Commercial Excellence
Commercial Excellence
Commercial Excellence
excellence: Perfect
compound of intuition
and facts
Results of study
> Roland Berger recently conducted a study on Commercial Excellence, which focuses on several topics:
Marketing Excellence: Methodology and purpose of customer segmentation
Channel Excellence: Importance of sales channels today, and in future
Sales Excellence: Typical sales steering processes, and sales capabilities today, and in future
Regional differences in the understanding of, and on Commercial Excellence
> 62% of the participants in this study come from the Specialty Chemicals industry, and the remaining
38% belong to other specialized B2B markets (e.g. electronics, machinery). The participants of this
study cover all major regions: 68% from Europe, 17% from North America, and 15% from the rest of the
> Participants ranked Commercial Excellence as the most important lever for organic growth
> Participants across all regions believe that Commercial Excellence may help generate additional sales
and profit for their business
38% of the specialized Chemical companies surveyed expect a sales effect of more than 10% by
maximizing Commercial Excellence, 31% expect a profit effect of more than 10%
US-based companies expect an even higher sales/profit effect than the European-based companies
> For all Specialty Chemical participants, the most important levers to achieve Commercial Excellence
Steering of sales resources with regard to target clients and product and service portfolio,
Continuous adaptation of product and service offering to target client needs and
Strengthening of sales force with regard to competencies, methodology, and leadership capabilities
> The most important lever for North-American Specialty Chemicals companies is the improvement of
marketing and sales interactions with regard to key processes
> The most important lever for Asian Specialty Chemicals companies is the frequent adaption of pricing
schemes and processes to target clients
> Digital sales and marketing is not yet seen as an important lever to achieve Commercial Excellence in
Specialty Chemicals
> Across all B2B industries, participants indicated Technical Sales, Sales Representatives & Key
Account Management to be the most important sales channels today, and in three years' time1).
Participants from the Specialty Chemicals industry also sell products/services through technical sales
> The most important sales channels selected by participants across all industries are also the same with
the largest improvement potential: 27% of all participating specialized chemical companies are not
satisfied with their approach to managing key accounts, 21% are not satisfied by the performance of the
"technical sales" channel
> European-based companies manage key accounts in a very traditional way: 28% show "One face to
the customer", and 20% offer frame contracts. Innovative approaches like partnering in R&D, partnering in
Marketing and Sales are only used on average by 13%
> As direct sales is of utmost importance for the Specialty Chemicals companies, we have also identified the
most important capabilities of the employees working in sales functions:
Pricing, Relationship Building, and Value-Based Marketing have been identified as the most
important capabilities today, and in three years' time.
In relation to the importance, the level of fulfillment of these three capabilities is perceived as too
low. American Specialty Chemical companies add technical skills as fourth important capability with
significant improvement potential
> There are significant differences between Europe and North America on the understanding on
Commercial Excellence with regard to
the used methodologies for customer segmentation and its purpose,
the mapping of decision makers,
the way Key Account Management is performed, and
the approach on how to steer sales teams
> Cultural differences between America and Europe are the key cause for this different perception of
Commercial Excellence. In addition, America is focusing more on customer relationship and
partnering whereas Europe puts emphasis on sales process and technology
> Asian Specialty Chemicals companies are characterized by a relatively strong belief in Commercial
Excellence as the most important lever for organic growth (41%) and have even higher expectations in its
sales and profit increasing effects than the North-American Specialty Chemical companies
> Ignoring differences between geographical areas may increase the challenges occurring when
initiating centrally-steered Commercial Excellence initiatives
> When implementing a centrally-steered initiative, the following lessons learned of Commercial
Excellence experienced companies should also be kept in mind:
Define a common language and understanding of Commercial Excellence terms
Do not get lost in detailed comparisons of existing tools and processes across different countries Try
to get the big picture, and to establish a common mind-set
Fully leverage the initiative by looking for good practices and successful approaches to derive
different solutions for similar problems across all regions/countries involved
This study examines Commercial Excellence across several B2B
industries, with a clear focus on the Specialty Chemicals industry
Facts and figures
"Commercial Excellence" has been identified as a key driver for organic growth
and thus has become a hot topic for many specialized B2B companies
Respondents from Europe, North America, and Rest of World (Asia and Latin
America) participated in a web-based survey. Selected 1-on-1 interviews were
conducted in person.
90% closed questions, 10% open questions
> The focus of the study was on
Machinery Specialty Chemicals1), and other
specialized B2B companies
Specialty Chemicals > The specialized B2B companies
IT / Electronics 9% offer innovative products, and
services based on a multi-
11% channel sales approach
Food and > The following industries are
considered specialized B2B:
Other2) 8% Food and Beverage
Metal Processing & Mining
Specialty Chemicals Other specialized B2B industries
1) Mainly active in Health, Nutrition, Personal Care and Agrochemical Industry
2) 'Other' includes Telecoms, Metal Processing and Mining, and Aviation
Source: Roland Berger
For Specialty Chemicals
The Roland Berger study focuses on hot topics for the Specialty
Chemical industry in the area of Commercial Excellence
Covered areas and major questions
How important is Commercial Excellence for organic growth of
General the Specialty Chemical industry? What is the expected sales
The majority of Specialty Chemical companies and profit effect? Are regional differences important by
are running Commercial Excellence initiatives improving on Commercial Excellence?
Marketing Excellence How important is Digital Sales and Marketing for the Specialty
Chemical industry?
Everyone speaks about Big Data
Sales Excellence Which capabilities are of utmost importance for the Specialty
Chemical industry? Where are the areas for improvement
People make the difference
within the Specialty Chemical industry? And to how to best steer
good sales teams?
Questions covered by this study
Commercial Excellence is the most important lever for organic
growth in Specialty Chemicals and all other B2B industries
Ranking of levers for profitable organic growth
By industry type [%] By region
24 24
18 North
America Europe RoW
Improvement of marketing and
sales interaction with regard
to key processes/joint topics
4.30 4.23 4.20
Strengthening of sales force Continuous Steering of sales
with regard to adaptation of product resources with regard
competencies, methodology, and service offering to target clients/ product
and leadership capabilities to target client needs and service portfolio
>10% 31% 6%
C.1 Marketing
Excellence: Typical
approaches, and
purpose of customer
Specialty Chemicals companies mainly segment customers based
on their value and the end-markets customers participate in
Marketing Excellence: Method of customer segmentation per industry type [%]
Not at all
> Mapping of decision makers , i.e. taking into account direct buyers and buying influencers, has a significantly more
important role in the North American Specialty Chemicals industry
> Consequently, North America is more advanced in its ability to identify decision makers in its value chain particularly
by also using end-markets customer participate in as segmentation criteria
> For all for European based B2B participants of our study, mapping of decision makers plays the least important role,
yet they take into account direct buyers, and buying influencers on an irregular basis
Participants agreed on Technical Sales, Sales representatives &
KAM to be the most important sales channels across all industries
Channel excellence: Overview of importance of different sales channels by industry1)
Importance in
three years time
Mass media access platforms 1.8 1.5
Key Account
Management 27% 28%
Trend + + + Trend + + +
> Sales representatives, Key Account Management and > No significant geographical differences can be seen,
Technical sales are the most important sales channels nevertheless the overall importance of the TOP3
irrespective of geography channels is even higher in North America than in Europe
> In Europe, specific websites are ranked relatively low > Again, specific websites are ranked relatively low
Note: Not shown sales channels included in the questionnaire are: Mass media, Passive availability of call centers and active calling of targets
1) Ranking from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest possible answer
Source: Roland Berger
All industries rely heavily on traditional ways of KAM More
innovative approaches are seen in the Specialty Chemicals industry
Channel excellence: Methods for performing Key Account Management by industry
Traditional ways of Key Account Mgmt. Innovative ways of Key Account Mgmt.
23% 22%
15% 16%
12% 13% 12% 11%
15% 15% 15% 15%
13% 12% 13%
Specialty Chemicals regard KAM, value based marketing, and
pricing as most important but also weakest fulfilled capabilities
Sales excellence: Sales force capabilities, current level of fulfillment by industry type1)
Ranking from 1 to 5
(5 is highest possible answer)
Pricing 4.5
3.2 +
Contracting 3.8
Cross-channel 2.7
21% 21%
19% 19%
12% 11%
9% 10% 10% 9%
Frequent KPIs are Frequent Install CRM KPIs are KPIs are KPIs on deal
analysis of defined coaching of system to allow defined based defined based profitability
approach of based on sales personnel fact based deal on customer on customer
involved sales sales volume in day to day closure margins potential
personnel activities
Source: Roland Berger
The usage of innovative sales channel steering methods is mainly
driven by North-America Large focus on deal profitability KPIs
Methods for performing sales channel steering
Traditional sales channel steering Innovative sales channel steering
21% 21%
17% 18%
Frequent KPIs are Frequent Install CRM KPIs are KPIs are KPIs on deal
analysis of defined coaching of system to allow defined based defined based profitability
approach of based on sales personnel fact based deal on customer on customer
involved sales sales volume in day to day closure margins potential
personnel activities
Source: Roland Berger
D. Commercial
Excellence is not the
same: Europe vs.
North America
The top lever to achieve Commercial Excellence is different in
Europe and North America Same levers for #2 and #3
Differences across regions
Europe North America
> The most important lever for achieving > The most important lever for achieving
Commercial Excellence in Europe is Commercial Excellence in North America
strengthening of sales force with is improvement of marketing and sales
regard to competencies, methodology, interaction with regard to key
and leadership capabilities processes/joint topics
> The second and third important levers > The second and third important levers
are continuous adaptation of product
and service offering to target client
needs and steering of sales resources
VS. are continuous adaptation of product
and service offering to target client
needs and steering of sales resources
with regard to target clients/ product and with regard to target clients/ product and
service portfolio service portfolio
> US-based companies expect an even
higher sales/profit effect than the
European-based companies
"Differences in the perception and execution of Commercial Excellence between Europe and the US are deeply routed
within cultural differences It is essential to know the differences upfront to drive a successful business or a cross-regional
commercial excellence initiative." Sales expert
"In the set up phase of our commercial excellence iniative, we faced serious challenges due to the different understanding
on sales, and marketing methodologies. To align on a common language was crucial for us. In addition, we underestimated
the cultural differences, which drive e.g. a different sales process, and KAM approach." Head of Global Commercial Excellence
General sales > Sales personnel is focusing on techno- > Sales personnel is trained to emphasis
approach logical advantages of products commercial benefits of sold products
> Pricing is generally a minor term for > Open discussion attitude towards prices
Marketing > Segmentation of customers with regard > Segmentation with regard to end-market
Excellence to potential revenues and growth customers and need of customers for
perspectives applications
Channel & Sales > One-face-to-the-customer is a > US companies follow a "tentacle" ap-
Excellence commonly accepted and expected proach for as many contacts as possible
instrument for KAM > Key account manager coordinates the
> KAM is clearly structured with defined deployment of other people, e.g. R&D
responsibilities, and hierarchies into customer's organization
Asian Specialty Chemicals companies are characterized by a very
strong belief in Commercial Excellence and its benefiting effects
Differences between Asia and the rest of the world
> Highest importance for Commercial Excellence as a
lever for organic growth (41%)
Commercial Excellence