ASSIGNMENT: Creating Activity - Grade 10 (PPLO2)
ASSIGNMENT: Creating Activity - Grade 10 (PPLO2)
ASSIGNMENT: Creating Activity - Grade 10 (PPLO2)
Big idea(s):
Anything with some creativity can be a created or turned into a game or way to help increase daily
physical activity
Overall Expectations:
A2. demonstrate an understanding of the importance of being physically active, and apply physical
fitness concepts and practices that contribute to healthy, active living;
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being
The Assignment:
Your task is to design and create an object, tools or equipment piece that can help increase physical
activity in your or someone else's life. Your creation can be an entirely new activity or it can make
alteration to already existing activities, but it needs to be distinct change in an already existing
activity. Your creation will be made using, 3D printer or laser cutter
The final creation will be demonstrated to class you can choose from a variety of different methods,
video, live demonstration, detailed explanation + diagrams, powerpoint. Students in class will then
attempt to successfully play game/ do the activity in class.
A one page rationale that explains the reasoning for you creation and how it can be used to increase
physical activity or health in someone's life.
By taking a trendy activity and creating it into a game that includes some friendly competition and
physical activity, it increase the appeal for young individuals. This type/style of game is closely
related to bocce ball, which is excellent social game that allows for physical activity during a family
gathering, or weekend barbeque. The .. Guidelines for physical activity for adults is 150
minutes/week and for young adolescents is 60min/day (source). Receiving the required amount or
more of this physical activity can be difficult for some individuals. Providing fun-social games that
people of all ages can play will help increase the likelihood of reaching the canadian guidelines.
Knowledge & Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some Demonstrates considerable Demonstrates exceptional
Understanding understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the potential
potential their creation has potential their creation has potential their creation has their creation has on the DPA.
Evaluates the potential their
on the DPA. on the DPA. on the DPA.
creation has on the DPA.
Thinking/Inquiry Uses critical thinking to Uses critical thinking to Uses critical thinking to Ues critical thinking to assess
Assess the pros and cons of their assess costs/benefits of assess costs/benefits of assess costs/benefits of costs/benefits of energy
creation energy sources with limited energy sources with some energy sources with sources with exceptional
Along with the benefits of their effectiveness effectiveness considerable effectiveness effectiveness
creation has on the DPA using a Few different criteria are Some different criteria are Many different criteria are All relevant criteria are
variety of criteria. considered considered considered considered
Communication Explains choice of materials Explains choice of materials Explains choice of Explains choice of materials
Explains the activity and rules connection with reducing connection with reducing materials connection with connection with reducing
regarding their creation. Energy consumption with Energy consumption with reducing Energy Energy consumption with
Also explain the limited clarity some clarity consumption with exceptional clarity
choice/reasoning for creation and considerable clarity
the connection with promoting
physical activity.
Application The space redesign and The space redesign and The space redesign and The space redesign and
The ability to have members of model incorporates model incorporates model incorporates model incorporates
class successfully play appropriate materials to appropriate materials to appropriate materials to appropriate materials to
game/activity or use the students reduce energy consumption reduce energy consumption reduce energy reduce energy consumption
creation during class. with limited effectiveness with some effectiveness consumption with with exceptional effectiveness
considerable effectiveness