Persuasive Speech

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Title: Internet chat rooms are evil

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the Internet chat rooms is


Central Idea:

i. Why the internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to communicate

with people
ii. The Internet chat rooms can bring bad influence in the society
iii. The downside of using internet chat rooms

Opener Building On Areas Of Agreement

The Internet chat room was originated through online chat software that will
enable people on the Internet to enter a room, which they could
communicate with each other. From time to time, chat room can be a bad
thing for everyone. I would like to persuade you to join my class on why the
Internet chat room has a lot of negative impacts to the young generations.

Preview/Thesis Statement

Therefore, in my speech I would like to educate my audience on

i. Why the internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to communicate

with people
ii. The Internet chat rooms can bring many bad influences in the society
iii. The downside of using internet chat rooms

Transition 1

To start off, I will let you know why the Internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to
communicate with people

( Main Point 1 )

Why the Internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to communicate with

Sub point 1

Pedophiles who use chat rooms to aim the kids in the Internet
Sub point 2

Unintentionally trusting everything that strangers tell you

Sub point 3

True, chat rooms are thrilling. Everyone agree that. In Internet, you can be
anything you want to be- everyone is attractive in the Internet. But never
look down the level of danger hiding in chat rooms. ( Susan Erasmus, 2010 )

Transition 2

Moving to our second point, which is the Internet chat room can bring many bad
influences in the society

( Main Point 2 )

The Internet chat rooms can bring many bad influences in the society

Sub point 1

Face-to-face interactions will slowly diminishing

Sub point 2

The unfortunate rise of cyberbullying

Sub point 3

Children are humiliating victims by using memes and chat rooms to 'roast' them in the latest
cyberbullying craze. ( Mark Duell, 2016 )

Transition 3

Lets finish with the last point, which is the downside of using Internet chat rooms

( Main Point 3 )

The downside of using Internet chat rooms

Sub point 1

Wasting a lot of time without we even realizing it

Sub point 2
Chatting is very addictive- and before you know it, you may have spent hours typing away on
your chat box Yin, 2009.

Sub point 3

Easily get scammed because people can create fake identity in chat rooms

Transition 4

Lets recap what we have covered today.



I have justified 3 important points, which are

i. Why the internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to communicate

with people
ii. The Internet chat rooms can bring my bad influences in the society
iii. The downside of using internet chat rooms

Memorable Concluding Remarks

Many people, especially youngsters nowadays use different kinds of chat

room services with their friends but they dont know it will lead to frightening
consequences. It is very important users to be aware the dangers of chat
rooms so that they can avoid the negative effects. Self-regulation works if
the user is aware of what exactly they are supposed to be regulating.
Besides, we are already grown up and we can think what is the best for us.

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