CL-204 (Heat Transfer Operations) : Assignment: 2
CL-204 (Heat Transfer Operations) : Assignment: 2
CL-204 (Heat Transfer Operations) : Assignment: 2
Assumptions : 1. Fouriers Law is valid at steady state.
+ 2
( ) =
( ) = ( + 2 )
2 3
2 + 3 )
( ) = + 1
2 + 3 ) 1
= +
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
1 2 3
= ( + ) + 1 + 2
4 9
Using the boundary conditions mentioned above and then solving for the
constants we get:
2 2 3 3
1 ( ) ( )
{ + }
4 9
c1 =
2 2 3 3
1 ( ) ( )
{ + }
1 2 3 4 9
c2 = + ( + )+
4 9 ln 0
To calculate the thickness of insulation required we use the following formula for
heat loss :
= 1 2
(( ) +( ) )
2. K=thermal conductivity
On solving we obtain:
x2= 0.22922 m.
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
Assumptions: 1)variation of heat along the direction
2)Insulated along the vertical ends of the faces of wall
3)Variation of temperature negligible vertically to heat transfer
kA= 150 W/m 0C
kB= 30 W/m 0C
kC= 50 W/m 0C
kD= 70 W/m 0C
q = T/R
Ra = = 1/6000
Rb = = 1/400
Rd= =2800
Rc= = 1/1000
R = + + [ 1 1
] = 1.9166 102
{ + }
Given: 1. Outside Diameter= 1m
2. Tsphere=1500C
T =250C
3. h= 35 W/m2.0C
4. kfoam=0.018 W/m.0C
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
5. Temperature not to exceed 350C
4( 0)
q(with insulation) = 1 1 = 402 (0 )
{ }
ro= 0.5058 m
For critical radius of insulation for a sphere
k= 21 W/m oC
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
To calculate Maximum Temperature of the wall:
q = 0.4 MW/m3
q LA = hA(Tw - T)
7) Given equation: =
is the heat generation at the inner face of the wall exposed to gamma ray flux
a is a constant.
1) one direction heat flow in the wall
2) Fourier law is applicable so steady heat flow
3)Thermal conductivity is constant equal to k
On integrating twice,
= 1 + 2 ( 2 )
=( ) =
the overall heat transfer coefficient is:
= 4.1
1 ( )(0.035) 0.035 1
3.50 )+(
( )+( )( )
600 100.4 0.041 15
= 17.05
9) Assumptions:
1)Heat transfer varies along x direction.
2)Fourier law of heat transfer is applicable.
3)Heat loss due to radiation is negligible.
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
10) Given:
= 35
d=12.5 mm
L=40 cm
h=17 2 .
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
= 385
1 = 180 2 = 95
1) heat transfer inside the rod is in one direction x
2) Fourier Law and Newtons Law of cooling is applicable
Given: t = 0.0015 m,
L= 0.025 m,
r1=0.0125 m,
T0= 150C.
h=150 2
K aluminum = 205 W/m.C
1) heat transfer inside the fin is in one direction x
2) Fourier Law and Newtons Law of cooling is applicable
3) heat loss due to radiation is negligible
4) Thermal conductivity of rod is constant and heat transfer coefficient is also
Lc= L+t/2=0.02575 m,
rc=r1+Lc= 0.03825 m
Name: Shubham Kumar
Roll no: 150107056
Date: 17/03/2017
2 =0.569
Here the heat delivered to the fluid by convection will be the same as heat
generated in the tube. Since the other surface is insulated, Temperature gradient
at other surface will be zero. Here it is not stated that whether the fluid is flowing
inside or outside of the tube. Thus we have to analyze both the cases. In both
cases the maximum temperature will occur at the Insulated surface. First assume
a surface temperature for the tube in contact with the fluid then well have the
surface area. Suitable combinations of the tube length and diameter may then be
examined to equal the total surface area. Then well assume a tube wall
thickness and use it to find the temperature of other surface using hollow cylinder
equation. The temperature of other surface should be reasonably low.
Conclusion: There will be many possible combinations to achieve that
1) Thermal conductivity of rod is constant
2) Fourier law is applicable inside the wall and no other heat loss so convection
is negligible
3) one direction heat flow inside the fin
Boundary conditions:
Base:T=0 at x=0
Tip: ( ) = (= 4 )
Insulated Tip: = 0 =
Very long Fin: TTs as x