Keeping Children Safe in Education Leaflet
Keeping Children Safe in Education Leaflet
Keeping Children Safe in Education Leaflet
children to learn. A child should be able to go to school and feel safe so that they can achieve their very best.
Rushey Mead Academy will ensure:
This leaflet will help you understand how we keep your children safe by telling you:
Anybody who works or volunteers at our school will have had the appropriate checks
How children can be harmed carried out to ensure that they are safe to work with children and then provided training
What we must do to keep you child safe from harm to identify child abuse and what to do if they are concerned
What you must do as a parent/carer to help your child be safe and enjoy school The school has two Designated Safeguarding Leads, Rita Hindocha and Ali Rutherford,
who have had extra training to know what to do when a concern is brought to them
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection That we always listen to you and work closely with you if we are concerned about your
child but, sometimes, we may not be able to discuss our concern. The school has a
Child Protection is an important subject in which all staff receive regular training. Our priority safeguarding policy which tells you more about this and when we must speak to the
is to work with you but there may be times when we have to involve other people. police or childrens services. Please ask us about how you can see a copy of this policy.
Everybody has a responsibility to keep all children under the age of 18 safe. Name of School We will help your child to learn about keeping themselves safe. Lessons can include
has a statutory responsibility to share any concerns it may have about a child in need of healthy eating, antibullying, esafety, road safety, healthy relationships, drug and
protection with other agencies and in particular police, health and childrens social care. alcohol awareness.
Schools are not able to investigate concerns but have a legal duty to refer them. In most As part of these lessons, your child will be told what to do if they are worried or
instances, the school will be able to inform the parents/carer of its need to make a referral. concerned about their safety
Bullying - The school takes all cases of bullying very seriously and will work with children
and families to try and resolve any problems. The school has an anti-bullying policy that you
should read and understand.
Health and Safety - Everyone at Rushey Mead Academy has a responsibility to keep adults Rushey Mead Academy
and children safe within the school environment. The school has a clear health and safety Melton Road, Leicester, LE4 7AN
policy which everyone must follow. The school have fully trained first aiders to deal with any 0116 2663730
accidents in school.
E safety - The school recognises that technology plays an important
role in the education of our children and is committed to safeguarding
children in the virtual world. Parents/carers should be vigilant and
ensure that their children are accessing age appropriate social media platforms including the
use of video games which are not suitable for the childs age. To support parents, the school
has esafety information to help keep your children safe both at home and in school.
Complaints - If you have any complaints about how the school is working with you or your
child please feel confident to speak to us. The Headteacher will always be happy to speak to
you to resolve any difficulties. It is better to speak to us as soon as you have a concern so
that it does not become a bigger issue. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, you
can raise your concerns with the Governing Body. Keeping Children Safe in Education
Information for Parents/Carers
Useful Contacts
We ensure children learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Children are
Principal Rita Hindocha
taught how to keep themselves safe, to develop positive and healthy relationships,
and how to avoid situations where they might be at risk including by being exploited.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (s) Rita Hindocha (Principal) & Ali Rutherford (Vice
Maria Jones, Nik Gaisford, Rebecca Pohe,
Reshma Bharakhada, Alex Furniss (Pastoral
(With safeguarding responsibility) Kalvinder Kaur Kumar