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NYC DOB Now Safety Owner User Manual

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New York City Department of Buildings

DOB NOW: Safety

Faades Compliance Filing Owner
User Manual

This user manual is a dynamic document that is continually edited and updated. Please check the
New York City Department of Buildings website to download the most current user manual.

January 4th, 2017

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
DOB NOW: Safety Overview.................................................................................................................... 4
DOB NOW: Safety Faades Overview ..................................................................................................... 4
DOB NOW: Safety Manual Overview ...................................................................................................... 4
Inspection & Report Deadlines........................................................................................................... 4
Sub-Cycle Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 5
Faade Classifications ......................................................................................................................... 5
SWARMP Filings .................................................................................................................................. 5
General Faade Report Reminders .................................................................................................... 6
DOB NOW: Safety Filing Numbers .......................................................................................................... 6
DOB NOW: Safety Terms ......................................................................................................................... 7
Accessing DOB NOW: Safety and Getting Oriented ............................................................................. 9
Access DOB NOW: Safety......................................................................................................................... 9
DOB NOW: Safety Faades Dashboard Orientation .......................................................................... 11
Dashboard Columns .............................................................................................................................. 13
DOB NOW: Safety Application Features .............................................................................................. 14
Ribbon .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Required Fields...................................................................................................................................... 14
Form and Property Detailed Information ........................................................................................... 14
History Trace Button ......................................................................................................................... 15
Property Profile Button .................................................................................................................... 16
Payment History Button ................................................................................................................... 17
TR6 Report Button ............................................................................................................................ 18
Calendar Dropdown .............................................................................................................................. 18
Saving and Filing ................................................................................................................................... 19
Supporting Documents ......................................................................................................................... 19
Making Payments .................................................................................................................................. 20
Bounced/No Good Check .................................................................................................................... 24
Locating Your Filings ............................................................................................................................ 25
Address Search ...................................................................................................................................... 26
TR6 - Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report ....................................................................................... 30

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Dashboard Grid Filing Actions ............................................................................................................. 30

Compliance Filing Records - View.................................................................................................... 30
Report Form Orientation Technical Report (TR6)/FISP ................................................................ 31
Section 1. Address Search ................................................................................................................. 32
Section 2. Location ............................................................................................................................ 32
Section 3. Filing Information ............................................................................................................ 32
Section 4. Inspection Report Status Information ............................................................................ 33
Section 5. Building Description ........................................................................................................ 33
Section 6. Applicants Information - TR6 Form ............................................................................ 34
Section 7. Owner Information .......................................................................................................... 34
Section 8. Owner Representative Information................................................................................ 35
Section 9. Owners Statement ........................................................................................................... 35
FISP Report TR6 Form ....................................................................................................................... 36
Section 1. Heading - FISP Report ...................................................................................................... 36
Section 2. Executive Summary - FISP Report - TR6 Form ........................................................... 37
Supporting Documents ..................................................................................................................... 43
Owner Signature ................................................................................................................................ 44
TR6 Fees and Payments .................................................................................................................... 44
TR6 Amended Filing ............................................................................................................................... 45
Owner Signature .................................................................................................................................... 46
TR6 Fees and Payments ........................................................................................................................ 46
TR6 Subsequent Filing ........................................................................................................................... 48
Owner Signature .................................................................................................................................... 49
TR6 Fees and Payments ........................................................................................................................ 49
Height Verification (HV) - Filings ......................................................................................................... 50
Height Verification - Access .................................................................................................................. 50
Report Form Orientation Height Verification ..................................................................................... 50
Height Verification Form ...................................................................................................................... 51
Section 1. Address Search ................................................................................................................. 51
Section 1. Address Search - HV ......................................................................................................... 52
Section 2. Location Information - HV ............................................................................................... 52
Section 3. Owner Information - HV .................................................................................................. 53

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Section 4. Applicant Information - HV ............................................................................................. 53

Section 5. Reason for Request - HV .................................................................................................. 54
Section 6. Supporting Document Types - HV .................................................................................. 54
Supporting Documents ......................................................................................................................... 55
Filing the Height Verification Form ..................................................................................................... 56
New Control Number Request .............................................................................................................. 57
Control Number Request - Access........................................................................................................ 57
Report Form Orientation Control Number Request ........................................................................... 57
Control Number Request Form ............................................................................................................ 58
Section 1. Location Information ....................................................................................................... 58
Section 2. Reason for Request .......................................................................................................... 59
Section 3. Applicant Information ..................................................................................................... 59
Supporting Documents ......................................................................................................................... 60
Form Submission ................................................................................................................................... 61
Sub Cycle Reassignment ........................................................................................................................ 62
Sub Cycle Reassignment Request Form ............................................................................................ 62
Report Form Orientation Sub Cycle Request ...................................................................................... 63
Sub Cycle Reassignment Form ............................................................................................................. 63
Section 1. Address Search Address and Control Number............................................................ 64
Section 1. Form .................................................................................................................................. 66
Section 2. Reassignment Request Details ........................................................................................ 66
Section 3. Owner Information .......................................................................................................... 67
Section 4. Applicant Information ..................................................................................................... 67
Filing the Sub Cycle Reassignment Request Form .............................................................................. 67
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 68
Work Type Acronyms ........................................................................................................................... 68
Legal Acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... 68
Permit Type Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... 69
Building Type Acronyms....................................................................................................................... 69
Professional Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... 69

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

DOB NOW: Safety Overview
DOB NOW: Safety has been designed to allow Qualified External Wall Inspectors (QEWI), Owners,
Registered Architects, and Professional Engineers to interact with the Department of Buildings (DOB) in
a more efficient manner. After registering for an account, you can use DOB NOW: Safety to submit
applications, make payments, check the status of an application, amend an application, and make time
extension requests.

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Overview

To keep buildings safe, owners of properties higher than six and a half stories must have exterior walls
and appurtenances, such as balconies, inspected every five years and they must file a technical faade
report with the Department. See NYC Construction Codes 28-302.1 and RCNY 103-04.

Property owners must repair unsafe conditions within 90 days of filing a technical report. Once the work
is finished, owners must file an amended report within 14 days.

DOB NOW: Safety Manual Overview

This user manual provides step-by-step instructions for an Owner to review, electronically sign and track
compliance filing applications through DOB NOW: Safety. This manual is organized into sections that
correspond to the forms that users complete when they submit an application. Screenshots have been
included to guide you through completing and submitting the required forms.

This manual does not represent all the filing requirements for any given application. Every effort is made
to continuously update this guide. However, this guide in no way supersedes, or otherwise substitutes
for, the guidance provided by the Building Code, Zoning Resolution or any other applicable rules,
regulations or policies.

Inspection & Report Deadlines

Faade report and maintenance/repair deadlines are divided into cycles. Cycle 8 began February 21,
2015, and runs through February 21, 2020. The Department has added sub-cycles to make it easier for
owners to hire qualified professionals and contractors. The last digit of a buildings block number
determines if the property falls into sub-cycle A, B, or C.

Last Digit of Block

Sub-Cycle Filing Period/Deadline
A 4, 5, 6, or 9 February 21, 2015 February 21, 2017
B 0, 7, or 8 February 21, 2016 February 21, 2018
C 1, 2, or 3 February 21, 2017 February 21, 2019

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Sub-Cycle Diagram

Faade Classifications
The required faade inspections are called critical examinations and may only be performed by a
Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (QEWI). QEWIs are New York State licensed Professional Engineers (PE)
or New York State Registered Architects (RA). After performing an inspection, the QEWI must file a
technical report on the condition of the facade, and classify the building in one of three ways:
SAFE: No observed unsafe conditions;
SAFE With a Repair and Maintenance Program (SWARMP): Safe, but requires
repair/maintenance; or
UNSAFE: Observed problems/defects that threaten public safety.

With an UNSAFE classification, the owner must immediately install protection, such as a sidewalk shed,
construction fence, etc.

SWARMP Filings
The condition of window air conditioner units may be classified as SWARMP.
SWARMP filings must include a statement that states There are no unsafe conditions.
If the QEWI believes the condition will deteriorate and become hazardous in less than 12
months, the faade report must be filed as UNSAFE.

If all necessary repairs are not completed before the next cycle, the next report must be filed as

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

General Faade Report Reminders

Buildings with ongoing construction may not be designated as SAFE.
Provide color photos and a location diagram at the time of filing.
Include a statement that describes the degree of water retention.
Submit a certification that repairs identified in the prior cycle have been completed.
Cite the cause and description of the deterioration.
Include the QEWIs projected month and year when the defects will become hazardous and
cause the faade to be classified as UNSAFE.
Cite which repairs will need a Department-issued work permit.
Provide details about appurtenances.
Include a copy of the Notice of Rejection when resubmitting.

DOB NOW: Safety Filing Numbers

Filing Number: In DOB NOW: Safety, a filing number is a compliance filing reference: the filing type,
control number, sub-cycle and filing iteration type.
a. Filing type: is represented by the first set of characters followed by a dash; i.e. TR6 is for the
Technical Report being filed. F1 represents a FISP1 extension request. Examples are as follows:
a. TR6-800039-8A-I1
b. F1-80039-8A-001
b. Control Number: a control number is a building identifier used by the DOB Facades Unit. The
number includes as the first digit the five year filing cycle number, followed by the building
c. Sub-Cycle: the sub-cycle reference is a two year cycle represented by A, B or C. For example,
sub-cycle 8A is the first sub-cycle in cycle 8.
d. Filing Indicator: a filing indicator, such as I for Initial, S for Subsequent or A for Amended.


TR6 = Type of Filing -

Control # = Cycle# 8 and 5 digit number. I1 = First Initial

Filing number = TR6-800039-8A-I1

Sub-Cycle = 8A

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

DOB NOW: Safety Terms

The compliance process may result in additional reports and filings.

Technical Review (TR6):

o Initial: First compliance filing for a cycle / sub-cycle.
o Subsequent TR6: Change of TR6 filing content.
o Amended TR6: After repairs are made for an UNSAFE initial filing.
o FISP1 (initial) and FISP2 (additional): Time extension requests.
FISP3: QEWI or DP providing an UNSAFE Notification.
Height Verification (HV) Inspection Request: Request for determination of whether the building
is subject to DOB compliance (over or under 6.5 stories in height).
Partial Shed Removal (PSR) Requests: Request for removal of a shed affecting commerce, traffic
flow or hazard.
Sub-Cycle Reassignment: Request to have multiple properties/filings consolidated into one Sub-

DP: A Design Professional is a Professional Engineer or Registered Architect.

QEWI: A Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector is a DOB registered Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered
Architect (RA) that has been registered and verified with the DOB Facades Unit.

CSR: A Customer Service Representative is a DOB staff member who provides an Administrative Review
of a filing, usually before sending the filing to a Plan Examiner. An Administrative Review for a filing in
part consists of making sure the content provided is complete.

ERT: The Emergency Response Team provides rapid response in all emergencies requiring DOB response
to ensure that NYC building codes and rules and regulations are being followed.

Plan Examiner: A DOB building Plan Examiner (PE) reviews a filing and determines the condition of each
filing. For example, a filing can be rejected, accepted or returned incomplete.

FISP (Faade Inspection & Safety Program) Forms: A reference to either a filing extension or an UNSAFE
Notification. In the example of a FISP1 (an initial extension request) and FISP2 (additional extension
request), each represents a time extension request for a UNSAFE filing. In the example of a FISP3 (or
unsafe Condition) report, the report can be filed by a QEWI or a DP.

Initial Filing: This option will be enabled for a new compliance filing.

Amended Filing: This option will be enabled after an UNSAFE Initial Report has been filed and accepted
by DOB.

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Subsequent Filing: This option will be enabled after a SAFE or SWARMP Initial (TR6) Report has already
been filed and accepted. A subsequent report indicating revised conditions may be filed within the
current five-year report filing cycle to change a buildings filing status for that cycle.

Inspection: If a DOB Inspection is determined to be necessary as part of the filing process, an Inspector
is assigned to inspect the faade of a building, and report on its condition.

BIN: This refers to the Building Identification Number. A BIN is assigned to each building.

Block and Lot: This refers to the physical mapped location of a building. The block and Lot is also known
as the tax block and Lot.

Task Form: This form provides information on decisions of an individual filing.

311: NYC311 provides access to non-emergency City services and information about City government
programs. NYC311 is available online and by phone.

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

Accessing DOB NOW: Safety and Getting Oriented

We recommend that you use Internet Explorer 9.0 and above to access DOB NOW: Safety.

This section will guide you through how to access DOB NOW: Safety and help to get you familiar with
navigating between different screens in the system. Screenshots will direct your attention to key
features and a step-by-step guide will explain how to use them.

Access DOB NOW: Safety

Navigate to the DOB NOW login page by going to the following link: www.nyc.gov/dobnow

1. Enter your Username and Password and click Login. This is the same username and password
that you have created for eFiling. If your account information is incorrect, you will need to
update your information in the eFiling system.

Note: If you enter an invalid username and password combination, you will see an error message
and will not be able to login.

If your account has been flagged or deactivated by DOB, you will also see an error message and
will not be able to log in.

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Compliance Filing
Owner User Manual

2. If there is an issue with your login, clicking on Cant access your account? will bring up a
message with an email address (dobnowsupport@buildings.nyc.gov) to contact for assistance.

If you do not have a confirmed eFiling account, you will not be able to login to DOB NOW: Safety.

Once you have successfully logged in, navigate to DOB NOW: Safety by clicking on the DOB NOW: Safety

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Owner User Manual

DOB NOW: Safety Faades Dashboard Orientation

After logging in, the system will display the Faades main dashboard. The numbers correspond to the list
below that outlines the buttons and fields, and describes the actions that you can take.

1. NYC.com Link: Link to the NYC.gov homepage.

2. 311 Link: Link to the 311 homepage.
3. Logged User: Identifies the User Name and System Role associated with the user account.
4. Sign Out: Sign out of the DOB NOW system.
5. Refresh button: Refreshes the data to display the most recent information.
6. Main Dashboard Button: Link to the Main Dashboard to select between DOB NOW: Safety and
DOB NOW: Build systems.

7. The Requests menu has three items:

a. Height Verification Menu Item: Request to validate that a building is either above or
below 6.5 stories.
b. New Control Number Menu Item: Request a new Control Number on a new building.
c. Sub Cycle Reassignment Menu Item: Request a sub-cycle reassignment.
8. Search: Search Faade property status and information.
9. Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report Tab: Search and view the Owners TR6 filings with the DOB.
10. Initial Extension Request (FISP1) Tab: Search and view the Owners FISP1 filings with the DOB.
11. Additional Extension Request (FISP2) Tab: Search and view the Owners FISP2 filings with the
DOB, if any.
12. Unsafe Notification (FISP3) Tab: Search and view Unsafe Notifications (FISP3 filings) with the
13. Partial Shed Removal Tab: Search and view PSR Notification filings with the DOB.
14. Height Verification Tab: Search and view the associated Height Verification filings with the DOB.
15. Control Number Requests tab: Search and view existing requests by Control Number.

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Owner User Manual

16. Sub Cycle Reassignment Requests tab: Search and view existing requests for building sub-cycle
17. List of grid columns: Filing #, Control #, Address, Borough, Filing Type, Filing Status, Compliance
Report Status, QEWI, Owner, Payment Status, Created Date, Modified, Actions and View.
Relevant data is displayed in each column for each type of filing/request. Each contain their own
unique columns of information:
a. Sort data in ascending or descending order, and also remove the column by clicking on

the little arrow next to the column name ( ).

b. You can search each column for specific information by entering that information in the
blank field at the top of the column.

18. Filing Action: Select a filing action for the filing.

19. View: Directs you to the compliance filing.

Some items displayed below are disabled for the Owner:

+Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report Button: A new TR6 (Technical Report) filing.

( ) Extensions: For FISP1 and FISP2 reports filed.

Unsafe Notification (FISP3) Button: Any Design Professional or QEWI can file a FISP3 report if
there an observed unsafe faade condition.
+Partial Shed Removal Button: Filed by a QEWI for the removal of a scaffold that is affecting
commerce, traffic flow and/or other potential hazard(s), and where work is currently not

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Owner User Manual

Dashboard Columns
This section guides you through the actions that you can take from each tab on the grid. For example,
the default Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report grid has the following columns: Filing#, Control#, Address,
Borough, Filing Status, Compliance Status, Payment Status, Action and View. Within each column, you
can perform a compliance filing column search.

You can search for specific filings, sort columns, and choose which columns appear in the dashboard

Column Sort: Click the dropdown button ( ) next to each column to sort the results by
ascending or descending order.
Column Search: Type a value in one or more fields to search for and display only those filings
that contain the searched for value. For example, if you type Initial in the Filing Type column,
only jobs with an Initial filing type will be displayed.

Each compliance filing listed within the grid can be viewed by either double-clicking the record (row), or

clicking the desired row under the View column (using the icon). When clicked (or double-clicked
anywhere within the row), a pop-up message is displayed showing the Filing (TR6 Report) Number and
the address of the report that is about to open, with the option to proceed (Yes) or Cancel (No).

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Owner User Manual

DOB NOW: Safety Application Features

This section of the manual describes the common features that are found in DOB NOW: Safety. These
features will help you to navigate DOB NOW: Safety to display information related to your filings.

At the top of each form a ribbon displays the current filing status to the QEWI. When the TR6 has first
been opened, the Pre-Filing status will be highlighted in orange on the form, until the application has
been saved for the first time. Once the filing has been saved for the first time, additional statuses will be
displayed as shown below.

Required Fields
On all forms required fields are notated by a red asterisk (*). These fields must have data input by the
QEWI in order to file with DOB. Optional non-required fields can have data input at the discretion of the

Form and Property Detailed Information

On all faades compliance filing forms, the following buttons are displayed:

History Trace
Property Profile

On forms where payments are required, the following button will display:

Payment History

On the TR6 form, once the TR6 has been filed, the following button will display:

TR6 Report

The functionality for each of these buttons is described in detail in the following sections.

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Owner User Manual

History Trace Button

When clicked, the following pop-up screen displays with the list of actions taken on the filing. This
information is read only. Clicking the Close button will close the pop-up screen.

1. Action: The type of action taken.

2. Person: The person who performed the action.
3. Person Type: The persons user role in the process.
4. Comments: Comments related to the action.
5. Created On: The date the action was performed.
6. Close button: When the Owner is finished viewing the History Trace, clicking the Close
button will close the pop-up screen.

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Owner User Manual

Property Profile Button

When clicked, the following pop-up screen displays the property profile detail related to the filing. This
information is read only. Clicking the Close button will close the pop-up screen.

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Owner User Manual

Payment History Button

When clicked, the Payment History pop-up screen displays a list of all payments related to the filing. This
information is read only.

1. Invoice Number
2. Merchant Amount
3. Convenience Fee Applied
4. Total Amount
5. Fee Type
6. Transaction Date
7. Close button When the Owner is finished viewing the History Trace, clicking the Close
button will close the pop-up screen.

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TR6 Report Button

When clicked, a new window is opened, displaying a PDF version of the full TR6 Report, which can be

Calendar Dropdown
With each date field, clicking on the calendar icon displays a calendar pop-up screen.

When the calendar icon is clicked and a date is selected, the date will populate in the date field in the
proper format (mm/dd/yyyy). This applies to date fields throughout DOB NOW: Safety. Only those dates
that are applicable to the field will be available for selection.

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Owner User Manual

Saving and Filing

With all data entry forms, the Owner can review the forms before saving the electronic signature. When
the Owner saves the electronic signature, the QEWI can complete the filing. Since a QEWI is responsible
for the submitting the filing, the File button is grayed out for the Owner.

The Save and File buttons can also be found on the bottom of all forms.

Supporting Documents
After the QEWI has uploaded at least one document per Document Type, the Owner can view the list of
all uploaded documents and View/Download each. The Delete option is disabled for forms for
documents that were uploaded by the QEWI.

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Owner User Manual

Making Payments
In the Application Highlights there is a Fee section where
the Filing Fee and Amount Due are displayed. When the
QEWI is ready to make a payment, clicking the Pay Now
button begins the payment transaction process.

After clicking the Pay Now button, the Payment Confirmation pop-up screen will be displayed. Clicking
the Confirm button opens the Payment window. To close the window and return to the filing form, click
the Cancel button.

Please note that you must remove your pop-up blocker in order to proceed with making a payment.

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Owner User Manual

Enter the required fields to submit your payment information:

1. Payment Method: Select the appropriate payment method: Credit or Debit Card or E-Check.
2. Card /Bank Account Information: Enter your card or bank account information in this section.
3. Billing Information: Billing information associated with the credit card or bank account.

Note: If there is no activity on the payment screen for more than 10 minutes, the payment session will
expire. Youll see the message shown below and youll be required to re-start the payment process by
clicking on Pay Now again.

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Paying with a Credit or Debit Card

If paying with a credit or debit card, youll need to enter the applicable card information.

Paying with an E-Check

If paying with an E-Check, youll need to enter the applicable account information.

After entering all the information, click Continue.

This will bring you to a Terms and Conditions page. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions
and click Continue to review payment details.

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The next page will show a payment summary page. If you need to change any information, click on Go
Back/Edit. If everything is correct, click on Process Payment. Your payment will not be processed until
you click on Process Payment.

Once the payment is successfully processed, you will be redirected to a receipt page.

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Owner User Manual

The transaction receipt will also be emailed to the email address you entered on the payment entry

DOB NOW: Safety will also update, in the Fee section, the Amount Due as $0.00, and the full paid
amount in Amount Paid. In addition, the Pay Now button will be grayed out. The Owner has the option
to view the Payment History.

Bounced/No Good Check

Once a bounced check or a no good check was submitted the job filing will be placed on hold and $20
fee will be added to the original fee. A $20 fee will be added for each bounced or no good check that is
received. Please note that once a hold is placed on a job filing the hold will not be lift until we have
received notification from the bank that the subsequent payment has cleared. This can take at least five
business days from the date of submitting the subsequent payment.

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Locating Your Filings

The Owner can locate all compliance filings by clicking on any tab on the grid. As shown below, the
default grid is for the Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report.

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Address Search
An Owner has the option to search for a propertys Faade filings. On the Dashboard, the Owner shall
click on the +Search button.

The Address Search page will load. To the right of each section is a down arrow. When clicked, it will
display the search type selected.

The Owner has the option to search a property by its:

Borough, House Number and Street

Building Identification Number (BIN)
Borough, Block and Lot

After the selection information is entered and Search is clicked, the grid below each search type will
display the property address match results.

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Owner User Manual

By Borough, House Number and Street:


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Owner User Manual

By Borough, Block and Lot:

The grid can be viewed by either double-clicking the record (row), or clicking the desired row under the
View column (using the icon). When clicked (or double-clicked anywhere within the row), the
selected row shall populate the subsequent results sections.

Grid columns in the search results include:

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Owner User Manual

1. Cycle
2. Sub-Cycle (cycle 6 and prior do not have sub-cycle assignments)
3. Control#
4. House#
5. Street
6. BBL Seq
7. Filing Status
8. BIN
9. No. of Stories
10. Initial Filing Date
11. View (click on view or double-click to populate subsequent results sections)
Search Results (sample) of a cycle 8 (sub-cycle B or 8B) property:

In addition to Faade status and property information, a list of previous filings is provided.

When clicking (or double-clicking anywhere within) the desired row under the View column (using the
icon) of the Related Technical Reports (TR6), the selected TR6 filing shall open for view.

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TR6 - Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report

After the QEWI completes the necessary data entry, saves the filing, the Owner will be able to review
the entire filing. All information will be populated as read-only for the Owner, except for the electronic
signature and payment sections detailed below.

Dashboard Grid Filing Actions

Each TR6 compliance filing listed within the grid can be viewed by either double-clicking the record
(row), or clicking the desired row under the View column (using the icon).

Compliance Filing Records - View

When a record is selected, a pop-up screen will display showing the compliance filing number for the
selected record, with the option to proceed (Yes) or Cancel (No).

Click Yes to open the TR6 form.

The TR6, FISP and Supporting Documents forms will display all the information entered by the QEWI for
an initial faade filing.

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Owner User Manual

Report Form Orientation Technical Report (TR6)/FISP

1. The ribbon displaying filing progression status.

2. The Save and File buttons and the current Filing Number.
3. The Dashboard button will take the Owner back to the default Dashboard.
4. Filing and Payment History, a History Trace for all significant actions taken on a filing and
Property Profile information on the compliance filing property.
5. Application Highlights displays key elements relating to the property and filing.
6. The Fee section represents the current fee(s) associated to the property on which the filing is
7. Form progression; The TR6 Report is broken down into three forms which are all required to file
a TR6, in order left to right; TR6 FISP Report Supporting Documents.
8. The completed compliance filing form.

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Owner User Manual

Section 1. Address Search

The Owner can view the Address and Control Number by selecting the desired button. The default
selection is Control Number.

Section 2. Location
The location information provides the Owner with full details regarding the property. Details include:
House No(s), Street Name, Borough, Block, BIN, Lot, Zip Code, and C.B. No.

Section 3. Filing Information

In Section 3., the Owner can view Filing Information, which includes the following fields:

Filing Type
Report Cycle
Report Sub Cycle
Last Filing Date

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Section 4. Inspection Report Status Information

In Section 4., the Owner can view the Inspection Report Status Information, which includes the following

Current Cycle: Last QEWI Inspection Date

Current Cycle Filing Status
SWARMP Recommended Date
Prior Filing Cycle
Prior Filing Sub Cycle
Prior Filing Status

Section 5. Building Description

In Section 5., the Owner can view the Building Description, which includes the following fields:

Landmark Building
Landmark District
Number of Stories
Exterior Wall Type
Number of Balconies
Wall(s) Subject to Inspection

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Section 6. Applicants Information - TR6 Form

The Owner can view the QEWI details below:

In Section 6a, the Owner can view the Applicants Statement, electronic signature, and review the legal

Section 7. Owner Information

The Owner Information displayed below is prepopulated based on the Owners eFiling profile. If there
are any inconsistencies or updates that need to be made, the Owner must update their eFiling profile.

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Section 8. Owner Representative Information

If the Owner wants to add an Owner Representative to the filing, the QEWI and/or Owner may populate
this section. The email address entered for the Owner Representative must be registered in eFiling.

Section 9. Owners Statement

The Owner is responsible for reviewing the legal statements and providing their electronic signature.
Click the box in the Owners Statement to provide this electronic signature. Once checked, the Owners
name and date will populate.

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FISP Report TR6 Form

The FISP report provides the following information: description, scope, findings, conclusions and
recommendations. The Owner can view the below detailed information.

1. The FISP Report

2. Application Highlights
3. Fee

Section 1. Heading - FISP Report

Section 1 displays key fields provided on the TR6.

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Section 2. Executive Summary - FISP Report - TR6 Form

Section 2 displays the detailed information of the buildings exterior walls condition that was entered by
the QEWI. Fields include:

General Description
Scope of Inspection
Summary of Findings
Conclusions and Recommendations

Section A. Building Information

The Owner should review and confirm the prepopulated fields from the TR6 Form.

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Section B. Owner Information

The Owner should review and confirm the Owner Type entered by the QEWI on the TR6 form.

City Owned Non-NYCHA

Section C. Building Description

The Building Description detail provides additional details on the building. These fields include:

Lot and Building Dimensions (ex. 121.33 x 131.75)

Building Use (ex. Mixed, Commercial, Residential)
Exterior Wall Type (ex. STONE, BRICK, MASONRY)
Certificate of Occupancy
Approximate Year Built

Section D. A Detailed Description of any Settlements, Repairs, or

Revisions to Exterior Enclosures Since the Previous Report
The Owner should review and confirm the detail entered by the QEWI for any settlements, repairs or
revisions to exterior enclosures which occurred since the previously filed report.

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Section E. Procedures Used in Making the Critical Examination

The Owner should review and confirm the procedures used in making the critical examination.

Section F. Rigger Information - FISP Report - TR6 Form

The Owner should review and confirm the following Rigger information detail provided by the QEWI.

The Location(s) of close-up inspection & Plot Details is displayed below the Rigger Operator section

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The Owner should review and confirm the selected Dates of Inspection and additional information the
QEWI provided at the time of submission. Each Inspection date will be listed in the grid below. The
Delete button is unavailable to the Owner.

For the following sections, the Owner should read and understand the required repairs and
maintenance details provided by the QEWI.

Section G. Description, Location(s) and Classification of Conditions


Section Ga. Appurtenances

Section Gb. Balcony, Guardrail, Handrail and Parapet Statement

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Section H. Causes of Conditions Observed 13. Status Report of Exterior


Section I. Status Report of Exterior Maintenance

Section Ja. Comparison Chart of Conditions Reported for Current and

Previous Cycle

Section Jb. Work permit numbers, status & sign off dates

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Section Jc. ECB Violation Numbers and the Status of the Repairs of the
Conditions Cited in the ECB Violations

Section K. Recommendations for Repairs or Maintenance

Section L. Required Work Permits

Section M. Current Report Classification

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Supporting Documents
The Owner should review and confirm the supporting documentation the QEWI provided by selecting
the Supporting Documents form and clicking the View/Download button. The Owner is unable to click
the delete icon.

When the View/Download button is clicked, the document opens in the browser.

Columns in the Supporting Documents form include:

1. Document Name
2. Document Type
3. View/Download
4. Delete.

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Owner User Manual

Owner Signature
In order for the QEWI to proceed with submitting the filing, the Owner must review the filing and
electronically sign the form.

On the TR6 form, the Owner will go to Section 9. Owners Statement to review the legal content and
check the checkbox to provide the Owners electronic signature. When finished, the Owner will Save the

TR6 Fees and Payments

The Owner can review all fees in the Fee section under Application Highlights.

If there are any outstanding fees, the Owner can click on the Pay Now button and make a payment. The
Owner may also review all payments made in the payment history. Once complete, the Amount Due will
be $0.00 and the Pay Now button will be disabled.

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Owner User Manual

TR6 Amended Filing

Once a TR6 has been accepted as UNSAFE, and the QEWI has created an Amended report, the Owner
must electronically sign the Amended Report.

Below each column header, the Owner can search the grid for specific items. For example, under the
Filing Type column the Owner can search for Amended, and under the Compliance Report Status
column, the Owner can search for Pre-Filing. The results will only display those entries searched for.

On the default Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report tab of the Dashboard, the Owner will find the
Amended Report by viewing Amended in the Filing Type column and viewing the Compliance Report
Status column for Pre-Filing, and in the Filing # column, the TR6 number will end with -A1. The letter
A for Amended, and the number is a sequence number starting with 1.

The Owner may double click on the Amended filing row, or click the View ( ) icon to open the form,
which will then display a pop-up window with the TR6 Report Number and address.

When the Owner clicks the Yes button, the report will load. Clicking No will return the Owner to the

The Owner may review the Amended report, following the same process as the Initial TR6 filing.

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Owner User Manual

Owner Signature
In order for the QEWI to proceed with submitting the filing, the Owner must review the filing and
electronically sign the form.

On the TR6 form, the Owner will go to Section 9. Owner Statement and check the checkbox after
reviewing of the legal content. This will provide the Owners electronic signature. When finished, the
Owner will Save the filing.

TR6 Fees and Payments

The Owner can review all fees in the Fee section under Application Highlights.

If there are any outstanding fees, the Owner can click on the Pay Now button and make a payment. The
Owner may also review all payments made in the payment history. Once complete, the Amount Due will
be $0.00 and the Pay Now button will be disabled.

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Owner User Manual

TR6 Subsequent Filing

Once a TR6 has been filed as SAFE or SWARMP, and DOB has accepted the initial TR6 compliance filing,
the QEWI can file a Subsequent report.

Below each column header, the Owner can search the grid for specific items. For example, under the
Filing Type column the Owner can search for Subsequent, and under the Compliance Report Status
column, the Owner can search for Accepted. The results will only display those entries searched for.

On the default Technical Report (TR6)/FISP Report tab of the Dashboard, the Owner will find the
Subsequent Report by viewing Subsequent in the Filing Type column and viewing the Compliance
Report Status column for Pre-Filing, and in the Filing # column, the TR6 number will end with -S1. The
letter S for Subsequent, and the number is a sequence number starting with 1.

The Owner can double click on the Subsequent filing row, or click the View ( ) icon to open the form,
which will then display a pop-up with the TR6 Report Number and address.

When the Owner clicks the Yes button, the report will load. Clicking No will return the Owner to the

The Owner may review the Subsequent report, following the same process as the Initial TR6 filing.

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Owner User Manual

Owner Signature
In order for the QEWI to proceed with submitting the filing, the Owner must review the filing and
electronically sign the form.

On the TR6 form, the Owner will go to Section 9. Owner Statement and click the checkbox after a review
of the legal content. This will provide the Owners electronic signature. When finished, the Owner or
Owners Representative will Save the filing.

TR6 Fees and Payments

The Owner can review all fees in the Fee section under Application Highlights.

If there are any outstanding fees, the Owner can click on the Pay Now button and make a payment. The
Owner may also review all payments made in the payment history. Once complete, the Amount Due will
be $0.00 and the Pay Now button will be disabled.

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Owner User Manual

Height Verification (HV) - Filings

A Height Verification Request Form is created to validate that a building is either above or below 6.5
stories in height. This form can be completed by a QEWI, Owner and/ or Owners Representative. All
the required fields must be provided for the File button to be enabled.

There are no fees associated with filing a Sub Cycle Reassignment Request form.

Height Verification - Access

The Owner may create a new Height Verification filing form by clicking on the +Height Verification
button on the Dashboard. On the Dashboard, the Owner may select the +Height Verification menu item,
which will open the form.

Report Form Orientation Height Verification

The Owner will be presented with the Height Verification Report.

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1. The ribbon displaying filing progression status.

2. The Save and File buttons and the current Filing Number (once the form has been saved for the
first time).
3. The Dashboard button will take the Owner back to the default Dashboard.
4. History Trace for all significant actions taken on a filing, and Property Profile information on the
compliance filing property.
5. Application Highlights displays key elements relating to the property and filing.
6. Form sections; The Report is broken down into two forms which are all required to file a Height
Verification Request, in order left to right; Height Verification Supporting Documents.
7. The Height Verification compliance filing form details.

Height Verification Form

Once the Height Verification filing has been saved for the first time, a Height Verification Filing Number
will be generated, beginning with HV.

Section 1. Address Search

In Section 1, the Owner will be presented with the option to search by Control Number or Address.

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When an Owner enters a Control Number, it will not matter if it is a previous cycle (700013), the Owner
will be provided a selection within the current cycle (800013), and its sub-cycle (8B).

Section 1. Address Search - HV

When the Owner selects the option to search by Address, the Owner is prompted to enter the House
Number, Street Name and Borough.

When the Owner enters the desired address or Control Number, the Owner will be able to validate the
address DOB has on file with pertinent information.

Section 2. Location Information - HV

Once the Address or Control Number has been selected, the Location information will be populated.

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Section 3. Owner Information - HV

Enter the email address registered with in eFiling. The additional fields will populate based on the
Owners eFiling account information. If the Owner Information has errors or needs to be updated, the
Owner must update their eFiling account.

Section 4. Applicant Information - HV

The Applicant information is populated based on the Owners eFiling account information. The License
Type will default to Preparer for the Owner. For Owners, the license number displayed will be an eFiling
registration number. If the Applicant information has errors or needs to be updated, the Owner must
update their eFiling account.

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Owner User Manual

Section 5. Reason for Request - HV

In Section 5. Reason for Request, the Owner is required to select one of the following options:

Building is not in DOB NOW: Safety and has more than 6.5 stories
Building is in DOB NOW: Safety and has less than 6.5 stories
Building has been demolished
Other (if selected, the Explain Others required field
shall be displayed)

Section 6. Supporting Document Types - HV

In Section 6. Supporting Document Types, the Owner may select any/all of the following documents to
be uploaded:

Property Profiles
Demo Sign Off
OTHER (if selected, the Explain Others required field shall be displayed)

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Owner User Manual

Supporting Documents
On the Supporting Documents form, the Owner may attach supporting documents by selecting the Add
New Document button.

The Upload a Document popup screen will open.

1. Document Name: The name of the document entered as a reference.

2. Document Type: The Document Types required for upload will be listed as an option under the
Document Type dropdown menu. There must be at least one file uploaded for each Document
3. Document: The Owner must click on the Browse button to select a file to upload. File types
include PDF and .JPG (or .JPEG). Individual file size is limited to 250MB. The Owner must select
the Image for upload and click the Open button.

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The file will be prepared for upload. Only one file can be uploaded at a time.

4. Confirm Button: The Owner must confirm the proper document is ready to be uploaded.

When the Owner has uploaded at least one document per Document Type, the Owner can view or
delete the list of all uploaded documents by clicking the View/Download or Delete buttons.

Filing the Height Verification Form

The Owner has the option to make a final review, make any necessary changes and upload additional
documents before filing. The Owner must then file the complete Report by clicking the File button.

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New Control Number Request

All Buildings that require a facade compliance filing are required to have a Control Number. The Control
Number Request form enables an Owner to create a request for a control number for a given building.

There are no fees associated with filing a New Control Number Request form.

Control Number Request - Access

To create this request, the Owner clicks on the +New Control Number menu item to open a blank form.

Report Form Orientation Control Number Request

The Owner will be presented with the Control Number Request form.

1. The ribbon displaying filing progression status.

2. The Save and Submit buttons and the current Filing Number (once the form has been saved for
the first time).
3. The Dashboard button will take the Owner back to the default Dashboard.
4. History Trace for all significant actions taken on a filing, and Property Profile information on the
compliance filing property.

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5. Application Highlights displays key elements relating to the property and filing.
6. Form sections; The Report is broken down into two forms which are required to file a New
Control Number Request, in order left to right; New Control Number Request Supporting
7. The Control Number Request form details.

Control Number Request Form

Once the Control Number Request filing has been saved for the first time, a Control Number Request
Filing Number will be generated, beginning with CNR.

Section 1. Location Information

Enter the property address details in the following:
1. House Number
2. Street Name
3. Borough
4. BIN
5. Number of Stories
6. Exterior Wall Type

The following are read-only fields that will be populated once the address has been validated:
1. Lot
2. Control Number
3. Zip Code
4. Block
5. C.B. No.

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Section 2. Reason for Request

The Owner must enter in the Reason for the Request.

Section 3. Applicant Information

The Applicant information is populated based on the Owners eFiling account information. The License
Type will default to Preparer for the Owner. For Owners, the license number displayed will be the
eFiling license number. If the Applicant information has errors or needs to be updated, the Owner must
update their eFiling account.

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Owner User Manual

Supporting Documents
On the Supporting Documents form, the Owner may attach supporting documents by selecting the Add
New Document button.

The Upload a Document popup screen will open.

1. Document Name: The name of the document entered as a reference.

2. Document Type: The Document Types required for upload will be listed as an option under the
Document Type dropdown menu. There must be at least one file uploaded for each Document
3. Document: The Owner must click on the Browse button to select a file to upload. File types
include PDF and .JPG (or .JPEG). The Owner must select the Image for upload and click the Open

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The file will be prepared for upload. Only one file can be uploaded at a time.

4. Confirm Button: The Owner must confirm the proper document is ready to be uploaded.

When the Owner has uploaded at least one document per Document Type, s/he can view the list of all
uploaded documents and View/Download and/or Delete each.

Form Submission
Once the Owner selects the Submit button, the request is submitted to DOB.

There are no fees associated with filing a New Control Number Request form.

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Sub Cycle Reassignment

An Owner has the option to change the sub-cycle currently assigned to one or more contiguous zoning
lots that are under a single ownership.

There are no fees associated with filing a Sub Cycle Reassignment Request form.

Sub Cycle Reassignment Request Form

On the Dashboard, the Owner selects the Sub Cycle Reassignment menu item, which will open the form.

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Report Form Orientation Sub Cycle Request

The Owner will be presented with the Sub Cycle Request form.

1. The ribbon displaying filing progression status.

2. The Save and File buttons and the current Filing Number (once the form has been saved for the
first time).
3. The Dashboard button will take the Owner back to the default Dashboard.
4. History Trace for all significant actions taken on a filing.
5. Form Name.
6. The Sub Cycle Request form details.

Sub Cycle Reassignment Form

Once the Sub Cycle Reassignment filing has been saved for the first time, a Sub Cycle Reassignment
Filing Number will be generated, beginning with SR.

The Sub Cycle Reassignment Request form provides the Owner with the option to search for multiple
property addresses for sub-cycle reassignment.

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Section 1. Address Search Address and Control Number

When performing an address search, the Owner can enter House Number(s), Street Name and Borough.
The system will prompt the Owner with the addresses and Control Number.

Once the Owner clicks the OK button, the address will be listed in the grid below. The Owner can enter
as many addresses as required.

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In Section 1, The Owner will be presented with the option to search by Control Number or Address.

When an Owner enters a Control Number, display a pop-up with the property information.

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Section 1. Form
The Owner can enter as many addresses per Owner as required.

If the Owner wishes to remove an address before filing the request, the Owner can click on the Delete
button on the row that includes the address to be removed.

Section 2. Reassignment Request Details

In Section 2. Reassignment Request Details, the Owner enters the Reason for Reassignment and selects
the requested new sub cycle for the listed buildings.

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Section 3. Owner Information

The Owner must enter their email address associated with their eFiling account to populate the required
details. If the Owners email is not registered in eFiling, the Owner will not be able to file.

Section 4. Applicant Information

The Applicant information is populated based on the Owners eFiling account information. The License
Type will default to Preparer for the Owner. For Owners, the license number displayed will be the
eFiling license number. If the Applicant information has errors or needs to be updated, the Owner must
update their eFiling profile.

Filing the Sub Cycle Reassignment Request Form

The Owner has the option to make a final review, make any necessary changes and upload additional
documents before filing. The Owner must then file the complete Report by clicking the File button.

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Work Type Acronyms
BL: Boiler
CC: Curb Cut
CH: Chute
DM: Demolition and Removal
EQ: Construction Equipment
EW: Equipment Work
FA: Fire Alarm
FB: Fuel Burning
FN: Fence
FP: Fire Suppression
FS: Fuel Storage
MH: Mechanical/HVAC
OT: Other
PL: Plumbing
SD: Standpipe
SF: Scaffold
SG: Sign
SP: Sprinkler
EL: Elevator

Legal Acronyms
AC: Administrative Code
APPN: Administrative Policy and Procedure Notice
BC: Building Code
HPD: Housing Preservation and Development
LL: Local Law
LPPN: Legal Policy and Procedures Notice
MDL: Multiple Dwelling Law
NYC DEP: New York City Department of Environmental Protection
NYC RR: New York City Report Recommendations
NYS DOH: New York State Department of Health
NYS ECL: New York State Environmental Conservation Law
OPPN: Operations Policy and Procedure Notice
PPN: Policy and Procedure Notice
RCNY: Rules of the City of New York
RS: Reference Standard
TPPN: Technical Policy and Procedure Notice

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ZR: Zoning Regulations

Permit Type Acronyms

AR: Architectural
EA: Earthwork
FO: Foundation
ME: Mechanical
NP: No Plans
PL: Plumbing
SH: Sidewalk Shed
ST: Structural
ZO: Zoning

Building Type Acronyms

NB: New Building
Alt 1: Alteration
Alt 2: Alteration
Alt 3: Alteration

Professional Acronyms
PE: Professional Engineer
RA: Registered Architect
GC: General Contractor
DP: Design Professional
FR: Filing Representative
QEWI: Qualified Exterior Wall Inspector (PE/RA)
QRWI: Qualified Retaining Wall Inspector (PE/RA)
Agency Director or Director (PE/RA)
MP: Master Plumber
OBI: Oil Burner Installer
LP: Licensed Professional

2016 City of New York (or City of New York by and through the Department of Buildings). All rights
reserved. Reproduction, distribution, display and use of the presentation without written permission of
the New York City Department of Buildings is prohibited.

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