Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and language features vary according to the
purpose of the text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to a text (ACELY1732)
Apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text structures and language features to understand
the content of texts (ACELY1733)
Investigate how visual and multimodal texts allude to or draw on other texts or images to
enhance and layer meaning (ACELA1548)
Learning purpose: (May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content description here)
To Introduce persuasive texts and techniques commonly used within them.
Group discussion while completing worksheets to include all students and identify common
Low level literacy and dyslexic students within class. All worksheets will be well spaced, written
in large font and printed on light blue paper. Passages of writing will be kept short and simple to
assist dyslexic/low literacy students without isolating them.
Content to be provided in a number of ways, spoken word, written word and audiovisual
resources. Multiple opportunities for success during discussions/completion of activities.
Timing: Learning Experiences:
10 mins Give students definitions activity and ask to attempt any they think they know and
leave others unanswered. Go through known answers as class, find out which
definitions students know which they do not and need most work.
20 mins Use slideshow and elaborate/work through definitions and examples of AFOREST
focusing on anecdote, rule of three, repetition, emotive language, alliteration,
rhetorical questions as they are prevalent within example text. Finish definition
activity as class while working through sideshow. Swap sheets and peer mark.
20 mins Disseminate definitions sheet and Technique/example table to students. Explain how
to complete activity while watching example video. Begin watching Rodney Mullen
TED talk.
4 mins Conclude lesson, let students know we will continue working on recognising
conventions in example text next lesson.
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Lesson beginning could have been more effective. The class settled eventually and engaged in
discussion but I need a signal to begin and to modify my tone when switching from discussion to
giving instructions.
I found praising and paraphrasing students responses worked really well. I was able to get
contributions from a number of students known to be disengaged and guide responses in a
relevant direction.
My attempts to use movement/proximity also worked well. I was able to monitor student
progress and prevent minor behavioural issues. While the TEDx talk was playing I addressed
misbehaving boys at the back of the class individually, in private, this approach was effective in
this situation as it stopped their chair swinging/conversation without distracting the whole class.
My behaviour management was ineffective. I need to set class expectations and make sure they
are met, especially in terms of noise level when other students are contributing to discussion. I
also need to address misbehaviour in a more effective manner. I need to follow through on
threats to move students and start using a warning, choice, repercussion approach. I also need to
address misbehaviour more and project a better sense of withitness to nip misbehaviour in the
bud. Preventative not reactive behaviour management.
When using the video resource I noticed students were not completing the set activity. I began
stoping the video and guiding responses. This disrupted the classes first exposure to the text and
it probably would have been more effective to let them view it in its entirety, then seek answers
in a second viewing.
In this lesson the class was working up until the bell, when it rang I simply let the class pack up
and go for their drink break. Students did not return from this break on time. Next time I must
formally dismiss the class/conclude the lesson and set consequences for students who choose to
abuse the break time and return late.