Lesson Plan Protista Fix
Lesson Plan Protista Fix
Lesson Plan Protista Fix
A. Standard of Competence :
B. Basic Competence:
Describe the general characteristic philum in Protist kingdom, and the roles of them for
C. Indicators
Cognitive indicators :
1. Describing the general characteristic of Protist kingdom.
2. Explaining the general characteristics of animal-like Pritist (Protozoa).
3. Mentioning the kinds of animal-like Protist.
4. Describing the members of animal-like Pritist (Protozoa) and the role of them for live.
Affective indicators :
1. Politeness
2. Appreciate other opinion.
3. Active giving opinion
4. Responsibility
Psychomotor indicators :
1. Arrange the puzzle correctly.
2. Doing make a match game
3. Making a poster
D. Instructional Objectives:
a. Cognitive Objetives:
1. Students can distinguish the characteristic of protist with other kingdom, by
answering teacher question politely.
2. Student can explain the structure and function each part of the body of phylum
Protozoa based on morphology correctly.
3. Students can explain the reproduction of Protozoa by answering teachers question
4. Students can categorize the member of protozoa correctly.
5. Students can mention the role of protozoa for live by answering teacher question
6. Student can explain the life cycle of Plasmodium based on the picture correctly.
b. Affective Objective:
1. Students are able to answer the teacher questions politely.
2. Students are able to appreciate the other opinion by hearing opinion or adding
3. Students are able to giving an opinion about discussing materials politely.
4. Students
5. Communicating the dangerous of malaria disease from the poster politely.
c. Psychomotor Objective:
1. Students are able to arrange the Protozoa puzzle correctly.
2. Student are able to find out the couple by comparing the card with other card
3. Making a poster that contain the caused of malaria disease, symptoms, and how to prevent
this disease.
E. Learning Materials:
General characteristic of Protista.
a. Protista is unicellular eukaryote organism that live solitary or colony .
b. There are three kinds of protista, animal-like Protist (Protozoa), plant-like Protist (Algae),
and Mushroom-like Protist (Mold).
c. Protista have various body shape.
d. Heterotroph organism and Autotroph organism.
e. Most of the members of Protist are microscopis.
Animal-like Protist
Protozoa is unicellular Mastigopora
organism that live solitary Sarcodina
or colony Ciliata
Have locomotion organ: Sporozoa
Pseudopodia, Cilia,
Have no chlorophyll.
Have no ell wall
E. Teaching Methods : Cooperative learning, asking and question
G. Learning Resources:
- Students Book
Aryulina, D, dkk. 2004. Biologi SMA untuk kelas X. Jakarta: Esis.
- Worksheet of animal-like Protist (Protozoa)
- an LCD and a screen
- a laptop
- Cards
H. Assesment
Indicators Techniques Types Examples
1. Explaining Written test Essay 1. What is the general
characteristic of Protista
Characteristic of
2. Mentioning Written test Essay 2. Mention the movement
organ of protozoa ? give
locomotion organs
an example!
and giving the
3. Describing the Written test Essay 3. Have a look at the picture
structure of below.
Amoeba. A
I. Instrument
Answer Key:
1. 1. Cilia , 2. Pellicle, 3. Macronucleus , 4. Micronucleus, 5. Contractile Vacuole, 6. Mouth
Pore, 7. Gullet, 8. Food Vacuole, 9. Anal Pore, 10. Trichocysts,11. Ectoplasm, 12.
2. a. Micronucleus : to regulate the reproductive proses (generative function).
b. Macronucleus : to regulate cells growth, activity like moving, digesting (Vegetative
c. Food Vacuole : To digest the food.
d. Contractile vacuole: To regulate and guard the osmosis pressure in the body.
3. 1. Cell membrane, 2. Nucleus, 3. Contractile vacuole, 4. Ectoplasm, 6. Endoplasm, 7.
Food vacuole, 8. Cyst.
4. Asexual reproduction is most common. It occurs by binary fission or multiple fission at
the first the nucleus will cleave, an then the cytoplasm . Sexual reproduction may involve
isogamy or anisogamy.
5. At the first the amoeba approaching food particle, then amoeba forming pseudopodia, and
its will round the food so the food enter to the cell by endositosis and form food vacuole.
Food vacuole containing food particle in the cytoplasm. Food vacuole will circulate the
nutrients to cell and after that the waste will be leaved o cell by eksositosis.
Make a Match Key
No. Question Card Answer Card
Microscopis, Heterotroph, Unicellular, have
1 locomotion organ (Pseudopodia, cilia, or Protozoa
flagella), cosmopolite.
The adaptation of Rhizopoda to defense in
2 Cist
unfavorable condition
3 Species Rhizopoda that caused dysentery disease Entamoeba histolitica
Amoeba get the food use its pseudopodia, than
4 Holozoik
is formed become food vacuola
5 Flagellata that have no chlorophyll Zooflagellata
Species of Mastigophora that can cause sleeping
6 Trypanosoma gambiense
disease in africa
7 Sexual reproduction of Paramecium Conjugation
8 Asexual reproduction of Paramecium Biner cleavage
Sporozoit that enter to the liver cells will
9 Merozoid
develop become
Species of Sporozoa that caused Malaria
10 Plasmdium malariae
Tropikana disease
Table 1. Performance/affective evaluations:
Active in discussion
- Give opinion
- Respond or give comment
- Asking question to friend group/teacher
- Answering the teacher or group question
- Scores:
- 4 = If all of the categories present
- 3 = If three of the categories present
- 2 = If two of the categories present
- 1 = If one or none of the categories present
Score :
(Rank) (Rightness)
1. Rank 1 until 3 :4 1. True :4
2. Rank 4 until 6 :3 2. False :2
3. Rank 7 until 10 :2
1. Not disturb :4
2. Disturb :2
Note :
1. Content specify :
a. The content appropriate with title.
b. Appropriate with the concept.
c. Appropriate with the theory.
d. Attractive
2. Format Specify :
a. Systematic
b. The letter easy to read
c. Background support the content
d. The plot is perceivable
3. Language Specify :
a. Persuasive
b. Perceivable
c. Comprehensive
d. Brief and clear
4. Task Commitment :
a. Collect the soft copy on time
b. Collect the hard copy on time
c. Consultancy the draft
d. Do revision (if needed)
4 = If all of the categories present
3 = If three of the categories present
2 = If two of the categories present
1 = If one or none of the categories present
Final scores =