Iloilo City Regulation Ordinance 2012-307
Iloilo City Regulation Ordinance 2012-307
Iloilo City Regulation Ordinance 2012-307
City of Iloilo
Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer
WHEREAS, The Iloilo City Cultural t-leritage Conservation Council had declared a
number of buildings along JM Basa and Iznart Streets, Iloilo City, as Cultural Heritage Buildings
or Sites by reason of their historical value and structural designs;
\VHEREAS, by reason of such declaration, the area has become an attraction to tourists,
both foreign and local alike, helping the economy of the city;
WHEREAS, the PBO does not contain provisions for tourism-related transport services,
such as buses, coasters or mini-buses, whose itinerary of travel provided by travel agencies
include the City Proper District, more particularly, the down town City Proper area;
a) Tourist- is any person, whether local or foreign, travelling to any specific place for the
purpose of business, leisure and pleasure trip staying 24 hours or more in a given area;
b) Tourism-Related Activities ~ for the purpose of this ordinance, shall include activities
such as sight seeing, educational tours, conventions, seminars and athletic meets,
provided, however, that the contracting of ordinary day to day passengers of the airport or
seaport or along the route for a particular public utility service SHALL NOT BE
c) Tourist-related transport- for the purpose of this ordinance shall refer to the Department
of rourism. accredited transpert, beaFing rainbow plates or a regular public utility
transport so contracted for tour-related activities;
e) Excursionists- any person travelling to any specific place for the purpose of business,
leisure and pleasure trip staying in the place less than 24 hours in a given area;
Tour- is a tourist/excursionist or group of tourists/excursionists visiting a specific
area/site with a specific purposels governed by an itinerary or program with a time
frame. Also refers to sightseeing, educational tours, conventions, seminars, athletic
meet and any other activities related to the movement of tourists/excursionists within a
given area;
g) Tour Operator- shall refer to any person or entity which extends to individuals or
f groups tourism related services, such as but not limited to those mentioned in
Reg. Ord. No. 2012-307, July 18. 2012 Page3
paragraphs(/), (i), 0), (k), (m), (n), (q), (r) of Article I hereof, whether or not for a fee,
commission, or any form of compensation;
i) Standard Tour- is an organized tour with no exact theme rather highlight general
information with the purpose of leveling up awareness of the general public;
j) Customized/Special Tour- any tour with :11pecific purpose usually organized as regards
to profession, event, study research of the tourists/excursionists usually tailor-made;
1) Primary Tourivm Enterprises- refers to travel and tour services; land, sea and air
transport services exclusively for tourist use; accommodation establishments;
convention and exhibition organizers, tourism estate management services; and such
other enterprises as may be identified by the Department of Tourism (DOT) Secretary,
after due consultation with concerned sectors;
p) Running Tour- is a kind of guiding where tourists are inside a moving van, coaster or
bus while tour guides are pointing to sites of historic, cultural or economic significance
without disrupting the traffic flow.
q) Walking Tour - where tourists/excursionists along with a tour guide walk through sites
historic, cultural and economic significance using no vehicle. These walking tour
areas are: a) the sites between Sir Nicolas Loney Monument passing through Ortiz
Street between Iloilo City Hall and Kerr and Company Building right turn to Elizalde
Building and along JM Basa Street up to Hoskynn 's compound Building, b) Luna
Street La Pazfrom St. Clement's Church to Mifsion Hospital and c) St. Vincent Ferrer
Seminary, Jaro Cathedral and Plaza to Archbishop's Palace to Magdalena Jalandoni
s) Tourist Transport Service- may mean car, van, coaster, or bus whose specific purpose
under the special permit shall be to transfer tourists/excursionists from one place to
another and governed by an itinerary.
Article I I. The City Mayor shall be authorized to issue special permits for legitimate
tourism-related activities, subject to the guidelines provided under this <lrdinance, and after
paying a fee of two hundred pesos (P 200.00) per tramport unit to be used.
Article Ill. Guidelines to be followed in securing a special permit to enter the City
beyond the limitations set forth by the Perimeter Boundary ordinance. for tour related activities.
b) Letter request for the City Tour shall be addressed to the City Mayor; copy furnished
the City Tourism and Development Office (CTDO) and the Traffic Management and
Transport Regulatory Office (TMTRO), which shall include the following
I. Nature of Tour
2. Name of requesting tour operator/primary tourism/tourism enterprises
3. Number of Persons
4. Date and Time of Tour
5. Itinerary and Route
6. Type and number of tour-related transport vehicles to be used
7. Contract of service or letter of intent duly signed by the tour operator, Transport
Company and primary tourism/tourism enterprises.
c) 'fhe City Mayor indorses the letter request to the CTDO for verification and
validation of documents;
Reg. Ord. No. 2012~307. July 18. 2012 Page 5
d) The CTDO indorses the letter request to the TMTRO based on the indicated routes
and itinerary and the identification of the contracted vehicles for dissemination. TMTRO
shall be allowed to modify routes should such route requested is inconsistent with
Section 4 ofArticle IV hereof or if during special occasion.
e) The TMTRO recommends to the City Mayor the approval and issuance of special
permit after payment of corresponding fee.
b) The City Mayor indorses the letter request to TMTRO for documentary verification
and for assignment of route dissemination.
c) 1MTRO recommends to the City Mayor the approval and issuance of special permit
after payment of corresponding fee.
Section 3. Buses whose sitting capacity is over 32 passengers are still prohibited to
enter specific streets identified in Section 2 of Article IV of Regulation
Ordinance No. 2009-258. These streets are as follows:
a. Bonifacio Street
b. Fermin Caram Avenue from Arr~o Fountain until Plazoleta Gay
c. M Basa from Plazoleta Gay until Plaza Libertad
d. Iznart Street from Maria Clara Monument until Plazo/eta Gay
e. Ledesma Street from P/azoleta Gay until the junction of Rizal Street
f. Valeria Street
g. Gen. Luna Street
City Proper:
a) JM Basa from Plaza Libertad/Masonic Temple to Plazoleta Gay
b) lznart Street from Ma. Clara Monument to Plazoleta Gay
c) Rizal Street from Ma. Clara Monument to General Hughes Street
d) Fermin Caram Avenue from Arroyo Fountain to Plazoleta Gay
e) General Luna from Quirino bridge to UPV Diversion Road
f) Bonifacio Drive from Pruvincial Capitol to Forbe."> Bridge
Molo District
a. MH Del Pilar from Diversion Road to San Pedro Street
La Paz District
a) Luna Street from Forbes Bridge to Mission WVSU Cultural Center
b. Huervana Street from Luna Street to Jereos Street
c. Rizal Street from Huervana Street to Luna Street
Jaro District
a) E. Lopez Street from Mission Road to Jaro Plaza
b) Simon Ledesma Street to Brgy. Tabuc Suba/Angelicum
c) Commission Civil from Jaro Plaza to Burgos Street
City Proper
a) Bonifacio Drive beside DOT Building, Radyo ng Bayan and Jloilo Red Cross
b) lznart Street in front of /loilo Grand Hotel/Central Market
c) Muelle Loney Street in front of Customs House
Molo District
a) Jocson Street/Molo Plaza/Molo Church across BDO Building
b) Lopez Jaena Street in front of Rosendo Mejica Landmark
La Paz District
a) Jereos Street/Javellana Lapaz Plaza
h) St Clements Parking Area
Jaro District
a) Cathedral Parking Area
b) Sta. label Street
c) Lopez Jaena Street/Shell gas station
d) McArthur Drive/inside Lizares Mansion
Arevalo District
a) Rizal Street fronting Police Station/Arevalo Plaza
City Proper
a) Jovel/er Street/Back of Iloilo Provincial Capitol
Reg. Ord. No. 2012-307. July 18, 2012 Page?
Molo District
a) Molo Plaza/Jocson Street acros.v BDO Building
b) Lopez Jaena Street in front of Rosendo Mejica Landmark
Lapaz District
a) Jereos Street/Javellana Lapaz Plaza
b) St Clements Parking Area
Jaro District
a) Jaro Cathedral Parking Area/N. Ja/andoni Street
b) Sta. Isabel street/Libertad Street
c) Lopez Jaena Street/fronting Shell gas station
d) McArthur Drive/inside Lizares Mansion parking area
Arevalo District
a) Rizal street fronting Police Station/Arevalo Plaza
Origin at Bonifacio Drive to lloilo Museum site (Stop); From Bonifacio Drive,
tum right to Jovel/er, turn right to Muelle L<1ney, turn right to Aduana, turn left to JM
Basa St. to General Hughes to Fort San Pedro to Muelle Loney PPA/Fast Ferry
Terminal, turn left to Me/Liza, turn right to Dela Rama, turn right to Hervias St. to
Muelle Loney, turn left to Aduana, turn right to JM Basa, F. Caram Ave. turn left to
Reg. Ord. No. 2012-307. July 18, 2012 Page 8
Gen. Luna St, towards MH Del Pilar St to San Marcos to A vancefia, to Osmeiia, turn
left to Rizal/Arevalo Plaza (Stop); From Rizal St, turn left to Quewn St to Avancena,
turn right to Lopez Jaena St, Molo Church/Molo Plaza (Stop); From Jocson St. turn
left to San Marcos, turn right to Locsin St., towards Carpenter's Bridge, R.
Mapa/Tabucan, tum right to San Rafael, turn left to B. Aquino Ave., turn right to
Jalandoni St, turn left to Comm. Civil St to Rizal/Jaro Plaza, turn right to
Washington St Tabuc Suba to McArthur Drive to Lizares Mansion Site; From Tabuc
Suba to Simon Ledesma turn left to Lopez Jaena to Casa Mariquit Site(Stop); From
Lopez Jaena turn right to Sta. /sabel/Libertad St to Pasalubong Craft Demo site
(Stop); From Sta. Isabel/Libertad St. to Rial St, Jaro Plaza/Jaro Cathedral Site(Stop).
From Rizal St to E Lopez St. to Luna St. to Bonifacio Drive turn left to General
Luna/Arroyo Fountain turn back to Bonifacio Drive to /loilo Museum End route of
Origin at Jaro Plaza/ Belfry shall pass around Rizal St. turn right to
Washington/Tabuc Suba to Mc Arthur Drive to Lizares Mansion Site; From
Tabuc Suba to Simom Ledesma turn left to Lopez Jaena to Casa Mariquit Site
(Stop); From Lopez Jaena turn right to Sta lsabel/Libertad St to Pasalubong
Craft Demo Site (Stop);From Sta.Isabel I Libertad St to Rizal St,Jaro Plaza/
Jaro Cathedral Site (Stop); From Jaro Cathedral/ N. Jalandoni St. turn left EL
98 St, turn left B.Aquino Ave. turn right San Rafael,Tabucan,Carpenter's
Bridge, Locsin, turn right Avanceiia St, Osmeiia St, Rizal/ Plaza
Arevalo(Stop), turn left Quezon St., Avancena, turn right to Lopez Jaena St
MH Del Pilar Molo Church/Molo Plaza (Stop);from MH Del Pilar, General
Luna St.turn right Mabini St.turn left to De Leon Stturn right to lznart St,turn
left to Rizal St,turn left to Ortiz St.,turn right to JM Basa St, Gen Hughes to
Fort San Pedro to Mue/le Loney PPA/Fast Ferry Terminal, turn left to Me/Liza,
turn right to de/a Rama,turn right to Hervias St. to Muelle Loney, turn left to
Aduana,turn right to JM Basa St F.Caram Ave.turn left to Gen.Luna/Arroyo
Fountain,Bonifacio Drive to lloilo Museum site (Stop);From Bonifacio Drive,
Luna St.,turn right Huervana, turn left Rizal StE. Lopez St.turn right
Rizal/Jaro Plaza.End route of destination.
Reg. Ord. No. 2012-307, July 18. 2012 Page 9
Article V. Penalties:
Article VII. The tour-related transport operator/driver contracted under the Special Permit issued
shall be subject to all existing and enforceable traffic rules and regulations.
Article VIII. Provisions of any ordinance, executive orders, rules and regulationl, and
other issuances inconsiftent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Article IX. Separability. If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof, to
any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance and the application
of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Article X. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval and after publication in a
newspaper or general circulation in the City and Province ofiloilo.
Seer tary to the Sangguniaiy