The document contains multiple choice questions about key details and events in sections of Beowulf. It tests comprehension on topics like Beowulf's request to Hrothgar, his battle with Grendel without weapons, gifts given to Beowulf at a feast, and Grendel's mother seeking revenge after Grendel's death. The questions have answers spanning the characters, plot points, and themes within the epic poem.
The document contains multiple choice questions about key details and events in sections of Beowulf. It tests comprehension on topics like Beowulf's request to Hrothgar, his battle with Grendel without weapons, gifts given to Beowulf at a feast, and Grendel's mother seeking revenge after Grendel's death. The questions have answers spanning the characters, plot points, and themes within the epic poem.
The document contains multiple choice questions about key details and events in sections of Beowulf. It tests comprehension on topics like Beowulf's request to Hrothgar, his battle with Grendel without weapons, gifts given to Beowulf at a feast, and Grendel's mother seeking revenge after Grendel's death. The questions have answers spanning the characters, plot points, and themes within the epic poem.
The document contains multiple choice questions about key details and events in sections of Beowulf. It tests comprehension on topics like Beowulf's request to Hrothgar, his battle with Grendel without weapons, gifts given to Beowulf at a feast, and Grendel's mother seeking revenge after Grendel's death. The questions have answers spanning the characters, plot points, and themes within the epic poem.
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Lines 301-709 Quick Quiz
1. What does Beowulf ask of Hrothgar?
a. If he kills Grendel, he wants Hrothgars daughter to be his wife. b. Permission to fight Grendel c. For Hrothgar to fight by Beowulfs side d. A huge fee for fighting Grendel 2. Why does Beowulf plan to fight without a sword or shield? a. Hes not so good at fighting with swords and shields. b. Hrothgar makes that a condition for battle c. Because Grendel never fights with a sword or shield d. Theres a curse on Heorot that renders weapons useless. 3. Why does Unferth disparage Beowulfs reputation with a story about a battle at sea? a. Because Beowulf is a liar and a cheat b. Because Beowulf is a coward c. Unferth simply misremembers. d. Unferth is jealous of Beowulf. 4. What do Beowulf and Breca swim out to sea to fight? a. Sea monsters b. A band of marauding pirates c. A giant whale d. The Loch Ness monster 5. What boast or promise does Beowulf make to Wealhtheow, the Queen? a. He says he loves her and will kill Grendel in her honor. b. Hell bring her Grendels decapitated head. c. Hell slay Grendel or die trying. d. Hell kill Grendel before nightfall.
Lines 710-1007 Quick Quiz
1. What does Beowulf hold up as proof of his victory over Grendel?
a. His sword and helmet b. Grendels arm c. Grendels decapitated head d. A flag with his insignia 2. What happens to Grendel after the battle? a. He is buried. b. He kidnaps Queen Wealhtheow before fleeing the castle. c. He vows revenge on Beowulf and his family. d. He returns to his swamp home to die. 3. Who is Sigemund, whom the Danish bard sings about to celebrate Beowulfs victory? a. A great hero who slew a dragon b. An evil Danish king who betrayed his own people c. Beowulfs father d. Grendels grandfather 4. What does Beowulf say when he is thanked for his heroic deed? a. He mocks Hrothgar for the kings inability to kill Grendel for so many years. b. He boasts of his great deed. c. He expresses regret that he mortally wounded Grendel but did not kill him. d. He praises Grendel as a worthy opponent. 5. Hrothgar does what by celebrating Beowulfs defeat of Grendel? a. Demonstrates weakness and loses his peoples respect b. Wins the respect of the Danes for ruling justly c. Upsets his wife, Wealhtheow, who loved Grendel and wants to kill Beowulf for revenge d. Becomes increasingly like the evil Heremod of the bards song Lines 1008-1250 Quick Quiz
1. What gifts is Beowulf given at the victory feast?
a. Wine, women, and a castle b. A new ship, a dragons treasure hoard, and a vineyard c. A country to rule and a new insgnia d. Fine horses, treasure, armor, and a resplendent torque 2. How does Hrothgar make Beowulf part of his family? a. He marries him to his daughter. b. He reveals that he is Beowulfs real father. c. He adopts him as a son in a grand gesture of thanks. d. They take a blood oath. 3. Who loses to whom in the beginning of the saga of Finn (the Frisian King) that the bard tells? a. The Frisians lose to the Danes. b. The Danes lose to the Geats. c. The Geats lose to the Swedes. d. The Danes lose to the Frisians. 4. In the saga, why is Finns Danish wife, Hildeburth, so devastated by the outcome of the battle? a. Shes very sensitive, and war upsets her. b. Her son and brother are killed. c. She tried to kill Finn herself but failed. d. Her escape plan is foiled. 5. How does the saga of Finn end? a. The Danes wait out the winter, but Finn kills them all in their sleep one night in early Spring. b. The Danes get impatient and leave before they are snowed in for the winter. c. The Danes wait out the winter and then kill Finn, loot the castle, and abscond to Denmark with Hildeburth. d. The Danes despair at staying and kill themselves and Hildeburth mid winter.
Lines 1251-1491 Quick Quiz
1. From whom is Grendel descended?
a. Lot b. Thor c. Cain d. Hades 2. What happens when Grendels mother comes to Heorot seeking revenge? a. She kills Hrothgars advisor and steals Grendels arm. b. She kills everyone in the main hall and steals Grendels arm. c. Beowulf ambushes her and cuts off her head. d. Beowulf traps her in a net and feeds her to sea monsters. 3. What does Hrothgar beseech Beowulf to do? a. Leave Grendels mother alone to end the bloodshed b. Lure her back to the castle and set a trap for her c. Go to Grendels mothers watery lair and kill her d. Bring Hrothgar with him when he fights her 4. What does Unferth give to Beowulf for the batte? a. An enchanted ring that will make him invisible b. A precious sword called Hrunting that has never been in a losing battle c. A scroll with the legend of Sigemund inscribed on it d. A hand-forged shield tempered with dragons blood 5. What do they find when the reach the cliff above the monsters swampy home? a. Unferth armed and ready to compete with Beowulf to see who slays Grendels mother first b. A young boy playing dangerously close to the cliffs edge c. A furious dragon seeking revenge for treasure stolen from him d. Aescheres head at the edge of the cliff and sea monsters down below
(Encyclopedia of Language and Education) Jasone Cenoz, Durk Gorter, Stephen May (Eds.) - Language Awareness and Multilingualism-Springer International Publishing (2017)