Candace Claiborne Complaint

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AO 9l (Rev.

08/09) Criminal Complaint

UNrtBo SrarBs Disrnrcr Coun:r

for the
District of Columbia

United States of America )

) Case: 1:'17-mj-000123
Candace Marie Claibome ) Assigned fo : Judge Robin M. Meriu,eather
) AssEn. Date : O3aU2O1T
Description: Criminal Complaint & Anest


i, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
0n or about the date(s) of 10t0112014 th rouq h 8t24t20 to in the county of in the
District of Columbia , the defendant(s) violated:

Code Section OlJense Description

18 U.S.C. S 1001 ln a matter within the jurisdiction of the executive branch of the United States
Government, falsiflTing, concealing, or covering up by a trick, scheme or
device a material fact, or making a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or

18 U.S.C. $ 1512(b),(c), and (k) Conspiring to conuptly obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding

This criminal complaint is based on these facts:


d Continued on the attached sheet.

Comp lainant's si gnature

k -\\i- . "A
., Pt'idled name and title

Swom to before me and signed in my presence

Date: Q312812017
' Ju:dge's signatii i
j jrr; ! iti';'l:i:ia]L "i;.it'r! 4 :a ':r8'/-;
4, ",,, {irlii''i.'ri!:"''5:3i''_:!-!!-'{jr''1i'i
City and state: Washinqton , D.C, ",i,;.,.',
US Maqistrate Jud ge Robi n M. lVeriweather
Prinled iane and title
t4AR 28 20t7
IN I lltr t-'\l'l l:l) S't;\I F-S DISI RI(-l (lOlrRf
FOR'llll: DtS'fR1('I Ol ( Ot-UMBIA ,"','ft i;i;Hil* 3ilf,ll*l:


Case: 1 '17-mJ-000173
Assqned To MagEtrate Judge Robrn M Mer&eather
) Assgn Date I 03DAI2O17
) Descflptron. Crimrnal Complarnt & Anest


I. Kellie O'Brien. berng lirst duly swom, hereby depose and state as follows:


I . I make this affidavit in support ofan application for a criminal complaint and arrest

warrant charging Candace Marie Claibome (hereinafter Cllaibome) with making materially false

statements to Federal Bureau of Investigation (FIll) agenrs, in violation of l8 U.S.C. g I001. and

with conspiring to obstruct an official proceeding. in violation of I 8 U.S.C. S I 512(b), (c). and (k).

2. I am a Special Agent rvith the FIll. and have been since 1999. Since 2007. I have

been assigned to the Washington Field Office, Counterintelligence Division, where I invesrigate

oflenses involving espionage and thc unlawful retcntion or disclosure ofclassified information.

Before 2007, I served in the Salb Streets Task Force investigating drug, weapons, and violent crime


.3. I have training in lhe preparation. presentation, and service ofcrinrinal complaints

and arrest and search warrants, and have been involved in the investi-qation of numerous types of
ollenses against the United States. I have executed arrest warrants and search warrants in previous

cil scs

i I

I 4. The facts in this affidavit are based on my personal observations, my training and

experience, and i-nformation obtained from other witnesses aud law enforcement agents. This

affrdavit is intended to show merely that there is sufficient probable cause for the requested warrant

and does not set forth ali ofmy knowledge about this matter.


5. Based on my training and experience and the fac ts as set forth in this aftidavit, there

is probable cause to believe that Claibome violated 18 U.S.C. g 1001 (Making False Statements)

and conspired with unindicted co-conspiraton to violate 18 U.S.C. $ 1512 (ObsEuction of an

Offrcial Proceeding). I therefore make this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint and anest

warant charging Claibome with these offenses.


6. As discussed more fully below, the investigation involves violations of, among

other things, 18 U.S.C. $$ 1001 and 1512. These criminal violations were either begun or

committed in Washingtoq D.C., where Claibome resides, or were begun or committed overseas,

out of the jurisdictiod of any particular state or diskict. Furthermore, during all times relevant to

the charges, Claiborne worked for the Department of State, which is babed in Washin4oq D.C.


Rclevant Parties:

7. Candacn Claibome is a 60-year-old OIfice Menrgement Specialist with the

Department of state. she is a United States citizeq who resides and works in washington, D.c.

claibome has a bachelor's degree in criminal justice and law enforcement from the univenity of
the District of columbia. She joincd the state Department in 1999, and has served in a variety of
places, including Washington, D.C., Baghdad, Iraq, Beijing and Shanghai, China, and Khartoum,

sudan. According to state Department recorfs, claibome has language proficiency in Arabic,


Mandarin Chinese, and Spanish. She currently works at the Department of State headquarters

[ritairrg iom.t iogtoq D.C. in the Office of Caucasus Affairs and Regional Connicts. f
. Claibome has heid a TOP SECRET security clearance since 1999. She

resides at I Washington, D.C.

8. , who is Co-Conspirator A, is .He

is a United States citizen, who currently lives in Los Angeles, California, though he previously

lived . Co-Conspirator A graduated from

Salisbury University in Maryland with a major in fine arts. Co-Conspirator A lived in China from

2000 through 2005, and then again from approximately January 2012 through August 2013.

During the latter stay, Co-Conspirator A studied fashion design at the Raffles Design Institute at

Donghua University in Shanghai.

,. wno rs uo-uonsplrator E, rs a shang.tlaFbased rmporterexporter w.ho

runs a spa and restaumnt in Shanghai. A citizen of the People's Republic of China @RC), he has
known and regularly comm,nicated with Claibome and Co-Conspirator A since at least 2007. Co-

Conspirator B works closely with Co-Conspirator C (see next paragraph). Co-Conspirators B and

C, both ofwhom are assessed to be agents of the PRC intelligence services (PRCIS), specifically

the Shanghai State Security Bureau (SSSB), have provided Claiborne and Co-Conspirator A with

numerous gifu since 2011.

10. f, who is Co-Conspirator C, is a PRC citizen and an agent of the pRCIS. Co-

Conspirator C works closely with Co-Conspirator B and has had frequeot communications with

both Claibome and Co-Conspirator A since 2012.




t 1 1. PRCIS is a general term that encompisses both the civilian and military

components of Chinese intelligence programs. More specifically, civilian intelligence collection

is handled by the MinisEry of State Security (MSS). The MSS cao be described as an institution

similar to the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency (ClA) combined under one intelligence

directorate rcsponsible for counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence, and political security. The

MSS consists of a central ministry, provincial state security deparEnents, and municipal state

security bureaus, zuch as the Beijing State Security Bureau (BSSB) and the Shanghai State

Security Bureau (SSSB).

12. Among other things, the MSS and its regional bureaus are concerned with

identi$ing and influencing the foreign policy of other countries, including the United States. The

MSS and its bureaus seek to obtain information on political, economig and security policies that

may affect China, foreign intelligence operations directed at Chin4 and biographical profiles of

foreign politicians and intelligence officers.

13. Atlditionalln the MSS and its bureaus are tasked with conducting clandestine and

overt humar souce operations, of which the United States was, and continues to be, a principal

target for the PRC's intelligence gathering. These operations use trained intelligence case officers,

as well as non-professional collectors called "cut-outs" or "co-optees." A cut-out or co-optee is a

mutually tnrsted person or mechanism used to create a comparbrent between members of an

operation to enable them to pass material and/or messages securely. A cut-out or co-optee can

under a variety ofcovers, posing as diplomats, joumalists, academics, or business people

both at home and abroad. These individuals are tasked with spotting, assessing, targeting,
collecting, and running sources that have access to classified, open-sourcg proprietary, or sensitive

information that the government of the PRC can utilize for economic, political, or military

decision-making or advantage.

14. The PRCIS source operations tend to originate inside China, where the PRCIS

prefers to meet with its assets. r To facilitate continued meetings inside China, the PRCIS will

arrange and/or pay for travel and expenses. The PRCIS is known to pay their sources not only in

cash, but also thmugh other means, including business considerations or other qpes ofassistance

within China.

Overview of Claiborne's Positions at the Stste Department:

15. Claiborne joined the State Deparhent in 1999. Claibome signed an Oath of Offtce

that read, "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies

foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation

freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasioq and that I will well and faithirlly

discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

16. As required for her employment, Claibonre obtained a TOP SECRET security

clearance in 1999. Claibome has retained that clearance ever since.

17. Claibome's frnt duty post with the State Department was the United States

Embassy in Beijing, China- Before departing for China, Claibome completed foreip language

taining h Mandarin Chinese at the Department of State's Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in

ArlingtorL Virgida. Claiborne began working in Beijing in or around March 2000. There, she was

an Offrce Management Specialist (OMS)2 for the Economic Minister Counselor and for the

l]Assets arc people who agree to help a foreign

intelligence service by providing information to that service
in response to taskings from foreign intelligence ofrcers or agents.

Offrce Management Specialists are required, as a condition of employment, to obtain and maintain a TOP
SECRET clearance. They provide office management and administrative support worldwide to senior U,S.
diplomats and to various embassy sectioru. Among other things, they man&ge meeting calendars for senior

Security Engineering Center al the embassy. Claiborne's Beijing tour of duty concluded in or

iround June 2003.

' I8 . Claibome's next State Deparffirent posting was also in China, this time at the United

States Consulate General in Shanghai. There, Claibome served as the OMS to the Executive

Assistant to the Consul General from approximately August 2003 through July 2005. Throughout

Claibome's tours of duty in both Beijing and Shanghai, Co-Conspirator A lived with her in China.

19. After China, Claibome worked as an OMS to the Deputy Chief of Mission in

Buenos Aires, Arg6nrina frs6 3pp161i11ately 2005 through the summer. of 2007, before rehuning

to the United States to enroll in Arabic courses at the Department of State's FSI. Claibome's next

posting was in Baghda4 Iraq, where she worked as an OMS for the Political Affairs Section from

approximately June 2008 through July 2009.

20. After haq, Claiborne retumed to Beijing, China, where she worked at the United

States Embassy as the OMS for the Minister Counselor for Public Affairs. Claiborne's third tour

in China lasted from approximately November 2009 through November 2012. Starting ir
approximately Jamary 2012, Co-Conspirator A lived with Claibome in Beijing. Co-Conspirator

A moved to Sharghai in approximately Jtly 2012, staying there until August 20 1 3.

21. From approximately November 2012 through June 2013, Claibome rotated

between stints at the Deparhent of State headquarters in Washington, D.C., and roving OMS

assignments in Libya and Morocco. Claibome then began work at the United States Embassy in

Khartourn, Sudan, where she worked as an OMS to the Deputy Chief of Mission. Claiborne
remained in Sudan from approximately July 20 1 3 through August 20 I 5 .

staIf, prepare agendas and support materials for meetings, help ensure that classified information is properly
secured and edit and revise documents and reports prepared by diplomatic personnel.


22. From approximately August 2015 through February 2016, Claibome took Spanish

classes at FSI. During that time, Claiborne lived in temporary, State Department-funded housing.

She moved out of that housing, and back into her permanent residence in WashingtorL D.C., on or

about Fbbruary 27, 2016. She has lived in Washingtou, D.C. since tlen.

23. Starting in approiimately May 2016, and continuing to the presen! Claiborne has

worked as an OMS in the Office of Caucasus Affain and Regional Conflicts at the State

Department headquarters in Washhgton, D.C. Claibome is responsible for providing a firll range

of administrative support to the Offrce Director, Deputy Director, and six action officers, as well

as to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Minsk Group Co-Chair

(ambassadorial rank).

Claiborne's Knowledee of Co-ConsDirators B and C's PRCIS Affiliation:

24. As demonstrated below and in the timeline provided later in this affidavig

Claibome's actions and words clearly evidenced her knowledge that Co{onspirators B and C

were agents affiliated with the PRCIS.

. 25. Claiborne, a State Department employee with a TOP SECRET clearance, received

periodic counterinteliigence trainings and briefings, including multiple times during her tenure in

China. These briefings and trainings detailed Claiborne's obligations to complete a Foreigr

Contact Repoft after any unoffrcial contact with a person tlat she "l<nows or suspects is a member

ofa foreign intelligence agency." 12 FAM 262.1-b.3


I FIAM stands for Foreign Affairs Manual. According to the State Department's website, the FAM and its
qelated handbooks i'are a single, comprehensive, and authoritative source for the Departrnent's organization
dtn:ctures, policies, and procedures that govem the operatiors ofthe State Department, the Foreign Service,
and when applicable, other federal agencies."

At least thLree times during her 2009 - 7012 tour of duty in Beijing, Claibome signed acknowledgement
forms stating that she fully undentood her reporting requircments, as sct forth in the FAM.


26. Yet, in May 201 1, Claibome, who was stationed in China, received a tasking from

PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator B that she not only never reported as required, but agreed to
undertake for Co-Conspirator B.

, 27. The tasking came just one month after PRCIS agent Co-Co.nspirator B wired almost

$2,500 to Claibome's bank account in the United States.4 After wiring this sum, Co-Conspirator

B asked Claibome for information on internal United States govemment positions on rnatters of

U.S. - Sino relations. More specifically, Co-Conspirator B inquired about the "internal evaluation

of the fruits and consensus . . . made by the US government" ftom the U.S. - Sino Strategic

Economic Dialogue that had just finished between representatives ofthe United States and Chinese

governments. Co-Conspirator B also wanted information about what tlpes ofpressures the United

States government planned to place on the Chinese government ifcertain expectations \ ere unmet.

Finally, he inquired about the "i:rternal attitudes taken by the high-level Americau offrcials." Based

on my training and experiencq this is precisely the type of information that the PRCIS would be

interested in.

28. WLen Claiborne answered with responsive, but publicly available informatioD, Co-

Conspirator B clarified, "What lEgX are looking for is what they cannot find on Internet.',

@mphasis added). Co-Conspiraror B also, consistcnt with his pRCIS affiliatioq emphasized

caution in the mode of communication. He warned claiborne, "If you find something next time

don't send them by email bcs others also can catch it with Intemet."s co-conspirator B instead

offered to personally pick up any infornation Claibome passed.

As will be explained later, claibome was required by federal law to rcport this gift. She did not.

There are many typos or grammarical errors in the emeil correspondence between the parties.
To improve
readability, I have not inserted [sic] after each one.

29. After Claiborne met PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator C n early 2012, Co-Corupirator

C emailed her to zurange a meeting so that he could provide giffs for her and "feedback about our

last ta1k." Later, when Claiborne was no longer in China and unable to meet face-to-face with Co-

Conspirators B and C, she told Witness 1, who was friends with Co-Conspirator B, that she used

a China-based social media application to corrmuuicate with "them, the China experts." Claibome

knew exactly who these "experts" were. As she confided to Co-Conspirator A, Co-Conspirators B

and C werc "spies."

30. Claiborne appeared motivated by the profitable nature ofher information-sharing

relalionship with the PRCIS agents. As she noted in her joumal, she could "Generate 20k in I

yeaf' working with PRCIS ageDt Co-Conspirator B. Claiborne, who repeatedly complained of
financial woes, also wanted to help Co-Conspirator A, , pursue

his overseas educational and career goals. But as Claiborne, Co-Conspirator d Co-Conspirator B,

and Co-Conspirator C were well aware, Claibome's goals were unobtainable on her State

Department salary alone. So by deliberately and unlawfuily making herself beholden to PRCIS

agents Co-Conspirators B and C, Claiborne obtained her wished-for financial desires.

\ 31. Indeed, as shown in the sunrmary below and in the timeline that follows, Claibomg

{oithio lutt a few years, rcceived tens of.thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits, either directly

or through Co-Conspirator d from PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C. On Claibome's behalf

and with her knowledge and consent, Co-Conspirators B and C paid for Co-Conspirator A's

college tuition in China, his housing, and his domestic and international travel (including multiple
trips to the Udted States from China), while supplying Co-Conspirator A with a generous monthly

'dtipend. Because of Claibome's value to them, PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C were even

wiJling to fly from Shanghai to Beijing just to retrieve Co-Conspirator A's passport so that Co-

Conspirator C could help Co-Conspirator A obtain a residence pennit in Shanghai. And when


Claibome was stationed in Africa, Co-Conspirators B and C offered to either fly Claiborns to

China to meet with them, or to arrange a vacation forClaibome with them in a neig,bboring Ahican


32. When Co-Conspirator A allegedly committed a serious crime in China, PRCIS

agents Co-Conspirators B and C immediately intervened to prevent the police from investigating

Co-Conspirator A. Such an extraordinary step, in a country like China, makes plain the inJluence

that Co-Conspirators B and C had within the PRC govemment. Co-Conspirators B and C also paid

for Co-Conspirator A's plane travel, arranged last minute, back to the United Sates.

33. Claiborne knew the consequences that would result from discovery of her illegal

relationship *,ith PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C. And she was awarc that the benefits she

received from the relationship came at a steep cost. At one poing Claiborne, having second doubts

iibout the relationship, fretted to Co-Conspirator A, "I really don't want my neck or your neck in

a noose regarding another pafylperson that has made this possible for you." I-ater, Claiborne

wamed Co-Conspirator A, "I don't want them [Co-Conspirators B and C] to be involved in your

every move and details . . . You'll understand one day."

, 34. Indee{ knowing the illegality of her actions, Claibome actively concealed her

relationship with PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C from others, especially investigators at

the State Department and the EBI. When she completed her background questionnaire in 2014 to

renew her TOP SECRET clearance, Claibome deliberately excluded any mention of Co-

Conspirators B and c, even though truthful answers requfued disclosure of their names and

identities. When a State Departrnent investigator later interviewed Claiborne, she continued to

falsely omit any reference to Co-Conspirators B and C. She also misled the investigator about Co-

conspirator A's travels, stating that his only trip abroad was to Africa. she withheld that co-

conspbator A had lived in china for a year, studying at a school and living in housing paid for by

PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C. The next day, Claiborne called Co-Conspirator A to make

surc he knew that she had not disclosed anyhing to the investigator about his time in China-

35. Around the same time that this interview occurred, Claibome was regularly

conmunicating with PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator B about receiving additional benefits from him.

Before Claiborne knew the date ofher national security background investigation interview, she

contacted Co-Conspirator B, asking him to wire $5,000 to her bank account. Co-Conspirator B

agreed. But before the fi:nds were transferred, Claibome leamed that her national security

background investigation interview would be happening soon. Fearing that State Department

investigators would leam of the transfer and become suspicious, she emailed Co-Conspirator B,

ielling him about her upcoming "security cleamnce i.oteffiew" atrd asking him to put "everything

on hold until that's cleared." After the interview, which involved many questions about

Claibome's foreign travels and contacts, Claiborne called Co-CLnspirator B, telling him trot to

transfer the money because ofher ongoing background check. Claibome also made clear, on the

phone and by email, that Co-Conspirator B should delete all correspondence with her about the


' 36. Later, after Claibome filed a complaint against the Customs and Border Patrol, the

FBI conducted an interview of Claibome. During the interview, FBI agents inquired about

Claibome's and Co-Conspirator A's time in China. Claibome made a number of material

misstatements to hide her relationship with PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C, including

pbout the many grffs and benefits that she and Co-Conspirator A had received from them. Just

hours later, claiborne surreptitiously called co-conspirator A from a phone booth located three

iloors below her office at the State Department. During that caII, and during two other calls that
day with Co-Conspirator Ao Claibome tried to comrptly perzuade Co-Conspirator A to falsely

recall the origin of educational benefits that he had received directly ftom pRCIS agents co-

Conspirators B and C. She also warned Co-Conspirator A that they should "stay away from [China]

for now."

' 3'1. The next day, under the guise ofa birthday greeting, Claibome instructed Co-

Conspirator A, "fD]elete all email messages and contact information in your email and phone

pertaining to [Co.Conspirators B and C] - I don't want any troubte going forward ok - please do

38. Months later, an ethnically Chinese FBI undbrcover agent posing as an MSS officer

met Claibome outside her home in Washington, D.C. It was dark outside and cold. The undercover

agent, whom Claibome had never before met, said he knew Co-Conspirators B and C. Based solely

on that alleged connection, Claibome invited him into her home, where they talked for aLnost 1.5


39. As they talked, the undercover agent made explicitly clear that he worked for the

MSS, and that Co-Conspirators B and C were affiliated with the SSSB, the MSS's Shanghai

regional affiliate. Claibome expressed no surprise at this news. The undercover agent also told

Claibome that she was one of the MSS's "highest regarded" friends.

40. The undercover agent expressed thanls to Claibome on behalf of the "Miaistry''

for her past assistance, which "directly helped" the Ministry's work Claiborne in no way denied

providing past assistance to the Ministry. To the contary, Claiborne, in explaining why she could

not currently provide assistance, explained that "things are not the way they used to be."7

l,As Claibome larer revealed to the rurdercover agent, her first imprcssion on seeing him was, 'Who's this
strange Chinese man standing out in front ofmy [house]?"
7'While. Claibome refilsed to accept the cash gift
offered to her and declined to enter into a new information-
sharing agreement, she entedained the undercover agent with tea and answered his questions, including
telling him gengrally about her current State Dpartment assigrunent.


41. Claibome explained that in the United States, she had "to do security stuff all the

time." She complained that she had been asked 'Just way too many questions" about her "travels"

and her "foreign contacts." Claiborne reiterated her concem about her national security clearance

investigation, stating that'1hey ask us aboutthis kinda stuff. . . like your rclationship with foreip


42. When the undercover agent left, Claiborne smiled and waved goodbyd, partiog with

him on friendly terms. Wlen he asked Claibome not to discuss their conversation with anyone,

Claibome rcadily agreed. Despite an unambiguous obligation to irrmediately report this approach

by a professed PRCIS agent, Claiborne never reported it.8

Claiborne Directly and Indirectlv Received Tens of Thousands of Dollars of Benefits from
43. It is unsurprising that Claibome did not report the approach by the undercover

agen! as it would expose to investigation the tens ofthousands of dollars in gifts and benefis that

she received from PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C. Claibome rcceived these benefits both

directly to her, and indirectly through cash and benefits provided to Co-Conspirator A with her

acquiescence. All ofthese gifts and benefits stemmed from Claibome's impermissible, unreported

relationships with PRCIS agents.

44. Below is a surnmary chart of the known gifts that Claibome received personally
and through Co-Conspirator A. Although some of these gifts triggered clear reporting obligations

bf which Claibome was aware, she nover reported any ofthem to the proper authorities. l0

l'As ttre feV makes plain, failure to report such contacts can lead to adminisbstive action against the
g,mployee, including revocation ofthe employee's security clearance, which for Claibome, was a necessary
tondition of employment 12 F AN|262.3-2.
Each of these will be discussed fi:rther in the timeline that follows.

l0In an interview with the FB! Claibome acknowledged awareness ofa reporting requirement for gifts and
benefits received from'certain foreign nationals.

Gifts and Benefrts from PRCIS Aeents Month(s) Received
Co-Conspirators B and C
Beads for Co-Conspirator A's commercial October 2010
Cash for Claiborne - 80 20tt
Cash for Claiborne - $580 Jul 20tl
Sliopers for Claiborne Auzust 201 I
New Year's gifts for Claibome (tYPe and Ianvry 2072
DVD and book for Claibome 2012
Dinner for A Fe 2012
HotelinYiwu China for tor A March 2012
Airplane tickets for Co-Conspirator A and May2012
two ofhis friends from to
Cash for Co-Conspirator A
(amount J:oly2012

Shanghai rentaI payments for Co- July 2012 - August 20I3

Conspirator A - one bedroom, fullY
and newl renovated
Fashion school tuition for Co-Conspirator July 2012 - August 2013
A - registration fee plus three semesters at
a total cost of 76,500 RMB
Birthday dinner at fancy hotel for Co- August 2012
A and Claiborne
Chinese medicine for Co-Conspirator A S 20t2
S machine for Co-Cons tor A October 2012
Shaver for Co-Conspirator A Deoenber2012
Apple iPhone for Claiborne December 2012
Cash for Co4onspirator A(amount December 2012 '
Apple MaoBook (a type oflaPtoP January 2013
computer) for Claiborne
Medicine for Co- A 2013
Monthly stipend of 3,000 for Co- Exact montls unclear, but possibly July
Conspirator A while he lived in Shanglai, 2012 - August 2013
All-expenses paid vacation to Thailand for March 2013
I Co-Conspirator A

itThe renminbi, or 'T.MB," is the basic unit of currenry for the People's Republic of China. It is also
sometimes refened to as the yuan.

At the relevant time, 76,500 RMB converted to approximetely $12,103.09. Historical conversion mtes,
applicable to the relevant timeframes, are used throughout this Affidavit.

It is unclear whether this was in Arnerican or Chinese currency.

Cash for Co-Conspirator A (amount April 2013
Phone cards for Co-Conspirator A May 2013
Roundtrip airplane tickets fiom China to June - July 2013
Washington, D.C. for Co-Conspirator A
One-way airplane ticket from Chim to August 2013
Washington, D.C. for Co-Conlplrallq! r\
1OOO RMB B for A J 2014
5000 RilG for Co-Conspirator A February 2014

45. Additionally, claibome reguested or co{onspirators B and c offered, additional

giffs and benefits that, for different reasons, did not mateilalizn. For example, in September 2015,

shortly after meeting with PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator B in china, claiborne, upon her retum to

the D.C. area, requested that,Co-Conspirator B wire her $5,000' He agreed to do so, but beforc he

wired the money, the Departmellt of State interviewed Claibome for her national security clearance

reauthorization investigation. Afraid that the investigators would find suspicious a substantial wire

transfer from chin4 claibome called co-conspirator B, asking him to withhold the payment and

to delete any correspondence with her about it.

46. Moreover, Co-ConsPirators B and C had committed to paying for Co-Conspirator

A's full fashion school tuition in Shanghai. For the three-year progam, including a final year

abroad in Singapore or Australia" the total cost of tuition alone was 301,500 RMB' or

approximately V'1A42.04. And relatedly, Co-Conspirators B and C appeared ready to continue

paying for Co-Conspirator A's apartnent rental and his stipend of 3,000 RMB per month. The

stipend alotre, over the final two years of Co-Conspirator A's educatioq woul-d have been 72,000

RMB, or approxim ately 517,744.74. Claiborne knew and approved of these palmrents. But for Co-

onspirator A's alleged commission of a serious crime in China, which necessitated his departure

Approximately $165.40 UsD.

Approximately $826.31 USD.

from Shanghai, Co-Conspirators B and C were prepared to make these paynents of tens of

thousands ofadditional dollars as a benefit to Claibome.

, 47. Co-Conspirator B and Co-Conspirator C also offered two vactions to Claiborne

while she was stationed in Sudan. One involved an all-expenses paid trip to China, and the other
was for a holiday in East Africa. After considering these offers, Claibome declined them. Like

with the gifts and benefits she did receive, however, Claiborne neither reported these offers nor

her communications about them with PRCIS agents Co-Corspirators B and C.

48. A[ to14 Claiborne, directly and through Co-Conspirator A, received tens of

thousands of dollars in giffs and benefits. And Co-Conspirators B and C, with Claiborne's

acquiescence, were prepared to provide tens ofthousands of dollars more. Knowing these benefits

came from PRCIS intelligence agents, Claibome actively and illegally concealed her improper

connections with Co-Conspirators B and C and the many u/ays that she and her family benefitted

fiom those connectiors.

Timeline of C'laiborne's and Co-Consnira tor A's Contacts PRCIS Aqents Co-
Conspirators and C. and Claiborne's U lan{ul Efforts to Conceal e Contacts

2007 -2009
49. By at least 2007, Claibome and Co-Consphator A were well acquainted with

PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator B.

SO. On or about June 13;2007,Claiborne asked Co-Conspirator B for help locating a

job for Co{onspimtor A teaching English in China- Co-Conspirator A separately emailed Co-

ponspirator B about the job requesg explaining that he was 2l years old and graduating from

bottege. Co-Conspirator B responded, telling Co-Conspirator A, "I remember yori very well." Co-
Conspirator B provided guidance about teaching in China, and added, '1 will also check with my

friends if any possibility to find a chance for you-" The next day, Co-Conspiraror B emailed Co-

Conspirator A about a teaching position at the Smiling Star School in Shanghai.


she wanted to quit her state Department job and move to china. ctaibome suggested she could

told co-
work in china as a virtual assistant, and asked co-conspirator B for help. claibome also

The problen;
Conspirator B that she wanted Co-Conspirator A to study fashion design in China.

according to claiborne, was financial due to co-conspirator A's college debt.

claibome inquired

..He needs a place to stay,'and he needs possible airfare . . . any suggestions?"

ofco-conspirator B,


communicating about possible employment opportunities for co-conspirztor A in china.

53. h 2009, claiborne received a classified Security Awareness Briefing at the u.S.
Embassy in Beijing, china. covered in the training was claibome's reporting requirements

the FAM, including for contacts with foreign intelligence agents'

2010 -2011

54. Twice during 2010, Claibome, while stationed in Beijing, China, received a

counterintelligence Refresher Brief, after which she executed a form that "detailed [claibome's]

obligations and responsibilities . . . to Ieport all irstances of ' . . indications, beliefs, or suspicions

that [she] . . . may be the target of a foreip intelligence service or other entity." In so doing,

Claibome affirmed that she fully understood "all of [her] reporting rcquircments, as described by

the Counterintelligence Refresher Briefing and the FAM."

, 55. Starting in January 2010 and continuing through 2011, co-conspirator B and co-

Conspirator A exchanged numerous ernails about art supplies that Co-Conspirator A requested

hom China. Included were requests for beads that Co-Conspirator A used in commercial products

that he assembled
56. In July 2010, Claiborne traveled to Shanghai, where she stayed at the JW Marriott'

Claibome and Co-Conspirator B took a photograph together during that visit'

57 . In August 20 I 0, Claiborne informed Co-Conspirator A that "funds are a little tight

right noui' and that she was "trying to recover from all the debt I accumulated when I went home."

, 58. On March 7, 2011, the Secretary of State issued a cable to employees of all U.S.

embassies and consulates reminding them of their obligation to report gifts, over $350, ftom a

foreign govemment.l5 Two days later, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing, China, provided additional

notice to all embassy employees (including Claibome) of this requirement, reminding them that

the reporting requirement applied to both tangible and intangible gifts.

59. On April 11, 201 l, just one month after receiving the reminder notifications above,

Claibome received $2,480 by wirc into her USAA account. The wire originated from Delta

Shipping Co. Ltd./Bank of China Hong Kong, and the memo line read, 'Tor [Co-Conspirator B]

Shanghai." The FBI assesses that PRCIS agent Co4orspirator B instoucted the Chinese entity

listed above to have money wired from China to Claibome's USAA account. Claibome never

reported this gift, in viotation of federal law. See 5 U.S.C. $ ?342 (requiring U.S. government

employees to report gifts from agents of foreign governments, if the gifts were worth more than

"minimal value," as prescribed by regulation). In 2011, "minimal value" was set at $350.

60. On or about May 10, 2011, a month after providing this reportable gift, PRCIS

agent Co-Conspirator B tasked Claiborne by email with questions rcgarding the RMB exchange

rate and the United States Government's response to the U.S.-Sino Strategic Economic Dialogue.

The US-Sino Strategio Economic Dialogue is the framework for the top government leaders ofthe

United States and China to discuss economic relations between both countries. In 2011, this

ineeting took place between May 9 - 10,2071, and included U.S. Vice President Ioe Biden and

Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishau, among the attendees. The United States Government's
intemal perspective on this dialogue would have been ofconsiderable interest to the PRCIS.

Such reminder cables were aurually sent to overseas diplomatic personnel like Claibome.

61. In that same emai! Co-Conspirator B inquired about the "internal evaluation ofthe

fruits and consensus of the Dialogue made by the US government." Co-Conspirator B further

wanted to know, "What's US govemment's consideration conceming the extent and timetable of

the increase in the value of RMB's exchaage rate?" Regarding that increase, Co-Corspirator B

asked what prerisures the U.S. goverrunent would place the Chinese government if U'S.
expectations were not met. Finally, Co{onspirator B tasked Claiborne with reporting about the

"i:rternal attitudes taken by the high-level American ofEcials towards this iszue?" Claiborne never
1 6
reported this tasking.

62. On or about May 18, 2011, Claiborne emailed Co-Conspirator B, asking, "\Mas that

stuff I sent useful?" Co-Conspirator B responded, "It is usefirl but it is also on the Intemel What

they are looking for is what they cannot find on the Intemet. If you frnd something next time don't

sent them by email bcs others also can catch in with Intemet. If you hv finished I will come to pick

them." Claiborne then replid "Ok I understand. Well it j sut so happens what they wanted to know

was public knowledge."

63 . On or about May 26, 20ll , Co-Conspirator B emailed Claibome again, inquiring,

"Do you frnished the job I gave you last time?" Claiborne answered, "[Co-Conspirator B], most

of that infornation was in the email I sent you. To tell you the truth, I really don't want to spend

time on this kind of stuff. Everything takes time and one has to do a good expectable job when

working for others. I'm sorry, I don't have the time or the energy." In repll Co-Conspirator B

ivrote, "I was thinking that we can make some money together before I go to Italy. Anyhow, ifyou

find some information you can still give me to try later."

Years later, while carrying out a court-authorized searcb, FBI agents found these questions in a document
on Claibome's computer, followed by 19 pages ofresponsive materials.

she had lunch
64. on or about July g, 20l l, Claibome infonned co-conspirator A that

that day with Co-ConsPirator B'


him an opportunity to wolk at co-conspirator B's spa afrer co-conspirator

A got experience doing

spa work on a cruise line (co-conspirator A later appted for, but did not receive, ernplo)rment on

a cruise line).

66. on or about July 13,2011, Claibome received a $580 wire into her USAA accotmt

from Delta shipping co Ltd.lBank of chiaa- Again, the memo re,'ad, "For [co-conspirator B]

above to
shanghai." The FBI assesses tlat co-conspirator B instructed the chinese entity listed

have money wired from China to Claiborne's USAA account. Claibome, in violation of

law, never reported this gift.

join her in
67 . On or about August 31, 2011, Claibome invited co-conspirator A to

China, suggesting that he could work in Co-Conspirator B's salon in Shanghai. On or about

24, 21ll , Claiborne requested that Co-Corspirator B send her more slippers because her feet'were

often cold.

68. Jn o, ubout September 15,2011, claibome, whose constant financial difficulties

made her vulnerable to PRCIS agents, paid over $9,000 in back taxes, intercst, and penalties in the

District of Columbia.

69. On or about November 8, 2011, Co-Conspirator B emailed Co-Conspirator A,

noting that Claiborne would return to the State Depaftment on November 18. Travel records

oonfrrmed that ClaibomE landed at Dulles Airport on the 18th.


70. On or about November 22,2011, Co-Conspirator A wrote Co-Conspirator B,

thanking him for beads he,had purchased for Co-Conspirator A'sj ewelry business. Co-Conspirator

A recoCni"ed that Co{onspirator B "went through a lot of work and trouble" to help him.



71. 2012 brought new developments. Co{onspirator A moved to China in January to

live with Claiborne, and Claibome met PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator C. On or about January 13,

2012, Co-Conspirator C emailed Claiborne, saying, "There is some feedback about our last talk,

which I think is positive . . . besides, I prepare new year gifu for you." Co-Conspirator C suggested

they meet in Beijing, and asked Claibome to tell Co-Conspirator A hello. Claibome wrote back,

"I'11 see you soon."

, 72. On or about February 2,2012, Co-Conspirator B hformed Co-Conspirator A that

he had lined up a job for him teaching English in Shanghai if Claibome approved. A few days

later, Co-Conspirator B and Co-Conspimlor A dined together.

'13. On. or about February 7, 2012, Co-Conspirator A wrote Co-Conspirator B,

lamenting that he could not pay his U.S. school loans because it was "impossible" for him "to keep

ajob." Two days later, Co-Conspirator A confessed that he was so in debt to his university that he

was not evetr able to obtain a transcript from the school. Apparentlv, Co'Conspirator A needed a

tianscript from his U.S. university to apply for jobs in China. Co{onspirator B advised Co-

Conspirator A not to worry because he was "working on [Co-Conspirator A's] project." Co-

Conspirator B said, "Give me some time to find a way."

74. On or about February 13, 2012, Claibome received an email from a staff member

at Raffles Design Institute in Shanghai, China. The email spelled out the.various degree offerings,

ind explained that "[s]tudents are required to shrdy in Shanghai in the first two years and transfer

toS ingapore or Australia 16 s6mJrlete the third year." Each academic year consisted of four
semesters, and the cost for the Fashion Design program was 25,000 RMB per semester for the first

two years, then 50,000 RMB for each of the final two semesters in singapore or Australia.

Combined with a 1500 RMB registration fee, total tuition cost for the prograrn was 301,500


7 5 . Claibome forwarded the email to Co-Conspirator A the same day. He sent it to Co-

Conspirator B, conceding that the cost ofthe programdid "not sound possible" for him.

'16. Still on that same day, Claibome wrote Co-Conspirator A, "[W]hile I want you to

go to school to fulfill your dream, I would like for you to enter the school on your own accord.

This has added an additional level of stress in my life which is why I had a bad dream. There are

some components !o this situation that I have to work out on my own, but it is my feeling not to

depend on others as you know. I really don't want my neck or your neck in a noose regarding

another party/person ftat has made this possible foryou. . . I would really appreciate ifyou would

keep this between us . . . and not send a blast email to [Co-Conspirator B]."

77. Co-Conspirator A dismissed Claibome's concenr, admonishing her to "stop

worrying about owing [Co-Conspirator B]," and observing, "You have yourfi [relationship] with

[Co-Conspirator B] and I have mine." Co-Conspirator A concluded, "[Co-Conspirator B] is a

valuable resource and him and whomever I meet here I will keep because I know that it takes

support to push through to success."

78. Co-Conspirator A then immediately emailed Co-Conspirator B. "I want to speak

on this matter and I appreciate if you keep it between the two ofus. . . [Claiborne] is tired of her

time in China but that is not the case for me. . . One moment [Claibome] gives you the green light

to help me. The next momenq she doesn't want you to move. forward with helping me. . . I am

ioming to Shanghai. That is my choice, and that is my wish. Whether she agrees or not. . . I feel

ls a man that it is important to develop a relationship with you apart from [Claibome] because you

Approximately $ 47 ,442.M.

are extendhg your hand to help me. . . And in the future if there is anything that I can do to also

help you or be of some support then no problem."

79. Co-Conspirator B responded, "I know [Claibome] very well. . . I will try my best

to convince [Claiborne] for your move to Shanghai. We are checking with the fashion school and

the school for you to teach the English in the evening."

80. On or about Febgu ary 27 ,2012,Co-Conspiiator B emailed Co-Conspirator A 'We

hv.checked with fashion school in Shanghai" about costs and housing. Co-Conspirator B

confirmed that the frst two yean of study would be in Shanghai, followed by a third year in

Singapore or Australia. Co-Conspirator B stated that Co-Conspirator A would also "hv to rent a

aparhnent outside school" and register with the police to obtain a permit to live in Shanghai. Co-

Conspirator B then asked Co-Conspirator A when Claibome was leaving Beijing to go to Australia,

writing, "I will try to meet her again when I will be in Beijing next montb-"

81. On or about March 27, 2012, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B photos

of his passport and visa. Co-Conspirator B respondd "Give me the train no and arrival station in

shanghai so I can pick u in the station."

82. Th next day, Co-Conspirator B wrote to Co-Conspirator d 'Your hotel in yiwu

hv already booked . . The room rate is RMB I 70 per night." Co-Conspirator B also proilded Co-

Conspirator A's train itinerary, and said, 'Tlope the schedule will be ok for you." That same day,

po-Conspirator A emailed a friend salng that Co-Conspirator A would be staying at 'lny friend

[Co-Conspirator B] house."

I 83. Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B on or about April 16,2012, asking if


he could stay at Co-Conspirator B's home on May 3. Co-Conspirator A said he lost his job, which
was 'bad timing" because he had two friends visiting between May 12 and 23. Co-Conspirator A

Approximately $26.97.

cbntinued,'lI don't want to ask so much ofyou atrd [Co-Conspiralor C] but I want to take them at

least one day to see Shanghai, if anything Pudong. If its possible you or [Co-Conspirator C] can

spend time with us for the day. A:ry ways its always nice to see you two. If there is also anything

you need me to do then please feel free to ask" Co-Conspirator A acknowledged he was having

financial difficulties because ofthe lostjob.

U. On or about May 17, 2012, Coonspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B copies of

his two friends' passports. That same day, Co-Conspirator B emailed Co-Conspirator C the

roundtrip flight reservations betu,een Beijing and Shanghai for Co-Conspirator A and his friends.

The total value of the flights was 4290 RMB.

85. On or about May 24, 2012, Co-Conspirator A emailed Claiborne and Co-

Conspirator B about the costs for fashion school in Shanghai, which amounted to 26,500 RMB for

the first semester.2o The money was due on June l,just eight days later. Regarding this pa),ment,

Co-Conspirator A pondered, "I don't have any legitimate way of eaming income right now so is

this even possible? . . . I am open to suggestions."

. 86. On or about June 4,2012, Co-Conspirator B informed Claiborne, "I got ok for the

scalar ship for [Co-Conspirator A]. Did you talk with him before you back to state.2l When you

prefer to let him come to Shanghai. Time is very limited."

87 - Also on or about iune 4, Co-Conspiraror C emailed Co-Conspirator A,"Hey, [Co-

Conspiraror Al ! How are you! [Co-Conspirator B] has informed me a couple of days ago that you

might be considering starting school this July. I think according to our last visit to the school, you

ireed to apply this month. Are you still up to something in BJ or you are planning to move to SH

ie epproximately $678.72.

r Approximately $4, I 86.08.

2r Claibome haveled from Beijing to Washington Dulles Airport on or about Mry 28,20L2.

soon. It's usually diftrcult to start ahew life i:r a new city, but I think [Co-Conspirator B] and me

are willing to give our help. Ifthe first batch ofmoney is your concern, pls don't worry about that

ind we will give the frst kick. Should you have any question or request, pls feel free to let us

Itnow." Co-Conspirator A responded, "Thank you [Co{onspirator C]. I will proceed to apply to

the school. . . flank you for your assiskrce."

88. On or about J:urre 1, 2012, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B, Co-

Conspirator C, and Claiborne to confirm arrangements for his pending visit to Shanghai. The nex

dan Co-Conspirator B confirrned with Co-Conspirator A that Co-Conspirator C would pick him

up from the train station, and that the three ofthem would take him apartment hunting.

89. Co-Conspirator A wrote to family members on or about Juno 13 that he was

preparing to "transition from Beijing to Shanghai next month to begin my studies in Fashion

Design at Raffles Design School, Donghua University." Co-Conspirator A characterized the

university as the "most renowned school in China for desip." The program called for .,two years

in China, and one year in Singaporc or Australia."

, 90. On or about lune 20, Co-Conspirator C emailed Co-Conspirator A, copylng

Claibome and Co-Conspirator B, writing "Hey, [Co-Conspirator A]! Nice to get your call. And I

have good news for you too. I find an apartrnent suitable for you. It is a one bedroom, onb living

room flat, bigger than the one you saw that day. It is newly renovated, fully equipped. pls check

out the attached pics. And it is 10 mins walk from the school. I am going to sign the contract tmr.

As long as the contract is signed, I will proceed with the residence permit. Maybe you will need

to come down to SII, maybe I will fly 0o BJ to get your passport. We will see what is the best. As
I told you this afternoon, I have got all the document from the school. I will hand them to you
then wi mect."

91. On or about June 28,2012, Claibome retumed to Beijing from Washington, D.C.

The next day, Co-Conspirator A told Co-Conspirators B and C, "[Claiborne] is back safe, and is

resting now. . . [Co-Conspirator B] I look forward to meeting Tuesday. I will let [Claiborne] know.

.. I'm excited to move to Shanghai. .. Thank you so much [Co-Conspirator B] and [Co-Conspirator

Cl for your help!"

92. On or about July 10, 2072, Claibome infomred Co-Conspirator A that she was

meeting Co-Conspirator B the next day. Three days later, Co-Conspirator C omailed Co-

Conspirator A to check on hin! lefting him know that "should you need an5rthing, please let me or

[Co-Conspirator B] know." Co-Conspirator A wrote back, elaborating on the expenses he

anticipated occurring to satisff his course requfuements.

93. On or about lluly 22 and 23, Co-Conspirator C and Co-Conspirator A

corununicated about a time to meet that weelc The next day, Co-Conspirator A wrote to Co-

Conspiralor C, "Thalk you for the money," indicating he hadjust purchased a phone with it.

94. On or about August 17 through 19, 2012, Claibome stayed at a.Marriott hotel in

Shanghai. The $420. 10 bill was paid in cash.

95. On or about August 21, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B, Co-

conspirator c, and claibome to thanlc them for a "wonderful birthday arountl shanghai." As co-

Conspirator A explained to his sister, he went on his birthday to "some fancy hotel terace to relax
the night away overlooking the famous river and financial district of Shanghai." co-conspirator

B sent co-corspkator A and claibome,photos of the three of them together at the birthday



l On or about September 10, 2012, Co-Conspirator A told Co-Conspirators B and C


that he would be opening a bank account that week. He also noted his lack offunds and referenced

Claibomg who was "always stressing" about sending Co-Conspirator A money. Co-Conspirator

14. acknowledged that "li]ntemational trips are out because they are costly."

97. That same day, Co-Conspirator C wrote back to Co-Coosptator A to alleviate his

concerns. "As for the money, I don't thhk there is an urgent need to make money for your stay in

SH. I understand that you want to be financially independent, but as I have explained, at least for

the first year, you should focus on the school. Me and [Co-Conspirator B] will try our best to cover

the expenses."

98. On or about September 15,2012, Claiborne emailed

I,wamingthem of

ihe dangers ofFacebook (people can collect htelligence and personal information about you), and

notiffing them that she was deleting her Facebook account. Claibome separately reminded Co-

Conspirator A to inform Co-Conspirator B that Co-ConSpirator A would be traveling soon. On or

about September 19, Co-Conspirator A departed China for a trip to Latin America. He returned to

Shanghai on or about Octoberl0.

, 99. Claibome visited Shanghai from October 18 through 21, staying at a Mariott hotel.

The $722.90 bilt was paid in cash.

100. On or about October 29 and again on November l, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-

Conspirator B requesting a sewing machine. Co-Conspirator A sent a web link to Co{onspirator


B for the machine

101. On or about November 26,2012, Claiborne completed an Exit Iaterview Form

dupplied by the U.S. Embassy Regional Security Offrce in Beijing, China. Under the heading

Eoreigrr National Contacts, Claibome listed 'None." Under the heading Any Other Unusual

lncidents or Anomalies to Report, Claiborne observed seeing an "Asian man standing at the south

gate every day at 12:00 - l:00 lunchtime." Claibome mentioned nothing about her contacts with

PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C, including the May 2011 tasking or the various gifts and

benefits that they had provided to Claibome and Co-Conspirator A.

lO2. Claibome visited Shanghai again between on or about Noveurber 30 through

December 2. She stayed at a Marriott hotel. The $308.80 bifl was paid in cash.

103. On or about December 5, Claibome retumed to Washingtoq D.C. The next day,

Co-Conspirator A sent Co{onspirator B an email entitled 'blippers," with a web link to the

clifpers he wanted.

104. On or about December 9, Claibome fonvarded Cb-Conspirator B an email from

Co-Conspirator A with a web link for a shaver. Claibome wrote, "Can u get this for [Co-

Conspirator Al along with the proper tralsformer?" Co-Conspirator B responded "I hv order

similar shaver for [Co.Conspirator A] on taobao.22 No need transformer." Claibome replie(

thmking Co-Corspirator B. She then added Co-Conspirator C to the ernail chain, asking if Co-

ponspirator B or Co-Conspirator C knew the serial number to the Apple iPhone tdat Co-

Conspirator C purchased for her in China.

105. On or about December 11,2012, Co-Conspirator B wrote Claiborne that Co-

Conspirator A had "open[ed] the bank account already. We are going to pay for his third semester

cost this weekend."

. 106. On or about December 27,2012, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B,

Safing, "I saw [Co-Conspirator C] today at Starbucks so we had a good talk . . [Co-Conspirator

C ] says you will have someone deposit money into the account."

107. On or about lanuary 22,2013, Claibome asked Co-Conspirator B whether there
{vas a password for the Microsoft Office program on her "apple noteboolg" indicating that Co-

Taobao is a Chinese online shopping site.

Conspirators B and C had purchased an Apple laptop computer for her. Co-Conspirator B
psponded that to use Microsoft Office, Claibome, who was no longer in China, would havo to

brder the program over the Internet and pay for it.
' 108. On or about February 17,2073, Claibome told Co-Conspirator B that Co-
Conspirator A was short oD cash, and requested that Co-Conspirator B help him out. Co-
Conspirator B seemed perplexed, responding that he had just transferred 3,000 to Co-Conspirator

A on February 1.23

109. Claibome and CoConspirator B also discussed a job openhg in Hong Kong, which

Claibome said 1 7 other people had already bid for. Claibome then inforrned Co-Conspirator B that

Co-Conspirator A "would like to go to Thailand during the 2 week break. What do you think?"

110. On or about February 24, 2013, Co-Conspirator A ftetted to Claibome about his

dismal work prospects in China and his dependence on others, asserting, "I don't always want to

ask you [Co{onspirator B] or [Co-Conspirator C] for money. I'm 2'l and it bothers me." Co-

Conspirator A, who had already told Co-Conspirator B and Co-Conspirator C that he could not

afford intemational trips, told Claibome the.same thing. Co-Conspirator A further observed that it

was "high season" in Thailand, making havel there even more expensive, and thus impractical.

I 1 1. ln response to Co-Conspirator A's frustrations, Claibome contacted Co-

Conspirator B for help. With the subject line '1Ve need to talk," Claiborne wrote, "He [Co-

Conspirator Al needs to get away for his 2 week break but he doesn't want to ask for help. . . I
thirk it would be good if he could go home for that time . . . it will do him good. Is there some
ivay you can make that happen? , . . Can we schedule a time to talk on skype?"
'l ;


r It is unclear whether the 3,000 was in USD or RMB. If the latter, it would have convertd to
approximately $484.65.

112. Regarding fi-nances for Co-Conspirator A's education, Co-Conspirator B

responded, 'nVe apply the scholarship for three years. It is really a big job for us." Co-Conspirator

B emphasized the need for Co{onspirator A to focus on his studies and not worry about

employment yet. He also expressed concem about Co-Conspirator A traveling to the United States

since he alrcady planned tb travel to Thailand with friends during his school brealg and had asked

Co-Conspirator B to find cheaper tickets for him. Co-Conspirator B asked, 'Do you think he will

like to back home i/o to hv a long holiday in Thailand?"

113. On or about Febnrary 27,2013, Claiborne emailed Co-Conspirator A, "So [Co-

Conspirator Bl said he was gefting u a ticket . . ..did u have a discussion?"

ll4. On or about February 28, Co-Conspirator C wrote !o Claibome, requesting

guidance and providing assufance. He said he had just spoken with Co-Conspirator A, who was

preparing a trip to Thailand. However, Co-Conspirator C knew that Claibome wanted Co-

Conspirator A to spend his break in the United States. Co-Conspirator C asked Claibome which

option she prefened, stating he would "only follow YOUR decision . . . [s]o I am asking you to

confirm where he should spend his two-week break." Regarding travel arangements, Co-

Conspirator C assured Claiborne that "Me and [Co-Conspirator B] will see what we can do." Co-

Conspirator C went on to say, referrhg to Co-Conspirator B and himself and recalling a similar

conversation he recently had with Claibome in Shanghai, that "our duty is to make sure [Co-

Conspirator Al is focused on his shrdy, not anything else, and other than tuition and rental, we can

frovide some pocket money for his basic needs.' Regarding upcoming costs, Co-Conspirator C

wrote, "we have to prepare well for his.last year's study, which is overseas and much more costly.

s o please don't worry, you have our word."


115. Claibome replied that day. She approved Co-Conspirator A's trip to Thailand. She

also iaformed Co-Conspimtor C that she would be doing a temporary duty assignment in Motocco,

and that she had applied for ajob at the Consulate General in Hong Kong. Claibome provided Co-

Conspirator C with the name of the new Consulate General for Hong Kong, who, according to

Claibome, would be starting in late summer.

I 16. On or about March7,2013, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B a copy of

his passport.

ll7. On or about March 14, 2013, Co-Conspirator B iaformed Claibome,'WE IIV


BANKOK-'24 Co-Conspirator B made clear that he and Co-Conspirator C knew Co-Corupirator

A's Indusaial and Commercial Bank of China (CBC) account infomlatiorq including the account


118. On or about March 18, 2013, Claiborne told Co-Conspirator B and Co-Conspirator

C that she did not get thejob in Hong Kong. She also requested large calligraphy hangers, adding,

"I am willing to pay for them."

119. On or about April 6, 2013, Co-Conspirator C emailed Co-Conspirator A, "Rental

and tuition have been taken care of." Co-Conspirato! A wrote back the next day, asking Co-

Conspirator C to "check with fCo-Conspirator B] to see ifhe can put some funds in my account. I
feel bad but I dint have any money." Co-Conspirator C responded on April 9, requesting a meeting

'lvith Co-Conspirator A at Co-Conspirator A's apartment. "Money will be delivered then and there

are (ome other thhgs we need to discuss with you." Co-Conspirator A agreed to the meeting.

120. On or about May 2, 2013, Co-Conspirator A wrote to Co-Conspirators B and C.

Co-Conspirator A discussed his work schedule at Co-Conspirator B's restaurant. He also said he

iould go to the fabric market affer he received his monthly allowance from Co-Conspirators B

The currency is ruclear.

and C. Co-Conspirator A thaaked Co-Conspirator C for some cards,25 and inquired whether it

would be possible for him to visit Tibet.

l2l. On or about May 26, Co-Conspirator A wrote a lengthy email to Co-Conspirators


B and C complainiag about the challenges ofworking both at Co-Conspirator Brs restaurant and

attending school. He said '1 know it was part ofthe deal to rcceive the monetary incentive of3000

ifI work at the restaurad but I may have to do without the 3000."

122. On or about June 10, Claibome admonished Co-Conspirator A for his behavior,

rernindhg him that "you are in China . . . and you are there on someone else's dime . . . and because

of someone else's sacrifices . . . so think twice . . . abou/ your actions." Claibome made clear that

"[Co-Conspirator B/ Co-Conspirator C] are responsible for you while you are in the country."

, 123. On or about June 15,2013, Co-Conspirator A asked Co-Conspirator B ifhe knew

the conirrnation number for Co-Conspirator A's upcoming flight. Two days later, Co-Conspirator

A left China for Washington, D.C., retuming to Shanghai on July 7.

124. Meanwhile, on or about June 16,2013, Co-Conspirator A emailed Claiborne that

he had "ran out of the monelu" Regarding Co-Corspirator A's need to obtain his Delta Airlines

confirrnation number ftom Co-Conspirator B, Claibome inquired, "Did u ask [Co-Conspirator

C]?", making clear that she knew that Co-Conspirators B and C purchased Co-Conspirator A's

.roundtrip plane ticket to Washington, D.C.

, 125. ln August 2013, Co-Conspirator A's time in Shanghai came to an abrupt end after
he allegedly committed a serious crime in China.

, 126. On or about August 6, 2013, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirators B and C.

He worried that China would prohibit him from ever returnhg to the country. Co-Conspirator A

ipologized, writing, "I can not imagine what you all are going through because youve already done

Co4orspirator A said, "They seem to be like phone cards."


so much to help and try to stabilize my life." Co-Conspirator B responded, telling Co-Conspirator

A that he had "already bought the tickets" for Co-Conspirator A to fly home to the United States
on August 10.

| 127 . On or about August 7, 2013, Claibome forwarded to Co-Conspirator A au email

ihat appears to have been addressed from Co-Conspirator C to her. It indicated that Co-Conspirator

A had committed a possible "felony'' offense.

128. Co-Conspirator C continued, "We made some efforts and the police agrees that they

won't come after [Co-Conspirator A] but there is no way to keep the student visa. As you may

know, the given deadline ofleaving the country is uext Monday. [Co-Conspirator B] will arrange

a flight for him to go back to the States."

129. Also on or about August 7, Claibome asked Co-Conspirator B whether the

payments he made to the school in China could be transferred to an affiliated school in another

country. Co-Conspirator B promised to look into it.

130. The next day, Claibome unburdened herself to Co-Conspirator A. "I don't want to

have an ongoing reiationship with [Co-Conspirator B] and [Co-Conspirator C]. I don't want to be

fdebited to auyone but God. This has been too much for me from the beginning and I want to be
free of this. I will tell you when I see you. Trust me when I say. So when u see them on Friday I

fou should try to bring some type of closure to the whole experience and leave behind the
iad lGrma. They want me to go to China to tell me more things in person but I won't be going as

i can't bear any more bad news. Furthermore I don't feel good about this at all." Two days later,
Co-Coospirator A left China for the United States.


131. Once back stateside, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirators B and C. He
explained that Claibome was not comfortable with the "particular relationship"26 that she had

ileveloped with Co-Conspirators B and C with respect to his shrdies in China. According to Co-

bonspirator A, Claibome didn't '\mnt to feel burdened or indebted and it seems her worries are

very geat." While acknowledging his gratitude for their help, Co-Conspirator A vowed to blaze

his own way forward.

132. On or about August 21, Claibome and Co-Conspirator A conversed about Co-

Conspirator A's cornmunications with Co-Conspirators B and .C. Claibome suggested that Co-

Conspirator A talk with Co-Corupirator B via Skype.

133. On or about September 10, 2013, Co4onspirator A wrote to Co-Conspirators B

and,C requesting a reference letter to help him secure a position in Korea teaching English. Co-

Conspirator C contacted Claiborne, promising, "[S]urcly we will help."

134. ln an October 6, 2013 email to Co-Conspirator B, Co-Conspirator A mused, '!

you can see what [Claiborne] has had to fi:rd for herself a way to be stable and

to also help us."

' 135. Co-Conspirator C emailed Claibome on or about November LL, 2013, offering,

'Alything we can do from here, please let me know." Co-Conspirator C then inquired about

Claibome's job, asking "Is the work hard there, is it still very tense? Anything interesting, please

share with us." Co-Conspirator C then reminded Claibome that "it's been a year since you left and
inany things have happened. We miss you very much-" Co-Conspirator C
t' askd "Do you have a

plan for a vacation? If possible, we would like to meet you." Claibome responded, "If my travel

hlloii,ance is enough, I will come to China-"


The email was entirely in English, except for the word "**," which was in Mandarin. An FBI linguist
interpreted the Mandarin to mean "relationship, relations, connection""

136. Later that day, Claibome wamed Co-Conspirator A that Co-Conspirator C had

contacted her. Claibome said, "I don't want them to be involved in your every move and details .

.i . You'll understand one day."

'' 137. On or about December 2, 2013, Co-Conspimtor C contacted Claibome agairl

saying, "Anfhing we can do from our sidq let me know." Co-Conspirator C assured Claiborne

that, "As you know, we do want to meet here in China and we will an'ange everything."


138. Co-Conspirator C sent New Year's greetings to Claiborne in lanuary 2014,

reminding her that "Anything we can do here, please let us know."

139. On or about January 17, 2014, Co4onspirator A flew to Beijing. Four days later

tre emailed Co-Conspirator B, saying, "I don't want to ask but could I please borrow l00ORNfB.'27


. l4O. On or about February 3, 2014, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co4onspirators B and

C, "Tomorrow I will anive in Shanghai. [Co-Conspirator C] the ICBC bank card for some reason

doesn't work, I will go to ISBC [sic] to figure out what is the problem. . . The reason I wanted to

borrow some funds is because I will soon have none."

', l4l. On or about February 22,2074, Co.Conspirator C informed Claibome that Co-

Conspirator A was "financially tight, so we wired 5000 Yuan28 to him to olfer a little help. Of

course, if he needs cash in the coming months, we will be happy to give a hand." He then told

Claibome that 'lne and [Co-Conspirator B] are planning a business tour in Africa in a couple of

inonths, visiting some interesting places and exploring business opportunities there. We will

certainly stop in East Africa, Sudan or Kenya, most likely. If possible we would like to visit you

there. And if you have time, you can join us for a vacation."

Approximately $ 165.40.

z Approximately $826.31 .

142. On or about March 17, 2014, Claiborne emailed Co-Conspirator d 'Read your

Skype message ASAP then delete the history."

143. On or about March 20,2014, Co-Conspirator C contacted Claiborne, saying, "Me

and [Co-Conspirator B] are planning to Africa this April or May before it's too hot. . . We do hope

that you will be around Klartoum that time." Claiborne responded, "I will not be taveling back

to Sudan I will stay in the states. I'm happy about my decision. Taking on a different path. I'm

sure is is okay."

144. .On or about April 8, 2014, Co-Consptator B emailed Claibome, "If everlhing

smooth, we should be in Africa beginning of may. By the way, what we should do for [Co-

Conspirator Al? Sombtimes ago he wrote to me by Sklpe that he may move back to shanghai. . .

Please talk with him and let me know if I should do something." Claibome replied "I thought [Co-

Conspirator Cl told you I am taking on a new position in Washington then I will retire. It's all for

the best. Good luck on your trip to Africa."

145. The next day, Claiborne wrote to Co-Conspirator A. "We need to talk under no

cilcumstances are u to communicate my where abouts to [Co-Conspirators B and C] I told you that

before. I don't know why you continue to seek their assistance and then get me dragged into this."

Co-Conspirator A wrote baclg "The fact that [Co-Conspirator B] has reached out to you has

nothing to do with me. Your email sounds panicked. . . [Co-Conspirator B] reaching out to you is

bf his own witl. Why y<iu keep saying I'm dragging you into something is beyond me. .. Whatever

t is you all have to clearup, should be cleared up without me being n the middle of it."

146. On or about May 13, 2014, Co-Conspirator A notified Claibome that Co-
Conspirator C had emailed him. Co-Conspirator A requested Claiborne's guidance on how to

respond. Claibome initially responded, "don't answer." She then added that if Co-Conspirator A

felt he needed to communicate with them, 'Just don't mention anything about me . . . as far as you

know I'm in DC . . . that's all you know . . . don't tell them anything about your plans."2e Claibome

admonished Co-Conspirator A not to ask for their assistance and to refrain from contacting them

until Co-Conspirator A was ready to leave the country.

, L47 . Co-Conspirator A followed the leuer, if not the spirit, of Claiborne's instructions,

refraining from making contact with Co-Conspirators B and C until May29, the dayhe left China.

,ln his email, however, Co-Conspirator A "apologized for all the ignored calls and texts,"

explaining, '1t's complicated' and "I wasn't allowed' atrd "Krow that it was not my choice to

ignore you."
' 148. On or about lwe 2,2014, Co{onspirator B responded, copying Co-Conspirator

C, saying, 'T{i I knew you will back to home end ofmay. That's why [Co-Conspirator C] want to

give you some money for back home."

l4g. On or about August 17, 2014, Claibome emailed Co-Compirators B and C. She

extended her "sincere thanls for always being there for [Co-Conspirator A] and for extending

welcoming hospitality to us during our stay in China." She obr"-"a that 'We really had some

good times and good food." Regarding worlg Claibome said she was "trying to get a posting in

Taiwan or Ildia next year." As for Claiborne's finances, "One thing is for sure I need to go back

abroad to pay offall this debt I have accmed here in Wash (smile)." Claibome sigred the email as

"Kangdai," her Chinese name.

150. Having recortly refumed to Khartoum, Sudan, Claiborne, on or about October 26,

2014, electronically submitted tfuough e-QIP her completed SF-86 questionnaire for her national

security clearance background check. Section 19, entitled "Foreign Contacts," asked 'Do you

n At the time, Claibome was io KhartounL Sudrn.

On or about December 9, 2008, Claibome created the ernail address The name
proiided for the accoutrt was C. Marie, with the nickname "Ms. Kang." Additionally, Claiborne's iCloud
account includes "Kang Dai" in the name.

have, or have you had, close and/or continuing contact with a foreip national within the last seven

(7) years with uihom you., or your spouse, or cohabitant are bound by affectioq influence, common

interests, and/or obligation?" Claibome answered,'t'{o."

' 151. Section 20B, entitled "Foreign Business, Professional Activities, ind Foreign

Govemment Contacts, asked in relevant part under the subheading "Foreigr Govemment

Contac!" whether during &e past seven years Claibome or anyone in her immediate family "had

any contact with a foreign government, its establishment (such as embassy, consulate, agency,

military servicq intelligence or security service, etc.) or its representatives, whether inside or

outside the U.S.?" . Claibome


152. Beforc submitting the SF-86, Claiborne certified as follows: "My statements on this

fonr! and on any attachments to it, are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge

and belicfand are made in good faittr- I have carefully read the foregoing insructions to complete

this form. I understand that a knowing and willful false statement on this fonn can be punished by

fine or imprisonment or both (18 U.S.C. 1001). I understand that intentionally widtholding,

misrepresenthg, or falsiffing hformation may have a negative effect on my security clearance,

employrnent prospects, or job status, up to and including denial or revocation of my security

glearance, or my removal and debarment from Federal service."

153. The SF-86 instructions page also warned Claiborne that "AIl questions on this form

rhust be answered completely and truthfully in order that the Govemment may make the

determinations described below on a complete record. Penalties for inaccurate or false statements

hre discussed below." In the section entitled '?enalties for Inaccurate or False Statement " the

i^t o"tio advised, "The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly

falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result h fines an&or up to (5) years


154. The instructions further stated, "This form will be used bythe United States (J.S.)

govemment itr conducting background investigations, reinvestigations, and conthuous evaluations

ofpersons under consideration for, or retention of, national security positions:"

155. Finally, under the section of the SF-86 entitled "Statement of understanding,"

Claiborne affirmativeiy answered that "I have read the instructions and I undJrstand that if I
withhold, misrepreisent, or falsif, infomration on this fom\ I am subject to the penalties for

inaccurate or false statement[s] (per U.S. Criminal Code, Title 18, section 1001)."

156. On or about November 3, 2014, Co-Conspirator B emailed Claiborne about Co-

Conspirator d stating thar "we can do nothing for him if'he is not in china. We believe that we

should not give him up." Claibome replid '?ersonally, I don't want him to go back to China."

She also inquired about Co-Conspirator C, asking, "Is he still working with you? Will he take over

your business some day?"

' l5'7. After her exchange with Co-Conspirator B, Claibome wrote to Co.Conspirator d
informing him of the communication. She ttren confided, "I actually meant to tell you something

while I was home, but I forgot and I don't want to email it or speak over the phone. I will send you
a letter so you will know how I feel about your conirection to [Co-Conspirator B] and [Co-

Conspirator C]. l0/4. I don't want them to know anything about my whereabouts overseas. If they

ask you, I'm doing fine and working on projects here and tlrere. That's it."'
158. On or about December 20,2014, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B,

saying, "I haven't heard from you in quite some time. I am starting to think [Claiborne] said not
to contact me." Co-Conspirator A then conveyed that he was "really needing some help with my

Sianghai Binking."


159. On or about February 3, 2015, Co-Conspirator A departed the United States for


160. On February 26, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co-Conspirator B from Africa, noting

that he would soon be visiting China.

161. On or about July 10, 2015, FBI agents conducted a court-authorized search ofa

storage facility containing Claiborne's belongings. kside, they found a journal in which Claibome

had written, "[Co-Conspirator B]: Business plan, Generate 20k in I year."3l Claibome also wroie,

"Clean up yahoo email contacts." Claiborne used a Yahoo email address as one means to

communicate with Co-Conspirators B and C,

162. On or about July 14,2015, Claibome infomred Co-Conspirator B that lhe would

be in Beijing for a quick visit that week, and that she would try to call him.

163. Claiborne traveled to Beijing on or about July 16, 2015, staying in China through

on or about July 27. On or about July 19, she emailed Co{onspirator A, requesting, '?lease

cornmunicate with-me thru yahoo, viper, what's app, we chat, apple." Before leaving the U.S.,

Claibome was brought into secondary by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents, where her

bags were inspected.

164. On or about September 1, 2015, Claibome, having recently retuled from China
where she apparently met with Co-Conspirator B,32 emailed Co-Conspirator B her USAA bank

account information, saying, "I thought I would go ahead and send you this . . . ifthat's ok. I'll
call u tomorrow."

ll Claibome once told a friend that grecn was her favorite color because it was the "color of money."

On or about October 4, 2015, Co-Conspirator A emailed Co{onspirator B, saying, "[Claiborne] said she
met with you on her last tip to Sbanghai."

165. On or about September 5, Claiborne wrote, "Hi [Co-Conspirator B], hope all is

well. Just wanted to know if you will be able to help me out." The subject line of the email was

"Home repairs." Co-Corspirator B responded,'t{i Caudace, we are or holiday these days. Can

you inform me clearly the 5k to which account?"

166. The next day, Claibome wrote back to Co-Conspirator B, provided her USAA

account information, and said, "I'E sorry to disfirrb you while on vacation I didn't }now. You can

send it to my checking acct which is below. Are you in Europe? Enjoy yourself. I can wait until

you return. I start school for Spanish haining this week."

167. On or about September 8, 2015, Claibome received an ernail from the Departuent

of State about scheduling an appointtrent for her backgrouad irvestigation interview. The email,

from Patricia Crampton, a contract Special Invesfigator with the Bureau of Diplomatic Security,

noted that Claibome "didn't list any foreign contacts or foreign travel" in her SF-86. Crampton

requested that "if there is anyone or any trip that you have forgotten please use the attached

templates to provide that information." Claiborne responded, attaching supplemental foreign

contact and foreign travel information, safng, "I started this process so long ago. Sorry I don't

remember these achievements. I have filled them out to the best ofmy knowledge. I am not sure

bfwhat your definition of foreign contacts are."

' 168. For her zupplemental foreiga contacts, Claibome listed an education professor in

China, a rctired martial arts teacher in Chinq and an executive assistant to the ambassador at tle

Barbados Embassy in China. She did not list Chinese nationals and PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators

B and C.

169. Claiborne also contacted the education professor in China. She wrote, "Hi I am

doing my security clearance... someone may contact you by email. i said that I have met you since
2000.. we are colleagueVfriends... we contact one another by email occasionally...thats all... you

showed me around beijing during my frst stay.,, nothing more.. .and that's the truth!"

l7o. on or about September 9, Claibome contacted I, a retired FBI agent.

Claibome talked about how, rinlike last time she went through her background check, this time the

investigator was a contractor. Claiborne asked whether the background investigators have prior

security/agent/police experience. Regarding foreign contacts, Claibome said, "I know all kinds of

people . . . what the"f explained that the investigators were interested in regular

and continuing foreign contacts.

171. That same day, Claibome called Co-Conspirator A and asked him how to delete

her WeChat accoutrt.33 Claibome also emailed Co-Conspirator B, writing, "Very busy this week I
have language orientation and my security clearance interview so I'm putting everything on hold

until that's cleared."

172. On or about September 10, 2015, Crampton intewiewed Claibome. Crampton

a 'loint-by-point reviev/'of the security forms with Claiborne. Despite being wamed
at the start of the interview that '18 USC 1001 makes it a crime to knowingly falsiff or conceal

material facts related to this investigation," Claiborne, during the interview, made a number of

materially false statements or omissions:

Claibome claimed that Co-Conspirator A's only trip out of the country was a

pleasure hip to A-fricar Claibome mentioned nothing about Co-Conspirator A's

extensive travels and stays in China, including his year living il Shanghai housing

provided by Chinese nationals and PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C.

WeChat is a Chi::ese-based communications app. According to Claibomc, she used her WeChat account
\ to communicate with'thenr, the China experts."
Claibome denied accepting fi:rancial support from any person or entity outside of

her employment.

Claiborne claimed she had no "close ties of affection or obligation" to a citizen or

resident of a foreign country, other than those she had listed (which did not include

Co-Conspirators B and C).

a Despite making no mention of Co-Consptators B and C, Claiborne denied failing

to repot any c.ntacts with foreign nationals. Claibome specifically avend that she

maintained no contact with any foreign nationals, including through any social

media, including Snapchat Skype, or Facebook.

a Claibome denied that any foreign contact had ever asked for "special favors" or

had,any influence over her. Claiborne stated that no foreign contact had ever asked

probing questions about her wor\ asked her to participate in a clandesthe meeting,

or introduced her to members ofa foreign intelligence agency or govenrment.

Claiborne asserted that she had no 'trnauthorized association wittr a suspected or

known collaborator or employee of a foreign intelligence seivice ["FIS"], and

Claibome [had] no knowledge or suspicions Ofever having been a target of inrcrest

of a FIS."
a Claiborne denied accepting any "educational, medical, or other benefits . . . from a

foreign country''

I a Claibome said that she had not "deliberately omitted, concealed, or falsified

,i relevant and material facts from any personnel security questionnaire, personal

history statement, or similar form used to conduct investigations . . . [or] determine

security clearance eligibility or trustworthiness,'?

. Claiborne asserted she had not "deliberately provided false or misleading

information conceming relevant and material mattem to [any representative] in

cormection with a personnel security or trustworthiness determination."

173. On or about September 11, 2015, Claibome asked Crampton by email, "\ilhen will

I be infonned about the completion of my clearance?

174. That srme day, Claibome called Co-Conspirator A, who was living in Claiborne's .

house in WashingtorL D.C., to tell him about her securigy clearance interview. She complained

about how many questions she was asked, . She wrote, "In particular they

ask like if have like traveled abroad." Claiborne told Co-Conspirator A that she

said he had only gone to A.&ica. while she didn't think co-conspirator A would be contacted, she

made zure he lmew that she "didn't say anything about . . ' um . . . ya lcrow," referring to China.

Claibome said she'd tell him more when she saw him- Claibome also acknowledged that if she

ivasn't firlly forthcoming, she could lose her job.

175. On or about September 13, 2015, Co-Consptator B emailed Claibome, asking, "did

everything clear no*4" Claibome immediately responded, "Clear all messages please. Everything

6elow . . ."

176. Also on or about Septe,mber 13, Claibome called a friend (Witness 1) who also

knew Co-Conspiratot B. Claiborne told Witness t that she had just had her security clearance

interview. According to Claiborne, the interview was complicated and troublesome. Claiborne

farticularly vented about being questioned about friends overseas. Claiborne further complained

qbout how much information was requested f . Claibome told witness I that if
your story isn't straight and clear, the questioner keeps probing and checking. Claibome reported

that there were a lot ofquestions about an overseas friend with whom she communicated via social

media. Claiborne noted that this process repeats itselfevery five years, but this will be her last time

iince she will retire before the next investigation

177 . On the same day, Claibome called Geotelecom customer service to leam how to

dial a cell phone number ir China using her calling card. Claibome then made a phone call to Co-

conspirator B using her calling card.3a The call was placed at 9:42 a.m. eastern time (which would

be 9:42 p.m. in China). Claibome fust introduced herself as Candace, but then switched to

Kangdai, her Chinese name. She apologized for calling so late. Co-Conspirator B asked whether

everything was alright. Claibome responded, "Yes. I want to say yes, so' I didn't want to email

because now . . . it, it take a while for the whole process to be finish." Ctaiborne elaborate4 '"They

ask, oh so many questions, You have no idea-" Co-Conspirator B responded, "So, so, so I can't

transfer the 5k to your that . . . to the account?" Claiborne replied, 't'[o, no, no, no, no. No;no, no,

no, no."

t- 178. Claiborne said, "I will tell you a liftle latr. You know when it's a1l, when it's all
iinished." Co-Conspirator B responded, "Okay, okay, no problem' . . I will wait'" Claiborne

explained "cause tley, they check into it, everything, your taxes, your, oh, everything, your

fbreigr travel, your foreign contact." She tlen sai4 'M-hmm, trouble, very big trouble." Co-

B clarified "So, it's not yet finished, right?" Claibome confirmed that was right.

179. Claibome continud "Every five years, we have to do this, even though. But' no%

they changg they want to know about your foreign travel. Where did you go? Who did you meet?"

Co-Conspirator B noted, "A lot ofquestions." Claiborne agreed" observing, "This is too excessive.

, even . . Now, they ask what did when they went ovemeas."

v Claibome fint dialed 202{57{294, a number associated with the calling card- Claibome then entered
her PIN, followed by the number 86-136-019-405-79, which is listed in Claibome's Apple iPod Touch as
the cell phone number for Co-Conspirator B.

Co-Corspirator B said, 'Now, I understand. . . No problem. lJh.. . when it's over, you let me know.

then, I can do. Okay?" Claiborne affirmed, "Good."


i tAO. Claibome closed the conversation, saying, "So, Ijust cleaned, cleaned up all my

emails and stuff. You know, deletq deiote, delete." Co-Conspirator B responded, "Good,



I8t . On or about February 23, 2016, the Department of State infomred Claibome that

her background check was completed. Specifically, the message read, "[Y]ou have been

successfully granted continued access eligibility to classified infonnation up to and including the

TOP SECRET level based upon a Single Scope Background Investigation - Periodic

Reinvestigation (ssBI-PR) completed on 0212312016. Your next SSBI-PR will be initiated in

approximately December 2020."

182. On or about March 5, 2016, Co-Conspirator A emailed five people, including Co-

Conspirators B and C, requesting a letter of recommendation for an educational program.

183. On or about April 1, 2016, Claiborne received a reminder from

ilbout Co-Conspirator B's 50th birthday on April 4. Claibome forwarded the reminder to Co-

Consp irator A, saying, "Send a card to [Co-Conspirator B]." Co-Conspirator A responded, "lilho

is [Co-Conspirator B]?" Claibome replied "[Co-Conspirator B] from Shanghai."

184. On or about June 7, 2016, Co-Conspirator A traveled again to China. He remained

there rmtil July 14.

I tgs. After Co-Conspirator A boarded the plane for bnna, he spoke by phone with

claibome. co-conspirator A told claibome he would set up wechat once he arrived. claiborne

instructed Co-Conspirator A, "If you happen to talk to [Co-Conspirator B] or any of them, just

say.. . [Claibome] is working in D-C. I'm sure they'll ask - they're spies."

, 186. On or about July 12, 2016, Co-Conspirator B emailed Claibome, 'TIi Candace, long

time no see! How is life in DC? Found [oo-conspirator A] is back in shanghai? what do you want

me to do for him?" Claiborne responded, thanking Co-Conspirator B for the offer, but saying' "I

don't need you to do anlthing for [Co-Conspirator A]-"

187. That same day, Claiborne asked Co-Conspirator A whether he had seen Co-

Conspirators B or C. Co-Conspirator A answered that he had not'

188. During co-conspirator A,s reentry to the united States, he was questioned by a

cBP ageng along with the undersiged afrrant. co-co$pirator A said that he had bqen to china

many times, but denied haVing ever lived anywhere other than Beijing. (Co-Conspirator B omitted

that he had lived in shanghai for a year at the expense ofPRCIS agents C;-Conspirators B and c).

189. On or about July 20,2ol6,c1aibome reh[ned from a short trip to vienna Austria.

During reentry at Dulles Ai4ort, she was pulled into secondary, where her bags were searched

outside ofher presence. Claiborne was very upset, and filed a complaint with CBP. In lesporse,

an FBI speciat agent contacted Claibome regarding the complaint. The special agent aranged an

hterview with claibome for August 23 at tte FBI's Washington Field office Headquarters in
Washington, D.C

190. On or about lttly 28,2016, Claiborne obtained a new iPhone at an Apple store,

bomplaining that her old phone had been out ofher sight for a couple ofhours at the airport.

191. August 19, 2016 was Co-Conspirator A's birthday. Claibome called Co-

Conspirator A, wishing him a happy birthday.

lg2. On or about August 23, 2016, Claiborne participated in a voluntary interview at the

FBI's Washington F ieid Offrce with f'BI Special Agent Kendra Mclamb and Metropolitan Police
bepartment Detective and Joint Terrorism Task Force Officer Norma Horne. The interview was

iecorded, and a transcript was subsequently made.

193. At t1re outset of the interview, Special Agent Mclamb advised Claibome of the

voluntary nahue of the intbrview. According to Special Agent Mclamb, investigators were still

early in their investigation, but they were "trying to find out what's going on with CBP," including

possible pattems of wrongdoing. Special Agent Mclamb wamed Claiborne that "it's a crime to

iie to federal agents."

!94 . Regarding her most recent trip to China (summer 20 1 5), Claiborne claimed that she

did not meet with any foreign govemment officials. By contast, in October 2015, Co-Conspirator

A emailed PRCIS agent Co-Conspirator B saying, "[Claiborne] said she met with you on her last

trip to Shanghai."

195. When asked whether she maintained contact with any Chinese foreign nationals,

Claibome omitted any mention of Co-Conspiraton B and C.

196. When asked directly whether she "ever had contact with representatives of any

foreign entity or intelligence agency while either overseas or here in the U.S.," Claibome

responded, 'No," adding, "those are the sams thing5 we have to report in our clearance."

197 . Claibome falsely denied that maintain contacts with any

Chinese govemment officials. She omitted any rcference to Co-Conspirator A's connections with

PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and C. When asked if Co-Conspirator A still ravels, Claiborne

lesponded, 'IVe[ he's in Califomia now. He was in DC last year, and he's in Califomia. I don't

know what he's doing exactly. He's trying to go back to school." Claiborne did not mention that

she knew Co-Conspirator A had just retumed from China the previous month.

i 198. Claibome acknowledged that Co-Conspirator A had attended fashion school in


Chira. but misrepresented how his education was funded. When asked directly, "Who paid for

that?" Claiborne responded, "I think he paid for it. . . I think he had tike some kind of scholarship."


Claibome said nothing about Co-Conspirators B and C providing the nrition payments, housing

costs, and liviug expenses for Co-Conspirator A.

] tSq. Claiborne falsely stated that no one had ever offercd to provide travel benefits for

her other than the U,S. government.

200. Claiborne additionally falsely denied having ever been offered any "gifts, benefits,

money''by a foreign national. Claibome volunteered "That's the kind of stuffwe have to report."

201. The interview concluded at approximately 1 :00 p.m., after which Claibome

returned to work at the Department of State building in Washington, D.C. At approximately 4:08

p.m., she left her desk. At 4:15 p.m., she called Co-Conspirator A from her cell phone. She asked

him if he had received a scholarship when attending the fashion school in China. Co{onspirator

A responded, 'T.Iot that I know of." Claibome falsely insisted otherwise, saying, "You did! You

did! Uh-hutl yeah, yeah."

202. From approximately 4:17 to 4:20 p.m., Claiborne placed two calls to a friend. Then

at approximately 4:22 p,m., she called Co-Conspirator A again, but this time not from her cell

phone or from her desk phone, but from a phone booth located three floors below Claiborne's


i ZOl. Claibome told Co-Conspirator A that CBP had prcviously stopped her, searched
her bags, and asked questions. Claibome then explained how earlier that day, the PBI asked

questions about where ihe had been and why. Claiborne relayed to Co-Conspirator A that she told
the FBI she had not taken money or gifts, and that Co-Conspirator A had been on scholarship while

at the art school. According to Claiborne, she told the FBI that had done

that might have drawn attentiotr to them or to her.

204. Claibome explained to Co-Conspirator A that during a national security clearance

m.vestigation, a lot ofquestions get asked because ofthe clearance you hold and


the access you have to certain documents. As a resul! Co-Conspirator A needed to be careful with

what he said and di4 because his actions could lead back to Claiborne.

i ZOS. Co-Conspirator A told Claiborne, apparently for the first timg that he too was

stopped by CBP after his most recent trip to China- CBP searched his belongings outside his

fresence and required him to unlock his phone, just as they had done with Claibome. This

i.nformation prompted Claiborne to express concern and speculate that CBP's actiorx had

s6insthing to do with their visits to China, and that they should "stay away from that for now."

206. Claibome asked Co-Conspirator A when he studied in China, to which Co-

Conspirator A answercd 2012 to 2013. Claibome rciterated her point from the earlier call that Co-

Conspirator A was "on scholanhip, and they paid for your housing," lxpressing that she did not

want any trouble. After the call, ClBibome retumed to her desk at approximately 4;46 p.m.

2O7. That evetring, Claibome called Co-Conspirator A again. The call once more was

focused on the CBP searches in Iight ofthe FBI interview earlier that day. Claibome asked Co-

Conspirator A more specific questions about his recent stop by CBP, includhg about the questions

CBP asked and about the search ofhis elechonics.

f 208. Claiborne expressed to Co-Conspirator A that "you don't really know what to think,

jlou know, who to trust." Claiborne warned Co-Conspirator A that a person's words could be used
dgainst that person at some poinl Claiborne was uncomfortable with CBP going through her

iPhone, so she got a new phone. Claiborne advised Co{onspirator A to clean his "stuffup," and

do be minalful of his words and actions-


209. That same evuring, Claiborne emaildd Co-Conspirator A, writing, "I'm sorry u

harassed at airport. U should have told me. When are you coming home for a visit? Be

mindful and clean up your computer, Facebook etc. People will hunt for anything."


i . 210. The next day, on or about August24,20l6, Claibome sent Co-Conspirator A an e-
bard message using the service Birthday Alarm. The message's zubject was 'T{appy Birthday,"

Sven though Co-Coaspirator A's birthday occu:red five days before, and Claibome had conveyed

birthday geetings by phone to Co-Conspirator A on his actual birthday. The message, however,

had little to do with Co-Conspirator A's birthday. To the contrary, it read, "I hope you enjoyed

your day. May Al1ah bless you with health and happiness. Btw delete all email messages and

cotrtact information in your email and phone pertaining to [Co-Conspirator B] and [Co-Conspirator

C] - I don't \{,ant any trouble going forward ok - please do this immediately! Messages, nos,

anlhing having to do with that fashion school your apartment anything - even from wechat, fb,

slqpe, etc u got me?"

' 211. That same day, Claiborne asked a T-Mobile representative whether it was possible

to batch delete numbers from an iPhone 6s.


'; 272. On lan:ary 26,2017, an ethnically Chinese lBI undetcover agent whom Claibome

did not know met with Claiborne. The agent was standing outside Claiborne's home in

Washineton, D.C, when Claiborne rehmed from work It was cold arrd dark outside. Neverthelcss,

Claibome admitted the stranger into her home after he described himself as "[Co-Conspirator C]

[Co-Conspirator B]'s colleague. "

213. Over the next 1.5 hours, Claibome and the undercover agent engaged in a wide-

iangrng conversation The agent, explaining that he worked for the MSS and that Co-Conspirators

B and C were with the SSSB, stated that the MSS considered,Claiborne to be one of its "highest

re garded" friends.

214. The undercover agent went further, thanking Claibome, on behalf of the MSS, for

her past assistance. Claiborne did not deny this .assistance, but did refuse to continue providing


assistance or receiving benefits, including cash proffered on the spot by the agent. As Claibome

irticulated, "lhings are not the way they used to be.'l Rathet she now had "to do security stuff all
the time.- ln particular, she had been asked 'Just way too many questions" about "travels" and

j'foreign contacts." Moreover, Claiborne complained that during national security clearance

investigations, "they ask us about this kinda stuff. . . like your relationship with foreign


215. The undercover agetrt requeste4 and Claibome agre'e{ that their conversation

would not be reported; in violation of State Depa(ment requirements.

216. On March 28, 2017, Claibome retumed to the FBI freld office in WashingtorL D.C.

for a second voluntary interview Although Claibome claimed that her relationship with Co-

bonspirator B began as a friendshiF, she aclanowledged eventually realizing that Co-Conspirators

B and C were seeking information on behalfofthe PRC government.

217 . Durilg the interview, Claibome also acknowledged that Co.Conspirators B and C

asked her questions about intemal U.S. Govemment perspectives on cotrtemporary issues of

relevance to U.S - China relations. Claibome admitted to passing information to Co{onspirators

B and C, both orally and in writing, but insisted she always provided unclassified infomration.
' 218, Referring to herjournal entry about making $20,000 in one year working with Co-

Conspirator B, Claibome admitted that she though! tfuough her relationship with Co-Conspirator

B, that she could make extra money to pay for her expenses. She said that she looked for

unclassified reporting, including about economic matters, to provide to Co-Conspirators B and C

She also recalled, in response to a specific tasking, providing Co-Conspirators B and C with
information about a dissident who was being secretly housed at the embassy.

219. Claibome confi.rmed that Co-Conspirators B and C paid for Co-Conspirator A's

tuition and housing in Shanghai, along with a stipend. Because Co-Conspiraton B and C were

helping Co{onspirator A, Claiborne felt that she should 'tellfi thern something, but nothing

compromising." Claiborne said that Co-Conspirator C gave her cash one year for Chinese New

Year's, and provided Co-Conspirator A with a free laptop. Claiborne said she felt uncomfortable

dbout her relationship with Co-Conspirators B and C because'\*,hen someone does something for

you, they always want something in retum."

220. Claibome admitted that she should have reported to State Departm:nt offrcials her

contacts with Co-Conspirators B and C, but she said that she was concerned about the

consequences for Co-Conspirator A and herself. \


False Statements - 18 U.S.C. I l00l

221. Based on the facts set fo(h above, there is probable cause to believe that Claiborne

made numerous materially false statements during the interview with FBI agents on August 23,

2016 in Washington, D.C. After being warned that it was a "crime to lie to federal agents,"

Claibome knowingly and willfully made materially false statements to FBI investigators about her

contacts with foreign nationals, including by:

i . claiming that Co-Conspirator A attended fashion school in China on scholarship;


. omitting Co-Conspirators B and C from her list of Chinese foreign nationals with

whom she maintained contact;

claiming that she never received any "gifts, benefits, or money'' from a foreign

national duriag her mvels;

r . claiming that she had no "contact with representatives of .my foreign entity or

intelligence agency while either overseas or here in the U.S.";

I slaiming that no one other than the United States government had ever offered to

provide her with travel benefits.

Consoiracv to Obstruct an Official p
- 18 U.S.C. 6 15126) and (c) and (k)

. 222. Based on the facts set forth above, there is probable cause to believe thst Claibome

lnd Co-Conspirator A conspired with Chinese nationals and PRCIS agents Co-Conspirators B and
C to comrptly influence, obskuc! or impede a pending official proceeding before the Department

of State, when they conspired to conceal Claibome's and Co-Conspirator A's unreported contacts

iith Co-Conspirators B and C during 0re State Department's most rccent national security
clearance background investigation of Claibome. The object ofthe conspiracy wls to prevent State

Department background investigators from leaming about Claiborne's 'unre.ported foreign

entanglements so that Claiborne could fraudulently maintain her TOP SECRET clearanc and

State Department cmployment.

223. While in Khartoum, Sudan, Claibome zubmitted an SF-86 national security

questionnaire via a proxy server with an IP address that resolves to Washin4on, D.C.35 Claibome,

intending to mislead investigators, knowingly and willfully transmitted the questionnaire with

material omissions in her answers. Specifically, Claibome knowingly onitted any reference to Co-

Conspirators B and C in Section 19, entitled, "Foreign Contacts." She also omitted any mention

of Co-Conspirators B and C in Section 20B, under the subheading entitled, 'Toreign Government

Contact." Claibome made these material omissions despite affirming that she had read the

iirstructions and that her answers on the SF-86 would be "used by the United States (-I.S.)

in conducting background investigations, reinvestigations, and continuous evaluations

persons under consideration for, or retention oi national security positions."

224. Claiborne's omissions were not surprising, since Claibome and Co-Conspirators B

lna C had long undertaken operational seourity efforts to keep their communications concealed.

As early as May 2011, when Co-Conspirator B tasked Claiborne to provide internal U.S.

l5 The actual server appears to be located in Maryland.

govenunent analysis otr economic policy, Co-Conspirator B dissuaded Claiborne from providing

iesponsive in-fijrmation by email "bcs others also can catch it with Intemet-" And Claibome later

confessed to Witness 1 ttrat to communicate with "them, the China experts," Claiborne relied on

WeChat, a Chinese-based social media app.

| 225. 'ln September 2015, Claiborne and Co-Conspirator B iontinued their efforts to

conceal from State Department investigators their secret correspondence and the unreported gifts

and benefits provided to Claiborne and Co-conspirator A by Co4bnspirators B and C. Indee4

Claibome had just requested $5,000 ftom Co-Conspirator B, who had agreed to tansfer the funds

tb her. Yet as a direct response to the State Deparbnent background investigation, Claiborne and

Co-Conspirator B conspired and agreed to delay tansfer ofthe money to Claibome for the purpose

6f concealing the transaction from background investigators.


226. On September 1, 2015, Claibome sent her USAA bank account information to Co-

Conspirator B. A few days later, Claibome emailed Co-Conspirator B agai4 requesting $5,000 for

i'home repairs." Co-Conspirator B, willing to provide the money, wanted additional account

infomration for Claibome, which she promptly provided.

227. Everything was on track for the trarufer of the funds until September 8, whcn

Claibome was contacted about her SF-86, which she had submitted almost a year before. The

background investigator noted that Claiborne failed to list any foreign contacts, and offered

Claibome another chance to do so. An in-person interview was scheduled for the 10th, just trro

{ays later. Alarmed, Claibome notffied Co-Conspirator B that she was about to have her "security

clearance interview" and that she was'lutting everything on hold until that's cleared." During
that interview, Claiborne was asked "oh so many questions," as she told Co-Conspirator B shortly

afterwards. Despite all the questions, many of which focused on her foreign contacts, Claibome

mentioned nothing about Cotonspirators B and C, the previous gifts they had provided to

Claiborne and Co-C onspirator A, or the $5,000 she had requested from Co-Conspirator B just five

days before the interview. Instead, she willfully and knowingly made numerous uaterially false

statements. as documented in detail in the timeline above.


228. The next day, Claiborne called Co-Conspirator A, who was then living in
Washington, D.C. at Claibome's D.C. residence, to discuss her interview. During that call,

Claibome infonned Co-Conspirator Athat she told the investigator, in response to a question about

where had traveled abroad, that Co-Conspirator A had only traveled to Africa.

Although Claibome doubted that Co-Conspirator A would be contacted, she wanted to make sure

that he knew that Claibome "didn't say anything about . . . um . . .ya know," referring to the fact

that Claibome concealed aII information about Co-Conspiralor A's extensive travels and stays fui

China. Claibome did so to comrptly ensure that Co-Conspirator A's story would match her own if
he was interviewed by an investigator.

, 229. Three days after the interview with the State Department backgrormd investigator,

Co-Conspirator B inquired, "did everything clear now," referring to the investigation Claibome

immediately responde{, "Clear all messages please. Everything below . . ."

230. Claibome called Co-Conspfuator B that night, referencing the security interview.

po-Conspirator B, perceiving Claiborne's conceru, sai(. "So I can't transfer the 5k [yet]."

bhibom" affrrned, and Co-Conspirator B promised to wait to wire the money until Claiborne's

security investigation was "over." Claibome consented to this arrangement, because "they check

into it everything, yotu taxes, your, oh, everything, your foreign havel, your foreign contact."

blaibome closed the call by telling Co-Conspirator B she had just "cleaned up all my emails and
ltuff. You know, delete, delete, delete." Co-Corspirator B respondd "Goo4 understand."

231. In sho( knowing that the Department of State was in the midst of a federai

investigatory proceeding concerning Claiborne, and desiring to comrptly impede or obstruct that


proceeding, Claibome and her co-conspiraton willfully and knowingly conspired, agreed, and

iook substantive actions to deceptively alter their behavior and communications to avoid detection

and to delete incriminating evidence.



,.' 232. For all the reasons stated above, there is probable cause to believe that Claibome

made materially false statements to federal law e,nforcement officers, in violation of 18 U.S.C.

$1001, and conspired with Co-Conspirators A B, and C to obstnrct an offrcial proceeding, in

violation of 18 U.S.C. $1512. These criminal violatioDs werc either begun or cornmitted in

'iVashingtoq D.C., where Claibome resides and works, and where the Department of State is

t rjaquurtere4 or were begun or committed overseas, out ofthe jurisdiction of any particular slate

or district.

233. I ask that this affrdavit be seald until fi[ther order of the court, to protect this

rlrlvestigation. I em awate from my training and experience that evidence is destroye{ individuals

hee, and witnesses may be tampered with or become uncooperative when the details knowr to law

enforceinent become premah:rely available to the targets of a criminal investigation.


2..]1. I dcclarc undc-r thc pc-nalty of pcrjurv that thc infirnlation providcd abtrve is lruc

and correct

llcspecilirl ly suhnritlcd.

Kellie R. O'Brien
Special Agent
Irederal Bureau of Investigation

Subscribed and swom to before me

on March 18. 2017:

rc8u &


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