IET Learning Outcomes
IET Learning Outcomes
IET Learning Outcomes
This document was produced on behalf of the Degree Accreditation Committee by the Output
Standards Working Party. Its authors were Professor Peter Hicks (Chair of the Working Party),
Dr Michael Cunningham, Professor Erik Dagless, Professor Malcolm McCormick, Mr Tom Ridgman
and Mr David Young. Support for the Working Party was provided by Ms Jane Black.
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................... 3
DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 22
3. Design.................................................................................................................22
D1 Investigate and define a problem and identify constraints including
environmental and sustainability limitations, health and safety and
risk assessment issues; ...........................................................................22
D2 Understand customer and user needs and the importance of
considerations such as aesthetics; ..........................................................22
D3 Identify and manage cost drivers; ............................................................22
D4 Use creativity to establish innovative solution..........................................22
D5 Ensure fitness for purpose for all aspects of the problem including
production, operation, maintenance and disposal; ..................................22
D6 Manage the design process and evaluate outcomes...............................22
D1m Wide knowledge and comprehensive understanding of design
processes and methodologies and the ability to apply and adapt
them in unfamiliar situations; ...................................................................22
D2m Ability to generate an innovative design for products, systems,
components or processes to fulfil new needs. .........................................22
0. Introduction
In December 2003 the Engineering Council UK published the United Kingdom Standard for
Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) 1 which defines the threshold standards of
competence and commitment required for the registration of Chartered Engineers and
Incorporated Engineers. Under UK-SPEC the decision to accredit a degree programme as
satisfying the educational requirements for CEng or IEng registration will be made on the
basis of the programme delivering learning outcomes that have been specified by the
accrediting professional body.
Engineering is an enabling discipline which is expanding steadily as new knowledge is
discovered and the range of degrees accredited by the Institution is already very broad. In
addition many practising engineers work in multi-disciplinary teams which require an
understanding of a set of common engineering principles for accurate communication. The
learning outcomes specified for IET accredited programmes have been developed to provide
for variety and flexibility in the design of programmes and encourage innovation while
maintaining a core understanding of engineering principles.
To enable expression of these different learning outcomes as a function of subject area they
have been grouped under the themes listed in Table 1:
A Electrical Engineering
B Electronic Engineering (Analogue/Digital)
C Control and Instrumentation Engineering
D Communication Engineering
E Manufacturing Systems Engineering
F Digital Systems Engineering
G Computer Systems Engineering
H Software Engineering/Computer Science
It is important to emphasise that these theme headings do not amount to prescriptive degree
curricula but are exemplars for traditional sub-disciplines accredited by the Institution of
Engineering Technology. Thus a degree with the title Electrical Engineering and Electronics
might be expected to produce graduates who are capable of demonstrating the learning
outcomes in the themes coded A, B, C, D, F and perhaps, to a lesser extent, G and H.
UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC), Engineering Council UK,
December 2003.
In addition to the themes A H listed in Table 1 above there is a need to introduce a further
category, Theme I, which serves as a reminder that some programmes combine electrical
and electronic engineering with other subjects. Examples of the latter include management,
music, medicine and the biosciences. This document makes no attempt to define the
learning outcomes associated with subjects that might be included in Theme I.
Sections 1 to 5 list the five learning outcomes in engineering as defined in the UK-SPEC
Accreditation Handbook 2 . In each case a statement of the UK-SPEC generic learning
outcomes is followed by the discipline-specific exemplars that have been developed by the
Institution. Where necessary the discipline-specific exemplars are expressed separately for
each of the sub-discipline themes A H.
The present document must be read in the context of the two UK-SPEC documents
mentioned previously1, 2. These identify the MEng degree and the BEng honours degree with
further learning as recognised routes that can be followed to achieve registration as a
Chartered Engineer. Desired learning outcomes have been defined for both the BEng
honours degree and the MEng degree and these can be found in the UK-SPEC Accreditation
Handbook. They are repeated in the relevant sections of the present document and have
been colour coded to enable them to be readily identified. Thus the learning outcomes in
pale green boxes (or dotted line) apply to both the BEng honours and MEng degrees
whereas those in purple boxes (or continuous line) are characteristic of the enhanced
outcomes expected of MEng graduates. The latter will be expected to solve a substantial
range of engineering problems and will have acquired the ability through involvement in
industrial and group design projects which will have had a greater degree of industrial
involvement than those in the Bachelors degree. These activities should give students
greater capacities for independent action, accepting responsibilities, formulating ideas
proactively, planning and developing strategies, implementing and executing agreed plans,
leading and managing teams, evaluating achievement against specification and plan and
decision making3. The specific characterisation of MEng graduates has been identified for
each learning outcome.
Degree programmes have aims and expected learning outcomes and these are normally
captured in programme specifications. The course units or modules of which the programme
is composed are similarly specified in terms of their aims and learning outcomes and these
must necessarily be congruent with the aims and learning outcomes for the programme as a
One of the primary goals of accreditation is to verify that the aims and learning outcomes of a
degree programme and its constituent components are consistent with the standards
expected of a professional engineer. This task reduces to one of mapping and auditing the
declared outcomes for the programme against the UK-SPEC learning outcomes and thereby
ensuring that all of the facets required of a chartered engineer are developed in the graduate
In preparing for accreditation, departments will need to provide a commentary explaining how
this mapping is achieved as well as supplying evidence which demonstrates convincingly
that graduates from the programme have achieved the desired learning outcomes. Following
The Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes, Engineering Council UK Standard for Professional
Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC), May 2004.
QAA Engineering Benchmark Review Group Draft 6
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
With reference to learning outcome US1 (and, in the case of MEng students, US1m and
US2m), the underpinning scientific principles and methodologies that relate to Themes A
H in Table 1 (page 7) are:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
With reference to learning outcomes US2 (and, in the case of MEng students, US3m), the
underpinning mathematical principles that relate to Themes A H in Table 1 (page 7) are
encompassed by the range of topics listed below. A more detailed guide to the
mathematical principles that relate to specific themes can be found in Appendix A.
2. Engineering Analysis
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome E1 (and, in the case of MEng students, E1m) is
being achieved, accreditors will seek to determine whether students can demonstrate
competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those listed below:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome E2 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
E2m Ability to apply mathematical and computer-based models for solving problems
in engineering, and the ability to assess the limitations of particular cases.
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome E3 (and, in the case of MEng students, E2m) is
being achieved, accreditors will seek to determine whether students can demonstrate
competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those listed below:
E3m Ability to extract data pertinent to an unfamiliar problem, and apply in its
solution using computer based engineering tools when appropriate.
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome E4 (and, in the case of MEng students, E3m) is
being achieved, accreditors will seek to determine whether students can demonstrate
competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those listed below:
3. Design
Graduates will therefore need the knowledge, understanding and skills to:
D5 Ensure fitness for purpose for all aspects of the problem including production,
operation, maintenance and disposal;
All Themes A H
(i) Use a structured design process such as:
Neutral Problem Statement
Marketing and Design Specifications
Selection of Evaluation Criteria
Selection and development of Concepts
Detail Design
Verification and Testing
Manufacturing Implementation
Product Launch
either using and demonstrating competence in each step or demonstrating why it is not
relevant for the specific project.
(ii) Demonstrate familiarity with common tools and techniques such as:
Material selectors
Process selectors
CAE techniques
Product costing
Innovation and creativity tools
Quality function deployment
Value analysis
Failure mode effect analysis
Design for manufacture and assembly
(iii) Understand the concepts of new product development management such as:
Project management
Change management
Concurrent engineering
Team working
Health and safety management
Risk management
Supply chain management
Product planning
Design quality management
S5 Understanding of the need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct
in engineering.
S2m The ability to make general evaluations of commercial risks through some
understanding of the basis of such risks.
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcomes S1 to S5 (and, in the case of MEng students, S1m
and S2m) are being achieved, accreditors will seek to determine whether students can
demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
(i) Knowledge and understanding of commercial and economic context of engineering
processes such as:
The market
Technology exploitation
Business planning
(v) Understanding the need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct in
engineering such as:
Professional Body Code of Conduct (e.g. IET Rules of Conduct)
Ethical theory
Awareness of ethical dilemma by means of case studies
5. Engineering Practice
This involves the practical application of engineering skills, combining theory and experience,
and the use of other relevant knowledge and skills.
Students must be able to demonstrate:
P1m A thorough understanding of current practice and its limitations, and some
appreciation of likely new developments;
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P1 (and, in the case of MEng students, P1m and
P2m) is being achieved, the coverage of engineering practice will depend on the type of
programme considered for accreditation. Accreditors will seek to determine whether
students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those
listed below:
Themes A G
(i) Demonstrate competence in:
Acquired engineering skills
Combining theory and experience
Other relevant knowledge and skills
and an ability to apply these competencies to practical engineering processes,
situations and problems.
(ii) Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the operating principles of essential test
and measurement equipment, including instruments for the measurement of:
DC and AC voltage, current and power
Electrical resistance, capacitance and inductance
Time and frequency
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P2 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P3 (and, in the case of MEng students, P3m) is
being achieved, accreditors will seek to determine whether students can demonstrate
competence in areas that are substantially equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
Understanding of the professional engineering principles applicable to the management of
engineering projects as well as operation and maintenance of industrial processes. This
requires a working knowledge of:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P4 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
Familiarity in obtaining, searching and interpreting technical literature and other
documentation from various sources.
Students must be able to demonstrate:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P5 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
Awareness of the nature, relevance and implications of legal frameworks including:
UK contract law
Intellectual property rights
European and international
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P6 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
An understanding of the requirements of engineering documentation including:
Customer specifications
Industrial engineering specifications
Engineering codes of practice
Engineering standards (British, European and International)
Students must be able to demonstrate:
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P7 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
Appreciation of the principles of quality systems and their application to the manufacture of
electrical and electronic engineering components and systems:
Applicable standards e.g. ISO 9001:2000
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Quality tools and control systems
Document control
Material and component specification and traceability
Discipline-Specific Exemplars
To establish whether learning outcome P8 is being achieved, accreditors will seek to
determine whether students can demonstrate competence in areas that are substantially
equivalent to those listed below:
All Themes A H
Ability to manage technical uncertainty:
Scenario analysis and identification of credible options
Electronic Software
Control and Manufacturing Computer
Electrical Engineering Communication Digital Systems Engineering/
Subject area: Engineering analogue and
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Digital Science
Mathematics and Underpinning Science
Mental Approximation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Algebraic Manipulation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Solution of Simultaneous
and Quadratic Equations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Complex Numbers Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Trigonometry Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Differential & Integral
Calculus Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Solution of ordinary and
partial differential equations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dimensional Analysis Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Line, Area & Volume
integrals Y Y Y Y
Probability & Statistical
Analysis Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Vector Algebra Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Exponential, Hyperbolic &
Inverse Functions Y Y Y Y
Fourier Analysis Y Y Y Y Y Y
Laplace Transforms Y Y Y Y
Convolution Y Y Y Y Y Y
Matrix Methods Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Z Transforms Y Y Y Y
Taylor & Maclaurin Series Y Y
AC Electric Circuits Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Measurement of Flow,
Pressure, Temperature,
Position, Force, Velocity
and Acceleration