Script-Jungle Cruise
Script-Jungle Cruise
Script-Jungle Cruise
Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. Would the party that lost
the roll of 50 $20.00/$100.00 bills, wrapped in a red rubber band,
please report to the turnstile... we have good news for you. We have
found your rubber band.
Those of you who have just entered the Jungle Cruise are probably
resigned to the fact that, being at the end of the line, you have a long
wait. Well, we aim to please here at the world-famous Jungle Cruise. So,
on the count of three, I want everyone to turn around. One... Two...
Three. There -- those at the back of the line are now at the front.
Doesn't that make you feel better?
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the World Famous Jungle Cruise. Those
of you who are waiting in line are probably resigned to the fact that
there is a long wait. Well, we here at the Jungle Cruise aim to please.
So, if you'd like to see the line move faster, please raise your hand.
Once again, please raise your hand if you'd like to see the line move
faster. (crowd raises hands) Okay, those of you who have your hands
raised, please take one step to the right and let the people behind you
through. Now you'll definitely see the line move faster.
Some of our scouts here at the world-famous Jungle Cruise claim they've
spotted tigers in the waiting area the last couple of days. But we know
that's ridiculous. After all, tigers are striped, not spotted.
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We have some pretty smart animals back in the jungle. Take monkeys, for
example. You ask them to name one of their relatives, and they go ape.
And snakes, they're pretty clever too. Ask them what the 19th letter of
the alphabet is and they'll say S-S-S-S-S. Tigers are known for their
intelligence, but you can't trust them. Yeah, you never know when they
might be a lyin' (lion). But I think rhinoceroses are by far the
smartest animal in the jungle. Just last week, I asked what four minus
four is, and he said nothing.
It's a four hour wait from there. Have you been upstairs yet?
Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the World Famous Jungle Cruise Please
do not take pictures while you are in the queue. Once again please do
not take pictures while you are in the queue; They are nailed to the
walls for a reason.
Ladies and Gentleman, I'd like to remind you that cutting in line will
not be tolerated here at the World Famous Jungle Cruise. That's right...
there is to be no cutting in line. Anyone caught with scissors will be
ejected from the queue.
Other Jokes You May Hear in Queue (but not queue related)
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros? Eckiphino.
Well, that's not really what you get, but you must understand, this is a
family attraction.
Why did the elephant ride on the Jungle Cruise? Frankly, I don't know,
but I wish someone would find out -- he's sunk five of our boats in the
last week alone.
Why did the ape get a job? He was tired of monkeying around. Why did the
elephant quit his job? He was tired of working for peanuts.
Knock, Knock... Who's there?... Toucan... .Toucan Who?... Toucan not fit
through the turnstiles at the same time.
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sound over PA.] How embarrassing and in front of people you don't even
[To the boat loader] So how does that new vacuum of your work? [Boat
loader:] It sucks!
Watch your step as you enter the boat. If you're entering from the back,
come up to the front. If you're in the front, just follow the simple
instructions of your simple minded loader.
Come all the way to the front -- up by me. There's no truth to the rumor
that you get a longer ride in back.
Slide all the way forward now... That's the only way we have of keeping
the cushions clean!
Come on in, folks... Slide on down! That's right slide on down, because
the more you slide now, the less I have to clean later.
Some of you might want to come up and sit on our sacrificial altar
[pointing to the center cushion]. We like to balance out the boat so
when we sink, we go down evenly.
Please remember that the tighter you get, the better the heating system
on the boat works.
[As people load in the back] There's no dancing in the back there,
folks... no dancing... you will have to be seated. Dancing is only
allowed on the promenade deck.
If you could just sit in the doorway there -- it keeps the wild animals
out and the chickens and turkeys in.
I get paid for the number of people I take out... not the number I bring
Don't worry if it's crowded now... there'll be lots of room on the way
How many of you are on the Jungle Cruise for the first time? Good! So am
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Let's get one thing straight... if we start to sink, the captain will be
going down with the boat. I'd like you to meet your new captain
[looking at nearby guest]... What did you say your name was?
Those of you sitting in the back are going to get a charge out of this
trip. Yeah -- you're sitting on the battery. Some people find that
revolting, but I think that there is a positive and negative side to
everything. Shocking, isn't it.
Come on to the front kids... You know I love kids... a little BBQ sauce,
mustard, and catsup always helps though.
Welcome to, the mystery boat, the mystery boat, the mystery boat.
Welcome to, the mystery boat. It's a mystery it's, still afloat.
[followed by a little song which I can't recall]. I am Maynard, your
captain, guide, etc, for your journey. Just remember, the month of May
followed by a nerd. I will need a volunteer to help me steer the boat,
someone between the ages of 4 and 7. Ahh, thank you.
Welcome aboard the Leaki Tiki. Adventure lovers, my name is name and
I'll be your captain -- unless we run into trouble -- in which case your
new captain will be taking over. [looking at nearby guest]... What did
you say your name was?
Hello, everyone. I'd like to welcome you aboard the world-famous Jungle
Cruise. My name is name and I'll be your skipper for as far as we get.
Hello and welcome to the world famous Jungle Cruise. My name is name and
I'll be your skipper, guide, captain, cruise director and dance
instructor for the next five exciting days and six romantic nights.
Where are you from sir/madam? [Guest answers] Sorry? [Guest repeats] Oh
-- I heard you the first time, I was just sorry.
Everybody turn around and wave at the people on the dock... wave at
them... 'cause you're never going to see them again!... then again,
you've probably never seen them before either.
Now, let's everyone turn around and wave good-bye to those people on the
dock we've left behind. [In low voice] Come on folks... pretend like
you're having a good time.
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OK... before we go much further, everyone raise your right hand and
repeat after me. "I hope....we do return". Good! Better turn and take
one last look at the dock -- you may never see it again!
You know they saw you can always judge the quality of a ride by its
line, well how long did you folks wait? My point exactly. [Good at
night with short lines]
Hornbill Cross
And for your serious bird watchers, over there is a hornbill. Looks like
he's really gone out on a limb this time. If he's not careful, he's
going to wind up a snack for those crocodiles.
And for all you serious bird watchers, over there is a serious hornbill,
in serious trouble. If he's not careful, he's going to wind up a tasty
lunch for those crocodiles! Seriously.
Old Smiley
On the other side is my favorite jungle resident, Old Smiley, one of the
laziest crocodiles in these parts. I do suggest that you keep your hands
inside the boat because Smiley is always looking for a hand out.
And on the other side is Old Smiley. Did you know that crocodiles have
remained basically unchanged for the last 20 million years? It's true!
And that's just about how long Smiley's been on this river. He doesn't
get around much anymore. Usually, he just sort of sits around, waiting
for our boats and looking for a hand out.
Rain Forest
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We're now leaving the last outpost of civilization and entering the
jungle by way of the Irrawaddy river of Burma.
Feel that mist on your faces... Don't worry that's only the monkeys in
the trees.
Feel that mist on your faces... Don't worry that's only poisonous
bacteria that will eat you all alive.
Do feel that wetness in the air around here? Well that's the only
evidence we have that are still some monkeys in the trees of the Jungle
Here in the rain forest it sometimes rains 365 days per year...some
years it even rains every day.
Now please watch out for these carnivorous vines [pointing]. Last week,
one of them reached into the back of the boat and pulled a woman right
out. It was awful! And just before she disappeared, she was feeling just
vine... [Pointing] In fact she was sitting right where that
lady/man/girl/boy in color is sitting!
Look here we have a bunch a very strange jungle species, ya see that one
there [pointing to a male] the one with the wider hips -- that's the
female of the species.
Over there is what we call the Indiana Jones Adventure and the Temple of
the Four Hour/Forever Line.
Over there is the Temple of the Forbidden Eye. You can see all of the
archeologists in line, cleverly disguised as tourists.
Over there is the world's most popular bathroom. You can tell how
popular it is by all of the people in line for it. Let's ask these folks
coming out what they thought of it... How was it?
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Over there we have hungry natives foraging for food. This is because
they've been turned away from Indiana Jones and the Temple of the
Forbidden Baloney Sandwich.
Ancient Shrine
How many of you think that's a big spider? [show of hands] How many of
you think he's bigger than the one crawling up that man's/woman's leg
[quickly pointing to guest]?
Sunken City
Through this archway, we enter the remains of the sunken city, now
almost totally reclaimed by the jungle.
Bengal Tiger
Has anyone seen my kitty cat? Here kitty, kitty... oh! There he is!
[In low voice] That's no house cat over there. Bengal Tigers can jump
over 20 feet, and we must be at least, well... 19 feet away!
A Bengal Tiger can leap twenty feet! Fortunately we're ten feet away and
he would go over us and land in the bushes on the other side.
The Bengal Tiger can jump over ten thousand feet... once.
Look at that! It's a large Bengal Tiger. Now, Bengal Tigers are known to
leap over FIVE THOUSAND feet in order to catch their prey. That is...
when you throw them out of an airplane.
That Bengal Tiger over there weighs about 500 pounds. He's looking right
at you sir/ma'am -- better keep smiling.
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That Bengal Tiger can jump up to 35,000 feet... out of a plane that is.
The crocodiles
See those crocodiles over there. We have trained them to stay perfectly
still so you can take better pictures.
And here we have some killer crocodiles. Don't worry though, they've
been bolted/super glued to the rocks for their/your protection.
Do you know what the difference between the crocodiles and alligators
are? The crocodiles are made of plastic and the alligators are made with
You know, the crocs are always looking for a hand out. Ya, but be
careful, I once had an English teacher on board and she didn't listen to
me and now she's teaching shorthand.
And look, over here we have some terrifying killer ducks. You can tell
how much they've frightened that crocodile below them because he's
scared stiff.
Three Cobras
[In low voice] Don't make any sudden moves! Those king cobras are the
world's largest poisonous snakes... and they go out for a bite every few
Elephant God
On our left is Ganesha, the elephant god, who guards the entrance of the
sacred bathing pool of the elephants.
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On our left, Ganesha, the elephant god, holding his nose and on our
right, Wiki Wiki, his brass monkey side kick.
Elephant Pool
Look here it's the republican national convention. You can take pictures
because they all have their trunks on. And if you look over there under
the waterfall, it's Bob Dole. Oh by the way, if you want to see the
Democrats, they're back at the Hunchback of Notre Dame Festival of
And it looks like a whole herd has come down to bathe! Don't scare them
now... of course, the big shot gets the private shower... but I kind of
like the little squirts myself.
And look at all the elephants out here today! This comes as a complete
surprise to me cause I had no idea these guys were going to be here. If
you want to take pictures go ahead -- all the elephants have their
trunks on.
See that elephant right there, that's the richest elephant in the whole
jungle. Yeah -- it's "Donald Trunk".
Squirting Elephant
OK, we're leaving the elephants now and pressing further into the...
Wait a second, it looks like one of the larger elephants did not want to
be disturbed. He's coming up again... you folks in the back get down!
[After elephant does not squirt] You in the middle/back -- that was very
clever hiding behind the little child.
Oh no! What's this? I'll hurry up and go through. It looks like were not
going to make it. Those in the back may want to duck. [after passing]
You guys didn't move; you must have been frozen with fear.
Safari Outpost
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You know, a lot of safaris camp around this area. Hmm... that could be
one up ahead. [Points] Uh-oh... this one has some uninvited house
guests! They do have a unique way of washing the dishes. [Points to
water] Those gorillas sure did a sloppy job parking that jeep! But I
guess monkeying around comes naturally to 'em.
Now please, if you're wearing yellow, don't make any noises like a
banana... it drives them ape!
Ah, that explains things! It looks like that safari has some uninvited
house guests! [pause] [Yelling to gorillas] Hey! Where'd you guys learns
to parallel park anyway? [Back to guests] Ah, they're not listening. I
guess they're too busy monkeying around.
And now we come upon a jungle encampment. It's being overrun by a bunch
of women wearing fur coats. [Pause] Hey! Those are gorillas! [pause]
dressed up as women wearing fur coats.
Folks, this is what happens when you leave your kids at home alone.
Earlier these guys were having a tough time starting that jeep, but I
can see that they've finally gotten it to turn over.
Since we are in an area filled with rare tropical foliage, I'd like to
take a moment to point out some of the plants to you. There's one,
there's one... [Point left, point rear left, point right, etc]
I'd like to point out some of the plant life here on the Jungle Cruise.
There's a hibiscus, a low-biscus, and that little one barking is a
doggie biscus. Say, there's the Anheiser Bush, it looks ready to bud.
See that bamboo over there? It grows to be 6 stories tall, but people
say it can grow to 7 stories but that's a whole other story.
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Well, will you look at that -- some of the camp's food made it
downstream. But I don't think it's going to waste.
Look there! That's something you don't see every day, but I do.. every
day, every 15 minutes.
At Schweitzer Falls
Over there is Schweitzer Falls, named after the famous Dr. Albert
[pause] Falls.
Lean in the middle, lean in the middle, if you lean in the middle, we'll
all sink evenly!
Say what you will about women drivers, but I've never been good at
making this turn. HANG ON!!!
[Rebecca then literally throws herself out of the boat, grabbing onto a
pole and using the momentum to "pull" the boat around the corner.]
[Not necessarily approved] Don't worry about the waterfall; it won't get
you wet. The water in the falls, like everything else at Disneyland, is
completely synthetic.
To the left is the beautiful Schweitzer Falls, and if you look over here
to your right... and then back to your left, you can have a second look
at Schweitzer Falls.
Nile River
We've turned on to the Nile river of Africa, the longest river in the
world, winding across more than 4000 miles.
We've now turned down the Nile river -- the longest river in all of
Anaheim. That's right a whole 200 feet.
[after intro] and if you don't believe that, you must be in denial.
Bull Elephants
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On the left we have an African Bull Elephant. And for those of you with
short term memory problems, on the right we have an African Bull
On the left bank there-it's a huge bull elephant. The large sloping
forehead and enormous ears mark the African bull, the second most feared
animal in the jungle. On the other, THE most feared animal in the jungle
-- his wife/mother-in-law.
On the right bank, we have Bertha. She's a great elephant, as she obeys
African Veldt
Ok everyone, here are the Monkeys, wave to the Monkeys... [silence] Ah,
well, you see, they would wave back, but their hands are glued to the
And over here we have the Baboon family. There's Pat Baboon, Debbie
Baboon, their hairdresser Vidal Baboon, and, uh, oops, that's not a
baboon, that's my ex-girlfriend. Yes, I left her for my new girlfriend
who can leap over 20 feet and weighs over 500 pounds.
How do you tell the difference between the male and female Zebras. The
males have black and white stripes and the females have white and black
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kill, and the clean-up crew, those hungry vultures, are waiting for
their share. This region points out the basic law of the jungle --
"don't be a zebra."
Oh, it looks like the entire baboon family has come down to the water's
edge today, along with the other residents of the African veldt. See the
striped animals over there? Those are zebras. And the big tall ones with
the long necks? Those are giraffes. And the black ones over here with
horns -- well, I've never seen them before. They must be gnu!
Here's a little advice. Never play poker in the jungle, because there
are lots of cheetahs around. If they say they're not a cheetah, then
they're probably just a lion.
[At the African Veldt] "Ohhh, don't worry kids. See, those lions are
only protecting that sleeping Zebra. Look! It's Simba and Nala from The
Lion King! [Singing] Can You Feel The Love Tonight"
Hey I know that guy on the bottom, his names Juan. Ya, and it looks like
that rino is going to get a hole in Juan.
There's that lost safari we've been looking for. Obviously mixed up in
some kind of native uprising.
Well, bottoms up, fellows, I'm sure you'll get the point... in the end!
Uh-oh... look! That safari's in a tight spot there. But that rhino seems
more than willing to give them a lift.
That rhino seems to be getting his point across, and I'm sure that guy
on the bottom will get it in the end!
Of course, it could be worse for those guys... they could be the Zebra.
Well -- you know what they say... safari, so good. So I guess we'll be
moving on.
Hippo Pool
We are now turning onto a pool of dangerous hippos, so please, sit still
and don't rock the boat. These huge creatures are quite curious and
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could easily upset our boat. So please, don't do anything that might
attract them!
Last week, they overturned six of our boats... only FIVE of them were
MINE, though!.
Don't worry, the natives tell me that they are only dangerous when they
wiggle their ears and blow bubbles.
How many of you are willing to go on? [show of hands] How many of you
want to turn back? How many of you are apathetic about the situations?
Uh-oh... it looks like one of them's going to try to charge our boat!
[shoots] Looks like we've scared them off. I bet he'll have a headache
Uh-oh, I guess it looks like one of them is going to try to tip us over.
I'd better scare 'em away. [shoots] Well, it looks like that did the
trick. You could tell that they were scared by all of the blank looks on
their faces.
If we're all real quiet, you can sometimes hear the baby hippos calling
for their mothers. [Low voice] Shhh -- be real quite now... listen ...
[leaning out of boat, yells] "Hey mom!"
We just took our hippos to see Dumbo, and if they weren't chained to the
bottom of the river they'd all fly away. [think about the wiggling ears
on the hippos]
You've all probably heard that the hippos are only dangerous when
wiggling their ears and blowing bubbles... but that's not what really
makes them dangerous. See it's actually the ritual they have of placing
their young in the trees to forge on leaves until the grow to 6,000
pounds, then they cannon ball toward the boats, sinking them all 2 and
1/2 feet down to the bottom of the jungle floor. Oh look there's one now
[skipper shoots toward the trees]
[click click click -- hippo reatreats] "that cliking noise really scares
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Headhunter territory
[After firing the gun at the hippo pool] You might be wondering why I
was shooting into the trees, but if you look very carefully, you can see
a hippo playing hide-and-seek in trees. He's hiding behind some banana
leaves. Those hippos often jump out of the trees and sink passing boats.
Here you can see what happened to the people on the last boat which
sank. [points to the canoe with the stacked skulls] As you can tell,
they all had a good time, since they still have smiles on their faces.
Uh oh, we're now entering into headhunter territory. Not a good place to
be headed.
We're not out of danger yet -- this is headhunter territory. Remove your
jewelry please. The natives have been complaining of indigestion.
Native Village
The natives seem to be celebrating the kill of that lion... maybe we can
sneak by. Don't attract their attention.
Hey look! It's the Village People! Let's see what they're saying... Y-M-
This group is trying to come up with a name for themselves for their
upcoming CD, they have two choices, either the Village People or Fine
Young Cannibals.
[As the Tribal Villagers are celebrating their kill of the lion] I think
that lion is dead. Do you know how I can tell? Lions don't normally
stand upside down.
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[At the village] Allow me to translate what they are saying. "You put
your right foot in, you put your right foot out [starts singing] You do
the Hokey Pokey and you" [natives start to attack] Uh oh! Music critics!
They can get pretty viscous. Here! [puts hat on the kid steering the
boat] Act like you're singing [starts singing and waving hat] "La la la
la la!"
Keep your eyes on these bushes on the right there. [Turns around
quickly] They're on the LEFT this time.
Uh-oh, it looks like a native war party on the left. You folks, please
get down on the floor. [Makes whooshing sound into mike] Ah, those are
spears by the way.
Women and children -- stand up! All the men -- get down!
Uh oh, it looks like these natives are going to attack us. Kids,
Women... you better lie down. Men, stand up!"
[Rebecca, other female skippers have used this too]
Oh no! The natives are throwing spears! Women and children, stand up!
Men, get on the bottom of the boat! Get down in the boat, get down in
the boat, come on you're making me look stupid up here!
If they hit you with a spear, just pull it out and throw it back at
them-you're not allowed to keep souvenirs. We certainly don't want you
to be stuck with it for the rest of the trip.
Okay ladies and gentlemen the native usually attack from the right hand
side of the boat. [Natives attack] Wait one minute here!!! What are you
guys doing on the left side of the boat??? You know I told you to attack
from the right and another thing what are you doing just standing
looking stupid with those spears in your hand your supposed to throw
them! Get back down and try that one again! [Timing is right so the
natives go back down on skippers command]
Hey guys, I said throw the spears! Next time you better do it, OK? Now
get down in the bushes and hide again... I'll be back later! [Attackers
crouch down]
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Now kids, don't try to see this at home, as you'll hit the back of your
head on the fawcet.
Now hold onto your seat cushions because we're about to do something
really special -- no extra charge. Are you ready? We're now going UNDER
And now,
the reason you came;
the most spectacular site you'll see all day.
ladies and gentlemen,
a true wonder of the world!
a splendiferous sight of epic proportions!
a once in a lifetime opportunity!
ladies and gentlemen!
today's the day,
never again!
never before!
ladies and gentlemen!
get your cameras up!
get your children up!
because you won't see this anywhere else in the world today!
ladies and gentlemen,
I give you,
without further ado,
the much heralded!
the much anticipated!
the much awaited!
the much sought after!
the much talked about!
the much ballyhooed!
the pinacle of sight and sound that's unparalelled and unprecedented by
anything else in the world today!
ladies and gentlemen!
I give you,
the pinacle of your Disneyland experience!
the crescendo of your Disneyland day!
ladies and gentlemen,
a sight that's unrivalled by anything else in the world today!
ladies and gentlemen,
you've searched the ends of the earth!
the corners of the globe!
the edges of the universe!
ladies and gentlemen,
the sole reason you came to Disneyland!
it's amazing!
ladies and gentlemen,
the highlight of the cruise!
ladies and gentlemen,
the sight that you'll be telling your grandchildren about for
ladies and gentlemen,
the backside of water!
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That was some sight.
It almost leaves me speechless.
click here for a sound clip.
[At the falls] Ok, now we need to go back the way we came! No, go to the
left! See, those two toucans are shaking their heads telling us that
we're going the wrong way.
On that old stump there are spectacular toucans, some of the most
colorful birds in the jungle.
Over on the right you can see a branch with two toucans. And, of course,
three toucans make a six-pack.
Rapids of Kilimanjaro
[Steering wheel back and forth] Notice the skill and finesse your
skipper uses to guide the boat through safely. Those of you who wish to
take pictures, feel free. [Skipper then turns around towards the guests
and poses] Oops! I'd better get back to steering the boat. [quickly
turns around]
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Hang on...we're coming across some white water here. One of those jagged
rocks could easily rip the bottom right out of our boat. If we start to
go down, just grab for the bright red seat cushions. [color not on boat]
They're the only ones that float.
See that rock right there, it's actually made of limestone, but many of
my crews just take it for granite.
Python/Water Buffaloes
Hey look there, what kind of snake is that? [People answer with the
names of kinds of snake] No, it a plastic snake.
Python's are one of the less intelligent animals in the jungle. If they
were smart do you think that he would be hugging that dead tree stump
when food is all around him.
Uh-oh... Look ahead there! A huge python. It looks like he tried to put
the squeeze on that baby water buffalo... Actually, he's very
affectionate, and if we get much closer, he could get a crush on you!
And on the left, a huge python, one of the jungle's most fascinating and
studied creatures. After all, look at all the animals that totally get
wrapped up in the subject!
Over here we have a rare species of vegetarian python. You can tell
since he has a stranglehold on that tree.
[To the cadence of the kids poem "Monty and Elmyra, sitting in a tree,
Lookie at the Python, sitting in the tree, H-I-S-S-I-N-G.
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Hey folks, what sound does a snake make? [people respond by hissing] Oh
common, the jokes aren't that bad.
Hey folks, you know that most snakes hiss. Well, here on the world
famous jungle cruise we have the only snake that grunts. Listen...
[Water Buffalo makes grunting sounds]... see?
Trader Sam
And here we have Sam the trader. Sam is the head salesman in these
parts. This will probably make you wonder "Why can't he get a decent
dental plan?" Well, business has been shrinking lately. So, he has a
special two for one offer. Two of his heads, for one of yours. Do we
have any volunteers? You madame [points to a woman inthe boat], your
hand was up. Are you ready to jump? We'll count to three. One... two...
three. You didn't jump. Did you change your mind? [guest nods] Women
always do.
There's old Trader Sam, head salesman of the area. Business has been
shrinking lately, so this week only, Sam's offering a two-for-one
special: two of his, for one of yours!
There's old Trader Sam... Three explorers came through here last week
and Sam invited them for dinner. When he told them what the menu was,
they completely lost their heads.
Trader Sam was thrown out of college, ya, he was caught buttering up one
of his professors, now he's a psychologist. You can tell who is clients
are, he a shrink to the ones on the left and the ones on the right are
his basket cases.
Sam had me over for dinner the other night. I enjoyed it and said to him
"Your wife sure does make a good chili" He said "Yeah, but I'm sure
going to miss her."
Sam had me over for dinner the other night; unfortunately I arrived late
and all he gave me was the cold shoulder.
This is my good friend Sam, who runs the Cannibal Cafe. The last time I
talked to Sam was at his cafe. I told that I didn't like his brother
very much. He told me 'Next time, have the salad.'
Return to Civilization
And now, probably the most dangerous part of our journey -- the return
to civilization! I certainly hope you've enjoyed our cruise. However, if
your in-laws are still with you, you've missed a golden opportunity.
However, bring them back later tonight for our "in-law" special...
halfway for half fare, no questions asked.
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And now, the most dangerous part of our journey -- the return to
civilization and those California freeways. Talk about a jungle!
And now the most dangerous part of our journey, the return to
civilization. On the dock we have two disguised monkeys who have shaved
their fur off and put on clothes to help assist you out of the boat. And
for our volunteer, I present this special leaf [hands a leaf to the
Now we are entering the most dangerous part of our journey - the trip
home on the Santa Ana Freeway. Dangerous for you, that is, I'm here 'til
Make sure you have all personal belongings with you... cameras, purses,
small children... anything left on board will be thrown screaming to the
Thank You for riding and have a good day. And as Michael Jackson would
say [In a feminine voice] "Thank You for riding and have a good day."
And as Charley Brown's teacher would say [In the teachers weird voice]
"Wa, wa-wa, wa wa wa,... " And now as Millie Vinille would say [mouths
the words] "Thank You for riding and have a good day."
Please keep your hands inside the boat, I sure don't want my new dock
Now comes the most perilous part of the trip, our return to civilization
and my attempt to ram the dock.
There are two docks at the end of the ride. Don't get confused. It is a
paradox. [pair of docks] And those two guys are a pair o dorks.
It's very important that you wait to get off the boat until one of our
dock crew is there to assist you. Just yesterday we had a lady fall in
and none of them were around to laugh at her.
I certainly enjoyed having you aboard the Jungle Cruise today, and I
hope you all enjoyed being had/taken.
If you had a good time on this ride, my name is name and this is the
Jungle Cruise. If you didn't have a good time, my name is some other
name and this is Storybookland/the Submarine Voyage/the Keel Boats.
If you had a good time on the Jungle Cruise, well then my name is name.
If you didn't, then my name is John. [cast member, John appears on the
unload dock] Oh, hi John. How's it going?
Well, it's the end of the ride and now we return you to this magical,
mystical place I like to call... in sick as much as possible.
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I hope you enjoy the rest of your day at the largest human trap ever
built by a mouse.
[When the fireworks were about to start] Be sure to watch two big burly
guys throw Tinkerbell from the top of the Matterhorn
Ladies and gentleman, you were outstanding on the boat today, but now I
need you out standing on the dock now.
Now, as you're leaving the boat, if you find your shoes rapidly filling
with water, you've gotten out on the wrong side!
As you exit the boat, please watch your step and mind your head. If you
miss your step and hit your head, watch your language, Disneyland is a
family place.
Helping you out will be the Lee brothers, Ug-lee and Home-lee.
Ok everyone rise like bread. Don't loaf around. I know this job isn't
much, but it's the yeast I can do for the dough I make. I guess I'm
really on a roll here.
Don't step on anyone's feet, you'll feel like a heel, and we'll have to
call a toe truck. Then you'd have to foot the bill.
Please make sure you have all your children with you. We take children
left behind over to It's a Small World, nail/bolt/superglue their feet
to the floor and force them to sing that song over and over and over
Folks, as we near the dock, all the people waiting to help you out give
you an idea of how many people actually work at Disneyland... about one
out of three.
Please exit the boat the same way you entered... pushing and shoving.
Two of the world's largest pygmies will assist you from the boat. Please
take your kids by the hand and watch your step.
OK, everybody stand up please. Those of you on the dock side will be
helped out by the front, those of you on the water side should turn
around and you'll be helped out by the rear... of the boat that is.
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All right... if you don't stand, you'll have to go again! I knew that
would get you up.
Look down and watch your step as you exit. If you feel faint, don't
hesitate to throw your arms around the necks of the unloaders... that's
ladies only, please!
Don't fall in the water as you leave... we'll have to charge you extra.
Well folks, I hope you all enjoyed your trip around the jungle. I had
such a good time -- I'm going to go again! [low voice]... and again, and
again, and again...
Bye now! Come back and see me again when you have the courage... and
enjoy the rest of your stay in the Magic Kingdom.
Aren't you going to say good-bye, after all we've been through together?
Please be sure to tell your friends how much you enjoyed the Jungle
Cruise... it helps keeps the lines down.
Of all the groups I've taken on this ride, you're the most... recent.
We hope you enjoy the rest of your day here in this magic and enchanting
land that we call... work.
If you would like to see me on the David Letterman Show next month...
please write him a letter and tell him you would like to see me there!
And, as you leave the parking lot tonight, be sure to enjoy Disney's
newest parade -- "Tail-light Magic". The best part of this parade? You
supply the music!
And, after searching for your car in our beautiful 100 acre parking lot,
be sure to watch the "Tail-light electrical parade" (or "The West Street
Electrical Parade") With thousands of sparkling lights twinkling into
the distance. And the best part of the parade? You get to be a part of
Other jokes
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I used to work in a watch factory. I sat around making faces all day.
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