Body Systems Unit Plan

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1. Students will understand how the three systems connect and how they are
vital for life.
2. Students will be able to identify and describe the various organs and their
importance to human existence.
3. Students will understand how ones health and lifestyle can affect the body

1. What are body systems and how do they support human life?
2. How do the various cells, tissues, and organs contribute to a healthy
functioning individual?
3. How do the body systems respond to changing conditions?
4. How does the health of the body systems contribute to a healthy human?

Grade 8 Science Unit B: Cells & Systems Topic 6-7 The Body Systems
Lesson Outcomes Learning Assessme Resources Equipment/
Focus Activities nt Material
Intro GLO 3 The 3 Body F Science Focus 8 Big Idea Concept
a Circ., Respir., Systems Disc. Textbook (p. 146- Table,
Digest. Discussion (use, Questions 149) SmartBoard,
b organs of each organs, flow) Concept Sort Science in Action 8 Individual
system (DI) (Pre) Textbook (p. 126- Concepts on
Concept Sort Labelling the 140) Paper Slips,
(GW) Parts of the Science Workshop Bags,
Booklet: How Body System Series: Human Booklet/Workshe
does the Models (Pre) Biology (p. 53, 55, et,
circulatory 73, 99, 180, 195) System Models
system connect
to everything?
(Act. & Disc.)
Circulato GLO 3 Bill Nye the F Science Focus 8 SmartBoard,
ry a Circ. Science Guy: Disc (p.146, 154-157) YouTube,
b heart, veins, Blood & Questions Science in Action 8 Booklet/Workshe
arteries, capillaries Circulation (Vid.) Fill in the (p. 135-140, 163- ets, System
c blood, muscle (23 min) Blanks 164) Model,
d heart rate, pulse, Booklet: Labelling Youtube Bill Nye
exercise Textbook Notes Pulse/Heart
Workshop Series
GL0 4 Booklet: The Rate Activity
(p. 73, 83)
a pacemakers, Circulatory How is your
Youtube Bill Nye
transplant System Fill in circulatory
b diet, exercise the Blanks system
c blood pressure, Booklet: The affected by v=JglQmK4Iz1k&t=
arterio., heart Heart & Blood your health?) 633s
disease Health & Your Youtube Circ.
Heart (Disc.) Song
Pulse/Heart Rate https://www.youtub
Respirat GLO 3 Bill Nye: F Science Focus 8 (p. SmartBoard,
ory a Respir. Respiration Disc. 146, 148, 160) YouTube,
b lungs, trachea, (Vid.) (23 min) Questions Lung Exp. (Focus, Booklet/Workshe
bronchi, alveoli, Booklet: The Fill in the p. 150) ets, System
oxygen, diaphragm Respiratory Blanks Science in Action 8 Model, 2L Pop
c blood, muscle, System T/F (p. 132-134, 161- Bottle(s), Straws,
cartilage Health & Your Labelling 162) Balloons,
GLO 4 Lungs (Disc.) How is your Modelling Clay
Workshop Series
a inhaling respiratory
Model of the (p. 99, 195)
medicines system
Lungs (Exp.) Youtube Bill Nye
b vaporizers vs. affected by
cigarettes our health? https://www.youtub
c air quality, Lungs Exp.
smoking, exercise v=XNu8p4h-JuI
Youtube Respir.
Digestive GLO 3 Bill Nye: F Science Focus 8 (p. SmartBoard,
a Digest. Digestion (Vid.) Disc. 146, 149, 158-159) YouTube,
b stomach, (23 min) Questions Science in Action 8 Booklet/Workshe
esophagus, Booklet: The Flow Chart (p. 127-131, 164) et, System
small/large Digestive Labelling Workshop Series Model
intestines, liver, System How does (p. 37, 53, 55, 67)
gallbladder, Booklet: Flow your health Youtube Bill Nye
pancreas Chart (Act.) affect your
c muscle, digestive
absorption Diet & Nutrients system?
d metabolism, (Disc.) T/F v=rsxAIzZS5PQ
nutrients, water Health and Your ****
intake Stomach (Disc.) Youtube
GLO 4 Digestive Flow
a ingesting https://www.youtub
b diet v=b20VRR9C37Q
c diet, nutrients,
Review Body Systems F https://www.youtub SmartBoard,
Rap (Vid.) (4 Vocabulary YouTube,
min) Words & v=CBLm7rK05Yc&f Vocabulary
Review Topics 4 Definitions Sheet
Review Game
(Word Charades)
Topic 4-6 Topic 4-6 Quiz S Quiz
Quiz Quiz on the Answer Key
last 3 topics
(4, 5, 6)
Disc. = Discussion Exp. = GW = Group Work Vid. = Video
Act. = Activity DI = Direct Instruction

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