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Santa Susana High School Dance Department

Presents a Concert of Disney-Themed Student Work

Wish Upon a Star

Friday, Dec. 9, 2016

Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016
@2pm & 7pm
Wi h Upon a Sta
Presented by
Santa Susana High Schools
Dance Program Director............................................................................................................................. Linda Lewis
Concert Director.............................................................. Linda Lewis and Mikayla Davis (student co-director)
Producers................................................................................................................ Karen Giles-Buell and Linda Lewis
Technical Director.....................................,................................................................................................. Mikayla Davis
Shadow TD........................................................................................................................................................... Crystal Lee
Stage Manager................................................................................................................................................. Rae Marcos
Backstage Manager.................................................................................................................................. Ryan Rodgers
Lights............................................................................................... Brian Nguyen, Chase Buschke, Tanner Lauren
Spot Operator................................................................................................................. Emily Barajas, Skye Costigan
Sound............................................................................................... Raul Gomez, Ian Joslin, Eder Ruiz, CJ Schmider
Stage...................................................................................................Olivia Andazola, Brian Apodaca, Danna Avni,
Peter Gonzales, Garland Lapp, Melissa Morales,
Skyler Nguyen, Honey Rose Ross
Riggers...........................................................................................................................Dante Russo, Chris Loewenthal,
Jeremy Parkerson
Runners........................................................................................... Josh Bozarth, Ellie Burg, Charlie Hanna-Baker,
Jennifer Lopez, Megan Benkovic, Jessica Maske, Josh Ness, Kyle Reelfs, Destiny Varela
Stagecraft Teachers/Artists-in-Residence......................................................... Irene Silbert and Rick Geiger
Journalism and Broadcasting............................................................................................................... Jason Beaton
Graphic Design.................................................................................................. Olivia Holland and Felicity Gutierez
Dance Program
The Dance Program at Santa Susana
High School offers multi- level training in
ballet, pointe, jazz, tap and modern, as
well as dance ensemble, our capstone
performing company. Through rigorous
training, ongoing student choreography
projects, guest and faculty choreogra-
phy, and workshops, we are able to
offer a thorough preparation for those
students wishing to further their educa-
tion in dance.

The Dance Program offers a ceriftfica-

tion in Dance, which is uniquely designed
with the intent of creating well-rounded
and versatile dancers who are prepared
to meet the challenges and expectations
of todays higher education as well as
the performing arts industry. Dancers
certificate by completing a specific course
of study, consisting of either a Major Em-
phasis or a Minor Focus in Dance.
Our students have studied with the Kirov
Ballet, Boston Ballet, American Ballet
Theatre, the Alvin Ailey American Dance
Theatre, Wylliams Henry Contemporary
Dance Company, and many others, and
have gone on to pursue their dance and
musical theatre educations at prestigious
universities and conservatories, as well as
with professional agencies, dance compa-
nies, and Broadway.
Step Up to The Plate Free Spirits
Jazz 2 Ballet 2
Music: I Dont Dance by David Nes- Music: Transformation by Phil Collins
sim Lawrence (High School Musical 2 from Brother Bear soundtrack
soundtrack) Dancers: Danae Drake, Julia Gallegos,
Dancers: Nicole Carabajal, Eric Colorado, Nicole Nessen, Alondra Olvera, Madison
Deanna Corbera, Silvia Espinosa, Julia Perrin-Ackels, Julieta Rodriguez, Lara
Jones, Elaina Kamali, Aimee Ladd, Kelli Satler, Jennifer Vasquez.
OHora, Vivian Rangel, Lili Sanchez.
Baby Blue
A New Hope Outside Solo
Ballet 1 Per 3 Music: Baby Blue by Tor Miller
Music: Star Wars Main Theme by John Dancer: Brianna Kurth
Dancers: Lizzie Barajas, Paige Barrella,
Lack of Armor
Faith Brodoski, Jewelia Davis, Analisa
ROP Choreography
Jugan, Desiree Rosales, Alex Valencia.
Music: With Tamed Eyes by Explosions
in the Sky
Amigas Cheetahs Dancers: Kaya Buschke, Sam DeSantis,
Jazz 1 Per 5 Jade Falkenberg, Sofya Hovhannisyan,
Music: Amigas Cheetahs by Jamie Cassidy Kelly, Amanda Roe, Allison Sulka.
Houston and Will Robinson from the The
Cheetah Girls 2 soundtrack Getting the Prince
Dancers: Seleyna Figueroa, Shriya Killada, Jazz 1 Per 3
Alyssa Prydz, Lakshanya Ramadhenu, Music: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
Aryaki Tripathy, Savannah Wells, Emily by Fergie ft Q-Tip and Goonrock
Zomoroudi. Dancers: Danna Avni, Sabrina Carreno,
Tiffany Chamberlain, Paola Chavez, Evan
Churilov, Miguela Soriano, Alexa Soto,
Niesy Tejeda
Little Match Girl I Know You
Pointe Dance Ensemble
Music: String Quartet No. 2 in D major Music: Once Upon a Dream by Lana
by Alexander Borodin Del Rey
Dancers: Sophia Damiani, Bella Dephil- Dancers: Marigail Bentz, Jessica Dial, Alex
lipo, Abi Franks, Mackenzie Rickaby, Riley Egenberg, Brianna Kurth, Amanda Man-
Shapiro. cinelli, Riley Moriarty, Jillyann Romero.

Aloha aina
Dance Ensemble How Nature Flows
Music: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride by Ballet 1 Per 7
Mi Kealii Ho Omala from Lilo and Stitch Music: Colors of the Wind by Alan Men-
soundtrack ken from Pocahontas soundtrack
Dancers: Analilliah Alexander, Michele Dancers: Casey Anderson, Hailea Coch-
Birkner, Arielle Castro, Maya Efrat, Kylie lin, Ashlyn Cox, Kinsey Huber, Jordyn
LaFrenais, Crystal Lee. Lane, Sydney Markarian, Willow Mize,
Emily Rummell.
A Day at Disneyland
Ballet 1 Per 7 Burned
Music: Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Outside solo
Kyle Landry ft Jooh Chiu from Lion King Music: Hurts So Good by Astrid S.
soundtrack Dancer: Crystal Lee
Dancers: Nicole Duke, Delaney Jones,
Alyssa Lin, Katie Patterson, Jul Pineda, CB
Rangel, Desiree Reyes, Emily Tran. Nightmare
Music: Making Christmas by Danny Elf-
man from Nightmare Before Christmas
Dancers: Mary Buffaloe, Liliana Felix,
Gisela Franco, Cass Staples, Emma Wilt.
Lilac Fairy Variation Cassidy Kelly, Kylie LaFrenais, Crystal
Outside solo Lee, Riley Moriarty, Amanda Mancinelli ,
Music: Lilac Fairy Variation from Sleeping Kiara Mendoza, Mason Purece, Jillyann
Beauty ballet by Tchaikovsky Romero, Alex Rios, Amanda Roe, Allison
Dancer: Sophia Damiani Sulka, Antonia Vivino.

Ladies of the Renaissance ...And youre watching Disney

Ballet 2 Channel
Music: Kingdom Dance Tap
Dancers: Taylor Bayer, Megan Davies, Music: Little Einsteins Theme song by Billy
Nicole Nessen, Amanda Roe, Kayla Straus
Schwefler, Sarah Stickell. Dancers: Samantha Brown, Aissa Carnet,
Madison Desmet, Jakob Evans, Connor
Mother Knows Best Green, Kendall Green, Daniel McGreevy,
Outside duet Riley Moriarty, Ruth Regi.
Music: Mother Knows Best by Alan Men-
ken (Tangled soundtrack) Bewitched Princesses
Dancers: Arianna Howard, Samantha Modern
Longtin Music: Flickers by Son Lux
Dancers: Maritza Cunado, Alex Egenberg,
Brianna Kurth.
Weighted Minds and Yearning Hearts
Dance Ensemble
Music: Fall Down, Rise Up by No Clear The Artist
Mind Pointe
Dancers: Kaya Buschke, Marigail Bentz, Music: Once Upon a December Anastasia
Michele Birkner, Arielle Castro, Melanie by Deana Carter
Clarizio, Sam DeSantis, Jessica Dial, Maya Dancers: Samantha Longtin, Eilis Jen-
Efrat, Alex Egenberg, Jade Falkenburg, nings, Ariannah Howard, Sydney Boyd,
Sammy Granados, Presley Hawk, Malia Belen Guzman.
Hedrick, Olivia Holland, Sofya Hovhanni-
syan, Delaney Jones, Brianna Kurth,
XoXo, Gospel Girl soundtrack
Jazz 2 Dancers: Amy Buffaloe, Nicole Carbajal,
Music: Gospel Truth by Vanessa Thomas Paola Chavez, Emily Chung, Danielle
from Goudreau, Tanya Howard, Lucy Ko, Viv-
Hercules soundtrack ian Rangel, Jessica Smith.
Dancers: Analilliah Alexander, Jacey
Garza, Sam Granados, Alex Rios, Kayla Down the Rabbit Hole
Schwefler, Riley Stevens. Dance Ensemble
Music: Down the Rabbit Hole by Melanie
Dance for Peace Martinez
Guest performers, Megill and Company Dancers: Melanie Clarizio, Sam Granados,
Choreography/soundscape: Beth Megill Olivia Holland, Sofya Hovhannisyan,
Dancers: Karissa Smith, Erin Sofley, Nata- Delaney Jones, Kiara Mendoza.
sha Wolf
Dreams in New Orleans
Royalty Gone Bad Jazz 1, Per 5
Hip Hop JV Team Music: When were Human by Randy
Music: Whistle Stop/Partition/7-11 by Newman (Princess and the Frog
Beyonce and Roger Miller soundtrack)
Dancers: Shadi Azad, Elise Bauer, Arielle Dancers: Kennedy Cascio, Brooke Clarizio,
Castro, Alondra Chavez, Paola Chavez, Yahaika Corona, Jocelyne Daugherty,
Evan Churilov, Emely Cortez, Maritza Kelly Dizon, Bryce Phillips, Lynette Pichel,
Cunado, Alex Egenberg, Delaney Jones, Linda Tran.
Jordan Lavine, Riley Moriarty, Alex Orlino,
Trupti Sriram, Niesy Tejada, Jennifer Left Behind
Vasquez. Outside solo
Music: When She Loved Me by Sarah
Working Away Mclachan from Toy Story 2 Soundtrack
Ballet 2 Dancer: Mason Purece
Music: Whistle While You Work by Mosik
Van Frank Churchill from Snow White
Corruption Learning to Fly
Modern Ballet I, Per 3
Music: Breath of Life by Florence and the Music: Peters Return by James Newton
Machine Howard from Peter Pan soundtrack
Dancers: Amanda Corpeno, Ashley Hicke, Dancers: Shayna Apelbaum, Amanda
Sofya Hovhannisyan, Stacy Lee, Alex Corpeno, Emely Cortez, Maritza Cunado,
Orlino. Alicia Griggs, Aimee Ladd

The Heros Final Dance Free

Jazz 1, Per 5 Modern/Composition
Music: Disney Villain Medley by Jonathan Music: Reflection by Matthew Wilder
Freeman from Mulan soundtrack
Dancers: Sarah DeBruler, Jasmine Hallack, Dancers: Eric Colorado, Jordyn Cruz, April
Sarah Harper Hedge, Madison Perrin-Ackels, Jessica
Getcha Tap in the Game
Tap Your Wish is My Command
Music: Getcha Head in the Game by Jazz I, Per 3
Zac Efron from High School Musical Music: Friend Like Me by Alan Menken
soundtrack and Howard Ashman from Aladdin
Dancers: Juliana Bellamy, Isabel Christe- soundtrack
nen, Emely Cortez, Jessica Maske, Daphne Dancers: Athena Bell, Ashley Bidgoli,
Nungaray, Marcy Oliva, Destiny Varela, Alina George, Samantha Grofsky, Meryl
Christina White Guda, Daniella Jones

Bambis Innocence Be You

Pointe Dance Ensemble
Music: Little April Showers by Frank Music: Me Too by Meghan Trainor
Churchill from Bambi soundtrack Dancers: Kaya Buschke, Samantha
Dancers: Brianna Bon, Camryn Carbine, DeSantis, Jade Falkenberg, Presley Hawk,
Madison Perrin-Ackels Malia Hendrik, Cassidy Kelly, Mason
Purece, Alexandra Rios, Amanda Roe, Skys the Limit
Allison Sulka Jazz 1, Per 3
Music: Kiss the Sky by Jason Derulo
A Colored Mind Dancers: Mitia Hooshmandi, Sara Krell,
Ballet I, Per 3 Iliana Lopez, Jackie Ramirez, Maylene
Music: Bundle of Joy by Michael Gi- Shanburn, Valerie Vega.
acchino from Inside Out soundtrack
Dancers: Shadi Azad, Elise Bauer, Danielle Finding Your Way
Dawson, Anali Eichorn, Elisabet Lindskog, Ballet 1, Per 3
Grace Nash, Sammy Walker, Sam Welke Music: Nemo Egg by Thomas Newman
from Finding Nemo soundtrack
Dancers: Mia Caputo, Alondra Chavez,
Girls Talk Boys Lyda Harlan, Amy Jimenez, Melanie Mar-
Jazz 2 tinez, Amy McCartt, Lavina Tran, Julianna
Music: Cruisin for a Bruisin by Mitch Williams
Allan, Jason Evigan, Nikki Leonti, Jason
Charles Miller from Teen Beach Movie Constellation
soundtrack Dance Ensemble
Dancers: Karina Evans, Kennedy Forsyth, Music: Horizon 2.2 , Define Danc-
Isabella Jackson, Lena Janiszewaki, ing by Thomas Newman from Wall.E
Jordan Levine, Michael Metzger, Ashley soundtrack
Monroe, Camille Schwarz, Nandita Sun- Dancers: Kaya Buschke, Sam DeSantis,
darapandidn. Jade Falkenberg, Presley Hawk, Malia
Hendrik, Cassidy Kelly, Mason Purece,
Malevolent Villains Alex Rios, Amanda Roe, Allison Sulka,
Pointe Antonia Vivino
Music: West Wing by Alan Menken from
Beauty and the Beast soundtrack Kitris Variation Act 3
Dancers: Heather Diem, Liliana Felix, Outside solo
Gisela Franco, Jacey Garza, Kayla Latzer, Music: Kitris var from Don Quixote by
Diamond Richardson Ludwig Minkus
Dancer: Abi Franks
The Glad in Gladiator Night Show
Tap Hip Hop Varsity Team
Music: Zero to Hero by Alan Menken Music: Cut it, Antidote, A Milli by OT
from Hercules soundtrack Genasis, Travis Scott, Lil Wayne
Dancers: Dancers: Ana Alexander, Juliana Bellamy,
Sydney Abdelmessih, Shayna Apelbaum, Nicole Carabajal, Eric Colorado, Amy
Danna Avni, Elise Barnathan, Maddie Doan, Seleyna Figueroa, Malia Hedrick,
Cassady, Natalia Enriquez, Kate Frank- Cassidy Kelly, Brianna Kurth, Stacy Lee,
land, Rebecca Radvinsky, Camille Schwarz Nicole Martin, Kiara Mendoza, Vivian
Rangel, Alex Rios, Jillyann Romero, Kayla
Twisted Analysis Schwefler, Sarah Stickell, Jocelyn Westrup,
Modern Allison Yuan
Music: Pandoras Blackbook by Slowburn
Dancers: Kaya Buschke, Sam DeSantis,
Jade Falkenburg, Presley Hawk, Cassidy
Kelly, Amanda Roe, Allison Sulka.

Ballet 2
Music: He Mele No Lilo by Disney Mark
Kealil Hoomalu/Kamehameha Schools
Dancers: Analiliah Alexander, Sabrina
Carreno, Jacqueline Etpison, Tiffany Mota,
Alyssa Ortiz, Allison Rummell, Alyssa
Shanburn, Trupti Sriram.

Up, Up and Away

Outside Duet
Music: Married Life by Michael Giacchino
from Up soundtrack
Dancers: , Mason Purece, Antonia Vivino

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