Influence of Reinforcement's Corrosion Into Hyperstatic Reinforced Concrete Beams: A Probabilistic Failure Scenarios Analysis

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Volume 8, Number 4 (August 2015) p.

479-490 ISSN 1983-4195

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic

reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

Influncia da corroso de armaduras em vigas

hiperestticas em concreto armado: uma anlise
probabilstica dos cenrios de falha


This work aims to study the mechanical effects of reinforcements corrosion in hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams. The focus is the probabilistic
determination of individual failure scenarios change as well as global failure change along time. The limit state functions assumed describe analyti-
cally bending and shear resistance of reinforced concrete rectangular cross sections as a function of steel and concrete resistance and section
dimensions. It was incorporated empirical laws that penalize the steel yield stress and the reinforcements area along time in addition to Ficks
law, which models the chloride penetration into concrete pores. The reliability theory was applied based on Monte Carlo simulation method, which
assesses each individual probability of failure. The probability of global structural failure was determined based in the concept of failure tree. The
results of a hyperstatic reinforced concrete beam showed that reinforcements corrosion make change into the failure scenarios modes. Therefore,
unimportant failure modes in design phase become important after corrosion start.

Keywords: reinforcements corrosion, chlorides ingress, Ficks law, reliability, reinforced concrete, failure scenarios.

Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar os efeitos da corroso de armaduras em vigas em concreto armado na alterao dos possveis
cenrios de falha individuais e na falha global da estrutura ao longo do tempo. As equaes de estado limite consideradas descrevem analitica-
mente a resistncia flexo e ao esforo cortante em sees transversais retangulares em concreto armado. Foi tambm incorporada uma lei
que penaliza a resistncia ao escoamento do ao em funo da evoluo da corroso em conjunto com a lei de Fick, a qual modela a penetrao
de ons cloreto no interior dos poros do concreto. Equaes empricas baseadas na lei de Faraday foram utilizadas para a determinao da nova
rea de armadura a cada instante de tempo na anlise. A teoria da confiabilidade foi aplicada adotando-se o mtodo de simulao de Monte Carlo
para a avaliao das probabilidades individuais dos modos de falha considerados. A determinao da probabilidade de falha global da estrutura
seguiu um procedimento baseado no conceito de rvore de falhas. Os resultados da anlise de uma viga hiperesttica em concreto armado
demonstram que a corroso das armaduras pode alterar os cenrios de falha, de forma que, modos de falha no importantes na fase de projeto
se tornam importantes medida que o processo corrosivo evolui.

Palavras-chave: corroso de armaduras, ingresso de cloretos, leis de Fick, confiabilidade, concreto armado, cenrios de falha.

Universidade de So Paulo, Departamento de Engenharia de Estruturas, Escola de Engenharia de So Carlos, So Carlos-SP, Brasil;
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Faculdade de Engenharia, Bauru-SP, Brasil.

Received: 27 Jan 2015 Accepted: 25 May 2015 Available Online: 7 Aug 2015

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

1. Introduction es, i.e., the influence of the inherent randomness is not accounted.
As the corrosion involves chemical, mechanical and environmen-
Reinforced concrete is one of the most used types of construction tal parameters, which are uncertain, the randomness influence is
material around world. There are several advantages on using this widely significant. Therefore, this mechanical problem is represent-
type of solution such as its relative low production cost, facility to ed consistently and realistically when the randomness is properly
obtain its components, adaptability to complex geometries, high addressed. As a result, deterministic variables become probabilis-
strength capacity and chemical properties [1]. tic and uncertainties are accounted.
The mechanical properties such as strength and stiffness have ma- There are studies in literature using simple mathematical models to
jor importance in the context of reinforced concrete design as it is represent the chloride diffusion phenomenon into concrete pores
related to the resistance limit state. However, the interest on struc- combined with statistical approaches to model the uncertainties
tural durability had a considerable advance in the last few years due influence on the prediction of structural safety along time. Fran-
to the large cost associated to structure repair and maintenance. gopol et al. [12], for instance, proposed a model to represent the
NBR 6118 [2] prescribes rigorous design criteria in order to ensure mechanical behaviour of reinforced concrete girders as a function
durability in reinforced concrete structures. To improve the durability of time. In this model, the Ficks law was applied to represent the
of reinforced concrete structures, engineers have to design taking chloride diffusion process along time, empirical laws were adopt-
into account the water/cement ratio adopted into concrete mixture, ed for the quantification of reinforcements cross section loss and
concrete cracking control, the environment aggressiveness and the the Monte Carlo simulation method was used to carried out the
prescribed cover depth. However, design codes do not present fur- probabilistic analysis. Nogueira et al. [13] performed a study on
ther recommendations aiming the structural durability analysis. It the determination of corrosion start using a probabilistic approach
provides only guidelines that should be considered without informa- by the coupling between Ficks law and reliability theory. In this
tion concerning the assessment of durability problems, which justi- work, the influence of uncertainties associated with concrete cover
fies the development of the present research. depth and water-cement ratio on the probability of structural life
Among the processes that reduce the durability of reinforced con- failure was analysed. Nogueira and Leonel [14] proposed a sim-
crete structures, reinforcements corrosion is mentioned as the ma- plified method to determinate the optimal maintenance time as a
jor cause. The corrosion process produces the concrete cracking, function of water-cement ratio, cover depth and environment ag-
cover spalling, loss of steel rebar cross section and yield stress gressiveness. Interaction abacuses were proposed in order to de-
and, consequently, the decrease of the mechanical strength along termine optimum values of concrete cover according to mainte-
time. The corrosion process may derive from carbonation and/or nance time fixed a priori. Liberati et al. [15] proposed the coupling
high content of chloride ions, for instance, [3-5]. However, among among Ficks law, reliability algorithms and damage mechanics to
such processes, the chloride penetration is the most important predict the structural life based on a robust finite element code.
process that triggers the reinforcements corrosion [6]. Therefore, Such model allowed the elastoplastic behaviour of reinforcements
the modelling of chloride penetration and reinforcements corrosion and quasi-brittle behaviour of concrete.
lead to the accurate assessment of reinforced concrete durability. In spite of several studies presented in literature concerning rein-
The rebar corrosion phenomenon in reinforced concrete structures forcement corrosion modelling, aggressive mechanisms and chlo-
due to chloride penetration starts when the chloride concentra- ride transport modelling, few studies have been observed focusing
tion at the rebar/concrete interface reaches a threshold value. At in the influence of corrosion on the global mechanical behaviour of
this moment, the amount of hydroxyl into concrete pores exceeds reinforced concrete elements along time. Especially in the context
the chemical threshold, causing the depassivation of the chemical of hyperstatic structures where effort distribution must be account-
layer protection around the steel rebar [7]. The chloride concentra- ed. Normally, bending failure tends to be ductile whereas shear
tion at reinforcements interface grows along time and reaches the failure exhibits brittle behaviour in reinforced concrete structures.
threshold value due to the ions transport from the external struc- Therefore, brittle failures must be avoided and ductile failures must
tural surface into it. The chloride ingress into concrete pores is a be predicted in design. However, change on the structural failure
complex phenomenon governed by complex physical and chemi- mode may occur due to reinforcements corrosion effects. Ductile
cal mechanisms. However, the representation of this phenomenon failure, initially predicted in design, may not be the major weak
may be simplified considering only the chloride ions diffusion along structural link after corrosion start. As reinforcements area is lost
the concrete cover. In this context, several models have been pro- during corrosion, effort distribution is observed and failure configu-
posed in literature. Among them, it is worth to mention [8], which rations different from those predicted in design may appear.
presents mathematical models to represent the particles move- In such context, the present research aims to study the influence
ment in saturated concrete. Samson and Marchand [9] studied the of reinforcements corrosion phenomenon on the mechanical
influence of temperature on the chloride transport into concrete strength of hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams. One goal of this
pores. Bastidas-Arteaga et al. [10] presented a study on the me- study concerns the determination of structural failure scenarios
chanical degradation processes caused by reinforcements cor- change along time. The mechanical modelling of corroded rein-
rosion, concrete cracking and bio deterioration, as well as their forced concrete structures is performed by coupling Ficks law, for
combined influence on the strength reduction of reinforced con- chloride diffusion representation, to analytical approaches based
crete elements along time. Zhao et al. [11] analysed the mechani- on [2], to predict bending and shear structural resistance along
cal degradation on the concrete cover from corrosion processes in time. The reduction on the reinforcements area and yield stress
non-cracked stages, initially, and then in partially cracked stages. due to corrosion is modelled by empirical approaches. In addition
In spite of many proposed models in literature, such models deals to that, reliability theory is coupled to mechanical model in order
the reinforcements corrosion considering deterministic approach- to consider the inherent uncertainty on the physical problem. The

480 IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4


Monte Carlo simulation method is applied to assess the probability in which Md is the external bending moment applied into the cross-
of each individual failure mode. The probability of global structural section, normally denominated as bending design moment.
failure is achieved based in the concept of failure tree. Conse- The neutral axis position is determined from Equation 1. Solving
quently, the applied model performs mechanical analyses in the such equation for x variable one obtains:
probabilistic domain. A hyperstatic beam is analysed in this study
and the change on the failure modes, individual and global, ac-
cording to the corrosion evolution is represented, which is the main
contribution of this work. Moreover, the evolution of the probability (2)
of failure, for global and each individual failure mode, is assessed,
which is another contribution of this study.
After the design of the reinforced concrete element, in which the
2. Mechanical model tensile steel area is determined, the associated resistant bending
moment, Mresist, is calculated by equilibrium conditions. Such equi-
2.1 Simple bending and shear strengths librium results in:

The evaluation of strength in reinforced concrete members consid-

ering simple bending and shear cases is performed based on clas-
M resist = 0.408 bw x 2 f ck + As f sk (d - x ) (3)
sical hypothesis and models described by the Brazilian standard
[2]. Figure 1 illustrates the cross section of a rectangular beam
subjected to bending moment M, containing width bw, height h, ef-
fective depth d, tensile steel area As, compression steel area As, in which: fsk is the yield steel for longitudinal reinforcements.
neutral axis position x and strength of compression concrete fck. The determination of shear strength in reinforced concrete struc-
The neutral axis is defined by the distance x, which value is null at tures assumes as valid the hypothesis of generalized truss. It as-
the cross-section end, at is more compressive fibre. By adopting sumes stirrups positioned at 90 with the beam axis and spaced
the simplification of plastic depth allowed by the parabolic-rectan- at each s. In addition to that, the shear resistance is determined
gle diagram for compression concrete, given by y = 0.8x, and en- considering the values of transversal reinforcement area Asw,
forcing the cross section equilibrium the bending design moment concrete compressive characteristic strength fck (MPa), steel yield
and neutral axis position are obtained. In such equilibrium condi- for transversal reinforcement fyw (MPa), bw and d given in metre.
tion, the external bending moment is equilibrated by the resistant The shear resistance of a rectangular cross section, Vresist (kN),
bending moment, which is due to reinforcements and concrete. By belonging to a reinforced concrete beam is calculated by [16],
performing the equilibrium in terms of bending moment, the follow- considering the parameters described in the present paragraph,
ing equation is obtained: as follows:

M d = 0.68bw xf ck (d - 0.4 x ) (1) (4)

Figure 1 Rectangular cross-section of a rectangular reinforced concrete

beam. Hypothesis, stress and strain distributions for failure limit state

IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4 481

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

It is important to mention that during the durability analysis, in In which: C(y,t) is the chloride concentration at a given depth y and at a
which steel reinforcements area is lost along time, the neutral axis time t; C0 is the chloride concentration at the external surface assumed
position, Equation 2, is updated at each time step. Therefore, as constant in time; erfc is the complementary Gauss error function; D0 is
the reinforcements are corroded the neutral axis is recalculated. the material diffusion coefficient considered constant along time.
Another important remark that must be mentioned concerns the From Equation 5, assuming that y is the concrete cover thickness
safety coefficients for design. The hyperstatic beam analysed in this and C(y,t) the chloride concentration threshold, required to elimi-
study was designed considering safety coefficients. Then, the steel nate the chemical protective layer of reinforcements, it is possible
reinforcements areas were determined considering safety coefficients to determine the time for corrosion start tr as follows:
on the concrete and steel strengths and on the loading actions. Nev-
ertheless, the probabilistic analyses were carried out disregarding
such safety coefficients. Therefore, the characteristic values for all
variables were considered during the probabilistic analyses. (6)
2.2 Ficks law
During the corrosion process caused by chloride diffusion, two dif-
Reinforcements corrosion due to chloride ingress occurs in the pres- ferent phases are observed. The first one, called initiation period,
ence of oxygen. Such process stars when the chloride concentration is defined from the construction until the rebar depassivation. The
at the rebar contours exceeds a threshold level causing depassiv- second phase, denominated propagation period, involves the end
ation. Even for well-constructed and controlled reinforced concrete of initiation period until the structural collapse. The boundary be-
structures, a gradual ingress of chloride content from the external sur- tween these two phases is the point characterized by the time of
face into concrete pores may occur according to the environmental corrosion starts, which is evaluated by Equation 6 [14, 15].
conditions of aggressiveness. The transport mechanisms responsible
for chlorides movement into concrete are capillary absorption, perme- 2.3 Steel area reduction as a function of time
ability under pressure, ion migration and ionic diffusion [4]. Among
them, the most significant contribution is attributed to the ionic diffu- After the start of reinforcement corrosion, the rebar cross-section
sion. Therefore, the proposed models, in literature, to represent such area reduces until its complete deterioration defining the propaga-
phenomenon are based, normally, only into ionic diffusion. tion period. In literature, there are few mathematical models to rep-
Ficks law [17] is an approach that has been widely used to simu- resent such period as most researches consider as structural life
late chloride penetration and its transport through concrete pores only the initiation period. However, the propagation period can be
[7, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20]. It is important to mention that Ficks laws modelled by empirical equations based on Faradays laws. Accord-
for diffusion assumes the media in which the flow occurs as ho- ing to this approach, the reduction on the rebar cross-section area
mogeneous, isotropic and chemically inert. In addition to that, the along time, assuming uniform corrosion process, is determined by
chloride flow is assumed to be identical along all directions and the following equation [7, 21]:
constant along time. Considering concrete, these hypotheses are
not completely satisfied, because concrete is well known as het-
d initial se t t r
erogeneous, anisotropic and chemically reactive (continued hy-
d (t ) = (7)
d initial - 0.0232 icorr (t - t r ) se t > t r
dration and micro-cracking process) material. However, the meth-
ods commonly adopted for chlorides transportation modelling in
concrete consider this process governed only by ionic diffusion.
Then, it assumes that the concrete cover is completely saturated. In which: d(t) and dinitial are the rebar diameter given in millimetres
Therefore, it makes the hypotheses of Ficks laws acceptable for for actual and initial configurations, respectively; icorr is the corro-
the chloride ingress modelling, because, in this case, the mate- sion ratio given in A/cm; tr is the time for corrosion initiation given
rial is assumed completely saturated, with unidirectional chloride in years and calculated according to Equation 6; t is the diffusion
flux, i.e., from the exterior surface into the concrete depth. When time, given in years.
chloride diffuses into concrete, a change in chloride concentration, Different parameters have influence on the intensity of corrosion or into
C, occurs at any time, t, in every point, y, of the concrete, i.e., it is its rate. Among them, the water-cement ratio w/c and the cover depth
a non-steady state of diffusion. To simplify its analysis, the diffu- y have to be mentioned. In order to account the influence of such pa-
sion problem is considered as one-dimensional. Many engineering rameters, the corrosion ratio is expressed according to [22] as follows:
problems of chloride ingress, as those discussed in this study, can
be solved considering this simplification.
For a semi-infinite domain with an uniform fluid concentration at
the external surface, the second Ficks law can be written as fol- (8)
lows [13-15, 17]:

2.4 Steel yield strength reduction as a function of time

In addition to the rebar cross-section area reduction during propa-
gation period, the yield stress of reinforcements is also reduced

482 IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4


during corrosion process. Du et al. [23] performed an experimental In which f X ( x1 , x2 , , xn ) is the joint density function of the vari-
study aiming to determine the mechanical residual strength of cor- ables X. As the evaluation of the above integration is impossible
roded steel rebar located into reinforced concrete elements. The in practice, as the joint density function has not an explicit form,
researchers observed that the decrease on the yield stress oc- alternative procedures have been developed on the basis of the
curs faster than the reduction of rebar diameter. According to [23], concept of reliability index, , or simulation methods [24, 25].
the reduction of the steel yield stress along time can be evaluated In the present study, the Monte Carlo simulation method was
based on the following empirical expression: applied to evaluate the probability of structural failure for each
individual failure mode. Such approach will be presented in the
following section.

(9) 3.2 Monte Carlo simulation

in which: fy,t e fy,0 are the yield stress for corroded and non-corroded Monte Carlo method is a numerical simulation procedure widely
steel rebar at a given time, respectively; Qcorr is the amount of rein- used in reliability problems. In this method, a sampling of ran-
forcements corrosion given as a percentage of material mass loss. dom variables is used to construct a set of values aiming to de-
The amount of corrosion is calculated, according [23], as follows: scribe the failure and safe spaces in order to calculate Eq. (11).
The sampling is constructed based on the statistical distribution
assigned for each random variable considered in the problem.

(10) As this method deals with simulation of the limit state function,
as bigger be the sampling adopted more accurate will be the
spaces description and more accurate will be the probability
of failure achieved. The kernel of this method consists on the
In which: icorr is given in A/cm and calculated by Equation 8; the construction of a sampling for the random variables involved in
diameter is provided in millimetres and the times in years. the problem, as described in Figure 2.
Figure 2 presents a general sampling scheme assuming two
3. Reliability model random variables and two limit state functions. The simula-
tion leads to the structural failure when the considered point
3.1 General Concepts is located at the failure domain. Otherwise, safety condition is
observed. Series schemes consider failure if at least one limit
The reliability analysis aims at calculating the probability of fail- state function be violated. On the other hand, parallel schemes
ure regarding a specific failure scenario, known as limit state. It assume failure condition when a set of critical limit state func-
is worth to note that reliability R and probability of failure Pf are tions are violated. Such set of limit state functions are defined
complementary concepts, in which R=1- Pf. according to the structural system analysed and the failure
The first step in the reliability assessment is to identify the basic paths available.
set of random variables X = [ x1 , x2 ,..., xn ] for which uncertainties
In spite of simulation methods be applicable for reliability
have to be considered. For all these variables, probability distribu- analysis, optimization approaches such as First Order Reli-
tions are attributed to model its randomness. These probability dis- ability Methods (FORM) and Second Order Reliability Methods
tributions may be defined by physical observations, statistical stud- (SORM) are also available. FORM and SORM are based on the
ies, laboratory analysis and expert opinion. The number of random determination of the reliability index, which is associated to the
variables is an important parameter to determine the computing probability of failure.
time consumed during the reliability analysis. To reduce the size of The probability of failure is calculated, for Monte Carlo simulation,
the random variable space, it is strongly recommended to consider using the following equation:
as deterministic all variables whose uncertainties lead to minor ef-
fects on the value of the probability of failure.
The second step consists in defining a number of potentially criti-
cal failure modes. For each of them, a limit state function G ( X ) (12)
separates the space into two regions: the safe domain, where
G ( X ) > 0 and the failure domain, where G ( X ) < 0 . The boundary
between these two domains is defined by G ( X ) = 0 , known as the The function I ( xi ) can be estimated as follows:
limit state itself.
The probability of failure is evaluated by integrating, over the fail-
ure domain, the joint density function, [21]:

(11) By simulating the limit state function for a convenient range of sam-
pling, the mean value of I ( xi ) will be an estimator for the probabil-
ity of failure. Therefore:

IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4 483

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

Figure 2 Monte Carlo simulation method. General scheme considering

two random variables and two limit state functions

were determined, assuming a cross section of 20 cm x 40 cm

(width x high); permanent load g = 3 kN/m; accidental load q =

(14) 20 kN/m; fck = 30 MPa; fyk = 500 MPa; concrete Youngs modu-
lus Ec = 26071 MPa. The design procedure recommended by [2]
was followed. In addition to that, the following parameters were
considered for durability analysis: environmental aggressiveness
The disadvantage of this method is related to the high number of class III (industrial type with high risk of structure deterioration [2]);
simulations required to compute accurately the probability of fail- concrete cover thickness 4 cm. It is important to stress that the
ure. Normally, in order to estimate accurately the probability of fail- structural design considered safety factors. However, the proba-
n n+ 2
ure of 10 , the number of simulations must be higher than 10 bilistic analyses were carried out disregarding all safety factors on
n+ 3
or 10 . It means, in engineering structures, where the probability the load and material properties.
3 6 5 9
of failure is in between 10 to 10 , it is required 10 to 10 real- After such considerations, the structure was designed and detailed
izations of the limit state function. When complex numerical me- as shown in Figure 4.
chanical models are involved, which lead to high computational It is worth to mention that in this study serviceability limit states
time, this method may be not reliable. However, theoretically, when were not accounted.
the number of simulations tends to infinity, the probability of failure
calculated tends to its real value. Other details about Monte Carlo 4.2 Safety Evaluation. Mixed model considered
simulation can be found in [24-27]. and effort redistribution

4. Studied problem The reliability theory describes hyperstatic structural systems as

redundant systems. Such description appears since the system
4.1 Structure definition failure, in this case, occurs after the failure of a number of indi-
vidual modes equal to the structural hyperstatic degree. Conse-
The presented methodology was applied to the probabilistic anal- quently, as more than one limit state must be violated to the global
ysis of a hyperstatic beam. Such beam is supported into three failure be observed, such systems are subjected to load distribu-
points, and the external load is composed by an uniform distributed tion, ensuring higher safety level when compared to simple iso-
load. Figure 3 illustrates the static scheme of the beam. The bend- static schemes.
ing moment and shear effort diagrams are also presented. Considering the studied beam, the global collapse occurs after the
The reliability analyses were carried out considering the critical ef- consecutive failure of at least two individual failure modes. The fail-
forts presented in Figure 3. The intensity of such efforts is defined ure is assumed when the effort due to the external load, Equation
as follows: 15, exceeds the structural mechanical capacity given by Equations
3 and 4, in a given cross-section.
It is important to mention that hyperstatic structures presents more
than one failure path, i.e. due to the load distribution and the com-
bination of different random variables, the global failure can oc-
(15) cur according to different sequences of individual failure modes.
In such cases, the reliability theory based on system approach
aims to determine the probability of each individual failure mode as
well as the probability of global structural failure. As a result, this
approach predict the most probable failure path and the most prob-
able mechanical mechanism of failure.
The analysed beam was designed, i.e. the reinforcements areas In order to apply the reliability theory based on system approach it

484 IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4


Figure 3 Static scheme considered and internal efforts

is convenient to construct a tree of failure. The strategy of tree of one relates shear. The bending failures are due to the maximum
failure is commonly used in literature to indicate all possible failure negative and positive bending moments M1 and M2, respectively.
paths. Therefore, by determining the probability of failure on each Such bending moments are represented in Figure 3 and occur at
branch, the probability of global failure is determined as well as the the central support (negative moment) and along the beams span
most probable failure path. (positive moment). The shear failure is due to V1, which occur at
To construct the tree of failure, individual failure modes must be the cross-section next to the central support.
defined. In the present study, three individual failure modes were Therefore, the tree of failure was constructed considering three
considered. Two failure modes are related to bending whereas limit states: failure [A] defined by the bending failure on point A,

Figure 4 Analysed beam. Reinforcement scheme

IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4 485

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

Figure 5 Failure modes defined by the respectively cross-sections

failure [B] defined by the bending failure on point B and failure [C] in terms of shear, for point. The resistant efforts are obtained con-
defined by shear failure on point A. The points A and B are illus- sidering Equations 3 and 4. The efforts due to the applied load are
trated in Figure 5 whereas Figure 6 presents graphically the tree obtained using Equations 15.
of failure.
The first level of the tree presented in Figure 6 describes only in- 4.3 Effort redistribution. Hypothesis assumed
dividual failure modes [A], [B] and [C]. The second level accounts
the conditional failure modes, i.e. the modes observed only after It is important to mention that the initial static scheme presented in
the occurrence of one individual mode. Therefore, in the second Figure 3 is valid for the determination of the first individual failure
level, the conditional failure modes are written as follows: [B|A], mode, i.e. events [A], [B] and [C] on the tree of failure. After the
[C|A], [A|B] and [C|B]. As observed in Figure 6, it is assumed that first individual failure mode be violated, effort redistribution may
the individual failure mode [C] leads to the global failure. As previ- be assumed.
ously commented, shear failure has brittle mechanical behaviour. As previously mentioned, shear failure is brittle and normally leads
Then, the occurrence of such individual failure mode leads to the to the structural collapse. Therefore, when the first individual fail-
mechanical collapse of some structural components; the effort re- ure mode violated is the mode [C], structural failure is assumed.
distribution is not available in such cases and collapse is observed. However, the first individual failure being modes [A] and [B], which
The tree of failure, which is used to illustrate the system approach characterize bending failures, effort redistribution has to be per-
with reliability theory, may be composed by failure mechanisms formed.
associated in parallel or series manner. The system adopted in If individual failure mode [A] is firstly observed, a perfect plastic
the beam analysed in this study is mixed, as it is composed by a hinge is assumed to appear at point A. The mechanical effect
parallel sequence (initial failure by bending) connected to a series of such new condition is introduced by reapplying the difference
sequence (initial failure due to shear effort), [27]. Assuming that between the bending moment due to the external load and the
each failure path is a mutually exclusive event, the probability of resistant bending moment at point A, which characterizes a new
global failure Pf,syst is obtained by the sum of the probabilities of static scheme. Then, in this new static scheme, the positive bend-
failure on each path, as follows: ing moments and shear efforts considering the exceeding bending
moment at point A are recalculated along the beam and the failure
of the conditional failure modes is assessed.
When the first individual failure mode observed is [B], first level on
(16) the tree of failure, a perfect plastic hinge is introduced at point B.

To formulate the reliability problem, the following limit state func- Figure 6 Tree of failure for the beam analysed
tions were considered:

G1 x = M rA - M aA
G2 ( x ) = M rB - M aB (17)
G3 ( x ) = Vr - V

In which: Mr and Ma are, respectively, the resistant bending moment

and the bending moment due to the loading. concerns the limit
state function, in terms of bending moments, for point A, whereas
indicates the limit state function, in terms of bending moments, for
point B. Vr and Va are the resistant shear effort and the shear force
due to the loading, respectively. indicates the limit state function,

486 IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4


Table 1 Statistic properties for random variables

V.A. Distribution Mean Std. deviation Unit

fck Normal 30000.0 8000.0 kN/m
fyk (longitudinal reinforcements) Lognormal 500000.0 50000.0 kN/m
fyk (transversal reinforcements) Lognormal 600000.0 60000.0 kN/m
q Normal 3.0 0.345 kN/m
g Gumbel 20.0 4.3 kN/m

Analogously to performed for point A, the difference between the considered the following information, which were assumed as
bending moment due to the external load the resistant bending deterministic:
moment is reapplied into the structure. Then, considering this new n Water-cement ratio: 0.50;
static scheme, the bending moment at point A and the shear efforts n Chloride concentration for reinforcements depassivation,
along the beam span are recalculated in order to assess the viola- C(y,t): 0.90 kg/m3 [22];
tion of the conditional failure modes. n Chloride concentration at the beam surface, C : 2.95 kg/m3 [22];
The corrosion modelling was performed considering the propa- n Concrete diffusion coefficient: [22];
gation phase, i.e. the reinforcements area and yield stress are n Total time considered in the analysis: 20 years;
penalised after the corrosion time initiation. For each time step n Time increment to evaluate the strength capacity due to corro-
increment, the rebar area and yield stress are determined using sion: 0.1 years;
Equation 7 and 9, respectively. After applying the corrosion effects, n Total number of Monte Carlo simulations: 3x106.
the limit state functions are recalculated in order to determine the Figure 7 illustrates the evolution of reinforcement area along time.
failure path at each time increment (first individual failure mode Due to corrosion phenomena, reinforcement area is lost along
and the conditional mode). As a result of such procedure, the in- time. As illustrated in this figure, the reinforcement depassivation
dividual probabilities of failure and the probability of global failure occurs after 11 years of the beam construction. From that time, de-
are assessed. Is important to emphasize that the internal stresses nominated time for corrosion initiation, the corrosion propagation
derived from the expansive corrosion reactions and the adherence period starts. Then, the reinforcement area is penalized according
loss between steel were not considered in the present study. to Equation 7. It is important to stress that reinforcement diameter
reduction along time has linear behaviour, as presented in Equa-
5. Results and discussion tion 7. Consequently, the area reduction along time has quadratic
The random parameters adopted in the probabilistic analyses are Figure 8 presents the evolution of the probability of failure consid-
presented in Table 1. In addition to such parameters, it was also ering each individual failure mode along time. In this figure, the
probabilistic analyses were carried out accounting and disregard-
ing the yield stress penalization on reinforcements along time.
Figure 7 Evolution on the rebar cross-section
during the corrosion process
Figure 8 Evolution on the probability of failure
considering individual failure modes

IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4 487

Influence of reinforcements corrosion into hyperstatic reinforced concrete beams: a probabilistic failure
scenarios analysis

Figure 9 Evolution of the probability of failure considering only the most probable failure path.
Penalization of the reinforcement yield stress disregarded

In order to do not disserve the visualization of the results illustrated Figure 8, sudden brittle failures due to shear effort may appear
in Figure 8, the probabilities of failure only in the range 10 to 20 before the expected ductile bending failures.
years are considered. After 16.5 years from the beam construction, the individual fail-
It is important to emphasize that, regarding Figure 8, the probability ure mode [B] becomes the most probable initial failure mode, as
of failure of each initial failure mode changes along time. There- presented in Figure 8. Such change is explained due to the lon-
fore, the most probable failure path is not the same during all the gitudinal reinforcements cross-section lost along time caused by
time, as the most probable initial individual failure mode changes corrosion. Thus, the faster decrease of the longitudinal reinforce-
along time. ments cross-section along time at point B in comparison with point
In the beginning of the propagation time, the most probable initial A and stirrups increases significantly the importance of such initial
failure mode is [A]. Such type of failure is, initially, obvious as the failure mode. As the reinforcement area along the beam change
cross-section positioned at point A required the higher amount of due to the corrosion, the structural configuration change, the re-
reinforcements area. However, as the corrosion process proceeds sistant mechanisms change and, consequently, the failure modes
along time, the most probable failure scenario change. As present- also change.
ed in Figure 8, after 14 years of the beam construction, the failure Another important behaviour that must be commented concerns
mode [C] becomes the most probable initial failure mode. Such the reduction of the probabilities of failure in individual modes
probabilistic behaviour is explained due to the stirrups diameter [A] and [C]. The probabilities of failure presented in Figure 8 re-
be lower than the longitudinal reinforcements diameter. Therefore, late only the probability of failure of each individual failure mode.
as presented in Equation 7, the stirrups lose cross-section area Therefore, conditional probabilities of failure were not considered
faster than longitudinal reinforcements along time. As a result of in the construction of such figure. Then, it explains the reduction
such cross-section lost, the failure on stirrups become more prob- on individual failure modes [A], after 14.5 years, and [C], after 18.5
able. This type of probabilistic behaviour illustrates the relevance/ years. It is important to emphasize that at each time increment at
importance of the present study. It shows that the mechanical be- least one individual failure mode had its individual probability of
haviour intended during design phase may not be observed during failure increased (during the propagation period obviously). It is
the structural life. The mechanical structural behaviour can change consistent regarding probabilistic analyses and make consistent
drastically when corrosion effects are accounted. As presented in the analyses performed.

Figure 10 Evolution of the probability of failure considering only the most probable
failure path. Penalization of the reinforcement yield stress accounted

488 IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal 2015 vol. 8 n 4


The penalization of the reinforcement yield stress as a function

of time did not introduce significant change into the probabilistic
Figure 11 Evolution on the probability
mechanical behaviour of the beam along time. The subtle differ-
ence concerns the time in which the mechanical effects due to the
of failure considering global failure
corrosion are observed. Considering the penalization of reinforce-
ment yield stress, the mechanical effects of corrosion are observed
earlier in comparison with analyses where such penalization was
The behaviour of the probability of failure evolution along time re-
garding only the most probable failure path can also be analysed,
leading to interesting results. Figure 9 presents the evolution of the
probability of failure along time considering only the most probable
failure path and disregarding the penalization of the reinforcements
yield stress. Figure 10 presents similar results but accounting the
penalization of the reinforcements yield stress.
The main difference among the results presented in Figure 9
and 10 relates the time in which the mechanical corrosion effects
are observed. When the penalization of the reinforcements yield
stress is accounted, the mechanical corrosion effects are earlier
observed, as expected. However, any change is observed into the
most probable failure paths, which are the same. ternal load receive higher reinforcement area. The structural
Figure 11 illustrates the evolution of the probability of global failure engineer, intuitively, expects that the first failure mode occurs
along time. According to this figure, it can be observed important at the cross-section with higher reinforcement ratio, as such
increase on the probability of global failure from, approximately, 16 cross-sections are more requested. However, during the cor-
years. Such global probabilistic behaviour indicates, as presented rosion process, reinforcements area are lost, as previously
in Figures 9 and 10, that in this age, the mechanical effects due mentioned. In addition to that, the corrosion process has more
to the corrosion change the most probable failure path. The re- severe consequences in cross-sections with lower reinforce-
duction on the reinforcements cross-section provided by corrosion ment ratios, as presented in the results of the present study.
phenomenon reduces the structural resistance. Consequently, the Then, during the corrosion phase, failure modes expected dur-
probability of global failure grows. It is important to observe that the ing design phase normally does not occur and failure modes in
probability of global failure always increase during the propagation cross-section with lower reinforcement ratio appear. Therefore,
period, which is consistent. the change on the failure modes during the propagation pe-
riod is an important phenomenon that must be accounted in
6. Conclusions durability analyses in reinforced concrete structures in order to
avoid unexpected failure modes.
The main conclusions of the present study are the following: Finally, the present study supports further investigations that in-
n The penalization on the reinforcement yield stress along time corporates nonlinear mechanical models for concrete and steel, in
introduces mechanical degradation earlier than the case in order to consider realistic approaches to the efforts redistribution.
which such penalization is disregarded. However, any change Furthermore, the coupling of the probabilistic model to an optimiza-
was observed regarding the structural global failure path. Then, tion approach may also be interesting to determinate the optimal
the importance of considering such penalization concerns the design solution that includes initial costs, maintenance and repair
extension of propagation period, which is lower when penaliza- costs due to the change on the failure modes along time.
tion is considered. In spite of its simplicity as the penalization
model is based on empirical observations, the coupling of this 7. Acknowledgment
approach in a nonlinear mechanical framework may lead to
important changes into the mechanical structural behaviour. Sponsorship of this research project by So Paulo Research Foun-
n The main conclusion of the present study concerns the change dation (FAPESP), grant number 2014/18928-2 is greatly appreci-
on the structural failure mode along time. The corrosion pro- ated. This research is a part of the activities scheduled by the re-
cess provides reduction on the reinforcements cross-section search project USP/COFECUB 2012.1.672.1.0.
area along time. Then, the structural resistance changes
along time as well as the initial failure mode and the struc- 8. Bibliography
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