Is It Possible?: Life After Death
Is It Possible?: Life After Death
Is It Possible?: Life After Death
Life Story
Jehovah Has Given Me More Than I Deserve 9
Imitate Their Faith
Would you welcome I Arose as a Mother in Israel 12
more information or a
Bible Questions Answered 16
free home Bible study?
What Happens
After Death?
I thought there were three places a
person could go at death: heaven,
hell, or purgatory. I knew I wasnt good
enough for heaven or bad enough for
hell. It was not clear to me exactly what
was in purgatory. I never saw any of
that in the Bible. It was just what people
AUGUST 1, 2015 3
What is the condition of the dead?
THE BIBLES ANSWER: The living know that they will
die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have
any more reward, because all memory of them is forgot-
ten. Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your
might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge
nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.1Ec-
A widows son The prophet Elijah resurrected clesiastes 9:5, 10.
the young son of a widow who lived in Zare- The Grave, simply put, is where humans go when
phath, north of Israel.1 Kings 17:17-24. they die; it is a symbolic place or condition where
A Shunammite boy Elijahs successor, the any consciousness or activity ceases. How did the
prophet Elisha, resurrected a boy in the town faithful man Job view the Grave? He had lost all his
of Shunem and restored him to his parents. possessions and children in one day, and then he
2 Kings 4:32-37. was struck with agonizing boils all over his body. He
pleaded with God: O that in the Grave [in hell,
A man in a burial place The corpse of a man
who had recently died was hastily left in the
Catholic Douay Version] you would conceal me, that
same burial place where Elishas bones lay. you would hide me. (Job 1:13-19; 2:7; 14:13) Clear-
When the mans body touched the prophets ly, Job did not understand the Grave to be a ery
bones, the man was resurrected.2 Kings 13: hell, a place where his suering would be even
20, 21. worse. Rather, he thought of it as a place of relief.
There is another way to learn about the condi-
The son of the widow of Nain Jesus inter-
tion of the dead. We can examine the inspired
rupted a burial procession outside Nain to res-
urrect a young man and restore him to his
Scriptural records concerning eight people who re-
grieving mother.Luke 7:11-15. turned from the dead.See the box Eight Resur-
rections Described in the Bible.
Jairus daughter Jairus, an ocer of the syna- Not one of those eight spoke about being in a
gogue, implored Jesus to help his sick daugh- place of bliss or torment. If the people who were
ter. Jesus resurrected her shortly after she
resurrected had gone to such a place when they
died.Luke 8:41, 42, 49-56.
died, would they not have told people about it?
Lazarus, Jesus dear friend Lazarus was dead And would this not be included in the inspired Bi-
for four days when Jesus resurrected him be- ble record for all to see? In the Scriptures, nothing
fore a number of onlookers.John 11:38-44. of the kind is recorded. Those eight people evi-
dently had nothing to say on the subject. Why not?
Dorcas The apostle Peter resurrected this be-
loved woman, who was known for her many Because they had been unconscious, as if in a deep
acts of kindness.Acts 9:36-42. sleep. In fact, the Bible sometimes uses sleep as an
illustration to explain death. For example, faithful
Eutychus The young man Eutychus died when David and Stephen both fell asleep in death.
he fell from a high window; the apostle Paul Acts 7:60; 13:36.
raised him back to life.Acts 20:7-12.
What hope, then, is there for the dead? Can they
1 The most important resurrection, that of Jesus Christ, awaken from this sleep?
diered signicantly from these eight, as the following
article will show. 1 In the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, the word Grave
is used to render the Hebrew word Sheol and the Greek word
Hades. Some Bible versions use the word hell, but the notion of
a ery place of torment for the dead is not Scriptural.
Is There Hope for the Dead?
Can the dead live again? again? Then he condently answered: I will wait
all the days of my compulsory service [time in the
THE BIBLES ANSWER: The hour is coming in which all Grave] until my relief comes. You will call, and I
those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus] voice will answer you.Job 14:14, 15.
and come out.John 5:28, 29. The resurrection was not a new thought to Laz-
Jesus thus foretold the future time when, under arus sister Martha. After Lazarus died, Jesus said
the rule of his Kingdom, the Grave would be emp- to her: Your brother will rise. Martha respond-
tied. I was astounded the rst time I read John 5: ed: I know he will rise in the resurrection on the
28, 29, recalls Fernando, mentioned in the pre- last day. Jesus then said to her: I am the resur-
ceding article. It gave me real hope, and I start- rection and the life. The one who exercises faith
ed thinking about the future with optimism. in me, even though he dies, will come to life.
In ancient times, the faithful man Job expected (John 11:23-25) Then Jesus promptly raised Laz-
that after his death God would eventually restore arus back to life! That thrilling account gives us a
him to life. Job asked: If a man dies, can he live preview of grander events in the future. Imag-
ine such resurrections taking place on a global
The resurrection of scale!
Lazarus gives us
hope for the future
Will some be raised to heaven?
THE BIBLES ANSWER: Gods Word shows that Jesus
resurrection diered from the other eight in the
Bible record. Those eight people returned to life
here on earth. But of Jesus resurrection, we read:
Jesus Christ . . . is at Gods right hand, for he went to
heaven. (1 Peter 3:21, 22) Would Jesus remain the
only one to be resurrected to heaven? Jesus had
earlier told his apostles: If I go my way and pre-
pare a place for you, I will come again and will re-
ceive you home to myself, so that where I am you
also may be.John 14:3.
Christ went to heaven and prepared for the ar-
rival of some of his disciples. Those resurrected to
heaven will eventually number 144,000. (Revela-
tion 14:1, 3) But what will those close followers of
Jesus do there?
AUGUST 1, 2015 5
All who choose to serve God will have the prospect of living forever
in complete health and happiness
They will be very busy! The Scriptures tell us: ple. The faithful man Daniel was told toward the
Happy and holy is anyone having part in the rst end of his life: You will rest, but you will stand up
resurrection; over these the second death has no for your lot at the end of the days. (Daniel 12:13)
authority, but they will be priests of God and of Where will Daniel awake from the sleep of death?
the Christ, and they will rule as kings with him for The righteous will possess the earth, and they
the 1,000 years. (Revelation 20:6) Those res- will live forever on it. (Psalm 37:29) And Je-
urrected to heaven will rule as king-priests with sus foretold: Happy are the mild-tempered, since
Christ over the earth. they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5) Dan-
iel and other faithful men and women will be
Who will be resurrected later? raised to live on the earth once again, even eter-
THE BIBLES ANSWER: The inspired Scriptures re- Who will be included in the group that Paul
cord this speech given by the apostle Paul: I have called the unrighteous? They are the billions of
hope toward God, which hope these men also look for- humans who have lived and died, many without
ward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both ever having an opportunity to understand and ap-
the righteous and the unrighteous.Acts 24:15. ply Bible truth. After their resurrection, they will
Who will be included in the group that Paul re- be able to come to know and appreciate Jehovah1
ferred to as the righteous? Consider an exam- and Jesus. (John 17:3) All those who choose to
serve God will have the prospect of living as long
as Jehovah himself livesforever.
How Can You Be Sure?
Is it naive to think that the dead will live again?
The apostle Paul did not think so. He wrote under
inspiration: If in this life only we have hoped in
Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone.
But now Christ has been raised from the dead,
the rstfruits of those who have fallen asleep in
death. (1 Corinthians 15:19, 20) Paul saw the res-
urrection as a certainty. It was, in eect, guaran-
teed by the resurrection of Jesus himself.1 (Acts
17:31) That is why Paul called Jesus the rst-
fruitshe was the first one raised to eternal life.
If Jesus was rst, then logically there would be
Here is another reason you can be sure of the
resurrection hope. Jehovah is the God of truth.
God . . . cannot lie. (Titus 1:2) Jehovah has
never lied, and he never will. Would he hold out
the resurrection hope, even demonstrating that
he can fulll it, and then turn his promises into
lies? The very notion is absurd!
Why has Jehovah arranged for the future res-
urrection? Because of his love. If a man dies, can
he live again? asked Job. You will call, and I will
answer you. You will long for the work of your
hands. (Job 14:14, 15) Job was convinced that
his loving heavenly Father would yearn to resur-
rect him. Has God changed? I am Jehovah; I do
not change. (Malachi 3:6) God still longs to see
the dead brought back to life healthy and happy.
This is just as any loving parent would wish after
losing a child in death. The dierence, of course,
is that God has the power to do as he wishes.
Job said to God: You will long for the work
Psalm 135:6. of your hands.Job 14:14, 15
1 For evidence that Jesus was resurrected, see the book The Bible
Gods Word or Mans? pages 78-86, published by Jehovahs Wit-
AUGUST 1, 2015 7
Death is a terrible problem,
but God has the perfect solution
I grew up in the city of Alicante, on the east coast stuck inside a hospital ward. Coming to terms
of Spain. My family was completely dysfunction- with this predicament was really tough. I kept ask-
al, so as a youth I spent much of my time on the ing myself, Is there any point in living?
streets. Close to my house was a tire repair shop. Jos Mara came to see me, and he quickly ar-
There I became friends with Jos Mara, one of ranged for Jehovahs Witnesses from the local
the employees. He was a warm person who gave congregation to visit me at the hospital. Those
me the attention I sorely missed in my own fami- regular visits touched my heart. As soon as I left
ly. In times of distress, he was like a real brother the intensive care unit, I began to study the Bible.
to mea true friend, although he was 20 years my I discovered the truth about why people suer
senior. and die and why God allows bad things to happen.
Jos Mara had started studying the Bible with I also learned about Gods promises for the fu-
Jehovahs Witnesses. I could tell that he loved the ture, when the whole earth will be lled with per-
Scriptures, and he often shared Bible truths with fect humans and nobody will ever say: I am sick.
me. I listened to him respectfully, but I never real- (Isaiah 33:24) For the rst time in my life, a won-
ly took an interest in what he said. My teenage derful hope was opening up to me.
heart was preoccupied with other matters. That, When I left the hospital, I progressed quickly in
however, was about to change. my study of the Bible. With the use of a special
wheelchair, I even attended some meetings of Je-
AN ACCIDENT THAT CHANGED MY LIFE hovahs Witnesses and shared in their preaching
I do not like to talk much about that road acci- activity. On November 5, 1988, at the age of 20, I
dent. What I will say is that I was foolish and was baptized by immersion in a special bathtub.
reckless. In just one day, my whole life changed Jehovah God had given me a whole new outlook
completely. From being a young teenager full of on life. But what could I do to show my apprecia-
vitality, I suddenly found myself paralyzed and tion?
AUGUST 1, 2015 9
ON THE MOVE DESPITE MY DISABILITY all, it gives me access to the website and
I was determined not to let my condition stop the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. What marvelous
me from doing all that I could in Jehovahs ser- tools these have proved to be for me! I often
vice. I wanted to progress. (1 Timothy 4:15) At spend hours each day studying and researching
rst, that was not easy, for my family was opposed Bible-based publications so that I can continue
to my new faith. But I had my fellow believers, learning about God and his wonderful qualities.
who were my spiritual brothers and sisters. They And whenever I feel alone or a little discouraged,
made sure that I never missed a meeting and that there is always something on the website that lifts
I had an active share in the preaching work. my spirits.
As time went by, however, it became evident My computer also allows me to listen to and
that I was going to need round-the-clock special- participate in congregation meetings. I can com-
ized care. After a long search, I eventually found ment, oer prayers, present talks, and even read
a suitable center for the disabled in the city of Va- the Watchtower magazine when I am assigned to
lencia, 100 miles (160 km) north of Alicante. This do so. Although I cannot attend those meetings in
center became my permanent home. person, I still feel that I am very much a part of the
Although bedridden, I was determined to con- local congregation.
tinue pressing forward. Using my disability pen- Having a telephone and a computer also allows
sion and other subsidies, I obtained a computer me to have a full share in the preaching work.
and had it installed next to my bed. I also pur- True, I cannot go from house to house as most of
chased a cell phone. Now, each morning, a care- Jehovahs Witnesses do. But that has not stopped
giver switches on my computer and activates my me. Using these tools I am able to share my faith
cell phone. To operate the computer, I use a joy- with others. In fact, I enjoy my phone conversa-
stick that I control with my chin. I also have a spe- tions so much that the local elders have even asked
cial rod that I hold with my mouth. This rod allows me to coordinate telephone preaching campaigns.
me to type letters on a keyboard and dial numbers These campaigns have been particularly helpful to
on my cell phone. housebound members of the congregation who
How has this technology helped me? First of are unable to leave their homes.
But my life does not revolve around just tech- ing God, keeping my eyes focused on the hope
nology. Each day, dear friends come to see me. ahead.
They bring along relatives and acquaintances who I often think about the new world and what it
are interested in the Bible. Often, they even ask will be like to run and jump again. At times, I have
me to take the lead in discussions with them. On joked with my good friend Jos Marawho suf-
other occasions, families visit and invite me to fers from polioabout running a marathon to-
share in their evening of family worship. I espe- gether. Who would win? I ask him. It doesnt
cially like it when young children sit at my bedside matter who wins, he replies. What really matters
and tell me why they love Jehovah. is being there, in Paradise, to run the race.
I appreciate receiving so many visitors. My It has not been easy for me to come to terms
room is often a hub of activity, with friends com- with my disability. I know that as a teenager, I did
ing to see me from near and far. As you can imag- something stupid, and that has cost me dearly.
ine, this loving attention surprises the caregivers Yet, how grateful I am that Jehovah did not aban-
at my center. Each day, I thank Jehovah for allow- don me. He has given me so mucha large spiritu-
ing me to be part of such a wonderful brother- al family, the will to live, the joy of helping others,
hood. and a wonderful hope for the future. If I had to
sum up my feelings in just one sentence, I guess I
would say that Jehovah has truly given me more
Whenever anybody greets me and asks how I than I deserve.
am, I simply say, Here I am, still battling on! Of
course, I know I am not alone in this struggle.
Whatever our circumstances or impediments, all
Christians are in a ghtthe ne ght of the Although bedridden, I am
faith. (1 Timothy 6:12) What has helped me to
battle on for so many years? I pray each day and
determined to share my faith
thank Jehovah for giving my life a sense of pur- with others
pose. And I try to stay as busy as possible in serv-
Jos Mara
I Arose as a Mother
in Israel
EBORAH looked around at the soldiers who Did she wonder what she was doing there? Evi-
D were gathered atop Mount Tabor. It was
touching to see them there. In the morning light,
dently not! Jehovah, her God, had told her to
start this war; he had also revealed that he would
she contemplated their bravery and the faith of use a woman to bring it to an end. (Judges 4:9)
their leader, Barak. Though they were 10,000 What can Deborah and these courageous ghters
strong, their faith and courage would face a teach us about faith?
great test this day. They were going against a vi-
cious foe, and they were outnumbered and poor-
ly armed. But they had come here anywaylargely When the Bible rst introduces Deborah, it re-
because of the encouragement of this one woman. fers to her as a prophetess. That designation
Picture Deborah, her garments rustling in makes Deborah unusual in the Bible record but
the breeze as she and Barak looked out over a hardly unique.1 Deborah had another responsibil-
sweeping vista. Mount Tabor resembled a great ity. She was also evidently settling disputes by giv-
cone with its top blunted. Its at summit com- ing Jehovahs answer to problems that came up.
manded a view of the Plain of Esdraelon, some Judges 4:4, 5.
1,300 feet (400 m) below, which fanned out to the Deborah lived in the mountainous region of
southwest. The Kishon River wound through the Ephraim, between the towns of Bethel and Ra-
at grassland, leading out to the Great Sea by mah. There she would sit beneath a palm tree and
Mount Carmel. The riverbed may have been dry serve the people as Jehovah directed. Her assign-
that morning, but something else glistened on ment was surely challenging, but Deborah did not
that broad plain. Siseras army was drawing near- allow it to daunt her. There was a dire need for her
er, ashing ominously with the glint of iron. It services. In fact, she later took part in composing
came from the pride of Siseras forcessome 900 an inspired song, and it included this comment
chariots, which may have been equipped with iron about her unfaithful people: They chose new
scythes protruding from the axles. Sisera intend- gods; then there was war in the gates. (Judges
ed to cut down the ill-equipped Israelites as if he 5:8) Because the Israelites left Jehovah to serve
were harvesting barley! other gods, Jehovah abandoned them to their en-
Deborah knew that Barak and his men were emies. Canaanite King Jabin dominated them, us-
waiting for some word, some signal, from her. Was ing a mighty general named Sisera.
she the only woman there? What was it like for her 1 Other prophetesses included Miriam, Huldah, and the wife of Isa-
to bear so much responsibility in such a setting? iah.Exodus 15:20; 2 Kings 22:14; Isaiah 8:3.
Sisera! The very name caused terror and panic tative there to strengthen him and his men. (He-
in Israel. The Canaanite religion and culture were brews 11:32, 33) Jehovah responded favorably.
brutal, featuring child sacrice and temple prosti- He allowed Deborah to go, as Barak requested.
tution. What was it like to have a Canaanite gener- However, Jehovah also inspired her to prophesy
al and his army dominating the land? Deborahs that the battles nal glory would not go to a
song reveals that travel was nearly impossible in man. (Judges 4:9) God had decided that a woman
the land and village life had all but ended. (Judges would execute wicked Sisera!
5:6, 7) We may imagine people cowering in the In todays world, a great deal of injustice, vio-
woods and hills, afraid to farm or to live in un- lence, and abuse is heaped upon women. Rare-
walled villages and terried to travel on the open ly are they accorded the dignity that God wants
roads lest they be attacked, their children taken, them to receive. However, God grants women and
and their women raped.1
Terror reigned for 20 years, until Jehovah saw Deborah encouraged Barak to stand up as a deliverer
of Gods people
evidence that his stubborn people were ready to
change or, as the inspired record of the song of
Deborah and Barak says, Until I, Deborah, rose
up, until I arose as a mother in Israel. We do not
know if Deborah, the wife of a man named Lappi-
doth, was a mother in a literal sense, but this ex-
pression was intended guratively. In eect, Je-
hovah assigned Deborah to provide the nation
with motherly protection. He commissioned her
to summon a strong man of faith, Judge Barak,
and direct him to rise up against Sisera.Judges
4:3, 6, 7; 5:7.
Go and march to Mount Tabor, Jehovah or-
dered through Deborah. Barak was to muster 10,-
000 men from two of Israels tribes. Deborah con-
veyed Gods promise that they would defeat the
mighty Sisera and his 900 chariots! The prom-
ise surely astounded Barak. Israel had no army
and virtually no weaponry. Still, Barak agreed
to go into battlebut only if Deborah came to
Mount Tabor too.Judges 4:6-8; 5:6-8.
Barak has been called faithless because of this
request, but unfairly so. After all, he did not ask
God for more weapons. Rather, as a man of faith,
Barak saw the value in having Jehovahs represen-
1 The song of Deborah indicates that Sisera often returned from his
military actions with plunder that included girls, sometimes more
than one for each soldier. (Judges 5:30) The word used for girl in
that verse literally means womb. Such language reminds us that
those women were valued mainly for their reproductive organs. Rape
was likely commonplace.
AUGUST 1, 2015 13
men equal value and standing before him. (Ro- The forces of Israel charged down the moun-
mans 2:11; Galatians 3:28) Deborahs example re- tain and out onto the open, at ground, head-
minds us that he also blesses women with privi- ing right toward those fearsome machines of war.
leges and signs of his particular trust and favor. It Did Jehovah go out before them, as Deborah
is vital that we never adopt the bigotry so com- had promised? The answer came very soon. The
mon in this world. earth shook, and the heavens poured, we read.
Siseras proud forces were thrown into confusion.
And down came the rain! It came in such torrents,
it seems, that the ground was quickly swamped.
Barak went to muster his army. He gathered 10,- Soon, the heavy iron-bearing chariots were more
000 men who were brave enough to go up against of a liability than an asset. They sank into the mud
Siseras daunting forces. As Barak led his men up and became hopelessly bogged down.Judges 4:
to Mount Tabor, he was glad to have a way to 14, 15; 5:4.
boost their courage. We read: Deborah also went Barak and his men were not troubled by the
up with him. (Judges 4:10) Imagine how it lifted storm. They knew where it was coming from. They
the spirits of those soldiers to see that brave wom- ran right at the Canaanite forces. Acting as Gods
an join them in their march toward Mount Tabor, executioners, the Israelites left none of Siseras
willing to risk her life at their side because of her army alive. The Kishon River surged and ood-
faith in Jehovah God! ed, washing the corpses downstream toward the
When Sisera learned that Israel had dared to Great Sea.Judges 4:16; 5:21.
muster an army against him, he acted quickly. Today, Jehovah no longer sends his servants
A number of Canaanite kings joined forces with into physical battles. Yet, he does ask his people to
King Jabin, who may have been the most power- engage in spiritual warfare. (Matthew 26:52; 2 Co-
ful among them. Then Siseras great squadrons of rinthians 10:4) If we try to obey God in todays
chariots made the earth shake as they rumbled in world, we are taking our stand in that war. We
formation across the plain. The Canaanites were need courage, for those who side with God today
sure that they would make quick work of the pa- may face erce opposition. But Jehovah has not
thetic army of Israel.Judges 4:12, 13; 5:19. changed. He still comes to the defense of those
What would Barak and Deborah do as the ene- who, like Deborah, Barak, and the brave soldiers
my approached? If they remained on the slopes of of ancient Israel, put their faith and trust in Him.
Mount Tabor, they might have an advantage over
the advancing Canaanite forces, for those chari-
One of the Canaanite enemies escapedthe
ots needed at open country to ght eectively.
worst of them all! Sisera, the great oppressor of
But Barak was going to ght as Jehovah directed,
Gods people, ed the battleeld on foot. Leaving
so he waited for word from Deborah. At last, the
his men to die in the mire, he slipped past the Isra-
moment came. She said: Rise up, for this is the
elite soldiers and made his way to rmer ground,
day that Jehovah will give Sisera into your hand.
heading toward the nearest allies he could think
Is Jehovah not going out before you? Next, we
of. Scurrying across miles of open terrain, ever
read: Barak descended from Mount Tabor with
terried that Israelite soldiers might nd him, he
10,000 men following him.Judges 4:14.1
headed to the tents of Heber, a Kenite who had
1 The battle that ensued is described twice in the Biblein the histor- broken away from the rest of his nomadic people
ical narrative of Judges chapter 4 and in the song of Deborah and Ba-
rak in chapter 5. The two records are complementary, each supplying
to the south and established some kind of accord
details not mentioned in the other. with King Jabin.Judges 4:11, 17.
As Deborah foretold, Jehovah fought for his people, defeating Siseras forces
Exhausted, Sisera arrived at Hebers encamp- think of Gods people and of how this man had
ment. He found that Heber was not at home. But brutalized them for decades? Or did she think of
the mans wife, Jael, was there. Sisera evidently the privilege of taking her stand for Jehovah? The
assumed that Jael would honor her husbands ac- record does not say. We know only that the deed
cord with King Jabin. Perhaps it was inconceiv- was soon done. Sisera was dead!Judges 4:18-21;
able to him that a woman could act or even think 5:24-27.
dierently from her husband. Sisera obviously did Later, Barak came in search of his quarry. When
not know Jael! Clearly, she saw the wickedness of Jael showed him the corpse with the tent pin
the Canaanite oppression in the land; likely she through the temples, he knew that Deborahs
also saw that she had a choice before her. Either prophecy had come true. A woman had killed
she could aid this wicked man or she could throw the mighty warrior Sisera! Modern-day critics and
in her lot with Jehovah and strike a blow against skeptics have called Jael all manner of vile names,
this enemy of His people. But what could she do? but Barak and Deborah knew better. In their song,
How could a woman vanquish such a powerful, they were inspired to praise Jael as most blessed
battle-hardened warrior? of women for her courageous deed. (Judges 4:
Jael had to think fast. She oered Sisera a place 22; 5:24) Note the generosity of Deborahs spirit.
to rest. He ordered her to conceal his presence She did not begrudge Jael such praise; rather, she
from any man who might come looking for him. cared only that Jehovahs word had come true.
She covered him when he lay down, and when he With Sisera gone, King Jabins power was bro-
asked her for water, she gave him creamy milk. ken. The Canaanite oppression was over at last.
Soon Sisera sank into a deep sleep. Jael then took Peace prevailed for 40 years. (Judges 4:24; 5:31)
a pair of household implements that tent-dwelling How blessed were Deborah, Barak, and Jael for
women used often and skillfullya tent pin and putting faith in Jehovah God! If we imitate the
a mallet. Crouching near Siseras head, she now faith of Deborah, boldly taking our stand for Je-
faced the terrifying task of acting as an execution- hovah and encouraging others to do the same,
er for Jehovah. Even an instant of uncertainty Jehovah will bless us with victoriesand lasting
or hesitation could have meant disaster. Did she peace.
AUGUST 1, 2015 15
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