:55 cat 1612 Done 2560 165400
17:46:56 troff 1615 Done 244103 0
18:41:52 rpmq 4541 Done 14172704 0
18:42:09 rpmq 4688 Done 14172704 0
Use admin:utils fior top CLI for output that is sorted by top disk users. This displays the following:
Top processes for interval starting 2007-05-31 15:27:23
Sort by Bytes Written
Process PID Bytes Read Read Rate Bytes Written Write Rate
Linuxzip 19556 61019083 15254771 12325229 3081307
Linuxzip 19553 58343109 11668622 9860680 1972136
Linuxzip 19544 55679597 11135919 7390382 1478076
installdb 28786 3764719 83660 6847693 152171
Linuxzip 20150 18963498 6321166 6672927 2224309
Linuxzip 20148 53597311 17865770 5943560 1981187
Linuxzip 19968 9643296 4821648 5438963 2719482
Linuxzip 19965 53107868 10621574 5222659 1044532
Linuxzip 19542 53014605 13253651 4922147 1230537
mv 5048 3458525 3458525 3454941 3454941

Related Topics
admin:utils diagnose list CLI, on page 45
admin:utils diagnose test CLI, on page 46
admin:utils diagnose moduleName CLI, on page 46
admin:utils diagnose fix CLI, on page 46
admin:utils create report hardware CLI, on page 46
admin:utils iostat CLI, on page 46

admin:utils diagnose list CLI

Displays all available diagnostic tests as follows:
Available diagnostics modules
disk_space - Check available disk space as well as any unusual disk usage
service_manager - Check if service manager is running
tomcat - Check if Tomcat is deadlocked or not running

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How to Use Command Line Interface

admin:utils diagnose test CLI

Executes each diagnostic test. It will not attempt to repair anything. This displays:
Starting diagnostic test(s)===========================
test - disk_space Passed
test - service_manager Passed
test - tomcat Passed
Diagnostics Completed

admin:utils diagnose moduleName CLI

Executes a single diagnostic test and attempt to fix the problem. You can also use admin:utils diagnose fix
CLI to run all of the diagnostic tests at once. For example, admin:utils diagnose module tomcat displays:
Starting diagnostic test(s)===========================
test - tomcat Passed
Diagnostics Completed

admin:utils diagnose fix CLI

Execute all diagnostic tests, and if possible, attempt to repair the system. This displays:
Starting diagnostic test(s)===========================
test - disk_space Passed
test - service_manager Passed
test - tomcat Passed

Diagnostics Completed

admin:utils create report hardware CLI

Creates a system report containing disk array, remote console, diagnostic, and environmental data. No
parameters are required. This displays:
*** W A R N I N G ***
This process can take several minutes as the disk array, remote console,
system diagnostics and environmental systems are probed for their current
Continue? Press y or Y to continue, any other key to cancel request.
Continuing with System Report request...
Collecting Disk Array Data...SmartArray Equipped server detected...Done
Collecting Remote Console Data...Done
Collecting Model Specific System Diagnostic Information...Done
Collecting Environmental Data...Done
Collecting Remote Console System Log Data...Done
Creating single compressed system report...Done
System report written to SystemReport-20070730020505.tgz
To retrieve diagnostics use CLI command:
file get activelog platform/log/SystemReport-20070730020505.tgz

admin:utils iostat CLI

Provides the iostat output for the given number of iterations and interval. Displays the interval in seconds
between two iostat readings and the number of iostat iterations to be performed. This displays:
Executing command... Please be patient
Tue Oct 9 12:47:09 IST 2007
Linux 2.4.21-47.ELsmp (csevdir60)
10/09/2007 Time12:47:09 PM

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46 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Hardware Migration

avg-cpu %user %nice %sys %iowait %idle

3.61 0.02 3.40 0.51 92.47
Device rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rsec/s wsec/s rkB/s wkB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz
await svctm
sda 3.10 19.78 0.34 7.49 27.52 218.37 13.76 109.19 31.39 0.05
5.78 0.73
sda1 0.38 4.91 0.14 0.64 4.21 44.40 2.10 22.20 62.10 0.02
26.63 1.62
sda2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.88 0.00
2.20 2.20
sda3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.00 10.88 0.00
2.20 2.20
sda4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.88 0.00
2.20 2.20
sda5 0.00 0.08 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.73 0.02 0.37 64.43 0.00
283.91 69.81
sda6 2.71 14.79 0.20 6.84 23.26 173.24 11.63 86.62 27.92 0.02
2.98 0.61

CLI for Intracluster Connection Management and Monitoring

The following CLI can be used to monitor and manage intracluster connections:
admin:utils dbreplication status
admin:utils dbreplication repair all/nodename
admin:utils dbreplication reset all/nodename
admin:utils dbreplication stop
admin:utils dbreplication dropadmindb
admin:utils dbreplication setrepltimeout
show tech dbstateinfo
show tech dbinuse
show tech notify
run sql <query>

Hardware Migration
Customers may wish to migrate their Cisco Unified CM to more powerful hardware, either to prepare for
upgrading to a later Cisco Unified CM release that does not support the older hardware, or just to leverage
capabilities only available in the more powerful hardware, such as increases in capacity/performance or RAID.
The procedure is to backup from the old hardware, install the same Cisco Unified CM release to the new
hardware, then restore on the new hardware.
Migrating to more powerful hardware may require a migration SKU to cover royalties Cisco owes to
third-parties. If you are considering this, have your account team check the Guide to Cisco Unified CM
Upgrades and Server Migrations, which is a supplement to the Cisco Unified CM Ordering Guide.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 47
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Platform Security

Platform Security
Related Topics
Locked-Down System, on page 48
Cisco Security Agent Support, on page 48
Security Patching and Updating, on page 48
Role-Based Access Control, on page 48

Locked-Down System
For security, Cisco Security Agent is included along with a built-in firewall controlling connectivity among
all cluster nodes, via IP tables and sensitive ports defined by the application. No AntiVirus application is
installed on the appliance. The native OS used by the appliance is also hardened to minimize attack surface
and vulnerabilities; fewer than 200 of the thousands of available packages are used to eliminate unused software
and the corresponding vulnerabilities.
No on-box e-mail clients or Web browsers are supported, all unnecessary logins have been removed or
disabled, and all software is provided by Cisco and digitally signed to ensure it is authorized by Cisco. The
GUI, CLI, and API interfaces that Cisco provides are the only methods to administer the system, and
authentication is required for users to interact with them. It also useful to note that appliances of this sort are
less frequently targets of malware than Microsoft Windows or other systems with open-system access to the
native OS, so significantly fewer patches need to be applied to the base OS.
Cisco Unified CM regulates its TCP/UDP port usage. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP
and UDP Port Usage document for each Cisco Unified CM release for the specific list.

Cisco Security Agent Support

The Appliance supports the headless or unmanaged Cisco Security Agent. A future release will add support
for the event monitoring features of Cisco Security Agent Management Center, but not for policy edits and

Security Patching and Updating

The Appliance's software image contains all security updates and patches made to firmware, drivers, native
OS, database and Cisco Unified CM application components. Customers who keep current with Cisco
maintenance releases are automatically covered for security updates. For more details, refer to the Application
Note Appliance Security Update Process for Cisco Unified Communications Manager (C27-412838-00),
available on request from your Cisco account team.

Role-Based Access Control

Cisco Unified CM uses Multi-Layer Admin (MLA) for RBAC control over authorization to Cisco Unified
CM configuration.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

48 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Software Configuration Management

Software Configuration Management

The Cisco Unified CM server uses a bundled image including all components needed for the system in a
single set of DVDs or software downloads. Unlike Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x in which there were up to
6 different components to manage for a total of 18 updates per year on average to stay current, the server has
2 components with an average of 5 updates per year to stay current.
It is recommended that you keep your system current with the latest maintenance release for a major/minor
feature release. Major and minor release install files are available on DVD media kits or on Product Upgrade
Tool at
Rebuilds, upgrade files for minor and maintenance releases, and Cisco option files and tools are available as
software downloads from Software Center at
Customers wishing to receive automatic e-mail notification of availability of new files on Software Center
should subscribe to the e-mail notification tool on that site. Engineering special releases are only available
to customers by using Cisco Technical Assistance Center.

General Install and Upgrade Procedures

Unattended first-time installs can be performed by using the Cisco Unified Communications Answer File
Generator at For other details, see the online help and the
document Installing Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
For upgrades and from the list, find the appropriate release for your upgrade in the following index:

Detect Installed Release and Packages

You have several methods to display the installed release and packages that are:
show version [active | inactive] and show packages active commands
Cisco Unified Operations Manager
Unified OS Administration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager

A third-party NMS can query the Cisco Unified CM release by using the following SNMP OID:

The Cisco Unified CM licensing web page displays the uploaded license file release, which may or may not
be an exact match for what is installed on the system.

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OL-29844-01 49
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Available Reports

Available Reports
Three different reports are available:
RTMT reports
Serviceability reports
Cisco Unified reporting

RTMT Reports
RTMT has a number of pre-can screens for information such as Summary, Call Activity, Device Status, Server
Status, Service Status, and Alert Status. RTMT Summary pre-can screen shows a summary view of Cisco
Unified C M system health. It shows CPU, Memory, Registered Phones, CallsInProgress, and ActiveGateway
ports & channels. This should be one of the first thing you want to check each day to make sure CPU &
memory usage are within normal range for your cluster and all phones are registered properly.
Phone Summary and Device Summary pre-can screens provide more detailed information about phone and
gateway status. If there are a number of devices that fail to register, then you can use the Admin Find/List
page or RTMT device search to get further information regarding the problem devices. Critical Services
pre-can screen displays the current running/activation status of key services. You can access all the pre-can
screens by simply clicking the corresponding icons on the left.

Serviceability Reports
The Cisco Serviceability Reporter service generates daily reports in Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability
Web Page. Each report provides a summary that comprises different charts that display the statistics for that
particular report. Reporter generates reports once a day on the basis of logged information, such as
Device Statistics Report
Server Statistics Report
Service Statistics Report
Call Activities Report
Alert Summary Report
Performance Protection Report

For detailed information about each report, go to


Cisco Unified Reporting

Cisco Unified Reporting is accessed at the Cisco Unified CM Administration console and generates reports
for troubleshooting or inspecting cluster data. It provides cluster data without requiring multiple steps to find
the data. The tool design facilitates gathering data from existing sources, comparing the data, and reporting

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50 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
General Health and Troubleshooting Tips

irregularities. The following figure displays the available reports. Refer to the Cisco Unified CM Administration
Guide for further detailed information.

Figure 13: System Reports

General Health and Troubleshooting Tips

For more information on troubleshooting, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified Communications
Manager at the following index:

Onboard Agents Support

Onboard agents are third-party software clients, agents or daemons installed on-box, including but not limited
Anti-virus clients
Uninterruptible Power Supply monitoring agents
Management agents

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Call Detail Records and Call Maintenance Records

Certain types of onboard agents are supported in Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x. The appliance used by Cisco
Unified CM Release 5.0 and later releases does not support installation of onboard agents, rather it exposes
APIs for third-party integration.
For more details, see the November 2007 bulletin on Third-Party Platform Agents at

Call Detail Records and Call Maintenance Records

CDR and CMRs are used for a variety of uses including billing, chargeback, administrative oversight and
diagnostics. In addition to a canned application for managing CDR/CMR, Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x
supported various means of direct database access for external systems to access the CDR/CMR data. Cisco
Unified CM Release 5.0 and later releases use SFTP to push formatted files off Cisco Unified CM to the
requesting application.
When CDR is activated, a CPU utilization increase of 2% is typical, 4% if both CDR and CMR are activated.

Perfmon Counters
The following table lists some equivalent perfmon counters between Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x and
Release 5.x and later.

Table 6: Equivalent Perfmon Counters

Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x Perfmon Counters Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x Perfmon Counters
Process % Privileged Time Process STime

% Processor Time % CPU Time

Processor % UserTime Processor User Percentage

% Privileged Time System Percentage

% Idle Time Nice Percentage

% Processor Time % CPU Time

Native Hardware Out of Band Management (OOB)

The supported features of HP iLO and IBM RSA II are enabled for the following areas:
CPU status/utilization
Memory status/utilization
System components temperatures
Fan status

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52 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Phone Registration Status

Power Supply status

RAID & disk status
Network status including NIC
Operational status, including instrumentation of system/kernel status and data dumps following major
system issues, indicating nature/type of the operational problem and degree of severity.

Support of these interfaces on the server includes the following capabilities (specific feature names vary by
hardware vendor):
Remote console (to access boot screens and the Cisco CLI)
Remote power management

Phone Registration Status

Phone registration status needs to be monitored for sudden changes. If the registration status changes slightly
and readjusts quickly over a short time frame, then it could be indicative of phone move, add, or change. A
sudden smaller drop in phone registration counter can be indicative of a localized outage, for instance an
access switch or a WAN circuit outage or malfunction. A significant drop in registered phone level needs
immediate attention by the administrator. This counter especially needs to be monitored before and after the
upgrades to ensure the system is restored completely.

Historical Information Download

You can also download some historical information using RTMT Trace Log Center or SOAP APIs, such as:
Cisco AMC Service PerfMonLog is enabled by default but deprecated in Cisco Unified CM Release
6.0 because Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog is introduced.
Cisco RIS Data Collector PerfMonLog is disabled by default in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x and
enabled by default in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0.

Cisco CallManager Service Stops Responding

When the Cisco CallManager service stops responding, the following message displays in the System Event
The Cisco CallManager service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this
1 time. The following corrective action will be taken in 60000 ms.
Restart the service.
Other messages you may see in this situation:
Timeout 3000 milliseconds waiting for Cisco CallManager service to connect.
The Cisco Communications Manager failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely
At this time when devices such as the Cisco Unified IP Phones and gateways, unregister from the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager, users receive delayed dial tone, and/or the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager server freezes due to high CPU usage. For event log messages that are not included here, view the
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Event Logs.

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OL-29844-01 53
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber

Possible Cause The Cisco CallManager service can stop responding because the service does not have
enough resources such as CPU or memory to function. Generally, the CPU utilization in the server is 100
percent at that time.
Solution Depending on what type of interruption you experience, you will need to gather different data that
will help determine the root cause of the interruption.

Related Topics
Investigate Cisco CallManager Service Interruption, on page 54

Investigate Cisco CallManager Service Interruption

Depending on what type of service interruption you experience, you will need to gather different data that
will help determine the root cause of the interruption.
You can do the following task if a lack of resources interruption occurs.


Step 1 Collect Cisco CallManager traces 15 minutes before and after the interruption.
Step 2 Collect SDL traces 15 minutes before and after the interruption.
Step 3 Collect perfmon traces if available.
Step 4 If the traces are not available, start collecting the perfmon traces and track memory and CPU usage for each
process that is running on the server. These will help in the event of another lack of resources interruption.

Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber

Replicating the database represents a core function of Cisco Unified Communications Manager clusters. The
server with the master copy of the database acts as the publisher (first node), while the servers that replicate
the database comprise subscribers (subsequent nodes).

Tip Before you install Cisco Unified Communications Manager on the subscriber server, you must add the
subscriber to the Server Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration to ensure that the
subscriber replicates the database that exists on the publisher database server. After you add the subscriber
server to the Server Configuration window and then install Cisco Unified Communications Manager on
the subscriber, the subscriber receives a copy of the database that exists on the publisher server.

Changes that are made on the publisher server are not reflected on phones that are registered with the subscriber
Possible Cause Replication fails between the publisher and subscriber servers.
Solution Verify and, if necessary, repair database replication.

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54 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber

Related Topics
Verify and Repair Database Replication, on page 55

Verify and Repair Database Replication


Step 1 Verify database replication. You can use the CLI, Cisco Unified Reporting, or RTMT to verify database
a) To verify using the CLI, see Step 2, on page 55.
b) To verify using Cisco Unified Reporting, see Step 3, on page 55.
c) To verify using RTMT, see Step 4, on page 56.
Step 2 To verify database replication using the CLI, access the CLI and issue the following command to check
replication on each node. You will need to run this CLI command on each node to check its replication status.
Also, after a subscriber is installed, depending on the number of subscribers, it may take a considerable amount
of time to achieve a status of 2.:

admin: show perf query class Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication
==>query class :

- Perf class (Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication)

has instances and values:
ReplicateCount -> Number of Replicates Created = 344
ReplicateCount -> Replicate_State = 2
Be aware that the Replicate_State object shows a value of 2 in this case. The following list shows the possible
values for Replicate_State:
a) 0This value indicates that replication did not start. Either no subsequent nodes (subscribers) exist, or
the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service is not running and has not been running since the subscriber
was installed.
b) 1This value indicates that replicates have been created, but their count is incorrect.
c) 2This value indicates that replication is good.
d) 3This value indicates that replication is bad in the cluster.
e) 4This value indicates that replication setup did not succeed.
Step 3 To verify database replication using Cisco Unified Reporting, perform the following tasks.
a) From the Navigation drop-down list box in the upper, right corner in Cisco Unified CM Administration,
choose Cisco Unified Reporting.
b) After Cisco Unified Reporting displays, click System Reports.
c) Generate and view the Cisco Unified CM Database Status report, which provides debugging information
for database replication.
Once you have generated the report, open it and look at the Cisco Unified CM Database Status. It gives
the RTMT replication counters for all servers in the cluster. All servers should have a replicate state of 2,
and all servers should have the same number of replicates created.
If you see any servers whose replicate states are not equal to 2 in the above status check, inspect the
Replication Server List on this report. It shows which servers are connected and communicating with

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OL-29844-01 55
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber

each node. Each server should show itself as local (in its list) and the other servers as active connected. If
you see any servers as dropped, it usually means there is a communication problem between the nodes.
d) If you want to do so, generate and view the Cisco Unified CM Database Status report, which provides
a snapshot of the health of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.
Step 4 To verify database replication using RTMT, perform the following tasks:
a) Open the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT).
b) Click the CallManager tab.
c) Click Database Summary. The Replication Status pane displays.
The following list shows the possible values for the Replication Status pane:
d) 0This value indicates that replication has not started. Either no subsequent nodes (subscribers) exist, or
the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service is not running and has not been running since the subscriber
was installed.
e) 1This value indicates that replicates have been created, but their count is incorrect.
f) 2This value indicates that replication is good.
g) 3This value indicates that replication is bad in the cluster.
h) 4This value indicates that replication setup did not succeed.
i) To view the Replicate_State performance monitoring counter, choose System > Performance > Open
Performance Monitoring. Double-click the publisher database server (first node) to expand the performance
monitors. Click Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication. Double-click Replicate_State.
Click ReplicateCount from the Object Instances window and click Add.
Tip To view the definition of the counter, right click the counter name and choose Counter Description.

Step 5 If all the servers have a good RTMT status, but you suspect the databases are not in sync, you can run the
CLI command utils dbreplication status (If any of the servers showed an RTMT status of 4, proceed to
Step 6, on page 56).
This status command can be run on all servers by using utils dbreplication status all or on one subscriber
by using utils dbreplication status <hostname>.
The status report will tell you if any tables are suspect. If there are suspect tables, you will want to do a
replication repair CLI command to sync the data from the publisher server to the subscriber servers.
The replication repair can be done on all subscriber servers (using the all parameter) or on just one subscriber
server by using the following: utils dbreplication repair usage:utils dbreplication repair

After running the replication repair, which can take several minutes, you can run another status command to
verify that all tables are now in sync. If tables are in sync after running the repair, you are successful in fixing
Note Only do Step 6, on page 56 if one of the servers showed an RTMT status of 4, or had a status of 0
for more than four hours.
Step 6 Generate and view the Cisco Unified CM Database Status report, which provides debugging information
for database replication. For each subscriber server that has a bad RTMT status, check that the hosts, rhosts,
sqlhosts, and services files have the appropriate information.
Generate and view the Cisco Unified CM Cluster Overview report. Verify that the subscriber servers have
the same version, verify that connectivity is good, and verify that time delay is within tolerances.
If the preceding conditions are acceptable, do the following to reset replication on that subscriber server:
a) At the subscriber server, perform the CLI command utils dbreplication stop
b) Do this for all subscriber servers that have an RTMT value of 4

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56 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Database Replication Does Not Occur on Lost Node

c) At the publisher server, perform the CLI command utils dbreplication stop
d) At the publisher server, perform the CLI command utils dbreplication reset <hostname> where <hostname>
is the hostname of the subscriber server that needs to be reset. If all subscriber servers need to be reset,
use command utils dbreplication reset all

Database Replication Does Not Occur on Lost Node

Database replication does not occur when connectivity is restored on lost node recovery. You can verify the
state of replication. Only use the following procedure if you have already tried to reset replication on the node,
and have been unsuccessful.

Possible Cause
The CDR check remains stuck in a loop, due to a delete on device table.
1 Solution Run utils dbreplication stop on the affected subscribers. You can run them all at once.

2 Solution Wait until step 1 completes, then run utils dbreplication stop on the affected publisher server.

3 Solution Run utils dbreplication clusterreset from the affected publisher server. When you run the
command, the log name gets listed in the log file. Watch this file to monitor the process status. The path
is: /var/log/active/cm/trace/dbl/sdi

4 Solution From the affected publisher, run utils dbreplication reset all.

5 Solution Stop and restart all the services on all the subscriber servers [or restart/reboot all the systems
(subscriber servers)] in the cluster to get the service changes. Do this only after utils dbreplication status
shows Status 2.

Related Topics
Database Replication Fails Between the Publisher and Subscriber, on page 54

Database Tables Out of Synchronization Do Not Trigger Alert

Out of sync means that two servers in the cluster do not contain the same information in a specific database
On Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 6.x or later, the symptoms include unexpected call
processing behaviors. Calls do get not routed or handled as expected. The symptoms may occur on either the
publisher or on the subscriber servers.
On Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 5.x, the symptoms include unexpected call processing
behaviors. Calls do not get routed or handled as expected but only when the publisher server is offline. If you

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 57
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Reset Database Replication When Reverting to Prior Release

see these symptoms, you can run the utils dbreplication status command Out of sync displays. If Out of
sync does not display, this is not the problem.
Possible Cause Database tables remain out of sync between nodes. Replication alerts only indicate failure
in the replication process and do not indicate when database tables are out of sync. Normally, if replication
is working, tables should remain in sync. Instances can occur in which replication appears to be working,
but database tables are Out of sync.
1 Solution Reset cluster replication by using CLI commands. Ensure servers in the cluster are online with
full IP connectivity for this to work. Confirm that all servers in the cluster are online by using platform
CLI and Cisco Unified Reporting.

2 Solution If the servers are in Replication State 2, use the utils dbreplication repair server name command
on the publisher server.

Solution If the servers are not in Replication State 2, use the utils dbreplication stop command on all
subscriber servers.

Solution Then, use the utils dbreplication stop and then utils dbreplication reset all commands on the
publisher server.

Reset Database Replication When Reverting to Prior Release

If you revert the servers in a cluster to run an older product release, you must manually reset database replication
within the cluster. To reset database replication after you revert all the cluster servers to the older product
release, use the utils dbreplication reset command all on the publisher server.
When you switch versions by using Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration or the
CLI, you get a message reminding you about the requirement to reset database replication if you are reverting
to an older product release.

Useful Commands and Utilities

This section provides a quick reference for commands and utilities to help you troubleshoot a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager server with root access disabled.
The following table provides a summary of the CLI commands and GUI selections that you can use to gather
information troubleshoot various system problems.

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58 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Related Documentation

Table 7: Summary of CLI Commands and GUI Selections

Information Linux Serviceability GUI Tool CLI commands

CPU usage top RTMT Processor CPU usage:
Go to View tab and select Server > show perf query class Processor
CPU and Memory Process CPU Usage for all processes:
show perf query counter Process % CPU Time
Individual process counter details (including CPU usage)
show perf query instance <Process task_name>

Process state ps RTMT show perf query counter Process Process Status
Go to View tab and select Server >

Disk usage df/du RTMT show perf query counter Partition% Used
Go to View tab and select Server > or show perf query class Partition
Disk Usage

Memory free RTMT show perf query class Memory

Go to View tab and select Server >
CPU and Memory

Network status netstats show network status

Reboot server reboot Log in to Platform Web page on the utils system restart
Go to Restart > Current Version

Collect Sftp, ftp RTMT List file: file list

Traces/logs Go to Tools tab and select Trace > Download files: file get
Trace & Log Central View a file: file view

Related Documentation
It supplements but does not replace the existing documentation including the following:
Maintain and operate guides index at
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability System Guide

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 59
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Systems Management and Monitoring
Related Documentation

Changing the IP Address and Hostname for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x, 6.x, and
7.x Servers
Cisco Unified Communications Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide
Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide

Install and upgrade guides index at

Replacing a Single Server or Cluster for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Upgrading to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Installing Cisco Security Agent for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

For documentation for CDR/CMR, see the following documents:

For Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1)
For Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(1)
For Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0(1)
Cisco Unified CM Release 5.1(3)
Cisco Unified CM Release 5.0(4)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

60 OL-29844-01
Simple Network Management Protocol
This chapter gives an overview of Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Overview, page 61
SNMP Versioning, page 62
SNMP and Cisco Unified CM Basics, page 63
SNMP Basic Commands, page 64
SNMP Community Strings and Users, page 64
SNMP and Cisco MIBs, page 64
SNMP Traps and Informs, page 65
SNMP Trace Configuration, page 66
SNMP Tips, page 66
SNMP Troubleshooting, page 67
SNMP/R MIBs, page 69

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), an application layer protocol, facilitates the exchange of
management information among network devices, such as nodes and routers. It comprises part of the TCP/IP
suite. System administrators can remotely manage network performance, find and solve network problems,
and plan for network growth by using SNMP.
Instead of defining a large set of commands, SNMP places all operations in a get-request, get-next-request,
get-bulk-request, and set-request format. For example, an SNMP manager can get a value from an SNMP
agent or store a value in that SNMP agent. The SNMP manager can comprise part of a network management
system (NMS), and the SNMP agent can reside on a networking device such as a router.
SNMP comprises of three partsSNMP manager, SNMP agent, and MIBs. You can compile the Cisco MIB
with your network management software.

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OL-29844-01 61
Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Versioning

The NMS uses the Cisco MIB variables to set device variables and to poll devices on the internetwork for
specific information. The results of a poll can get graphed and analyzed to help you troubleshoot internetwork
problems, increase network performance, verify the configuration of devices, and monitor traffic loads.
The SNMP agent gathers data from the MIB, which is the repository for information about device parameters
and network data. The SNMP agent also can send traps (notifications) of certain events, to the SNMP manager.
The Cisco host // makes available the Cisco trap file, mib.traps, which documents the
format of Cisco traps.
The SNMP manager uses information in the MIB to perform the operations as described:

Operation Description
get-request Retrieve a value from a specific variable.

get-next-request Retrieve the value following the named variable. Often used to retrieve variables
from within a table. With this operation, an SNMP manager does not need to know
the exact variable name. A sequential search gets performed to find the needed
variable from within the MIB.

get-response Reply to a get-request, get-next-request, get-bulk-request, and set-request that an

NMS sent.

get-bulk-request Fills the get-response with up to max-repetition number of get-next interactions,

similar to get-next-request.

set-request Store a value in a specific variable.

traps Sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager to indicate that some event occurred.

SNMP Versioning
Three versions of SNMP exist: version 1 (SNMPv1), version 2 (SNMPv2), and version 3 (SNMPv3). SNMPv1
represents the initial implementation of SNMP that functions within the specifications of the Structure of
Management Information (SMI) and operates over protocols, such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and IP.
The SNMPv1 SMI defines highly structured MIB tables that are used to group objects that contain multiple
variables. Tables contain zero or more rows, which are indexed, so SNMP can retrieve or alter an entire row
with a supported command.
With SNMPv1, the NMS issues a request, and managed devices return responses. Agents use the Trap operation
to asynchronously inform the NMS of a significant event.
As with SNMPv1, SNMPv2c functions within the specifications of SMI. MIB modules contain definitions
of interrelated managed objects. Be aware that the operations that are used in SNMPv1 are similar to those
that are used in SNMPv2. The SNMPv2 trap operation, for example, serves the same function as that used in
SNMPv1, but it uses a different message format and replaces the SNMPv1 trap.
The Inform operation in SNMPv2c enables one NMS to send trap information to another NMS and to receive
a response from the NMS.
SNMPv3 provides the following security features:

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SNMP and Cisco Unified CM Basics

AuthenticationVerifying that the request comes from a genuine source.

PrivacyEncrypting data.
AuthorizationVerifying that the user allows the requested operation.
Access controlVerifying that the user has access to the objects that are requested.

SNMPv3 prevents packets from being exposed on the network. Instead of using community strings like SNMP
v1 and v2, SNMP v3 uses SNMP users.

Related Topics
SNMP Community Strings and Users, on page 64

SNMP and Cisco Unified CM Basics

A network that uses SNMP requires three key componentsmanaged devices, agents, and network management
software (NMS).
Managed devicesDevices that contain SNMP agents and reside on a network. Managed devices collect
and store information and make it available by using SNMP.
The first node in the Cisco Unified CM cluster acts as the managed device. In Cisco Unified CMBE,
the server on which Cisco Unified CM is installed acts as the managed device.

AgentsSoftware modules that contain local knowledge of management information and translates it
into a form that is compatible with SNMP.
Cisco Unified CM uses a master agent and subagent components to support SNMP. The master
agent acts as the agent protocol engine and performs the authentication, authorization, access
control, and privacy functions that relate to SNMP requests. It contains a few Management
Information Base (MIB) variables. The master agent also connects and disconnects subagents after
the subagent completes necessary tasks.
Cisco Unified CM uses a subagent to interact with the local Cisco Unified CM only. The Cisco
Unified CM subagents send trap and information messages to the SNMP Master Agent, and the
SNMP Master Agent communicates with the SNMP trap receiver (notification destination).

NMSSNMP management application that runs on a PC and provides the bulk of the processing and
memory resources that are required for network management. It executes applications that monitor and
control managed devices. Cisco Unified Communications Manager works with the following NMS:
HP OpenView
Third-party applications that support SNMP and Cisco Unified Communications Manager SNMP

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Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Basic Commands

SNMP Basic Commands

Managed devices get monitored and controlled by using four basic SNMP commands: read, write, trap, and
traversal operations.
NMS uses the read command to monitor managed devices. The NMS examines different variables that
are maintained by managed devices.
NMS uses the write command to control managed devices. The NMS changes the values of variables
stored within managed devices.
Managed devices use the trap command to asynchronously report events to the NMS. When certain
types of events occur, a managed device sends a trap to the NMS.
NMS uses traversal operations to determine which variables a managed device supports and to sequentially
gather information in variable tables, such as a routing table.

SNMP Community Strings and Users

Although SNMP community strings provide no security, the strings authenticate access to MIB objects and
function as embedded passwords. You configure SNMP community strings for SNMP v1 and v2c only.
SNMP v3 does not use community strings. It uses SNMP users that serve the same purpose as community
strings but provide security because encryption or authentication is configured.
No default community string or user exists.

SNMP and Cisco MIBs

You can access the Cisco MIB variables by using SNMP which facilitates the exchange of management
information between network devices. The SNMP system comprises three parts: SNMP manager, SNMP
agent, and MIB.
Instead of defining a large set of commands, SNMP places all operations in a get-request, get-next-request,
get-bulk-request, and set-request format. For example, an SNMP manager can get a value from an SNMP
agent or store a value in that SNMP agent. The SNMP manager can comprise part of a network management
system (NMS), and the SNMP agent can reside on a networking device such as a router. You can compile
the Cisco MIB with your network management software. If SNMP is configured on a router, the SNMP agent
can respond to MIB-related queries that are being sent by the NMS.
The NMS uses the Cisco MIB variables to set device variables and to poll devices on the internetwork for
specific information. The results of a poll can get graphed and analyzed to help you troubleshoot internetwork
problems, increase network performance, verify the configuration of devices, monitor traffic loads, and more.
The SNMP agent gathers data from the MIB, which provides the repository for information about device
parameters and network data. The SNMP agent also can send traps (notifications) of certain events, to the
SNMP manager. The Cisco host // makes available the Cisco trap file, mib.traps, which
documents the format of Cisco traps.
The SNMP manager uses information in the MIB to perform the operations as described:

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Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Traps and Informs

Operation Description
get-request Retrieve a value from a specific variable.

get-next-request Retrieve the value following the named variable. Often used to retrieve variables
from within a table. With this operation, an SNMP manager does not need to know
the exact variable name. A sequential search is performed to find the needed
variable from within the MIB.

get-response The reply to a get-request, get-next-request, get-bulk-request, and set-request sent

by an NMS.

get-bulk-request Similar to get-next-request, but fills the get-response with up to max-repetition

number of get-next interactions.

set-request Store a value in a specific variable.

traps An unsolicited message sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager indicating

that some event has occurred.

SNMP Traps and Informs

An SNMP agent sends notifications in the form of traps or informs to identify important system events. Traps
do not receive acknowledgments from the destination whereas informs do receive acknowledgments.

Note Cisco Unity Connection does not support SNMP traps.

For all notifications, the system sends traps immediately if the corresponding trap flags are enabled. In the
case of the syslog agent, the Cisco Unified CM alarms and system-level log messages get sent to syslog
daemon for logging. Also, some standard third-party applications send the log messages to syslog daemon
for logging. These log messages get logged locally in the syslog files and also get converted into SNMP
The following list contains Cisco Unified CM SNMP trap and inform messages that are sent to a configured
trap destination:
Cisco Unified CM failed
Phone failed
Phones status update
Gateway failed
Media resource list exhausted
Route list exhausted
Gateway layer 2 change
Quality report

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Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Trace Configuration

Malicious call
Syslog message generated

SNMP Trace Configuration

For Cisco Unified CM, you can configure traces for the SNMP agent in the Trace Configuration window in
Cisco Unified Serviceability by choosing the Cisco Unified CM SNMP Service in the Performance and
Monitoring Services service group. A default setting exists for all the agents. For Cisco CDP Agent and Cisco
Syslog Agent, you use the command line interface (CLI) to change trace settings, as described in the Command
Line Interface Reference Guide for Cisco Unified Solutions.

Refer to the CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY-MIB at or to the
CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY MIB topic in the related topics section.
As stated in the CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY-MIB, ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex does not get supported, so
it returns a 0. The Callmanager device registration alarm currently does not contain the device pool information.
If Cisco CallManager SNMP service is not running, only the following tables in the MIB respond:

To get Cisco CallManager SNMP service running, activate and start the service in Cisco Unified Serviceability.
Query the following tables in the SYSAPPL-MIB:
SysApplInstallPkgTable to get an inventory of Cisco Unified Communications Manager applications
that are installed on the system.
SysApplRunTable to get an inventory of Cisco Unified Communications Manager applications that are
running on the system.

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Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Troubleshooting

Note Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the following Web application services and servlets: Cisco
CallManager Admin, Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services, Cisco CallManager Personal Directory,
Cisco CallManager Serviceability, Cisco CallManager Serviceability RTMT, Cisco Extension Mobility,
Cisco Extension Mobility Application, Cisco RTMT Reporter Servlet, Cisco Tomcat Stats Servlet, Cisco
Trace Collection Servlet, Cisco AXL Web Service, Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service, Cisco
Extension Mobility, Cisco IP Manager Assistant, Cisco Web Dialer Service, Cisco CAR Web Service,
and Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer.

Related Topics

SNMP Troubleshooting
In general ensure that all the feature and network services are running and verify that the community string
or SNMP user is properly configured on the Cisco Unified CM system. You configure the SNMP community
string or user by choosing SNMP > V1/V2 > Community String or SNMP > V3 > User in Cisco Unified
Other tips are as follows:
Cannot poll any MIBs from the systemThis condition means that the community string or the SNMP
user is not configured on the system or they do not match with what is configured on the system. Check
the configuration and reconfigure if necessary.

Note By default, no community string or user is configured on the system.

Cannot receive any notifications from the systemThis condition means that the notification destination
is not configured correctly on the system. Verify that you configured the notification destination properly
in the Notification Destination (V1/V2c or V3) Configuration window.
Cannot receive SNMP traps from Cisco Unified Communications Manager nodeVerify that you
configured the following MIB Object IDentifiers (OIDs) that relate to phone
registration/deregistration/failure to the following values (the default for both values equals 0):
ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval ( set to 30-3600. You can use this CLI
command: snmpset -c <community string> -v2c <transmitter ipaddress>
.0 i <value>
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterval ( set to 30-3600. You can use this
CLI command: snmpset -c <community string> -v2c <transmitter ipaddress> i <value>
Verify that you configured the notification destination properly in the Notification Destination
(V1/V2c or V3) Configuration window.
Verify that you configured the community string/user privileges correctly, including Notify
permissions, in the Community String (V1/V2c) or User (V3) Configuration window.

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Simple Network Management Protocol
SNMP Troubleshooting

Because System Application Agent cannot show services that are activated and deactivated or monitor Web
App services or servlets, use this approach to monitor system health and service status for Cisco Unified
Communications Manager applications:
Use the Serviceability API getservicestatus to provide complete status information, including activation
status, for both Web applications and non-Web applications. See the AXL Serviceability API Guide for
more details.
Check service status with this CLI command: utils service list
Monitor the servM-generated messages with Syslog (see the following example):

Mar 18 16:40:52 ciscart26 local7 6 : 92: Mar 18 11:10:52.630 UTC :

Activated. Service
Name:Cisco CallManager SNMP Service App ID:Cisco Service Manager
Cluster ID: Node

If an SNMP request specifies multiple OIDs and the variables are pointing to empty tables, you may get a
NO_SUCH_NAME (for SNMP V1) or GENERIC ERROR (for SNMP V2c or V3) due to a timeout problem.
A timeout can occur as a result of throttling enhancements to protect the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager processing engine.
You can retrieve the count of entries in CCMH323DeviceTable and ccmSIPDeviceTable by using scalar
objects, so the SNMP Manager (the client) can avoid unnecessary get/getnext operations on these tables when
no entries exist. As an SNMP developer, you can use the following workaround for this problem:
Use the available scalar variables ( to determine table size before accessing the
table or perform the get operation on the desired table; then, query the non-empty tables.
Reduce the number of variables that are queried in a single request; for example, for empty tables, if the
management application has the timeout set to 3 seconds, specify only 1 OID. (For non-empty tables,
it takes 1 second to retrieve one row of data.)
Increase the response timeout.
Reduce the number of retries.
Avoid using getbulk SNMP API. The getbulk API retrieves the number of records that is specified by
MaxRepetitions, so even if the next object goes outside the table or MIB, it gets those objects. Empty
tables cause even more delay. Use getbulk API for non-empty tables with a known number of records.
In these circumstances, set MaxRepetitions to 5 seconds to require a response within 5 seconds.
Structure SNMP queries to adapt to existing limits.
Avoid performing multiple getbulks to walk the PhoneTable periodically in case a large number of
phones are registered to Cisco CallManager. You can use the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable, which
updates whenever there is a Phone update, to decide whether to walk the PhoneTable.

Related Topics
Cisco Management Information Base, on page 637
Industry-Standard Management Information Base, on page 837

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Simple Network Management Protocol

When SNMP/R binaries spike the CPU, collect the following logs and information for analysis:
Note the processes that are experiencing high CPU usage.
Check to see if any SNMP polling is occurring and get the polling interval of the application.
Note the SNMP versions by using the show packages active snmp command.
Execute the show process using-most cpu command and collect the output.
Collect the Perfmon logs by executing the file get activelog /cm/log/ris/csv/ command.
Collect the traces for SNMP Master Agent, and other binaries experiencing high CPU.
Send the above information to Support for further troubleshooting.

When the SNMP Master Agent does not start, check to see if port 161 is open. If the port is open, collect the
SNMP Master Agent traces for further analysis.
When migrating from Windows to Linux Cisco Unified CM, the ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress has been
defined as OctetString in Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x and later. So, the IP Address displays as Hexadecimal
instead of the dotted decimal format as displayed in Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x.

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Simple Network Management Protocol

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70 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing
PerfMon Counters and Alerts
This chapter briefly describes the Cisco Unified Communications Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT)
tracing capabilities, perfmon objects and counters, and alerts.

Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring, page 71

Performance Monitoring in RTMT, page 72
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Performance Objects and Alerts, page 154

Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring

The RTMT runs as a client-side application and uses HTTPS and TCP to monitor system performance, device
status, device discovery, CTI applications, and voice messaging ports. RTMT can connect directly to devices
by using HTTPS to troubleshoot system issues. Cisco Unified RTMT performs the following tasks:
Monitor a set of predefined management objects that monitor the health of the system.
Generate various alerts, in the form of e-mails, for objects when values go over/below user-configured
Collect and view traces in various default viewers that exist in RTMT.
Translate Q931 messages.
View syslog messages in SysLog Viewer.
Work with performance-monitoring counters.

In addition to SNMP traps, Cisco Unified RTMT can monitor and parse syslog messages that are provided
by the hardware vendors, and then send these alerts to RTMT Alert Central. You can configure RTMT to
notify the Cisco Unified CM system administrator when the alerts occur. The notifications can occur by using
e-mail or Epage or both.

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Performance Monitoring in RTMT

Note Be aware the RTMT is best used for a single cluster. For large and enterprise networks that have multiple
clusters deployed, Cisco recommends using Cisco Unified Operations Manager. For details about Cisco
Unified Operations Manager, go to

Performance Monitoring in RTMT

Cisco Unified Communications Manager updates performance counters (called PerfMon counters). The
counters contain simple, useful information about the system and devices on the system, such as number of
registered phones, number of active calls, number of available conference bridge resources, and voice messaging
port usage.
You can monitor the performance of the components of the system and the components for the application
on the system by choosing the counters for any object. The counters for each object display when the folder
For Cisco Unified Communications Manager, the Cisco CallManager object contains most of the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager performance counters, and these counters have only one instance. The instance-based
counters that belong to the other objects can have zero or more instances. For example, if two phones are
registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, two instances of each counter that belong to the Cisco
phones object exist.
You can log perfmon counters locally on the computer and use the performance log viewer in RTMT to display
the perfmon CSV log files that you collected or the Real-time Information Server Data Collection (RISDC)
perfmon logs.
RTMT provides alert notifications for troubleshooting performance. It also periodically polls performance
counters to display data for that counter. Performance monitoring allows you to perform the following tasks:
Monitor performance counters including all the Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers in a
cluster (if applicable), TFTP servers, and database servers.
Continuously monitor a set of preconfigured objects and receive notification in the form of an e-mail
Associate counter threshold settings to alert notification. An e-mail or popup message provides notification
to the administrator.
Save and restore settings, such as counters that get monitored, threshold settings, and alert notifications,
for customized troubleshooting tasks.
Display up to six perfmon counters in one chart for performance comparisons.

PerfMon Alert Notifications

The alert notifications keep you updated on system and Cisco Unified Communications Manager issues. You
can use the parameters that are already contained in RTMT or configure your own. The following table lists
the available settings and describes each. The Threshold, Value Calculated As, Duration, Frequency, and
Schedule panes of RTMT contain the settings.

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PerfMon Alert Notifications

Table 8: Counter Alert Configuration Parameters

Setting Description
Threshold Pane

Trigger alert when Over and Under Check the box and enter the value that applies.
conditions get met
OverCheck this box to configure a maximum threshold that
must be met before an alert notification is activated. In the Over
value field, enter a value. For example, enter a value that equals
the number of calls in progress.
UnderCheck this box to configure a minimum threshold that
must be met before an alert notification is activated. In the Under
value field, enter a value. For example, enter a value that equals
the number of calls in progress.
Tip Use these boxes in conjunction with the Frequency and
Schedule configuration parameters.

Value Calculated As Pane

Absolute, Delta, Delta Percentage Click the radio button that applies.
AbsoluteChoose Absolute to display the data at its current
status. These counter values are cumulative.
DeltaChoose Delta to display the difference between the current
counter value and the previous counter value.
Delta PercentageChoose Delta Percentage to display the counter
performance changes in percentage.

Duration Pane

Trigger alert only when value

constantly...; Trigger alert Trigger alert only when value constantly...If you want the alert
immediately notification only when the value is constantly below or over
threshold for a desired number of seconds, click this radio button
and enter seconds after which you want the alert to be sent.
Trigger alert immediatelyIf you want the alert notification to
be sent immediately, click this radio button.

Frequency Pane

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PerfMon Alert Notifications

Setting Description
Trigger alert on every poll; trigger Click the radio button that applies.
up to...
Trigger alert on every pollIf you want the alert notification to
activate on every poll when the threshold is met, click this radio
For example, if the calls in progress continue to go over or under
the threshold, the system does not send another alert notification.
When the threshold is normal (between 50 and 100 calls in
progress), the system deactivates the alert notification; however,
if the threshold goes over or under the threshold value again, the
system reactivates alert notification.
Trigger up to...If you want the alert notification to activate at
certain intervals, click this radio button and enter the number of
alerts that you want sent and the number of minutes within which
you want them sent.

Schedule Pane

24-hours daily; start/stop Click the radio button that applies:

24-hours dailyIf you want the alert to be triggered 24 hours a
day, click this radio button.
Start/StopIf you want the alert notification activated within a
specific time frame, click the radio button and enter a start time
and a stop time. If the check box is checked, enter the start and
stop times of the daily task. For example, you can configure the
counter to be checked every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or from
9:00 pm to 9:00 am.

Note If you require an e-mail notifications, check the Enable E-mail box.

You can also use data sampling in RTMT. The perfmon counters that display in the RTMT Perfmon Monitoring
pane have green dots that represent samples of data over time. You can configure the number of samples to
collect and the number of data points to show in the chart. The following table lists and describes the parameters.

Table 9: Data Sample Parameters

Parameter Description
Absolute Because some counter values are accumulative, choose Absolute to
display the data at its current status.

Delta Choose Delta to display the difference between the current counter
value and the previous counter value.

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Parameter Description
Delta Percentage Choose Delta Percentage to display the counter performance changes
in percentage.

PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

This section provides information on Cisco Unified Communications Manager PerfMon objects and counters.

Cisco Analog Access

The Cisco Analog Access object provides information about registered Cisco Analog Access gateways. The
following table contains information about Cisco Analog Access counters.

Table 10: Cisco Analog Access

Counters Counter Description

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempts a call through the analog access gateway
when all ports were busy.

PortsActive This counter represents the number of ports that are currently in use (active).
A port appears active when a call is in progress on that port.

PortsOutOfService This counter represents the number of ports that are currently out of service.
Counter applies only to loop-start and ground-start trunks.

Cisco Annunciator Device

The Cisco Annunciator Device object provides information about registered Cisco annunciator devices. The
following table contains information about Cisco Annunciator counters.

Table 11: Cisco Annunciator Device

Counters Counter Description

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate an annunciator resource from
an annunciator device and failed; for example, because all resources were
already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the total number of annunciator resources that are
currently active (in use) for an annunciator device.

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PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Counters Counter Description

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and
are still available to be used at the current time for the annunciator device.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of annunciator resources that are
configured for an annunciator device.

Cisco CallManager
The Cisco CallManager object provides information about calls, applications, and devices that are registered
with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The following table contains information about
Cisco CallManager counters.

Table 12: Cisco CallManager

Counters Counter Description

AnnunciatorOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate an annunciator resource from
those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications Manager when
none were available.

AnnunciatorResourceActive This counter represents the total number of annunciator resources that are
currently in use on all annunciator devices that are registered with a Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

AnnunciatorResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of annunciator resources that are
not active and are currently available.

AnnunciatorResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of annunciator resources that are
provided by all annunciator devices that are currently registered with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

AuthenticatedCallsActive This counter represents the number of authenticated calls that are currently
active (in use) on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. An authenticated
call designates one in which all the endpoints that are participating in the call
are authenticated. An authenticated phone uses the Transport Layer Security
(TLS) authenticated Skinny protocol signaling with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.

AuthenticatedCallsCompleted This counter represents the number of authenticated calls that connected and
subsequently disconnected through Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
An authenticated call designates one in which all the endpoints that are
participating in the call are authenticated. An authenticated phone uses the
TLS authenticated Skinny protocol signaling with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Counters Counter Description

AuthenticatedPartiallyRegisteredPhone This counter represents the number of partially registered, authenticated SIP

AuthenticatedRegisteredPhones This counter represents the total number of authenticated phones that are
registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager. An authenticated
phone uses the TLS authenticated Skinny protocol signaling with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

BRIChannelsActive This counter represents the number of BRI voice channels that are currently
in an active call on this Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

BRISpansInService This counter represents the number of BRI spans that are currently available
for use.

CallManagerHeartBeat This counter represents the heartbeat of Cisco Unified Communications

Manager. This incremental count indicates that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager is up and running. If the count does not increment, that indicates
that Cisco Unified Communications Manager is down.

CallsActive This counter represents the number of voice or video streaming connections
that are currently in use (active); in other words, the number of calls that
actually have a voice path that is connected on Cisco Unified Communications

CallsAttempted This counter represents the total number of attempted calls. An attempted
call occurs any time that a phone goes off hook and back on hook, regardless
of whether any digits were dialed, or whether it connected to a destination.
The system considers some call attempts during feature operations (such as
transfer and conference) to be attempted calls.

CallsCompleted This counter represents the number of calls that were actually connected (a
voice path or video stream was established) through Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. This number increases when the call terminates.

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Counters Counter Description

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of voice or video calls that are currently
in progress on Cisco Unified Communications Manager, including all active
When a phone that is registered with Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP)
goes off hook, the CallsInProgress progress counter increments until it goes
back on hook.
For Cisco Unified IP Phones 7902, 7905, 7912, 7940, and 7960 that register
with SIP, the CallsInProgress counter increments when the dial softkey is
For all other phones that are running SIP, the CallsInProgress counter
increments when the first digit is pressed.
When all voice or video calls that are in progress are connected, the number
of CallsInProgress represents the number of CallsActive. The counter
decreases by one when a phone goes back on hook.

CM_MediaTermPointsRequestsThrottled This counter represents the total number of media termination point (MTP)
resource requests that have been denied due to throttling (a resource from
this MTP was not allocated because, as specified by the Cisco CallManager
service parameter, MTP and Transcoder Resource Throttling Percentage, the
MTP was being utilized beyond the configured throttle percentage). This
counter increments each time a request for an MTP on this Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) node is requested and denied
due to MTP throttling and reflects a running total since the start of the Cisco
CallManager service.

CM_TranscoderRequestsThrottled This counter represents the total number of transcoder resource requests that
have been denied due to throttling (a resource from this transcoder was not
allocated because, as specified by the Cisco CallManager service parameter
MTP and Transcoder Resource Throttling Percentage, the transcoder was
being utilized beyond the configured throttle percentage). This counter
increments each time a request for a transcoder on this Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) node is requested and denied
due to transcoder throttling and reflects a running total since the start of the
Cisco CallManager service

EncryptedCallsActive This counter represents the number of encrypted calls that are currently active
(in use) on this Cisco Unified Communications Manager. An encrypted call
represents one in which all the endpoints that are participating in the call are

EncryptedCallsCompleted This counter represents the number of encrypted calls that were connected
and subsequently disconnected through this Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. An encrypted call represents one in which all the endpoints that
are participating in the call are encrypted.

EncryptedPartiallyRegisteredPhones This counter represents the number of partially registered, encrypted SIP

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PerfMon Objects and Counters for Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Counters Counter Description

EncryptedRegisteredPhones This counter represents the total number of encrypted phones that are
registered on this Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

FXOPortsActive This counter represents the number of FXO ports that are currently in use
(active) on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

FXOPortsInService This counter represents the number of FXO ports that are currently available
for use in the system.

FXSPortsActive This counter represents the number of FXS ports that are currently in use
(active) on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

FXSPortsInService This counter represents the number of FXS ports that are currently available
for use in the system.

HuntListsInService This counter represents the number of hunt lists that are currently in service
on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

HWConferenceActive This counter represents the total number of hardware conference resources
that are provided by all hardware conference bridge devices that are currently
registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

HWConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of conferences that used a hardware
conference bridge (hardware-based conference devices such as Cisco Catalyst
6000, Cisco Catalyst 4000, Cisco VG200, Cisco series 26xx and 36xx) that
is allocated from Cisco Unified Communications Manager and that have
completed, which means that the conference bridge has been allocated and
released. A conference activates when the first call connects to the bridge.
The conference completes when the last call disconnects from the bridge.

HWConferenceOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate a hardware conference
resource from those that are registered to a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager when none was available.

HWConferenceResourceActive This counter represents the total number of conference resources that are in
use on all hardware conference devices (such as Cisco Catalyst 6000, Catalyst
4000, Cisco VG200, Cisco series 26xx and 36xx) that are registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. System considers conference to
be active when one or more calls are connected to a bridge.

HWConferenceResourceAvailable This counter represents the number of hardware conference resources that
are not in use and that are available to be allocated on all hardware conference
devices (such as Cisco Catalyst 6000, Cisco Catalyst 4000, Cisco VG200,
Cisco series 26xx and 36xx) that are allocated fromCisco Unified
Communications Manager and that have been completed, which means that
the conference bridge has been allocated and released. A conference activates
when the first call connects to the bridge. The conference completes when
the last call disconnects from the bridge.

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Counters Counter Description

HWConferenceResourceTotal This counter represents the number of active conferences on all hardware
conference devices that are registered with Cisco Unified Communications

InitializationState This counter represents the current initialization state of Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Communications Manager includes
the following initialization state values:
1-Database; 2-Regions; 3-Locations; 4-QoS Policy; 5-Time Of Day; 6-AAR
Neighborhoods; 7-Digit Analysis; 8-Route Plan; 9-Call Control; 10-RSVP
Session Manager; 11-Supplementary Services; 12-Directory; 13-SDL Link;
14-Device; 100-Initialization Complete.
Not all states display when this counter is used. This does not indicate that
an error occurred; it simply indicates that the state(s) initialized and completed
within the refresh period of the performance monitor.

LocationOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that a call through Locations
failed due to the lack of bandwidth.

MOHMulticastResourceActive This counter represents the total number of multicast MOH resources that
are currently in use (active) on all MOH servers that are registered with a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

MOHMulticastResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of active multicast MOH connections
that are not being used on all MOH servers that are registered with a Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

MOHOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that the Media Resource
Manager attempted to allocate an MOH resource when all available resources
on all MOH servers that are registered with a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager were already active.

MOHTotalMulticastResources This counter represents the total number of multicast MOH resources or
connections that are provided by all MOH servers that are currently registered
with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

MOHTotalUnicastResources This counter represents the total number of unicast MOH resources or streams
that are provided by all MOH servers that are currently registered with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. Each MOH unicast resource uses one

MOHUnicastResourceActive This counter represents the total number of unicast MOH resources that are
currently in use (active) on all MOH servers that are registered with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. Each MOH unicast resource uses one

MOHUnicastResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of unicast MOH resources that are
currently available on all MOH servers that are registered with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Each MOH unicast resource uses one stream.

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Counters Counter Description

MTPOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted but failed to allocate an MTP resource
from one MTP device that is registered with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. This also means that no transcoders were available to act as MTPs.

MTPResourceActive This counter represents the total number of MTP resources that are currently
in use (active) on all MTP devices that are registered with a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Each MTP resource uses two streams. An MTP
in use represents one MTP resource that has been allocated for use in a call.

MTPResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of MTP resources that are not in use
and are available to be allocated on all MTP devices that are registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Each MTP resource uses two
streams. An MTP in use represents one MTP resource that has been allocated
for use in a call.

MTPResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of media termination point (MTP)
resources that are provided by all MTP devices that are currently registered
with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

MTP_RequestsThrottled This counter represents the total number of media termination point (MTP)
resource requests that have been denied due to throttling (a resource from
this MTP was not allocated because, as specified by the Cisco CallManager
service parameter MTP and Transcoder Resource Throttling Percentage, the
MTP was being utilized beyond the configured throttle percentage). This
counter increments each time a resource is requested from this MTP and is
denied due to throttling. This counter reflects a running total since the MTP
device registered with the Cisco CallManager service.

PartiallyRegisteredPhone This counter represents the number of partially registered phones that are
running SIP.

PRIChannelsActive This counter represents the number of PRI voice channels that are in an active
call on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

PRISpansInService This counter represents the number of PRI spans that are currently available
for use.

RegisteredAnalogAccess This counter represents the number of registered Cisco analog access gateways
that are registered with system. The count does not include the number of
Cisco analog access ports.

RegisteredHardwarePhones This counter represents the number of Cisco hardware IP phones (for example,
Cisco Unified IP Phones 7960, 7940, 7910, and so on.) that are currently
registered in the system.

RegisteredMGCPGateway This counter represents the number of MGCP gateways that are currently
registered in the system.

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Counters Counter Description

RegisteredOtherStationDevices This counter represents the number of station devices other than Cisco
hardware IP phones that are currently registered in the system (for example,
Cisco IP SoftPhone, CTI port, CTI route point, Cisco voice-mail port).

SIPLineServerAuthorizationChallenges This counter represents the number of authentication challenges for incoming
SIP requests that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server issued
to phones that are running SIP. An authentication challenge occurs when a
phone that is running SIP with Digest Authentication enabled sends a SIP
line request to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

SIPLineServerAuthorizationFailures This counter represents the number of authentication challenge failures for
incoming SIP requests from SIP phones to the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager server. An authentication failure occurs when a SIP phone with
Digest Authentication enabled sends a SIP line request with bad credentials
to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

SIPTrunkAuthorization This counter represents the number of application-level authorization checks

for incoming SIP requests that Cisco Unified Communications Manager has
issued to SIP trunks. An application-level authorization check occurs when
Cisco Unified Communications Manager compares an incoming SIP request
to the application-level settings on the SIP Trunk Security Profile
Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration.

SIPTrunkAuthorizationFailures This counter represents the number of application-level authorization failures

for incoming SIP requests that have occurred on Cisco Unified
Communications Manager SIP trunks. An application-level authorization
failure occurs when Cisco Unified Communications Manager compares an
incoming SIP request to the application-level authorization settings on the
SIP Trunk Security Profile Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM
Administration and finds that authorization for one or more of the SIP features
on that window is not allowed.

SIPTrunkServerAuthenticationChallenges This counter represents the number of authentication challenges for incoming
SIP requests that Cisco Unified Communications Manager issued to SIP
trunks. An authentication challenge occurs when a SIP trunk with Digest
Authentication enabled sends a SIP request to Cisco Unified Communications

SIPTrunkServerAuthenticationFailures This counter represents the number of authentication challenge failures that
occurred for incoming SIP requests from SIP trunks to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. An authentication failure occurs when a SIP trunk
with Digest Authentication enabled sends a SIP request with bad credentials
to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

SWConferenceActive This counter represents the number of active conferences on all software
conference devices that are registered with Cisco Unified Communications

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Counters Counter Description

SWConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of conferences that used a software
conference bridge that was allocated from a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager and that have been completed, which means that the conference
bridge has been allocated and released. A conference activates when the first
call connects to the bridge. The conference completes when the last call
disconnects from the bridge.

SWConferenceOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate a software conference
resource from those that are registered to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager when none was available. Counter includes failed attempts to add
a new participant to an existing conference.

SWConferenceResourceActive This counter represents the total number of conference resources that are in
use on all software conference devices that are registered with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. The system considers a conference to be active
when one or more calls connect to a bridge. One resource equals one stream.

SWConferenceResourceAvailable This counter represents the number of new software-based conferences that
can be started at the same time, for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
You must have a minimum of three streams available for each new conference.
One resource equals one stream

SWConferenceResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of software conference resources
that are provided by all software conference bridge devices that are currently
registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

SystemCallsAttempted This counter represents the total number of server-originated calls and
attempted calls to the Unity message waiting indicator (MWI).

T1ChannelsActive This counter represents the number of T1 CAS voice channels that are in an
active call on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

T1SpansInService This counter represents the number of T1 CAS spans that are currently
available for use.

TLSConnectedSIPTrunks This counter represents the number of SIP trunks that are configured and
connected via Transport Layer Security (TLS).

TLSConnectedWSM This counter represents the number of WSM Connectors that are configured
and connected to Motorola WSM via Transport Layer Security (TLS).

TranscoderOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate a transcoder resource from
a transcoder device that is registered to a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager when none was available.

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Counters Counter Description

TranscoderResourceActive This counter represents the total number of transcoders that are in use on all
transcoder devices that are registered with Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. A transcoder in use represents one transcoder resource that has
been allocated for use in a call. Each transcoder resource uses two streams.

TranscoderResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of transcoders that are not in use
and that are available to be allocated on all transcoder devices that are
registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Each transcoder
resource uses two streams.

TranscoderResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of transcoder resources that are
provided by all transcoder devices that are currently registered with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

VCBConferenceActive This counter represents the total number of active video conferences on all
video conference bridge devices that are registered with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.

VCBConferenceAvailable This counter represents the total number of new video conferences on all
video conference bridge devices that are registered with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager.

VCBConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of video conferences that used a
video conference bridge that are allocated from Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and that have been completed, which means that
the conference bridge has been allocated and released. A conference activates
when the first call connects to the bridge. The conference completes when
the last call disconnects from the bridge.

VCBConferenceTotal This counter represents the total number of video conferences that are
supported on all video conference bridge devices that are registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

VCBOutOfConferences This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate a video conference resource
from those that are registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
when none was available.

VCBOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of failed new video conference
requests. A conference request can fail because, for example, the configured
number of conferences is already in use.

VCBResourceActive This counter represents the total number of video conference resources that
are currently in use on all video conference devices that are registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

VCBResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of video conference resources that
are not active and are currently available.

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Counters Counter Description

VCBResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of video conference resources that
are provided by all video conference bridge devices that are currently
registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

VideoCallsActive This counter represents the number of active video calls with active video
streaming connections on all video conference bridge devices that are
registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

VideoCallsCompleted This counter represents the number of video calls that were actually connected
with video streams and then released.

VideoOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted to allocate a video-streaming resource
from one of the video conference bridge devices that is registered to Cisco
Unified Communications Manager when none was available.

XCODE_RequestsThrottled This counter represents the total number of transcoder resource requests that
have been denied due to throttling (a resource from this transcoder was not
allocated because, as specified by the Cisco CallManager service parameter
MTP and Transcoder Resource Throttling Percentage, the transcoder was
being utilized beyond the configured throttle percentage). This counter
increments each time a resource is requested from this transcoder and is
denied due to throttling. This counter reflects a running total since the
transcoder device registered with the Cisco CallManager service.

Cisco CallManager External Call Control

The Cisco CallManager External Call Control feature provides information about the counters that are added
to support the External Call Control feature. The following table contains information about the External Call
Control counters.

Table 13: Cisco CallManager External Call Control

Counters Counter Description

Cisco Unified Communication Manager (Cisco CallManager) Object

ExternalCallControlEnabledCallsAttempted This counter specifies the total number of calls to devices that have the
External Call Control feature enabled. This is a cumulative count of all calls
to intercept-enabled patterns or DNs since the last restart of the Cisco
CallManager service.

ExternalCallControlEnabledCallsCompleted This counter specifies the total number of calls that were connected to a
device that had the External Call Control feature enabled. This is a
cumulative count of all calls to intercept-enabled patterns or DNs since the
last restart of the Cisco CallManager service.

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Counters Counter Description

ExternalCallControlEnabledFailureTreatmentApplied This counter specifies the total number of calls that were cleared or routed
based on failure treatments (such as Allow or Deny) that are defined in the
External Call Control profile.

External Call Control Objects

PDPServersTotal This counter defines the total number of PDP servers in all External Call
Control Profiles configured in Cisco Unified CM Administration. This
counter increments when a new PDP server is added and decrements when
a PDP server is removed.

PDPServersInService This counter defines the total number of in-service (active) PDP servers.

PDPServersOutOfService This counter defines the total number of times that PDP servers have
transitioned from in-service to out-of-service. This is a cumulative count
of out-of-service PDP servers since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager

ConnectionsActiveToPDPServer This counter specifies the total number of connections that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager has established (currently active) with PDP

ConnectionsLostToPDPServer This counter specifies the total number of times that active connections
between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and the PDP servers were
disconnected. This is a cumulative count since the last restart of the Cisco
CallManager service.

Cisco CallManager SAF

The Cisco SAF Client object provides information about SAF counters that are specific to each node. The
following table contains information about Cisco SAF Client object counters.

Table 14: Cisco CallManager SAF Client Object

Counters Counter Description

SAFConnectionsSucceeded (range from 0 to 2) Total number of SAF client connections currently active on this Unified CM

SAFFConnectionsFailed (range from 0 to 2) Total number of SAF client connections that failed on the Unified CM node.
A failed connection is a connection that did not register with the SAF Forwarder.

Note A Cisco Unified CM node restart causes a counter reset.

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See Real-Time Monitoring Tool Guide for more information.

Cisco CallManager System Performance

The Cisco CallManager System Performance object provides system performance information about Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. The following table contains information about Cisco CallManager system
performance counters.

Table 15: Cisco CallManager System Performance

Counters Counter Description

AverageExpectedDelay This counter represents the current average expected delay before any incoming
message gets handled.

CallsRejectedDueToICTThrottling This counter represents the total number of calls that were rejected since the
start of Cisco CallManager service due to Intercluster Trunk (ICT) call throttling.
When the threshold limit of 140 calls per 5 seconds is met, the ICT will start
throttling (rejecting) new calls. One cause for ICT call throttling occurs when
calls across an ICT enter a route loop condition.

CallThrottlingGenericCounter3 This counter represents a generic counter that is used for call-throttling purpose.

CodeRedEntryExit This counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has
entered or exited a Code state (call-throttling mode). Valid values include 0
(Exit) and 1 (Entry).

CodeYellowEntryExit This counter indicates whether Cisco Unified Communications Manager has
entered or exited a Code Yellow state (call-throttling mode). Valid values
include 0 (Exit) and 1 (Entry).

EngineeringCounter1 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter2 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter3 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter4 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter5 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter6 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

EngineeringCounter7 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

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Counters Counter Description

EngineeringCounter8 Do not use this counter unless directed by a Cisco Engineering Special build.
Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

QueueSignalsPresent 1-High This counter indicates the number of high-priority signals in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager queue. High-priority signals include timeout events,
internal Cisco Unified Communications Manager keepalives, certain gatekeeper
events, and internal process creation, among other events. A large number of
high-priority events will cause degraded performance on Cisco Unified
Communications Manager and result in slow call connection or loss of dial
tone. Use this counter in conjunction with the QueueSignalsProcessed 1-High
counter to determine the processing delay on Cisco Unified Communications

QueueSignalsPresent 2-Normal This counter indicates the number of normal-priority signals in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager queue. Normal-priority signals include call-processing
functions, key presses, on-hook and off-hook notifications, among other events.
A large number of normal-priority events will cause degraded performance on
Cisco Unified Communications Manager, sometimes resulting in delayed dial
tone, slow call connection, or loss of dial tone. Use this counter in conjunction
with the QueueSignalsProcessed 2-Normal counter to determine the
call-processing delay on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Remember
that high-priority signals must complete before normal-priority signals begin
to process, so check the high-priority counters as well to get an accurate picture
of the potential delay.

QueueSignalsPresent 3-Low This counter indicates the number of low-priority signals in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager queue. Low-priority signals include station device
registration (except the initial station registration request message), among other
events. A large number of signals in this queue could result in delayed device
registration, among other events.

QueueSignalsPresent 4-Lowest This counter indicates the number of lowest priority signals in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager queue. Lowest priority signals include the initial
station registration request message during device registration, among other
events. A large number of signals in this queue could result in delayed device
registration, among other events.

QueueSignalsProcessed 1-High This counter indicates the number of high-priority signals that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager processes for each 1-second interval. Use this counter
in conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 1-High counter to determine the
processing delay on this queue.

QueueSignalsProcessed 2-Normal This counter indicates the number of normal-priority signals that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager processes for each 1-second interval. Use this counter
in conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 2-Normal counter to determine
the processing delay on this queue. Remember that high-priority signals get
processed before normal-priority signals.

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Counters Counter Description

QueueSignalsProcessed 3-Low This counter indicates the number of low-priority signals that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager processes for each 1-second interval. Use this counter
in conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 3-Low counter to determine the
processing delay on this queue. The number of signals processed gives an
indication of how much device registration activity is being processed in this
time interval.

QueueSignalsProcessed 4-Lowest This counter indicates the number of lowest priority signals that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager processes for each 1-second interval. Use this counter
in conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 4-Lowest counter to determine
the processing delay on this queue. The number of signals that are processed
gives an indication of how many devices began the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager registration process in this time interval.

QueueSignalsProcessed Total This counter provides a sum total of all queue signals that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager processes for each 1-second interval for all queue
levels: high, normal, low, and lowest.

SkinnyDevicesThrottled This counter represents the total number of Skinny devices that are being
throttled. A Skinny device gets throttled (asked to shut down and reregister)
when the total number of events that the Skinny device generated exceeds the
configured maximum threshold value (default value specifies 2000 events)
within a 5-second interval.

ThrottlingSampleActivity This counter indicates how many samples, out of the configured sample size,
have non-zero averageExpectedDelay values. This counter gets reset when any
sample has an averageExpectedDelay value of zero. This process repeats for
each batch of samples. A batch represents the configured sample size.

TotalCodeYellowEntry This counter indicates the number of times that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager call processing enters the code yellow state. This counter remains
cumulative from the start of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Cisco CTIManager
The Cisco CTI Manager object provides information about Cisco CTI Manager. The following table contains
information about Cisco CTIManager counters.

Table 16: Cisco CTI Manager

Counters Counter Description

CcmLinkActive This counter represents the total number of active Cisco Unified Communications
Manager links. CTI Manager maintains links to all active servers in a cluster, if

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Counters Counter Description

CTIConnectionActive This counter represents the total number of CTI clients that are currently connected
to the CTIManager. This counter increases by one when a new connection is established
and decreases by one when a connection is released. The CTIManager service parameter
MaxCTIConnections determines the maximum number of active connections.

DevicesOpen This counter represents the total number of devices that are configured in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager that CTI applications control and/or monitor. Devices
include hardware IP phones, CTI ports, CTI route points, and so on.

LinesOpen This counter represents the total number of lines that are configured in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager that control and/or monitor CTI applications.

QbeVersion This counter represents the version number of the Quick Buffer Encoding (QBE)
interface that the CTIManager uses.

Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility

The Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility object provides information about the dual-mode mobility application on
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The following table contains information about Cisco Dual-Mode
Mobility counters.

Table 17: Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility

Counters Counter Description

CallsAnchored This counter represents the number of calls that are placed or received on
dual-mode phones that are anchored in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
The counter increments when a call is received from or placed to a dual-mode
phone. The counter increments twice if a dual-mode phone calls another
dual-mode phone.

DMMSRegistered This counter represents the number of Dual-mode Mobile Station (DMMS)
subscribers that are registered in the wireless LAN (WLAN).

FollowMeAborted This counter represents the number of failed follow-me operations.

FollowMeAttempted This counter represents the number of follow-me operations that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager attempted. The counter increments when a SIP 302
- Moved Temporarily message is received from the Wireless Service Manager
(WSM) and Cisco Unified Communications Manager redirects the call to the

FollowMeCompleted This counter represents the number of follow-me operations that were
successfully completed. The counter increments when the DMMS in WLAN
answers the call and the media (voice path) successfully gets established with
the calling device.

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Counters Counter Description

FollowMeInProgress This counter represents the number of follow-me operations that are currently
in progress. The counter increments when a follow-me is attempted, and it
decrements when the follow-me operation aborts or completes.

H1HandOutAttempted This counter represents the number of H1 hand-out operations that dual-mode
phones attempt. The counter increments when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager processes a call to the H1 number from a DMMS.

H1HandOutCompleted This counter represents the number of successfully completed H1 hand-out

operations. The counter increments when the DMMS in WLAN successfully
reestablishes a media (voice path).

H2HandOutCompleted This counter represents the number of successfully completed H2 hand-out

operations. The counter increments when the DMMS in WLAN successfully
reestablishes a media (voice path).

H2HandOutsAttempted This counter represents the number of H2 hand-out operations that dual-mode
phones attempt. The counter increments when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager receives a call to the H2 number from a DMMS.

HandInAborted This counter represents the number of hand-in operations that failed.

HandInAttempted This counter represents the number of hand-in operations that dual-mode phones

HandInCompleted This counter represents the number of successfully completed hand-in

operations. The counter increments when the DMMS in WLAN successfully
reestablishes a media (voice path).

HandInInProgress This counter represents the number of hand-in operations that are currently in
progress. The counter increments when a hand-in is attempted, and the counter
decrements when the hand-in is aborted or completed.

HandOutAborted This counter represents the number of hand-out operations that failed.

HandOutInProgress This counter represents the number of H1 and H2 hand-out operations that are
currently in progress. The counter increments when a H1 or H2 hand-out is
attempted, and it decrements when the hand-out is aborted or completed.

Cisco Extension Mobility

The Cisco Extension Mobility object provides information about the extension mobility application. The
following table contains information about Cisco Extension Mobility counters.

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Table 18: Cisco Extension Mobility Application

Counters Counter Description

RequestsHandled This counter represents the total number of HTTP requests that the extension
mobility application handled since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager
service. A typical login would constitute two HTTP requests: one to query the
initial login state of the device and another to log in the user on a device.
Similarly, a typical logout also results in two HTTP requests.

RequestsInProgress This counter represents the number of HTTP requests that the extension mobility
application currently is handling. A typical login would constitute two HTTP
requests: one to query the initial login state of the device and another to log in
the user on a device. Similarly, a typical logout also results in two HTTP

RequestsThrottled This counter represents the total number of Login/Logout Requests that failed
due to throttling.

LoginsSuccessful This counter represents the total number of successful login requests that were
completed through Extension Mobility Service.

LogoutsSuccessful This counter represents the total number of successful logout requests that were
completed through Extension Mobility Service

Total Login/LogoutRequestsAttempted This counter represents the total number of Login and Logout requests that
were attempted through this Extension Mobility Service. This number includes
both successful and unsuccessful attempts.

Total Number of EMCC Messages This represents the total number of messages related to EMCC Requests that
came from remote clusters.

Number of Remote Devices This represents the total number of devices from other clusters that are currently
using a EMCC Base Device (EMCC Logged in).

Number of Unknown Remote Users This represents the total number of users who were not found in any of the
remote cluster during inter-cluster extension mobility login.

Active Inter-cluster Sessions This represents the total number of inter cluster Extension Mobility requests
that are currently in progress.

Total Number of Remote Users This represents the total number of users from other cluster who use a local
device of this cluster and have logged into a remote cluster.

EMCC Check User Requests Handled This represents the total number of EMCC check user requests that came from
remote clusters.

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Cisco Feature Control Policy

The Cisco Feature Control Policy feature provides information about the two new counters for TFTP. The
following table contains information about Cisco Feature Control Policy feature counters.

Table 19: Cisco Feature Control Policy

Counters Counter Description

BuildFeaturePolicyCount Indicates the number of built FCP files

FeaturePolicyChangeNotifications Indicates the number of sent FCP change notifications

Cisco Gatekeeper
The Cisco Gatekeeper object provides information about registered Cisco gatekeeper devices. The following
table contains information about Cisco gatekeeper device counters.

Table 20: Cisco Gatekeeper

Counters Counter Description

ACFsReceived This counter represents the total number of RAS Admission Confirm messages
that are received from the configured gatekeeper and its alternate gatekeepers.

ARQsAttempted This counter represents the total number of RAS Admission Request messages
that are attempted by using the configured gatekeeper and its alternate

RasRetries This counter represents the number of retries due to loss or delay of all RAS
acknowledgement messages on the configured gatekeeper and its alternate

VideoOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of video-stream requests to the
configured gatekeeper or its alternate gatekeepers that failed, most likely due
to lack of bandwidth.

Cisco H.323
The Cisco H.323 object provides information about registered Cisco H.323 devices. The following table
contains information about Cisco H.323 device counters.

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Table 21: Cisco H.323

Counters Counter Description

CallsActive This counter represents the number of streaming connections that are currently
active (in use) on the configured H.323 device; in other words, the number of
calls that actually have a voice path that is connected.

CallsAttempted This counter represents the total number of calls that have been attempted on
a device, including both successful and unsuccessful call attempts.

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from a device.

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on a

CallsRejectedDueToICTCallThrottling This counter represents the total number of calls that are rejected due to
Intercluster Trunk (ICT) call throttling since the start of the Cisco CallManager
service. When the system reaches a threshold limit of 140 calls per 5 seconds,
ICT will start throttling (rejecting) new calls. One cause for ICT call throttling
occurs when calls across an ICT enter a route loop condition.

VideoCallsActive This counter represents the number of video calls with video streaming
connections that are currently active (in use) on all H.323 trunks that are
registered with a Cisco Unified Communications Manager; in other words, the
number of calls that actually have video-streaming connections on a Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

VideoCallsCompleted This counter represents the number of video calls that were actually connected
with video streams for all H.323 trunks that were registered with a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. This number increases when the call terminates.

Cisco Hunt Lists

The Cisco Hunt Lists object provides information about the hunt lists that are defined in Cisco Unified CM
Administration. The following table contains information about Cisco hunt list counters.

Table 22: Cisco Hunt Lists

Counters Counter Description

CallsAbandoned This counter represents the number of abandoned calls that occurred through
a hunt list. An abandoned call represents one in which a caller hangs up before
the call is answered.

CallsActive This counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use)
that occurred through a hunt list. An active call represents one that gets
distributed and answered, and to which a voice path connects.

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Counters Counter Description

CallsBusyAttempts This counter represents the number of times that calls through a hunt list were
attempted when all members of the line and/or route groups were busy.

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress through
a hunt list. A call in progress represents one that the call distributor is attempting
to extend to a member of a line or route group and that has not yet been
answered. Examples of a hunt list member include a line, a station device, a
trunk device, or a port/channel of a trunk device.

CallsRingNoAnswer This counter represents the total number of calls through a hunt list that rang
but that called parties did not answer.

HuntListInService This counter specifies whether the particular hunt list is currently in service. A
value of 0 indicates that the hunt list is out of service; a value of 1 indicates
that the hunt list is in service. Reasons that a hunt list could be out of service
include the hunt list is not running on a primary Cisco Unified Communications
Manager based on its Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group or the
hunt list has been disabled in Cisco Unified CM Administration.

MembersAvailable This counter represents the total number of available or idle members of line
and route groups that belong to an in-service hunt list. An available member
currently handles a call and will accept a new call. An idle member does not
handle any call and will accept a new call. A hunt list member can comprise a
route group, line group, or a combination. A member of a line group represents
a directory number of a line on an IP phone or a voice-mail port. A member of
a route group represents a station gateway, a trunk gateway, or port/channel of
a trunk gateway.

Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device

The Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device object provides information about registered Cisco hardware
conference bridge devices. The following table contains information about Cisco hardware conference bridge
device counters.

Table 23: Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device

Counters Counter Description

HWConferenceActive This counter represents the number of conferences that are currently active (in
use) on a HW conference bridge device. One resource represents one stream.

HWConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of conferences that have been allocated
and released on a HW conference device. A conference starts when the first
call connects to the bridge. The conference completes when the last call
disconnects from the bridge.

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Counters Counter Description

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate a conference resource from a HW conference device and failed, for
example, because all resources were already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the number of resources that are currently in use (active)
for this HW conference device. One resource represents one stream.

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and
are still available to be used now for a HW conference device. One resource
represents one stream.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of resources for a HW conference
bridge device. This counter equals the sum of the counters ResourceAvailable
and ResourceActive. One resource represents one stream.

Cisco IP Manager Assistant

The Cisco IP Manager Assistant (IPMA) Service object provides information about the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Assistant application. The following table contains information on Cisco IPMA

Table 24: Cisco IP Manager Assistant Service

Counters Counter Description

AssistantsActive This counter represents the number of assistant consoles that are currently
active. An active assistant console exists when an assistant is logged in from
the assistant console desktop application.

LinesOpen This counter represents the number of phone lines that the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Assistant application opened. An open phone line
exists when the application assumes line control from CTI.

ManagersActive This counter represents the current number of managers that the Cisco IPMA
is servicing.

SessionsCurrent This counter represents the total number of managers assistants that are currently
using the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Assistant application. Each
manager and each assistant constitute an active session; so, for one
manager/assistant pair, this counter would reflect two sessions.

Cisco Lines
The Cisco Lines object represents the number of Cisco lines (directory numbers) that can dial and connect to
a device. Lines represent all directory numbers that terminate on an endpoint. The directory number that is

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assigned to it identifies the line. The Cisco Lines object does not include directory numbers that include
wildcards such as a pattern for a Digital or Analog Access gateway.
The Active counter represents the state of the line, either active or not active. A zero indicates that the line is
not in use. When the number is greater than zero, this indicates that the line is active, and the number represents
the number of calls that are currently in progress on that line. If more than one call is active, this indicates
that the call is on hold either because of being placed on hold specifically (user hold) or because of a network
hold operation (for example, a transfer is in progress, and it is on transfer hold). This applies to all directory
numbers that are assigned to any device.

Cisco Locations
The Cisco Location object provides information about locations that are defined in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. The following table contains information on Cisco location counters.

Table 25: Cisco Locations

Counters Counter Description

BandwidthAvailable This counter represents the current bandwidth in a given location. A value of
0 indicates that no bandwidth is available.

BandwidthMaximum This counter represents the maximum bandwidth that is available in a given
location. A value of 0 indicates that infinite bandwidth is available.

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on a
particular Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that a call on a particular
Cisco Unified Communications Manager through the location failed due to lack
of bandwidth.

RSVP AudioReservationErrorCounts This counter represents the number of RSVP reservation errors in the audio

RSVP MandatoryConnectionsInProgress This counter represents the number of connections with mandatory RSVP that
are in progress.

RSVP OptionalConnectionsInProgress This counter represents the number of connections with optional RSVP that
are in progress.

RSVP TotalCallsFailed This counter represents the total number of failed calls due to a RSVP reservation

RSVP VideoCallsFailed This counter represents the number of video calls that failed due to a RSVP
reservation failure.

RSVP VideoReservationErrorCounts This counter represents the number of RSVP reservation errors in the video

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Counters Counter Description

VideoBandwidthAvailable This counter represents the bandwidth that is currently available for video in
the location where the person who initiated the video conference resides. A
value of 0 indicates that no bandwidth is available.

VideoBandwidthMaximum This counter represents the maximum bandwidth that is available for video in
the location where the person who initiated the video conference resides. A
value of 0 indicates that no bandwidth is allocated for video.

VideoOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of failed video-stream requests (most
likely due to lack of bandwidth) in the location where the person who initiated
the video conference resides.

Cisco Media Streaming Application

The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application object provides information about the registered MTPs,
MOH servers, conference bridge servers, and annunciators. The following table contains information on Cisco
IP Voice Media Streaming Application counters.

Note One object exists for each Cisco Unified Communications Manager in the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager group that is associated with the device pool that the annunciator device is configured to use.

Table 26: Cisco Media Streaming Application

Counter Counter Description

ANNConnectionsLost This counter represents the total number of times since the last restart of the
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application that a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager connection was lost.

ANNConnectionState For each Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is associated with an
annunciator, this counter represents the current registration state to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 0 indicates no registration to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 1 indicates registration to the primary Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 2 indicates connection to the secondary Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (connected to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager but not registered until the primary Cisco Unified Communications
Manager connection fails).

ANNConnectionsTotal This counter represents the total number of annunciator instances that have
been started since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service

ANNInstancesActive This counter represents the number of actively playing (currently in use)

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Counter Counter Description

ANNStreamsActive This counter represents the total number of currently active simplex (one
direction) streams for all connections. Each stream direction counts as one
stream. One internal stream provides the audio input and another output stream
to the endpoint device.

ANNStreamsAvailable This counter represents the remaining number of streams that are allocated for
the annunciator device that are available for use. This counter starts as 2
multiplied by the number of configured connections (defined in the Cisco IP
Voice Media Streaming App service parameter for the Annunciator, Call Count)
and is reduced by one for each active stream that started.

ANNStreamsTotal This counter represents the total number of simplex (one direction) streams that
connected to the annunciator device since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming
Application service started.

CFBConferencesActive This counter represents the number of active (currently in use) conferences.

CFBConferencesTotal This counter represents the total number of conferences that started since the
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service started.

CFBConnectionsLost This counter represents the total number of times since the last restart of the
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application that a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager connection was lost.

CFBConnectionState For each Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is associated with a SW
Conference Bridge, this counter represents the current registration state to Cisco
Unified Communications Manager; 0 indicates no registration to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 1 indicates registration to the primary Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 2 indicates connection to the secondary Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (connected to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager but not registered until the primary Cisco Unified Communications
Manager connection fails).

CFBStreamsActive This counter represents the total number of currently active simplex (one
direction) streams for all conferences. Each stream direction counts as one
stream. In a three-party conference, the number of active streams equals 6.

CFBStreamsAvailable This counter represents the remaining number of streams that are allocated for
the conference bridge that are available for use. This counter starts as 2
multiplied by the number of configured connections (defined in the Cisco IP
Voice Media Streaming App service parameter for Conference Bridge, Call
Count) and is reduced by one for each active stream that started.

CFBStreamsTotal This counter represents the total number of simplex (one direction) streams that
connected to the conference bridge since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming
Application service started.

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Counter Counter Description

MOHAudioSourcesActive This counter represents the number of active (currently in use) audio sources
for this MOH server. Be aware that some of these audio sources may not be
actively streaming audio data if no devices are listening. The exception exists
for multicast audio sources, which will always be streaming audio.
When an audio source is in use, even after the listener has disconnected, this
counter will always have one input stream for each configured MOH codec.
For unicast streams, the stream may exist in a suspended state where no audio
data is received until a device connects to listen to the stream. Each MOH
multicast resource uses one stream for each audio source and codec combination.
For example, if the default audio source is configured for multicast, G.711
mu-law and wideband codecs, then two streams get used (default audio source
+ G.711 mu-law and default audio source + wideband).

MOHConnectionsLost This counter represents the total number of times since the last restart of the
Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application that a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager connection was lost.

MOHConnectionState For each Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is associated with an
MOH, this counter represents the current registration state to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 0 indicates no registration to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 1 indicates registration to the primary Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 2 indicates connection to the secondary Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (connected to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager but not registered until the primary Cisco Unified Communications
Manager connection fails).

MOHStreamsActive This counter represents the total number of active (currently in use) simplex
(one direction) streams for all connections. One output stream exists for each
device that is listening to a unicast audio source, and one input stream exists
for each active audio source, multiplied by the number of MOH codecs.
When an audio source has been used once, it will always have one input stream
for each configured MOH codec. For unicast streams, the stream may exist in
a suspended state where no audio data is received until a device connects to
listen to the stream. Each MOH multicast resource uses one stream for each
audio source and codec combination. For example, if the default audio source
is configured for multicast, G.711 mu-law and wideband codecs, then two
streams get used (default audio source + G.711 mu-law and default audio source
+ wideband).

MOHStreamsAvailable This counter represents the remaining number of streams that are allocated for
the MOH device that are available for use. This counter starts as 408 plus the
number of configured half-duplex unicast connections and is reduced by 1 for
each active stream that started. The counter gets reduced by 2 for each multicast
audio source, multiplied by the number of MOH codecs that are configured.
The counter gets reduced by 1 for each unicast audio source, multiplied by the
number of MOH codecs that are configured.

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Counter Counter Description

MOHStreamsTotal This counter represents the total number of simplex (one direction) streams that
have connected to the MOH server since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming
Application service started.

MTPConnectionsLost This counter represents the total number of times since the last restart of the
Cisco IP Voice Streaming Application that a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager connection was lost.

MTPConnectionState For each Cisco Unified Communications Manager that is associated with an
MTP, this counter represents the current registration state to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 0 indicates no registration to Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 1 indicates registration to the primary Cisco Unified
Communications Manager; 2 indicates connection to the secondary Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (connected to Cisco Unified Communications
Manager but not registered until the primary Cisco Unified Communications
Manager connection fails).

MTPConnectionsTotal This counter represents the total number of MTP instances that have been started
since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming Application service started.

MTPInstancesActive This counter represents the number of active (currently in use) instances of

MTPStreamsActive This counter represents the total number of currently active simplex (one
direction) streams for all connections. Each stream direction counts as one

MTPStreamsAvailable This counter represents the remaining number of streams that are allocated for
the MTP device that are available for use. This counter starts as 2 multiplied
by the number of configured connections (defined in the Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming App service parameter for MTP, Call Count) and is reduced by one
for each active stream that started.

MTPStreamsTotal This counter represents the total number of simplex (one direction) streams that
connected to the MTP device since the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming
Application service started.

Cisco MGCP BRI Device

The Cisco Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) Device object provides
information about registered Cisco MGCP BRI devices. The following table contains information on
Cisco MGCP BRI device counters.

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Table 27: Cisco MGCP BRI Device

Counters Counter Description

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from this MGCP Basic Rate Interface (BRI) device

Channel 1 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
with the MGCP BRI device. Possible values: 0 (Unknown) indicates the status
of the channel could not be determined; 1 (Out of service) indicates that this
channel is not available for use; 2 (Idle) indicates that this channel has no active
call and is ready for use; 3 (Busy) indicates an active call on this channel; 4
(Reserved) indicates that this channel has been reserved for use as a D-channel
or for use as a Synch-Channel for BRI.

Channel 2 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
with the MGCP BRI device. Possible values: 0 (Unknown) indicates the status
of the channel could not be determined; 1 (Out of service) indicates that this
channel is not available for use; 2 (Idle) indicates that this channel has no active
call and is ready for use; 3 (Busy) indicates an active call on this channel; 4
(Reserved) indicates that this channel has been reserved for use as a D-channel
or for use as a Synch-Channel for BRI.

DatalinkInService This counter represents the state of the Data Link (D-Channel) on the
corresponding digital access gateway. This value will get set to 1 (one) if the
Data Link is up (in service) or 0 (zero) if the Data Link is down (out of service).

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that a call through this MGCP
BRI device was attempted when no voice channels were available.

Cisco MGCP FXO Device

The Cisco Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) Device object provides
information about registered Cisco MGCP FXO devices. The following table contains information on
Cisco MGCP FXO device counters.

Table 28: Cisco MGCP FXO Device

Counters Counter Description

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from the port on an MGCP FXO device.

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that a call through the port
on this MGCP FXO device was attempted when no voice channels were

PortStatus This counter represents the status of the FXO port that is associated with this
MGCP FXO device.

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Cisco MGCP FXS Device

The Cisco MGCP Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) Device object provides information about registered Cisco
MGCP FXS devices. One instance of this object gets created for each port on a Cisco Catalyst 6000 24 port
FXS Analog Interface Module gateway. For example, a fully configured Catalyst 6000 Analog Interface
Module would represent 24 separate instances of this object. The following table contains information on
Cisco MGCP FXS device counters.

Table 29: Cisco MGCP FXS Device

Counters Counter Description

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from this port on the MGCP FXS device.

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that a call through this port
on the MGCP FXS device was attempted when no voice channels were available.

PortStatus This counter represents the status of the FXS port that is associated with a
MGCP FXS device.

Cisco MGCP Gateways

The Cisco MGCP Gateways object provides information about registered MGCP gateways. The following
table contains information on Cisco MGCP gateway counters.

Table 30: Cisco MGCP Gateways

Counters Counter Description

BRIChannelsActive This counter represents the number of BRI voice channels that are currently
active in a call in the gateway

BRISpansInService This counter represents the number of BRI spans that are currently available
for use in the gateway.

FXOPortsActive This counter represents the number of FXO ports that are currently active in a
call in the gateway.

FXOPortsInService This counter represents the number of FXO ports that are currently available
for use in the gateway.

FXSPortsActive This counter represents the number of FXS ports that are currently active in a
call in the gateway.

FXSPortsInService This counter represents the number of FXS ports that are currently available
for use in the gateway.

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Counters Counter Description

PRIChannelsActive This counter represents the number of PRI voice channels that are currently
active in a call in the gateway.

PRISpansInService This counter represents the number of PRI spans that are currently available
for use in the gateway.

T1ChannelsActive This counter represents the number of T1 CAS voice channels that are currently
active in a call in the gateway.

T1SpansInService This counter represents the number of T1 CAS spans that are currently available
for use in the gateway.

Cisco MGCP PRI Device

The Cisco MGCP Primary Rate Interface (PRI) Device object provides information about registered Cisco
MGCP PRI devices. The following table contains information on Cisco MGCP PRI device counters.

Table 31: Cisco MGCP PRI Device

Counters Counter Description

CallsActive This counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use) on
this MGCP PRI device.

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from this MGCP PRI device.

Channel 1 Status through Channel 15 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
(consecutively numbered) with a MGCP PRI device. Possible values: 0 (Unknown) indicates that the
status of the channel could not be determined; 1 (Out of service) indicates that
this channel is not available for use; 2 (Idle) indicates that this channel has no
active call and is ready for use; 3 (Busy) indicates that an active call exists on
this channel; 4 (Reserved) indicates that this channel has been reserved for use
as a D-Channel or for use as a Synch-Channel for E-1.

Channel 16 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
with a MGCP PRI Device. Possible values: 0-Unknown, 1-Out of service,
2-Idle, 3-Busy, 4-Reserved, for an E1 PRI Interface, this channel is reserved
for use as a D-Channel.

Channel 17 Status through Channel 31 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
(consecutively numbered) with the MGCP PRI Device. 0-Unknown, 1-Out of service, 2-Idle, 3-Busy,

DatalinkInService This counter represents the state of the Data Link (D-Channel) on the
corresponding digital access gateway. This value will get set to 1 (one) if the
Data Link is up (in service) or 0 (zero) if the Data Link is down (out of service).

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Counters Counter Description

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that a call through an MGCP
PRI device was attempted when no voice channels were available.

Cisco MGCP T1 CAS Device

The Cisco MGCP T1 Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) Device object provides information about registered
Cisco MGCP T1 CAS devices. The following table contains information on Cisco MGCP TI CAS device

Table 32: Cisco MGCP T1 CAS Device

Counters Counter Description

CallsActive This counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use) on
this MGCP T1 CAS device.

CallsCompleted This counter represents the total number of successful calls that were made
from this MGCP T1 CAS device.

Channel 1 Status through Channel 24 Status This counter represents the status of the indicated B-Channel that is associated
(consecutively numbered) with an MGCP T1 CAS device. Possible values: 0 (Unknown) indicates the
status of the channel could not be determined; 1 (Out of service) indicates that
this channel is not available for use; 2 (Idle) indicates that this channel has no
active call and is ready for use; 3 (Busy) indicates that an active call exists on
this channel; 4 (Reserved) indicates that this channel has been reserved for use
as a D-Channel or for use as a Synch-Channel for E-1.

OutboundBusyAttempts This counter represents the total number of times that a call through the MGCP
T1 CAS device was attempted when no voice channels were available.

Cisco Mobility Manager

The Cisco Mobility Manager object provides information on registered Cisco Unified Mobility Manager
devices. The following table contains information on Cisco Unified Mobility Manager device counters.

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Table 33: Cisco Mobility Manager

Counters Counter Description

MobileCallsAnchored This counter represents the total number of paths that are associated with
single-mode/dual-mode phone call that is currently anchored on a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Call anchoring occurs when a call enters an
enterprise gateway and connects to a mobility application that then uses
redirection to send the call back out an enterprise gateway. For example, this
counter increments twice for a dual-mode phone-to-dual-mode phone call: once
for the originating call and once for the terminating call. When the call
terminates, this counter decrements accordingly.

MobilityHandinsAborted This counter represents the total number of aborted handins.

MobileHandinsCompleted This counter represents the total number of handins that were completed by
dual-mode phones. A completed handin occurs when the call successfully
connects in the enterprise network and the phone moves from WAN to WLAN.

MobilityHandinsFailed This counter represents the total number of handins (calls on mobile devices
that move from cellular to the wireless network) that failed.

MobilityHandoutsAborted This counter represents the total number of aborted handouts.

MobileHandoutsCompleted This counter represents the total number of handouts (calls on mobile devices
that move from the enterprise WLAN network to the cellular network) that
were completed. A completed handout occurs when the call successfully

MobileHandoutsFailed This counter represents the total number of handouts (calls on mobile devices
that move from cellular to the wireless network) that failed.

MobilityFollowMeCallsAttempted This counter represents the total number of follow-me calls that were attempted.

MobilityFollowMeCallsIgnoredDueToAnswerTooSoon This counter represents the total number of follow-me calls that were ignored
before the AnswerTooSoon timer went off.

MobilityIVRCallsAttempted This counter represents the total number of attempted IVR calls.

MobilityIVRCallsFailed This counter represents the total number of failed IVR calls.

MobilityIVRCallsSucceeded This counter represents the total number of successful IVR calls.

MobilitySCCPDualModeRegistered This counter represents the total number of dual-mode SCCP devices that are

MobilitySIPDualModeRegistered This counter represents the total number of dual-mode SIP devices that are

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Cisco Music On Hold (MOH) Device

The Cisco Music On Hold (MOH) Device object provides information about registered Cisco MOH devices.
The following table contains information on Cisco MOH device counters.

Table 34: Cisco MOH Device

Counters Counter Description

MOHHighestActiveResources This counter represents the largest number of simultaneously active MOH
connections for an MOH server. This number includes both multicast and
unicast connections.

MOHMulticastResourceActive This counter represents the number of currently active multicast connections
to multicast addresses that are served by an MOH server.
Each MOH multicast resource uses one stream for each audio source and codec
combination. For example, if the default audio source is configured for multicast,
G.711 mu-law and wideband codecs, two streams get used (default audio source
+ G.711 mu-law and default audio source + wideband).

MOHMulticastResourceAvailable This counter represents the number of multicast MOH connections to multicast
addresses that are served by an MOH server that are not active and are still
available to be used now for the MOH server.
Each MOH multicast resource uses one stream for each audio source and codec
combination. For example, if the default audio source is configured for multicast,
G.711 mu-law and wideband codecs, two streams get used (default audio source
+ G.711 mu-law and default audio source + wideband).

MOHOutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that the Media Resource
Manager attempted to allocate an MOH resource when all available resources
on all MOH servers that are registered with a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager were already active.

MOHTotalMulticastResources This counter represents the total number of multicast MOH connections that
are allowed to multicast addresses that are served by an MOH server.
Each MOH multicast resource uses one stream for each audio source and codec
combination. For example, if the default audio source is configured for multicast,
G.711 mu-law and wideband codecs, two streams get used (default audio source
+ G.711 mu-law and default audio source + wideband).

MOHTotalUnicastResources This counter represents the total number of unicast MOH connections that are
allowed by an MOH server.
Each MOH unicast resource uses one stream.

MOHUnicastResourceActive This counter represents the number of active unicast MOH connections to an
MOH server.
Each MOH unicast resource uses one stream.

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Counters Counter Description

MOHUnicastResourceAvailable This counter represents the number of unicast MOH connections that are not
active and are still available to be used now for an MOH server.
Each MOH unicast resource uses one stream.

Cisco MTP Device

The Cisco Media Termination Point (MTP) Device object provides information about registered Cisco MTP
devices. The following table contains information on Cisco MTP device counters.

Table 35: Cisco MTP Device

Counters Counter Description

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate an MTP resource from an MTP device and failed; for example, because
all resources were already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the number of MTP resources that are currently in use
(active) for an MTP device.
Each MTP resource uses two streams. An MTP in use represents one MTP
resource that has been allocated for use in a call.

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of MTP resources that are not active
and are still available to be used now for an MTP device.
Each MTP resource uses two streams. An MTP in use represents one MTP
resource that has been allocated for use in a call.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of MTP resources that an MTP device
provides. This counter equals the sum of the counters ResourceAvailable and

Cisco Phones
The Cisco Phones object provides information about the number of registered Cisco Unified IP Phones,
including both hardware-based and other station devices.
The CallsAttempted counter represents the number of calls that have been attempted from this phone. This
number increases each time that the phone goes off hook and on hook.

Cisco Presence Feature

The Cisco Presence object provides information about presence subscriptions, such as statistics that are related
to the speed dial or call list Busy Lamp Field (BLF) subscriptions. The following table contains information
on Cisco Presence feature.

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Table 36: Cisco Presence

Counters Counter Description

ActiveCallListAndTrunkSubscriptions This counter represents the active presence subscriptions for the call list feature
as well as presence subscriptions through SIP trunk.

ActiveSubscriptions This counter represents all active incoming and outgoing presence subscriptions.

CallListAndTrunkSubscriptionsThrottled This counter represents the cumulative number of rejected call list and trunk
side presence subscriptions due to throttling for the call list feature.

IncomingLineSideSubscriptions This counter represents the cumulative number of presence subscriptions that
were received on the line side.

IncomingTrunkSideSubscriptions This counter represents the cumulative number of presence subscriptions that
were received on the trunk side.

OutgoingTrunkSideSubscriptions This counter represents the cumulative number of presence subscriptions that
were sent on the trunk side.

Cisco QSIG Feature

The Cisco QSIG Feature object provides information regarding the operation of various QSIG features, such
as call diversion and path replacement. The following table contains information on the Cisco QSIG feature

Table 37: Cisco QSIG Feature

Counters Counter Description

CallForwardByRerouteCompleted This counter represents the number of successful calls that has been forwarded
by rerouting. Call forward by rerouting enables the path for a forwarded call
to be optimized (minimizes the number of B-Channels in use) from the originator
perspective. This counter gets reset when the Cisco CallManager service
parameter Call Forward by Reroute Enabled is enabled or disabled, or when
the Cisco CallManager service restarts.

PathReplacementCompleted This counter represents the number of successful path replacements that have
occurred. Path replacement in a QSIG network optimizes the path between two
edge PINX (PBXs) that are involved in a call. This counter resets when the
Cisco CallManager service parameter Path Replacement Enabled is enabled or
disabled, or when the Cisco CallManager service restarts.

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Cisco Signaling Performance

The Cisco Signaling Performance object provides call-signaling data on transport communications on Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. The following table contains information on the Cisco Signaling
Performance counter.

Table 38: Cisco Signaling Performance

Counters Counter Description

UDPPacketsThrottled This counter represents the total number of incoming UDP packets that were
throttled (dropped) because they exceeded the threshold for the number of
incoming packets per second that is allowed from a single IP address. Configure
the threshold via the SIP Station UDP Port Throttle Threshold and SIP Trunk
UDP Port Throttle Threshold service parameters in Cisco Unified CM
Administration. This counter increments for every throttled UDP packet that
was received since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager Service.

Cisco SIP
The Cisco Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) object provides information about configured SIP devices. The
following table contains information on the Cisco SIP counters.

Table 39: Cisco SIP

Counters Counter Description

CallsActive This counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use) on
this SIP device.

CallsAttempted This counter represents the number of calls that have been attempted on this
SIP device, including both successful and unsuccessful call attempts.

CallsCompleted This counter represents the number of calls that were actually connected (a
voice path was established) from a SIP device. This number increases when
the call terminates.

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on a
SIP device, including all active calls. When all calls that are in progress are
connected, the number of CallsInProgress equals the number of CallsActive.

VideoCallsActive This counter represents the number of video calls with streaming video
connections that are currently active (in use) on this SIP device.

VideoCallsCompleted This counter represents the number of video calls that were actually connected
with video streams for this SIP device. This number increments when the call

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Cisco SIP Normalization

The Cisco SIP Normalization performance object contains counters that allow you to monitor aspects of the
normalization script, including initialization errors, runtime errors, and script status. Each device that has an
associated script causes a new instance of these counters to be created. The following table contains information
on the Cisco SIP Normalization counters..

Table 40: Cisco SIP Normalization

Display Name Description

DeviceResetAutomatically This counter indicates the number of times that Cisco Unified CM automatically
resets the device (SIP trunk). The device reset is based on the values that are
specified in the Script Execution Error Recovery Action and System Resource
Error Recovery Action fields on the SIP Normalization Script Configuration
window in Cisco Unified CM Administration. When the device (SIP trunk) is
reset due to script errors, the counter value increments. This count restarts when
the device is reset manually.

DeviceResetManually This counter indicates the number of times that the device (SIP trunk) is reset
manually in Cisco Unified CM Administration or by other methods, such as
AXL. When the device associated with a script is reset due to configuration
changes, the counter value increments.
The counter restarts in the following situations:
The SIP trunk is deleted.
The script on the trunk gets changed or deleted.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager restarts.

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Display Name Description

ErrorExecution This counter represents the number of execution errors that occurred while the
script executed. Execution errors can occur while a message handler executes.
Execution errors can be caused by resource errors, an argument mismatch in a
function call, and so on.
When an execution error occurs, Cisco Unified CM performs the following
Automatically restores the message to the original content before applying
additional error handling actions.
Increments the value of the counter.
Takes appropriate action based on the configuration of the Script Execution
Error Recovery Action and System Resource Error Recovery Action fields
in Cisco Unified CM Administration.

Check the SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm for details, including the line

number in the script that failed. Correct the script problem, upload the corrected
script as needed, and reset the trunk. This counter increments every time an
execution error occurs. This counter provides a count from the most recent trunk
reset that involved a script configuration change. (A device reset alone does not
restart the count; the script configuration must also change before the reset
If the counter continues to increment after you fix the script problem, examine
the script again.

ErrorInit This counter represents the number of times a script error occurred after the
script successfully loaded into memory, but failed to initialize in Cisco Unified
CM. A script can fail to initialize due to resource errors, an argument mismatch
in a function call, the expected table was not returned, and so on.
Check the SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm for details, including the line
number in the script that failed. Correct the script problem, upload the corrected
script as needed, and reset the trunk. This counter increments every time an
initialization error occurs. This counter provides a count from the most recent
trunk reset that was accompanied by a script configuration change. (A device
reset alone does not restart the count; the script configuration must also change
before the reset occurs.) If the counter continues to increment after you fix the
script problem, examine the script again. When the error occurs during
initialization, Cisco Unified CM automatically disables the script.

ErrorInternal This counter indicates the number of internal errors that occurred while the script
executed. Internal errors are very rare. If the value in this counter is higher than
zero, a defect exists in the system that is not related to the script content or
execution. Collect SDI traces and contact the Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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Display Name Description

ErrorLoad This counter represents the number of times a script error occurred when the
script loaded into memory in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. A script
can fail to load due to memory issues or syntax errors.
Check the SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm for details. Check the script syntax
for errors, upload the corrected script as needed, and reset the trunk. This counter
increments every time a load error occurs. This counter provides a count from
the most recent trunk reset that was accompanied by a script configuration
change. (A device reset alone will not restart the count; the script configuration
must also change before the reset occurs.) If the counter continues to increment
even after you fix the script problem, examine the script again.

ErrorResource This counter indicates whether the script encountered a resource error.
Two kinds of resource errors exist: exceeding the value in the Memory Threshold
field and exceeding the value in the Lua Instruction Threshold field. (Both fields
display on the SIP Normalization Script Configuration window in Cisco Unified
CM Administration.) If either condition occurs, Cisco Unified Communications
Manager immediately closes the script and issues the
SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm.
If a resource error occurs while the script loads or initializes, the script is disabled.
If a resource error occurs during execution, the configured system resource error
recovery action is taken. (The setting of the System Resource Error Recovery
Action field on the SIP Normalization Script Configuration window in Cisco
Unified CM Administration defines this action.)

MemoryUsage This counter specifies the amount of memory, in bytes, that the script consumes.
This counter increases and decreases to match the amount of memory that the
script uses. This count gets cleared when the script closes (because a closed
script does not consume memory) and restarts when the script opens (gets
enabled). A high number in this counter indicates a resource problem. Check
the MemoryUsagePercentage counter and the SIPNormalizationResourceWarning
alarm, which occur when the resource consumption exceeds an internally set

MemoryUsagePercentage This counter specifies the percentage of the total amount of memory that the
script consumes.
The value in this counter is derived by dividing the value in the MemoryUsage
counter by the value in the Memory Threshold field (in the SIP Normalization
Script Configuration window) and multiplying the result by 100 to arrive at a
This counter increases and decreases in accordance with the MemoryUsage
counter. This count gets cleared when the script closes (because closed scripts
do not consume memory) and restarts when the script opens (gets enabled).
When this counter reaches the internally controlled resource threshold, the
SIPNormalizationResourceWarning alarm is issued.

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Display Name Description

MessageRollback This counter indicates the number of times that the system automatically rolled
back a message. The system rolls back the message by using the error handling
that is specified in the Script Execution Error Recovery Action field in the SIP
Normalization Script Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration.
When an execution error occurs, Cisco Unified CM automatically restores the
message to the original content before applying additional error handling actions.
If error handling specifies Rollback only, no further action is taken beyond
rolling back to the original message before the normalization attempt. For the
other possible Script Execution Error Recovery Actions, message rollback always
occurs first, followed by the specified action, such as disabling the script,
resetting the script automatically, or resetting the trunk automatically.

msgAddContentBody This counter represents the number of times that the script added a content body
to the message. If you are using the msg:addContentBody API in the script, this
counter increases each time that the msg:addContentBody API executes
successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic
for errors.

msgAddHeader This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
to the message. If you are using the msg:addHeader API in the script, this counter
increases each time that the msg:addHeader API executes successfully. If the
counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

msgAddHeaderUriParameter This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
URI parameter to a SIP header in the message. If you are using the
msg:addHeaderUriParameter API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the msg:addHeaderUriParameter API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

msgAddHeaderValueParameter This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
value parameter to a SIP header in the message. If you are using the
msg:addHeaderValueParameter API in the script, this counter increases each
time that the msg:addHeaderValueParameter API executes successfully. If the
counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

msgApplyNumberMask This counter represents the number of times that the script applied a number
mask to a SIP header in the message. If you are using the msg:applyNumberMask
API in the script, this counter increases each time that the msg:applyNumberMask
API executes successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine
the script logic for errors.

msgBlock This counter represents the number of times that the script blocked a message.
If you are using the msg:block API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the msg:block API executes successfully. If the counter behavior is not as
expected, examine the script logic for errors.

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Display Name Description

msgConvertDiversionToHI This counter represents the number of times that the script converted Diversion
headers into History-Info headers in the message. If you are using the
msg:convertDiversionToHI API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the msg:convertDiversionToHI API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

msgConvertHIToDiversion This counter represents the number of times that the script converted Diversion
headers into History-Info headers in the message. If you are using the
msg:convertDiversionToHI API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the msg:convertDiversionToHI API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

msgModifyHeader This counter represents the number of times that the script modified a SIP header
in the message. If you are using the msg:modifyHeader API in the script, this
counter increases each time that the msg:modifyHeader API executes
successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic
for errors.

msgRemoveContentBody This counter represents the number of times that the script removed a content
body from the message. If you are using the msg:removeContentBody API in
the script, this counter increases each time that the msg:removeContentBody
API executes successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine
the script logic for errors.

msgRemoveHeader This counter represents the number of times that the script removed a SIP header
from the message. If you are using the msg:removeHeader API in the script,
this counter increases each time that the msg:removeHeader API executes
successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic
for errors.

msgRemoveHeaderValue This counter represents the number of times that the script removed a SIP header
value from the message. If you are using the msg:removeHeaderValue API in
the script, this counter increases each time that the msg:removeHeaderValue
API executes successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine
the script logic for errors.

msgSetRequestUri This counter represents the number of times that the script modified the request
URI in the message. If you are using the msg:setRequestUri API in the script,
this counter increases each time that the msg:setRequestUri API executes
successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic
for errors.

msgSetResponseCode This counter represents the number of times that the script modified the response
code and/or response phrase in the message. If you are using the
msg:setResponseCode API in the script, this counter increases each time that
the msg:setResponseCode API executes successfully. If the counter behavior is
not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

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Display Name Description

msgSetSdp This counter represents the number of times that the script set the SDP in the
message. If you are using the msg:setSdp API in the script, this counter increases
each time that the msg:setSdp API executes successfully. If the counter behavior
is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

ptAddContentBody This counter represents the number of times that the script added a content body
to the PassThrough (pt) object. If you are using the pt:addContentBody API in
the script, this counter increases each time that the pt:addContentBody API
executes successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the
script logic for errors.

ptAddHeader This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
to the PassThrough (pt) object. If you are using the pt:addHeader API in the
script, this counter increases each time that the pt:addHeader API executes
successfully. If the counter behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic
for errors.

ptAddHeaderUriParameter This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
URI parameter to the PassThrough (pt) object. If you are using the
pt:addHeaderUriParameter API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the pt:addHeaderUriParameter API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

ptAddHeaderValueParameter This counter represents the number of times that the script added a SIP header
value parameter to the PassThrough (pt) object. If you are using the
pt:addHeaderValueParameter API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the pt:addHeaderValueParameter API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

ptAddRequestUriParameter This counter represents the number of times that the script added a request URI
parameter to the PassThrough (pt) object. If you are using the
pt:addRequestUriParameter API in the script, this counter increases each time
that the pt:addRequestUriParameter API executes successfully. If the counter
behavior is not as expected, examine the script logic for errors.

ScriptActive This counter indicates whether the script is currently active (running on the
trunk). The following values display for the counter:
0Indicates that the script is closed (disabled).
1Indicates that the script is open and operational.

To open the script that should be running on this trunk, perform the following
1 Check for any alarms that might indicate why the script is not open.
2 Correct any errors.
3 Upload a new script if necessary.
4 Reset the trunk.

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Display Name Description

ScriptClosed This counter indicates the number of times that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager has closed the script.
When the script is closed, it is not enabled on this device.
Cisco Unified CM closes the script under one of the following conditions:
The device was reset manually.
The device was reset automatically (due to an error).
The device was deleted.

This count restarts when the SIP trunk is reset after a change to the script
configuration and when Cisco Unified CM restarts.

ScriptDisabledAutomatically This counter indicates the number of times that the system automatically disabled
the script. The values that are specified in the Script Execution Error Recovery
Action and System Resource Error Recovery Action fields in the SIP
Normalization Script Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration
determine whether the script is disabled. The script also gets disabled as a result
of script error conditions that are encountered during loading and initialization.
This counter provides a count from the most recent manual device reset that
involved a script configuration change (a device reset alone does not restart the
count; the script must also have changed before the reset occurs). This counter
increments every time Cisco Unified CM automatically disables a script due to
script errors.
If the number in this counter is higher than expected, perform the following
Check for SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm and
SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled alarm.
Check for any resource-related alarms and counters in RTMT to determine
whether a resource issue is occurring.
Check for any unexpected SIP normalization events in the SDI trace files.

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Display Name Description

ScriptOpened This counter indicates the number of times that the Cisco Unified CM attempted
to open the script. For the a script to open, it must load into memory in Cisco
Unified CM, initialize, and be operational. A number greater than one in this
counter means that Cisco Unified CM has made more than one attempt to open
the script on this SIP trunk, either for an expected reason or due to an error
during loading or initialization. The error can occur due to execution errors or
resource errors or invalid syntax in the script. Expect this counter to be greater
than one if any of these counters increment: DeviceResetManually,
DeviceResetAutomatically, or ScriptResetAutomatically. The
DeviceResetManually counter increments when an expected event, such as a
maintenance window on the SIP trunk, causes the script to close.
If the number in this counter is high for an unexpected reason, perform the
following actions:
Check for alarms, such as the SIPNormalizationScriptClosed,
SIPNormalizationScriptError, or SIPNormalizationResourceWarning.
Check resource-related alarms and counters in RTMT to determine whether
a resource issue is occurring.
Check for any unexpected SIP normalization events in the SDI trace files.

This count restarts when the SIP trunk resets after a script configuration change
and when Cisco Unified CM restarts.

ScriptResetAutomatically This counter indicates the number of times that the system automatically reset
the script. The script resets based on the values that are specified in the Script
Execution Error Recovery Action and System Resource Error Recovery Action
fields in the SIP Normalization Script Configuration window in Cisco Unified
CM Administration. This counter specifies a count of the number of automatic
script resets after the last manual device reset; this counter increments every
time the Cisco Unified CM automatically resets a script due to script errors.
If the number in this counter is higher than expected, perform the following
Check for a SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm.
Check for any resource-related alarms and counters in RTMT to determine
whether a resource issue is occurring.
Check for any unexpected SIP normalization events in the SDI trace files.

Cisco SIP Stack

The Cisco SIP Stack object provides information about Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) stack statistics that
are generated or used by SIP devices such as SIP Proxy, SIP Redirect Server, SIP Registrar, and SIP User
Agent. The following table contains information on Cisco SIP Stack counters.

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Table 41: Cisco SIP Stack

Counters Counter Description

AckIns This counter represents the total number of ACK requests that the SIP device

AckOuts This counter represents the total number of ACK requests that the SIP device

ByeIns This counter represents the total number of BYE requests that the SIP device
received. This number includes retransmission.

ByeOuts This counter represents the total number of BYE requests that the SIP device
sent. This number includes retransmission.

CancelIns This counter represents the total number of CANCEL requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

CancelOuts This counter represents the total number of CANCEL requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission.

CCBsAllocated This counter represents the number of Call Control Blocks (CCB) that are
currently in use by the SIP stack. Each active SIP dialog uses one CCB.

GlobalFailedClassIns This counter represents the total number of 6xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This number includes retransmission. This class of
responses indicates that a SIP device, that is providing a client function, received
a failure response message. Generally, the responses indicate that a server had
definitive information on a particular called party and not just the particular
instance in the Request-URI.

GlobalFailedClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 6xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This number includes retransmission. This class of responses
indicates that a SIP device, that is providing a server function, received a failure
response message. Generally, the responses indicate that a server had definitive
information on a particular called party and not just the particular instance in
the Request-URI.

InfoClassIns This counter represents the total number of 1xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This includes retransmission. This class of responses
provides information on the progress of a SIP request.

InfoClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 1xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This includes retransmission. This class of responses provides
information on the progress of processing a SIP request.

InfoIns This counter represents the total number of INFO requests that the SIP device
has received. This number includes retransmission.

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Counters Counter Description

InfoOuts This counter represents the total number of INFO requests that the SIP device
has sent. This number includes retransmission.

InviteIns This counter represents the total number of INVITE requests that the SIP device
received. This number includes retransmission.

InviteOuts This counter represents the total number of INVITE requests that the SIP device
sent. This number includes retransmission.

NotifyIns This counter represents the total number of NOTIFY requests that the SIP device
received. This number includes retransmission.

NotifyOuts This counter represents the total number of NOTIFY requests that the SIP device
sent. This number includes retransmission.

OptionsIns This counter represents the total number of OPTIONS requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

OptionsOuts This counter represents the total number of OPTIONS requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission.

PRAckIns This counter represents the total number of PRACK requests that the SIP device
received. This number includes retransmission.

PRAckOuts This counter represents the total number of PRACK requests that the SIP device
sent. This number includes retransmission.

PublishIns This counter represents the total number of PUBLISH requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmissions.

PublishOuts This counter represents the total number of PUBLISH requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission

RedirClassIns This counter represents the total number of 3xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This number includes retransmission. This class of
responses provides information about redirections to addresses where the callee
may be reachable.

RedirClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 3xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This number includes retransmission. This class of responses
provides information about redirections to addresses where the callee may be

ReferIns This counter represents the total number of REFER requests that the SIP device
received. This number includes retransmission.

ReferOuts This counter represents the total number of REFER requests that the SIP device
sent. This number includes retransmission.

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Counters Counter Description

RegisterIns This counter represents the total number of REGISTER requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

RegisterOuts This counter represents the total number of REGISTER requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission.

RequestsFailedClassIns This counter represents the total number of 4xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This number includes retransmission. This class of
responses indicates a request failure by a SIP device that is providing a client

RequestsFailedClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 4xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This number includes retransmission. This class of responses
indicates a request failure by a SIP device that is providing a server function.

RetryByes This counter represents the total number of BYE retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first BYE attempts, subtract the value of this
counter from the value of the sipStatsByeOuts counter.

RetryCancels This counter represents the total number of CANCEL retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first CANCEL attempts, subtract the value
of this counter from the value of the sipStatsCancelOuts counter.

RetryInfo This counter represents the total number of INFO retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first INFO attempts, subtract the value of this
counter from the value of the sipStatsInfoOuts counter.

RetryInvites This counter represents the total number of INVITE retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first INVITE attempts, subtract the value of
this counter from the value of the sipStatsInviteOuts counter.

RetryNotify This counter represents the total number of NOTIFY retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first NOTIFY attempts, subtract the value of
this counter from the value of the sipStatsNotifyOuts counter.

RetryPRAck This counter represents the total number of PRACK retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first PRACK attempts, subtract the value of
this counter from the value of the sipStatsPRAckOuts counter.

RetryPublish This counter represents the total number of PUBLISH retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first PUBLISH attempts, subtract the value
of this counter from the value of the sipStatsPublishOuts counter.

RetryRefer This counter represents the total number of REFER retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first REFER attempts, subtract the value of
this counter from the value of the sipStatsReferOuts counter.

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Counters Counter Description

RetryRegisters This counter represents the total number of REGISTER retries that the SIP
device sent. To determine the number of first REGISTER attempts, subtract
the value of this counter from the value of the sipStatsRegisterOuts counter.

RetryRel1xx This counter represents the total number of Reliable 1xx retries that the SIP
device sent.

RetryRequestsOut This counter represents the total number of Request retries that the SIP device

RetryResponsesFinal This counter represents the total number of Final Response retries that the SIP
device sent.

RetryResponsesNonFinal This counter represents the total number of non-Final Response retries that the
SIP device sent.

RetrySubscribe This counter represents the total number of SUBSCRIBE retries that the SIP
device sent. To determine the number of first SUBSCRIBE attempts, subtract
the value of this counter from the value of the sipStatsSubscribeOuts counter.

RetryUpdate This counter represents the total number of UPDATE retries that the SIP device
sent. To determine the number of first UPDATE attempts, subtract the value
of this counter from the value of the sipStatsUpdateOuts counter.

SCBsAllocated This counter represents the number of Subscription Control Blocks (SCB) that
are currently in use by the SIP stack. Each subscription uses one SCB.

ServerFailedClassIns This counter represents the total number of 5xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This number includes retransmission. This class of
responses indicates that failure responses were received by a SIP device that is
providing a client function.

ServerFailedClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 5xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This number includes retransmission. This class of responses
indicates that failure responses were received by a SIP device that is providing
a server function.

SIPGenericCounter1 Do not use this counter unless directed to do so by a Cisco Engineering Special
build. Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

SIPGenericCounter2 Do not use this counter unless directed to do so by a Cisco Engineering Special
build. Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

SIPGenericCounter3 Do not use this counter unless directed to do so by a Cisco Engineering Special
build. Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

SIPGenericCounter4 Do not use this counter unless directed to do so by a Cisco Engineering Special
build. Cisco uses information in this counter for diagnostic purposes.

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Counters Counter Description

SIPHandlerSDLQueueSignalsPresent This counter represents the number of SDL signals that are currently on the
four SDL priority queues of the SIPHandler component. The SIPHandler
component contains the SIP stack.

StatusCode1xxIns This counter represents the total number of 1xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
1xx responses:
100 Trying
180 Ringing
181 Call is being forwarded
182 Queued
183 Session Progress

StatusCode1xxOuts This counter represents the total number of 1xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device sent. This count includes the following 1xx
100 Trying
180 Ringing
181 Call is being forwarded
182 Queued
183 Session Progress

StatusCode2xxIns This counter represents the total number of 2xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
2xx responses:
200 OK
202 Success Accepted

StatusCode2xxOuts This counter represents the total number of 2xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device sent. This count includes the following 2xx
200 OK
202 Success Accepted

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Counters Counter Description

StatusCode3xxins This counter represents the total number of 3xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
3xx responses:
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 Incompatible Bandwidth Units
305 Use Proxy
380 Alternative Service

StatusCode302Outs This counter represents the total number of 302 Moved Temporarily response
messages, including retransmission, that the SIP device sent.

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Counters Counter Description

StatusCode4xxIns This counter represents the total number of 4xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
4xx responses:
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Unsupported URI Scheme
417 Unknown Resource Priority
420 Bad Extension
422 Session Expires Value Too Small
423 Interval Too Brief
480 Temporarily Unavailable
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
482 Loop Detected
483 Too Many Hops
484 Address Incomplete
485 Ambiguous
486 Busy Here
487 Request Terminated
488 Not Acceptable Here
489 Bad Subscription Event
491 Request Pending

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Counters Counter Description

StatusCode4xxOuts This counter represents the total number of 4xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device sent. This count includes the following 4xx
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Unsupported URI Scheme
417 Unknown Resource Priority
420 Bad Extension
422 Session Expires Value Too Small
423 Interval Too Brief
480 Temporarily Unavailable
481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist
482 Loop Detected
483 Too Many Hops
484 Address Incomplete
485 Ambiguous
486 Busy Here
487 Request Terminated
488 Not Acceptable Here
489 Bad Subscription Event
491 Request Pending

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Counters Counter Description

StatusCode5xxIns This counter represents the total number of 5xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
5xx responses:
500 Server Internal Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Server Timeout
505 Version Not Supported
580 Precondition Failed

StatusCode5xxOuts This counter represents the total number of 5xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device sent. This count includes the following 5xx
500 Server Internal Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Server Timeout
505 Version Not Supported
580 Precondition Failed

StatusCode6xxIns This counter represents the total number of 6xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device received. This count includes the following
6xx responses:
600 Busy Everywhere
603 Decline
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 Not Acceptable

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Counters Counter Description

StatusCode6xxOuts This counter represents the total number of 6xx response messages, including
retransmission, that the SIP device sent. This count includes the following 6xx
600 Busy Everywhere
603 Decline
604 Does Not Exist Anywhere
606 Not Acceptable

SubscribeIns This counter represents the total number of SUBSCRIBE requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

SubscribeOuts This counter represents the total number of SUBSCRIBE requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission.

SuccessClassIns This counter represents the total number of 2xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device received. This includes retransmission. This class of responses
provides information on the successful completion of a SIP request.

SuccessClassOuts This counter represents the total number of 2xx class SIP responses that the
SIP device sent. This includes retransmission. This class of responses provides
information on the successful completion of a SIP request.

SummaryRequestsIn This counter represents the total number of SIP request messages that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmissions.

SummaryRequestsOut This counter represents the total number of SIP request messages that the device
sent. This number includes messages that originate on the device and messages
that are being relayed by the device. When a particular message gets sent more
than once, each transmission gets counted separately; for example, a message
that is re-sent as a retransmission or as a result of forking.

SummaryResponsesIn This counter represents the total number of SIP response messages that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

SummaryResponsesOut This counter represents the total number of SIP response messages that the SIP
device sent (originated and relayed). This number includes retransmission.

UpdateIns This counter represents the total number of UPDATE requests that the SIP
device received. This number includes retransmission.

UpdateOuts This counter represents the total number of UPDATE requests that the SIP
device sent. This number includes retransmission.

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Cisco SIP Station

The Cisco SIP Station object provides information about SIP line-side devices. The following table contains
information on the Cisco SIP Station counters.

Table 42: Cisco SIP Station

Counters Counter Description

ConfigMismatchesPersistent This counter represents the number of times that a phone that is running SIP
was persistently unable to register due to a configuration version mismatch
between the TFTP server and Cisco Unified Communications Manager since
the last restart of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. This counter
increments each time that Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot
resolve the mismatch and manual intervention is required (such as a
configuration update or device reset).

ConfigMismatchesTemporary This counter represents the number of times that a phone that is running SIP
was temporarily unable to register due to a configuration version mismatch
between the TFTP server and Cisco Unified Communications Manager since
the last restart of the Cisco CallManager service. This counter increments each
time Cisco Unified Communications Manager can resolve the mismatch

DBTimeouts This counter represents the number of new registrations that failed because a
timeout occurred while the system was attempting to retrieve the device
configuration from the database.

NewRegAccepted This counter represents the total number of new REGISTRATION requests
that have been removed from the NewRegistration queue and processed since
the last restart of the Cisco CallManager service.

NewRegQueueSize This counter represents the number of REGISTRATION requests that are
currently on the NewRegistration queue. The system places REGISTRATION
requests that are received from devices that are not currently registered on this
queue before they are processed.

NewRegRejected This counter represents the total number of new REGISTRATION requests
that were rejected with a 486 Busy Here response and not placed on the
NewRegistration queue since the last restart of the Cisco CallManager service.
The system rejects REGISTRATION requests if the NewRegistration queue
exceeds a programmed size.

TokensAccepted This counter represents the total number of token requests that have been granted
since the last Cisco Communications Manager restart. Cisco Unified
Communications Manager grants tokens as long as the number of outstanding
tokens remains below the number that is specified in the Cisco CallManager
service parameter Maximum Phone Fallback Queue Depth.

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Counters Counter Description

TokensOutstanding This counter represents the number of devices that have been granted a token
but have not yet registered. The system requires that devices that are
reconnecting to a higher priority Cisco Unified Communications Manager server
be granted a token before registering. Tokens protect Cisco Unified
Communications Manager from being overloaded with registration requests
when it comes back online after a failover situation.

TokensRejected This counter represents the total number of token requests that have been rejected
since the last Cisco Unified Communications Manager restart. Cisco Unified
Communications Manager will reject token request if the number of outstanding
tokens is greater than the number that is specified in the Cisco CallManager
service parameter Maximum Phone Fallback Queue Depth.

Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device

The Cisco SW Conference Bridge Device object provides information about registered Cisco software
conference bridge devices. The following table contains information on the Cisco software conference bridge
device counters.

Table 43: Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device

Counters Counter Description

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate a conference resource from a SW conference device and failed because
all resources were already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the number of resources that are currently in use (active)
for a SW conference device. One resource represents one stream.

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and
are still available to be used now for a SW conference device. One resource
represents one stream.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of conference resources that a SW
conference device provides. One resource represents one stream.This counter
equals the sum of the ResourceAvailable and ResourceActive counters.

SWConferenceActive This counter represents the number of software-based conferences that are
currently active (in use) on a SW conference device.

SWConferenceCompleted This counter represents the total number of conferences that have been allocated
and released on a SW conference device. A conference starts when the first call
connects to the bridge. The conference completes when the last call disconnects
from the bridge.

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Cisco TFTP Server

The Cisco Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) Server object provides information about the Cisco TFTP
server. The following table contains information on Cisco TFTP server counters.

Table 44: Cisco TFTP Server

Counters Counter Description

BuildAbortCount This counter represents the number of times that the build process aborted when
it received a Build all request. This counter increases when building of
device/unit/softkey/dial rules gets aborted as a result of group level change

BuildCount This counter represents the number of times since the TFTP service started that
the TFTP server has built all the configuration files in response to a database
change notification that affects all devices. This counter increases by one every
time the TFTP server performs a new build of all the configuration files.

BuildDeviceCount This counter represents the number of devices that were processed in the last
build of all the configuration files. This counter also updates while processing
device change notifications. The counter increases when a new device is added
and decreases when an existing device is deleted.

BuildDialruleCount This counter represents the number of dial rules that were processed in the last
build of the configuration files. This counter also updates while processing dial
rule change notifications. The counter increases when a new dial rule is added
and decreases when an existing dial rule is deleted.

BuildDuration This counter represents the time in seconds that it took to build the last
configuration files.

BuildSignCount This counter represents the number of security-enabled phone devices for which
the configuration file was digitally signed with the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager server key in the last build of all the configuration
files. This counter also updates while processing security-enabled phone device
change notifications.

BuildSoftKeyCount This counter represents the number of softkeys that were processed in the last
build of the configuration files. This counter increments when a new softkey
is added and decrements when an existing softkey is deleted.

BuildUnitCount This counter represents the number of gateways that were processed in the last
build of all the configuration files. This counter also updates while processing
unit change notifications. The counter increases when a new gateway is added
and decreases when an existing gateway is deleted.

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Counters Counter Description

ChangeNotifications This counter represents the total number of all the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager database change notifications that the TFTP server
received. Each time that a device configuration is updated in Cisco Unified CM
Administration, the TFTP server gets sent a database change notification to
rebuild the XML file for the updated device.

DeviceChangeNotifications This counter represents the number of times that the TFTP server received
database change notification to create, update, or delete configuration files for

DialruleChangeNotifications This counter represents the number of times that the TFTP server received
database change notification to create, update, or delete configuration files for
dial rules.

EncryptCount This counter represents the number of configuration files that were encrypted.
This counter gets updated each time a configuration file is successfully encrypted

GKFoundCount This counter represents the number of GK files that were found in the cache.
This counter gets updated each time a GK file is found in the cache

GKNotFoundCount This counter represents the number of GK files that were not found in the cache.
This counter gets updated each time a request to get a GK file results in the
cache not finding it

HeartBeat This counter represents the heartbeat of the TFTP server. This incremental
count indicates that the TFTP server is up and running. If the count does not
increase, this means that the TFTP server is down.

HttpConnectRequests This counter represents the number of clients that are currently requesting the
HTTP GET file request.

HttpRequests This counter represents the total number of file requests (such as requests for
XML configuration files, phone firmware files, audio files, and so on.) that the
HTTP server handled. This counter represents the sum total of the following
counters since the HTTP service started: RequestsProcessed, RequestsNotFound,
RequestsOverflow, RequestsAborted, and RequestsInProgress.

HttpRequestsAborted This counter represents the total number of HTTP requests that the HTTP server.
canceled (aborted) unexpectedly. Requests could get aborted if the requesting
device cannot be reached (for instance, the device lost power) or if the file
transfer was interrupted due to network connectivity problems.

HttpRequestsNotFound This counter represents the total number of HTTP requests where the requested
file was not found. When the HTTP server does not find the requested file, a
message gets sent to the requesting device.

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Counters Counter Description

HttpRequestsOverflow This counter represents the total number of HTTP requests that were rejected
when the maximum number of allowable client connections was reached. The
requests may have arrived while the TFTP server was building the configuration
files or because of some other resource limitation. The Cisco TFTP advanced
service parameter, Maximum Serving Count, sets the maximum number of
allowable connections.

HttpRequestsProcessed This counter represents the total number of HTTP requests that the HTTP server.
successfully processed.

HttpServedFromDisk This counters represents the number of requests that the HTTP server completed
with the files that are on disk and not cached in memory.

LDFoundCount This counter represents the number of LD files that were found in the cache.
This counter gets updated each time that a LD file is found in cache memory.

LDNotFoundCount This counter represents the number of LD files that were not found in cache
memory. This counter gets updated each time that a request to get an LD file
results in the cache not finding it.

MaxServingCount This counter represents the maximum number of client connections that the
TFTP can serve simultaneously. The Cisco TFTP advanced service parameter,
Maximum Serving Count, sets this value.

Requests This counter represents the total number of file requests (such as requests for
XML configuration files, phone firmware files, audio files, and so on.) that the
TFTP server handles. This counter represents the sum total of the following
counters since the TFTP service started: RequestsProcessed, RequestsNotFound,
RequestsOverflow, RequestsAborted, and RequestsInProgress.

RequestsAborted This counter represents the total number of TFTP requests that the TFTP server
canceled (aborted) unexpectedly. Requests could get aborted if the requesting
device cannot be reached (for instance, the device lost power) or if the file
transfer was interrupted due to network connectivity problems.

RequestsInProgress This counter represents the number of file requests that the TFTP server currently
is processing. This counter increases for each new file request and decreases
for each file request that completes. This counter indicates the current load of
the TFTP server.

RequestsNotFound This counter represents the total number of TFTP requests for which the
requested file was not found. When the TFTP server does not find the requested
file, a message gets sent to the requesting device. If this counter increments in
a cluster that is configured as secure, this event usually indicates an error
condition. If, however, the cluster is configured as non-secure, it is normal for
the CTL file to be absent (not found), which results in a message being sent to
the requesting device and a corresponding increment in this counter. For
non-secure clusters, this normal occurrence does not represent an error condition.

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Counters Counter Description

RequestsOverflow This counter represents the total number of TFTP requests that were rejected
because the maximum number of allowable client connections was exceeded,
because requests arrived while the TFTP server was building the configuration
files, or because of some other resource limitation. The Cisco TFTP advanced
service parameter, Maximum Serving Count, sets the maximum number of
allowable connections.

RequestsProcessed This counter represents the total number of TFTP requests that the TFTP server
successfully processed.

SegmentsAcknowledged This counter represents the total number of data segments that the client devices
acknowledged. Files get sent to the requesting device in data segments of 512
bytes, and for each 512-byte segment, the device sends the TFTP server an
acknowledgment message. Each additional data segment gets sent upon receipt
of the acknowledgment for the previous data segment until the complete file
successfully gets transmitted to the requesting device.

SegmentsFromDisk This counter represents the number of data segments that the TFTP server reads
from the files on disk, while serving files.

SegmentSent This counter represents the total number of data segments that the TFTP server
sent. Files get sent to the requesting device in data segments of 512 bytes.

SEPFoundCount This counter represents the number of SEP files that were successfully found
in the cache. This counter gets updated each time that a SEP file is found in the

SEPNotFoundCount This counter represents the number of SEP files that were not found in the
cache. This counter gets updated each time that a request to get a SEP file
produces a not found in cache memory result.

SIPFoundCount This counter represents the number of SIP files that were successfully found
in the cache. This counter gets updated each time that a SIP file is found in the

SIPNotFoundCount This counter represents the number of SIP files that were not found in the cache.
This counter gets updated each time that a request to get a SIP file produces a
not found in cache memory result.

SoftkeyChangeNotifications This counter represents the number of times that the TFTP server received
database change notification to create, update, or delete configuration files for

UnitChangeNotifications This counter represents the number of times that the TFTP server received
database change notification to create, update, or delete gateway-related
configuration files.

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Cisco Transcode Device

The Cisco Transcode Device object provides information about registered Cisco transcoding devices. The
following table contains information on Cisco transcoder device counters.

Table 45: Cisco Transcode Device

Counters Counter Description

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate a transcoder resource from a transcoder device and failed; for example,
because all resources were already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the number of transcoder resources that are currently
in use (active) for a transcoder device.
Each transcoder resource uses two streams.

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and
are still available to be used now for a transcoder device.
Each transcoder resource uses two streams.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of transcoder resources that a transcoder
device provided. This counter equals the sum of the ResourceActive and
ResourceAvailable counters.

Cisco Video Conference Bridge

The Cisco Video Conference Bridge object provides information about registered Cisco video conference
bridge devices. The following table contains information on Cisco video conference bridge device counters.

Table 46: Cisco Video Conference Bridge

Counters Counter Description

ConferencesActive This counter represents the total number of video conferences that are currently
active (in use) on a video conference bridge device. The system specifies a
conference as active when the first call connects to the bridge.

ConferencesAvailable This counter represents the number of video conferences that are not active and
are still available on a video conference device.

ConferencesCompleted This counter represents the total number of video conferences that have been
allocated and released on a video conference device. A conference starts when
the first call connects to the bridge. The conference completes when the last
call disconnects from the bridge.

ConferencesTotal This counter represents the total number of video conferences that are configured
for a video conference device.

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Counters Counter Description

OutOfConferences This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
initiate a video conference from a video conference device and failed because
the device already had the maximum number of active conferences that is
allowed (as specified by the TotalConferences counter).

OutOfResources This counter represents the total number of times that an attempt was made to
allocate a conference resource from a video conference device and failed, for
example, because all resources were already in use.

ResourceActive This counter represents the total number of resources that are currently active
(in use) on a video conference bridge device. One resource gets used per

ResourceAvailable This counter represents the total number of resources that are not active and
are still available on a device to handle additional participants for a video
conference bridge device.

ResourceTotal This counter represents the total number of resources that are configured on a
video conference bridge device. One resource gets used per participant.

Cisco Web Dialer

The Cisco Web Dialer object provides information about the Cisco Web Dialer application and the Redirector
servlet. The following table contains information on the Cisco Web Dialer counters.

Table 47: Cisco Web Dialer

Counters Counter Description

CallsCompleted This counter represents the number of Make Call and End Call requests that
the Cisco Web Dialer application successfully completed.

CallsFailed This counter represents the number of Make Call and End Call requests that
were unsuccessful.

RedirectorSessionsHandled This counter represents the total number of HTTP sessions that the Redirector
servlet handled since the last service startup.

RedirectorSessionsInProgress This counter represents the number of HTTP sessions that are currently being
serviced by the Redirector servlet.

RequestsCompleted This counter represents the number of Make Call and End Call requests that
the Web Dialer servlet successfully completed.

RequestsFailed This counter represents the number of Make Call and End Call requests that

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Counters Counter Description

SessionsHandled This counter represents the total number of CTI sessions that the Cisco Web
Dialer servlet handled since the last service startup.

SessionsInProgress This counter represents the number of CTI sessions that the Cisco Web Dialer
servlet is currently servicing.

Cisco WSM Connector

The WSM object provides information on WSMConnectors that are configured on Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Each WSMConnector represents a physical Motorola WSM device. The following
table contains information on the Cisco WSM Connector counters.

Table 48: Cisco WSM Connector

Counters Counter Description

CallsActive This counter represents the number of calls that are currently active (in use) on
the WSMConnector device.

CallsAttempted This counter represents the number of calls that have been attempted on the
WSMConnector device, including both successful and unsuccessful call

CallsCompleted This counter represents the number of calls that are connected (a voice path
was established) through the WSMConnector device. The counter increments
when the call terminates.

CallsInProgress This counter represents the number of calls that are currently in progress on the
WSMConnector device. This includes all active calls. When the number of
CallsInProgress equals the number of CallsActive, this indicates that all calls
are connected.

DMMSRegistered This counter represents the number of DMMS subscribers that are registered
to the WSM.

PerfMon Objects and Counters for System

This section provides information on Cisco Unified Communications Manager System PerfMon objects and

Cisco Tomcat Connector

The Tomcat Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)/HTTP Secure (HTTPS) Connector object provides
information about Tomcat connectors. A Tomcat HTTP connector represents an endpoint that receives requests

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and sends responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends HTTP/HTTPS responses that
occur when Cisco Unified Communications Manager related web pages are accessed. The Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) status of the URLs for web applications provides the basis for the instance name for each Tomcat
HTTP Connector. For example, https://<IP Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP
Address>:8080 for non-SSL. The following table contains information on the Tomcat HTTP connector

Table 49: Cisco Tomcat Connector

Counters Counter Description

Errors This counter represents the total number of HTTP errors (for example, 401
Unauthorized) that the connector encountered. A Tomcat HTTP connector
represents an endpoint that receives requests and sends responses. The connector
handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur
when Cisco Unified Communications Manager related windows are accessed.
The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status of the URLs for the web application
provides basis for the instance name for each Tomcat HTTP connector. For
example, https://<IP Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP
Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

MBytesReceived This counter represents the amount of data that the connector received. A Tomcat
HTTP connector represents an endpoint that receives requests and sends
responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends
HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related windows are accessed. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status
of the URLs for the web application provides basis for the instance name for
each Tomcat HTTP connector. For example, https://<IP
Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

MBytesSent This counter represents the amount of data that the connector sent. A Tomcat
HTTP connector represents an endpoint that receives requests and sends
responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends
HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related windows are accessed. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status
of the URLs for the web application provides basis for the instance name for
each Tomcat HTTP connector. For example, https://<IP
Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

Requests This counter represents the total number of request that the connector handled.
A Tomcat HTTP connector represents an endpoint that receives requests and
sends responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends
HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related windows are accessed. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status
of the URLs for the web application provides basis for the instance name for
each Tomcat HTTP connector. For example, https://<IP
Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

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Counters Counter Description

ThreadsTotal This counter represents the current total number of request processing threads,
including available and in-use threads, for the connector. A Tomcat HTTP
connector represents an endpoint that receives requests and sends responses.
The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends HTTP/HTTPS
responses that occur when Cisco Unified Communications Manager related
windows are accessed. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status of the URLs for
the web application provides basis for the instance name for each Tomcat HTTP
connector. For example, https://<IP Address>:8443 for SSL or
http://<IP Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

ThreadsMax This counter represents the maximum number of request processing threads for
the connector. Each incoming request on a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related window requires a thread for the duration of that request. If
more simultaneous requests are received than the currently available request
processing threads can handle, additional threads will get created up to the
configured maximum shown in this counter. If still more simultaneous requests
are received, they accumulate within the server socket that the connector created,
up to an internally specified maximum number. Any further simultaneous
requests will receive connection refused messages until resources are available
to process them.
A Tomcat HTTP connector represents an endpoint that receives requests and
sends responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS requests and sends
HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur when Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related windows are accessed. The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) status
of the URLs for the web application provides basis for the instance name for
each Tomcat HTTP connector. For example, https://<IP
Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

ThreadsBusy This counter represents the current number of busy/in-use request processing
threads for the connector. A Tomcat Connector represents an endpoint that
receives requests and sends responses. The connector handles HTTP/HTTPS
requests and sends HTTP/HTTPS responses that occur when web pages that
are related to Cisco Unified Communications Manager are accessed. The Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) status of the URLs for the web application provides the
basis for the instance name for each Tomcat connector. For example,
https://<IP Address>:8443 for SSL or http://<IP
Address>:8080 for non-SSL.

Cisco Tomcat JVM

The Cisco Tomcat Java Virtual Machine (JVM) object provides information about the Tomcat JVM, which
represents, among other things, a pool of common resource memory that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager related web applications such as Cisco Unified CM Administration, Cisco Unified Serviceability,
Cisco Unity Connection Administration, and more use. The following table contains information on the
Tomcat JVM counters.

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Table 50: Tomcat JVM

Counters Counter Description

KBytesMemoryFree This counter represents the amount of free dynamic memory block (heap
memory) in the Tomcat Java Virtual Machine. The dynamic memory block
stores all objects that Tomcat and its web applications, such as Cisco Unified
CM Administration, Cisco Unified Serviceability, and Cisco Unity Connection
create. When the amount of free dynamic memory is low, more memory gets
automatically allocated, and total memory size (represented by the
KbytesMemoryTotal counter) increases but only up to the maximum (represented
by the KbytesMemoryMax counter). You can determine the amount of memory
in use by subtracting KBytesMemoryFree from KbytesMemoryTotal.

KBytesMemoryMax This counter represents the amount of free dynamic memory block (heap
memory) in the Tomcat Java Virtual Machine. The dynamic memory block
stores all objects that Tomcat and its web applications, such as Cisco Unified
CM Administration, Cisco Unified Serviceability, and Cisco Unity Connection
Administration, create.

KBytesMemoryTotal This counter represents the current total dynamic memory block size, including
free and in-use memory, of Tomcat Java Virtual Machine. The dynamic memory
block stores all objects that Tomcat and its web applications, such as Cisco
Unified CM Administration, Cisco Unified Serviceability, and Cisco Unity
Connection Administration, create.

Cisco Tomcat Web Application

The Cisco Tomcat Web Application object provides information about how to run Cisco Unified
Communications Manager web applications. The URLs for the web application provide basis for the instance
name for each Tomcat Web Application. For example, Cisco Unified CM Administration (https://<IP
Address>:8443/ccmadmin) gets identified by ccmadmin, Cisco Unified Serviceability gets identified
by ccmservice, Cisco Unified Communications Manager User Options gets identified by ccmuser, Cisco Unity
Connection Administration (https://<IP Address>:8443/cuadmin) gets identified by cuadmin,
and URLs that do not have an extension, such as https://<IP Address>:8443 or http://<IP
Address>:8080), get identified by _root. The following table contains information on the Tomcat Web
Application counters.

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Table 51: Tomcat Web Application

Counters Counter Description

Errors This counter represents the total number of HTTP errors (for example, 401
Unauthorized) that a Cisco Unified Communications Manager related web application
encountered. The URLs for the web application provide the basis instance name for
each Tomcat Web Application. For example, Cisco Unified CM Administration
(https://<IP Address>:8443/ccmadmin) gets identified by ccmadmin,
Cisco Unified Serviceability gets identified by ccmservice, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager User Options gets identified by ccmuser, Cisco Unity
Connection Administration (https://<IP Address>:8443/cuadmin) gets
identified by cuadmin, and URLs that do not have an extension, such as
https://<IP Address>:8443 or http://<IP Address>:8080), get
identified by _root.

Requests This counter represents the total number of requests that the web application handles.
Each time that a web application is accessed, its Requests counter increments
accordingly. The URLs for the web application provide the basis instance name for
each Tomcat Web Application. For example, Cisco Unified CM Administration
(https://<IP Address>:8443/ccmadmin) gets identified by ccmadmin,
Cisco Unified Serviceability gets identified by ccmservice, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager User Options gets identified by ccmuser, Cisco Unity
Connection Administration (https://<IP Address>:8443/cuadmin) gets
identified by cuadmin, and URLs that do not have an extension, such as
https://<IP Address>:8443 or http://<IP Address>:8080), get
identified by _root.

SessionsActive This counter represents the number of sessions that the web application currently has
active (in use). The URLs for the web application provide the basis instance name for
each Tomcat Web Application. For example, Cisco Unified CM Administration
(https://<IP Address>:8443/ccmadmin) gets identified by ccmadmin,
Cisco Unified Serviceability gets identified by ccmservice, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager User Options gets identified by ccmuser, Cisco Unity
Connection Administration (https://<IP Address>:8443/cuadmin) gets
identified by cuadmin, and URLs that do not have an extension, such as
https://<IP Address>:8443 or http://<IP Address>:8080), get
identified by _root.

Database Change Notification Client

The Database Change Notification Client object provides information on change notification clients. The
following table contains information on the Database Change Notification Client counters.

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Table 52: Database Change Notification Client

Counters Counter Descriptions

MessagesProcessed This counter represents the number of database change notifications that have
been processed. This counter refreshes every 15 seconds.

MessagesProcessing This counter represents the number of change notification messages that are
currently being processed or are waiting to be processed in the change
notification queue for this client. This counter refreshes every 15 seconds.

QueueHeadPointer This counter represents the head pointer to the change notification queue. The
head pointer acts as the starting point in the change notification queue. To
determine the number of notifications in the queue, subtract the head pointer
value from the tail pointer value. By default, this counter refreshes every 15

QueueMax This counter represents the largest number of change notification messages that
will be processed for this client. This counter remains cumulative since the last
restart of the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service.

QueueTailPointer This counter represents the tail pointer to the change notification queue. The
tail pointer represents the ending point in the change notification queue. To
determine the number of notifications in the queue, subtract the head pointer
value from the tail pointer value. By default, this counter refreshes every 15

TablesSubscribed This counter represents the number of tables in which this client has subscribed.

Database Change Notification Server

The Database Change Notification Server object provides information on different change-notification-related
statistics. The following table contains information on the Database Change Notification Server counters.

Table 53: Database Change Notification Server

Counter Counter Descriptions

Clients This counter represents the number of change notification clients
(services/servlets) that have subscribed for change notification.

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Counter Counter Descriptions

Queue Delay This counter provides the number of seconds that the change notification process
has messages to process but is not processing them. This condition is true if:
Either Change Notification Requests Queued in Database
(QueuedRequestsInDB) and Change Notification Requests Queued in
Memory (QueuedRequestsInMemory) are non-zero, or
The Latest Change Notification Messages Processed count is not changing.

This condition gets checked every 15 seconds.

QueuedRequestsInDB This counter represents the number of change notification records that are in
the DBCNQueue (Database Change Notification Queue) table via direct TCP/IP
connection (not queued in shared memory). This counter refreshes every 15

QueuedRequestsInMemory This counter represents the number of change notification requests that are
queued in shared memory.

Database Change Notification Subscription

The Database Change Notification Subscription object displays the names of tables where the client will
receive Change Notifications.
The SubscribedTable object displays the table with the service or servlet that will receive change notifications.
Because the counter does not increment, this display occurs for informational purposes only.

Database Local DSN

The Database Local Data Source Name (DSN) object and LocalDSN counter provide the DSN information
for the local machine. The following table contains information on the Database local DSN.

Table 54: Database Local Data Source Name

Counters Counter Descriptions

CcmDbSpace_Used This counter represents the amount of Ccm DbSpace that is being consumed

CcmtempDbSpace_Used This counter represents the amount of Ccmtemp DbSpace that is being

CNDbSpace_Used This counter represents the percentage of CN dbspace consumed.

LocalDSN This counter represents the data source name (DSN) that is being referenced
from the local machine.

SharedMemory_Free This counter represents total shared memory that is free.

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Counters Counter Descriptions

SharedMemory_Used This counter total shared memory that is used.

RootDbSpace_Used This counter represents the amount of RootDbSpace that is being consumed.

DB User Host Information Counters

The DB User Host Information object provides information on DB User Host. The DB:User:Host Instance
object displays the number of connections that are present for each instance of DB:User:Host.

Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors

The enterprise replication DBSpace monitors object displays the usage of various ER DbSpaces. The following
table contains information on the enterprise replication DB monitors.

Table 55: Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors

Counters Counter Descriptions

ERDbSpace_Used This counter represents the amount of enterprise replication DbSpace that was

ERSBDbSpace_Used This counter represents the amount of ERDbSpace that was consumed.

Enterprise Replication Perfmon Counters

The Enterprise Replication Perfmon Counter object provides information on the various replication counters.
The ServerName:ReplicationQueueDepth counter displays the server name followed by the replication queue

The IP object provides information on the IP statistics on your system. The following table contains information
on the IP counters.

Table 56: IP

Counters Counter Descriptions

Frag Creates This counter represents the number of IP datagrams fragments that have been
generated at this entity.

Frag Fails This counter represents the number of IP datagrams that were discarded at this
entity because the datagrams could not be fragmented, such as datagrams where
the Do not Fragment flag was set.

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Counters Counter Descriptions

Frag OKs This counter represents the number of IP datagrams that were successfully
fragmented at this entity.

In Delivers This counter represents the number of input datagrams that were delivered to
IP user protocols. This includes Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP).

In Discards This counter represents the number of discarded input IP datagrams when no
problems were encountered. Lack of buffer space provides one possible reason.
This counter does not include any datagrams that were discarded while they
were awaiting reassembly.

In HdrErrors This counter represents the number of discarded input datagrams that had header
errors. This includes bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format
errors, time-to-live exceeded, and other errors that were discovered in processing
IP options.

In Receives This counter represents the number of input datagrams that were received from
all network interfaces. This counter includes datagrams that were received with

In UnknownProtos This counter represents the number of locally addressed datagrams that were
received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported

InOut Requests This counter represents the number of incoming IP datagrams that were received
and the number of outgoing IP datagrams that were sent.

Out Discards This counter represents the number of output IP datagrams that were not
transmitted and were discarded. Lack of buffer space provides one possible

Out Requests This counter represents the total number of IP datagrams that local IP protocols,
including ICMP, supply to IP in requests transmission. This counter does not
include any datagrams that were counted in ForwDatagrams.

Reasm Fails This counter represents the number of IP reassembly failures that the IP
reassembly algorithm detected, including time outs, errors, and so on. This
counter does not represent the discarded IP fragments because some algorithms,
such as the algorithm in RFC 815, can lose track of the number of fragments
because it combines them as they are received.

Reasm OKs This counter represents the number of IP datagrams that were successfully

Reasm Reqds This counter represents the number of IP fragments that were received that
required reassembly at this entity.

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The memory object provides information about the usage of physical memory and swap memory on the server.
The following table contains information on memory counters.

Table 57: Memory

Counters Counter Descriptions

% Mem Used This counter displays the system physical memory utilization as a percentage.
The value of this counter equals (Total KBytes - Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes
- Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes) / Total KBytes, which also corresponds to
the Used KBytes/Total KBytes.

% Page Usage This counter represents the percentage of active pages.

% VM Used This counter displays the system virtual memory utilization as a percentage.
The value of this counter equals (Total KBytes - Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes
- Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes + Used Swap KBytes) / (Total KBytes +
Total Swap KBytes), which also corresponds to Used VM KBytes/Total VM

Buffers KBytes This counter represents the capacity of buffers in your system in kilobytes.

Cached KBytes This counter represents the amount of cached memory in kilobytes.

Free KBytes This counter represents the total amount of memory that is available in your
system in kilobytes.

Free Swap KBytes This counter represents the amount of free swap space that is available in your
system in kilobytes.

Faults Per Sec This counter represents the number of page faults (both major and minor) that
the system made per second (post 2.5 kernels only). This does not necessarily
represent a count of page faults that generate I/O because some page faults can
get resolved without I/O.

Low Total This counter represents the total low (non-paged) memory for kernel.

Low Free This counter represents the total free low (non-paged) memory for kernel.

Major Faults Per Sec This counter represents the number of major faults that the system has made
per second that have required loading a memory page from disk (post 2.5 kernels

Pages This counter represents the number of pages that the system paged in from the
disk plus the number of pages that the system paged out to the disk.

Pages Input This counter represents the number of pages that the system paged in from the

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Counters Counter Descriptions

Pages Input Per Sec This counter represents the total number of kilobytes that the system paged in
from the disk per second.

Pages Output This counter represents the number of pages that the system paged out to the

Pages Output Per Sec This counter represents the total number of kilobytes that the system paged out
to the disk per second.

Shared KBytes This counter represents the amount of shared memory in your system in

Total KBytes This counter represents the total amount of memory in your system in kilobytes.

Total Swap KBytes This counter represents the total amount of swap space in your system in

Total VM KBytes This counter represents the total amount of system physical and memory and
swap space (Total Kbytes + Total Swap Kbytes) that is in use in your system
in kilobytes.

Used KBytes This counter represents the amount of system physical memory that is in use
in kilobytes. The value of the Used KBytes counter equals Total KBytes minus
Free KBytes minus Buffers KBytes minus Cached KBytes plus Shared KBytes.
In a Linux environment, the Used KBytes value that displays in the top or free
command output equals the difference of Total KBytes and Free KBytes and
also includes the sum of Buffers KBytes and Cached KBytes.

Used Swap KBytes This counter represents the amount of swap space that is in use on your system
in kilobytes.

Used VM KBytes This counter represents the system physical memory and the amount of swap
space that is in use on your system in kilobytes. The value equals Total KBytes
- Free KBytes - Buffers KBytes - Cached KBytes + Shared KBytes + Used
Swap KBytes. This corresponds to Used Mem KBytes + Used Swap KBytes.

Network Interface
The network interface object provides information about the network interfaces on the system. The following
table contains information on network interface counters.

Table 58: Network Interface

Counters Counter Descriptions

Rx Bytes This counter represents the number of bytes, including framing characters, that
were received on the interface.

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Counters Counter Descriptions

Rx Dropped This counter represents the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be
discarded even though no errors had been detected. This prevents the packet
from being delivered to a higher layer protocol. Discarding packets to free up
buffer space provides one reason.

Rx Errors This counter represents the number of inbound packets (packet-oriented

interfaces) and the number of inbound transmission units (character-oriented
or fixed-length interfaces) that contained errors that prevented them from being
deliverable to a higher layer protocol.

Rx Multicast This counter represents the number of multicast packets that were received on
this interface.

Rx Packets This counter represents the number of packets that this sublayer delivered to a
higher sublayer. This does not include the packets that were addressed to a
multicast or broadcast address at this sublayer.

Total Bytes This counter represents the total number of received (Rx) bytes and transmitted
(Tx) bytes.

Total Packets This counter represents the total number of Rx packets and Tx packets.

Tx Bytes This counter represents the total number of octets, including framing characters,
that were transmitted out from the interface.

Tx Dropped This counter represents the number of outbound packets that were chosen to
be discarded even though no errors were detected. This action prevents the
packet from being delivered to a higher layer protocol. Discarding a packet to
free up buffer space represents one reason.

Tx Errors This counter represents the number of outbound packets (packet-oriented

interfaces) and the number of outbound transmission units (character-oriented
or fixed-length interfaces) that could not be transmitted because of errors.

Tx Packets This counter represents the total number of packets that the higher level protocols
requested for transmission, including those that were discarded or not sent. This
does not include packets that were addressed to a multicast or broadcast address
at this sublayer.

Tx QueueLen This counter represents the length of the output packet queue (in packets).

Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication

The Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication object provides real-time replication information
for the system. The following table contains information on replication counters.

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Table 59: Number of Replicates Created and State of Replication

Counters Counter Descriptions

Number of Replicates Created This counter displays the number of replicates that were created by Informix
for the DB tables. This counter displays information during Replication Setup.

Replicate_State This counter represents the state of replication. The following list provides
possible values:
0Initializing. The counter equals 0 when the server is not defined or
when the server is defined but the template has not completed.
1Replication setup script fired from this node. Cisco recommends that
you run utils dbreplication status on the CLI to determine the location and
cause of the failure.
2Good Replication.
3Bad Replication. A counter value of 3 indicates replication in the
cluster is bad. It does not mean that replication failed on a particular server
in the cluster. Cisco recommends that you run utils dbreplication status
on the CLI to determine the location and cause of the failure.
4Replication setup did not succeed.

The partition object provides information about the file system and its usage in the system. The following
table contains information on partition counters. Be aware that these counters are available for the spare
partition, if present.

Table 60: Partition

Counters Counter Descriptions

% CPU Time This counter represents the percentage of CPU time that is dedicated to handling
I/O requests that were issued to the disk. This counter is no longer valid when
the counter value equals -1.

% Used This counter represents the percentage of disk space that is in use on this file

% Wait in Read Not Used. The Await Read Time counter replaces this counter. This counter is
no longer valid when the counter value equals -1.

% Wait in Write Not Used. The Await Write Time counter replaces this counter.This counter is
no longer valid when the counter value equals -1.

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Counters Counter Descriptions

Await Read Time This counter represents the average time, measured in milliseconds, for Read
requests that are issued to the device to be served. This counter is no longer
valid when the counter value equals -1.

Await Time This counter represents the average time, measured in milliseconds, for I/O
requests that were issued to the device to be served. This includes the time that
the requests spent in queue and the time that was spent servicing them.This
counter is no longer valid when the counter value equals -1.

Await Write Time This counter represents the average time, measured in milliseconds, for write
requests that are issued to the device to be served. This counter is no longer
valid when the counter value equals -1.

Queue Length This counter represents the average queue length for the requests that were
issued to the disk.This counter is no longer valid when the counter value equals

Read Bytes Per Sec This counter represents the amount of data in bytes per second that was read
from the disk.

Total Mbytes This counter represents the amount of total disk space in megabytes that is on
this file system.

Used Mbytes This counter represents the amount of disk space in megabytes that is in use on
this file system.

Write Bytes Per Sec This counter represents the amount of data that was written to the disk in bytes
per second.

The process object provides information about the processes that are running on the system. The following
table contains information on process counters.

Table 61: Process

Counters Counter Descriptions

% CPU Time This counter, which is expressed as a percentage of total CPU time, represents
the tasks share of the elapsed CPU time since the last update.

% MemoryUsage This counter represents the percentage of physical memory that a task is
currently using.

Data Stack Size This counter represents the stack size for task memory status.

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PerfMon Objects and Counters for System

Counters Counter Descriptions

Nice This counter represents the nice value of the task. A negative nice value indicates
that the process has a higher priority while a positive nice value indicates that
the process has a lower priority. If the nice value equals zero, do not adjust the
priority when you are determining the dispatchability of a task.

Page Fault Count This counter represents the number of major page faults that a task encountered
that required the data to be loaded into memory.

PID This counter displays the task-unique process ID. The ID periodically wraps,
but the value will never equal zero.

Process Status This counter displays the process status:

2Uninterruptible disk sleep
5 Paging

Shared Memory Size This counter displays the amount of shared memory (KB) that a task is using.
Other processes could potentially share the same memory.

STime This counter displays the system time (STime), measured in jiffies, that this
process has scheduled in kernel mode. A jiffy corresponds to a unit of CPU
time and gets used as a base of measurement. One second comprises 100 jiffies.

Thread Count This counter displays the number of threads that are currently grouped with a
task. A negative value (-1) indicates that this counter is currently not available.
This happens when thread statistics (which includes all performance counters
in the Thread object as well as the Thread Count counter in the Process object)
are turned off because the system total processes and threads exceeded the
default threshold value.

Total CPU Time Used This counter displays the total CPU time in jiffies that the task used in user
mode and kernel mode since the start of the task. A jiffy corresponds to a unit
of CPU time and gets used as a base of measurement. One second comprises
100 jiffies.

UTime This counter displays the time, measured in jiffies, that a task has scheduled in
user mode.

VmData This counter displays the virtual memory usage of the heap for the task in
kilobytes (KB).

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PerfMon Objects and Counters for System

Counters Counter Descriptions

VmRSS This counter displays the virtual memory (Vm) resident set size (RSS) that is
currently in physical memory in kilobytes (KB). This includes the code, data,
and stack.

VmSize This counter displays the total virtual memory usage for a task in kilobytes
(KB). It includes all code, data, shared libraries, and pages that have been
swapped out: Virtual Image = swapped size + resident size.

Wchan This counter displays the channel (system call) in which the process is waiting.

The processor object provides information on different processor time usage in percentages. The following
table contains information on processor counters.

Table 62: Processor

Counters Counter Descriptions

% CPU Time This counter displays the processors share of the elapsed CPU time, excluding
idle time, since the last update. This share gets expressed as a percentage of
total CPU time.

Idle Percentage This counter displays the percentage of time that the processor is in the idle
state and did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.

IOwait Percentage This counter represents the percentage of time that the processor is in the idle
state while the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.

Irq Percentage This counter represents the percentage of time that the processor spends
executing the interrupt request that is assigned to devices, including the time
that the processor spends sending a signal to the computer.

Nice Percentage This counter displays the percentage of time that the processor spends executing
at the user level with nice priority.

Softirq Percentage This counter represents the percentage of time that the processor spends
executing the soft IRQ and deferring task switching to get better CPU

System Percentage This counter displays the percentage of time that the processor is executing
processes in system (kernel) level.

User Percentage This counter displays the percentage of time that the processor is executing
normal processes in user (application) level.

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PerfMon Objects and Counters for System

The System object provides information on file descriptors on your system. The following table contains
information on system counters.

Table 63: System

Counters Counter Descriptions

Allocated FDs This counter represents the total number of allocated file descriptors.

Being Used FDs This counter represents the number of file descriptors that are currently in use
in the system.

Freed FDs This counter represents the total number of allocated file descriptors on the
system that are freed.

Max FDs This counter represents the maximum number of file descriptors that are allowed
on the system.

Total CPU Time This counter represents the total time in jiffies that the system has been up and

Total Processes This counter represents the total number of processes on the system.

Total Threads This counter represents the total number of threads on the system.

The TCP object provides information on the TCP statistics on your system. The following table contains
information on the TCP counters.

Table 64: TCP

Counters Counter Description

Active Opens This counter displays the number of times that the TCP connections made a
direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.

Attempt Fails This counter displays the number of times that the TCP connections have made
a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-RCVD state or
the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made
a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYS-RCVD state.

Curr Estab This counter displays the number of TCP connections where the current state

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Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Performance Objects and Alerts

Counters Counter Description

Estab Resets This counter displays the number of times that the TCP connections have made
a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state
or the CLOSE-WAIT state.

In Segs This counter displays the total number of segments that were received, including
those received in error. This count only includes segments that are received on
currently established connections.

InOut Segs This counter displays the total number of segments that were sent and the total
number of segments that were received.

Out Segs This counter displays the total number of segments that were sent. This count
only includes segments that are sent on currently established connections, but
excludes retransmitted octets.

Passive Opens This counter displays the number of times that TCP connections have made a
direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.

RetransSegs This counter displays the total number of segments that were retransmitted
because the segment contains one or more previously transmitted octets.

The Thread object provides a list of running threads on your system. The following table contains information
on the Thread counters.

Table 65: Thread

Counters Counter Description

% CPU Time This counter displays the thread share of the elapsed CPU time since the last
update. This counter expresses the share as a percentage of the total CPU time.

PID This counter displays the threads leader process ID.

Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Performance Objects and

This section provides information on new performance objects, and alerts for both the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager server and the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server.

Related Topics
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects, on page 155

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects

Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Alerts, on page 159

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Objects, on page 159
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Alerts, on page 162

Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects

Performance Objects
The following performance objects are available on the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server to support
the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine feature.

Related Topics
IME Configuration Manager, on page 155
IME Server, on page 155
IME Server System Performance, on page 158

IME Configuration Manager

The IME Configuration Manager object provides information about the IME distributed cache certificate.
The following table contains information on the Cisco IME configuration counters.

Table 66: IME Configuration Manager

Counters Counter Description

DaysUntilCertExpiry This counter indicates the number of days that remain until the IME
distributed cache certificate expires. You must replace the certificate before
it expires.
When the value of this counter falls below 14, an alert gets generated once
every day until the value exceeds 14.

IME Server
The IME Server object provides information about the Cisco IME server. The following table contains
information on the Cisco IME Server counters.

Table 67: IME Server

Counters Counter Description

BlockedValidationOrigTLSLimit This counter indicates the total number of blocked validations that occurred
because the TLSValidationThreshold was reached.

BlockedValidationTermTLSLimit This counter indicates the total number of blocked validations that occurred
because the TLSValidationThreshold was reached.

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Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects

Counters Counter Description

ClientsRegistered This counter indicates the number of Cisco IME clients that are currently
connected to the Cisco IME server.

IMEDistributedCacheHealth The counter indicates the health of the IME distributed cache. The following
values may display:
0 (red)Warns that the IME distributed cache is not functioning properly;
for example, the Cisco IME cannot resolve issues after the network has
been partitioned In this case, validation attempts might fail. For example,
the Cisco IME service is not connected to the network and is unable to
reach the bootstrap servers.
An alert gets generated once every hour until the value changes from red
1 (yellow)Indicates that the Cisco IME network is experiencing minor
issues, such as connectivity between bootstrap servers or other Cisco
IME network issues. (Check the Cisco IME alarms to determine network
2 (green)Indicates that the Cisco IME is functioning normally and is
considered healthy.

IMEDistributedCacheNodeCount The counter is an integer that indicates an approximation of the total number
of nodes in the IME distributed cache. Since each physical Cisco IME server
hosts multiple nodes, this counter does not directly indicate the number of
physical Cisco IME servers that participate in the IME distributed cache. This
counter can provide an indication of the health of the IME distributed cache;
for example, a problem may exist with the IME distributed cache if an expected
value displays on one day (for example, 300), but then on the next day, the
value drops dramatically (for example, to 10 or 2).

IMEDistributedCacheQuota Indicates the number of individual DIDs that can be written into the IME
Distributed Cache, by Cisco Unified CMs attached to this IME server. This
number is determined by the overall configuration of the IME Distributed
Cache, and the IME license installed on the IME server.

IMEDistributedCacheQuotaUsed Indicates the total number of unique DID numbers that have been configured,
to be published via enrolled patterns for Intercompany Media Services, by
Cisco Unified CMs currently attached to this IME server.

IMEDistributedCacheReads This counter indicates the total number of reads that the Cisco IME server has
attempted into the IME distributed cache. This number serves as an indicator
of whether the Cisco IME server is functional; that is, whether the server is
interacting with other nodes.

IMEDistributedCacheStoredData This counter indicates the amount of IME distributed cache storage, measured
in bytes, that this Cisco IME server provides.

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Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects

Counters Counter Description

IMEDistributedCacheStores This counter indicates the total number of stores (published numbers) that the
Cisco IME server has attempted into the IME distributed cache. This number
serves as an indicator of whether the Cisco IME server is functional.

InternetBandwidthRecv This counter measures the amount of downlink Internet bandwidth, in Kbits/s,
that the Cisco IME server is consuming.

InternetBandwidthSend This counter measures the amount of uplink Internet bandwidth that the Cisco
IME server in Kbits/s is consuming.

TerminatingVCRs This counter indicates the total Cisco IME voice call records (VCRs) that are
stored on the Cisco IME server after receiving calls. You can use these records
for validating learned routes.

ValidationAttempts This counter indicates the total number of attempts that the Cisco IME server
has made at performing a validation because the dialed number was found in
the Cisco IME network. This counter provides an overall indication of system

ValidationsAwaitingConfirmation This counter indicates the total number of destination phone numbers that have
been validated, but that are awaiting further calls to improve the security of
the system. If you use a higher level of security for learning new routes, the
Cisco IME server requires multiple successful validations for a route before
that route is available for calls over IP. This counter tracks the number of
successful validations that have not resulted in available IP routes.

ValidationsPending This counter, which is an integer, indicates the number of scheduled validation
attempts to retrieve a learned route. This value indicates the backlog of work
for the Cisco IME service on the Cisco IME server.
An alert gets generated when the value rises either above the high watermark
or falls below the low watermark. After the high watermark is reached, an alert
gets sent immediately and then once an hour until the value falls below the
high watermark. When the high watermark is reached, the Cisco IME service
cannot clear the backlog of work prior to the expiration of data; this situation
causes records to drop, and validation may not occur. To reduce the workload,
add more Cisco IME servers that can share the workload.

ValidationsBlocked This counter indicates the number of times that the Cisco IME service rejected
a validation attempt because the calling party was not trusted; that is, the party
was on a blacklist or not on a whitelist. This value provides an indication of
the number of cases where a VoIP calls cannot happen in the future because
of the blocked validation.

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Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Objects

IME Server System Performance

The Cisco IME System Performance object provides information about performance on the Cisco IME server.
The following table contains information on the Cisco IME server system performance counters.

Table 68: IME Server System Performance

Counters Counter Description

QueueSignalsPresent 1-High This counter indicates the number of high-priority signals in the queue on the
Cisco IME server. High-priority signals include timeout events, internal
KeepAlive messages, internal process creation, and so on. A large number of
high-priority events causes degraded performance of the Cisco IME service
and results in slower or failed validations. Use this counter in conjunction with
the QueueSignalsProcessed 1-High counter to determine the processing delay
on the Cisco IME server.

QueueSignalsPresent 2-Normal This counter indicates the number of normal-priority signals in the queue on
the Cisco IME server. Normal-priority signals include call validations, IME
distributed cache operations such as stores and reads, and so on. A large number
of normal-priority events causes degraded performance of the Cisco IME
service and may result in slower or failed validations or disruption to IME
distributed cache connectivity. Use this counter in conjunction with the
QueueSignalsProcessed 2-Normal counter to determine the processing delay
on the Cisco IME server.
Since high-priority signal must complete before normal priority signals begin
to process, check the high-priority counters to accurately understand why a
delay occurs.

QueueSignalsPresent 3-Low This counter indicates the number of low-priority signals in the queue on the
Cisco IME server. Low-priority signals include IME distributed cache signaling
and other events. A large number of signals in this queue may disrupt IME
distributed cache connectivity or other events.

QueueSignalsPresent 4-Lowest This counter indicates the number of lowest-priority signals in the queue on
the Cisco IME server. A large number of signals in this queue may disrupt
IME distributed cache connectivity and other events.

QueueSignalsProcessed 1-High This counter indicates the number of high-priority signals that the Cisco IME
service processes for each one-second interval. Use this counter in conjunction
with the QueueSignalsPresent 1-High counter to determine the processing
delay for this queue.

QueueSignalsProcessed 2-Normal This counter indicates the number of normal-priority signals that the Cisco
IME service processes for each one-second interval. Use this counter in
conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 1-High counter to determine the
processing delay for this queue. High-priority signals are processed before
normal-priority signals.

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Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Alerts

Counters Counter Description

QueueSignalsProcessed 3-Low This counter indicates the number of low-priority signals that the Cisco IME
service processes for each one-second interval. Use this counter in conjunction
with the QueueSignalsPresent 3-Low counter to determine the processing
delay for this queue.

QueueSignalsProcessed 4-Lowest This counter indicates the number of lowest-priority signals that the Cisco
IME service processes for each one-second interval. Use this counter in
conjunction with the QueueSignalsPresent 4-Lowest counter to determine the
processing delay for this queue.

QueueSignalsProcessed Total This counter provides a total of all queue signals that the Cisco IME service
processes for each one-second period for all queue levels: high, normal, low,
and lowest.

Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Server Alerts

The following alerts are available on the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine server to support the Cisco
Intercompany Media Engine feature. For descriptions and default configuration settings, refer to the Cisco
Intercompany Media Engine Installation and Configuration Guide.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Objects

The following performance objects are available on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server to
support Cisco Intercompany Media Engine.

Related Topics
IME Client, on page 160
IME Client Instance, on page 161

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Objects

IME Client
The IME Client object provides information about the Cisco IME client on the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager server. contains information on the Cisco IME client counters.

Table 69: Cisco IME Client

Counters Counter Description

CallsAccepted This counter indicates the number of Cisco IME calls that the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager received successfully and that the called party
answered, resulting in an IP call.

CallsAttempted This counter indicates the number of calls that the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager received through Cisco IME. This number includes
accepted calls, failed calls, and busy, no-answer calls. The counter increments
each time that Cisco Unified Communications Manager receives a call through
Cisco IME.

CallsReceived This counter indicates the number of calls that Cisco Unified Communications
Manager receives through Cisco IME. This number includes accepted calls,
failed calls, and busy, no-answer calls. The counter increments on call

CallsSetup This counter indicates the number of Cisco IME calls that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager placed successfully and that the remote party
answered, resulting in an IP call.

DomainsUnique This counter indicates the number of unique domain names of peer enterprises
that the Cisco IME client discovered. The counter serves as an indicator of
overall system usage.

FallbackCallsFailed This counter indicates the total number of failed fallback attempts.

FallbackCallsSuccessful This counter indicates the total number of Cisco IME calls that have fallen
back to the PSTN mid-call due to a quality problem. The counter includes
calls initiated and calls received by this Cisco Unified Communications

IMESetupsFailed This counter indicates the total number of call attempts for which a Cisco
IME route was available but that were set up through the PSTN due to a
failure to connect to the target over the IP network.

RoutesLearned This counter indicates the total number of distinct phone numbers that the
Cisco IME has learned and that are present as routes in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager routing tables. If this number grows too large, the
server may exceed the per-cluster limit, and you may need to add additional
servers to your cluster.

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Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Objects

Counters Counter Description

RoutesPublished This counter indicates the total number of DIDs that were published
successfully into the IME distributed cache across all Cisco IME client
instances. The counter provides a dynamic measurement that gives you an
indication of your own provisioned usage and a sense of how successful the
system has been in storing the DIDs in the network.

RoutesRejected This counter indicates the number of learned routes that were rejected because
the administrator blacklisted the number or domain. This counter provides
an indication of the number of cases where a VoIP call cannot happen in the
future because of the blocked validation.

VCRUploadRequests This counter indicates the number of voice call record (VCR) upload requests
that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has sent to the Cisco IME
server to be stored in the IME distributed cache.

IME Client Instance

The IME Client Instance object provides information about the Cisco IME client instance on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager server. The following table contains information on the Cisco IME client instance

Table 70: IME Client Instance

Counters Counter Description

IMEServiceStatus This counter indicates the overall health of the connection to the Cisco
IME services for a particular Cisco IME client instance (Cisco Unified
Communications Manager). The following values may display for the
0Indicates an unknown state (which may mean that the Cisco IME
service is not active).
If the value specifies 0, an alert gets generated once per hour while the
connection remains in the unknown state.
1Indicates a healthy state; that is, the Cisco IME service is active, and
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has successfully established
a connection to its primary and backup servers for the Cisco IME client
instance, if configured.
2Indicates an unhealthy state; that is, the Cisco IME service is active,
but the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has not successfully
established a connection to its primary and backup servers for the Cisco
IME client instance, if configured.

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Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool Tracing PerfMon Counters and Alerts
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Alerts

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Server Alerts

The following alerts are available on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server to support Cisco
Intercompany Media Engine. For descriptions and default configuration settings, refer to the Cisco Intercompany
Media Engine Installation and Configuration Guide.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

162 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog
This chapter describes the Cisco Unified Serviceability alarms and error messages and CiscoLog message
format. Network alarms tracked by Cisco Unified Serviceability for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
generate the error messages.

Note A History table lists Cisco Unified Serviceability error messages that have been added, changed, or removed
beginning in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 7.0(1).

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages, page 163

Preconfigured System Alarm Notifications, page 181
Preconfigured CallManager Alarm Notifications, page 181
Emergency-Level Alarms, page 218
Alert-Level Alarms, page 228
Critical-Level Alarms, page 248
Error-Level Alarms, page 263
Warning-Level Alarms, page 388
Notice-Level Alarms, page 507
Informational-Level Alarms, page 532
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 8.0(1) Obsolete Alarms, page 626

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability alarms provide information on runtime status and the state of the system, so you
can troubleshoot problems that are associated with your system. The alarm or error message information
includes the application name, machine name, and recommended action and other critical information to help
you troubleshoot.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CiscoLog Format

You configure the alarm interface to send alarm information to multiple locations, and each location can have
its own alarm event level (from debug to emergency). You can direct alarms to the Syslog Viewer (local
syslog), SNMP traps, Syslog file (remote syslog), SDI trace log file, SDL trace log file (for Cisco Unified
CM and CTIManager services only), or to all destinations.
You use the Trace and Log Central option in the Cisco Unified Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) to collect
alarms that get sent to an SDI or SDL trace log file. To view the alarm information sent to the local syslog,
use the SysLog Viewer in RTMT.

Note All the alarms are logged based on their severity and settings of alarm event level. For information on
viewing the alarm configuration settings, refer to the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide.

CiscoLog Format
CiscoLog, a specification for unified logging in Cisco software applications, gets used in the Cisco Unified
RTMT. It defines the message format when messages are logged into file or by using the syslog protocol. The
output that is provided by Cisco software applications gets used for auditing, fault-management, and
troubleshooting of the services that are provided by these applications.
Be aware that CiscoLog message format is compatible with one of the message formats that is produced by
Cisco IOS Release 12.3 by using the syslog protocol when Cisco IOS Software is configured with the following
service sequence-numbersA default sequence number that is produced by Cisco IOS. An additional
sequence number can also be enabled with this command. This command forces sequence numbers to
be shown in terminal output, but results in two sequence numbers in the syslog output. CiscoLog
standardizes on a format with just one sequence number. Thus, the compliant Cisco IOS Software
configuration occurs when the second number is disabled by using the no service sequence-numbers
logging origin-id hostnameThe CiscoLog HOST field remains consistent with that produced by the
Cisco IOS Release 12.3 when configured with this command. This command does not get documented
in the Cisco IOS Software documentation but is available in Cisco IOS Release 12.3. CiscoLog stays
compatible with the results that Cisco IOS Software produces in this field.
service timestamps log datetime localtime msec show-timezone yearThe CiscoLog TIMESTAMP
field remains consistent with the timestamp format produced by Cisco IOS Release 12.3 when configured
with this command.

Note CiscoLog uses the same field delimiters as Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3.

Log File and Syslog Outputs

When CiscoLog messages are written directly into a log file by an application, each message is on a separate
line. The line separator should be a standard line separator used on a given platform. On Windows, the line
separator must be the sequence of carriage return and line feed characters (ASCII decimal values 13 and 10;
often designated as \r\n in programming languages). On Solaris and Linux, the line separator is a single line

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CiscoLog Format

feed character (ASCII decimal value 10 and in programming languages typically \n). Two line separators
must never appear one after another, for example, you cannot have \r\n\r\n on Windows, but \r\n is fine
because these two characters are a single line separator.
In practical terms, this means that applications should be careful when appending data to an existing log. In
some cases an initial line break is required and in others not. For example, if application crashes when writing
CiscoLog message, but before it wrote a line break to file, then when the application starts up, it should print
an initial line break before printing the next message. An application can determine if an initial line break is
necessary during startup by checking the last character sequence in the log file that will be used for appending.
CiscoLog message format is identical for messages written directly to a log file or those generated by using
the syslog protocol with two minor exceptions. When CiscoLog messages are written directly into to a file
they must be appended with line separators. When CiscoLog messages are sent by using the syslog protocol
then the syslog RFC 3164 protocol PRI header must be prepended to each CiscoLog message.
The syslog PRI field encodes syslog message severity and syslog facility. The severity encoded in the PRI
field must match the value of the CiscoLog SEVERITY field. Any syslog facility can be used regardless of
the content of the message. Typically, a given application is configured to send all its messages to a single
syslog facility (usually RFC 3164 facilities local 0 through local 7). Refer to RFC 3164 for details about how
to encode the PRI field. Below is an example of a CiscoLog message with the syslog protocol PRI field <165>
which encodes the severity level of notice (5) and facility value local4.
<165>11: Jun 13 2003 12:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-5-CONFIG: Configured from
console by vty0 []
Messages as shown in the example above can be sent to UDP port 514 if using RFC 3164 logging mechanism.
Syslog RFC 3164 provides additional guidelines for message content formatting beyond the PRI field. However,
RFC 3164 is purely information (not on IETF standards track) and actually allows messages in any format to
be generated to the syslog UDP port 514 (see section 4.2 of RFC 3164). The RFC provides observation about
content structure often encountered in implementations, but does not dictate or recommend its use. CiscoLog
format does not follow these observations due to practical limitations of the format defined in the RFC. For
example, the time stamp is specified without a year, time zone or milliseconds while the hostname can only
be provided without the domain name.
CiscoLog messages must remain unaltered when relayed. The PRI field is not part of a CiscoLog message,
but rather a protocol header. It can be stripped or replaced if necessary. Additional headers or footers can be
added to and stripped from the CiscoLog message for transport purposes.

Standard Syslog Server Implementations

Standard syslog server implementations can be configured to forward received log messages or to store the
messages locally. Most syslog server implementations strip the PRI field from the received messages and
prefix additional information to the message before storage. This additional information typically includes
two extra fields: the local time stamp and the host identifier (IP or DNS name) of the server, which generated
or relayed the message.
The following example of a CiscoLog message shown the output after being logged by the Solaris 8 syslog
Jun 13 12:12:09 11: Jun 13 2003 12:11:52.454 UTC:
%BACC-5-CONFIG: Configured from console by vty0 []
There is no standard that defines how syslog servers must store messages. Implementations vary greatly.
CiscoLog only addresses the format in which messages are sent to the syslog server, not how they are stored
by the server that receives them. Specifically, the format and presence of any additional header fields in syslog
log files is outside of the scope of this specification.

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Note The CiscoLog specification recommends that the syslog server implementation store CiscoLog messages
in exactly the same format as it receives them only stripping the PRI field and without any extra headers.
This would provide an identical storage format for CiscoLog messages written directly to the log file by
an application or logged through syslog protocol.

Clock Synchronization
It is important that the clocks of all hosts of a distributed application be synchronized with one authoritative
clock. This can be accomplished by using protocols such as NTP. Clock synchronization is recommended
because the time stamps in log messages are required in order to be able to reconstruct the correct sequence
of events based on messages originating from multiple processes or multiple hosts. Clock drifts can still occur,
but ongoing synchronization should reduce this issue to a minimum.

Multipart Messages
ASCII control characters are not permitted in any of the fields of CiscoLog message format. Control characters
include characters such as line feed, form feed and carriage returns. This means that multi-line messages are
not allowed unless to allow:
Better presentation (for example, a stack trace)
Fragmenting messages which exceed 800 octet limit

Multi-part CiscoLog message consists of a set of multiple valid CiscoLog messages. Messages are grouped
together using a special tag key part, which identifies the part number and the sequence number of the
original message.
All messages which are part of a multi-part message must have a part tag as well as identical values for the
HOST, TIMESTAMP, APPNAME, SEVERITY fields and other TAG values. However, the sequence number
of each message has to be incremented as usual.
Example of a multi-part message:
16: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.468 UTC:
%BACC-3-UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: %[pname.orig=rdu][part=16.1/3]: Null pointer
17: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.468 UTC:
%BACC-3-UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: %[pname.orig=rdu][part=16.2/3]:
18: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.468 UTC:
%BACC-3-UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: %[pname.orig=rdu][part=16.3/3]:
In this example, the first message has part number 1 and its sequence number, 16, embedded in the part tag.
Subsequent messages embed the sequence number of the first message part and provide their own part number.
The trailing /3 in each part tag value means that the message consists of three parts.

CiscoLog Message Format

The CiscoLog message format follows:

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All fields gets separated by a single colon character (ASCII decimal value 58) and a single space character
(ASCII decimal value 32). The HEADER field is also preceded by a percent character (ASCII decimal value
The TIMESTAMP, HEADER and TAGS fields have internal formatting. Below is a complete format with
details for TIMESTAMP and HEADER fields:
All fields except for ACCURACY and TAGS are required.
The following example shows a CiscoLog message:
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-5-CONFIG: Configured from
console by vty0 []
The following example shows the optional TAGS and ACCURACY fields in a CiscoLog message:
12: *Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-BAD_REQUEST:
%[pname.orig=rdu][comp=parser][mac=1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33][txn=mytxn123]: Bad request
received from device [1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Header missing.
The values of the specific fields in the above example are as follows:
DAY 13
YEAR 2003
TAGS %[pname.orig=rdu][comp=parser][mac=1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33][txn=mytxn123]
MESSAGE Bad request received from device [1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Header missing.

Message Length Limit

The maximum length of a complete CiscoLog message must not exceed 800 octets.The term octet is used for
8-bit data type instead of byte because byte is not 8 bits on some platforms. The words character and octet
are not synonyms in parts of this specification because in places were internationalization is supported a single
character may need to be represented with multiple octets. This limit is dictated by RFC 3164. The limit of

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1024 octets reserves some extra space for syslog forwarding headers and/or fields that may be formalized in
later specifications.
When CiscoLog message includes the syslog PRI field, then the combined CiscoLog messages and PRI field
length must not exceed 805 octets.

The SEQNUM field contains a sequence number, which can be used to order messages in the time sequence
order when multiple messages are produced with the same time stamp by the same process. The sequence
number begins at 0 for the first message fired by a process since the last startup and is incremented by 1 for
every subsequent logging message originated by the same process. Every time the application process is
restarted, its sequence number is reset back to 0. The sequence number of each message must be in the exact
order in which messages are fired/logged by the application.
This may mean that in a multi-threaded application there must be some kind of synchronization to ensure this
and another consideration may have to be made for Java applications that have some native (C) code in JNI.
If log messages originate in both native and Java parts of the same process, the implementation needs to be
synchronized to use the same sequence number counter across the two process parts and to fire messages in
the order of sequence numbers.
The maximum numeric value of the SEQNUM field is 4,294,967,295 at which point the counter must be reset
back to 0. The maximum positive value of a 32-bit unsigned integer as used in Cisco IOS. Cisco IOS uses
ulong for the sequence number counter and ulong is a 32-bit unsigned integer on all current Cisco IOS platforms
including mips, ppc, and 68k.
Sequence numbers are process specific. If application architecture has multiple application processes on a
single host, which share a single logging daemon, the sequence number still has to be process-specific. Thus,
each process has it is own sequence number which it increments.
Sequence numbers also help detect lost messages. Therefore, sequence numbers cannot be skipped. In other
words, a message must be produced for every number in the sequence order.

HOST Field
The HOST field identifies the system originating the message with a Fully Qualified DNS Name (FQDN),
hostname or an IPv4/IPv6 address. If the FQDN or hostname is known, one of the two has to appear in the
HOST field. It is expected that in most deployments the hostname is sufficient. However, if a deployment
spans multiple domains, then using FQDNs is recommend. If an application is expected to be deployed in
both scenarios, then it is recommended that the application default to the FQDNs, but make it a configurable
If neither FQDN nor hostname can be identified, then the IP address of the host must be used. If the IP address
cannot be identified, then a constant (without quotes) must appear in place of the HOST field.

Note With regards to the compliance with Cisco IOS format. Cisco IOS Release 12.3 supports producing
hostname, IP address, or any user-defined string in the HOST field. If it is configured to provide a hostname
and it is not set on the device, it will use a string such as Router.

The length of the HOST field must not exceed 255 octets.

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FQDN and Hostname

If multiple FQDNs or hostnames are known for a given system, applications must use the primary
FQDN/hostname or an arbitrary one if no primary is designated. However, applications must use the same
HOST field value until some relevant configuration change takes place. In other words, the FQDN/hostname
value should not arbitrarily change from message to message if system is configured with multiple
Only printable US ASCII characters (those with decimal values 32-126) and foreign language characters are
allowed in the HOST field when encoding an FQDN or hostname. The appropriate character set and encoding
for HOST should be compliant with RFC 1123 / STD-3.
The acceptable character set per these standards includes US ASCII letters, numbers, dash and dot separator
characters (although not starting or ending with a dash). The reason that these are only recommendations of
adhering to these standards is that, in practice, many hosts do not follow the convention and use characters
such as underscore in the hostname. However, the HOST field cannot contain a character sequence of :
(colon and space) as this sequence is used as a field delimiter in the CiscoLog format.
Foreign language characters outside of the printable US ASCII characters have to be encoded according to
internationalization rules.
Use of non-printable (control) ASCII characters is not allowed in the HOST field. Control characters include
characters with ASCII decimal values 0-31 and 127. If an application provides a CiscoLog-compliant library
with a host string, which includes one or more control characters, the logging library must do the following.
If the horizontal tab character (ASCII decimal value 9) is encountered, it must be replaced with one or more
space characters (ASCII decimal value 32). Eight spaces per tab are recommended because this is a convention
on most Unix and Windows platforms. Other control characters must each be replaced with a question mark
character (ASCII decimal value 63).
While DNS is letter-case agnostic, CiscoLog places an additional recommendation of using only lower-case
characters in the HOST field for ease of readability. The use of the trailing dot at the end of the FQDN is
optional. The following examples are valid HOST fields:

IP Addresses
The IP address value used in the HOST field can be either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If a device has multiple
IP addresses, the primary IP address of the device must be used regardless of the interface through which the
CiscoLog message is sent to syslog server. If no primary IP address is designated, a fixed/static IP address is
preferred to a dynamically assigned one. If multiple static IP addresses exist, any one can be used, but it must
be used consistently in all messages until a relevant configuration event occurs on the system.
IPv4 AddressIPv4 address should be represented in dot notation x.x.x.x, where x is a decimal value
from 0 to 255 encoded as ASCII text. If an IP address is unknown, (without quotes) must be
used as a place holder. Examples of valid IPv4 addresses are and
Below is an example of a message with an IPv4 address in the HOST field:
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC:
%BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received from device []. Missing header.

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Below is an example of a CiscoLog message when FQDN, hostname or IP are all unknown:
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC:
%BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received from device []. Missing header.

IPv6 AddressIPv6 address representation must follow conventions outlined in RFC 3513, sections
2.2.1, 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. Specifically, all three conventions are supported. Both lower-case and upper-case
letters can be used in the IPv6 address, but the lower-case letters are recommended. If an IP address is
unknown, (without quotes) should be used as the IP address. Examples of valid IPv6 addresses:
1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd (full notation)
1080::800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd (use of :: convention)
0:0:0:0:0:0: (last 4 octets expanded as in IPv4) (unknown FQDN, hostname and IP address )

Below is an example of a message with an IPv6 address in the HOST field:

11: 1080:0:0:800:ba98:3210:11aa:12dd: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC:
%BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received from device []. Missing header.

The TIMESTAMP field provides date with year, time with milliseconds and a time zone identifier in the
following format:
Below are several examples of valid time stamps:
Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTCJun 3 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC
Jun 22 2003 05:11:52.525 -0300
*Feb 14 2003 01:02:03.005 EST
In some cases, it is possible that a device may not have the knowledge of the date and/or time due to hardware
or software limitations. In such circumstances, the following string must be produced TIMESTAMP field:
"--- 00 0000 00:00:00.000 ---". Below is an example of a CiscoLog message from a device which has no
knowledge of date and/or time:
11: --- 00 0000 00:00:00.000 ---: %BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received
from device []. Missing header.
Devices which are not aware of their clock, may choose to provide an uptime as a relative measure of time.
If device is capable of providing uptime, it is recommended that does so as a substitute for unavailable time
stamp. If uptime is provided it must be provided with a standard uptime tag as outlined in the CiscoLog
Standard Tags specification.
The following table details each field specification.

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Table 71: TIMESTAMP Field Specifications

Field Specification
ACCURACY This is an optional field. If present, it must be either a single asterisk character
(ASCII decimal value 42), or a single dot character (ASCII decimal value
46). No separator character is used after this field. This field indicates the
status of clock synchronization.
Cisco IOS uses a special convention for time prefixes to indicate the accuracy
of the time stamp. If dot character appears before the date, it means that the
local time was synchronized at some point via NTP, but currently no NTP
servers are available. The asterisk character in front of the date means that
the local time is not authoritative, i.e. NTP servers are not setup.

CiscoLog supports the use of this convention, but does not require it. If an
application is integrated with NTP client software, and knows that its time
is out of sync, then it can optionally prefix the message with asterisk
character. However, because applications may choose not to use this scheme,
the lack of . or * in CiscoLog messages should not be interpreted to mean
that the local time is synchronized.

MONTH Must be one of the following three-character month designations followed

by a single space (ASCII decimal value 32) as a delimiter character: Jan,
Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov or Dec.

DAY Must consist of two characters. If day is a single digit, it must be prefixed
with a single space character. The acceptable range of values is from 1 to
31. The day value must be followed by a single space as a delimiter character.

YEAR Must consist of exactly 4 digit characters followed by a space as a delimiter


HOUR Must consist of exactly two number characters. The hour value is based on
a 24-hour clock. Values range from 00 to 23. If hour value is a single digit,
it must be prefixed with a single zero character. The hour value must be
followed by a single colon as a delimiter character.

MINUTES Must consist of exactly two number characters. Values range from 00 to 59.
If minute value is a single digit, it must be prefixed with a single zero
character. The minutes value must be followed by a single colon as a delimiter

SECONDS Must consist of exactly two number characters. Values range from 00 to 59.
If seconds value is a single digit, it must be prefixed with a single zero
character. The seconds value must be followed by a period as a delimiter

MILLISECONDS Must consist of exactly 3 digit characters. Values range from 000 to 999. If
milliseconds value is less then 3 digits in length it must be prefixed with
extra zeros to make it a 3-character field. The milliseconds value is followed
by a space as a delimiter character.

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Field Specification
TIMEZONE Must consist of at least one, but no more than 7 characters in the following
ASCII decimal value range: 32-126. The value must not include a
combination of colon-space-percent of characters : % (ASCII decimal
values 58, 32, 37) as this character combination is reserved as a field
delimiter that follows the time stamp.
There is no standard set of acronyms for time zones1. A list of common time
zone acronyms and corresponding time offsets from UTC is provided in the
UTC specification.
Uppercase letters are recommended for time zone acronym values. CiscoLog
recommends the use of time offset instead of time zone identifier in this
field. The offset, if provided, must follow the following format -hhmm or
+hhmm to indicate hour and minute offset from UTC.
In this format time zone field must always contain 5 characters, with the last
4 characters being constrained to numbers only. Unlike a textual time zone
identifier, this format provides a specific time offset from universal standard
Cisco IOS Release 12.3 supports any 7-character string as a time zone
identifier, so it can be configured in a way which is compatible with this
recommendation. Multiple messages may and sometimes must be produced
with exactly the same time stamp. This can happen naturally on a
non-preemptive operating system or may need to be deliberately induced as
in the case of multi-part messages. Sequence numbers then become helpful
for establishing message order. Time stamp should always be accurate to
the millisecond unless it can significantly hinder performance of the
In either case, applications must always provide the administrator with an
option to output messages with exact time stamp in milliseconds. If an
application uses time stamp with accuracy to the second (instead of a
millisecond), it must put the last known milliseconds value or 000 in place
of the milliseconds. Whatever convention is chosen by the application, it
should be followed consistently.

The HEADER field has the following format:
A single dash character (ASCII decimal value 45) serves a separator for the three fields.

2 Neither Cisco IOS nor CiscoLog define a standard set of time zone acronyms because there is no single established standard.

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The APPNAME field in the HEADER defines the name of the application producing the message. Cisco IOS
uses FACILITY in place of APPNAME that names the logical component producing the message. Cisco IOS
12.3 defines approximately 287 facilities for 3950 messages. Example of some easily recognizable facilities:
SYS, TCP, UBR7200, X25. A complete list of defined facilities is available in Cisco IOS documentation at
Outside of the Cisco IOS, there can be multiple applications on the same host originating log messages.
Therefore, it is necessary that APPNAME field identify the specific application. Additional source identifiers
are available in the HOST field as well as various standard TAGS field values (pname, pid, comp, etc).
The APPNAME field must consist of at least two uppercase letters or digits and may include underscore
characters. More precisely, the acceptable character set is limited to characters with the following ASCII
decimal values: 48-57 (numbers), 65-90 (upper-case letters) and 95 (underscore).
The length of the APPNAME field must not exceed 24 characters.
Application names cannot conflict with other Cisco software applications and with Cisco IOS facilities.
On the Solaris platform, it is recommended (not required) that the application name values used in the
APPNAME field be consistent with those used for the application installation package name, only in upper
case and without the CSCO prefix. For example, an application registering as CSCObacc on Solaris should
use BACC as the value of the APPNAME field.
Some applications may choose to specify a version as part of the APPNAME field. This is acceptable and
may be useful in cases where the meaning of certain messages is redefined from one release to another. For
example, an APPNAME value could be BACC_2_5 for BACC version 2.5. The use the version within an
application name is optional and may be introduced by applications in any release.

The SEVERITY field is a numeric value from 0 to 7, providing eight different severities. The severities defined
below match Cisco IOS severity levels. They are also standard syslog severities.
It is important that messages use the correct severity. An error in a certain component may be severe as far
as the component is concerned, but if the overall application handles it gracefully, then the severity may be
lower for the application as a whole. The following table lists guidelines that should be followed in determining
the severity of a message.

Table 72: Name and Severity Level and Descriptions in Error Messages

Name/Severity Level Description

Emergency (0) System or service is unusable. Examples:
Service repeatedly fails to startup
System ran out of disk space while disk space is essential for this system
to operate
Application requires root privileges to run but does not have them

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Name/Severity Level Description

Alert (1) Action must be taken immediately. Examples:
Application is about to run out of licenses
Application is about to run out of disk space
Too many unauthorized access attempts detected
Denial of service attack is detected

Critical (2) Critical condition. Similar to alert, but not necessarily requiring an immediate
action. Examples:
Received an invalid authentication request
Service crashed due to an error that could not be handled, like an out of
memory condition, (provided it has a watchdog process to restart it, it does
not necessarily require immediate action)
Unexpected code error that could not be handled

Error (3) An error condition, which does not necessarily impact the ability of the service
to continue to function. Examples:
Problem parsing/processing a particular request which does not prevent
the application from handling other requests
Unexpected, but handled code exception

Warning (4) A warning about some bad condition, which is not necessarily an error. Examples:
Lost network connection to some resource
Timed out waiting for a response

Notice (5) Notifications about system-level conditions, which are not error conditions.
Configuration was updated (not audit level information)
Process has started
Process is shutting down gracefully on request

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Name/Severity Level Description

Informational (6) Informational messages are distinguished from notification in that they provide
information for internal flows of the application or per-request information instead
of system-wide notifications. Informational messages are used for troubleshooting
by users who are familiar with the basic flows of the application. Examples:
Request received
Request was parsed successfully
Request being processed
Response sent back
Acknowledgement received
Detailed audit information

Debug (7) Debugging messages are similar to informational messages, but provide more
detail and require the user to have better knowledge of system internal processing.
These messages are typically reserved for very advanced users or Cisco technical
support. Examples:
Complete details for a request packet
Internal state machine state changes
Internal profiling statistics
Internal events

If an application uses a default severity level to determine which messages should be logged, then it is
recommended that this level be set at 5 (notice). This ensures that all messages of severity 5 or higher are
logged by default.

The MSGNAME field of the HEADER uniquely identifies the message within the context of a given
APPNAME. A fixed severity and logical meaning is associated with a specific MSGNAME within a specific
APPNAME. In other words, the same message name cannot appear with different severity or a completely
different logical meaning for the same APPNAME value even if the message is originated by a different
Message names are only unique within a given application (a given APPNAME value) unless the message is
one of the standard messages. Thus, applications interpreting CiscoLog messages should be careful not to
assume that a message with a given name has the same meaning for all applications that may use this message
name. Indeed, if the message is not one of the standard messages, it may have a different severity and meaning
in a different application.
The MSGNAME field must consist of at least two characters. Acceptable characters are limited to the following
ASCII decimal values: 48-57 (numbers), 65-90 (upper-case letters) and 95 (underscore). While IOS allows
lower-case letters as well, the vast majority of IOS messages use only the upper-case letters. In order to be

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consistent with established conventions we opted to restrict the character set to upper-case letters, numbers
and underscore characters.
Both numeric-only or alphanumeric message names are acceptable. However, per IOS convention, it is
recommended that a user-friendly alphanumeric label be preferred to a numeric-only label. For example,
NO_MEMORY message name is preferred to a 341234 identifier.
A special tag mid is defined in the CiscoLog Standard Tags specification for identifying a numeric id
corresponding to a message name. This tag can be used to provide a numeric message is in addition to the
MSGNAME. When this tag is used, a given MSGNAME must always correspond to a single message id
value. CiscoLog defines mid tag values for each standard message.
The length of the MSGNAME field must not exceed 30 characters, but most message names should be more
concise. MSGNAME value may not conflict with the names defined in this standard.
A separate message name must be defined for each logically different message. In other words, while the
message text for a given message name can vary by virtue of some substitutable parameters, logically different
messages must have different message names.
The following is an example of correct use of message name:
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-CONNECTION_LOST: %[pname.orig=rdu]:
Server lost connection to host []12: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.458 UTC:
%BACC-4-CONNECTION_LOST: %[pname.orig=rdu]: Server lost connection to host [
Notice that while the IP address of the host changes, it is still logically the same type of message. The following
is an example of an INCORRECT use of the message name:
15: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.458 UTC: %BACC-4-CONNECTION: %[pname.orig=rdu]:
Server lost connection to host []16: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.468 UTC:
%BACC-4-CONNECTION: %[pname.orig=rdu]: Server re-established connection to host []
The use of a single message name for two different events in the above example is wrong and unacceptable.
This is referred to as a catch-all message name and they must be avoided. Another extreme example is
defining a message named ERROR and providing all error log messages under the same message name.
This defeats the purpose of having the message name field, which is to enable external filtering of messages
or easily trigger actions.
The only exception to the no-catch-all rule is when message cannot be identified ahead of time with anything
better than a generic description or the users will not benefit from distinguishing the various subtypes of the
Although some applications may choose to do so, there is generally no need to define a separate message
name for all debugging messages because debugging messages are not intended for automated filtering and
action triggering based on message name. The sheer number of debugging messages and the highly dynamic
nature of what is produced in them makes it very hard to define separate messages.
This specification proposes establishing a mailing list that could be used by groups for consulting purposes
when in doubt about how to define certain messages. Currently, the mailing list alias used for this purpose is

TAGS Field
The TAGS field is optional in the message format. It provides a standard mechanism for applications to
provide structured content in the form of key-value pairs which can be used to categorize or filter a set of
messages externally.
Tags can be used to identify virtual logging channels. A set of messages flagged with the same tag can later
be grouped together. For example, an application may flag messages belonging to a particular thread by
supplying the corresponding tag. This would then allow filtering and viewing messages based on threads.

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Virtual logging channels can also be established across multiple applications. For example, if all applications
could tag requests from a device with device id (mac, ip, etc), then it would be easy to filter all messages
related to that device even thought it communicates with multiple components.
Each application may define its own set of supported tags. A single tag consists of key and value pair separated
by the equals sign and surrounded by square bracket characters as in the following format: [KEY=VALUE].
This is an example of a valid tag key-value pair [ip=].
The TAGS field is prefixed with a percent character (ASCII decimal value 37) and ends with a sequence of
colon and space characters (ASCII decimal values 58 and 32). When multiple tags are assembled together,
no characters should appear between the tags as separators. The following example has a complete CiscoLog
message with four tags:
12: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-BAD_REQUEST:
%[pname.orig=rdu][comp=parser][mac=1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33][txn=mytxn123]: Bad request received
from device [1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Missing header.
If TAGS field is missing, the percent character prefix and the trailing colon and space must be omitted. Thus,
when the TAGS field is missing, the HEADER and MESSAGE fields must be separated by just a single colon
and a space which follows the HEADER field. For example:
12: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received
from device [1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Missing header.
Multiple tags with the same tag key can be provided in the same message. This essentially provides the
capability for handling multi-valued keys. Below is an example of a message produced from a device which
has two IP addresses where the application chose to provide both IP addresses in the TAGS field as well as
the process name:
12: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-4-BAD_REQUEST:
%[pname.orig=rdu][ip.orig=][ip.orig=]: Bad request received from device
[1,6,aa:bb:cc:11:22:33]. Missing header.
Any number of tags can be provided in a given message. The only limit is the overall length limit of the
CiscoLog message of 800 octets.
If multiple tags are present, it is recommended that they appear in the alphanumeric order of the keys. This
insures that tags are always produced in the same order. However, a different order may be chosen by an
application if the order of tags is used to communicate some semantic value.

Tag Keys
Tag key must contain at least one character. The characters are limited to ASCII characters with decimal
values 48-57 (numbers), 65-90 (upper-case letters), 95 (underscore), 97-122 (lower case letters). Use of
lower-case letters is recommended. There is no strict limit on tag key length, although a general message limit
of 800 octets applies and dictates that one should attempt to define short tag key names.

Tag Semantic Extensions

In some cases, a tag can have a standard value syntax, but different meaning depending on the content in
which it is used. Tag semantic extensions are used to differentiate the contextual meaning of tags.
The semantic extension tags are created by appending the tag key with a single dot character (ASCII decimal
value 46) and a text string consisting of characters from a proper character set.
For example, an ip tag defines syntax for an IP address representation, but no semantic value. An ip tag
found in a CiscoLog message generally means only that this IP address is somehow related to the message.
In some cases, such vague association is sufficient. However, sometimes, communicating semantic value
could be useful.

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CiscoLog Format

A message may have two IP address tags associated with it, for example, from and to IP addresses. In this
case, using tags ip.from and would communicate both the syntax of the tags and some semantic value.
Another example, is a standard tag ip.orig, which specifies the IP address of the host which originated the
message. The following is an example of all three tags appearing together:
Multiple levels of semantic extension tags are allowed with each extension providing meaning that is more
specific. For example, tag key is valid and could mean the primary IP address of the destination
The semantic value is much harder to standardize than the syntax because there can an infinite number of
meanings for a given value depending on the context. Thus, it is anticipated that defining tag semantics
extensions will be largely application specific.

Tag Values
Tag values may contain zero or more characters. The empty (zero characters) value is interpreted as unknown
or undetermined value. The value must only include printable US ASCII characters (those in the ASCII
decimal value range 32-126) and foreign language characters
There is a restriction on the use of three characters: [, ] and \. The bracket characters (ASCII decimal
values 91 & 93) must be escaped with a back slash character (ASCII decimal value 92) . This helps to avoid
confusion with the brackets that signify the start/end of the tag. Thus, when the tag value needs to represent
characters [ or ], a sequence of \[ or \] is used instead respectively. When the escape character itself
needs to be represented in the tag value, then instead of the \ character a sequence of \\ is used.
Use of non-printable (control) ASCII characters is not allowed in the TAG value field. Control characters
include characters with ASCII decimal values 0-31 and 127. If application provides to a CiscoLog-compliant
library a tag value string, which includes one or more control characters, the logging library must do the
following. If the horizontal tab character (ASCII decimal value 9) is encountered, it must be replaced with
one or more space characters (ASCII decimal value 32). Eight spaces per tab are recommended because this
is a convention on most Unix and Windows platforms. Other control characters must each be replaced with
a question mark character (ASCII decimal value 63). Technically, we only need to require escaping a closing
bracket. However, requiring escaping both open and closing brackets simplifies parser code and provides for
a more consistent display in raw form.
There is no strict limit on tag value length; although a general message length limit of 800 octets applies and
dictates that one must be conservative.

Tag Guidelines
The TAGS field is optional in the CiscoLog message format. Tags do not replace substitutable parameters in
the message body. Tags merely provide an additional way to identify and categorize messages.
Since tags are optional, they can be enabled or disabled by the application/user as required. There is no
requirement for the same message to always be produced with the same set of tags. If the application supports
a given tag, it does not necessarily mean that it must always produce it. This can be configurable. Indeed, it
is recommended that applications provide the administrator with at least limited control over which tags get
Application developers have a choice as to what information to make available in the tags and what in the
message body. In some cases, the information may be duplicated between the two. This is acceptable.
The general guideline is to put all required information in the message body and make appropriate information
available via tags. In other words, the message should provide sufficient meaning even when all tags are

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CiscoLog Format

disabled. Tags merely provide additional useful information and a way to present it in a standard, easily
filtered, form.
The following are two valid examples of a message where both the message and the message tags contain a
MAC address. Example with tags disabled:
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST: Bad request received
from device [1,6,aa:bb:11:22:33:aa]. Missing header.
In the above example, the MAC address appears as part of the message field it is not a tag. In the following
example, the tags are enabled. Even though MAC address is duplicated between the tag and the message, it
is acceptable.
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-3-BAD_REQUEST:
%[mac=1,6,aa:bb:11:22:33:aa][tid=thread1][txn=mytxn123]: Bad request received from device
[1,6,aa:bb:11:22:33:aa]. Missing header.

Process Identification Tag

One of the standard tags, pname.orig, is used to identify the logical process name which originates the message.
Any application that seeks to provide originating process information must do so using the pname.orig tag.
This tag is extremely valuable in addition to information in the APPNAME field because some applications
consist of multiple processes, each of which may originate logging messages. It is recommended that any
application which consists of multiple processes always provide the pname.orig tag.

The MESSAGE field provides a descriptive message about the logging event. This field may consist of one
or more characters. The character set is limited to printable US ASCII characters (ASCII decimal values
32-126) and foreign language characters.
Use of non-printable (control) ASCII characters is not permitted in the MESSAGE field. Control characters
include characters with ASCII decimal values 0-31 and 127. If application provides a CiscoLog-compliant
library with message string, which includes one or more control characters, the logging library must do the
following. If the horizontal tab character (ASCII decimal value 9) is encountered, it must be replaced with
one or more space characters (ASCII decimal value 32). Eight spaces per tab are recommended because this
is a convention on most Unix and Windows platforms. Other control characters must each be replaced with
a question mark character (ASCII decimal value 63).
The maximum length of the MESSAGE field is constrained only by the maximum length of the entire message.
The maximum length of the CiscoLog message must not exceed 800 octets. Another practical limitation is a
potentially highly variable length of the TAGS field.
Message text may contain substitutable parameters, which provide necessary details about the message. For
example, the IP address in the following example is a substitutable parameter.
11: Jun 13 2003 23:11:52.454 UTC: %BACC-3-INVALID_REQUEST: Invalid request
received from device []. Missing header.
It is recommended (but not required) that substitutable parameters be surrounded by bracket characters [
and ] as in the above example. It is further recommended that the message text and values of substitutable
parameters do not include bracket characters. When it is not possible to avoid brackets characters in the values
of substitutable parameters, it is recommended that the value at least does not include unbalances brackets
(like an opening bracket without a closing one). When these recommendations are followed, it would be
possible to programmatically extract substitutable parameter values out of a CiscoLog message. However,
this recommendation is not a strict requirement.
Message text should be spell-checked. Editorial review is recommended. This includes all messages that can
be seen by the customers, even debugging messages.

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CiscoLog Format

If the first word of the message is an English word, the first letter should be capitalized. Single sentence
messages do not require a period at the end.

Foreign language characters are defined as characters with ASCII decimal values 0-126. Foreign language
characters are supported in the HOST field, the value part of the TAGS field and the MESSAGE field.
Foreign language characters must be encoded using the Unicode standard UTF-8. UTF-8 provides encoding
for any language without requiring the application to know local encoding/decoding rules for a particular
language. In fact, the application encoding the message does not even need to know the language of the
message. UTF-8 can encode any Unicode character.
UTF-8 encodes US ASCII characters exactly as they would normally be encoded in a 7-bit ASCII convention.
This means that applications interpreting CiscoLog messages can assume that entire messages are encoded
in UTF-8. On the other hand, applications producing CiscoLog messages can encode the entire message using
US-ASCII 7-bit convention if they are known not to support foreign languages in their products.
Since UTF-8 can encode characters in any language, it is possible to mix and match languages. For example,
it is anticipated that a one use-case would be the inclusion of just some parameters in foreign language in an
otherwise English message. For example, an English message about user authentication could have a username
in Japanese. Similarly, any number of languages can be combined in a CiscoLog message.
In order to take advantage of messages, which include a foreign language, a log viewer capable of interpreting
UTF-8 would be necessary. Most likely, the log viewer would also require that the appropriate language fonts
be installed on a given system. In a US-ASCII only editor, the user will see garbage for non-US-ASCII
characters encoded in UTF-8, but should be able to see all US-ASCII text.
Internationalization support can be readily used with CiscoLog messages written to a local file. Syslog RFC
3164, however, does not currently define foreign language support. Thus, in order to take advantage of
internationalization with a syslog server, one would need to use a server implementation, which was tested
to correctly relay or store all 8-bits of each octet unchanged. This would ensure that UTF-8 encoded parts of
the message retain all their information when foreign languages are used.
In UTF-8, a single character is encoded with one or more octets. The CiscoLog message length limit is specified
as 800 octets. Developers must be aware that with foreign languages, the 800-octet length limit may mean
fewer than 800 characters. When a message is split into a multi-part message, octets belonging to a single
character must never be split into separate lines.

Related Topics
Multipart Messages, on page 166

CiscoLog does not provide any versioning information in the message format. Extensions to the format must
be made within the restrictions of the format. CiscoLog message formats provides for extensions by way of
defining additional tags.
If applications require changes to existing messages, the value of APPNAME can redefine message within
the new space. For example, the application version can be appended to the application name as BACC_2_5
for BACC 2.5.

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Preconfigured System Alarm Notifications

Preconfigured System Alarm Notifications

Preconfigured system alerts appear in the RTMT. See the Real-Time Monitoring Tool Administration Guide
for information about configuration.
For a complete list of system error messages, see the System Error Messages document for your release at
the following URL:

Preconfigured CallManager Alarm Notifications

The following list comprises the preconfigured CallManager alerts in RTMT. Refer to the Real-Time Monitoring
Tool Administration Guide for information on configuration.

Related Topics
BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions, on page 182
CallProcessingNodeCpuPegging, on page 183
CDRAgentSendFileFailed, on page 186
CDRFileDeliveryFailed, on page 186
CDRHighWaterMarkExceeded, on page 187
CDRMaximumDiskSpaceExceeded, on page 187
CodeYellow, on page 192
DDRBlockPrevention, on page 193
DDRDown, on page 193
ExcessiveVoiceQualityReports, on page 195
IMEDistributedCacheInactive, on page 196
IMEOverQuota, on page 199
IMEQualityAlert, on page 200
InsufficientFallbackIdentifiers, on page 201
IMEServiceStatus, on page 202
InvalidCredentials, on page 203
MaliciousCallTrace, on page 204
MediaListExhausted, on page 205
MgcpDChannelOutOfService, on page 206
NumberOfRegisteredDevicesExceeded, on page 206
NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysDecreased, on page 207
NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysIncreased, on page 208
NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesDecreased, on page 208
NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesIncreased, on page 209

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NumberOfRegisteredPhonesDropped, on page 209

RouteListExhausted, on page 214
SDLLinkOutOfService, on page 215
TCPSetupToIMEFailed, on page 216
TLSConnectionToIMEFailed, on page 216

This alert occurs when the BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions event gets generated. This indicates that
the Cisco Unified Communications Manager initiated a throttling of the CallList BLF Subscriptions to prevent
a system overload.

Table 73: Default Configuration for the BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

BeginThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptions event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 74: Configuration for the CallAttemptBlockedByPolicy Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

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Value Default Configuration

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers
the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CallAttemptBlockedByPolicy event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the percentage of CPU load on a call processing server exceeds the configured percentage
for the configured time.

Note If the administrator takes no action, high CPU pegging can lead to a crash, especially in CallManager
service. CoreDumpFound and CriticalServiceDown alerts might also get issued.
The CallProcessingNodeCpuPegging alert gives you time to work proactively to avoid a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager crash.

Table 75: Default Configuration for the CallProcessingNodeCpuPegging RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Processor load over (90%)

Duration Trigger alert only when value constantly below or over threshold for 60

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Value Default Configuration

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alerts within 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 76: Configuration for the CARIDSEngineCritical Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CARIDSEngineCritical event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 77: Configuration for the CARIDSEngineFailure Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

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Value Default Configuration

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CARIDSEngineFailure event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 78: Configuration for the CARSchedulerJobFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CARSchedulerJobFailed event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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This alert gets raised when the CDR Agent cannot send CDR files from a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager node to a CDR repository node within the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster.

Table 79: Default Configuration for the CDRAgentSendFileFailed RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CDRAgentSendFileFailed event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets raised when(s) FTP delivery of CDR files to the outside billing server fails.

Table 80: Default Configuration for the CDRFileDeliveryFailed RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CDRFileDeliveryFailed event generated

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Value Default Configuration

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets raised when the high water mark for CDR files gets exceeded. It also indicates that some
successfully delivered CDR files got deleted.

Table 81: Default Configuration for the CDRHighWaterMarkExceeded RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CDRHighWaterMarkExceeded event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alarm gets raised when the CDR files disk usage exceeds the maximum disk allocation. It also indicates
that some undeliverable files got deleted.

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Table 82: Default Configuration for the CDRMaximumDiskSpaceExceeded RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CDRMaximumDiskSpaceExceeded event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 83: Configuration for the CiscoElmNotConnected Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CiscoElmNotConnected event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

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Value Default Configuration

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 84: Configuration for the CiscoGraceTimeLeft Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Informational

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CiscoGraceTimeLeft event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 85: Configuration for the CiscoNoProvisionTimeout Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

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Value Default Configuration

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:
CiscoNoProvisionTimeout event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 86: Configuration for the CiscoSystemInDemo Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CiscoSystemInDemo event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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Table 87: Configuration for the CiscoSystemInOverage Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CiscoSystemInOverage event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 88: Configuration for the CiscoSystemSecurityMismatch Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

CiscoSystemSecurityMismatch event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

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Value Default Configuration

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

The AverageExpectedDelay counter represents the current average expected delay to handle any incoming
message. If the value exceeds the value that is specified in Code Yellow Entry Latency service parameter, the
CodeYellow alarm gets generated. You can configure the CodeYellow alert to download trace files for
troubleshooting purposes.

Table 89: Default Configuration for the CodeYellow RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Cisco CallManager CodeYellowEntry event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Trace Download Enable Trace Download not selected


Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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This alert gets triggered when the IDSReplicationFailure alarm with alarm number 31 occurs, which invokes
a proactive procedure to avoid denial of service. This procedure does not impact call processing; you can
ignore replication alarms during this process.
The procedure takes up to 60 minutes to finish. Check that RTMT replication status equals 2 on each node to
make sure that the procedure is complete. Do not perform a system reboot during this process.

Table 90: Default Configuration for the DDRBlockPrevention RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

IDSReplicationFailure alarm with alarm number 31 generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 1 alert within 60 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets triggered when the IDSReplicationFailure alarm with alarm number 32 occurs. An auto recover
procedure runs in the background, and no action is needed.
The procedure takes about 15 minutes to finish. Check that RTMT replication status equals 2 on each node
to make sure the procedure is complete.

Table 91: Default Configuration for the DDRDown RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

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Value Default Configuration

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

IDSReplicationFailure alarm with alarm number 32 generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 1 alert within 60 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 92: Configuration for the EMCCFailedInLocalCluster Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

EMCCFailedInLocalCluster event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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Table 93: Configuration for the EMCCFailedInRemoteCluster Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

EMCCFailedInRemoteCluster event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets generated when the number of QRT problems that are reported during the configured time
interval exceed the configured value. The default threshold specifies 0 within 60 minutes.

Table 94: Default Configuration for the ExcessiveVoiceQualityReports RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

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Value Default Configuration

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:
Number of quality reports exceeds 0 times within the last 60 minutes

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alarm gets generated when a Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempts to connect to the Cisco
IME server, but the IME distributed cache is not currently active.
Ensure that the certificate for the Cisco IME server is provisioned and that the IME distributed cache has been
activated via the CLI.

Default Configuration

Table 95: Default Configuration for the IMEDistributedCacheInactive RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Inactive IME Distributed Cache

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

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Value Default Configuration

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 96: Configuration for the ILSHubClusterUnreachable Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

A connection to the remote ILS server could not be established.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 97: Configuration for the ILSPwdAuthenticationFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

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Value Default Configuration

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:
Password Authentication Failure with ILS at remote cluster.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 98: Configuration for the ILSTLSAuthenticationFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

TLS Failure to ILS at remote cluster.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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This alarm gets generated when a Cisco Unified Communications Manager attempts to connect to the Cisco
IME server, but the IME distributed cache is not currently active.
Ensure that the certificate for the Cisco IME server is provisioned and that the IME distributed cache has been
activated via the CLI.

Default Configuration

Table 99: Default Configuration for the IMEDistributedCacheInactive RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Inactive IME Distributed Cache

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert indicates that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers that use this Cisco IME service
have exceed the quota for published direct inward dialing numbers (DIDs) to the IME distributed cache. The
alert includes the name of the Cisco IME server as well as the current and target quota values.
Ensure that you have correctly provisioned the DID prefixes on all of the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager servers that use this Cisco IME service.
If you have provisioned the prefixes correctly, you have exceeded the capacity of your Cisco IME service,
and you need to configure another service and divide the DID prefixes across the Cisco IME client instances
(Cisco Unified Communications Managers) on different Cisco IME services.

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Default Configuration

Table 100: Default Configuration for the IMEOverQuota Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

VAP Over Quota

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets generated when Cisco Unified Communications Manager determines that a substantial number
of Cisco IME calls fail back to PSTN or fail to be set up due to IP network quality problems. Two types of
events trigger this alert:
A large number of the currently active Cisco IME calls have all requested fallback or have fallen back to the
A large number of the recent call attempts have gone to the PSTN and not been made over IP.
When you receive this alert, check your IP connectivity. If no problems exist with the IP connectivity, you
may need to review the CDRs, CMRs, and logs from the firewalls to determine why calls have fallen back to
the PSTN or have not been made over IP.

Default Configuration

Table 101: Default Configuration for the IMEQualityAlert Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

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Value Default Configuration

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Cisco IME link quality problem

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets generated when too many Cisco IME calls that are currently in progress use the same fallback
DID and no more DTMF digit sequences exist to allocate to a new Cisco IME call that Cisco Unified
Communications Manager is processing. The new call continues, but the call cannot fallback to the PSTN if
voice-quality deteriorates.
If this alert gets generated, note the fallback profile that associates with this call. Check that profile in Cisco
Unified CM Administration, and examine the current setting for the Fallback Number of Correlation DTMF
Digits field. Increase the value of that field by one, and check whether the new value eliminates these alerts.
In general, this parameter should be large enough so that the number of simultaneous Cisco IME calls that
are made to enrolled numbers that associate with that profile is always substantially less than 10 raised to the
power of this number. For example, if you always have fewer than 10,000 simultaneous Cisco IME calls for
the patterns that associate with this fallback profile, setting this value to 5 (10 to the power of 5 equals 100,000)
should keep Cisco Unified Communications Manager from generating this alert.
However, increasing this value results in a small increase in the amount of time it takes to perform the fallback.
As such, you should set the Fallback Number of Correlation DTMF Digits field to a value just large enough
to prevent this alert from getting generated.
Instead of increasing the value of the DTMF digits field, you can add another fallback profile with a different
fallback DID and associate that fallback profile with a smaller number of enrolled patterns. If you use this
method, you can use a smaller number of digits.

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Default Configuration

Table 102: Default Configuration for the InsufficientFallbackIdentifiers Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Cannot allocate fallback identifier

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 1 alerts within one minute

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert indicates the overall health of the connection to the Cisco IME services for a particular Cisco IME
client instance (Cisco Unified Communications Manager). The alert indicates the following states:
0Unknown. Likely indicates that the Cisco IME service has not been activated.
1Healthy. Indicates that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager has successfully established a
connection to its primary and backup servers for the Cisco IME client instance, if configured.
2Unhealthy. Indicates that the Cisco IME has been activated but has not successfully completed
handshake procedures with the Cisco IME server. Note that this counter reflects the handshake status
of both the primary and the secondary IME servers.

Default Configuration

Table 103: Default Configuration for the IMEServiceStatus Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

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Value Default Configuration

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

VAP Connection Problem

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 1 alert every 60 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

The alert indicates that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot connect to the Cisco IME server
because the username and/or password configured on Cisco Unified Communications Manager do not match
those configured on the Cisco IME server.
The alert includes the username and password that were used to connect to the Cisco IME server as well as
the IP address and name of the target Cisco IME server. To resolve this alert, log into the Cisco IME server
and check that the configured username and password match the username and password that are configured
in Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Default Configuration

Table 104: Default Configuration for the InvalidCredentials Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Credential Failure to Cisco IME server

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Value Default Configuration

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 105: Configuration for the LocationOutOfResource Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

LocationOutOfResource event generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This indicates that a malicious call exists in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The malicious call
identification (MCID) feature gets invoked.

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Table 106: Default Configuration for the MaliciousCallTrace RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Malicious call trace generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of MediaListExhausted events exceeds the configured threshold during
the configured time interval. This indicates that all available media resources that are defined in the media
list are busy. The default specifies 0 within 60 minutes.

Table 107: Default Configuration for the MediaListExhausted RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of MediaListExhausted events exceeds 0 times within the last 60 minutes

Duration Trigger alert immediately

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Value Default Configuration

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert gets triggered when the MGCP D-Channel remains out of service.

Table 108: Default Configuration for the MgcpDChannelOutOfService RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

MGCP D-Channel is out-of-service

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the NumberOfRegisteredDevicesExceeded event gets generated.

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Table 109: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredDevicesExceeded RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

NumberOfRegisteredDevicesExceeded event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of registered gateways in a cluster decreases between consecutive polls.

Table 110: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysDecreased RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of registered gateway decreased

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

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Value Default Configuration

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of registered gateways in the cluster increased between consecutive polls.

Table 111: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredGatewaysIncreased RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of registered gateways increased

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of registered media devices in a cluster decreases between consecutive

Table 112: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesDecreased RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

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Value Default Configuration

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:
Number of registered media devices decreased

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of registered media devices in a cluster increases between consecutive

Table 113: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredMediaDevicesIncreased RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of registered media devices increased

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the number of registered phones in a cluster drops more than the configured percentage
between consecutive polls.

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Table 114: Default Configuration for the NumberOfRegisteredPhonesDropped RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of registered phones in the cluster drops (10%)

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 115: Configuration for the RecordingCallSetupFail Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingCallSetupFail event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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Table 116: Configuration for the RecordingGatewayRegistrationTimeout Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingGatewayRegistrationTimeout event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 117: Configuration for the RecordingGatewayRegistrationRejected Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingGatewayRegistrationRejected event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

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Value Default Configuration

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 118: Configuration for the RecordingGatewaySessionFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingGatewaySessionFailed event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 119: Configuration for the RecordingCallSetupFail Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Error

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Value Default Configuration

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers
the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingCallSetupFail event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 120: Configuration for the RecordingResourcesNotAvailable Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

RecordingGatewayRegistrationTimeout event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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An available route could not be found in the indicated route list.

Table 121: Default Configuration for the RouteListExhausted RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Number of RouteListExhausted exceeds 0 times within the last 60 minutes

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 122: Configuration for the RTMTSessionsExceedsThreshold Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

When number of ast session is more than 250.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

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Value Default Configuration

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when the SDLLinkOutOfService event gets generated. This event indicates that the local
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot communicate with the remote Cisco Unified Communications
Manager. This event usually indicates network errors or a nonrunning, remote Cisco Unified Communications

Table 123: Default Configuration for the SDLLinkOutOfService RTMT Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

SDLLinkOutOfService event generated

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

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This alert occurs when Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot establish a TCP connection to a Cisco
IME server. This alert typically occurs when the IP address and port of the Cisco IME server are misconfigured
in Cisco Unified CM Administration or when an Intranet connectivity problem exists and prevents the
connection from being set up.
Ensure that the IP address and port of the Cisco IME server in the alert are valid. If the problem persists, test
the connectivity between the Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers and the Cisco IME server.

Default Configuration

Table 124: Default Configuration for the TCPSetupToIMEFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Critical

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

Connection Failure to Cisco IME server

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

This alert occurs when a TLS connection to the Cisco IME service could not be established because the
certificate presented by the Cisco IME service has expired or is not in the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager CTL.
Ensure that the Cisco IME service certificate has been configured into the Cisco Unified Communications

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Default Configuration

Table 125: Default Configuration for the TLSConnectionToIMEFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this Enabled on listed servers

alert on the following

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

TLS Failure to Cisco IME service

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Table 126: Configuration for the UserInputFailure Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Warning

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

UserInputFailure event(s) generated.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger up to 3 alert every 30 minutes

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Emergency-Level Alarms

Value Default Configuration

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Emergency-Level Alarms
The emergency-level alarm equals zero (0) and means that your system or service is unusable. These alarms
generally indicate platform failures. Examples follow:
Service repeatedly fails to startup
System ran out of disk space while disk space is essential for this system to operate
System ran out of memory
Motherboard failure occurred

This level is not suitable for events associated with an individual end point.

BDI application not started because of an error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Emergency (0)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for error.

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There was an error during the CallDirector creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

Cisco DirSymc application failed to start successfully. Error occurred while starting application


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Emergency (0)

Recommended Action
See application logs for error, may require restarting the application.

Exception occured in InitSDIConfiguration function.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

Cannot write into a file. Failed to write into the primary file path.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Emergency (0)

Primary File Path(String)

Recommended Action
Ensure that the primary file path is valid and the corresponding drive has sufficient disk space. Also, make
sure that the path has security permissions similar to default log file path.

There was an error during the GlobalSPUtils creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)

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Recommended Action

There was an error during the HuntGroupController creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

There was an error during the Hunt Group creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


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Recommended Action

The host IP address was not resolved.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)

HostName [String]

Recommended Action

IPMA application not started because of an error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Emergency (0)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for error.

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222 OL-29844-01
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There was an error during the LineStateSrvEng creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

TCD connection to CallManager was lost.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

There are no CallManager entries in the database.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

No feature license found. Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) requires a license to function.
Also, Unified CM licenses are version-specific so be certain that the license is for the version you are trying
to run. You can run a license unit report in Cisco Unified CM Administration (System > Licensing > License
Unit Report).


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Emergency.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Request license generation for Cisco Unified Communications Manager SW FEATURE for your version of
Unified CM and upload the license in Cisco Unified CM Administration (System > Licensing > License File

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The process has requested memory from the operating system, and there was not enough memory available.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

An executable is trying to start but cannot because it is not configured as a service in the service control
manager. The service is %s. Service is not installed.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Emergency (0)

Service (String)

Recommended Action
Reinstall the service.

There was an error during the SyncDB creation in SysController.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

There was an error during the SysController creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

There was an error during the TapiLinesTable creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

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226 OL-29844-01
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Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

There was an error during the TimerServices creation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Emergency (0)


Recommended Action

Testing emergency alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Emergency (0)

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Recommended Action

Failed to startup WebDialer application because of an error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Emergency (0)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for error.

Alert-Level Alarms
The alert-level alarm equals 1 and action must take place immediately. A system error occurred and will not
recover without manual intervention. Examples follow:
Application is about to run out of licenses
Application is about to run out of disk space
Application is almost out of memory
100% CPU occurs for long period of time

Be aware that this level is not suitable for events that are associated with an individual end point.

Certificate is about to expire in less than 24 hours or has expired.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Regenerate the certificate that is about to expire by accessing the Cisco Unified Operating System and go to
Certificate Management. If the certificate is issued by a CA, generate a CSR, submit the CSR to CA, obtain
a fresh certificate from CA, and upload it to Cisco Unified CM.

Error while reading the database.
This alarm is always associated with other alarms, which are triggered due to configuring CMI service parameter
with invalid values or due to invalid handle value returned by the serial port.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCMIException.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

CMI Exception(String)

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Recommended Action
Refer to the associated alarm for further information.

Initialization of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager system has taken longer than allowed by the
value specified in the System Initialization Timer service parameter; as a result, the system will automatically
restart now to attempt initialization again. Initialization may have failed due a database error, or due to a large
amount of new devices added to the system, or any number of other potential causes. The required time to
initialize Cisco Unified Communications Manager has exceeded the time allowed by the Cisco CallManager
service parameter, System Initialization Timer. This could be due to an increase in system size.


Cisco Unified Action

Name changed from CUCMOverallInitTimeExceeded.
Severity changed from Error to Alert.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Overall Initialization Time (in minutes) [Int]

Recommended Action
Try increasing the value of the Cisco CallManager service parameter, System Initialization Timer, in the
Service Parameters Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration. Use RTMT to discover the
number of devices and number of users in the system and evaluate whether the numbers seem accurate. Try
increasing the value of the Cisco CallManager service parameter, System Initialization Timer, in the Service
Parameters Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration. If increasing the time in the System
Initialization Timer service parameter does not correct this issue, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC).

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230 OL-29844-01
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Failed to allocate resources to handle configuration change notification from database. This usually indicates
a lack of memory when there is a system issue such as running out of resources.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerInstanceFailed

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

Failed to allocate resources to handle configuration change notification from database. This usually indicates
a lack of memory when there is a system issue such as running out of resources.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerSingleFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

Failed to start listening to configuration change notification from database. This usually indicates a lack of
memory when there is a system issue such as running out of resources.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadChangeNotifyServerStartFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

License units consumption approaching its authorized limit.


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232 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Alert (1)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action

Overdraft licenses in use.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Alert (1)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action

One or more Unified CM nodes in a cluster are running different Cisco CallManager versions.
This alarm indicates that the local Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the remote Unified
CM due to a software version mismatch. This is generally a normal occurrence when you are upgrading a
Unified CM node.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Remote Application Link Protocol Version(String)
Local Application Link Protocol Version(String)
Remote Node ID(UInt)
Remote Application ID(Enum)
Remote Application Version(String)

Recommended Action
The alarm details include the versions of the local and remote Unified CM nodes. Compare the versions and
upgrade a node if necessary.

Related Topics
Remote Application ID Enum Definitions, on page 234

Remote Application ID Enum Definitions

Value Definition
100 CallManager

200 CTIManager

Failed to create a new thread. See Reason string for where it failed. This usually happens when there are
system issues such as running out of memory resources.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kCreateThreadFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error [Int] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

An error occurred while performing database activities. A severe database layer interface error occurred.
Possible causes for this include the database being unreachable or down or a DNS error.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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ErrorCode [Int] ExceptionString [String]

Recommended Action
Review the System Reports provided in the Cisco Unified Reporting tool, specifically the Cisco Unified CM
Database Status report, for any anomalous activity. Check network connectivity to the server that is running
the database. If your system uses DNS, check the DNS configuration for any errors.

Credential Failure to IME server.
The connection to the IME server could not be completed, because the username and/or password configured
on Unified CM do not match those configured on the IME server.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New Alarm for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
The alarm will include the username and password which were used to connect to the IME server, along with
the IP address of the target IME server and its name. Log into the IME server and check that the username
and password configured there match those configured in Unified CM.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

User name(String)
IP address(String)
Server name(String)

Memory allocation failed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kMemAllocFailed.
Severity changed to Alert.
Recommended action changed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager


Memory Allocation Failure(String)

Recommended Action
1 Check the syslog for the system error number.
2 If the Alert is seen repeatedly, restart Service Manager.
3 If the problem still persist, reboot the Cisco Unified CM node.

No database connection available. Database layer could not find any working database connection.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Alert (1)

Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for the Cisco
Database Layer Monitor service. Check network connectivity and operation of SQL Server services.

The CMI service parameter, Parity, has an invalid configuration.
An invalid parity has been configured for the serial port that CMI uses to connect to the voice messaging
system. It is possible that the parity value has been updated via AXL or a CLI command where validation of
the value was not performed. For this reason, it is best to set this value in the Service Parameter Configuration
window in Cisco Unified CM Administration and the value can be validated against the accepted range of
values for this field.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from kParityConfigurationError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Illegal Parity(String)

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Recommended Action
Verify that the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter Parity is set to a valid (allowable) value.

When CMI tries to open the serial port, the operating system returns an error.
For a system running CMI, the serial port through which the voice messaging system is connected is always
USB0, and that value is configured in the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter, Serial Port. It is
possible that the Serial Port value has been updated via AXL or a CLI command where validation of the value
was not performed. CMI triggers this alarm if the value in the Serial Port service parameter is anything other
than USB0.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from kSerialPortOpeningError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Serial Port Opening Error(String)

Recommended Action
Ensure that USB0 is configured in the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter Serial Port. Also, physically
confirm that the cable is firmly connected to the USB0 port.

Failed to update trace logging or alarm subsystem for new settings. This usually indicates a lack of system
resources or a failure in database access by the trace logging or alarm subsystem.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Critical to Alert.

7.0(1) Name changed from kSDIControlLayerFailed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error [Int] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm. Ensure that the database server is running, and that the Cisco Database Layer Monitor
service is running without problems. If this alarm persists, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) with TFTP service and database trace files.

SDL link to remote application out of service. This alarm indicates that the local Unified CM has lost
communication with the remote Unified CM. This alarm usually indicates that a node has gone out of service
(whether intentionally for maintenance or to install a new load for example; or unintentionally due to a service
failure or connectivity failure).


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Alert.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Remote IP address of remote application [String] Unique Link ID. [String] Local node ID [UInt] Local
Application ID. [Enum]RemoteNodeID [UInt] Remote application ID. [Enum]

Recommended Action
In the Cisco Unified Reporting tool, run a CM Cluster Overview report and check to see if all servers can talk
to the Publisher. Also check for any alarms that might have indicated a CallManager failure and take appropriate
action for the indicated failure. If the node was taken out of service intentionally, bring the node back into

Related Topics
LocalApplicationID and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions, on page 241

LocalApplicationID and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions

Code Reason
100 CallManager

200 CTI

Failed to open network connection for receiving file requests. This usually happens when the IP address that
the TFTP service uses to open the network connection is invalid.

Table 127: History

Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kSocketError.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Alert (1)

Error [Int] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Verify that the TFTP service parameter, TFTP IP Address, accurately specifies the IP address of the NIC card
to use for serving files via TFTP. See the help for the (advanced) TFTP IP Address service parameter for
more information. If the problem persists, go to Cisco Unified Serviceability and enable Detailed level traces
in the Trace Configuration window for the TFTP service and contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter, Stop Bits, has an invalid configuration.
An invalid stop bit has been configured for the serial port that CMI uses to connect to the voice messaging
system. It is possible that the Stop Bits value has been updated via AXL or a CLI command where validation
of the value was not performed. For this reason, it is best to set this value in the Service Parameter Configuration
window in Cisco Unified CM Administration and the value can be validated against the accepted range of
values for this field.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from kStopBitConfigurationError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

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Illegal Stop Bit(String)

Recommended Action
Verify that the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter Stop Bits is set to a valid (allowable) value.

Failed to increase the size of the network buffer for receiving file requests. This usually indicates a lack of
memory when there is a system issue such as running out of resources.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kTFTPServerListenSetSockOptFailed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Alert (1)

Error [Int] IPAddress [String] Port [Int]

Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

Fail to connect to the network port through which file requests are received. This usually happens if the
network port is being used by other applications on the system or if the port was not closed properly in the
last execution of TFTP server.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kTFTPServerListenBindFailed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Alert (1)

Error [Int] IPAddress [String] Port [Int]

Recommended Action
Verify that the port is not in use by other application. After stopping the TFTP server, at the command line
interface (CLI) on the TFTP server, execute the following commandshow network status listen. If the port
number specified in this alarm is shown in this CLI command output, the port is being used. Restart the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager system, which may help to release the port. If the problem persists, go to
Cisco Unified Serviceability and enable Detailed level traces in the Trace configuration window for the TFTP
service and contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Testing alert alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Alert (1)

Recommended Action

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TLS Failure to IME service.
A TLS connection to the IME server could not be established because of a problem with the certificate presented
by the IME server. (For example, not in the Unified CM CTL, or is in the CTL but has expired).


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New Alarm for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Check to see that the certificate of the IME server is configured properly in the Unified CM.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager


Fail to connect to the network port through which file requests are received. This usually happens if the
network port is being used by other applications on the system or if the port was not closed properly in the
last execution of TVS server.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


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Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log

Recommended Action
Verify that the port is not in use by other application. After stopping the TVS server, at the command line
interface (CLI) on the TVS server, execute the following command: show network status listen. If the port
number specified in this alarm is shown in this CLI command output, the port is being used. Restart the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager system, which may help to release the port. If the problem persists, go to
Cisco Unified Serviceability and enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for the TVS
service and contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Failed to increase the size of the network buffer for receiving file requests. This usually indicates a lack of
memory when there is a system issue such as running out of resources.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log


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Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

Unknown error while connecting to database.
When CMI service is started, it tries to read CMI service parameters from DB. During this, if there is an
unknown error, CMI triggers this alarm.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Recommended Action
Report to Customer Service representative.

The Voice Mail DN for CMI is invalid.
CMI cannot register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager because of an invalid Voice Mail DN.
This alarm occurs because the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameter, Voice Mail DN, is empty or has
invalid characters other than digits (0-9). It is possible that the Voice Mail DN value has been updated via
AXL or a CLI command where validation of the value was not performed. For this reason, it is best to set this
value in the Service Parameter Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration and the value can
be validated against the accepted range of values for this field.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kVMDNConfigurationError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Critical-Level Alarms


Routing List
Event Log

Invalid Voice Mail DN(String)

Recommended Action
Check the CMI service parameter Voice Mail DN to confirm that a valid directory number has been configured.

Critical-Level Alarms
The critical-level alarm equals 2 and action may need to be taken immediately; auto-recovery is expected,
but monitor the condition.
This alarm acts similar to the alert-level alarm but not necessarily requiring an immediate action. A
system-affecting service had a failure but recovered without intervention. Examples follow:
Service crashed due to an error that could not be handled but a watchdog process exists that will restart
the service. The crash does not necessarily require immediate action. Examples are:
Out of memory conditions
Uninitialized variables
Memory scribblers

Unexpected code error occurred that could not be handled but for which the system automatically restarts.

The B-channel is out of service. The B-channel indicated by this alarm has gone out of service. Some of the
more common reasons for a B-channel to go out of service include are as follows:
Taking the channel out of service intentionally to perform maintenance on either the near- or far-end
MGCP gateway returns an error code 501 or 510 for a MGCP command sent from Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM)
MGCP gateway does not respond to an MGCP command sent by Cisco Unified CM three times
Speed and duplex mismatch exists on the Ethernet port between Cisco Unified CM and the MGCP

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Unique channel Id [String] Device Name. [String] Reason. [Enum]Channel Id. [UInt]

Enum Definitions
0None Defined

Recommended Action
Check the Cisco Unified CM advanced service parameter, Change B-channel Maintenance Status to determine
if the B-channel has been taken out of service intentionally; Check the Q.931 trace for PRI SERVICE message
to determine whether a PSTN provider has taken the B-channel out of service; Reset the MGCP gateway;
Check the speed and duplex settings on the Ethernet port.

Indicates an internal failure in the Cisco Unified Communications system. The service should restart in an
attempt to clear the failure.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Additional Text [Optional] [String] Host name of hosting node. [String] IP address of hosting node. [String]
Reason code. [Enum]

Recommended Action
Monitor for other alarms and restart the Cisco CallManager service, if necessary. Collect the existing trace
files in case the alarm persists.

Part of ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable. See CISCO-CCM-MIB for more information.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CallManagerFailure, on page 250
CISCO-CCM-MIB, on page 637

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CallManagerFailure

Code Reason
1 UnknownUnified CM has failed for an unknown reason.

2 HeartBeatStoppedAn internal heart beat has stopped after the preceding heart beat

3 RouterThreadDiedAn internal thread has failed.

4 TimerThreadDiedAn internal thread has failed.

5 CriticalThreadDiedAn internal thread has failed.

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Certificate is about to expire in less than 7 days. Regenerate or reimport certificate. Name of the service
generating this alarm is Cisco Certificate Expiry Monitor. The alarms are generated when any certificate
generated by the system or uploaded into the system expires. Cisco Unified CM uses certificates for Tomcat
(Web Server), CallManager, IPSEc and Directory. Refer Security guide for more details on various certificates.
When a certificate generated by Cisco Unified CM, the default validity of the self-signed certificate is for 5
years. In case of Certificates signed by a CA, the validity is dependent on the Expiry date set by CA while
issuing the certificate. Once a certificate is about to expire Cisco Certificate Expiry Monitor service generates
alarms. The severity of the alarm is dependent on how much time is left for the certificate to expire.
The impact to system operation depends on the which certificate expired. This information is contained in the
alarm. If Tomcat certificate expired, while connecting to Cisco Unified CM web pages, browser will throw
an error stating certificate has expired. One can still ignore the warning and continue to connect to Cisco
Unified CM pages.
In case of Directory-trust, if Directory trust certificate uploaded to Cisco Unified CM expires, Cisco Unified
CM may not be able to establish SSL connection with external LDAP server. The overall impact is that SSL
connection between Cisco Unified CM and other external Servers will fail.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cert Monitor

Critical (2)


Recommended Action
Login to CUOS page. Go to Security > Certificate Management and regenerate the certificate that has
expired (based on the information in alarm). This will generate a new self-signed certificate with a new expiry
date. In case the certificate is signed by a CA, Generate a new CSR, send it to the CA, get the certificate signed
by CA and upload the new certificate.

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Alarm indicates that the certificate has expired or expires in less than seven days.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Regenerate the certificate that is about to expire by accessing the Cisco Unified Operating System and go to
Certificate Management. If the certificate is issued by a CA, generate a CSR, submit the CSR to CA, obtain
a fresh certificate from CA, and upload it to Cisco Unified CM.

The CDR files disk usage exceeded maximum disk allocation. Some undeliverable files may have been deleted
to bring disk usage down. The CDR files disk usage has exceeded the maximum allocated disk space. CDRM
may have deleted some CDR files that have not been sent to the outside billing servers yet, in order to bring
the disk usage down to below High Water Mark. The decision whether to delete undeliverable files or not
depends on how deletionDisable flag is configured at CDRM Configuration page. E-mail alert will be sent
to the admin.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Facility and sub-facility changed. Added Routing List and changed Data
Collector to Alert Manager.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Management

Critical (2)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert Manager

DiskUsageInMB [String]

Recommended Action
1 Check if there are too many undeliverable CDR files accumulated due to some condition.
2 Check network link status.
3 Check if billing server is alive.
4 Check if (s)FTP Server on the billing server is running and accepting request.
5 Check if CDRM Configuration for billing servers is correct - under Serviceability > Tools.
6 Check if CDR files maximum disk allocation is too low - under Serviceability > Tools.
7 Check CDR Repository Manager trace under /var/log/active/cm/trace/cdrrep/log4j.

LDAPSync process failed to start on particular sync agreement.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Critical (2)

AgreementId [String]

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Recommended Action
See application logs for error

Unified CM has entered Code Red condition and will restart.
Unified CM has been in Code Yellow state for an extended period and is unlikely to recover on its own. The
Cisco CallManager service automatically restarts in an attempt to clear the condition that is causing the Code
Yellow state. The amount of time that the system will remain in Code Yellow state is configurable in the Code
Yellow Duration service parameter. If the duration of this parameter is set to 99999, Code Red condition will
never occur.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Expected Average Delay [UInt] Entry Latency [UInt] Exit Latency [UInt] Sample Size [UInt] Code Yellow
Duration [UInt] Number of Calls Rejected Due to Call Throttling [UInt] Total Code Yellow Entry [UInt]
Total Code Yellow Exit [UInt]

Recommended Action
You should have attempted the steps in the recommended actions defined in the CodeYellowEntry alarm. If
you have not, try those after the system is online. There is no other action for Code Red because the only
action is to restart which is performed for you automatically.

CallManager has initiated call throttling due to unacceptably high delay in handling incoming calls.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Expected Average Delay [UInt] Entry Latency [UInt] Exit Latency [UInt] Sample Size [UInt] Total Code
Yellow Entry [UInt]

Recommended Action
Memory problems or high CPU usage are generally at the root of a Code Yellow state. A bad disk could also
be the cause. Also, trace level settings can consume tremendous amounts of CPU (especially when the Enable
SDL TCP Event Trace checkbox is enabled on the SDL Trace Configuration window in Cisco Unified
Serviceability). Check these areas to try to correct the Code Yellow condition. You can also determine the
level of fragmentation on the hard disk by issuing the File Fragmentation command from the CLI for the trace
directories. Monitor the situation and collect existing trace files. If the CodeYellowExit alarm is not issued
in a reasonable amount of time as deemed by your organization, or if the system is frequently entering Code
Yellow state, contact TAC and supply the trace information you have collected.

The new core dump files have been found in the system. One of the component has crashed and generated a
core dump. Use admin cli or RTMT to featch the backtrace.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Critical (2)

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TotalCoresFound [String] CoreDetails [String] Core1 [String] Core2 [String] Core3 [String] Core4 [String]
Core5 [String] Core6 [String]

Recommended Action
This serious internal error should be investigated by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Before
contacting TAC, Login to cli on CCM serve and run active analyze core file name to generate the backtrace
of the core dump. The core file name is listed in the alert details. After the analyze command is executed,
collect the backtrace using cli command file get activelog analyze or Collect Traces option from RTMT.
Send these backtraces to Cisco TAC for further analysis.

The D-channel is out of service. D-channel indicated by this alarm has gone out of service. Common reasons
for a D-channel going out of service include losing T1/E1/BRI cable connectivity; losing the gateway data
link (Layer 2) due to an internal or external problem; or gateway reset.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Channel Id. [UInt] Unique channel Id [String] Device Name. [String] Device IP address [String] Reason. [Enum]

Enum Definitions
0None Defined

Recommended Action
Check the connection of the T1/E1/BRI cable; reset the gateway to restore Layer 2 connectivity; investigate
whether the gateway reset was intentional. If the reset was not intentional, take steps to restrict access to the
Gateway Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration and the gateway terminal.

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This alarm is generated by Cisco CDP whenever there is a duplex mismatch between local interface and switch

Cisco Unified Action

7.1 Added DUPLEX_MISMATCH to the CDPAlarmCatalog.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Critical (2)

Switch Duplex Settings(String)
Local Interface Duplex Settings(String)

Recommended Action
Ensure that duplex settings are set to auto or full on local interface as well as switch interface.

A change notification client is busy (blocked). If the change notification client continues to be blocked for 10
minutes, the system automatically clears the block and change notification should resume successfully. Changes
made to the database are not being consumed by one of the recipients. This does not always represent an issue.
However, if the change notification client continues to be blocked for 10 minutes, the system automatically
clears the block for all clients except the blocked one, which means that change notifications should resume
successfully for all other clients. To clear the blocked client, you must restart the server.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level to Critical from Error.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Critical (2)

Recommended Action
At the command line interface (CLI) on the database server, execute the following command:
show tech notify
The CLI command output will provide information about the block. Use Cisco Unified Serviceability to restart
the server that was indicated in the alarm. You may also want to gather traces to examine them for anomalous
activity during the time that client was blocked. In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces
in the Trace Configuration window for the Cisco Database Layer Monitor service. Also, use RTMT to look
for a change that may have occurred around the time of the alarm.

The percentage of used disk space in the log partition has exceeded the configured high water mark. Some of
the core file and / or trace files will be purged until the percentage of used disk space in the log partition gets
below the configured low water mark.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



UsedDiskSpace [String] MessageString [Optional]. [String]

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Recommended Action
Login into RTMT and check the configured threshold value for LogPartitionHighWaterMarkExceeded alert
in Alert Central. If the configured value is set to a lower than the default threshold value unintentionally,
change the value to default.
If you continue to receive this alert for half an hour after receiving the 1st alert, check for the disk usage for
Common partition under Disk Usage tab in RTMT. If the disk usage shown under that tab is higher than
configured value in LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded alert configuration, contact Cisco TAC to
troubleshoot the cause of high disk usage in Common partition.

The maximum number of simultaneous connections in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified
CM) node has been reached. This is an internally-set value and when it is exceeded, Unified CM starts throttling
calls to keep the number of calls below the internal threshold.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Description [Int]

Recommended Action
In the Real-Time Monitoring Tool, check the CallsActive counter in the Cisco CallManager object for an
unusually high number of calls. Internal mechanisms will attempt to correct this condition. If this alarm
continues to occur, collect existing SDL and CCM trace files and check to be sure that CM Services trace
collection in Cisco Unified CM Serviceability is set to Detailed level.

The MGCP gateway is no longer in communication with Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco
Unified CM). This could occur because Cisco Unified CM receives an MGCP unregister signal from the

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gateway such as RSIP graceful/forced; Cisco Unified CM doesn't receive the MGCP KeepAlive signal from
the gateway; the MGCP gateway doesn't response to an MGCP command sent by Cisco Unified CM three
times; a speed and duplex mismatch exists on the Ethernet port between Cisco Unified CM and the MGCP
gateway; the gateway has reset.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Critical (2)

Device Name [String]

Recommended Action
Reset the MGCP gateway in an attempt to restore communication with Cisco Unified CM; check the speed
and duplex settings on the Ethernet port. In the case of an unwanted reset of the gateway which caused
communication to be lost, take precautions to ensure that no unauthorized personnel resets the gateway from
Cisco Unified CM Administration or via the gateway terminal.

Related Topics
CISCO-CCM-MIB, on page 637

An error during initialization was encountered.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Critical.
Following parameters are removed:
Error Number [String]
ErrorCode [Int]

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Verify the Cisco Unified Communications Manager IP address is configured and is not configured as the loop
back address for the IP version. If the IP settings are correct, collect SDL and SDI traces and contact TAC.

Connection Failure to IME server.
This alarm occurs when Unified CM is unable to establish a TCP connection to an IME server. It typically
occurs when the IP address and port of the IME server are misconfigured or an Intranet connectivity problem
is preventing the connection from being set up.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Check to make sure that the IP address and port of the IME server - which are present in the alarm - are valid.
If so, this may be due to a network connectivity problem. Test the connectivity between the Unified CM
servers and the IME server.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

IP address(String)
Port number(UInt)

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Verification of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) internal timing mechanism has
slowed beyond acceptable limits. This generally indicates an increased load on the system or an internal


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Warning to Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
If this alarm occurs at the same general day or time, or if it occurs with increasing frequency, collect all system
performance data in Real-Time Monitoring Tool as well as all trace information for the 30 minutes prior to
the time that this alarm occurred and contact TAC.

Testing critical alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Critical (2)

Recommended Action

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Error-Level Alarms

Error-Level Alarms
The error-level alarm is 3 and you should investigate important devices or subsystems and determine if
immediate action is needed. Errors that do not necessarily impact the ability of the service to continue to
function and do not create a system outage. More related to device or subsystems.
An example would be a device or subsystem failing for an unexpected reason.

ANN device recovery create failure. The ANN device recovery class create failed, possibly due to lack of
memory. If the error code is non-zero it may help determine the cause of the error. The announcement device
will not be available.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements and Parameters.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart server.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Communication Manager timed out waiting for the routing response from the policy decision
point. Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) did not receive a call routing response from
the policy decision point (PDP) within the time specified by the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Call
Intercept Routing Request Timer, or on the Call Intercept Profile Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)

Recommended Action
Check whether the PDP is in service and working normally. Verify that the PDP is not overloaded; if it is,
take appropriate action to reduce the load on the PDP by following some or all of these recommendations:
Consider adding more PDPs and provisioning Unified CM with additional call intercept profiles and
call intercept trigger points in the various configuration pages under the Call Routing menu in Cisco
Unified CM Administration.
Provision a pair of policy servers per call-intercept profile to enable load balancing.
Verify that the PDP server in your deployment meets or exceed the hardware requirements specified in
the documentation for Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (CEPM) or the third-party PDP solution you
have deployed. If necessary, increase the value in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Call Intercept
Routing Request Timer or the value in the Call Intercept Profile for this PDP.

Bad CDR or CMR flat file found during CDR Load to CAR database. The file could be corrupted. However,
CAR loader is able to skip the bad records and load the good ones to CAR database. The name of the service
generating this alarm is CAR Loader (DailyCdrLoad) job. Part of Cisco CAR Scheduler service.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Existing parameters added.

7.0(1) Error message added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep

Error (3)

File Name(String)
First Bad Record Cause(String)
File Summary(String)

Recommended Action
Find the bad file from the cdr_repository folders, and check its problematic record based on the information
given by the cause and summary. Collect the associated SDI and SDL traces for the bad records found in this
file as soon as possible. Collect and check the CAR Scheduler traces for more details.

BDI Facility/Sub-Facility error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

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Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details

BDI Facility/Sub-Facility overloaded.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details.

CAR scheduled job failed. A normal CAR scheduled job failed such as the pre-generated
Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Monthly-Bill reports jobs. The particular CAR scheduler job that fails cannot be run
properly. This does not cause any significant impact on CAR functions. For pre-generated CAR report, this
would result failure to run on a particular report, which leads to missing of CAR report.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Existing parameters added.

7.0(1) Error message added.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Job Name(String)
Job Failure Cause(String)
Job Failure Detail(String)

Recommended Action
1 Check the status of Cisco CAR Scheduler service.
2 Check the Event Log from CAR page.
3 Check the contents in tbl_system_preferences table.
4 Check the number of records in tbl_billing_data, tbl_billing_error, and tbl_error_id_map tables.
5 Check if the scheduled job configuration is correct from CAR page.
6 Collect and check the CAR Scheduler traces for more details.

Critical CAR scheduled job failed. The jobs are PopulateSchedules, DailyCdrLoad, TaskMonitor, or
DatabaseMaintenance. The particular CAR scheduler job that failed cannot be run properly. This can cause
significant impact on CAR functions.
If PopulateSchedules job fails, CAR scheduler cannot schedule jobs to run for the day; this would result
some/all of CAR scheduler jobs cannot start.
If DailyCdrLoad job fails, CAR loader would not be able to load CDR/CMR records from CDR/CMR
flat files into CAR database; this would result records found upon running CAR reports, and causes
accumulation of CDR/CMR flat files unprocessed.
If TaskMonitor job fails, CAR scheduler will not be able to perform the daily DB IDS memory clean
up task; this would result higher DB shared memory usage.
If DatabaseMaintenance job fails, CAR scheduler will not be able to perform the daily optimized database
maintenance Update statistics procedures; this would result CAR database not optimized for its operations.

Name of the service generating this alarm is CAR Scheduler service.

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Routing list changed from Data Collector to Alert Manager and existing
parameters added.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CAR Alarm Catalog


Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert manager

Job Name(String)
Job Failure Cause(String)
Job Failure Detail(String)

Recommended Action
1 Check the status of Cisco CAR DB service.
2 Check the status of Cisco CAR Scheduler service.
3 Check the Event Log from CAR page.
4 Check the contents in tbl_system_preferences table.
5 Check the number of records in tbl_billing_data, tbl_billing_error, and tbl_error_id_map tables.
6 Check if the scheduled job configuration is correct from CAR page.
7 Collect and check the CAR Scheduler traces for more details.

CCD Requesting Service IP Reachable Duration times out.
The CCD requesting service detected that it can no longer reach the learned patterns through IP. All learned
patterns from this forward will be marked as unreachable (via IP) and to allow calls to learned patterns to

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continue to be routed until IP becomes reachable again, all calls to learned patterns will be routed through the
PSTN. Calls can be routed through the PSTN for a certain period of time before PSTN failover times out.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Check IP connectivity and resolve any TCP or IP problems in the network.

The internal limit on PSTN failover has expired.
When learned patterns are not reachable through IP, Unified CM routes calls through the PSTN instead. Calls
can be routed through PSTN for an internally-controlled duration. When this alarm occurs, the PSTN failover
duration has expired and calls to learned patterns cannot be routed. All learned patterns will be purged from
Unified CM.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Troubleshoot your network to get IP connectivity restored. After IP connectivity is restored, Unified CM will
automatically relearn Hosted DN patterns and calls to learned patterns will proceed through IP.

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OL-29844-01 269
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CDR Agent cannot send CDR files from CCM node to CDR Repository node within the CCM cluster because
of timeout or other reasons. E-mail alert will be sent to the admin.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed Data Collector Routing List element to Alert Manager.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep

Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert Manager

CDRRepositoryNodeAddress [String]
CDRAgentNodeAddress [String]

Recommended Action
1 Check network link status.
2 Check if CDR Repository node (first node in the cluster) is alive.
3 Check if CDR Repository Manager is activated on the first node.
4 Check CDRM Configuration under Serviceability > Tools.
5 Check CDR Agent trace on the specific node where error occurred.
6 Check CDR Repository Manager trace.
7 Check if the Publisher is being upgraded. If the CDRAgentSendFileFailureContinues alarm is no longer
present, the condition is corrected.

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270 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CDR Agent cannot send CDR files from CCM node to CDR Repository node on retries. CDR Agent cannot
send CDR files on retries after the initial failure from CCM node to CDR Repository node within the cluster.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep


Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Data Collector

CDRRepositoryNodeAddress [String]
CDRAgentNodeAddress [String]

Recommended Action
1 Check network link status.
2 Check if CDR Repository node (first node in the cluster) is alive.
3 Check if CDR Repository Manager is activated on the first node.
4 Check CDRM Configuration under Serviceability > Tools.
5 Check CDR Agent trace on the specific node where error occurred.
6 Check CDR Repository Manager trace.
7 Check if the Publisher is being upgraded.

FTP delivery of CDR files to the Billing Server outside of the cluster failed because of timeout or other reasons.
E-mail alert will be sent to the admin.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed Data Collector Routing List element to Alert Manager.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep

Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert Manager

BillingServerAddress [String]

Recommended Action
1 Check network link status.
2 Check if billing server is alive.
3 Check if (s)FTP Server on the billing server is running and accepting request.
4 Check if CDRM Configuration is correct under Serviceability > Tools.
5 Check CDR Repository Manager trace.

(s)FTP delivery of CDR files failed on retries to the Billing Server outside of the cluster failed on retries after
the initial failure.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep

Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Data Collector

BillingServerAddress [String]

Recommended Action
1 Check network link status.
2 Check if billing server is alive.
3 Check if (s)FTP Server on the billing server is running and accepting request.
4 Check if CDRM Configuration is correct - under Serviceability > Tools.
5 Check CDR Repository Manager trace.

The CFB device startup failed, possibly due to lack of memory. If the error code is non-zero it may help
determine the cause of the error. The conference bridge device will not be available.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements and Parameters.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart server.

DHCP Daemon stopped running. DHCP Daemon cannot be brought up due to configuration error or crash.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check application log for errors and correct the configuration. May require restarting the application if nothing
found during the previous steps.

LDAPSync process failed on particular sync agreement.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

AgreementId [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
The sync process will automatic retry. See application logs for details.

LDAPSync process failed on particular sync agreement


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

AgreementId [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details, the application will try to sync again in the next scheduled time

LDAPSync process failed to connect to LDAP server.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

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Error (3)

AgreementId [String] LDAPHost [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Ensure that the LDAP server is online. If SSL is used, please make sure the required certificate is available
on local CM server. The application will automatically retry

LDAPSync process failed to access local database.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

AgreementId [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Ensure that the local CallManager database is working properly. The failed sync process will restart at the
next scheduled time.

License Manager Down and license provisioning will fail.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

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Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Restart License Manager service on specified node

License Request Unsuccessful because it cannot fulfill the request.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for error

License Database error because it cannot fulfill the request.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

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Recommended Action
See application logs for error.

Licensing Internal Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for error.

License File Error due to an invalid or tampered license file.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs, verify that the license file is proper.

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ClusterMgr message integrity check error. ClusterMgr has received a message which has failed a message
integrity check. This can be an indication that another node in the cluster is configured with the wrong security


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Error (3)

Operating System

Sender IP address(String)

Recommended Action
Verify message is coming from an expected IP address. Verify the security password on that node.

ClusterMgr unrecognized host. ClusterMgr has received a message from an IP address which is not configured
as a node in this cluster.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Error (3)

Operating System

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Node IP address(String)

Recommended Action
Verify that this IP address is currently configured as a server in this cluster.

A complete rebuild of all device configuration files has failed. Probable causes of this alarm could be failure
to access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, or misconfiguration of some devices.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigItAllBuildFilesFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enabled Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

Failed to retrieve enterprise parameter values from database when rebuilding all configuration files. This is
usually caused by a failure to access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigItAllReadConfigurationFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

Failed to build all device configuration files at TFTP service startup. This is usually caused by database access


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadBuildFileFailed

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

Failed to rebuild configuration files for changes in Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group settings.
This is usually caused by a failure to access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadCNCMGrpBuildFileFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

Failed to rebuild configuration files for changes at group level settings such as Device Pool or Common Device
Config settings. This is usually caused by a failure to access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadCNGrpBuildFileFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

Failed to retrieve enterprise parameter values from database at TFTP service startup. This is usually caused
by database access failure.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadReadConfigurationFailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

An exception is caught in the main processing routine. This alarm is sent in conjunction with other alarms for
failure when building configuration files or when the TFTP service is attempting to retrieve the values in the
system's enterprise parameters.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kConfigThreadUnknownExceptionCaught.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
service. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around the time of the alarm.

A call has been rejected because the incoming PRI/BRI Setup message had an invalid IE.
A call has been rejected because an incoming PRI/BRI Setup message contained an invalid Coding Standard
value in the Bearer Capability information element (IE). Unified CM only accepts PRI/BRI Setup messages
with Coding Standard values of 0 or 1. When an invalid IE is received, Unified CM rejects the call setup and
issues this alarm.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
Notify the service provider responsible for sending the Setup message that an IE with Coding Standard values
of 0 or 1 must be included in Setup messages.

Cisco CallManager failed to open TLS connection for the indicated device. Possible reasons could be wrong
Device Security Mode configured, wrong X.509 Subject Name configured or unsupported cipher algorithm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Device Name. [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String] Reason code [Enum]

Recommended Action
Check the Security profile of the indicated device. Make sure Device Security Mode is either Authenticated
or Encrypted. Make sure X.509 Subject Name field has the right content. It should match the Subject Name
in the certificate from the peer. Unified CM only supports AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm. Let the peer
regenerate its certificate with the right algorithm.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure, on page 286
Reason Code Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure, on page 288

DeviceType Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure

Value Definition





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971



302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE

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Value Definition


348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

Reason Code Enum Definitions for ConnectionFailure

Code Reason
1 AuthenticationError

2 InvalidX509NameInCertificate

4 InvalidTLSCipher

A connection request from Unified CM to the policy decision point (PDP) failed. The failure may have been
a result of the following conditions:
Network error causing limited or no connectivity between Unified CM and the PDP
Authentication errors when Unified CM established an HTTPS connection to the PDP
PDP was not in service.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Policy Decision Point(String)
The cause of the connection failure(String)

Recommended Action
Verify the network connectivity between Unified CM and the PDP by pinging the policy server host from
Cisco Unified OS Administration and take steps to establish connectivity if it has been lost. If the connection
failure is due to an authentication problem, verify that the valid certificate of the PDP has been imported to
Cisco Unified OS Administration and certificates from every node in the Unified CM cluster have been
imported to every node in the PDP. Also, check whether the PDP service is active.

Failed to create Config File on disk or update existing Config File on disk. This may happen if disk is full or
the file is in use.

Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kCNFFBuffWriteToFilefopenfailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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FileName [String]

Recommended Action
Using RTMT, check the disk utilization and correct any issue discovered. If you do not discover a disk space
issue, try restarting the TFTP service from Cisco Unified Serviceability (Tools > Control Center - Feature
Services). Stopping and restarting the TFTP service is useful because the Config File that the TFTP service
is trying to save might be an existing file that is in use. If you still get this error, go to Cisco Unified
Serviceability and enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for the TFTP service and
contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

Failed to save Config File to disk. This may happen if disk is full or the file is in use.

Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kCNFFBuffWriteToFilefwritefailed.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



FileName [String]

Recommended Action
Using RTMT, check the disk utilization and correct any issue discovered. If you do not discover a disk space
issue, try restarting the TFTP service from Cisco Unified Serviceability (Tools > Control Center - Feature
Services). Stopping and restarting the TFTP service is useful because the Config File that the TFTP service
is trying to save might be an existing file that is in use. If you still get this error, go to Cisco Unified
Serviceability and enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for the TFTP service and
contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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290 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CTI application is unable to open the provider. The IP address is shown in either IPv4 or IPv6 format depending
on the IP addressing mode of the application.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiProviderOpenFailure.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Login User Id(String)
Reason code.(Enum)

Recommended Action
Review the reason code and the recommended action within the reason code.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderOpenFailure, on page 292

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 291
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderOpenFailure

Value Definition
0 Unknown

0x8CCC0075 Login request to authenticate user has timed out. Possible causes include LDAP server
(2362179701) misconfiguration such as LDAP server referrals misconfiguration or Unified CM node
experiencing high CPU usage. Recommended action is to verify the CPU utilization is
in the safe range for Unified CM (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging

0x8CCC0060 Directory login failed. Verify that credentials are not misconfigured, check the userID
(2362179680) and password configured in the application matches with what is configured in Unified
CM Admin under (User Management > End User/Application User)

0x8CCC005E Directory is unavailable. Verify that the LDAP server is reachable from Unified CM
(2362179678) node, make sure that the network connectivity between Unified CM and the LDAP server
by pinging the LDAP server host from Cisco Unified OS Administration and take steps
to establish connectivity if it has been lost

0x8CCC00D1 Application is connecting to a non secure port but has security privileges enabled for the
(2362179793) user associated with the application. Check the user group configuration for the user in
Unified CM Admin under (User Management > End User/Application User), select
the user and verify the associated permissions information

0x8CCC005F Standard CTI Use permission is not enabled. Users associated with applications are
(2362179679) required to be included in Standard CTI Enabled user group. Verify the user group
configuration for the user in Unified CM Admin under (User Management > End
User/Application User), select the user and review the associated permissions information

0x8CCC00D0 User is not enabled for a secure connection but the application connecting to secure port.
(2362179792) Consider the application configuration and security configuration for the user, for TAPI
applications review the Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Advanced >
select a CiscoTSP > Configure... > Security and disable Secure Connection to
CTIManager. For JTAPI applications from JTPrefs choose Security and disable Enable
Secure Connection. Also check the user group configuration for the user in Unified CM
Admin under (User Management > End User/Application User), select the user and
verify the associated permissions information

DBL GetVersionInfo function returned NULL.


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292 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Error (3)

Recommended Action

Device type mismatch between the information contained in the device TFTP config file and what is configured
in the database for that device.
The device type indicated in the device configuration file does not match the database configuration. This
could indicate that a change was made in the database configuration that failed to get updated at the device


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Following information is updated:
Enum Definitions for DBDeviceType
Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Database device type [Enum]Device type. [Enum]Name of device. [String]

Recommended Action
Check the Unified CM Database Status report in Cisco Unified Reporting to verify that database replication
is working. You can also go to Real-Time Reporting Tool (RTMT) and check the Replication Status in the

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 293
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Database Summary page. If status shows 2, then replication is working. Restart the phone to download a new
configuration file from TFTP. Also, refer to the reason code definitions for additional recommended actions.

Related Topics
DBDeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch, on page 294
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch, on page 296

DBDeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch

Code Device Type





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE

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294 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 295
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTypeMismatch

Code Device Type





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186

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296 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

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Code Device Type

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

Database information returned is corrupt. Database configuration error was encountered.

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298 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Name of Device(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate configuration for the identified device.

Error in the database information retrieved. Database configuration error was encountered.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Name of Device(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate configuration for identified device.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 299
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Database Information request timed out. Timeout was encountered while trying to read database configuration.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Name of Device(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate configuration for identified device.

The TCP socket for the SCCP device has been closed due to excessive events in a 5-second period. Under
normal conditions, the device will reregister automatically.
The indicated SCCP device exceeded the maximum number of events allowed per-SCCP device. Events can
be phone calls, KeepAlive messages, or excessive SCCP or non-SCCP messages. The maximum number of
allowed events is controlled by the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Max Events Allowed. When an
individual device exceeds the number configured in that service parameter, Unified CM closes the TCP
connection to the device; automatic reregistration generally follows. This action is an attempt to stop malicious
attacks on Unified CM or to ward off excessive CPU usage.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

300 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Total Events Received [UInt] IP Address [String] TCP Handle [String] Max Events Allowed [UInt] Number
Of Skinny Device Throttled [UInt]

Recommended Action
Check the CCM trace data for the indicated SCCP device to determine the reason for the high number of
events. Confirm that the value configured in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Max Events Allowed,
is a suitable number for your deployment.

Device initialization timeout occurred. This alarm does not occur under normal working conditions; it will
only occur if a device fails to respond to an initialize request.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Device Name [String] Protocol [String] Side Number [UInt]

Recommended Action
Investigate the identified device.

Scheduler failed to update next execution time.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 301
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Message [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

Directory synchronization task failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

SchedulerID [String] ErrorMessage [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

Failed to get directory synchronization schedules from DB.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Message [String]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

302 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs.

Invalid event received by DirSync scheduler from database.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Action [String] Message [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

Invalid schedule read by DirSync scheduler from database.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

ScheduleID [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 303
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

DirSync scheduler failed to register DB notifications.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

ScheduleTable [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

DirSync scheduler engine failed to start.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

ScheduleTable [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

DirSync schedule deletion request failed.

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304 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

ScheduleID [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

DirSync schedule update request failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

ScheduleID [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs.

DRF Master Agent was unable to start because it was unable to open port 4040.

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OL-29844-01 305
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFMasterAgentStartFailure.
Routing List elements added.
Descriptive text and recommended action changed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check if port 4040 is not already in use.

DRF Local Agent was not able to start because it was unable to connect to the Master Agent on port 4040.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFLocalAgentStartFailure.
Routing List elements added.
Descriptive text and recommended action changed.

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306 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check if the CiscoDRFMaster and CiscoDRFLocal services are running.

DRF Restore process encountered errors.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFRestoreFailure.
Routing List elements added.
Descriptive text and recommended action changed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

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OL-29844-01 307
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Routing List
Event log
Sys Log

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check DRF logs for further details.

DRF internal process has some problems.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFInternalProcessFailure.
Routing list added and recommended action changed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check DRF logs for details.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

308 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

DRF uses ipsec truststore certificate for securing communication between the MA and LA service. This
certificate is missing on the node, DRF LA will not be able to connect to MA.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFTruststoreMissing.
Routing List elements added.

7.0(1) Error message removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Download ipsec.pem file from Publisher and upload it as ipsec-trust only on the missing node then restart
Cisco DRF Local service.

The DRF Master Agent running on the Publisher has received a Client connection request from an unknown
server outside the cluster.The request has been rejected.

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OL-29844-01 309
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFUnknownClient.
Routing List elements added.

7.0(1) Error message removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Remove the suspect server from the network. Refer to the Reason section for suspect servers: Hostname and
IP Address.

The DRF System has detected a malicious pattern which could result in a security violation. The DRF Network
Message contains a malicious pattern which could result in a security violation like code injection or directory
traversal. DRF Network Message has been blocked.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFSecurityViolation.
Routing List elements added.

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310 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Stop the Cisco DRF Master and Cisco DRF Local Agent Services.

DRF Backup process is failed due to backup device error.

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFBackupDeviceError.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 311
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check if the proper device has been specified in the DRF configurations.

DRF is unable to access tape device.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFTapeDeviceError.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check if tape drive is working properly and it contains a valid tape.

DRF Restore operation has encountered an error. Restore cancelled internally.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

312 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFRestoreInternalError.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check DRF logs for details.

DRF was unable to backup at least one component because of an error.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFMABackupComponentFailure.
Routing List elements added.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check the component backup logs and contact support if needed.

DRF was unable to restore at least one component due to an error.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFMARestoreComponentFailure.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

314 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Recommended Action
Check the component restore logs and contact support if needed.

The DRF Master Agent was running a backup operation on a CCM cluster, when one of the nodes disconnected
before the backup operation was completed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFMABackupNodeDisconnect.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check the computer that disconnected during backup. If the computer was accidentally shutdown, restart the

No registered components available, backup failed.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFNoRegisteredComponent.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Ensure at least one component is registered before attempting a backup.

No feature selected for backup.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFNoRegisteredComponent.
Routing List elements added.


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316 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Ensure at least one feature is configured before attempting a backup.

The node being restored disconnected from the Master Agent prior to being fully restored.

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFMARestoreNodeDisconnect.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 317
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Check the computer that disconnected during restore. If the computer was accidentally shutdown, restart the

DRF (s)FTP operation has failed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFSftpFailure.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Ensure that the destination server is available, has appropriate permissions and (s)FTP daemon is running.

DRF Registration operation failed due to an internal error.

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318 OL-29844-01
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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFRegistrationFailure.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check the DRF logs and contact support if needed.

DRF Backup operation has encountered an error. Backup cancelled internally.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFBackupCancelInternalError.
Routing List elements added.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check DRF logs for details.

DRF could not access the log directory.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFLogDirAccessFailure.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

320 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Recommended Action
Ensure that the DRF user has required permission/enough space on DRF Log and Trace directory.

DRF Backup or Restore process has failed because it encountered errors.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFFailure.
Changed Routing List element Data Collector to Alert Manager and added
Sys Log.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Alert Manager
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check DRF logs for further details.

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OL-29844-01 321
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

DRF unable to access local device.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check if local location exists and is accessible.

This alarm occurs when CCD requesting service received a duplicate Hosted DN.
The Call Control Discovery (CCD) requesting service received the same hosted DN from multiple call control
entities such as Unified CM Express or another Unified CM cluster. The Cisco CallManager service parameter,
Issue Alarm for Duplicate Learned Patterns, controls whether this alarm gets issued.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Client Handle(String)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

322 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Service ID(UInt)
Sub Service ID(UInt)

Recommended Action
In RTMT, check the Pattern Report (CallManager > Report > Learned Pattern) and look for the duplicate
pattern identified in this alarm. Learned patterns must be unique. Determine which call control entity (such
as Unified CM or Unified CM Express) needs to be changed so that there is no duplicate pattern. Refer to the
call control entity's configuration guide (help text) to learn how to update a hosted DN pattern. In Unified
CM, to change the Hosted DN Pattern go to Cisco Unified CM Administration to update the Hosted DN
Pattern configuration (Call Routing > Call Control Discovery > Hosted DN Patterns).

EM Application not started. Error occurred while starting application.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Servlet Name(String)

Recommended Action
Action See application logs for error. Default location for the logs are at /var/log/active/tomcat/logs/em/log4j/

EMCC login failure occurred due to one of the following conditions:
Devices are incompatible with EMCC.
Unable to retrieve remote cluster information.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 323
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

EMCC is restricted by the local cluster.

Untrusted certificate received from the remote end while trying to establish a connection

Reason Codes:
31User is not enabled for EMCC
211/38EMCC or PSTN is not activated in InterClusterServiceProfile page
23User does not exist in the end user table
35No remote cluster entry is present for the home cluster

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Device Name(String)
Login Date/Time(String)
Login UserID(String)

Recommended Action
Perform the following:
1 Validate if the device model supports EMCC.
2 Ensure that every remote cluster added for EMCC has valid hostname/IP address for EM and PSTN access
in the Remote Cluster administration window (From Unified CM Administration window, go to System
> EMCC > Remote Cluster).
3 Ensure that the entries are enabled.
4 Ensure that a bundle of all Tomcat certificates (PKCS12) has been imported into the local tomcat-trust
keystore (From the OS Administration window, go to Security > Certificate Management and check
the certificates in tomcat-trust).

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

324 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

EM Service not reachable. EM Service might be down in one or more nodes in the cluster.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Servlet Name(String)

Recommended Action
Check if Cisco Extension Mobility service is running on all nodes of the cluster where the service is activated.

End point transient connection attempt.
A connection was established and immediately dropped before completing registration. Incomplete registration
may indicate that a device is rehoming in the middle of registration. The alarm could also indicate a device
misconfiguration, database error, or an illegal/unknown device trying to attempt a connection. Network
connectivity problems can affect device registration, or the restoration of a primary Unified CM may interrupt

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Data Collector
SNMP Traps

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 325
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Alternate Syslog

Device IP address(String)
Device name(String)
Device MAC address(String)
Device type(Enum)
Reason Code(Enum)
Connecting Port(UInt)
Registering SIP User(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate any network connectivity problems in the system. It's possible that you have reached the maximum
number of devices; the Cisco Unified Communications Manager service parameter, Maximum Number of
Registered Devices, controls the number of devices allowed in the system. Taking licensing, system hardware
and other related concerns into consideration, you could increase the value of the service parameter. Also,
refer to the reason code definitions for recommended actions. No action is required if this event was issued
as a result of a normal device rehome.

Related Topics
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection, on page 326
Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection, on page 329
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection, on page 332
IPv6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection, on page 333

Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection

Value Definition





6 CISCO_7910

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326 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

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Value Definition
431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

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Value Definition
30035 IP_STE

Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection

Value Definition
1 Unknown(SCCP only) The device failed to register for an unknown reason. If this
persists, collect SDL/SDI traces with Enable SCCP Keep Alive Trace enabled and
contact TAC.

2 NoEntryInDatabase(MGCP only) The device is not configured in the Cisco Unified

CM database and auto-registration is either not supported for the device type or is not
enabled. To correct this problem, configure this device via Cisco Unified CM

3 DatabaseConfigurationErrorThe device is not configured in the Cisco Unified CM

database and auto-registration is either not supported for the device type or is not enabled.
To correct this problem, configure this device via Cisco Unified CM Administration.

4 DeviceNameUnresolveableFor SIP third-party devices, this reason code means that

Cisco Unified CM could not determine the name of the device from the Authorization
header in the REGISTER message. The device did not provide an Authorization header
after Cisco Unified CM challenged with a 401 Unauthorized message. Verify the device
is configured with digest credentials and is able to respond to 401 challenges with an
Authorization header. If this is a Cisco IP phone, the configuration may be out-of-sync.
First go to the Cisco Unified Reporting web page, generate a Unified CM Database Status
report, and verify all servers have a good replication status. If DB replications looks
good, reset the phone. If that still doesn't fix the problem, restart the TFTP and the Cisco
CallManager services. For all other devices, this reason code means that DNS lookup
failed. Verify the DNS server configured via the OS Administration CLI is correct and
that the DNS name used by the device is configured in the DNS server.

5 maxDevRegExceededMaximum number of device registrations have been reached.

6 ConnectivityError - The network connection between the device and Cisco Unified CM
dropped before the device was fully registered. Possible causes include device power
outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops
and packet corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node
is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify the device is powered up and operating, verify
network connectivity between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify the CPU
utilization is in the safe range (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging

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Value Definition
7 InitializationErrorAn internal error occurred within Cisco Unified CM while processing
the device registration. It is recommended to restart the Cisco CallManager service. If
this occurs repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI detailed traces with Enable SIP Keep Alive
(REGISTER Refresh) Trace and Enable SCCP Keep Alive Trace under Cisco
CallManager services turned on and contact TAC.

8 DeviceInitiatedResetIndicates that the error was due to device initiated reset.

9 CallManagerResetIndicates that the error was due to call manager reset.

10 AuthenticationErrorThe device failed either TLS or SIP digest security authentication.

If the device is a SIP phone and is enabled for digest authentication (on the System >
Security Profile > Phone Security Profile, check if Enable Digest Authentication
checkbox is checked), verify the Digest Credentials in the End User config page are
configured. Also, check the phone config page to see if the phone is associated with the
specified end user in the Digest User drop box. If the device is a third-party SIP device,
verify the digest credentials configured on the phone match the Digest Credentials
configured in the End User page.

11 InvalidX509NameInCertificateConfigured X.509 Subject Name doesn't match what

is in the certificate from the device. Check the Security Profile of the indicated device
and verify the Device Security Mode is either Authenticated or Encrypted. Verify
the X.509 Subject Name field has the right content. It should match the Subject Name
in the certificate from the peer.

12 InvalidTLSCipherUnsupported cipher algorithm used by the device; Cisco Unified

CM only supports AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm. Recommended action is for the
device to regenerate its certificate with the AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm.

13 DirectoryNumberMismatchIndicates mismatch between the directory number that the

SIP device is trying to register with and the directory number configured in the Cisco
Unified CM for the SIP device.

14 MalformedRegisterMsg(SIP only) A SIP REGISTER message could not be processed

because of an illegal format. Possible causes include a missing Call-ID header, a missing
AoR in the To header, and an expires value too small. Verify the REGISTER message
does not suffer from any of these ills.

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Value Definition
15 ProtocolMismatchThe protocol of the device (SIP or SCCP) does not match the
configured protocol in Cisco Unified CM.
Recommended actions:
1 Verify the device is configured with the desired protocol.
2 Verify the firmware load ID on the Device Defaults page is correct and actually exists
on the TFTP server
3 If there is a firmware load ID configured on the device page, verify it is correct and
exists on the TFTP server (On Cisco Unified OS Administration page, Software
Upgrades > TFTP File Management, look for the file name as specified by load
4 Restart the TFTP and Cisco CallManager services. Use the Cisco Unified OS
Administration TFTP File Management page to verify the configured firmware loads

16 DeviceNotActiveThe device has not been activated.

17 AuthenticatedDeviceAlreadyExistsA device with the same name is already registered.

If this occurs repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI detailed traces with Enable SIP Keep Alive
(REGISTER Refresh) Trace and Enable SCCP Keep Alive Trace under Cisco
CallManager services turned on and contact TAC. There may be an attempt by
unauthorized devices to register.

18 ObsoleteProtocolVersion(SCCP only) A SCCP device registered with an obsolete

protocol version. Power cycle the phone. Verify that the TFTP service is activated. Verify
that the TFTP server is reachable from the device. If there is a firmware load ID configured
on the Phone Config page, verify that the firmware load ID exists on the TFTP server
(On Cisco Unified OS Administration page, Software Upgrades > TFTP File
Management, look for the file name as specified by load ID).

23 DatabaseTimeoutCisco Unified CM requested device configuration data from the

database but did not receive a response within 10 minutes.

25 RegistrationSequenceError(SCCP only) A device requested configuration information

from the Cisco Unified CM at an unexpected time. The Cisco Unified CM had not yet
obtained the requested information.

26 InvalidCapabilities (SCCP only) Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the media

capabilities reported by the device during registration. The device reported the capabilities
in the StationCapabilitiesRes message.

27 CapabilityResponseTimeout (SCCP only) Cisco Unified CM timed out while waiting

for the device to respond to a request to report its media capabilities.

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Value Definition
28 SecurityMismatchCisco Unified CM detected a mismatch in the security settings of
the device and/or the Unified CM. The following mismatches are detected:
1 The device established a secure connection, yet reported that it does not have the
ability to do authenticated signaling.
2 The device did not establish a secure connection, but the security mode configured
for the device indicates that it should have done so.
3 The device established a secure connection, but the security mode configured for the
device indicates that it should not have done so.

29 AutoRegisterDBError(SCCP only) Auto-registration of a device failed for one of the

following reasons:
1 Auto-registration is not allowed for the device type.
2 An error occurred in the auto-registration stored procedure.

30 DBAccessError(SCCP only) Auto-registration of a device failed because of an error

that occurred while building the station registration profile.

31 AutoRegisterDBConfigTimeout(SCCP only) Cisco Unified CM timed out during

auto-registration of a device. The registration profile of the device did not get inserted
into the database in time.

32 DeviceTypeMismatch(SCCP only) The device type reported by the device does not
match the device type configured on the Cisco Unified CM.

33 AddressingModeMismatch(SCCP only) Cisco Unified CM detected an error related

to the addressing mode configured for the device. One of the following errors was detected:
1 The device is configured to use only IPv4 addressing, but did not specify an IPv4
2 The device is configured to use only IPv6 addressing, but did not specify an IPv6

IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection

Value Definition
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) only

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Value Definition
2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for control signaling

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling

IPv6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointTransientConnection

Value Definition
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) only

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for control signaling

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling

An endpoint that has previously registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager has unregistered.
In cases of normal unregistration with reason code CallManagerReset, CallManagerRestart,
DeviceInitiatedReset, EMLoginLogout, or EMCCLoginLogout, the severity of this alarm is lowered to
INFORMATIONAL. An endpoint can unregister for many reasons, both intentional, such as manually resetting
the device after a configuration change, or unintentional, such as loss of network connectivity. Other causes
for this alarm could include a phone being registered to a secondary node and then the primary node come
back online, causing the phone to rehome to the primary Cisco Unified CM node or lack of a KeepAlive being
returned from the Cisco Unified CM node to which this endpoint was registered. Unregistration also occurs
if Cisco Unified CM receives a duplicate registration request for this same device.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List

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Sys Log
Data Collector
SNMP Traps
Alternate Syslog

Device name(String)
Device MAC address(String)
Device IP address(String)
Device type(Enum)
Device description(String)
Reason Code(Enum)

Recommended Action
Actions to take vary depending on the reason specified for the endpoint unregistration. If the reason is
ConfigurationMismatch, go to the Device Configuration page in Cisco Unified CM Administration, make a
change to the Description field for this device, click Save, then reset the device. In the case of a network
connectivity or loss of KeepAlives problem, use network diagnostic tools and the Cisco Unified CM Reporting
tool to fix any reported network or Unified CM system errors. In the case of an endpoint rehoming to the
primary Unified CM node, watch for a successful registration of the device on the primary node. In the case
of a duplicate registration request, it may be a non-malicious occurrence due to timing of an endpoint registering
and unregistering; if duplicate registration requests continue or if the same endpoint has different IP addresses,
confirm the IP address on the physical device itself by checking the settings on the device (settings button).
If unregistration of this device was expected, no action is required. Also, refer to the reason code descriptions
for recommended actions.

Related Topics
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered, on page 334
Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered, on page 337
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered, on page 340
IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered, on page 340

Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered

Value Definition

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Value Definition




6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

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Value Definition
369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

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336 OL-29844-01
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Value Definition
30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

Reason Code Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered

Value Definition
1 UnknownThe device has unregistered for an unknown reason. If the device does not
reregister within 5 minutes, verify it is powered-up and verify network connectivity
between the device and Cisco Unified CM.

2 NoEntryInDatabaseDevice not configured properly in the Cisco Unified CM database.

3 DatabaseConfigurationErrorDevice configuration error in the Cisco Unified CM


4 DeviceNameUnresolveableThe Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name

to an IP Address internally.

5 MaxDevRegExceededMaximum number of device registrations have been reached.

6 ConnectivityErrorNetwork communication between the device and Cisco Unified CM

has been interrupted. Possible causes include device power outage, network power outage,
network configuration error, network delay, packet drops and packet corruption. It is also
possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU usage.
Verify the device is powered up and operating, verify network connectivity between the
device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify the CPU utilization is in the safe range (this
can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging Alert).

7 InitializationErrorIndicates that an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to

initialize the device.

8 DeviceInitiatedResetThe device has initiated a reset, possibly due to a power cycle or

internal error. No action required; the device will reregister automatically.

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Value Definition
9 CallManagerResetA device reset was initiated from Cisco Unified CM Administration,
either due to an explicit command from an administrator, or due to internal errors
encountered. No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

10 DeviceUnregisteredThe device has explicitly unregistered. Possible causes include a

change in the IP address or port of the device. No action is necessary, the device will
reregister automatically.

11 MalformedRegisterMsg(SIP only) A SIP REGISTER message could not be processed

because of an illegal format. Possible causes include a missing Call-ID header, a missing
AoR in the To header, and an expires value too small. Verify the REGISTER message
does not suffer from any of these ills.

12 SCCPDeviceThrottling(SCCP only) The indicated SCCP device exceeded the maximum

number of events allowed per-SCCP device. Events can be phone calls, KeepAlive
messages, or excessive SCCP or non-SCCP messages. The maximum number of allowed
events is controlled by the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Max Events Allowed.
When an individual device exceeds the number configured in that service parameter,
Unified CM closes the TCP connection to the device; automatic reregistration generally
follows. This action is an attempt to stop malicious attacks on Unified CM or to ward off
excessive CPU usage. No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

13 KeepAliveTimeoutA KeepAlive message was not received. Possible causes include

device power outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay,
packet drops and packet corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Unified CM
node is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify the device is powered up and operating,
verify network connectivity between the device and Unified CM, and verify the CPU
utilization is in the safe range (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging
Alert). No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

14 ConfigurationMismatch(SIP only) The configuration on the device does not match the
configuration in Unified CM. This can be caused by database replication errors or other
internal Unified CM communication errors. First go to the Cisco Unified Reporting web
page, generate a Unified CM Database Status report, and verify "all servers have a good
replication status". If this device continues to unregister with this reason code, go to the
Cisco Unified CMAdmin Device web page for the device and click Save. This allows a
change notify to be generated to the Unified CM and TFTP services and rebuild a new
config file. If the problem still persists, restart the TFTP service and Unified CM service.

15 CallManagerRestartA device restart was initiated from Cisco Unified CM, either due
to an explicit command from an administrator, or due to a configuration change such as
adding, deleting or changing a DN associated with the device. No action necessary, the
device will reregister automatically.

16 DuplicateRegistrationCisco Unified CM detected that the device attempted to register

to two nodes at the same time. Cisco Unified CM initiated a restart to the phone to force
it to rehome to a single node. No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

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338 OL-29844-01
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Value Definition
17 CallManagerApplyConfigAn ApplyConfig command was invoked from Unified CM
Administration resulting in an unregistration. No action necessary, the device will reregister

18 DeviceNoResponseThe device did not respond to a reset or restart notification, so it

is being forcefully reset. If the device does not reregister within 5 minutes, confirm it is
powered-up and confirm network connectivity between the device and Cisco Unified

19 EMLoginLogout The device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility login
or logout.

20 EMCCLoginLogoutThe device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility

Cross Cluster login or logout.

21 PowerSavePlusThe device powered off as a result of the Power Save Plus feature that
is enabled for this device. When the device powers off, it remains unregistered from
Unified CM until the Phone On Time defined in the Product Specific Configuration for
this device.

22 CallManagerForcedRestart(SIP Only) The device did not respond to an Apply Config

request and as a result, Unified CM sent a restart request to the device. The device may
be offline due to a power outage or network problem. Confirm that the device is
powered-up and that network connectivity exists between the device and Unified CM.

23 SourceIPAddrChanged(SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the IP

address in the Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed. The device will
be automatically reregistered. No action is necessary.

24 SourcePortChanged(SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the port
number in the Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed. The device will
be automatically re-registered. No action is necessary.

25 RegistrationSequenceError(SCCP only) A device requested configuration information

from the Unified CM at an unexpected time. The Unified CM no longer had the requested
information in memory.

26 InvalidCapabilities(SCCP only) Unified CM detected an error in the updated media

capabilities reported by the device. The device reported the capabilities in one of the
StationUpdateCapabilities message variants.

28 FallbackInitiatedThe device has initiated a fallback and will automatically reregister

to a higher-priority Unified CM. No action is necessary.

29 DeviceSwitchA second instance of an endpoint with the same device name has registered
and assumed control. No action is necessary.

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IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered

Value Definition
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) only

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for control signaling

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling

IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointUnregistered

Value Definition
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) only

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for control signaling

3 Administrative and signal The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling

A change notification client was responding slowly and has been removed. A change notification recipient
has not responded to change notification in several minutes and was thus removed. This may delay call
processing features, such as call forwarding and so on.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements and deleted Data Collector element.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Recommended Action
Rebooting the box will clear this situation. Alternatively, dbnotify trace could be analyzed to find the client
that was removed and that service could be restarted in Cisco Unified Serviceability.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) failed to parse the call routing directive or the diversion
destination in the call routing response from the policy decision point (PDP).
A routing response was received but Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) failed to parse
the mandatory elements in the response. This means that a call routing directive or the call diversion destination
could not be parsed correctly, or that the call routing directive was not recognized. The error may due to a
syntax error or because the call routing directive is missing or the call diversion destination is missing in the
call routing response.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Called Party Number(String)

Calling Party Number(String)
Calling User Id(String)
Response XML Data(String)

Recommended Action
Check the external call control documentation, including any applicable API documentation, to determine
whether the call routing directive that was included as part of the policy obligations in the call routing response
are correctly entered according to the information defined in the external call control documentation.

Could not read installed RPMs to populate component version table. The function that reads the RPM version
information and populates database failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Report this error to the administrator.

The policy decision point (PDP) returned a 4xx (client) or 5xx (server) status code in the HTTP response.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) received a 4xx or 5xx response from the policy
decision point (PDP). A 4xx response indicates errors in the call routing request from Unified CM, for example:
a 400 response indicates the call routing request could not be understood by the PDP; a 404 indicates that the
PDP did not find a matching request URI. A 5xx error indicates a PDP server error, for example: a 500 response
indicates a PDP internal error; A 501 response indicates that the PDP does not support the functionality to
generate a call routing response; a 503 indicates that the PDP is busy and temporarily cannot generate a
response; a 505 indicates that the HTTP version number included in the call routing request from Unified CM
is not supported. Other such errors may be responsible; please refer to generally available guidelines on HTTP
or check the RFC 2616 for detailed explanations about HTTP Status Code definitions.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)
The status code and reason phrase for the failure(String)

Recommended Action
If a 4xx response caused the alarm, verify that the PDP has been accurately configured for the functionality
and call routing that you expect it to perform. If a 500 response causes the alarm, check whether the PDP
service is active and check the PDP server's log files for any errors. If a 503 causes the alarm, the PDP may
be overloaded by requests. Take appropriate action to reduce the load on the PDP by following some or all
of these recommendations: 1) consider adding more PDPs and provisioning Unified CM with additional call
intercept profiles and call intercept trigger points in the various configuration pages under the Call Routing
menu in Cisco Unified CM Administration; 2) provision a pair of policy servers per call-intercept profile to
enable load balancing; or 3) verify that the PDP server in your deployment meets or exceed the hardware
requirements specified in the documentation for Cisco Enterprise Policy Manager (CEPM) or the third-party
PDP solution you have deployed. If a 505 response causes the alarm, check to be sure that the PDP supports
HTTP version 1.1.

Service Manager failed to read configuration file.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

File Name(String)

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Recommended Action

Firewall unreachable.
This alarm indicates that Unified CM was unable to contact the firewall in order to make a IME call. As a
consequence, outbound calls are being sent over the PSTN, and inbound calls may be routed over the PSTN
by your partner enterprises.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Check to see that your firewall is up. Make sure the mapping service is enabled. Check that the IP address
and port on the firewall for that mapping service match the configuration in Unified CM Administration.
Check general IP connectivity between Unified CM and the firewall.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

IP address(String)
Port number(UInt)

Cisco CallManager stops handling calls for the indicated H.323 device due to heavy traffic or a route loop
over the H.323 trunk.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager has detected a route loop over the H.323 trunk indicated in this
alarm. As a result, Unified CM has temporarily stopped accepting calls for the indicated H.323 trunk. It's also
possible that a high volume of calls are occurring over the intercluster trunk, which has triggered throttling.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Device Name [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String]

Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Recommended Action
In Real-Time Monitoring Tool, check the CallsActive and CallsInProgress counters for unusual activity on
the indicated H.323 trunk. If the CallsActive count is significantly higher than usual, a traffic load issue may
be occurring where the demand to send calls over the trunk is greater than the trunk's capacity. Monitor the
situation and collect existing trace files. If the ICTCallThrottlingEnd alarm is not issued in a reasonable amount
of time as deemed by your organization, contact TAC and supply the trace information you have collected.
For a routing loop condition, the CallsInProgress counter will be significantly higher than usual. By examining
trace files and CDR data for calls that occurred over the indicated trunk, you may be able to detect a translation
pattern, route list or other routing mechanism that is part of the loop. Update the routing mechanism that
resulted in the loop (generally the same number is configured on both near end and far end devices) and then
reset the affected route list in an attempt to clear the route loop and if that fails, reset the affected trunk.

This alarm does not compromise data or prevent the use of the system but need to be monitored by the


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level to Error from Critical.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Error (3)

Event Class ID [String] Event class message [String] Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action
This alarm needs monitoring by the db admin.

Combined alarm for emergency and error situations. Something unexpected occurred that might compromise
data or access to data or cause IDS to fail. This alarm indicates combined alarm for emergency and error
situations. Something unexpected occurred that might compromise data or access to data or cause IDS to fail


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Event Class ID [String] Event class message [String] Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action
Requires Database Admin. intervention

Combined alarm for emergency and error situations. IDS Replication has failed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Route Listing element Data Collector changed to Alert Manager and
existing parameters added.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert Manager

Event Class ID [String]
Event class message [String]
Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action
Requires Database Admin. intervention.

Table 128: Configuration for the ILSTLSAuthenticationFailed Alert

Value Default Configuration

Enable Alert Selected

Severity Alert

Enable/Disable this alert on Enabled on listed servers

the following servers

Threshold Trigger alert when following condition met:

TLS Failure to ILS at remote cluster.

Duration Trigger alert immediately

Frequency Trigger alert on every poll

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Value Default Configuration

Schedule 24 hours daily

Enable E-mail Selected

Trigger Alert Action Default

Cannot allocate fallback identifier.
This alarm is generated when Unified CM is processing a IME call, and is attempting to allocate a PSTN
fallback DID and a DTMF digit sequence to associate with this call. However, there are too many IME calls
currently in progress which are utilizing this same fallback DID, and as a result, there are no more DTMF
digit sequences which could be allocated to this call. As such, this call will proceed, however mid-call fallback
will not be possible for this call.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Fallback profile name(String)
Fallback E.164 number(UInt)
Current number of DTMF digits(UInt)
E.164 called party number(String)

Recommended Action
Your first course of action should be to identify the fallback profile associated with this call. Its name will be
present in the alarm. Check that profile from the admin interface, and examine the current setting for Fallback
Number of Correlation DTMF Digits. Increase that value by one, and check if that eliminates these alarms.
In general, this parameter should be large enough such that the number of simultaneous IME calls made to
enrolled numbers associated with that profile is always substantially less than 10 raised to the power of this

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number. Substantially should be at least a factor of ten. For example, if you always have less than 10,000
simultaneous IME calls for the patterns associated with this fallback profile, setting this value to 5 (10 to the
power of 5 is 100,000) will give you plenty of headroom and you will not see this alarm.
However, increasing this value also results in a small increase in the amount of time it takes to perform the
fallback. As such, it should not be set arbitrarily large; it should be set just large enough to keep clear of this
alarm. Another alternative to increasing this parameter is to add another fallback profile with a different
fallback DID, and associate that fallback profile with a smaller number of enrolled DID patterns. This will
allow you to get by with a smaller number of digits.

An invalid IP address is configured in one or more SIP route patterns in Cisco Unified CM Administration.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)


Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified CM Administration, verify that the route pattern associated with the device that is identified
in this alarm has an accurate and working IP address. You can learn more how to ensure that the IP address
is valid by reviewing RFC 2373.

The handle for the opened serial port is invalid.
CMI cannot read/write to the serial port because the serial port returned an invalid handle value to CMI. The
serial port may have returned an invalid handle because the system did not properly detect the USB cable.

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kInvalidPortHandle.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Error Information(String)

Recommended Action
Make sure that the cable connecting the USB0 port and voice messaging system is firmly connected.

IPMA Facility/Sub-Facility error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details

IPMA Facility/Sub-Facility overloaded.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details

IPMA application filtering is down.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Restart Cisco IP Manager Assistant Service.

IPv6 network interface is not installed. IPv6 option is enabled for TFTP service but the IPv6 network
interface/address has not been configured on the system. Until the IPv6 network is functioning, devices that
have been configured with IPv6-only will not be able to register. Devices that have been configured to use
either IPv6 or IPv4 will register using IPv4. When the IPv6 network is online, IPv6-capable devices that have
registered as IPv4 will remain IPv4 until they are reset, at which time they will use IPv6 if available.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Added to CallManager Catalog.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)


Recommended Action
Install IPv6 network interface and then restart TFTP service.

ANN device record not found. A device record for the announcer device was not found in the database. The
ANN device is normally automatically added when the server is added to the database.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Warning to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Recommended Action
To add the ANN device to database you will need to remove/delete the server and read the server. WARNING:
This may result in having to manually reconfigure many different settings such as Media Resource Groups,
CallManager Groups and many others.

CFB device record not found. A device record for the conference bridge device was not found in the database.
The CFB device is normally automatically added when the server is added to the database.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). The severity changed from Informational
to Error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
To add the CFB device to database you will need to remove/delete the server and read the server.

Warning This may result in having to manually reconfigure many different settings such as Media Resource Groups,
CallManager Groups and many others.

Creating audio source class failed. Unable to create audio source subcomponent to provide audio for streaming.
This may be due to lack of memory.

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Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1)

Following parameters added:
OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the server.

Stream Control create failure. Create stream control subcomponent. The error may be due to lack of memory.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1)
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Codec Type [String]
OS Error Code [Int]
OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action
Reset the MOH device. If continues to fail restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart
the server.

Database connection failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

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Additional Information [String]

Recommended Action
Enable trace for the database layer monitor to get specific error information.

Cisco IP voice media streaming driver not found. The Cisco IP voice media streaming driver was not found
or is not installed. The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service cannot run until this error is resolved.
All software media devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP) for this server will not be available.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Check the system log for an error when the system attempted to load IpVms driver at the last server startup.
A server restart is required to cause the driver to be loaded.

Unable to retrieve the local host server name. The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service will terminate.
No software media devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP) will be available while the service is stopped.

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Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Check the configuration settings for the server name, DHCP, or DNS. Monitor the status of Cisco IP Voice
Media Streaming App service. The service will not operate without a valid server name.

Unable to retrieve the network IP address for host server. Unable to obtain the network IP (dotted) address.
The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service will terminate. The software media devices (ANN, CFB,
MOH, MTP) will be unavailable while this service is stopped.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Monitor the status of the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service. It should be automatically restarted.
If the error occurs again, check the server IP configuration (DHCP, IP address).

Wrong version of device driver. An incompatible device driver was found. The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming
App service will terminate. The software media devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP) will be unavailable while
the service is stopped.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Following parameters are removed:
Found [ULong]
Need [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Restart the server to ensure the most recent driver is started. If the error continues, then reinstall Cisco Unified
Communications Manager to get the proper driver version installed.

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Transfer of MOH source file to working path failed. An error was encountered when trying to copy or update
a Music-on-Hold audio source file.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Following parameters added:
Error Description [String] Source Path [String] Destination Path [String]
OS Error Code [Int] OS Error Description [String]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Error Description [String] File Name [String] Source Path [String] Destination Path [String]
OS Error Code [Int] OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action
Use the Platform CLI to verify the source path and file exist. If the file does not exist then use Cisco Unified
CM Admin to reupload the missing audio source to this specific server. Reinstall the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager to have all required paths created.

WAV playing manager thread creation failed. The process component used for playing WAV files failed to
start, possibly due to low system resources.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart server.

Error reading Enterprise User Locale configuration. A database exception was encountered when reading the
default Enterprise User Locale setting. Default of US English will be used.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Verify that the Enterprise parameter setting for User Locale is configured using the CCM Admin web page.
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

The requested resources for the configured number of annunciator calls (Call Count service parameter) was
not available. If the value gets shown as Allocated, it is non-zero.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Added descriptive text and Recommended Actions.
Following parameters are removed:
Requested streams [ULong] Allocated streams [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Verify that the ANN Call Count service parameter is correct. A server restart may be needed to recover

Connection to the SAF Forwarder has been lost.
A TCP connection failure caused the connection between the SAF Forwarder and Unified CM to be lost.
When the TCP connection is restored, Unified CM attempts to connect to the SAF Forwarder automatically.
If IP connectivity is unreachable for longer than the duration of the Cisco CallManager service parameter
CCD Learned Pattern IP Reachable Duration, calls to learned patterns will be routed through the PSTN instead.
Calls through the PSTN to learned patterns will be maintained for a certain period of time before the PSTN
failover times out.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log

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Event Log
Data Collector

IP Address(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate possible causes of a TCP connection failure, such as power failure, loose cables, incorrect switch
configuration, and so on, and correct any issues that you find. After the connection is restored, CCD will try
to register/sync with the SAF Forwarder automatically.

Multiple trunks have been configured to the same destination and local port, which resulted in a conflict. Only
one trunk is allowed for one destination/local port combination. The latest trunk invalidated earlier.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Peer IP Address. [String] Local IP Port [UInt] Old Device name. [String] Old Device Instance. [String] New
Device name. [String] New Device Instance. [String]

Recommended Action
Check the SIP Trunk Configuration in Cisco Unified CallManager Administration and verify that only one
SIP trunk has been configured to the same destination address and local port.

Untrusted Node was contacted. Application could not establish secure connection (SSL handshake failure)
with another application. It could be due to certificate for tomcat service where the application is hosted is
not trusted (not present in the keystore).

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Hostname/Ip Address(String)

Recommended Action
1 Ensure that tomcat-trust keystore on each CCM node contains the tomcat certificates for every other
node within a cluster (Logon to OS Administration Page > Security > Certificate Management > Check
the certificates in tomcat-trust).
2 If EMCC is enabled, then ensure that a bundle of all tomcat certificates (PKCS12) has been imported into
the local tomcat-trust keystore (Logon to OS Administration Page > Security > Certificate Management
> Look for certificates in tomcat-trust).

The allowed number of registered devices was exceeded.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Maximum Devices [Int]

Recommended Action
If you did not expect to exceed the number of devices and you have auto-registration enabled, go to Device
> Phones in Cisco Unified CM Administration and search for phones starting with auto. If you see any
unexpected devices which may not belong in the system (such as intruder devices) locate that device using
the IP address and remove it from the system. Or, if your licenses and system resources allow, increase the
value in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Maximum Number of Registered Devices.

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Each IME server has a fixed quota on the total number of DIDs it can write into the IME distributed cache.
When this alarm is generated, it means that, even though you should be under quota, due to an extremely
unlikely statistical anomaly, the IME distributed cache rejected your publication, believing you were over
quota. You should only see this alarm if you are near, but below, your quota. This error is likely to be persistent,
so that the corresponding E.164 number from the alarm will not be published into the IME distributed cache.
This means that you will not receive VoIP calls towards that number - they will remain over the PSTN.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) New Alarm for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
The alarm will include the name of the IME server, and the current and target quota values. The first thing to
check is to make sure that you have correctly provisioned the right set of DID prefixes on all of the Unified
CM clusters sharing that same IME server on the same IME distributed cache. If that is correct, it means you
have exceeded the capacity of your IME server, and you require another. Once you have another, you can
now split your DID prefixes across two different IME client instances, each on a different IME server. That
will alleviate the quota problem.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

The DID for which the Publish was attempted(String)
Server name(String)
Current quota(UInt)
Maximum target quota(UInt)

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An exception is caught while retrieving enterprise parameters value from database at TFTP service startup.
This is usually caused by a failure to access the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kReadConfigurationUnknownException.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified Serviceability, enable Detailed level traces in the Trace Configuration window for TFTP
and Cisco Database Layer Monitor services. Also, use RTMT to look for errors that may have occurred around
the time of the alarm.

RSVP Agent resource allocation failed.
The alarm occurs when allocation of an RSVP Agent fails for all the registered RSVP Agents (RSVP Agents
are basically MTPs or transcoder devices which provide RSVP functionalities) belonging to the Media Resource
Group List and Default List. Each RSVP Agent may fail for different reasons. Following are some of the
reasons that could cause an RSVP Agent allocation to fail: available MTP/transcoders do not support RSVP
functionality; a capability mismatch between the device endpoint and MTP/transcoder, codec mismatch
between the endpoint and the MTP/transcoder; a lack of available bandwidth between the endpoint and the
MTP/transcoder; or because the MTP/transcoder resources are already in use.
A capability mismatch may be due to the MTP/transcoder not supporting one or more of the required capabilities
for the call such as Transfer Relay Point (which is needed for QoS or firewall traversal), RFC 2833 DTMF
(which is necessary when one side of the call does not support RFC 2833 format for transmitting DTMF digits
and the other side must receive the DTMF digits in RFC2833 format, resulting in conversion of the DTMF
digits), RFC 2833 DTMF passthrough (in this case, the MTP or transcoder does not need to convert the DTMF
digits from one format to another format but it needs to receive DTMF digits from one endpoint and transmit
them to the other endpoint without performing any modifications), passthrough (where no codec conversion
will occur, meaning the media device will receive media streams in any codec format and transmit them to

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the other side without performing any codec conversion), IPv4 to IPv6 conversion (when one side of the call
supports only IPv4 and the other side of the call supports only IPv6 and so MTP needs to be inserted to perform
the necessary conversion between IPv4 and IPv6 packets), or multimedia capability (if a call involving video
and/or data in addition to audio requires insertion of an MTP or transcoder then the MTP/transcoder which
supports multimedia will be inserted).


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Media Resource List Name(String) parameter is added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Media Resource List Name(String)

Recommended Action
RSVP Agents are basically Cisco IOS MTPs or transcoder devices which provide RSVP functionalities. Check
the user manual of the configured MTPs and transcoders to see whether they support RSVP functionality. If
none of them support RSVP functionality either they need to be upgraded (if upgraded version support RSVP
functionality) or additional MTP or transcoders need to be installed which support RSVP functionality. If the
RSVP Agent (MTP or transcoder) allocation is failing due to a capability mismatch, it's possible that the media
device does not support the requested capability (such as IPv4 to IPv6 conversion, passthrough) or the capability
might not be configured in the device. Please check the user guide and documentation of the media device to
make sure that device supports all the necessary capabilities.
Also, caution should be taken care if all the MTP or transcoders are configured with all the supported
capabilities. There are certain capabilities (such as RFC 2833 DTMF or RFC 2833 DTMF passthrough or
passthrough) which could be supported by most of the MTPs or transcoders and there may be certain capabilities
(such as IPv4 to IPv6 conversion and vice versa or RSVP Agent functionality or Transfer Relay Point or
multimedia capability) which can be supported by only by a single MTP or transcoder depending on the
devices that you have.
For example, you may have end devices belonging to different locations and may need to reserve the bandwidth
only between two locations; calls between other locations may not need to reserve the bandwidth. Now,
suppose all the MTPs or transcoders are configured with all the supported capabilities and only one
MTP/transcoder supports RSVP functionality; if this MTP/transcoder is configured with all the supported
capabilities (which all the other MTPs or transcoders in the same MRGL or default MRGL also support) it
may happen that this MTP can get allocated for Transfer Relay Point or RFC 2833 DTMF or RFC 2833 DTMF

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passthrough or passthrough instead. As a result, when a need arises to reserve the bandwidth (which other
MTPs or transcoders in the same MRGL or default MRGL do not support), all the resources of this
MTP/transcoder may be in use and the RSVP Agent allocation may fail.
To avoid this situation, set the priority of the media resources appropriately. This can be done only in the
Media Resource Group List and not in the Default List of the media resources. In any Media Resource Group
List all the Media Resource Groups have different priorities and during allocation the first Media Resource
Group is checked for availability of the requested type of the media devices. The first Media Resource Group
in the Media Resource Group List will have the highest priority, then the second one and so on. To check all
the Media Resource Groups and their priority go the Media Resources and Media Resource Group List of
Cisco Unified CM Administration page and click the appropriate Media Resource Group List and check the
Selected Media Resource Groups; the priority decreases from top to bottom. Position the MTP or transcoder
that you want to be selected for the basic functionalities in the higher priority Media Resource Groups whereas
the ones with more rare functionality can be positioned in the Media Resource Groups with lower priority.
RSVP Agent allocation may fail due to codec mismatch between the end point and the RSVP Agent or
A solution may be to configure the MTP/transcoder with all the supported codecs (as specified in the user
guide of the MTP/transcoder), but be aware that doing so might result in too much bandwidth being allocated
for calls. You'll need to weigh different factors such as the total amount of available bandwidth, the average
number of calls, approximate bandwidth use per call (not involving MTP/transcoder), and so on, and accordingly
calculate the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated per call involving an MTP/transcoder and take that
into consideration when configuring the supported codecs in the MTPs and transcoders. A good idea is to
configure the media devices with all the supported codecs and set the region bandwidths to restrict too much
bandwidth usage (refer to the Unified CM documentation for details on region and location settings).
Also, there may be codec mismatch between the endpoint and the MTP/transcoders after considering the
region bandwidth between the MTP/transcoder and the endpoint. Increasing the region bandwidth may be a
solution to the problem, but that decision should be made after careful consideration of the amount of bandwidth
you're willing to allocate per call between the set of regions.
Another possible cause that an MTP/transcoder did not get allocated is because there was not enough available
bandwidth for the call. This can happen if the MTP/transcoder and endpoint belong to different locations and
the bandwidth that is set between the locations is already in use by other calls. Examine the bandwidth
requirements in your deployment to determine whether bandwidth between the locations can be increased.
However, note that increasing the bandwidth between these two locations means that you may need to reduce
the bandwidth between other locations.
Refer to the System Guide, SRNDs, and related Unified CM documentation for more details. Be aware that
reducing the bandwidth or removing the higher bandwidth codecs from configuration may result in poor voice
quality during call. Consider increasing the total amount of network bandwidth. Finally, if RSVP Agent
allocation fails due to MTP/transcoder not supporting RSVP functionality or capability mismatch or all the
resources being in use, consider installing additional MTP or transcoder devices which support RSVP

A Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) process in the AMC service uses the alarm mechanism to facilitate
delivery of RTMT alerts in the RTMT AlertCentral or through email.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check AlertCentral in RTMT or any alerts that you have received through email to determine what issue has
occurred and learn the recommended actions to resolve it. In AlertCentral, right-click the alert to open the
alert information.

This alert is generated by RTMT AlertMgr. See Alert Detail for explanation.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Name [String] Detail [String]

Recommended Action
See Alert Detail for more information.

SAF Forwarder error response sent to Unified CM.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

IP Address(String)
Application User Name(String)
Reason Code and Description(Enum)
SAF Protocol Version Number(String)
Service ID(UInt)
Sub Service ID(UInt)

Recommended Action
Refer to the reason code and description (help text) for specific information and actions (where applicable)
for this alarm.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SAFForwardError, on page 369

Reason Code Enum Definitions for SAFForwardError

Value Definition
400 SAF_BAD_REQUEST - SAF Forwarder was unable to accept the request due to incorrect
syntax (malformed), missing required attributes, and other similar reasons. Investigate
the configuration between the SAF Forwarder and Unified CM to be certain that all
settings are correct for your deployment. In particular, check the Client Label configured
on the router to make certain that it matches the Client Label configured in Cisco Unified
CM Administration on the SAF Forwarder Configuration window (SAF > SAF

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Value Definition
431 SAF_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILURE - A message failed to pass SAF Forwarder
security validation. This can occur because of misconfiguration, a potential attack, or
more commonly by incorrect provisioning of the password on the Forwarder and SAF
client. Reprovision the password and keep a watch on further SAF INTEGRITY CHECK
FAILURE alarms. If you receive a persistent number of SAF INTEGRITY CHECK
FAILURE alarms, close the interface between SAF Forwarder and Unified CM and
investigate the source of the IP packets.

435 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_MISSING_NONCE - A nonce (a random parameter generated

when the message is sent) is missing from the message. The system will resend with a
new nonce automatically. No action is required.

436 SAF_UNKNOWN_USERNAME - Unified CM sent the SAF Forwarder an Application

User name that is not configured on the router or that does not match the router's
configuration. Check the Application User Name on the router and in the Application
User Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration to be sure they match.

438 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_STALE_NONCE - A nonce (a random parameter generated

when the message is sent) has aged out (gone stale). The system will resend with a new
nonce automatically. No action is required.


- Unified CM sent the SAF Forwarder a Register message (for KeepAlive purposes) or
unregister message with the mandatory CLIENT_HANDLE value, but the SAF Forwarder
did not recognize the client handle. Unified CM will attempt to reregister with the SAF
Forwarder without a client handle. This alarm is for informational purposes only; no
action is required.

472 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_VERSION_NUMBER_TOO_LOW - Unified CM published

a service (such as Hosted DN) whose version number is now lower than when it was
previously published to the SAF Forwarder. The service is out of sync with the SAF
Forwarder. Unified CM will republish the service in an attempt to resynch with the SAF
Forwarder. This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

473 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_UNKNOWN_SERVICE - Unified CM attempted to unpublish

a service from the SAF network but the SAF Forwarder does not have a publish record
for that service. This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

474 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_UNREGISTERED - Unified CM attempted to publish or

subscribe to the SAF Forwarder, but Unified CM is not registered with SAF Forwarder.
Unified CM will automatically reregister with the SAF Forwarder before attempting to
publish or subscribe. This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

475 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_BAD_FILTER - Unified CM attempted to subscribe to the SAF

Forwarder with a filter that does not match any of the SAF Forwarder's current filters.
Unified CM will resend the subscribe message with the appropriate filter value. This
alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

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Value Definition
476 SAF_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION - Unified CM sent a subscribe or unsubscribe
message to the SAF Forwarder but the message contained a Service ID that was not
familiar to the SAF Forwarder. Without a recognized Service ID, Unified CM cannot
subscribe to the SAF Forwarder. Recommended action is to contact the Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC).

477 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_ALREADY_REGISTERED - Unified CM attempted to register

with the SAF Forwarder but SAF Forwarder indicates that Unified CM is already
registered. Unified CM will close and reopen the TCP connection and send a new register
request without a client handle to SAF Forwarder. This alarm is for informational purposes
only; no action is required.

478 SAF_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION - Unified CM attempted to register

with the SAF Forwarder using a SAF protocol version number that is greater than the
protocol version number supported by the SAF Forwarder. Issue a show version command
on the SAF Forwarder CLI to determine the SAF Forwarder protocol version; refer to
the information in this alarm for the SAF protocol version number. If the versions do not
match, check the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Software Compatibility Matrix
(available on to determine whether the SAF protocol version number that is
in use on this Unified CM is compatible with the SAF Forwarder protocol version. If it
is not, upgrade the lower-versioned component so that both Unified CM and the SAF
Forwarder use the same, compatible version.

479 SAF_UNKNOWN_AS - Unified CM attempted to register to the SAF Forwarder but the
registration message contained a Client Label that was not familiar to the Autonomous
System (AS) on the SAF Forwarder router. Recommended action is to issue the appropriate
CLI commands on the SAF Forwarder to associate the Client Label with the autonomous
system on the router (refer to the Configuration Guide for the router) and configure the
same Client Label in the Client Label field on the SAF Forwarder Configuration window
in Cisco Unified CM Administration and click Save. When the Client Label is saved in
Cisco Unified CM Administration, Unified CM automatically sends a new registration
request to the SAF Forwarder with the updated Client Label information.

500 **INFO LEVEL** SAF_RESPONDER_ERROR - Unified CM sent a message (such as

register/unregister/publish/unpublish/subscribe) to the SAF Forwarder but the SAF
Forwarder responded that it is unable to process the message at this time. This might be
due to heavy message queuing, internal resource issues, and so on. Unified CM will wait
several seconds and then retry the request. This alarm is for informational purposes only;
no action is required.


SAF Responder Error 500.

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This is raised when SAF forwarder doesn't know the transaction ID within SAF response from this Cisco
Unified CM.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Client Handle(String)
Service Id(UInt)
Sub Service ID(UInt)
Instance ID1(UInt)
Instance ID2(UInt)
Instance ID3(UInt)
Instance ID4(UInt)

Recommended Action
No action is required.

An error occurred while executing scheduled collection.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

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JobID [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Review configuration for scheduled collection job under Job Status window.

When CMI tries to get the status of serial port, the operating system returns an error.
CMI triggers this alarm when it cannot get the status of the serial port. An inability to receive the serial port
status information can be caused by a loose or disconnected USB cable.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kSerialPortGetStatusError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Serial Port Getting Status Error(String)

Recommended Action
Make sure that the cable connecting the USB0 port and voice messaging system is firmly connected.

When CMI tries to set the status of serial port, the operating system returns an error.
CMI triggers this alarm when it cannot set the status of the serial port. An inability to receive the serial port
status information can be caused by a loose or disconnected USB cable.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kSerialPortSetStatusError.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Serial Port Setting Status Error(String)

Recommended Action
Make sure that the cable connecting the USB0 port and voice messaging system is firmly connected.

Failed to activate a service.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

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Failed to deactivate a service.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

Service terminated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)
Process ID(Int)

Recommended Action

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Failed to start service.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

Failed to stop service.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

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376 OL-29844-01
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Service exceeded maximum allowed restarts.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action
If service is required to be running, restart it.

The normalization script has exceeded an internal resource threshold.
The normalization script for the indicated SIP device has exceeded an internal threshold for resource
consumption. This alarm can occur for memory consumption, or when the script is close to exceeding the
configured allowance of Lua instructions. When the amount of memory (as defined in the Memory Threshold
field) or the number of Lua instructions utilized by this script (as defined by the Lua Instruction Threshold)
exceeds an internal threshold, this alarm is triggered.

1 If the memory threshold is set to 100 KB and the internal threshold is 80%, this alarm will occur when
this script has consumed 80 KB of memory. The internal threshold is not configurable and may fluctuate
from Cisco Unified CM release to release.
2 If the Lua Instruction Threshold is set to 2000 and the internal threshold is 50%, this alarm will occur
when the script has executed 1000 Lua instructions.

This alarm warns that the resources (either memory or Lua instructions) have crossed an internal mark, where
investigation into the consumption of those resources may be advisable to ensure the health of the script.

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Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)
Script Name(String)
Script Function(String)
Script Type(String)
Reason Code(Enum)
Reason Text(String)
In Use Memory(UInt)
Memory Threshold (UInt)
In Use Lua Instructions(UInt)
Lua Instruction Threshold(UInt)

Recommended Action
1 Examine the thresholds (Memory Threshold and Lua Instruction Threshold) configured in the SIP
Normalization Script Configuration window.
2 Evaluate if the thresholds can be increased (take into consideration the CPU resources and memory when
deciding to increase these values), or examine the script to determine if the message handlers can be written
more efficiently to reduce the number of instructions in the script.

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3 Examine the script for logic errors. If the script is functioning normally but contains extensive logic,
consider increasing the value in the Lua Instruction Threshold field. Be aware that more computing
resources will be consumed as a result. You can also examine SDI trace files for additional details about
this resource condition. For scripts provided by Cisco, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center
4 Investigate and correct the resource issue before the script closes. When the values that have been configured
in the Memory Threshold field, or Lua Instruction Threshold field or both the fields on the SIP
Normalization Script Configuration window are met, the script closes and the SIPNormalizationScriptClosed
alarm also occurs. For additional information when troubleshooting, check the SIP Normalization counter,
MemoryUsagePercentage to learn the current resource usage.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationResourceWarning, on page 379

Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationResourceWarning

Value Definition
1 InternalLuaInstructionsThresholdThe script exceeds the internal threshold for the
number of Lua instructions.

2 InternalMemoryThresholdThe script exceeds the internal threshold for script memory


A script error occurred.
Cisco Unified CM encountered an error during loading, initializing, or during execution of the SIP normalization
script for the indicated SIP device. If the error was due to a resource issue, the
SIPNormalizationResourceWarning alarm will also be issued. The Configured Action shown in this alarm
may differ from the Resulting Action shown in this alarm because certain errors, such as those occurring
during loading or initialization, cannot be configured. If the script closes three times within a 10 minute
window due to errors, Cisco Unified CM will follow the configured action three times; on the fourth occurrence
of the error, Unified CM disables the script and issues the SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled alarm.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)
Script Name(String)
Script Function(String)
Script Type(String)
Error Code(Enum)
Error Code Text(String)
Error Message(String)
Configured Action(String)
Resulting Action(String)
In Use Memory(UInt)
Memory Threshold(UInt)
In Use Lua Instructions(UInt)
Lua Instruction Threshold(UInt)

Recommended Action
1 Examine SDI trace files for details regarding the error such as function calls and the call ID. This will help
you to troubleshoot the error.

Examine the script for syntax or logic errors; for scripts provided by Cisco, contact the Cisco Technical
Assistance Center (TAC). If the error was due to a resource issue, the SIPNormalizationResourceWarning
alarm will also be issued. Check the SIPNormalizationResourceWarning alarm for additional information and
recommended actions.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions SIPNormalizationScriptError, on page 381

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Reason Code Enum Definitions SIPNormalizationScriptError

Value Definition
1 LoadError The script failed to load either due to a syntax error in the script or a resource
error; check the Recommended Actions for instructions.

2 InitializationErrorThe script encountered a failure while initializing either due to a

syntax error in the script or a resource error; check the Recommended Actions for

3 ExecutionErrorThe script encountered a failure during execution; check the

Recommended Actions for instructions.

4 InternalErrorThe system encountered an unexpected condition during execution; check

the Recommended Actions for instructions.

All remote peers are out of service and unable to handle calls for this SIP trunk.
This alarm provides the list of unavailable remote peers, where each peer is separated by semicolon. It also
provides the reason code received by the SIP trunk, in response to an Options request sent to remote peer. For
each peer, the alarm provides the hostname or SRV (if configured on SIP trunk), resolved IP address, port
number, and reason code in the following format:
The ReasonCodeType depends on a SIP response from the remote peer as defined in SIP RFCs (remote), or
depends on a reason code provided by Unified CM (local).
The examples of possible reason codes include:
Remote = 503 (503 Service Unavailable a standard SIP RFC error code)
Remote = 408 (408 Request Timeout a standard SIP RFC error code)
Local = 1 (request timeout)
Local = 2 (local SIP stack is unable to create a socket connection with remote peer)
Local = 3 (DNS query failed)
For Local=3, IP address in the alarm is represented as zero, and when DNS SRV is configured on SIP
trunk then the port is represented as zero.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

SIP Trunk Name(String)
Unavailable remote peers with Reason Code(String)

Recommended Action
For Remote = 503, the possible reasons include:
Route/SIP trunk for originating side does not exist on remote peer. If remote peer is Unified CM,
add a new SIP trunk in Unified CM Administration for the remote peer (Device > Trunk) and
ensure the Destination Address and Destination Port fields are configured to point to the originating
host (the originating host is the same node on which this alarm was generated).
Route/SIP trunk for originating side does exist on remote peer but the port is either used for a SIP
phone or a different SIP trunk. If remote peer is Unified CM, in the Unified CM Administration
for the remote peer (Device > Trunk), ensure the Destination Port on the originating side is
configured to be the same as the incoming port on the terminating side SIP Trunk Security Profile.
Remote peer has limited resources to handle new calls. If remote peer is administered by a different
system administrator, communicate the resource issue with the other administrator.

For Remote = 408, the possible reason includes:

Remote peer has limited resources to handle new calls. If remote peer is administered by a different
system administrator, communicate the resource issue with the other administrator.

For Local = 1, the possible reason could be that no responses are received for OPTIONS request after
all retries, when UDP transport is configured in the SIP trunk Security Profile assigned to the SIP trunk
on the originating side.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:

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If remote peer is Unified CM, in the remote peer Serviceability application, choose Tools > Control
Center (Feature Services) and ensure the Cisco CallManager service is activated and started.
In the Unified CM Administration for the remote peer, choose Device > Trunk, and ensure the
SIP trunk exists with the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile configured to be
same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Check the network connectivity by using the CLI command utils network ping <remote peer> at
the originating side.

For Local = 2, the possible reason could be that Unified CM is unable to create the socket connection
with remote peer.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:
If remote peer is Unified CM, in the remote peer Serviceability application, choose Tools > Control
Center (Feature Services) and ensure the Cisco CallManager service is activated and started.
In the Unified CM Administration for the remote peer, choose Device > Trunk and ensure the
SIP trunk exists with the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile configured to be
same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Check the network connectivity by using the CLI command utils network ping <remote peer> at
the originating side.

For Local = 3, the possible reason could be that DNS server is not reachable, or DNS is not properly
configured to resolve the hostname or SRV which is configured on the local SIP trunk.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:
1 In the OS Administration, choose Show > Network and verify whether the DNS details are correct.
If it is not correct, configure the correct DNS server information by using the CLI command set
network dns primary.
2 Check the network connectivity with DNS server by using the CLI command utils network ping
<remote peer>, and ensure the DNS server is properly configured.

The percentage of used disk space in the spare partition has exceeded the configured low water mark.

Note Spare Partition is not used for Intercompany Media Engine server. So this alert will not be triggered for
Intercompany Media Engine.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

UsedDiskSpace [String] MessageString [Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action
Login into RTMT and check the configured threshold value for LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded alert
in Alert Central. If the configured value is set to a lower than the default threshold value unintentionally,
change the value to default. Also, examine the trace and log file setting for each of the application in trace
configuration page under Cisco Unified CM Serviceability.
If the number of configured traces or logs is set to greater than 1000, adjust the trace settings from trace
configuration page to default. Also, clean up the trace files that are less than a week old. You can clean up
the traces using cli file delete or using Remote Browse from RTMT Trace and Log Central function.

A system call failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Error (3)

System Call(String)

Recommended Action

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384 OL-29844-01
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Testing error alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action

Unknown exception was caught while processing file request. This usually indicates a lack of memory when
there is a system issue such as running out of resources.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kThreadPoolProxyUnknownException.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Recommended Action
Use RTMT to monitor the system memory resources and consumption and correct any system issues that
might be contributing to a reduced amount of system resources.

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The Music On Hold audio source file cannot be opened. This alarm occurs when Music On Hold fails because
the MOH audio source file cannot be opened. The caller will hear silence instead of the desired Music on
Hold audio.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

10.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Error (3)

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

MohAudioSourceFileName [String]
MohAudioSourceId [Int]
OS Error Code [Int]
OS Error Code Text [String]

Recommended Action
Use Cisco Unified CM Administration for MOH Audio File Management on this specific MOH Cisco
Unified Communications Manager server to check that the Music On Hold audio source file has been uploaded
to this specific server. Note that MOH audio files must be uploaded using the Cisco Unified CM Administration
page of each MOH server in the cluster before that server can play the audio file. If you need to upload the
file, you will need to reset this MOH device after the upload so that it will be accessible by the MOH device.

CTI cannot communicate with Cisco CallManager service to register supplementary service features.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Check the status of the Cisco CallManager service in Cisco Unified Serviceability > Tools > Control Center
- Featured Services. At least one Cisco CallManager service should be running in the cluster for CTIManager
to register feature managers. Restart the CTIManager service if the problem persists. If CallManager service
is active, verify network connectivity between the Unified CM node that hosts CTIManager service and
Unified CM node that hosts CallManager service.

User log in failed because of bad user ID or password.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Error (3)

UserID [String]

Recommended Action

WebDialer Facility/Sub-Facility error.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details

WebDialer Facility/Sub-Facility overloaded.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Error (3)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
See application logs for details.

Warning-Level Alarms
The warning-level alarm is 4 and action is needed but priority of action is determined by the condition. A
warning about some bad condition, which is not necessarily an error. Configuration error or an alarm that by
itself does not indicate a warning but several instances of the same alarm do. Examples are:
Configuration error

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One alarm of this level may not mean that an error has occurred but multiple of these would be considered
an error

No more Annunciator resources available.
Annunciator resource allocation failed for one or more of the following reasons: all Annunciator resources
are already in use; there was a codec or capability mismatch (such as the endpoint using one type of IP
addressing such as IPv6, while the Annunciator supports only IPv4) between the endpoint and the Annunciator
resource; not enough bandwidth existed between the endpoint and the Annunciator.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Media Resource List Name(String)

Recommended Action
If all the resources of the Annunciator are already in use, check to be sure that all the Annunciators that belong
to the Media Resource Groups of the indicated Media Resource Group List and Default List are configured
and registered in all the applicable Unified CM nodes of the cluster. To check the registration status go to the
Media Resources > Annunciator menu and click the Find button. It will display all the Annunciators with
their status, device pool, and so on.
Check the status field to see whether it is registered with Unified CM. Note that the display on the status field
is not a confirmation that the device is registered to Unified CM. It may happen in a Unified CM cluster that
the Publisher can only write to the Unified CM database before the Publisher goes down. Because the Subscriber
may not be able to write to the database, the devices may still display registered in Unified CM Administration
after they are actually unregistered. However, if the Publisher is down that should generate another alarm
with higher priority than this alarm.
The Annunciator allocation can fail due to codec mismatch or capability mismatch between the endpoint and
the Annunciator. If there is a codec mismatch or capability mismatch (such as the endpoint using IPv6

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addressing but Annunciator supporting only IPv4), an MTP or transcoder should be allocated. So, if the MTP
or transcoder is not allocated then either MediaResourceListExhausted (with Media Resource Type as Media
termination point or transcoder) or MtpNoMoreResourcesAvailable alarm will be generated for the same
Media Resource Group List and you should first concentrate on that.
The Annunciator allocation may even fail after checking the region bandwidth between the regions to which
the held party belongs and the region to which the Annunciator belongs. Increasing the region bandwidth may
be a solution to the problem, but that decision should be made after careful consideration of the amount of
bandwidth you're willing to allocate per call between the set of regions. You'll need to weigh different factors
such as the total amount of available bandwidth, the average number of calls, the average number of calls
using the Annunciator, approximate bandwidth use per call, and so on, and accordingly calculate the region
Another possible cause is that the bandwidth needed for the call may not be available. This can happen if the
Annunciator and endpoint belong to different locations and the bandwidth that is set between the locations is
already in use by other calls. Examine the bandwidth requirements in your deployment to determine whether
bandwidth between the locations can be increased.
However, note that increasing the bandwidth between these two locations means that you may need to reduce
the bandwidth between other locations. Refer to the System Guide, SRNDs, and related Unified CM
documentation for more details. Be aware that reducing the bandwidth or removing the higher bandwidth
codecs from configuration may result in poor voice quality during call. Consider increasing the total amount
of network bandwidth.

Application has dropped the connection to CTIManager.
TCP or TLS connection between CTIManager and Application is disconnected.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Possible causes include Application server power outage, network power outage, network configuration error,
network delay, packet drops or packet corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Unified CM node
or application server is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify the application is up and running, verify network
connectivity between the application server and Unified CM, and verify the CPU utilization is in the safe
range for application server and Unified CM (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging Alert).

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390 OL-29844-01
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CTIManager is unable to allow connections from Applications.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

CTI Connection type(String)

Recommended Action
CTIManager has encountered problems initializing TCP connections. Restart the CTIManager service to
resolve this problem.

User is locked out by administrator.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

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Recommended Action
Administrator can unlock this user.

Login Authentication failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Login IP Address/Hostname [String] Login Date/Time [String] Login UserID [String] Login Interface [String]

Recommended Action
If this event happens repeatedly, investigate the source of the failed login attempts.

Failed to authenticate this user.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Notice to Warning.

8.5(1) Updated parameters.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Warning (4)


Recommended Action
Determine correct credentials and retry.

User attempted too many incorrect authentications. The maximum number of attempts gets set by the


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Added more descriptive text and corrected the parameter.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)


Recommended Action
Wait for administrator specified time to retry, or have administrator unlock the credential.

The user has been inactive for a specified time and the credential is locked.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Changed parameter text.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)


Recommended Action
Reset credential.

Authentication failed because the user exists in the database and the system specifies LDAP authentication.
A directory sync got performed in the immediate past (1 day).


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Revised the description and added text to Recommended Action.

8.5(1) Parameter updated.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

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Recommended Action
This user has yet to be removed from the database or the alarm will clear itself within 24 hours.

BDI Application stopped. Application was unloaded from Tomcat.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Warning (4)

Recommended Action
Check if Tomcat service is up.

A call was attempted but blocked or rejected by the policy decision point (PDP).
A call was rejected or blocked because it violated the enterprise policy as defined in a policy decision point
(PDP) that was configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM). The policy server
returns a call reject decision stating that a policy violation was the reason for rejecting the call. Calls may be
rejected because an unauthorized user attempted to dial a DN or pattern that is not allowed for him or her or
because a call forward directive was invoked and the destination specified in the call forward operation violated
the policy. Depending on email configuration in Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT), the system may have
generated an email alert when the call was rejected.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List

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Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Policy Decision Point(String)
Reject Reason(String)
Called Party Number(String)
Calling Party Number(String)
Calling User Id(String)

Recommended Action
Evaluate the information provided in this alarm (caller's user ID, to and from DNs, and so on) to determine
if the call attempt was an innocent mistake to dial a number that the user didn't realize was not routable for
him or her, or to discover whether the user is intentionally trying to circumvent the policy restrictions. If the
rejected call was caused by an innocent mistake, educate the affected user about the numbers that he or she
is allowed to dial. Your organization may have a policy or guidelines to follow when investigating call rejects.
In addition to or instead of the steps recommended here, please refer to your company's guidelines.

CCD has reached the maximum number of learned patterns allowed.
The CCD requesting service has limited the number of learned patterns to a number defined in the service
parameter, CCD Maximum Numbers of Learned Patterns. This alarm indicates that the CCD requesting service
has met the maximum number of learned patterns allowed.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

CCD Maximum Numbers of Learned Patterns (UInt)
System Limit of CCD Learned Patterns (UInt)

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Recommended Action
This alarm displays the value that is configured in the Cisco CallManager service parameter, CCD Maximum
Numbers of Learned Patterns, as well as the maximum number of learned patterns that are allowed by the
system (an internally-controlled maximum).
Consider whether the specified maximum number of learned patterns is correct for your deployment. If it is
too low, compare it with the number shown in the SystemLimitCCDLearnedPatterns in this alarm. If the Max
number is below the System Limit, you can go to the Service Parameters Configuration window and increase
the CCD Maximum Numbers of Learned Patterns service parameter. If the Max and System Limit numbers
match, the system is already configured to run at capacity of learned patterns; no action is required.

The CDR files disk usage has exceeded the High Water Mark. CDRM deleted some successfully delivered
CDR files that are still within the preservation duration, in order to bring the disk usage down to below HWM.
E-mail alert will be sent to the admin.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed Data Collector Routing List element to Alert Manager.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/CDR Rep

Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log
Alert Manager

DiskUsageInMB [String]

Recommended Action
The preservation duration may be too long. Reduce it at serviceability > tools > CDRM Configuration.
Or raise maximum allocated disk space and/or HWM for CDR files.

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Alarm indicates that the certificate will expire in 30 days or less.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Regenerate the certificate that is about to expire by accessing the Cisco Unified Operating System and go to
Certificate Management. If the certificate is issued by a CA, generate a CSR, submit the CSR to CA, obtain
a fresh certificate from CA, and upload it to Cisco Unified CM.

Conference resource allocation failed for one or more of the following reasons: the required number of
conference resources were not available; for an IOS-based conference bridge, the number of participants to
be added to the conference bridge exceeded the maximum number of participants allowed per conference; no
lower precedence conference was available for preemption although MLPP preemption was enabled; a
lower-precedence conference bridge was not preempted.

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Media Resource List Name(String)

Recommended Action
For IOS-based conference bridges, make sure that the maximum number of participants configured in a
conference bridge does not exceed the number of participants allowed per conference; please check the
IOS-based conference bridge user manual for limitations on the number of participants. Also, be sure to
educate end users about the maximum number of participants allowed. For IOS-based and non-IOS-based,
consider installing additional conference resources.

Application is unable to open the device.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiDeviceOpenFailure.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Device Name(String)

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Recommended Action
Check the reason code and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceOpenFailure, on page 400

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceOpenFailure

Value Definition
0x8CCC0013 Device is already opened by another application; identify the application that is controlling
(2362179603) this device. You can determine this information from RTMT (CallManager > CTI
Manager and CallManager > CTI Search)

0x8CCC00DA Unable to communicate with database; verify the CPU utilization is in the safe range for
(2362179802) (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging Alert)

0x8CCC009A Device is unregistering; wait for the device to register. Due to user initiated reset or restart
(2362179738) of the device from Unified CM. Device should automatically register wait for few moments
for the device to register

0x8CCC0018 Device is not in the user control list; verify whether the device is configured for control
(2362179608) by this application. For the application to control the device it should be included in the
user control list. To check whether the device is in the user control list, if the application
uses an End User, check the Device Association section under the End User Configuration
in Cisco Unified CM Administration (User Management > End User). If the application
uses an Application User, check under Device Information section for that Application
User in Cisco Unified CM Administration (User Management > Application User)

0x8CCC00F3 IPAddress mode (IPv4 or IPv6 or both) specified by the application does not match with
(2362179827) IP Addressing mode that is configured in Unified CM Administration; check the IP
addressing mode of the device in Cisco Unified CM Administration (Device > Device
Settings > Common Device Configuration)

Application is unable to open the line.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiLineOpenFailure.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Device Name(String)
Directory Number(String)

Recommended Action
Review the reason code and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineOpenFailure, on page 401

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineOpenFailure

Value Definition
0 Unknown

0x8CCC0018 Device is not in the user control list; verify whether the device is configured for control
(2362179608) by this application. For the application to control the device it should be included in the
user control list. To check whether the device is in the user control list, if the application
uses an End User, check the Device Association section under the End User Configuration
in Cisco Unified CM Administration (User Management > End User). If the application
uses an Application User, check under Device Information section for that Application
User in Cisco Unified CM Administration (User Management > Application User)

0x8CCC0005 Line is not found in the device; possible cause could be that the line that previously existed
(2362179589) on this device is not available. This could be due to a extension mobility login or logout

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Value Definition
0x8CCC00D3 Administrator has restricted the Line to be controllable by application. If the intent of the
(2362179795) Administrator is to allow control of this line, enable the check box labelled Allow control
of Device from CTI, in Unified CM Administration under Call Routing > Directory
Number and choose the line that should be controlled by this application

Incompatible protocol version.
The JTAPI/TAPI application version is not compatible with this version of CTIManager, so the received
message has been rejected. The IP address is shown in either IPv4 or IPv6 format depending on the IP
addressing mode of the Application.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiIncompatibleProtocolVersion.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Unified CM Version(String)

Recommended Action
Verify that the correct version of the application is being used. If you are not sure of the correct version,
contact the application vendor and upgrade the JTAPI/TSP to the version provided by Cisco Unified

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402 OL-29844-01
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Communications Manager. JTAPI/TSP plugins are available in Cisco Unified CM Administration (Application
> Plugins).

Maximum number of CTI connections has been reached, no new connection will be accepted unless an existing
connection is closed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiMaxConnectionReached.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Check the CTI Manager service parameter Maximum CTI Connections for the maximum number of
connections. Carefully, consider increasing the service parameter value or disconnecting CTI applications
that are unnecessary. Refer to Unified CM Solution Reference Network Design document in
based on the version you are using for maximum number of applications and devices supported by CTI.

CTI heartbeat timeout occurred causing CTIManager to close the application connection.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiProviderCloseHeartbeatTimeout.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
Heartbeat timeout could occur due to high CPU usage or network connectivity problems. Check for and fix
any network issues or high CPU usage on the application server. If the application server is running the
Microsoft Windows OS use Task Manager or Perfmon to determine the CPU usage. For applications in Linux
use the top command to review CPU usage.

The requested operation from the application could not be performed because of a normal or abnormal


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiQbeFailureResponse.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log

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404 OL-29844-01
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Event Log

Error message(String)

Recommended Action
Verify whether the affected application is experiencing a problem. Contact the support organization for the
affected application if the problem persists and provide sequence number and error message for further

The digit analysis component in Cisco Unified Communications Manager has timed out. This can occur
because Cisco Unified Communications Manager is busy and the resulting delay in processing request and
response messages caused the digit analysis component to time out.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
In the Service Parameter Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration, check the Cisco
CallManager service parameter, Digit Analysis Timer, to confirm that the default value is in use. Use RTMT
to monitor the system resources and correct any system issues that might be contributing to high CPU utilization
on Cisco Unified CM.

Cisco IP Phone failed to download its image.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) Enum Definitions for FailureReason.

7.1 Added DeviceImageDownloadFailure to the Phone Catalog.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)


Recommended Action
Verify that the IP address or hostname of the image download server (either the Load server or the TFTP
server) is correct. If you're using a hostname, verify that the Domain Name Server (DNS) is accessible from
the phone and can resolve the hostname. Verify that the TFTP service is activated and running on the Load
server or TFTP server (the server you are using to serve firmware load files). Verify that the Load server or
TFTP server is accessible from the phone. Also, refer to the reason code descriptions for recommended actions.

Related Topics
Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure, on page 406
FailureReason Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure, on page 407

Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure

Code Definition


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Code Definition

FailureReason Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadFailure

Code Definition
1 A TFTP server error occurred - examine the TFTP log to determine whether other errors
occurred at the same time the device was attempting to download its firmware and correct
any TFTP errors that may have occurred. Also, investigate the load on the TFTP server
to ensure that device download requests are being processed; check network connectivity
to the TFTP server.

2 Specified firmware load ID is not found on the TFTP server. Check that file name is
correct, or load (image) file exist on TFTP server.

3 An internal phone error occurred during the download attempt; reset the phone to correct
the issue.

4 The Load server or TFTP server could not process the phone's firmware load request. It
is possible that congestion is causing a delay in TFTP response. To allow the phone to
attempt the download again, wait a few minutes then reset the phone. The phone will
attempt to download its firmware load again. If resetting the phone does not solve the
issue, restart the Load server or TFTP server (whichever server provides firmware loads).

5 An encryption error occurred on the phone while trying to load the new firmware load
(image); reset the phone to correct the issue.

6 The downloaded firmware load (image) is not encrypted. Verify that correct load (image)
name is provided to the phone and that the server that provides firmware loads has that
encrypted load (image) file.

7 The downloaded firmware load (image) cannot be decrypted using the decryption key on
the phone (resulting in an encryption key mismatch). If you have provided the image
encryption key, try re-encrypting the image with the key that matches the key already on
the phone, then attempt the download again. Otherwise, collect the phone logs from the
time of this alarm (review the steps in the Administration Guide for the appropriate phone
model to learn how to access the phone logs) and contact the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC).

8 There is a problem with the encryption of the downloaded firmware load (image). Collect
pertinent details such as the device's MAC address, device type, the firmware load ID,
and phone logs from the time of this alarm (review the steps in the Administration Guide
for the appropriate phone model to learn how to access the phone logs), and contact the
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

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Code Definition
9 The phone did not receive a load server name or IP address and as a result, does not have
the server information needed to download a firmware load. Check the Device
Configuration page in Cisco Unified CM Administration to ensure that the IP address of
the Load server or TFTP server is accurately configured. If the information is inaccurate
or not present, supply the correct information and restart the phone. If the information is
accurate, restart the phone. If this alarm recurs, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC).

10 The phone attempted an action that is not allowed by the Load server or TFTP server;
reset the phone to attempt to clear the condition.

13 The device has exceeded the internally-configured time allowed for a response from the
Load server or TFTP server when requesting the firmware load file. It is possible that
congestion is causing a delay in TFTP response. To allow the phone to attempt the
download again, wait a few minutes then reset the phone. The phone will attempt to
download the file again. If resetting the phone does not solve the issue, restart the Load
server or TFTP server (whichever server provides the firmware load files).

14 The data that the phone received from the Load server or TFTP server was not intact; not
enough information was received. Restart the phone to begin the download process again.

15 The data that the phone received from the Load server or TFTP server was not intact; too
much information was received. Restart the phone to begin the download process again.

16 The phone cannot connect to the network; check for network connectivity to the image
firmware load server or the TFTP server and correct any broken connection. Restart the
phone to attempt connection again unless the restart occurs automatically.

17 The DNS server name that the phone is attempting to connect to could not be resolved.
Examine the DNS server name(s) in the phone settings to verify that the information is
accurate and if not, update the name on the phone. Restart the phone unless the restart
occurs automatically.

18 No DNS server - Configure a DNS server IP address on the phone settings. Restart the
phone unless the restart occurs automatically.

19 Connection to the Load server or TFTP server has timed out - The phone attempted to
connect to the Load server or TFTP server but could not connect successfully. If you are
using the TFTP server to serve firmware loads, check the TFTP server IP address as
configured in the settings on the phone; make sure the IP address is accurate. If it is not,
correct the IP address and press Apply; the phone should restart automatically. If you are
using a Load server to serve firmware loads, check the IP address or hostname on the
Phone Configuration page in Cisco Unified CM Administration for the phone identified
in this alarm, to ensure that the information is accurate. If it is not, update the IP address
or hostname and restart the phone. Also, verify that network connectivity exists between
the phone and the Load server or TFTP server. Restart the phone to attempt connection
again unless the restart occurs automatically.

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Code Definition
20 Download was cancelled - A previous download request was superseded by a new
download request. The original download was cancelled so that the new download could
continue. No action is required.

Device partially registered. A device is partially registered with Cisco CallManager. Some, but not all, of the
lines configured on the device have successfully registered.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Following information is updated:
Enum Definitions for performance monitor object type
Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Device name. [String] Device MAC address [Optional]. [String] Device IP address. [String] Protocol. [String]
Device description [Optional]. [String] User ID [Optional]. [String] Load ID. [Optional] [String] Associated
directory numbers. [String] Performance monitor object type [Enum]Device type. [Optional] [Enum]

Recommended Action
In the Cisco Unified Reporting tool, run the Unified CM Multi-Line Devices report and check the number of
lines that are supposed to be configured on the device identified in this alarm. If the device has registered an
inconsistent number of lines compared the Multi-Lines report for this device, restart the device so that it can
reregister all lines. If this alarm persists, verify that the appropriate number of lines has been configured on
the device, and that the appropriate directory numbers have been configured. If the device is a third-party SIP
phone, verify that the directory numbers configured on the phone match the directory numbers configured on
the device in Unified CM Administration.

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Related Topics
Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for DevicePartiallyRegistered, on page 410
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DevicePartiallyRegistered, on page 410

Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for DevicePartiallyRegistered

Code Reason
1 Cisco CallManager

2 Cisco Phones

3 Cisco Lines

4 Cisco H323

5 Cisco MGCP Gateway

6 Cisco MOH Device

7 Cisco Analog Access

8 Cisco MGCP FXS Device

9 Cisco MGCP FXO Device

10 Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device

11 Cisco MGCP PRI Device

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DevicePartiallyRegistered

Code Reason





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

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Code Reason
8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935



12 CISCO_ATA_186












61 H323_PHONE








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Code Reason








115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971















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Code Reason



302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911


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Code Reason




484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936




30035 IP_STE

A connection was established and immediately dropped before completing registration. Incomplete registration
may indicate that a device is rehoming in the middle of registration. The alarm could also indicate a device

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misconfiguration, database error, or an illegal/unknown device trying to attempt a connection. Network

connectivity problems can affect device registration, or the restoration of a primary Unified CM may interrupt


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following information is updated:
Enum Definitions for DeviceType
Enum Definitions
Enum Definitions for IPAddrAttributes
Enum Definitions for IPV6AddrAttributes

7.1 IPv6 parameters added: IPV6Address[Optional][String],

IPAddrAttributes[Optional][Enum], and IPV6AddrAttributes[Optional][Enum].


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device IP address [Optional].[String]
Device name [Optional].[String]
Device MAC address [Optional].[String]
Device type. [Optional][Enum]
Reason Code [Optional].[Enum]
Connecting Port [UInt]
Registering SIP User. [Optional].[String]
IPV6Address [Optional].[String]
IPAddressAttributes [Optional].[Enum]

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IPV6AddressAttributes [Optional].[Enum]

Recommended Action
In the Cisco Unified Reporting tool, check the Active Services section of the Unified CM Cluster Overview
report to confirm that any failover/fallback scenarios have completed. Confirm that auto-registration is enabled
if the phone attempting to connect is set to auto-register, or locate the phone that is attempting to auto-register
if auto-registration has been intentionally disabled. Check the device indicated in this alarm and confirm that
the device registration details in Cisco Unified CM Administration are accurate. Also, refer to the reason code
definitions for recommended actions. No action is required if this event was issued as a result of a normal
device rehome.

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection, on page 416
Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection, on page 418
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection, on page 421
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection, on page 421

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection

Code nosaeR
10 H

11 H

30 SSE

40 SA

42 +SA

43 806X

47 426X

48 Y

50 D

51 H

52 H

53 M

62 W

70 D

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Code nosaeR
71 O

73 N

80 T

83 H

84 R

85 D


100 O

110 N

111 H

112 H

113 C

120 O

121 K

122 R

124 O


126 R

131 K

132 W

133 K

134 E

227 O

228 O

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Code nosaeR
229 O

230 O

232 M

254 Y

255 N

30027 E

30028 H

30032 H

Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection

Code Reason
1 Unknown(SCCP only) The device failed to register for an unknown reason.
If this persists, collect SDL/SDI traces with Enable SCCP Keep Alive
Trace enabled and contact TAC.

2 NoEntryInDatabase(MGCP only) The device is not configured in the

Unified CM Administration database and auto-registration is either not
supported for the device type or is not enabled. To correct this problem,
configure this device in Unified CM Administration.

3 DatabaseConfigurationErrorThe device is not configured in the Unified

CM Administration database and auto-registration is either not supported
for the device type or is not enabled. To correct this problem, configure this
device in Unified CM Administration.

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Code Reason
4 DeviceNameUnresolveableFor SIP third-party devices this means that
Unified CM could not determine the name of the device from the
Authorization header in the REGISTER message. The device did not provide
an Authorization header after Unified CM challenged with a 401
Unauthorized message. Verify that the device is configured with digest
credentials and is able to respond to 401challenges with an Authorization
header. If this is a Cisco IP phone, the configuration may be out-of-sync.
First, go to the Cisco Unified Reporting web page, generate a Unified CM
Database Status report, and verify all servers have a good replication status.
If DB replications looks good, reset the phone. If that still doesn't fix the
problem, restart the TFTP and the Cisco CallManager services. For all other
devices, this reason code means that DNS lookup failed. Verify the DNS
server configured via the OS Administration CLI is correct and that the DNS
name used by the device is configured in the DNS server.

6 ConnectivityErrorThe network connection between the device and Cisco

Unified CM dropped before the device was fully registered. Possible causes
include device power outage, network power outage, network configuration
error, network delay, packet drops and packet corruption. It is also possible
to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU
usage. Verify the device is powered up and operating, verify network
connectivity between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify the CPU
utilization is in the safe range (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU
Pegging Alert).

7 InitializationErrorAn internal error occurred within Cisco Unified CM

while processing the device registration. It is recommended to restart the
Cisco CallManager service. If this occurs repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI
detailed traces with Enable SIP Keep Alive (REGISTER Refresh) Trace
and Enable SCCP Keep Alive Trace under Cisco CallManager services
turned on and contact TAC.

10 AuthenticationErrorThe device failed either TLS or SIP digest security

authentication. If the device is a SIP phone and is enabled for digest
authentication (on the System > Security Profile > Phone Security Profile,
check if Enable Digest Authentication checkbox is checked), verify the
Digest Credentials in the End User config page are configured. Also, check
the phone config page to see if the phone is associated with the specified
end user in the Digest User drop box. If the device is a third-party SIP device,
verify the digest credentials configured on the phone match the Digest
Credentials configured in the End User page.

11 InvalidX509NameInCertificateConfigured X.509 Subject Name doesn't

match what's in the certificate from the device. Check the Security profile
of the indicated device and verify the Device Security Mode is either
Authenticated or Encrypted. Verify the X.509 Subject Name field has
the right content. It should match the Subject Name in the certificate from
the peer.

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Code Reason
12 InvalidTLSCipherUnsupported cipher algorithm used by the device; Cisco
Unified CM only supports AES_128_SHA cipher algorithm. Recommended
action is for the device to regenerate its certificate with the AES_128_SHA
cipher algorithm.

14 MalformedRegisterMsg(SIP only) A SIP REGISTER message could not

be processed because of an illegal format. Possible causes include a missing
Call-ID header, a missing AoR in the To header, and an expires value too
small. Verify the REGISTER message does not suffer from any of these

15 ProtocolMismatchThe protocol of the device (SIP or SCCP) does not

match the configured protocol in Cisco Unified CM. Recommended actions:
1 Verify the device is configured with the desired protocol.
2 Verify the firmware load ID on the Device Defaults page is correct and
actually exists on the TFTP server.
3 If there is a firmware load ID configured on the device page, verify it is
correct and exists on the TFTP server (On Cisco Unified OS
Administration page, Software Upgrades > TFTP File Management,
look for the file name as specified by load ID).
4 Restart the TFTP and Cisco CallManager services. Use the Cisco Unified
OS Administration TFTP File Management page to verify the configured
firmware loads exist.

16 DeviceNotActiveThe device has not been activated

17 AuthenticatedDeviceAlreadyExistsA device with the same name is already

registered. If this occurs repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI detailed traces with
Enable SIP Keep Alive (REGISTER Refresh) Trace and Enable SCCP
Keep Alive Trace under Cisco CallManager services turned on and contact
TAC. There may be an attempt by unauthorized devices to register.

18 ObsoleteProtocolVersion(SCCP only) A SCCP device registered with an

obsolete protocol version. Power cycle the phone. Verify that the TFTP
service is activated. Verify that the TFTP server is reachable from the device.
If there is a firmware load ID configured on the Phone Config page, verify
that the firmware load ID exists on the TFTP server (On Cisco Unified OS
Administration page, Software Upgrades > TFTP File Management, look
for the file name as specified by load ID).

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection

Code Reason
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for.

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for control
signaling only.

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling.

IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceTransientConnection

Code Reason
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for.

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for control
signaling only.

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling.

A device that has previously registered with Cisco CallManager has unregistered. In cases of normal
unregistration with reason code CallManagerReset, CallManagerRestart, or DeviceInitiatedReset, the
severity of this alarm is lowered to INFORMATIONAL. A device can unregister for many reasons, both
intentional, such as manually resetting the device after a configuration change, or unintentional, such as loss
of network connectivity. Other causes for this alarm could include a phone being registered to a secondary
node and then the primary node come back online, causing the phone to rehome to the primary Unified CM
node or lack of a KeepAlive being returned from the Unified CM node to which this device was registered.
Unregistration also occurs if Unified CM receives a duplicate registration request for this same device.

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Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following information is updated:
Enum Definitions for DeviceType
Enum Definition
Enum Definitions for IPAddrAttributes
Enum Definitions for IPV6AddrAttributes

7.1 Parameters added: IPV6Address,IPAddrAttributes, and



Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device name. [String]
Device MAC address [Optional]. [String]
Device IP address [Optional]. [String]
Protocol. [String]
Device type. [Optional] [Enum]
Device description [Optional]. [String]
Reason Code [Optional]. [Enum]
IPV6Address [Optional]. [String]
IPAddressAttributes [Optional]. [Enum]
IPV6AddressAttributes [Optional]. [Enum]
See the following:

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422 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Actions to take vary depending on the reason specified for the device unregistration. If the reason is
ConfigurationMismatch, go to the Device Configuration page in Cisco Unified CM Administration, make a
change to the Description field for this device, click Save, then reset the device. In the case of a network
connectivity or loss of KeepAlives problem, use network diagnostic tools and the Cisco Unified CM Reporting
tool to fix any reported network or Unified CM system errors. In the case of a device rehoming to the primary
Unified CM node, watch for a successful registration of the device on the primary node. In the case of a
duplicate registration request, it may be a non-malicious occurrence due to timing of a device registering and
unregistering; if duplicate registration requests continue or if the same device has different IP addresses,
confirm the IP address on the physical device itself by checking the settings on the device (settings button).
If unregistration of this device was expected, no action is required. Also, refer to the reason code descriptions
for recommended actions.

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered, on page 423
Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered, on page 425
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered, on page 427
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered, on page 427

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered

Code Device Type













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OL-29844-01 423
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type

























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424 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type










Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered

Code Reason
1 Unknown - The device has unregistered for an unknown reason. If the device does not
reregister within 5 minutes, verify it is powered-up and verify network connectivity
between the device and Cisco Unified CM.

6 ConnectivityError - Network communication between the device and Cisco Unified

CM has been interrupted. Possible causes include device power outage, network power
outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops and packet corruption.
It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high
CPU usage. Verify the device is powered up and operating, verify network connectivity
between the device and Cisco Unified CM, and verify the CPU utilization is in the safe
range (this can be monitored using RTMT via CPU Pegging Alert).

8 DeviceInitiatedReset - The device has initiated a reset, possibly due to a power cycle
or internal error. No action required; the device will reregister automatically.

9 CallManagerReset - A device reset was initiated from Cisco Unified CM Administration,

either due to an explicit command from an administrator, or due to internal errors
encountered. No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

10 DeviceUnregistered - The device has explicitly unregistered. Possible causes include

a change in the IP address or port of the device. No action is necessary, the device will
reregister automatically.

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Code Reason
11 MalformedRegisterMsg - (SIP only) A SIP REGISTER message could not be processed
because of an illegal format. Possible causes include a missing Call-ID header, a missing
AoR in the To header, and an expires value too small. Verify the REGISTER message
does not suffer from any of these ills.

12 SCCPDeviceThrottling - (SCCP only) The indicated SCCP device exceeded the

maximum number of events allowed per-SCCP device. Events can be phone calls,
KeepAlive messages, or excessive SCCP or non-SCCP messages. The maximum number
of allowed events is controlled by the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Max Events
Allowed. When an individual device exceeds the number configured in that service
parameter, Unified CM closes the TCP connection to the device; automatic reregistration
generally follows. This action is an attempt to stop malicious attacks on Unified CM
or to ward off excessive CPU usage.

13 KeepAliveTimeout - A keepalive message was not received. Possible causes include

device power outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network
delay, packet drops and packet corruption. It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco
Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify the device is powered up
and operating, verify network connectivity between the device and Cisco Unified CM,
and verify the CPU utilization is in the safe range (this can be monitored using RTMT
via CPU Pegging Alert).

14 ConfigurationMismatch (SIP only) The configuration on the device does not match the
configuration in Cisco Unified CM. This can be caused by database replication errors
or other internal Cisco Unified CM communication errors. First go to the Cisco Unified
Reporting web page, generate a Unified CM Database Status report, and verify "all
servers have a good replication status". If this device continues to unregister with this
reason code, go to the CCMAdmin Device web page for the device and click Save.
This allows a change notify to be generated to the Unified CM and TFTP services and
rebuild a new config file. If the problem still persists, restart the TFTP service and Cisco
Unified CM service.

15 CallManagerRestart - A device restart was initiated from Cisco Unified CM, either due
to an explicit command from an administrator, or due to a configuration change such
as adding, deleting or changing a DN associated with the device. No action necessary,
the device will reregister automatically.

16 DuplicateRegistration - Cisco Unified CM detected that the device attempted to register

to 2 nodes at the same time. Cisco Unified CM initiated a restart to the phone to force
it to rehome to a single node. No action necessary, the device will reregister

17 CallManagerApplyConfig - An ApplyConfig command was invoked from Unified CM

Administration resulting in an unregistration. No action necessary, the device will
reregister automatically.

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Code Reason
18 DeviceNoResponse - The device did not respond to a reset or restart notification, so it
is being forcefully reset. If the device does not reregister within 5 minutes, confirm it
is powered-up and confirm network connectivity between the device and Cisco Unified

IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered

Code Reason
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for.

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for control
signaling only.

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling.

IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceUnregistered

Code Reason
0 Unknown - The device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for

1 Administrative only - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal only - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for control
signaling only.

3 Administrative and signal - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is
used for administrative communication (web interface) and control signaling.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager sent a routing request to the policy decision point but the request
timed out without a response.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) was unable to complete the routing request before
timing out. This time out could occur due to low system resources, high CPU usage, or a high volume of call

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

activities on this Unified CM node. Unified CM applies the Call Treatment on Failure that is configured for
the External Call Control Profile associated with this call.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Translation Pattern Triggering Point(String)
Policy Decision Point(String)

Recommended Action
Check the External Call Control object in Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) to see whether the
ExternalCallControlEnabledCallAttempted counter is spiking. If so, this indicates an unusually high
number of calls at this time which could result in reduced system resources.
Check the QueueSignalsPresent2-Normal for persistent long high signal queue. If the long signal queue
exists, check whether the Code Yellow alarm has already issued and check the system CPU and memory
usage for this Unified CM node.
Follow the recommended actions for Code Yellow alarm if the Code Yellow alarm has fired.

For high CPU usage, use RTMT to determine which areas may be contributing to the high CPU usage. If this
alarm persists, collect system performance data (such as the percentage of Memory, Page and VM usage,
partition read and write bytes per second, the percentage of CPU usages of all the processes, and the processor
IOWait percentage) and contact Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

No schedules found in DB for directory synchronization. No automatic LDAP directory synchronization


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

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Warning (4)

ScheduleTableName [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration

Timeout occurred for directory synchronization task.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Warning (4)

SchedulerID [String] TaskID [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration.

DRF successfully de-registered the requested component.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFComponentDeRegistered.
Routing List elements added.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Ensure that the component that was de-registered is not needed for further backup/restore operation.

DRF de-registration request for a component failed.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFDeRegistrationFailure.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

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Recommended Action
Check the DRF logs and contact support if needed.

DRF automatically de-registered all the components for a server. This server might have got disconnected
from CCM cluster.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFDeRegisteredServer.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action

A valid backup of the current system was not found after an Upgrade, Migration, or Fresh Install.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
It is recommended to perform a Backup using the Disaster Recovery System.

DRF Scheduler is disabled because no configured features available for backup.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFSchedulerDisabled.
Routing List elements added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

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Recommended Action
Ensure at least one feature is configured for the scheduled backup to run.

There was an EMCC login failure at a remote Unified CM. EMCC login could fail due to the following
User does not exist in any of the configured remote cluster.
User is not enabled for EMCC.
No free EMCC base device.
EMCC access was prevented by remote cluster.
Untrusted certificate received from the remote end while trying to establish a connection.

Reason Codes:
38EMCC or PSTN is not activated in InterClusterServiceProfile page
31User is not enabled for EMCC
39Default and Backup TFTP Service is not configured

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Device Name(String)
Login Date/Time(String)
Login UserID(String)

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OL-29844-01 433
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Recommended Action
Do the following:
Ensure that the user is a valid EMCC user and that user home cluster is added as a EMCC remote cluster
(From Unified CM Administration window, go to System > EMCC > Remote Cluster > Add New).
Contact remote site administrator to enable user for EMCC (From Unified CM Administration window, go
to User Management > End User > Select User > Enable Extension Mobility Cross Cluster checkbox).
Contact remote site administrator for adding or freeing EMCC Base Devices (From Unified CM Administration
window, go to Bulk Administration > EMCC > Insert/Update EMCC).
Contact remote site administrator to validate the remote cluster setting for this cluster.
Ensure that a bundle of all Tomcat certificates (PKCS12) got imported into the local tomcat-trust keystore
(From the OS Administration window, go to Security > Certificate Management.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager failed to parse one or multiple optional elements or attributes in the
call routing response from the policy decision point.
A routing response was received from the policy decision point (PDP) but Cisco Unified Communications
Manager (Unified CM) failed to parse the optional elements in the response. Optional elements may include
modified calling numbers or called numbers, call reject or call diversion reasons, and so on. The cause may
be a syntax error or missing attributes in the call routing response.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)
Called Party Number(String)
Calling Party Number(String)
Calling User Id(String)
Request XML Data(String)

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Recommended Action
Check if call routing response from the policy decision point complies with the guidelines specified for external
call control in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager documentation. Check if any optional elements
included as the policy obligations in the call routing response are correctly entered according to the external
call control documentation, including any applicable API documentation.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager cannot fulfill the call routing directive returned by the PDP. The
failure can occur because of the following conditions:
Call was cleared by a CTI application before Cisco Unified Communications Manager was able to route
it to the location defined by the PDP.
Call that was allowed by a policy server was redirected by the CTI application to a destination.
Annunciator ID was misconfigured in the PDP.
Unified CM attempted to invoke a media resource such as Annunciator but no resources were available.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)
Reason, Unified CM failed to fulfill the directive(String)
Called Party Number(String)
Calling Party Number(String)
Calling User Id(String)

Recommended Action
In many cases, the cause for a failure occurs because of the intervention by a CTI application which scoops
up the call before Unified CM is able to fulfill the routing directive in the PDP. Examine the CTI application
to ensure that the call is in alerting or connected state before the CTI begins to interact with it.
If the failure is caused by a problem with the annunciator ID, ensure the ID has been accurately configured
in the PDP and that it exists in Unified CM Administration.

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If the failure was caused by a lack of media resources, try increasing the Annunciator Call Count service
parameter in the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

Cisco CallManager is not ready to handle calls for the indicated H323 device.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) is not ready to handle calls for the indicated H.323
device. This could be due to Unified CM being unable to resolve the gateway name to IP address. For trunks,
this alarm should only occur when a system administrator has made a configuration change such as resetting
the H.323 trunk. For H.323 clients, this alarm occurrence is normal on lower-priority Unified CM nodes when
a high-priority Unified CM node starts.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Following information updated:
Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Device Name. [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String] Remote CallManager Server 1[Optional]. [String] Remote CallManager Server
2[Optional]. [String] Remote CallManager Server 3[Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action
If the service was stopped intentionally, no action is required. Check the domain name system (DNS)
configuration for any errors in the gateway name or IP address and correct.

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Stopped, on page 437

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DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Stopped

Code Device Type
61 H323_PHONE




A message has been received from an IME server that contains a subscription identifier that is not handled
by this node
Each node that communicates with a IME server saves a subscription identifier associated with each IME
client instance. A IME server has sent a message with a subscription identifier that does not match any of the
previously sent subscription identifiers.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
This may be a race condition if the IME client instance has been recently added or deleted. If this error
continues, there may be a synchronization issue between this node and the IME server sending this message.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Subscription Identifier(UInt)
IME Server(String)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 437
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

QBE PDU from application is invalid.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

CTI Connection type(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm indicates that TSP/JTAPI has reported a QBE PDU that cannot be recognized by CTIManager.
Contact the support organization for the affected application, install the JTAPI or TSP plugin and restart the
application. JTAPI/TSP plugins are available from the Find and List Plugins window in Cisco Unified CM
Administration (Application > Plugins).

IPMA Manager Logged out.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Warning (4)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

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Recommended Action
To relogin the user, click update in the CCMAdmin IPMA Service configuration page for this user.

IPMA Application stopped and unloaded from Tomcat.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Warning (4)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check if Tomcat service is up.

Announcement file not found. The annunciator was unable to access an announcement audio file. This may
be caused by not uploading a custom announcement to each server in the cluster or a locale has not been
installed on the server.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Missing filename(String)

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Recommended Action
Upload the custom announcement to the server or install the missing locale package.

Requested announcement not found. This may be caused by using an incorrect announcement identifier for
a custom announcement. Use the Cisco Unified CM Admin to view a list of custom announcement identifiers
and verify the correct one is being used.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Parameter list removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Add the announcement.

Unknown ANN locale. The requested Locale for an announcement is not installed. For network locale you
use the platform CLI interface to run (run sql select * from typecountry where enum = #), #=locale. This will
tell you what country locale is being requested.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Parameter list is updated.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Locale Type [String]

Recommended Action
Install the locale package or check device settings for an incorrect locale value.

The ANN device configuration was not found. A service parameter for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App
service related to the ANN device configuration was not found. The system will start with the given default


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Informational to Warning.
Parameter list added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Parameter Name [String]
Value Used [String]

Recommended Action
Review the service parameter settings and configure the ANN device settings properly using the Cisco Unified
CM Administration.

CFB device configuration not found. A service parameter for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service
related to the CFB device configuration was not found. The system will use the given default setting.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Informational to Warning.
New parameters added:
Parameter Name(String)
Value Used(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Parameter Name(String)
Value Used(String)

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442 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Review the service parameter settings and configure the CFB device settings properly using the Cisco Unified
CM Administration.

Database change notification subsystem not starting. The background process to activate database changes
has failed to start. Database changes affecting the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service will not
automatically take effect.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service to get the DB notification reenabled.

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OL-29844-01 443
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Invalid notification event returned by database change notification. The change notification subsystem returned
an invalid notification event. The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service will terminate. The SW media
devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP) will be temporarily out of service and calls in progress may be dropped.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1)

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Check the current status of the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service and monitor for repeated

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444 OL-29844-01
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Database change notification restart failure. The change notification subsystem failed to restart.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1)

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Code(Int)
OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
This service has change notification disabled, it may be reenabled at a later time or restart Cisco IP Voice
Media Streaming App service to reenable immediately.

IP voice media streaming device driver error. The IP voice media streaming device driver returned an error.
This may indicate a significant media error or resource shortage.

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Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error [String]

Recommended Action
Restarting the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or possibly restarting the server may resolve the
error condition.

Device connection manager failed to start. The device controller was unable to start a connection to control
device registration with CallManager. This is possibly due to lack of memory.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name [String] Server Name [String]

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the Cisco Unified CM server.

Open receive failure. The open receive channel failed. This may indicate a mismatch of media resources
between Cisco Unified Call Manager and the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
Check the performance monitor counters for resource availability on Cisco Unified CM and on Cisco IP Voice
Media Streaming App. Also, you might run the Platform CLI command Show Media Streams to identify
possible media connection resource leaks. Possibly reset the media device or restart Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming App or restart the Cisco Unified CM server.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager not responding. The specified Cisco Unified Communications
Manager is not responding to the keepalive messages. The connection with Cisco Unified CM is being
terminated and the media device will reregister with another Cisco Unified Call Manager if a secondary is
configured. Otherwise, the media device will be unavailable until the device is able to reregister with Cisco
Unified CM.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
Cisco Unified Communications Manager may have gone down or is unable to respond. Check status of Cisco
Unified CM. The media device should automatically reregister.

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Connection error with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The media device was registered with the
specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager and received a socket error or disconnect. This may occur
normally when Cisco Unified Communications Manager is stopped.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required; The media device will reregister.

This alarm get generated when creating a signaling event for communication with the media streaming kernel
driver. It can be caused by memory or system resource shortages.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements. Changed severity level to Warning from

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Device Name [String]
Trace Name [String]
OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Creation socket event failure. An error was reported when creating a notification event for a socket interface.
This may be due to a resource shortage. The media device will remain unavailable.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name [String] Trace Name [String] OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service and monitor for reoccurrence or restart the Cisco
Unified CM server.

Start transmission failure. An error was encountered while starting an RTP transmission audio stream. This
may indicate a mismatch of resources between Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco IP Voice
Media Streaming App service.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]

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Recommended Action
Check the performance counters for the media resources on Cisco Unified CM and Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming App to determine if there is a resource leak. You should also use the platform CLI command Show
Media Streams to check for orphaned media RTP connections.

Creation of thread failure. An error was reported when starting a process for the specified media device. This
may be due to a system resource shortage.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code[Int]
OS Error Description [String]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name [String] Trace Name [String] OS Error Code [Int] OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the Cisco Unified CM server to recover
from this error.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Fixed input codec stream initialization failure. Initialization of sound card codec source transcoding process
failed. The fixed audio source will not play possibly due to memory or resource shortage.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters removed:
Audio Source ID [ULong]
System error code [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error text [String] Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action
Reset MOH device, or restart Cisco IO Voice Media Streaming App service, or restart server.

Fixed stream control create failure. The audio stream control subsystem for the Fixed MOH audio source
failed to start. Audio from the MOH Fixed audio source will not be provided for streaming out. This may be
due to resource shortage such as memory or availability of the Fixed MOH audio source device.

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Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Audio Source ID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action
Reset MOH device, if failure continues restart the server. Monitor for errors in trace files and system log.

Fixed stream sound card interface create failure. An error was encountered when starting the interface to
access the sound card for providing MOH fixed audio. The audio source will not play possibly due to shortage
of memory.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Audio Source ID [ULong] parameter is removed.

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Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action
Reset MOH device, or restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service, or restart the server. Check
the system log and possibly the traces for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

Fixed stream sound card interface initialization failure. Initialization of sound card failed. Fixed audio source
will not play possibly due to missing or unconfigured USB sound device.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters are removed:
Audio Source ID [ULong]
System error code [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Error text [String] Device name [String]

Recommended Action
Check that the USB sound is installed. Reset MOH device, or restart Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App
service, or restart the server. The system log and traces from Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App may
contain additional information.

Fixed input audio stream transcoder failure. An error was encountered while transcoding audio from the sound
card. The audio source will not play possibly due an error accessing the sound card.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Following parameters are removed:
Audio Source ID [ULong]
System error code [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error text [String]

Recommended Action
Check that the USB sound device is properly installed. Unplug the USB sound device and replug back into
the USB connector. Reset MOH device, restart Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service, or restart the

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Get audio source file name failure. The Music-on-Hold audio source is not assigned to an audio file.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Audio Source ID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action
Assign the audio source to an audio file or change the value of the MOH audio source to a value that has been

Creation of required signaling event failed. An error was encountered when creating a signaling event
component. This may be due to a resource shortage. The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service will

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Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Check the trace files for more information. The service should automatically be restarted. If this error continues
to reoccur the server may need to be restarted.

Creation of the IPVMSMgr thread failed. An error was encountered while starting a process thread. The Cisco
IP Voice Media Streaming App service will terminate. The software media devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP)
will be unavailable while the service is stopped.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.

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OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Monitor the status of the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service. It should automatically be restarted.
If the error reoccurs, restart the server.

Error while waiting for asynchronous notifications of events. An error was reported while the primary control
process for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App was waiting on asynchronous events to be signaled. The
service will terminate and should automatically be restarted. This will cause a temporary loss of availability
for the software media devices (ANN, CFB, MOH, MTP).


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Recommended Action
Monitor the service and status of the software media devices. The service should automatically restart. If the
problem continues, review the trace files for additional information. A server restart may be required if this

Error starting MOH Audio source subcomponent. A error was encountered by the Music-on-Hold device
while starting the sub-component that provides audio from files or sound card. This may be due to shortage
of resources (memory).


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
OS Error Description(String) parameter is added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the server.

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Creation of MOH manager exit event failure. An error was encountered when allocating a signaling event.
This may be caused by a resource shortage.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the server.

Starting of MOH audio manager failed. An error was encountered when starting the Music-on-Hold audio
manager subcomponent. Music-on-Hold audio services will not be avaliable.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).
Severity changed from Error to Warning.
OS Error Description(String) parameter is added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

MTP device record not found. A device record for the software media termination point device was not found
in the database. This is normally automatically added to the database when a server is added to the database.
The software MTP device will be disabled.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Informational to


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Recommended Action
If MTP functionality is required, you will need to delete the server and readd the server back to the database
using CCMAdmin.

Warning WARNING: This may require many additional configuration settings to be reapplied such as CallManager
Groups, Media Resource groups and more.

CFB requested streams failure. The resources for the number of requested full-duplex streams was not available.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Verify the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service parameter for number of CFB calls. Restart the server
to reset the stream resources.

MOH requested streams failure. The resources for the number of requested streams was not available.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Verify the number of calls configuration setting for Music-on-Hold device. Restart the server to reset the

MTP requested streams failure. The resources for the number of requested full-duplex Media Termination
Point streams was not available.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
Verify the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service parameter setting for number of MTP calls is correct.
Restart the server to reset the available resources.

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464 OL-29844-01
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The number of Log Collection Jobs have exceeded the allowed limit. The number of concurrent trace collection
from the server has exceeded the allowed limit of trace collection. The allowed limit is defined in the
documentation for Trace and Log Central, however this limit can not be changed by sysadmin.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



JobType [String]

Recommended Action
Cancel one or more of the currently running queries and try again to configure the trace collection.

Authentication server could not be reached.


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New Alarm for this release.

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Recommended Action
Check reachability to Authentication Server.

The percentage of used disk space in the log partition has exceeded the configured low water mark.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



UsedDiskSpace [String] MessageString [Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action
Login into RTMT and check the configured threshold value for LogPartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded alert
in Alert Central. If the configured value is set to a lower than the default threshold value unintentionally,
change the value to default. Also, examine the trace and log file setting for each of the application in trace
configuration page under CCM Serviceability. If the number of configured traces / logs is set to greater than
1000, adjust the trace settings from trace configuration page to default. Also, clean up the trace files that are
less than a week old. You can clean up the traces using cli file delete or using Remote Browse from RTMT
Trace and Log Central function.

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466 OL-29844-01
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Malicious Call Identification feature is invoked in Cisco CallManager.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Called Party Number [String] Called Device Name [String] Called Display Name [String] Calling Party
Number [String] Calling Device Name [String] Calling Display Name [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required.

An application has opened more devices than the limit set in the CTIManager service parameter, Maximum
Devices Per Node.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiMaxDevicesPerNodeExceeded.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Recommended Action
One or more applications are controlling more devices than the CTI support allows on the specified Unified
CM node. Review the application configuration and remove devices that are not required to be controlled.
The stability of the system will be impacted if the total number of devices controlled by applications is not
properly restricted to the device limit specified by the CTIManager service parameter, Maximum Devices Per

An application has opened more devices than the limit set in the CTIManager service parameter, Maximum
Devices Per Provider.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiMaxDevicesPerProviderExceeded.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

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Recommended Action
The application is controlling more devices than the CTI support allows. Review the application configuration
and remove devices that are not required to be controlled. The stability of the system will be impacted if the
application does not restrict support to the device limit specified by CTI in the CTIManager service parameter,
Maximum Devices Per Provider.

The requested device type is not found in the media resource list or default list or the configured devices are
not registered.
The requested device is not configured in the Media Resource Group List or Default List, or it's possible that
one or more of the devices that are configured in the Media Resource Group List or Default List are not
registered to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Enum Definitions for MediaResourceType is updated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Media Resource Type [Enum]Media Resource List Name [String]

Recommended Action
First, go to Cisco Unified CM Administration to check the configuration of the devices that are part of the
Media Resource Groups in the Media Resource Group List that was specified in the alarm (Media Resource
Group List Configuration window and Media Resource Group Configuration window in Unified CM
Check whether the requested type of device is configured in any of the Media Resource Groups in that particular
Media Resource Group List in Cisco Unified CM Administration; for RSVP Agent, check whether any media
termination point or transcoder is configured in any of the Media Resource Groups in that particular Media
Resource Group List. Next, go to the Media Resources menu in Cisco Unified CM Administration to see all
the devices of the requested type and then check all the Media Resource Groups (irrespective of whether they

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belong to the Media Resource Group List for which the alarm is generated) to see whether the devices belong
to at least one Media Resource Group.
If there exists some media resources of the requested type which do not belong to any Media Resource Groups,
then these devices will belong to the default list. If the requested type of devices are not configured in any of
the Media Resource Groups of the Media Resource Group List for which the alarm is generated or the Default
List, add the requested type of device to a Media Resource Group in the specified Media Resource Group List
or add it to the Default List.
To add a media resource to the Default List remove the Media Device from all the Media Resource Groups.
In general, when a new media device is initially added to Unified CM it will automatically be added to the
Default List. This Default List can be used by any device or trunk. But when the media device is added to any
particular Media Resource Group it will not be available to the Default List. It can only be used by devices
and trunks that are configured with the Media Resource Group List which have that particular Media Resource
Note that a particular Media Resource Group can be added to multiple Media Resource Group Lists. If the
requested device is properly configured in Cisco Unified CM Administration, check whether the device is
registered to Unified CM. To do that go to the Media Resources menu of the requested type of device (such
as Annunciator or Conference Bridge or Media Termination Point or Music On Hold Server or Transcoder)
and click the Find button. It will display all the devices of that type with their status, device pool, etc. Check
the status field to see whether it is registered with the Cisco Unified CallManager. Note that the display on
the status field is not a confirmation that the device is registered to Unified CM. It may happen in a Unified
CM cluster that the Publisher can only write to the Unified CM database and suppose the Publisher goes down.
Because the Subscriber may not be able to write to the database the devices may still display as registered in
Unified CM Administration after they are unregistered. However, if the Publisher is down that should generate
another alarm with higher priority than this alarm. If the device is not registered, click on the name of that
particular device and check the type of the device.
Device types including Cisco Conference Bridge Software, Cisco Media Termination Point Software, or that
specify a server name that is the same name as a Unified CM node of the cluster indicate that the requested
device is a software device and is part of the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming application. Check to be sure
that the IP Voice Media Streaming App service is enabled on that Unified CM node (Cisco Unified
Serviceability > Tools > Service Activation) and if it is not enabled, activate the Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming App service. Devices should try to register. You can also check the status of the service to be sure
it is showing as Started (Tools > Control Center > Feature Services). If the device type is a type other than
Cisco Conference Bridge Software, Cisco Media Termination Point Software, or a server name that is the
same name as a Unified CM node, that indicates that the device is an external media resource to Unified CM.
Check the configuration (such as Conference Bridge type, MAC address, and conference bridge name in the
case of a conference bridge; Media Termination Point name in the case of a Media Termination Point;
Transcoder type, MAC address, and Transcoder name in the case of a Transcoder) of the device in Cisco
Unified CM Administration and compare it with the configuration of the actual device. To check the
configuration of the actual device you may need to refer to the user manual of the media device.
The user manual should provide all the details such as connecting to the media device to check the configuration,
commands needed to view and update the configuration, and so on. If configuration in Unified CM and on
the actual devices are different, make the necessary changes so that the configurations match. If the configuration
matches and the device is still not registered, restart the external media device or the service associated with
the external media device. If the external media device continues to fail to register with Unified CM, check
the network connectivity between Unified CM and the media device.

Related Topics
MediaResourceType Enum Definitions for MediaResourceListExhausted, on page 471

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MediaResourceType Enum Definitions for MediaResourceListExhausted

Code Definition
1 MediaTerminationPoint

2 Transcoder

3 ConferenceBridge

9 RSVP Agent

CMI tried to allocate memory and failed.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager tried to read the Cisco Messaging Interface service parameters but
not enough memory was allocated for the task and so the information could not be read.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Added to CallManager Catalog.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Memory Allocation Failure(String)

Recommended Action
Use the Real-Time Monitoring Tool to check the performance counters related to system memory, to learn
whether any memory leaks or spikes in CPU are occurring. Correct any anomalous memory issues you find.

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If you do not find any issues with memory, collect the system/application event logs and the performance
(perfmon) logs and report this alarm to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

No more MOH resources available.
This alarm occurs when allocation of Music On Hold fails for all the registered MOH servers belonging to
the Media Resource Group List and Default List. Each MOH server may fail for different reasons. Following
are some of the reasons that could cause an MOH server allocation to fail: All the resources of MOH server
are already in use; No matching codecs or capability mismatch between the held party and MOH server; Not
enough bandwidth between the held party and MOH source; No audio stream available for the MOH server.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
If all the resources of the MOH servers are already in use, check to be sure that all the MOH servers that
belong to the Media Resource Groups of the indicated Media Resource Group List and Default List are
configured and registered in all the applicable Unified CM nodes. To check the registration status go to the
Media Resources > Music On Hold Server menu and click the Find button. It will display all the MOH
servers with their status, device pool, and so on.
Check the status field to discover whether it is registered with Unified CM. Note that the display on the status
field is not a confirmation that the device is registered to Unified CM. It may happen in a Unified CM cluster
that the Publisher can only write to the Unified CM database and the Publisher goes down. Because the
Subscriber may not be able to write to the database, the devices may still display as registered in Unified CM
Administration after they are actually unregistered. However, if the Publisher is down that should generate
another alarm with higher priority than this alarm.
The MOH allocation can also fail due to codec mismatch or capability mismatch between the endpoint and
the MOH server. If there is a codec mismatch or capability mismatch (such as the endpoint using IPv6
addressing but MOH server supporting only IPv4), an MTP or transcoder should be allocated. If the MTP or
transcoder is not allocated then either MediaResourceListExhausted (with Media Resource Type as Media

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termination point or transcoder) or MtpNoMoreResourcesAvailable alarm will be generated for the same
Media Resource Group List and you should first concentrate on that alarm.
The MOH allocation may even fail after checking the region bandwidth between the regions to which the
held party belongs and the region to which the MOH server belongs. Increasing the region bandwidth may
be a solution to the problem, but that decision should be made after careful consideration of the amount of
bandwidth you're willing to allocate per call between the set of regions.
You'll need to weigh different factors such as the total amount of available bandwidth, the average number
of calls, the average number of calls using the MOH servers, approximate bandwidth use per call, and so on,
and accordingly calculate the region bandwidth. Another possible cause is that the bandwidth needed for the
call may not be available. This can occur if the MOH server and endpoint belong to different locations and
the bandwidth that is set between the locations is already in use by other calls.
Examine the bandwidth requirements in your deployment to determine whether bandwidth between the
locations can be increased. However, please note that increasing the bandwidth between these two locations
means that you may need to reduce the bandwidth between other locations.
Refer to the System Guide, SRNDs, and related Unified CM documentation for more details. Be aware that
reducing the bandwidth or removing the higher bandwidth codecs from configuration may result in poor voice
quality during call. Consider increasing the total amount of network bandwidth. Another reason for the MOH
allocation failure may be due to meeting the maximum number of unicast or multicast streams supported by
the MOH server.
If all available streams are already in use, none can be allocated. Finally, check the Music On Hold Audio
Source Configuration window in Cisco Unified CM Administration to confirm that at least one audio source
is configured. If an audio source is not configured, upload an audio file and then configure the audio source
in Cisco Unified CM Administration (refer to the Music On Hold configuration documentation for specific

Media termination point or transcoder allocation failed.
The alarm occurs when allocation of a media termination point (MTP) or transcoder fails for all the registered
MTPs or transcoders belonging to the Media Resource Group List and Default List. Each MTP or transcoder
may fail for different reasons. Following are some of the reasons that could cause an MTP or transcoder
allocation to fail: a capability mismatch between the device endpoint and MTP/transcoder, codec mismatch
between the endpoint and the MTP/transcoder; a lack of available bandwidth between the endpoint and the
MTP/transcoder; or because the MTP/transcoders resources are already in use.
A capability mismatch may be due to the MTP/transcoder not supporting one or more of the required capabilities
for the call such as Transfer Relay Point (which is needed for QoS or firewall traversal), RFC 2833 DTMF
(which is necessary when one side of the call does not support RFC 2833 format for transmitting DTMF digits
and the other side must receive the DTMF digits in RFC2833 format, resulting in conversion of the DTMF
digits), RFC 2833 DTMF passthrough (in this case, the MTP or transcoder does not need to convert the DTMF
digits from one format to another format but it needs to receive DTMF digits from one endpoint and transmit
them to the other endpoint without performing any modifications), passthrough (where no codec conversion
will occur, meaning the media device will receive media streams in any codec format and transmit them to
the other side without performing any codec conversion), IPv4 to IPv6 conversion (when one side of the call
supports only IPv4 and the other side of the call supports only IPv6 and so an MTP needs to be inserted to
perform the necessary conversion between IPv4 and IPv6 packets), or multimedia capability (if a call involving
video and/or data in addition to audio requires insertion of an MTP or transcoder then the MTP/transcoder
which supports multimedia will be inserted).

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Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Media Resource List Name parameter added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Media Resource List Name(String)

Recommended Action
If the MTP or transcoder allocation is failing due to a capability mismatch, it's possible that the media device
does not support the capability (such as IPv4 to IPv6 conversion, passthrough) or the capability might not be
configured in the device. Please check the user guide and documentation of the media device to make sure
that device supports all the necessary capabilities. Also, caution should be taken care if all the MTP or
transcoders are configured with all the supported capabilities.
There are certain capabilities (such as RFC 2833 DTMF or RFC 2833 DTMF passthrough or passthrough)
which could be supported by most of the MTPs or transcoders and there may be certain capabilities (such as
IPv4 to IPv6 conversion and vice versa or Transfer Relay Point or multimedia capability) which can be
supported by only by a single MTP or transcoder depending on the devices that you have. For example, you
may have IP phones that support only IPv4 protocol and there may also be IP phones that support only IPv6
To make a call between IPv4-only and IPv6-only phones, you need to have an MTP configured to perform
the conversion of IPv4 to IPv6 and vice versa. However, suppose all the MTPs or transcoders are configured
with all the supported capabilities and only one MTP supports IPv4 to IPv6 conversion; if this MTP is
configured with all the supported capabilities (which all the other MTPs or transcoders in the same MRGL
or default MRGL also support) it may happen that this MTP can get allocated for Transfer Relay Point or
RFC 2833 DTMF or RFC 2833 DTMF passthrough or passthrough instead. As a result, when the need arises
for IPv4 to IPv6 conversion (which other MTPs or transcoders in the same MRGL or default MRGL do not
support), all the resources of MTP may be in use and the IPv4 to IPv6 conversion may fail. To avoid this kind
of problem, setting the priority of the media resources may be a good idea.
This can be done only in the Media Resource Group List and not in the Default List of the media resources.
In any Media Resource Group List all the Media Resource Groups have different priorities; during allocation
the first Media Resource Group is always checked for availability of the requested type of the media devices.

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The first Media Resource Group in the Media Resource Group List will have the highest priority, then the
second one, and so on.
To check all the Media Resource Groups and their priority go the Media Resources and Media Resource
Group List of Cisco Unified CM Administration page and click the appropriate Media Resource Group List
and check the Selected Media Resource Groups; the priority decreases from top to bottom. So, the MTP or
transcoder that you want to be selected for the most basic functionalities should be positioned in the higher
priority Media Resource Groups whereas the ones with more rare functionality should be positioned in the
Media Resource Groups with lower priority. MTP/transcoder allocation may fail due to codec mismatch
between the endpoint and the MTP/transcoder.
A solution may be to configure the MTP/transcoder with all the supported codecs (as specified in the user
guide of the MTP/transcoder), but be aware that doing so might result in too much bandwidth being allocated
for calls. You'll need to weigh different factors such as the total amount of available bandwidth, the average
number of calls, approximate bandwidth use per call (not involving MTP/transcoder), and so on, and accordingly
calculate the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated per call involving an MTP/transcoder and take that
into consideration when configuring the supported codecs in the MTPs and transcoders. A good idea is to
configure the media devices with all the supported codecs and set the region bandwidths to restrict too much
bandwidth usage (refer to the Unified CM documentation for details on region and location settings).
Also, there may be a codec mismatch between the endpoint and the MTP/transcoders after considering the
region bandwidth between the MTP/transcoder and the endpoint. Increasing the region bandwidth may be a
solution to the problem, but again, that decision should be made after careful consideration of the amount of
bandwidth you're willing to allocate per call between the set of regions. Another possible cause that an
MTP/transcoder did not get allocated is because there was not enough available bandwidth for the call.
This can happen if the MTP/transcoder and endpoint belong to different locations and the bandwidth that is
set between the locations is already in use by other calls. Examine the bandwidth requirements in your
deployment to determine whether bandwidth between the locations can be increased.
However, please note that increasing the bandwidth between these two locations means that you may need to
reduce the bandwidth between other locations. Refer to the System Guide, SRNDs, and related Unified CM
documentation for more details. Be aware that reducing the bandwidth or removing the higher bandwidth
codecs from configuration may result in poor voice quality during call. Consider increasing the total amount
of network bandwidth available. Finally, if MTP or transcoder allocation fails due to capability mismatch or
all the resources being in use, consider installing additional MTP or transcoder devices.

MTP device recovery create failure. An error was encountered trying to restart the Media Termination Point
device. This may be due to a shortage of application memory.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Error to Warning and added existing Routing
List elements and Parameters.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
Restart the IP Voice Media Streaming App service or restart the server.

Call attempt was rejected because requested gateway channel(s) could not be allocated. Some of the more
common reasons for the lack of channel to place outgoing calls include: High call traffic volume that has the
B-channels in the device fully utilized; B-channels have gone out of service for the following reasons: Taking
the channel out of service intentionally to perform maintenance on either the near- or far-end; MGCP gateway
returns an error code 501 or 510 for a MGCP command sent from Cisco Unified Communications Manager;
MGCP gateway doesn't respond to an MGCP command sent by Unified CM three times; a speed and duplex
mismatch exists on the Ethernet port between Unified CM and the MGCP gateway.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Device Name(String) is the only parameter


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


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Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
Add more gateway resources; Check the Unified CM advanced service parameter, Change B-channel
Maintenance Status to determine if the B-channel has been taken out of service intentionally; Check the Q.931
trace for PRI SERVICE message to determine whether a PSTN provider has taken the B-channel out of
service; Reset the MGCP gateway; Check the speed and duplex settings on the Ethernet port.

No Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM, formerly known as Cisco Unified
CallManager) node has been configured. A Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group exists but it has
no Cisco Unified CM node configured as its group member.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kNoCallManagerFound.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Error [String]

Recommended Action
In Cisco Unified CM Administration (System > Cisco Unified CM Group), configure at least one Cisco
Unified CM node for the Cisco Unified CM Group referenced in this alarm. The Cisco Unified CM Group is
part of the device pool to which the specified phone belongs.

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The Music On Hold (MOH) audio source ID is invalid. This alarm occurs when Music On Hold fails because
the MOH audio source ID that is requested is not within the valid range of 1 to <maximum value parameter
in this alarm>. The caller will hear Tone On Hold instead of the desired Music On Hold audio.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

10.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
SNMP Traps
Data Collector
Alert Manager


Recommended Action
If the MOH audio source ID was provided as part of the MOH Audio Source override header
(X-cisco-moh-source: #,#) from an incoming call over the SIP trunk, then the value must be corrected at
the source of this header. Otherwise, check the values for the MOH audio source in the CallManager service
parameter settings or possibly other configuration settings that are related to the party that initiated the hold.

Publish Failed.

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Unified CM attempted to store a number into the IME distributed cache, but the attempt failed. This is typically
due to a transient problem in the IME distributed cache. The problem will self-repair under normal conditions.
However, you should be aware that, as a consequence of this failure, the E.164 DID listed as part of the alarm
will not be present in the IME distributed cache for a brief interval. Consequently, this may delay the amount
of time until which you will receive VoIP calls made to that number - they may continue over the PSTN for
some callers. It is useful to be aware of this, in case you are trying to understand why a call is not being made
over VoIP.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
If you notice single small numbers of these alarms in isolation, no action is required on your part. However,
a large number of them indicates a problem in the IME distributed cache, most likely due to problems with
Internet connectivity. Check your Internet connectivity.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log


User submitted problem report using Quality Report Tool. User has experienced a problem with Phone and
has submitted problem report.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed Data Collector Routing List element to Alert Manager.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager
SNMP Traps

Reason Code(String)
Report Timestamp(String)
Device name.(String)
Device IP address.(String)
Directory number(String)

Recommended Action
Investigate the cause for problem report.

Rejected route due to Untrusted status.
This alarm is generated when Unified CM learned a route from the IME server. However, due to the configured
Trusted or Untrusted list, the route was rejected.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
This condition is not an error. However, it indicates to you that one of your users called a number which was
reachable over IME, however, due to your configured Trusted or Untrusted list, a IME call will not be made.
You might wish to consider adding the domain or prefix to your Trusted list or removing it from the Untrusted

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Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Domain name(String)
Phone number(String)

An available route could not be found in the indicated route list. This alarm is generated when all members'
status is unavailable or busy or when the member is down (out of service), not registered, or busy.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Route List Name [String]

Recommended Action
Consider adding additional routes in the indicated route list. For shared line when some phones are not ringing,
check the busy trigger and maximum call settings of shared line phones; check whether there are some
outstanding calls on that DN.
When one shared line phone answers an incoming call, the other shared line phone cannot see that remote-in-use
call; check the privacy setting of the phone that answers the call.
Try to make a call directly to the member, bypassing the route list, to verify that there is not a device or
connectivity issue. If you cannot identify the cause through these steps, gather the CCM (SDI) trace and
contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center; TAC may be able to locate a cause code which may provide
additional explanation for this alarm.

Service startup failure.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)


Recommended Action
Restart the service.

There was an error during processing of file request. This could happen if the requested file is not found by
the server, or other error indicated by the Reason clause when processing the file request.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Name changed from kServingFileWarning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

ErrorNumber [Int] FileName [String] IPAddress_Port [String] Mode [String] OpCode [Int] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
You can safely ignore this alarm if the reason shown in this alarm is File not found and if that file is the
MAC address-based file name for a phone that you are auto-registering; in that case, the phone is not yet
registered with the database and so it is normal for the phone's file not be found. In the case that auto-registration
is disabled, this alarm shows that the phone or device is not added to Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(Cisco Unified CM). Either add the phone to Cisco Unified CM or remove the phone from the network. If
you still get this error after removing the phone(s), go to Cisco Unified Serviceability and enable Detailed

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level traces in the Trace Configuration window for the TFTP service and contact the Cisco Technical Assistance
Center (TAC).

The percentage of used disk space in the spare partition has exceeded the configured high water mark. Some
of the trace files will be purged until the percentage of used disk space in the spare partition gets below the
configured low water mark.

Note Spare Partition is not used for Intercompany Media Engine server. So this alert will not be triggered for
Intercompany Media Engine.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



UsedDiskSpace [String] MessageString [Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action
Login into RTMT and cheek the configured threshold value for SparePartitionHighWaterMarkExceeded alert
in Alert Central. If the configured value is set to a lower than the default threshold value unintentionally,
change the value to default.
If you continue to receive this alert for half an hour after receiving the 1st alert, check for the disk usage for
Spare partition under Disk Usage tab in RTMT. If the disk usage shown under that tab is higher than
configured value in SparePartitionLowWaterMarkExceeded alert configuration, contact Cisco TAC to
troubleshoot the cause of high disk usage in Common partition.

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User not found in database.


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog




Recommended Action
Perform sync manually or wait till next scheduled next sync.

Cisco CallManager is not ready to handle calls for the indicated SIP device. Possible reasons could be internal
database error, the SIP device is not activated on this node, the SIP device failed to register or the SIP device
was deleted from admin page.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Enum Definitions for InTransportType and OutTransportType are updated.
Recommended Action changed.

7.0(1) IPV6Address parameter added.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Device Name. [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String] Incoming Port Number. [UInt] Outgoing Port Number. [UInt] Incoming Transport
Type [Enum]Outgoing Transport Type [Enum]IPV6Address [Optional]. [String]
See the following:

Recommended Action
This alarm doesn't necessarily mean an error. It could occur as a result of normal administrative changes. If
the alarm is unexpected, check whether the StationPortInitError alarm also fired. Check the Device Pool
assigned to the SIP device identified in this alarm to ensure that the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Group of the Device Pool includes the Unified CM node that issued the alarm.

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped, on page 485
InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped, on page 485
OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped, on page 486

DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped


InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped

Code Definition




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OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStopped

Code Definition



A SIP line attempted to register with CallManager and failed due to the error indicated in the Reason Code
parameter. The alarm could indicate a device misconfiguration, database error, or an illegal/unknown device
trying to attempt a connection.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Enum Definitions for DeviceType are updated.
Enum Reasons table is updated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device IP address. [String] Device Port. [UInt] Device name [Optional]. [String] Device MAC address
[Optional]. [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Reason Code [Optional]. [Enum]Connecting Port [UInt]
Configured DNs. [String] Registering SIP User. [String]

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Recommended Action
Verify that the directory number(s) on the device itself match the directory number(s) that are configured for
that device in Cisco Unified CM Administration. Also, confirm that database replication is working. Refer to
the reason code definitions for additional recommended actions.

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError, on page 487
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError, on page 489

DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError

Code Device Type





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

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Code Device Type

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

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Code Device Type

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPLineRegistrationError

Code Reason
2 MisconfiguredDirectoryNumber - There is a configuration mismatch between
the directory numbers configured on the phone and the directory numbers
configured in the Cisco Unified CM database. If this is a third-party phone,
confirm that the phone configuration is correct and matches the Cisco Unified
CM configuration. If this is a Cisco IP phone, confirm database replication
has a good status in the Unified CM Database Status report. This can be
found on the Cisco Unified Reporting web page. If the database replication
status is good, reset the device. If the problem still persists, restart the TFTP
service and the Cisco Unified CM service from the Control Center - Feature
Services web page.

3 MalformedRegisterMessage - Cisco Unified CM cannot process a

REGISTER message because of a problem with the format of the message.
If the device is a third-party phone, confirm that the endpoint is sending a
properly formatted REGISTER message.

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Code Reason
4 AuthenticationError - The digest userid or password sent from the phone
does not match the userid or password configured in Cisco Unified CM.
Digest userid is the end-user associated with the phone on the Phone Config
page, Digest User drop down box. Password is configured on the end user
page, digest credentials box. If this is a third-party phone, ensure the phone
digest credentials match the digest credentials configured on the End User
web page. If this is a Cisco IP phone, confirm database replication has a
good status in the Unified CM Database Status report. This can be found
on the Cisco Unified Reporting web page. If the database replication status
is good, reset the device. If the problem still persists, restart the TFTP service
and the Cisco Unified CM service from the Control Center - Feature Services
web page.

6 MaxLinesExceeded - The phone is attempting to register more lines than

are allowed. The maximum lines per device is 1024. Reduce the number of
lines configured on this device.

7 TransportProtocolMismatch - Incorrect transport protocol (UDP, TCP or

TCL) on which the REGISTER message was received. If the device is a
third-party phone, ensure that the phone is using a transport protocol that
matches the Phone Security Profile assigned to the phone in the CCMAdmin
device page. If the device is a Cisco phone, confirm database replication
has a good status in the Unified CM Database Status report. This can be
found on the Cisco Unified Reporting web page. If the database replication
status is good, reset the device. If the problem still persists, restart the TFTP
service and the Cisco Unified CM service from the Control Center - Feature
Services web page.

8 BulkRegistrationError - A unexpected bulk registration message was

received. If this occurs repeatedly, collect SDL/SDI detailed traces with
Enable SIP Keep Alive (REGISTER Refresh) Trace under Cisco
CallManager services turned on and contact TAC.

Some of the remote peers are not available to handle calls for this SIP Trunk.
The alarm provides a list of available remote peers and a list of unavailable remote peers, where each peer is
separated by semicolon. For each available peer, the alarm provides resolved IP address and port number,
and hostname or SRV (if configured on SIP trunk). For each unavailable peer, the alarm provides the hostname
or SRV (if configured on SIP trunk), resolved IP address, port number, and reason code in the following
format: ReasonCodeType=ReasonCode.
The ReasonCodeType depends on a SIP response from remote peer as defined in SIP RFCs (Remote), or
depends on a reason code provided by Unified CM (Local).
The examples of possible reason codes include:
Remote = 503 (503 Service Unavailable a standard SIP RFC error code)

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Remote = 408 (408 Request Timeout a standard SIP RFC error code)
Local = 1 (Request Timeout)
Local = 2 (local SIP stack is unable to create a socket connection with remote peer)
Local = 3 (DNS query failed)
For Local=3, IP address in the alarm is represented as zero, and when DNS SRV is configured on SIP
trunk then port is represented as zero.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

SIP Trunk Name(String)
Unavailable remote peers with Reason Code(String)
Available remote peers for this SIP trunk(String)

Recommended Action
The available peer list is for notification purposes only; no action is required. For unavailable peers, the
following corrective action should be taken.
For Remote = 503, the possible reasons are:

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Route/SIP trunk for originating side does not exist on remote peer. If remote peer is Unified CM,
add a new SIP trunk in Unified CM Administration for the remote peer (Device > Trunk) and
ensure the Destination Address and Destination Port fields are configured to point to the originating
host (the originating host is the same node on which this alarm was generated). Also ensure the
new SIP trunk has the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile configured to be the
same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Route/SIP trunk for originating side does exist on remote peer but port is either used for SIP phone
or other SIP trunk. If remote peer is Unified CM, in the Unified CM Administration for the remote
peer (Device > Trunk), ensure the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile is
configured to be same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Remote peer has limited resources to handle new calls. If remote peer is administered by a different
system administrator, communicate the resource issue with the other administrator.

For Remote = 408, the possible reason includes:

Remote peer has limited resources to handle new calls. If remote peer is administered by a different
system administrator, communicate the resource issue with the other administrator.

For Local = 1, the possible reason could be that no responses are received for OPTIONS request after
all retries, when UDP transport is configured in SIP Trunk Security Profile assigned to the SIP trunk on
originating side.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:
If remote peer is Unified CM, in the remote peer Serviceability application, choose Tools > Control
Center (Feature Services) and ensure the Cisco CallManager service is activated and started.
In the Unified CM Administration for the remote peer, choose Device > Trunk, and ensure the
SIP trunk exists with the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile configured to be
same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Check the network connectivity by using the CLI command utils network ping <remote peer> at
the originating side.

For Local = 2, the possible reason could be that Unified CM is unable to create the socket connection
with remote peer.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:
If remote peer is Unified CM, in the remote peer Serviceability application, choose Tools > Control
Center (Feature Services) and ensure the Cisco CallManager service is activated and started.
In the Unified CM Administration for the remote peer, choose Device > Trunk, and ensure the
SIP trunk exists with the incoming port in associated SIP Trunk Security Profile configured to be
same as originating side SIP Trunk destination port.
Check the network connectivity by using the CLI command utils network ping <remote peer> at
the originating side.

For Local = 3, the possible reason could be that DNS server is not reachable, or DNS is not properly
configured to resolve the hostname or SRV which is configured on the local SIP trunk.
To fix this issue, perform the following steps:

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In the OS Administration, choose Show > Network, and verify that the DNS Details are correct.
If it is not correct, then configure the correct DNS server information by using the CLI command
set network dns primary.
Check the network connectivity with DNS server by using the CLI command utils network ping
<remote peer>, and ensure the DNS server is properly configured.

There is no valid software license; the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service requires a valid software
license to operate.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Recommended Action
Install a valid software license and restart Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

A station device sent an alert to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, which acts as a conduit from the
device to generate this alarm.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Warning.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Protocol [String] TCP ProcessID [String] Device Text [String] Param1 [UInt] Param2 [UInt]

Recommended Action
Refer to the specific device type and information passed via this alarm to determine the appropriate action.

Testing warning alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Recommended Action

The current total number of processes and threads has exceeded the maximum number of tasks configured
for Cisco RIS Data Collector service parameter. This situation could indicate some process is leaking or some
process has thread leaking.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/System Access

Warning (4)

NumberOfProcesses [String] NumberOfThreads [String] Reason [String] ProcessWithMostInstances [String]
ProcessWithMostThreads [String]

Recommended Action
Check the Cisco RIS Data Collector service parameter, Maximum Number of Processes and Threads, to see
if the parameter has been set to a low value. If it has been, set the value higher or use the default value. Another
possible action is that when a new Cisco product is integrated into Cisco Unified Communications Manager
(Cisco Unified CM), new processes or threads are added to the system. Even in the normal process load
situation, it's possible that the total number of processes and threads has exceeded the configured or default
value of the Cisco RIS Data Collector service parameter, Maximum Number of Processes and Threads. Set
that parameter to the maximum allowed value.
You can also review the details of this alarm to check the ProcessWithMostThreads description and the
ProcessWithMostInstances description to discover which processes have the most threads and the most
instances. Determine whether these values are reasonable for this process; if not, contact the owner of the
process for troubleshooting the reasons why the thread count or the number of process instances is so high.
It is also possible that Cisco RIS Data Collector sent a false alarm, which would indicate a defect in the Cisco
RIS Data Collector service.
To determine if this is the cause of the alarm - after you have checked all the other errors described here - use
RTMT to check the System object for performance counters Total Threads and Total Processes to confirm
that the values in those counters do not exceed the value configured in the Cisco RIS Data Collector service
parameter, Maximum Number of Processes and Threads. If the counters do not show a value that is higher
than what is configured in the service parameter, restart Cisco RIS Data Collector service. If the alarm persists
after restarting the service, go to Cisco Unified Serviceability and collect trace logs (Trace > Configuration)
for Cisco Syslog, Cisco RIS Data Collector, Cisco AMC Service, and Cisco RIS Perfmon Logs and contact
Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) for detailed assistance.

An error occurred when CMI tried to stop the CMI service.
As a normal part of the process of stopping the CMI service, open threads are closed (killed). This alarm
indicates that a timeout has occurred which means that the shutdown process is taking longer than expected,
causing the operating system to return an error.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kThreadKillingError.
Enum Definitions for MediaResourceType is updated.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Error Information(String)

Recommended Action
Try restarting the CMI service. If the problem persists, collect the system/application event logs and the
performance (perfmon) logs and report to Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC).

An error occurred when setting the message waiting indication (MWI) lamp

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

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Directory Number(String)

Recommended Action
The line issuing the request to set the MWI lamp on the target line might not have the proper partitions/calling
search space settings to allow it to reach the target line. Check the partitions and calling search space of the
line that is requesting to set MWI on the target line. The target line should be able to receive a call from the
line that is attempting to set MWI.

The Music On Hold (MOH) audio source ID is not provisioned. This alarm occurs when Music On Hold fails
because the MOH audio source ID that is requested has not been provisioned by associating the ID# to an
audio source file. The caller will hear Tone On Hold instead of the desired Music On Hold audio.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

10.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
SNMP Traps
Data Collector
Alert Manager


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Recommended Action
Check the Music On Hold Audio Source list within Cisco Unified CM Administration to ensure that it has
been assigned (provisioned) to an audio wav file, or if ID# 51 is being used, check that the MOH Fixed Audio
source has been enabled.
Audio files must be uploaded using the Cisco Unified CM Administration page of each MOH server in the
cluster before that server can play the audio file.

EMCC login failure due to invalid user input due to invalid user credentials or the credentials have expired.
Reason Code: 2Authentication Error.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Alert Manager

Device Name(String)
Login Date/Time(String)
Login UserID(String)

Recommended Action
Try again with valid credentials or try resetting the credentials.

User-to-user IE was not successfully tunneled to destination; please refer to reason code for additional details.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Error to Warning.
Enum definitions updated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name. [String] Reason Code [Enum]

Recommended Action
For HopCountExceeded alarm, the recommended action is to check that no routing loops exist across the
Unified CM trunk interfaces (PRI, intercluster trunk, and so on) and gateway (H.323) devices related to the
indicated failed call. By examining trace files and CDR data in all Unified CM nodes and route patterns in
gateways (H.323) that are involved in routing of the indicated failed call, you may be able to detect a translation
pattern, route list or other routing mechanism that is part of the loop.
Update the routing mechanism that resulted in the loop, and then if the looping route pattern was on a Unified
CM, reset the affected route list/pattern in an attempt to clear the route loop; if that fails, reset the affected
trunk/gateway or if the looping route pattern was on a H.323 gateway, restart the gateway. For call failure
reason UserUserIEDropped, if the indicated device is an H.323 intercluster trunk then the recommended action
is to verify that the Passing Precedence Level Through UUIE checkbox has been enabled on the Trunk
Configuration window. If the indicated device is an MGCP gateway with Device Protocol set to Digital Access
PRI and Passing Precedence Level Through UUIE is enabled on the gateway, then verify that the far-end side
of the configured PRI trunk interface supports PRI 4ESS UUIE-based MLPP and sends the UUIE message
with IEID value set to USER_USER_IE (126) and the User specific protocol ID value set to

Related Topics
Enum Definitions for UserUserPrecedenceAlarm, on page 500

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Enum Definitions for UserUserPrecedenceAlarm

Code Definition
2 HopCountExceededThe hop count field in passing User-to-User IE exceeded the
maximum value of 10. The reason could be the presence of routing loops across the
Unified CM trunk interfaces (PRI, intercluster trunk, and so on). The recommended action
is to check that no routing loops exist across the Unified CM trunk interfaces (PRI,
intercluster trunk, and so on) and gateway (H.323) devices related to the indicated failed
call. By examining trace files and CDR data in all Unified CM nodes and route patterns
in gateways (H.323) that are involved in routing of the indicated failed call, you may be
able to detect a translation pattern, route list or other routing mechanism that is part of
the loop. Update the routing mechanism that resulted in the loop, and then if the looping
route pattern was on a Unified CM, reset the affected route list/pattern in an attempt to
clear the route loop; if that fails, reset the affected trunk/gateway or if the looping route
pattern was on an H.323 gateway, restart the gateway.

3 UserUserIEDroppedThe passing UserUserIE is dropped. If the indicated device is an

H.323 intercluster trunk then the possible reason could be that the Passing Precedence
Level Through UUIE checkbox in the Trunk Configuration window in Unified CM is
not enabled; the recommended action is to verify that the Passing Precedence Level
Through UUIE checkbox has been enabled. If the indicated device is an MGCP gateway
with Device Protocol set to Digital Access PRI, the possible reason could be that in the
incoming UUIE message, either the IEID is not set to USER_USER_IE (126) or the User
specific protocol ID value is not set to PRI_4ESS_UUIE_DEFAULT_PROT_DISC
(0x00); the recommended action is to verify that the far-end side of the configured PRI
trunk interface supports PRI 4ESS UUIE-based MLPP and sends the UUIE message with
IEID value set to USER_USER_IE (126) and the User specific protocol ID value is set

Cisco Unified Communications Manager has initiated throttling of CallList BLF Subscriptions as a preventive
measure to avoid overloading the system. This alarm is raised when the total number of active BLF subscriptions
exceeds the configured limit set by the Presence Subscription Throttling Threshold service parameter.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Active External Presence Subscriptions [UInt] CallList BLF Subscriptions Throttling Threshold [UInt] CallList
BLF Subscriptions Resume Threshold [UInt] Total Begin Throttling CallList BLF Subscriptions [UInt]

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Recommended Action
Determine if CPU and memory resources are available to meet the higher demand for CallList BLF
Subscriptions. If so, increase the CallListBLFSubscriptionsThrottlingThreshold and correspondingly the
CallListBLFSubscriptionsResumeThreshold. If not, increase system resources to meet the demand.

Unable to create a subdirectory to contain announcement files. This may be caused by insufficient disk storage.
Announcements may not play correctly as a result of this error.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Added more Recommended Action text. Updated parameters and changed
severity level from Error to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

OS Error Text(String)
Path Name(String)

Recommended Action
Check for available free space on the common data storage area. If full, take action to remove old trace files
to free space. Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

An error got triggered restarting the Music On Hold (MOH) device. It may have been caused by a shortage
of memory resources.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Error to Warning and added existing Routing
List elements.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Check the status of the MOH device. If it is not registered and available, restart the Cisco IP voice Media
Streaming App service or restart the server.

Creation of device manager exit event failure. An error was reported when allocating an exit-control event
for a SW media device. The device will not be registered with CallManager or active.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements. Changed severity level from Error to

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Device Name [String]
Trace Name [String]
OS Error Text [String]

Recommended Action
This error may be due to a memory resource shortage. Restart the Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App
service or restart the Cisco Unified CM server.

MOH device was not found for the server. This device gets added automatically when a server gets added to
the configuration.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

8.0(1) Updated the descriptive text and Recommended Action text. Added Caution
statement. Changed severity level from Informational to Warning.


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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

Recommended Action
If MOH functionality is required, you will have to remove and readd the device to database.

Caution Adding and removing the device may impact other configuration settings, for example, Cisco Unified
Communications Manager groups and media resource groups.

An invalid multicast IP address (out of range) was found.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

8.0(1) Added Routing List elements and changed severity level to Warning from
Following parameters are removed:
Audio Source ID [ULong]
Call/Conference ID [ULong]
Multicast IP Port [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Warning (4)

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Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log

Codec Type [String]
Multicast IP Address [String]

Recommended Action
Correct the setting on the Music-on-Hold device configuration for multicast address.

Single Sign On (SSO) disabled on Cisco Unified CM.


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New alarm added for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog




Recommended Action
Run CLI command to enable SSO.

A null ticket was passed.

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Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New alarm added for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog




Recommended Action
Get non null ticket and retry.

SSO server could not be reached.


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New alarm added for this release.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog




Recommended Action
Check reachability to SSO server.

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506 OL-29844-01
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WebDialer application stopped and was unloaded from Tomcat.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Alert to Warning.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications


Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check if Tomcat service is up.

Notice-Level Alarms
The notice-level alarm is 5 and no action is needed unless the information is unexpected. Notifications about
interesting system-level conditions which are not error conditions. Informational in nature but having a more
important need-to-know status. Examples are:
System-wide notifications
Process is shutting down gracefully on request
Clearing of previously raised conditions
A device or subsystem un-registering or shutting down for expected and normal reason (for individual
phone related expected and normal unregistering or shutting down, informational level should be used)
Password change notification and upgrade notification

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Authentication failure due to expired soft lock. User credentials have expired.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Added Routing List element and updated the parameter list.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Notice (5)

Routing List
Event Log

Authentication failure due to expired soft lock.(String)

Recommended Action
Administrator may reset the credential.

Authentication failed because it is marked that it must be changed by the user.User must change is set on
this credential. The user must change the credential.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Added more description and Routing List element. Corrected the parameter.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Notice (5)

Routing List
Event Log


Recommended Action
User or Administrator may reset credential.

B-channel is in service.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level from Informational to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Channel Id. [UInt] Unique channel ID [String] Device name. [String]

Recommended Action

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OL-29844-01 509
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Cisco CallManager service has completed initialization is online.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Notice (5)

CCM Version [String]

Recommended Action

Alarm indicates that the certificate expiry is approaching but the expiry date is more than 30 days.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Regenerate the certificate that is about to expire by accessing the Cisco Unified Operating System and go to
Certificate Management. If the certificate is issued by a CA, generate a CSR, submit the CSR to CA, obtain
a fresh certificate from CA, and upload it to Cisco Unified CM.

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510 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CodeYellowExit. Unified CM has ceased throttling calls and has exited the Code Yellow state.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Expected Average Delay [UInt] Entry Latency [UInt] Exit Latency [UInt] Sample Size [UInt] Time Spent in
Code Yellow [UInt] Number of Calls Rejected Due to Call Throttling [UInt] Total Code Yellow Exit [UInt]

Recommended Action

Error occurred attempting to read a credential in the database. This could be a network or database issue.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Changed severity level to Notice from Informational.Corrected parameter

and added Routing List element.

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Notice (5)

Routing List

Credential read failure for(String)

Recommended Action
Ensure credential (user name) exists. Could be a database problem.

The Insertion of a IME provided e164DID has failed. A failure occurred attempting to insert a Cisco Unified
Active Link learned DID

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
SNMP Traps
Data Collector

e164 DID(String)
Granting Domain(String)

Recommended Action
Verify the DID and the granting domain. Check other associated alarms. Verify the database integrity.

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512 OL-29844-01
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Indicated D-channel has gone in service.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Channel Id. [UInt] Unique channel Id [String] Device Name. [String] Device IP address [String]

Recommended Action

EM Application started.Application is shutting down gracefully because of an unloaded from Tomcat.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

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Servlet Name(String)

Recommended Action
No action required.

This alarm occurs when a device is successfully registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Data Collector
SNMP Traps
Alternate Syslog

Device name(String)
Device MAC address(String)
Device IP address(String)
Device description(String)
User ID(String)
Load ID(String)
Associated directory numbers(String)
Performance monitor object type(Enum)
Device type(Enum)
Configured Gatekeeper Name(String)
Technology Prefix Name(String)
Zone Information(String)
Alternate Gatekeeper List(String)

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Active Gatekeeper(String)
Call Signal Address(String)
RAS Address(String)

Recommended Action
No action is required.

Related Topics
Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered, on page 515
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered, on page 515
IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered, on page 518
IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistere, on page 518

Performance Monitor Object Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered

Value Definition
2 Cisco Phone

Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered

Value Definition





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

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Value Definition
9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

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Value Definition
435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

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IPAddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistered

Value Definition
0 Unknown - The device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for

1 Administrative only - The device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) only

2 Signal only - The device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
control signaling only

3 Administrative and signal - The device has indicated that this IPv4 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control

IPV6AddressAttributes Enum Definitions for EndPointRegistere

Value Definition
0 Unknown - The device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for

1 Administrative only - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used
for administrative communication (web interface) only

2 Signal only - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
control signaling only

3 Administrative and signal - The device has indicated that this IPv6 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control

Cisco CallManager is ready to handle calls for the indicated H323 device. Cisco Unified Communications
Manager is ready to communicate with the indicated H.323 device. Note that this alarm describes the readiness
of Unified CM to communicate with the indicated device, but does not provide information about the state
of the H.323 device (whether it is ready to communicate as well).

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Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Informational to Notice.
Following information updated:
Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name. [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String] The Server 1 IP Address/Host Name as configured in the Trunk Configuration
window [String] Remote CallManager Server 2[Optional]. [String] Remote CallManager Server
3[Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Started, on page 519

DeviceType Enum Definitions for H323Started

Code Device Type
61 H323_PHONE




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OL-29844-01 519
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco CallManager starts handling calls for the indicated H323 device. Cisco CallManager has ceased throttling
calls on the indicated H.323 device.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Error to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name. [String] IP Address [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Device description
[Optional]. [String]

Enum Definitions for DeviceType


Recommended Action

More than 50 events returned from TCP link. The specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager TCP
link has returned a large number of TCP events. This indicates an unexpected flood of events.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

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Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1). Severity changed from Informational to



Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required. Monitor for reoccurrence. This could be an indication of a security issue.

The MGCP gateway has established communication with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



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Device Name [String]

Recommended Action
Informational purposes only; no action is required.

An active call was cleared because the amount of time specified in the Maximum Call Duration Timer service
parameter had elapsed. If the allowed call duration is too short, you can increase the value. If you do not want
a limit on the duration of an active call, you can disable the limit. If the duration is correct but you did not
expect a call to ever exceed that duration, check the trace information around the time that this alarm occurred
to try to determine if a gateway port had failed to release a call.


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Informational to Notice.
Following parameters added:
Originating Device name(String)
Destination Device name(String)
Call start time(UInt)
Call stop time(UInt)
Calling Party Number(String)
Called Party Number(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Maximum Call Duration (minutes) [UInt]

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522 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Originating Device name(String)

Destination Device name(String)
Call start time(UInt)
Call stop time(UInt)
Calling Party Number(String)
Called Party Number(String)

Recommended Action
If the duration of the call is too short, increase the value in the Cisco CallManager service parameter or disable
the maximum duration by setting the Maximum Call Duration Timer parameter to zero. If you suspect a hung
gateway port, check the trace files around the time that this alarm occurred to search for the gateway that was
involved in the call, then check the status of that gateway to determine if all ports are functioning normally.

SDL link to remote application is restored. This alarm indicates that the local Cisco CallManager has gained
communication with the remote Cisco CallManager.

Note The remote Cisco CallManager should also indicate SDLLinkISV with a different LinkID.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Remote IP address of remote application [String] Unique Link ID. [String] Local node ID [UInt] Local
Application ID. [Enum]RemoteNodeID [UInt] Remote application ID. [Enum]

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Recommended Action

Related Topics
LocalApplicationId and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions SDLLinkISV, on page 524

LocalApplicationId and RemoteApplicationID Enum Definitions SDLLinkISV

Code Reason
100 CallManager

200 CTI Manager

Cisco Unified CM opened the script for the SIP device.
The normalization script for the indicated SIP device has been successfully loaded, initialized, and activated
on Cisco Unified CM.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

524 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Event Log

Device Name(String)
Script Name(String)
In Use Memory(UInt)

Recommended Action
Notification purposes only; no action is required.

Cisco Unified CM has closed the script for the SIP device. The script is closed at one of the following
The indicated device (SIP trunk) was reset manually or automatically.
The trunk was deleted manually.
Due to script error or resource error or internal error.

When the script is closed, Cisco Unified CM will not invoke normalization script message handlers for the
indicated SIP device.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 525
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)
Script Name(String)
Reason Code(Enum)
Reason Text(String)
Additional Information(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm serves as a notification of the script closure, if the alarm has occurred due to a SIP trunk maintenance
window or any other expected reason for the script to close. If this alarm is unexpected, check for an occurrence
of the SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm and refer to the specific action based on the reason code identified
in the SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationScriptClosed, on page 526

Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationScriptClosed

Value Definition
1 DeviceResetManuallyThe associated device is reset manually using Cisco
Unified CM Administration.

2 DeviceResetAutomaticallyThe associated device is reset automatically;

the reset was triggered by an execution error in the script.

3 DeviceDeletedThe associated device is manually deleted in Cisco Unified

CM Administration.

4 ScriptDisassociatedA configuration change occurred in Cisco Unified

CM Administration and the script is no longer associated with the device.

5 ScriptInfoChangedA change in the script logic occurred or a change to

one or more fields on the SIP Normalization Script Configuration window
in Cisco Unified CM Administration occurred.

6 ScriptErrorAn error occurred in the script; check for the occurrence of

SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm and perform the recommended actions
described to correct the script error.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

526 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

An error occurred repeatedly and Cisco Unified CM disabled the script.
The script failed due to execution errors that occurred three times within a 10 minute period. As a result, the
normalization script for the indicated SIP device has been disabled. Cisco Unified CM do not attempts to
automatically reset either the script or the device for the purpose of recovering the script.


Cisco Unified Action

New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)
Script Name(String)
Script Type(String)
Reason Code(Enum)
Reason Text(String)
Additional Information(String)

Recommended Action
Notification purposes; examine the information and perform the recommended actions in the
SIPNormalizationScriptError alarm, which should have been issued before this alarm.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 527
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled, on page 528

Reason Code Enum Definitions for SIPNormalizationAutoResetDisabled

Value Definition
1 ScriptResetDisabledThe system has automatically reset the script three
times within a 10 minute period due to script execution errors; on the fourth
occurrence of this error, Cisco Unified CM disabled the script.

2 TrunkResetDisabledThe system has automatically reset the trunk three

times within a 10 minute period due to script execution errors; on the fourth
occurrence of this error, Cisco Unified CM disabled the script.

Cisco CallManager is ready to handle calls for the indicated SIP device. This alarm does not indicate the
current state of the SIP device, only that Cisco CallManager is prepared to handle calls to or from the SIP


Cisco Unified Action

Severity changed from Informational to Notice.
Enum Definitions for InTransportType and OutTransportType are

7.1 IPV6Address parameter added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

528 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device Name. [String]
IP Address [Optional]. [String]
Device type. [Optional] [Enum]
Device description [Optional]. [String]
Incoming Port Number. [UInt]
Outgoing Port Number. [UInt]
Incoming Transport Type [Enum]
Outgoing Transport Type [Enum]
IPV6Address [Optional]. [String]

Recommended Action

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted, on page 529
InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted, on page 529
OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted, on page 529

DeviceType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted


InTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted

Code Definition




OutTransportType Enum Definitions for SIPStarted

Code Definition


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 529
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Definition

All remote peers are available to handle calls for this SIP trunk.
This alarm indicates that all the remote peers are available to handle the calls for this SIP trunk. For each peer,
the alarm provides the resolved IP address and port number, and hostname or SRV (if configured on SIP


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) New alarm for this release.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

SIP Trunk Name(String)
Available remote peers for this SIP trunk(String)

Recommended Action
Notification purpose only; no action is required.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

530 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Testing notice alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Notice (5)

Recommended Action

The current total number of processes and threads is less than the maximum number of tasks configured in
the Cisco RIS Data Collector service parameter, Maximum Number of Processes and Threads.
This can occur because a product which was integrated into Cisco Unified Communications Manager has
been disabled or deactivated, which reduces the total number of processes and threads running on the system.
Another cause for the number of processes or thread to decrease is that one or more processes has been stopped,
which reduces the total number of processes and threads running on the system.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Informational to Notice.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/System Access


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 531
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Informational-Level Alarms

NumberOfProcesses [String] NumberOfThreads [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action
This alarm is for information purposes only; no action is required.

Informational-Level Alarms
The informational-level of alarm is 6 and no action is needed. Informational messages provide historical data
such as internal flows of the application or per-request information. Informational messages are used for
troubleshooting by users who are familiar with the basic flows of the application. An example would be a
normal (expected) event occurred that the customer may want to be notified about.

Failed to write into the primary file path. Audit Event is generated by this application.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Recommended Action
Ensure that the primary file path is valid and the corresponding drive has sufficient disk space. Also, make
sure that the path has security permissions similar to default log file path.

Administrative password got changed. If the change was unsuccessful or successful, a message gets displayed.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Added descriptive text.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

532 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)


Recommended Action

Audit Event is generated by this application because failed to write into the primary file path.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

UserID (String)
ClientAddress (String)
EventType (String)
EventStatus (String)
AuditDetails (String)
ComponentID (String)

Recommended Action
Ensure that the primary file path is valid and the corresponding drive has sufficient disk space. Also, make
sure that the path has security permissions similar to default log file path.

Agent online


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 533
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

Agent offline


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

Login Authentication succeeded.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Login IP Address/Hostname [String] Login Date/Time [String] Login UserID [String] Login Interface [String]

Recommended Action
If this event is expected, no action is required; otherwise, notify the administrator.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

534 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Successfully authenticated this user.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.5(1) Parameter updated.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action

Application started successfully.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 535
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device configuration files are being built. This alarm provides information about the BUILD ALL operation
to build all types of configuration files.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

DeviceCount [Int] DeviceTime [Int] UnitCount [Int] UnitTime [Int] SoftkeyCount [Int] SoftkeyTime [Int]
DialruleCount [Int] DialruleTime [Int] TotalTime [Int] BuildStatus [String]

Recommended Action
This alarm is for information purposes only; no action is required.

Cisco DirSync Application started. Application started successfully.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

LDAPSync process started to sync user data on configured agreement ID.

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536 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

AgreementId [String]

Recommended Action

LDAPSync process completed on particular sync agreement.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

AgreementId [String]

Recommended Action

LDAPSync process stopped manually on particular sync agreement.


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OL-29844-01 537
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

AgreementId [String]

Recommended Action

LDAPSync process stopped automatically on particular sync agreement. It will restart automatically.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

AgreementId [String]

Recommended Action

CLM Connectivity Test Failed. Cluster Manager detected a network error.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

538 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)

Operating System

Node's IP(String)
Error (String)

Recommended Action
Verify connectivity between cluster nodes.

IPSec self-signed cert updated. The IPSec self-signed cert from a peer node in the cluster has been imported
due to a change.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Informational (6)

Operating System

Node's or IP(String)

Recommended Action

IP address change in cluster. The IP address of a peer node in the cluster has changed.


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OL-29844-01 539
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Informational (6)

Operating System

Node's (String)
Node's Old IP(String)
Node's New IP(String)

Recommended Action

Current ClusterMgr session state.The ClusterMgr session state with another node in the cluster has changed
to the current state.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Cluster Manager

Informational (6)

Operating System

Node's or IP(String)
Node's State(String)

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

540 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Credential was successfully updated.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action

An error was encountered during update of credential fields.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 541
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Determine the issue and retry.

Successfully read a credential.


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action

The credential update failed most likely because the credential did not pass the security requirements (too
short or credential used before, for example).


Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

8.0(1) Added more descriptive text.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

542 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)

Credential Update Failure for(String)

Recommended Action
Determine issue (check length requirements, etc.) for this credential and retry.

Credential was successfully updated.

Cisco Unified Action

7.0(1) Error message added.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Credential Update success for(String)

Recommended Action

Directory synchronization operation started.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 543
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

SchedulerID [String] TaskID [String]

Recommended Action

DirSync scheduler engine stopped.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

DirSyncSchedulerVersion [String]

Recommended Action

New schedule inserted in the DirSync Scheduler.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

EngineScheduleID [String]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

544 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action

DRF Local Agent to Master Agent connection has some problems.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFLA2MAFailure.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Check if the Master Agent is up and the port is authorized.

Master Agent was unable to send a backup/restore request to the local agent.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

8.0(1) New name changed from CiscoDRFMA2LAFailure.
Descriptive text and Recommended action changed.

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OL-29844-01 545
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action
Restart the corresponding local agents and the master agent.

DRF Successfully Registered the requested component.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFComponentRegistered.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action
Ensure that the registered component is needed for backup/restore operation.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

546 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

DHCP Daemon restarted successfully.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Reason [String]

Recommended Action

Installation on invalid or obsolete hardware. Cannot upload license files.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications


Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
SNMP Traps


Recommended Action
Obtain correct hardware and reinstall.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 547
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

License File is invalid.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications


Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
SNMP Traps


Recommended Action
Rehost the License files.

Indicates the amount of time required to complete initialization for the specified state.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Initialization State [String] Initialization Time [String] Initialization Time in Milliseconds [UInt]

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

548 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CMI service is running and working properly.Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCMIServiceStatus.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Service Priority(String)

Recommended Action
Informational purpose only; no action is required.

Indicates the amount of time required to complete the specified total system initialization state.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Total Initialization Time [String] Total Initialization Time in Milliseconds [UInt]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 549
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action

A connection was successfully established between Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM)
and the policy decision point (PDP).

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Policy Decision Point(String)

Recommended Action

Failed to write into the primary file path. Audit Event is generated by this application.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Recommended Action
Ensure that the primary file path is valid and the corresponding drive has sufficient disk space. Also, make
sure that the path has security permissions similar to default log file path.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

550 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Application closed a device.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiDeviceClosed.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Device Name(String)
RTP Address(String)
Reason code.(Enum)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceClosed, on page 551

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiDeviceClosed

Value Definition
0 Unknown

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 551
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
1 CallManager service is not available to process request; verify that the
CallManager service is active. Check the Cisco Unified Serviceability Control
Center section in Cisco Unified CM Administration (Tools > Control Center
- Feature Services)

2 Device has unregistered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager

3 Device failed to rehome to Cisco Unified Communications Manager; verify

that the device is registered

4 Device is removed from the Unified CM database

5 Application controlling the device has closed the connection

6 Route Point already registered by another application

7 CTI Port already registered by another application

8 CTI Port/Route Point already registered with dynamic port media termination

9 Enabling softkey failed for device; verify that the device is registered

10 Multiple applications have registered the device with media capability that
do not match

11 This device is already controlled by another application

12 Protocol used by the device is not supported

13 Device is restricted for control by any application

14 Unable to communicate with database to retrieve device information

15 Device is resetting

16 Unable to register the device as specified media type is not supported

17 Unsupported device configuration

18 Device is being reset

19 IPAddress mode does not match what is configured in Unified CM

Device is back in service.

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552 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiDeviceInService.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Application opened a device.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiDeviceOpened.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 553
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Device Name(String)
RTP Address(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Application opened the line.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiLineOpened.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Directory Number(String)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

554 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Line is out of service.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiLineOutOfService.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Directory Number(String)
Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

CTI application closed the provider. The IP address is shown in either IPv4 or IPv6 format depending on the
IP addressing mode of the application.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 555
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiProviderClosed.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Login User Id(String)
Reason code(Enum)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderClosed, on page 556

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiProviderClosed

Value Definition
0 Unknown

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

556 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
1 Heart beat from application missed. Possible causes include network
connectivity issues or Unified CM node experiencing high CPU usage. Make
sure that the network connectivity between Unified CM and the application
by pinging the application server host from Cisco Unified OS Administration
and take steps to establish connectivity if it has been lost. Also check for
and fix any network issues or high CPU usage on the application server

2 Unexpected shutdown; possibly cause is application disconnected the TCP

connection. Also check for and fix any network issues or high CPU usage
on the application server

3 Application requested provider close

4 Provider open failure; application could not be initialized

5 User deleted. User associated with the application is deleted from the Unified
CM Administration

6 SuperProvider permission associated with the application is removed. Verify

the user group configuration for the user in Unified CM Admin under (User
Management > End User/Application User), select the user and review
the associated permissions information

7 Duplicate certificate used by application. Verify the CAPF profile

configuration for the user in Unified CM Admin under (User Management
> End User CAPF Profile/Application User CAPF Profile), select the
CAPF profile of the user and review the associated information

8 CAPF information unavailable. Verify the CAPF profile configuration for

the user in Unified CM Admin under (User User Management > End User
CAPF Profile/Application User CAPF Profile), select the CAPF profile
of the user and review the associated information

9 Certificate compromised. Verify the CAPF profile configuration for the user
in Unified CM Admin under (User Management > End User CAPF
Profile/Application User CAPF Profile), select the CAPF profile of the
user and review the associated information

11 User is not authorized to connect to CTI using TLS. Consider the application
configuration and security configuration for the user, for TAPI applications
review the Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options > Advanced >
select a CiscoTSP > Configure... > Security and disable Secure Connection
to CTIManager. For JTAPI applications from JTPrefs choose Security and
disable Enable Secure Connection. Also check the user group configuration
for the user in Unified CM Admin under (User Management > End
User/Application User), select the user and verify the associated permissions

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 557
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
12 Standard CTI Use permission removed. Users associated with applications
are required to be included in Standard CTI Enabled user group. Verify
the user group configuration for the user in Unified CM Admin under (User
Management > End User/Application User), select the user and review
the associated permissions information

CTI Application opened the provider successfully. The IP address is shown in either IPv4 or IPv6 format
depending on the IP addressing mode of the Application.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiProviderOpened.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Login User Id(String)
Version Number(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

558 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device is out of service.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiDeviceOutofService.
Severity changed from Notice to Informational.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Application closed the line.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiLineClosed.
Severity changed from Notice to Informational.

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OL-29844-01 559
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector

Directory Number(String)
Device Name(String)
Reason code.(Enum)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineClosed, on page 560

Reason Code Enum Definitions for CtiLineClosed

Value Definition
0 Unknown

1 CallManager failure

2 Device has unregistered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager; wait

for the device to register

3 CTI failed to rehome the line; verify that the device is registered

4 Undefined line, possible cause could be that line is no more active on that
device due to extension mobility login or logout

5 Device removed

6 Provider controlling the device is closed

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

560 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
7 Protocol used by the device is not supported

8 Application cannot control this line as CTI Allow Control is not enabled.
Administrator has restricted the Line to be controllable by application. If
the intent of the Administrator is to allow control of this line, enable the
check box labelled Allow control of Device from CTI, in Unified CM
Administration under Call Routing > Directory Number and choose the
line that should be controlled by this application

9 Unable to register the device; application specified media type is not


10 Device is being reset; verify that the device is registered before opening the

11 Unsupported device configuration

Line is back in service


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Name changed from kCtiLineInService.
Severity changed from Notice to Informational.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 561
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Database default information was read successfully.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Notice to Informational.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog




Recommended Action

Default value of a Certificate duration in cache is modified in the Service Parameter page. This usually means
that the Default Certificate duration in cache value is modified in the Service Parameter page.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Routing List

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

562 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log
Recommended Action

Device Apply Config initiated.
This alarm occurs when a system administrator presses the Apply Config button in Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (Unified CM). The Apply Config button initiates a conditional restart on devices
that support conditional restart. This button triggers the system to determine if any relevant configuration has
changed for the device. If the configuration changes can be applied dynamically, they are made without service
interruption. If a change requires that the device reregister with Unified CM, reregistration occurs automatically.
If a change requires a restart, the device will be automatically restarted. If the load ID for a device changes,
the device will initiate a background download of the new firmware. The new firmware can then be applied
immediately or at a later time. For phones and devices that do not support conditional restart, clicking Apply
Config causes these devices to restart.


Routing List
Sys Log

Device name(String)
Product type(String)
Device type(Enum)

Enum Definitions for Device Type


Recommended Action

Cisco IP Phone has applied its configuration.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 563
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

7.1 Added DeviceApplyConfigResult to the Phone Catalog in the CallManager
alarm definitions.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action
No action is required.

List of directory numbers associated with the device.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Device Name [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum]Station Desc [String] Station Dn [String]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

564 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceDnInformation, on page 565

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceDnInformation

Code Device Type





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935



12 CISCO_ATA_186









Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 565
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type






61 H323_PHONE
















115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

566 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type












302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE




365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 567
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936




30035 IP_STE

Cisco IP Phone has started downloading its firmware load (image).


Cisco Unified Action

7.1 Added DeviceImageDownloadStart to the Phone Catalog in the
CallManager alarm definitions.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

568 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Routing List
Sys Log
Alternate Syslog
Data Collector


Recommended Action
No action is required.

Cisco IP Phone has successfully downloaded its image.


Cisco Unified Action

Included Routing List.
Updated Parameters.
Included Enum Definitions - Method

7.1 Added DeviceImageDownloadSuccess to the Phone Catalog in the

CallManager alarm definitions.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 569
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)

Routing List
Sys Log
Alternate Syslog
Data Collector

Server from which the firmware was downloaded(String)

Recommended Action
No action is required.

Related Topics
Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadSuccess, on page 570

Method Enum Definitions for DeviceImageDownloadSuccess

Value Definition



A device successfully registered with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

570 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.5(1) Following information is updated:
Enum Definitions for Performance Monitor ObjType

8.0(1) Following information is updated:

Enum Definitions for Performance Monitor ObjType
Enum Definitions for Device type

7.1 Parameters added for IPv6: IPV6Address[Optional].[String],

IPAddressAttributes[Optional].[Enum], IPV6AddressAttributes
[Optional].[Enum], and ActiveLoadId [Optional].[String].


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log
Data Collector
SNMP Traps

Device name.[String]
Device MAC address [Optional].[String]
Device IP address [Optional].[String]
Device description [Optional].[String]
User ID [Optional].[String]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 571
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Load ID. [Optional][String]

Associated directory numbers.[Optional].[String]
Performance monitor object type[Enum]
Device type. [Optional][Enum]
Configured GateKeeper Name [Optional].[String]
Technology Prefix Name [Optional].[String]
Zone Information [Optional].[String]
Alternate Gatekeeper List [Optional].[String]
Active Gatekeeper [Optional].[String]
Call Signal Address [Optional].[String]
RAS Address [Optional].[String]
IPV6AddressAttributes [Optional].[Enum]
ActiveLoadId [Optional].[String]
InactiveLoadId [Optional].[String]

Recommended Action

Related Topics
Performance Monitor ObjType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered, on page 572
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered, on page 574
IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered, on page 576
IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered, on page 576

Performance Monitor ObjType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered

Code Reason
1 Cisco CallManager

3 Cisco Lines

4 Cisco H.323

5 Cisco MGCP Gateway

6 Cisco MOH Device

7 Cisco Analog Access

8 Cisco MGCP FXS Device

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

572 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Reason
9 Cisco MGCP FXO Device

10 Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device

11 Cisco MGCP PRI Device

12 Cisco MGCP BRI Device

13 Cisco MTP Device

14 Cisco Transcode Device

15 Cisco SW Conference Bridge Device

16 Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device

17 Cisco Locations

18 Cisco Gatekeeper

19 Cisco CallManager System Performance

20 Cisco Video Conference Bridge Device

21 Cisco Hunt Lists

22 Cisco SIP

23 Cisco Annunciator Device

24 Cisco QSIG Features

25 Cisco SIP Stack

26 Cisco Presence Features

27 Cisco WSMConnector

28 Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility

29 Cisco SIP Station

30 Cisco Mobility Manager

31 Cisco Signaling

32 Cisco Call Restriction

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 573
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Reason
33 External Call Control

34 Cisco SAF Client

35 IME Client

36 IME Client Instance

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered

Code Reason

















Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

574 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Reason
























Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 575
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Reason





IPAddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered

Code Reason
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv4 address is used for.

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is

used for administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address is used for
control signaling only.

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv4 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control

IPV6AddrAttributes Enum Definitions for DeviceRegistered

Code Reason
0 UnknownThe device has not indicated what this IPv6 address is used for.

1 Administrative onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is

used for administrative communication (web interface) only.

2 Signal onlyThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address is used for
control signaling only.

3 Administrative and signalThe device has indicated that this IPv6 address
is used for administrative communication (web interface) and control

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

576 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device reset initiated on the specified device.
This alarm occurs when a device is reset via the Reset button in Cisco Unified CM Administration. Reset may
cause the device to shut down and come back in service. A device can be reset only when it is registered with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Cisco Unified Action

Enum Definitions for DeviceType are updated.
Parameters added: Product type [String]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Device name [Optional]. [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum] Product type [String]

Recommended Action

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceResetInitiated, on page 577

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceResetInitiated

Code Device Type



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 577
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type

























Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

578 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type




















Device restart initiated or Apply Config initiated on the specified device.
This alarm occurs when a device is restarted via the Restart button in Cisco Unified CM Administration
window or when a system administrator presses the Apply Config button for a device that does not support
conditional restart. Restart causes the device to unregister, receive updated configuration, and reregister with
Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) without shutting down. A device can be restarted
only when it is registered with Unified CM.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 579
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

Enum Definitions for DeviceType are updated.
Parameters added: Product type [String]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Device name [Optional]. [String] Device type. [Optional] [Enum] Product type [String]

Recommended Action

Related Topics
DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRestartInitiated, on page 580

DeviceType Enum Definitions for DeviceRestartInitiated

Code Device Type







Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

580 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type

























Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 581
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Device Type
















DirSync schedule insertion failed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

582 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

ScheduleID [String]

Recommended Action
Check the DirSync configuration and logs

DirSync scheduler engine started.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

DirSyncSchedulerVersion [String]

Recommended Action

DRF backup completed successfully.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 583
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Ensure that the backup operation is completed successfully.

DRF restore completed successfully.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log
Sys Log


Recommended Action
Ensure that the restore operation is completed successfully.

DRF Scheduled backup configurations is updated automatically due to feature de-registration.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

8.0(1) Name changed from CiscoDRFSchedulerUpdated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

584 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Recommended Action
Ensure that the new configurations is appropriate one for the backup/restore operation.

EM Application started successfully.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Servlet Name(String)

Recommended Action
No action required.

EMCC login was successful.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 585
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Device Name(String)
Login Date/Time(String)
Login UserID(String)

Recommended Action

EMCC logout was successful.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Device Name(String)
Login Date/Time(String)

Recommended Action

This alarm occurs when a device is reset via the Reset button in Cisco Unified CM Administration. Reset
causes the device to shut down and come back in service. A device can be reset only when it is registered
with Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

586 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Routing List
Sys Log
Alternate Syslog

Device name(String)
Product type(String)
Device type(Enum)

Recommended Action
Informational purposes only; no action is required.

Related Topics
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointResetInitiated, on page 587

Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointResetInitiated

Value Definition





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 587
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

588 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition




484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 I P_STE

Device restart initiated or Apply Config initiated on the specified device.
This alarm occurs when a device is restarted via the Restart button in Cisco Unified CM Administration
window or when a system administrator presses the Apply Config button for a device that does not support
conditional restart. Restart causes the device to unregister, receive an updated configuration file, and reregister
with Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) without shutting down. A device can be restarted
only when it is registered with Unified CM.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 589
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Alternate Syslog

Device name(String)
Product type(String)
Device type(Enum)

Recommended Action
Informational purposes only; no action is required.

Related Topics
Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRestartInitiated, on page 590

Device Type Enum Definitions for EndPointRestartInitiated

Value Definition





6 CISCO_7910

7 CISCO_7960

8 CISCO_7940

9 CISCO_7935

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

590 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
12 CISCO_ATA_186


61 H323_PHONE


115 CISCO_7941

119 CISCO_7971


302 CISCO_7989

307 CISCO_7911

308 CISCO_7941G_GE

309 CISCO_7961G_GE



348 CISCO_7931


365 CISCO_7921

369 CISCO_7906



404 CISCO_7962

412 CISCO_3951

431 CISCO_7937

434 CISCO_7942

435 CISCO_7945

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 591
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Value Definition
436 CISCO_7965

437 CISCO_7975

446 CISCO_3911






484 CISCO_7925

493 CISCO_9971

495 CISCO_6921

496 CISCO_6941

497 CISCO_6961

20000 CISCO_7905

30002 CISCO_7920

30006 CISCO_7970

30007 CISCO_7912

30008 CISCO_7902


30018 CISCO_7961

30019 CISCO_7936

30035 IP_STE

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

592 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

CallManager has resumed accepting CallList BLF Subscriptions subsequent to prior throttling.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Severity changed from Warning to Informational.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



EndThrottlingCallListBLFSubscriptionsActive External Presence Subscriptions [UInt] CallList BLF
Subscriptions Throttling Threshold [UInt] CallList BLF Subscriptions Resume Threshold [UInt] Time Duration
Of Throttling CallList BLF Subscriptions [UInt] Number of CallList BLF Subscriptions Rejected Due To
Throttling [UInt] Total End Throttling CallList BLF Subscriptions [UInt]

Recommended Action
Determine if CPU and memory resources are available to meet the higher demand for CallList BLF
Subscriptions. If so, increase the CallListBLFSubscriptionsThrottlingThreshold and correspondingly the
CallListBLFSubscriptionsResumeThreshold. If not, increase system resources to meet the demand.

Indicates debug events from IDS database engine. This alarm provides low-level debugging information from
IDS database engine. System administrator can disregard this alarm.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Changed severity level to Informational from Debug.


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 593
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Event Class ID [String] Event class message [String] Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action

No error has occurred but some routine event completed in IDS database engine. This alarm is informational.
No error has occurred but some routine event completed in IDS database engine.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Event Class ID [String] Event class message [String] Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action

Information about IDS replication.


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Added Recommended Action comments.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

594 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Event Class ID [String]
Event class message [String]
Event Specific Message [String]

Recommended Action
Information only. No action is required.

IPMA Information.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action

IPMA Application started successfully.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 595
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action

New ITL File has been generated. This usually means that a new certificate related to ITLFile has been

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log
Recommended Action

ANN stream ICMP port unreachable error. An announcement RTP stream had an ICMP (Internet Control
Message Protocol) port unreachable error. The stream has been terminated. This ICMP error is a result of the
destination end-point not having the receiving UDP/RTP port open to receive packets.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

596 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0.1 Parameter list updated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Destination IP Address [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required. This may occur at times when connections are being stopped or redirected.

CFB stream ICMP error. A SW CFB RTP stream had an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) port
unreachable error. The stream has been terminated. This ICMP error is a result of the destination end-point
does not have the receiving UDP/RTP port open to receive packets.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Following parameters removed:
Call ID [ULong] Party ID [ULong] IP Port [ULong]


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 597
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Destination IP Address [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required. This may occur at times when connections are being stopped or redirected.

IP TOS MediaResource to Cm value not found. The IP Type-of-Service Media Resource To Call Manager
service parameter value was not found in the database. Defaulting its value to 0x60 for CS3(precedence 3)
DSCP (011000).


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Recommended Action
Set the Ip Type-of-Service Media Resource To Call Manager service parameter for the Cisco IP Voice Media
Streaming App service.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

598 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Communications Manager in lockout.The specified Cisco Unified Communications Manager
has failed to respond to control messages. The TCP control connection to Cisco Unified CM is being suspended.
This will cause a switch to another Cisco Unified CM if one is available otherwise the device will be
unavailable. There may be a shortage of CPU resource or some other error condition on the Cisco Unified
CM server.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Informational.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
Check the status of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager service. You may have to restart the Cisco
Unified CM service or the Cisco Unified CM server.

Register with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The software media device registered with the specified
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 599
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action

Wait call failure in device manager thread. An error was reported during a system request to wait on an event,
the media device will be restarted.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

600 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).
Severity changed from Error to Informational.
Following parameters added:
OS Error Code [Int]
OS Error Description [String]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Trace Name [String]
OS Error Code [Int]
OS Error Description [String]

Recommended Action

Unregister with Cisco Unified Communications Manager. A media device has unregistered with the specified
Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 601
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Trace Name [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required. The media device will automatically reregister.

The Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service is starting.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

ProcessID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

602 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Version [String] IPAddress [String] Hostname [String] ServiceName [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required.

The Cisco IP voice media streaming application is shutting down.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

ProcessID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Version [String] IPAddress [String] Hostname [String] ServiceName [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required.

MOH stream ICMP error. A Music-on-Hold transmission stream had an ICMP (Internet Control Message
Protocol) port unreachable error. The stream has been terminated. This may occur occasionally depending on
call termination sequences.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 603
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Following parameters are removed:
Call ID [ULong] Party ID [ULong] IP Port [ULong]


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Destination IP Address [String]

Recommended Action
No action is required.

Wait call failure in MOH manager thread. An error was encountered in Music-on-Hold audio manager
subcomponent while waiting for asynchronous event signaling. The MOH device will be restarted.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

604 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).
Severity changed from Error to Informational.
OS Error Description(String) parameter is added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



OS Error Description(String)

Recommended Action
No action is required.

Synchronization error detected in MOH audio manager. A synchronization error was detected. Condition has
been resolved automatically.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 605
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Recommended Action
No action is required.

Attempted to rewind an inactive MOH audio source. An attempt was made to rewind or restart the
Music-on-Hold audio source that is inactive. This has been ignored.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Informational.
Audio Source ID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

606 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Error rewinding MOH audio source that is not playing. An attempt was made to rewind or restart a
Music-on-Hold wav file that was not being played. This has been ignored.


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

Severity changed from Error to Informational.
Audio Source ID [ULong] parameter is removed.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Codec Type [String]

Recommended Action

One or more Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service parameter settings for the MTP device were not
found in the database. The default values are included here.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 607
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

3.x and 4.x Added for Windows.

7.0(1) Obsoleted.

8.0(1) This alarm is available in 8.0(1).

MTP Run Flag(String) parameter is added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

MTP Run Flag(String)

Recommended Action
Configure the service parameter settings for the MTP device.

MOH enabled codecs not found. The Music-on-Hold service parameter for codec selection could not be read
from database. Defaulting to G.711 mu-law codec.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Recommended Action
Set the Music-on-Hold service parameter for Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

608 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

There was timeout during wait for DeActivateLoadShare acknowledgement.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

The search string has been found in the log file. Trace and Log Central has found the search string that the
user has configured.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

SearchString [String]

Recommended Action
If sysadmin is interested in collecting the traces around the time of generation of alert, use Trace and Log
Central to collect the traces for that service.

A held call was cleared because the amount of time specified in the Maximum Hold Duration Timer service
parameter had elapsed. If the allowed call-on-hold duration is too short, you can increase the value. If you do
not want a limit on the duration of a held call, you can disable the limit.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 609
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Action

8.0(1) Following parameters added:
Originating Device Name(String)
Destination Device Name(String)
Hold start time(UInt)
Hold stop time(UInt)
Calling Party Number(String)
Called Party Number(String)


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Maximum Hold Duration (minutes) [Int]
Originating Device Name(String)
Destination Device Name(String)
Hold start time(UInt)
Hold stop time(UInt)
Calling Party Number(String)
Called Party Number(String)

Recommended Action
If the duration of the hold time is too short, increase the value in the Cisco CallManager service parameter or
disable the maximum duration by setting the Maximum Hold Duration Timer parameter to zero.

An operation could not be completed because the process did not have authority to perform it.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

610 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)


Recommended Action

Packet capture service started. Packet capture feature has been enabled on the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager server. A Cisco CallManager service parameter, Packet Capture Enable, must be set to True for
packet capture to occur.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Recommended Action

Packet capture service stopped. The packet capture feature has been disabled on the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager server.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 611
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Informational (6)

Recommended Action

Packet capture started on the device. Indicated packet capture has been enabled on the device.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Device Name [String] Packet Capture Mode [String] Packet Capture Duration [String]

Recommended Action

Packet capture stopped on the device. Indicated packet capture has been disabled on the device.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Device Name [String] Packet Capture Mode [String] Packet Capture Duration [String]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

612 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action

Completion of publication of published DID patterns.
This alarm is generated when Unified CM completes a publication of the DID patterns into the IME network.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Recommended Action
This alarm is provided for historic and informational purposes. It can be used to give you feedback that the
system is working and is correctly publishing numbers into the IME network. It can also be used for
troubleshooting. If some of the publishes fail for some reason, the alarm will contain a list of those numbers
which were not published. If your users are receiving calls, and they are not over IP but you think they ought
to be, you can check the history of these alarms to see if the number failed to be published into the network.

Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Start time(String)
End time(String)
DID count(UInt)
Failed DID count(UInt)
Failed DIDs(String)

CTIManager is unable to redirect a call

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Directory Number(String)

Recommended Action
This alarm is for informational purposes only; no action is required.

Roll Back to Pre 8.0 has been disabled in the Enterprise Parameter page. This usually means that the RollBack
to Pre 8.0 feature is modified in the Enterprise Parameter page.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log
Recommended Action

Roll Back to Pre 8.0 has been enabled in the Enterprise Parameter page.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

614 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log
Recommended Action

Route removed automatically.
This alarm is generated when UC Manager removes a route from its routing tables because the route is stale
and has expired, or because the far end has indicated the number is no longer reachable at that domain.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

E.164 number(String)
Domain name(String)
Route learned time(String)
Reason Code(Enum)

Recommended Action
This alarm is provided for historic and informational purposes. It helps you understand why certain numbers
are in your routing tables, and why others are not. This historical information is useful to help determine why
a call to a particular number is not going over IP, when you expect it to.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 615
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for RouteRemoved, on page 616

Reason Code Enum Definitions for RouteRemoved

Value Definition
1 Expired

2 Unreachable

A CLI command revoked the publish action for the specified service or subservice ID.
A system administrator issued a CLI command on the SAF Forwarder router to revoke the publish action for
the service or subservice ID specified in this alarm.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Client Handle(String)
Service ID(UInt)
Sub Service ID(UInt)

Recommended Action
Informational purposes only; no action is required.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

616 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Unified CM does not recognize the service ID in a publish revoke or withdraw message.
Unified CM received a Publish Revoke message or Withdraw message from the SAF Forwarder but the service
ID in the message is not recognized by Unified CM. Unified CM may not recognize the service ID if the
service ID was mistyped in the publish revoke CLI command, or if the service was previously withdrawn.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Routing List
Sys Log
Event Log

Client Handle(String)
Service ID(UInt)
Sub Service ID(UInt)

Recommended Action

Failed to write into the primary file path. Audit Event is generated by this application.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 617
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Ensure that the primary file path is valid and the corresponding drive has sufficient disk space. Also, make
sure that the path has security permissions similar to default log file path.

This service is now activated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Informational (6)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

The service is now deactivated.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Service Manager

Informational (6)

Service Name(String)

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

618 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Service has started.


Cisco Unified Communications Action

7.1 Added IPv6Address[Optional][String] parameter.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

IP Address of hosting node(String)
Host name of hosting node(String)
Service Name(String)
Version Information(String)

Recommended Action

Service stopped.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 619
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

IP Address of hosting node.(String)
Host of hosting node.(String)
Service (String)

Recommended Action

A valid software license has been detected by the IP Voice Media Streaming App service.

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Routing List
Event Log

Recommended Action
No action required. This informational message indicates alarm SoftwareLicenseNotValid is cleared.

A station device sent an alarm to Cisco Unified Communications Manager, which acts as a conduit from the
device to generate this alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Protocol [String] TCP ProcessID [String] Device Text [String] Param1 [UInt] Param2 [UInt]

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

620 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action
Refer to the specific device type and information passed via this alarm to determine the appropriate action.

Station device is closing its connection with Cisco Unified Communications Manager because of the reason
that is stated in this alarm.


Cisco Unified Action

Reason Code[Enum] parameter added.
Enum Definitions for Reason Code table added.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog



Device Name [String]
Reason Code[Enum]

Related Topics
Reason Code Enum Definitions for StationConnectionError, on page 621

Reason Code Enum Definitions for StationConnectionError

Code Reason
0 deviceInitiatedResetThe device has initiated a reset, possibly due to a power cycle or
internal error. No action required; the device will reregister automatically.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 621
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Code Reason
1 sccpDeviceThrottling(SCCP only) The indicated SCCP device exceeded the maximum
number of events allowed per-SCCP device. Events can be phone calls, KeepAlive
messages, or excessive SCCP or non-SCCP messages. The maximum number of allowed
events is controlled by the Cisco CallManager service parameter, Max Events Allowed.
When an individual device exceeds the number configured in that service parameter,
Unified CM closes the TCP connection to the device; automatic reregistration generally
follows. This action is an attempt to stop malicious attacks on Unified CM or to ward off
excessive CPU usage. No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

2 keepAliveTimeoutUnified CM did not receive a KeepAlive message from the device.

Possible causes include device power outage, network power outage, network configuration
error, network delay, packet drops and packet corruption. It is also possible to get this
error if the Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify the device is powered
up and operating, verify network connectivity between the device and Unified CM, and
verify the CPU utilization is in the safe range (this can be monitored using RTMT via
CPU Pegging Alert). No action necessary, the device will reregister automatically.

3 dbChangeNotifyAn ApplyConfig command was invoked from Unified CM

Administration resulting in an unregistration. No action necessary, the device will reregister

4 deviceRegistrationSupercededAn initial device registration request was received but

authentication had not yet completed before a new registration request was received. The
first registration request was discarded and reregistration should proceed normally. No
action is required, the device will reregister automatically.

Recommended Action

Testing alarm for Appliance OS based server only.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

622 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Recommended Action

Testing informational alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Informational (6)

Recommended Action

TVS Server certificate has been regenerated. This usually means that the TVS certificate has been regenerated.
TVS server will automatically be restarted

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Catalog


Routing List
Event Log
Data Collector
Sys Log
Recommended Action

User is already logged in.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 623
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Informational (6)

UserID [String]

Recommended Action

User logged out.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Informational (6)

UserID [String]

Recommended Action

User successfully logged in.


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

624 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages

Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

CallManager/TCD SRV

Informational (6)

UserID [String]

Recommended Action

WebDialer informational alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Informational (6)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action

WebDialer Application started successfully.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog

System/Java Applications

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 625
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
Debug-Level Alarms

Informational (6)

Servlet Name [String] Reason [String]

Recommended Action

Debug-Level Alarms
The debug-level alarm is 7 and no action needed. Debug messages are used for troubleshooting.

Testing debug alarm.


Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarm Definition Catalog


Debug (7)

Recommended Action

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 8.0(1) Obsolete

This section explains the alarms obsoleted in Cisco Unified Serviceability.

CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
ConferenceCreated INFORMATIONAL An application controlled conference is created.

ConferenceDeleted INFORMATIONAL An application controlled conference is deleted.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

626 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

CtiCallAcceptTimeout WARNING Call Accept Timeout

CtiStaleCallHandle INFORMATIONAL CTI stale call handle.

DatabaseAuditInfo_074 INFORMATIONAL Database audit information.

DatabaseDeviceNoDirNum NOTICE No directory number for database device.

DatabaseInternalDataError_06e ALERT Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_06f NOTICE Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_070 INFORMATIONAL Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_071 INFORMATIONAL Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_072 INFORMATIONAL Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_073 INFORMATIONAL Database internal data error.

DatabaseInternalDataError_075 INFORMATIONAL Database internal data error.

DnTimeout ERROR DN Timeout.

GatewayAlarm INFORMATIONAL Gateway alarm.

H323AddressResolutionError WARNING H323 address not resolved.

H323CallFailureAlarm WARNING H323 Call failure

MWIParamMisMatch WARNING MWI parameter mismatch.

NoConnection INFORMATIONAL No TCP connection.

OutOfDnForAutoRegistration WARNING Out of directory numbers for auto-registration.

PktCapDownloadFailed ERROR Did not get captured packet or key file.

PktCapDownloadOK INFORMATIONAL Downloaded captured packet or key file.

PktCapLoginFailed ERROR Login failed for getting captured packet or key


PktCapLoginOK INFORMATIONAL Login OK for getting captured packet or key


Redirection WARNING Redirection Manager cannot register with the

Call Control.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

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Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

SIP IPPortConflict WARNING The local port for this device is already in use

ThrottlingSampleActivity ERROR ThrottlingSampleActivity

TotalCodeYellowEntry INFORMATIONAL TotalCodeYellowEntry

CertMonitor Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
CertExpired EMERGENCY Certificate has Expired and needs to be changed
at the earliest.

CertExpiryApproaching INFORMATIONAL Information Alarm that indicates a Certificate

Validity Period is approaching and the expiry
date is within the notification window

CertExpiryDebug DEBUG Alarm to Debug Certificate Management.

CertExpiryError ERROR Alarm indicating errors in certificate Expiry

Monitor Process.

CMI Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
CCMConnectionError ERROR CMI cannot establish connection with the Cisco
Unified Communications Manager.

CMIDebugAlarm DEBUG This alarm is generated only for the purpose of


CMIServiceStarted NOTICE Service is now running.

CMIServiceStopped NOTICE Service is now stopping.

COMException ALERT CMI catches an COM exception.

ConfigParaNotFound NOTICE CMI service configuration parameter is not

found in Database.

DisconnectionToCCM ERROR CMI loses the connection with Unified

Communications Manager.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

628 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

WSAStartupFailed CRITICAL Windows Socket startup failed.

CTI Manager Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
kCtiDeviceOpenFailAccessDenied WARNING DeviceOpenRequest failure.

kCtiDirectoryLoginFailure WARNING CTI directory login failure.

kCtiEnvProcDevListRegTimeout ERROR Directory change notification request time out.

kCtiExistingCallNotifyArrayOverflow WARNING Possible internal array overflow condition while

generating CTI ExistingCall event.

kCtiIllegalEnumHandle WARNING Enumeration handle is not valid.

kCtiIllegalFilterSize ERROR ProviderOpenRequest; illegal filter size.

kCtiIllegalQbeHeader ERROR Illegal QBE header.

kCtiInvalidQbeSizeAndOffsets ERROR InvalidQBESizeAndOffsets; QBE message

decoding encountered illegal size or offset.

kCtiLineCallInfoResArrayOverflow WARNING Possible internal array overflow condition while

generating response to application request for
call information.

kCtiLineOpenFailAccessDenied WARNING Line open failed.

kCtiMYTCPSendError ERROR MYTCP_Send: send error.

kCtiMytcpErrSocketBroken WARNING Socket connection has been broken.

kCtiNewCallNotifyArrayOverflow WARNING Possible internal array overflow condition while

generating CTI NewCall event.

kCtiNullTcpHandle WARNING TranslateCtiQbeInputMessage: NULL TCP

HANDLE!!! (QBE packet is dropped)

kCtiProviderOpenInvalidUserNameSize ERROR Invalid userName size in ProviderOpen request.

kCtiQbeLengthMisMatch ERROR OutputQbeMessage: length mismatch.

kCtiQbeMessageTooLong WARNING Incoming QBE message exceeds input buffer


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 629
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

kCtiSdlErrorvException CRITICAL Failed to create an internal process that is
required to service CTI applications.

kCtiSsRegisterManagerErr ERROR Unable to register CtiLine with SSAPI.

kCtiTcpInitError ERROR CTIManager service is unable to initialize TCP


kCtiUnknownConnectionHandle WARNING Connection handle is not valid

DB Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
ErrorChangeNotifyReconcile ALERT A change notification shared memory
reconciliation has occurred.

IpVms Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description
kANNAudioComException ERROR ANN TFTP COM exception

kANNAudioOpenFailed ERROR Open announcement file failed

kANNAudioTftpFileMissing ERROR ANN TFTP file missing

kANNAudioTftpMgrCreate ERROR Unable to create TFTP client

kANNAudioTftpMgrStartFailed ERROR TFTP start file transfer failed

kANNAudioThreadException ERROR ANN TFTP transfer exception failure

kANNAudioThreadWaitFailed ERROR ANN TFTP event wait error

kANNAudioThreadxFailed ERROR ANN TFTP transfer thread creation failed

kANNAudioXmlLoadFailed ERROR ANN XML parsing error

kANNAudioXmlSyntax ERROR ANN XML invalid element

kAddIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Add IP VMS render filter-to-filter graph


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

630 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

kCfgListComException ERROR Configuration COM Exception

kCfgListDblException ERROR Configuration DBL Exception

kCfgListUnknownException ERROR Unknown Configuration Exception

kCreateGraphManagerFailed ERROR Get graph manager failure.

kDeviceMgrThreadException ERROR Exception in device manager thread.

kDownloadMOHFileFailed ERROR Download request failure.

kFixedInputAddAudioCaptureDeviceFailed ERROR Add fixed audio source to filter graph failure.

kFixedInputAddG711AlawIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Add fixed G711 a-law IP VMS render

filter-to-filter graph failure.

kFixedInputAddG711UlawIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Add fixed G711 ulaw IP VMS render filter

to filter graph failed

kFixedInputAddG729IpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Add fixed G729 IP VMS render

filter-to-filter graph failure.

kFixedInputAddMOHEncoderFailed ERROR Add fixed MOH encode filter-to-filter graph


kFixedInputAddWideBandIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Add fixed wideband IP VMS render

filter-to-filter graph failure.

kFixedInputAudioCapMOHEncoderConnFailed ERROR Connect fixed audio capture device to MOH

encoder failure.

kFixedInputAudioCaptureCreateFailed ERROR Get fixed system device enumerator failure.

kFixedInputClassEnumeratorCreateFailed ERROR Create fixed class enumerator failure.

kFixedInputCreateGraphManagerFailed ERROR Get fixed graph manager failure.

kFixedInputFindAudioCaptureDeviceFailed ERROR Unable to find fixed audio source device.

kFixedInputGetEventNotificationFailed ERROR Get fixed notification event failure.

kFixedInputGetFileNameFailed ERROR Get fixed audio source device name failure.

kFixedInputGetG711AlawIpVmsRendInfFailed ERROR Get fixed G711 a-law IP VMS render filter

private interface failure.

kFixedInputGetG711AlawIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Get fixed G711 a-law IP VMS render filter


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OL-29844-01 631
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

kFixedInputGetG711UlawIpVmsRendInfFailed ERROR Get fixed G711 mu-aw IP VMS render filter
private interface failure.

kFixedInputGetG711UlawIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Get fixed G711 mu-law IP VMS render filter


kFixedInputGetG729IpVmsRendInfFailed ERROR Get fixed G729 IP VMS render filter private

interface failure.

kFixedInputGetG729IpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Get fixed G729 IP VMS render filter failure.

kFixedInputGetMOHEncoderFailed ERROR Get fixed MOH encode filter failure.

kFixedInputGetMediaControlFailed ERROR Get fixed media control failure.

kFixedInputGetMediaPositionFailed ERROR Get fixed media position failure.

kFixedInputGetWideBandIpVmsRendInfFailed ERROR Get fixed wideband IP VMS render filter

private interface failure.

kFixedInputGetWideBandIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Get fixed wideband IP VMS render filter


kFixedInputMOHEncG711AlawRenderConnFail ERROR Connect fixed MOH encoder to G711 a-law

IP VMS render filter failure.

kFixedInputMOHEncG711UlawRenderConnFail ERROR Connect fixed MOH encoder to G711 u-law

IP VMS render filter failure.

kFixedInputMOHEncG729RenderConnFailed ERROR Connect fixed MOH encoder to G729 IP

VMS render filter failure.

kFixedInputMOHEncWidebandRenderConnFail ERROR Connect fixed MOH encoder to wideband

IP VMS render filter failure.

kFixedInputSetNotifyWindowFailed ERROR Set fixed notify window failure.

kGetEventNotificationFailed ERROR Get notification event failure.

kGetIpVmsRenderFailed ERROR Get IP VMS render filter failure.

kGetIpVmsRenderInterfaceFailed ERROR Get IP VMS render filter private interface


kGetMediaControlFailed ERROR Get media control failure.

kGetMediaPositionFailed ERROR Get media position failure.

kMOHFilterNotifyError ERROR Error on DirectShow returned or user abort.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

632 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

kMOHMgrThreadCreateWindowExFailed ERROR Creation of MOH manager message window

kMOHPlayStreamControlNull ERROR Stream Control pointer is NULL

kMOHPlayStreamMediaControlObjectNull ERROR Media Position COM interface is NULL

kMOHThreadException ERROR Exception in MOH manager thread.

kMTPICMPErrorNotification INFORMATIONAL MTP stream ICMP error.

kPWavMgrExitEventCreateFailed ERROR Creation of needed event failed.

kPWavMgrThreadException ERROR WAV file manager thread exception

kReadCfgANNComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgANNDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgANNListComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgANNListDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgANNListUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgANNUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgCFBComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgCFBDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgCFBListComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgCFBListDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgCFBListUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgCFBUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgDblGetChgNotifyFailed INFORMATIONAL Get change notification port failure.

kReadCfgDblGetNodeNameFailed ERROR Database layer select my process node failed.

kReadCfgEnterpriseComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgEnterpriseDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgEnterpriseException ERROR Enterprisewide configuration exception

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OL-29844-01 633
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

kReadCfgEnterpriseUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMOHAudioSourceComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMOHAudioSourceDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMOHAudioSourceUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMOHComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMOHDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMOHListComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMOHListDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMOHListUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMOHServerComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMOHServerDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMOHServerUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMOHTFTIPAddressNotFound ERROR MOH TFTP IP address not found.

kReadCfgMOHUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMTPComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMTPDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMTPListComException ERROR COM error.

kReadCfgMTPListDblException ERROR Database exception.

kReadCfgMTPListUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kReadCfgMTPUnknownException ERROR Unknown exception.

kRenderFileFailed ERROR Render file-to-filter graph failure.

kSetNotifyWindowFailed ERROR Set notify window failure.

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634 OL-29844-01
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Test Alarm Catalog Obsolete Alarms

Alarm Name Severity Description

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OL-29844-01 635
Cisco Unified Serviceability Alarms and CiscoLog Messages
CallManager Catalog Obsolete Alarms

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636 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
This chapter describes the Management Information Base (MIB) text files that are supported by Cisco Unified
Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) and are used with Simple Network Management Protocol

CISCO-CCM-MIB, page 637

CISCO-CDP-MIB, page 795


Note This is a reformatted version of CISCO-CCM-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this section

This MIB manages the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) application running
with a Cisco Communication Network (CCN) system. Cisco Unified CM is an IP-PBX that controls the call
processing of a VoIP network.
A CCN system comprises multiple regions, with each region consisting of several Cisco Unified CM groups
with multiple Cisco Unified CM servers. The MIB can be used by the Cisco Unified CM application, Cisco
Unified CM Administration, to present provision and statistics information.
The following terminology applies to this MIB:
SCCPSkinny Client Control Protocol
SIPSession Initiation Protocol
TLSTransport Layer Security
MGCPMedia Gateway Control Protocol

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Cisco Management Information Base

Before you can compile CISCO-CCM-MIB, you need to download and compile the MIBs listed below in the
order listed.
7 RFC1155-SMI
8 RFC1212
9 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


The following table lists the revisions to this MIB beginning with the latest revision first.

Table 129: History of CISCO-CCM-MIB Revisions

Date Action Description

July 2010 Updated the TEXTUAL-CONVENTIONs CcmDevUnregCauseCode,

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638 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

Dec 2009 Deprecated CcmDevFailCauseCode;
Added CcmDevRegFailCauseCode and

Deprecated ccmPhoneStatusReason;
Added ccmPhoneUnregReason and
ccmPhoneRegFailReason in ccmPhoneTable

Deprecated ccmPhoneFailCauseCode;
Added ccmPhoneFailedRegFailReason in

Deprecated ccmPhoneStatusUpdateReason;
Added ccmPhoneStatusUnregReason and
ccmPhoneStatusRegFailReason in

Deprecated ccmGatewayStatusReason;
Added ccmGatewayUnregReason and
ccmGatewayRegFailReason in ccmGatewayTable.

Deprecated ccmMediaDeviceStatusReason;
Added ccmMediaDeviceUnregReason and
ccmMediaDeviceRegFailReason in ccmMediaDeviceTable.

Deprecated ccmCTIDeviceStatusReason;
Added ccmCTIDeviceUnregReason and
ccmCTIDeviceRegFailReason in ccmCTIDeviceTable

Deprecated ccmH323DevStatusReason;
Added ccmH323DevUnregReason and
ccmH323DevRegFailReason in ccmH323DeviceTable.

Deprecated ccmVMailDevStatusReason;
Added ccmVMailDevUnregReason and
ccmVMailDevRegFailReason in

Deprecated ccmGatewayFailCauseCode;
Added ccmGatewayRegFailCauseCode in

Deprecated the following Notification Type ccmGatewayFailed and added ccmGatewayFailedReason.

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

Deprecated following OBJECT_GROUPS ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev5,
ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroupRev1 and
Added following OBJECT_GROUPS:

Deprecated following ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev6;

MODULE-COMPLIANCE Added ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev7.

Obsoleted following OBJECT_GROUPS ccmInfoGroupRev3,


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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

08-21-2008 Added following objects in ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv4
ccmCTIDeviceTable ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv6
These objects replaced the ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressType
and ccmCTIDeviceInetAddress.

Deprecated following objects in ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressType

ccmCTIDeviceTable ccmCTIDeviceInetAddress

Added following OBJECT-GROUP ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev3.

This group replaced the ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2

Deprecated following OBJECT-GROUP ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2

Added following ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev6

MODULE-COMPLIANCE This compliance replaced the

Deprecated ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev5

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

02-12-2008 Added following objects in ccmTable ccmInetAddress2

Added following objects in ccmPhoneTable ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4


Added following objects in ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4

ccmPhoneFailedTable ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6

Added following objects in ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv4

ccmSIPDeviceTable ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv6

Added following objects in ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv4

ccmMediaDeviceTable ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv6

Deprecated following objects in ccmPhoneInetAddressType

ccmPhoneTable ccmPhoneInetAddress

Deprecated following objects in ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressType

ccmPhoneFailedTable ccmPhoneFailedInetAddress

Deprecated following objects in ccmSIPDevInetAddressType

ccmSIPDeviceTable ccmSIPDevInetAddress

Deprecated following objects in ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressType

ccmMediaDeviceTable ccmMediaDeviceInetAddress

Added following scalar objects ccmH323TableEntries


Obsoleted ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev3

Deprecated ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev4

Added ciscoCcmMIBComplianceRev5

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

Obsoleted following ccmNotificationsGroup
NOTIFICATION-GROUPS ccmNotificationsGroupRev1

Obsoleted following OBJECT-GROUPS ccmInfoGroupRev2


Deprecated following OBJECT-GROUPS ccmInfoGroupRev3


Added following OBJECT-GROUPS ccmInfoGroupRev4


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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

09-14-2005 Updated CcmDevFailCauseCode definition authenticationError
to include more cause codes. invalidX509NameInCertificate
invalidTLSCipher, directoryNumberMismatch

Updated the description of these objects. ccmPhoneFailedInetAddress


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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

09-05-2005 Added partiallyregistered to
CcmDeviceStatus TC

Added phonePartiallyregistered to
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType TC

Added these TCs CcmPhoneProtocolType


Added these objects to ccmPhoneTable ccmPhoneProtocol


Added ccmPhoneExtnStatus to

Added following objects to ccmSIPInTransportProtocolType

ccmSIPDeviceTable: ccmSIPOutTransportProtocolType
ccmSIPInPortNumber, ccmSIPOutPortNumber

Added ccmTLSConnectionFailure

Updated the description of following ccmTLSConnectionFailReasonCode

objects under ccmSIPDeviceTable ccmSIPDevName

Updated the description of


Added the following object groups ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev4


Added the following notification groups:


Added MIB compliance


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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

08-02-2004 Obsoleted ccmDeviceProductId

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description


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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

08-25-2003 Added The definition of ccmMaliciousCall and ccmQualityReport
notifications and its objects

Added H323 trunk types and SIP trunk type in


Added More media device types in ccmMediaDevice table

Added The definition of ccmSystemVersion and ccmInstallationId

objects to ccmGlobalInfo group

Added ccmSIPDeviceInfo definition

Added More phone types

Added The definition of ccmProductTypeTable to list the product

types supported at run time

Added ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex
ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex objects

Deprecated ccmPhoneType
ccmVMailDevProductId and objects

05-08-2003 Added More phone types in the ccmPhoneType definition

Added More gateway types in the ccmGatewayType and

CcmDeviceProductId definition

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

01-11-2002 Updated CcmDevFailCauseCode definition to include more cause
codes deviceInitiatedReset, callManagerReset and noError

Added ccmH323DeviceInfo and ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo objects

Updated ccmRegionAvailableBandwidth definition to include two

more bandwidth types: bwGSM and bwWideband

Deprecated ccmTimeZoneOffset object

Added ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours and

ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes to ccmTimeZoneTable

Added ccmCTIDeviceStatusReason
ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastRegistered to ccmCTIDeviceTable

Added Rejected status to ccmCTIDeviceStatus

Added More objects to the ccmGlobalInfo

Added ccmPhoneStatusUpdate
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateReason object to
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate table

Added ccmGatewayProductId
ccmGatewayDChannelNumber objects to

Added New types to ccmGatewayType

Added Rejected status to ccmGatewayStatus

Obsoleted The ccmGatewayTrunkInfo (this was never supported)

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Cisco Management Information Base

Date Action Description

Added ccmMediaDeviceStatusReason
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered to

Added More types to ccmMediaDeviceType

Added Rejected status to ccmMediaDeviceStatus

Deprecated The ccmGatekeeperTable definition

Added Rejected status to ccmGatekeeperstatus

Updated ccmMIBCompliance statements

Added ccmPhoneStatusReason
ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt to ccmPhoneTable

Added Rejected status to ccmPhoneStatus

Deprecated ccmPhoneFailedName and added ccmPhoneMacAddress

to ccmPhoneFailedTable

Deprecated ccmPhoneLastError and ccmPhoneTimeLastError in


Deprecated ccmCTIDeviceAppInfo in ccmCTIDeviceTable

Defined CcmDeviceProductId and CcmDeviceStatus textual


Added ccmPhoneExtnTable

Deprecated ccmPhoneExtensionTable

Changed the default values

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650 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Definitions

Date Action Description

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod objects
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod objects

12-01-2000 Added ccmMediaDeviceInfo

ccmNotificationsInfo objects

Added ccmClusterId to the ccmEntry

Deprecated ccmGatewayTrunkInfo (this was never implemented and

it should have been in the gateway MIB)

Added ccmPhoneFailedTable and ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable

Added ccmMIBNotifications

Added New ccmGatewayType and ccmPhoneType

Added This revision clause.

03-10-2000 The initial version of this MIB module ::= { ciscoMgmt 156 }

CISCO-CCM-MIB Definitions
The following definitions are imported for CISCO-CCM-MIB:
From SNMPv2-SMIDateAndTime, TruthValue, MacAddress, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
From SNMPv2-TCSnmpAdminString

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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

From SNMPv2-CONFciscoMgmt
From CISCO-SMIInetAddressType, InetAddress, InetPortNumber

CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
This syntax is used as the Index into a table. A positive value is used to identify a unique entry in the
SYNTAX Unsigned32(1..4294967295)


STATUS current
This textual convention is an extension of the CcmIndex convention. The latter defines a greater than
zero to identify an entry of the CCM MIB table in the managed system. This extension permits the
additional value of zero. The value zero is object-specific and must be defined as part of the description
of any object that uses this syntax.
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)

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CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions


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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
This syntax is used as means of identifying the reasons for a device registration failure. The scope of
this enumeration can expand to comply with RFC 2578.
noError: No Error
unknown: Unknown error cause
noEntryInDatabase: Device not configured properly in the Cisco Unified CM database
databaseConfigurationError: Device configuration error in the Cisco Unified CM database
deviceNameUnresolveable: The Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name to an IP Address
maxDevRegExceeded: Maximum number of device registrations have been reached
connectivityError: Cisco Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the device during
initializationError: Indicates an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to initialize the device
deviceInitiatedReset: Indicates that the error was due to device initiated reset
callManagerReset: Indicates that the error was due to Cisco Unified CM reset
authenticationError: Indicates mismatch between configured authentication mode and the authentication
mode that the device is using to connect to the Cisco Unified CM
invalidX509NameInCertificate: Indicates mismatch between the peer X.509 certificate subject name
and what is configured for the device
invalidTLSCipher: Indicates Cipher mismatch during TLS handshake process
directoryNumberMismatch: Indicates mismatch between the directory number that the SIP device is
trying to register with and the directory number configured in the Cisco Unified CM for the SIP device
malformedRegisterMsg: Indicates that SIP device attempted to register with Cisco Unified CM, but
the REGISTER message contained formatting errors
protocolMismatch: The protocol of the device (SIP or SCCP) does not match the configured protocol
in Cisco Unified CM
deviceNotActive: The device has not been activated
authenticatedDeviceAlreadyExists: A device with the same name is already registered with Cisco
Unified CM
obsoleteProtocolVersion: The SCCP device registered with an obsolete protocol version
databaseTimeout: Cisco Unified CM requested device configuration data from the database but did not
receive a response within 10 minutes
registrationSequenceError: (SCCP only) A device requested configuration information from the Cisco
Unified CM at an unexpected time. The Cisco Unified CM had not yet obtained the requested
information. The device will automatically attempt to register again. If this alarm occurs again, manually
reset the device. If this alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be an internal firmware
invalidCapabilities: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the media capabilities
reported in the StationCapabilitiesRes message by the device during registration. The device will
automatically attempt to register again. If this alarm occurs again, manually reset the device. If this

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CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

alarm continues to occur after the manual reset, there may be a protocol error
capabilityResponseTimeout: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM timed out while waiting for the device
to respond to a request to report its media capabilities. Possible causes include device power outage,
network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops, and packet corruption.
It is also possible to get this error if the Cisco Unified CM node is experiencing high CPU usage. Verify
that the device is powered up and operating. Verify that network connectivity exists between the device
and Cisco Unified CM, and verify that the CPU utilization is in the safe range
securityMismatch: The Cisco Unified CM detected a mismatch in the security settings of the device
and/or the Cisco Unified CM. The mismatches that can be detected are:
The device established a secure connection, yet reported that it does not have the ability to do
authenticated signaling.
The device did not establish a secure connection, but the security mode configured for the device
indicates that it should have done so.
The device established a secure connection, but the security mode configured for the device
indicates that it should not have done so.

autoRegisterDBErrorAuto-registration of a device failed for one of the following reasons:

Auto-registration is not allowed for the device type.
An error occurred while adding the auto-registering device to the database (stored procedure).

dbAccessError: Device registration failed because of an error that occurred while building the station
registration profile. This usually indicates a synchronization problem with the database
autoRegisterDBConfigTimeout: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM timed out during auto-registration
of a device. The registration profile of the device did not get inserted into the database in time. The
device will automatically attempt to register again
deviceTypeMismatch: The device type reported by the device does not match the device type configured
on the Cisco Unified CM addressingModeMismatch: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an
error related to the addressing mode configured for the device. One of the following errors were detected:
The device is configured to use only IPv4 addressing, but did not specify an IPv4 address.
The device is configured to use only IPv6 addressing, but did not specify an IPv6 address.


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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions


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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions


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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
This syntax is used as means of identifying the reasons for a device getting unregistered. The scope of
this enumeration can expand to comply with RFC 2578.
noError: No Error
unknown: Unknown error cause
noEntryInDatabase: Device not configured properly in the Cisco Unified CM database
databaseConfigurationError: Device configuration error in the Cisco Unified CM database
deviceNameUnresolveable: The Cisco Unified CM is unable to resolve the device name to an IP Address
maxDevRegExceeded: Maximum number of device registrations have been reached
connectivityError: Cisco Unified CM is unable to establish communication with the device during
initializationError: Indicates that an error occurred when the Cisco Unified CM tries to initialize the
deviceInitiatedReset: Indicates that the error was due to device initiated reset
callManagerReset: Indicates that the error was due to Cisco Unified CM reset.
deviceUnregistered: DeviceUnregistered.
malformedRegisterMsg: Indicates that SIP device attempted to register with Cisco Unified CM, but
the REGISTER message contained formatting errors.
sccpDeviceThrottling: The indicated SCCP device exceeded the maximum number of events allowed
per-SCCP device.
keepAliveTimeout: A KeepAlive message was not received. Possible causes include device power
outage, network power outage, network configuration error, network delay, packet drops, packet
corruption and Cisco Unified CM node experiencing high CPU usage.
configurationMismatch: The configuration on the SIP device does not match the configuration in Cisco
Unified CM.
callManagerRestart: A device restart was initiated from Cisco Unified CM Administration, either due
to an explicit command from an administrator or due to a configuration change such as adding, deleting
or changing a directory number associated with the device.
duplicateRegistration: Cisco Unified CM detected that the device attempted to register to two nodes at
the same time. Cisco Unified CM initiated a restart to the phone to force it to re-home to a single node.
callManagerApplyConfig: Cisco Unified CM configuration is changed.
deviceNoResponse: Device is not responding Service Control Notify from Cisco Unified CM.
emLoginLogout: The device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility login or logout.
emccLoginLogout: The device has been unregistered due to an Extension Mobility Cross Cluster login
or logout.
powerSavePlus: The device powered off as a result of the Power Save Plus feature that is enabled for
this device. When the device powers off, it remains unregistered from Cisco Unified CM until the Phone
On Time defined in the Product Specific Configuration for this device.

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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions

callManagerForcedRestart: (SIP Only) The device did not respond to an Apply Config request and as
a result, Cisco Unified CM had sent a restart request to the device. The device may be offline due to a
power outage or network problem. Confirm that the device is powered-up and that network connectivity
exists between the device and Cisco Unified CM.
sourceIPAddrChanged: (SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the IP address in the
Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed. The device will be automatically reregistered.
No action is necessary.
sourcePortChanged: (SIP Only) The device has been unregistered because the port number in the
Contact header of the REGISTER message has changed. The device will be automatically reregistered.
No action is necessary.
registrationSequenceError: (SCCP only) A device requested configuration information from the Cisco
Unified CM at an unexpected time. The Cisco Unified CM no longer had the requested information in
invalidCapabilities: (SCCP only) The Cisco Unified CM detected an error in the updated media
capabilities reported by the device. The device reported the capabilities in one of the
StationUpdateCapabilities message variants.
fallbackInitiated: The device has initiated a fallback and will automatically reregister to a higher-priority
Cisco Unified CM. No action is necessary.
deviceSwitch: A second instance of an endpoint with the same device name has registered and assumed
control. No action is necessary.

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Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CCM-MIB Textual Conventions



STATUS current
This syntax is used to identify the registration status of a device with the local Cisco Unified CM. The
status is as follows:
unknownThe registration status of the device is unknown
registeredThe device has successfully registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
unregisteredThe device is no longer registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
rejectedRegistration request from the device was rejected by the local Cisco Unified CM.
partiallyregisteredAt least one but not all of the lines are successfully registered to the Cisco
Unified CM. Applicable only to SIP Phones.

SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), registered (2), unregistered (3), rejected (4), partiallyregistered

CcmPhoneProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current
This syntax is used to identify the protocol between phone and Cisco Unified CM. The protocols are
as follows:
unknownThe phone protocol is unknown
sccpThe phone protocol is SCCP
sipThe phone protocol is SIP

SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), sccp (2), sip(3) }

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Cisco Management Information Base

CcmDeviceLineStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current
This syntax is used to identify the registration status of a line of the device with the local Cisco Unified
CM. The status is as follows:
unknownThe registration status of the device line is unknown
registeredThe device line has successfully registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
unregisteredThe device line is no longer registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
rejectedRegistration request from the device line was rejected by the local Cisco Unified CM.

SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), registered(2), unregistered (3), rejected (4)}

CcmSIPTransportProtocolType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current
This textual convention defines the possible transport protocol types that are used for setting up SIP
calls unknown. The possible transport types are:
unknownThe SIP Trunk transport type is unknown
tcpThe SIP Trunk transport type is tcp
udpThe SIP Trunk transport type is udp
tcpAndUdpThe SIP Trunk transport type is tcp and udp
tlsApplicable only for InTransportProtocolType is tls. The SIP Trunk transport type is tls.

SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), tcp(2), udp(3), tcpAndUdp (4), tls(5) }

ciscoCcmMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIB 1 }
ccmGeneralInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 1 }
ccmPhoneInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 2 }
ccmGatewayInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 3 }
ccmGatewayTrunkInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 4 }
ccmGlobalInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 5 }
ccmMediaDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 6 }
ccmGatekeeperInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 7 }
ccmCTIDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 8 }
ccmAlarmConfigInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 9 }

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Cisco Management Information Base

ccmNotificationsInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 10 }

ccmH323DeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 11 }
ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 12 }
ccmQualityReportAlarmConfigInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 13 }
ccmSIPDeviceInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCcmMIBObjects 14 }


Cisco Unified CM Group Table

ccmGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the CallManager groups in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 1 }

ccmGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmGroupEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager Group table, containing the information about a
CallManager group in a Cisco Unified CM cluster. An entry is created to represent a CallManager
Group. New entries to the CallManager Group table in the database are created when the User inserts
a new CallManager Group via the CallManager Web Admin pages. This entry is subsequently picked
up by the Cisco Unified CM SNMP Agent.
INDEX { ccmGroupIndex }
::= { ccmGroupTable 1 }

ccmGroupIndex CcmIndex,
ccmGroupName SnmpAdminString,
ccmGroupTftpDefault TruthValue

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Cisco Management Information Base

ccmGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM that uniquely identifies a Cisco Unified
CM Group.
::= { ccmGroupEntry 1 }

ccmGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the Cisco Unified CM Group.
::= { ccmGroupEntry 2 }

ccmGroupTftpDefault OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Whether this is the default TFTP server group or not.
::= { ccmGroupEntry 3 }

Cisco Unified CM Table

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing information of all the Cisco Unified CMs in a Cisco Unified CM cluster that the
local Cisco Unified CM knows about. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 2 }

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Cisco Management Information Base

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager table, containing the information about a CallManager.
INDEX { ccmIndex }
::= { ccmTable 1 }
CcmEntry ::= SEQUENCE
ccmIndex CcmIndex,
ccmName SnmpAdminString,
ccmDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmVersion SnmpAdminString,
ccmStatus Integer,
ccmInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmClusterId SnmpAdminString,
ccmInetAddress2Type InetAddressType,
ccmInetAddress2 InetAddress

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a CallManager
in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
::= { ccmEntry 1 }

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Cisco Management Information Base

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The host name of the CallManager.
::= { ccmEntry 2 }

ccmDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The description for the CallManager.
::= { ccmEntry 3 }

ccmVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The version number of the CallManager software.
::= { ccmEntry 4 }

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MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current status of the CallManager. A CallManager is up if the SNMP Agent received a system up
event from the local Cisco Unified CM:

unknown: Current status of the CallManager is Unknown

up: CallManager is running and is able to communicate with other CallManagers
down: CallManager is down or the Agent is unable to communicate with the local CallManager.
::= { ccmEntry 5 }

ccmInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the Cisco Unified CM defined in ccmInetAddress.
::= { ccmEntry 6 }

ccmInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies IP address of the Cisco Unified CM. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmEntry 7 }

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ccmClusterId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The unique ID of the Cluster to which this Cisco Unified CM belongs. At any point in time, the Cluster
ID helps in associating a Cisco Unified CM to any given Cluster.
::= { ccmEntry 8 }

ccmInetAddress2Type OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies IP address type of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager defined in
::= { ccmEntry 9 }

ccmInetAddress2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the additional IP(v4/v6) address details of Cisco Unified Communications Manager.
The type of address for this object is identified by ccmInetAddress2Type.
::= { ccmEntry 10 }

Cisco Unified CM Group Mapping Table

ccmGroupMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all CallManager to group mappings in a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
When the local Cisco Unified CM is down, this table will be empty.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 3 }

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ccmGroupMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmGroupMappingEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the CallManager group Mapping table, containing the information about
a mapping between a CallManager and a CallManager group.
INDEX { ccmGroupIndex, ccmIndex }
::= { ccmGroupMappingTable 1 }
CcmGroupMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCMGroupMappingCMPriority Unsigned32

ccmCMGroupMappingCMPriority OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The priority of the CallManager in the group. Sets the order of the CallManager in the list.
::= { ccmGroupMappingEntry 1 }

Cisco Unified CM Region Table

ccmRegionTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all geographically separated regions in a CCN system.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 4 }

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ccmRegionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmRegionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Table, containing the information about a region.
INDEX { ccmRegionIndex }
::= { ccmRegionTable 1 }
CcmRegionEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmRegionIndex CcmIndex,
ccmRegionName SnmpAdminString

ccmRegionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Region Name
in the table.
::= { ccmRegionEntry 1 }

ccmRegionName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the CallManager region.
::= { ccmRegionEntry 2 }

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Cisco Unified CM Region Pair Table

ccmRegionPairTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all geographical region pairs defined for a Cisco Unified CM cluster.
The pair consists of the Source region and Destination region.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 5 }

ccmRegionPairEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmRegionPairEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the Region Pair Table, containing the information about bandwidth
restrictions when communicating between the two specified regions.
INDEX { ccmRegionSrcIndex, ccmRegionDestIndex }
::= { ccmRegionPairTable 1 }
CcmRegionPairEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmRegionSrcIndex CcmIndex,
ccmRegionDestIndex CcmIndex,
ccmRegionAvailableBandWidth INTEGER

ccmRegionSrcIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The index of the Source Region in the Region table.
::= { ccmRegionPairEntry 1 }

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ccmRegionDestIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The index of the Destination Region in the Region table.
::= { ccmRegionPairEntry 2 }

ccmRegionAvailableBandWidth OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The maximum available bandwidth between the two given regions.

unknown: Unknown Bandwidth

other: Unidentified Bandwidth
bwG723: For low bandwidth using G.723 codec
bwG729: For low bandwidth using G.729 codec
bwG711: For high bandwidth using G.711 codec
bwGSM: For GSM bandwidth 13K
bwWideband: For Wideband 256K.

::= { ccmRegionPairEntry 3 }

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Cisco Unified CM Time Zone Table

ccmTimeZoneTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all time zone groups in a call manager cluster.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 6 }

ccmTimeZoneEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmTimeZoneEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the time zone Table, containing the information about a particular time
zone group.
INDEX { ccmTimeZoneIndex }
::= { ccmTimeZoneTable 1 }

CcmTimeZoneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {

ccmTimeZoneIndex CcmIndex,
ccmTimeZoneName SnmpAdminString,
ccmTimeZoneOffset Integer32,
ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours Integer32,
ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes Integer32

ccmTimeZoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Time Zone
group entry in the table.
::= { ccmTimeZoneEntry 1 }

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ccmTimeZoneName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the time zone group.
::= { ccmTimeZoneEntry 2 }

ccmTimeZoneOffsetHours OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-12..12)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The offset hours of the time zone group's time zone from GMT.
::= { ccmTimeZoneEntry 4 }

ccmTimeZoneOffsetMinutes OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-59..59)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The offset minutes of the time zone group's time zone from GMT.
::= { ccmTimeZoneEntry 5 }

Device Pool Table

ccmDevicePoolTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all device pools in a call manager cluster. A Device Pool contains Region,
Date/Time Group and CallManager Group criteria that will be common among many devices.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 7 }

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ccmDevicePoolEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevicePoolEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the device pool Table, containing the information about a particular device
INDEX { ccmDevicePoolIndex }
::= { ccmDevicePoolTable 1 }
ccmDevicePoolIndex CcmIndex, ccmDevicePoolName SnmpAdminString, ccmDevicePoolRegionIndex
CcmIndexOrZero, ccmDevicePoolTimeZoneIndex CcmIndexOrZero, ccmDevicePoolGroupIndex

ccmDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Device Pool
entry in the table. Each entry contains Region, Date/Time Group and CallManager Group criteria that
will be common among many devices, for that entry.
::= { ccmDevicePoolEntry 1 }

ccmDevicePoolName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the device pool.
::= { ccmDevicePoolEntry 2 }

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ccmDevicePoolRegionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Region to which this Device Pool entry belongs.
A value of zero indicates that the index to the Region table is Unknown.
::= { ccmDevicePoolEntry 3 }

ccmDevicePoolTimeZoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the TimeZone to which this Device Pool entry belongs.
A value of zero indicates that the index to the TimeZone table is Unknown.
::= { ccmDevicePoolEntry 4 }

ccmDevicePoolGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the CallManager Group to which this Device Pool
entry belongs. A value of zero indicates that the index to the CallManager Group table is Unknown.
::= { ccmDevicePoolEntry 5 }

Cisco Unified CM Product Type Table

ccmProductTypeTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmProductTypeEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of product types supported in a call manager cluster. The product types
will include the list of phone types, gateway types, media device types, H323 device types, CTI device
types, Voice Messaging device types and SIP device types.
::= { ccmGeneralInfo 8 }

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ccmProductTypeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmProductTypeEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the ccmProductTypeTable, containing the information about a product
type supported in a call manager cluster. An entry is created to represent a product type.
INDEX { ccmProductTypeIndex }
::= { ccmProductTypeTable 1 }
CcmProductTypeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmProductTypeIndex CcmIndex,
ccmProductType Unsigned32,
ccmProductName SnmpAdminString,
ccmProductCategory INTEGER

ccmProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies an entry in the
::= { ccmProductTypeEntry 1 }

ccmProductType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of the product as defined in the Cisco Unified CM database.
::= { ccmProductTypeEntry 2 }

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ccmProductName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..100))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the product as defined in the Cisco Unified CM database.
::= { ccmProductTypeEntry 3 }

ccmProductCategory OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The category of the product.

unknown: Unknown product category

notApplicable:Not Applicable
gateway: Gateway
h323Device: H323 Device
ctiDevice:CTI Device
voiceMailDevice: Voice Messaging Device
mediaResourceDevice: Media Resource Device
huntListDevice: Hunt List Device
sipDevice:SIP Device.

::= { ccmProductTypeEntry 4 }

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Phone Table
ccmPhoneTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all IP Phone devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco
Unified CM at least once. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmPhoneInfo 1 }

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ccmPhoneEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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SYNTAX CcmPhoneEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone Table, containing information about a particular phone device.
INDEX { ccmPhoneIndex }
::= { ccmPhoneTable 1 }
CcmPhoneEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneIndex CcmIndex,
ccmPhonePhysicalAddress MacAddress,
ccmPhoneType INTEGER,
ccmPhoneDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneUserName SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneIpAddress IpAddress,
ccmPhoneStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmPhoneTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneE911Location SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneLoadID SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneLastError Integer32,
ccmPhoneTimeLastError DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmPhoneInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneName SnmpAdminString
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmPhoneIPv4Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneIPv6Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneActiveLoadID SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmPhoneRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

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ccmPhoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Phone within
the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 1 }
ccmPhonePhysicalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The physical address(MAC address) of the IP phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 2 }

ccmPhoneDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The description of the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 4 }

ccmPhoneUserName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the user of the phone. When the phone is not in use, the name would refer to the last known
user of the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 5 }

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ccmPhoneStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The status of the phone. The status of the Phone changes from Unknown to registered when it registers
itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 7 }

ccmPhoneTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time when the phone last registered with the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 8 }

ccmPhoneE911Location OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The E911 location of the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 9 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the configured load ID for the phone device.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 10 }

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ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this Phone entry belongs. A
value of 0 indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 13 }

ccmPhoneInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
This object identifies the IP address type of the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 14 }

ccmPhoneInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known IP address of the phone. The type of address for this is identified
by ccmPhoneInetAddressType.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 15 }

ccmPhoneTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the status of the phone changed.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 17 }

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ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 18 }

ccmPhoneProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmPhoneProtocolType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The protocol used between the phone and Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 19 }

ccmPhoneName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the phone. The name of the phone can be <prefix> + MAC Address, where <prefix> is
SEP for Cisco SCCP and SIP Phones. In the case of other phones such as communicator (soft phone)
it can be free-form name, a string that uniquely identifies the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 20 }

ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the Phone Device. This object contains
value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 21 }

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ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the Phone device. This object contains
value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 22 }

ccmPhoneIPv4Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for Administration purpose or
Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv4 is used for controlling as well as administrative
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 23 }

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ccmPhoneIPv6Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for Administration purpose or
Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneInetAddressIPv6 is used for controlling as well as administrative
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 24 }

ccmPhoneActiveLoadID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the ID of actual load that is successfully loaded and running on the phone device.
If the phone is successfully upgraded to the new load then ccmPhoneLoadID and ccmPhoneActiveLoadID
will have same value. If the upgrade fails then the ccmPhoneLoadID has the configured load ID and
ccmPhoneActiveLoadID has the actual load ID that is running on the phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 25 }

ccmPhoneUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTA CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 26 }

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ccmPhoneRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed phone.
::= { ccmPhoneEntry 27 }

Phone Failed Table

ccmPhoneFailedTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all phones that attempted to register with the local call manager and
failed. The entries that have not been updated and kept at least for the duration specified in the
ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod will be deleted. Reasons for these failures could be due to configuration
error, maximum number of phones has been reached, lost contact, etc.
::= { ccmPhoneInfo 3 }

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ccmPhoneFailedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmPhoneFailedEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneFailed Table, one for each phone failure in the Cisco Unified
INDEX { ccmPhoneFailedIndex }
::= { ccmPhoneFailedTable 1 }
CcmPhoneFailedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneFailedIndex CcmIndex,
ccmPhoneFailedTime DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneFailedName SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneFailCauseCode CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmPhoneFailedMacAddress MacAddress
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmPhoneFailedIPv4Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneFailedIPv6Attribute INTEGER,
ccmPhoneFailedRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

ccmPhoneFailedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that is incremented with each new entry
in the ccmPhoneFailedTable. This integer value will wrap if needed.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 1 }

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ccmPhoneFailedTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time when the phone failed to register with the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 2 }

ccmPhoneFailedMacAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The MAC address of the failed phone.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 7 }

ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the phone experiencing a communication
failure. This object contains value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 8 }

ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the phone experiencing a communication
failure. This object contains value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 9 }

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ccmPhoneFailedIPv4Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for Administration purpose
or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv4 is used for controlling as well as administrative
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 10 }

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ccmPhoneFailedIPv6Attribute OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the scope of ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6.
unknown(0): It is not known if ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for Administration purpose
or Controlling purpose.
adminOnly(1): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for the serviceability or administrative purpose.
controlOnly(2): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for signaling or registration purpose.
adminAndControl(3): ccmPhoneFailedInetAddressIPv6 is used for controlling as well as administrative
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 11 }

ccmPhoneFailedRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed phone.
::= { ccmPhoneFailedEntry 12 }

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Phone Status Update Table

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all phone status updates with respect to the local call manager. This
table will only have registered, unregistered, and partially-registered status updates. The rejected phones
are stored in the ccmPhoneFailedTable. Each entry of this table is stored at least for the duration specified
in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod object, after that it will be deleted.
::= { ccmPhoneInfo 4 }

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the PhoneStatusUpdate Table, one for each phone status update in the
Cisco Unified CM.
INDEX { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex }
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable 1 }
CcmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex CcmIndex,
ccmPhoneStatusPhoneIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTime DateAndTime,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType INTEGER,
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateReason CcmDevFailCauseCode
ccmPhoneStatusUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmPhoneStatusRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

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ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that is incremented with each new entry
in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This integer value will wrap if needed.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 1 }

ccmPhoneStatusPhoneIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify an entry in the ccmPhoneTable. A value of zero indicates
that the index to the ccmPhoneTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 2 }

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time of the phone's registration status change.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 3 }

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ccmPhoneStatusUpdateType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
States the type of phone status change.
unknown: Unknown status
phoneRegistered: Phone has registered with the Cisco Unified CM
phoneUnregistered: Phone is no longer registered with the Cisco Unified CM
phonePartiallyregistered: Phone is partially registered with the Cisco Unified CM
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 4 }

ccmPhoneStatusUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered phone.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 6 }

ccmPhoneStatusRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed phone.
::= { ccmPhoneStatusUpdateEntry 7 }

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Enhanced Phone Extension Table with Combination Index

ccmPhoneExtnTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all phone extensions associated with the registered and unregistered
phones in the ccmPhoneTable. This table has combination index ccmPhoneIndex, ccmPhoneExtnIndex
so the ccmPhoneTable and the ccmPhoneExtnTable entries can be related.
::= { ccmPhoneInfo 5 }

ccmPhoneExtnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmPhoneExtnEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the phone extension Table, containing the information about a particular
phone extension.
INDEX { ccmPhoneIndex, ccmPhoneExtnIndex }
::= { ccmPhoneExtnTable 1 }
CcmPhoneExtnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmPhoneExtnIndex CcmIndex,
ccmPhoneExtn SnmpAdminString,
ccmPhoneExtnMultiLines Unsigned32,
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmPhoneExtnInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmPhoneExtnStatus CcmDeviceLineStatus

ccmPhoneExtnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Phone Extension
within the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 1 }

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ccmPhoneExtn OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The extension number of the extension.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 2 }

ccmPhoneExtnMultiLines OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of multiline appearances for each phone extension.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 3 }

ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the phone extension.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 4 }

ccmPhoneExtnInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address of the phone extension. The type of address for this is identified
by ccmPhoneExtnInetAddressType.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 5 }

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ccmPhoneExtnStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceLineStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Represents the status of this phone line.
::= { ccmPhoneExtnEntry 6 }

Gateway Table
ccmGatewayTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing the list of all gateway devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified
CM at least once. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmGatewayInfo 1 }

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ccmGatewayEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmGatewayEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the gateway Table, one for each gateway device in the Cisco Unified CM.
INDEX { ccmGatewayIndex }
::= { ccmGatewayTable 1 }
CcmGatewayEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmGatewayIndex CcmIndex,
ccmGatewayName SnmpAdminString,
ccmGatewayType Integer,
ccmGateway Description SnmpAdminString,
ccmGatewayStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmGatewayInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmGatewayInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmGatewayProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmGatewayStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmGatewayTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmGatewayTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmGatewayDChannelStatus INTEGER,
ccmGatewayDChannelNumber Integer32,
ccmGatewayProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmGatewayUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmGatewayRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

ccmGatewayIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that uniquely identifies a Gateway within
the scope of the local call manager.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 1 }

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ccmGatewayName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This is the Gateway name assigned to the Gateway in the Cisco Unified CM. This name is assigned
when a new device of type Gateway is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 2 }

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ccmGatewayType OBJECT-TYPE

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ccmGatewayDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The description attached to the gateway device.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 4 }

ccmGatewayStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The status of the gateway. The Gateway status changes from Unknown to Registered when the Gateway
registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 5 }

ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this Gateway entry belongs.
A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 6 }

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ccmGatewayInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the Gateway device. The value of this object is 'unknown(0)'
if the IP address of a Gateway device is not available.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 7 }

ccmGatewayInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies last known IP Address of the gateway. If the IP address is not available then this
object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 8 }

ccmGatewayTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the status of the gateway changed.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 11 }

ccmGatewayTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the gateway last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 12 }

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ccmGatewayDChannelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The D-Channel status of the gateway.

active(1): The D-Channel is up

inActive(1): The D-Channel is down
unknown(3):The D-Channel status is unknown
notApplicable(4): The D-channel status is not applicable for this gateway.

::= { ccmGatewayEntry 13 }

ccmGatewayDChannelNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (-1..24)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The D-Channel number of the gateway. A value of -1 in this field indicates that the DChannel number
is not applicable for this gateway.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 14 }

ccmGatewayProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 15 }

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ccmGatewayUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered gateway.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 16 }

ccmGatewayRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed gateway.
::= { ccmGatewayEntry 17 }

Gateway Trunk Table

ccmGatewayTrunkIndex CcmIndex,
ccmGatewayTrunkType INTEGER,
ccmGatewayTrunkName SnmpAdminString,
ccmTrunkGatewayIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmGatewayTrunkStatus INTEGER

All Scalar Objects

ccmRegisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of phones that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 5 }

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ccmUnregisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of phone that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 6 }

ccmRejectedPhones OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of phones whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 7 }

ccmRegisteredGateways OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of gateways that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 8 }

ccmUnregisteredGateways OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of gateways that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 9 }

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ccmRejectedGateways OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of gateways whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 10 }

ccmRegisteredMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of media devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 11 }

ccmUnregisteredMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of media devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 12 }

ccmRejectedMediaDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of media devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 13 }

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ccmRegisteredCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of CTI devices that are registered and actively in communication with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 14 }

ccmUnregisteredCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of CTI devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 15 }

ccmRejectedCTIDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of CTI devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 16 }

ccmRegisteredVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of voice messaging devices that are registered and actively in communication with the
local call manager.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 17 }

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ccmUnregisteredVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of voice messaging devices that are unregistered or have lost contact with the local call
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 18 }

ccmRejectedVoiceMailDevices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of voice messaging devices whose registration requests were rejected by the local call
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 19 }

ccmCallManagerStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The last time the local call manager service started. This is available only when the local call manager
is up and running.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 20 }
ccmPhoneTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmPhoneTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented
every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmPhoneTable. This
value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or
not. When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 21 }

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ccmPhoneExtensionTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmPhoneExtensionTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be
incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmPhoneExtensionTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find
if the table has changed or not. When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 22 }

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be
incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value and sysUpTime should be used together to find if the table
has changed or not. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 23 }

ccmGatewayTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmGatewayTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented
every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmGatewayTable. This value
and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not. When
the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 24 }

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ccmCTIDeviceTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be incremented
every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the ccmCTIDeviceTable. This
value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to find if the table has changed or not.
When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 25 }

ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTableStateId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will be
incremented every time when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification) to the
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable. This value and ccmCallManagerStartTime should be used together to
find if the table has changed or not. When the call manager is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 26 }

ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex value of the last entry that was added to the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager
applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable since their last poll. This
value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable as the index could
have wrapped around. The initial value of this object is 0, which indicates that no entries have been
added to this table. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 27 }

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ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The ccmPhoneFailedIndex value of the last entry that was added to the ccmPhoneFailedTable. This
value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications to identify the new entries in
the ccmPhoneFailedTable since their last poll. This value need not be the same as the highest index in
the ccmPhoneFailedTable as the index could have wrapped around. The initial value of this object is
0, which indicates that no entries have been added to this table. When the SNMP service is restarted
this value will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 28 }

ccmSystemVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The installed version of the local Cisco Unified CM system.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 29 }

ccmInstallationId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The installation component identifier of the local Cisco Unified CM component(ccm.exe).
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 30 }

ccmPartiallyRegisteredPhones OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of phones that are partially registered with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 31 }

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ccmH323TableEntries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current number of entries in ccmH323DeviceTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will
be incremented every time when there is an addition to the ccmH323DeviceTable. When the Cisco
Unified CM is restarted, this will be reset to 0.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 32 }

ccmSIPTableEntries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current number of entries in ccmSIPDeviceTable. The initial value of this object is 0 and it will
be incremented every time when there is an addition to the ccmSIPDeviceTable. When the Cisco Unified
CM is restarted, this will be reset to zero.
::= { ccmGlobalInfo 33 }

Media Device Table

ccmMediaDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of all Media Devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified
CM at least once. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceInfo 1 }

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ccmMediaDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmMediaDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the MediaDevice Table, containing the information about a particular
Media Resource device.
INDEX { ccmMediaDeviceIndex }
::= { ccmMediaDeviceTable 1 }
CcmMediaDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmMediaDeviceIndex CcmIndex,
ccmMediaDeviceName SnmpAdminString,
ccmMediaDeviceType INTEGER,
ccmMediaDeviceStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmMediaDeviceStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6,
ccmMediaDeviceUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmMediaDeviceRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

ccmMediaDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a Media Device entry in
the table.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 1 }

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ccmMediaDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This is the device name assigned to the Media Device.This name is assigned when a new device of this
type is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 2 }

ccmMediaDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This description is given when the device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 4 }

ccmMediaDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The status of the Media Device. The status changes from unknown to registered when it registers itself
with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 5 }

ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this MediaDevice entry
belongs. A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 6 }

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ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the status of the media device changed.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 10 }

ccmMediaDeviceTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the media device last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 11 }

ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 12 }

ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the Media Device. This object contains
value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 13 }

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ccmMediaDeviceInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the Media Device. This object contains
value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 14 }

ccmMediaDeviceUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered Media Device.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 15 }

ccmMediaDeviceRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed Media Device.
::= { ccmMediaDeviceEntry 16 }

CTI Device Table

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTIONThe table containing a list of all CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) Devices that
have tried to register with the local Cisco Unified CM at least once. When the local Cisco Unified CM
is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceInfo 1 }

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SYNTAX CcmCTIDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
DESCRIPTIONAn entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDevice Table, containing the information about
a particular CTI Device.
INDEX { ccmCTIDeviceIndex }
::= { ccmCTIDeviceTable 1 }
CcmCTIDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressType [DEPRECATEDInetAddressType,
ccmCTIDeviceInetAddress [DEPRECATEDInetAddress,
ccmCTIDeviceUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a CTI Device entry in the
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 1 }

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SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..64))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the CTI Device. This name is assigned to the CTI Device when it is added to the Cisco
Unified CM.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 2 }

ccmCTIDeviceDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the CTI Device. This description is given when the CTI Device is configured in the
Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 4 }

ccmCTIDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The status of the CTI Device. The CTI Device status changes from unknown to registered when it
registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 5 }

ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the Device Pool to which this CTI Device entry belongs.
A value of zero indicates that the index to the Device Pool table is Unknown.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 6 }

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ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the status of the CTI device changed.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 11 }

ccmCTIDeviceTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the CTI Device last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 12 }

ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 13 }

ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies IPv4 Address of the host where this CTI Device is running. If the IPv4 address
is not available then this object contains an empty string.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 14 }

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ccmCTIDeviceInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies IPv6 Address of the host where this CTI Device is running. If the IPv6 address
is not available then this object contains an empty string.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 15 }

ccmCTIDeviceUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered CTI Device.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 16 }

ccmCTIDeviceRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed CTI Device.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceEntry 17 }

CTI Device Directory Number Table

ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of directory numbers that are assigned to all of the registered and unregistered
CTI Devices in the ccmCTIDeviceTable.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceInfo 2 }

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ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the CTIDeviceDirNum Table, containing the information about a particular
CTI Device extension.
INDEX { ccmCTIDeviceIndex, ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex }
::= { ccmCTIDeviceDirNumTable 1 }
CcmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex CcmIndex,
ccmCTIDeviceDirNum SnmpAdminString

ccmCTIDeviceDirNumIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system, that identifies a Directory Number of a CTI Device.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry 1 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A Directory Number of the CTI Device.
::= { ccmCTIDeviceDirNumEntry 2 }

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Cisco Unified CM Alarm Enable

ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Allows the generation of alarms in response to Cisco Unified CM general failures.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the following alarms:

ccmRouteListExhausted and
ccmTLSConnectionFailure. This is the default value.

false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the following alarms by the Cisco Unified
CM agent:

ccmRouteListExhausted and

DEFVAL { true }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 1 }

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Phone Failed Config Objects

ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 30..3600)
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The minimum interval between sending of the ccmPhoneFailed notification in seconds. The
ccmPhoneFailed notification is only sent when there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable
and the notification has not been sent for the last ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval defined in this object.
A value of zero indicates that the alarm notification is disabled.
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 2 }

ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1800..3600)
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable. The entries that have not been
updated and kept at least this period will be deleted. This value should ideally be set to a higher value
than the ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval object.
DEFVAL { 1800 }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 3 }

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Phone Status Update Config Objects

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 30..3600)
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The minimum interval between sending of the ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification in seconds. The
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate notification is only sent when there is at least one entry in the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable and the notification has not been sent for the last
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv defined in this object. A value of zero indicates that the alarm
notification is disabled.
DEFVAL { 0 }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 4 }

ccmPhoneStatusUpdateStorePeriod OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1800..3600)
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. The entries that have been
kept at least this period will be deleted. This value should ideally be set to a higher value than the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv object.
DEFVAL { 1800 }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 5 }

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Gateway Alarm Enable

ccmGatewayAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Allows the generation of alarms in response to Gateway general failures that the Cisco Unified CM is
aware of.
true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the following alarms:

ccmGatewayLayer2Change (This is the default value.)

false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the following alarms by the Cisco Unified


DEFVAL { true }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 6 }

Malicious Call Alarm Enable

ccmMaliciousCallAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Allows the generation of alarms for malicious calls that the local call manager is aware of.

true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the ccmMaliciousCall
alarm. This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the ccmMaliciousCall alarm.

DEFVAL { true }
::= { ccmAlarmConfigInfo 7 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmAlarmSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The Alarm Severity code.

emergency: System unusable

alert:Immediate response needed
critical: Critical condition
error:Error condition
warning: Warning condition
notice: Normal but significant condition
informational:Informational situation.

::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 1 }

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ccmFailCauseCode OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The Cause code of the failure. This cause is derived from a monitoring thread in the Cisco Unified CM
or from a heartbeat monitoring process.

unknown: Unknown
heartBeatStopped: The Cisco Unified CM stops generating a heartbeat
routerThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of the router thread
timerThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of the timer thread
criticalThreadDied: The Cisco Unified CM detects the death of one of its critical threads
deviceMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its device manager subsystem
digitAnalysisInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its digit analysis subsystem
callControlInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its call control subsystem
linkMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its link manager subsystem
dbMgrInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its database manager subsystem
msgTranslatorInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its message translation manager
suppServicesInitFailed: The Cisco Unified CM fails to start its supplementary services subsystem.

::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 2 }

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ccmPhoneFailures OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The count of the phone initialization or communication failures that are stored in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable object.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 3 }

ccmPhoneUpdates OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The count of the phone status changes that are stored in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable object.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 4 }

ccmMediaResourceType OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The type of media resource.

unknown:Unknown resource type

mediaTerminationPoint: Media Termination Point
transcoder: Transcoder
conferenceBridge: Conference Bridge
musicOnHold:Music On Hold.

::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 6 }

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ccmMediaResourceListName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The name of a Media Resource List. This name is assigned when a new Media Resource List is added
to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 7 }

ccmRouteListName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The name of a Route List. This name is assigned when a new Route List is added to the Cisco Unified
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 8 }

ccmGatewayPhysIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
This object is the identifier of an interface in a gateway that has registered with the local Cisco Unified
CM. On a DS1/E1 interface, this should be the same as the ifIndex value in the gateway.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 9 }

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ccmGatewayPhysIfL2Status OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The layer 2 status of a physical interface in a gateway that has registered with the local Cisco Unified

unknown:Unknown status
up: Interface is up
down: Interface is down.

::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 10 }

ccmMaliCallCalledPartyName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The display name of the called party who received the malicious call.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 11 }

ccmMaliCallCalledPartyNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The phone number of the device where the malicious call is received.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 12 }

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ccmMaliCallCalledDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The name of the device where the malicious call is received.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 13 }

ccmMaliCallCallingPartyName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The display name of the caller whose call is registered as malicious with the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 14 }

ccmMaliCallCallingPartyNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The phone number of the caller whose call is registered as malicious with the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 15 }

ccmMaliCallCallingDeviceName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The edge device name through which the malicious call originated or passed through.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 16 }

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ccmMaliCallTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The time when the malicious call is detected by the local call manager.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 17 }

ccmQualityRprtSourceDevName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The name of the source device from where the problem was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 18 }

ccmQualityRprtClusterId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The cluster identifier of the source device.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 19 }

ccmQualityRprtCategory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The category of the problem reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 20 }

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ccmQualityRprtReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The description of the problem reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 21 }

ccmQualityRprtTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The time when the problem was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 22 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The device for which TLS connection failure was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 23 }

ccmTLSDevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
This object identifies the type of address for the device for which TLS connection failure was reported.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 24 }

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ccmTLSDevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
This object identifies IP Address of the device, for which TLS connection failure was reported. The
type of address for this is identified by ccmTLSDevInetAddressType.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 25 }

SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The time when TLS connection failure was detected by the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 26 }

ccmTLSConnectionFailReasonCode OBJECT-TYPE
unknown (1),
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
The reason for connection failure.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 27 }

ccmGatewayRegFailCauseCode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify
STATUS current
States the reason for a gateway device registration failure.
::= { ccmNotificationsInfo 28 }

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H323 Device Table

ccmH323DeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of all H323 devices in the Cisco Unified CM cluster that the local Cisco
Unified CM is aware of. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmH323DeviceInfo 1 }

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ccmH323DeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE

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SYNTAX CcmH323DeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the H323Device Table, containing the information about a particular
H323 Device.
INDEX { ccmH323DevIndex }
::= { ccmH323DeviceTable 1 }
CcmH323DeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmH323DevIndex CcmIndex,
ccmH323DevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmH323DevProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmH323DevDESCRIPTION SnmpAdminString,
ccmH323DevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevActGKInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevStatus INTEGER,
ccmH323DevStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmH323DevTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmH323DevTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType InetAddressType,

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ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress InetAddress,
ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmH323DevUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmH323DevRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

ccmH323DevIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a H323 Device entry in the
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 1 }

ccmH323DevName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The device name assigned to the H323 Device. This name is assigned when a new H323 device is added
to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 2 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the H323 device. This description is given when the H323 device is configured in the
Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 4 }

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ccmH323DevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the H323 device. The value of this object is 'unknown(0)'
if the IP address of a H323 device is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 5 }

ccmH323DevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies last known IP Address of the H323 device. If the IP address is not available then
this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 6 }

ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the gatekeeper device. The value of this object is 'unknown(0)'
if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 7 }

ccmH323DevCnfgGKInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object represents configured gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device. This is
applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no H323 gatekeeper
configured, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 8 }

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ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the first alternate gatekeeper. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 9 }

ccmH323DevAltGK1InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the first alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device. This
is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no first alternate H323
gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 10 }

ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the second alternate gatekeeper. The value of this object
is 'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 11 }

ccmH323DevAltGK2InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the second alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.
This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no second alternate
H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 12 }

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ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the third alternate gatekeeper. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 13 }

ccmH323DevAltGK3InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the third alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device. This
is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no third alternate H323
gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 14 }

ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the fourth alternate gatekeeper. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 15 }

ccmH323DevAltGK4InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the fourth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.
This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no fourth H323
alternate gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 16 }

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ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the fifth alternate gatekeeper. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the IP address of a H323 gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 17 }

ccmH323DevAltGK5InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the fifth alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device. This
is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no fifth H323 alternate
gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 18 }

ccmH323DevActGKInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the active gatekeeper. The value of this object is 'unknown(0)'
if the IP address of a gatekeeper is not available.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 19 }

ccmH323DevActGKInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the active alternate gatekeeper DNS name or IP address for this H323 device.
This is applicable only for H323 devices with gatekeepers configured. When there is no active alternate
H323 gatekeeper, this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 20 }

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ccmH323DevStatus OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The H323 device registration status with the gatekeeper. The status changes from unknown to registered
when the H323 device successfully registers itself with the gatekeeper.

notApplicable: The registration status is not applicable for this H323 device
unknown:The registration status of the H323 device with the gatekeeper is unknown
registered: The H323 device has registered with the gatekeeper successfully
unregistered: The H323 device is no longer registered with the gatekeeper
rejected: Registration request from the H323 device was rejected by the gatekeeper.

::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 21 }

ccmH323DevTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the registration status with the gatekeeper changed. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 23 }

ccmH323DevTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time when the H323 device last registered with the gatekeeper. This is applicable only for H323
devices with gatekeepers configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 24 }

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ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the first remote call manager. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the first remote call manager is not configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 25 }

ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the first remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323
device. When there is no first remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.
The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM1InetAddressType.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 26 }

ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the second remote call manager. The value of this object
is 'unknown(0)' if the second remote call manager is not configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 27 }

ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the second remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323
device. When there is no second remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.
The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM2InetAddressType.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 28 }

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ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the third remote call manager. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)' if the third remote call manager is not configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 29 }

ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the third remote call manager DNS name or IP address configured for this H323
device. When there is no third remote call manager configured, this object contains an empty string.
The type of address for this is identified by ccmH323DevRmtCM3InetAddressType.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 30 }

ccmH323DevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 31 }

ccmH323DevUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered H323 Device. This is applicable only for H323 devices
with gatekeepers configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 32 }

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ccmH323DevRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed H323 Device. This is applicable only for H323
devices with gatekeepers configured.
::= { ccmH323DeviceEntry 33 }

Voice Mail Device Table

ccmVoiceMailDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of all voice messaging devices that have tried to register with the local Cisco
Unified CM at least once. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo 1 }

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ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDevice Table, containing the information about a particular
Voice Messaging Device.
INDEX { ccmVMailDevIndex }
::= { ccmVoicMailDeviceTable 1 }
CcmVoiceMailDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmVMailDevIndex CcmIndex,
ccmVMailDevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmVMailDevProductId CcmDeviceProductId,
ccmVMailDevDescription, SnmpAdminString,
ccmVMailDevStatus CcmDeviceStatus,
ccmVMailDevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmVMailDevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmVMailDevStatusReason CcmDevFailCauseCode,
ccmVMailDevTimeLastStatusUpdt DateAndTime,
ccmVMailDevTimeLastRegistered DateAndTime,
ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero
ccmVMailDevUnregReason CcmDevUnregCauseCode,
ccmVMailDevRegFailReason CcmDevRegFailCauseCode

ccmVMailDevIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a voice messaging device
entry in the table.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 1 }

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SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of the Voice Messaging Device. This name is assigned to the Voice Messaging Device when
it is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 2 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The description of the Voice Messaging Device. This description is given when the Voice Messaging
Device is configured in the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 4 }

ccmVMailDevStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDeviceStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The status of the Voice Messaging Device. The Voice Messaging Device status changes from unknown
to registered when it registers itself with the local Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 5 }

ccmVMailDevInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP address type of the Voice Messaging device. The value of this object is
'unknown(0)'if the IP address of the Voice Messaging device is not available.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 6 }

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ccmVMailDevInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the IP Address of the Voice Messaging Device. If the IP Address is not available
then this object contains an empty string. The type of address for this is identified by
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 7 }

ccmVMailDevTimeLastStatusUpdt OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the status of the voice messaging device changed.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 9 }

ccmVMailDevTimeLastRegistered OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the Voice Messaging Device has last registered with the call manager.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 10 }

ccmVMailDevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of 0 indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 11 }

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ccmVMailDevUnregReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevUnregCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with unregistered Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 12 }

ccmVMailDevRegFailReason OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmDevRegFailCauseCode
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The reason code associated with registration failed Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceEntry 13 }

Voice Mail Directory Number Table

ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of directory numbers that are assigned to all of the registered and unregistered
Voice Messaging Devices in the ccmVoiceMailDeviceTable.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfo 2 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the VoiceMailDirNum Table, has the associated directory number for a
Voice Messaging Device.
INDEX { ccmVMailDevIndex, ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex }
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumTable 1 }
CcmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmVMailDevDirNum SnmpAdminString

ccmVMailDevDirNumIndex OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local system, that identifies a Directory Number of a Voice
Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry 1 }

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..24))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The Directory Number of the Voice Messaging Device.
::= { ccmVoiceMailDeviceDirNumEntry 2 }

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Notification and Alarms

Quality Report Alarm Configuration Information

ccmQualityReportAlarmEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Allows the generation of the quality report alarm.

true(1): Enabling this object will allow the Cisco Unified CM agent to generate the ccmQualityReport
alarm. This is the default value.
false(2): Disabling this object will stop the generation of the ccmQualityReport alarm by the Cisco
Unified CM agent.

DEFVAL { true }
::= { ccmQualityReportAlarmConfigInfo 1 }

Sip Device Table

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing a list of all SIP trunks in the Cisco Unified CM cluster that the local Cisco Unified
CM is aware of. When the local Cisco Unified CM is restarted, this table will be refreshed. If the local
Cisco Unified CM is down, then this table will be empty.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceInfo 1 }

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Notification and Alarms

SYNTAX CcmSIPDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the SIP Device Table, containing the information about a particular SIP
Trunk Device.
INDEX { ccmSIPDevIndex }
::= { ccmSIPDeviceTable 1 }
CcmSIPDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
ccmSIPDevIndex CcmIndex,
ccmSIPDevName SnmpAdminString,
ccmSIPDevProductTypeIndex CcmIndexOrZero,
ccmSIPDevDescription SnmpAdminString,
ccmSIPDevInetAddressType InetAddressType,
ccmSIPDevInetAddress InetAddress,
ccmSIPInTransportProtocolType CcmSIPTransportProtocolType,
ccmSIPInPortNumber InetPortNumber,
ccmSIPOutTransportProtocolType CcmSIPTransportProtocolType,
ccmSIPOutPortNumber InetPortNumber
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv4 InetAddressIPv4,
ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv6 InetAddressIPv6

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer, selected by the local Cisco Unified CM, that identifies a SIP Trunk Device entry
in the table.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 1 }

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Notification and Alarms

SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The device name assigned to the SIP Trunk Device. This name is assigned when a new SIP Trunk
device is added to the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 2 }

ccmSIPDevProductTypeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A positive value of this index is used to identify the related product type entry in the
ccmProductTypeTable. A value of zero indicates that the index to the ccmProductTypeTable is Unknown.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 3 }

ccmSIPDevDescription OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the SIP Trunk device. This Description is given when the SIP Trunk device is configured
in the Cisco Unified CM.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 4 }

ccmSIPInTransportProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmSIPTransportProtocolType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Specifies the transport protocol type used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up incoming SIP call.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 7 }

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SYNTAX InetPortNumber
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Specifies the port number used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up incoming SIP call.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 8 }

ccmSIPOutTransportProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CcmSIPTransportProtocolType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Specifies the transport protocol type used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up outgoing SIP call.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 9 }

SYNTAX InetPortNumber
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Specifies the port number used by Cisco Unified CM for setting up outgoing SIP call.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 10 }

ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv4
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv4 address of the SIP Trunk Device. This object contains
value zero if IPV4 address is not available.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 11 }

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ccmSIPDevInetAddressIPv6 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressIPv6
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object identifies the last known primary IPv6 address of the SIP Trunk Device. This object contains
value zero if IPV6 address is not available.
::= { ccmSIPDeviceEntry 12 }

Notifications Types
ccmMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ciscoCcmMIB 2 }


::= { ccmMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }

ccmCallManagerFailed NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification signifies that the Cisco Unified CM process detects a failure in one of its critical
subsystems. It can also be detected from a heartbeat/event monitoring process.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 1 }

STATUS current
This Notification will be generated in the intervals specified in ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval if there
is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 2 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmPhoneStatusUpdate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification will be generated in the intervals specified in ccmPhoneStatusUpdateInterv if there
is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 3 }

ccmMediaResourceListExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification indicates that the Cisco Unified CM has run out a certain specified type of resource.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 5 }

ccmRouteListExhausted NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification indicates that the Cisco Unified CM could not find an available route in the indicated
route list.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 6 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmGatewayLayer2Change NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification is sent when the D-Channel/Layer 2 of an interface in a skinny gateway that has
registered with the Cisco Unified CM changes state.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 7 }

STATUS current
This Notification is sent when a user registers a call as malicious with the local call manager.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 8 }

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STATUS current
This Notification is sent when a user reports a quality problem using the Quality Report Tool.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 9 }

STATUS current
This Notification is sent when Cisco Unified CM fails to open TLS connection for the indicated device.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 10 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmGatewayFailedReason NOTIFICATION-TYPE
STATUS current
This Notification indicates that at least one gateway has attempted to register or communicate with the
Cisco Unified CM and failed.
::= { ccmMIBNotifications 11 }

MIB Conformance Statements

::= { ciscoCcmMIB 3 }


::= { ciscoCcmMIBConformance 1 }


::= { ciscoCcmMIBConformance 2 }

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Compliance Statements
STATUS current
The compliance statement for entities that implement the Cisco Unified CM MIB.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBCompliances 8 }

Units of Conformance

ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide info about all Media Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified
CM. It comprises of the MediaDevice table.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 26 }

ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide info about all CTI Devices within the scope of the local Cisco Unified
CM. It comprises of the ccmCTIDevice and ccmCTIDeviceDirNum tables.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 27 }

ccmInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all Cisco Unified Communications Managers and its
related information within a Cisco Unified CM cluster. It comprises of GroupTable, ccmTable,
GroupMappingTable, Region, TimeZone, Device Pool and ProductType tables.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 34 }

ccmSIPDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all SIP Trunk devices within the scope of the local
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. It comprises of the SIP Device table.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 37 }

ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev6 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all phones within the scope of the local Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. It comprises of the Phone and Phone Extension tables.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 41 }

ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev5 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all the Notifications generated by the Cisco Unified
CM Agent.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 42 }

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Notification and Alarms

ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all Gateways within the scope of the local Cisco Unified
CM. It comprises of the Gateway table.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 43 }

ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP

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Notification and Alarms

STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all Media Devices within the scope of the local Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. It comprises of the MediaDevice table.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 44 }

ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev4 OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all CTI Devices within the scope of the local Cisco
Unified CM. It comprises of the ccmCTIDevice and ccmCTIDeviceDirNum tables.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 45 }

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ccmH323DeviceInfoGroupRev3 OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current

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Notification and Alarms

A collection of objects that provide information about all H323 devices within the scope of the local Cisco
Unified Communications Manager. It comprises of the H323Device table.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 46 }

ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroupRev2 OBJECT-GROUP
STATUS current
A collection of objects that provide information about all Voice Messaging Devices within the scope of the
local Cisco Unified CM. It comprises of the ccmVoiceMailDevice and ccmVoiceMailDirNum tables.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 47 }

ccmNotificationsGroupRev3 NOTIFICATION-GROUP

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Cisco Unified CM Managed Services and SNMP Traps

STATUS current
A collection of notifications that are generated by the Cisco Unified CM Agent.
::= { ciscoCcmMIBGroups 48 }

Cisco Unified CM Managed Services and SNMP Traps

The services that are provided in Cisco Unified Serviceability and the SNMP trap components to which they
track are described in the following table.

Table 130: Cisco Unified CM Managed Services, Alarms/Notifications, and Trap Components

Cisco Unified CM managed service in Alarm/Notifications Trap components

Cisco Unified CM Failure ccmCallManagerFailed ccmAlarmSeverity

Gateway Failure ccmGatewayFailed ccmAlarmSeverity

Note ccmGatewayFailed is deprecated and replaced ccmGatewayName
by ccmGatewayFailedReason. ccmGatewayInetAddressType

Cisco Unified CM Phones ccmPhoneFailed ccmAlarmSeverity


Cisco Unified CM Media Resources ccmMediaResourceListExhausted ccmAlarmSeverity


Cisco Unified CM Route List ccmRouteListExhausted

Gateway Layer 2 Change ccmGatewayLayer2Change

Malicious Call Status ccmMaliciousCall

Quality Report ccmQualityReport

TLS Connection Failure ccmTLSConnectionFailure

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Cisco Unified CM Alarms to Enable

Cisco Unified CM Alarms to Enable

Enabling the ccmCallManagerAlarmEnable object in the CISCO-CCM-MIB allows the Cisco Unified CM
agent to generate traps and send the following alarms:

Traps to Monitor
The following are Cisco Unified CM traps to monitor:
ccmCallManagerFailed. This trap means that Cisco Unified CM has detected a failure in one of its critical
subsystems. It can also be detected from a heartbeat/event monitoring process. The OID is The trap components are ccmAlarmSeverity and ccmFailCauseCode.
ccmAlarmSeverity OID is The values are:
ccmFailCauseCode is derived from a monitoring thread in the Cisco Unified CM or from a heartbeat
monitoring process.OID is The values are:
2Heart Beat Stopped
3Router Thread Died
4Timer Thread Died
5Critical Thread Died
6Device MgrInit Failed

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Traps to Monitor

7Digit Analysis Init Failed

8Call Control Init Failed
9Link Mgr Init Failed
10DB Mgr Init Failed
11Msg Translator Init Failed
12Supp Services Init Failed

Cisco Phone FailuresCISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmPhoneFailed. This notification is generated in the

intervals specified in ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval if there is at least one entry in the
ccmPhoneFailedTable. The OID is The trap components are ccmAlarmSeverity
and ccmPhoneFailures. See ccmAlarmSeverity for more information. The ccmPhoneFailures OID is and the ccmPhoneFailedTable should be checked for phone initialization and
communication failures.
Cisco Unified CM Gateway FailureCISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmGatewayFailed. This notification indicates
that at least one gateway has attempted to register or communicate with the Cisco Unified CM and failed.
The OID is The trap components are:
ccmAlarmSeverity OID is The values are:
ccmGatewayFailCauseCode OID is The type is CcmDevFailCauseCode
and contains the following values:
0No Error
2No Entry In Database
3Database Configuration Error
4Device Name Unresolveable
5Max Dev Reg Reached
6Connectivity Error
7Initialization Error
8Device Initiated Reset
9Cisco Unified CM Reset
10Authentication Error
11Invalid X509 Name In Certificate

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Dynamic Table Objects

12Invalid TLS Cipher

13Directory Number Mismatch
14Malformed Register Msg

Note CcmDevFailCauseCode is deprecated and replaced by CcmDevRegFailCauseCode and


Cisco Unified CM Media Resource ExhaustedCISCO-CCM-MIB::ccmMediaResourceListExhausted.

This notification indicates that Cisco Unified CM has run out a certain specified type of resource. The
OID is The critical trap components are:
ccmAlarmSeverity OID is The values are:
ccmMediaResourceType OID is The values are:
2Media Termination Point
4Conference Bridge
5Music On Hold ccmRouteListExhausted ccmGatewayLayer2Change ccmMaliciousCall ccmQualityReport ccmTLSConnectionFailure

Dynamic Table Objects

The following table lists the objects that are populated only if the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
service is up and running or the local Cisco Unified Communications Manager service in the case of a Cisco
Unified Communications Manager cluster configuration.

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Dynamic Table Objects

Table 131: CISCO-CCM-MIB Dynamic Tables

Object Content
ccmTable This table stores the version and installation ID for the local Cisco Unified
CM. The table also stores information about all the Cisco Unified CMs in
a cluster that the local Cisco Unified CM knows about but shows unknown
for the version detail. If the local Cisco Unified CM is down, the table
remains empty, except for the version and installation ID values.

ccmPhoneFailed, For the Cisco Unified IP Phone, the number of registered phones in
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate, ccmPhoneTable should match Cisco Unified Communications
ccmPhoneExtn, ccmPhone, Manager/RegisteredHardware Phones perfmon counter. The ccmPhoneTable
ccmPhoneExtension includes one entry for each registered, unregistered, or rejected Cisco
Unified IP Phone. The ccmPhoneExtnTable uses a combined index,
ccmPhoneIndex and ccmPhoneExtnIndex, for relating the entries in the
ccmPhoneTable and ccmPhoneExtnTable.

ccmCTIDevice, The ccmCTIDeviceTable stores each CTI device as one device. Based on
ccmCTIDeviceDirNum the registration status of the CTI Route Point or CTI Port, the
ccmRegisteredCTIDevices, ccmUnregisteredCTIDevices, and
ccmRejectedCTIDevices counters in the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager MIB get updated.

ccmSIPDevice The CCMSIPDeviceTable stores each SIP trunk as one device.

ccmH323Device The ccmH323DeviceTable contains the list of H323 devices for which
Cisco Unified Communications Manager contains information (or the local
Cisco Unified Communications Manager in the case of a cluster
configuration). For H.323 phones or H.323 gateways, the
ccmH.323DeviceTable contains one entry for each H.323 device. (The
H.323 phone and gateway do not register with Cisco Unified
Communications Manager. Cisco Unified Communications Manager
generates the H.323Started alarm when it is ready to handle calls for the
indicated H.323 phone and gateway.) The system provides the gatekeeper
information as part of the H323 trunk information.

ccmVoiceMailDevice, For Cisco uOne, ActiveVoice, the ccmVoiceMailDeviceTable includes one

ccmVoiceMailDirNum entry for each voice-messaging device. Based on the registration status, the
ccmRegisteredVoiceMailDevices, ccmUnregisteredVoiceMailDevices, and
ccmRejectedVoiceMailDevices counters in the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager MIB get updated.

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Static Table Objects

Object Content
ccmGateway The ccmRegisteredGateways, ccmUnregistered gateways, and
ccmRejectedGateways keep track of the number of registered gateway
devices or ports, number of unregistered gateway devices or ports, and
number of rejected gateway devices or ports, respectively.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager generates alarms at the device or
port level. The ccmGatewayTable, based on Cisco Unified CM alarms,
contains device- or port-level information. Each registered, unregistered,
or rejected device or port has one entry in ccmGatewayTable. The VG200
with two FXS ports and one T1 port has three entries in ccmGatewayTable.
The ccmActiveGateway and ccmInActiveGateway counters track number
of active (registered) and lost contact with (unregistered or rejected) gateway
devices or ports.
Based on the registration status, ccmRegisteredGateways,
ccmUnregisteredGateways, and ccmRejectedGateways counters get updated.

ccmMediaDeviceInfo The table contains a list of all media devices that have tried to register with
the local Cisco Unified CM at least once.

ccmGroup This tables contains the Cisco Unified CM groups in a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster.

ccmGroupMapping This table maps all Cisco Unified CMs in a cluster to a Cisco Unified CM
group. The table remains empty when the local Cisco Unified CM node is

Static Table Objects

The following table lists the objects that get populated when the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
SNMP Service is running.

Table 132: CISCO-CCM-MIB Static Tables

Object Content
ccmProductType The table contains the list of product types that are supported with Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (or cluster, in the case of a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster configuration), including phone types,
gateway types, media device types, H323 device types, CTI device types,
voice-messaging device types, and SIP device types.

ccmRegion, ccmRegionPair ccmRegionTable contains the list of all geographically separated regions
in a Cisco Communications Network (CCN) system. The
ccmRegionPairTable contains the list of geographical region pairs for a
Cisco Unified Communications Manager cluster. Geographical region pairs
are defined by Source region and Destination region.

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Troubleshoot SNMP

Object Content
ccmTimeZone The table contains the list of all time zone groups in a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster.

ccmDevicePool The tables contains the list of all device pools in a Cisco Unified
Communications Manager cluster. Device pools are defined by Region,
Date/Time Group, and Cisco Unified CM Group.

Troubleshoot SNMP

General Tips
The following are general troubleshooting tips:
Check the community string or snmp user is properly configured on the system using the SNMP
configuration web pages
Check if Cisco Unified CM SNMP Service is activated and running by checking the ccmservice window
and clicking Tools > Service Activation/ ControlCenter - Feature Services.
Check if SNMP Master Agent is running by checking the ccmservice window and clicking Tools >
Service Activation/ ControlCenter - Network Services
Check if Cisco Unified CM is running.
If Cisco Unified CM is not running, only the following MIB tables respond:

For the rest of the tables to respond Cisco Unified CM needs to be running.
Set the debug trace level to detailed for Cisco CallManager SNMP Service. Go to the Serviceability web
window and click Trace > Configuration > <select serverCisco> Performance and Monitoring
Services > CallManager SNMP Service.
Execute the CLI command: utils snmp walk 2c < community > <ipaddress > or
execute the walk from any other management application on this OID.
Get the Cisco Unified Communication Manager release details, Cisco SNMP CallManager Service trace,
and SNMP Master agent traces after the testing above for troubleshooting reference.

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General Tips

Review this section for Cisco CallManager SNMP Service Troubleshooting tips:
Be sure to set the trace setting to detailed for Cisco CallManager SNMP Service (see the SNMP Trace
Configuration chapter of the Cisco Unified Serviceability Administration Guide).
Execute the command: snmp walk -c<community> -v2c<ipaddress>
Get the Cisco Unified Communications Manager version details
Collect the following logs and information:
SNMP Master Agent (path: platform/snmp/snmpdm/*) and Cisco CallManager SNMP
Service (path: cm/trace/ccmmib/sdi/*) by using TLC in RTMT or this CLI command: file
get activelog
SNMP package version by using this CLI command: show packages active snmp
MMF Spy output for phone by using this CLI command: show risdb query phone

Send the trace logs and MMFSpy data for further analysis

The following table provides procedures for verifying that CISCO-CCM-MIB SNMP traps get sent.

Table 133: How to Check CISCO-CCM-MIB SNMP Traps

Trap Verification procedure

1 Set MaxSeverity=Info in CiscoSyslog->dogBasic MIB table.
2 Set PhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv=30 or higher in ccmAlarmConfigInfo
MIB table.
3 Disconnect a Cisco Unified CM server that your phones point to.
4 Phones will unregister.
5 Connect the Cisco Unified CM server again.
6 Phones will re-register.
7 Check that the ccmPhoneStatusUpdate trap is generated.

1 Set MaxSeverity=Info in CiscoSyslog->clogBasic MIB table.
2 Set PhoneFailedAlarmInterv=30 or higher in ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB
3 Make a phone fail. Delete a phone Cisco Unified CM Administration
and register the phone again.
4 Check that the ccmPhoneFailed trap is generated.

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Logs and Analytical Information for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Releases 5.x 6.x 7.x

Trap Verification procedure

1 Create a Media Resource Group (MRG) that contains one of the standard
Conference Bridge resources (CFB-2).
2 Create a Media Resource Group List (MRGL) that contains the MRG
just created.
3 In the Phone Configuration window (for actual phones), set MRGL as
the phone Media Resource Group List.
4 Stop the IPVMS, which makes the Conference Bridge resource(CFB-2)
stop working.
5 If you make conference calls with phones that use the media list, you
will see "No Conference Bridge available" in the phone screen.
6 Check that a MediaListExhausted Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated

1 Create a Route Group (RG) that contains one gateway.
2 Create a Route Group List (RGL) that contains the RG that was just
3 Create a Route Pattern (9.XXXX) that routes a 9XXXX call through the
4 Unregister the gateway.
5 Dial 9XXXX on one of the phones.
6 Check that a RouteListExhausted Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated.

1 Similar to QRT, create a softkey template. In the template, add all
available MaliciousCall softkey to the phone different status.
2 Assign the new softkey template to actual phones; reset the phones.
3 Make some calls and select the MaliciousCall softkey in the phone
screen during or after the call.
4 Check that a MaliciousCallFailed Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated.

Logs and Analytical Information for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Releases 5.x
6.x 7.x
Collect the following logs and information for analysis:
SNMP Master Agent (Path : /platform/snmp/snmpdm/*)
Cisco CallManager SNMP Service (Path : /cm/trace/ccmmib/sdi/*)

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Logs and Analytical Information for Windows and Cisco Unified CM Version 4.x

The files can be collected using TLC ( Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT) ) or CLI by using the
following command: file get activelog <path mentioned above>.
All the files in /usr/local/Snmpri/conf folder. (This is possible only if ROOT/REMOTE login
is available)
The 'ls -l' listing of the above folder. (This is possible only if ROOT/REMOTE login is available)
Collect Perfmon logs. Execute the following CLI command: file get activelog /cm/log/ris/csv/).
Details of the set of actions performed that resulted in the issue.
Ccmservice logs. Execute the following CLI command: file get activelog /tomcat/logs/ccmservice/log4j/.
Collect the SNMP package version. Use the show packages activesnmp CLI command.
Get the MMF Spy output for Phone. Use the show risdb query phone CLI command.

Logs and Analytical Information for Windows and Cisco Unified CM Version
Collect the following logs for analysis:
Set the Alarm level from the ccmservice Alarm Configuration window for Cisco Unified CM to Detailed.
Set the RIS Trace configuration from the ccmservice window to Detailed.
Do a snmpwalk on the ccm MIB from the network management application or execute command from
any linux box by using the snmpwalk - c <community>-v2c <ipaddress>
Capture the ouput of the snmpwalk.
Collect the logs under C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\RIS\CCMSNMP_*.log.
Collect the logs under C:\Program Files\Cisco\Trace\DBL\ DBL_SNMP*.txt.
Event logs (both application and system).
mmfSpy output for 'misc', 'CMnode' tables.
MMFSpy tool to dump registration status (C:\Program Files\Cisco\Bin\MMFSpy.exe, gives
different options). Usage: "mmfSpy -j > OutputFileName".

CISCO-CCM-MIB only supports a limited amount of configuration information about a device. For more
complete configuration information, the AXL interface accessing the data in DB serves the purpose.
The list of MMFs that are created by the Cisco Unified CM Agent are as follows:

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If multiple OIDs are specified in the SNMP request and if the variables are pointing to empty tables in
CISCO-CCM-MIB, then the request will take longer. In case the getbulk/getnext/getmany request has multiple
OIDs in its request PDU with the subsequent tables being empty in the CISCO-CCM-MIB, the responses may
be NO_SUCH_NAME for SNMP v1 version or GENERIC_ERROR for SNMP v2c or v3 version.
ReasonThis timeout occurs due to the code added to enhance the performance of the CCMAgent and
throttle when it gets a large number of queries thus protecting the priority of Cisco Unified CM
callprocessing engine.
Use the available scalar variables ( to determine the table size before
accessing the table. Or do the get operation on the desired table first and then query the non empty
Reduce the number of variables queried in a single request. For example, for empty tables. if
Management application has timeout set at 3 sec, then recommendations is to specify no more than
1 OID. For non-empty tables it takes 1 second to retrieve 1 row of data.
Increase the response timeout.
Reduce the number of retries.
Avoid using getbulk SNMP API. Getbulk API gets number of records specified by MaxRepetitions.
This means even if the next object goes outside the table or MIB, it gets those objects. So if the
CISCO-CCM -MIB has empty tables then it goes to next MIB and so will more time to respond.
Use getbulk API when it is known that the table is not empty, and also know the number of records.
Under this condition limit the max repetition counts to 5 to get response within 5 sec.
Structured SNMP queries to adapt to current limits.
Avoid doing a number of getbulks on the PhoneTable in case there are a number of phones registered
to the Cisco Unified CM, walking it periodically may not be optimal. In such a scenario whenever
there is an update, ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable will be updated, use this information to decide
whether to walk the PhoneTable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Not getting any SNMP traps from the Cisco Unified Communication Manager node for the

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Frequently Asked Questions

A. For receiving SNMP traps in CISCO-CCM-MIB, you need to ensure that the value of the following MIB
OIDs are set to appropriate values: ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval ( and
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv ( are set between 30 and 3600. The default
is set to 0.
Execute the following commands from any Linux machine:

snmpset -c <Community String> -v 2c <transmitter ip address> i <value>

snmpset -c<Community String> -v 2c <transmitter ip address> i <value>

These are related to registration/deregistration/failure of phones.

You need to ensure that notification destinations are configured. This can be done from the Serviceability
Web window. There is a menu for SNMP > Notification destination.
Before you configure notification destination, verify that the required SNMP services are activated and running
(SNMP Master Agent and Cisco CallManager SNMP Services). Also, make sure that you configured the
privileges for the community string/user correctly which should contain Notify permissions as well.
If still Traps are not generated check if corresponding alarms are generated. Since these traps are generated
based on the alarm events, ensure that SNMP agents are getting these alarm events. Enable 'Local Syslog',
setup the Cisco Unified CM Alarm configuration to 'Informational' level for 'Local Syslog' destination from
the Alarm configuration available on Cisco Unified CM Serviceability web page->Alarm->Configuration.
Then repro the traps and see if corresponding alarms are logged in CiscoSyslog file.
Receiving syslog messages as trapsTo receive syslog messages above a particular severity as traps, set the
following 2 MIB objects in the clogBasic table:
clogNotificationsEnabled ( this to true(1) to enable syslog trap notification.
Default value is false (2). For example, snmpset -c <Community String> -v 2c <transmitter ip address> i <value>.
clogMaxSeverity ( the severity level above which traps are desired. Default
value is warning (5). All syslog messages with alarm severity lesser than or equal to configured severity
level will be sent as traps if notification is enabled. For example, snmpset -c <Community String> -v
2c <transmitter ip address> i <value>.

Q. What are the different traps defined for Cisco Unified Communication Manager?
A. The CISCO-CCM-MIB contains the traps related information. Following are the list of defined traps
ccmCallManagerFailedIndication that the CallManager process detects a failure in one of its critical
subsystems. It can also be detected from a heartbeat/event monitoring process.
ccmPhoneFailedNotification that the intervals specified in ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval indicate
at least one entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable.
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateNotification that is generated in the intervals specified in
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateInterv if there is at least one entry in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.
ccmGatewayFailedIndication that at least one gateway has attempted to register or communicate
with the CallManager and failed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Note ccmGatewayFailed is deprecated and replaced by ccmGatewayFailedReason.

ccmMediaResourceListExhaustedIndication that the CallManager has run out a certain specified

type of resource
ccmRouteListExhaustedIndication that the CallManager could not find an available route in the
indicated route list.
ccmGatewayLayer2ChangeSent when the D-Channel/Layer 2 of an interface in a skinny gateway
that has registered with the CallManager changes state.
ccmMaliciousCallSent when a user registers a call as malicious with the local Cisco Unified CM
ccmQualityReportSent when a user reports a quality problem using the Quality Report Tool
ccmTLSConnectionFailureSent when CallManager fails to open TLS connection for the indicated

The mapping of the traps to alarms is as follows:

ccmGatewayLayer2ChangeDChannelOOS, DChannelISV

Q. How can different SNMP traps from Cisco Unified Communication Manager be checked?
A. Following is the procedure for triggering few traps:
ccmPhoneStatusUpdate trap
Set ccmPhoneStatusUpdateAlarmInterv ( to 30 or higher in
ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB table.
Disconnect a ccm server that your phones are pointing to.
Phones will unregister.
Connect the ccm server again.
Phones will re-register.
Will get the ccmPhoneStatusUpdate trap.

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Frequently Asked Questions

ccmPhoneFailed trap
Set ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval ( to 30 or higher in
ccmAlarmConfigInfo MIB table.
Make a phone fail. Delete a phone from CM and register the phone again.
For phone failed traps two different scenarios can be tried:
Set the phone to point to tftp/ccm server A. plugin the phone to ccm server B on different switch.
The phone status is unknown. Will see following: 2007-10-31:2007-10-31 14:53:40
Local7.Debug community=public, enterprise=,
enterprise_mib_name=ccmPhoneFailed, uptime=7988879, agent_ip=,
version=Ver2, ccmAlarmSeverity=error, ccmPhoneFailures=1.
Register a 7960 phone as 7940 phone in the Cisco Unified CM and thus cause the db issue that
makes the phone fail trap.

MediaResourceListExhausted trap
Create a Media Resource Group (MRG), have it contains one of the standard ConferenceBridge
resource (CFB-2).
Create a Media Resource Group List (MRGL), have it contains the MRG just created.
In the Phone Configuration page for real phones, set MRGL as the phone Media Resource
Group List.
Stop the IPVMS which make the ConferenceBridge resource (CFB-2) stop working.
Make conference calls with phones that using the media list, you will see No Conference Bridge
available in the phone screen.
Then check if a MediaListExhausted Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated.

RouteListExhausted trap
Create a Route Group (RG), have it contains one Gateway.
Create a Route Group List (RGL), have it contains the RG just created.
Create a Route Pattern (9.XXXX) that reroute a 9XXXX call through the RGL.
Unregister the gateway.
Dial 9XXXX in one of the phone.
Then check if a RouteListExhausted Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated.

MaliciousCallFailed trap
Similar as QRT, create a softkey template. In the template, add all available MaliciousCall
softkey to the phone's different status.
Assign the new softkey template to real phones, reset the phones.
Making calls, select the MaliciousCall in the phone screen during or after the call.
Then check if a MaliciousCallFailed Alarm/Alert/Trap is generated

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Frequently Asked Questions

GatewayFailed trap (Method 1)

Remove the configuration of the gateway from the database through Web Admin (or) Change
the MAC address of the gateway to some invalid value and update.
Reboot the gateway
Another way is to restart the Cisco Unified CM service to which the gateway is connected.

GatewayFailed trap (Method 2)

Set GatewayAlarmEnable=true in ccmAlarmConfigInfo mib table
In ccm serviceability->Snmp configuration page, make sure you have SNMP community string
and trap destination set correctly.
Create a gateway failure event and the trap will be seen on the trap receiver.
To cause a gateway fail, Restart Cisco Unified CM service which will cause gateway failover
to the redundant ccm manager server. On that server, the gateway should not be configured in
the database.

ccmGatewayLayer2Change trap
ccmGatewayLayer2Change trap is triggered during DChannelOOS(D Channel Out of service)
or DChannelISV (D Channel Inservice) from Cisco Unified CM. Please check if any such events
can be triggered to test it out

ccmCallManagerFailed trap
The CallManager Failed Alarm is generated when an internal error is encountered. These include
an internal thread dying due to lack of CPU, timer issues and a couple others. This trap would
be something that is hard to reproduce unless the CallManager team give a friendly that
intentionally causes one of these occurrences.

Q. If the Cisco Unified CM Agent consumes high CPU continuously, what needs to be done?
A. Collect the logs as mentioned above (under Troubleshooting) for analysis and refer to defect CSCsm74316
to check if it is being hit. Verify if the fix for the defect has gone into the Cisco Unified CM version used
by the customer.

Q. If the CTI Routepoint is deleted from Cisco Unified CM Admin UI, an entry exists for that in
ccmCTIDeviceTable mib. Why?
A. There is service parameter called RIS Unused Cisco CallManager Device Store Period which defines
how long Unregistered devices (when a registered device is removed from db, it unregisters) will remain
in RISDB and hence in the MIB. The ccmadmin page and the SNMP MIB WALK may or may not be in
sync, since the ccmadmin page shows the info from the database however SNMP uses the RISDB.

Q. When ccmPhoneType is queried from ccmPhoneTable in Cisco-CCM-MIB, no information is returned.


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Frequently Asked Questions

A. The ccmPhoneType has been made obsolete. The same information can be retrieved from
ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex against CcmProductTypeEntry. In the table, the indexes correspond to the
index and name as listed in that table.
Some of other obsolete and alternate OIDs to be referred:

ccmGatewayType is obsolete and need to refer ccmGateWayProductTypeIndex.

ccmMediaDeviceType is obsolete and need to refer to ccmMediaDeviceProductTypeIndex
ccmCTIDeviceType is obsolete and need to refer to ccmCTIDeviceProductTypeIndex

Q. A query on ccmPhoneProductTypeIndex returns zero. Why?

A. Verify that the Cisco Unified CM release that you are using has this capability.

Q. While performing a WALK on ccmPhoneTable, ccmPhoneUserName is not returning any value. How are
usernames associated to the IP Phones?
A. Create an end user and then go to the phone that has been registered and associate the Owner User ID.
Once this is done, the user will be shown by the OID in the SNMP Walk.

Q. How do I get the firmware versions of each phone by using SNMP?

A. ccmPhoneLoadID object in the ccmPhoneTable will give the firmaware version of each phone. But this
value may differ if new image download failed. In case of 7.x versions SNMP will expose both configured
firmware ID (ccmPhoneLoadID) and the actual running firmware (ccmPhoneActiveLoad).

Q. CCM MIB returns ccmVersion as 5.0.1, which is the incorrect.

A. Verify the Cisco Unified CM release that you are using has this capability. If it does not, upgrade.

Q. CCM MIB returns incorrect ccmPhoneLoadID

A. ccmPhoneLoadID values are picked up from RISDB which is populated based on the alarm received during
Phone registration. Perform the following steps and collect the logs for further analysis:
1 Go to Serviceability web page > Alarm > Configuration > Service Group (CM Services) > Service
(Cisco CallManager).
2 Check Local Syslog, SDI Trace, SDL Trace. Ensure the Alarm Event Level for these selected destinations
is set to Informational.
3 Set the Cisco CallManager trace level to Detailed.
4 Reset the phones showing incorrect LoadID.
5 Collect the Syslog and Cisco CallManager traces.
6 Collect the phone details.

Q. How Cisco Unified CM status (START/STOP) monitored?

A. For service monitoring we have following options:

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CISCO-CCM-MIB (ccmStatus)
SOAP interface
Real-TimeMonitoringTool (RTMT) alerts

There is a ccmCallManagerFailed trap for Cisco Unified CM service failure. But this does not cover normal
service stop and unknown crashes.

Q. The device pool information seems incorrect for any device polled for. The OID used is
A. As stated in the CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY MIB, ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported, hence it
returns 0. The CallManager device registration alarm currently does not contain the devicepool information.


Note This is a reformatted version of CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY. Download and compile all of the MIBs in
this section from

Note This MIB is not meant to perform SNMP queries like MIB walk as there is no agent supporting this MIB.
It is only used as documentation supplement to the CISCO-CCM-MIB.

Before you can compile CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY, you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order
5 IANAifType-MIB
12 RFC1155-SMI

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13 RFC-1212
14 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


The following table lists the revisions to this MIB beginning with the latest revision first.

Table 134: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

10-03-2003 Added Agent capability for CISCO-CCM-MIB

10-03-2003 Added Agent capabilities for Cisco Call Manager 4.0


03-21-2002 Added DESCRIPTION Added the agent capabilities

for Cisco Call Manager 3.3 release.

07-02-2001 Added DESCRIPTION Added the agent capabilities

for Cisco Call Manager 3.0 release.

06-19-2001 Initial Version ::= { ciscoAgentCapability 211 }

The following definitions are imported for CISCO-CCM-CAPABILITY:
From SNMPv2-CONFciscoAgentCapability

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PRODUCT RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.0

STATUS Current
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent Capabilities
SUPPORTS Cisco-ccm-mib
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroup, ccmPhoneInfoGroup, ccmGatewayInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneLastError
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneTimeLastError
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneTimeLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkType
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkType is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkName
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkName is not supported
VARIATION ccmTrunkGatewayIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmTrunkGatewayIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayTrunkStatus
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayTrunkStatus is not supported
::= { ciscoCCMCapability 1 }

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PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.1

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev1, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev1, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev1,
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroup, ccmGatekeeperInfoGroup, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroup,
ccmNotificationsInfoGroup, ccmNotificationsGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneLastError
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneTimeLastError
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneTimeLastError is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatekeeperDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatekeeperDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDeviceAppInfo is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhonePhysicalAddress
SYNTAX MacAddress
DESCRIPTION Represents the MAC address of the phone
::= { ciscoCCMCapability 2 }

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PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.3

STATUS obsolete and superseded by ciscoCCMCapabilityV3R03Rev1

DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev2, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev2, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev2,
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev1,
ccmNotificationsGroup, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroup, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneFailedTable
DESCRIPTION The table containing the list of all phones which attempted to register with the local
call manager and failed. The entries which have not been updated and kept at least for the duration
specified in the ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod will be deleted. Reasons for these failures could be
due to configuration error, maximum number of phones has been reached, lost contact, etc.
VARIATION ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTableStateId
DESCRIPTION The current state of ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable.The initial value of this object
is 0 and it will be incremented everytime when there is a change (addition/deletion/modification)
to the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value and sysUpTime should be used together to find if
the table has changed or not. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
VARIATION ccmPhStatUpdtTblLastAddedIndex
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
DESCRIPTION The ccmPhoneStatusUpdateIndex value of the last entry that was added to the
ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable. This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager
applications to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable since their last poll.
This value need not be the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneStatusUpdateTable as the
index could have wrapped around. The initial value of this object is 0 which indicates that there has
been no entries added to this table. When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to
VARIATION ccmPhFailedTblLastAddedIndex
SYNTAX CcmIndexOrZero
DESCRIPTION The ccmPhoneFailedIndex value of the last entry that was added to the
ccmPhoneFailedTable. This value together with sysUpTime can be used by the manager applications
to identify the new entries in the ccmPhoneFailedTable since their last poll. This value need not be
the same as the highest index in the ccmPhoneFailedTable as the index could have wrapped around.

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Cisco Management Information Base

The initial value of this object is 0 which indicates that there has been no entries added to this table.
When the SNMP service is restarted this value will be reset to 0.
VARIATION ccmPhoneFailedStorePeriod
DESCRIPTION The time duration for storing each entry in the ccmPhoneFailedTable. The entries
which have not been updated and kept at least this period will be deleted. This value should ideally
be set to a higher value than the ccmPhoneFailedAlarmInterval object. The default value is 1800
::= { ciscoCCMCapability 3 }

PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 3.3

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev2, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev2, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev2,
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev1,
ccmNotificationsGroup, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroup, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
::= { ciscoCCMCapability 4 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

794 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base

PRODUCT-RELEASE Cisco Call Manager 4.0

STATUS current
DESCRIPTION Cisco Call Manager Agent capabilities
INCLUDES { ccmInfoGroupRev3, ccmPhoneInfoGroupRev3, ccmGatewayInfoGroupRev3,
ccmMediaDeviceInfoGroupRev2, ccmCTIDeviceInfoGroupRev2, ccmNotificationsInfoGroupRev2,
ccmNotificationsGroupRev1, ccmH323DeviceInfoGroupRev1, ccmVoiceMailDeviceInfoGroupRev1,
ccmSIPDeviceInfoGroup }
VARIATION ccmPhoneE911Location
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneE911Location is not supported
VARIATION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmPhoneDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmGatewayDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmMediaDeviceDevicePoolIndex is not supported
VARIATION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex
ACCESS not-implemented
DESCRIPTION ccmCTIDevicePoolIndex is not supported
::= { ciscoCCMCapability 5 }


Note This is a reformatted version of CISCO-CDP-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this section

This MIB is for the management of the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) in Cisco devices. Before you can
compile CISCO-CDP-MIB, you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order listed.
5 IANAifType-MIB

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OL-29844-01 795
Cisco Management Information Base

12 RFC1155-SMI
13 RFC-1212
14 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


The following table lists the revision to this MIB beginning with the latest revision.

Table 135: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

11-23-2001 Added cdpInterfaceExtTable which contains the
following objects: cdpInterfaceExtendedTrust,

04-23-2001 Added cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb,


11-22-2000 Added cdpCacheApplianceID, cdpCacheVlanID,

cdpCachePowerConsumption, cdpCacheMTU,
cdpCacheLastChange, cdpCachePhysLocation,
cdpCacheSysName, cdpCacheSysObjectID,

12-10-1998 Added cdpGlobalDeviceId

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

796 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CISCO-CDP-MIB Definitions

Date Action Description

09-16-1998 Added These objects to cdpCacheTable:
cdpCacheNativeVLAN, cdpCacheDuplex

07-08-1996 Obsoleted and defined cdpGlobal cdpInterfaceMessageInterval

08-15-1995 Specified a correct (non-negative) range for

several index objects

07-27-1995 Corrected range of cdpInterfaceMessageInterval

01-25-1995 Moved from ciscoExperiment to ciscoCdpMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER

ciscoMgmt OID subtree ::= { ::= { ciscoCdpMIB 1 } cdpInterface OBJECT
ciscoMgmt 23 } IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBObjects 1 }
ciscoCdpMIBObjects 2 } cdpGlobal OBJECT
IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBObjects 3 }

CISCO-CDP-MIB Definitions
The following definitions are imported for CISCO-CDP-MIB:
From SNMPv2-CONFTruthValue, DisplayString, TimeStamp
From SNMPv2-TCciscoMgmt
From CISCO-SMICiscoNetworkProtocol, CiscoNetworkAddress, Unsigned32
From CISCO-TC VlanIndex

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OL-29844-01 797
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Interface Group

CDP Interface Group

cdpInterfaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table containing the status of CDP on the device interfaces.
::= { cdpInterface 1 }

cdpInterfaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CdpInterfaceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the cdpInterfaceTable, containing the status of CDP on an interface.
INDEX { cdpInterfaceIfIndex }

::= { cdpInterfaceTable 1 }
CdpInterfaceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cdpInterfaceIfIndex Integer32,
cdpInterfaceMessageInterval INTEGER,
cdpInterfaceGroup Integer32,
cdpInterfacePort Integer32

cdpInterfaceIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The ifIndex value of the local interface. For 802.3 Repeaters on which the repeater ports do not have
ifIndex values assigned, this value is a unique value for the port, and greater than any ifIndex value
supported by the repeater; in this case, the specific port is indicated by corresponding values of
cdpInterfaceGroup and cdpInterfacePort, where these values correspond to the group number and port
number values of RFC 1516.
::= { cdpInterfaceEntry 1 }

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798 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Interface Group

cdpInterfaceEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running on this interface. This
variable has no effect when CDP is disabled (cdpGlobalRun = FALSE).
::= { cdpInterfaceEntry 2 }

cdpInterfaceMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS obsolete and replaced by cdpGlobalMessageInterval.This object should be applied to the
whole system instead of per interface.
The interval at which CDP messages are to be generatedon this interface. The default value is 60
::= { cdpInterfaceEntry 3 }

cdpInterfaceGroup OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object is only relevant to interfaces which are repeater ports on 802.3 repeaters. In this situation,
it indicates the RFC1516 group number of the repeater port which corresponds to this interface.
::= { cdpInterfaceEntry 4 }

cdpInterfacePort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object is only relevant to interfaces which are repeater ports on 802.3 repeaters. In this situation,
it indicates the RFC1516 port number of the repeater port which corresponds to this interface.
::= { cdpInterfaceEntry 5 }

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Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Interface Group

cdpInterfaceExtTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
This table contains the additional CDP configuration on the device interfaces.
::= { cdpInterface 2 }

cdpInterfaceExtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CdpInterfaceExtEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry in the cdpInterfaceExtTable contains the values configured for Extended Trust TLV and COS
(Class of Service) for Untrusted Ports TLV on an interface which supports the sending of these TLVs.
INDEX { ifIndex }
::= { cdpInterfaceExtTable 1 }
CdpInterfaceExtEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort Unsigned32

cdpInterfaceExtendedTrust OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {trusted(1), noTrust(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates the value to be sent by Extended Trust TLV. If trusted(1) is configured, the value of Extended
Trust TLV is one byte in length with its least significant bit equal to 1 to indicate extended trust. All
other bits are 0. If noTrust(2) is configured, the value of Extended Trust TLV is one byte in length with
its least significant bit equal to 0 to indicate no extended trust. All other bits are 0.
::= { cdpInterfaceExtEntry 1 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

800 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..7)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates the value to be sent by COS for Untrusted Ports TLV.
::= { cdpInterfaceExtEntry 2 }

CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table containing the cached information obtained via receiving CDP messages.
::= { cdpCache 1 }

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OL-29844-01 801
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CdpCacheEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry (conceptual row) in the cdpCacheTable, containing the information received via CDP on one
interface from one device. Entries appear when a CDP advertisement is received from a neighbor device.
Entries disappear when CDP is disabled on the interface, or globally.
INDEX { cdpCacheIfIndex, cdpCacheDeviceIndex }
::= { cdpCacheTable 1 }
CdpCacheEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
cdpCacheDeviceIndex Integer32,
cdpCacheAddressType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCacheDevicePort DisplayString,
cdpCacheCapabilitiesOCTET STRING,
cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain DisplayString,
cdpCacheNativeVLAN VlanIndex,
cdpCacheDuplex INTEGER,
cdpCacheApplianceID Unsigned32,
cdpCacheVlanID Unsigned32,
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr CiscoNetworkAddress,
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType CiscoNetworkProtocol,
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr CiscoNetworkAddress,
cdpCacheLastChange TimeStamp

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802 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Normally, the ifIndex value of the local interface. For 802.3 repeaters for which the repeater ports do
not have ifIndex values assigned, this value is a unique value for the port, and greater than any ifIndex
value supported by the repeater; the specific port number in this case, is given by the corresponding
value of cdpInterfacePort.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 1 }

cdpCacheDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A unique value for each device from which CDP messages are being received.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 2 }

cdpCacheAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkProtocol
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of cdpCacheAddress.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 3 }

cdpCacheAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The (first) network-layer address of the device's SNMP-agent as reported in the Address TLV of the
most recently received CDP message. For example, if the corresponding instance of cacheAddressType
had the value 'ip(1)', then this object would be an IP-address.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 4 }

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OL-29844-01 803
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
DESCRIPTION The Version string as reported in the most recent CDP message. The zero-length string
indicates no Version field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 5 }

cdpCacheDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
STATUS current
The Device-ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message. The zero-length string indicates no
Device-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
MAX-ACCESS read-only
::= { cdpCacheEntry 6 }

cdpCacheDevicePort OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The Port-ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message. This will typically be the value of the
ifName object (e.g. Ethernet0). The zero-length string indicates no Port-ID field (TLV) was reported
in the most recent CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 7 }

cdpCachePlatform OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The Device Hardware Platform as reported in the most recent CDP message. The zero-length string
indicates that no Platform field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 8 }

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804 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The Device Functional Capabilities as reported in the most recent CDP message. For latest set of specific
values, see the latest version of the CDP specification. The zero-length string indicates no Capabilities
field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
REFERENCE Cisco Discovery Protocol Specification, 10/19/94.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 9 }

cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The VTP Management Domain for the remote device interface, as reported in the most recently received
CDP message. This object is not instantiated if no VTP Management Domain field (TLV) was reported
in the most recently received CDP message.
REFERENCE managementDomainName in CISCO-VTP-MIB
::= { cdpCacheEntry 10 }

SYNTAX VlanIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The remote device interface native VLAN, as reported in the most recent CDP message. The value 0
indicates no native VLAN field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 11 }

cdpCacheDuplex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), halfduplex(2), fullduplex(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The remote device interface duplex mode, as reported in the most recent CDP message. The value
unknown(1) indicates no duplex mode field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 12 }

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OL-29844-01 805
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCacheApplianceID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..255)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The remote device Appliance ID, as reported in the most recent CDP message. This object is not
instantiated if no Appliance VLAN-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP
::= { cdpCacheEntry 13 }

SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..4095)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The remote device VoIP VLAN ID, as reported in the most recent CDP message. This object is not
instantiated if no Appliance VLAN-ID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP
::= { cdpCacheEntry 14 }

cdpCachePowerConsumption OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
UNITS milliwatts
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The amount of power consumed by remote device, as reported in the most recent CDP message. This
object is not instantiated if no Power Consumption field (TLV) was reported in the most recently
received CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 15 }

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806 OL-29844-01
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CDP Address Cache Group

SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the size of the largest datagram that can be sent/received by remote device, as reported in the
most recent CDP message. This object is not instantiated if no MTU field (TLV) was reported in the
most recently received CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 16 }

cdpCacheSysName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the value of the remote device sysName MIB object. By convention, it is the device fully
qualified domain name. This object is not instantiated if no sysName field (TLV) was reported in the
most recently received CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 17 }

cdpCacheSysObjectID OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the value of the remote device sysObjectID MIB object. This object is not instantiated if no
sysObjectID field (TLV) was reported in the most recently received CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 18 }

cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkProtocol
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of
::= { cdpCacheEntry 19 }

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OL-29844-01 807
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Address Cache Group

cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object indicates the (first) network layer address at which the device will accept SNMP messages
as reported in the most recently received CDP message. If the corresponding instance of
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType has the value ip(1), then this object would be an IP-address. If the
remote device is not currently manageable via any network protocol, this object has the special value
of the IPv4 address If the most recently received CDP message did not contain any primary
address at which the device prefers to receive SNMP messages, then this object is not instanstiated.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 20 }

cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkProtocol
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication of the type of address contained in the corresponding instance of
::= { cdpCacheEntry 21 }

cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CiscoNetworkAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object indicates the alternate network layer address (other than the one indicated by
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr) at which the device will accept SNMP messages as reported in the most
recently received CDP message. If the corresponding instance of cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType
has the value ip(1), then this object would be an IP-address. If the most recently received CDP message
did not contain such an alternate network layer address, then this object is not instanstiated.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 22 }

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808 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Global Group

cdpCachePhysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the physical location, as reported by the most recent CDP message, of a connector which is
on, or physically connected to, the remote device's interface over which the CDP packet is sent. This
object is not instantiated if no Physical Location field (TLV) was reported by the most recently received
CDP message.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 23 }

cdpCacheLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the time when this cache entry was last changed. This object is initialised to the current time
when the entry gets created and updated to the current time whenever the value of any (other) object
instance in the corresponding row is modified.
::= { cdpCacheEntry 24 }

CDP Global Group

cdpGlobalRun OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running. Entries in cdpCacheTable
are deleted when CDP is disabled.
DEFVAL { true }
::= { cdpGlobal 1 }

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Cisco Management Information Base
CDP Global Group

cdpGlobalMessageInterval OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The interval at which CDP messages are to be generated. The default value is 60 seconds.
DEFVAL { 60 }
::= { cdpGlobal 2 }

cdpGlobalHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The time for the receiving device holds CDP message. The default value is 180 seconds.
DEFVAL { 180 }
::= { cdpGlobal 3 }

cdpGlobalDeviceId OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The device ID advertised by this device. The format of this device id is characterized by the value of
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat object.
::= { cdpGlobal 4 }

cdpGlobalLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the time when the cache table was last changed. It is the most recent time at which any row
was last created, modified or deleted.
::= { cdpGlobal 5 }

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810 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP MIB Conformance Information

cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS { serialNumber(0), macAddress(1), other (2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Indicates the Device-Id format capability of the device. The serialNumber(0) indicates that the device
supports using serial number as the format for its DeviceId. The macAddress(1) indicates that the device
supports using layer 2 MAC address as the format for its DeviceId. The other(2) indicates that the
device supports using its platform specific format as the format for its DeviceId.
::= { cdpGlobal 6 }

cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { serialNumber(1), macAddress(2), other(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
An indication of the format of Device-Id contained in the corresponding instance of cdpGlobalDeviceId.
User can only specify the formats that the device is capable of as denoted in
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb object. The serialNumber(1) indicates that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId
object is in the form of an ASCII string contain the device serial number. The macAddress(2) indicates
that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId object is in the form of Layer 2 MAC address. The other(3) indicates
that the value of cdpGlobalDeviceId object is in the form of a platform specific ASCII string contain
info that identifies the device. For example: ASCII string contains serialNumber appended/prepended
with system name.
::= { cdpGlobal 7 }

CDP MIB Conformance Information

ciscoCdpMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIB 2 }
ciscoCdpMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBConformance 1 }
ciscoCdpMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoCdpMIBConformance 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 811
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP MIB Compliance Statements

CDP MIB Compliance Statements

STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV11R01
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
MODULE This module
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 1 }

STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV11R02
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 2 }

STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBComplianceV12R02
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 3 }

STATUS current
The compliance statement for the CDP MIB.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBCompliances 4 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

812 OL-29844-01
Cisco Management Information Base
CDP MIB Units of Conformance

CDP MIB Units of Conformance

OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceMessageInterval,
cdpCacheAddressType>cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion,
cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort, cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV11R01
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 1 }

OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceMessageInterval, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort,
cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion,
cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort,
cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV11R02
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 2 }

OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort, cdpCacheAddressType,
cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort,
cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform, cdpGlobalRun, cdpGlobalMessageInterval,
cdpGlobalHoldTime }
STATUS obsoleted and superseded by ciscoCdpMIBGroupV12R02
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 3 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 813
Cisco Management Information Base
Troubleshoot CDP MIB for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x, 6.x, 7.x

OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceEnable, cdpInterfaceGroup, cdpInterfacePort, cdpCacheAddressType,
cdpCacheAddressType, cdpCacheAddress, cdpCacheVersion, cdpCacheDeviceId, cdpCacheDevicePort,
cdpCacheCapabilities, cdpCachePlatform, cdpCacheVTPMgmtDomain, cdpCacheNativeVLAN,
cdpCacheDuplex, cdpGlobalRun, cdpGlobalMessageInterval, cdpGlobalHoldTime, cdpGlobalDeviceId
STATUS current
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 5 }

OBJECTS { cdpCacheApplianceID, cdpCacheVlanID, cdpCachePowerConsumption, cdpCacheMTU,
cdpCacheSysName, cdpCacheSysObjectID, cdpCacheLastChange, cdpCachePhysLocation,
cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddrType, cdpCachePrimaryMgmtAddr, cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddrType,
cdpCacheSecondaryMgmtAddr, cdpGlobalLastChange, cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormatCpb,
cdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat }
STATUS current
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 6 }

ciscoCdpV2IfExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { cdpInterfaceExtendedTrust, cdpInterfaceCosForUntrustedPort }
STATUS current
A collection of objects for use with the Cisco Discovery Protocol version 2 to configure the value for
Extended Trust TLV and COS for Untrusted Port TLV.
::= { ciscoCdpMIBGroups 7 }

Troubleshoot CDP MIB for Linux and Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
For Linux and Cisco Unified CM Release 5.x, 6.x, 7.x., collect the following logs and information for analysis:
Use the set trace enable Detailed cdpmib CLI set the detailed trace for cdpAgt ().
Restart the Cisco CDP Agent service from the serviceability Web Page (Tools > Controlcenter- Network
Services) and wait for some time.
Collect the following trace files:
Enable the Cisco CDP Agent traces by using the file get activelog cm/trace/cdpmib/sdi command
and Cisco CDP daemon traces using the file get activelog cm/trace/cdp/sdi command.

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Enable the Cisco CDP Agent and daemon traces by using the Real-Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT)
> Trace & Log Central > Collect Files > Cisco CallManager SNMP Service > Cisco CDP Agent
and Cisco CDP.

Once the logs are collected, reset the trace setting by using the set trace disable cdpmib command.

For Windows and Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x, perform the following to collect logs for analysis.
Set TraceEnabled to true under the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems,
Inc.\SnmpCDPAgent and restart SNMP service.
After restarting SNMP service, another option TraceLevel displays. Set this to value 3.
Restart SNMP service again.
Do the walk on CDP MIB.
Collect the log file from location C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpCDPImpl.log.
Collect the output of c:\utils\tlist.exe snmp.exe and output of dir c:\program files\cisco\bin.

Frequently Asked Questions for CDP MIBs

The CDP interface table and globalinfo tables are blank.

How is the MessageInterval value set in the Interface table as well as Global table in CDP MIB?

The CDP interface table and globalinfo tables are blank.

Verify that you Cisco Unified CM release that you are using has this capability. If not, upgrade.

How is the MessageInterval value set in the Interface table as well as Global table in CDP MIB?
Check to see if the HoldTime value is greater than MessageInterval value. If it is less, then the MessageInterval
value can not be set from both Interface table as well as Global table.


Note This is a reformatted version of CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this
section from

This MIB provides a means to gather syslog messages generated by the Cisco IOS. Various textual messages
are generated by the Cisco IOS. Cisco IOS can be configured such that these messages are sent to a syslog
server. With this MIB these same messages can also be received via the SNMP. These messages are hereupon
referred to as syslog messages in this document.

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Note Messages generated as a result of entering CLI debug commands are not made available via the SNMP
at this time.

All Cisco IOS syslog messages have timestamps (optional), facility names (where the message came from),
severity, message name, and message text. The following example is often seen: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:
configured from console where facility=SYS, severity=5, message name=CONFIG_I.
Before you can compile CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB, you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order
7 RFC1155-SMI
8 RFC-1212
9 RFC-1215
10 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


The following table lists the revisions to the MIB beginning with the latest revision.

Table 136: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

08-07-1995 Initial Version The MIB module describes how to store the
system messages generated by the Cisco IOS
software. ::= { ciscoMgmt 41 }

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The following definitions are imported for CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB:
From SNMPv2-SMITEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TimeStamp, TruthValue
From SNMPv2-CONFciscoMgmt

ciscoSyslogMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 1 }

CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB Object Identifiers

clogBasicOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBObjects 1 }
clogHistoryOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogMIBObjects 2 }

Syslog MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
The severity of a syslog message. The enumeration values are equal to the values that syslog uses + 1.
For example, with syslog, emergency=0.
SYNTAX INTEGER { emergency(1), alert(2), critical(3), error(4), warning(5), notice(6), info(7),
debug(8) }

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Basic Syslog Objects

Basic Syslog Objects

clogNotificationsSent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS notifications
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of clogMessageGenerated notifications that have been sent. This number may include
notifications that were prevented from being transmitted due to reasons such as resource limitations
and/or non-connectivity. If one is receiving notifications, one can periodically poll this object to
determine if any notifications were missed. If so, a poll of the clogHistoryTable might be appropriate.
::= { clogBasic 1 }

clogNotificationsEnabled OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates whether clogMessageGenerated notifications will or will not be sent when a syslog message
is generated by the device. Disabling notifications does not prevent syslog messages from being added
to the clogHistoryTable.
DEFVAL { false }
::= { clogBasic 2 }

clogMaxSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates which syslog severity levels will be processed. Any syslog message with a severity value
greater than this value will be ignored by the agent.

Note Severity numeric values increase as their severity decreases, e.g. error(4) is
more severe than debug(8).

DEFVAL { warning }
::= { clogBasic 3 }

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Syslog MIB Message History Table

clogMsgIgnores OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS messages
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of syslog messages which were ignored. A messagewill be ignored if it has a severity value
greater than clogMaxSeverity.
::= { clogBasic 4 }

clogMsgDrops OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS messages
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of syslog messages which could not be processed due to lack of system resources. Most
likely this will occur at the same time that syslog messages are generated to indicate this lack of resources.
Increases in this object's value may serve as an indication that system resource levels should be examined
via other mib objects. A message that is dropped will not appear in the history table and no notification
will be sent for this message.
::= { clogBasic 5 }

Syslog MIB Message History Table

clogHistTableMaxLength OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..500)
UNITS entries
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The upper limit on the number of entries that the clogHistoryTable may contain. A value of zero prevents
any history from being retained. When this table is full, the oldest entry will be deleted and a new one
will be created.
DEFVAL { 1 }
::= { clogHistory 1 }

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Syslog MIB Message History Table

clogHistMsgsFlushed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
UNITS messages
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of entries that have been removed from the clogHistoryTable in order to make room for
new entries. This object can be utilized to determine whether your polling frequency on the history
table is fast enough and/or the size of your history table is large enough such that you are not missing
::= { clogHistory 2 }

clogHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A table of syslog messages generated by this device. All 'interesting' syslog messages (i.e. severity <=
clogMaxSeverity) are entered into this table.
::= { clogHistory 3 }

clogHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ClogHistoryEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A syslog message that was previously generated by this device. Each entry is indexed by a message
INDEX{ clogHistIndex }
::= { clogHistoryTable 1 }
ClogHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE { clogHistIndex Integer32, clogHistFacility DisplayString,
clogHistSeverity SyslogSeverity, clogHistMsgName DisplayString, clogHistMsgText DisplayString,
clogHistTimestamp TimeStamp }

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Syslog MIB Message History Table

clogHistIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A monotonically increasing integer for the sole purpose of indexing messages. When it reaches the
maximum value the agent flushes the table and wraps the value back to 1.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 1 }

clogHistFacility OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..20))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Name of the facility that generated this message. For example: 'SYS'.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 2 }

clogHistSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The severity of the message.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 3 }

clogHistMsgName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..30))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual identification for the message type. A facility name in conjunction with a message name
uniquely identifies a message type.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 4 }

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Syslog MIB Notifications

clogHistMsgText OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (1..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The text of the message. If the text of the message exceeds 255 bytes, the message will be truncated to
254 bytes and a '*' character will be appended indicating that the message has been truncated.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 5 }

clogHistTimestamp OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime when this message was generated.
::= { clogHistoryEntry 6 }

Syslog MIB Notifications

ciscoSyslogMIBNotificationPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 2 }

ciscoSyslogMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER

::= { ciscoSyslogMIBNotificationPrefix 0 }

clogMessageGenerated NOTIFICATION-TYPE
OBJECTS {clogHistFacility, clogHistSeverity, clogHistMsgName, clogHistMsgText, clogHistTimestamp
STATUS current
When a syslog message is generated by the device a clogMessageGenerated notification is sent. The
sending of these notifications can be enabled/disabled via the clogNotificationsEnabled object.
::= { ciscoSyslogMIBNotifications 1 }

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Syslog MIB Conformance Information

Syslog MIB Conformance Information

ciscoSyslogMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { ciscoSyslogMIB 3 }

ciscoSyslogMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER

::= { ciscoSyslogMIBConformance 1 }


::= { ciscoSyslogMIBConformance 2 }

Syslog MIB Compliance Statements

ciscoSyslogMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
The compliance statement for entities which implement the Cisco syslog MIB.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ciscoSyslogMIBGroup }
::= { ciscoSyslogMIBCompliances 1 }

Syslog MIB Units of Conformance

ciscoSyslogMIBGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { clogNotificationsSent, clogNotificationsEnabled, clogMaxSeverity, clogMsgIgnores,
clogMsgDrops, clogHistTableMaxLength, clogHistMsgsFlushed, clogHistFacility, clogHistSeverity,
clogHistMsgName, clogHistMsgText, clogHistTimestamp }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing the syslog MIB capability.
::= { ciscoSyslogMIBGroups 1 }

Troubleshoot Syslog Traps

Syslog has standard buffer size while generating a SNMP trap message; the data is trimmed to the specified
field size (255). This avoids any errors caused by data that is too large for the field. For example, if you have
specified the message text field to be 255 bytes, but a message arrives that is 300 bytes, the data will be
truncated to 255 bytes before being logged.

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Troubleshoot Syslog Traps

Trap Setup
To configure the traps, set clogsNotificationEnabled ( to TRUE(1) by using SNMP
set operation in any SNMP management application. Set the severity using clogMaxSeverity
( by using any SNMP management application. This object indicates the syslog severity
level that needs to be processed. Any syslog message with a severity value greater than this value will be
ignored by the agent. Severity numeric values increase as their severity decreases.
Collect the following logs and information:
Set the detailed trace for CiscoSyslogAgent with the set trace enable Detailed syslogmib command.
Restart the Cisco Syslog Agent service from the serviceability Web window Tools > Control Center
- Network Services and wait for some time.
Collect the Cisco Syslog Agent trace files by:
Using the file get activelog cm/trace/syslogmib/sdi/ command.
Using RTMT Trace & Log Central > Collect Files > Cisco CallManager SNMP Service >
Cisco Syslog Agent.

Once the logs are collected, reset the trace settings by using the set trace disable syslogmib command.

Frequently Asked Questions for Syslog

Q. How is a remote syslog server configured?

A. You can configure a remote syslog server from Cisco Unified CM Administration System > Enterprise
Parameters plus the following:
Remote Syslog Server NameYou can enter the name or IP address of the remote Syslog server
that you want to use to accept Syslog messages. If the server name is not specified, Cisco Unified
Serviceability does not send the Syslog messages. Do not specify a Cisco Unified Communications
Manager server as the destination because the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server does
not accept Syslog messages from another server.
Maximum length: 255
Allowed values: Provide a valid remote syslog server name that comprises (A-Z,a-z,0-9,.,-)

Syslog Severity For Remote Syslog messagesYou can select the desired Syslog messages severity
for remote syslog server. The system sends all the syslog messages with selected or higher severity
levels to the remote syslog. If the remote server name is not specified, Cisco Unified Serviceability
does not send the Syslog messages.

Q. How is a remote syslog server configured to redirect alarms specific to a particular service?
A. You can configure a remote syslog server from Cisco Unified Serviceability window Alarm >
Select the Service Group and Service from drop down list for the particular server.

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Enable Alarm for Remote Syslogs and set the desired Alarm Event Level. Enter the remote syslog
server name or IP address for redirection.
The system sends all the syslog messages for the particular service with selected or higher severity
levels to the remote syslog.

Q. How are messages captured in the configured remote server?

A. Kiwi Syslog Daemon is a freeware tool which can be installed in the remote server to capture the syslog

Q. What happens if the same remote server is configured from Enterprise Parameters and Alarm Configuration
A. Enterprise parameters configuration of remote syslog redirects all the syslog messages which have
severity equal to or higher than configured severity. There is no classification done for different types
of syslog messages. It is just a plain redirection of all the syslog messages generated.
Alarm configuration sends the specific service syslog messages to the configured remote server based
on the severity.
Enterprise Parameters configuration is used by the Cisco Syslog Agent to send the messages.
Corresponding application Alarm configuration will use the alarm interface to send to remote syslog
server configured.
If the Local Syslogs Alarm is enabled in Alarm page, there will be duplication of the service specific
messages, incase the same remote server is configured in both pages (provided the severity conditions
are matched). For example: Enterprise window has severity level as Error, Alarm page has severity
Debug and Local syslogs alarm is enabled. If a syslog message of a particular service configured
via alarm page, has a severity higher than 'Debug' and 'Error', then it will be duplicated.

Q. Does the SysLog subagent generate traps for the alarms in Syslog automatically? Is there any configuration?
A. Syslog subagent can be configured to generate traps for the syslog alarms. Some limitations are:
Traps are sent out based on selected severity. If the given alarm is of low severity then the management
application needs to set the severity threshold lower to capture this low severity alarm/trap. In other
words mgmt apps need to deal with flooding of other low severity traps.
SNMP Trap message size limited to 255 and not enabled by default. i.e. by default
clogsNotificationEnabled ( is set to FALSE (2).


Note This is a reformatted version of CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in
this section from

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Cisco Management Information Base

Before you can compile CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB, you need to download and compile the MIBs listed
below in the order listed.
8 RFC1155-SMI
9 RFC-1212
10 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


The following table lists the revisions to the MIB beginning with the latest revision.

Table 137: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

12/15/2003 Added New enumerations. MIB module for configuring
and monitoring System Log related management
parameters as defined by RFC 3164.

11/13/2002 Added cseSyslogServerFacility to

cseSyslogServerTable. Added two TCs
SyslogFacility and SyslogExFacility.

10/04/2002 Initial Version := { ciscoMgmt 301 }

The following definitions are imported for CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB

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Syslog Ext MIB Textual Conventions


From SNMPv2-TCsnmpAdminString
From SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIBinetAddressType, InetAddress
From CISCO-SMIsyslogSeverity


::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 1 }

cseSyslogConfigurationGroup OBJECT IDENTIFIER

::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBObjects 1 }

Syslog Ext MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
The Syslog standard facilities.
RFC 3014The BSD Syslog protocol, Section 4.

SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel (0),-- Kernel user (8), -- User Level mail (16), -- Mail System
daemon(24),-- System Daemon auth (32),-- Security/Authorization syslog (40),-- Internal Syslogd lpr
(48), -- Line Printer subsystem news (56), -- Network New subsystem uucp (64), -- UUCP subsystem
cron (72), -- Clock Daemon authPriv (80), -- Security/Auth(private) ftp (88), -- FTP Daemon local0
(128), -- Reserved local use local1 (136), -- Reserved local use local2 (144), -- Reserved local use local3
(152), -- Reserved local use local4 (160), -- Reserved local use local5 (168), -- Reserved local use local6
(176), -- Reserved local use local7 (184)-- Reserved local use }

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Syslog Setup Group


STATUS current
The Syslog facilities including both standard and proprietary facilities.
RFC 3014The BSD Syslog protocol, Section 4.

SYNTAX INTEGER { kernel (0),-- Kernel user (8), -- User Level mail (16), -- Mail System daemon(24),
-- System Daemon auth (32),-- Security/Authorization syslog (40),-- Internal Syslogd lpr (48), -- Line
Printer subsystem news (56), -- Network New subsystem uucp (64), -- UUCP subsystem cron (72), --
Clock Daemon authPriv (80), -- Security/Auth(private) ftp (88), -- FTP Daemon local0 (128), -- Reserved
local use local1 (136), -- Reserved local use local2 (144), -- Reserved local use local3 (152), -- Reserved
local use local4 (160), -- Reserved local use local5 (168), -- Reserved local use local6 (176), -- Reserved
local use local7 (184), -- Reserved local use vsanMgr (200), -- VSAN Manager fspf (208), -- FSPF
domainMgr (216), -- Domain Manager mtsDaemon (224), -- MTS Daemon linecardMgr (232), -- Line
Card Mgr sysMgr (240),-- System Manager sysMgrLib (248), -- System Mgr Library zoneServer (256),
-- Zone Server virtualIfMgr (264), -- VirtualInterface Mgr ipConfMgr (272), -- IP Config Manager ipfc
(280), -- IP Over FC xBarMgr (288), -- Xbar Manager fcDns (296),-- Fibre Channel DNS fabricConfMgr
(304),-- Fabric Config Server aclMgr (312),-- AccessControlList Mgr tlPortMgr (320), -- TL Port
Manager portMgr (328), -- Port Manager fportServer (336), -- FPort Server portChMgr (344), -- Port
Channel Mgr mpls (352), -- MPLS tftpLib (360), -- TFTP Library wwnMgr (368),-- WWN Mgr fcc
(376), -- FCC Process qosMgr (384),-- QOS Mgr vhba (392), -- VHBA procMgr (400), -- Proc Mgr
vedbMgr (408), -- VEBD Mgr span (416), -- SPANvrrpMgr (424), -- VRRP Mgr fcfwd (432),-- FCFWD
ntp (440), -- NTP pltmfmMgr (448), -- Platform Mgr xbarClient (456), -- XBAR Client vrrpEngine
(464), -- VRRP Engine callhome (472), -- Callhome ipsMgr (480),-- IPS Mgr fc2 (488), -- FC2 debugLib
(496), -- Debug Library vpm (504), -- VPM mcast (512),-- Multicast rdl (520), -- RDL rscn (536), --
RSCN bootvar (552), -- BootVar pss (576), -- Persistent Storage -- System snmp (584), -- SNMP
security (592), -- Security vhbad (608),-- VHBAD dns (648), -- DNS rib (656), -- RIB vshd (672), --
VSH Daemon fvpd (688), -- Fabric Virtual Port -- Daemon mplsTunnel (816), -- MPLS Tunnel cdpd
(848), -- CDP Daemon ohmsd (920),-- OHMs Daemon portSec (960), -- Port Security Manager
ethPortMgr (976), -- Ethernet Port Manager ipaclMgr (1016), -- IP ACL Manager ficonMgr (1064), --
FICON Manager ficonContDev (1096),-- Ficon Control Device rlir (1128),-- RLIR Module fdmi
(1136),-- Fabric Device -- Management Interface licmgr (1152), -- License Manager fcspmgr (1160),
-- FCSP Manager confCheck (1192), -- Configuration Check ivr (1232), -- Inter-VSAN Routing aaad
(1240),-- AAA Daemon tacacsd (1248), -- TACACS Daemon radiusd (1256), -- Radius Daemon fc2d
(1320),-- FC2 Daemon lcohmsd (1336), -- LC Ohms Daemon ficonStat (1352), -- FICON Statistics,
featureMgr (1360), -- Feature Manager lttd (1376) -- LTT Daemon }

Syslog Setup Group

This group provides the System log (Syslog) configuration options.

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Syslog Setup Group

cseSyslogConsoleEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the console.
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 1 }

cseSyslogConsoleMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the Console.
DEFVAL { debug }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 2 }

cseSyslogLogFileName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Name of file to which the Syslog messages are logged. Set operation with a zero length will fail.
DEFVAL { messages }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 3 }

cseSyslogLogFileMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the log file (cseSyslogLogFileName).
DEFVAL { debug }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 4 }

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cseSyslogFileLoggingDisable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { true (1), noOp (2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the file indicated by cseSyslogLogFileName.
Once this object is set to 'true', the Syslog messages are no longer sent to the file. The value of
'cseSyslogLogFileName' is set to zero length string. To restart the file logging, the
cseSyslogLogFileName should be set to a valid file name.
No action is taken if this object is set to 'noOp'. The value of the object when read is always 'noOp'.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 5 }

cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..65535)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The maximum number of entries that the agent supports in the cseSyslogServerTable.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 6 }

cseSyslogServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of CseSyslogServerEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
This table contains all the Syslog servers which are configured.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 7 }

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cseSyslogServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX CseSyslogServerEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry containing information about a Syslog server.
INDEX { cseSyslogServerIndex}
::= { cseSyslogServerTable 1 }
CseSyslogServerEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { cseSyslogServerIndex Unsigned32, cseSyslogServerAddressType InetAddressType,
cseSyslogServerAddress InetAddress, cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity SyslogSeverity,
cseSyslogServerStatus RowStatus, cseSyslogServerFacility SyslogFacility }

cseSyslogServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..65535)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer value, greater than zero, and less than and equal to cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries,
which identifies a Syslog server row in this table.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 1 }

cseSyslogServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddressType
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
The type of the address of the Syslog server which is given by the corresponding value of
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 2 }

cseSyslogServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InetAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
The address of the Syslog server.
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 3 }

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cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to this Syslog server.
DEFVAL {debug}
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 4 }

cseSyslogServerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
The status of this row. A row can not become 'active' until the values for cseSyslogServerAddressType
and cseSyslogServerAddress in that row have both been set. A row cannot be created until corresponding
instances of following objects are instantiated.

The following objects may not be modified while the value of this object is active (1):
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 5 }

cseSyslogServerFacility OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogFacility
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
The facility to be used when sending Syslog messages to this server.
DEFVAL {local7}
::= { cseSyslogServerEntry 6 }

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cseSyslogMessageControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of CseSyslogMessageControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
This table contains the information about what system log messages should be sent to Syslog host,
console, log file, and/or logged into the internal buffer.
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 8 }

cseSyslogMessageControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX cseSyslogMessageControlEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A system log message control table entry. Each entry specifies a severity for a particular 'facility' which
generates Syslog messages. Any generated message which is at least as severe as the specified severity
will be logged.
INDEX { cseSyslogMessageFacility }
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlTable 1 }
CseSyslogMessageControlEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { cseSyslogMessageFacility SyslogExFacility, cseSyslogMessageSeverity SyslogSeverity

cseSyslogMessageFacility OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogExFacility
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
System log message facility.
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 1 }

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Cisco Management Information Base

cseSyslogMessageSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are generated by this Syslog message facility.
::= { cseSyslogMessageControlEntry 2 }

cseSyslogTerminalEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be sent to the terminals.
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 9 }

cseSyslogTerminalMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are sent to the terminals.
DEFVAL { debug }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 10 }

cseSyslogLinecardEnable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicate whether the Syslog messages should be generated at the line cards.
DEFVAL { false }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 11 }

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Cisco Management Information Base
Syslog Ext MIB Conformance

cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SyslogSeverity
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Minimum severity of the message that are sent from linecards.
DEFVAL { debug }
::= { cseSyslogConfigurationGroup 12 }

Syslog Ext MIB Conformance

OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIB 2 }

OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 1 }
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBConformance 2 }

ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
STATUS current
The compliance statement for entities which implement the CISCO-SYSLOG-EXT-MIB.

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Cisco Management Information Base
Syslog Ext MIB Units of Conformance


OBJECT cseSyslogServerAddressType
SYNTAX Integer { ipv4 (1), dns (16) }
Only dns and ipv4 addresses are need to be supported.
OBJECT cseSyslogServerStatus
SYNTAX Integer { active (1), createAndGo (4), destroy (6)}
Only three values 'createAndGo', 'destroy' and 'active' need to be supported.
OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT cseSyslogMessageFacility
SYNTAX SyslogFacility
Only the standard facilities need to be supported.
::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBCompliances 1 }

Syslog Ext MIB Units of Conformance

ciscoSyslogExtGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { cseSyslogConsoleEnable, cseSyslogLogFileName, cseSyslogFileLoggingDisable,
cseSyslogConsoleMsgSeverity, cseSyslogLogFileMsgSeverity, cseSyslogServerTableMaxEntries,
cseSyslogServerAddress, cseSyslogServerAddressType, cseSyslogServerMsgSeverity,
cseSyslogServerStatus, cseSyslogServerFacility, cseSyslogMessageSeverity, cseSyslogTerminalEnable,
cseSyslogTerminalMsgSeverity, cseSyslogLinecardEnable, cseSyslogLinecardMsgSeverity }
STATUS current
A collection of objects for Syslog management.
::= { ciscoSyslogExtMIBGroups 1 }

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836 OL-29844-01
This chapter describes the industry-standard Management Information Base (MIB) text files that are supported
by Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) and used with Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP).

SYSAPPL-MIB, page 837

RFC1213-MIB (MIB-II), page 869
IF-MIB, page 963


Note This is a reformatted version of SYSAPPL-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this section

The MIB module defines management objects that model applications as collections of executables and files
installed and executing on a host system. The MIB presents a system-level view of applications; i.e., objects
in this MIB are limited to those attributes that can typically be obtained from the system itself without adding
special instrumentation to the applications.
Before you can compile SYSAPPL-MIB , you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order listed.
1 RFC1155-SMI
2 RFC-1212
3 SNMPv2-SMI-v1
4 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


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Industry-Standard Management Information Base

The following table lists the revisions to the MIS beginning with the latest revision.

Table 138: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

10-20-1997 IETF Applications MIB Working ::= { mib-2 54 }

SYSAPPL-MIB Definitions
The following definitions are imported for SYSAPP-MIB:
MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, mib-2, Unsigned32 (gotten from CISCO-TC for the time being
until it becomes available in SNMPv2-SMI), Unsigned32, TimeTicks, Counter32, Gauge32 TimeTicks,
Counter32, Gauge32
From SNMPv2-SMIUnsigned32

System Application MIB

sysApplOBJ OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplMIB 1 }
sysApplInstalled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 1 }
sysApplRun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 2 }
sysApplMap OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplOBJ 3 }
sysApplNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplMIB 2 }
sysApplConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sysApplMIB 3 }

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Industry-Standard Management Information Base
System Application MIB Textual Conventions

System Application MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
This TC describes the current execution state of a running application or process. The possible values
are: running(1), runnable(2), waiting for a resource (CPU, etc.) waiting(3), waiting for an event exiting(4),
other(5) other invalid state.
SYNTAX INTEGER { running (1); runnable (2); waiting for resource and waiting (3); waiting for
event and exiting (4); other (5) }


STATUS current
To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1
character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding scheme described in RFC
2044 [10]. For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the UTF-8 representation is identical
to the US-ASCII encoding.


STATUS current
To facilitate internationalization, this TC represents information taken from the ISO/IEC IS 10646-1
character set, encoded as an octet string using the UTF-8 character encoding scheme described in RFC
2044 [10]. For strings in 7-bit US-ASCII, there is no impact since the UTF-8 representation is identical
to the US-ASCII encoding.

Installed Application Groups

This group provides information about application packages that have been installed on the host computer.
The group contains two tables as follows:
sysApplInstallPkgTable: Describes the application packages
sysApplInstallElmtTable: Describes the constituent elements (files and executables) which compose an
application package

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Installed Application Groups

In order to appear in the group, an application and its component files must be discoverable by the system
itself, possibly through some type of software installation mechanism or registry.

The system installed application packages table provides information on the software packages installed on
a system. These packages may consist of many different files including executable and non-executable files.
sysApplInstallPkgTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplInstallPkgEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table listing the software application packages installed on a host computer. In order to appear in
this table, it may be necessary for the application to be installed using some type of software installation
mechanism or global registry so that its existence can be detected by the agent implementation.
::= { sysApplInstalled 1 }

sysApplInstallPkgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplInstallPkgEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing an installed application package.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex }
::= { sysApplInstallPkgTable 1 }
SysApplInstallPkgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplInstallPkgIndex Unsigned32,
sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgProductName Utf8String,
sysApplInstallPkgVersion Utf8String, sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber Utf8String,
sysApplInstallPkgDate DateAndTime, sysApplInstallPkgLocation LongUtf8String }

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallPkgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An integer used only for indexing purposes. Generally monotonically increasing from 1 as new
applications are installed. The value for each installed application must remain constant at least from
one re-initialization of the network management entity which implements this MIB module to the next
re-initialization. The specific value is meaningful only within a given SNMP entity. A
sysApplInstallPkgIndex value must not be re-used until the next agent entity restart in the event the
installed application entry is deleted.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 1 }

sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The Manufacturer of the software application package.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 2 }

sysApplInstallPkgProductName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name assigned to the software application package by the Manufacturer.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 3 }

sysApplInstallPkgVersion OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The version number assigned to the application package by the manufacturer of the software.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 4 }

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The serial number of the software assigned by the manufacturer.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 5 }

sysApplInstallPkgDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The date and time this software application was installed on the host.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 6 }

sysApplInstallPkgLocation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LongUtf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The complete path name where the application package is installed. For example, the value would be
/opt/MyapplDir if the application package was installed in the /opt/MyapplDir directory.
::= { sysApplInstallPkgEntry 7 }

This table details the individual application package elements (files and executables) installed on the host
computer which comprise the applications defined in the sysApplInstallPkg Table. Each entry in this table
has an index to the sysApplInstallPkg table to identify the application package of which it is a part. As a result,
there may be many entries in this table for each instance in the sysApplInstallPkg Table.
Table entries are indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplInstallElmtIndex to facilitate retrieval of all
elements associated with a particular installed application package.

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallElmtTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF SysApplInstallElmtEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
This table details the individual application package elements (files and executables) installed on the
host computer which comprise the applications defined in the sysApplInstallPkg Table. Each entry in
this table has an index to the sysApplInstallPkg table to identify the application package of which it is
a part. As a result, there may be many entries in this table for each instance in the sysApplInstallPkg
Table entries are indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplInstallElmtIndex to facilitate retrieval
of all elements associated with a particular installed application package.
::= { sysApplInstalled 2 }

sysApplInstallElmtEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplInstallElmtEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing an element of an installed application. The element may be an executable
or non-executable file.
INDEX {sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplInstallElmtIndex}
::= { sysApplInstallElmtTable 1 }
SysApplInstallElmtEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplInstallElmtIndex Unsigned32,
sysApplInstallElmtNameUtf8String, sysApplInstallElmtTypeINTEGER,
sysApplInstallElmtDateDateAndTime, sysApplInstallElmtPathLongUtf8String,
sysApplInstallElmtSizeHighUnsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow Unsigned32,
sysApplInstallElmtRoleBITS, sysApplInstallElmtRoleOCTET STRING, sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate
DateAndTime, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHighUnsigned32, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow Unsigned32

sysApplInstallElmtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An arbitrary integer used for indexing. The value of this index is unique among all rows in this table
that exist or have existed since the last agent restart.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 1 }

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallElmtName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The name of this element which is contained in the application.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 2 }

sysApplInstallElmtType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), nonexecutable(2), operatingSystem(3), executable deviceDriver(4),
executable application(5), executable }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of element that is part of the installed application.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 3 }

sysApplInstallElmtDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The date and time that this component was installed on the system.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 4 }

sysApplInstallElmtPath OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LongUtf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The full directory path where this element is installed. For example, the value would be
/opt/EMPuma/bin for an element installed in the directory /opt/EMPuma/bin. Most application
packages include information about the elements contained in the package. In addition, elements are
typically installed in sub-directories under the package installation directory. In cases where the element
path names are not included in the package information itself, the path can usually be determined by a
simple search of the sub-directories. If the element is not installed in that location and there is no other
information available to the agent implementation, then the path is unknown and null is returned.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 5}

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallElmtSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The installed file size in 2^32 byte blocks. This is the size of the file on disk immediately after
installation. For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes, this variable would have
a value of 1; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 0.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 6 }

sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The installed file size modulo 2^32 bytes. This is the size of the file on disk immediately after installation.
For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes this variable would have a value of 0;
for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable would be 4,294,967,295.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 7 }

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Installed Application Groups

sysApplInstallElmtRole OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX BITS { executable (0), exclusive (1), primary (2), required (3), dependent (4), unknown(5)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
An operator assigned value used in the determination of application status. This value is used by the
agent to determine both the mapping of started processes to the initiation of an application, as well as
to allow for a determination of application health. The default value, unknown(5), is used when an
operator has not yet assigned one of the other values. If unknown(5) is set, bits 1 - 4 have no meaning.
The possible values are:
executable (0)An application may have one or more executable elements. The rest of the bits
have no meaning if the element is not executable.
exclusive(1)Only one copy of an exclusive element may be running per invocation of the
running application.
primary(2)The primary executable. An application can have one, and only one element that is
designated as the primary executable. The execution of this element constitutes an invocation of
the application. This is used by the agent implementation to determine the initiation of an
application. The primary executable must remain running long enough for the agent implementation
to detect its presence.
required(3)An application may have zero or more required elements. All required elements
must be running in order for the application to be judged to be running and healthy.
dependent(4)An application may have zero or more dependent elements. Dependent elements
may not be running unless required elements are.
unknown(5)Default value for the case when an operator has not yet assigned one of the other
values. When set, bits 1, 2, 3, and 4 have no meaning.

sysApplInstallElmtRole is used by the agent implementation in determining the initiation of an

application, the current state of a running application (see sysApplRunCurrentState), when an application
invocation is no longer running, and the exit status of a terminated application invocation (see
--DEFVAL { 5 }
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 8 }

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Industry-Standard Management Information Base
sysApplRun Group

sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The date and time that this element was last modified. Modification of the sysApplInstallElmtRole
columnar object does NOT constitute a modification of the element itself and should not affect the
value of this object.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 9 }

sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHigh OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current file size in 2^32 byte blocks. For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296
bytes, this variable would have a value of 1; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this
variable would be 0.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 10 }

sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current file size modulo 2^32 bytes. For example, for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,296 bytes
this variable would have a value of 0; for a file with a total size of 4,294,967,295 bytes this variable
would be 4,294,967,295.
::= { sysApplInstallElmtEntry 11 }

sysApplRun Group
This group models activity information for applications that have been invoked and are either currently running,
or have previously run on the host system. Likewise, the individual elements of an invoked application are
also modeled to show currently running processes, and processes that have run in the past.

The sysApplRunTable contains the application instances which are currently running on the host. Since a
single application might be invoked multiple times, an entry is added to this table for each INVOCATION

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sysApplRun Group

of an application. The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplRunIndex to enable managers to

easily locate all invocations of a particular application package.
sysApplRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table describes the applications which are executing on the host. Each time an application is invoked,
an entry is created in this table. When an application ends, the entry is removed from this table and a
corresponding entry is created in the SysApplPastRunTable.
A new entry is created in this table whenever the agent implementation detects a new running process
that is an installed application element whose sysApplInstallElmtRole designates it as being the
application's primary executable (sysApplInstallElmtRole = primary(2) ).
The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplRunIndex to enable managers to easily locate
all invocations of a particular application package.
::= { sysApplRun 1 }

sysApplRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplRunEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing an application which is currently running on this host.
INDEX { sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplRunIndex }
::= { sysApplRunTable 1 }
SysApplRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplRunStarted DateAndTime,
sysApplRunCurrentState RunState }

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sysApplRun Group

sysApplRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table. An arbitrary integer used only for indexing purposes. Generally
monotonically increasing from 1 as new applications are started on the host, it uniquely identifies
application invocations.
The numbering for this index increases by 1 for each INVOCATION of an application, regardless of
which installed application package this entry represents a running instance of. An example of the
indexing for a couple of entries is shown below.
In this example, the agent has observed 12 application invocations when the application represented
by entry 18 in the sysApplInstallPkgTable is invoked. The next invocation detected by the agent is an
invocation of installed application package 17. Some time later, installed application 17 is invoked a
second time.

Note This index is not intended to reflect a real-time (wall clock time) ordering of
application invocations; it is merely intended to uniquely identify running
instances of applications. Although the sysApplInstallPkgIndex is included in
the INDEX clause for this table, it serves only to ease searching of this table
by installed application and does not contribute to uniquely identifying table

::= { sysApplRunEntry 1 }

sysApplRunStarted OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The date and time that the application was started.
::= { sysApplRunEntry 2 }

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sysApplRunCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of the running application instance. The possible values are running(1), runnable(2)
but waiting for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5). This value is
based on an evaluation of the running elements of this application instance (see sysApplElmRunState)
and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole. An agent implementation may detect that an
application instance is in the process of exiting if one or more of its REQUIRED elements are no longer
running. Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give
the system time to start REQUIRED elements before marking the application instance as exiting.
::= { sysApplRunEntry 3 }

The sysApplPastRunTable provides a history of applications previously run on the host computer. Entries are
removed from the sysApplRunTable and corresponding entries are added to this table when an application
becomes inactive. Entries remain in this table until they are aged out when either the table size reaches a
maximum as determined by the sysApplPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a time limit
as set be sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit.
When aging out entries, the oldest entry, as determined by the value of sysApplPastRunTimeEnded, will be
removed first.

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sysApplPastRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A history of the applications that have previously run on the host computer. An entry's information is
moved to this table from the sysApplRunTable when the invoked application represented by the entry
ceases to be running. An agent implementation can determine that an application invocation is no longer
running by evaluating the running elements of the application instance and their Roles as defined by
sysApplInstallElmtRole. Obviously, if there are no running elements for the application instance, then
the application invocation is no longer running.
If any one of the REQUIRED elements is not running, the application instance may be in the process
of exiting. Most agent implementations will wait until a second internal poll has been completed to
give the system time to either restart partial failures or to give all elements time to exit. If, after the
second poll, there are REQUIRED elements that are not running, then the application instance may be
considered by the agent implementation to no longer be running.
Entries remain in the sysApplPastRunTable until they are aged out when either the table size reaches
a maximum as determined by the sysApplPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a
time limit as set by sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit.
Entries in this table are indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplPastRunIndex to facilitate retrieval
of all past run invocations of a particular installed application.
::= { sysApplRun 2 }

sysApplPastRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplPastRunEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing an invocation of an application which was previously run and has terminated.
The entry is basically copied from the sysApplRunTable when the application instance terminates.
Hence, the entry's value for sysApplPastRunIndex is the same as its value was for sysApplRunIndex.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplPastRunIndex }
::= { sysApplPastRunTable 1 }
SysApplPastRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplPastRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplPastRunStarted
DateAndTime, sysApplPastRunExitState INTEGER, sysApplPastRunTimeEnded DateAndTime

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sysApplPastRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table. An integer matching the value of the removed sysApplRunIndex
corresponding to this row.
::= { sysApplPastRunEntry 1 }

sysApplPastRunStarted OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The date and time that the application was started.
::= { sysApplPastRunEntry 2 }

sysApplPastRunExitState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { complete (1), failed (2), other (3) }
complete (1)normal exit at sysApplRunTimeEnded
failed (2)abnormal exit
other (3)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The state of the application instance when it terminated. This value is based on an evaluation of
the running elements of an application and their Roles as defined by sysApplInstallElmtRole. An
application instance is said to have exited in a COMPLETE state and its entry is removed from
the sysApplRunTable and added to the sysApplPastRunTable when the agent detects that ALL
elements of an application invocation are no longer running. Most agent implementations will
wait until a second internal poll has been completed to give the system time to either restart partial
failures or to give all elements time to exit. A failed state occurs if, after the second poll, any
elements continue to run but one or more of the REQUIRED elements are no longer running.
All other combinations MUST be defined as OTHER.
::= { sysApplPastRunEntry 3 }

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sysApplPastRunTimeEnded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The DateAndTime the application instance was determined to be no longer running.
::= { sysApplPastRunEntry 4 }

The sysApplElmtRunTable contains an entry for each process that is currently running on the host. An entry
is created in this table for each process at the time it is started, and will remain in the table until the process
terminates. The table is indexed by sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, and
sysApplElmtRunIndex to make it easy to locate all running elements of a particular invoked application which
has been installed on the system.
sysApplElmtRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table describes the processes which are currently executing on the host system. Each entry represents
a running process and is associated with the invoked application of which that process is a part, if
possible. This table contains an entry for every process currently running on the system, regardless of
whether its 'parent' application can be determined. So, for example, processes like 'ps' and 'grep' will
have entries though they are not associated with an installed application package.
Because a running application may involve more than one executable, it is possible to have multiple
entries in this table for each application. Entries are removed from this table when the process terminates.
The table is indexed by sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, and sysApplElmtRunIndex
to facilitate the retrieval of all running elements of a particular invoked application which has been
installed on the system.
::= { sysApplRun 3 }

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sysApplElmtRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplElmtRunEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing a process currently running on this host. When possible, the entry is associated
with the invoked application of which it is a part.
INDEX{ sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, sysApplElmtRunIndex }
::= { sysApplElmtRunTable 1 }
SysApplElmtRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg Unsigned32,
sysApplElmtRunInvocIDUnsigned32, sysApplElmtRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplElmtRunInstallID
Unsigned32, sysApplElmtRunTimeStartedDateAndTime, sysApplElmtRunState RunState,
sysApplElmtRunNameLongUtf8String, sysApplElmtRunParameters Utf8String, sysApplElmtRunCPU
TimeTicks, sysApplElmtRunMemory Gauge32, sysApplElmtRunNumFiles Gauge32,
sysApplElmtRunUserUtf8String }

sysApplElmtRunInstallPkg OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the installed software package for the application
of which this process is a part. Provided that the process's 'parent' application can be determined, the
value of this object is the same value as the sysApplInstallPkgIndex for the entry in the
sysApplInstallPkgTable that corresponds to the installed application of which this process is a part.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, (for example the process is not part of a
particular installed application), the value for this object is then '0', signifying that this process cannot
be related back to an application, and in turn, an installed software package.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 1 }

sysApplElmtRunInvocID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the invocation of an application of which this process
is a part. Provided that the 'parent' application can be determined, the value of this object is the same
value as the sysApplRunIndex for the corresponding application invocation in the sysApplRunTable.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, the value for this object is then '0', signifying
that this process cannot be related back to an invocation of an application in the sysApplRunTable.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 2 }

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sysApplElmtRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table. A unique value for each process running on the host. Wherever possible,
this should be the system's native, unique identification number.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 3 }

sysApplElmtRunInstallID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The index into the sysApplInstallElmtTable. The value of this object is the same value as the
sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.
If this process cannot be associated with an installed executable, the value should be '0'.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 4 }

sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the process was started.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 5 }

sysApplElmtRunState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current state of the running process. The possible values are running(1), runnable(2) but waiting
for a resource such as CPU, waiting(3) for an event, exiting(4), or other(5).
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 6 }

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sysApplElmtRunName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LongUtf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The full path and filename of the process. For example, /opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc would be
returned for process myyproc whose execution path is /opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 7 }

sysApplElmtRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The starting parameters for the process.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 8 }

SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of centi-seconds of the total system CPU resources consumed by this process. Note that
on a multi-processor system, this value may have been incremented by more than one centi-second in
one centi-second of real (wall clock) time.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 9 }

sysApplElmtRunMemory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
UNITS Kbytes
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total amount of real system memory measured in Kbytes currently allocated to this process.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 10 }

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sysApplElmtRunNumFiles OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of regular files currently open by the process. Transport connections (sockets) should NOT
be included in the calculation of this value, nor should operating system specific special file types.
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 11 }

sysApplElmtRunUser OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The process owner's login name (e.g. root).
::= { sysApplElmtRunEntry 12 }

The sysApplElmtPastRunTable maintains a history of processes which have previously executed on the host
as part of an application. Upon termination of a process, the entry representing the process is removed from
the sysApplElmtRunTable and a corresponding entry is created in this table provided that the process was
part of an identifiable application. If the process could not be associated with an invoked application, no
corresponding entry is created.
Hence, whereas the sysApplElmtRunTable contains an entry for every process currently executing on the
system, the sysApplElmtPastRunTable only contains entries for processes that previously executed as part of
an invoked application.
Entries remain in this table until they are aged out when either the number of entries in the table reaches a
maximum as determined by sysApplElmtPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a time limit
as set by sysApplElmtPastRunTblTimeLimit. When aging out entries, the oldest entry, as determined by the
value of sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded, will be removed first.
The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex (from the sysApplInstallPkgTable),
sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, and sysApplElmtPastRunIndex to make it easy to locate all previously executed
processes of a particular invoked application that has been installed on the system.

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sysApplElmtPastRunTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table describes the processes which have previously executed on the host system as part of an
application. Each entry represents a process which has previously executed and is associated with the
invoked application of which it was a part. Because an invoked application may involve more than one
executable, it is possible to have multiple entries in this table for each application invocation. Entries
are added to this table when the corresponding process in the sysApplElmtRun Table terminates.
Entries remain in this table until they are aged out when either the number of entries in the table reaches
a maximum as determined by sysApplElmtPastRunMaxRows, or when an entry has aged to exceed a
time limit as set by sysApplElmtPastRunTblTimeLimit. When aging out entries, the oldest entry, as
determined by the value of sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded, will be removed first.
The table is indexed by sysApplInstallPkgIndex (from the sysApplInstallPkgTable),
sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, and sysApplElmtPastRunIndex to make it easy to locate all previously
executed processes of a particular invoked application that has been installed on the system.
::= { sysApplRun 4 }

sysApplElmtPastRunEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplElmtPastRunEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The logical row describing a process which was previously executed on this host as part of an installed
application. The entry is basically copied from the sysApplElmtRunTable when the process terminates.
Hence, the entry's value for sysApplElmtPastRunIndex is the same as its value was for
sysApplElmtRunIndex. Note carefully: only those processes which could be associated with an identified
application are included in this table.
INDEX{ sysApplInstallPkgIndex, sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID, sysApplElmtPastRunIndex }
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunTable 1 }
SysApplElmtPastRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplElmtPastRunInvocIDUnsigned32,
sysApplElmtPastRunIndex Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID Unsigned32,
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStartedDateAndTime, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded DateAndTime,
sysApplElmtPastRunNameLongUtf8String, sysApplElmtPastRunParameters Utf8String,
sysApplElmtPastRunCPU TimeTicks, sysApplElmtPastRunMemory Unsigned32,
sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles Unsigned32, sysApplElmtPastRunUserUtf8String }

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sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1...ffffffffh)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table, this value identifies the invocation of an application of which the process
represented by this entry was a part. The value of this object is the same value as the sysApplRunIndex
for the corresponding application invocation in the sysApplRunTable. If the invoked application as a
whole has terminated, it will be the same as the sysApplPastRunIndex.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 1 }

sysApplElmtPastRunIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Part of the index for this table. An integer assigned by the agent equal to the corresponding
sysApplElmtRunIndex which was removed from the sysApplElmtRunTable and moved to this table
when the element terminated. Note that entries in this table are indexed by sysApplElmtPastRunInvocID,
The possibility exists, though unlikely, of a collision occurring by a new entry which was run by the
same invoked application (InvocID), and was assigned the same process identification number
(ElmtRunIndex) as an element which was previously run by the same invoked application.
Should this situation occur, the new entry replaces the old entry.
See the Implementation Issues section, sysApplElmtPastRunTable Entry Collisions for the conditions
that would have to occur in order for a collision to occur.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 2 }

sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The index into the installed element table. The value of this object is the same value as the
sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a previously executed
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 3 }

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sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the process was started.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 4 }

sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The time the process ended.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 5 }

sysApplElmtPastRunName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX LongUtf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The full path and filename of the process. For example, '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc' would be
returned for process 'myyproc' whose execution path was '/opt/MYYpkg/bin/myyproc'.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 6 }

sysApplElmtPastRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The starting parameters for the process.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 7 }

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SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The last known number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process.
Note that on a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one
centi-second of real (wall clock) time.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 8 }

sysApplElmtPastRunMemory OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The last known total amount of real system memory measured in Kbytes allocated to this process before
it terminated.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 9 }

sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The last known number of files open by the process before it terminated. Transport connections (sockets)
should NOT be included in the calculation of this value.
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 10 }

sysApplElmtPastRunUser OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Utf8String
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The process owner's login name (e.g. root).
::= { sysApplElmtPastRunEntry 11 }

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Additional Scalar Objects Controlling Table Sizes

Additional Scalar Objects Controlling Table Sizes

sysApplPastRunMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplPastRunTable. Once the number of rows in
the sysApplPastRunTable reaches this value, the management subsystem will remove the oldest entry
in the table to make room for the new entry to be added. Entries will be removed on the basis of oldest
sysApplPastRunTimeEnded value first.
This object may be used to control the amount of system resources that can used for
sysApplPastRunTable entries. A conforming implementation should attempt to support the default
value, however, a lesser value may be necessary due to implementation-dependent issues and resource
DEFVAL { 500 }
::= { sysApplRun 5 }

sysApplPastRunTableRemItems OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A counter of the number of entries removed from the sysApplPastRunTable because of table size
limitations as set in sysApplPastRunMaxRows. This counter is the number of entries the management
subsystem has had to remove in order to make room for new entries (so as not to exceed the limit set
by sysApplPastRunMaxRows) since the last initialization of the management subsystem.
::= { sysApplRun 6 }

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Additional Scalar Objects Controlling Table Sizes

sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplPastRunTable may exist before it is
removed. Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table. Note that
an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must
be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplPastRunMaxRows.
DEFVAL { 7200 }
::= { sysApplRun 7 }

sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The maximum number of entries allowed in the sysApplElmtPastRunTable. Once the number of rows
in the sysApplElmtPastRunTable reaches this value, the management subsystem will remove the oldest
entry to make room for the new entry to be added. Entries will be removed on the basis of oldest
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded value first. This object may be used to control the amount of system
resources that can used for sysApplElemPastRunTable entries. A conforming implementation should
attempt to support the default value, however, a lesser value may be necessary due to
implementation-dependent issues and resource availability.
DEFVAL { 500 }
::= { sysApplRun 8 }

sysApplElemPastRunTableRemItems OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A counter of the number of entries removed from the sysApplElemPastRunTable because of table size
limitations as set in sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows. This counter is the number of entries the
management subsystem has had to remove in order to make room for new entries (so as not to exceed
the limit set by sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows) since the last initialization of the management
::= { sysApplRun 9 }

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sysApplMap Group

sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The maximum time in seconds which an entry in the sysApplElemPastRunTable may exist before it is
removed. Any entry that is older than this value will be removed (aged out) from the table. Note that
an entry may be aged out prior to reaching this time limit if it is the oldest entry in the table and must
be removed to make space for a new entry so as to not exceed sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows.
DEFVAL { 7200 }
::= { sysApplRun 10 }

sysApplAgentPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
UNITS seconds
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The minimum interval in seconds that the management subsystem implementing this MIB will poll the
status of the managed resources. Because of the non-trivial effort involved in polling the managed
resources, and because the method for obtaining the status of the managed resources is
implementation-dependent, a conformant implementation may chose a lower bound greater than 0.
A value of 0 indicates that there is no delay in the passing of information from the managed resources
to the agent.
DEFVAL { 60 }
::= { sysApplRun 11 }

sysApplMap Group
This group contains a table, the sysApplMapTable, whose sole purpose is to provide a 'backwards' mapping
so that, given a known sysApplElmtRunIndex (process identification number), the corresponding invoked
application (sysApplRunIndex), installed element (sysApplInstallElmtIndex), and installed application package
(sysApplInstallPkgIndex) can be quickly determined. The table will contain one entry for each process currently
running on the system.
A backwards mapping is extremely useful since the tables in this MIB module are typically indexed with the
installed application package (sysApplInstallPkgIndex) as the primary key, and on down as required by the
specific table, with the process ID number (sysApplElmtRunIndex) being the least significant key.
It is expected that management applications will use this mapping table by doing a 'GetNext' operation with
the known process ID number (sysApplElmtRunIndex) as the partial instance identifier. Assuming that there
is an entry for the process, the result should return a single columnar value, the sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex,

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sysApplMap Group

with the sysApplElmtRunIndex, sysApplRunIndex, and sysApplInstallElmtIndex contained in the instance

identifier for the returned MIB object value.

Note If the process can not be associated back to an invoked application installed on the system, then the value
returned for the columnar value sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex will be '0' and the instance portion of the
object-identifier will be the process ID number (sysApplElmtRunIndex) followed by 0.0.

sysApplMapTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The sole purpose of this table is to provide a 'backwards' mapping so that, given a known
sysApplElmtRunIndex (process identification number), the corresponding invoked application
(sysApplRunIndex), installed element (sysApplInstallElmtIndex), and installed application package
(sysApplInstallPkgIndex) can be quickly determined.
::= { sysApplMap 1 }

sysApplMapEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX SysApplMapEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A logical row representing a process currently running on the system. This entry provides the index
mapping from process identifier, back to the invoked application, installed element, and finally, the
installed application package. The entry includes only one accessible columnar object, the
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex, but the invoked application and installed element can be determined from
the instance identifier since they form part of the index clause.
INDEX { sysApplElmtRunIndex, sysApplElmtRunInvocID, sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex }
SysApplMapEntry ::= SEQUENCE { sysApplMapInstallElmtIndexUnsigned32,
sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex Unsigned32 }
::= { sysApplMapTable 1 }

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Conformance Macros

sysApplMapInstallElmtIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The index into the sysApplInstallElmtTable. The value of this object is the same value as the
sysApplInstallElmtIndex for the application element of which this entry represents a running instance.
If this process cannot be associated to an installed executable, the value should be '0'.
::= { sysApplMapEntry 1 }

sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0..'ffffffff'h)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of this object identifies the installed software package for the application of which this process
is a part. Provided that the process's 'parent' application can be determined, the value of this object is
the same value as the sysApplInstallPkgIndex for the entry in the sysApplInstallPkgTable that
corresponds to the installed application of which this process is a part.
If, however, the 'parent' application cannot be determined, (for example the process is not part of a
particular installed application), the value for this object is then '0', signifying that this process cannot
be related back to an application, and in turn, an installed software package.
::= { sysApplMapEntry 2 }

Conformance Macros
::= { sysApplConformance 1 }

::= { sysApplConformance 2 }

STATUS current
Describes the requirements for conformance to the System Application MIB MODULE.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { sysApplInstalledGroup, sysApplRunGroup, sysApplMapGroup }
::= { sysApplMIBCompliances 1 }

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Conformance Macros

sysApplInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { sysApplInstallPkgManufacturer, sysApplInstallPkgProductName, sysApplInstallPkgVersion,
sysApplInstallPkgSerialNumber, sysApplInstallPkgDate, sysApplInstallPkgLocation,
sysApplInstallElmtName, sysApplInstallElmtType, sysApplInstallElmtDate, sysApplInstallElmtPath,
sysApplInstallElmtSizeHigh, sysApplInstallElmtSizeLow, sysApplInstallElmtRole,
sysApplInstallElmtModifyDate, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeHigh, sysApplInstallElmtCurSizeLow }
STATUS current
The system application installed group contains information about applications and their constituent
components which have been installed on the host system.
::= { sysApplMIBGroups 1 }

sysApplRunGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { sysApplRunStarted, sysApplRunCurrentState, sysApplPastRunStarted,
sysApplPastRunExitState, sysApplPastRunTimeEnded, sysApplElmtRunInstallID,
sysApplElmtRunTimeStarted, sysApplElmtRunState, sysApplElmtRunName,
sysApplElmtRunParameters, sysApplElmtRunCPU, sysApplElmtRunMemory,
sysApplElmtRunNumFiles, sysApplElmtRunUser, sysApplElmtPastRunInstallID,
sysApplElmtPastRunTimeStarted, sysApplElmtPastRunTimeEnded, sysApplElmtPastRunName,
sysApplElmtPastRunParameters, sysApplElmtPastRunCPU, sysApplElmtPastRunMemory,
sysApplElmtPastRunNumFiles, sysApplElmtPastRunUser, sysApplPastRunMaxRows,
sysApplPastRunTableRemItems, sysApplPastRunTblTimeLimit, sysApplElemPastRunMaxRows,
sysApplElemPastRunTableRemItems, sysApplElemPastRunTblTimeLimit, sysApplAgentPollInterval
STATUS current
The system application run group contains information about applications and associated elements
which have run or are currently running on the host system.
::= { sysApplMIBGroups 2 }

sysApplMapGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { sysApplMapInstallPkgIndex }
STATUS current
The Map Group contains a single table, sysApplMapTable, that provides a backwards mapping for
determining the invoked application, installed element, and installed application package given a known
process identification number.
::= { sysApplMIBGroups 3 }

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Troubleshoot System Application MIB

Troubleshoot System Application MIB

Linux and Cisco Unified CM Releases 5.x 6.x 7.x

Collect the following logs and information for analysis. Execute the command file get activelog <paths
SNMP Master Agent Path : /platform/snmp/snmpdm/*
System Application Agent Path: /platform/snmp/sappagt/*

Windows and Cisco Unified CM Release 4.x

Collect the following logs and information for analysis:
Set the sysapp trace level to Detailed as follows, Enable TraceEnabled to true and TraceLevel to 3
from Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cisco Systems, Inc.\SnmpSysAppAgent.
Once you have edited it, restart the SNMP Service from the Services tab. You will see a trace file
C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpSysAppImpl.log created.
Run a snmpwalk on the sysApplInstallPkgTable.
Run a snmpwalk on the SysApplRunTable.
Collect the C:\Program Files\Cisco\bin\SnmpSysAppImpl.log log file once walk is
Collect the application and event logs from the event log viewer.

Servlets for Cisco Unified CM 7.x

The SysAppl MIB provides a way to get inventory of what is installed and running at a given time. SysAppl
agent cannot give the list of services activated or deactivated. It can only provide the running/not running
states of the application/services. Web App services/Servlets cannot be monitored using the SysAppl MIB.
Following are servlets for a 7.x system:
Cisco CallManager Admin
Cisco CallManager Cisco IP Phone Services
Cisco CallManager Personal Directory
Cisco CallManager Serviceability
Cisco CallManager Serviceability RTMT
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer
Cisco Extension Mobility
Cisco Extension Mobility Application
Cisco RTMT Reporter Servlet

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Cisco Tomcat Stats Servlet

Cisco Trace Collection Servlet
Cisco AXL Web Service
Cisco Unified Mobile Voice Access Service
Cisco Extension Mobility
Cisco IP Manager Assistant
Cisco WebDialer Web Service
Cisco CAR Web Service
Cisco Dialed Number Analyzer

For monitoring important service status for system health purposes, the following approaches are recommended:
Use the Serviceability API called GetServiceStatus. This API can provide complete status information
including activation status for both web application type and non web app services. (See AXL
Serviceability API Guide for more details.)
Use the utils service list command to check the status of different services.
Use the Syslog message and monitor the servM generated messages. For example:

Mar 18 16:40:52 ciscart26 local7 6 : 92: Mar 18 11:10:52.630 UTC :

Activated. Service Name:Cisco CallManager SNMP Service App ID:Cisco
Service Manager Cluster ID: Node ID:ciscart26

Frequently Asked Questions for System Application MIB

When the CCMVersion MIB and sysApplRunCurrentState returns incorrect values in Cisco Unified CM
Release 4.x, refer to CSCsk74156 to check if it is being hit. Verify if the fix for the defect has gone into the
Cisco Unified CM version used by customer.
When the SNMP walk on sysApp MIB is not responding, refer to CSCsh72473 to check if it is being hit.
Verify if the fix for the defect has gone into the Cisco Unified CM version used by customer.


Note This is a reformatted version of MIB-II. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this section from http:/

Before you can compile RFC1213-MIB, you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order listed.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 869
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
RFC1213-MIB Revisions

3 IANAifType-MIB
4 RFC1155-SMI
5 RFC-1212
6 RFC1213-MIB

RFC1213-MIB Revisions
The following changes have been applied:
The enumerations unknown(4) and dormant(5) have been added to ifOperStatus to reflect a change to
the ifTable introduced in RFC 1573.
The SYNTAX of ifType has been changed to IANAifType, to reflect the change to the ifTable introduced
in RFC1573.

RFC1213-MIB Definitions
The following definitions are imported for MIB-II:
mgmt, NetworkAddress, IpAddress, Counter, Gauge, TimeTicks
From SNMPv2-TCIANAifType
From IANAifType-MIB;

RFC1213-MIB Object Identifiers

This MIB module uses the extended OBJECT-TYPE macro as defined in [14]. MIB-II (same prefix as MIB-I)
mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }.

RFC1213-MIB Textual Conventions

DisplayString ::= OCTET STRING
This data type is used to model textual information taken from the NVT ASCII character set. By convention,
objects with this syntax are declared as having SIZE (0..255).
PhysAddress ::= OCTET STRING
This data type is used to model media addresses. For many types of media, this will be in a binary representation.
For example, an ethernet address would be represented as a string of 6 octets.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

870 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Groups in MIB-II

Groups in MIB-II
systemOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 1 }
interfacesOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
atOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 3 }
ipOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 4 }
icmpOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 5 }
tcpOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 6 }
udpOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 7 }
egpOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 8 }

cmotOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 9 }
transmissionOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 10 }
snmpOBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 11 }

System Group
Implementation of the system group is mandatory for all systems. If an agent is not configured to have a value
for any of these variables, a string of length 0 is returned.
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A textual description of the entity. This value should include the full name and version identification
of the system's hardware type, software operating-system, and networking software. It is mandatory
that this only contain printable ASCII characters.
::= { system 1 }

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OL-29844-01 871
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
System Group

SYNTAX Object Identifier
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The vendor authoritative identification of the network management subsystem contained in the entity.
This value is allocated within the SMI enterprises subtree ( and provides an easy and
unambiguous means for determining what kind of box is being managed. For example, if vendor
Flintstones, Inc. was assigned the subtree, it could assign the identifier to its Fred Router.
::= { system 2 }
SYNTAX TimeTicks
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The time (in hundredths of a second) since the network management portion of the system was
last re-initialized.
::= { system 3 }

sysContact OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together with information on
how to contact this person.
::= { system 4 }

SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
An administratively-assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's
fully-qualified domain name.
::= { system 5 }

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872 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

sysLocation OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The physical location of this node (e.g., telephone closet, 3rd floor).
::= { system 6 }

sysServices OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer (0..127)
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A value which indicates the set of services that this entity primarily offers. The value is a sum. This
sum initially takes the value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node
performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum. For example, a node which performs
primarily routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)). In contrast, a node which is a host offering
application services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)). Note that in the context of the Internet
suite of protocols, values should be calculated accordingly (layer first, then functionality):
1 physical (e.g., repeaters)
2 datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
3 internet (e.g., IP gateways)
4 end-to-end (e.g., IP hosts)
7 applications (e.g., mail relays)
For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted.
::= { system 7 }

Interfaces Group
Implementation of the Interfaces group is mandatory for all systems.
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system.
::= { interfaces 1 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 873
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

Interfaces Table
The interfaces table contains information on the entity interfaces. Each interface is thought of as being attached
to a subnetwork. Note that this term should not be confused with subnet which refers to an addressing
partitioning scheme used in the Internet suite of protocols.
SYNTAX Sequence of ifEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
A list of interface entries. The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber.
::= { interfaces 2 }

ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
An interface entry containing objects at the subnetwork layer and below for a particular interface.
INDEX { ifIndex }
::= { ifTable 1 }
IfEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { ifIndex INTEGER, ifDescr DisplayString, ifType IANAifType, ifMtu INTEGER,
ifSpeed Gauge, ifPhysAddress PhysAddress, ifAdminStatus INTEGER, ifOperStatus INTEGER,
ifLastChange TimeTicks, ifInOctets Counter, ifInUcastPkts Counter, ifInNUcastPkts Counter,
ifInDiscards Counter, ifInErrors Counter, ifInUnknownProtos Counter, ifOutOctets Counter,
ifOutUcastPkts Counter, ifOutNUcastPkts Counter, ifOutDiscards Counter, ifOutErrors Counter,
ifOutQLen Gauge, ifSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A unique value for each interface. Its value ranges between 1 and the value of ifNumber. The value for
each interface must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity network management
system to the next re- initialization.
::= { ifEntry 1 }

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874 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A textual string containing information about the interface. This string should include the name of the
manufacturer, the product name and the version of the hardware interface.
::= { ifEntry 2 }

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The type of interface. Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention.
::= { ifEntry 3 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The size of the largest datagram which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets. For
interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network
datagram that can be sent on the interface.
::= { ifEntry 4 }

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
An estimate of the interface current bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces which do not vary in
bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal
::= { ifEntry 5 }

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OL-29844-01 875
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The interface address at the protocol layer immediately below the network layer in the protocol stack.
For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain an octet
string of zero length.
::= { ifEntry 6 }

ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { up(1), ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) in some test mode }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
::= { ifEntry 7 }

ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), dormant(5) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The current operational state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed.
::= { ifEntry 8 }

ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current
state was entered prior to the last re- initialization of the local network management subsystem, then
this object contains a zero value.
::= { ifEntry 9 }

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876 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
DESCRIPTION The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
::= { ifEntry 10 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of subnetwork-unicast packets delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
::= { ifEntry 11 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork- broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets delivered to
a higher-layer protocol.
::= { ifEntry 12 }

ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been
detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding
such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
::= { ifEntry 13 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 877
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
higher-layer protocol.
::= { ifEntry 14 }

ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or
unsupported protocol.
::= { ifEntry 15 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
::= { ifEntry 16 }

ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a subnetwork-unicast
address, including those that were discarded or not sent.
::= { ifEntry 17 }

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878 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interfaces Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted to a non- unicast (i.e.,
a subnetwork-broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) address, including those that were discarded or not
::= { ifEntry 18 }

ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been
detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be
to free up buffer space.
::= { ifEntry 19 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
::= { ifEntry 20 }

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The length of the output packet queue (in packets).
::= { ifEntry 21 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 879
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Address Translation Group

ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the interface. For
example, if the interface is realized by an ethernet, then the value of this object refers to a document
defining objects specific to ethernet. If this information is not present, its value should be set to the
OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid object identifier, and any conformant
implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to generate and recognize this value.
::= { ifEntry 22 }

Address Translation Group

Implementation of the Address Translation group is mandatory for all systems. Note however that this group
is deprecated by MIB-II. That is, it is being included solely for compatibility with MIB-I nodes, and will most
likely be excluded from MIB-III nodes. From MIB-II and onwards, each network protocol group contains its
own address translation tables. The Address Translation group contains one table which is the union across
all interfaces of the translation tables for converting a NetworkAddress (e.g., an IP address) into a
subnetwork-specific address. For lack of a better term, this document refers to such a subnetwork-specific
address as a physical address.
Examples of such translation tables are: for broadcast media where ARP is in use, the translation table is
equivalent to the ARP cache; or, on an X.25 network where non-algorithmic translation to X.121 addresses
is required, the translation table contains the NetworkAddress to X.121 address equivalences.
SYNTAX Sequence of atEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
The Address Translation tables contain the NetworkAddress to physical address equivalences. Some
interfaces do not use translation tables for determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an
algorithmic method); if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address Translation table is empty, i.e.,
has zero entries.
::= { at 1 }

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880 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Address Translation Group

ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
Each entry contains one NetworkAddress to physical address equivalence.
INDEX { atIfIndex, atNetAddress }
::= { atTable 1 }
AtEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { atIfIndex INTEGER, atPhysAddress PhysAddress, atNetAddress NetworkAddress }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
The interface on which this entry equivalence is effective. The interface identified by a particular value
of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
::= { atEntry 1 }

atPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
The media-dependent physical address. Setting this object to a null string (one of zero length) has the
effect of invaliding the corresponding entry in the atTable object. That is, it effectively disassociates
the interface identified with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry. It is an
implementation-specific matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that
corresponds to entries not currently in use.
Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant atPhysAddress object.
::= { atEntry 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 881
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

atNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX NetworkAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
The NetworkAddress (e.g., the IP address) corresponding to the media-dependent physical address.
::= { atEntry 3 }

IP Group
Implementation of the IP group is mandatory for all systems.
ipForwarding OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { forwarding(1), -- acting as a gateway not-forwarding(2) -- NOT acting as a
gateway }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of datagrams
received by, but not addressed to, this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams. IP hosts do not (except
those source-routed via the host). Note that for some managed nodes, this object may take on only a
subset of the values possible. Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a badValue response
if a management station attempts to change this object to an inappropriate value.
::= { ip 1 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this
entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
::= { ip 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

882 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipInReceives OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
::= { ip 3 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums,
version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing
their IP options, etc.
::= { ip 4 }

ipInAddrErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field
was not a valid address to be received at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses (e.g.,
and addresses of unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and
therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination
address was not a local address.
::= { ip 5 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 883
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipForwDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of
which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which
do not act as IP Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were Source-Routed via
this entity, and the Source- Route option processing was successful.
::= { ip 6 }

ipInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown
or unsupported protocol.
::= { ip 7 }

ipInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued
processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not
include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.
::= { ip 8 }

ipInDelivers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
::= { ip 9 }

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884 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user-protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in
requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any datagrams counted in
::= { ip 10 }

ipOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission
to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter
would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such packets met this (discretionary)
discard criterion.
::= { ip 11 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their
destination. Note that this counter includes any packets counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this
no-route criterion. Note that this includes any datagrams which a host cannot route because all of its
default gateways are down.
::= { ip 12 }

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OL-29844-01 885
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipReasmTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The maximum number of seconds which received fragments are held while they are awaiting reassembly
at this entity.
::= { ip 13 }

ipReasmReqds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
::= { ip 14 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.
::= { ip 15 }

ipReasmFails OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors,
etc). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably
the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are
::= { ip 16 }

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886 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
::= { ip 17 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this
entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
::= { ip 18 }

ipFragCreates OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this
::= { ip 19 }

IP Address Table
The IP address table contains this entity IP addressing information.
SYNTAX Sequence of ipAddrEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
The table of addressing information relevant to this entity IP addresses.
::= { ip 20 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 887
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

SYNTAX IpAddrEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
The addressing information for one of this entity IP addresses.
INDEX { ipAdEntAddr }
::= { ipAddrTable 1 }
IpAddrEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { ipAdEntAddr IpAddress, ipAdEntIfIndex INTEGER, ipAdEntNetMask IpAddress,
ipAdEntBcastAddr INTEGER, ipAdEntReasmMaxSize INTEGER (0..65535) }

SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The IP address to which this entry addressing information pertains.
::= { ipAddrEntry 1 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The index value which uniquely identifies the interface to which this entry is applicable. The interface
identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of
::= { ipAddrEntry 2 }

SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The subnet mask associated with the IP address of this entry. The value of the mask is an IP address
with all the network bits set to 1 and all the hosts bits set to 0.
::= { ipAddrEntry 3 }

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888 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipAdEntBcastAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcast address used for sending datagrams on the
(logical) interface associated with the IP address of this entry. For example, when the Internet standard
all-ones broadcast address is used, the value will be 1. This value applies to both the subnet and network
broadcasts addresses used by the entity on this (logical) interface.
::= { ipAddrEntry 4 }

ipAdEntReasmMaxSize OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer (0..65535)
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented
datagrams received on this interface.
::= { ipAddrEntry 5 }

IP Routing Table
-- The IP routing table contains an entry for each route
-- presently known to this entity.
ipRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of ipRouteEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
This entity IP Routing table.
::= { ip 21 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 889
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpRouteEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
A route to a particular destination.
INDEX { ipRouteDest }
::= { ipRouteTable 1 }
IpRouteEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { ipRouteDest IpAddress, ipRouteIfIndex INTEGER, ipRouteMetric1 INTEGER,
ipRouteMetric2 INTEGER, ipRouteMetric3 INTEGER, ipRouteMetric4 INTEGER, ipRouteNextHop
IpAddress, ipRouteType INTEGER, ipRouteProto INTEGER, ipRouteAge INTEGER, ipRouteMask
IpAddress, ipRouteMetric5 INTEGER, ipRouteInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER }

SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The destination IP address of this route. An entry with a value of is considered a default route.
Multiple routes to a single destination can appear in the table, but access to such multiple entries is
dependent on the table-access mechanisms defined by the network management protocol in use.
::= { ipRouteEntry 1 }

ipRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The index value which uniquely identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route
should be reached. The interface identified by a particular value of this index is the same interface as
identified by the same value of ifIndex.
::= { ipRouteEntry 2 }

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890 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should
be set to -1.
::= { ipRouteEntry 3 }

ipRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should
be set to -1.
::= { ipRouteEntry 4 }

ipRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should
be set to -1.
::= { ipRouteEntry 5 }

ipRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should
be set to -1.
::= { ipRouteEntry 6 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 891
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The IP address of the next hop of this route. (In the case of a route bound to an interface which is
realized via a broadcast media, the value of this field is the agent's IP address on that interface.)
::= { ipRouteEntry 7 }

SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following invalid(2), -- an invalidated route -- route to
directly direct(3), -- connected (sub-)network -- route to a non-local indirect(4) --
host/network/sub-network }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The type of route. Note that the values direct(3) and indirect(4) refer to the notion of direct and indirect
routing in the IP architecture. Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating
the corresponding entry in the ipRouteTable object. That is, it effectively disassociates the destination
identified with said entry from the route identified with said entry. It is an implementation-specific
matter as to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table.
Accordingly, management stations must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that
corresponds to entries not currently in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination
of the relevant ipRouteType object.
::= { ipRouteEntry 8 }

ipRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), -- none of the following -- non-protocol information, -- e.g., manually
configured local(2), -- entries -- set via a network netmgmt(3), -- management protocol -- obtained via
ICMP, icmp(4), -- e.g., Redirect -- the remaining values are -- all gateway routing -- protocols egp(5),
ggp(6), hello(7), rip(8), is-is(9), es-is(10), ciscoIgrp(11), bbnSpfIgp(12), ospf(13), bgp(14) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The routing mechanism via which this route was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway routing
protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols.
::= { ipRouteEntry 9 }

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892 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct. Note
that no semantics of too old can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which
the route was learned.
::= { ipRouteEntry 10 }

SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address before being compared to the value
in the ipRouteDest field. For those systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs
the value of the ipRouteMask by determining whether the value of the correspondent ipRouteDest field
belong to a class-A, B, or C network, and then using one of: mask network class-A,
class-B, class-C. If the value of the ipRouteDest is (a default route), then the
mask value is also It should be noted that all IP routing subsystems implicitly use this mechanism.
::= { ipRouteEntry 11 }

ipRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the
routing-protocol specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should
be set to -1.
::= { ipRouteEntry 12 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 893
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular routing protocol which is responsible for this
route, as determined by the value specified in the route ipRouteProto value. If this information is not
present, its value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid
object identifier, and any conformant implementation of ASN.1 and BER must be able to generate and
recognize this value.
::= { ipRouteEntry 13 }

IP Address Translation Table

The IP address translation table contain the IP Address to physical address equivalences. Some interfaces do
not use translation tables for determining address equivalences (e.g., DDN-X.25 has an algorithmic method);
if all interfaces are of this type, then the Address Translation table is empty, i.e., has zero entries.
ipNetToMediaTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of ipNetToMediaEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
The IP Address Translation table used for mapping from IP addresses to physical addresses.
::= { ip 22 }

ipNetToMediaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpNetToMediaEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
Each entry contains one IpAddress to physical address equivalence.
INDEX { ipNetToMediaIfIndex, ipNetToMediaNetAddress }
::= { ipNetToMediaTable 1 }
IpNetToMediaEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { ipNetToMediaIfIndex INTEGER, ipNetToMediaPhysAddress PhysAddress,
ipNetToMediaNetAddress IpAddress, ipNetToMediaType INTEGER }

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894 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IP Group

ipNetToMediaIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The interface on which this entry's equivalence is effective. The interface identified by a particular
value of this index is the same interface as identified by the same value of ifIndex.
::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 1 }

ipNetToMediaPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The media-dependent physical address.
::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 2 }

ipNetToMediaNetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The IpAddress corresponding to the media- dependent physical address.
::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 3 }

ipNetToMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following invalid(2), -- an invalidated mapping dynamic(3),
static(4) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The type of mapping. Setting this object to the value invalid(2) has the effect of invalidating the
corresponding entry in the ipNetToMediaTable. That is, it effectively disassociates the interface identified
with said entry from the mapping identified with said entry. It is an implementation-specific matter as
to whether the agent removes an invalidated entry from the table. Accordingly, management stations
must be prepared to receive tabular information from agents that corresponds to entries not currently
in use. Proper interpretation of such entries requires examination of the relevant ipNetToMediaType
::= { ipNetToMediaEntry 4 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 895
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

Additional IP Objects
ipRoutingDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid. One
possible reason for discarding such an entry could be to free-up buffer space for other routing entries.
::= { ip 23 }

ICMP Group
Implementation of the ICMP group is mandatory for all systems.
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of ICMP messages which the entity received. Note that this counter includes all those
counted by icmpInErrors.
::= { icmp 1 }

icmpInErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP messages which the entity received but determined as having ICMP-specific
errors (bad ICMP checksums, bad length, etc.).
::= { icmp 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

896 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

icmpInDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
::= { icmp 3 }

icmpInTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
::= { icmp 4 }

icmpInParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
::= { icmp 5 }

icmpInSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
::= { icmp 6 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 897
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

icmpInRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
::= { icmp 7 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
::= { icmp 8 }

icmpInEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
::= { icmp 9 }

icmpInTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
::= { icmp 10 }

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898 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

icmpInTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
::= { icmp 11 }

icmpInAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
::= { icmp 12 }

icmpInAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
::= { icmp 13 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of ICMP messages which this entity attempted to send. Note that this counter includes
all those counted by icmpOutErrors.
::= { icmp 14 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 899
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

icmpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP messages which this entity did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP
such as a lack of buffers. This value should not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer such
as the inability of IP to route the resultant datagram. In some implementations there may be no types
of error which contribute to this counter value.
::= { icmp 15 }

icmpOutDestUnreachs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
::= { icmp 16 }

icmpOutTimeExcds OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.
::= { icmp 17 }

icmpOutParmProbs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages
::= { icmp 18 }

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900 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
ICMP Group

icmpOutSrcQuenchs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
::= { icmp 19 }

icmpOutRedirects OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this object will always be zero, since hosts
do not send redirects.
::= { icmp 20 }

icmpOutEchos OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
::= { icmp 21 }

icmpOutEchoReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
::= { icmp 22 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 901
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

icmpOutTimestamps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
::= { icmp 23 }

icmpOutTimestampReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
::= { icmp 24 }

icmpOutAddrMasks OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
::= { icmp 25 }

icmpOutAddrMaskReps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
::= { icmp 26 }

TCP Group
Implementation of the TCP group is mandatory for all systems that implement the TCP. Note that instances
of object types that represent information about a particular TCP connection are transient; they persist only
as long as the connection in question.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

902 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

tcpRtoAlgorithm OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { other(1), -- none of the following constant(2), -- a constant rto rsre(3), --
MIL-STD-1778, Appendix B vanj(4) -- Van Jacobson's algorithm [10] }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets.
::= { tcp 1 }

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in
milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine
the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type
has the semantics of the LBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.
::= { tcp 2 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in
milliseconds. More refined semantics for objects of this type depend upon the algorithm used to determine
the retransmission timeout. In particular, when the timeout algorithm is rsre(3), an object of this type
has the semantics of the UBOUND quantity described in RFC 793.
::= { tcp 3 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The limit on the total number of TCP connections the entity can support. In entities where the maximum
number of connections is dynamic, this object should contain the value -1.
::= { tcp 4 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 903
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

tcpActiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the
CLOSED state.
::= { tcp 5 }

tcpPassiveOpens OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the
LISTEN state.
::= { tcp 6 }

tcpAttemptFails OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made
a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
::= { tcp 7 }

tcpEstabResets OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either
the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
::= { tcp 8 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

904 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

tcpCurrEstab OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-
::= { tcp 9 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count includes segments
received on currently established connections.
::= { tcp 10 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing
only retransmitted octets.
::= { tcp 11 }

tcpRetransSegs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of segments retransmitted that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing
one or more previously transmitted octets.
::= { tcp 12 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 905
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

TCP Connection Table

The TCP connection table contains information about this entity existing TCP connections.
tcpConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of tcpConnEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
A table containing TCP connection-specific information.
::= { tcp 13 }

tcpConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TcpConnEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
Information about a particular current TCP connection. An object of this type is transient, in that it
ceases to exist when (or soon after) the connection makes the transition to the CLOSED state.
INDEX { tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort, tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort }
::= { tcpConnTable 1 }
TcpConnEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { tcpConnState INTEGER, tcpConnLocalAddress IpAddress, tcpConnLocalPort INTEGER
(0..65535), tcpConnRemAddress IpAddress, tcpConnRemPort INTEGER (0..65535) }

tcpConnState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { closed(1), listen(2), synSent(3), synReceived(4), established(5), finWait1(6),
finWait2(7), closeWait(8), lastAck(9), closing(10), timeWait(11), deleteTCB(12) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
The state of this TCP connection. The only value which may be set by a management station is
deleteTCB(12). Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a badValue response if a management
station attempts to set this object to any other value. If a management station sets this object to the value
deleteTCB(12), then this has the effect of deleting the TCB (as defined in RFC 793) of the corresponding
connection on the managed node, resulting in immediate termination of the connection.
As an implementation-specific option, a RST segment may be sent from the managed node to the other
TCP endpoint (note however that RST segments are not sent reliably).
::= { tcpConnEntry 1 }

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906 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
TCP Group

tcpConnLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The local IP address for this TCP connection. In the case of a connection in the listen state which is
willing to accept connections for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
::= { tcpConnEntry 2 }

tcpConnLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The local port number for this TCP connection.
::= { tcpConnEntry 3 }

tcpConnRemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The remote IP address for this TCP connection.
::= { tcpConnEntry 4 }

tcpConnRemPort OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
::= { tcpConnEntry 5 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 907
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
UDP Group

Additional TCP Objects

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums).
::= { tcp 14 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.
::= { tcp 15 }

UDP Group
Implementation of the UDP group is mandatory for all systems which implement the UDP.
udpInDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
::= { udp 1 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.
::= { udp 2 }

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908 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
UDP Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of
an application at the destination port.
::= { udp 3 }

udpOutDatagrams OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
::= { udp 4 }

UDP Listener Table

The UDP listener table contains information about this entity UDP end-points on which a local application
is currently accepting datagrams.
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
A table containing UDP listener information.
::= { udp 5 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 909
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
Information about a particular current UDP listener.
INDEX { udpLocalAddress, udpLocalPort }
::= { udpTable 1 }
UdpEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { udpLocalAddress IpAddress, udpLocalPort INTEGER (0..65535) }

udpLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The local IP address for this UDP listener. In the case of a UDP listener which is willing to accept
datagrams for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
::= { udpEntry 1 }

udpLocalPort OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The local port number for this UDP listener.
::= { udpEntry 2 }

EGP Group
Implementation of the EGP group is mandatory for all systems which implement the EGP.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

910 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP messages received without error.
::= { egp 1 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP messages received that proved to be in error.
::= { egp 2 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of locally generated EGP messages.
::= { egp 3 }

egpOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent due to resource limitations within an EGP
::= { egp 4 }

EGP Neighbor Table

The EGP neighbor table contains information about this entity EGP neighbors.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 911
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

egpNeighTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
The EGP neighbor table.
::= { egp 5 }

egpNeighEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX EgpNeighEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
Information about this entity's relationship with a particular EGP neighbor.
INDEX { egpNeighAddr }
::= { egpNeighTable 1 }
EgpNeighEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { egpNeighState INTEGER, egpNeighAddr IpAddress, egpNeighAs INTEGER,
egpNeighInMsgs Counter, egpNeighInErrs Counter, egpNeighOutMsgs Counter, egpNeighOutErrs
Counter, egpNeighInErrMsgs Counter, egpNeighOutErrMsgs Counter, egpNeighStateUps Counter,
egpNeighStateDowns Counter, egpNeighIntervalHello INTEGER, egpNeighIntervalPoll INTEGER,
egpNeighMode INTEGER, egpNeighEventTrigger INTEGER }

egpNeighState OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { idle(1), acquisition(2), down(3), up(4), cease(5) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The EGP state of the local system with respect to the entry EGP neighbor. Each EGP state is represented
by a value that is one greater than the numerical value associated with said state in RFC 904.
::= { egpNeighEntry 1 }

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912 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

egpNeighAddr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IpAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The IP address of this entry's EGP neighbor.
::= { egpNeighEntry 2 }

SYNTAX Integer
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The autonomous system of this EGP peer. Zero should be specified if the autonomous system number
of the neighbor is not yet known.
::= { egpNeighEntry 3 }

egpNeighInMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP messages received without error from this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 4 }

egpNeighInErrs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP messages received from this EGP peer that proved to be in error (e.g., bad EGP
::= { egpNeighEntry 5 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 913
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

egpNeighOutMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of locally generated EGP messages to this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 6 }

egpNeighOutErrs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of locally generated EGP messages not sent to this EGP peer due to resource limitations
within an EGP entity.
::= { egpNeighEntry 7 }

egpNeighInErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP-defined error messages received from this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 8 }

egpNeighOutErrMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP-defined error messages sent to this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 9 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

914 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
EGP Group

egpNeighStateUps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP state transitions to the UP state with this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 10 }

egpNeighStateDowns OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The number of EGP state transitions from the UP state to any other state with this EGP peer.
::= { egpNeighEntry 11 }

egpNeighIntervalHello OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The interval between EGP Hello command retransmissions (in hundredths of a second). This represents
the t1 timer as defined in RFC 904.
::= { egpNeighEntry 12 }

egpNeighIntervalPoll OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The interval between EGP poll command retransmissions (in hundredths of a second). This represents
the t3 timer as defined in RFC 904.
::= { egpNeighEntry 13 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 915
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Transmission Group

egpNeighMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), passive(2) }
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The polling mode of this EGP entity, either passive or active.
::= { egpNeighEntry 14 }

egpNeighEventTrigger OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { start(1), stop(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
A control variable used to trigger operator-initiated Start and Stop events. When read, this variable
always returns the most recent value that egpNeighEventTrigger was set to. If it has not been set since
the last initialization of the network management subsystem on the node, it returns a value of stop.
When set, this variable causes a Start or Stop event on the specified neighbor, as specified on pages
8-10 of RFC 904. Briefly, a Start event causes an Idle peer to begin neighbor acquisition and a non-Idle
peer to reinitiate neighbor acquisition. A stop event causes a non-Idle peer to return to the Idle state
until a Start event occurs, either via egpNeighEventTrigger or otherwise.
::= { egpNeighEntry 15 }

Additional EGP Objects

ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The autonomous system number of this EGP entity.
::= { egp 6 }

Transmission Group
Based on the transmission media underlying each interface on a system, the corresponding portion of the
Transmission group is mandatory for that system. When Internet-standard definitions for managing transmission
media are defined, the transmission group is used to provide a prefix for the names of those objects. Typically,
such definitions reside in the experimental portion of the MIB until they are proven, then as a part of the
Internet standardization process, the definitions are accordingly elevated and a new object identifier, under
the transmission group is defined. By convention, the name assigned is: type OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {

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SNMP Group

transmission number } where type is the symbolic value used for the media in the ifType column of the ifTable
object, and number is the actual integer value corresponding to the symbol.

SNMP Group
Implementation of the SNMP group is mandatory for all systems which support an SNMP protocol entity.
Some of the objects defined below will be zero-valued in those SNMP implementations that are optimized to
support only those functions specific to either a management agent or a management station. In particular, it
should be observed that the objects below refer to an SNMP entity, and there may be several SNMP entities
residing on a managed node (e.g., if the node is hosting acting as a management station).
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of Messages delivered to the SNMP entity from the transport service.
::= { snmp 1 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Messages which were passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport
::= { snmp 2 }

snmpInBadVersions OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Messages which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for
an unsupported SNMP version.
::= { snmp 3 }

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SNMP Group

snmpInBadCommunityNames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which used a SNMP
community name not known to said entity.
::= { snmp 4 }

snmpInBadCommunityUses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which represented an
SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the Message.
::= { snmp 5 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP protocol entity when decoding
received SNMP Messages.
::= { snmp 6 }
-- { snmp 7 } is not used

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
::= { snmp 8 }

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SNMP Group

snmpInNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.
::= { snmp 9 }

snmpInBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is 'badValue'.
::= { snmp 10 }

snmpInReadOnlys OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is readOnly. It should be noted that it is a protocol error to generate
an SNMP PDU which contains the value readOnly in the error-status field, as such this object is provided
as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of the SNMP.
::= { snmp 11 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is genErr.
::= { snmp 12 }

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SNMP Group

snmpInTotalReqVars OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of MIB objects which have been retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next PDUs.
::= { snmp 13 }

snmpInTotalSetVars OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of MIB objects which have been altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity
as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs.
::= { snmp 14 }

snmpInGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
protocol entity.
::= { snmp 15 }

snmpInGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
protocol entity.
::= { snmp 16 }

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SNMP Group

snmpInSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
protocol entity.
::= { snmp 17 }

snmpInGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP
protocol entity.
::= { snmp 18 }

SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol
::= { snmp 19 }

snmpOutTooBigs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
::= { snmp 20 }

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SNMP Group

snmpOutNoSuchNames OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status is noSuchName.
::= { snmp 21 }

snmpOutBadValues OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is badValue.
::= { snmp 22 }
-- { snmp 23 } is not used

snmpOutGenErrs OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP PDUs which were generated by the SNMP protocol entity and for which
the value of the error-status field is genErr.
::= { snmp 24 }

snmpOutGetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol
::= { snmp 25 }

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SNMP Group

snmpOutGetNexts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
::= { snmp 26 }

snmpOutSetRequests OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
::= { snmp 27 }

snmpOutGetResponses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol
::= { snmp 28 }

snmpOutTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
::= { snmp 29 }

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snmpEnableAuthenTraps OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
ACCESS read-write
STATUS mandatory
Indicates whether the SNMP agent process is permitted to generate authentication-failure traps. The
value of this object overrides any configuration information; as such, it provides a means whereby all
authentication-failure traps may be disabled. Note that it is strongly recommended that this object be
stored in non-volatile memory so that it remains constant between re-initializations of the network
management system.
::= { snmp 30 }


Note This is a reformatted version of HOST-RESOURCE-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this
section from

This MIB manages host systems. The term host means any computer that communicates with other similar
computers attached to the internet and that is directly used by one or more human beings. Although this MIB
does not necessarily apply to devices whose primary function is communications services (terminal servers,
routers, bridges, and monitoring equipment), such relevance is not explicitly precluded. This MIB contains
attributes that are common to all internet hosts including, for example, both personal computers and systems
that run variants of Unix.
Before you can compile HOST-RESOURCES-MIB , you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order
5 IANAifType-MIB
7 RFC1155-SMI
8 RFC-1212
9 SNMPv2-SMI-v1
10 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:


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The following table lists the revisions to this MIB beginning with the latest revision.

Table 139: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

03-06-2000 Added and updated Clarifications and bug fixes based on implementation
experience. This revision was also reformatted in the
SMIv2 format. The revisions made were:
Reformatted to new RFC document standards
Added copyright notice
Updated introduction to SNMP Framework
Updated references section
Added reference to RFC 2119
Added a meaningful security considerations

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Industry-Standard Management Information Base

Date Action Description

New IANA considerations section for registration of
new types, conversion to new SMIv2 syntax for the
following types and macros:
Counter32, Integer32, Gauge32,
Used new Textual Conventions: TruthValue,
DateAndTime, AutonomousType,
Fixed typo in hrPrinterStatus
Added missing error bits to
Clarified confusion resulting from suggested
mappings to hrPrinterStatus.
Clarified that size of objects of type
InternationalDisplayString is number of octets,
not number of encoded symbols.
Clarified the use of the following objects based
on implementation experience:
hrSystemInitialLoadParameters, hrMemorySize,
hrStorageSize, hrStorageAllocationFailures,
hrDeviceErrors, hrProcessorLoad,
hrNetworkIfIndex, hrDiskStorageCapacity,
hrSWRunStatus, hrSWRunPerfCPU, and
Clarified implementation technique for
Used new AUGMENTS clause for
Added Internationalization Considerations
section. This revision published as RFC2790.

10-20-1999 Initial Version The original version of this MIB, published as

RFC1514. ::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 1 }

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The following definitions are imported for HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:
MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, mib-2, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, TimeTicks
From SNMPv2-SMITEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, TruthValue, DateAndTime,
From SNMPv2-CONFInterfaceIndexOrZero
From IF-MIBhostResourcesMibModule MODULE-IDENTITY

HOST-RESOURCES-MIB Object Identifiers

host OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 25 }
hrSystem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 1 }
hrStorage OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 2 }
hrDevice OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 3 }
hrSWRun OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 4 }
hrSWRunPerf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 5 }
hrSWInstalled OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 6 }
hrMIBAdminInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { host 7 }

Host Resources MIB Textual Conventions

STATUS current
Storage size, expressed in units of 1024 bytes.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

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Host Resources System Group


STATUS current
This textual convention is intended to identify the manufacturer, model, and version of a specific
hardware or software product. It is suggested that these OBJECT IDENTIFIERs are allocated such that
all products from a particular manufacturer are registered under a subtree distinct to that manufacturer.
In addition, all versions of a product should be registered under a subtree distinct to that product. With
this strategy, a management station may uniquely determine the manufacturer and/or model of a product
whose productID is unknown to the management station. Objects of this type may be useful for inventory
purposes or for automatically detecting incompatibilities or version mismatches between various
hardware and software components on a system.
For example, the product ID for the ACME 4860 66MHz clock doubled processor might be:
enterprises.acme.acmeProcessors.a4860DX2.MHz66. A software product might be registered as:
UnknownProduct will be used for any unknown ProductID. UnknownProduct OBJECT IDENTIFIER
::= { 0 0 }.

InternationalDisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current
This data type is used to model textual information in some character set. A network management
station should use a local algorithm to determine which character set is in use and how it should be
displayed. Note that this character set may be encoded with more than one octet per symbol, but will
most often be NVT ASCII. When a size clause is specified for an object of this type, the size refers to
the length in octets, not the number of symbols.

Host Resources System Group

hrSystemUptime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The amount of time since this host was last initialized. Note that this is different from sysUpTime in
the SNMPv2-MIB [RFC1907] because sysUpTime is the uptime of the network management portion
of the system.
::= { hrSystem 1 }

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Host Resources System Group

hrSystemDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The host's notion of the local date and time of day.
::= { hrSystem 2 }

hrSystemInitialLoadDevice OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The index of the hrDeviceEntry for the device from which this host is configured to load its initial
operating system configuration (i.e., which operating system code and/or boot parameters). Note that
writing to this object just changes the configuration that will be used the next time the operating system
is loaded and does not actually cause the reload to occur.
::= { hrSystem 3 }

hrSystemInitialLoadParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
This object contains the parameters (e.g. a pathname and parameter) supplied to the load device when
requesting the initial operating system configuration from that device. Note that writing to this object
just changes the configuration that will be used the next time the operating system is loaded and does
not actually cause the reload to occur.
::= { hrSystem 4 }

hrSystemNumUsers OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of user sessions for which this host is storing state information. A session is a collection
of processes requiring a single act of user authentication and possibly subject to collective job control.
::= { hrSystem 5 }

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Host Resources Storage Group

hrSystemProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of process contexts currently loaded or running on this system.
::= { hrSystem 6 }

hrSystemMaxProcesses OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The maximum number of process contexts this system can support. If there is no fixed maximum, the
value should be zero. On systems that have a fixed maximum, this object can help diagnose failures
that occur when this maximum is reached.
::= { hrSystem 7 }

Host Resources Storage Group

Registration point for storage types, for use with hrStorageType. These are defined in the
hrStorageTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrStorage 1 }
hrMemorySize OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The amount of physical read-write main memory, typically RAM, contained by the host.
::= { hrStorage 2 }

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Host Resources Storage Group

hrStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of HrStorageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of logical storage areas on the host. An entry shall be placed in the storage table
for each logical area of storage that is allocated and has fixed resource limits. The amount of storage
represented in an entity is the amount actually usable by the requesting entity, and excludes loss due
to formatting or file system reference information.
These entries are associated with logical storage areas, as might be seen by an application, rather than
physical storage entities which are typically seen by an operating system. Storage such as tapes and
floppies without file systems on them are typically not allocated in chunks by the operating system to
requesting applications, and therefore shouldn't appear in this table. Examples of valid storage for this
table include disk partitions, file systems, RAM (for some architectures this is further segmented into
regular memory, extended memory, and so on), backing store for virtual memory (`swap space').
This table is intended to be a useful diagnostic for out of memory and out of buffers types of failures.
In addition, it can be a useful performance monitoring tool for tracking memory, disk, or buffer usage.
::= { hrStorage 3 }

hrStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HrStorageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one logical storage area on the host. As an example, an instance of the
hrStorageType object might be named hrStorageType.3
INDEX { hrStorageIndex }
::= { hrStorageTable 1 }
hrStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrStorageIndex Integer32, hrStorageTypeAutonomousType,
hrStorageDescr DisplayString, hrStorageAllocationUnits Integer32, hrStorageSizeInteger32,
hrStorageUsedInteger32, hrStorageAllocationFailures Counter32 }

hrStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each logical storage area contained by the host.
::= { hrStorageEntry 1 }

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Host Resources Storage Group

hrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of storage represented by this entry.
::= { hrStorageEntry 2 }

hrStorageDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the type and instance of the storage described by this entry.
::= { hrStorageEntry 3 }

hrStorageAllocationUnits OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The size, in bytes, of the data objects allocated from this pool. If this entry is monitoring sectors, blocks,
buffers, or packets, for example, this number will commonly be greater than one. Otherwise this number
will typically be one.
::= { hrStorageEntry 4 }

hrStorageSize OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The size of the storage represented by this entry, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits. This object is
writable to allow remote configuration of the size of the storage area in those cases where such an
operation makes sense and is possible on the underlying system. For example, the amount of main
memory allocated to a buffer pool might be modified or the amount of disk space allocated to virtual
memory might be modified.
::= { hrStorageEntry 5 }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrStorageUsed OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The amount of the storage represented by this entry that is allocated, in units of hrStorageAllocationUnits.
::= { hrStorageEntry 6 }

hrStorageAllocationFailures OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of requests for storage represented by this entry that could not be honored due to not enough
storage. It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of Counter32, that it does not have a
defined initial value. However, it is recommended that this object be initialized to zero, even though
management stations must not depend on such an initialization.
::= { hrStorageEntry 7 }

Host Resources Device Group

The device group is useful for identifying and diagnosing the devices on a system. The hrDeviceTable contains
common information for any type of device. In addition, some devices have device-specific tables for more
detailed information. More such tables may be defined in the future for other device types. Registration point
for device types, for use with hrDeviceType. These are defined in the HOST-RESOURCES-TYPES module.
hrDeviceTypes OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hrDevice 1 }
hrDeviceTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of devices contained by the host.
::= { hrDevice 2 }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrDeviceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrDeviceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one device contained by the host. As an example, an instance of the
hrDeviceType object might be named hrDeviceType.3
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
::= { hrDeviceTable 1 }
HrDeviceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrDeviceIndex Integer32, hrDeviceTypeAutonomousType,
hrDeviceDescr DisplayString, hrDeviceID ProductID, hrDeviceStatus INTEGER, hrDeviceErrors
Counter32 }

hrDeviceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each device contained by the host. The value for each device must remain constant
at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 1 }

hrDeviceType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication of the type of device. If this value is hrDeviceProcessor { hrDeviceTypes 3 } then an
entry exists in the hrProcessorTable which corresponds to this device. If this value is hrDeviceNetwork
{ hrDeviceTypes 4 }, then an entry exists in the hrNetworkTable which corresponds to this device. If
this value is hrDevicePrinter { hrDeviceTypes 5 }, then an entry exists in the hrPrinterTable which
corresponds to this device.
If this value is hrDeviceDiskStorage { hrDeviceTypes 6 }, then an entry exists in the
hrDiskStorageTable which corresponds to this device.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 2 }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrDeviceDescr OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual description of this device, including the device's manufacturer and revision, and optionally,
its serial number.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 3 }

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The product ID for this device.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 4 }

hrDeviceStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), running(2), warning(3), testing(4), down(5) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current operational state of the device described by this row of the table. A value unknown(1)
indicates that the current state of the device is unknown. running(2) indicates that the device is up and
running and that no unusual error conditions are known. The warning(3) state indicates that agent has
been informed of an unusual error condition by the operational software (e.g., a disk device driver) but
that the device is still 'operational'. An example would be a high number of soft errors on a disk. A
value of testing(4), indicates that the device is not available for use because it is in the testing state.
The state of down(5) is used only when the agent has been informed that the device is not available for
any use.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 5 }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrDeviceErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of errors detected on this device. It should be noted that as this object has a SYNTAX of
Counter32, that it does not have a defined initial value. However, it is recommended that this object be
initialized to zero, even though management stations must not depend on such an initialization.
::= { hrDeviceEntry 6 }

hrProcessorTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrProcessorEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of processors contained by the host. Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
(conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is
::= { hrDevice 3 }

hrProcessorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrProcessorEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one processor contained by the host. The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents
the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrProcessorEntry. As an example of how objects
in this table are named, an instance of the hrProcessorFrwID object might be named hrProcessorFrwID.3
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
::= { hrProcessorTable 1 }
HrProcessorEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrProcessorFrwIDProductID, hrProcessorLoad Integer32 }

hrProcessorFrwID OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The product ID of the firmware associated with the processor.
::= { hrProcessorEntry 1 }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrProcessorLoad OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..100)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The average, over the last minute, of the percentage of time that this processor was not idle.
Implementations may approximate this one minute smoothing period if necessary.
::= { hrProcessorEntry 2 }

hrNetworkTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrNetworkEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of network devices contained by the host. Note that this table is potentially
sparse: a (conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is
::= { hrDevice 4 }

hrNetworkEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrNetworkEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one network device contained by the host. The hrDeviceIndex in the index
represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrNetworkEntry. As an example of
how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrNetworkIfIndex object might be named
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
::= { hrNetworkTable 1 }
hrNetworkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrNetworkIfIndexInterfaceIndexOrZero }

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Host Resources Device Group

hrNetworkIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of ifIndex which corresponds to this network device. If this device is not represented in the
ifTable, then this value shall be zero.
::= { hrNetworkEntry 1 }

hrPrinterTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrPrinterEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of printers local to the host. Note that this table is potentially sparse: a (conceptual)
entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is hrDevicePrinter.
::= { hrDevice 5 }

hrPrinterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrPrinterEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one printer local to the host. The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the
entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrPrinterEntry.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrPrinterStatus object might
be named hrPrinterStatus.3
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
::= { hrPrinterTable 1 }
hrPrinterEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrPrinterStatus INTEGER, hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OCTET

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938 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

hrPrinterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), idle(3), printing(4), warmup(5) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current status of this printer device.
::= { hrPrinterEntry 1 }

hrPrinterDetectedErrorState OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object represents any error conditions detected by the printer. The error conditions are encoded
as bits in an octet string, with the following definitions (condition first then bit number):
lowPaper 0
noPaper 1
lowToner 2
noToner 3
doorOpen 4
offline 6
serviceRequested 7
inputTrayMissing 8
outputTrayMissing 9
markerSupplyMissing 10
outputNearFull 11
outputFull 12
inputTrayEmpty 13
overduePreventMaint 14

Bits are numbered starting with the most significant bit of the first byte being bit 0, the least significant
bit of the first byte being bit 7, the most significant bit of the second byte being bit 8, and so on. A one
bit encodes that the condition was detected, while a zero bit encodes that the condition was not detected.
This object is useful for alerting an operator to specific warning or error conditions that may occur,
especially those requiring human intervention.
::= { hrPrinterEntry 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 939
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

hrDiskStorageTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrDiskStorageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of long-term storage devices contained by the host. In particular, disk devices
accessed remotely over a network are not included here. Note that this table is potentially sparse: a
(conceptual) entry exists only if the correspondent value of the hrDeviceType object is
::= { hrDevice 6 }

hrDiskStorageEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrDiskStorageEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one long-term storage device contained by the host. The hrDeviceIndex in the
index represents the entry in the hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrDiskStorageEntry. As an
example, an instance of the hrDiskStorageCapacity object might be named hrDiskStorageCapacity.3
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex }
::= { hrDiskStorageTable 1 }
hrDiskStorageEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrDiskStorageAccess INTEGER, hrDiskStorageMedia INTEGER,
hrDiskStorageRemoveble TruthValue, hrDiskStorageCapacity KBytes }

hrDiskStorageAccess OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { readWrite(1), readOnly(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication if this long-term storage device is readable and writable or only readable. This should
reflect the media type, any write-protect mechanism, and any device configuration that affects the entire
::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 1 }

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940 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

hrDiskStorageMedia OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), unknown(2), hardDisk(3), floppyDisk(4), opticalDiskROM(5),
opticalDiskWORM(6), --Write Once Read Many-- opticalDiskRW(7), ramDisk(8) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication of the type of media used in this long-term storage device.
::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 2 }

hrDiskStorageRemoveble OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
Denotes whether or not the disk media may be removed from the drive.
::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 3 }

hrDiskStorageCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total size for this long-term storage device. If the media is removable and is currently removed,
this value should be zero.
::= { hrDiskStorageEntry 4 }

hrPartitionTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of hrPartitionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of partitions for long-term storage devices contained by the host. In particular,
partitions accessed remotely over a network are not included here.
::= { hrDevice 7 }

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OL-29844-01 941
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

hrPartitionEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX hrPartitionEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one partition. The hrDeviceIndex in the index represents the entry in the
hrDeviceTable that corresponds to the hrPartitionEntry.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrPartitionSize object might
be named hrPartitionSize.3.1
INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, hrPartitionIndex }
::= { hrPartitionTable 1 }
hrPartitionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrPartitionIndexInteger32,
hrPartitionLabelInternationalDisplayString, hrPartitionID OCTET STRING, hrPartitionSize Bytes,
hrPartitionFSIndex Integer32 }

hrPartitionIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each partition on this long-term storage device. The value for each long-term storage
device must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
::= { hrPartitionEntry 1 }

hrPartitionLabel OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual description of this partition.
::= { hrPartitionEntry 2 }

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942 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A descriptor which uniquely represents this partition to the responsible operating system. On some
systems, this might take on a binary representation.
::= { hrPartitionEntry 3 }

hrPartitionSize OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The size of this partition.
::= { hrPartitionEntry 4 }

hrPartitionFSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The index of the file system mounted on this partition. If no file system is mounted on this partition,
then this value shall be zero. Note that multiple partitions may point to one file system, denoting that
that file system resides on those partitions. Multiple file systems may not reside on one partition.
::= { hrPartitionEntry 5 }

File System Table

Registration point for popular File System types, for use with hrFSType. These are defined in the
::= { hrDevice 9 }

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OL-29844-01 943
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

SYNTAX Sequence of hrFSEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of file systems local to this host or remotely mounted from a file server. File
systems that are in only one user's environment on a multi-user system will not be included in this table.
::= { hrDevice 8 }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one file system local to this host or remotely mounted from a file server. File
systems that are in only one user's environment on a multi-user system will not be included in this table.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrFSMountPoint object might
be named hrFSMountPoint.3
INDEX { hrFSIndex }
::= { hrFSTable 1 }
hrFSEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrFSIndex Integer32, hrFSMountPoint InternationalDisplayString,
hrFSRemoteMountPointInternationalDisplayString, hrFSTypeAutonomousType, hrFSAccess INTEGER,
hrFSBootableTruthValue, hrFSStorageIndexInteger32, hrFSLastFullBackupDate DateAndTime,
hrFSLastPartialBackupDate DateAndTime }

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each file system local to this host. The value for each file system must remain
constant at least from one re-initialization of the agent to the next re-initialization.
::= { hrFSEntry 1 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

944 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The path name of the root of this file system.
::= { hrFSEntry 2 }

hrFSRemoteMountPoint OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the name and/or address of the server that this file system is mounted from. This may
also include parameters such as the mount point on the remote file system. If this is not a remote file
system, this string should have a length of zero.
::= { hrFSEntry 3 }

SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of this object identifies the type of this file system.
::= { hrFSEntry 4 }

SYNTAX Integer { readWrite(1), readOnly(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An indication if this file system is logically configured by the operating system to be readable and
writable or only readable. This does not represent any local access-control policy, except one that is
applied to the file system as a whole.
::= { hrFSEntry 5 }

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OL-29844-01 945
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Device Group

SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A flag indicating whether this file system is bootable.
::= { hrFSEntry 6 }

hrFSStorageIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The index of the hrStorageEntry that represents information about this file system. If there is no such
information available, then this value shall be zero. The relevant storage entry will be useful in tracking
the percent usage of this file system and diagnosing errors that may occur when it runs out of space.
::= { hrFSEntry 7 }

hrFSLastFullBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The last date at which this complete file system was copied to another storage device for backup. This
information is useful for ensuring that backups are being performed regularly. If this information is not
known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00.0, which
is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
::= { hrFSEntry 8 }

hrFSLastPartialBackupDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The last date at which a portion of this file system was copied to another storage device for backup.
This information is useful for ensuring that backups are being performed regularly. If this information
is not known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1, year 0000, 00:00:00.0,
which is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
::= { hrFSEntry 9 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

946 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Running Software Group

Host Resources Running Software Group

The hrSWRunTable contains an entry for each distinct piece of software that is running or loaded into physical
or virtual memory in preparation for running. This includes the hosts operating system, device drivers, and
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of the hrSWRunIndex for the hrSWRunEntry that represents the primary operating system
running on this host. This object is useful for quickly and uniquely identifying that primary operating
::= { hrSWRun 1 }

SYNTAX Sequence of hrSWRunEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of software running on the host.
::= { hrSWRun 2 }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for one piece of software running on the host Note that because the installed
software table only contains information for software stored locally on this host, not every piece of
running software will be found in the installed software table. This is true of software that was loaded
and run from a non-local source, such as a network-mounted file system.
As an example of how objects in this table are named, an instance of the hrSWRunName object might
be named hrSWRunName.1287
INDEX { hrSWRunIndex }
::= { hrSWRunTable 1 }
HrSWRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWRunIndex Integer32, hrSWRunNameInternationalDisplayString,
hrSWRunID ProductID, hrSWRunPathInternationalDisplayString, hrSWRunParameters
InternationalDisplayString, hrSWRunTypeINTEGER, hrSWRunStatus INTEGER }

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OL-29844-01 947
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Running Software Group

SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each piece of software running on the host. Wherever possible, this should be the
system's native, unique identification number.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 1 }

SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual description of this running piece of software, including the manufacturer, revision, and the
name by which it is commonly known. If this software was installed locally, this should be the same
string as used in the corresponding hrSWInstalledName.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 2 }

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The product ID of this running piece of software.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 3 }

SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the location on long-term storage (e.g. a disk drive) from which this software was
::= { hrSWRunEntry 4 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

948 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Running Software Performance Group

hrSWRunParameters OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE(0..128))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A description of the parameters supplied to this software when it was initially loaded.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 5 }

SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operatingSystem(2), deviceDriver(3), application(4) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of this software.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 6 }

SYNTAX INTEGER { running(1), runnable(2),-- waiting for resource -- (i.e., CPU, memory, IO)
notRunnable(3), -- loaded but waiting for event invalid(4) -- not loaded }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The status of this running piece of software. Setting this value to invalid(4) shall cause this oftware to
stop running and to be unloaded. Sets to other values are not valid.
::= { hrSWRunEntry 7 }

Host Resources Running Software Performance Group

The hrSWRunPerfTable contains an entry corresponding to each entry in the hrSWRunTable.
SYNTAX Sequence of hrSWRunPerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of running software performance metrics.
::= { hrSWRunPerf 1 }

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OL-29844-01 949
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Installed Software Group

SYNTAX hrSWRunPerfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry containing software performance metrics. As an example, an instance of the
hrSWRunPerfCPU object might be named hrSWRunPerfCPU.1287. This table augments information
in the hrSWRunTable.
AUGMENTS { hrSWRunEntry }
::= { hrSWRunPerfTable 1 }
hrSWRunPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWRunPerfCPU Integer32, hrSWRunPerfMem KBytes }

SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of centi-seconds of the total system's CPU resources consumed by this process. Note that
on a multi-processor system, this value may increment by more than one centi-second in one centi-second
of real (wall clock) time.
::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 1 }

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total amount of real system memory allocated to this process.
::= { hrSWRunPerfEntry 2 }

Host Resources Installed Software Group

The hrSWInstalledTable contains an entry for each piece of software installed in long-term storage (e.g. a
disk drive) locally on this host. Note that this does not include software loadable remotely from a network
server. Different implementations may track software in varying ways. For example, while some
implementations may track executable files as distinct pieces of software, other implementations may use
other strategies such as keeping track of software packages (e.g., related groups of files) or keeping track of
system or application patches.

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950 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Installed Software Group

This table is useful for identifying and inventoring software on a host and for diagnosing incompatibility and
version mismatch problems between various pieces of hardware and software.
hrSWInstalledLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime when an entry in the hrSWInstalledTable was last added, renamed, or deleted.
Because this table is likely to contain many entries, polling of this object allows a management station
to determine when re-downloading of the table might be useful.
::= { hrSWInstalled 1 }

hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime when the hrSWInstalledTable was last completely updated. Because caching
of this data will be a popular implementation strategy, retrieval of this object allows a management
station to obtain a guarantee that no data in this table is older than the indicated time.
::= { hrSWInstalled 2 }

hrSWInstalledTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The (conceptual) table of software installed on this host.
::= { hrSWInstalled 3 }

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OL-29844-01 951
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Installed Software Group

hrSWInstalledEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX HrSWInstalledEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A (conceptual) entry for a piece of software installed on this host. As an example of how objects in this
table are named, an instance of the hrSWInstalledName object might be named hrSWInstalledName.96
INDEX { hrSWInstalledIndex }
::= { hrSWInstalledTable 1 }
hrSWInstalledEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hrSWInstalledIndex Integer32,
hrSWInstalledNameInternationalDisplayString, hrSWInstalledID ProductID,
hrSWInstalledTypeINTEGER, hrSWInstalledDateDateAndTime }

hrSWInstalledIndex OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value for each piece of software installed on the host. This value shall be in the range from
1 to the number of pieces of software installed on the host.
::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 1 }

hrSWInstalledName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InternationalDisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual description of this installed piece of software, including the manufacturer, revision, the name
by which it is commonly known, and optionally, its serial number.
::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 2 }

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The product ID of this installed piece of software.
::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 3 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

952 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Conformance Information

hrSWInstalledType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(1), operatingSystem(2), deviceDriver(3), application(4) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of this software.
::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 4 }

hrSWInstalledDate OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DateAndTime
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The last-modification date of this application as it would appear in a directory listing.
If this information is not known, then this variable shall have the value corresponding to January 1,
year 0000, 00:00:00.0, which is encoded as (hex) 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00.
::= { hrSWInstalledEntry 5 }

Host Resources Conformance Information

::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 2 }


::= { hrMIBAdminInfo 3 }

Host Resources Compliance Statements

STATUS current
The requirements for conformance to the Host Resources MIB.
MANDATORY-GROUPS { hrSystemGroup, hrStorageGroup, hrDeviceGroup }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 953
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Compliance Statements

OBJECT hrSystemDate
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadDevice
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

OBJECT hrSystemInitialLoadParameters
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

OBJECT hrStorageSize
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

OBJECT hrFSLastFullBackupDate
MIN-ACCESS read-only
DESCRIPTION Write access is not required.

OBJECT hrFSLastPartialBackupDate
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

GROUP hrSWRunGroup
The Running Software Group. Implementation of this group is mandatory only when the
hrSWRunPerfGroup is implemented.

OBJECT hrSWRunStatus
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

954 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Host Resources Compliance Statements

GROUP hrSWRunPerfGroup
The Running Software Performance Group. Implementation of this group is at the discretion of the

GROUP hrSWInstalledGroup
The Installed Software Group. Implementation of this group is at the discretion of the implementor.
::= { hrMIBCompliances 1 }

hrSystemGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hrSystemUptime, hrSystemDate, hrSystemInitialLoadDevice,
hrSystemInitialLoadParameters, hrSystemNumUsers, hrSystemProcesses, hrSystemMaxProcesses }
STATUS current
he Host Resources System Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 1 }

hrStorageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hrMemorySize, hrStorageIndex, hrStorageType, hrStorageDescr, hrStorageAllocationUnits,
hrStorageSize, hrStorageUsed, hrStorageAllocationFailures }
STATUS current
The Host Resources Storage Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 2 }

hrDeviceGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hrDeviceIndex, hrDeviceType, hrDeviceDescr, hrDeviceID, hrDeviceStatus, hrDeviceErrors,
hrProcessorFrwID, hrProcessorLoad, hrNetworkIfIndex, hrPrinterStatus, hrPrinterDetectedErrorState,
hrDiskStorageAccess, hrDiskStorageMedia, hrDiskStorageRemoveble, hrDiskStorageCapacity,
hrPartitionIndex, hrPartitionLabel, hrPartitionID, hrPartitionSize, hrPartitionFSIndex, hrFSIndex,
hrFSMountPoint, hrFSRemoteMountPoint, hrFSType, hrFSAccess, hrFSBootable, hrFSStorageIndex,
hrFSLastFullBackupDate, hrFSLastPartialBackupDate }
STATUS current
The Host Resources Device Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 3 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 955
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Feature Services

OBJECTS {hrSWOSIndex, hrSWRunIndex, hrSWRunName, hrSWRunID, hrSWRunPath,
hrSWRunParameters, hrSWRunType, hrSWRunStatus }
STATUS current
The Host Resources Running Software Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 4 }

OBJECTS { hrSWRunPerfCPU, hrSWRunPerfMem }
STATUS current
The Host Resources Running Software Performance Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 5 }

hrSWInstalledGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { hrSWInstalledLastChange, hrSWInstalledLastUpdateTime, hrSWInstalledIndex,
hrSWInstalledName, hrSWInstalledID, hrSWInstalledType, hrSWInstalledDate }
STATUS current
The Host Resources Installed Software Group.
::= { hrMIBGroups 6 }

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Feature Services

The following table lists the Cisco Unified Serviceability feature services in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Release 6.x. It also lists the applicable HOST-RESOURCES-MIB OIDs, clearing values, and object

Table 140: Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Feature Services and HOST-RESOURCES-MIB

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunNameOIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Feature Values(Positive String)
Cisco Unified CM acserver Cisco CallManager Attendant
Attendant Console Console Server Service Failure
Server Service

Cisco Extended cef Cisco Extended Functions Service

Functions Service Failure

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

956 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Feature Services

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunNameOIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Feature Values(Positive String)
Cisco Serviceability rtmtreporter Cisco Serviceability Reporter
Reporter service service failure

Compaq Insite cmascsid Compaq Insite Manager Service

Manager Service Failure

Cisco Messaging cmi Cisco Messaging Interface Service

Interface Service Failure

CSA service ciscosecd Cisco Security Agent Service


CISCO-CCM-MIB ccmAgt CCM MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

IP Voice Media ipvmsd IP Voice Media Streaming Service

Streaming Service IF Failure

Cisco Unified CM ccm Cisco CallManager Service Failure

Service If Activated

TFTP Service If ctftp TFTP Service Failure


CTIManager Service CTIManager CTIManager Service Failure

If Activated

Syslog Service syslogd Syslog Service Failure

DHCP Monitor DHCP Monitor DHCPMonitor Service Failure

Service If Activated

Certificate Trust List CTLProvider CTLProvider Service Failure

Service Availability
If Activated

Certificate Authority capf Certificate Authority Proxy

Proxy Function Function Failure
Service Availability
If Activated

DirSync Service CCMDirSync CCMDirSync Service Failure

Availability If

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 957
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Network Services

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunNameOIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Feature Values(Positive String)
HOST-RESOURCES Host MIB Query Capabilities
MIB activation on Disabled

MIB2 (RFC1213) MIB2 MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

SYSAPPL-MIB SysApp MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Network Services

The following table lists the Cisco Unified Serviceability network services in Cisco Unified Communications
Manager Release 6.x. It also lists the applicable HOST-RESOURCES-MIB OIDs, clearing values, and object

Table 141: Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Network Services and HOST-RESOURCES-MIB

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunName OIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Network Values(Positive String)
Cisco AMC Service amc Cisco AMC Service Service Failure

Cisco CAR Scheduler carschlr Cisco CAR Scheduler Service

Service Failure

Cisco Trace tracecollection Cisco Trace Collection Service

Collection Service Failure

HOST-RESOURCES hostagt Host MIB Query Capabilities

MIB activation on Disabled

SYSAPPL-MIB sappagt SysApp MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

MIB2 (RFC1213) mib2agt MIB2 MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

SNMP activation on snmp_master_age System SNMP Capabilities are

system Disabled

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

958 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x Network Services

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunName OIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Network Values(Positive String)
SNMP activation on snmpd SNMP Capabilities are Disabled

Native Agent Adaptor naaagt Native Adaptor Agent Capabilities

activation on system are Disabled

RIS Data Collector RisDC RIS Data Collector Service Failure


CDR Agent Service cdragent CDR Agent Service Failure

CDR Replication cdrrep CDR Replication Service Failure


Database Layer dblrpc Database Layer Replication Service

Replication Service Failure

Database Layer dbmon Database Layer Monitor Service

Monitor Service Failure

SSH Service sshd SSH Service Failure

Syslog Service syslogd Syslog Service Failure

License Manager CiscoLicenseMgr License Manager Service Failure


System Backup CiscoDRFMaster System Backup Master Service

Master Service Failure

System Backup Local CiscoDRFLocal System Backup Local Service

Service Failure

CISCO-CDP-MIB cdpAgt CDP MIB Query Capabilities

activation on system Disabled

CDP service cdpd CDP Service Failure

Certificate Expiry certM Certificate Expiry Monitor Service

Monitor Service Failure

Syslog Service CiscoSyslogSubA Syslog Service Failure

Database Service cmoninit

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 959
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Troubleshoot Host Resources MIB

Cisco Unified CM hrSWRunName OIDs Clearing Object Responses

Release 6.x Network Values(Positive String)
HOST-RESOURCES Host MIB Query Capabilities
MIB activation on Disabled

Tomcat Service tomcat Tomcat Service Failure

Log Partition LpmTool Log Partition Monitoring Tool

Monitoring Tool Service Failure

SNMP activation on snmpdm System SNMP Capabilities are

system Disabled

Troubleshoot Host Resources MIB

The following logs and information needs to be collected for troubleshooting purpose:
The hostagt log files by executing the file get activelog /platform/snmp/hostagt/ command.
The syslog files by executing the file get activelog /syslog/ command.
Master SNMP Agent log files by executing the file get activelog /platform/snmp/snmpdm/
Sequence of operations performed.

Frequently Asked Questions for Host Resources MIB

Q. Can the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB be used for process monitoring?

A. Host resources MIB does retrieve the information about the processes running on the system in
hrSwRunTable. But this monitors all the processes running in the system. If you need to monitor only the
installed Cisco Application, then the best way is to use SYSAPPL-MIB.

Q. How is the memory usage values shown by RTMT mapped to the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB?
A. The following table lists the memory usage values.

Table 142: Memory Usage Values


SWAP memory Usage Memory\Used Swap hrStorageUsed.2 (whose description is Virtual
Kbytes Memory)

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Troubleshoot Host Resources MIB


Physical Memory Usage Memory\Used Kbytes hrStorageUsed.1(whose description is Physical

Total memory (physical + Memory\Used VM Kbytes No equivalent. Basically need to add

swap) usage hrStorageUsed.2 and hrStorageUsed.1
Since swap memory may not be used at all on
lightly used servers, HR Virtual Memory may
return 0. To validate HR VM is returning
correctly, that value needs to be compared
against RTMT Memory\Used Swap KBytes. It's
unfortunate that RTMT and HR use the term
"Virtual memory" differently but that's what we
have to work with. The hrStorageUsed for
physical memory shows the data in terms of used
- (buffers + cache).

The hrStorageUsed for physical memory shows

the data in terms of used that is buffers + cache.
The shared memory info that is exposed by the
MIB is
= STRING: /dev/shm.The virtual memory
reported by HOST-RESOURCES-MIB is what
is considered as swap memory by RTMT.
For HOST RESOURCES MIB, the following is
%Physical memory usage = (Physical RAM
hrStorageUsed + /dev/shm hrStorageUsed)
/ (Physical RAM hrStorageSize)
%VM used = (Physical RAM
hrStorageUsed + /dev/shm hrStorageUsed
+ Virtual Memory hrStorageUsed) /
(Physical RAM hrStorageSize + Virtual
Memory hrStorageSize)

Q. Why do the disk space values shown by RTMT and the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB differ?
A. In general the df size will not match the used and available disk space data shown. This is because of
minfree percentage of reserved filesystem disk blocks. The minfree value for a Cisco Unified Communication
Manager in Releases 6.x and 7.0 systems is 1%. So there will be difference of 1% between the disk space
used value shown in RTMT and HOST-RESOURCES-MIB.
In RTMT, the disk space used value is shown from df reported values: [(Total Space - Available Space)
/Total Space] * 100 where the Total Space includes the minfree also. For the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB,

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Troubleshoot Host Resources MIB

this is calculated by [hrStorageUsed/hrStorageSize] * 100 wherein the hrStorageSize does not include the

Q. How does the Host Agent display the value in hrStorageUsed?

A. The hrStorageUsed for physical RAM was corrected to show the data in terms of used (buffers + cache).
To check if the host agent version is correct, collect the snmp-rpm version installed in the system by using
the show packages active snmp command.
How the memory capacity/usage values compare to those of HOST-RESOURCES-MIB?
In the HOST-RESOURCES-MIB the size and storage used are represented in terms of hrStorageUnits. If
for that storage type, the hrStorageUnits is 4096 bytes then the hrStorageUsed or hrStorageSize value
queried in the MIB value should be multiplied by 4096. For example, the show status command displays
the Total Memory as 4090068K for Physical RAM.
If hrStorageUnits for physicalRAM storage type is 4096 bytes, then hrStorageSize for Physical RAM will
be shown as 1022517 which is 4090078K [ (1022517 x 4096)/1024 = 4090068K ].

Q. An SNMP query on hrSWRunName in HOST-RESOURCES-MIB intermittently returns incorrect entries

in Windows.
A. The Microsoft SNMP extension agent (hostmib.dll) supports the HOST-RESOURCE-MIB. So Microsoft
support may be able to help on this. If the problem is persistent then following is recommended:
Use the tlist snmp.exe file to verify the hostmib.dll is listed in the output.
Verify there are no error/warning messages from SNMP, in the event viewer, when SNMP service
is started.
Make sure the community string used has been configured with read privilege under snmp service
Use MSSQL-MIB (MssqlSrvInfoTable) to confirm sql process status

Q. Monitoring Processes
A. HOST-RESOURCES-MIB retrieves information about all the processes that are running on the system
from hrSWRunTable. Use this MIB for monitoring all the processes that are running in the system. To
monitor the only the installed Cisco application, use SYSAPPL-MIB.Disk Space and RTMT
The used and available disk space values that are shown by HOST-RESOURCES-MIB may not match the
disk space values that are shown by RTMT due to the minfree percentage of reserved file system disk
blocks. Because the minfree value for Cisco Unified Communications Manager in 6.x and 7.0 systems is
1 percent, you will see a 1 percent difference between the used disk space value that is shown by RTMT
In RTMT, the disk space used value gets shown from df reported values: [(Total Space Available
Space) /Total Space] * 100 where the Total Space includes the minfree also.
For Host Resources MIB, the disk space used value gets calculated by [hrStorageUsed/hrStorageSize]
* 100 where the hrStorageSize does not include the minfree.

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Note This is a reformatted version of IF-MIB. Download and compile all of the MIBs in this section from http:/

Before you can compile IF-MIB, you need to compile the MIBs listed below in the order listed.
5 IANAifType-MIB
6 RFC1155-SMI
7 RFC-1212
8 SNMPv2-SMI-v1
9 RFC-1215
10 SNMPv2-TC-v1

Additional downloads are:

OID File: IF-MIB.oid

IF-MIB Revisions
The following table lists the revisions to this MIB beginning with the latest revision.

Table 143: History of Revisions

Date Action Description

06/14/2000 Updated The MIB module to describe generic objects for
network interface sub-layers. This MIB is an
updated version of MIB-II ifTable, and
incorporates the extensions defined in RFC
Clarifications agreed upon by the Interfaces
MIB WG, and published as RFC 2863.

02/28/1996 Revised Revisions made by the Interfaces MIB WG, and

published in RFC 2233.

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IF-MIB Definitions

Date Action Description

08/11/1993 Initial Version Published as part of RFC 1573.
::= {mib-2 31}

IF-MIB Definitions
The following definitions are imported for IF-MIB:
MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, Counter64, Integer32, TimeTicks, mib-2,
From SNMPv2-SMITEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString, PhysAddress, TruthValue, RowStatus,
TimeStamp, AutonomousType, TestAndIncr
From SNMPv2-CONF snmpTraps
From IANAifType-MIB;

IF-MIB Objects
::= {ifMIB 1}


::= {mib-2 2}

IF-MIB Textual Conventions

Note OwnerString has the same semantics as used in RFC 1271.

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Interface Index


STATUS deprecated
This data type is used to model an administratively assigned name of the owner of a resource. This
information is taken from the NVT ASCII character set. It is suggested that this name contain one or
more of the following: ASCII form of the manager station's transport address, management station
name (e.g., domain name), network management personnel's name, location, or phone number. In some
cases the agent itself will be the owner of an entry. In these cases, this string shall be set to a string
starting with agent.
A value which indicates the set of services that this entity may potentially offers. The value is a sum.
This sum initially takes the value zero, Then, for each layer, L, in the range 1 through 7, that this node
performs transactions for, 2 raised to (L - 1) is added to the sum. For example, a node which performs
only routing functions would have a value of 4 (2^(3-1)). In contrast, a node which is a host offering
application services would have a value of 72 (2^(4-1) + 2^(7-1)). Note that in the context of the Internet
suite of protocols, values should be calculated accordingly:
Layer functionality:
1physical (e.g., repeaters)
2datalink/subnetwork (e.g., bridges)
3internet (e.g., supports the IP)
4end-to-end (e.g., supports the TCP)
7applications (e.g., supports the SMTP)
For systems including OSI protocols, layers 5 and 6 may also be counted.
SYNTAX Octet String (SIZE(0..255))

Interface Index
The Interface Index contains the semantics of ifIndex and should be used for any objects defined in other MIB
modules that need these semantics.
STATUS current
A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system. It
is recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface
sub-layer must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's network management
system to the next re-initialization.
SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)

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Interfaces Table

InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION

STATUS current
This textual convention is an extension of the InterfaceIndex convention. The latter defines a greater
than zero value used to identify an interface or interface sub-layer in the managed system. This extension
permits the additional value of zero. The value zero is object-specific and must therefore be defined as
part of the description of any object which uses this syntax. Examples of the usage of zero might include
situations where interface was unknown, or when none or all interfaces need to be referenced.
SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)

SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of network interfaces (regardless of their current state) present on this system.
::= { interfaces 1 }

ifTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or deletion of an entry in the ifTable. If the
number of entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the local network management
subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
::= {ifMIBObjects 5}

Interfaces Table
The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's interfaces. Each sub-layer below the internetwork-layer
of a network interface is considered to be an interface.

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Interfaces Table

SYNTAX Sequence of IfEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A list of interface entries. The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber.
::= {interfaces 2}

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry containing management information applicable to a particular interface.
INDEX {ifIndex}
::= {ifTable 1}
IfEntry ::=
SEQUENCE {ifIndex InterfaceIndex, ifDescr DisplayString, ifType IANAifType, ifMtu Integer32,
filespec Gauge32, ifPhysAddress PhysAddress, ifAdminStatus INTEGER, ifOperStatusINTEGER,
ifLastChangeTimeTicks, ifInOctets Counter32, ifInUcastPkts Counter32, ifInNUcastPkts Counter32,
-- deprecated ifInDiscardsCounter32, ifInErrors Counter32, ifInUnknownProtos Counter32, ifOutOctets
Counter32, ifOutUcastPkts Counter32, ifOutNUcastPkts Counter32, -- deprecated ifOutDiscards
Counter32, ifOutErrors Counter32, ifOutQLen Gauge32,-- deprecated ifSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER
-- deprecated}

SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface. It is recommended that values are assigned
contiguously starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain constant at least from
one re-initialization of the entity's network management system to the next re-initialization.
::= {ifEntry 1}

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Interfaces Table

SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
A textual string containing information about the interface. This string should include the name of the
manufacturer, the product name and the version of the interface hardware/software.
::= {ifEntry 2}

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The type of interface. Additional values for ifType are assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority (IANA), through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual convention.
::= {ifEntry 3}

SYNTAX Integer32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets. For
interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network
datagram that can be sent on the interface.
::= {ifEntry 4}

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Interfaces Table

SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An estimate of the interface current bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces which do not vary in
bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain the nominal
bandwidth. If the bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value reportable by this object
then this object should report its maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used to
report the interface speed. For a sub-layer which has no concept of bandwidth, this object should be
::= {ifEntry 5}

ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The interface's address at its protocol sub-layer. For example, for an 802.x interface, this object normally
contains a MAC address. The interface's media-specific MIB must define the bit and byte ordering and
the format of the value of this object. For interfaces which do not have such an address (e.g., a serial
line), this object should contain an octet string of zero length.
::= {ifEntry 6}

ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer {up(1), -- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3) -- in some test mode}
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
The desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed.
When a managed system initializes, all interfaces start with ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a
result of either explicit management action or per configuration information retained by the managed
system, ifAdminStatus is then changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains in the down(2)
::= {if Entry 7}

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Interfaces Table

ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {up(1),-- ready to pass packets down(2), testing(3), -- in some test mode
unknown(4), -- status can not be determined -- for some reason. dormant(5), notPresent(6),-- some
component is missing lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of -- lower-layer interface(s)}
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The current operational state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets
can be passed. If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus should be down(2). If ifAdminStatus is
changed to up(1) then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is ready to transmit and
receive network traffic; it should change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for external actions
(such as a serial line waiting for an incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state if and
only if there is a fault that prevents it from going to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6)
state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware) components.
::= {ifEntry 8}

ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current
state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then
this object contains a zero value.
::= {ifEntry 9}

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. Discontinuities in
the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as
indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 10 }

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Interfaces Table

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed
to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
::= { ifEntry 11 }

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a
multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
This object is deprecated in favour of ifInMulticastPkts and ifInBroadcastPkts.
::= { ifEntry 12 }

ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been
detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding
such a packet could be to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
::= { ifEntry 13 }

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Interfaces Table

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them
from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the
number of inbound transmission units that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to
a higher-layer protocol.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 14 }

ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets received via the interface which were discarded
because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces that
support protocol multiplexing the number of transmission units received via the interface which were
discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not support
protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be 0.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 15 }

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. Discontinuities
in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times
as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 16 }

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Interfaces Table

ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or
not sent. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management
system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 17 }

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or
not sent. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management
system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
This object is deprecated in favour of ifOutMulticastPkts and ifOutBroadcastPkts.
::= { ifEntry 18 }

ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been
detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be
to free up buffer space. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the
management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifEntry 19 }

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Extension to the Interface Table

SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because
of errors. For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of outbound transmission units
that could not be transmitted because of errors. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
at re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
::= { ifEntry 20 }

SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
The length of the output packet queue (in packets).
::= { ifEntry 21 }

ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular media being used to realize the interface. It is
recommended that this value point to an instance of a MIB object in the media-specific MIB, i.e., that
this object have the semantics associated with the InstancePointer textual convention defined in RFC
2579. In fact, it is recommended that the media-specific MIB specify what value ifSpecific should/can
take for values of ifType. If no MIB definitions specific to the particular media are available, the value
should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }.
::= { ifEntry 22 }

Extension to the Interface Table

This table replaces the ifExtnsTable table.

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Extension to the Interface Table

SYNTAX Sequence of IfXEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A list of interface entries. The number of entries is given by the value of ifNumber. This table contains
additional objects for the interface table.
::= { ifMIBObjects 1 }

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An entry containing additional management information applicable to a particular interface.
AUGMENTS{ ifEntry }
::= { ifXTable 1 }
IfXEntry ::=
SEQUENCE {ifName DisplayString, ifInMulticastPkts Counter32, ifInBroadcastPkts Counter32,
ifOutMulticastPkts Counter32, ifOutBroadcastPkts Counter32, ifHCInOctetsCounter64, ifHCInUcastPkts
Counter64, ifHCInMulticastPkts Counter64, ifHCInBroadcastPkts Counter64, ifHCOutOctets Counter64,
ifHCOutUcastPktsCounter64, ifHCOutMulticastPktsCounter64, ifHCOutBroadcastPktsCounter64,
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable INTEGER, ifHighSpeed Gauge32, ifPromiscuousMode TruthValue,
ifConnectorPresent TruthValue, ifAlias DisplayString, ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp }

SYNTAX DisplayString
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned
by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device's 'console'. This
might be a text name, such as 'le0' or a simple port number, such as '1', depending on the interface
naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as
named by the device, then each will have the same value of ifName. Note that for an agent which
responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of
ifName for such an interface is the proxied device's local name for it.
If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length
::= { ifXEntry 1 }

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Extension to the Interface Table

ifInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a
multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional
addresses. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management
system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 2 }

ifInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a
broadcast address at this sub-layer. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
re-initialization of the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of
::= { ifXEntry 3 }

ifOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For
a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 4 }

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High Capacity Counter Objects

ifOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 5 }

High Capacity Counter Objects

These objects are all 64 bit versions of the basic ifTable counters. These objects all have the same basic
semantics as their 32-bit counterparts, however, their syntax has been extended to 64 bits.
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. This object is a
64-bit version of ifInOctets. Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of
the management system, and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 6 }

SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed
to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 7 }

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High Capacity Counter Objects

ifHCInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a
multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional
addresses. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInMulticastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 8 }

ifHCInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a
broadcast address at this sub-layer. This object is a 64-bit version of ifInBroadcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 9 }

SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. This object
is a 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 10 }

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978 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
High Capacity Counter Objects

SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were not
addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or
not sent. This object is a 64-bit version of ifOutUcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 11 }

ifHCOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For
a MAC layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. This object is a 64-bit version
of ifOutMulticastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 12 }

ifHCOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter64
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and which were
addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. This
object is a 64-bit version of ifOutBroadcastPkts.
Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization of the management system,
and at other times as indicated by the value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
::= { ifXEntry 13 }

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OL-29844-01 979
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
High Capacity Counter Objects

ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Integer { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated for this interface. By default, this object
should have the value enabled(1) for interfaces which do not operate on 'top' of any other interface (as
defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2) otherwise.
::= { ifXEntry 14 }

SYNTAX Gauge32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object
reports a value of 'n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in the range of 'n-500,000' to
'n+499,999'. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation
can be made, this object should contain the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept
of bandwidth, this object should be zero.
::= { ifXEntry 15 }

ifPromiscuousMode OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
This object has a value of false(2) if this interface only accepts packets/frames that are addressed to
this station. This object has a value of true(1) when the station accepts all packets/frames transmitted
on the media. The value true(1) is only legal on certain types of media. If legal, setting this object to a
value of true(1) may require the interface to be reset before becoming effective.
The value of ifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception of broadcast and multicast packets/frames
by the interface.
::= { ifXEntry 16 }

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980 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
High Capacity Counter Objects

ifConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TruthValue
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
::= { ifXEntry 17 }

SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS current
This object is an alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager, and provides a
non-volatile handle for the interface.
On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of ifAlias associated with that interface is the
zero-length string. As and when a value is written into an instance of ifAlias through a network
management set operation, then the agent must retain the supplied value in the ifAlias instance associated
with the same interface for as long as that interface remains instantiated, including across all
re-initializations/reboots of the network management system, including those which result in a change
of the interface's ifIndex value.
An example of the value which a network manager might store in this object for a WAN interface is
the (Telco's) circuit number/identifier of the interface.
Some agents may support write-access only for interfaces having particular values of ifType. An agent
which supports write access to this object is required to keep the value in non-volatile storage, but it
may limit the length of new values depending on how much storage is already occupied by the current
values for other interfaces.
::= { ifXEntry 18 }

ifCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeStamp
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which any one or more of this interface's
counters suffered a discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific instances associated with this
interface of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the ifTable or ifXTable. If no such
discontinuities have occurred since the last re-initialization of the local management subsystem, then
this object contains a zero value.
::= { ifXEntry 19 }

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OL-29844-01 981
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interface Stack Group

Interface Stack Group

Implementation of this group is optional, but strongly recommended for all systems.
ifStackTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of IfStackEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The table containing information on the relationships between the multiple sub-layers of network
interfaces. In particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run 'on top of' which other sub-layers,
where each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable. For example, when the sub-layer
with ifIndex value x runs over the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this table contains
For each ifIndex value, I, which identifies an active interface, there are always at least two instantiated
rows in this table associated with I. For one of these rows, I is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the
other, I is the value of ifStackLowerLayer. (If I is not involved in multiplexing, then these are the only
two rows associated with I.)
For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has no others stacked on top or below it:

::= { ifMIBObjects 2 }

ifStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IfStackEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
Information on a particular relationship between two sub-layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs on
'top' of the other sub-layer. Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable.
INDEX { ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer }
::= { ifStackTable 1 }
IfStackEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifStackHigherLayer InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifStackLowerLayer
InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifStackStatus RowStatus }

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982 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Interface Stack Group

ifStackHigherLayer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The value of ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which
runs on 'top' of the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of ifStackLowerLayer. If there
is no higher sub-layer (below the internetwork layer), then this object has the value 0.
::= { ifStackEntry 1 }

ifStackLowerLayer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
The value of ifIndex corresponding to the lower sub-layer of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which
runs 'below' the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of ifStackHigherLayer. If there is
no lower sub-layer, then this object has the value 0.
::= { ifStackEntry 2 }

ifStackStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
The status of the relationship between two sub-layers. Changing the value of this object from 'active'
to 'notInService' or 'destroy' will likely have consequences up and down the interface stack. Thus, write
access to this object is likely to be inappropriate for some types of interfaces, and many implementations
will choose not to support write-access for any type of interface.
::= { ifStackEntry 3 }

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OL-29844-01 983
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Generic Receive Address Table

ifStackLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX TimeTicks
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of the (whole) interface stack. A change of the
interface stack is defined to be any creation, deletion, or change in value of any instance of ifStackStatus.
If the interface stack has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of the local network management
subsystem, then this object contains a zero value.
::= { ifMIBObjects 6 }

Generic Receive Address Table

This group of objects is mandatory for all types of interfaces which can receive packets/frames addressed to
more than one address. This table replaces the ifExtnsRcvAddr table. The main difference is that this table
makes use of the RowStatus textual convention, while ifExtnsRcvAddr did not.
ifRcvAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Sequence of IfRcvAddressEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
This table contains an entry for each address (broadcast, multicast, or uni-cast) for which the system
will receive packets/frames on a particular interface, except as follows:
For an interface operating in promiscuous mode, entries are only required for those addresses for
which the system would receive frames were it not operating in promiscuous mode.
For 802.5 functional addresses, only one entry is required, for the address which has the functional
address bit ANDed with the bit mask of all functional addresses for which the interface will accept
A system is normally able to use any unicast address which corresponds to an entry in this table
as a source address.

::= { ifMIBObjects 4 }

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984 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Generic Receive Address Table

ifRcvAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX IfRcvAddressEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
A list of objects identifying an address for which the system will accept packets/frames on the particular
interface identified by the index value ifIndex.
INDEX { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
::= { ifRcvAddressTable 1 }
IfRcvAddressEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ifRcvAddressAddress PhysAddress,
ifRcvAddressStatusRowStatus, ifRcvAddressType INTEGER }

ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX PhysAddress
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
An address for which the system will accept packets/frames on this entry's interface.
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 1 }

ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RowStatus
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
This object is used to create and delete rows in the ifRcvAddressTable.
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 2 }

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OL-29844-01 985
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
Definition of Interface-Related Traps

ifRcvAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER {other(1), volatile(2), nonVolatile(3) }
MAX-ACCESS read-create
STATUS current
This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries in the table which are valid and will not be
deleted by the next restart of the managed system. Entries having the value volatile(2) are valid and
exist, but have not been saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the managed system. Entries
having the value other(1) are valid and exist but are not classified as to whether they will continue to
exist after the next restart.
DEFVAL { volatile }
::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 3 }

Definition of Interface-Related Traps

OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
STATUS current
A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus
object for one of its communication links is about to enter the down state from some other state (but
not from the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value
of ifOperStatus.
::= { snmpTraps 3 }

OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
STATUS current
A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus
object for one of its communication links left the down state and transitioned into some other state (but
not into the notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.
::= { snmpTraps 4 }

IF-MIB Conformance Information

::= { ifMIB 2 }

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986 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Compliance Statements


::= { ifConformance 1 }


::= { ifConformance 2 }

IF-MIB Compliance Statements

STATUS current
The compliance statement for SNMP entities which have network interfaces.
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, linkUpDownNotificationsGroup }
The groups:

Mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups is implemented for a particular interface. When any of these
groups is implemented for a particular interface, then ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup must also be implemented
for that interface.
GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in
fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than
or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in
fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater
than 20,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifPacketGroup
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented, and for which the value of
the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second.

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Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Compliance Statements

GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value
of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less than or equal to
650,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifVHCPacketGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the value
of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
This group is mandatory for those network interfaces that are required to maintain counters (i.e., those for
which one of the ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup, ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, or
ifVHCPacketGroup is mandatory).
GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs must
define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT ifAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).
OBJECT ifAlias
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
::= { ifCompliances 3 }

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988 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Units of Conformance

IF-MIB Units of Conformance

OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent, ifHighSpeed, ifName, ifNumber, ifAlias,
ifTableLastChange }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information applicable to all network interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 10 }

Note The following five groups are mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups
is implemented for any interface.

OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces
transmit and receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second) character-oriented or
fixed-length-transmission network interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 2 }

OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors,
ifOutErrors }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second)
character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 3 }

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OL-29844-01 989
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Units of Conformance

OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts,
ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifPromiscuousMode }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces
transmit and receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented network
::= { ifGroups 4 }

OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors,
ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts,
ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards, ifPromiscuousMode }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second
but less than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 5 }

OBJECTS { ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCInMulticastPkts, ifHCInBroadcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts,
ifHCOutMulticastPkts, ifHCOutBroadcastPkts, ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets, ifInOctets, ifOutOctets,
ifInUnknownProtos, ifInErrors, ifOutErrors, ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts, ifInBroadcastPkts,
ifInDiscards, ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts, ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
ifPromiscuousMode }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to higher speed (greater than 650,000,000
bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 6 }

OBJECTS { ifRcvAddressStatus, ifRcvAddressType }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information on the multiple addresses which an interface receives.
::= { ifGroups 7 }

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990 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects

OBJECTS { ifStackStatus, ifStackLastChange }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information on the layering of MIB-II interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 11 }

ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
OBJECTS { ifCounterDiscontinuityTime }
STATUS current
A collection of objects providing information specific to interface counter discontinuities.
::= { ifGroups 13 }

linkUpDownNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
NOTIFICATIONS { linkUp, linkDown }
STATUS current
The notifications which indicate specific changes in the value of ifOperStatus.
::= { ifGroups 14 }

IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects

Interface Test Table

This group of objects is optional and deprecated. However, a media-specific MIB may make implementation
of this group mandatory. This table replaces the ifExtnsTestTable.

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OL-29844-01 991
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects


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992 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
This table contains one entry per interface. It defines objects which allow a network manager to instruct
an agent to test an interface for various faults. Tests for an interface are defined in the media-specific
MIB for that interface. After invoking a test, the object ifTestResult can be read to determine the
outcome. If an agent cannot perform the test, ifTestResult is set to so indicate. The object ifTestCode
can be used to provide further test-specific or interface-specific (or even enterprise-specific) information
concerning the outcome of the test. Only one test can be in progress on each interface at any one time.
If one test is in progress when another test is invoked, the second test is rejected. Some agents may
reject a test when a prior test is active on another interface.
Before starting a test, a manager-station must first obtain 'ownership' of the entry in the ifTestTable for
the interface to be tested. This is accomplished with the ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects as follows:
get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
while (ifTestStatus != notInUse)
* Loop while a test is running or some other
* manager is configuring a test.
short delay
get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
* Is not being used right now -- let's compete
* to see who gets it.
lock_value = ifTestId
if ( set(ifTestId = lock_value, ifTestStatus = inUse,
ifTestOwner = 'my-IP-address') == FAILURE)
* Another manager got the ifTestEntry -- go
* try again
goto try_again;
* I have the lock

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OL-29844-01 993
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects

set up any test parameters.
* This starts the test
set(ifTestType = test_to_run);
Wait for test completion by polling ifTestResult when test completes, agent sets ifTestResult agent also
sets ifTestStatus = 'notInUse' retrieve any additional test results, and ifTestId if (ifTestId ==
lock_value+1) results are valid.
A manager station first retrieves the value of the appropriate ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects, periodically
repeating the retrieval if necessary, until the value of ifTestStatus is 'notInUse'. The manager station
then tries to set the same ifTestId object to the value it just retrieved, the same ifTestStatus object to
'inUse', and the corresponding ifTestOwner object to a value indicating itself. If the set operation
succeeds then the manager has obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry, and the value of the ifTestId
object is incremented by the agent (per the semantics of TestAndIncr). Failure of the set operation
indicates that some other manager has obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry.
Once ownership is obtained, any test parameters can be setup, and then the test is initiated by setting
ifTestType. On completion of the test, the agent sets ifTestStatus to 'notInUse'. Once this occurs, the
manager can retrieve the results. In the (rare) event that the invocation of tests by two network managers
were to overlap, then there would be a possibility that the first test's results might be overwritten by
the second test's results prior to the first results being read. This unlikely circumstance can be detected
by a network manager retrieving ifTestId at the same time as retrieving the test results, and ensuring
that the results are for the desired request.
If ifTestType is not set within an abnormally long period of time after ownership is obtained, the agent
should time-out the manager, and reset the value of the ifTestStatus object back to 'notInUse'. It is
suggested that this time-out period be 5 minutes.
In general, a management station must not retransmit a request to invoke a test for which it does not
receive a response; instead, it properly inspects an agent's MIB to determine if the invocation was
successful. Only if the invocation was unsuccessful, is the invocation request retransmitted.
Some tests may require the interface to be taken off-line in order to execute them, or may even require
the agent to reboot after completion of the test. In these circumstances, communication with the
management station invoking the test may be lost until after completion of the test. An agent is not
required to support such tests. However, if such tests are supported, then the agent should make every
effort to transmit a response to the request which invoked the test prior to losing communication. When
the agent is restored to normal service, the results of the test are properly made available in the
appropriate objects.
Note that this requires that the ifIndex value assigned to an interface must be unchanged even if the
test causes a reboot. An agent must reject any test for which it cannot, perhaps due to resource constraints,
make available at least the minimum amount of information after that test completes.
::= { ifMIBObjects 3 }

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994 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects

SYNTAX IfTestEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS deprecated
An entry containing objects for invoking tests on an interface.
AUGMENTS { ifEntry }
::= { ifTestTable 1 }
IfTestEntry ::=
SEQUENCE { ifTestId TestAndIncr, ifTestStatus INTEGER, ifTestType AutonomousType, ifTestResult
INTEGER, ifTestCode OBJECT IDENTIFIER, ifTestOwnerOwnerString }

SYNTAX TestAndIncr
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
This object identifies the current invocation of the interface's test.
::= { ifTestEntry 1 }

ifTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse(1), inUse(2) }
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
This object indicates whether or not some manager currently has the necessary 'ownership' required to
invoke a test on this interface. A write to this object is only successful when it changes its value from
'notInUse(1)' to 'inUse(2)'. After completion of a test, the agent resets the value back to 'notInUse(1)'.
::= { ifTestEntry 2 }

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OL-29844-01 995
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Objects

SYNTAX AutonomousType
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
A control variable used to start and stop operator-initiated interface tests. Most OBJECT IDENTIFIER
values assigned to tests are defined elsewhere, in association with specific types of interface. However,
this document assigns a value for a full-duplex loopback test, and defines the special meanings of the
subject identifier:
noTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
When the value noTest is written to this object, no action is taken unless a test is in progress, in which
case the test is aborted. Writing any other value to this object is only valid when no test is currently in
progress, in which case the indicated test is initiated.
When read, this object always returns the most recent value that ifTestType was set to. If it has not
been set since the last initialization of the network management subsystem on the agent, a value of
noTest is returned.
::= { ifTestEntry 3 }

ifTestResult OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX INTEGER { none(1), -- no test yet requested success(2), inProgress(3), notSupported(4),
unAbleToRun(5), -- due to state of system aborted(6), failed(7) }
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
This object contains the result of the most recently requested test, or the value none(1) if no tests have
been requested since the last reset. Note that this facility provides no provision for saving the results
of one test when starting another, as could be required if used by multiple managers concurrently.
::= { ifTestEntry 4 }

MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS deprecated
This object contains a code which contains more specific information on the test result, for example
an error-code after a failed test. Error codes and other values this object may take are specific to the
type of interface and/or test. The value may have the semantics of either the AutonomousType or
InstancePointer textual conventions as defined in RFC 2579. The identifier is testCodeUnknown
OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 } and defined for use if no additional result code is available.
::= { ifTestEntry 5 }

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996 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Groups

SYNTAX OwnerString
MAX-ACCESS read-write
STATUS deprecated
The entity which currently has the 'ownership' required to invoke a test on this interface.
::= { ifTestEntry 6 }

IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Groups

OBJECTS { ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent, ifHighSpeed, ifName }
STATUS deprecated
A collection of objects deprecated in favour of ifGeneralInformationGroup.
::= { ifGroups 1 }

OBJECTS { ifTestId, ifTestStatus, ifTestType, ifTestResult, ifTestCode, ifTestOwner }
STATUS deprecated
A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke tests on an interface.
::= { ifGroups 8 }

OBJECTS { ifStackStatus }
STATUS deprecated
The previous collection of objects providing information on the layering of MIB-II interfaces.
::= { ifGroups 9 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 997
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Groups

OBJECTS { ifInNUcastPkts, ifOutNUcastPkts, ifOutQLen, ifSpecific }
STATUS deprecated
The collection of objects deprecated from the original MIB-II interfaces group.
::= { ifGroups 12 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

998 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance

IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 999
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance

STATUS deprecated
A compliance statement defined in a previous version of this MIB module, for SNMP entities which
have network interfaces.
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralGroup, ifStackGroup }
GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in
fixed-length transmission units.
GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit
data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed
is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifPacketGroup
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are packet-oriented.
GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the
value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifTestGroup
This group is optional. Media-specific MIBs which require interface tests are strongly encouraged to
use this group for invoking tests and reporting results. A medium specific MIB which has mandatory
tests may make implementation of this group mandatory.
GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs
must define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
MIN-ACCESS read-only

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1000 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance

Write access is not required.

OBJECT ifStackStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required, and only one of the six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual
convention need be supported, specifically: active(1).
OBJECT ifAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).
::= { ifCompliances 1 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1001
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1002 OL-29844-01
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance

STATUS deprecated
A compliance statement defined in a previous version of this MIB module, for SNMP entities which
have network interfaces.
MODULE -- this module
MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2, ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit data in
fixed-length transmission units.
GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are character-oriented or transmit
data in fixed-length transmission units, and for which the value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed
is greater than 20,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifPacketGroup
This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which are packet-oriented.
GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces which are packet-oriented and for which the
value of the corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 650,000,000 bits/second.
GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs
must define the exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this group.
OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
OBJECT ifStackStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
MIN-ACCESS read-only

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1003
Industry-Standard Management Information Base
IF-MIB Deprecated Definitions - Compliance

Write access is not required, and only one of the six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual
convention need be supported, specifically: active(1).
OBJECT ifAdminStatus
SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required, nor is support for the value testing(3).
OBJECT ifAlias
MIN-ACCESS read-only
Write access is not required.
::= { ifCompliances 2 }

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1004 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
This chapter describes the vendor-specific Management Information Base (MIB) text documents that Cisco
Unified Communications Manager (Cisco Unified CM) supports and that are used with Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).

Vendor-Specific Management Information Base, page 1005

Supported Servers - Cisco Unified CM Releases, page 1005
IBM MIBs, page 1031
Hewlett Packard MIBs, page 1034
Intel MIBs, page 1040

Vendor-Specific Management Information Base

The MIBs described in this chapter exist on various Cisco Media Convergence Servers (MCS), depending on
vendor and model number. To query these MIBS, you can use the standard MIB browsers provided by the
vendor. Go to the following URLs:
For HP, go to to download
For IBM, go to to download IBM
Systems Director.

Supported Servers - Cisco Unified CM Releases

This section lists the supported server models and unsupported server models by MIB and by Cisco Unified
CM Release.

Related Topics
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1) Supported Servers, on page 1006
Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Supported Servers, on page 1006
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers, on page 1008

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1005
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Supported Servers, on page 1011

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers, on page 1013
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Supported Servers, on page 1017
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers, on page 1019
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) Supported Servers, on page 1022
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) Supported Servers, on page 1024
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers, on page 1026
Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 Supported Servers, on page 1029

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 10.0(1) Supported Servers

In Release 10.0(1) and later, Cisco only supports virtualized deployments of Cisco Unified Communications
Manager (Unified Communications Manager) on Cisco Unified Computing System servers, or on a
Cisco-approved third-party server configuration. In Release 10.0(1) and later, Cisco does not support
deployments of Unified Communications Manager on Cisco Media Convergence Server servers.
For more information about the deployment of Unified Communications Manager in a virtualized environment,

Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Supported Servers

Table 144: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1)

Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7816-I4-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7816-I5-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC2

MCS-7825-I4-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825-I5-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC2



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1006 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models





Cisco Unified CM Release 9.5(1) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1007
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers

IBM-SYSTEM-STORAGE MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP-CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers

Table 145: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1)

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Cisco Unified Computing System

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1 UCS B200 M1

MCS-7816-I4-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1 UCS C210 M1

MCS-7816-I5-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H4-IPC1

MCS-7825-I4-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I5-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-SS1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC2

MCS-7828-I4-SS1 DL380G6 (Single E5504 CPU)

MCS-7828-I5-SS1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1008 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Cisco Unified Computing System

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC2

MCS-7835-I2-IPC2 DL380G6 (Single E5540 CPU)





Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1009
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.5(1) Supported Servers


IBM-SYSTEM-STORAGE-MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:


HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:

DL380G6 (Single E5504 CPU)
DL380G6 (Single E5540 CPU)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1010 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Supported Servers

Table 146: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2)

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Cisco Unified Computing System

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1 UCS B200 M1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7816-I4-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825-H4-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I4-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-SS1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC2

MCS-7828-I4-SS1 DL380G6 (Single E5504

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC2 MCS-7845-H2-IPC2

MCS-7835-I3-IPC1 DL380G6 (Single E5540



Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1011
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Cisco Unified Computing System


Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(2) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-STORAGE-MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1012 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers


HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:

DL380G6 (Single E5504 CPU)
DL380G6 (Single E5540 CPU)

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers

Table 147: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1)

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I2-IPC13 MCS-7816-H3-IPC14

MCS-7816-I3-IPC15 MCS-7825-H2-IPC16

MCS-7816-I4-IPC17 MCS-7825-H2-IPC28

MCS-7825-I2-IPC19 MCS-7825-H3-IPC110

MCS-7825-I2-IPC211 MCS-7825-H4-IPC112

MCS-7825-I3-IPC113 MCS-7828-H3

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1013
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7825-I4-IPC114 MCS-7835-H2-IPC115

MCS-7828-I3 MCS-7835-H2-IPC216

MCS-7828-I4 MCS-7845-H2-IPC117

MCS-7835-I2-IPC118 MCS-7845-H2-IPC219






3 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
4 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
5 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
6 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
7 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
8 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
9 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1014 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers

10 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
11 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
12 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
13 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
14 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
15 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
16 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
17 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
18 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
19 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
20 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
21 Supported, but note that servers running Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) 4.0 and later require a minimum of 2 GB of memory for
Cisco MCS 7815, MCS 7816, MCS 7825, and MCS 7835 and 4 GB of memory for Cisco MCS 7845.
22 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
23 Supported, but note that Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.1 and higher requires memory of minimum 2GB for MCS 7815/16/25/35, and 4GB for
MCS 7845, and hard drive capacity of 72/80 GB or higher.This will result in mandatory memory and hard drive upgrades, if older supported servers are desired
for use with the new software versions.
24 Supported, but note that servers running Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) 4.0 and later require a minimum of 2 GB of memory for
Cisco MCS 7815, MCS 7816, MCS 7825, and MCS 7835 and 4 GB of memory for Cisco MCS 7845.

Note For information about the product end-of-life notices, go to


Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1015
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) Supported Servers


IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-STORAGE-MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1016 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Supported Servers


HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Supported Servers

Table 148: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2)

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7816-H4-IPC1/CCX1

MCS-7815-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1017
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7816-I4-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7825-H4-IPC1/CCE1/CCX1/ECS1/RC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7825-I4-IPC1/CCE1/CCX1/ECS1/RC1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS2

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS2 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

MCS-7845I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS




Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1018 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(2) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers

Table 149: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1)

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7816-H4-IPC1/CCX1

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

OL-29844-01 1019
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

MCS-7816-I4-IPC1/CCX1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7825-H4-IPC1/CCE1/CCX1/ECS1/RC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7825-I4-IPC1/CCE1/CCX1/ECS1/RC1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS2

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS2 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

MCS-7845I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC2/CCE2/CCX2/RC2/ECS2


Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

1020 OL-29844-01
Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models



Cisco Unified CM Release 7.1(1) Inapplicable MIBs

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


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Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) Supported Servers

Table 150: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1)

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7815-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1/IPC2 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1


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Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models




Note IBM Model MCS-7835I-2.4-EVV1 is discontinued in this release.

Note HP MCS-7825H-2.2-EVV1, MCS-7835H-2.4-EVV1, and MCS-7845H-2.4-EVV1 are discontinued in

this release.

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.0(1) MIB Unsupported Servers

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) Supported Servers

HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server model:


Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) Supported Servers

Table 151: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3)

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825H-2.2-EVV1

MCS-7815-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7828-H4-BE

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7828-I4-BE MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835I-2.4-EVV1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3)

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1/IPC2 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7845I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7845-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1


Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1(3) MIB Unsupported Servers

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers


HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:


Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers

Table 152: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825H-2.2-EVV1

MCS-7815-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1

IBM Server Models HP Server Models

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835I-2.4-EVV1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1/IPC2 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7845I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7845-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1


Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 MIB Unsupported Servers

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.1 Supported Servers


IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:


HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:


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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 Supported Servers

Table 153: Servers Available in Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Dell Server Models

MCS-7815-I1-IPC1 MCS-7816-H3-IPC1 PE2950

MCS-7815-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825H-2.2-EVV1

MCS-7816-I3-IPC1 MCS-7825H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7825I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7825-H1-IPC1

MCS-7825-I1-IPC1 MCS-7825-H2-IPC1

MCS-7825-I2-IPC1 MCS-7825-H3-IPC1

MCS-7828-I3-IPC1 MCS-7828-H3-IPC1

MCS-7835I-2.4-EVV1 MCS-7835H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7835I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7835H-3.0-IPC1

MCS-7835-I1-IPC1 MCS-7835-H1-IPC1

MCS-7835-I2-IPC1 MCS-7835-H2-IPC1

MCS-7845I-3.0-IPC1 MCS-7845H-2.4-EVV1

MCS-7845-I1-IPC1 MCS-7845H-3.0-IPC1

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Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 Supported Servers

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0

IBM Server Models HP Server Models Dell Server Models

MCS-7845-I2-IPC1 MCS-7845-H1-IPC1

MCS-7825-I3-IPC1 MCS-7845-H2-IPC1

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.0 MIB Unsupported Servers

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER (UMSPOWER) MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SERVERAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

IBM-SYSTEM-RAID MIB does not apply to the following IBM server models:

HP CPQSCSI MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:


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Vendor-Specific Management Information Base


HP CPQSM2 MIB does not apply to the following HP server models:


Table 154: IBM MIBs

MIB OID Function

Supported for browsing only

IBM-SYSTEM-HEALTH-MIB Provides temperature, voltage, and

fan status

IBM-SYSTEM-ASSETID-MIB Provides hardware component asset


IBM-SYSTEM-LMSENSOR-MIB Provides temperature, voltage, and

fan details

IBM-SYSTEM-NETWORK-MIB Provides Network Interface Card

(NIC) status

IBM-SYSTEM-MEMORY-MIB Provides physical memory details

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Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
IBM Hardware Status Messages

MIB OID Function

IBM-SYSTEM-POWER-MIB Provides power supply details

IBM-SYSTEM-PROCESSOR-MIB Provides CPU asset/status data

Supported for system traps

IBM-SYSTEM-TRAP Provides temperature, voltage, fan,

disk, NIC, memory, power supply,
and CPU details




IBM Hardware Status Messages

Table 155: IBM Hardware Status Messages, MIBs and Objects Names, and Object Responses

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIBS and Object Names Object Responses

System Fan IBM-SYSTEM-LMSENSOR-MIB::ibmSystem This is a string indicating the current status of the
TachometerStatus (also see object. Various operational and non-operational
ibmSystemTachometerKeyIndex) statuses can be defined.
Operational statuses are OK, Degraded and Pred
Fail. Pred Fail indicates that an element may be
functioning properly but predicting a failure in the
near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard
Non-operational statuses are Error, Starting,
Stopping and Service. Service can apply during
mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user
permissions list, or other administrative work.
Not all such work is on-line, yet the managed
element is neither OK nor in one of the other states.
OK = Normal; Error = Critical

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IBM Hardware Status Messages

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

Voltage Sensor IBM-SYSTEM-LMSENSOR-MIB::ibmSystem This is a string indicating the current status of the
VoltageSensorStatus (also see object. Various operational and non-operational
ibmSystemVoltageSensorKeyIndex) statuses can be defined.
Operational statuses are OK, Degraded and Pred
Fail. Pred Fail indicates that an element may be
functioning properly but predicting a failure in the
near future. An example is a SMART-enabled hard
Non-operational statuses are Error, Starting,
Stopping and Service. Service can apply during
mirror-resilvering of a disk, reload of a user
permissions list, or other administrative work. Not
all such work is on-line, yet the managed element
is neither OK nor in one of the other states.
OK = Normal; Error = Critical

Thermal IBM-SYSTEM-LMSENSOR-MIB::ibmSystem The Status property is a string indicating the current

TemperatureSensorStatus (also see status of the object. Various operational and
ibmSystemTemperatureSensorKeyIndex) non-operational statuses can be defined. Operational
statuses are OK, Degraded and Pred Fail. Pred Fail
indicates that an element may be functioning
properly but predicting a failure in the near future.
An example is a SMART-enabled hard drive.
Non-operational statuses can also be specified.
These are Error, Starting, Stopping and Service. The
latter, Service, could apply during mirror-resilvering
of a disk, reload of a user permissions list, or other
administrative work. Not all such work is on-line,
yet the managed element is neither OK nor in one
of the other states. OK = Normal; Error = Critical

Network Interface IBM-SYSTEM-NETWORK-MIB::ibmSystem The online status of the adapter.

Card LogicalNetworkAdapterStatus (also see

Logical Drive IBM-SYSTEM-TRAP-MIB::ibmSystem The status of the logical drive

RaidLogicalDriveStatus (also see

Physical Drive IBM-SYSTEM-TRAP-MIB::ibmSystem

RaidDiskDriveStatus &
ibmSystemRaidControllerStatus (also see
ibmSystemRaidDiskDriveKeyIndex &

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Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Hewlett Packard MIBs

Hewlett Packard MIBs

Table 156: HP MIBs

MIB OID Function

Supported for browsing and system traps
CPQSTDEQ-MIB Provides hardware component configuration

CPQSINFO-MIB Provides hardware component asset data

CPQIDA-MIB Provides RAID status/events

CPQHLTH-MIB Provides hardware components status/events

CPQSTSYS-MIB Provides storage (disk) systems status/events

CPQSM2-MIB Provides iLO status/events

CPQTHRSH-MIB Provides alarm threshold management

CPQHOST-MIB Provides operating system information

CPQIDE-MIB Provides IDE (CD-ROM) drive status/events

CPQNIC-MIB Provides Network Interface Card (NIC)


HP Hardware Status Messages

The following table lists status messages, MIBs and OIDs, MIB object names and clearing values, and object

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HP Hardware Status Messages

Table 157: HP Hardware Status Messages, MIBs and OIDs, MIB Object Names and Clearing Values, and Object Responses

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIB and OID MIB Object Name and Clearing Object Response
Logical Drive25 CPQIDA-MIB1. cpqDaLogDrvStatus The logical drive can be in one of the
following states:
Clearing Value = 2
Ok (2) Indicates that the logical drive
is in normal operation mode.
Failed (3) Indicates that more
physical drives have failed than the
fault tolerance mode of the logical
drive can handle without data loss.
Unconfigured (4) Indicates that the
logical drive is not configured.
Recovering (5) Indicates that the
logical drive is using Interim
Recovery Mode. In Interim
Recovery Mode, at least one physical
drive has failed, but the logical
drive's fault tolerance mode lets the
drive continue to operate with no
data loss.
Ready Rebuild (6) Indicates that the
logical drive is ready for Automatic
Data Recovery. The physical drive
that failed has been replaced, but the
logical drive is still operating in
Interim Recovery Mode.
Rebuilding (7) Indicates that the
logical drive is currently doing
Automatic Data Recovery. During
Automatic Data Recovery, fault
tolerance algorithms restore data to
the replacement drive.
Wrong Drive (8) Indicates that the
wrong physical drive was replaced
after a physical drive failure.
Bad Connect (9) Indicates that a
physical drive is not responding.

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HP Hardware Status Messages

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIB and OID MIB Object Name and Clearing Object Response
Physical Drive1 CPQIDA-MIB1. cpqDaPhyDrv Status
The following values are valid for
Clearing Value = 2 the physical drive status:
other (1) Indicates that the
instrument agent does not recognize
the drive. You may need to upgrade
your instrument agent and/or driver
ok (2) Indicates the drive is
functioning properly.
failed (3) Indicates that the drive is
no longer operating and should be
predictiveFailure(4) Indicates that
the drive has a predictive failure
error and should be replaced.

System Fan CPQHLTH-MIB1. cpqHeThermalSystemFan This value will be one of the following:
other(1) Fan status detection is not
Clearing Value = 2 supported by this system or driver.
ok(2) The fan is operating properly.
degraded(2) A redundant fan is not
operating properly.
failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not
operating properly.

CPU Fan CPQHLTH-MIB1. cpqHeThermalCpuFan Status This value will be one of the following:
Clearing Value = 2 other(1) Fan status detection is not
supported by this system or driver.
ok(2) The fan is operating properly.
degraded(2) A redundant fan is not
operating properly.
failed(4) A non-redundant fan is not
operating properly.

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HP Hardware Status Messages

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIB and OID MIB Object Name and Clearing Object Response
Network Interface CPQNIC-MIB1. cpqNicIfPhysAdapterState The following values are valid
Card (NIC) Clearing Value = 2 and 3 unknown(1) The instrument agent
was not able to determine the status
of the adapter. The instrument agent
may need to be upgraded.
ok(2) The physical adapter is
operating properly.
generalFailure(3) The physical
adapter has failed.
linkFailure(4) The physical adapter
has lost link. Check the cable
connections to this adapter.

Thermal CPQHLTH-MIB1. cpqHeThermalCondition This value will be one of the following:

Clearing Value = 2 other(1) Temperature could not be
ok(2) The temperature sensor is
within normal operating range.
degraded(3) The temperature sensor
is outside of normal operating range.
failed(4) The temperature sensor
detects a condition that could
permanently damage the system.

Note The system automatically shuts

down if the failed (4) condition
occurs, so it is unlikely that 4 will
ever be returned by the agent. If
is set to shut down (3), the system
will shut down if the condition

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HP Hardware Status Messages

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIB and OID MIB Object Name and Clearing Object Response
Power Supply1 CPQHLTH-MIB1. cpqHeFltTolPowerSupply This value will be one of the following:
other(1) The status could not be
Clearing Value = 1 determined or not present.
ok(2) The power supply is operating
degraded(3) A temperature sensor,
fan or other power supply
component is outside of normal
operating range.
failed(4) A power supply component
detects a condition that could
permanently damage the system.

NIC Errors CPQNIC-MIB1. cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGood Interface is experiencing excessive errors

Clearing Value = <0.5% for 1
hour cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBad
Transmits cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGood
Receives cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBad

NIC Utilization CPQNIC-MIB1. cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGood Interface is experiencing High Utilization

Clearing Value = <50% for 1
hour cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBad
Transmits cpqNicIfPhysAdapterGood
Receives cpqNicIfPhysAdapterBad

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HP Hardware Status Messages

Cisco Unified CM Release 6.x

MCS-78xx Status MIB and OID MIB Object Name and Clearing Object Response
Memory Module cpqHe4CorrMemReplace A correctable memory log entry indicates
Trap MemModule a memory module needs to be replaced.
The errors have been corrected, but the
memory module should be replaced. The
information on the following
error information is reported in the
trap variables:
variable cpqHeCorrMemErrDesc

Trap number is 6056 which

replaces 6029.

78x5-H Insite HOST-RESOURCES-MIB1. cmaeventd Compaq Insite Manager Service Failure

Manager Service



Positive String ID forcmaidad








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Vendor-Specific Management Information Base
Intel MIBs



Intel MIBs
The following table lists Intel MIBs, OID, and functions.

Table 158: Intel MIBs

MIB OID Function

Supported for browsing and system traps
INTEL-SERVER-BASEBOARD6 Denotes the power group and describes
voltage probes, status, and readings Denotes the thermal group and describes

cooling devices, fans, and temperature
probes Denotes the instances of cooling devices Denotes the status, reading, and threshold

for every cooling device and fan Denotes the instances of temperature probes Denotes the status, reading, thresholds for

every temperature probe Denotes the events group and describes

power, thermal, and system events

Related Topics
Intel Hardware Status Messages, on page 1040

Intel Hardware Status Messages

The following table lists status messages, MIBs and OIDs, MIB object names and clearing values, and object

26 Unavailable for MCS-7825H

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Intel Hardware Status Messages

Table 159: Intel Hardware Status Messages, MIBs and Objects Names, and Object Responses

Cisco Unified CM Release 7.x

MCS-78xx Status MIBS and Object Names Object Responses

System INTEL-SERVER-BASEBOARD6::systemEvents

Thermal INTEL-SERVER-BASEBOARD6::thermalEvents

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Intel Hardware Status Messages

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1042 OL-29844-01

%IOwait 31 Cisco CallManager System Performance 87

perfmon object and counters 87
Cisco CTIManager 89
perfmon object and counters 89
A Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility 90
alarms 163, 181, 218, 228, 248, 263, 388, 507, 532, 626 perfmon object and counters 90
alert-level severity 228 Cisco Extension Mobility 91
critical-level severity 248 perfmon object and counters 91
debug-level severity 626 Cisco Gatekeeper 93
emergency-level severity 218 perfmon object and counters 93
error-level severity 263 Cisco H.323 93
informational-level severity 532 perfmon object and counters 93
notice-level severity 507 Cisco Hunt Lists 94
overview 163 perfmon object and counters 94
pre-configured callmanager 181 Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device 95
pre-configured system 181 perfmon object and counters 95
removed in Cisco Unified CM Release 8.0(1) 626 Cisco IME Server 96
warning-level severity 388 Cisco IP Manager Assistant 96
alert notification 72 perfmon object and counters 96
configuring parameters for counter (table) 72 Cisco Lines 96
alerts as syslog messages and traps 43 perfmon object and counters 96
Cisco Locations 97
perfmon object and counters 97
Cisco Media Streaming Application 98
B perfmon object and counters 98
backup and restore 43 Cisco MGCP BRI Device 101
perfmon object and counters 101
Cisco MGCP FXO Device 102
perfmon object and counters 102
C Cisco MGCP FXS Device 103
perfmon object and counters 103
CDRs and CMRs 52 Cisco MGCP Gateways 103, 104
Cisco Analog Access 75 perfmon object and counters 103, 104
perfmon object and counters 75 Cisco MGCP Gateways 104
Cisco Annunciator Device 75 Cisco MGCP PRI Device 104
perfmon object and counters 75 perfmon object and counters 104
Cisco CallManager 76 Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device 105
perfmon object and counters 76 perfmon object and counters 105
Cisco CallManager External Call Control 85 Cisco MOH Device 105, 107
perfmon object and counters 85 perfmon object and counters 105, 107
Cisco CallManager SAF 86 Cisco MTP Device 108
perfmon object and counters 86 perfmon object and counters 108

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OL-29844-01 IN-1

Cisco Phones 108 CISCO-CCM-MIB (continued)

perfmon object and counters 108 all scalar objects 705
Cisco Presence Feature 108 Cisco Unified CM alarms to enable 773
perfmon object and counters 108 Cisco Unified CM managed services and snmp traps 772
Cisco QSIG Feature 109 compliance statements 762
perfmon object and counters 109 cti device directory number table 721
Cisco security agent support 48 cti device table 717
Cisco Signaling Performance 110 dynamic table objects 775
perfmon object and counters 110 enhanced phone extension table with combination index 695
Cisco SIP 109, 110 gateway table 697
perfmon object and counters 109, 110 gateway trunk table 705
Cisco SIP Normalization 111 h323 device table 736
perfmon object and counters 111 media device table 713
Cisco SIP Stack 118 mib conformance statements 761
perfmon object and counters 118 notification types 757
Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device 130 notifications and alarms 727
perfmon object and counters 130 quality report alarm configuration information 753
Cisco TFTP Server 131 sip device table 753
perfmon object and counters 131 static object tables 777
Cisco Tomcat Connector 137 traps to monitor 773
perfmon object and counters 137 voice mail device table 747
Cisco Transcode Device 135 voice mail directory number table 751
perfmon object and counters 135 CiscoLog 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 179
Cisco Unified CM Group Table 662 overview 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 179
Cisco Unified Reporting 50 CLI 44
Cisco Video Conference Bridge 135 clock synchronization 166
perfmon object and counters 135 code yellow 37
Cisco WebDialer 136 community strings 64
perfmon object and counters 136 counters 72
Cisco WSM Connector 137 alert notification parameters (table) 72
perfmon object and counters 137 cpu usage 30
CISCO-CCM_MIB 651, 652, 661, 663, 667, 668, 670, 672, 673, 675, 678, critical service 40
687, 692 critical services 24
Cisco Unified CM group mapping table 667 IM and Presence 24
Cisco Unified CM product type table 675 CTI 89
Cisco Unified CM region pair table 670 Cisco CTIManager 89
Cisco Unified CM region table 668 perfmon object and counters 89
Cisco Unified CM table 663
Cisco Unified CM time zone table 672
definitions 651
device pool table 673
objects 661 Database Change Notification Client 141
phone failed table 687 perfmon object and counters 141
phone status update table 692 Database Change Notification Server 142
phone table 678 perfmon object and counters 142
textual conventions 652 Database Change Notification Subscription 143
CISCO-CCM-MIB 695, 697, 705, 713, 717, 721, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, perfmon object and counters 143
736, 747, 751, 753, 757, 761, 762, 772, 773, 775, 777 Database Local DSN 143
alarms 723, 724, 725, 726 perfmon object and counters 143
Cisco Unified CM alarm enable 723 database replication 37
gateway alarm enable 726 Database Replication 54, 57, 58
malicious call alarm enable 726 Database Replication Does Not Occur When Connectivity
phone failed config objects 724 Is Restored on Lost Node 57
phone status update config objects 725

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IN-2 OL-29844-01

Database Replication (continued) IME Client Instance 161

Database Tables Out of Sync Do Not Trigger Alert 57 cisco unified CM server objects 161
Replication Fails Between the Publisher and the Subscriber 54 IME Configuration Manager 155
Resetting Database Replication When Reverting to an Older IME server objects 155
Product Release 58 IME Server 155
Database Replication Does Not Occur When Connectivity Is IME server objects 155
Restored on Lost Node 57 IME Server System Performance 158
DB User Host Information Counters 144 IME server objects 158
perfmon object and counters 144 informs 65
disk name mapping 35 overview 65
disk usage 34 IP 144
perfmon object and counters 144

Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors 144
perfmon object and counters 144 locked-down system 48
Enterprise Replication Perfmon Counters 144 log file and syslog outputs 164
perfmon object and counters 144

Memory 146
format 164 perfmon object and counters 146
MESSAGE field 179
message format 166
message length 167
G mibs 637
general install/upgrade 49 cisco-ccm-mib 637
MSGNAME field 175
multipart messages 166

hardware migration 47 N
HEADER field 172
historical information download 53 native hardware OOB management 52
HOST field 168 Network Interface 147
perfmon object and counters 147
Number of Replicates 148
perfmon object and counters 148
IM and Presence 24
critical services 24 O
server status 24
IME 154, 155, 159, 162 object and counters 141
cisco unified CM server alerts 162 Database Change Notification Client 141
cisco unified CM server objects 159 onboard agents 51
IME server alerts 159 overview 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 63, 65, 71, 163
IME server objects 155 alarms 163
performance monitoring 154 CAR 7
IME Client 160 CDRs amd CMRs 7
cisco unified CM server objects 160 Cisco Unified CM 1
Cisco Unified Reporting 5

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overview (continued) perfmon (continued)

Cisco Unified Serviceability 4, 5 object and counters (continued)
CiscoLog messages 163 Cisco SIP Stack 118
informs 65 Cisco SIP Station 129
managed services 3 Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device 130
MIBs 8 Cisco TFTP Server 131
RTMT 6, 71 Cisco Tomcat Connector 137
SNMP 63 Cisco Transcode Device 135
support deployment models 2 Cisco Video Conference Bridge 135
trace collection 5 Cisco WebDialer 136
traps 65 Cisco WSM Connector 137
Database Change Notification Server 142
Database Change Notification Subscription 143
Database Local DSN 143
P DB User Host Information 144
Partition 149 Enterprise Replication 144
perfmon object and counters 149 Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors 144
perfmon 75, 76, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 105, IP 144
107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, Memory 146
142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154 Network Interface 147
object and counters 75, 76, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, Partition 149
102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 129, 130, Process 150
131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, Processor 152
150, 152, 153, 154 System 153
Cisco Analog Access 75 TCP 153
Cisco Annunciator Device 75 Thread 154
Cisco CallManager 76 Tomcat JVM 139
Cisco CallManager System Performance 87 Tomcat Web Application 140
Cisco CTIManager 89 perfmon counters 52
Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility 90 performance monitoring 75, 76, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96,
Cisco Extension Mobility 91 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 129,
Cisco Gatekeeper 93 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149,
Cisco H.323 93 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 158, 160, 161
Cisco Hunt Lists 94 cisco unified CM server objects 160, 161
Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device 95 IME Client 160
Cisco IP Manager Assistant 96 IME Client Instance 161
Cisco Lines 96 IME server objects 155, 158
Cisco Locations 97 IME Configuration Manager 155, 158
Cisco Media Streaming Application 98 Number of Replicates 148
Cisco MGCP FXO Device 102 object and counters 75, 76, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,
Cisco MGCP FXS Device 103 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 118, 129,
Cisco MGCP Gateways 103 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147,
Cisco MGCP PRI Device 104 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154
Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device 105 Cisco Analog Access 75
Cisco MobilityManager 105 Cisco Annunciator Device 75
Cisco MOH Device 107 Cisco CallManager 76
Cisco MTP Device 108 Cisco CallManager External Call Control 85
Cisco Phones 108 Cisco CallManager SAF 86
Cisco Presence Feature 108 Cisco CallManager System Performance 87
Cisco QSIG Feature 109 Cisco CTIManager 89
Cisco Signaling Performance 110 Cisco Dual-Mode Mobility 90
Cisco SIP 109, 110 Cisco Extension Mobility 91
Cisco SIP Normalization 111 Cisco Feature Control Policy 93
Cisco Gatekeeper 93

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Managed Service Guide, Release 10.0(1)

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performance monitoring (continued) Processor 152

object and counters (continued) perfmon object and counters 152
Cisco H.323 93
Cisco Hunt Lists 94
Cisco HW Conference Bridge Device 95
Cisco IP Manager Assistant 96
Cisco Lines 96 Replication Fails Between the Publisher and the Subscriber 54
Cisco Locations 97 Resetting Database Replication When Reverting to an Older
Cisco Media Streaming Application 98 Product Release 58
Cisco MGCP BRI Device 101 RIS data collector perfmonlog 39
Cisco MGCP FXO Device 102 role-based access control 48
Cisco MGCP FXS Device 103 RTMT 75, 137
Cisco MGCP Gateways 103 callmanager perfmon objects and counters 75
Cisco MGCP PRI Device 104 system perfmon objects and counters 137
Cisco MGCP T1CAS Device 105 RTMT reports 50
Cisco Mobility Manager 105
Cisco MOH Device 107
Cisco MTP Device 108
Cisco Phones 108 S
Cisco Presence Feature 108 security patching and updating 48
Cisco QSIG Feature 109 SEQNUM field 168
Cisco Signaling Performance 110 server status 24
Cisco SIP 109, 110 IM and Presence 24
Cisco SIP Normalization 111 serviceability reports 50
Cisco SIP Stack 118 SEVERITY field 173
Cisco SIP Station 129 snmp 67, 69
Cisco SW Conf Bridge Device 130 snmp/r MIBs 69
Cisco TFTP Server 131 troubleshooting 67
Cisco Tomcat Connector 137 SNMP 62, 63, 64, 65, 66
Cisco Transcode Device 135 basics 63
Cisco Video Conference Bridge 135 community strings 64
Cisco WebDialer 136 informs 65
Cisco WSM Connector 137 overview 65
Database Change Notification Server 142 SNMPv1 62
Database Change Notification Subscription 143 trace configuration 66
Database Local DSN 143 traps 65
DB User Host Information 144 overview 65
Enterprise Replication 144 troubleshooting tips for developers 66
Enterprise Replication DBSpace Monitors 144 users 64
IP 144 standard syslog server implementations 165
Memory 146 summary 29
Network Interface 147 summary of CLI commands and GUI selections 58
Number of Replicates 148 syslog messages 42
Partition 149 System 153
Process 150 perfmon object and counters 153
Processor 152 system health 13, 14, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44,
System 153 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 59
Thread 154 critical processes to monitor 14, 24
Tomcat JVM 139 miscellaneous information 50, 51, 52, 53
Tomcat Web Application 140 platform monitoring 44
phone registration status 53 platform security 48
Process 150 recovery, migration, and backup/restore 43, 47
perfmon object and counters 150 related documentation 59

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system health (continued) trace 5, 66

RTMT monitoring 28 collection 5
RTMTmonitoring 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43 recommendations for SNMP 66
software configuration management 49 trace and log central 5
software configuration managementdetecting version and trace collection 5
packages 49 trace tools 4
supported interfaces 13 traps 65
overview 65
troubleshooting 57, 66
database tables out of sync do not trigger alert 57
T for SNMP developers 66
TAGS field 176 troubleshooting trace 5
TCP 153
perfmon object and counters 153
Thread 154 U
perfmon object and counters 154
TIMESTAMP field 170 users (SNMP) 64
Tomcat JVM 139
perfmon object and counters 139
Tomcat Web Application 140
perfmon object and counters 140
virtual memory 32

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