Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech
Central Idea:
The Internet chat room was originated through online chat software that will
enable people on the Internet to enter a room, which they could
communicate with each other. From time to time, chat room can be a bad
thing for everyone. I would like to persuade you to join my class on why the
Internet chat room has a lot of negative impacts to the young generations.
Preview/Thesis Statement
Transition 1
To start off, I will let you know why the Internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to
communicate with people
( Main Point 1 )
Why the Internet chat rooms is not a safe platform to communicate with
Sub point 1
Pedophiles who use chat rooms to aim the kids in the Internet
Sub point 2
Sub point 3
True, chat rooms are thrilling. Everyone agree that. In Internet, you can be
anything you want to be- everyone is attractive in the Internet. But never
look down the level of danger hiding in chat rooms. ( Susan Erasmus, 2010 )
Transition 2
Moving to our second point, which is the Internet chat room can bring many bad
influences in the society
( Main Point 2 )
The Internet chat rooms can bring many bad influences in the society
Sub point 1
Sub point 2
Sub point 3
Children are humiliating victims by using memes and chat rooms to 'roast' them in the latest
cyberbullying craze. ( Mark Duell, 2016 )
Transition 3
Lets finish with the last point, which is the downside of using Internet chat rooms
( Main Point 3 )
Sub point 1
Sub point 2
Chatting is very addictive- and before you know it, you may have spent hours typing away on
your chat box Yin, 2009.
Sub point 3
Easily get scammed because people can create fake identity in chat rooms
Transition 4