Problem Set 6 Solutions
Problem Set 6 Solutions
Problem Set 6 Solutions
Problem PS6.1
Erickson, Problem 3.1
(a) First, assign the inductor voltage drop vL (t) in the direction of inductor current i(t). When the switch
is in position 1, vL (t) = Vg i(t)RL and when it is in position 2 vL (t) = v(t) i(t)RL . The inductor voltage
vL (t) is shown in Figure 1. Applying inductor volt-second (flux) balance gives,
hvL (t)i = DTs [Vg i(t)RL ] + D0 Ts [v(t) i(t)RL ] DTs [Vg IRL ] + D0 Ts [V IRL ] = 0
V = 0
I 0 Vg
where D 0 = 1 D and the small-ripple approximation has been used to estimate v(t) V . To determine I,
the equilibrium value of the inductor current, we use amp-second (charge) balance on the capacitor current
ic (t). When the switch is in position 1, iC (t) = v(t) v(t)
R and when it is in position 2 iC (t) = i(t) R . The
capacitor current iC (t) is shown in Figure 1. Applying charge balance gives,
v(t) 0 v(t) V 0 V
hiC (t)i = DTs + D Ts i(t) DTs + D Ts I =0
I= 0
PSfrag replacements RD
Substituting the expression for I into the expression for V and simplifying yields
V D 1
= 0
Vg D 1 + R0 L2
(D ) R
1 2
ig (t)
iC (t)
RL +
Vg + C R v(t)
i(t) +
vL (t)
iD io (t)
iT vL (t)
Vg i(t)RL v(t)/R
DTs D 0 Ts DTs D 0 Ts
t t
Figure 1: Buck-boost converter: inductor voltage vL (t) and the capacitor current iC (t).
(b) The converter gain V /Vg which was derived in part (a) can be plotted versus the duty ratio D for different
values of RL /R. This is shown in Figure 2 for RL /R = 0, 0.01, 0.005.
PSfrag replacements
R = 0.05
Vg R = 0.01
R =0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(c) To calculate efficiency, we first calculate the average input and average output power.
Pin = Vg hig i = Vg DI
Pout = h[v(t)] io (t)i = V D 0 I
Note that the output power is calculated by multiplying the output current i o by v(t) since these polarities
will result in positive output power (refer to Figure 1). In other words, power must be dissipated since the
output load is simply a resistor. Since v(t) is negative, the average value of v(t) is positive. The efficiency
is just the ratio of the average output and input powers.
Pout V D0 I D0 V
= = =
Pin Vg DI D Vg
1+ (D 0 )2 R
(a) A nonideal buck converter is shown in Figure 3. The on-resistance of the MOSFET is modeled by a
resistor Ron and the forward-voltage of the diode is modeled by the independent voltage source of value V D .
First, assign the inductor voltage drop vL (t) in the direction of inductor current i(t). When the switch is in
position 1, vL (t) = Vg i(t)Ron v(t) and when it is in position 2 vL (t) = VD v(t). The inductor voltage
vL (t) is shown in Figure 3. Applying inductor volt-second (flux) balance gives,
hvL (t)i = DTs [Vg i(t)Ron v(t)] + D 0 Ts [VD v(t)] DTs [Vg IRon V ] + D 0 Ts [VD V ] = 0
And since hic i = 0, we get that I = VR and Ig = DI. Based on the volt-second balance and the values for I
io (t)I we can construct an equivalent circuit for the converter as shown in Figure 4.
and g
ig (t) + vL (t)
1 1 vL (t)
iT Ron L iC (t)
2 i(t) + Vg i(t)Ron v(t)
+ C R v(t) DTs D 0 Ts
+ VD t
VD v(t)
D 0 VD
Ig I DRon
1:D +
Vg + R V
(b) Solving the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4 for the output voltage V yields
V = (DVg D0 VD )
R + DRon
The converter dc gain is given by
D 0 VD
V 1 DVg
M (D) = =D DRon
Vg 1+ R
Problem PS6.3
Erickson, Problem 3.10
(a) The
PSfrag equivalent circuit for the buck converter considered in this problem is very similar to the one in
PS6.2 except that in this case the diode on-resistance RD is nonzero. The equivalent circuit is shown in
Figure 5.
D 0 VD D 0 RD
Ig I DRon
1:D +
Vg + R V
Based on the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 5, the output voltage V is given by
V = (DVg D0 VD )
R + DRon + D0 RD
The converter dc gain is given by
M (D) = =D
1 + DR + D RRD
Vg R
(b) Using the expression for the output voltage V from part (a), we can solve for the duty ratio D
VD + V 1 + RRD
D= R R
Vg + V D + V D
Using this expression, along with the range for Vg (260V Vg 390V) and I (1A I 10A) we can show
0.6175 D 0.9529
where D = 0.6175 occurs at Vg = 390V, I = 1A while D = 0.9529 occurs at Vg = 260V, I = 10A.
(c) The worst case efficiency occurs at Vg = 260V and I = 10A and is given by
W C = 0.9687 = 96.87%