HR Dissertation Report
HR Dissertation Report
HR Dissertation Report
very true
40 30 20 10 0 No. of Responses
not true partly true True
56% of the respondents felt that the above statement was Not True. 28% responses i
ncluded Partly True ratings whereas 16% responses included True ratings.
The employees do not want a fixed increment for their great performance. The com
pany should make recommendations related to salary on the basis of regular perfo
rmance feedback about every employee since the frequency of performance measurem
ent varies from department to department, it is difficult to carry out this work
17. The company relates reward to your performance? Response Category very true
True partly true Not true No. of Responses 0 10 4 36 Percentage 0 20 5 72
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No. of Responses
very true
partly true
not true
Most of the respondents (72%) felt that the above statement was Not True. 20% beli
eved it to be True whereas a mere 8% felt that it was partly True.
The company uses the reward system as a motivating force for enhancing the perfo
rmance of its employees. Rewards should be promptly given to high achievers in t
erms of increment, promotions, increased job responsibilities etc. for their acc
18. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of an employee?
Response Category appraisal by all superiors appraisal by immediate superior
No. of Responses 10 5
Percentage 20 10
appraisal by reference team appraisal by reference team and self.
15 20
30 40
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 No. of Responses
appraisal by all superiors appraisal by immediate superior appraisal by referenc
e team appraisal by reference team and self.
This shows that the relationship between appraiser and appraise, in Jindal Broth
ers, with respect to planning the performance is quite good. The subordinate in
planning his performance. The appraiser helps the appraise in testing the soundn
ess of his goals as well as of his plans for achieving them. This implies that t
here is active participation of both appraiser and appraise in performance plann
ing. The reason behind Not True answer may be due to the fact that many jobs in Ji
ndal Brothers are not well defined and therefore an elaborate planning on them i
s not done.
FINDINGS Organization Structure and Design
1- Jindal Brothers is a young, dynamic organization and is going strong on the s
tock market. 2- The company is well aware of the dynamic environment of software
, it is operating and in order to keep it with the pace of the environment it be
lieves in constant up gradation of courses. Organization structure and design of
the company is such that it supports this change. 3- Jindal Brothers has a matr
ix kind of a structure wherein it takes the form of combination of structures. M
atrix structures are adopted became there is more than one factor around which t
he structure can be built. 4- This matrix structure at Jindal Brothers improves
the quality of decision-making where interest conflicts arise and direct contact
s replaces bureaucracy 5- . This increases the motivation of the managers and de
velopment of wider involvement in strategies. Although at times the company face
s high risk of dilution of priorities became e people do not know who is respons
ible for what. 6- An organization is a network of authority, responsibility and
relationships. Different organization structure consists of different type of re
lationships. Line Organization It is the traditional type of organization. It re
fers to a direct chain of command from top to bottom. In the line organization t
he lines of direction are straight and vertical. Authority and responsibility fl
ow vertically in an unbroken straight line from one level to another. Every
superior has complete command over his subordinate and every subordinate has to
report his work to only the senior or to the level above his own level. Staff Or
ganization Staff may be of three types: 1.)Personal Staff: It consists of person
al assistants attached to individual line executives. Personal staff is employed
to carry out those responsibilities of an executive, which he cannot or does no
t want to delegate to others. 2.)Specialized Staff: It consists of specialists i
n different functional areas e.g. personnel, accounting, legal and public relati
ons etc. A specialized staff department serves as a fountainhead of expertise fo
r the entire concern. 3.)General Staff: IT INCLUDES A G ROUP O F EXPERTS ATTACHE
EMENT. Complaint Handling As part of the process for capturing customer complain
ts and acting on them, Jindal Brothers has procedures that ensure that each cust
omer complaint is captured, recorded and reported as part of a formal review sys
tem. The process includes related activities such as escalation of a problem, tr
acking each complaint to closure, and creating new procedures (or modifying exis
ting ones) to prevent similar problems from repeating in the future.
Employee Excellence At Jindal Brothers they believe that they can build a world
class structures. Their vision document, which drives each employee as well as t
he organization itself,
reflects Jindal Brother's commitment towards customers and employees. Starting f
rom the recruitment process and culminating in annual reviews, Jindal Brothers h
as quality processes for tracking and maintaining quality standards.
Recruitment For recruitment, Jindal Brothers administers various tests to the ap
plicant. These include aptitude tests, IQ tests, management tests, and personali
ty tests. Each of the tests captures different information about the individual
so that Jindal Brothers can ensure that the person is appropriate for the job an
d will fit into the company culture.
Goal Setting Before starting on the job, employees discuss their role and respon
sibilities with their supervisors. This results in the setting of goals and obje
ctives for each individual for the coming year. This process clarifies the expec
tations from each individual during the year. Each employee is expected to monit
or his/her goals by filling in a focus report every month, which is then discuss
ed with the supervisor.
Training Jindal Brothers recognizes the fact that the skills of employees need t
o be upgraded constantly. Jindal Brothers trains each and every employee continu
ally through the year. In fact, Jindal Brothers has one of the highest training
days per employee in the world: each Jindal Brothers employee receives over 11 d
ays of training each year. Jindal Brothers has an employee training division whi
ch conducts in-home e, residential training programs exclusively for Jindal Brot
hers employees.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AT JINDAL BROTHERS While on the job, performance reviews o
f every employee are done every quarter. The reviews are done with a view to hel
ping the individual excel at his/her workplace. In case there are any training r
equirements, these are noted and acted upon in the coming quarter. Also, the goa
ls and objectives for the employee are re-visited for The performance appraisal
mechanism is carried out at Jindal Brothers for promotional purposes These are d
one so as to motivate the employee and improve his performance level. The method
is as follows: a) Establishment of performance standards with the employees b)
The goals are set mutually as per measurable standards. c) The actual performanc
e is hence measured. d) After measuring of the actual performance, the same is c
ompared with the standards set e) The appraisal is then discussed with the emplo
yees. f) And finally, if need arises corrective action is initiated. For this pu
rpose the corrective action is actually identified through brainstorming exercis
es initiated by the departmental heads at all the Jindal Brothers. It is then me
asured as a tool to evaluate the past performances of the employees. Some of the
methods used at Jindal Brothers are: 1. Key Performance Index 2. 360 Degree Fee
dback 3. Paired Comparisons 4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale
1. KPI-Key Performance Index It is based on the performance level of the employe
e generally classified on the basis of: y y y y Targets achieved Ratings through
students feedback forms Punctuality and regularity Day to day performance
This is given after every module at the centers. Thus we can observe that the ap
praisal system is not a biased one but based on performance and productivity bas
is. All the respective heads of the employee together with the senior persons at
the center brainstorm and then give the promotion. 2. 360 Degree Feedback This
feedback system involves the participation of Top Management. Thus the feedback
given by these members at Jindal Brothers is considered under a holistic view an
d then the employee is given a performance appraisal. This evaluation method inv
olves 40% feedback from the coworkers which says that the employee should not on
ly maintain good rapport with the senior or junior but majorly with the coworker
s also.
3. Paired Comparisons The evaluator compares all possible pairs of subordinates
on their overall ability to do the job. Due to the subjectivity of evaluating ov
erall performance some managers me e a number of different job related dimension
s when comparing.
4. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) It is a sophisticated method of eva
luating the employee based on the employee behavior. It is a numerical scale tha
t is anchored by the seniors of the organization at various centers. This is hig
hly confidential and the information is sent in sealed envelopes and opened only
at the time of the final evaluation. There is no further discussion regarding t
his scaling, thus it is not given enough weightage.
SURVEY FINDINGS In this section, basic data for a group of 100 employees from lo
wer, middle, senior and top managers is presented on various attributes of perfo
rmance appraisal. Frequency and frequency percent scores were computed for each
of the groups of the entire selected variable. 1. Finding through the Questionna
ire Through the questionnaire it was found that promotions were and known to mos
t of the top and senior management while middle and lower management were a bit
not clear about it. This could be attributed to the fact that senior and top man
agement were more involved in decision making and policy formulation than are th
e middle and lower management. Same reason could be attributed to the fact that
code 1 managers were absolutely clear of what was expected out of them every yea
r, whereas 50% senior management ware clear or partly clear about the same and t
he about 20% of middle management were not clear about it and still further, the
71% of lower management was not aware of what was expected out of them every ye
ar. 85% of code 4 employees said that they could express their reason of failure
. The responses of 50% of Middle Managers were bit favorable whereas 100% senior
management also thought that they did not get the opportunity to express their
cause of failure. The 60% of top management were portly able to express their ca
use of failure. This may be because the appraisal system is more of less perform
ance based and human factor is by and large overlook. Whereas, at the lower leve
ls of the organization, performance can be quantified, and the managers are made
accountable at the higher echelons the tasks are too complex and therefore canno
t be assessed on the basis of quantified performance and therefore the top and s
enior management believed that the promotions are also for motivation whereas th
e attitude wanes as the level of hierarchy goes up. This is probably because of
the appraisal of performance based on the quantity or results. If the employees o
utput is good of better they get promotions and also get motivation to achieve b
etter performance. At the higher levels the results are more of subjective natur
e therefore promotions does not accrue on the basis of quantified results only.
Most of the managers feel that the mechanism for potential appraisal is not adeq
uate. This may be, because the training programmers are also not developed. As f
ar as feedback is from superiors is concerned, most of the top and senior manage
ment were of the view that they constantly receive feedback. This is because, th
ey take decisions crucial to the existence of the organization and therefore are
closely watched and monitored as compared to the employees in the lower & middl
e levels. Again the top management felt that they with their superior decide abo
ut their job but 100% of senior management did not feel the same at all. This is
because again due to power centeredness and power difference in the organizatio
n, being a tall organization the superior are not accessible to their subordinat
e. 60% of lower management thought that their creativity was definitely not adeq
uately recognized whereas the top management believed that the organization enco
uraged creativity. This highlights the gap of communication in the organization
and differences in the perception of culture in the organization by different gr
ades of employee. 70% of lower management thought that the system was not free f
rom biases and same is felt by most of the middle, senior and top
management. This shows that human instincts and behaviors influence the performa
nce appraisal system. 60% of lower management was not clear about the goals and
objectives of the organization. Most of top management thought that they were cl
ear or very clear, about the organization goals. This is because, the power dist
ance is extent and communication system of the organization is not very effectiv
e. This also shows that transparency is lacking in the system. 70% of lower mana
gers thought that the performance appraisal system did not identify their traini
ng needs. 80% of senior managers also thought the same. But the view of top mana
gement differed in the sense that they felt that the system helped them surface
their training needs. The reason being that the training programmes are not full
y developed and are not constantly evaluated in the organization. The top manage
ment felt that there was a scope of super review. The senior management also fel
t a bit the same but lower and middle management keep attending meetings and had
already developed rapport with their superiors and so could easily talk out the
ir appraisal results whereas this is not so for lower and middle management. The
y are not able to approach their senior easily and are therefore could not appea
l for super-reviews. 60% of lower managers said that they do not get opportunity
for self review and reflection. This is because performance appraisal is lackin
g human touch to it. The appraisals are entirely based on performances, overlook
ing the cause of successes and failures. The appraisal system thus does not meet
individuals developmental needs and also does not contribute to employees job sat
isfaction and moral development.
2. Findings from Observation and Discussions The organization believed that self
appraisal is the best for managers and above. To improve interpersonal communic
ation and behavior assessment by peers and subordinates is essential. The perfor
mance of the employees is not regularly monitor and the required feedback is pro
vided to the subordinates from time to time. The appraisals are conducted at fix
ed intervals. The organization believes in using appraisal for rewarding and inc
rements. There was a neither formal nor informal discussion on job specification
and tasks to be accomplished for various departments. There was no formal perfo
rmance appraisal taking place till now in the organization. There fore, there we
re no written records of such activity in the personal files of the employees. H
owever people were being appraised informally by the superiors and got promoted
or incremented accordingly. It would not be wrong to say that interpersonal rela
tions and personal biases (i.e. liking and disliking influence the appraisals in
the organization).The management is in the process of restructuring and develop
ing such policy in the organization.
1. Function of HR department in a manufacturing firm. 2. Solving hurdles in the
process of appraisal 3.Steel manufacturing process. 4. Manpower required for the
company. 5. Solving employees problems. 6. Organizational structure
1. To improve attendance there should be rewards for those employees who attains
above 95% attendance. 2. There should be training sessions to improve team buil
ding. 3. There should be proper training for appraisal to the employees. 4. In t
he beginning of the year employee must know the performance standards on which h
is/her performance will be judged in end of year. 5. More stress relieving packa
ges should be offered to the mentally stressed staff. 6. Overtime should be take
n care of at time of performance appraisal, which would motivate the employees t
o perform better for longer hours. 7. Performance appraisal should after at prop
er span of time . 8. Performance appraisal should be done by expert person.
Performance appraisal is the process of reviewing employee performance vis--vis t
he set expectations in a realistic manner, documenting the review, and deliverin
g the review verbally in a face-to-face meeting, to raise performance standards
year over year through honest and constructive feedback. In the process manageme
nt expects to reinforce the employees strengths, identify improvement areas so th
at one can work on them and also set stretched goals for the coming year. Effect
ive performance management requires a good deal of face-to-face supervisor-emplo
yee interaction. By knowing the subordinates, a supervisor can steer them onto a
path of greater productivity and optimized output. It is one of the most signif
icant and indispensable tool for an organization as it helps in getting to know
the people who work for them. provides information, which helps in taking import
ant decisions for the development of an individual and the organization.
I have undertaken a project on PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM. The information fur
nished by you will help knowing the effectiveness of the present appraisal and r
eward system and if need be designing of a new appraisal system. The data will b
e kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.
1. In your company, the key competencies required for each job are already ident
ified. a) Very true c) Partly true b) true d) not true
2. There are mechanisms that help employees develop their potential for the next
rung of job. a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
3. Employees regularly receive feedback about their potential for higher level j
obs a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
4. Job rotation is practiced widely to help people develop their potential in ne
w areas. a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
5. Your company s promotion policies are clearly defined and shared with all emp
loyees. a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
6. Promotions are based strictly on need rather than to reward individuals? a) v
ery true c) partly true b)true d) not true
7. The appraisal system gives each appraisee an idea of what is expected of him
next year? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
8. It is designed to aid the appraisee and appraisers jointly understand the for
mer s job? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
9. The performance appraisal provides an opportunity for self review and reflect
ion? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
10. The appraisal procedure allows the appraisee to express his developmental ne
eds? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
11. The system has scope to correct the biases of the assessor through a super r
eview? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
12. The appraisal system provides for a frank discussion between appraiser and a
ppraisee? a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
13. The procedure allows for the communication of CEO s goal to the workforce? a
) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
14. The appraisal system brings out the training needs of the employees. a) very
true c) partly true b)true d) not true
15. The performance appraisal system clarifies the career prospects, aspirations
and intentions. a) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
16. The appraisal system provides a rational basis for salary recommendations. a
) very true c) partly true b)true d) not true
17. The company relates reward to your performance. a) very true c) partly true
b)true d) not true
18. What kind of an appraisal system will bring out the best of an employee? a)
appraisal by all superiors c) appraisal by reference team b) appraisal by immedi
ate superior c) appraisal by reference team and self.
19. How do you support your subordinates? ______________________________________
_______________________________________________ ________________________________
_____________________________________________________ __________________________
Aswathappa K, Human Resource & Personnel Management, Tata McGraw- Hill Publishin
g Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Sixth edition 2001 Kothari C.R., Research methodology met
hods & techniques, Wishwa Prakasan ublishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, Sixth edition
2001. Human Resources Management by P.Subarao
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