c o g n i t i v e p syc h o l o g y
How Language
Shapes Thought
The languages we speak affect our perceptions of the world
By Lera Boroditsky
am standing next to a five-year old girl in pormpuraaw, a small The notion that different languages may impart different cog-
Aboriginal community on the western edge of Cape York in nitive skills goes back centuries. Since the 1930s it has become
northern Australia. When I ask her to point north, she points associated with American linguists Edward Sapir and Benja-
precisely and without hesitation. My compass says she is right. min Lee Whorf, who studied how languages vary and proposed
Later, back in a lecture hall at Stanford University, I make the ways that speakers of different tongues may think differently.
same request of an audience of distinguished scholarswin- Although their ideas met with much excitement early on, there
ners of science medals and genius prizes. Some of them have was one small problem: a near complete lack of evidence to
come to this very room to hear lectures for more than 40 years. I support their claims. By the 1970s many scientists had become
ask them to close their eyes (so they dont cheat) and point north. disenchanted with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, and it was all
Many refuse; they do not know the answer. Those who do point but abandoned as a new set of theories claiming that language
take a while to think about it and then aim in all possible direc- and thought are universal muscled onto the scene. But now, de-
tions. I have repeated this exercise at Harvard and Princeton and cades later, a solid body of empirical evidence showing how lan-
in Moscow, London and Beijing, always with the same results. guages shape thinking has finally emerged. The evidence over-
A five-year-old in one culture can do something with ease turns the long-standing dogma about universality and yields
that eminent scientists in other cultures struggle with. This is a fascinating insights into the origins of knowledge and the con-
big difference in cognitive ability. What could explain it? The struction of reality. The results have important implications for
surprising answer, it turns out, may be language. law, politics and education.
in brief
People communicate using a multitude er different languages might impart dif- cating that ones mother tongue does The latest findings also hint that lan-
of languages that vary considerably in ferent cognitive abilities. indeed mold the way one thinks about guage is part and parcel of many more
the information they convey. In recent years empirical evidence for many aspects of the world, including aspects of thought than scientists had
Scholars have long wondered wheth- this causal relation has emerged, indi- space and time. previously realized.