Protocol Based Network Management System
Protocol Based Network Management System
Protocol Based Network Management System
Network Management System is a one of the main concern for every network administrator.
Implementing network is a big deal for every organization but maintaining it also very important task
for organization as well as Administrator. There are number of services working on network to provide
required resources to customers are users. If any one of the service down, then it effects to network
operations. Here administrator needs to about service fall on time, then only they can provide some
backup for management. This article is going to explore some basic concepts in network, protocols used
in network and protocols or services for monitoring network management.
Keywords: SNMP [2], Wireshark [4], TCP, IP [1].
Introduction misconfigurations, faulty cables, hardware
failuresetc. The efficient way to monitor the
One of the main concerns for any organization
network is to have network monitoring tool in the
would be 100% network up time. If thats not
network. By implementing network monitoring
achieved then the organization would lose faith in
tools IT department can monitor the health of the
its clients and may experience loss in its business.
network (network contains all the networking
Its the responsibility of the IT department to take
devices including printers, PCs, networking
care of the network. The only goal of the IT
devices, switches, routers, wireless access points
department is to maintain 100% up time with
etc.), flaws in the network and bandwidth
maximum throughput. As network deals with
utilization in the network. One more advantage
various physical devices, its hard to identify which
with these networking tools is that the
devices are faulty or experiencing troubles. So,
administrator can get email alerts direct to his
there should be an alternative to keep the network
inbox when something wrong goes in the network.
up and running. It can be done by closely
monitoring the networking devices. But, as its not Introduction to Networks
possible to keep an eye on the devices
Network: A group of objects/things/people
performance, the vendors uses robust material
that can interact within that group is called as a
inside and outside of a device, its a rare event for a
network. It can also defined as Interconnection two
networking device to go down.
or more computers. Ex: A group of computers
Study was conducted on how a network outage computer network, a group of people Human
could occur, what would be the impact of network network.
outage on an organization. In this document I will
In IT (Information technology) world a
be discussing the ways to prevent the network
group of computers connected in a way so that they
outage, and to minimize the impact of a network
can all communicated with each other. There are
outage in case of any. There might be different
many advantages exists of Networks. One of the
reasons for a network outage to occur, they include
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main advantage is resource sharing. So, what last IPs are reserved for network ID and broadcast
exactly is resource sharing? In any organization IDs respectively. Here subnet mask is used for
there would be need of printers, scanners, and identifying network id and broadcast id of a
storage devices. Based on the employees, every network. Except Network ID and Broadcast ID all
organization purchases those devices and they other IP addresses are known as usable or free IPs
wont purchase those many as employees. that can be assigned to hosts in the network. All the
Limitedly organization purchases them. When an hosts within that range are said to be in same
employee wants to access them then they should network, and can communicate to each other
manually connect their PC to that device and through their IP address.
access it. If we consider printing a paper everyone
Each IP address contains two portions one
has to go to the printer and connect it to their PC
is Network Portion and other is Host Portion. Here
and should take the print out. Otherwise they need
network portion is used to identify to which
to get the printer to their cabinet to get prints. If
network that computer is belongs to and host
they have any removable storage device like pen
portion is used to identify that particular computer
drives or any Optical media then they can use to
in that network. Network Portion must be same for
copy their data and connect them to the printer
all computers in same network and Host Portion
connected system and get prints. But these all are
must be unique in all computers in same network.
time and work consuming processes. But, with a
This network and Host portions are identified using
properly implemented network everyone in the
Subnet Mask.
same network can access any network enabled
device right from their cabin, and any number of While configuring an IP address to any
users can use it simultaneously all tasks will device 3 fields are mandatory they are IP address,
queued and server according to priority. By subnet mask and default gateway.
resource sharing the cost of such devices which
will be needed by everyone, would be gradually Example of 3 fields of IP address:
reduced as a single resource can be shared multiple IP address :
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway:
IP [1] (Internet Protocol):
In the above example the IP address is the
In a network environment the whole actual address (logical name) of a device which is
communication takes place with a medium called used to uniquely identify it in a network. Subnet
IP address. An IP address is a logical address mask is used to find out the additional information
assigned to each network enabled device. An IP of network like Network ID, Broadcast ID and
address is of 32 bit address separated into 4 parts usable IPs in that network. Subnet mask is decimal
(octets), 8 bits each. In a network all computers IP notation of binary digits. Default Gateway is used
addresses are identified with a same network to identify other networks entry point from this
prefix. That network prefix is used to identify network. It means if a computer wants to
network of that device. Subnet mask is term which communicate with other computer then it will
is used to calculate the network ID and broadcast communicate with that directly if destination
ID of a network. In any network of IPs the first and computer is in same network. If it is presented in
Page 2
other network then through Default Gateway they will remain same throughout the network. Hence,
will communicate. the no. of hosts will from, where is network ID
and is broadcast IDs of the network.
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ The network ID is used to identify a network
. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ where the broadcast is used to send out broadcast
__ messages in the network.
8 bit fields separated by 4 octets Protocols
Each octet will be ranging from 0 255
Protocol is a set of rules and regulations for
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 communication in the network. Every computer
has to follow some protocols for performing
Binary digits decimal numbers
network operations. In TCP / IP Protocol suite they
Any digit can be filled up with 0s and 1s. have defined number of protocols. Below is the
brief description about major protocols in that
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 suite.
+ 1 255
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol is a transport
00000000 0 + 0+ 0+ 0+0+0+0 layer or Host to Host layer protocol used for
+0 0 ensuring data delivery. It maintains logical
When a field in subnet mask contains 1s then its connection between sender and receiver till the
said to be a network portion, and other portion is transaction completes.
host portion. So, in the example above first 3 octets
IP: Internet Protocol defines the logical addressing
are completely filled by all 1s that means they are
in the network to enable communication between
network bits and last octet is with all 0s which computers in the network.
means its for hosts bits. To determine how many
IP addresses available in that network we should SMTP [5]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used for
calculate the total number of hosts in that network, sending mails between authenticated users.
so that we can determine the IPs. To calculate the
number of hosts in a network we can use the POP3 [6]: Post Office Protocol version3 is used to
formula 2^h (2 to the power of h) where h is the receive mails to any client application of mail
number of host bits. So in our above example 8 bits server.
from the last octet are used for host bits then, no. of
hosts will be 2 to the power 8 that is 256 (0 to ICMP [7]: Internet Control Messaging Protocol is
255). Usable IP addresses are only 254 because for sending and receiving controlling messages
first and last IP addresses are reserved for Network between computers in the network (ping [13]).
ID and Broadcast ID.
FTP [8]: File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer
We should not change the IP address fields files between computers in network.
where the octets are completely filled. That means
the first 3 octets are completely filled so we they
Page 3
HTTP [9]: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is a web Windows: getmac
based protocol for transferring hypertext markup
pages between server and client. Linux : ifconfig
DHCP [10]: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is Port Number: Port number or address is used to
used to assign IP addresses to computers identify a service in our computer. In Networks
automatically in the network. every computer can host more than one service. To
identify those services individually we need to use
DNS [11]: Domain Name System is for resolving this address. These port numbers are defined and
fully qualified domain names to IP addresses and reserved by Internet Authorities in world. The
vice versa. following are some of the port numbers.
When we are using network resources, all of these
It is like IMEI number of our phone. It was written three addresses are used to locate computer and
by Manufacturer of the LAN card and cannot be service in the network.
modified physically
For Example, if you type this in
To check our MAC Address use the following browser then our computer thinks you need http [9]
commands from command prompt service so the packet is destination was 80 and
Page 4
Using DNS [11] it resolves the IP address which is Basic Concepts
used to locate google network. MAC address is
resolved by ARP protocol to identify a computer in SNMP is a protocol that is implemented on the
network. application layer of the networking stack (click
here to learn about networking layers). The
The following image shows Ethernet Frame with protocol was created as a way of gathering
TCP, IP, and Ethernet Headers. information from very different systems in a
consistent manner. Although it can be used in
connection to a diverse array of systems, the
method of querying information and the paths to
the relevant information are standardized.
Page 5
The manager can be any machine that can send Understanding the Management Information Base
query requests to SNMP agents with the correct
credentials. Sometimes, this is implemented as part The most difficult part of the SNMP system to
of a monitoring suite, while other times this is an understand is probably the MIB, or management
administrator using some simple utilities to craft a information base. The MIB is a database that
quick request. follows a standard that the manager and agents
adhere to. It is a hierarchical structure that, in many
Almost all of the commands defined in the SNMP areas, is globally standardized, but also flexible
protocol (we will go over these in detail later) are enough to allow vendor-specific additions.
designed to be sent by a manager component.
These include GetRequest, GetNextRequest, The MIB structure is best understood as a top-
GetBulkRequest, SetRequest, InformRequest, down hierarchical tree. Each branch that forks off
and Response. In addition to these, a manager is is labeled with both an identifying number (starting
also designed to respond to Trap, with 1) and an identifying string that are unique for
and Response messages. that level of the hierarchy. You can use the strings
and numbers interchangeably.
SNMP Agents
To refer to a specific node of the tree, you must
SNMP agents do the bulk of the work. They are trace the path from the unnamed root of the tree to
responsible for gathering information about the the node in question. The lineage of its parent IDs
local system and storing them in a format that can (numbers or strings) are strung together, starting
be queried. updating a database called the with the most general, to form an address. Each
"management information base", or MIB. junction in the hierarchy is represented by a dot in
this notation, so that the address ends up being a
The MIB is a hierarchical, pre-defined structure series of ID strings or numbers separated by dots.
that stores information that can be queried or set. This entire address is known as an object identifier,
This is available to well-formed SNMP requests or OID.
originating from a host that has authenticated with
the correct credentials (an SNMP manager). Hardware vendors that embed SNMP agents in
their devices sometimes implement custom
The agent computer configures which managers branches with their own fields and data points.
should have access to its information. It can also However, there are standard MIB branches that are
act as an intermediary to report information on well defined and can be used by any device.
devices it can connect to that are not configured for
SNMP traffic. This provides a lot of flexibility in The standard branches we will be discussing will
getting your components online and SNMP all be under the same parent branch structure. This
accessible. branch defines information that adheres to the
MIB-2 specification, which is a revised standard
SNMP agents respond to most of the commands for compliant devices.
defined by the protocol. These include GetRequest,
GetNextRequest, GetBulkRequest, SetRequest and The base path to this branch is:
InformRequest. In addition, an agent is designed to
send Trap messages.
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This can also be represented in strings like: request is answered with a Response message that
is sent back to the manager with the data.
GetNext: A GetNext message allows a manager to
The section or is the request the next sequential object in the MIB. This
OID that defines internet resources. is a way that you can traverse the structure of the
The 2 ormgmtthat follows in our base path is for a MIB without worrying about what OIDs to query.
management subcategory. The 1 or mib-2 under
that defines the MIB-2 specification. Set: A Set message is sent by a manager to an
agent in order to change the value held by a
This is a great resource for familiarizing yourself variable on the agent. This can be used to control
with the MIB tree. This particular page represents configuration information or otherwise modify the
the connecting nodes at the junction we have been state of remote hosts. This is the only write
talking about. You can check what is further up and operation defined by the protocol.
down the tree by checking out the "superior" and
"subsidiary" references respectively. GetBulk: This manager to agent request functions
as if multiple GetNext requests were made. The
Another similar tool is a SNMP Object reply back to the manager will contain as much
Navigator provided by Cisco. This can be used to data as possible (within the constraints set by the
drill down into the hierarchy to find information request) as the packet allows.
you need. A similar tree is provided by
SolarWinds. Response: This message, sent by an agent, is used
to send any requested information back to the
Basically, if we want to query our devices for manager. It serves as both a transport for the data
information, most of the paths will begin requested, as well as an acknowledgement of
with You can browse the tree interfaces receipt of the request. If the requested data cannot
to learn what kind of information is available to be returned, the response contains error fields that
query and set. can be set with further information. A response
message must be returned for any of the above
SNMP Protocol Commands requests, as well as Inform messages.
One of the reasons that SNMP has seen such heavy Trap: A trap message is generally sent by an agent
adoption is the simplicity of the commands to a manager. Traps are asynchronous notifications
available. There are very few operations to in that they are unsolicited by the manager
implement or remember, but they are flexible receiving them. They are mainly used by agents to
enough to address the utility requirements of the inform managers of events that are happening on
protocol. their managed devices.
The following PDUs, or protocol data units, Inform: To confirm the receipt of a trap, a
describe the exact messaging types that are allowed manager sends an Inform message back to the
by the protocol: agent. If the agent does not receive this message, it
may continue to resend the trap message.
Get: A Get message is sent by a manager to an
agent to request the value of a specific OID. This
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With these seven data unit types, SNMP is capable
of querying for and sending information about your
networked devices.
Network Monitoring using Wireshark [4]
The following images show how we can monitor
our network using Wireshark Tool.
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The following are the different types of protocols ARP: Address Resolution Protocol is used to
existed in traffic which I have captured. resolve MAC addresses from known IP addresses.
HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is used for SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used for
transferring markup pages (Web pages) from server transferring mails from one user to another.
to client. It will be done with 80 / 443 Protocol
TLS / SSL: Socket Secure Layer used for
transferring data securely using encryption.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files
from server to clients with 20 and 21 default port
numbers. Conclusion
DNS: Domain Naming System is a protocol used Every System Engineer or Network Engineers goal
for resolving fully qualified domain names to IP is to protect the network from all kinds of issues.
addresses with 53 port number. SNMP is the one of very useful protocol to monitor
network. It monitors the network devices or
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol is a transport
services using different protocols or methods.
layer protocol used for transferring data from
Wireshark is also one of very useful protocol for
source to destination with reliability.
network administrators which will monitor every
ICMP: Internet Control Messaging Protocol used protocol traffic in the system or network. Nagios,
to transfer ping echo requests and replies. OTRS, and SolarWinds Network Monitor tool, all
these are free services which are used to monitor
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is
and report network status of any large network.
used assign IP addresses from a pool in the server
to client. DHCP uses 67 and 68 Port numbers.
UDP: User Datagram Protocol is used for
connection less transmissions in the network. It is
also a transport layer protocol.
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[1] V. Beal, "What is an IP address? Webopedia definition, [Online]. Available: Accessed: Oct. 13, 2016.
[2] IncDigitalOcean, "An introduction to SNMP (simple network management protocol)," DigitalOcean,
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[4] T. Wilson, "How to use Wireshark to capture, filter and inspect packets," 2014. [Online]. Available: Accessed:
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[7] Microsoft, "ICMP," 2016. [Online]. Available: Accessed:
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[8] V. Beal, "What is FTP - file transfer protocol? Webopedia definition,". [Online]. Available: Accessed: Oct. 14, 2016.
[9] "HTTP - Hypertext transfer protocol overview," 1996. [Online]. Available:
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[10] Microsoft, "What is DHCP?," 2016. [Online]. Available:
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