Ce2305 Foundation Engineering 2 Marks Questions & Answers 16 Marks Questions
Ce2305 Foundation Engineering 2 Marks Questions & Answers 16 Marks Questions
Ce2305 Foundation Engineering 2 Marks Questions & Answers 16 Marks Questions
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13. What are the zones used in the Terzaghis bearing capacity analysis for dividing the
failure envelope of the soil.?
Elastic equilibrium zone, Radial Stress zone, plastic zone
14. Write the ultimate bearing capacity equation for the general shear failure of soil in
Terzaghis analysis for a strip footing.
qu = c Nc + _DNq + 0.5 _B N_
If the depth of the foundation is less than its breadth, such foundation is known as
shallow foundation.
17. Write down the equation for estimating the elastic settlement based on the theory of
18. When will the total settlement be completed in the case of cohesion-less soil?
If any two points of the foundation base experiences different settlements then
such settlement is known as differential settlement.
20. What type of shear failure of soil is more likely to happen in the case of very dense
usually punching shear failure and local shear failure may also be possible.
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21. Write the ultimate bearing capacity equation for the general shear failure of soil in
Terzaghis analysis for a square footing.
22. Write down the reduction factors for water table level to be applied in the ultimate
bearing capacity equation.
23. Draw the pressure distribution diagrams under a footing on cohesion less and
cohesive soils.
26. For which type of foundation, Terzaghis bearing capacity equation is applicable.
Shallow foundation only. Because the effect of the depth is not considered.
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4. What are the factors consider while selecting the type of pile?
-the loads
-time available for completion of the job
-availability of equipment
-the ground water conditions
-the characteristics of the soil strata involved
12. Find the group efficiency using Felds rule for 9 piles in a group.
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13. A pile group consisting of four piles is in a square pattern with equal spacing in both
the directions. Find the c/c spacing in terms of the diameter of the piles, if efficiency
of the group is 75% as per Converse-Labarre formula.
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10. Draw the lateral earth pressure diagram of clay depend for active condition.
3. Explain the test to be conducted for find out the bearing capacity?
4. What is bearing capacity? What are the factors affecting bearing capacity? what are
improving factors of bearing capacity?
6. Size of an isolated footing is to be limited to 1.5 metres square. Calculate the depth at
which the footing should be placed to take a load of 200 kN, with a factor of safety 3.
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The soil is having angle of internal friction _ = 30o. The weight of the soil is
21 kN/m3. Bearing capacity factor for _ = 30o, Nq=22 and N_ = 20.
10. A Strip footing of width 3m is founded at a depth of 2m below the ground surface in
(c-_) soil having a cohesion c = 30 kN/m2 and angle of shearing resistance _ = 35o.
The moist weight of soil above the water table is 17.25 kN/m2.
For _ = 35o, Nc = 57.8, Nq = 41.4 and N_ = 42.4
For _ = 25o, Nc = 25.1, Nq = 12.7 and N_ = 9.7
If the water table occupies any of the positions
(i) 1.25 m below Ground Level or
(ii) 1.25 m below the base level of the foundation,
What will be the net safe bearing pressure?
Assume _sat = 18.5 kN/m3, _ (above WT) = 17.5 kN/m3, Factor of Safety = 3
11. Explain different types of shear failures of soil with neat sketch
13. A footing rests at a depth of 1m has a size of 3m x 1.5m and it causes a pressure
increment of 200 kN/m2 at its base. The soil profile at the site consists of sand for the
top 3 m, which is underlined by a clay layer of 3m. Water table is at a depth of 2.5m
from the ground surface. The unit weight of sand layer above and below water table
are 16kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3 respectively. The unit weight of clay is 15 kN/m3. The
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initial void ratio is 0.8 and compression index is 0.3. Determine the consolidation
settlement at the middle of the clay layer. Assume 2:1 pressure distribution and
consider the variation of pressure across the depth of the clay layer.
14. Compute the safe bearing capacity of a square footing 1.5 m x 1.5 m located at a
depth of 1 m below the ground level in a soil of average density 20 kN/m3. _ = 20,
Nc = 17.7, Nq = 7.4 and N_ = 5. Assume a suitable factor of safety and that the water
table is very deep. Also compute the reduction in safe bearing capacity of the footing
if the water table rises to the ground level.
5. Derive the relation between the dimensions of trapezoidal combined footing and
unequal column loads Q1 and Q2?
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8. A pile is driven with a single acting steam hammer of weight 15kN with a free
fall of 900mm. The final set, the average of the last three blows, is 27.5mm. Find the
safe load using the Engineering News formula.
1. Explain the active and passive states of earth pressure acting on a retaining wall.
3. Explain the Rebhanns graphical method for active earth pressure calculation
4. Explain the Culmanns graphical method and the effect of line load
5. Explain the Rankines theory for various backfill condition to calculate active state
earth pressure.
6. A retaining wall is 4 metres high. Its back is vertical and it has got sandy backfill
upto its top. The top of the fill is horizontal and carries a uniform surcharge of
85 kN/m2. Determine the active earth pressure on the wall per metre length of wall.
Water table is 1m below the top of the fill. Dry density of soil = 18.5 kN/m3.
Moisture content of soil above water table = 12%. Angle of internal friction of soil =
30, specific gravity of soil particles = 2.65. Porosity of backfill = 30%. The wall
friction may be neglected.
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