SAS Macro
SAS Macro
SAS Macro
Numeric-to-character conversion takes place even though there is no such message
on the log. And PROC SQL makes the conversion using the best8 format, which is
different from both CALL SYMPUT and CALL SYMPUTX (best12 format).
INTO : still transforms numeric values into character strings. So where did the
leading blanks go? When creating a set of macro variables, the leading blanks ar
e automatically removed. In the unlikely event that the program must preserve th
ese leading blanks, add the NOTRIM option
The first SELECT statement accurately assigns 0 as the value for &POP_COUNT. But
the second SELECT statement does not execute at all. So if &STATE_LIST already
has a value (whether null or not), that value remains unchanged. Statistical fun
ctions such as COUNT always execute. But data extraction does not execute when t
he source data set contains zero observations.
Macro language must use these data values to construct the following program:
data student_groups;
set all_students;
length group $ 14;
if score >= 1200 then group='Honor students';
else if score >= 900 then group='Regular track';
else if score >= 300 then group='Challenged';
Believe it or not, PROC SQL can help! Here, it assembles all the IF / THEN / ELS
E statements into a single macro variable:
proc sql noprint;
select 'if score >= ' || put(sat_cutoff, 4.) ||
" then group='" || trim(group_name) || "';"
into : logic
separated by 'else '
from cutoffs;
data student_groups;
set all_students;
length group $ 14;
The macro variable &LOGIC contains the entire set of IF / THEN / ELSE statements
making this a viable solution to the original problem.
FORMAT statement requires each data set to contain at least one numeric variable
and at least one character variable.
MVARSIZE option can increase the maximum length of a macro variable, the maximum
value for MVARSIZE is 64,534 bytes.
Quoting is as much mystical as it is intuitive. You may (or may not) be able to
predict the results of these tests:
%let food=fruit;
%let fruit=apple;
%let t1 = %nrbquote(&&&food); ? apple
%let t2 = %str(&&)&food; ? &fruit
%let t3 = &t2; ? &fruit
%let t4 = %unquote(&t2); ? apple
%let ampersand = &&; ? &
%let t5 = &ersand.fruit; ? apple
%let t6 = &&%nrbquote(&food); ? &fruit
%let t7 = &t6; ? &fruit
%let t8 = &&%str(fruit); ? &fruit
%let t9 = &&fruit; ? apple
Reread para 8.1 and find why why why?
Why should this be an issue? Why not just make all macro variables global, and e
liminate the related complications? After all, in a %GLOBAL world, %LET would ha
ve the same effect whether it appears inside or outside of a macro. In this exam
ple, %UPPER affects the one (and only) %GLOBAL version of &SIZES2:
%let sizes1 = Small Medium Large;
%let sizes2 = Small Medium Large;
%let sizes1 = %upcase(&sizes1);
%macro upper;
%let sizes2 = %upcase(&sizes2);
%mend upper;
%put &sizes1; ? SMALL MEDIUM LARGE
%put &sizes2; ? SMALL MEDIUM LARGE
But when local variables exist, the result changes:
%let sizes1 = Small Medium Large;
%let sizes2 = Small Medium Large;
%let sizes1 = %upcase(&sizes1);
%macro upper;
%local sizes2;
%let sizes2 = %upcase(&sizes2);
%mend upper;
%put &sizes1; ? SMALL MEDIUM LARGE
%put &sizes2; ? Small Medium Large
Within %UPPER, the %UPCASE function works on the local version of &SIZES2. But t
he %PUT statement works on the global version. The local version disappears as s
oon as %UPPER finishes executing.
So what are the benefits of this added complexity? The first benefit has already
been mentioned in passing. When a macro finishes executing, cleanup occurs auto
matically. Its symbol table vanishes. Removing a %GLOBAL macro variable actually
takes more work:
%symdel sizes1;
But the primary advantage of creating %LOCAL symbol tables is that many programm
ers can write many macros independently of one another. Programmers need not wor
ry about which macro variable names are already in use by other macros because c
hanges to variables in one local symbol table do not affect any other symbol tab
if we are using the same variable in the global as well as local table, then the
only order it can be done is declaring it first globally and then declaring it
locally. If we reverse the order and declare the same variable as local first an
d then try to declare it globally we hit a system error (ERROR: Attempt to %GLOB
AL a name (ABC1) which exists in a local environment.)
The software searches for &ABC in the local table first and then in the global
table. It uses the first &ABC it finds. (In the case of macros calling macros, t
he search order begins with the innermost local table and ends with the global t
PROC SQL always uses the local symbol table; if that table does not yet exist, t
he presence of PROC SQL forces the software to create it.
CALL SYMPUTX supports a third parameter:
call symputx("varname", "value", F/G/L);
When the third parameter is F, the software tries to Find an existing macro vari
able with the proper name. This is the default action, the same behavior that CA
LL SYMPUT uses. When the third parameter is G, there is no search for an existin
g macro variable. The software automatically stores &VARNAME in the Global symbo
l table. When the third parameter is L, the software uses the closest available
Local symbol table.
The SASHELP.VMACRO data set tracks all existing macro variables in all symbol ta
bles, and that mapping is available to both the DATA step and PROC SQL. NAME, SC
OPE, and VALUE are all stored for each macro variable.
Additionally, below are 3 functions that we can use to review macro variables:
%if %symglobl(P) %then %do;
%if %symlocal(P) %then %do;
%if %symexist(P) %then %do;
These statements check respectively whether &P exists in the global symbol table
, whether it exists in a local symbol table, and whether it exists at all. All t
hree functions return a 1 when the variable exists and a 0 when it doesn't.
First, VALUE has a length of 200. For shorter macro variables that contain trail
ing blanks, SASHELP.VMACRO does not track how many trailing blanks were in the o
riginal value. Also note that CALL SYMPUTX removes all leading and trailing blan
ks. Finally, what if the original macro variable were longer than 200 characters
? In that case, its value gets split into 200-character chunks, and it occupies
multiple observations in SASHELP.VMACRO.
Usually, passing positional parameters or keyword parameters uses the local symb
ol table to pass the parameter's. But below is an approach how we could use the
parameters to update the global variables.
%macro add_jack (firstvar=, secondvar=, thirdvar=);
%let &firstvar = Jack &&&firstvar;
%let &secondvar = Jack &&&secondvar;
%let &thirdvar = Jack &&&thirdvar;
%mend add_jack;
%add_jack (firstvar=var1, secondvar=var5, thirdvar=var8)
Of course, this approach adds complexities such as using three ampersands. But i
t successfully generates %LET statements that change existing global macro varia
bles. And this key technique makes it work: passing the name of a global macro v
The %EVAL function performs integer arithematic, dropping any remainders. Decima
l points are not allowed while using %eval(). %sysevalf() was invented later, to
compute decimal fractions and supports an additional second parameter, indicati
ng an operation to perform on the calculated result such as floor, ceil, int, bo
Boolean transformations returns 0 or 1, depending upon result calculated by %sys
0: the result was 0 or missing
1: the result was any other value
The %STR function defines blanks as the only possible delimiter for the %SCAN fu
nction. Because most lists in SAS programs are lists of variables or data sets,
other delimiters would hardly ever be needed.
%macro countem (list_of_words);
%local i;
%let i=0;
%if %length(&list_of_words) %then
%do %until (%scan(&list_of_words, &i+1, %str( )) = );
%let i=%eval(&i + 1);
%mend countem;
The %STR function adds leading and trailing blanks within the %INDEX function. T
hat s necessary because the %INDEX function searches for strings, not words. Witho
ut those extra blanks, the %INDEX function would, for example, never add var1 to
a list that already contains var10.
Once the final &I resolves into text, that text gets added to the program as par
t of a macro statement or as part of a SAS language statement. All of these stat
ements could utilize that generated text:
%let n_words = %countem (&var_list);
array vars {%countem (&var_list)} &var_list;
%do i=1 %to %countem (&var_list);
Tip#20 Debugging
* MPRINTNEST and MLOGICNEST, which displays the name of all currently executing
macros(in nested order) rather than just the innermost executing macro.
* MAUTOLOCDISPLAY, which displays the source of a macro when invoking it through
the autocall facility.
* It takes just two small steps to store the generated SAS statements. First, de
fine a file using keyword MPRINT as the FILENAME:
filename mprint 'path';
and second, turn on the proper options :
options mfile mprint;
That's all it takes! Running the program will now save the macro-generated SAS s
tatements designated file. The spacing and indenttation may not adhere to your u
sual high satndards, but the statements will be captured and available to run ag
ain without interference from the macro facility.
* The automatic variable &SYSMACRONAME contains the name of the currently execut
ing macro.
* Add a new parameter value to turn debug = N/Y to make sure that the debug stat
ements are in place and restrict the debug statements to execute.
Let's begin the discussion with an easy-to-use tool, the automatic macro variabl
e &SYSERR. Every data and proc steps resets the value of &SYSERR, using this sch
eme of values:
0 = 100% successful
1,2,5,6 = the user took and action that cancelled the DATA or PROC step
3 = SAS entered syntax checking mode
4 = the step generated a warning
An alternative would be to switch from &SYSERR to &SYSCC, which does not get res
et to 0 by a successful DATA or PROC step.
Beginning with SAS9.2, macro language supports the IN operator(as long as the MI
NOPERATOR option has been turned on):
%if &syserr in(0 4) %then %do;
if the option is not turned on execution would return an error mentioned below:
ERROR: Required operator not found in expression: &syserr in (0 4)
ERROR: The macro TEST will stop executing.
Halting a program is easy in sas one way is to use the endsas;
* it halts the entire program. If you are using interactive SAS, it will shut do
wn SAS entirely.
SAS also has a %ABORT statement for a similar purpose.
%macro runn (message);
%global _cancel_;
run &_cancel_;
%if &syserr > 0 %then %do;
%put *** Here is the PROBLEM ***;
%put Location: &message;
%let _cancel_=cancel;
%mend runn;
This variation nearly works, but it contains a somewhat hidden drawback. When th
e RUN CANCEL statement executes,
The macro might begin by checking whether &LOG_NAME is blank. This would be the
wrong way:
%if &log_name= %then %do;
This statement runs into trouble when the user-entered &LOG_NAME contains either
a forward slash or a dash. Depending on the operating system, those characters
could be legitimate parts of a filename. However, they also constitute arithmeti
c operators. As explained in Chapter 9, the %IF condition triggers the %EVAL fun
ction, where the combination of arithmetic operators and letters would generate
an error. This variation easily overcomes the problem:
%if %length(&log_name)=0 %then %do;
That's the safer way to check for a null value.
Those complications are beyond the scope of this book. However, note that macro
language can easily verify whether that assumption is true:
%local suffix;
%let suffix = %scan(&program_name, -1, .);
%if %qupcase(&suffix)=SAS %then %do;
As noted in Section 2.1, the %SCAN function reads from right to left when the se
cond parameter is negative. While the %UPCASE function would uppercase its argum
ent, the %QUPCASE function also quotes the result. That would be necessary if it
turns out that the last portion of the program name was not sas but was and or or . Wi
thout some sort of quoting function, these statements would be trouble:
%if AND=SAS %then %do;
%if OR=SAS %then %do;
1. open function
2. varnum function
3. close function
An automatic macro variable, &SYSPROCESSNAME, begins with the word Program for
non-interactive programs.
Another automatic variable, &SYSSCPL, returns the operating system. That info
rmation might be needed in order to execute a system command.