Training Program:-: Clearing

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Training program:-

With the name of Almighty Allah, I started my internship with

Meezan Bank Limited on 2nd June, 2016 which continued till 18th
July, 2016. On first day, the Branch Manager called me in his
office and asked some questions about my studies and Banking.
He told me some basic rules and regulations about banking
operation, Islamic Shariah Polices and introduced me with other
staff members of the Bank and I worked on Clearing & Remittance and
Account Opening departments

Clearing and Remittance Department:-

I worked in Clearing Department. I learnt their about Clearing
of different cheques and remittance handling. I was told there the
main objects of clearing.
I received all the clearing cheques and made a schedule of
these cheques after making entries in outward and inward
clearing registers and sent the same to main branch where at all
the cheques were sent to NIFT (National Institutional
Facilitation Technology)

NIFT stand for National Institutional Facilitation Technologies.
Clearing House of SBP has shifted a part of its work to private
institution named NIFT. NIFT collets Cheques, Demand Draft, Pay
Order, Travelers Cheques, etc. from all branches of different
Banks within city through its carriers and send them to the
branches on which these are drawn for clearing. NIFT prepares a
sheet for each branch and send it to each branch as well as to
State Bank of Pakistan where accounts of Banks are settled.
Types of Clearing:-

Outward Clearing:
When cheques of other Banks are deposited in our bank,
after clearing these cheques through NIFT by the other Banks on
which these are drawn. Accounts of the customers are credited.

Inward Clearing:
When cheques of our bank are deposited in other Banks and
these cheques are sent to us for verification, we debit the of our
client after verification their account

Remittance department transfer the funds from one bank to
another bank and one place to another place. In this department
collection takes place. MBL makes payment of only open cheques
at the counter and prohibits the payment of crossed cheques.
MBL transfer money from one place to another place by way of
payment order, demand draft, inward collection, outward
Account Opening Department:-

Account Opening Procedure:

Account Opening Form:

This department relates to open new accounts Customers

approach to Bank and an Account Opening is given to him for
completing and signing the same. After completed account
opening form in all respect and checked by the bank officer and
properly signed by the customer which is also verified by the
Operation Manager. Specimen Signature Card are gotten signed
form the customer and after verifying the information written
theyre in, Customers are given account number and all these
informations are saved in the system.

Completion of the Form:

After completed account opening form in all respect and
checked by the bank officer and properly signed by the customer
which is also verified by the Operation Manager

Specimen Signature Card (SSC):

Specimen Signature Card are gotten signed form the
customer and after verifying the information written theyre in,
Customers are given account number and all these informations
are saved in the system.

Signature Difference Form:

The signature of the client is taken on a signature difference
form if his signature differs from the CNIC.

Address Change Form

If the address is differed from CNIC then client will fill this form.

Computerized Inputting:
There are three things under the computerized inputting.

Customer Information (CIF)

Here we will generate a customers Id

Account Number
After completion of all formalities, final approval for
opening of account is taken from the Branch Manager and an
account number is allotted to the customer and all the
informations are recorded in the computer. Account number is
written on the cheque book requisition. After completion of all
procedures, the bank prepares a letter and sends it to the client
at his postal address to pay gratitude to the customer.

Customer Due diligence (CDD)

Here we observe the customers strength to do daily
transaction in a bank

Cheque Book Issuance

Cheque Book requisition for first cheque book is send to
Head Office, Karachi for issuance the same. The cheque consists
of 25 leaves and no charges are deducted from the account the
account of client.

Procedure for ATM/PIN Issuance

Meezan Bank limited provides the ATM facility to its
Customers and they can withdraw their amount at any time
through ATM. For issuance of ATM, customer has to sign an ATM
form and Bank office make an entry in the system and within 15
days bank receives ATM card from Head Office which is given to
the customer.
For issuance of PIN and activation of ATM customer has to
call the help line (111-331-331). After verification of customer, a
PIN number is issue to him and his card is activated

Procedure of Stop Payment

For stopping the payment, we take sign of the customer on
stop payment form where in account number with date and
amount of cheque is written. Customers also mention the reason
of stop payment then we mark that cheque as stop payment.

Procedure for Closing of an account

Whenever a customer wants to close the account, he fills up
an account closing form and signs theyre in, account balance
should be zero, approval is taken from the Branch Manager
Specimen card is taken back and is attached with the form and
account is closed.
Cash Department

T h e c a s h d e p a r t m e n t i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t d e p a r t m e n t o f the
bank. It receives cash from customers and then deposits i t i n t o t h e
a c c o u n t s o f t h e c u s t o m e r s a n d m a i n t a i n e d t h e i r balances. In cash
departments following books are maintained.

o Scroll book

o Paying book

o Cash balance book

When cash is received at the customer it is recorded in the scroll book.


The cashier makes entry in the paying cashbook when cash is paid.


The consolidated figure of receipt and payment of cash is
entered in cash balance book.

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