J2P and P2J Ver 1

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The McGraw-Hill Companies



Tata McGraw-Hill
Special Indian Edition 2007

Adapted in India by arrangement with The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York

Sales Territories: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan only
PrefaceMechanics (in SI Edition
to the Adapted Units)
Ninth reprint 2008 RBXLCDRXRADLD
O NE Book Company, Inc. All rights
Copyright > 1956, 1951, 1940, 1937, by McGraw-Hill
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
Slaticsor distributed in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database
or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1.1 but limited
including, Engineering
to, in anyMechanics 3 electronic storage or transmission, or
network or other
broadcast for distance 8
ISBN-13: 12 ____Units and Dimensions
978-0-07-061680-6 _____9
ISBN-10: 0-07-061680-9
Summary 13
1.3 Method of Problem Solution and the Accuracy of Solutions

2, Concurrent Forces in a Plane

2.1 Principles of Statics 16
Information Scontained
UMMARY>in 3 7this work has been obtained by Tata McGraw-Hill, from
sources believed to be reliable. 12
______However, neither Tata McGraw-Hill nor its authors
guarantee theProblem Set or
accuracy 2,1completeness
41 of any information published herein, and
neither Tata
2.2 McGraw-Hill
Composition nor and its authors ofshall
Resolution be 46
Forces responsible for any errors,
omissions, or damages
SUMMARY ' 48 arising out of use of this information. This w'ork is
published with _2J. 49
the understanding that Tata McGraw- Hill and its authors are
Emblem Set 2.2
supplying information are 10.
but______ not attempting to render engineering or other
2.3 services. If suchofservices
Equilibrium are required,
Concurrent Forces in the assistance
a Plane 50 of an appropriate
professional SUMMARY 65 should be sought.
Erob lent S CL2J 61
2.4 Method of projections
Published by the
72Tata McGraw-Hill
SUMMAIY 81 Publishing Company Limited,
7 West Patel Nagar, Set 2A110
New Delhi
Practice 82 008, typeset at The Composers, 260 C.A. Apt.,
Paschim Vihar,Ero.blem.Set.2A 83 and printed at Adarsh Printers, New Delhi 110
New Delhi 110 063
032 2.5 Equilibrium of Three Forces in a Plane 88
The McGrawHill Companies
Contents ix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------- 5
Practice Set
Practice Set 4.4
Problem Set
Problem Set 4.4
4J Method of Moments
Piane_tLanie.s; method _____ 22
of members 216.
Summary 108
Summary> 252
Practice Set
Practice Set 4.5
2.6_____ IM
Problem Set
Problem Set 4.5
2.6_____ LQ2
2 J.____
4.6Friction ____UA polygon 257 SUMMARY
The funicular
Summary 121
Practice Set
Practice Set 4.6
2.7_____ 121
Problem Set
Problem Set 4.6
2 J 266 123
4.7 Forces
1 ____Parallel Maxwellin adiagrams 271 SUMMARY 276
Plane ________________________________________________ L2
U _____Practice Set 4.7__________
Two ParallcLJorcfis 216. L2&
SummarySet 1374.7 _____211
Distributed force in
Set 3.1______ URa plane 279
UMMARYSet 285J. 1_____LAI
12 ____Practice Set 4.8
General Case of_____ 2B1 Forces in a Plane _______IA3
SummarySet 1524.8_____2ML
4.9EiztclkeJtel-lJ. ______152cables 287
Flexible suspension
3.3 Practice
Center ofSet 4.9_____
Parallel 291 and
Forces Center of Gravity 157
Problem Set
Summary 178 4.9 _____221

5. Force Systems Problem Set ______________________________________________________

in Space 3.3 180 296
3.4 5.1Centroids
Concurrentof composite
Forces inplane figures
Space: and of
Method curves 184
Projections 296
UMMARY 192 305
Practice Set 5.13A_____ L91
Problem Set 5.1 _____3M
3.4_____ 191
li _____ Concurrent ForceForces
in a in Space:
Plane 200 of Moments 309 SUM
' 314 206
Pact ice Set
Practice Set 5.2 _____311
3.5_____ 2M
Problem Set 3.5_____ 208 311
5.3 Couples in Space 318 SUMMARY 322
4, General Case of Forces
Practice in a_____
Set 5.3 Plane _____________________________________________ 211
Set 5.3_____ 321 in a Plane 211
of Forces
Parallel216 Forces in Space 325 SUMMARY 330
Practice Set
Practice Set 5.44,1_____ 216.
Problem Set
Problem Set 5.4
4A 217 331
4.2 Equilibrium
5.5 Center of Parallelof Force in a and
Forces Plane 218 of Gravity 334
SUMMARY 337 223
Practice Set 5.5_____
PractiQeJtelAJZ ____31R
Problem Set 5.5_____
Probkm.Se.tJL2 _____338
5.6 General Case of Forces in Space 341 SUMMARY 349
5.6_____ 313. of joints 228
Problem 234
Practice Set 4.3_____215
4A____Plane. truss:. method. of. sections ____2 H
Summary 241

6. Principle of Virtual Work _______________________________________________357

6.1 Equilibrium of Ideal Systems 357
Practice Set 6A 361
6.2 Efficiency of Simple Machines 369
Problem Set 6.2 374
6.3 Stable and Unstable Equilibrium 377
Practice Set 6.3 384
Problem set 6.3
7.10 Ideal Systems: Conservation of Energy 460
Practice Set 7.10_____461
Problem Set 7JO_____465
7.11 Impact 467
Summary 473 Practice
Set 7.11 474
Problem Set 7.11 474
8. Curvilinear Translation _________________________________________________426
8J ____Kinematics-QLCumlinear Motion _______416.
Summary 485
Practice Set &./ ______4M
Problem Set 8J______481
8.2 Differential Equations of Curvilinear Motion 488
Practice Set 8.2______422
U _____Problem
Set 82______422 ____391
Summary 400
Motion of a Projectile 494
Practice Set
Summary 4987d _____4D1
Set 8.3 ___401
7.2 Principles of dynamics 404
Problem Set 8.3 499
7.3 Differential Equation of Rectilinear Motion 407
8.4 D'Alembert's Principles in Curvilinear Motion 501
Summary 411
Practice Set 8.4 506
Bractice SelJ.l.aiid.U
EmblemJteLJiA______501 ________411
Broblem Set
8J> Moment-of 7.2 and 73
Momentum ______412
7.4 Motion of511
Summary a Particle
PracticeActed upon by a Constant Force 414
Set 8.5 Set 7.4_____419 512
Problem Set 8.5 ____419
Workas and
a Function
Energy ofin Time ______421
Curvilinear Motion 513
UMMARY 518 427 Broblem
Set 7.5 427
Practice Set 8.6_____519.
7.6 ForceSet 8,6______519
Proportional to DisplacementFree Vibrations 428
9. Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 523
Bractice Set 7.6 438
9.1 Kinematics of Rotation 523
Broblem Set 7.6 438
7.7 DAlemberts
Practice 521 440
Set 9J______
SUMMARY 444_______521
9.2 Bractice of
Equation SetMotion
7.7 445for a Rigid Body Rotating about
a FixedSet 7.7528
Axis 446
7.8 Momentum
Summary and Impulse 449
532 Practice
Set 9.2 452 533
Bractice Set 7,8_____412
Problem Set 9.2 533
Broblem Set 7.8 453
9.3 Rotation under the Action of a Constant Moment 534
7.9 Work and Energy 453
7.9______ 519
Set9.3 539

9.4 DAlemberts Principle
Torsional vibration 542inSUMMARY 547 623
Plane Motion
UMMARYSet 6279.4_____5A&
Practice _____5AR
Set 10.4____ 621
The Set
Compound Pendulum
10.4_____ 627 550 SUMMARY
554The Principle of Angular Momentum in Plane Motion 630
Practice Set10.5
9.5 555
General of Moment Proportional to Angle of Eotation 557
Set 10.5
Equation for Plane Motion 637
UMMARYSet6419.6 562
Practice Set10.6
9.6 562
9.7Problem Set 10.6 642
DAlemberts Principle in Rotation 564 SUMMARY 5 70
Practice Set 9.7 570
11. Relative Motion __________________________________________________________645
Problem Set 9.7 570
11.1 Kinematics of Relative Motion ______641
9J3 Resultant Inertia Force in Rotation 512
Summary> 649
Practice 577 Practice
1 LI _____649
Set 9.8 577
Problem Set Problem
11.2 9.8________________ 52R Motion 651
Equations of Relative
The Principle
658 of Angular Momentum in Rotation 579 SUMMARY 585
Practice Set
Practice Set112
586 619.
Problem Set 9.9 586
Pr.Q.bLemJ3LlL2 ___659
9.10 DAlemberts
11.3 Energy Equation for Rotating
Principle Bodies
in Relative 587 S661
Motion UMMARY 591
UMMARYSet6639.10 591
Set11.3 592 661
9.11 Pmbhm..S.cLlL3
Gyroscopes 594_____661
Summary; 599 Practice
Set 9.11 I________________________________________________________
Appendix 600 666
Problem Set 9.11 600
10. Plane Motion of a Rigid Body _______________________________________602
1Q. 1 Kinematics of Plane Motion ______6112
Summary 605
Practice Set 10.1______6M
10.2 Instantaneous Center 607
Summary 611 Practice
Set 10.2 611
Problem Set 10.2 611
10.3 Equations of Plane Motion 613
Practice Set 10.3 620
Problem Set 10.3 620
About the Adaptation Author
J V RAO did his post graduation in Structural Engineering from C1T, Coimbatore in
1993. A Ph D in Computer Science, he has been teaching for over 15 years. He has
taught Engineering Mechanics for over six years. In association with Prof. Sudhir K.
Jain, IIT Kanpur, he did static and dynamic analyses of TV Towers. He is currently
working in the field of Physics, teaching for IIT-JEE coaching.
A set of review questions is included at the end of each topic. Short ques tions are
added for the benefit of students which are useful for university examination.
Multiple choice questions are given at the end of each topic to help the student
prepare for competitive exams like IES, IAS (Prelims), GATE, etc.
Important terms and concepts are added in each topic.

Preface to the
Important formulae are added in each topic.
Numerous new examples and new problems are added.

Adapted Edition
1 want to extend my heartful thanks to my colleagues at Bapatla Engineering College,
especially Asst. Prof. J. Girish, Prof. A.V. Narayanappa, for many stimulating
discussions about engineering mechanics pedagogy and for their support and
encouragement during the adaptation of this book. I am equally indebted to the Bapatla
Engineering College students who have helped me learn what good teaching and good
writing are, by showing me what works and what doesnt. I want to express special
thanks to Sri Muppalaneni Sheshagiri Rao, President, Bapatla Educational Society and
Prof. book
G. N.is Rao,
the product of BEC,
Principal, more than
Prof. half
K. L.a century
Prasad, of innovation
H.O.D. Civil, in
for their
Mechanics education.
support while writing When the first
this book. I alsoedition
want toof express
Engineering Mechanics
special thanks toby Vibha Mahajan,
S. Timoshenko
Shukti Mukherjee andandD.H.
Mini Young
of TatainMcGraw-Hill
1937, it was for revolutionary among
their superb editorial
guidance andmechanics textbooks
vision. I want to thankwithmy its emphasis
parents, wife on
andthe fundamental
children for theirprinciples
support. of
Feedbackand fromhow to applyandthem.
professors The especially
students, success of Engineering
concerning errorsMechanics with
or deficiencies
generations of students
in this edition and educators
are welcome. Commentsthroughout the world
and suggestions for is a testament
further to the merits
improvement of the
of this
text approach.
will be greatly In appreciated.
this revised fourth edition, SI units, which are most frequently used
in mechanics, are introduced in Chapter 1 and are used throughout.
The main objective of a first course in mechanics should be to build a strong
foundation, to acquaint the student with as many general methods of attack as possible,
and to illustrate the application of these methods to practical engineering prob lems.
However, it should avoid routine drill in the manipulation of standardized methods of
solution. Such are the aims of this book. This text is designed for the first course in
statics and dynamics offered in sophomore or junior year. It is hoped that this text will
help the instructor achieve this goal.
General Approach
Scalar approach is used throughout the presentation of statics and dynamics. In Part
One, statics, chapters are based on Force systems except principle of virtual work. In
dynamics, emphasis is on rectilinear translation, curvilinear translation, rotation of a
rigid body about a fixed axis and plane motion. Finally relative motion is dealt with in
Part Two.
New to This Edition
While retaining the well-received approach and organization of the previous edi tion, the
revised fourth edition offers the following new features and improvements:
Each topic ends with a summary of the material covered in it.

these limits. Statics is probably the first course wherein the student has a chance to
make practical use of his training in mathematics, and it seems important that he be not
only given the opportunity but encouraged to use it to the full extent of its applicability.

The situation is usually quite different with dynamics. In some schools, for in stance,
this course does not immediately follow statics but is taken after strength of materials.
Thus the students are more mature, and it seems justifiable in Part Two to make free use
of the calculus and even some use of elementary differential equa tions. In this latter
respect, however, the solutions are discussed in sufficient detail so that the student
without special preparation in differential equations need have no difficulty.
Throughout Part Two the equations of motion are presented and handled as
differential equations. Dynamics is not a subject to be handled superficially, and a too-
The importance
arduous attempt of mechanics
to simplify its in the preparation
presentation can easily of young
result engineers
in the fostering for work in
of false
notions in fields
the mindcannotofbethe overemphasized.
beginner. Besides The demand
helping from industry such
to forestall is more and
more for young men
misconceptions, thewhouseare of soundly grounded equation
the differential in their fundamental
of motion, subjects as such,rather than
for thoseother
several with advantages:
specialized (1) training.
It makes There is good atreason
it possible, for this
the outset, trend:proper
to place The industrial
upon theisinherent
continually being confronted
difference between dynamical by new problems,
problems which involvingdo not always
known yield and
motion to
routine methods known
those involving of solution.
actingThe man (2)
forces. whoIt can
makes successfully
practicablecope the with such problems
dis cussion of certain
must have ofa dynamics
problems sound understanding
(such as vibration of the problems)
fundamental principles
which other wise thatcould
apply be and be
only in with
a veryvarious
methodsif of at attack
all. (3)rather
It gives thantheproficient
student ainfoundation
the use ofin
dynamics It seems evident,
upon which he then, that university
can successfully training
build if he in such atofundamental
desires pursue advanced subject as
mechanics must seek
or to read current to buildona the
literature strong foundation, to acquaint the student with as many
Since methods of attack
the student usuallyas possible, to illustrate
has his greatest the application
difficulty in applying of the
these methods and
principles to
theorems engineering
that he has just problems,
learned but to avoid
to specific routine special
situations, drill inattention
the manipulation
has been given of
to the selectionmethodsand of solution.ofSuch
treatment are the
a series of aims of this book.
illustrative examples at the end of each
The content
article. of the of
The purpose book
these is somewhat
examples is wider than (1)
twofold: can They
be covered
are some in two
used asof a
medium semester hours or fiveofquarter
of presentation material hoursnot each. At theinend
included theoftext
the discussion
proper. (2)ofThey statics,
for example,
designed there
to set an isexample
a chapter to onthethe principle
student of virtual
in logical work.ofThe
methods use of to
ap proach thisthe
results in great simplification
of engineering problems. It is in hoped
the solution
that the of examples
certain problems
will help of the
statics, and it
student to seems
desirable to acquaint
the gap between merethe student with
cognizance of theitsgeneral
possibilities. At the
principles andendthe of the discussion
ability to apply them of
to concretethere is a short
problems. Mastery chapter
in thisonrespect
relative motion,
is the. True together with applications
goal of engineering education. to
The examples problems.
warrant as These
attentioncan fromeasily be omitted
the student as thewithout introducing
text material proper.any
The solution if there
of a isproblem
insufficient time for them.
in mechanics usually Where timeofwill
consists threenot steps:
permit(1) their
reduction of athey at least
complex serve the
physical purposetoofsuch
problem indicating
a state to ofthe student that
idealization thathe ithas
expressed the possibilitiesorofgeometrically;
algebraically the subject in (2) his the
encounter of with it. Also,math
this purely it isematical
that such material
problem; and (3) will be of value to of
the interpretation thosethestudents
results of especially interested
the solution in termsin mechanics.
of the given
In many
physical of our It
problem. engineering
is too oftenschools,
the casestatics
that the is students
given during the second
attention is calledsemester
only to the of
the sophomore
second step so year,
that hebefore
doesthe notstudent
see clearlyhas studied integral calculus.
the connection be tween this For and
this thereason
Part One of
physical this volume
problem. has been sodevelopment
By successive written that, of except
one or two in
steps sections that canof
the solution
easily be omitted,example,
each illustrative no knowledge it is hoped of mathematics
to lead the beyondstudent theto adifrealization
ferential calculus
of the full is
significanceHowever, a free useand
of mechanics, of mathematics
also to encourage is madehim within
to approach the solution of his
own problems in a similar way.
Many of the illustrative examples are worked out in algebraic form, the answers
being given simply as formulas. When numerical data are given, their substitution is
made only in the final answer at the end. Such a procedure possesses several
advantages, one of which is the training the student gets in reliable methods of
checking answers. Two of the most valuable aids in checking the solution of a problem
are the dimensional check' and the consideration of certain limiting cases as logical
extremes. The opportunity of making either of these checks is lost when given
numerical data are substituted at the beginning of the solution. Another advantage of
the algebraic solution is that it greatly enriches the possibilities of the third step in the
solution of the problem, namely, significance of results. Finally, the algebraic solution
is preferable if proper attention is to be given to numerical calculations, for only by
having the result in algebraic form can it be seen with what number of figures any
intermediate calculation must be made in order to obtain a desired degree of accuracy
in the final result.
Since the first edition of Engineering Mechanics appeared in 1937, the authors
Theory of Structures and Advanced Dynamics have been published, and these later
volumes now contain some of the more advanced material that was originally in
Engineering Mechanics. It is hoped that the three volumes taken together represent a
fairly complete treatment of engineering mechanics and its applications to problems of
modem structures and machines, at the same time leaving the present volume better
suited to the undergraduate courses in statics and dynamics as given in our engineering
schools today.
In the preparation of this fourth edition, the entire book has been thoroughly revised.
In doing this, the authors have had these objectives: (1) simplification of the text
proper, (2) improved arrangement of subject matter, and (3) deemphasis of the algebraic
treatment of problems. Almost all problems throughout the book are now given with
numerical data and numerical answers. Furthermore, the problem sets have been
completely revised, and they contain a high percentage of new prob lems. The problems
preceded by an asterisk present special difficulties of solution.
Various textbooks have been used in the preparation of this book, particularly in the
selection of problems. In this respect, special acknowledgment is due the book
Collection of Problems of Mechanics, edited by J. V. Mestscherski (St. Petersburg,
1913), in the preparation of which the senior author took part. The authors also take
this opportunity to thank their colleagues at Stanford University for many helpful
suggestions in regard to this revision, in particular, Prof. Karl Klotter, who read some
portions of the revision and made many valuable suggestions for im provement in this
H Young
Part One


The importance of mechanics in the preparation of young engineers for work in
specialized fields cannot be overemphasized. Therefore, it is appropriate to be gin with a
brief explanation on the meaning of the term engineering mechanics and the role of this
course in engineering education. Before defining engineering mechanics, we must
consider the similarities and differences between science and engineering. In general
terms, science is the knowledge that comes from observing facts about the universe
carefully, carrying out experiments and mak ing statements that are always true in
particular conditions. On the other hand, engineering is the application of mathematics
and science to the design and manufacture of items that benefit humanity. Design is the
basic concept that distinguishes engineers from scientists. Accreditation Board of
Engineering and Technology (ABET) defines engineering design as the process of
devising a system, component or process to meet desired needs.
Mechanics may be defined as the science, which describes and predicts the
conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces. Engineering
mechanics is the branch of engineering that applies the principles of mechanics to
design, which must take into account the effect of forces. The goals of engi neering
mechanics courses is to build a strong foundation, to acquaint the student with as many
general methods of attack as possible, to illustrate the application of these methods to
practical engineering problems, but to avoid routine drill in the manipulation of
standardized methods of solution.
Depending upon the nature of the problems treated, mechanics is divided into statics
and dynamics. Statics is the study of forces and conditions of equilibrium of material
bodies subjected to the action of forces. Dynamics is the study of motion of rigid bodies
and their correlation with the forces causing them. Dynamics is divided into kinematics
and kinetics. Kinematics deals with the space time relationship of a given motion of a
body and not at all with the forces that cause the motion. Kinetics studies the laws of
motion of material bodies under the action of forces or Kinetics is the study of the
relationship between the forces and the resulting motion.
Of course, engineering mechanics is an integral component of the education of
engineers whose disciplines are related to the mechanical behaviour of bodies or fluids.
Such behaviour is of interest to aeronautical, civil, chemical, electrical, mechanical,
metallurgical, mining and textile engineers. A sound training in engineering mechanics
continues to be one of the most important aspects of engineering education due to the
interdisciplinary character of many engineering applications (e.g., spaceships, robotics
and manufacturing). It is appropriate to conclude that the subject of engineering
mechanics lies at the core of all engineering analysis.

Idealisation in Mechanics
Mathematical models or idealisations are used in mechanics to simplify the application
of theory. Now, we will define some of the important idealisations. Others will be

discussed at points where they are needed.
Continuum may be defined as a continuous
distribution of matter with no voids or empty spaces. Each body is made up of atoms
and molecules. The matter is assumed as continuously distributed since the behaviour
of atoms and molecules are too complex to deal with. It is used to study the measurable

In the abstract sense, a particle is a point
material point. A body whose dimensions can be neglected in studying its
mass or a
motion or
equilibrium may be treated as a particle.
Examples While studying the planetary motion, sun and planets; moon as seen from
the earth; a satellite orbiting the earth and seen by an observer on the earth are
considered as particles.
SYSTEM OF PARTICLES A system of particles is an idealization of point masses. A system
of particles is constituted, when two or more bodies are repre sented by particles and are
dealt with together.
Examples: Planetary system; the structure of atom, i.e., electron-proton~neu- tron.
RIGID BODY A rigid body is the one in which the distance between any two arbitrary
points is invariant. Actually, solid bodies are not rigid, but deform under the action of
forces. It is assumed to be rigid, if the deformation is negligible compared to the size of
the body.
Examples: A wheel of a car; a lever supporting two weights at its ends.
Basic Concepts
For the investigation of problems of engineering mechanics we must introduce the
concept of space, mass, time and force. The basic concepts used in mechanics are space,
time, mass and force. These basic concepts cannot be truly defined but are developed
for axiomatic thinking and mutual understanding.
SPACE Space refers to the geometric region occupied by bodies. The posi tions of bodies
are described by linear and angular measurements relative to a co ordinate system. The
concepts of point, direction, length and displacement are required for measurements and
locations in space. For example, a point is just an
F F\

fw 11 >
exact indication Force System
of a location in arequiring
in space, PlanenoInspace at all forthe
this system, itself.
of action of
is concept
all for through
forces pass describing the size
a single of aand
point body quantitatively
forces by comparing
lie in the same it 1.2).
plane (Fig. with a
second body of known size. For two-dimensional problems, two independent co -
> ordinates are needed. For three-dimensional problems, three independent co-or dinates
are required.
Mass Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. Matter refers to the substance of which
physical bodies are composed. Each body is made up of atoms and molecules. Mass can
also be regarded as a measure of the inertia of a body, which is its resistance to a
Fig. 1.5 I
change of motion.
Time Time is the measure of sequence of events. Time is related to the con cepts of
before, after Force System inoccurrence
and simultaneous Space Theof lines
two orof action of all forces
more events. Timeare
is parallel
a basicto
each other, 1.2not lie
in dynamics andinitthe same
is not plane (Fig.
directly 1.6).in the analysis of statics problems.
Force Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest of a
Parallel Force System in a Plane In this system, the lines of action
body to which it is applied. The specifications or characteristics of a force are (1) its
of all
forces lie in the same plane and are parallel to each other (Fig. 1.3).
magnitude, (2) its point of application, and (3) its direction. Force is a vector quantity
and its properties are discussed in detail in Chapter 2. In Newtonian mechanics, space,
time and mass are absolute concepts, i.e., independent of each other. The concept of
force is related to the mass of the body with Newtons Second law.

System of Forces
When several forces of various magnitudes and directions act upon a body, they are said
to constitute a system of forces.
Ra The system of forces may be classifiedRb according to the
orientation of the lines of action of the forces(a)as follows: Force Systems in Plane:
System of forces consists of a set of forces with their lines of action lying in the same
plane. 1.6Systems
Force j in Space: System of forces OL consists
* of a set of forces with their
lines of action lying in the space.
Both force systems in plane and force systems in space can further be classi fied into
(i) General
concurrent Force System
force system, (ii)inparallel
Spaceforce systems
The lines and (iii)
of action nonforces
of these concurrent
do notorlie
generalin force system.
the same planeThe
they are neitherof parallel
force systems is shown(Fig.
nor concurrent as in Fig.
1.7). 1.1. In
general, we can have six types ofsystems
force force systems.
can act on a particle or a rigid body. Parallel and
Ra Rb
General Force System in a Plane The lines of action of these forces lie in
the same plane but they are neither
System parallel nor concurrent (Fig. 1.4).
of Forces

Coplanar Non-
(Plane forces) Coplanar

Concurrent Non-Concurrent Concurrent Non-Concurrent

Concurrent Force System in Space The lines of action of all forces pass
Fig. 17| | aParallel
i.i single point but not lie in the same plane. Parallel
General Tripod carrying a cam era as shown
in Fig. 1.5 is an example.
general force systems can act only on a system of particles, a rigid body or a system of
rigid bodies. In this book, we will study statics according to force systems.

Important Terms and Concepts

Engineeering Mechanics Scientists Engineeers
Design Statics Dynamics Kinematics
Kinetics Idealizations Continuum Particle
System of particles Rigid body Basic concepts Mass
Time Space Force Specifications of a force
System of forces Kinds of forces

Engineering mechanics may be defined as the science, which describes and pre dicts the
conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces. Depend ing upon the nature
of the problems treated, mechanics is divided into statics and dynamics.
Statics is the study of the forces and the conditions of equilibrium of material bod ies
subjected to the action of forces.
Dynamics is the study of motion of rigid bodies and their correlation with the forces causing
them. Dynamics is divided into kinematics and kinetics.
Kinematics deals with the space-time relationship of a given motion of a body and not at all
with the forces that cause the motion.
Kinetics studies the laws of motion of material bodies under the action of forces.
Mathematical models or idealizations are used in mechanics to simplify the appli cation of
Continuum may be defined as a continuous distribution of matter with no voids or empty
A particle is a point mass or a material point.
A system of particles is an idealization of point masses. A system of particles is constituted,
when two or more bodies are represented by particles and are dealt with together.
A rigid body is the one in which the distance between any two arbitrary points is invariant.
The basic concepts used in mechanics are space, time, mass and force. Thesebasic
concepts cannot be truly defined but are developed for axiomatic thinking and mu
tual understanding.
Space refers to the geometric region occupied by bodies.
Mass is the quantity of matter in a body.
Time is the measure of sequence of events.
Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest of a body to which it
is applied. The specifications or characteristics of a force are (1) its magni tude, (2) its point
of application, and (3) its direction. Force is a vector quantity.
In Newtonian mechanics, space, time and mass are absolute concepts, i.e., inde pendent of
each other. The concept of force is related to the mass of the body with Newtons Second law.
When several forces of various magnitudes and directions act upon a body, they are said to
constitute a system of forces.
System ofSET
1.1 Review Questions
1. Define engineering
A coherentmechanics.
system of units is the one in which the units of derived quantities are
2. State and obtained
explain theasidealisations
multiples orin mechanics.
sub-multiples of certain basic units.
3. What are the basic concepts used in engineering mechanics?
4. SIterm
Explain the Units
system of forces'.
5. Distinguish between statics and dynamics.
The International System of Units, abbreviates SI (from the French, Systeme
Objective Questions
International dUnites), has been accepted throughout the world and is a modem version
1. Select theof the metric
incorrect system. In SI units, length in meters (m), mass in kilograms (kg) and time
in secondsis the
(a)Statics (s) study
are selected
of forces as
the base units ofand
conditions force inofnewtons
equilibrium material (N) is derived from
subjectedSecond law. ofOne
to the action newton is the force required to give a mass of 1 kg an
(b)Dynamics is ofthe
1 m/s
study . of motion of bodies and their correlation with the forces causing
Primary standards for the measurements of length, mass and time are as follows.
(c)Kinematics deals with the space-time relationship of a given motion of a body.
ENGTH The meter is defined as 1 650 763.73 wavelengths of a certain radia tion of the
deals with the relationship between the forces and the resulting motion.
krypton-86 atom at 15C and 76 cm of mercury. [Aw. (d)]
2. Select theM incorrect
ASS The statement.
kilogram is defined as the mass of a platinum Iridium cylinder of diameter
equal to may be defined
its height keptasata continuous distribution
the International of matter
Bureau with no voids.
of weights and measures near Paris
(b)A rigid body is the one in which the distance between any two arbitrary points is
IME The is asecond is defined as the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation of
point mass.
(d) a certain
A systemstate of the cesium-133
of particles atom.of point masses.
is an idealization
NOTE SI units are absolute system of units (units of mass, length and time
[Ans. (b)]are basic
3. While studying which are independent
planetary motion, sun andofplanets
the location where the
are considered as measurements are made.
(a) The SI units
Deformable consist of 7 base units, 2(b)supplementary
body Rigid body units and a number of derived
Whilestudying engineering mechanics, (d) Noneitof is
above. if one knows about the
three basic units given below in Table 1.1. The SI derived units with[A/w. new(c)]
names are
4. Which of given
the following
in Table is the basic
1.2. SI concept
units ofof mechanics?
some common physical quantities are summarized in
(c) Charge (b) Power
Table 1.3. When a numerical quantity is either very large or very small, units used to
(c) Force (d) Energy
_________________ its size may be modified by
_______ using a prefix. Some of the multiple[Aw. or submultiples
used in the SI system are shown in Table 1.4.
Unit is defined as the numerical standard used to measure the qualitative dimen sion of
a physical quantity. When mass or force, length and time are accepted as basic
quantities, then all other quantities are secondary or derived quantities in terms of these
basic quantities.

Fundamental Units and Derived Units

The units in which the fundamental quantities are measured are called as funda mental
or basic units. The three primary units basic to mechanics are length, time and mass.
The derived units are the units of derived physical quantities, which are expressed in
terms of the fundamental units. Examples: Area, Volume, Force, Velocity, etc.

Quantity SI units Symbol




Derived unit Symbol Physical quantity

Multiplication factor Prefix Symbol
1012 TERA T

106 MEGA M
103 KILO K

10"* MICRO N


10~12 PICO P

Table 1.6
3. Kilogram is written as kg and not as kgm, kgf, etc. Similarly, second as s, not sec.
Table 1.3
or sec, etc. No full stops, dots or dashes should be used. For exam ple, moment is
Physical quantity
in N m, not N.m, N-m,Unit etc. Symbol
4. ItAngular
Acceleration is permissible that Metre/second
one space be 2 left between any two m/sunit
symbols, e.g., kg
acceleration nr/s, m s.
Angular Radian/second 2 rad/s 2
5. No space
displacement be left after a multiple
Angular Radian
or submultiple symbol, e.g., kJ/kg rad K.
momentum 6.Angular
Always leave a space between the number and the unit symbol, kg m 2 /s e.g., 3 m, 1500 N.
7. For numbers less than unity,2 zero must be put on the left rad/s of the decimal, e.g., 0.30
velocity Area metre /second
m. For large numbers exceeding five figures, one spacemafter 2
N every three digits
Couple, moment Radian/second
counting from the right end must be left blank without any commas, e.g., 1 500
Density m
Square metre
375 is the correct way of writing the number.
8. The exponential powerNewton metre for a unit having a prefix refers to both the
Energy Forceunit and its prefix. ForKilogram/metr
example, mm = (mm)* = mm . mm. m
Frequency9. Represent the numbers e 3 in terms of the base or derived J units by converting all
prefixes to powers of, Newton
Length___________________ while performing calculations. The__________________
Metre final result should then
Mass be expressed using a single prefix.
Per second Hz
Momentum 10. In general, avoid the use of a prefix in the denominator of composite units.
Metre m
Moment of inertia of massfor this is the base unit, kilogram. For example, do not write N/jim, but
Kilogram HB HRHP
Plane angle rather MN/m. Kilogram metre/second kg
Power 11. Compound prefixes should not be used, e.g., G^N (giga-micro-newton) should
Kilogram metre 2 ) 9 6 m/ 3
Pressure be expressed as kN since 1 G^iN = 1 (10 ) (10~ ) N = 1 (10 ) N = 1 kN.
Radian s
SpeedDimensions Watt
Time (=
Dimensional analysis deals with dimensions of quantities (TableN 1.5).
Base unit Dimension m2
MASS M Table1.4
Table 1.5
LENGTH : $&.' mi
-1 '

DIMENSIONAL FORMULA Dimensional formula is a formula in which the given physical

for Use is expressed in terms of the fundamental quantities raised to suitable power.
of SI Symbols
In order to completely define a physical quantity, the following are to be known: (1)
The following rules
the unit of theare given for
quantity, (2) the
the proper
of of the various
times the unit symbols in in
contained SI that
quantity, i.e.,
1. A symbol is never value.
the numerical writtenArea
with is
a plural s. by L 2 and area has 2 dimensions in length.
2. Volume
Symbolsisare always written
represented by L 3 in lowercase
and letters except
has 3 dimensions the symbols named after
in length.
an The
individual e.g., Nformula
dimensional and J. of some of the derived quantities are given in Table 1.6.

S. No. Physical quantity Expression Dimensional formula

The International System of Units, abbreviates SI (from the French, Systeme Inter national
d'Unites), has been accepted throughout the world and is a modem version of the metric
system. In SI units, length in meters (m), mass in kilograms (kg) and time in seconds (s) are
selected as the base units.
Dimensional formula is a formula in which the given physical quantity is expressed in terms
of the fundamental quantities raised to suitable power.
The law of dimensional homogeneity suites that all equations which describe the physical
processes must be dimensionally homogeneous.


Review Questions
1. Define unit.
2. Differentiate between fundamental units and derived units.
3. Explain SI units.
4. Define dimensional formula.
Uses of Dimensional Formula
What are the uses of dimensional formula?
The dimensional formula is used
State the law of dimensional homogeneity.
(i)to check the correctness of a given equation,
(ii) to derive equations for physical quantites involved in the problem.
Objective Questions
Dimensionless Quantities Dimensionless quantities are the quantities that are
1. Joule is the unit of
the ratio of two quantities having the same dimensional formula.
(a) Power (b) Moment
Law of Dimensional
(c) Momentum Homogeneity (d) Work
The2. law
In SIof dimensional
units, homogeneity
the units of force and power states that all equations which describe the
are respectively
processes andmust
Watt be dimensionally homogeneous. In other
(b) Newton and words,
Jouleno equa tion in
which the (c) seperate
Newton and terms
Pascalhave different dimensions(d) Newtoncan
and be Hertz
physically valid.
Dimensionally homogenous equations are also said to be dimensionally correct. [Ans. In a (a)]
3. Which of the
dimensionally following
correct, all isthe
terms on quantity?
the left and right side will have the same
(a)Force (b) Velocity
(c)Pure number (d) Frequency
Law of dimensional homogeity is used (a) to verify whether the given equa tion is
4. The dimension correct or momentum
of linear not (b) to findsystem
in MLT the dimensions
is of certain terms [Ans.
in a (c)l
(a)MLT(b)homogeneous equation. MLT1
(c)MT (d) LT1
Important Terms and Concepts
[Ans. (b)]
Unit5. Thedimension of pressure
Fundamental unitin MLT systemDerived
is unit Coherent system of units
! -1 2
SI units (a)ML T-
Rules for use of SI units Dimensions(b) ML T Dimensional formula
_, 2
(c)ML T" homogeneity
Law of dimensional (d) ML 2 T 2

[Aws. (c)|
6. Consider the following statements.
Unit is I.defined as the numerical
The dimensional formulastandard
is usedused to measure
to derive the qualitative
the equations dimension
for physical of a
physical quantity.
involved in the problem.
The units in which the quantities
II. Dimensionless fundamental are quantities are that
the quantities measured
are theare callcd
ratio of twoasquantities
funda mental or
basic units.theThe
samethree primary units
dimensional basic to mechanics are length, time and mass.
The derived units
III. The law areofthe units of derived
dimensional physicalstates
homogeneity quantities,
that allwhich are expressed
equations in terms of
which describe
the fundamental units (examples:
theprocesses Area, Volume,
must be dimensionally Force. Velocity, etc.).
Out of these statements.
(a)Only I is correct. (b) I and II are correct
(c)All are incorrect (d) All are correct.
[Arts, (d)]
Copyrighted material
The solution of a problem in engineering mechanics usually consists of three steps: (1)
the reduction of a complex physical problem to such a state of idealiza tion that it can be
expressed algebraically or geometrically; (2) the solution of this purely mathematical
problem; and (3) the interpretation of the results of the solution in terms of the given
physical problem.
The mastery of the principles of engineering mechanics will be reflected in the
ability to formulate and solve problems. There is no simple method for teach ing
problem-solving skills. To develop the analytical skills that are so necessary for success
in engineering, a considerable amount of practice in solving prob lems is necessary. For
this reason, a relatively large number of examples and practice set are given throughout
the text. An effective method of attack on stat ics problems is essential. Each solution
should proceed with a logical sequence of steps from hypothesis to conclusion. Its
representation should include a clear statement of the following parts, each clearly
identified :
1. Given data: After carefully reading the problem statement, list all the data
2. Results desired or find: State precisely the information that is to be deter mined.
3. Necessary diagrams: If a figure is required, sketch it neatly and approxi mately to
4. Calculations or solution: Solve the problem, showing all the steps that you used
in the analysis. Work neatly so that others can easily follow your work.
5. Answers and conclusions or validate: Many times, an invalid solution can be
uncovered by simply asking yourself, Does the answer make sense?
The accuracy of the solution of a problem depends upon the two items: (1) the
accuracy of the given data and (2) the accuracy of the computations performed. The
data given in a problem should be assumed known with a comparable degree of
accuracy. The number of significant figures in an answer should be no greater than the
number of figures, which can be justified by the accuracy of the given data. A practical
rule is to use 4 figures to record numbers beginning with a 1 and 3 figures in all other
Forces in a Plane


Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by forces and is
one of the oldest branches of science. Some of its fundamental principles date back to
the Egyptians and Babylonians who used them in the solution of problems encountered
in building the famous pyramids and old temples. 1 The earliest writings on the subject
were left by Archimedes (287-212 B.C.), who formulated the laws of equilibrium of
forces acting on a lever and also some principles of hydrostatics. However, the
principles from which the subject in its present form is developed were not fully stated
until the later part of the seventeenth century and are mainly the work of Stevinus,
Varignon and Newton, who were the first to use the principle of the parallelogram of
Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by forces.
Rigid Body
We shall be mostly concerned in this book with problems involving the equilib rium of
rigid bodies. Physical bodies, such as we have to deal with in the design of engineering
structures and machine parts, are never absolutely rigid but de form slightly under the
action of loads which they have to carry. Consider, for example, the lever shown in Fig.
2.1(a). Under the action of the two equal weights at the ends, the bar bends slightly
over the fulcrum and the distance of each weight from the fulcrum is decreased by a
very small amount. In discussing the equilibrium of the lever (equal weights at equal
distances from the fulcrum are in equilibrium), we may safely ignore this deformation
and assume that the lever is a rigid body which remains straight, as shown in Fig.
2.1(b). That is, we assume that the distance of each weight from the fulcrum is half the
length of the bar.
This illustrates the significance of the assumption of rigid bodies in dealing with static
'For historical data regarding the development of statics, see Ernst Mach, Science of Mechan ics,
Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago, 1902.
Fig. 2.1 |
A rigid body is defined as a definite quantity of matter the parts of which are fixed in
position relative to one another. The physical bodies are never absolutely rigid but deform
slightly under the action of loads, w hich they have to carry. If the deformation is
negligible when compared with the size of the body, it is assumed to be rigid.
If we are interested in the STRENGTH of the lever in Fig. 2.1, or the amount of sag,
the deformation represented by the bent form becomes important and must be taken into
account. Problems in which the effect of small deformations of physical bodies must be
taken into account are generally treated in books on STRENGTH OF MATERIALS or THEORY
Problems dealing with the conditions of equilibrium of nonrigid bodies, such as
liquids and gases, are usually treated in books ON FLUID MECHANICS. These will also not
be considered here, except in so far as they may be involved in determin ing the pressure
or loading exerted on rigid bodies that we do have under consid eration.

For the investigation of problems of statics we must introduce the concept of FORCE,
which may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest or motion of a
body to which it is applied. A force or motion acting on a rigid body produces one or
both of the following effects: (i) linear displacement, (ii) angular (rotating)
displacement. These effects essentially result in a change in the state of rest or motion
of a body.
Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest or motion of
a body to which it is applied.
There are many kinds of force, such as gravity force with which we are all familiar
and the simple push or pull that we can exert upon a body with our hands. Other
examples of force are the gravitational attraction between the sun and planets, the
tractive effort of a locomotive, the force of magnetic attraction, steam or gas pressure in
a cylinder, wind pressure, atmospheric pressure and frictional resistance between
contiguous surfaces.
WEIGHT is the force of gravitational attraction of the earth on a body.
HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE: When a body such as a dam impounds water, the water
exerts a force on th e imppounding bodywhich is distributed on the area of its contact
with the body. This is known as hydrostatic pressure.
GAS PRESSURE: Gas confined under pressure in a container exerts pressure over the
entire area of the container, called gas pressure.
EARTH PRESSURE: Earth piled up against a wall exerts pressure on it called the earth
WIND PRESSURE: Bodies exposed to wind are subjected to a force distributed over
their exposed area, called the wind pressure.
The pull of gravity is one of the most common examples of force with which we
shall have to deal. Given a ball that hangs by a string [Fig. 2.2(a)], we say that the ball
pulls on the siring with a force Wequal to its weight. This force is applied to the string
at point B and acts vertically downward.


Fig. 2.2
(a) (b) (c)

From the above example, we see that for the complete definition of a force we must
know (1) its magnitude, (2) its point of application, and (3) its direction. These three
quantities which completely define the force are called its specifica tions or
The specifications or characteristics of a force are (1) its magnitude, (2) its point of
application, and (3) its direction.
The SI units used by engineers to measure the magnitude of a force are the Newton
(N) and its multiple the kilonewton (kN), equal to 1000 N. The Newton is a derived
unit. One Newton is defined as the force, which gives an acceleration of 1 m/s 2 to a
mass of 1 kg.
The point of application of a force, acting upon a body is that point in the body at
which the force can be assumed to be concentrated. Physically, it will be im possible to
concentrate a force at a single point; i.e., every force must have some finite area or
volume over which its action is distributed. For example, the force Wexerted by the ball
upon the string AB in Fig. 2.2 is in reality distributed over the small cross-sectional
area of the string. Likewise, the gravity force, which the earth exerts on the ball, is
distributed throughout the volume of the ball. How ever, we often find it convenient to
think of such distributed force as being concentrated at a single point of application
wherever this can be done without
sensibly changing the effect of the force on the conditions of equilibrium. In the case of
gravity force distributed throughout the volume of a body, the point of application at
which the total weight can be assumed to be concentrated is called the CENTER OF
GRAVITY of the body.
CONCENTRATED FORCE OR A POINT LOAD is a force acting over a very small area.
DISTRIBUTED FORCE is a force distributed over a length or an area or a volume.
The direction of a force is the direction, along a straight line through its point of
application, in which the force tends to move a body to which it is applied. This line is
called the LINE OF ACTION of the force. The force of gravity, for example, is always
directed vertically downward. Again, in the case of a force exerted upon a body by a
flexible string, the string defines the line of action of the force. Thus the string AB in
Fig. 2.2 pulls vertically downward on the hook at A.
Any quantity, such as force, that possesses direction as well as magnitude is called a VECTOR
QUANTITY and can be represented graphically by a segment of a straight line, called a
VECTOR. For example, in Fig. 2.2(b), we can represent the force that the ball exerts on
the string by the straight-line segment BC, the length of which, to some convenient
scale, shows the magnitude of the force and the vertical downward direction of which,
indicated by the arrow, shows the direction of the force. Point B is called the
BEGINNING of the vector: and point C, the END. Either the beginning or the end of a
vector may be used to indicate the point of application of the force. With the beginning
and the end of a vector indicated by letters [as B and C in Fig. 2.2(b)] we shall
designate the vector by the symbol

BCY which defines it specifically as acting from B toward C.

FORCE Graphically a force may be represented by the segment of a


straight line. The straight line represents the line of action of the force 1 kN and its
length represents its magnitude. The direction (or sense) of the force is indicated by
placing an arrow head on this straight line (Fig. 2.3). Either the head or the tail may be
used to indicate the point of application of a force. Note that all the forces involved
must be represented consistently.

When several forces of various magnitudes and directions
act upon a body, they are said to constitute a SYSTEM OF FORCES. The general problem
of statics
must consists
satisfy of finding
in order to have the conditions
equilibrium of that such aThe
the body. system
various methods of
solution of this problem are based on several axioms, called the PRINCIPLES OF STATICS.
We begin with the principle of the PARALLELOGRAM OF FORCES, first employed
indirectly by Stevinus in 1586 and finally formulated by Varignon and Newton in
The reduction of a given system of forces to the simplest
system that will be its equivalent is called the problem of COMPOSITION OF FORCES.
Here we will discuss the reduction of a given system of forces, i.e., two forces to the
simplest system that will be its equivalent, i.e., resultant with
the help of parallelogram law. ____ ____
Parallelogram Law: If two forces, represented by vectors AB and AC, acting under an
angle a [Fig. 2.4(a)] are applied to a body at point A, their action is equivalent to the
action of one force, represented by the vector AD , obtained as the diagonal of the
parallelogram constructed on the vectors AB and A C and directed as shown in the figure.

Fig'2.4 !
(a) (b)

The force AD is called the resultant of the two forces AB and AC. The forces AB and
AC are called COMPONENTS of the force AD . Thus a force is equivalent to its
components, and vice versa.
Instead of constructing the parallelogram of forces, the resultant can be obtained
also by constructing the triangle ACD, as shown in Fig. 2.4(b). Here we take the vector
AC and from its end C draw the vector CD, equal and parallel to the vector AB. Then
the third side AD of the triangle gives the resultant, being directed from A, the
beginning of the vector AC> to D, the end of the vector CD . The vector^ AD ,^vhen
obtained in this way, is called the GEOMETRIC SUM OF the vectors AC and CD . Thus,
the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two forces, applied to a body at point A,
may be obtained as the geometric sum of the two vectors representing these forces. Its
point of application, of course, is also point A. Since the vectors in Fig. 2.4(b) do not
show the points of application of the forces that they represent, they are called FREE
VECTORS. The triangle ACD is called a TRIANGLE OF FORCES.
If two forces AB and AC act under a very small angle [Fig. 2.5(a)], the trian gle of
forces [Fig. 2.5(b)] becomes very narrow and we conclude that, in the limiting case,
where the two forces act along the same line and in the same direc tion, their resultant is
equal to the sum of the forces and acts in the same direc tion. In the same manner it can
be shown that, if two forces act along the same line in opposite directions, their
resultant is equal to the difference between the forces and acts in the direction of the
larger force. By taking one direction as positive and the other as negative along the
common line of action of two forces and considering the forces themselves as positive
or negative accordingly, we conclude that the resultant of two COLLINEAR FORCES is
equal to their ALGEBRAIC SUM.
R = jP2+Q2+2PQ(-\) = sf(P-Q)2 = P-Q R -
P - Q
In the special cases, the resultant of two forces became algebraic sum of the two

Case (iii)
------------- c
----if A = 90, i.e., rectangular components, then the resultant is given by the
Fig. 2.5
equation (b)
R = ^ W + Q 2 + 2 P Q cos 90 = / F 2 + Q 2
ANALYTICAL METHOD If two given forces P and Q. acting under the angle A. are applied
to a body at AY we will now find analytically the formulae for calculating the magnitude
of their resultant R and the angles /?and /which its line of action makes with those of
the given forces. Also giveQthe formulae for the resultant in the special cases, where A=

and AY-=180

angleP between
the and

while Fig. 2.6(b) shows the

A= 90. R and the force Q.
> Q and resultant

Thetriangle of forces
replacement of aobtained
single by
Figure 2.6(a) shows the parallelogram of forces constructed in the usual man ner,
the by
force geometric
several addition of
their freewill
which vectors. From the triangle
be equivalent of forces
in action to thewe given
find force, is called the problem of
2 in which
2 a single force is to be replaced by two
R = yjp + Q + 2PQcos a (a)
components is the one most commonly encountered. By using the parallelogram law, we
can resolve a given force R into any two components P and Q intersecting at a point on
its line of action. We shall discuss two possible cases.
I. The directions of both components are given; their magnitudes, to be deter mined.
Imagine, for example, that the force R, represented by the vector AB [Fig. 2.7(a)],
is to be resolved into two components acting along the lines AC and AD'. We
proceed by drawing from point B the dotted lines BC and BD, parallel to the
given lines of action of the desired components. The points C and Z>, where
^ 2 6 I these lines intersect the given lines of action of the components, determine the
(a) (b)
vectors AC
The magnitude of and AD whichRcompletely
the resultant define
being known the Eq.
from two (a), we may Pdetermine
components and Q. the
angles P and YBY using the equations

n Q P
sin P- sin a sin Y- sin A (b)
It is sometimes convenient to use these formulas for determining the resultant instead
of making an accurate construction, to scale, of the triangle of forces. For the spccial
case (i) A- 0,

R = J P 2 + Q - + 2 P Q cos a

Fig. 2.7 j R = y] P2 + Q1 + 2 PQ

cos 0
We can obtain the same result by using the triangle of force ABC as shown in
Fig. 2.7(b). Here the lines AC 'and BC" parallel to the given lines of action of the
compon ents, Rare ^ P 2 + Q 2from
= extended +2P Q (beginning
the l)=J(P + Q ) 2the
A and = end
P +B Q
of the vector AB
representing Rthe= given
P + Qforce
For R and their point of
the special
intersection C- determines
case (ii) A 180, the vectors AC and C/i, representing the components P
and Q. These components,
at any point on the line of action
R = J P + Q + 2 P Q cos a

R = y j p 2 + Q 2 +2 P Q cos 180
of the force R, will be its equivalent. In the particular case where the two
components act at right angles to each other, they are called RECTANGULAR
2. Both the direction and magnitude of one component are given; the direc tion and
magnitude of the other, to be determined. For example, imagine
that the force R, represented by the vcctor AB, and the component P, represented
by the vector AC [Fig. 2.7(a)], have been given. Laying out these two vectors as
shown in Fig. 2.7(b), the magnitude and direction of the other component Q are
given by the vector CB, obtained by joining the ends C and B of the two given
Analytical Method
1. The directions of both components are given; their magnitudes, to be deter mined.
Imagine, for example, that the force/? [Fig. 2.8(a)], is to be resolved into two
components acting along the lines AA and BH.
Figure 2.8(a) shows the parallelogram of forces constructed in the usual
manner, while Fig. 2.8(b) shows the triangle of forces obtained by the geo metric
addition of their free vectors.
The magnitude of the resultant ft, angle /?and angle / being known, we may
determine the magnitudes of forces P and Q by using the equations

sin P = sin EX. sin Y= sin A


2. Both the direction and magnitude of one component are given; the direc tion and
magnitude of the other, to be determined.
The magnitude and direction of one force can be determined using the above
Equilibrium Of Collineor Forces From the principle of the parallelogram of
forces, it follows that two forces applied at one point can always be replaced by their
resultant which is equivalent to them. Thus, we conclude that two con current forces can
be in equilibrium, only if their resultant is zero. From the discussion of the previous
paragraph it follows that this will be the case if we have two forces of equal magnitude
acting in opposite directions along the same line. We shall now generalize this
conclusion as the second principle of statics.
Equilibrium Law: Two forces can be in equilibrium only if they are equal in
magnitude, opposite in direction, and collinear in action.
In engineering problems of statics we often have to deal with the equilibrium of a
body in the form of a prismatic bar on the ends of which two forces are acting, as shown
in Fig. 2.9. Neglecting their own weights, it follows from the principle just stated that
either bar can be in equilibrium only when the forces are equal in magnitude, opposite
in direction, and coll inear in action, which means that they must act along the line
joining their points of application. If these points of application can be assumed to be
on the central axis of the bar (as is justifiable in many practical cases), the forces must
act along this axis. When such central forces are directed as shown in Fig. 2.9(a), we
say that the bar is in TENSION. When they act as shown in Fig. 2.9(b), the bar is said to

s^. ___________ T

Fig. 2 9 s ...............-----;s

Considering the equilibrium of a portion of the bar AB in Fig. 2.9(a), to the left of a
section MNY we conclude that to balance the external force S at A the portion to the right
must exert on the portion to the left an equal, opposite, and collinear force 5, as shown
in Fig. 2.9(c). The magnitude of this internal axial force which one part of a bar in
tension exerts on another part is called the TENSILE FORCE IN THE BAR or simply the
FORCE IN THE BAR, since in general it may be either a tensile force or a compressive
force. Such internal force is actually distributed over the cross- sectional area of the
bar, and its INTENSITY, i.e., the force per unit of cross-sectional area is called the STRESS
in the bar.
INTERNAL FORCES are the forces which hold together the particles of a body. For
example, if we try to pull a body by applying two equal, opposite and collinear forces,
an internal force comes into play to hold the body together. Internal forces always occur
in pairs and are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction and collinear. Therefore, the
resultant of all of these internal forces is zero and does not affect the external motion of
the body or its state of equilibrium.
EXTERNAL FORCES OR APPLIED FORCES are the forces that act on the body due to
contact with other bodies or attraction forces from other, separated bodies. These forces
may be surface forces (contact forces) or body forces (such as gravita tional attraction).
Sometimes we have to deal with the equilibrium of a prismatic bar on each end of
which two forces are acting as shown in Fig. 2.10(a), instead of a single force at each
end as shown in Fig. 2.9(a) and discussed before. Then the forces at A and B are
replaced with their respective resultants RA and RH as shown in Fig. 2.10(b). Now it is
the same case as discussed before.

(a) (b)

Other examples of two force members held in equilibrium are shown in

Fig. 2.11(a)(c).


We return now to the case of two forces under an angle EX [Fig. 2.4(a)]. From the
equilibrium law. we conclude that we can hold these two forces in equilibrium by
applying, at point A, a force equal and opposite to their resultant. This force is called
the EQUILIBRANT of the two given forces.
A force, which is equal, opposite and collinear to the resultant of the two given forces

is known as the equilibrant of the given two forces.

When two forces are in
equilibrium (equal, opposite and collinear), their resultant is zero and their combined
action on a rigid body is equivalent to that of no force at all. A generalization of this
observation gives us the third principle of statics, sometimes called the LAW OF
Law of Superposition: The action of a given system of forces on a rigid body will in no
way be changed if we add to or subtract from them another system of forces in
Let us consider now a rigid body AB under the action of a force P applied at A and
acting along BA as shown in Fig. 2.12(a). From the principle of superposition stated
above, we conclude that the application at point B of two oppositely directed forces,
each equal to and collinear with P, will in no way alter the action of the given force P.
That is, the action on the body of the three forces in Fig. 2.12(b) is identical with the
action of the single force P in Fig.2.12(a).

Fig. 2.12 ]
(a) (b) (c)
Repeating the same reasoning again, we remove, from the system in Fig. 2.12(b), the
equal, opposite, and collinear forces P and P"as a system in equilibrium. Thus we
obtain the condition shown in Fig. 2.12(c) where, instead of the original force P applied
at A, we have the equal force P' applied at B. This proves that the point of application
of a force may be transmitted along its line of action without changing the effect of the
force on any rigid body to which it may be applied. This statement is called the theorem
of transmissibility of a force.
Theorem of transmissibility of a force: The point of application of a force may be transmitted
along its line of action without changing the effect of the force on any rigid body to which it may be
By way of an example, let us consider the prismatic bar AB [Fig. 2.13(a)] which is
acted upon by two equal and opposite forces P, and P 2 , applied at the ends and acting
along its axis. As discussed before, the bar is in equilibrium under the action of two
such forces and is subjected to compression. Now in accordance with the theorem of
transmissibility of a force, we transmit P, along AB until its point of application is at B
and similarly we transmit P 2 along BA to act at A. The condition of the bar now is
represented in Fig. 2.13(b), and we see that, while it is still in equilibrium under the
action of these forces, the state of compression has been changed to one of tension.
Again, imagine that we transmit the point of application of each force to the middle
point C of the bar [Fig. 2.13(c)]. The two forces are again in equilibrium, but the bar is
now subjected to no internal forces. From this example, we see that, while the transmis -
sion of the point of application of a force acting on a body does not change the
condition of equilibrium, it may produce a decided change in the internal forces to
which the body is subjected. Thus the use of the theorem of transmissibility of a force is
limited to those problems of statics in which we are interested only in the conditions of
equilibrium of a rigid body and not with the internal forces to which it is subjected.
The theorem of transmissibility of a force is limited to those problems of statics in which we are
interested only in the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body and not with the internal forces to
which it is subjected.
many other kinds of constraint than those illustrated in Figs. 8 2.2(a), 2.15(a) and 2.16(a)
but these are typical and will suffice ...rrrrrr:
as a basis for our present discussion.
A body that is not entirely (a)free to move and is acted upon by some applied force (or
forces) will, in Pgeneral, exert pressures against its supports. For example, the ball in
2 --- - -------------------------------
Fig. 2.2(a) exerts a downward
----------- ~ pull on the end of the supporting string as shown in Fig.
2.2(b). Similarly, the ball in(b) Fig. 2.15(a) exerts a vertical push against the surface of the
supporting plane at the point of contact/4 as shown in Fig. 2.15(b). For the case in Fig.
A -----------*< ------------------ --------T] Q
2.16(a), the ballP2not p, only pulls downward on the string BC but also pushes to the left
against the wall at A as (C) shown in Fig. 2.16(b). Now in every case, these actions of a
constrained body against its supports induce reactions from the supports on the body,
and asthe
thetheorem of transmissibility
fourth principle of statics of weatake
forcetheit following
follows that, if two forces P and Q
applied to a body at the points A and B [Fig. 2.14(a)] are acting along lines intersecting
at point C, we can transmit the points of application of the forces to point C and replace
them by their resultant [Fig. 2.14(b)].
If the intersection point C is outside the boundary of the body [Fig. 2.14(c)], we
assume this point to be rigidly attached to the body by the imaginary exten sion,
indicated in the figure by dotted lines, and then proceed as before.

Fig. 2.14 j

often we haveoftostatics is of the
course nothingofmore
Law of Action and Reaction Any pressure on a support causes an equal and opposite
pressure from the support so that action and reaction are two equal and opposite forces. This
than New
equilibrium oftons third
bodies thatlaw
Very last
motion stated
freeintoa form
move.suitable for thetodiscussion
Restriction the free of problems
motion of aofbody
in any direction is called
constraint. In The
Fig.reaction of afor
2.15(a), constraint
weawayhavefrom the direction
a ball in which
resting on the given plane
a horizontal constraint
that ita is
bodys displacement.
free to move along the plane but cannot move vertically downward.
Similarly, the ballis in
A free body a body
Fig.not connected
2.2(a), with other
although bodies
it can swing andaswhich from any given
a pendulum, position can be
is constrained
displaced in any directiondownward
in space. by the string AB. In Fig. 2.16(a), we have a ball of
against moving vertically
weight \V supported by a string BC and resting against a smooth vertical wall at A. With
constraints, all Diagrams
motion of theToball in the plane
investigate the ofequilibrium
the figure isofprevented. 2
a constrained There are we
shall always imagine that we remove the supports and replace them by the reactions
which they exert on the body. Thus, in the case of the ball in Fig. 2.2(a), we remove the
supporting string and replace it by the reaction R(L that it exerts on the ball. We know
that the point of application of this force must be the point of contact B. and from the
law of equilibrium of two forces, we conclude that R a it must be along the string, i.e.,
vertical and equal to the weight W: thus it is completely determined. The sketch in Fig.
2.2(c) in which the ball is completely iso lated from its support and in which all forces
acting on it are shown by vectors is called(b) a free-body diagram.
Free body diagram//////mm///
is a sketch of the isolated body, which shows the external forces on the
A on it by the removed elements.
body and the reactions exerted
Fig. 2|p1
The general procedure (a)for constructing a free-body diagram is as follows:
1.A sketch of the body is drawn, by removing the supporting surfaces.
Since Uiere is no tendency for the hall in this case to move upward or to swing away from
the wall, we ignore the fact that the constraints as shown may not be able to prevent such

i 1

(Fig. 2.18).
2. Indicate If one
on this of the
sketch all contacting
the appliedsurfaces is aforces,
or active point, which
then the reaction
tend to set isthe
di rected
body in motion,or normal
such astothose
the other
caused surface (Fig. 2.15).
by weight of theIf body
two ofor the contacting
forces; are points, then the reaction is directed perpendicular or nor mal to the tangent
of contacting
3. Also indicate surfaces
on this [Fig.
all theandreactive
forces, such as those caused by
the constraints or supports that tend to prevent motion. (The sense of un-
known reaction should be assumed. The correct sense will be determined
by the solution of the problem. A positive result indicates that the assumed
sense is correct. A negative result indicates that the correct sense is oppo-
site to the assumed sense.)
4. All relevant
ZlT] and angles, reference axes are shown on the sketch.
Similarly, in the case of the ball (a)in Fig. 2.15(a), we remove the supporting
surface and replace it by the reaction R(L that it exerts on the ball. We know that
the point of application of this force must be the point of contact .4, and from the
law of equilibrium of two forces, we conclude that it must be vertical and equal
to the weight W\ thus it is completely determined. The free-body diagram of the
ball in Fig. 2.15(a) is shown in Fig. 2.15(c).
In the case of the ball in Fig. 2.16(a), we again remove the supports and isolate
the ball as a free body I Fig. 2.16(c)]. Then besides the weight W acting at C, we
have two reactive forces to apply, one replacing the string BC and another replac-
ing the wall AB. Since the string is attached to the ball at C and since a string can
pull only along its length, we have the reactive force S applied at C and parallel to
BC. Its magnitude remains unknown. Regarding the reaction Ra , we have for its
point of application the point of contact A. Furthermore, we assume that the sur-
face of the wall is perfectly smooth so that it can withstand only a normal pres-
sure from the ball. Then, accordingly, the reaction R(L will be horizontal and its
line of action will pass through C as shown. Again only the magnitude remains
unknown and the free-body diagram is completed. The question of finding the
magnitudes of S and RU will not be discussed here, although it is only necessary
to so proportion these vectors that their resultant is equal and opposite to the
vertical gravity force W.
From the above discussion, we come across two types of
supports namely string support and a smooth surface or support.
A flexible weightless and in-extensible string is a constraint
prevents a body moving away, from the point of suspension of
the string, in the direction of the string. The reaction of the
string is directed along the string towards the point of
suspension. So, string or cable can support only a tension and
this force always acts in the direction of the string. The tension
force developed in a continuous string, which passes over a ' J
frictionless pulley, must have a constant magnitude to keep the string in equilibrium
(Fig. 2.17). Hence, the string or cord, for any angle 6\ is subjected to a constant tension
.S throughout its length.
A smooth surface is one whose friction can be neglected. Smooth surface prevents
the displacement of a body normal to both contacting surfaces at their point of contact.
The reaction of a smooth surface or support is directed normal to both contacting
surfaces at their point of contact and is applied at that point
thus it is completely determined. The free body diagram of the body in Fig. 2.21 (a) is
shown in Fig. 2.21(b).
One more example of free-body diagram is considered here. The lawn roller, of
weight W, being pushed up the inclined smooth plane as shown in Fig. 2.22(a). In the
case of the lawn roller in Fig. 2.22(a), we again remove the support and isolate the body
as a free body [Fig. 2.22(b)). Then beside the weight IV'and push P acting at centre C)%
we have one reactive force RU to apply, replacing the inclined plane. The areactive force
RA have its point of application at the point of contact A. We assume that the surface of
the inclined plane is perfectly smooth so that it can withstand only a normal pressure
from the roller. Then the reaction RA will be normal to the inclined surface and its line
of action will pass through O as shown here the magnitude (c)
remains unknown and the
free body diagram is completed the question of finding the magnitudes of P and RL} will
not be discussed here.

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.22 "1

Proceeding as above with constrained bodies, we shall always obtain two kinds of
forces acting on the body: the given forces, usually called ACTIVE FORCES, such as the
gravity force Wfree body2.16(c),
in Fig. diagramsandofREACTIVE
the bodiesFORCES
are shown in Figs the
, replacing 2.15(b), 2.18(b),
supports, such as
the forces S and R2.20(b), respectively.
IT in Fig. 2.16(c). To have equilibrium of the body, it is necessary that

the active Another

forces and type reactive
of support is linear
forces elastic
together spring a(Fig.
represent system2.21).
of The magnitude
forces in of
equilibrium. developed
it is by by a linear
means of theelastic spring
free-body whichthat
diagram haswea de
stiffness, and is ofdeformed
fine the system
a distance
forces with which weX measured
must dealfrom its unloaded
in our position,
investigation of theisconditions of equilibrium of
S = lcx
any constrained body. The construction of this diagram should be //////////////////////////
the first step in the
Note x is determined from the difference in the
analysis springs
of everydeformed
of statics, and it must be evident that any errors or omissions
and its initial length. If x is posi-
here willtive,
reflect themselves
S pulls' on theonspring;
all subsequent
whereas ifwork.
x is negative, S
The essential
must pushproblem
on it. of statics may now be briefly recapitulated as follows: We
have a body
In the either
of theor body
in Fig.
2.21(a), which
we re- remains at rest under the
action ofmoveappliedthe forces.
supporting springthe
We isolate andbody
from itits by the and show all forces
acting onspring force S both
it by vectors, that active
it exerts
and on the body.
reactive. We consider
We then know what conditions this
system of that the must
forces pointsatisfy
of application
in order to of this
be in force must be
the that
i. e., in order pointtheyofwill
have noand from the law of equilib-
rium of two forces, we conclude that it must be along
the spring, i.e., vertical and equal to the weight W;
I. T
v C^R
r >D
Fig. 2.23
eSOLUTION: Since the point of intersection
aof the given forces P and Q is not well
rdefined and does not occur within the
llimits of the drawing, we begin by adding
yto the system two equal, opposite and
collinear forces 5, and S2 of any convenient
pmagnitudes at points A and B, as shown in
athe figure. It follows from the law of
rsupeiposition that two such forces, being in
aequilibrium, do not change the action of
lthe given forces P and Q. Hence the
lresultant R} of P and 5, together with the
eresultant R2 of Q and S2, obtained as
lshown, are statically equivalent to the
given forces P and Q and their resultant R
fwill be the one required. To find this
oresultant R. we transmit R{ and R2 along
rtheir lines of action to point C, which is a
cwell-defined point, and complete the
parallelogram of forces as shown. The
vector CD represents the required resultant
and if all constructions have been made to
scale, its magnitude may be measured
directly from the drawing.
2. Draw a free body diagram of the body of
weight \VY the string BD and the ring
shown in Fig. 2.24(a).

of equilibrium of two forces, we conclude that it must be along the string,
i. e., vertical and equal to the weight W\ thus it is completely determined.
If the string BD isolated from its supports, then there are only two forces
acting on it, Fig. 2.24(c), namely the tensile force of the string SD and the tensile
force SB caused by the string. S(L shown here is equal but opposite to that shown
in Fig. 2.24(b) from the law of action and reaction.
From the law of equilibrium of two forces STL and SH are equal, i.e., S(I =
5, = S 3 = VV.
Now isolate the ring at B from its supports. On the ring, three forces are
acting. All the forces on the ring are reactive forces from the strings and shown
as in Fig. 2.24(d).
NOTE SH shown here is equal but opposite to that shown in Fig. 2.24(c) from the
law of action and reaction.
3. The body of weight W is supported as shown in Fig. 2.25(a). Draw a free body
diagram of the body and the knot at C.

<. s
(c) B

SOLUTION: Isolate the body from its supports. There are two forces acting on the
body, namely, its weight and the tensile force 5, of the string CD. The free body
diagram of the body shown in Fig. 2.25(b). W From the law of equi librium of two
forces, we have 5, = Wand 5 ( is acting vertically upward.
If we isolate(a)the knot from its supports,
(b) there are three forces(d)acting on it.
They are reactive forces from the spring and the tensile forces in the string. The
Fig. 2.24
free body diagram of the knot is shown in Fig. 2.25(c) as usual.
4. A body of weight W is supported on a frictionless pulley as shown in Fig.
2.26(a). : Ina the
Draw freecase
body of diagram
the bodyofinthe
Fig. 2.24(a),
body remove
and the pulley,theifsupport, i.e.,ofstring
the radius the
and isolate
pulley and thethe body of
weight as the
a free body
pulley areI neglected.
Fig. 2.24(b)]. Replace the string support by
the tension
3 or SD it the
isolate exerts
the body. We know
its supports, thatarethe
there twopoint of application
forces act ing on
of body.
the this force
Onemust be the and
is weight pointthe
of other
contactis D, and from
tension the law
of the string. The free body
diagram is as shown in Fig. 2.26(b).

C Si

Fig. 2.26 5

(b) (c)

From the law of equilibrium of two forces, we obtain S2 = W and S2 is

acting vertically upward. Now isolate the pulley from its supports. As the pulley
is frictionless, the forces exerted at B by the portions AB and BC of the cord must
be equal. These two forces can balance the vertical resultant, this condition
requires that A# andCbe equally inclined to the horizontal,
i. e., 0= A. The free body diagram of the pulley is as shown in Fig. 2.26(c).
5. Two spheres of weight P and Q rest inside a hollow cylinder, which is resting on
a horizontal plane as shown in Fig. 2.27. Draw the free body diagram/s of both
the spheres taken together and both the spheres taken separately.

o p

SOLUTION: Since the spheres are smooth, the pressures at the various points of
contact must be normal to the surfaces. Removing the supporting walls and floor
and replacing them by their reactions Ra , RC and RD, we obtain the free body
diagram for both spheres as shown in Fig. 2.27(b). These reac tions are equal and
opposite to the required pressures exerted by the spheres on the walls and floor.
Isolate the spheres taken separately from its supports. On the sphere P, three
forces are acting, namely, weight, the reaction from the wall of the cylinder. The
free body diagram is as shown in Fig. 2.27(c). On the sphere {?, four forces are
acting, namely, weight, the reaction from the wall of the cylinder, reaction from
the floor and the reaction from the sphere P. The free body diagram is as shown
in Fig. 2.27(d).
At the point of contact between the two spheres, we have two equal and
opposite forces R(l , R2 which must act along the line OE joining the centres of the
spheres. When considering the free body diagram of the upper sphere, we take
only the force ft,, representing the reaction exerted by the lower sphere, likewise
when considering the lower sphere, we take only the force R

6. Find the force with which the 10(K) N press against the floor shown in Fig.

Solution: Figure 2.29(b) shows the parallelogram of forces OACB constructed in

S -. s
the usual manner. The angles /}and /are given by the equations
sin LI- sin a; R Ra
sin Y- sin A R
1000 (c)
Substituting the values A = 120, /?= 30,
1000 n; and R = 1000 N, we get from Eq.
/= 90
i400N *af
/zzmmznzmz? P= 1154.7 N
(a) Q = 577.35
(b) N (C)
8. The 500 N force is to be resolved into components along the AA and BH axes as
Fig. 2.28
shown in Fig. 2.30(a). Determine the angles JI and /knowing that the component
along aa is to be 400 N. Also, find the corresponding value of the component
along BW
Solution: The free body diagram of 4(H) N weight is as shown in Fig. 2.28(b).
From the law of equilibrium of two forces, we get
5 = 400 N
Removing the supporting string and the floor and replacing them by their
reactions S and R(L we obtain the free body diagram of the body as shown in Fig.
2.28(c). The reactions S and R(L are equal and opposite to the required pressures
exerted by the body on the string and floor. The free body dia gram of the floor is
shown in Fig. 2.28(d).
The three forces 5, R(L and Ware all acting along one line, the sides of the
polygon of forces will all lie along one line and the geometric summation will be
replaced by algebraic summation. Therefore, the resultant is the algebraic sum of
the three forces, i.e.,
R = S + R a - 1000
The resultant is equal to zero, since the body is in equilibrium. Equating the
resultant zero, we get
RIT = 600 N
Therefore, the force with which the 1000 N press against the floor = 600 N.
Fig. 2.30
7. Determine the components of the 1000 N force shown along the aa and bb' axes
shown in Fig. 2.29(a).
SOLUTION: In this problem both the direction and the magnitude of one com -
ponent are given; the direction and the magnitude of the other, to be deter mined.
Using Fig. 2.30(b) and the relation

sin Y= sin A (d)

and substituting the values cr = 150, P = 400 N and R = 500 N, we will get from
Ecjn. (d)
7= 23.58 and /?= A- Y= 150 -
23.58 = 126.42
Using Fig. 2.30(b) and the relation
sin p =H sin a
R (i)

and substituting the values A = 150, /?= 126.42 , and R = 500 N. we will get
from Eq. (e).
Q = 804.7 N

Important Terms and Concepts

Statics Rigid Body Strength of materials The
Fluid mechanics Force specifications of a force System
Concentrated load Vector of forces Parallelogram law
Free vectors Composition of forces Resolution of forces Smooth
Resultant Triangle law surface Compression Law of
Rectangular components String superposition Action and
Equilibrium law Tension reaction Reactive forces
Stress Equilibrant
Theorem of transmissibility Constraint
Law of action and reaction Active forces
Free body diagram

Statics deals with the conditions of equilibrium of bodies acted upon by forces.
A rigid body is defined as a definite quantity of matter, the parts of which arc fixed in
position relative to one another. The physical bodies are never absolutely rigid but deform
slightly under the action of loads, which they have to carry. If the defor mation is negligible
when compared with the size of the body, it is assumed to be rigid.
Force may be defined as any action that tends to change the state of rest of a body to which it
is applied. The three quantities, which completely define the force, are called its
specifications. The specifications of a force are (1) its magnitude, (2) its point of
application, and (3) its direction. The SI units used by engineers to measure the magnitude of
a force arc the new ton (N). The point of application of a force acting upon a body is that
point in the body at which the force can be assumed to be concentrated. The direction of a
force is the direction, along a straight line through its point of application, in which the force
tends to move a body to which it is applied.
The point of application at which the total weight can be assumed to be concen trated is
called the center of gravity of the body.
Any quantity, such as force, that possesses direction as well as magnitude is called a
vector quantify and can be represented graphically by a segment of a straight line.
Force can be represented graphically by a segment of a straight line. The length of the
straight line segment, to some convenient scale, shows the magnitude of the force. The
arrow indicates the direction of force. Either the beginning (tail) or the end (head) of a
vector may be used to indicate the point of application of the force.
System of forces: When several forces of various magnitudes and directions act upon a
body, they are said to constitute a system of forces.
Parallelogram law' of forces states that if two forces acting simultaneously at a point may
be represented in magnitude and direction by two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, their
resultant may be represented in magnitude and direction by diagonal of the parallelogram,
which passes through their points of intersection.
Triangle law of forces: If two forces acting simultaneously on a particle represented by the
two sides of a triangle (in magnitude and direction) taken in order, then their resultant is
represented by the third side (closing side) taken in an opposite order.
Equilibrium law: Two forces can be in equilibrium only if they are equal in magni tude,
opposite in direction, and collinear in action.
A force, which is acting on a bar, tends to elongate the bar is known as tensile force. The
magnitude of the internal axial force which one pan of a bar in tension exerts on another
part is called the tensile force in the bar.
A force, which is acting on a bar, tends to shorten the bar is known as compressive force.
The magnitude of the internal axial force which one part of a bar in compres sion exerts on
another part is called the compressive force in the bar.
A force, which is equal, opposite and collinear to the resultant of the tw'o given forces is
known as the equilibrant of the given two forces.
Law of superposition: The action of a given system of forces on a rigid body will in no way
be changed if we add to or subtract from them another system of forces in equilibrium.
The point of application of a force may be transmitted along its line of action with out
changing the effect of the force on any rigid body to which it may be applied. This
statement is called the t h e o r e m o f t r a n s m i s s i b i l i t y o f a f o r c e . T h e
t h e o r e m o f t r a n s m i s s i b i l i t y o f a f o r c e is limited to those problems of
statics in which we are interested only in the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body and
not with the internal forces to which it is subjected.
Restriction to the free motion of a body in any direction is called constraint.
Law of action and reaction: Any pressure on a support causes an equal and opposite
pressure from the support so that action and reaction are two equal and opposite forces.
Forces that act on a constrained body can be divided into two kinds of forces: active forces
and reactive forces. Forces acting on a body that are given forces such as gravity forces are
called active forces. Reactive forces are those forces that are exerted on a body by the
supports to which it is attached.
Smooth surface or support: A smooth surface is one whose friction can be ne glected.
Smooth surface prevents the displacement of a body normal to both con tacting surfaces at
their point of contact. The reaction of a smooth surface or sup port is directed normal to
both contacting surfaces at their point of contact and is applied at that point. If one of the
contacting surfaces is a point, then the reaction is directed perpendicular or normal to the
other surface.
A constraint provided by a flexible in-extensible string prevents a body moving away from
the point of suspension of the siring in the direction of the string. The reaction of the string
is directed along the string towards the point of suspension.
Sometimes a linear elastic spring is used as a support. The reactive force of a spring may
either be tensile or compressive in nature, according to the load acting on the spring.
Free body diagram is a sketch of the isolated body, which shows the external forces on the
body and the reactions exerted on it by the removed elements.
The essential problem of statics: Consider a body, either partially or completely constrained,
which remains at rest under the action of applied forces. Isolating the body from its supports
and showing all forces acting on it by vectors, both active and reactive. Then considering
what conditions this system of forces must satisfy in order to be in equilibrium, i.e.. in order
that they will have no resultant.

Important Formulae

The magnitude of the resultant R of the two forces P and Q having an angle a between them and
acting at a point, is given by the equation

The angles p and /may be determined by using the equations

sin P- sin a R sin y- sin a R

where, P = angle between the forces R and P

Y= angle between the forces R and Q

PRACTICE SET 2,1 ______________________________________________

Review Questions
1. What do you study in statics?
2. Define rigid body.
3. State and explain the concept of force.
4. Give the examples of force.
5. What is meant by specifications of a force?
6. Explain the term concentrated force.
7. Define vector and free vector.
8. State and explain the parallelogram law of forces.
9. State and explain the triangle law' of forces.
10. Explain rectangular components of a force.
11. State the law of equilibrium of two forces.
12. Discuss about two force body or two force members.
13. Define tension and compression in a bar.
14. State the law' of superposition of forces.
15. Explain the theorem of transmissibility of a force.
16. What is the limitation of the theorem of transmissibility of a force?
17. State the law of action and reaction.
18. Define constraint and explain the constraints string, smooth surface and linear elas tic
spring .
19. Differentiate between active and reactive forces.
20. What is a free body diagram? Explain it with the help of figures.
21. State the essential problem of statics.
B-4 C- 1 D~3
B-3 C-2 D- 1
B-5 C-2 D- 1
B-4 C-2 D-5
(a) A - 1 B-2 C-3 D-4
(b) A-2 B- 1 C-3 D-4
(c) A-3 B- 1 C-2 D-4
(d) A-3 B-1 C-4 D-2

D. Theorem of transmissibility 4. The point of application of a force may be
Objective Questions
10. Two of forces can be in equilibrium only if they
a force are
transmitted along its line of action without
1. Force can be characterized by
I. equal in magnitude II. opposite in direction III. collinear in action
changing the effect of the force on any rigid
(a) point
(a) I of application(b) magnitude, direction
and II only (b) body to Iwhich it may be andapplied.
III only (c)II and III
(c) direction(d)
only (d) point of application,
I. II andmagnitude and III direction
2.11.The actionwhose
The forces of a given
linessystem of forces
of action lie inonthe
a rigid
samebody planewill
andin arc
no way be changed
meeting at one if point, are
known as
I. Add to them
(a)coplanar anotherforce
concurrent system of forces in equilibrium
II. Subtract
(b) fromnon-concurrent
coplanar them another system of forces in equilibrium
force system
(a) I
(c)non-coplanar concurrentonly force(b)system
II only (c) I and II (d)none of
(d) these
non-coplanar non-concurrent force system [/A HS . (a)]
3. The resultant of two forces can be defined as a force that [Ans. (c)J
12. (a)keeps
Consider the system in equilibrium
the following statements:
(b) The has the greatest
principle magnitude is
of superposition in applied
the systemto
(c)has the elastic
I. linear same effect
bodies as the two forces
II. bodieshas subjected
the same to effect
smallas deformations
one force [4ns. (c)]
4. InOfthethesecase of gravity force distributed throughout the volume of a body, the point of
(a)I alone atis which
correctthe total weight can be assumed (b) I to
are correct is called
(a)the centerisofcorrect
(c)II alone gravity of the body (d) Neither I nor II is correct
(b) centroid of the body [Ans. (b)]
13.Match of thethe
I with
/ list II and select the correct answer using the codes given
(d) below
A. none theoflists:
Co-planar theforces
above [Ans. (a)]
5. Parallelogram law of forces states that if tw o forces acting simultaneously at a point Listbe11
represented in magnitude and direction by two adjacent sides of a 1. Lines
paral of action
lelogram. theirof
B. Concurrent may forces
be represented in magnitude and direction by all forces lie in the
(a)longer side of the other tw'o sides same
(b)C. Concurrent
shorter side coplanar
of the forces
other two sides plane but do not
(c)diagonal of the parallelogram which passes through their points of intersection pass through a
D. Collinear forces common
(d) diagonal of the parallelogram which does not pass through their point of inter section
point. [4ns. (c)J
6. The angles between twoforcesto make 2. Lines their of action of
resultant all forces and
a minimum lie in the same
a maximum
respectively are plane and pass through a common point.
(a) 0 and 90 3. Lines(b) of action180of and
all forces
90 lie in the same
(a)90 and 180 plane.
(d) 180 and 0 [ A n s . (d)]
7. If two forces P and Q (P > Q) act on the samestraight line but in opposite direction,4. Lin
their resultant is es
(a) P + Q (b) P/Q (c) Q-P (d) P-Q
[Ans. (d)]
8. If two forces, acting at a point are represented by two sides of a triangle taken in order,
List I that is satisfied of
select the condition
(a)TheA. Triangle of
magnitude lawthe
forces is zero
(b) The third side taken in the same order represents their resultant
(c)The magnitude of the resultant is maximum
(d) B. The Law third
of equilibrium
side taken of in two
the reverse order represents their resultant
forces s
[Ans. (d)] thr
9. If two equal forces of magnitude P act at an angle 0. their resultant, will be
(a)2P cos 0/2 (b) P tan 012 (c) 2P sin 0/2 (d) P cos 012 gh
C. Law of superposition
[Ans. (a)J a
[Ans. (c)]
15. Assertion (A): The theorem of transmissibility states that the point of application
of a force may be transmitted along its line of action without changing the effects
of the force on any rigid body to which it may be applied.
Reason (R): The theorem of transmissibility of a force is limited to those prob-
lems of statics in which we are interested only in the conditions of equilibrium of a
rigid body and not with the internal forces to which it is subjected.
Select your answer using the codes given below and mark your answer accord-
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.
(c)A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true. [i4/w. (b)]
16. A ball of weight IV is supported on smooth planes as shown in the given Fig. A.

Fig. A 1

The free body diagram of the ball will be


(a) (b)


W '

(c) (d)

[Ans. (a)]
1. A man of weight W = 712 N holds one end of a rope that passes over a pulley vertically
above his head and to the other end of which is attached a weight Q = 534 N. Find the force
with which the mans feet press against the floor. (Ans. 178 N)
2. A boat is moved uniformly along a canal by two horses pulling w'ith forces P = 890 N and Q
= 1068 N acting under an angle a - 60 (Fig. A). Determine the magnitude of the resultant
pull on the boat and the angles /?and /as shown in the figure.
(Ans. R= 1698 N; /*= 33; /= 27)

7. Draw the free body diagram of the bars AC and BC shown in Fig. C.

3. What force Q combined with a vertical pull P = 27 N will give a horizontal result-
ant force R = 36 N? (Ans, 45 N inclined by 36 52')
4. To move a boat uniformly along a canal at a given speed requires a resultant force
R = 1780 N. This is accomplished by two horses pulling with forces P and Q on
two ropes, as shown in Fig. A. If the angles that the two ropes make with the axis of
the canal are /?= 35 and /= 25, what are the corresponding tensions in the ropes?
(Ans. P = 868 N; Q= 1179N)
5. If, in Fig. A, the horses pull with the forces P = 1068 N and Q = 890 N, what must
be the angles /?and /to give the resultant R = 1780 N ?
(Ans. /?= 22 22'; /= 27 12')
6. Draw the free body diagram of the boom BC and point B shown in Fig. B.

8. Determine the components of the 1000 N force along the axes a and b as shown in Fig. D.
Compare these components with the rectangular jc-and y-components.
(Ans. F a = 777.86 N, F b = 507.71 N; F x = 866 N and F v = 500 N)

Fig. B

Fig. D I
9. Resolve the force into rectangular components with the given co-ordinate axes as shown in
Fig. E.
(Ans. (a) F x = -F sin a, F y = F cos a
(b) F x = F sin a F y = F cos a ,
(c) F x = F sin a; F = -F cos a
(d) F x = Fcos F v = Fsin (a-p)


- X



10. In level flight, the chord AB of an airplane wing makes an angle a- 5 with the horizontal
(Fig. F). The resultant wind pressure on the wing for such conditions is defined by its lift and
drag components L = 6675 N and D = 890 N, which are vertical and horizontal, respectively,
as shown. Resolve this force into rectangular components X and K, coinciding with the chord
AB and its normal, respectively.
(Ans. X=304.8 N; Y = 6727 N)

11. A small block of weight Q - 44.5 N is placed on an inclined plane which makes an angle a=
30 with the horizontal. Resolve the gravity force Q into two rectangular components Q f and
Q r acting parallel and normal, respectively, to the inclined plane.
04/w. Q t = 22.25 N; Q n = 38.54 N)
12. For the particular position shown in Fig. G, the connecting rod BA of an engine exerts a
force P = 2225 N on the crank pin at A. Resolve this force into two rectangular components
P h and P v acting horizontally and vertically, respectively, at A.
(Ans. P h = 2081.4 N; P v = 786.5 N)

Fig. G |

13. Resolve the force P in Fig. G into two rectangular components P r and P t acting
along the radius AO and perpendicular thereto, respectively.
(Ans. P r = 915.6 N; P t = 2028 N)
14. If the resultant of two forces exerted on the body at A of Fig. H is to be vertical,
determine the value of p for which the magnitude of P is maximum, and the corresponding
magnitude of P. (Ans. p= 15; P = 3732 N)

P- 600 N

15. Three forces are applied to a body as shown in Fig. I. The direction of the two 100
N may vary, but the angle between these forces is always 30. Determine the range of values
of 0for which the magnitude of the resultant of the forces applied to the body is less than 650
N. (Ans. 23.76 to 216.24)
16. Three forces are applied to a body as shown in Fig. I. The direction of the 100 N
forces may vary, but the angle between the forces is always 30. Determine the value of af or
which the resultant of the forces acting at A is directed horizontally to the left if P = 250 N.
__________________________________________________ (Ans. 51.205)


The reduction of a given system of forces to the simplest system that will be its
equivalent is called the problem of COMPOSITION OF FORCES. If several forces F,, F 2 ,
F 3 ............. applied to a body at one point, all act in the same plane, they represent
a system of forces that can be reduced to a single resultant force. It then becomes
possible to find this resultant by successive applications of the parallelogram law. Let
us consider, for example, the four forces F,. F2, F3 and F4 acting on a body at point A
[Fig. 2.31(a)]. To find their resultant, we begin by obtaining the
resultant AC of the two forces F, and F2 . Combining this resultant with the
force F 3 , we obtain the resultant AD which must be equivalent to FV F2 and F 3 . Finally,
combining the forces AD and F 4 , we obtain the resultant R of the given system F,, F2,
F 3 , F 4 . This procedure may be carried on for any number of given forces acting at one
point in a plane.
It is evident, in the above case, that exactly the same resultant R will be obtained by
successive geometric addition of the free vectors representing the given forces [Fig.
2.31(b)]. In this case we begin with the vector AB representing the
force F{. From the end B of this vector we construct the vector BC , representing the
force F 2 , and afterward, the vectors CD and DE, representing the forces F 3 and F 4 . The
polygon ABCDE obtained in this way is the same as the polygon ABCDE in Fig.
2.31(a), and the vector AE, from the beginning A of the vector


Fig. 2.31
(b) (c)
AB to the end E of the vector D, gives the resultant R which, of course, must be
applied at point A in Fig. 2.31(a). The polygon ABCDE in Fig. 2.31(b) is called the
POLYGON OF FORCES and the resultant is given by the CLOSING SIDE of this polygon. It is
always directed from the beginning of the first vector to the end of the last vector.
Thus, we may say that the resultant of any system of concurrent forces in a plane is
obtained as the geometric sum of the given forces. The con struction of the polygon of
forces, for determining the resultant, is much more direct for a large number of forces
than successive applications of the parallelo gram law and is preferable in the solution
of problems.
It is evident that the resultant R will not depend upon the order in which the free
vectors representing the given forces are geometrically added. For instance, in the
above example, we can begin with the force add to it the force F 4 and afterward the
forces F2 and FY Proceeding in this way the polygon of forces
shown in Fig. 2.31(c) will be obtained. The closing side AE of the polygon gives the
same resultant R as before.
In the particular case where the given forces are all acting along one line, the sides
of the polygon of forces will all lie along one line and the geometric sum mation will be
replaced by an algebraic summation. The resultant, in this case, is the algebraic sum of
its components.
If the end of the last vector coincides with the beginning of the first, the result ant R
is equal to zero and the given system of forces is in equilibrium.

Resolution of a Force
The replacement of a single force by several components, which will be equiva lent in
action to the given force, is called the problem of RESOLUTION OF A FORCE. The case in
which a single force is to be replaced by two components is the one most commonly
encountered already discussed in the previous Section.
Regarding the resolution of a given force into three coplanar components, acting in
three given directions, we see that the magnitude of one of the compo nents can be
arbitrarily chosen so that in this case the problem is entirely indeter minate. In the
general case of resolution of a force into any number of coplanar components
intersecting at one point on its line of action, the problem will be indeterminate unless
all but two of the components are completely specified as to both magnitude and

Important Terms and Concepts

Composition of forces Resultant Polygon of forces Equilibrium
Resolution of a force Rectangular components

Composition of forces: The reduction of a given system of forces to the simplest system
that will be its equivalent is called the problem of composition of forces.
Polygon of forces: If a number of coplanar concurrent forces are acting on a body- such
that they can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in
an order, their resultant is represented in both magnitude and direction by the closing side
of the polygon taken in the opposite order. It is evident
that the resultant R will not depend upon the order in which the free vectors repre senting the
given forces arc geometrically added. In the particular case where the given forces are all
acting along one line, the sides of the polygon of forces will all lie along one line and the
geometric summation will be replaced by an algebraic summation. The resultant, in this
case, is the algebraic sum of its components. If the end of the last vector coincides with
the beginning of the first, the resultant R is equal to zero and the given system of forces is
in equilibrium.
The replacement of a single force by several components which will be equivalent in
action to the given force is called the problem of resolution of a force. The case in which
a single force is to be replaced by two components is the one most com monly encountered.
By using the parallelogram law, we can resolve a given force R into any two components
P and O intersecting at a point on its line of action. We shall discuss two possible cases:
(1) The directions of both components are given: their magnitudes, to be determined and
(2) both the direction and magnitude of one component are given; the direction and
magnitude of the other, to be determined.
When a force is resolved into two components, which are acting at right angles to each
other, they are called rectangular components.
Regarding the resolution of a given force into three coplanar components, acting in three
directions, the problem is indeterminate.
In the general case of resolution of a force into any number of coplanar compo nents
intersecting at one point on its line of action, the problem will be indeterminate
unless all but two of the components are completely specified as to both mag
nitude and direction.


Review Questions
1. Define Composition of Forces.
2. State and explain law of polygon of forces.
3. What is meant by resolution of a force?
4. Define equilibrium.
5. Differentiate between composition of forces and resolution of a force.

Objective Questions
1. Consider the following statements:
I. The reduction of a given system of forces to the simplest system that will be its
equivalent is called the problem of composition of forces.
II. The replacement of a single force by several components which will be equiva lent in
action to the given force is called the problem of resolution of a force. Of these
(a) I alone is correct (b) II alone is correct
(c) I and II are correct (d) Neither I nor II is correct
[Ans. (c)]
2. Consider the following statements:
I. When a force is resolved into two components, which are acting at right angles to each
other, they are called rectangular components.
II. Regarding the resolution of a given force into three coplanar components, acting in
three directions, the problem is indeterminate.
Of these statements
(a) I alone is correct (b) II alone is correct
(c) I and II are correct (d) Neither I nor II is correct
[ANS. (c))
3. The resultant of two forces is equal to each of the force. The angle between them is
(a) 0 (b) 90 (c) 180 (d) 120
[A/w. (d)]


1. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the four forces shown
in Fig. A. (Ans. R = 1860 N; 0=61 45')

2. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the four con current
forces in Fig. A if each of the 445 N forces is increased to 667.5 N.
(Ans. R = 1766.5N; 0= 60.36)
3. Determine graphically the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the four con current
forces in Fig. A if each of the 445 N forces is reversed in direction.


In Section 2.2, it was shown that the resultant of any number of concurrent forces in a
plane is given by the closing side of the polygon of forces obtained by suc cessive
geometric addition of their free vectors. In the particular case where the end of the last
vector coincides with the beginning of the first, the resultant van ishes and the system is
in equilibrium. The reverse of this statement is a very important one: IF A BODY KNOWN
MUST FORM A CLOSED POLYGON. This statement represents the condition of equilibrium
for any system of concurrent forces in a plane.
In Fig. 2.32, we again consider the ball supported in a vertical plane by a string BC
and a smooth wall AB. The free-body diagram in which the ball has been isolated from
its supports and in which all forces acting upon it, both active and reactive, are
indicated by vectors is shown in Fig. 2.32(b). The details of making this free-body
diagram were already discussed in Section 2.1. The three concur rent forces W and R(L
are a system in equilibrium and hence their free vectors must build a closed polygon, in
this case, a triangle.
To construct this closed triangle of forces [Fig. 2.32(c)], we first lay out the vector
AB, representing to scale the magnitude of the gravity force W. Then from the ends A
and B of this vector, we construct the lines AC and BE" parallel, respec tively, to the
known lines of action of the reactive forces S and RA. The intersec-
Ffg.2.32 |

tion C of these two lines determines the required magnitudes of RA and S and the arrows
show the directions that these forces must have to build a closed triangle. It should be
noted that in any closed polygon of forces, the vectors must follow one another tail to
head around the polygon. The magnitudes of R(L and S may now be scaled from the
drawing and the problem is solved.
The foregoing procedure, in which the closed polygon of forces is constructed to
scale and the magnitudes of the reactions measured directly from the drawing, is called
a graphical solution of the problem. In order to make such a solution, of course,
numerical values would have to be given for the magnitude of Wand a, the angle
between the string and the wall.
If numerical data are not given, we can still sketch the closed triangle of forces as
shown in Fig. 2.32(c) and then express the magnitudes of RA and S in terms of W and A
by trigonometry. In the present case, for example, we see from the triangle of forces
R(J = ^ tan A S = W sec A (a)
Then for any given numerical data, the magnitudes of RCL and S can be computed from
expressions (a). Such an analysis of the problem is called a TRIGONOMETRIC SOLUTION.
Lami's Theorem: If three concurrent forces are acting on a body, kept in an
equilibrium, then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other
two forces and the constant of proportionality is the same.
Consider forces P.Q and R acting at point O as shown in Fig. 2.33(a). Math -
ematically, Lamis theorem is given by the following equation,

t ib)
sin a sin p sin y Since the forces are in equilibrium, the
triangle of forces should close. Draw the triangle of forces A ABC as shown in Fig.
2.33(b) corresponding to the forces P, O and R acting at a point O. The angles of
triangle are
Z.A = K- a ZB= K-P ZA = t c -
y From the sine rule for the triangle, we get
sin (7T OR) sin ( n - FL) sin ( n - y )
Fig. 2.34

free-body diagram of the ball will be as shown in Fig. 2.34(b), and we have three
reactive forces R-A,FIS) =and
sin (N sinR/?D with unknown magnitudes. While the resultant of these
three forcessinmust
y> = sinbe Ythe equilibrant of W, there is no way to deter mine their
Substituting definitely
these values into theandabove
the problem is it
equation, said to be to
reduces statically INDETERMINATE. Supports
the Lamis
excess of those necessary and sufficient to completely con strain the ball in the plane
of the figure are called REDUNDANT CONSTRAINTS.
P_Q _R
sin a sin fi sin y Note While applying Lamis theorem, in
the free-body diagram of the body, draw the direction of forces either directed towards or aw ay
from the point of concurrency.
1. An electric
Returning to the street lamp
free-body is suspended
diagram from ausing
of Fig. 2.32(d), smallLami's B supported
ring theorem, byget
we will two wires
AB and CB% the ends A and C of which are on the same level [Fig. 2.35(a)].
R a wires to be perfectly
Assuming these w flexible and neglecting their weights, find
the force produced
sin (7T - ain
) each if the weight sin
of the lamp is 67 N, length of each wire,
3.05 m, and the sag DBYsin1.22 m.
Simplifying this equation, we will get the same result as before, i.e, Eq. (a).
When feasible, the trigonometric solution or Lamis theorem is preferable to the
graphical solution since it is free from the unavoidable small errors associ ated with
graphical constructions and scaling. However, in more complicated problems, the
trigonometric method or Lami's theorem often becomes too in volved to be practicable,
and we must be satisfied with the less elegant but more straightforward graphical
Returning to the free-body diagram in Fig. 2.32(b). we see that to balance - 67 N the
Fig. 2.35
applied gravity force, we need simply an equal, opposite and collinear force(dwhich ) is
called the EQUILIBRANT of the active forces. We may now consider this equilibrant as
represented bySthe
vector in Fig.the actionand
2.32(c) of proceed
the gravity force ofit the
to resolve intolamp,
compo the wireRUEB pulls
and S parallel down
to the on
known linesBofwhich,
the ring actioninofturn, exerts a pull
the reactions. on each
In this way, of wethe
gettwo same BA and
the wires
magnitudes forBC.RA Hence
and S aseach of these
before. wires that
Recalling is inthe
tension and exerts
resolution an equal
of a given forceandintoopposite
more than tworeaction
coplanar the ring B, the
on components is direction of whichproblem
an indeterminate must coin cideEq.
[see with(a)],
the we
axis of the
wire. Thus the ring B, considered as a free body, is acted upon by three forces as
conclude that in dealing with the equilibrium of con strained bodies under the action of
shown in Fig. 2.35(b). Since these three forces are in equilibrium, the vectors
concurrent forces in one plane, we cannot determine definitely the magnitudes of more
representing them must build a closed trian gle. To construct this triangle [Fig.
than two reactive forces.
2.35(c)]. we begin with the known vec tor AB representing, to a certain scale, the
Suppose, for example, that the ball, otherwise constrained as in Fig. 2.32(a), also rests
weight of the lamp, and then draw the sides BE and CA parallel, respectively, to
on a horizontal floor at D. as shown in Fig. 2.34(a). In such case, the
the wires CB and AB.
The lengths of these vectors give the magnitudes of the reactions exerted
on the ring B by the wires and consequently the magnitudes of the tensile
forces in these wires. If the triangle of forces is constructed to scale, the
magnitudes of these forces are obtained by scaling the lengths of the vec-
tors BE and CA.
The same magnitudes can be obtained also by calculation. Since the vec-
tors BE and CA, by construction, are parallel, respectively, to the wires CB
and AB, we have ADBC similar to ADBC^ from which
AB : BE = 2 BD : BC = 2.44 : 3.05
---- 7. ()<s
and since the force AB = 67 N. we find BE = x 67 = 83.75 N.
Alternate Solution: Drawing the free body diagram of ring B as shown in
Fig. 2.35(b) is same as before. Figure 2.35(b) is redrawn as shown in
Fig. 2.35(d) with the mathamatical notation. The ring B is acted upon by
three forces as shown in Fig. 2.35(d). Since these three forces are in equi-
librium, using Fig. 2.35(d) and applying Lami's theorem, we get

S\ S2 67
sin [) sin Y sin A
where 5, = Tension in the wire AB
S2 = Tension in the wire CB
a - (X\- a 2
and = A2
BD 1.22
COS*, = COSi = = y -

a = 2a {
P=K-AI = Y
Substituting these values into the Eq. (c), we obtain

sin (N - Ax ) sin A, sin AX A7

S, = S-) = 67 ---------------------------------- = 67
---------------------------- = 67 ------------------ 1
sin A sin 2a, 2 sin a, cos 2 cos

=>S, = S 2 = = = 83.75 N
So, we got the tensions in the wires CB and AB same as above.
2. A weight Q = 2225 N hanging on a cable BD is supported at point B by a cable
AB and a boom BC which is hinged at C [Fig. 2.36(a)]. Neglecting the weights of
the cable and boom and assuming an ideal hinge at C, deter mine the forces
transmitted to the mast at points A and C. The angles of A ABC are indicated in
the figure.
SOLUTION: We begin by considering the equilibrium of die pin at B. The forces
acting on this pin are the active vertical gravity force 0, acting through the cable
BD, and the reactions exerted by the cable AB and by the boom
Fig. 2.36

BC. Since each of these members is a body acted upon by forces only at its ends
and since we are assuming an ideal hinge at C, we conclude that the direction of
each of these reactions must coincide with the axis of the mem ber that produces
it. The free-body diagram for the pin at B is as shown in the circle around this
joint [Fig. 2.36(a)!.
Now having given the magnitude and direction of one of the three forces in
equilibrium and the lines of action of the other two, the magnitudes of these latter
two forces are obtained by constructing the triangle of forces [Fig. 2.36(b)].
Knowing that the vector ACY representing the weight Q, acts
downward, the arrows on the other two vectors CB and BA must be directed as
shown on the triangle of forces, since all arrows must follow each other tail to
head around any closed polygon of forces. Considering the vector CB which
represents the reaction of the boom on the pin at BY we see that the boom pushes
against this pin and hence is in compression. Similarly, the arrow on the vector
BA indicates tension in the cable AB. In general, if the directions of any unknown
reactions are assumed incorrectly in the free- body diagram, they may be
corrected after the construction of the polygon of forces.
We conclude now, since the cable AB is in tension and the boom BC in
compression, that the cable pulls on the mast at A with a force equal but opposite
to the vector BA and that the boom pushes on the mast at C with a force equal but
opposite to the vector CB. These actions at A and C are shown in Fig. 2.36(a).
Their magnitudes can be obtained either by scaling the lengths of the vectors CB
and CA of the triangle of forces or by trigono metric calculation, which gives, for
the force at A, 2552.4 N and for the force at C, 4033 N.
ALTERNATE SOLUTION: The free body diagram of weight Q in which the body
has been isolated from its support and in which all forces acting upon it, both
active and reactive, are indicated by vectors is shown in Fig. 2.36(c). Since the
body is a two force memeber in equilibrium, applying the law of equilibrium of
two forces, we obtain S3 = Q.
Now consider the equilibrium of pin at B. The forces acting on this pin are the
reactions exerted by the cables AB and BD, and by the boom BC. Since each of
these members is a body acted upon by forces only at its ends and since we are
assuming an ideal hinge at C, we conclude that the direc tion of each of these
reactions must coincide with the axis of the member that produces it.
The direction of S2 and S 3 is known i.e., TENSILE, since the cables can resist
only tensile forces. The reaction from the boom on the pin at #, we see that the
boom pushes against this pin and hence is in compression. In general, if the
directions of any unknown reactions are assumed incorrectly in the free body
diagram, they may be corrected after getting negative val ues for those reactive
forces from Lamis theorem. The free body diagram for the pin at B is shown in
Fig. 2.36(d).
Using free body diagram of pin at B shown in Fig. 2.36(d) and applying
Lamis theorem, we get

S, S 2 Q
sin a sin (3 sin y
Substituting the values for a- 65, p- n- 35 and /= 150 in Eq. (c), we will get
5, = 4033 N
and S2 = 252.4 N
From the law of action and reaction, we will get the forces at points A and C are
2552.4 N and 4033 N, respectively, and the free body diagram of mast is shown in
Fig. 2.36(e).
3. Two smooth spheres, each of radius r and weight ), rest in a horizontal channel
having vertical walls, the distance between them is b (Fig. 2.37(a)). Find the
pressures exerted on the walls and floor at the points of contact
A, B and D. The following numerical data are given: r =254 mm b = 914 mm., Q =
445 N.
Solution: Since the spheres are smooth, the pressures at the various points of
contact must be normal to the surfaces. Removing the supporting walls

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.37

and floor and replacing them by their reactions RA, R,Y and R(H we obtain the free-
body diagram for both spheres as shown in Fig. 2.37(a). These reactions are equal
and opposite to the required pressures exerted by the spheres on the walls and
floor. At the point of contact between the two spheres, we have two equal and
opposite forces R] and R2 and which must act along the line OC joining the
centers of the spheres. When considering the equilibrium of the upper sphere, we
take only the force /?, representing the reaction exerted by the lower sphere;
likewise when considering the lower sphere, we take only the force R2. We see
now that the upper sphere is in equilibrium under the action of the gravity force
Q and the two reac tions /?, and RA while the lower sphere is in equilibrium under
the action of the four forces. RZ, Q. RH and RTI. In each case all forces are in one
plane and concurrent at the center of the corresponding sphere on which they act.
We begin by constructing the triangle of forces for the upper sphere. From this
triangle [Fig. 2.37(b)] the reactions RA and R] are determined. Proceeding now to
the lower sphere, we have the reaction R2 equal and opposite to the previously
determined force /?, and the gravity force Q, both of which are completely
known. Thus we can complete the polygon of forces [Fig. 2.37(c)] for this sphere
and determine the remaining two unknown reactions RH and RH.
If the drawing in Fig. 2.37(a) has been made to scale, the direction of the line
OC and consequently of the vectors R} and R2 will be determined graphi cally. In
this event, if the polygons of forces have also been constructed to scale, the
magnitudes of the various unknown reactions may be scaled directly from the
drawings. Otherwise they may be computed as follows: referring to Fig. 2.37(a),
we note that from which

2 R + 2R cos A = H
from which

cos A = - 1 (d)
2 r
Using the value of a determined from Eq. (d), we find from the polygons of forces

R(L = RH= 1.33 = 593.3 N

and RD = 2Q- 890 N.
ALTERNATE SOLUTION: Drawing the free body diagram of upper sphere is described
Using the free body diagram of the upper sphere as shown in Fig. 2.37(d) and
applying Lamis theorem, we get

sin A

cos A
= Q cot A
sin A
The value of angle A is obtained as before. If we substitute the value of A in
the above equation, we will get the value of RL} as before. For the lower sphere,
the solution is same as above.
4. A cord ACB 6.1 m long, is attached at points A and B to two vertical walls, 4.88
m apart [Fig. 2.38(a)]. A pulley C, so small that we can neglect its radius, carries
a suspended load P = 160 N and is free to roll without fric tion along the cord.
Determine the position of equilibrium, as defined by the distance X , that the
pulley will assume and also the tensile force in the cord.

<--------------4.88 mm------------------
Fig. 2.38 ;


SOLUTION: Neglecting friction in the pulley, we conclude that the forces ex erted
at C by the portions AC and BC of the cord must be equal. These two forces can
balance the vertical force P only if they give a vertical resultant. This condition
requires that AC and BC be equally inclined to the horizon
tal. From this it follows that by continuing the line BC down to point D, we
obtain an isosceles triangle ACD . Thus, it is evident that A BFD is a 3:4:5
triangle. Now from the similarity of A BGH and ABDF we may write GH : BH =
DF: BF = 4:3 or, using the given dimensions, (4.88 - 2X) :
1. 915 = 4 : 3 from which = 1.83 m.
The triangle of forces [Fig. 2.38(b)] for the three forces in equilibrium at C is
similar, by construction, to A ACD. Hence, S: P = 5 : 6, from which we conclude
that the tensile force in the cord is 133.33 N.
ALTERNATE SOLUTION: After drawing the free body diagram as above, using the
free body diagram of point C as shown in Fig. 2.38(a) and applying Lamis
theorem, we get

K sin (/r-2a)
sin +a

BH 3
and tan A = (0
GH 4
Simplifying Eq. (e) for S,

cos A cos A
S= P------------= P (g)
sin LA 2 sin A cos A 2 sin a
Solving for A from Eq. (f) and substituting this in Eq. (g), we obtain
S= 133.33 N
as before.
5. Determine the magnitude and direction of the smallest force P, which will
maintain the body of weight W = 300 N on an inclined smooth plane as shown in
Fig. 2.39(a), is in equilibrium.


SOLUTION: Since the inclined plane is smooth, the pressure at the point of contact
between body and inclined plane must be normal to the surface. Removing
supporting inclined plane and replacing it by its reaction R, we obtain the free
body diagram of the body as shown in Fig. 2.39(b).

The body is acted upon by three forces, namely, the action of gravity force W,
the applied P and the reaction R. Since these three forces are in equilibrium, the
vectors representing them must build a closed triangle [Fig. 2.32(c)], we begin
with the known vector BE representing to a certain scale, the weight of the body ,
and then draw the line AA parallel to the R. The side CD will be minimum if it is
perpendicular to line AA. That is P will be minimum, if it is perpendicular to AA.
From the triangle BED, Zr = 90 - 30 = 60
A - 90 - 60 = 30 and using the triangle BED, we obtain

P= W sin 30= = 150 N

(a) SOLUTION: After drawing(b)the free body diagram (c)
of the body of
above, then applying the Lamis theorem to the free body diagram of the body as
shown in Fig. 2.39(b), we get

=> a = tan" 1 ~ =23.96 P

0.45 * * (h)
sin (90
The spring a+
force- is 30)by
given sinthe

sin (90 + a)
S =Using
kx the first two of
The deformation
the Eq. (h),Xweis given
obtainby the equation
W _2 P 2
a- = YJB +A -B = Y]0.20 2 +0.45 2 - 0.20 = 0.292 m
cos (30 - a) sin 30
S = KX = 5(kN/m)Wxsin 0.292
30(m) = 1.46 kN
P =----------------------
The three concurrent forces (30R- Aa)
, 5 and are a system in equilibrium and hence
their free vectors must build a closed triangle. To construct this closed triangle of
forces [Fig. (i), P willwe
Eq. 2.40(c)], be minimum, if the
first lay out thedenominator is maximum, to
vector AB, representing i.e.,scale the
magnitude of cos(30 - a) force
the spring = 1 z=> S. Then from ends A and B of this vector, we
construct the lines AC 30 -
BE" parallel, respectively, to the known lines of action
=> forces P and RA. Intersection
of the a = 30 C of these two lines determines the required
and substituting
magnitudes of P andthis
RA value
and theinto Eq. (i),
arrows showwe the
get directions
the value ofthat these forces must
P = W sin 30 = 150 N, as before.
have to build a closed traingle. Note that the vectors must follow one another tail
6. The sliding guide A may slide freely on horizontal frictionless rod as shown in
to head around the triangle. The magnitudes of P and R(L may now be scaled from
Fig. 2.40(a). The spring attached to the sliding guide has a stiffness of
the drawing and the prob lem is sloved.
5 kN/m andusing the trigonometric
is undeformed when the relations
slidingfor a triangle,
guide we get
is directly => the support
R(L = S sin
B. Determine the magnitude = 1.46
of Athe forcesin
P 23.96
required= to
0.593 kN equilibrium when
anda = 450 mm and b = 200 P - mm.
S cosAlso determine
A - 1.46 the reaction
cos 23.96 = 1.334 on
kNthe sliding guide.
Solution: Thefrom
Alternatively, free the
bodyfreediagram in which
body diagram the sliding
at point guide in
A as shown hasFig.
been iso lated
andfrom its supports
applying and in which
Lami's theorem, we willall get
forces acting upon it, both active and reactive,
are indicated by vectors is shown in Fig. 2.40(b). The angle a shown in Fig.
2.40(b) is given by
b 0.20
tan a = = :: Ra
\ 40

- 2 _ 28.57

K2 50
= ^=0

=> RA = 5equation,
the above sin a we will get
P = 5 cos A
S 3 cos (} W cos P
same as before.
NOTE When the anglesinbetween any [A
{A + P) sin two
+ Pforces
) S 3 is NIL, then it is better to use
trigonometric relations of triangle rather than Lamis theorem to obtain the
forces. cos A W cos A
7. Determine the stretch in each spring for equilibrium of the weight W = 40 N
sin (# + P) sin (A + P)
block as shown in Fig. 2.41(a). The springs are in equilibrium position. The
Substituting the values
stiffness of each spring of
is IV, A and P
as given: KLin
= the aboveKequations,
40 N/m, we obtain
2 = 50 N/m, and K$ = 60 N/m.

W cos P 40N x cos 36.87

c ----------------- ----------------------------------M
' 1 sin (a+ FT) sin (45 + 36.87)

W cos A 40 N x cos 45
C _______________ ______________________ C-J VI
sin (ar+ P) sin (45 + 36.87)
The spring force is given by the formula
S = kx
=> -^ I = (k)
5^2 =
53 = kyX$
Substituting the values of 5,, S 2 ,5 3 , KX,K2 and K3 , in the above equations, we get
the stretch in each spring as below:

SOLUTION: Draw the Sifree body diagram

32.33 _ of the body as shown in Fig. 2.41(b).
Only two forces are acting on the body, gravity force W and the reactive force
caused by the spring SY Since the body is in equilibrium, from the law of
equilibrium of two , we get the tension in the spring CO, S 3 as
S3 = W
Now, draw the free body diagram of the point C, as shown in Fig. 2.41(c). At the
joint C, three forces are acting all are reactive forces caused by the springs. The
angles that springs 5, and S2 make with the horizontal are calculated as below:

tan A- - = 1 =s> A-45

tan /?= =>= 36.87

Since the joint C is in equilibrium, applying Lamis theorem, we obtain

) sin (/r- A-FI)

sin I + A
sin (7i- a)
SOLUTION: The free body diagram of the point C is shown in Fig. 2.42(b). Here
we assumed that both the bars are in tension. Since the point C is in equilibrium,
applying Lamis theorem, we get
p S,
== (1 )
sin A sin /} sin Y
We have A= 100, FI- 50 and Y- 210; substituting these values into the above
equation (1), we get
S| P

sin fi sin a
Psintf P sin 50
S = ----------- = --------------- = 0.78 P
sin A sin 100

sin y sin a
Psiny P sin 210
=> S 2 = ------------- = -----------------= -0.508 P
sin A sin 100
From the result, the assumed direction of tensile force S, is positive, i.e.,
assumed direction is correct and assumed direction of the force S2 is wrong, as
the result is negative. So, the force S2 is comprcssive, i.e., opposite to the
assumed direction.
>. A ball of weight W rests upon a smooth horizontal plane and has attached to its
center two strings AB and AC which pass over frictionless pulleys at# and C and
carry loads P and Q< respecti vely, as shown in Fig. 2.43(a). If the string AB is
horizontal, find the angle A that the string AC makes with the horizontal when the
ball is in a position of equilibrium. Also find the pres sure R between the ball and
the plane.
SOLUTION: Draw the free body diagrams of weights as shown in Fig. 2.43(b) and
C discussed as before. FromA 3 60the law of equilibrium of collinear forces, we get
5j = P and S2 = Q
8. Draw
Determine the axial
the free body forces
diagram 5, and S2 induced
of the in the bars
ball as shown AC 2.43(d)
in Fig. and BC asin Fig. 2.42(a)
dis cussed
due toSince
before. the action
W andofRthe
arehorizontal force Preplace
collinear forces, appliedthem
at C.the
The bars arewhich
resultant, hinged
equal to atWC- and
is together to thethe
R. Draw foundation
triangle of A and as
at forces B. shown in Fig. 2.43(e). Using the
trigonometric relations, we get
cos A-

W- R = J Q 2 - P 2 (m)

=> R = W- JQ2 - P2
The angle A that the string AC makes with the horizontal when the ball is in a
position of equilibrium and also the pressure R between the ball and the plane is
given by equation (m).
Fig. 2.42

Important Terms and Concepts

Concurrent forces in a plane Equilibrium of concurrent forces in a plane Lami's
theorem Equilibrant Statically determinate
Statically indeterminate Redundant constraints

If all the forces in a system lie in a single plane and pass through a single point, then the
system constitutes a coplanar concurrent force system.
Equilibrium of concurrent forces in a plane: The resultant of any number of concur rent
forces in a plane is given by the closing side of the polygon of forces obtained by
successive geometric addition of their free vectors. In the particular case where the end of
the last vector coincides with the beginning of the first, the resultant vanishes and the
system is in equilibrium.
The condition of equilibrium for any system of concurrent forces in a plane: If a body
known to be in equilibrium is acted upon by several concurrent, coplanar forces, then these
forces, or rather their free vectors, w'hen geometrically added must form a closed polygon.
It should be noted that in any closed polygon of forces, the vectors must follow' one
another tail to head around the polygon.
The closed polygon of forces is constructed to scale and the magnitudes of the reactions
measured directly from the drawing, is called a graphical solution of the problem.
The closed polygon of forces is constructed not to scale and the magnitudes of the
reactions computed from the trigonometry, is called a trigonometrical solution of the
2. The force that cancels the effect of the force system acting on the body is known as (a)
Lamis Theorem: If three concurrent forces are acting on a body, keep it in equilib rium,
Resultant (b) Neutral force (c) Balancing force (d) Equilibrant
then each force is proportional to the sine of the angle between the other two forces and
[Ans. (d)]
the constant of proportionality is the same.
3. Consider the following statements :
In dealing with the equilibrium of constrained bodies under the action of concur rent forces
L The resultant of any number of concurrent forces in a plane is given by the closing side
in one plane, we can determine definitely the magnitudes of two reactive forces. Then the
of the polygon of forces obtained by successive geometric addition of their free
problem is known as statically determinate.
In dealing with the equilibrium of constrained bodies under the action of concur rent forces
11. If a body known to be in equilibrium is acted upon by several concurrent, coplanar
in one plane, we cannot determine definitely the magnitudes of more than two reactive
forces, then these forces, or rather their free vectors, w hen geometrically added must
forces. If more than two reactive forces exist in the given prob lem, then there is no way to
form a closed polygon.
determine their magnitudes definitely and the problem is said to be statically
Of these statements
(a) I alone is correct (b) 2 alone is correct
A force, which is equal, opposite and collinear to the resultant of a concurrent force
(c) 1 and 2 are correct (d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct [Ans. (c)]
system is known as the equilibrant of the concurrent force system. Equilibrant, is the force
4. Match the list I with the list II using the codes given below:
which, when applied to the body acted upon by the concurrent force sys tem, keeps the
body in equilibrium.
Redundant constraint: Supports in excess of the necessary and sufficient to com pletely
constrain the body in the plane of the figure are called redundant constraints.

Important Formulae
When a body is subjected to only three forces and is in equilibrium, they must form a
closed triangle when we apply the polygon law of forces. Applying the sine rule for the
force triangle, we have the relations
sin p = ( QIR) sin a sin /= (P/R) sin a In A ABC,
AB = P: BC = Q\ CA = R\
rr- a = angle between forces P and Q
P - angle between forces P and R
y- angle between forces R and Q

, ,, P Q R ,
Lann s theorem: ------------=------------------------ = =k
sin a sin p sin y


E B B B M M i . M : _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Review Questions
2. Write the statement which represents the condition of equilibrium for any system of
concurrent forces in a plane.
3. State and prove Lamis theorem.
4. Define equilibrant.
5. What is meant by statical indeterminacy?
6. Explain the term redundant constraints.
7. Differentiate between resultant and equilibrant.

Objective Questions
1. When more than three concurrent forces are in equilibrium, select the condition that is
(a) All the forces must have equal magnitude.
(b) Polygon representing the forces will not close.
(c) The last side of the polygon will represent the resultant.
(d) Polygon representing the forces will close. [A/is. (d)]
(A ) A-L B-2 C-3 D-4
(B) A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1
(C) A-2 B-L C-4 D-3
(D ) A-4 B-3 C-2 D-1 [Ans. (C)]
Fig. A ] Fig. B ~]

3. A ball rests in a trough as shown in Fig. C. Determine the angle of tilt 0with the horizontal
so that the reactive force at B will be one-third at A if all surfaces are perfectly smooth.
(Ans. 0 = 49.11 )

5. Assertion (A): In dealing with the equilibrium of constrained bodies under the ac tion of
concurrent forces in one plane, we cannot determine definitely the magnitudes of more
than two reactive forces and the problem is said to be statically indetermi nate.
Reason (R): The resolution of a given force into more than two coplanar concur rent
Fig. C is an indeterminate problem. Fig. D |
Select the answer from the following codes:
(a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
4. A circular roller
(b) A and R are true and R of weight isQnotthe
= 445correct
N and explanation
radius r = 152 mm hangs by a tie rod of ACA.= 304
(c) Amm and and
is true rests false. a smooth vertical wall at B , as shown in Fig. D. Determine the
R is
(d) Both S inRthe
A and aretie rod and the force R h exerted against the wall at B.
false. [Ans. (a)l
(Ans. S = 513.84 N; R h = 256.92 N)
5. What axial forces does the vertical load P induce in the members of the system shown in
Fig. ? Neglect the weights of the members themselves and assume an ideal hinge at A and
a perfectly
__ string BC.
1. An electric-light fixture of weight Q = 178 N (Ans. S, = P sec
is supported shown inS 2Fig.
as tension; = PA.cos a , compression)
6. What axial
Determine forcesforces
the tensile does 5,
S 2 in the P induce
loadwires BA andin BC
the ifmembers of the
their angles of system shown in
are asFig. F? Make the same idealizing assumptions as (Ans.
shown. in Prob.
5, =5.130.3 N; S 2 - 92.14 N)
2. A ball of weight Q = 53.4 N rests in a right-angled (Ans. 5, = trough,
P tan aas shown inS 2Fig.
; tension; = PB.sec a ; compression)
A right circular roller of weight W rests on a smooth horizontal plane and is held in
Determine the forces exeited on the sides of the trough at D and E if all surfaces are
position by an inclined bar/\C as shown in Fig. G. Find the tension S in the bar AC and the
perfectly smooth. (Arts, R (i = 46.25 N; R e = 26.7 N)
vertical reaction R h at B if there is also a horizontal force P acting at.
(Ans. S = P sec a: R h = VV' + P tan a)
Fig. F

Fig. I

(Fig. K). Neglecting the radii of the pulleys, determine the sag BD if / = 3.66 m, P = 89 N,
and Q = 44.5 N. (Ans. BD = 0.473 m)

Fig. K Fig. L

12. A weight Q is suspended from a small ring C, supported by two cords AC and BC (Fig. L).
The cord AC is fastened at A while the cord BC passes over a frictionless pulley at B and
Fig. G carries the weight P as shown. If P = Q and | Ffa, H find the value of the angle p. (Ans. p
a= 50,
= 80)
In Fig. M, weights P and Q are suspended in a vertical plane by strings I; 2, 3 arranged as
8. 13.
A pulley A is supported by two bars A# and AC which are hinged at points B and C to a
shown in Fig. M.
vertical mast EF (Fig. H). Over the pulley hangs a flexible cable DG which is fastened to
Find the tension induced in each string if P = 30 kN, Q = 40 kN, a- 40 and p = 50.
the mast at D and carries at the other end G a load Q =20 kN. Neglecting friction in the
Also find the inclination yof segment CD to the vertical.
pulley, determine the forces produced in the bars AB and AC. The angles between the
(Ans. 5, 132.35 kN, S 2 = 111.05 kN, S 3 = 89.59 kN, y= 110) Three
various members are shown in the figure.
14. equal inextensible strings of negligible weight are knotted together to form an equilateral
(Ans. S 2 = 34.64 kN; S, = 0)
triangle ABC and a weight IV \s suspended from/i. If the triangle and weight to be
9. Two smooth circular cylinders, each of weight W = 445 N and radius r = 152 mm, are
supported with BC horizontal by means of two strings at B and C as shown in Fig. N, each
connected at their centers by a string AB of length / = 406 mm and rest upon a horizontal
at an angle ofa= 135 with BC , find the tension in the string
plane, supporting above them a third cylinder of weight Q = 890 N and radius r = 152 mm
3. (Ans. ~ 0.211 W)
(Fig. I). Find the forces S in the string and the pressures produced on the floor at the
15. A force P is applied at point C as shown in Fig. O. Determine the value of angle a for
points of contact D and E.
which the larger of the string tension is as small as possible and the correspond ing values
{Ans. S =398 N, tension; R d = /?, = 890 N)
of tension in the strings 1 and 2. (Ans. a= 60, 5, = S 2 = 0.577 P) A ball of weight ^is
10.Two identical rollers, each of weight Q = 445 N, are supported by an inclined plane and a
suspended from a string of length / and is pulled by a horizon tal force Q. The weight is
vertical w'all as shown in Fig. J. Assuming smooth surfaces, find the reactions induced at
displaced by a distance d from the vertical position as shown in Fig. P. Find the angle a,
the points of support A. B and C.
force Q required and the tension S in the string in the displaced position, if the ball is in
(Ans. R a = 385.4 N; R b = 642.3 N; R c = 513.84 N)
11.A w'eight Q is suspended from point B of a cord ABC , the ends of which are pulled by
equal weights P overhanging small pulleys A and C w'hich are on the same level

Fig. N

Ans. a = cos , Q- Wd ,S = Wl
l sir--cl2 s]l2-d
17.A weight 100 N hangs by an inextensible string from a fixed point A. The string is drawn
out of the vertical by applying a force 50 N to the weight at point B as shown in Fig. Q. In
w'hat direction must this force be applied in order that, in equilibrium, the direction of the
string from the vertical may have its greatest value. What is the amount of greatest
deflection. Find also the tension in the string.
(Ans. a = 90, /? = 30, 5 = 86.6 N)
18.Three bars in one plane, hinged at their ends as shown in Fig. R, are submitted to
the action of a force P = 44.5 N applied at the hinge as shown. Determine the magnitude of
the force that it will be necessary to apply at the hinge in order to keep the system of bars
in equilibrium if the angles between the bars and the lines of action of the forces are as
given in the figure. (Ans. Q = 72.54 N)
19.A rigid bar with rollers of weights P - 222.5 N and Q = 445 N at its ends is supported
inside a circular ring in a vertical plane as shown in Fig. S. The radius of the ring and the
length AB are such that the radi i A C and BC form a right angle at C: that is, a+ /?= 90.
Neglecting friction and the weight of the bar AB, find the configuration of equilibrium as
defined by the angle (a-p)!2 that makes with the horizontal. Find also the reactions R (l and
R h and the compressive force S in the bar AB.
(Ans. (a-p) / 2 = 1826'; R a = 298.5 N; R h = 597 N; S = 281.5 N)
50 N

100 N

Fig. Q

*20. Two rollers of weights P and Q are connected by a flexible string DE and rest on two
mutually perpendicular planes AB and BC, as shown in Fig. T. Find graphically the
tensions in the string and the angle ^that it makes with the horizontal when the system is in
equilibrium. The following numerical data are given: P = 267 N, Q = 445 N. a= 30.
Assume that the suing is inextensible and passes freely through slots in the smooth
inclined planes AB and BC. (Ans. S = 321N ; (f>~ 16)


Previously, we have handled all problems of composition, resolution and equilib rium of
concurrent forces in a plane by using the method of geometric addition of their free vectors.
These same problems can also be solved by a method of alge braic addition of the projections of
the given forces on rectangular coordinate axes* and y taken in the plane of action of the forces.
To develop this method, let us consider first the case of two forces F, and F 2 , applied at point A
(Fig. 2.44) and making with the positive directions of the coordinate axes the angles a v /?j and a 2 .
ji 2> respectively. Their resultant R is obtained from the parallelogram of forces, and the angles
that it makes with the x and y axes, respectively, will be denoted by a and fi. Considering, now,
all forces projected onto the a* axis, we find for these projections the values F ] cos a ]y F 2 cos as,
and R cos a. and we see that
R cos a = F ] cos a, + F 2 cos a { (a)
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In the same manner, considering all forces projected onto they-axis, we obtain
R cos P = FX cos /?, + F2 cos P1 (b)
Thus from Eqs (a) and (b) it may be stated that the projection of the resultant of two
forces on any axis is equal to the algebraic sum of the projections of its components on
the same axis.
By successive applications of the principle of the parallelogram of forces, the
above conclusion can be obtained for any number of concurrent forces F,, F2....................
F in a plane. Using, for the projections of the various forces, the following nota tions

where the summations are understood to include Xj =all

Ft forces = FJ cosThus,
cos a, in the Y,system. Y the
projections, on the coordinate axes, of the resultant
X = of a system
R cos a of concurrent
= R cos Pforces Fj,
F2, . . . , Fn acting We
in one plane are equal to the algebraic sum of the corresponding
projections of the components. X = X, + X-, + ... + X = IX, (1)
Knowing the magnitudes and directions of the various forces, their projec tions X{,
Y= Y, + K,
X2,, XN and Y\, Y2,, YN on the rectangular + ... + Y.
coordinate = 1Y;X and Y, respectively, may be
n axes
tan A- (2)
computed and tabulated in systematic order. The alge braic summations, indicated by Eq. X
for determining the for
use of Eq. (2) projections X and
determining theY resultant
of the resultant may system
of a given then be of
made and the
forces in aand direction
plane of the result
is sometimes ant computed
more from than
advantageous the following equations:
the method of geometric
addition of the vectors representing these forces R= asJdiscussed
X 2 + Y 2 , in Section 2.2.
Y +265.8 ,^ 0^,
A = arc tan = arc tan . = 143 41
X -361.6
We see from the signs of X and Y that the resultant lies in the second quad-
rant; hence the angle A is measured out in the counterclockwise direction
from the positive end of the * axis, as shown.
2. A load P = 4450 N is bracketed from a vertical
wall by two bars AB and AC hinged together at A
and to the wall at B and C as shown in Fig. 2.46.
Using the method of projections, compute the
axial forces 5, and S 2 induced in these bars.
SOLUTION: We first make a free body of the pin A,
replacing the bars AB and AC by the reactions 5j
and S2 directed as shown in the figure. Then
choosing coordinate axes * and Y as shown, the
equations of equilibrium (3) become
-5, + 0.500 P=0
+ S 2 - 0.866 P=0
giving 5, = 0.500P = 2250 N tension and
S, = 0.866 P = 3853. 7 N compression
3. A small ring B carries a vertical load P and is supported by two strings BA
and BC, the latter of which carries at its free end a weight Q = 44.5 N, as shown
in Fig. 2.47. Find the magnitude of the load P and the tension S in
the string AB if the angles that the strings AB and BC make with the vertical
are as shown in the figure and the system is in equilibrium.

Fig. 2.47

SOLUTION: Neglecting friction in the pulley at C, it is evident that the tension in

the string BC is equal to the load Q . Thus, acting on the ring #, we have
three concurrent forces in a plane that are in equilibrium. Taking coordi
nate axes X and Y as shown, Eq. (3) become
Q cos 30 - S cos 45 = 0 Q
cos 60 + S cos 45 = P
From the first of these equations, we find S = 22.25 \[6 = 54.50 N. Then
substituting in the second equation, we obtain

P = 22.25 (1 + V3) = 60.8N

4. Three bars in one plane, hinged at their ends as shown in Fig. 2.48(a), are
submitted to the action of a force P = 44.5 N applied at the hinge B as shown.
Determine the magnitude of the force Q that it will be necessary to apply at the
hinge C in order to keep the system of bars in equilibrium if the angles between
the bars and the lines of action of the forces are as given in the figure.

30 c
B or" A45*
90 f



(b) (c)
Fig. 2.48

SOLUTION: We begin with a consideration of the equilibrium of the hinge B.

Under the action of the applied force P% the bars AB and BC will be sub jected to
compression and will accordingly exert reactive forces 5, and S2 on the pin and
with lines of action coinciding with the axes of the bars. All this is shown on the
free-body diagram of hinge B in Fig. 2.48(b). Equating to zero the algebraic sum
of projections of these forces on the Y axis taken perpendicular to AB, we obtain
S2 cos 45 - P = 0
from which S2 = PI cos 45 = \FLP. Since this represents the compressive force in
the bar BC, we conclude at once that this bar exerts the same force on the hinge
C directed as shown in Fig. 2.48(c).
In addition there is the applied force Q and a reactive force S3 due to compression
in the bar CD. Equating to zero the algebraic sum of the pro-
jections of these forces on the a' axis perpendicular to CD as shown, we obtain
VIP-Gcos 30 = 0

from which Q = ISFLPLJL = 163 P = 72.54 N

We see that by choosing one of the coordinate axes in each case perpen dicular
to the line of action of an unknown force, we obtain an equation of equilibrium
containing only one unknown and thereby gain some simplifi cation. If the forces
5, and S 3 are required, they can easily be found by writing the other two
equations of equilibrium.
It is worthwhile to note that if the system of bars in Fig. 2.48(a) is dis turbed
from the configuration of equilibrium shown, it will collapse. How ever, if the
hinge C is connected to the foundation by another bar AC in place of the force Q,
the system will be stable and the magnitude Q calcu lated above will simply
represent the axial force (tension) in such a bar due to the action of the other
applied force P.
5. A small ring A can slide without friction along a curved bar CD which has a
circular axis of radius A (Fig. 2.49). Determine the position of equilibrium as
defined by the angle A if the loads P and Q are acting as shown in the figure.

Fig. 2.49

SOLUTION: Neglecting friction in the pulley at /?, we conclude that the string AB
is subjected to a tension numerically equal to Q. Then considering the ring A as a
free body, we see that it is acted upon by the three forces P, Q, and the reaction
RLT which acts in the radial direction OA. These three forces are in equilibrium;
hence the algebraic sum of their projections on any axis must be equal to zero.
Projecting them onto an axis in the direction of the tangent to the circle at A (thus
excluding the unknown reaction R(l ), we obtain

Q cos - P sin A = 0 2
which may be written in the form
^ a ~n. a oc /\
Q cos - 2 P sin cos =0
2 2 2
You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
S A- Q = 0 giving SA = Q tension
As the pulleys at D and E are frictionless, it is evident that the tensions in the
string CD and CE are equal to weights P and Q. Thus, acting on the ring C, we
have four concurrent forces in a plane that are in equilibrium. The free body
diagram of the ring C is shown in Fig. 2.50(d). The forces acting on the ring are
string forces 1,2, 3 and 4. Taking the coordinate axes X and Y as shown in the
figure, Eq. (3) become
S2 cos A + Q - S, cos J3- P cos Y = 0 S2
sin A + 5, sin FT- P sin Y= 0
Substituting the values for P and Q: angles A; P and Yin these equations, and
solving for 5, and S2 , we obtain
5, = 482.46 N Tension
S2 = 92.82 N Tension
8. Two smooth cylinders each of weight P and Q, respectively, rest in a hori zontal
channel having one inclined wall and one vertical wall, the distance between
them at bottom which is A [Fig. 2.51(a)]. Find the pressures ex erted on the walls
and floor at the points of contact j4, B and D. The follow ing numerical data are
given: P = 2000 N and Q = 800 N: R0 = 100 mm, R2 = 50 mm and A = 200 mm; A
- 60.

a O

Fig. 2.1||
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Consider the equilibrium of the lower cylinder now. Then choosing the
coordinate axes* and v as shown in Fig. 2.51(d), the equations of equilib rium (3)
R(] sin A = RC cos FT RA cos A+ RH = RC sin /? + P Substituting
the value of a, /}, P and RC in the above equations, and solving for RA and RH we
cos B cos 52.05
RTL = R(--------- - = 1014.52 x ----------------- = 720.42 N
sin A sin 60
RH = RC sin P + P - RA cos A
= 1014.52 x sin 52. 05 + 2000 - 720.42 cos 60
RH = 2439.79 N

Important Terms and Concepts

Projections of forces Resultant Equations of equilibrium

The projections, on the coordinate axes, of the resultant of a system of concurrent /
forces F,, F 2 , . . . , FN acting in one plane are equal to the algebraic sum of the
corresponding projections of the components.
Knowing the magnitudes and directions of the various forces, their projections
X]T X2 ,.. ., XN and K,, Y2 ,. .., YN on the rectangular coordinate axes X and v, respec -
tively, may be computed and tabulated in systematic order.
The algebraic summations, indicated by Eq. (c), for determining the
projections X and Y of the resultant may then be made
X=Xx + X2 +..............+ XH = IXi (c)
y = r. *2 +................+ ym= vr,

The summations are understood to include all forces in the system.The

magnitude and direction of the resultant computed from the following equations:
R = y l x 2 + Y 2 tan a = (d)
When the given forces F,, F 2 ,..., F are in equilibrium, their resultant is zero, and
from the first of Eqs (d), it is evident that this condition can be satisfied only if
we have X = 0 and Y= 0, which, referring to Eqs (c), evidently requires
IXJ - 0 ir, = 0 (e)

Important Formulae
1. The magnitude and direction of the resultant computed from the following equa -

R = JX2 +Y2 tan a= v

where X = Algebraic sum of components of forces along jc-axis
>'= Algebraic sum of components of forces along v-axis
A = the angle made by the resultant with the x-axis
2. The two equations of equilibrium for a system of concurrent forces in a plane are
IXT = 0 ZY, = 0
100 N /2N 100 V 2N

Y\ 0

You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
(c) (d)
You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
[ANS. (c)]
4. A lamp of weight W- 100 N is supported by two cables CA and CB as shown in
the Fig. C. The equation for analysing the cable system is given by

(a) TCL ' ~ + TC[I 1 =0 (b) TCA sin A + TCA sin P + 100 = 0
\J 4.563 V 2.813
(c) TCB(3.5) sin A= 100(1.5) (d) r C/l (3.5) sin A = 100(1.5) [ANS.
1. Using the method of projections, find the magnitude and direction of the resultant
R of the four concurrent forces shown in Fig. A and having the magnitudes F, =
1500 N, F-> = 2000 N, F 3 = 3500 N and FA = 1000 N.
(ANS. R = 1842.6 N and a= 227)

2. Forces of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 kN are acting at one of the angular points of a regular

hexagon towards the other angular points taken in order. Find the resultant of the
system of forces. (ANS. R= 15.6 kN; A - 76.7)
3. Find the magnitude and direction of the force/ to be added to the system of
coplanar concurrent forces shown in Fig. B to maintain equilibrium.
(ANS. F = 91 kN, a= 61.18)
4. Referring to Fig. C, calculate the tensions 5, and S2 in the tw'o strings AB and AC
that support the lamp of weight Q = 178 N. Use the1 method of projections [Eq
(3)]. Fig. A
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12. Determine the axial forces Sj and S 2 induced in the bars AC and BC in Fig. K due to
the action of the horizontal applied load at C. The bars are hinged together at C and to the
foundation at A and B
(Ans. S, = 3475 N. tension; S 2 = 2849 N, compression)

Fig. K (

13. Determine the forces produced in the bars of the system shown in Fig. L owing to the
horizontal force P applied at the hinge B.

(Ans. 5, = 0; S 2 - P , tension; S 3 = JlP , compression; S 4 = P, tension)

14. A hinged square ABCD (Fig. M) with diagonal BD is submitted to the action of two
equal and opposite forces applied as shown. Determine the forces produced in all bars.
(Ans. 5, - S 2 - Sy = S 4 = S 5 = 0; S 3 = P , tension)
15. Determine the forces that will be produced in all bars of the frame ABCD (Fig. M) if
the external forces are applied in the same manner to the hinges A and C.
(Ans. S, = S 2 = S } = S 4 = S 5 = P/yJ~2 y tension; S 3 = P , compression)

Fig. N

16. In the bar of the square frame ABCD (Fig. N) a tensile force P is produced by
tightening a tumbuckle F. Determine the force produced in the other bars. The diagonals
AC and BD pass each other freely at E.
(Ans. S ] =S 2 = S 3 P, tension; S 4 = S 5 = \flP. compression)
17. By means of a tumbuckle A a tensile force P is produced in one of the radial bars of
the hinged regular octagon shown in Fig. O. Determine the forces produced in the other
bars of the system.
(A/w. P , tension in each radial bar; 1.306 P, compression in each outside bar)
18. Determine the axial force induced in each bar of the system shown in Fig. P due to the
action of the applied forces P. (Ans. S ] = S 2 = P tension; S 3 = S A = S 5 = 0) The smooth
19. cylinders rest in a horizontal channel having vertical walls, the distance between which is
a (Fig. Q). Find the pressures exerted on the walls and floor at the points of contact A, B y
D and F. The following numerical data are given: P =200 N, Q =400 N, R = 300 N, r, =
120 mm, r 2 = 180 mm, r 3 = 150 mm and a = 540 mm.
(Ans. R a = 525 N, R b = 900N, R (I = 772.48 N and R f = 247.48 N)

20. In Fig. R, three smooth right circular cylinders, each of radius r and weight P , are
arranged on smooth inclined surfaces as shown. Determine the least value of angle a that
will present the arrangement from slipping. (Ans. a= 10. 9)
21. Two smooth cylinders of weights P and Q are placed in a smooth trough as shown in
Fig. S. Determine the reactions at contact surfaces 4, B and C. The following numerical
data are given: P = 200 N and Q - 800 N; r, = 100 mm, r 2 = 200 mm, and a = 400 mm; a=
45. (Ans. R a = 70.7 N; R b = 1414.21 N, R c = 1070.71 N)
22. Three smooth spheres of weights P, P and Q are placed in a smooth trench as shown
in Fig. T. Find the pressures exerted on the walls and floor at the points of contacts,
B, C and D. The following numerical data are given: P = 0.3 kN, Q = 0.6 kN and R = 0.3 kN;
r x = 0.4 m, r 2 = 0.6 m and r 3 = 0.4 m; a= 30.
(A/w. R a = 6IN, R b = 635 N, R c = 1100N, R d =291 N)
___ | Ffg. T ~1

*23. A rigid bar with rollers of weights P = 222.5 N and Q = 445 N at its ends is sup ported inside
a circular ring in a vertical plane as shown in Fig. U. The radius of the ring and the length
AS are such that the radii AC and BC form a right angle at C; that is, a+ P- 90.
Neglecting friction and the weight of the bar, find the configuration of equilibrium as
defined by the angle (a- p)!2 that makes with the horizontal. Find also the reactions R a and
R b and the compressive force S in the bar.
(Ans. (a-0)12 = 18 26'; R (l = 298.5 N; R b = 597 N; S = 281.5 N)

Fig. U | Fig. V 1

24. Two cylinders of weights Q and R are interconnected by a bar of negligible weight hinged to
each cylinder at its geometric center by ideal pins. Determine the magni tude of P applied
at the center of cylinder R to keep the cylinders in equilibrium in the position shown in
Fig. V. The following numerical data are given: Q = 2000 N and R = 1000 N (Ans. P =
242 N)


If three non-parallel forces acting in one plane are in equilibrium, their lines of action
must intersect at one point. To prove this statement, let us assume that the three forces
P, Q and 5, acting upon a body at points A, B and C [Fig. 2.52(a)] all

1 11 K
, i \Q

Fig 2.53 ]

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Concurrent Forces in a Plane 91

mifm 1mm
(a) Rt
(a) A<3: (b)
'' 1 y'p* X> B
As a second example, consider the case of a lever AB(C)supported by aQ HINGE C,
as shown in Fig. 2.54(a). Under the action of applied forces P andmBm Q (assumed
such as A Cto maintain equilibrium), the JOB lever exerts pressure on the hinge pin which
passes through it. We (b) are concerned with the equal and opposite reactive pres-
sure exerted by the pin on the bar. A detail of the pin and hole is shown in Fig.
Fig. 2.55~]
2.54(b), where we again make the assumption of a perfectly smooth circular cy-
lindrical surface for the pin. Under such conditions, the distributed pressure at all
roller of
rests; in this
contact case, vertically.
between pin and Suchinner rollers
of holefree horizontal
is normal to move ment
the surface,
of asoneshown.
end ofThisa beam
means are that
oftenallused for distributed
these bridge supports to prevent
pressures must damage
act along dueradial
contraction or expansion
lines intersecting at the ofcenter
the beam
of theresulting from changes
pin. Consequently, the in tempera
reaction Rture.
C must This
SIMPLE is a common
the center
ROLLER of the type
pin of constraint
if it and always
is to produce exerts
sensibly theitseffect
of normal to
the distrib-
surface on which
pressure. This itnotion
rolls. of
To acomplete
smooth the free-body
circular pin or diaIDEAL
gram in Fig. will
HINGE 2.55(b),
nowusedobserve that thetheknown
and always linesthat
reaction of itaction of P on
produces anda Rbody
H determine
will pass the through
point ofits
concurrence D of the the
center. Regarding system of three
direction RC there
offorces in equilib rium; hence
is nothing about thethe true line ofnature
physical actionof
ADtheof constraint
the reactiontoRAdetermine
is finally determined.
this; it can have any line of action through point C.
If the roller
However, B in Fig. 2.55(a)
forat equilibrium, is replacedfrom
we conclude by a the
vertical bar BC
theorem of of negligible
three that RC
forces weight
both ends the [Fig.
point2.55(c)], we shallDobtain
of intersection of thethe sameforces
active P and
free-body Q andasthe
forces isact on this as
obtained, barshown
only inat Fig.
its two ends, their lines of action must
coincide with the axis BC, as previously explained. Consequently, the reactive forces
that the bar exerts on the beam must be directed along BC. Such a SIMPLE STRUT (or TIE
BAR if it is in tension)
..... 7*V .........is another common type of constraint used as a support.
A C! 'y h
P* m/?m ^ -------- u

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2.54
1. The | axis AB of a crane is supported by a guide at A and a socket at B
as shown in Fig. 2.56(a). Determine the reactions R(l and Rf> produced at A
As aand by the load wePconsider
= 35.6 kN.the Friction
case of at the supports
a beam should be
AB supported neglected. by a
hinge atSolution:
A and a Considering
small roller at theBentire
, as showncraneinasFig.a free bodyUnder
2.55(a). [Fig. the
action ofwe an
force P the supports
acting A and
in theatplane of Bthe
figure as and replace
shown, thethem
the reactions
pressures Raon
the twoand Rh which
supports at itsthey exert
ends. Weon thetocrane.
wish Thus
find the we have the case
corresponding of equilib
reactions. To dorium
supportsP, Rand
a and Rh in athem
replace planebyand they must
reactions, as intersect
shown inin Fig.
one point.
AssumingStrictly speaking,
an ideal hinge attheA,reaction exerted
the reaction by the
RA must act guide
through A will
at this be but
point, distributed
we do not
over the surface
know immediately in whatof contact
direction.between the guide
Conse quently we and the mast,
indicate but since
this force by a the
line as dimensions of this unknown
shown, to indicate surface are small compared
direction. Now proceedingwith the dimenBsions
to point of the
and assuming
a smoothentire structure,
surface for theweroller,
can assume this pressure
we conclude that RBtomust
be concentrated at onenormal
act in a direction point, to
say, on
the surface the which
center of the guide, and further, neglecting friction, it

Fig. 2.56

must act perpendicular to AB. Thus by justifiable simplifying assumptions, we

obtain the point of application and the direction of the reaction RA. Extending this
line of action to intersect that of the vertical gravity force P, we obtain the point
of intersection D, through which the reaction RH must also pass and its line of
action BD is determined.
We now construct the triangle of forces [Fig. 2.56(b)] with its sides par allel to
the known lines of action of the three forces. Noting that the triangle of forces is
similar, by construction, to A ABD we conclude that RA: 3.66 =
P : 4.88, from which R(J = P = 26.7 kN. In the same way we note that

RH: 6.1 = P: 4.88, from which RB = ~ P = 44.5 kN. We see further, from the

directions of the arrows on the sides of the triangle of forces, that the forces act
as shown in Fig. 2.56(a).
2. Determine the magnitude of a horizontal force P applied at the center C of a
roller of weight Q = 4450 N and radius r = 381 mm which will be neces sary to
pull it over a 76.2 mm-curb. [Fig. 2.57(a)].

Fig. 2.57
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The simple roller is a common type of constraint and always exerts its reac tion
normal to the surface on which it rolls.
The simple bar is another common type of constraint used as a support. The
reactive forces that the bar exerts on the body must be directed along the bar. A
bar under tension is called tie. A bar under compression is called a strut.

PRACTICE SET 2.5 Review Questions

1. State the theorem of three forces in a plane.
2. Explain the reactions exerted by the supports namely roller support, hinge support, simple
3. The reaction from an ideal smooth surface must be directed along the _______________at the
point of contact.
4. Sketch the different types of supports and the reactions developed in each type.

Objective Questions
1. Consider the following statements.
I. Three nonparallel forces can be in equilibrium only when they lie in one plane,
intersect in one point, and their free vectors build a closed triangle.
II. The reaction from an ideal smooth surface must be directed along the normal at the
point of contact.
Of these statements (a) I alone is correct (b) II alone is
(c) I and II are correct (d) Neither I nor II is correct [Ans. (c)l


__ ------ - ---1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. A boat is suspended on two identical davits like ABC which is pivoted at A and supported by
a guide at B (Fig. A). Determine the reactions R a and R b at the points of support A and B if
the vertical load transmitted to each davit at C is 4272 N. Friction in the guide at B should
be neglected.
(Ans. R a = 7121.73N; R h = 5696.87 N)
2. A prismatic bar AB of weight Q = 17.8 kN is hinged to a vertical wall at A and supported at
B by a cable BC (Fig. B). Determine the magnitude and direction of the
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You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
Fig.O ]


MOMENT OF A FORCE WITH RESPECT TO A POINT. The concept that a force tends to
produce rotation about a fixed point in any body to which it is applied is useful in the
solution of problems of statics. Consider, for example, the wrench shown in Fig. 2.59,
to the handle of which two equal forces P and Q are applied as shown. It is a matter of
common experience that the force P acting at right angles to the handle is more
effective in tending to turn the nut to which the wrench is fitted than is the force Q,
even though they are of equal magnitude. The effectiveness or importance of a force, as
regards its tendency to produce rotation of a body about a fixed point, is called the
MOMENT of the force with respect to that point, and this moment can be measured by the
product of the magnitude of the force and the distance from the point to the line of
action of the force. Thus, the magni tude of the moment of the force Q with respect to
the point O (Fig. 2.59) depends not only upon the magnitude of the force itself but also
upon the distance OD from the point O to its line of action. The point O is called the
MOMENT CENTER, and the distance OD is called the ARM OF THE FORCE.

From the preceding definition, it follows that the moment of the force Q is
numerically equal to the doubled area of A ABO, constructed on the vector AB
representing the force, and having its vertex at the moment center. In this calcu lation
the vector AB should be measured to the scale used for representing force, while the
arm OD should be measured to the scale used for length. Thus it is seen that the unit of
moment of force is the unit of length times the unit of force. For example, taking the
NEWTON as the unit of force and the METRE as the unit of length,
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You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
from which

Kb = 2 Q cosa

2. Figure 2.64 represents the cross-section of

a retaining wall supporting an earth fill.
The earth pressure per meter of length of
wall can be replaced by its resultant H =
58.4 kN/m acting as shown in the figure.
Determine the minimum thickness/? of the
wall required to prevent overturning about
the front edge .4 if H = 4.57 m and the spe-

cific gravity of the wall is 2 .

SOLUTION: Let us assume that we are deal-

ing with a unit section of the wall 1 m in
length normal to the plane of the figure. If
such a section is made stable, then a simi- 2 2
lar wall of any length will be equally sta-
ble. When conditions are such that over-
turning of the wall impends the reaction
RA exerted by the foundation on the bottom of the wall will be concentrated
at the front edge A as shown in the figure. Thus the 1-m section of wall is in
equilibrium under the action of three forces: the weight
Q = 2- x 9.8x4.57/7= 112/?kN 2
acting at the center of the cross-section, the earth pressure
H = 58.4 kN
and the reaction RA. The algebraic sum of the moments of these forces with
respect to any center in the plane of the cross-section must be equal to zero.
Taking point A as the moment center, we obtain

Substituting the numerical data as given and solving for B gives

B - V 1.589 = 1.261 m
3. A slender prismatic bar AB of weight Q and length 21 rests on a very small
frictionless roller at D and against a smooth vertical wall at A, as shown in Fig.
2.65. Find the angle ^that the bar must make with the horizontal in the condition
of equilibrium.
SOLUTION: Isolating the bar ABY we obtain the free-body diagram as shown in the
figure. The reaction at A is normal to the wall, that is, horizontal, and the
reaction at D is normal to AB. W r hen the bar is in a condition of equilib rium, the
three forces QY RA and RD meet in one point and the algebraic sum of their
projections on any axis must be zero [Eq. (3)]. Likewise, the alge-
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6. A prismatic bar AB of negligible weight and length / is hinged at A and supported
at B by a string that passes over a pulley C and carries a load P at its free end
(Fig. 2.68). Assuming that the distance H between the hinge A and the pulley C is
equal to the length / of the bar, find the angle A at which the system will be in

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SOLUTION: We begin with a consideration of the equilibrium of the bar AB which

is acted upon by three forces: A force Q representing the pull of the string at B, a
force P representing the pull of the string at B, and a reaction at the hinge A. As
the forces P and Q meet at B, we conclude that the reaction RA must be directed
along the line AB as shown.
The triangle ABC is isosceles

0=7= - = 90 -
\ 2)
Taking point A as the moment center (thus eliminating consideration of the
unknown reaction at A)Y we obtain
(L)P sin (90- -(/)(> sin A) = 0

P cos - (Q sin A) = 0
Important Terms and Concepts
P sin
P Acos
Moment of a force with -f= xto2asin
respect point Moment
cos 1 =center
0 P_
Arm of the force
2 22 V
Newton-metre Theorem Q2
of Varignon Equilibrium 2equations
A = 2 sin 1 120
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7. A vertical load P is supported by a triangular bracket as shown in Fig. G. Find the forces
transmitted to the bolts A and B. Assume that the bolt B fits loosely in a vertical slot in the
plate. (Ans. R (l = 1.25 P\ R h = 0.75 P)

Fig. G Fig. H

8. Find the magnitude of the pull P exerted on the nail C in Fig. H if a horizontal force of 178
N is applied to the handle of the wrecking bar as shown.
(Ans. P = 1515.4 N)
9. Determine the forces exerted on the cylinder at B and C by the spanner wrench
shown in Fig. I due to a vertical force of 222.5 N applied to the handle as shown. Neglect
friction at B. (Ans. R h = 1068 N; R c = 1091 N)

4450 N


Fig. I Fig. J
10. A bracket ACS can slide freely on the vertical shaft BC but is held by a small collar
attached to the shaft as shown in Fig. J. Neglecting all friction, find the reactions at B and
C for the vertical load shown. (Ans. R h = 3814.3 N; R c = 5861 N)
11.Two beams AB and DE are arranged and supported as shown in Fig. K. Find the magnitude
of the reaction R c at E due to the force P - 890 N applied at B as shown.
(Ans. R e = 445 N)
12. A smooth right circular cylinder of radius / rests on a horizontal plane and is kept
from rolling by an inclined string AC of length 2 r (Fig. L). A prismatic bar AB of length
3 r and weight Q is hinged at point A and leans against the roller as shown. Find the
tension S that will be induced in the string AC. (Ans. S = 0.433 Q)
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Materials Static friction Kinetic friction
LEATHER ON WOOD 0.5 - 0.6 27-31 0.3 - 0.5 17-27
LEATHER ON METAL 0.3 - 0.5 17-27 ABOUT 0.3 ABOUT 17
METAL ON METAL 0.15-0.25 8-14 ABOUT 0.1 ABOUT 6
METAL ON WOOD 0.4 - 0.6 22-31 0.3 - 0.5 17-27
ROPE ON WOOD 0.5-0.8 27-39 ABOUT 0.5 ABOUT 27
STONE ON STONE 0.6 - 0.7
WOOD ON WOOD 0.4 - 0.7 22-35 ABOUT 0.3 ABOUT 17
These laws of friction may be expressed by the simple formula,
F = juN (7)
where // is called the coefficient of friction. If F is taken as the force necessary to start
sliding, /J is called the coefficient of static friction. If F is taken as the some what
smaller force necessary to maintain sliding, once it has been started, // is called the
coefficient of kinetic friction. The coefficients of static and kinetic friction vary
greatly for different materials and for different conditions of their surfaces. Table 2.1
lists approximate values of coefficients of friction for various materials.

Table 2.1 Coefficients of Friction

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To see how friction affects the reactions exerted by supporting surfaces, let us
consider the simple case of a small block resting upon a horizontal plane surface and
acted upon by a force P making the angle a with the vertical [Fig. 2.70(a)]. We shall
assume, for simplicity, that the force P is large in comparison with the weight of the
block so that the gravity force can be neglected or, if preferred, P may be considered
as the resultant of the gravity force and some other force not shown. The actual
distribution of pressure over the area of contact between the block and the plane will
depend upon the point of application of the force P and
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SOLUTION: When conditions are such that sliding of the block impends, it will be
in equilibrium under the action of three forces: the gravity force W, the pull P min ,
and the reaction R which is the resultant of the distributed pressure exerted on
the block by the floor [Fig. 2.73(a)]. These three forces must meet in one point
and must build a closed triangle when geometrically added. To construct this
triangle of forces, we begin with the known vector WY and from the end of this
we draw the line that makes the angle of friction (P with it and that is the known
limiting direction of the reaction R when motion impends. It is now evident that
the shortest vector P min which will make the closing side of the triangle is one at
right angles to the reaction R. Thus we conclude that the least force that will
cause sliding of the block to impend will be one making the angle of friction (P
with the plane of the floor. That is, A- (P.
From the triangle of forces [Fig. 2.73(b)], the magnitude of this least force
with which the block can be made to slide is found to be

^min = W
sin (P (g)
Comparing Eqs (g) and (0, it is seen that, for cases in which the coefficient of
friction is fairly large, considerable effort in sliding a heavy block over a rough
surface will be saved by pulling along a line that makes the angle of friction
with the plane of sliding. For example, in the case of stone sliding on concrete
(assuming FI = 0.6) the least force P min as given by Eq. (g), will be only 86 per
cent of the horizontally applied force P as given by Eq. (f).
4. To raise a heavy stone block weighing 8.9 kN, the arrangement shown in Fig.
2.74(a) is used. What horizontal force P will it be necessary to apply to


y T
8.9 kN


Fig. 2.741 P= 8.3 kN

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6. A body of weight W is placed on an inclined plane. The angle made by the inclined
plane with the horizontal, when the body is on the point of moving down is called (a)
Angle of inclination (b) Angle of repose
(c) Angle of friction (d) Angle of limiting friction
[Ans. (b)|
7. A body of weight Q is placed on an inclined rough plane. The inclination of the
plane with the horizontal is less than the angle of friction. The body will (a) be
in motion (b) move downwards
(c) be in equilibrium (d) move upw'ards
[Ans. (c)|
8. On a ladder resting on a smooth ground and leaning against a rough vertical wall, the force
of friction acts
(a) towards the wall at its upper end (b) away from the wall at its upper end
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(c) upwards at its upper end (d) downwards at its upper end
[Ans. (c)j
9. If a ladder is not in equilibrium against a smooth vertical wall, then it can be made in
equilibrium by
(a) increasing the angle of inclination with horizontal
(b) increasing the area of the ladder
(c) decreasing the angle of inclination with horizontal
(d) decreasing the area of the ladder [Ans. (a)]


1. What must be the angle or between the plane faces of a steel wedge used for split
ting logs if there is to be no danger of the wedge slipping out after each blow of the
sledge? (Ans. a<2<p)
2. A flat stone slab rests on an inclined skidway that makes an angle a with the horizontal.
What is the condition of equilibrium if the angle of friction is #>?
(Ans. ( X < 2 (p)
3. What is the necessary coefficient of friction between tires and roadway to enable the four-
w heel-dri ve automobile in Fig. A to climb a 30 per cent grade?
(Ans. // > 0.3)

4. A heavy rotating drum of radius r is supported in bearings at C and is braked by the device
shown in Fig. B. Calculate the braking moment A/ t with respect to point C if the
coefficient of kinetic friction between drum and brake shoe is //.
(Ans. uPlr/a)
5. To determine experimentally the coefficient of friction for steel on steel, flat plates of
negligible weight compared with the large top weight W, are stacked on a hori-
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cient of friction // has the same value for all surfaces of contact, determine the necessary
condition under which the large roller can be pulled over the small one.

(A/is. // > ^[(f/ D)

*17. A solid right circular cone of altitude h = 304.6 mm and radius of base r = 76.2 mm has its
center of gravity C on its geometric axis at the distance ///4 = 76.2 mm above the base.
This cone rests on an inclined plane AB. which makes an angle of 30 with the horizontal
and for which the coefficient of friction is // = 0.5 (Fig. O). A hori zontal force P is applied
to the vertex O of the cone and acts in the vertical plane of the figure as shown. Find the
maximum and minimum values of P consistent with equilibrium of the cone if the weight
W = 44.5 N.
(Ans. P max = 20.52 N; P inin = 2.67 N)

*18. A short semicircular right cylinder of radius /- and weight W rests on a horizontal surface
and is pulled at right angles to its geometric axis by a horizontal force P applied at right
angles to its geometric axis by a horizontal force P applied at the middle/? of the front
edge (Fig. P). Find the angle arthat the fiat face will make with the horizontal plane just
before sliding begins if the coefficient of friction at the line of contact .4 is //. The gravity
force W must be considered as acting at the center of gravity C as shown in the figure.
(Ans. sin a - 3//M4 +
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QCB'-P CA' = 0
from which
- = (h)
G4' O
Thus again the distances of the components from the line of action of the result-
ant are inversely proportional to their magnitudes, but the line of action of the
resultant lies outside the space between the components on the side of the larger

Two Equal Parallel Forces Acting in Opposite Directions

A system of two equal parallel forces acting in opposite directions cannot be
reduced to one resultant force. This can readily be seen from Fig. 3.3. If the
forces/ 5 and O are equal in magnitude, the two parallelograms APPXSand BOQXS
will be equal and corresponding sides w ill be parallel. Hence P, and 0] w ill still
be equal and oppositely directed parallel forces, and we never obtain a point of
intersection C. Thus, we cannot reduce two equal and opposite but noncollinear
forces to any simpler system. Two such forces are called a COUPLE, the plane in
which they act is called THE PLANE OF THE COUPLE, and the distance between their
lines of action is called the ARM OF THE COUPLE.
The algebraic sum of the moments of the
tw'o forces of a couple is independent of the
position, in the plane of the couple, of the
moment center and is always equal to the
product of the magnitude of either force and
the arm of the couple. Consider, for exam- ---------------------------------- 6
pie, the couple PP with arm AB of length A
in Fig. 3.4, and let O be any arbitrary
moment center. Then the algebraic sum of
moments is
P OD - P OC = P(OD - OC) = Pa
The same result will be obtained if O lies ?!?*
betw een the lines of action of the forces. Fig. 3.4 |

The moment PA is called the MOMENT OF THE

COUPLE. It is positive when the couple tends to produce counter-clockwise rota tion as
shown, and it is negative for clockwise rotation.
The action of a couple on a rigid body will not be changed if its arm is turned in the
plane of the couple through any angle A about one of its ends. To prove this statement,
let us consider a couple PP w ith the arm AB, as show n in Fig. 3.5. We take under any
desired angle A with the arm AB a straight-line segment AC equal in length to the arm
AB of the given couple. At each of the ends A and C of this line we apply two equal
and opposite forces Q and QF perpendicular to AC and equal in magnitude to P. From
the principle of superposition it follows that the addition of these forces w'hich are in
equilibrium does not change the action of the given couple. The forces Q together with
the forces P give the resultant SR,
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SOLUTION: Clearly, the reaction at A must be statically equivalent to the
equilibrant P/ of the active force P, that is, a vertical upward force acting along
the line DC. To represent this force as a reaction at AY we resolve it into an equal
parallel force P at A and a couple of moment PA acting as shown in the figure.
To understand physically just how the foundation ex erts this couple on the
bottom of the mast, we must consider the detail of the bottom of the mast as
shown in Fig. 3.10. In trying to tip over to the right, the mast presses against the
walls of the hole in which it is seated and, of course, equal and opposite reactive
pressure will be exerted on the mast. This distribution of pressure will be
something like that indicated in the figure and is sensibly equivalent to a couple
RR acting as shown. We see that this kind of constraint, a so-called BUILT-IN
ETUI, is considerably more complex than any we have previously discussed. This
example illustrates one of the many useful applications of the resolution of a
force into a force and a couple.
3. Two gears having pitch diameters DY and D2 are connected as shown in Fig. 3.11
(a). If a couple of moment M, is applied to the upper gear as shown, what is the
moment M2 of the couple that must be applied to the lower gear to maintain
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... C S/H )D
L/Z F 1/2 V
I ----- * ------------------------
P \m I
\ ' '
i B
. 1/2 .U 2




Fig. 3.21 |
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book. ,R,

Thus acting on the beam CD, we have the vertical forces RN P and R(I in
equilibrium. The simplest way of calculating the reactions RC and RD is by using
Eq. (12). Taking moments, first with respect to point Cand then with respect to
point we obtain the equations.
RJ- = 0 -RJ+ = 0 2 2

from which
Now consider the free body of beam .4Z?C. The loads acting on this beam are
two active forces P, the reactionP RH from the roller P support at B and the reaction
RJ = / and PI KRiC =
RC from the hinge C acting j 2 downward.
R L _ r _
We canc 2reduce
RC and P into a resultant
force R vertical. Since R and RB are 2 parallel
4 forces,
2 so the reaction RA at A must
be Substituting
vertical for the
the value
systemof toRCbe
in in
theequilibrium as discussed
above equations, we get for
the the previous
reactions RA
and RH Taking
as shown below: first w'ith respect to point A and then with respect to
point B, we obtain the equations
RA = P and RH = 3.5 P 0
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10. Determine the reactions at A for the cantilever beam AB subjected to the loads as shown
in Fig. J. Numerical data are given: P = 1500 N, Q = 1000 N, R - 1500 N and

a-b = c= -,/ = 3m.

11. Along a lever AB loads Q and P are distributed, as shown in Fig. K. If Q = 2P and
the weight of the lever is negligible, determine the ratio u : b of the amis of the lever if it is
in equilibrium. (Ans. a:b- 2 : 3 )
12. The beam CE in Fig. L is supported on the beam AB by the three bars C7\ DG and
CG, as shown. Find the reactions that will be produced at the points of support A and B of
the lower beam due to the action of a load P applied at the free end E of the upper beam if
the span / = 3.6 m and a = 1.2 m. (A/is. up; down)

Fig. Lm 112
13. Find the load P required to maintain the system of levers in equilibrium with AB in
horizontal position, if Q- 9.6 kN (Fig. M). (Ans. P= 200 N)
14. Two identical prismatic bars AB and CD are welded together in the form of a rigid
rand suspended in a vertical plane as shown in Fig. N. Calculate the angle a that the bar CD
will make with the vertical when a vertical load P = 44.5 N is applied at B. The w eight of
each bar is Q = 22.25 N as show n. (Ans. a = 1557')
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Z( FjX
X (13a)
c = ,) ' IE

IF, A4 A

yc F\
> F3
We have already seen that the center of parallel forces of any number of forces
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applied at a given system of points is independent of the direction in which the forces
act. Hence, we conclude that the moment arms XC and YC as defined by Eq. (13)
represent the coordinates of this point.
The let theofforces all forces
parallel be rotated
for aingiven
the plane of of
system theforces
, F2 , they act parallel
. applied to
at given
points AH A2In
the x-axis. , ...,this
AN case
in onethe arm will
plane YC ofnotthe
be resultant
changed ifmaythe be found by of
magnitudes again using are
the forces the
second of Eq. (9),
all multiplied by the and same
we obtain
constant factor. This statement fol lows at once from the
form of Eq. (13) from which we see that such a factor will appear N times in both the
numerator and the denominator of either
Wiy.) of these expressions and will therefore cancel
y =
' ~~ ZFT (13b)
out. Thus we conclude that the center of parallel forces for any given system of forces
applied at a given system of points in one plane depends only upon the positions of the
points and upon the relative magnitudes of the forces.

Center of Gravity
The center of gravity of a body is that point through which the resultant of the
distributed gravity force passes regardless of the orientation of the body in space.
From this definition it follows that the center of gravity of a rigid body is the center of
parallel gravity forces acting on the various particles of the body. Since gravity forces
always act vertically downward, it is evident that some rotation of a body through an
angle A is equivalent to a corresponding rotation through the same angle of all the
gravity forces about their points of application as discussed above.
All physical bodies are, of course, three-dimensional as a consequence of which the
gravity forces acting on the various particles of the body represent a system of
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Fig. 3.27~]

The expressions for the differential length DL for rectangular and polar coor dinates
are shown in Fig. 3.28.
Sometimes the position of the centroid of a plane figure or curve can be seen by
inspection. For example, if a figure has two axes of symmetry, its centroid lies at their
intersection. This statement follows at once from the form of expressions (16) and
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Fig. 3.36 ] IO o (e)

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Various Centroids of Plane Areas

{Cun id.)
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L of the curve and the distance travelled by its centroid. 2. The volume of the solid
generated by rotating any plane figure about a nonintersecting axis in its plane is
equal to the product of the area A of the figure and the distance travelled by its
A surface of revolution is a surface generated curve by rotating a plane curve about a fixed
A body of revolution is a body generated by rotating a plane area about a fixed axis.
The theorems of Pappus are very useful in calculating the surface areas and vol umes of
various bodies of revolution encountered in engineering, particularly in machine design.
The theorems of Pappus can also be used to determine the centroid of a plane curve when the
area of the surface generated by the curve is known or to determine the centroid of a plane
area when the volume of the body generated by the area is known.
^ o, ** ^ * {L,, ,
Important Formulae
^ \ j L . I r- % * . * i ' .
| t *
1. The center of parallf i forces for a given system of forces applied at the given point in one
plane can be obtained by the following equations:

^ ZF: XF

* 5*
2. Analytically, the position of the centroid of area of a plane figure may be defined
by the formulae and the summations are understood to include all elements of area
within the boundary of the figure.

WKUBSt (A4*,) _ S(A A i y i )

' ZA A, ' Vc

3. The position of the centroid of length of a plane curve may be defined by the

ZiALiX,) _ I(Ai,7i)
* iaL,
where L( denotes the length of an element and the xiy v, coordinates of its midpoint.
4. The coordinates of the centroid of any plane figure or curve can be calculated, provided the
integrals appearing therein can be evaluated.

Ji dA \ydA

! vftv -'? JJ. ' Si1 * *fet I y; s '! jdA jdA

for the case of area and
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SOLUTION: Note that the shaded triangles MPC and NQC are geometrically similar.
Hence, we may write

yc a 12 + b
h-yc a+b/2

which is readily brought to the form y t . = +2b)
3 (A + B)
as previously obtained in Example 1 above.
3. Locate the centroid C of the shaded area of the figure BDE (Fig. 3.51) which is
obtained by cutting the quadrant of a circle of radius A from a square OBDE of
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the same dimensions.


SOLUTION: From symmetry of the figure, it is evident that the desired centroid C
lies on the diagonal OD of the square. Hence, choosing coordinate axes X and Y
as shown in the figure, it will only be necessary to determine one coordinate of
the centroid, since XC = YR
To determine XC, let us denote by A, the area of the square, by X{ the X
coordinate of its centroid C,, and by A 2 , X2 the corresponding quantities for the
quadrant of the circle. Then the first of Eq. (14) gives
A2 (A/2) - (yzvr/4)(4tf/3/r)
For the given dimensions and remembering
Aj .Vj A-> that X2 - Y2 = 4a/3/rthis be comes
2 2
a - /ra J4
from which A X-) t-A2
c - >c =
xc == la = 0.777a (e)
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No. AAt (mm2) .r, (mm) v, (mm) AA/Xf (mm2) AAiyl (mm2)
I 78.54 31.83 81.8 2500.00 6427.00
M fi 78.54 68.17% 68.17 5354.07 5354.07 H
3 50.00 0.0 25.0 0.00 1250.0
0 0
Wffii. 50.00 100 v 25.00 500.00 1250.00
5 100 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Z 6696 12854.0# 14281.07

SOLUTION: In dealing with this figure, divide the lengths A,, L2 , LY LA and L5
with the centroids C,, C 2 , C 3 . C 4 and C 5 as shown. Using the given dimen sions,
we may fill in the horizontal lines of the table given on next page:

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Equation (15) gives.
yc = 36 mm
= 40
y c mm
8. A homogeneous prismatic bar ABC of negligible diameter, is bent into a straight
section and a semicircular arc as shown in Fig. 3.56. It is attached to a hinge at
A. Determine the value of A for which the bar is in equilibrium for the indicated

SOLUTION: Since ABC is formed of homogeneous wire, its center of gravity

coincides with the centroid of the corresponding line. For the body to be in
equilibrium, the center of gravity should be on the v ? -axis, i.e.,A* c = 0. Divid -
ing the lengths Z,, and L: with the centroids C, and C 2 as shown. Now with the
help of list of Eq. (15),
LX AT, + U X2
Fig. 3.56 | = L\ + /,>
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Eq. (12) of Section 3.2. Taking moments with respect to points A and #, these
equations become

~Phh + Q^h = pj' ~ = 0

from which we find PA = 0/3 and PH = 2/30. Substituting for <9 its value from
Eq. (e), we find

WH , . w/r
/ l and
Pa" Pb (0
2 2
2. One end of a cantilever beam AC is built into a wall of thickness A as shown in
Fig. 3.62. Owing to the action of a load P applied at the free and C, distributed
reactions, as represented by the load diagrams AAB* and A'BB, are produced.
Find the maximum intensities QA and QH of these reactions. Neglect the weight of
the beam, and assume all forces to act in its vertical axial plane of symmetry.

Fig. 3.62 |

SOLUTION: Since we assume a linear variation in the intensities of pressure

along the lines AB' an <\A'B, it follows that the lines of action of the resultants,
QA and QH are as shown in the figure. Replacing the distributed reactions by
these resultants, we obtain a system of three parallel forces in a plane, which are
in equilibrium. Hence, taking moments of the three forces/;, QA and OH with
respect to points D and E and using Eq. (12), we obtain

3 I 3) =0

form which
(/ + *) &- 3
" 3 fl
a V 3/ a
From the fact that the resultant of a distributed force in a plane is equal to

the area of its load diagram, we obtain,

n ^ %A = Z and QH =

from which
20h 2 Ob
= a nd % = 2
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General Case of

Forces in a Plane
If several coplanar forces applied to a body are not parallel and do not intersect in one
point, we have the general case of forces in a plane. Let us consider such a
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system as represented by the forces F, ...............F 4 , applied, respectively, at points A,
BY C and D of the body as shown in Fig. 4.1(a). To find the resultant of these forces,
we being with any two forces, say, FX and F2 and determine their resultant /?, by using
the parallelogram law as indicated in the figure. Treating next the forces/?, and F 3 in
the same manner, we find their resultant R2 which evidently is the resultant of the
forces F,, F2 and FY In the same way again, the resultant R of the forces R2 and F 4 , and
consequently of the given system of forces F,,..., F 4 is found applied at point G as
shown. The point of application of this resultant R may be transmitted to any other
point along its line of action if desired. From this discussion, we see that the
magnitude and direction of the resultant R are determined by the closing side of the
polygon of forces [Fig. 4.1(b)] and are independent of the points of application of the
given forces.
If, in a more general case of N forces F,,..., F in a plane, we find, by succes sive
applications of the parallelogram law that the partial resultant of the first K forces
Fj, ..., FK is parallel to the remaining N - K forces FM, FN. we use the method of addition
of parallel forces as discussed in Section 3.2. On the basis of that discussion we
conclude that, in general there are three possibilities: (1) The system of N forces in a
plane reduces to a resultant force, (2) the system reduces to a resultant couple, or (3)
the system is in equilibrium.
To distinguish between these three cases, we begin with the construction of the
polygon of forces. If this polygon is not closed [Fig. 4.1(b)], the system re duces to a
resultant force, the magnitude and direction of which are given by the closing side of
the polygon and the line of action which may be located by using the construction
indicated in Fig. 4.1(a) or the method of adding parallel forces.
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F, W,
170 -80 -150 300
100 60 80 0

130 -120 +50 4400

200 0 -200 300

200 0 4200

I -140 -20 +1000

1000 N

,5 You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
book. (b)

\ X -100
tan A = =------------=
MO 1687.5
= 2.4 in

R 707 7

Y - 700

N \
f\ y

Thus the resultant is located as shown in Fig. 4.4.


Determine the resultant of the system of coplanar forces shown in Fig. 4.5.
*V V
S Each division of the superimposed grid is 1 cm square.
K \

; X, W,
10 -10.0 0 470.0

85 470.7 47.1 -141.4

65 -60.3 -24.3 +120.6

50 -40.0 30.0 4240.0

66 39.6 -52.8 -633.6

I 0 0 -344.4

Fig. 4.5
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SOLUTION: We first compute and record the projections X) and YT of each force
as shown in Fig. 4.5(b). Summing these projections for all forces, we obtain X=
0 and Y = 0. Therefore the resultant is not a force.
To see if there is resultant couple, we compute and record the moment (M0)J
of each force about the origin O. The calculation of these moments is greatly
simplified if we resolve each force into its components XI and Y at the point
where its line of action intersects either the .v- or v-axis, so that one component
will pass through O. Take for example, the 250 N force. Resolving it at A into
components XT and K, we have
(M0)I = 200 x 0 + 150 x 8 = 1200 N cm = 12 N m Moments of the
forces are calculated in a similar manner. Summing mo ments in accordance with <b)
Eq. (c), we get M{) = - 1732.2 N cm = -17.32 N m. Thus the resultant is a
clockwise couple in the plane of action of the forces as shown in Fig. 4.5(a).
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resultant is a force acting along the line AB. Finally, if the algebraic sums of the
moments of all forces, not only with respect to A and B but also with respect to a third
point C, are zero and C is not on the line AB, the possibility of a resultant force falls
completely and we must have equilibrium. Expressing these three con ditions of
equilibrium algebraically, wc have
I(Ai A )i = 0, I( M,,)i = 0, I (M c \ =0 (19)
Reconsidering the set of Eqs (18) or (19), we observe that in both cases, three
independent conditions are not only necessary but also sufficient to ensure equi -
librium of a system of coplanar force. Naturally, with three equations we can
determine only three unknowns. This means that in dealing with constrained bodies
where unknown reactions are to be evaluated, we shall not be able to determine the
magnitudes of more than three such forces, or possibly the magnitude and direction of
one and the magnitude of another. For this reason a system of physi cal constraints of
rigid body in a plane which gives rise to just three unknown is said to be statically
Common systems of constraints which satisfy the above condition are shown in
Fig. 4.6. In Fig. 4.6(a), we have a body supported by a hinge A and a roller B, which
completely constrain the body in the plane of the figure. The roller at B determines
physically the direction of RH nut, the direction of RA remains un known as indicated
by the wavy-line vector. Thus the three unknowns in this case are the magnitude and
direction of RIT and the magnitude of RH. In Fig. 4.6(b), a body is constrained in one
plane by three hinged bars which are not parallel and do not intersect in one point 1 . In
this case, the lines of action of three reactive forces .S',, S2 and (coinciding with the
axes of the bars producing them) are known and again we have only three unknown
magnitudes to determine.


Fig. 4.6

Any system of supports of a rigid body in one plane which contains more than
three degrees of constraint will set up reactive forces involving more than three

If the three bars in Fig. 4.6(b) are parallel or intersect in one point, the body u i l i always have some freedom of motion in
the plane of the figure and is not adequately constrained, i .e.. it will move under the action of applied loads.
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Fig. J

11. A heavy prismatic timber of weight W and length / is supported horizontally between two
fixed fulcrums^ and B . as shown in Fig. K. If the coefficient of friction between the timber
and each fulcrum is p, find the magnitude of a horizontal force P applied as shown that
will cause impending sliding of the timber to the right. The following numerical data are
given: W~ 500 N; a = 500 mm, /; = 300 mm, / = 1.75 m, d = 300 mm and p = 1/3. (Ans. P
- 250N)


Fig. K

* 12. Find the magnitude and direction of the least force P necessary to cause impending
sliding of the timber in Fig. K. Compare this result with the value of the corre sponding
horizontal force as obtained in the preceding problem.
(Ans. P m in = 226 N, inclined downward by 25 17 to the horizontal) *13. A heavy prismatic
timber of weight W is supported in vertical plane as shown in Fig. L. If the coefficient of friction
between the timber and each of the supports A and B is p = 1 / 3 and the dimensions are as show
n, find the maximum value of the
angle a consistent with equilibrium. (Ans. a <43)
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*j I*.

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Fig. mm (n ,

Let us consider next the equilibrium of the hinge D. We first replace the bar 2
by its reaction S2 equal but opposite to the previously considered reaction of this
bar on the hinge E. There remain then but two unknown forces at >.
representing the reactions on this hinge of the bars 3 and 4. Again we do not
know whether these last two forces are directed toward the hinge or away from
it, but knowing the directions of their lines of action we can construct the
polygon of forces shown in Fig. 4.13, from which the forces, S and S4 are 3

determined as before. In this case we see from the arrows on the sides of the
polygon of forces that both bars are pressing on the hinge and hence are in
compression. Arrows indicating such reactions can now be placed on the axes of
the bars 3 and 4 at D, as shown in Fig. 4.12(a).
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PRACTICE SET 4k3____________
Review Questions
1. Define plane truss.
2. State the assumptions made in the analysis of trusses.
3. Explain the method of joints for analysis of the truss.
4. Explain the importance of the assumptions in the analysis of truss.

Objective Questions
1. Minimum number of members required to form a simple truss
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
|A/u-. (b)]
2. In the method of joints for the analysis of forces in the members of the truss, the
number of equilibrium equations available at each joint are
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
[ANS. (a)]
3. Which of the following assumptions are necessary in the analysis of truss?
I. The bars are connected at their ends by frictionless hinges.
II. The bars are weightless.
III. The axes of all bars lie in one plane, called the middle plane of the truss.
IV. All forces acting on the truss are applied at the hinges only and also lie
in the plane of the truss.
The correct answer is
(a) Only I (b) Only II
(c) I. II and III (d) All of the above

1. Calculate the axial force S, in each bar of the simple truss supported and loaded
as shown in Fig. A. The triangle ACB is isosceles with 30 angles at A and B
and P = 5 kN. (ANS. 5, = -3.34 kN, S, = -6.67 kN; S3
= + 5.77 kN; S = + 2.89 kN; 5^ = + 5.77 kN)

Fig. B

2. Prove that a tensile force equal to the applied load P is produced in the bar DE
of the truss shown in Fig. B.
3. Determine the axial forces in the bars 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the plane truss
supported and loaded as shown in Fig. C.
(ANS. 5, = -P: S2 = + P: S = - 0.5 P: SA = + 0.442 P\ S = -0.333 P)
3 5
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The foregoing procedure in the analysis of trusses is called the METHOD OF
SECTIONS. It consists essentially in the isolation of a portion of the truss by a section is
such a way as to cause those internal forces that we wish to evaluate to become
external forces on the isolated free body. By this procedure, we usually arrive at the
case of equilibrium of general system of forces in a plane and the usual conditions of
equilibrium [Eqs (18) or (19) ] may be employed to evaluate the unknown forces as
was done above. The success or failure of the method rests entirely upon the choice of
section. In general, a section should cut only three bars, since only three unknowns can
be determined from three equations of equilibrium. However, there are special cases
where we may successfully cut more than three bars, and some of these will be
illustrated in the following examples. Here we shall always assume tension to be
positive and compression, negative.

1. Using the method of sections, determine the axial forces in bars for which 1, 2
and 3 of the tower loaded as shown in Fig. 4.15(a).

SOLUTION: We begin by making a section MN, cutting the three bars for which
the axial forces are required and consider the portion of the tower above this section as a
free body [Fig. 4.15(b)]. Acting on this free body, we have the applied force P and the
forces Sj, S 2 , S 3 representing the axial forces 1 in the cut bars I, 2 and 3.
Equating to zero the algebraic sum of moments of these forces with re spect to
point D, we obtain
Sxa - 2Ph = 0
From which S{= + PH/A, tension. Similarly, with E as a moment center, we have
-S3a - 2Ph = 0
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///A Y^_
//P _^_
P' ^P'
a 3
_a M
Fig. H J

6. Determine, by the method of sections, the axial force in each of the bars, 1, 2
and 3 of the plane truss shown in Fig. F.
(ANS. S, = -1.5 kN; S2 = -3.33 kN; S = +2.665 kN)

4.5 kN

1.5 kN

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7. Using the method of sections, calculate the axial force in each of the bars 1, 2
and 3 of the plane cantilever truss loaded as shown in Fig. G.
(ANS. S, = -5.33P; S2 = + 2 P\ S3 = -1.67P)

2.4 m -> <-2.4 m

p P P' P

8. Determine the forces bars 1, 2 and 3 of the plane truss loaded and supported as
shown in Fig. H. (ANS. 5j = -APa!h\ S2 = - P/ 2; S = + 4 Pa/h)
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9. Determine the forces bars 1, 2 and 3 of the plane truss loaded and supported as
shown in Fig. I. (ANS. 5, = S = S3 = -3(2 A!2H)
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Fig. 4.17 | A <y v> B

This structure consists of two rigid bars or ribs AC and BC hinged together at C and
to the foundation at A and B. Since each member is acted upon by a force at some
intermediate point, it is subjected to bending, and the forces at its ends will not be
directed along the axis of the member.
Accordingly, we do not know the direction of the reaction at either A or B; therefore
wc represent these reactions by rectangular components X(R YA and Xh , YB as shown.
Considering the equilibrium of the entire structure, we encounter a system of coplanar
forces with four unknowns and with only three equations of equilibrium and the
problem appears to be indeterminate. To avoid this difficulty, we disconnect the two
bars at C and isolate each one as a free body. Fig. 4.18(b) and (c). Then on each of
these free bodies we have, in addition to the forces already considered, a pair of
rectangular components XN K ( , representing the force transmitted from one bar to the
other through the hinge C. If we assume these forces on the free body AC to be directed
as shown in Fig. 4.18(b), then if follows from the law of action and reaction that the
corresponding forces on BC must be oppositely directed, as shown in Fig. 4.18(c). It
makes no difference which way we direct the forces XC, YIS as long as they are opposite
on the two free bodies. If either of them is incorrectly assumed, w'e shall simply obtain
a result w'ith negative sign after calculation.
We now have two simultaneous free-body diagrams [Fig. 4.18(b) and (c)] in volving
altogether six unknowns. Since for each free body we have three equa tions of
equilibrium. Eqs (18) or (19), it follows that the problem is statically determinate, i.e.,
we have six equations and six unknow ns. With points A and B as moment centers, Eq.
(18) for the two systems will be as follows:
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SOLUTION: We begin with a free-body diagram of the entire frame, Eq. (18) may
be written as follows:
-XA + 2.5 = 0
^-*,-2.5 = 0
-10 7^+2.5x5 + 2.5x5 = 0
from which we obtain XA = 2.5 kN, YA = 7.5 kN, RH = 5 kN.
We now make a separate free-body diagram for each of the three mem bers, as
shown in Fig. 4.20(b) to (d). On these free-body diagrams, w r e place the given
loads at D and C and the numerical values of the previously found reactions at
A and B, as shown. At each of the point , F, G, we indicate two rectangular
components of force representing the interactions between members at these
points of connection, but we do not immediately attach any arrows or symbols
to these vectors.
Now let us consider the equilibrium of the vertical bar AC in Fig. 4.20(b). At
this time none of the four forces acting at E and G is known, but, never theless,
we can find X(L and X and by writing I= 0, which give
2.5x5 +2.5 x 10-5 ^ = 0 2.5x5 +2.5 x \0-5XG = 0 From
these two equations, we obtain XC = 7.5 kN, XY = 7.5 kN, directed as assumed.
Accordingly, we at once record 7.5 kN to the left at E in Fig. 4.20(c) and 7.5 kN
to the right at G in Fig. 4.20(d).
Next, we consider the equilibrium of the horizontal bar DF in Fig. 4.20(c).
With F as a moment center, the equations of equilibrium Eq. (18) for this free
body become
XF- 7.5 = 0
YE-YF- 2.5 = 0
5 YE - 2.5 x 10 = 0
from which XF = 7.5 kN, YT, = 5 kN and YF = 2.5 kN, all directed as assumed.
These numerical values may now be recorded at E in Fig. 4.20(b) and at F in
Fig. 4.20(d), as shown.
Returning to the free body in Fig. 4.20(d), and writing IK, = 0, we obtain
7.5 - 5 - YG = 0
from which Y - 2.5 kN directed down. We immediately place a corre-

sponding 2.5 kN force up at G in Fig. 4.20(d), and we see that all forces have
now been evaluated.
As a check on our arithmetic, we observe that the forces on the inclined bar
in Fig. 4.20(d), which have all been found from considerations of the other free-
body diagrams, satisfy the three conditions of equilibrium for this bar.

Important Terms and Concepts

Plane frame Flexure members Method of members Three hinged frame
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2.5 kN

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12. Calculate the pressure exerted against the sides of an ice cube of weight W = 500 N by
the points A and B of the tongs which support it (Fig. J). The dimensions of the tongs are
as follows: a = 100 mm, b = 200 mm, c = 200 mm, d = 400 mm.
(Ans. R (l = R h = 475 N)
13. Calculate the shear force R ( on the pin C of the ice tongs in Fig. J.
(Ans. R c = 837 N)

10. Find the reactions at the supports A and B of the semicircular three-hinged arch
loaded as shown in Fig. K. (Ans. R (l = 40.1 kN, R h = 41.5 kN)
11. Calculate the horizontal and vertical components of the reactions at A and B of the
frame structure loaded as shown in Fig. L.
(Ans. X a = 315 N; Y a = 210 N; X b = 885 N; Y b = 390 N)
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The same procedure may be used in the case of two unequal parallel forces acting
in opposite directions, as shown in Fig. 4.23(a). In this case again, we begin with the
polygon of forces ABC, select a pole 0, and draw rays 1, 2 and 3. Starting with any
point A in the plane of action of the given forces, the funicular polygon ABED with its
sides parallel, respectively, to rays OA, OB, and OC is obtained as shown [Fig.
4.23(a)]. The magnitude and direction of the resultant
are given by the closing side AC of the polygon of forces [Fig. 4.23(b)], and a point on
its line of action, by the intersection E of the first and last sides of the funicular
polygon [Fig. 4.23(a)).

f 3 \
A J_-^0

Fig. 4.23 |
(a) (b)

Let us consider now a general case of several coplanar forces F,, ... F ap plied to a

body as shown in Fig. 4.24(a). We begin with the construction of the polygon of forces
ABCDEF. Choosing an arbitrary pole O, drawing the rays 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6 and constructing, in the plane of action of the forces, the lines AB, BE,... FG,
parallel to these rays, we obtain the funicular polygon ABEDEFG as shown. At the
apexes of this polygon, each of the given forces F,, ... F is replaced by its two

components as represented to rays in Fig. 4.24(b). The forces acting along the sides
BE, ED, DE% and EF are pairs of equal and opposite forces and may be removed from
the system. There remain only the forces 1 and 6 acting at points/; and / which are
equivalent to the given forces F,, ... F 5 . The magnitude and direction of the resultant of
these forces are given by the closing side AF of the polygon of forces [Fig. 4.24(b)],
and a point on its line of action, by the intersec tion H of the first and last sides of the
funicular polygon [Fig. 4.24(a)].
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RC and Ra , respectively, we obtain the apexes A and C of the funicular polygon
and can draw its closing side AC after which the missing ray 3 in the polygon of
forces can be drawn through point O parallel to this closing side AC of the
funicular polygon. The intersection of ray 3 with the vertical line EF'

determines the apex F of the closed polygon of forces. The vectors EF

and FD represent, respectively, the reactions RLT and RC.
It should be noted that, while any position of the point F along the line EF'
[Fig. 4.27(b)] can satisfy the condition of a closed polygon of forces, only the
point F as obtained above can simultaneously satisfy the condition of a closed
funicular polygon.
3. Determine graphically the reactions RA and RB at the supports A and B of the
truss loaded and supported as shown in Fig. 4.28(a).

Fig. 4.28 j
SOLUTION: Since the truss is in equilibrium under the action of the applied
forces Q together w'ith the reactions R(L and RH, all these forces considered
together must build a closed polygon of forces and their funicular polygon must
be closed also. Proceeding on this basis, w'e begin with the construction of the
polygon of forces [Fig. 4.28(b)]. The vectors representing the active forces Q
are laid out in order, and from point F the vertical line FG' is extended in the
known direction of the reaction RB. Since, however, we know neither the
magnitude of this reaction nor the direction of the reaction RA> the closed
polygon of forces cannot yet be completed. We know only
that from some point G on the vertical line FG' the vector GA representing the
reaction R(L must close the polygon. An arbitrary pole O is now selected.
and the rays 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 draw'n, as shown in Fig. 4.28(b). The ray 7
cannot yet be drawn, since the apex G of the polygon of forces is not known at
this stage of the construction.
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b db o b db db db


Find the resultant of the2.coplanar forces acting on the gravity dam section shown in
Fig. B by constructing a funicular polygon. Forces are shown in kN.
(1 kN = 1000 N)

150 kN

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3. Determine, graphically, the reactions at the supports of a girder AB due to the locomotive
loading shown in Fig. C. (Ans. R a = 1042 kN, R b = 1108 kN)
z z z
O o oJ
o oo
i o
o C o
o so
n O
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4. Treating the flexible cable overrunning the pulleys in Fig. D as a funicular polygon, find
graphically the forces exerted on the members of the frame by the axles of the pulleys B
and D. Each stationary pulley is 300 mm in diameter.
(Ans. P b = 23.4 kN : P d = 10.3 kN)

5. Find graphically the reactions at A and B for the beam loaded as shown in Fig. E.
(Ans. R a = 430 N ; R h = 385 N)
6. Determine graphically the reactions R (l and R h at the supports A and B of the horizontal
beam AB due to the action of the vertical loads applied as shown in Fig. F.
(Ans. R a = 2405 N ; R b = 1745 N)
25 kN
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We shall discuss here a graphical method of analysis of simple trusses based on the
method of joints previously explained in Section 4.3. Referring to Fig. 4.30(a), we
have a simple truss ABC supported at A and B and carrying a vertical load P at C.
Thus the vertical reactions at A and B are each PT2 and we have the entire truss in
equilibrium under the action of three parallel forces as shown. Denoting the axial
forces in the bars by SV S2, S? and considering the equilibrium of each of the joints A,
B, C, in succession, we obtain the closed triangles of forces shown in Fig. 4.30(b )
from which the magnitudes of the axial forces Sj, S->, S can be scaled.

W ; e note now that each of these axial force vectors appears in two different
POLYGONS, once for each of the JOINTS at the ends of that member. To avoid this
duplication of vectors, the separate polygons of forces, under certain conditions, can
be superimposed to form one composite diagram called a Maxwell diagram for the 1

truss. For example, the polygons of forces in Fig. 4.30(b), when superim posed, make
the composite diagram shown in Fig. 4.30(c). Such superposition is desirable, since it
reduces the amount of necessary construction and makes a more compact record of the
In constructing separate polygons of forces for the various hinges of a truss, it
makes no difference in what order we add the vectors. Each hinge is in equilib rium,
and the forces acting on it must build a closed polygon in any order. How ever, if we
wish to superimposed these polygons as in Fig. 4.30(c), they must be constructed in a
definite manner. It may be noted now that, for each polygon in
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explained, and we obtain finally the composite diagram, as shown in Fig.
4.32(b). This diagram is drawn to the scale km = 40 kN and from it the axial
force in any bar of the truss may be found. The student will find it a worthwhile
exercise to follow through the diagram and ascertain for each bar whether it is
in tension or compression.
2. A crane supports a load P which hangs on a flexible cable overrunning small
pulleys attached to the top chord joints, as shown in Fig. 4.33(a). Find
graphically the axial forces produced in the various bars.

SOLUTION: We assume that the diagram of the truss in Fig. 4.33(a) has been
drawn to scale. Then to determine the internal forces in the bars, we need to
know first the magnitudes and directions of the external forces PR P,, P} exerted
on the joints by the axles of the pulleys. These, we find by observ ing that the
cable, under uniform tension P, represents a funicular polygon for the desired
forces, as already discussed in Example 1 of Section 4.6. Accordingly, in Fig.
4.33(b), we construct a circle the radius of which rep resents, to some convenient
scale, the magnitude of the load P. Then draw ing rays OA, OB, OC and OD,
parallel to the several portions of the cable, we find the forces PV P2, P3 exerted
on the joints of the truss, as shown. We place these forces on the truss
(thereafter ignoring the cable) and letter (or
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which, by using Eqs (e) and (f). becomes,
dS = /J S dO
DS ,
or =/UD6 (g)

This expresses the ratio between the increment of tension over the length of the
element to the total tension in the belt at the point defined by the angle 0. Integrating
Eq. (g) over the entire line of contact AB, of length RFI we obtain

In ~~ = ///? or y- = E*# (h)

2 ^2

We see that the ratio between the tensions Sjand S2 in the belt on the two sides of
the pulley increases very rapidly with the magnitude of the central angle FIOF the line
of contact AB. This explains how a man hold a great load on the end of a rope simply
by taking a turn of two of rope around a post. It will also be noted that the ratio S{/S2
is independent of the radius R of the pulley.
Center of Pressure
Another problem involving distributed force is illustrated in Fig. 4.38. The opening to
a penstock through the base of a gravity dam is closed by a circular plate AB and it is
desired to define the resultant water pressure P on the plate. This is really a problem
involving force distributed over an area, but we can easily bring it to an equivalent
distribution in the vertical plane of the diameter A# of the plate.

Looking directly at the plane of the plate [Fig. 4.38(b)J, we consider one ele ment
of area DA in the form of a horizontal strip at depth Y as shown. Then since the
intensity of water pressure P = WY is constant across the length of this strip, the
corresponding element of force DP = WY DA acts at the mid-point of the strip, i.e. on
the vertical diameter AB. This conclusion holds for each such horizontal strip, and we
obtain a series of elemental forces distributed along AB and all lying in the same
vertical plane. Fig. 4.38(a). The point P through which the resultant pressure acts on
the plate is called the CENTER OF PRESSURE and we need
only to find the depth Y to completely define its position on the vertical diameter AB.
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Fig. C~| Fig. D |


In engineering structures, we sometimes encounter flexible cables or chains sus pended

between two supports at their ends and subjected to the action of vertical load
continuously distributed along their lengths. The distribution of load may, in general,
be uniform or otherwise. Two of the most commonly encoutered cases of loading are
illustrated in Fig. 4.39. Figure 4.39(a) represents the case of a flexible chain freely
suspended in the gravity field and subjected to the action of its own distributed weight
only. Such loading is, of course, uniformly distributed with respect to the curve of the
chain itself. Figure 4.39(b) represents the case of a thin wire cable or cord subjected to
the action of a uniformly distributed load attached to it by vertical HANGERS. In the
event that this loading is large compared with the weight of the cable itself, we may
assume in this case that the load is uniformly distributed with respect to the horizontal
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tension H in the cable may be found at once, after which any of the quantities
previously defined in terms of H can be calculated without difficulty.
Catenary Cable
Assuming that the cable in Fig. 4.42 hangs freely in the gravity field and is sub jected
only to its own weight uniformly distributed along the curve, Eq. (a) becomes

dy qs

Fig. 4.42]

where Q is the weight per unit length of the cable and S is the length of the arc CD.
Before this equation can be integrated, it will be necessary to express the length 5 as a
function of the coordinates X and Y. To do this, we use the relationship,

which, with the above value of DY/DX, becomes

Integration of this last equation gives

arc sinh
where CX is a constant.
Since, for the coordinate axes as shown in Fig. 4.42, we have S = 0 when x = 0, it is
evident that C, = 0 and the above equation becomes


Substituting the value of S from Eq. (1) into Eq. (k), we obtain

DY = sinh DX H (m)
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S M :----------------a <. A



V vyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/yy

6 m


B s'

1667 N p er m


8. A flexible cable 30 m long and weighing 38 N per metre of length is freely sus
pended at its ends from two supports 15 m apart and having the same elevation. Find the
sag / at the middle of the span. ( Ans.f = 11. 7 mm)
9. A flexible cable of uniform weight per unit length rests partly on a horizontal plane and
passes over a small pulley at A, as shown in Fig. F. By gradually increasing the force S
applied to the end of the cable, the length of contact BC with the plane diminishes to a
certain limiting value c at which sliding of the cable along the plane impends. Find this
limiting value c if a = 60 m, / = 6 m and the coefficient of friction between the cable and
the plane is // = 0.5.
(Ans. c = 44.1 m)
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10. Determine the minimum length L of a flexible cable AC of uniform weight per unit
length which can hang in equilibrium as shown in Fig. G. Neglect friction and the
dimensions of the pulley B. What is the sag-span ratio?
(Ans. L mln = 1 . 1 C
4 / + 0.80 / = 1 . 9 4 / ; / / / = 0.238)
i ///////////
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F, lb ' ps a, COS p{ cos yt z,
40 0.555 0.822 0 22.2 33.3 0
F2 10 0.696 0.174 0.696 7.0 1.7 7.0
r* 30 0.218 -0.436 0.873 6.5 -13.1 26.2
% I .' I VJ I , t

35.7 21.9 33.2

lines of action of all but one of any number of concurrent forces in space lie in one
plane, then equilibrium can exist only if this one force is zero. (4) If the known lines of
action of all but two of any number of concurrent forces in space lie in one plane and
one of these two forces is known in magnitude, then the magnitude of the other can
always be found without difficulty. The proof of each of these statements is left to the

1. Three concurrent forces F] , F2

and F3 have the lines of action
You have either OA , OB aand
reached OC
page as isshown
that in
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Fig. 5.4, and the magnitudes book.
shown in the following table.
Find the magnitude and direc-
tion of their resultant R.
SOLUTION: We begin by comput-
ing the lengths of the lines OA,
OB and OC, from the observed
coordinates of the points A, B
and C, as follows:

OA = \J(2)2 + (3 ) +0 = \[\3 2

OA = YJ (4 ) + (l ) + (4 ) = x/33
2 2 2

OA =\] ( l ) 2
+ (- 2)2 + (4 ) 2
= 4Y\

Using these values, the direction cosines of the lines of action of the forces are
easily computed and tabulated as shown in the table. Then using Eq. (b), we find
the projections of the given forces as shown in the last three columns of the table.
Finally, making the summations of projections and using Eqs (c) and (d ), we
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/> Z2 Z

/I /

Fig. 5.4

R = ^/(158.9) 2 +(97.60) 2 +047.60 )2 = 237.83 N 158.9

" = c o s =48 04
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SOLUTION: At the instant of impending, slipping the block is in equilibrium under
the action of the gravity force FV, the applied force P, and a reaction R exerted by
the inclined plane. Since these three forces are in equilibrium, we conclude that
they must intersect in one point and also lie in one plane. Further, when sliding
of the block impends, we know that the reaction R is inclined to the normal to be
inclined plane by the angle of friction (P.
Choosing O as the origin of coordinates with the z-axis normal to the inclined
plane and the .r-axis horizontal and equating to zero the algebraic sum of the
projections of all forces on the z-axis, we obtain
Fig. 5.8R cos (P = W cos A (f)
1 of forces onto the inclined plane, we obtain the
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Projecting the entire system
system of coplanar forces in equilibrium as shown in Fig. 5.8(b), from which we
conclude that
R2 sin 2 (P = P2 + W2SM2A (g)
Eliminating R between Eqs. (0 and (g) gives

P = WYJ JJ2 cos : A -sin 2 A (h)

where /i = tan <P= coefficient of friction. It will be noted that for the limit ing
case where A = <p, Eq. (h) gives P = 0. Also for the limiting case where a = 0 and

the inclined plane becomes a horizontal plane, Eq. (h) gives

We see from the first limiting case that when all available friction is already
being used to resist sliding of the block down the plane, then there is no
resistance to lateral slipping. This explains, for example, why a rear- wheel-drive
automobile can skid so freely from side to side when climbing a grade on wet or
icy pavement. For the same reason, a car loses lateral stability if the brakes are
too suddenly applied so as to cause the tires to slip.
6. The small pulley in Fig. 5.9(a) drives the large one in a counter-clockwise
direction by a V belt overrunning their rims, as shown. The angle of the V in both
pulleys is 2a, the total angle of contact on the small pulley is /}, and the
coefficient of friction between the belt and rim is FI. Find the ratio S,/S between

the tensions in the two branches of the belt when slipping impends
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4. A mast ,4# supported by spherical socket at A and horizontal guy wires BC and
BD carries a vertical load P at B as shown in Fig. B. Find the axial force induced
in each of the three members of this SYSTEM.(ANS. = +0.8 P\ S2 = +0.6 P; S = 3

5. -\AP) Repeat the solution of Prob. 4 if point D is 0.3 m vertically below the
position shown in Fig. B and all other dimensions remain unchanged.
(ANS. 5,= +1.03P; S = +0.75P; S = -1.77P)
2 3

6 . In the case of the tripod shown in Fig. C there is no friction between the ends of
the legs and the floor on which they rest. To prevent slipping of the legs, their
ends are connected by strings along the lines AB, BC and AC. Determine then the
tensile force S in each of these strings if each leg makes 30 with the vertical and
P is a
vertical load.

Fig. D

1. Four balls of equal radii R form a pyramid supported by a smooth horizontal plane
surface (Fig. D). The three lower balls are held together by an encircling suing as
shown. Determine the tensile forceS in this string if the weight of each ball is Q
and the surfaces of the balls are perfectly smooth. Neglect any initial tension that
may be in the string before the top ball is placed upon the other three.
(ANS. 5 = 0.1360
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C'* 0'

couple can be displaced parallel to itself without changing the action of the cou ple, we
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conclude that any vector CD book. equal and parallel to the vector C'D' represents an
equivalent couple. The vectorial representation of a couple is very useful when we have
to deal with couples differently oriented in space, and in
our further discussions a vector, such as CD or C'D', will be called a MOMENT
VECTOR to distinguish it from a FORCE VECTOR.
Since the position of a couple in its plane is of no consequence and since the plane
of a couple can be displaced parallel to itself without changing the action of the couple,
it follows that any system of couples differently oriented in space can be represented by
moment vectors that can be taken concurrent at any point in space. Hence it follows at
once by analogy to the ease of concurrent forces in space that the resultant couple M of
any system of couples A/,, M2 ,... MN may be found by the method of projections.
Consider, for example, the system of couples in space as represented by the moment
vectors A/,, A/ : , ..., MN in Fig. 5.18, where each couple must be visual ized as acting
anywhere in a plane normal to the corresponding moment vector. Taking coordinate
axes .v, Y, z, as shown, and denoting by AR FT. ft the direction angles of the vector M,,
we see that the projections of this vector are

MX)F = MI cos (a)
(A/ v ), = MJ cos /},
(A/.), = A/ ; cos %
(My)/ v
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Select the correct statement.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false and R is true.
[Ans. (a)]
2. A couple is completely defined by the following:
I. The magnitude of its moment.
II. The aspect of the plane in which it acts.
III. The direction of rotation in the plane.
(a) I is correct (b) Iand II are correct
(c) I and III are correct (d) I, II and III are correct
[Ans. (d)]
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1. Three circular disks A, B and C of radii r a = 375 mm, r h = 250 mm and r c = 125 mm,
respectively, are fastened at right angles to the ends of three rigidly connected arms which
all lie in one plane as shown in Fig. A. If couples act on the disks A and B as shown in the
figure, find the magnitude of the forces P of the couple that must be applied to the disk C
and the angle a that the arm OC must make with the arm OB in order to have equilibrium.
(Ans. P = 222.5 N, a = 14308 / )


sin a. sin P sin y

A piece of round pipe in the form of a circular quadrant of
radius r is attached to two mutually perpendicular vertical
Six equal forces P = 22.25
wall N by act on a Acube
flanges and with
B as edges Fig. D.aFig.
shownofin length If- the
125 mm is
B pipe as
shown in Fig. B. Determine the resultant
subjected of this system
to uniformly of couples.
distributed twisting moment of in-
(Ans. M = 5.6 N m in the octahedral plane ABC)
2. tensity m as shown, find the reactions at A and B. Assume
Couples of moments A/,, A/ 2 , act
that theonends
a prismatic blockcan
of the pipe as rotate freely inside the flanges
shown in Fig. C. What must
so bethatthe
twist can bebetween
exerted the
oneither flange.
magnitudes of moment of these couples if the block is in
3. equilibrium? Ans. A/, (Ans. MM-a = M h = mr)
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SOLUTION: Neglecting friction, the bear -
ing reactions will be vertical and we
obtain a system of parallel forces in
space that are in equilibrium. With B as
origin and coordinate axes directed as
shown, Eq. (26) become
Ra + R h - P - S = 0 -Pc -
R()d + S(c + d) = 0 Pa
-Sb = 0
From the last equation, we see that S =
PA/H. Substituting this in the other two
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and solving for R(L and Rb , we
Geometrically conditions (c) mean that the line CD joining the two ends of the
Fig. 5.24
shaft must cut the central portion of the shaft somewhere between A and B.
2. A movable crane mounted on three wheels, the bearings of which form an
equilateral triangleofABC
Numerical values with
RA and RHsides of length
for given A, restsofon
dimensions thea system
can track
now be as
shown in Fig.
calculated from 5.25. Theformulas.
these distribution
the weight
since theQ ofbearings
the craneareitself is such
open, that
that its center
negative R() andE RisB cannot
valuesofofgravity vertically
be above the centroid
produced. A study of of the
expresequi lateral
sion (b)
shows thatABC the. For all possible
reactions values
will both of the angle
the positive, that
i.e. Aup, the quan
if the vertical plane
tities of the
within the
brackets can
aremake withThis
positive. therequires
vertical middle plane of the crane, determine the
corresponding maximum values of the load P that can be suspended from point
D without causing the crane to tip from the track. SOLUTION: For small values (c) of
the angle A, as indicated by the position c b c +FD
d of the boom [Fig. 5.25(b)], the
condition of impending tipping of the crane about the axis AB with the wheel C
lifting from the track will represent the criterion for the determination of the
critical value of the load P, while for larger values of the angle a, as indicated by
the position FD' of the boom, the condition of impending tipping of the crane
about the axis AC with the wheel B lifting from the track will present the
criterion for the determina tion of the critical value of the load P. Hence, the
possibility of tipping of the crane about each of these axes must be investigated
separately and the
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Important Formulae
1. The resultant force may be defined analytically by the equations:
,_ _ Z(Z,x,) _ Z
Z = LZ., x =-----------------------, y =-------------------
2. The conditions that the system reduce to a resultant couple may be expressed analytically
as follows:
iz,=o, MX*Kztv,),
3. The conditions of equilibrium for any system of parallel forces in space are expressed by
the equations
IZ,= 0. Z,v,.) = 0, I(2&)-0


Review Questions

1. What are the possibilities of reducing a parallel force system in space?

2. Write the equilibrium equations for a parallel force system in space.
3. How will you determine the resultant force of the parallel force system, if
resultant force exists?
4. What is meant by statically indeterminate?
Objective Questions
1. The simplest resultant of a spatial parallel force system is always
(a) a wrench
(b) a resultant force
(c) a resultant couple
(d) a resultant force and a resultant couple
_______________________ _____ [ANS. (c)]


1. A homogenous rectangular plate ABCD of width r/, length BY and weight Q is
sup ported horizontally by three vertical strings, as shown in Fig. A. Determine
the axial forces 5,, S2 and S in the three supporting strings.

{ANS. 5, = S2 = +QF2; S2 = 0)

Fig. A V Fig. Bif |

2. A homogenous semicircular plate of weight Q and radius r is supported in a horizontal

plane by three vertical strings as shown in Fig. B. Determine the tensile forces 5,, S 2 and
S 3 in these strings. (Ans. 5, = 0.380; S 2 = 0.13 Q: S 3 = 0.490
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with respect to an axis in this plane that is perpendicular to the direction of the forces
and using the above statement regarding moments, we obtain for the per pendicular
distance from the yz-plane to the line of action of the resistant (and consequently to the
center of parallel forces) the following expression:

Xc = (27a)
Next, we imagine the parallel lines of action of the given forces to be parallel to the
Az-plane. Then proceeding as before, the perpendicular distance from this plane to the
line of action of the resultant (and consequently to the center of parallel forces) is given
by the equation

)C = vr (27b)

Finally, we imagine the given parallel forces to act through their points of appli cation
parallel to the Ay-plane. Then the perpendicular distance from this plane to the line of
action of the resultant (and consequently to the center of parallel forces) is given by the

zc = - vr (27c)
Since we know that the center of parallel forces is independent of the direction of
the forces, we conclude that Eq. (27) define the coordinates of this point for any
direction of the forces.
Since the center of gravity of a body (see Section 3.3) is the center of parallel
gravity forces represented by the weights of the various particles of the body, it follows
that the coordinates of the center of gravity of any body can be deter -
mined by the use of Eq. (27). In the case of a body
conclude that the position of the center of gravity depends only upon the shape of the
body and not upon its density. Thus the center of gravity of a body of uniform density
is coincident with the centroid of the volume of space occupied by the body.
It follows from the form of Eq. (27) that the center of gravity of a body of uniform
density which has a plane of symmetry lies in that plane. If the body has two planes of
symmetry, the ccnter of gravity lies on the line of intersection of these planes. If the
body has three planes of symmetry, the center of gravity lies at the point of intersection
of these planes and is completely determined. Thus the center of gravity of a sphere of
uniform density lies at the center of the sphere, the center of gravity of a right circular
cylinder of uniform density lies at the mid point of its geometric axis, the center of
gravity of a cone of uniform density lies somewhere on its geometric axis, etc.
If a body may be considered as made up of several finite parts, the centers of gravity
of which, individually, are known, then to locate the center of gravity of the composite
body, it is only necessary to determine the coordinates of the center of parallel forces
represented by the weights of the several parts applied, respec tively, at the known
centers of gravity of these pails.
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Fig. A ] Fig. B

2. Determine the coordinate y c of the center of gravity C of a right circular cylindrical can of
height h and radius of base r if it is made of very thin metal of uniform thickness and
density (Fig. B). The can is closed at the bottom and open at the top.
(Ans. y c = fr/{2h + r)
3. A steel shaft of circular cross-section has a circular steel hub pressed onto it as shown in
Fig. C. For the dimensions shown in the figure, determine the distance x c from the left end
of the shaft to the center of gravity C of the composite body.
(Ans. x c = 157 mm)
4. The corner of a rectangular box made of this sheet metal of uniform thickness and density
is cut-off as shown in Fig. D. Determine the coordinates x c , y c and of the center of gravity
of the corner.
(Ans. x c = 31.25 mm, y c = 31.25 mm; c r = 56.25 mm)
5. Referring to Fig. E. locate the centroid of the composite area consisting of square in the
Av-plane, a triangle in the yc-plane, and a circular quadrant in the .rz-plane.
(Ans. x c = 0.365a; y c = 0.292a; z c = 0.2 19a)
6. Prove that the center of gravity of any homogeneous pyramid with base area A and altitude

h lies on the line joining the vertex of the pyramid with the centroid of the area of its base
Fig. C of the altitude from the plane of the base.
at a distance equal to one-quarter
7. Determine the height z c of the center of gravity of a right circular cone above the plane of
the base if the density of the material at each point in the cone is propor tional to the
distance of that point from the plane of the base.
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In this plane, we can always resolve the moment vector M into two rectangular
components: M\ coinciding with the line of action of R, and M" perpendicular there to,
as shown in the figure. Now at point 0, 011 they'-axis, we may introduce two oppositely
directed collinear forces R' and R" each equal and parallel to R without altering the
action of the system. If we choose the distance 00{ - M"/R, we see that the original
force R at O and the force R" at 0{ constitute a couple which balances the component
M" of the original couple M. Thus we have left only a force R' applied at 0j and a
couple M' in a plane normal to the line of action R\ The moment vector M ' can now be
moved to point 0,, and we have finally the simplified system shown in Fig. 5.31(b),
where the resultant couple acts in a plane normal to the line of action of the resultant
force. This simplest possible representation of a system of forces in space is sometimes
called a TRENCH, and POINT 0, is called the TRUE CENTER of the system.
Equations of Equilibrium
From the preceding discussion, we conclude that, in the general case of a system of
forces in space, equilibrium can exist only if both the resultant force R and the resultant
couple M vanish. Thus the equations of equilibrium, as already ob tained in Sections 5.1
and 5.3, are as follows:
IX, = 0, I YI = 0, IZ, = 0
KM,), = 0. I(M V ), = 0, K MZ)J = 0 (28)
These six equations of equilibrium apply to any system of forces, and all cases
discussed previously can be obtained from this general case.
If the forces are all parallel and we take the z-axis parallel to them, the first, second,
and last equations will always be satisfied and we arrive at Eq. (26) of Section 5.4.
If the forces all intersect in one point and we choose this point as the origin of
coordinates, the last three of Eq. (28) will always be satisfied and we arrive at Eq. (20)
of Section 5.1.
If the forces are all in one plane which we can take as the Ay-plane, the third, fourth, and fifth
of E q . ( 2 8 ) w i l l always be satisfied and we arrive at E q . ( 1 8 ) of Section 4 . 2 .
In a similar manner, it can be shown that for the cases of parallel and concur rent
forces in a plane, Eq. (28) can be reduced to Eq. (11) of Section 3.2 and Eq. (3) of
Section 2.4, respectively.
We see from Eq. (28) that there are only six independent conditions of equilib rium
for the general case of a system of forces in space. This means that in deal-
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the virtual displacement of points A and B are ASOand BSO, perpendicular to the axis
of the bar and oppositely directed.
In Fig. 6.2, we have a system of three rigid bodies consisting of crank, con necting
rod and piston of an engine. The crank can rotate freely about the z-axis perpendicular
to the plane of the figure through O and the configuration of the system is completely
defined by the angle 0 that OA makes with the fixed x-axis.

Fig. 6.2 j X

Thus again we have a system with one degree of freedom and the angle ft can be
taken as the coordinate of the system. To define virtual displacements of vari ous
points in this case, we give to the coordinate ftan infinitesimal increment SO.
Then the virtual displacement of the crankpin A is R SO perpendicular to OA.
Having the displacement of point A and observing that point B is constrained to move
along the X axis, we can now' express the corresponding virtual displace ment of B as
follows: The distance a of the piston from O is
X= / cos 0+ I cos (P Then the
change in X due to an increase <5# in the angle ft is
Sx = -r sin 6SO -I sin <pS(p (a)
From AAOB (Fig. 6.2), we have

r . ~
sin (p= sin ft

Substituting these expression into Eq. (a), we obtain for the virtual displacement of
the piston

cos 0
SX = -R SO I + sin 0 (b)

If, for example, we take 0= 60 and UR = 2, the virtual displacements of A and B

will be R 86AND -1.11 R SO, respectively. From these two examples, we see that the
problem of defining virtual displacements of various points of a movable system is
purely one of geometry.
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Fig. 6.14]

this position, it tends to return back to it as soon as the force is removed. In

Fig. 6.14(c), the ball is placed on a smooth horizontal plane, and in this case it is
evident that it is in equilibrium in any position and we have INDIFFERENT equilibrium.
You have either To establish,
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is unavailable of virtual
for viewing work,
or reached your that equilibrium
viewing limit for thisexists in
each of the three cases represented book. in Fig. 6.14, we give to the ball in each case a

virtual displacement, i.e. an infinitesimal displacement in which the ball remains

in contact with the supporting surface. For such a displacement, we assume that
the point of contact of the ball moves horizontally in the plane tangent to the
supporting surface at the point of contact. Then the center of gravity of the ball
moves also horizontally and the gravity force W does not produce work. Thus we
conclude that in all three cases represented in Fig. 6.14 there is a condition of
which is a small quantity of the second order if
decide if each&of is
theTo displacement the considered as aof small
above positions equilibrium is stable or unstable, a
more refinedof the first order.
calculation of the Itwork
is done
not necessary to forces on a virtual dis-
by the active
placement thisof thesmallball quantity of higher
is required. Taking order in
the case
shown intheFig. question
6.14(a)of w'hether or not equilibrium
and considering an infini-
tesimal But if the question
displacements, = &arises
= RS< regarding
P% we thesee kind
from of equilibrium, i.e. whether it
such athisdisplacement
quantity low-
must be taken into account. Thus
of the ballthat,
by thein amount
the case of an unstable equilibrium as represented in
Fig. 6.14(a), the gravity force of the ball produces on any virtual displacement / ar
positive work and as a result of the slightest displacement, a reactive force in the
AB = ri 1 - cos S(p) ~ ~ (Sep)1
direction of motion appears and the ball has the tendency to move away from8<t> its
position of equilibrium. In the same manner it can be show'n that in the case of a
stable equilibrium, as represented in Fig. 6.14(b), there will be negative work
done by the gravity force on any virtual displacement of the ball. Thus if by some
accidental force, the ball is slightly displaced from its position of equilibrium, a
reactive force opposing this displacement appears and there is a tendency Fig.for6.15
ball to return to its initial position.
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/ \ \
ANS. R> R -)- 1


Principle of Virtual Work

as shown in the figure. Neglecting friction and the thickness of the bar AB,
the criterion of stability of the system in the configuration shown.
(Ans. WH2< Qa [(/? - a)fa)1)
9. A hemispherical cup of radius R and having its center of gravity at C rests on
top of
a spherical surface of radius R as shown in Fig. I. Assuming that there is

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10. Using the principle of virtual work and taking # coordinate, determine all
possible configurations of equilibrium of the system in Fig. J and investigate the
stability of each. The bead A can slide freely on the circular wire CD and the
pulley at B is negligibly small.
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Rectilinear Translation 417

2. From the top of a tower of height h = 36 in, a ball is dropped at the same instant
that another is projected vertically upward from the ground with an initial
velocity v = 18 m/s. How far from the top do they pass and w'ith what relative

Solution: For the ball that is dropped, we choose the top of the tow'er as the
origin and consider downward displacement as positive. Then this ball will
have neither initial displacement nor initial velocity and from Eq.(37b), its
displacement at any instant will be

Xi = ~gr (f)

For the other ball we choose the ground as the origin and consider upward
displacement as positive. Then from Eq. (37a), its displacement at any in stant
will be

*2 = V = r GR (g)

When the ball pass, we must have

XY + X2 = H (h)
Substituting the values of jc, and X2 from Eqs (0 and (g) into Eq. (h), we obtain

| ,2+ V- ~GT2 = H
from which, using the given numerical data, t = 2 s. Using this value of t in Eq.
(0, we find
(*i)f = 2 ~ 19.32 m
Differentiating Eqs (f) and (g) once each with respect to time, we find that at
the instant t = 2 s, the two balls are moving downward with velocities of 19.32
and 1.32 m/s, respectively. Hence the balls pass 19.32 m below the top of the
tower with a relative velocity of 18 m/s, 2 s after starting.
3. A particle projected vertically upward is at a height H after T{ s and again after
t 2 s. Find this height h and also the initial velocity v with which the particle was

Solution: Neglecting air resistance, the particle at all times is moving under the
action of its own gravity force W which is always directed vertically downward.
We take the A-axis along the vertical line of motion, the origin at the starting
point, and consider upward displacement as positive. Then, from Eq. (37a), we
have for the instant / = TX\

= Vi -\sl\ (*)

Likewise, for the instant t = t 2

= lo S'j (j)
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The equation of momentum and impulse is particularly useful when we are dealing
with a system of particles, since in such case calculation of the impulse can often be
eliminated. As a specific example, let us consider the case of a gun and shell as shown
in Fig. 7.36, which may be considered as a system of two particles. During the
extremely short interval of explosion, the forces F acting on the shell and gun and
representing the gas pressure in the barrel are varying in an unknown manner and a
calculation of the impulses of these forces would be extremely difficult. However, the
relation between the velocity of the shell and the velocity of recoil of the gun can
obtained without calculation of the impulse. Since the forces Fare in the nature of
action and reaction between the shell and gun, they must at all times be equal and
opposite, and hence their impulses for the interval of explosion are equal and opposite,
since the forces act exactly the same time T.
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'9 7 34 I
Thus if W\ and W2 are the weights of the shell and gun, respectively, we find,
assuming the initial velocities to be zero and neglecting all external forces that

W] f W2 f
v, = FDT, v-> = J FDT 8 8

Then for the entire system

v Wx W2

v, = v 2
We see that the velocities of the shell and gun after discharge are in opposite
directions and inversely proportional
from which to the corresponding weights.
we obtain
We obtain a great simplification in the above example owing to the fact that no
V, W
external forces act on the system but only internal forces 2
in the nature of action and
reaction. Internal forces in a system of particles always appear as pairs of equal and
opposite forces and need not be considered when applying the equa tion of momentum
and impulse. Thus we may state that, in the case of any system of particles to which
no 1.
A flat forces
car canareroll
momentum of the
along system remains
a horizontal track unchanged,
as shown insince
the total impulse
7.37. is zero.
Initially, Thistogether
the car is sometimes
with a called
man oftheweight
W isofmoving
to the right
with speed v 0 . What increment of velocity Av will the car obtain if the
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O (a)


Fig. 7.40

SOLUTION: Denoting by X the force exerted by the spring on the ball after
release and during expansion of the spring, we have X = KX, where .r is
measured from the position of the ball corresponding to the unstressed length of
the spring. The corresponding force-displacement diagram is shown in Fig.
7.40(b). We see that the initial force on the ball when jc = S(] is KS0 and that it
decreases uniformly to zero when X = 0. The corresponding work of the force X
is represented by the area OAH of the diagram and is KS^ <5j>/2 = KSL!2.
Equation (47) then becomes

IV kSl
from which

x = 80 (0
As would be expected, this is the same result obtained in Section 7.6 for the
maximum velocity of a weight W attached to a spring of constant K and set
in vibration by an initial displacement
2. A weight W that can slide freely up and
down a prismatic steel bar#C of length /
and cross-sectional area A is allowed a
free fall through the distance H (Fig.
7.41). Assuming the mass of the bar to be
negligible compared with that of the
falling weight, find the resulting dynamic
elongation 8 of the bar.
SOLUTION: The weight starts from rest,
travels a total distance H + 8. and again
comes to rest after having stretched the
bar an amount 8. Hence the net change in
kinetic energy is zero, and we conclude
from Eq. (47) that the net work of all
forces acting through this displacement
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I 11

$ U
| I il I
X i ii
nxmi Aka
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4. A V-tube having a uniform bore of cross-sectional area/i stands with its two branches
inclined to the vertical by equal angles a as shown in Fig. B. Calculate the period of
oscillation of a column of liquid of total length / and specific weight w if initially
displaced from its equilibrium position in the tube as shown in the figure.

(Ans. r= 27Ty](\ seca)/2g )

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5. If the system in Fig. C is released from rest in the configuration shown, find the
velocity v of the falling weight P as a function of its displacement x. Neglect friction and
inertia of the pulleys and assume the following numerical data: P-Q- 44.5 N, r, = 150 mm,
r 2 = 100 mm, x * 3 m. (Ans. v = 3.66 m/s)
6. The two blocks in Fig. D have weights P = 44.5 N, Q = 22.5 N and the coefficient of
friction between the block P and the horizontal plane is fi = 0.25. If the system is released
from rest and the block Q falls a vertical distance h = 0.6 m, what velocity v will it
acquire? Neglect friction in the pulley and extensibility of the string.
(Ans. v = 1.392 m/s)

If the system in Fig. E is released from rest in the configuration shown, find the velocity v
of the block Q after it falls a distance /; = 3 m. Neglect friction and inertia of the pulleys
and assume that P= Q- 44.5 N. % (Ans. v = 4.82 m/s)
A length / of smooth straight pipe held with its axis inclined to the horizontal by an angle

30 contains a flexible chain also of length /. Neglecting friction and assum ing that, after
release, the chain falls vertically as it emerges from the open end of

'Mit leaves the pipe. (Ans. v = y] (3g/2 )

the pipe, find the velocity v with which
m 7. . D V'
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we divide the second equation by die first and obtain
V, + V,' = V + V 2 2

v{ - v = -(v, - v 2 )
2 (c)
This equation represents a combination of the law of conservation of momentum and
conservation of energy. It states that for an elastic impact the relative velocity after
impact has the same magnitude as that before impact but with reversed sign. Using
this idea in conjunction w'ith that of conservation of momentum, we have for the case
of elastic impact.
ff>i + W2V2 = W ] v,' + W2 v 2 '

= -(v, - V2 ) (51)
To illustrate the use of Eq. (51), let us consider several particulars cases. If, in Fig.
7.49, we have = W2> Eq. (51) become
v, + v 2 + v,' + v 2 (d)
Subtracting and adding these equations, we find
v,' = v and v2 = v,

This shows that after an elastic impact, equal weights simply exchange velocities. If
the weight W2 was at rest before impact (v = 0), Eq. (d) give

v,' = 0 and v 2 ' - v.

In this case, the striking ball simply stops after having imparted its velocity to the
other ball. This phenomenon can be observed in the case of a moving billiard ball
which squarely strikes one that w r as at rest.
Again, if the two balls were moving toward each other with equal speeds v before
impact, an exchange of velocities will simply mean that they rebound from one
another with the same speed with which they collided.
As another special case, we assume that W2 = <*> while W] remains finite and
further v = 0. This will represent the case of an elastic impact of a ball against a flat

immovable obstruction, such as dropping a ball on a cement floor. Dividing the first of
Eqs. (51) by W 2 we
obtain V2' = 0,
would be expected if W 2 is
immovable. Then from the second equation, we find v,' = -v,. This shows that
the striking ball rebounds with the same speed w ith which it hits the obstruction. It
must be remembered that each of the examples discussed here assumes perfect
elasticity so that no energy is lost during impact.

Semielastic Impact
Under actual conditions we must expect some deviation from perfect elasticity, and
owing to this fact there always will be some loss in energy of the system during
impact so that the relative velocity after impact is smaller than before and instead of
Eq. (c) we must take
v,' - v 2 ' = -e(v, - v 2 ) (e)
where E is a numerical factor less than unity and is called the coefficient of resti tution
for the materials. Using this, we have for the general case of semi-elastic direct
central impact, the following equations:
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When a moving particle describes a curved path, it is said to have CURVILINEAR motion.
We shall now discuss the kinematics of such motion, assuming that the path of the
particle is a plane curve.

To define the position of a particle P in a plane (Fig. 8.1), we need two coordi nates, X
and v.

Fig. 8.1 X

As the particle moves, these coordinates change with time and w^e have the
displacement-time equations

completely defined.
Instead of Eq. (53), we can also define the motion of a particle in a plane by the
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3. Investigate the motions of the points A, B and C of a connecting rod (Fig. 8.7) if
the crankpin ^4 is moving with uniform speed v along the circle of radius R and
the point B is constrained to follow the A-axis.

Fig. 8.7 "]

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SOLUTION: We begin with the motion of point A, assuming that at the initial
moment (/ = 0) it has the position A0 Then denoting by A) the angle of the arc
which the point A describes in unit time, we have CO-VIR, where R is the length
of the crank. The angle A0OA is then equal to COT, and the coordi nates of the
point A are
X = R cos COT, Y = R sin COT (t)
The coordinate-v of the point B, which, of course, has rectilinear motion, is
obtained by projecting on the A-axis the length R of the crank and the length /of
the connected rod. Then
X R cos COT + / cos <P (u)
Noting from the figure that
R sin COT = / sin (P We obtain the following expression for cos </>:

cos (p ~ yj 1 - sin (p - Jl - j- si

sin*' COT

and substituting in Eq. (u) above, we have

It is interesting to note that, while the projection D of the crankpin on theA-
axis performs simple harmonic motion, the motion of the point..2B is more
x = r cos cot + IA1 sin cot 2
complicated. 1 2

For any point In
C the particular
on the axis of Xcase
the where
cos COTR =+ /,
= Rconnecting rodwe- have
6.11 at thesin
, B(w)
from the
crankpin AY we obtain (R + B) cos COT, v = (/* - />)sin I COT
r s\n cot
v =(w)
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!> W
* S

Then since v = DS/DT, while for small values of 6 we have sin = S/L, this
equation reduces to

d2 S' S A t *
+ -5 = 0 (a)
dl I
This is the differential equation of simple harmonic motion [ Eq. (40)] and the
period is

r= 2 K \ ^ ~ (b)

3. A particle of weight Amoves w'ith uniform speed v along the cosine curve ABC
in a vertical plane [Fig. 8.9(a)].

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(a) (b)

The curve is defined by the equation

2K x
y = 8 cos j (c)

To find
Find the presssure R exerted bythe
thecurv atureoni/p,
particle thewe useasthe
path it known formula
passes the lowest
point C. 1 d 2 y/dx 1
SOLUTION: Considering the particle at C [Fig. 8.9(b)] and using the second of
P [1 + (dy/dx) ] By
2 V2
Eq. (58), we have
differentiation of Eq. (c), we obtain
EzL = R -w
dy 2K8 2K x
gP --------------sin ---------
from which dx I /
R = W 1 + gP . (d)
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This distance is called the RANGE of the projectile. If we replace X0 and Y0 by their
respective values v cos A and v sin A, expression (i) defining the range becomes
0 0

2 vq sin A cos A V
= sin 2A (0
It is seen that for a given initial velocity v the maximum range is obtained when A =

45 and this maximum range is


It must be remembered that all of the foregoing discussion of the motion of a
projectile neglects the effects of air resistance, and for the speeds with which
projectiles usually travel this factor is by no means negligible. Consideration of the
effect of air resistance, however, greatly complicates the problem and is beyond the
scope of this book . In each of the following problems it will be assumed that the

projectile moves without air resistance.

1. A cannon fires its projectile with such an initial velocity and at such an angle of
elevation that the range is R and the maximum height to which the projectiles
rises is/?. Find the maximum range that can be obtained with the same initial
SOLUTION: Denoting by V0 and A the unknown initial velocity and angle of
elevation and using Eqs. (h) and (i'), we may write

v 2 2 2
/* = sin* A /* = sin 2A 0)
which, since the maximum range is vj /g as given by Eq. (i"), may be written
sin A 2

/! = R = RM sin 2A O')
Writing the first of Eq. (j') in the form

/; = (l - cos 2A) 4
We obtain from these equations

cos 2A = 1 sin 2A = (k)

r v
To eliminate the unknown angle A between Eq. (k), we square both sides and
add the equations, obtaining
1 =
\ K m
For more detailed discussion of the problem, see the authors Advanced Dynamics, p. 94, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1948.
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in the figure. If ^ is the weight of the rod per unit length, the intensity of the
distributed inertia force is QYP'IGR. For such loading, the maximum bending
moment is at the middle of the side rod and has its greatest magnitude when the
rod is in the position A'B\ for here the inertia load and gravity load are in the
same direction perpendicular to the axis of the rod. The magnitude of this
moment, calculated as for a simply supported beam, is

gr t qi
= </ + 8 /+ v (a)
8 gr
For the given numerical data v = 0.375 x 8/rm/s, and Eq. (a) becomes
^max (1 +24.5) (b)
This maximum bending moment in the side rod is 25.5 times that due to the
weight of the bar alone. Further, from Eq. (a) we see that this moment increases
with the square of the speed of operation of the engine. From this example we
see that stresses due to inertia load must play an important role in the design of
high-speed machinery.
Determine the circumferential tension S produced in a uniformly rotating thin
circular ring of uniform cross-sectional area A and mean radius R (Fig. 8.14) if
the peripheral velocity of the ring is v.

Fig. 8 . 1 4
(a) (b)

SOLUTION: If Q is the weight per unit length of the ring, the intensity of the
uniformly distributed inertia force due to rotation is QV2/GR and is directed
radially outward as shown in the figure. Considering the dynamic equilibrium of
one-half the ring as shown in Fig. 8.14(b), we obtain for the circumferential
tension (see Section 3.8)

qv' qv
R= (c)
gr g
The corresponding tensile stress is

=W (d)
4g g
where W = Q/A is the weight per unit volume of the material of the ring.
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450 mm

the top is 30 N. When the system is at rest, the initial tension in the spring DE is 100 N. At
what rpm will contact at A be broken? Assume the frame and bar AB to be absolutely rigid.
(Ans. 38.7 rpm)
8. At what uniform speed of rotation around the vertical axis AB will the balls C and D of
equal weights W begin to lift the weight Q of the device show n in Fig. E? The following
numerical data are given: W~ 44.5 N, Q = 89 N, / = 250 mm. Neglect all friction and the
weights of the four hinged bars of length /. The weight Q can slide freely along the shaft
AB. (Ans. n - 111 rpm)

1000 mm 1000 mm

1000 mm mm

Fig-H Hg. rf
9. The 8.9 N w eight of the governor in Fig. F can slide freely on the vertical shaft AB. At
what rpm about the axis AB will the 4.45 N fly balls lift the sliding weight free of its
support? Neglect friction and the weights of the bars. (Ans. 101 rpm)
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Fig. 8.22 j
Then since the work of the resultant is equal to the algebraic sum of the works of
its components, we conclude that
S ds = X dx + Y dy (c)
Substituting this in Eq. (b), we obtain

= Xdx+ Ydv (d)
Then integrating as before between limits corresponding to points 1 and 2 on the
path, we obtain
Wvl Wv}
r*i r y
lg 2) , . (61b) Xdx + Ydv
j x2 J v,
We see that Eq. (61b) differs from Eq. (61a) only in the manner of expressing the
work done by the acting forces. Usually, the form (61a) will be preferable when the
path of the particle is prescribed and the form (61b), when it is not.
The law of conservation of energy as represented by Eq. (49), for an ideal system of
particles performing rectilinear motions can be used also in dealing with a system of
particles that perform curvilinear motions, provided the condi tions of a conservative
system are satisfied.

lamples Examples Examples Examples Examples

1. Referring to Fig. 8.23, assume that a particle of weight W starts from rest at B]
and slides under the influence of gravity along a smooth track B\B2 in a vertical
plane. Find the velocity of the particle at BX.
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SFIfl -Ci Fig. D |

6. A small
You have either reached car of
a page weight
that W starts from
is unavailable rest at Aorand
for viewing rolls without
reached frictionlimit
your viewing along
forthe loop
this ACBD
(Fig. E). What is the least height
book.h above the top of the loop at which the car can start without
falling off the track at point and for such a starting position what velocity will the car have
along the horizontal portion CD of the

track? Neglect friction. (Ans. h mm = r/2; v t . = yfjgr )

7. Referring to Fig. F, assume that the ball I of weight W is released from rest in the
position 0, = 60 and swings downward to where it strikes the ball II of weight 3 W. Assuming
an elastic impact, calculate the angle 02 through which the larger pendulum will swing after the
impact. (Ans. & = 2857')

8. In the system shown in Fig. F, the ball I is allowed to swing downward from Fig.
rest F I position
in the
defined by the angle 0, = 45 and to strike the ball II, which after impact, swings upward to the
position defined by the angle 02 = 30. If the weights of the balls are equal, find the coefficient
of restitution e for the materials.
(Ans. e = 0.35)
9. In Fig. G a small ball of weight W = 22.25 N starts from rest at O and rolls down the
smooth track OCD under the influence of gravity. Find the reaction R exerted on the ball at C if
the curve OCD is defined by the equation y = h sin (px! I) and /; = //3 = 0.9 m. (Ans./? = * 71
10.Referring to Fig. H, find the value of the angle 0 defining the position of the point B where the
particle will jump clear of the cylinder surface after the string OA has
been cut. Neglect friction. (Ans. cos </>= cos a )
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Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis

This formula which neslects the cross-sectional dimensions can be used to

calculate the period of free sw ing of a homogeneous slender bar of any
prismatic form.
2. The compound pendulum shown in Fig. 9.15 is so constructed that it has the
same period r for small amplitudes of swing about either the knife-edge A [Fig.
9.15(a)] or the knife-edge B [Fig. 9.15(b)]. Prove that the distance / between the
knife-edges is the equivalent length of the pendulum if C * 1/2.

Fig. 9.15

SOLUTION: For case A, the equivalent length by Eq. (74b) is


while for case B it is

L2 = ( l - c ) + c (i)
And by virtue of the specified equality of periods
L] =L2 = L
Eliminating R. between expressions (h) and (i). we obtain
(L - c) c = (/>-/ + c) (/
- c ) which may be w ritten in the form
I2 - (L - 2 c) I + 2 cL = 0 (j)
Solving this quadratic for /, obtain
I - L or / -2c
Since we excluded the possibility of/=2c\ we conclude that / is the equivalent
length of the pendulum.
3. When hanging from a nail at A, the Tsquare in Fig. 9.16 has an observed period
r= 1.5 s. A simple static balance test shows that the center of gravity C is at the
distance A - 600 mm the end A of the rule. At w-hat distance A* from A should a
hole O be drilled in the rule so thai the period of free swing about this point of
suspension w i l l be the minimum possible period?
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Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 571

7. Referring to Fig. C, calculate the angular speed at which the sliding weight Q = 8.9
N will begin to lift free of its support if each of the slender prismatic bars weighs 8.9 N.
(Ans. 101 rpm)
8. A thin circular disk CD of radius r and weight W is attached at its center to a shaft AB ,
and its plane makes with the plane normal to the axis of the shaft a small angle a (Fig. D).
If the disk rotates with constant angular velocity CO. find the bearing reactions at A and
B due to this rotation.
Hint. Use Eq. (d) from Example 4 above for an elemental ring of radius p and thickness
dp and integrate over the full radius / of the disk.
(Ans. R a = R h = WarraUgl)

9. Referring to Fig. E, calculate the bending couple M transmitted to the vertical shaft AB by
the bent prismatic rod DEFG. The weight per unit length of the rod is iv = 17.8 N/m and
the system rotates at a constant angular speed of 600 rpm.
(Ans. A/= 4.1 Nm)
10. An ordinary carpenters square (450 by 600 mm) hangs freely from a pin at the end of the
long leg and rotates with constant angular velocity about a vertical axis through this pin.
The weight of the short leg is 1.113 N; that of the long leg, 3.34 N. What is the required
rpm to keep the long leg vertical, i.e. on the axis of rotation?
(Ans. 38.2 rpm)
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Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis 575


62X C = m02xc

1. A homogeneous thin plate in the form of a circular quadrant of radius R is

supported in a vertical plane by a hinge at O and a stop at B as shown in Fig.
9.29(a). Find the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction at the hinge
O: (a) before the stop at B is removed and (b) just after it is removed.

SOLUTION: Before the stop at B is removed, the plate is in static equilibrium,

and we have the free-body diagram as shown in Fig. 9.29(a). Writing Z(A/ / ,) / = 0
and IK, = 0, we obtain

X0 = - = 0.4241V, Y 0 = I V (d)
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10.A slender weightless rod pivoted at C has balls of weights W ,= 22.25 N and W 2 - 13.35 N
attached at its ends, as shown in Fig. H, and is initially at rest in the unsta ble position
shown in the figure. If the system is disturbed slightly, the bar begins to rotate about C.
Find the horizontal and vertical components of the reaction at C as the bar passes through
the horizontal position.
(Ans. X c = -11.13 N; Y c = + 4.45 N)


w2 O B

Fig. H Fig. I ]

11. A homogeneous plate 0.3 m square is supported in a vertical plane as shown in Fig.
I. if the pin at B is removed, what angular velocity ft) will the plate acquire by the time the
diagonal AC becomes vertical? (Ans. (0 = 4.47 rad/s)
12. Referring again to Fig. I, calculate the vertical reaction R a for the instant when the
diagonal AC of the square is vertical. (Ans. R (l = 1.44 W)
13. The ballistic pendulum shown in Fig. 9.35, Example 3, Section 9.9 has a total weight
W =89 N, and the distance from its center of gravity to the center of suspension is found
by experiment to be c - 2.289 m. Also its observed period of oscillation for small
amplitudes is x- 3.22 s. When the pendulum is hanging in its position of stable
equilibrium, a rifle bullet of weight (w = 0.278 N) is fired horizontally into the block at
the center of oscillation, and as a result of the impact the pendulum is observed to swing
through an angle = 2640' before coming to rest. Find the muzzle velocity v of the bullet.
(Ans. v = 660 m/'s)

A gyroscope usually has the form of a solid of revolution mounted on an axle coinciding with its
geometric axis. If such a body rotates about this axis of symmetry (axis of spin) with a high
angular velocity, it possesses certain dynamic characteristics that are of practical interest. In
discussing these characteristics, it is advantageous to use the principle of angular momentum and
the idea of vectorial representation of resultant angular momentum with respect to a fixed point
and resultant moment of external forces with respect to the same point as discussed in
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1. A right circular cylinder rolls without slipping along a horizontal plane AB, and
its center has at a certain instant a velocity v c , as shown in Fig. 10.2(a). Find the
velocities at the same instant of the points D and E on the rim of the cylinder.


Fig. 10.2
(a) (b)

SOLUTION: Since the cylinder rolls without slipping, the velocity of point F in
contact with the plane must be zero. Then using Eq. (84) with point C as
a pole, we have VR= V. - R6 = 0 from which 6 = . Then owing to
rotation, the points D and E have, with respect to the moving pole C, relative
velocities R6 = RVJR - V( directed as shown in Fig. 10.2(a). Adding geometrically
each of these relative velocities to the velocity VC of the pole
C, we obtain the vectors AD and AC as shown in Fig. 10.2(b) and
representing, respectively, the velocities of points/) and. From Fig. 10.2(b), we
see that the velocity of point D has the magnitude 2v r and the velocity of
point , the magnitude \FLVC .
2. A prismatic bar AB has its ends A and B constrained to move horizontally and
vertically as shown in Fig. 10.3(a). If the end A of the bar moves with constant
velocity v a , find the angular velocity 6 of the bar and the velocity VH of the end
B for the instant when the axis of the bar makes the angle 6 with the
horizontal .r-axis.
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there has been no appreciable change in the position of the body. In dealing with
such problems, it is customary to neglect entirely all ordinary forces such as
gravity in comparison with the very' large impact forces and also to neglect change
in position of the body during the impact. In short, knowing the motion of a body
just before impact and the nature of the impact, what will be the new motion of
the body just after impact?
As an example, let us consider a solid right circular
cylinder that rolls with constant velocity along a hori-
zontal plane and suddenly strikes an obstruction at B
as show ; n in Fig. 10.18.
Just before impact at B, the cylinder has a horizon-
tal velocity VC and angular velocity G = VJT\ since point
A is its instantaneous center of rotation. Just after the Fig. 10.18 !
impact, point B becomes the new instantaneous center,
and we wish to know the magnitude of the new veloc-
ity V' of the cylinder. To find this, we observe that during the interval of impact
very large forces XB and YH act on the cylinder at point B. In comparison with
such forces, we can neglect the gravity force JF entirely and assume that XH and
YH are the only forces acting during the impact. Then if we take B as a moment
center, the moments of these forces vanish and we conclude from Eq. (89) that
the angular momentum of the cylinder with respect to point B does not change.
Before impact it was

Wr VC ,W ,
H b = -----------;---------+ v e r COS0 <g>
while just after impact it is

, W r2 vc . W ,
Hi = H ----v c /* (h)
G R G Equating expressions (g) and (h), we

V' = (1 + 2cos 0) 3 (i)

The above discussion assumes that there is sufficient friction at B to prevent slipping
during the change in motion.


1. A thin homogeneous plate of any shape has a prescribed motion in its own plane
defined by the velocity components XC,YC of its center of gravity C and its
angular velocity (O (Fig. 10.19). If a certain point O in the plate at the distance
R from C is suddenly fixed by means of a pin, find the new' angular velocity of
the plate around this point.
SOLUTION: Through point 0, we choose fixed coordinate axes XY Y, in the plane of
motion such that the *-axis coincides with the instantaneous posi-
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*10. A thin steel hoop of weight W and radius r starts from rest at A and rolls down along a
circular cylindrical surface of radius a as show n in Fig. G. Determine the angle (p defining
the position of point B where the hoop will begin to slip if the coefficient

(Ans. (p = 2932')
of friction at the point of contact is ju =
Referring to Fig. G,11assume
that the roller is a gear wheel with pitch radius r and
radius of gyration i c rolling on a cylindrical rack with patch radius a so that there is
no possibility of slipping even without friction. Under these conditions, find the
value of the angle/ at which the roller will jump clear of the ract if it starts from rest
at A. Data are given as follows: a = 300 mm; r = 100 mm ; i c = 75 mm.
(Ans. j = 5551)
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Fig.G ] Fig. H ]

12.The thin cylindrical shell in Fig. H approaches the inclined plane at the right with velocity
v c as shown, rolls up this plane, until brought to rest by gravity, and then rolls back down
again. What will be its velocity v" as it finally rolls to the left along the horizontal plane?
Assume that the shell at all times rolls without slipping

Ans. v"= ^ v c (2 - cos a) 4

and that there is no rebound after impacts.
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/ 0
1 O

FIG. SOLUTION: The relative acceleration of the particle
is directed toward the center of the disk and is

The acceleration of a point on the disk
coinciding with an instantaneous position of the
particle is also directed toward the center of the
disk, and this base acceleration is
ab = dfr (g)
Using the graphical conception of supplementary
acceleration as discussed in connection with Fig. 11.2, we conclude that in
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this case the supplementary acceleration is
as = 2 o)vr (h)
and that it has the radial direction away from the center. Then the absolute
acceleration, from Eqs (f), (g) and (h), is
directed toward the center of the disk. When v r = RCOY the particle is
immovable with respect to fixed axes, and in such case, as is seen from
Eq. (i), its absolute acceleration is zero. <*r = + C02r- 2<Wv, = r (0
A particle P moves with uniform relative
velocity v r along a meridian of a sphere of
radius R which rotates about a fixed vertical
diameter with uniform angular velocity CO
(Fig. 11.4). Find its 2.
absolute acceleration for
the position defined by the angle (P.
SOLUTION: The point of the sphere with which
the instantaneous position of the particle P
coincides is evidently rotating in a circular
path of radius (R COS (P) and with uniform
angular velocity CO. Hence the base
acceleration is
AH = Q2R cos <P (j)
directed as shown in the Fig. 11.4.
Since the relative motion of the particle is uniform along the meridian, the
acceleration due to relative motion is directed toward the center of the sphere as
shown in the figure and has the magnitude
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The supplementary acceleration of the particle, equal to the doubled velocity

of the end of the vector v r rotating with
uniform angular velocity Q
= py
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the relative velocity v r and relative acceleration AR vanish. Then in Eq. (93) only the
base acceleration AB remains and the equation reduces to

F - MAB = 0 (94)
Thus we conclude that for RELATIVE EQUILIBRIUM, not the resultant force F, but the
resultant force F together with the inertia force due to the base acceleration must be
zero. Equation (94) like Eq. (93) is expressed in vectorial form. We conclude from it
that in the case of relative equilibrium of a particle with respect to a moving body, the
algebraic sum of the projections, on any axis, of all real forces acting on the particle
together w'ith the inertia force due to acceleration AB must be zero.
As an example of the formulation of the equations of relative motion for a
particular case, let us consider motion of the system shown in Fig. 11.5.


Fig. 1 1 . 5 |

This system consists of two equal weights W that can slide without friction along
two spokes of a flywheel uniformly rotating in a horizontal plane with angular velocity
CO as shown. Each weight is attached to the rim of the wheel by a helical spring
having a spring constant K.
In investigating possible relative motion of the two weights WY we denote by B the
distance of the center of gravity of each weight from the axis of rotation of the
flywheel when the springs are unstrained. We also assume that the weights are always
equidistant from the axis of rotation. Then their positions along the spokes at any
instant are completely defined by the relative displacement B + from the center of
rotation, being considered positive in the direction away from the axis. The relative
acceleration of each weight then is . The base acceleration AB is directed toward the
center of the wheel and has the magnitude OF(B + ). The supplementary acceleration
AS is directed perpendicular to the diameter AB and is
equal to 2(01;. The direction of this acceleration for each weight is shown in the
figure, assuming that is positive, that is, that the weights are moving toward the rim
of the wheel.
Using Eq. (93) and projecting all forces and accelerations onto the diameter AB, we
find for the equation of relative motion of either weight

(0% = -kt; + ~(b + t;)(02 (a)

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(a ) ( b)

Fig. 11.10 |

velocity IL around a vertical axis. We shall assume also that the entire mass of the
wheel is concentrated in its rim of radius R.
Considering a particle P of the rim [Fig. 11.10(b)] and noting that the relative
motion of the wheel is rotation with uniform angular velocity Q. about the axis AB, we
conclude that the relative velocity of P is VR = RCOdirected as shown in the figure.
Hence the relative acceleration of P is A,. = AFR, directed toward the center C of the
wheel. The corresponding inertia forces for all such particles as P are symmetrically
distributed around the rim and form a system of forces in equilibrium. Thus they may
be disregarded.
In calculating the base acceleration AB for the particle P, we consider only its
motion due to rotation of the frame around the vertical axis. Denoting by (P the angle
between the radius CP and the horizontal diameter of the wheel [Fig. 11.10(b)], we see
that, owing to rotation of the frame around the vertical axis, the point describes a
horizontal circle of radius R cos (P. Hence the base acceleration of P is AH = R cos (P.
The corresponding inertia force of the particle P will be in equilibrium with that of a
symmetrically situated particle PX [Fig. 11.10(b)]. Thus for all particles of the rim, the
inertia forces due to base acceleration represent again a system of forces in
equilibrium and can be disregarded.
There remain to be considered inertia forces due to supplementary accelerations of
the various particles of the rim. From the direction and magnitude of the relative
velocity VR of the particle P, we conclude that for this particle the acceleration AS is
parallel to the axis AB, equal to 2RCOQ sin <O and directed as shown in Fig. 11.10(b).
The corresponding inertia force is acting in the opposite direction and gives a moment
with respect to the horizontal diameter of the wheel equal to
2 dm rcoQ. sin (p r sin ip - 2 dm (oSlr sin 2 <p (a)
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Sometimes IX and / k . are called the second moment of the area about the axes
because its distance is squared from the corresponding axis. The dimension for
moment of inertia of area is length to the fourth power. Therefore, SI unit of moment
of inertia of area with respect to an axis in its plane is mm or m 4 . The first moment of

an area can be positive, negative or zero, but its moment of inertia is always positive
since both a and Y in Eq. (1) arc squared. Another point to be noted here is, the first
moment of an area is equal to the area times the centroidal distance, but the second
moment of an area is not equal to the area times the centroidal distance squared since
the square of the mean is less than the mean of the squares.
In simple cases, the integrals (1) can readily be calculated analytically. For the
calculation of moment of inertia, the choice of coordinates to use is important.
You have
Rectangular coordinates are used for shapes whose boundaries are most easily
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expressed in these coordinates. Polar coordinates will simplify problems involving
that are easily described in R and 6. The
choice of an infinitesimal element of area which simplifies the integration as much as
possible is also important. The details of the integration for plane areas in Eq. (1)

chosen parallel to the A-AXIS

depend on the choice of the area element DA. The area element DA is a thin strip
to compute so that ail of the points of
the strip are at the same distance^ from the A-axis [Fig. AI.2(a)]. The moment of
inertia DLX of the strip is then obtained by multiplying the area DA of strip by;- 2 .


T .

compute /, so that al! of the points of strip are at the same distance A from the
Similarly, the area element A is a thin strip chosen parallel to the r-axis to

ofI the strip is then obtained by

axis [Fig. Al.2(b)]. The moment of inertia
multiplying the aread<4 of strip by
will get
A .
Mathematically, by integrating, we

I. t ~ ! }>2 dd, / v = J x2 dA, (b)

Take, for example, the case of a rectangle as shown in Fig. A 1.3. In calculating
the moment of inertia Fig.
of this figure with respect to the horizontal axis of symmetry',
AI.2 (a) (b)
which is taken as the A-axis, we divide the area of the rectangle into infinitesimal

elements like the shaded strip shown in the figure.a l Then DA = B D\\ and we obtain
2\~ by2dy = - ba
12 (c) \
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3. Find the polar moment of inertia of the shaded area shown in Fig. AI. 10 with respect
to point O. (ANS. J{) = 0.274r 4 )
4. Find the polar moment of inertia of the area of the rectangle shown in Fig. AI.3 with
respect to one comer. (ANS. J0 - (A + B2)AB/3)
5. Find the polar moment of inertia of the area of a circular sector of radius R and
central angle A with respect to its center. (ANS. JQ = ARAL4)


In Fig. AI.12, let X, Y be rectangular coordinate
axes through any point O in the plane of the figure
and*, v correspondingly parallel axes through the
centroid C of an area as shown.
Then by definition, the moment of inertia of
the area with respect to the X axis is
Ix = J(y + b)ldA= Jy^dA + 2b j ydA + b~ \ dA
Noting that J YDA = 0, since the .r-axis passes
through the centroid C of the area. Eq. (r) reduces
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either your viewing limit for this
IX = /v + AB2 book.

where the notation 7 V = \Y2DA is used to denote the centroidal moment of inertia
of the area with respect to the A*-axis. Proceeding in the same way, it can be
shown that
IY = IY + AA2 (5b)
Equations (5a) and (5b) represent the so-call edparallel-axis theorem for moments
Fig. AI.12
of inertia of plane figures. In words, the moment of inertia of a plane area with
respect to any axis in its plane is equal to the moment of inertia with respect to a
parallel centroidal axis plus the product of the total area and the square of (5a)
distance between the two axes. We see that the further an axis is from the centroid
of the area, the greater the moment of inertia of the area with respect to that axis.

J0 Adding Eqs. (5a) and (5b) together and observing from Eq. (4) that 7V + /V =

while LX + 7 V + J(,, and from Fig. AI.12 that A2+ B2 = D2 , we obtain


J0 = Jc + Ad2 (6)
Thus the parallel-axis theorem holds also for polar moments of inertia.
Using the parallel-axis theorem, various moments of inertia of a plane figure
can readily be calculated without integration if the corresponding centroidal
moment of inertia is already known. In Fig. A1.3, for example, we find for the
moment of inertia of a rectangle with respect to its base

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150 MM

Fig-AI.A |
2. Calculate the angle <p defining the direction of principal axes through the centroid Cof the
angle section shown in Fig. AI.F if each leg of the angle is 25 mm wide.
You have either
(Ans. <p = 6726')
reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
3. Calculate the principal moments
book. of inertia of the angle section shown in Fig. AI.F with
respect to the centroidal axes in the plane of the figure. Each leg is 25 mm wide.
(Ans. = 1.37 x 10 7 mm 4 ; I Y > = 2.6 x 10 6 mm 4 )
4. Calculate the product of inertia I x y of the rectangle shown in Fig. AI.B if a = 250

mm, b = \ 50 mm. (Ans. /^y =-5.5x10 mm



Fig. B

5. Calculate the angle <p defining the direction of principal axes through point O for the right
triangle shown in Fig. Al. 17, if a = 400 mm, h = 200 mm.
(Ans. (p = 6007')
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You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
Using the
You have either reached parallel-axis
a page theorem
that is unavailable for together
viewing orwith the your
reached lastviewing
of Eq.limit
example, that the polar moment of inertia of a thin circular plate of mass M and radius
A with respect to an axis Z through a point O on its circumference is

3 7
= MCR (e)


1. A slender piece of wire of mass 70 g is bent in the shape shown in Fig. A. Calculate its
moments of inertia lv and 1Y.
(Ans. Ix = 58.25 x 10 6 kg n r ; / = 448.75 x l(T 6 kgnr)

2. Calculate the moment of inertia Iv of a homogeneous thin plate having the dimensions shown
in Fig. AII.B. The total mass of the plate is m= 12.28 kg.
{Ans. IY = 99 x 10 6 kg m 2 )
3. Find the moment of inertia of a homogeneous triangular plate of mass m with respect to its
base by using formula (c), for a plane triangular figure.
*~50 mm
{Ans. I x = mcr!6)
4. Determine the moment of inertia of a homogeneous regular hexagonal lamina having mass
m and sides of length a% with respect to a diagonal. |
(Ans. I(j = (5/24) mar)
Fig. AII.A
5. Determine the moment of inertia / v of a thin plate having the Z shape shown in Fig.
18 if the total mass of plate is m = 25 kg and a = 125 mm, h = 75 mm. ax - 75 mm,
6, = 50 mm. (Ans. Ix = 4.8 x 10 4 kg m 2 )
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___________Appendix II: Moments of Inertia oj Material Bodies ; 693
Referring again to Fig. AII.23, the product of inertia of the body with
to the axes U and v can be calculated from the formula 2
LUV = -IX cos a, cos OK - /,. cos /J, cos /J 2 - /. cosy, cos y2
+/ r> .(cos a, cos (I2 + cos a 2 cos A)
+/ rz (cos a, cos y 2 + cos cos /j)
+/ rv (cos /J, cos y 2 + cos FA cos yj) (23)
Similar expression can be written for the products of inertia / lw and IUW.
If X,Y, Z are principal axes of the body, the products of inertia IXY, IX2, LVZ vanish and
Eq. (23) reduces to the simpler form
LUV= A cos A
\ cos H. ~ A cos Pi
A - IZ cos yj cos y (23a)

For the case of a lamina coinciding with the XY plane, we have for axes //, v, also in
the plane of the lamina,
cos = cos y = 2 0 and IXZ = LVR = 0

Under these conditions, Eq. (23) reduces to

/ uv = -/ v cos a cos a - / v . cos /3, cos
1 2

+ / XT (cos a, cos /J + cos a cos /J,)

2 2 (23b)
Equation (23b) will be fousnd to agree with Eq. (12), if we note that between our
present notations and those used in Fig. Al.19, there is the following correspondence:
a, = 0, 0 C2 = 90 = 0, /J, = 90 -0, /?2 = 0

Equations (22) and (23) are very helpful in the calculation of moments of inertia
and products of inertia of material bodies with respect to various axes for which direct
integration would become very difficult. Consider, for example, the solid right circular
cylinder of mass MY radius A, and length /, as shown in Fig. All.25, and assume that we
require the moment of inertia IU and the product of inertia JUV with respect to inclined
axes IT and v in an axial plane of symmetry as shown. These quantities, for instance,
would be required in discussing rotation of the cylinder about the diagonal axis AB.
We begin with a calculation of the moment of inertia IU. Taking principal axes X, Y,
Z through the center of gravity Cof the cylinder, and using Eqs (g) and (j), we have

Ix = m ly = Iz = m 1 +

and since X,Y> Z are principal axes, LXV = IXZ ~ IV. = 0, and we may use Eq. (22a).
Referring to Fig. AII.25, we see that

1 n
cos a, = -, cos p, = ------------ - , cos y, = 0 (r)

41 2
+4 a 2 'jl2+4a2

The derivation of this formula is omitted, although it can be made in a manner similar to that used in the derivation of Eq.
(12), for the case of a plane figure.
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will ensue. Suppose now that the rotor has an eccentric mass attached to its rim at
A as shown. Such an eccentric rotating mass will produce a centrifugal force
acting as shown in the figure. If Q0 is the magnitude of this force, its vertical
component, acting along the line of motion, represents the disturbing force in
this case and we have 1

Q = Q0 cos COT (b)

where (O is the uniform angular speed of the rotor in radians per second and time
T is measured from the instant when the centrifugal force Q0 acts vertically down-
We now' replace Q in Eq. (a) by expression (b). Then dividing both sides of the
equation by WIG and using the notations
K KG , Q Q0G
You have either reached a page that is unavailable for viewing or reached your viewing limit for this
- =book.
177 = , = R IO (c)
m \\ mW
the latter of which is seen to represent the maximum value of the disturbing force
per unit of vibrating mass, we obtain
X + P2X = Q{) cos COT
This is the differential equation OF FORCED VIBRATIONS.

Periodic Ground Motion

Before proceeding with the solution of Eq. (24), we shall
mention another system (Fig. AIII.27), an analysis of which
leads to the same differential equation.
Consider the weight W of mass TN (W = MG) suspended
from the lower end of a helical spring, the upper end of which
is attached to a crosshead A which, by virtue of its connection
with the rotating crank OB, performs the simple harmonic
Ai = A cos COT (d)
where A is the length of the crank OB and w is the uniform
angularend of the spring,
speed the suspended
with which it rotates. This W
weight will also
forced move,
motion of F IG. ALLF.27 \ and
we shall measure
crosshead its displacement
A is called the GROUNDX from MOTION the. position
The timeof/ static equilibrium when the
is meas-
ured from Athe
crosshead is ininstant
its middle
the crankIn general.r will bedown,
is vertically different
and from .r,, and it is
hence the that displacement
the difference Xof-.v,the between these two
crosshead displacements
is given with re-represents the
'it is assumed
to itsthat the spring
middle overOwing
the amplitude
andis above
of viberation to such
to that the
path of of
point A equilibrium
up-be consideredconditions.
may to be a circle.
the equation of motion becomes
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differ much from the static deflection produced by the
maximum value of the disturbing force. This fact is of
importance in the design of various types of PRESSURE
INDICATORS used for measuring variable forces such as
steam pressure in the cylinder of an engine. Such an in-
strument usually consists of a small piston attached to a
spring, as shown in Fig. All 1.30.
Thus we have a system, the natural frequency of which
depends upon the spring constant A' and the piston weight
IV. The instrument is connected to the cylinder of an en-
gine by the tube B so that the piston is at all times sub-
jected to the same pressure existing in the engine cylin-
der. Since this pressure is variable, it produces forced
vibrations of the piston which are recorded on a rotating
cylinder by the pencil A. In order that the displacement
of the piston will always be approximately the same as
would be produced by the same pressure acting statically,
it is necessary that the natural frequency of the indicator
system be many times greater than the frequency of fluctuations in the variable
pressure that is to be measured. Under such conditions the ratio CO/P will be small
and the value of the magnification factor will differ but little from unity. Thus the
ordinates of the record can be taken as proportional to the pressure. It is seen thai
the general requirements for the instrument are a light-weight piston and a stiff
spring, as this combination results in a high natural frequency.
Let us consider now the condition of forced vibration
well above resonance, where the ratio CO/P is large. This
condition, as we have already seen, is characterized by
very small amplitudes and a half-cycle phase difference
between the disturbance and the forced vibration. These
facts are utilized in the design of such instruments as
the VIBROGRAPH and SEISMOGRAPH for measuring vibra-
tions. An instrument of this kind is shown in Fig. AIII.31.
It consists essentially of a frame from which a heavy
weight Wis suspended by flexible springs. A recording
dial A is arranged, as shown, to register any relative
motion between the suspended weight and the frame.
When the frame is fastened to any vertically vibrating
Fig. AIII.31
body, say the bearing of a large turbine or generator,
forced vibrations of the suspended weight W will be produced. If the natural
frequency of the instrument is very low compared with the impressed frequency,
represented in this case by the rps of the turbine or generator, the suspended
weight W' will practically stand still in space and hence the dial will show with
good accuracy the absolute value of the vertical motion of the bearing to which
the frame is bolted. The instrument can easily be adapted to the measurement of
horizontal vibrations by using horizontal springs.
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Appendix IV: Balancing of Rigid Rotors

ing body its inertia force. Then, during rotation, the pressures on the bearings
produced by these inertia forces can be calculated by using equations of statics. In
writing these equations, we shall use a system of rectangular coordinate axes X, Y, Z,
the origin of which coincides with the axis of rotation and shall assume that during
rotation the .y and Y axes rotate together with the body. Taking at any point, distance R
from the axis of rotation, a particle of mass DM and observing that the body is rotating
uniformly, we conclude that the element has only radial acceleration ORR and that the
inertia force acting on it is ATR DM, directed as shown in the figure. The projections of
this inertia force on the X and Y axes are, respectively,
atx dm and ary dm (a)
and its moment with respect to the same axes are, respectively,
-ccryz dm and orxz dm (b)
where the signs of moments are determined in accordance with the right-hand rule.
The unknown reactions at the bearings can be resolved into components X(R Ya , and XH,
YH, as shown in the Fig. AIM.36.
For determining these components of the reactions, we write four equations of
statics by equating to zero the sums of the projections of all forces on the* and v axes,
and likewise the sums of moments of all forces with respect to the same axes. Thus, by
using expressions (a) and (b), we obtain
Xa + Xb + Ctrjx dm = 0
Ya + Yb + corjy dm = 0 (c)
-Yb I + arjxz dm = 0
Xb I + arjxz dm = 0

Introducing the notations

J.v dm = xc - mx ; jy dm = yc = my ;
lyz dm = Iy,\
\xz dm = In:
where WIG or M is the total mass of the body and XC% YC, the coordinates of its
center of gravity, this system of equations can be put in the form

2 W
Xa + Xh = -co mxc = ~0)mx{

'The first two integrals are simply the statical moments of the body with respect to the yz and xz planes, respectively, and
are well known from statics. The second two integrals are called products of inertia of the body with respect to they, r
and.r. r axes, respectively. They are dimensionally similar to moments of inertia and are fully discussed in Appendix II.
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fact some pulsating forces act on the bearings during rotation. To eliminate these
forces completely, it is necessary to balance such rotors by adding proper correc-
tion masses/weights after the body has been cast and machined.
Consider, for example, the rotor shown in
Fig. AIV.43. If we imagine this rotor to be
divided into a number of thin disks, as shown,
the center of gravity of each disk, owing to
slight imperfections, will not be exactly on
the axis of rotation and hence we obtain,
during rotation, a system of radial inertia
forces analogous to the case represented in
Fig. AIV.41. It follows then that such
unbalance can be completely equilibrated by two properly placed correction
masses/weights, as discussed above. In the case of large rotors, as in electric
machinery, the ends of the rotors usually have special holes along the circumference in
which correction masses/weights can conveniently be placed. In such a case these end
planes of the rotor would be chosen as the correction planes. In dealing with unbalance
due to imperfections, however, we cannot calculate the proper correction masses
weights since the unbalance is of an unknown nature, so it is necessary to accomplish
balancing by a method of trial and error. This is usually done with the aid of special
balancing machines.
Balancing Machines
Figure AIV.44 shows a horizontal bed supported by a fulcrum C and a spring S
allowing small rotational oscillations about the axis through C normal to the plane of
the figure.

Fig. AIV.44
7\c / ////////

Such a system has a definite natural frequency of vibration, as discussed in Section

9.6, The bed carries two adjustable bearing pedestals A and B in which the rotor to be
balanced can be mounted and connected to a variable-speed drive D as shown. The
rotor is placed in the 3e bearings with one correction plane directly over the fulcrum,
and the drive speed is adjusted until the unbalance in the rotor comes into resonance
with the natural frequency of the system. This condition will be recognized by the
rather large amplitude of vibration of the bed. A correction mass /w 2 /weight W2 is now
placed in correction plane 2 and adjusted in both amount and angular position until the 3

rotor runs without producing any

This can be done by trial and error, although most balancing machines have more or less elaborate devices to aid the
operator in a more rapid selection of the proper device to aid the operator in a more rapid selection of the proper weight
and its angular position.
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Absolute Center of oscillation 551

acceleration 646 coordinates 646 velocity Center of parallel forces 157, 158, 334
646 Accelerated motion 33 Acceleration Center of percussion 574
396,478 Accuracy of the solution of a Center of pressure
problem L5 Action and reaction 2 1 Active Central force 510
forces 31, 359 Alemberts principle 623 Central point 161
Amplitude of vibration 430 Angle of friction Centroid 160, 184
116 Angle of rotation 523 Angular Centroidal principal axes 677
acceleration 524 momentum 631 Change of direction of axes of inertia 692
velocity 397,523 Arm of the couple Circle of reference 431
Hi Ann of the force 99 Average Circumferential velocity 657
acceleration 396, 479 Average Closed force polygon 261
angular acceleration 524 Average Closed funicular polygon 261
velocity 394 Axis of spin 534 Axis of Coefficient of friction 115
symmetry 165, 594. 675 Coefficient of restitution 470
Coherent system of units IQ
Base acceleration 646 Base velocity 646 Collinear forces 20
Basic units 9 Belt friction 282 Body of Components 20
revolution 166 Built-in end L35 Composite areas 675
Composite areas or curves 184
Catenary 292
Composition 296, 341
Catenary cable 2SL1
Composition of forces 2SK 46
Center of gravity 19, 159. 160, 335
Compound pendulum 550, 574
Compression 24
Concentrated force or a point load L9
Concurrent force system 5 in a plane 6 in
space 6 Concurrent forces in space 296
Cone of static friction 116 Conservation of
momentum 450 Conservative systems 462
Constant force 414 Constraint 27,219
Continuum 4
Coriolis acceleration 646 Correction planes 714 Force 5, L2
Correction weight 713 Couple 131.318 Couples Force as a function of time 421
in space 318 Curvilinear motion 426 Curvilinear Force vector 319 Forced v
translation 501 ibrations 699. 701 Frahms
tachometer 706 Free body 2&
D'Alembert s principle 440. 441, 501, 528. Free body diagram 28 Free vibrations 430,
565. 661, 708 698, 700 Frequency of torsional vibration
Derived units 2 544 Frequency of vibration 432 Friction
Design 2 114 Funicular polygon 257
Differential equation of curvilinear motion 488
rectilinear motion 407 Galileo 404
Dimensional formula L2 General case of forces 211 in space 341
Dimensions L2 Direct central impact 468 General equation of motion 407 General
Displacement 392, 426 Displacement-time force system in a plane 6 in space 1
diagram 322 Distributed force 19. 279 General solution 700 Ground motion 629
Disturbing force 698 Dynamic equilibrium 440, Gyroscope 594
534 Dynamic unbalance 714 Dynamics 3.391
Hangers 282
Efficiency of machine 370 simple machines 369 Harmonic oscillatory rotation 558 Helical
Elastic impact 469 spring 429 Hinge 2L 219 Hoop tension
Energy equation for rotating bodies 587 Energy 280
equation of motion 638 Engineering mechanics
3 Equation of motion for a rigid body rotating Ideal hinge 90.
about 528 Equation of relative equilibrium 651 Ideal smooth surface 89 Ideal systems 359,
Equation of work and energy 454.514 Equations 460 Impact 467,622 Impressed frequency
of constraint 624 Equations of equilibrium 74, 702 Impulse 449 In phase 703
145,218,298, 311,320, 326, 343 Equilibrant 25, Indeterminate 5 1 Indifferent 377 Indifferent
52 Equilibrium 2^ 50, 88, 325, 377 Equilibrium equilibrium 1 2&
equations 101 Equivalent length 551 Equivalent Inertia force 440 Instantaneous acceleration
moment of inertia 535 Essential problem of 479 Instantaneous angular acceleration 524
statics 31 Expended work 370 External forces Instantaneous angular velocity 524
or applied forces 24 Instantaneous center of rotation 608
Internal forces 24.
First law 404 Flywheel 568
Kinematics 3* 391 Kinematics of rotation
523 Kinetic energy 454, 514 Kinetics 3, 391
Lamis Theorem U Lamina or thin plate 684 Parabolic cable 289 Parallel force system 5 in
Law of action and reaction 2& a plane 6 in space 1 Parallel forces 128,
Law of conservation of angular momentum 580 143.325 Parallel-axis theorem 674. 6&6
Law of conservation of energy 462, S1S Law of Parallelogram of forces L2 Particle 4* 392
dimensional homogeneity 13 Law of Particular solution 700 Path 392
superposition 25 Laws of friction 114 Line of Period of torsional vibration 544 Period of
action L2 Linear elastic spring 2D Liquid vibration 430 Plane of the couple 121 Plane
column 464 frames 246 motion 602 path 392
truss 228 Planetar}' motion 511
Magnification factor 702 Mass 5 Plastic impact 469 Polar moment of
Mass moment 687 Maxwell diagram 272 inertia 543, 672 Pole 257
Mechanics 2 Method of joints 230 members Polygon of forces 48, 296
246 moments 99, 309 projections 72, 297 Potential energy 379
sections 229 Moment center 29 Moment of a Pressure indicators ZM
force with respect to an axis 309 Moment of Principal axes 677, 690
inertia 330, 529 Moment of inertia of a body Principal moments of inertia 681, 690
684 Moment of inertia of the area 285 Moment Principle of angular momentum 580, 631
of momentum 509, 579 Moment of the couple Principle of virtual work 359, 535
L21 Moment of the force 99, 309 Moment of Principles of dynamics 404
the resultant couple 320 Moment vector 212 Product of inertia 330, 676, 690
Moments of inertia of any plane figure 666 Projections 22
Momentum 449
Motion of a projectile 494 Radius of gyration 671, 684 Range of the
projectile 496 Reactive forces 21 Rectangular
Natural frequency 702 Newton 16 components 22 Rectilinear motion 392
Newtons laws of motion 404 Nodal cross- Redundant constraints 52 Redundant supports
section 545 Non-concurrent or general force 220 Reference configuration 379 Reference
system 5 Non-uniform rotation 524 Normal plane 379 Relative acceleration 646 Relative
acceleration 480
coordinates 645
equilibrium 652 motion 645
One degree of freedom 357, 460 Out of phase
velocity 645 Resolution of a
force 22, 48 Resonance 703
Parabola 289, 495
Resultant 20, 13 Resultant angular Surface of revolution 166
momentum 581 Resultant couple 144, 325, Suspension cables 281 Symmetrical
341 Resultant force 214, 325, 341 about a point 165 System of forces
Resultant inertia force in rotation 572 5 particles 4.
Right-hand rule 309 Rigid bodies 4. 16. 17
Roller 215 Tangential acceleration 480
Rotation under the action of a constant Tension 24 Theorem of
moment 534 rt dA 684 three forces 89 transmissibility
of a force 26 Varignon 100 Pappus
Second law 404 166 Third law 406 Tie bar Time 5
Seismograph 204 Self- Torsional
locking device 372 pendulum 542 rigidity
Semielastic impact 470 544 spring constant 543
Sense of the couple 318 SI vibration 542 Tortuous
units 10 Simple 392 Trajectory 392 Trench
harmonic motion 430 343 Triangle of forces 2d
pendulum 464 roller 9J strut 91 True center 343
Smooth surface 89 Smooth
surface or support 29 Solution of Uniform rectilinear motion 392
a problem li Space 4 Uniform rotation 523 Uniform
Specifications or characteristics L8 speed 524 Unit 9.
Specifications or characteristics of a Unstable 377
force 18 Speed 478 Spring constant
Varignon's theorem 129, 310, 325
429 Spring mountings 705 Stable or
Vector 19
unstable 377 Stable 377 Static
Velocity of escape 458 Velocity-
equilibrium 440 unbalance 713
time diagrams 395 Vibrator 706
Statically indeterminate 220, 326, 344
Vibrograph 704 Virtual
Statics 3.391 Stevinus 360 String polygon
displacements 357 Virtual work
258 String support 29 Supplementary
acceleration 646
Work 359,454
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