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Is 10259 1982

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
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in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
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education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
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IS 10259 (1982): General conditions for delivery and

inspection of aluminium and aluminium alloy products [MTD
7: Light Metals and their Alloys]

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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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( Reaffirmed 1999 )
IS : 10259 - 1982

Indian Standard

Light Metals and Their Alloys Sectional Committee, SMDC 10

Chairman Rcprrsrnting
DR RAJINDERA KUYAR National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ),

SHRI V. K. AQARWAL Hindustan Aluminium Corporation Ltd, Renukoot,
Dist Mirzapur
SHRI K. L. BAEUI National Test House, Calcutta
SRRI PREM BAVEJA Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd ( Bangalore Division ),
SHRI R. KUPPASWAMY (Alternate) m
SHRI B. D. BISWAS Ministry of Defence ( DGOF )
SHRI A. T. BORAYE The Premier Automobiles Ltd, Bombay
SHRI B. R. DUTTA The Institute of Indian Foundrvmen,
, Calcutta
SHRI A. GUHA (Alternate)
SHRI A. K. HAJRA Indian Aluminium Co Ltd, Calcutta
JOINT DIREOTOR ( MET), RDSO, Ministry of Railways
ICF, MADRAS ( Alternate )
( CARRIAGE ) - 1 ( Alternate )
SHRI P. M. JOSEPH Aluminium Industries Ltd, Madras
SHRI M. K. JOSRI Ministry of Defence ( R&D )
SHRI I. N. BHATIA ( Alternate )
SHRI S. K. KHANNA Ministry of Defence ( DC1 )
SHRI P. M. SENQUPTA ( Alternate )
DR MANJIT SINGE Office of Development Commissioner ( Small
Scale Industries), New Delhi
SHRI 0. P. MATHUR Electrical Manufacturing Co Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI S. C. MAL~OTRA (Alternate)
( Continwd on pap 2

0 CopVright 1982
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS:10259 -1982

Indian Standard

O.l,This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 23 August 1982, after the draft finalized by the Metals and
Their Alloys Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural
and Metals Division Council.

0.2 This standard has been formulated for guidance of the manufacturers,
suppliers and consumers of aluminium and aluminium alloy products in
respect of the delivery requirements as well as the conditions to be
specified in the tender, inquiry, purchase order.


1.1 This standard covers the general conditions of delivery and inspection
of aluminium and aluminium alloy products conforming to various
Indian Standard specifications.

1.2 If considered acceptable to the parties concerned this standard may

be used in part or whole for aluminium and aluminium alloys conform-
ing to other standards also.

1.3 This standard applies mainly to wrought products in the as-delivered



2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.

2.1 Producer/Manufacturer - The firm that produces/manufactures

the material in the required form in which it is consigned to the

2.2 Supplier -The party or person supplying the material shall be

called supplier; he may or may not be the actual manufacturer of the
material. The term supplier shall also cover any party with whom the
supplier places order for partial compliance.
IS : 10259 - 1982

2.3 Purchaser - The party or person purchasing the material. The

term Purchaser shall cover person or persons authorised by the
purchaser to act on this behalf for material inspection or other purposes.


3.1 It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to define the product

required by him and to supply the following details concerning the

a) The type of product required (for example, rolled sheet,

extruded tubes, etc );
b) The aluminium alloy and its temper for the desired product: In
case the conditions in which material is to be used differs from
the conditions in which it is desired, then the same should aIso
be mentioned;
c) The Indian Standard specification number or the properties
concerning the product should be stated;
d) Shape and dimensions or drawing defining the product. The
tolerances on dimensions to be given. If Indian Standard
specification exists then reference to the same should be given;
e) Quantity required in term of weight or number;
f ) Any other special requirement agreed between the supplier and
the purchaser. The special requirement may include require-
ment of certificate of conformity, type of packing, mode of
transport, etc;
g) Critical areas in which interlocking components or sliding
components are fitted should be mentioned with specific informa-
tion on tolerances; and
h) The end application and the required finish, like painting,
anodising, etc, should be mentioned.


4.1 Process -The producer/manufacturer is free to select the

production and manufacturing process to be utilized for the product and
there shall be no binding on the producer to utilize the same process for
subsequent and similar orders. If the purchaser wants any particular
process to be used for production and manufacture of the product, then
the same should be specified in the order.

4.2 Quality Assurance - Before despatching the material, it shall be

the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the material conforms to

IS : 10259 - 1982

the desired specifications as per the order and satisfies all the tests and
inspection requirements.

4.3 Properties of Materials - The chemical composition, mechanical,

physical or other properties of the material shall be in accordance with
the relevant Indian Standard specification for the material and the
product or with those agreed between the supplier and the purchaser
and mentioned in the tenderlorder.

4.4 Freedom from Defects

4.4.1 The material shall be free from harmful defects which are
prejudicial to the subsequent manufacture, fabrication or use of the
4.4.2 The material having manufacturing defect, although it may
have been passed previously on chemical composition and mechanical
tests, shall be rejected. The rejection should be only with respect to those
items having manufacturing defects and not the whole lot.

4.5 Dimensional Tolerance - The product shall be within dimen-

sional tolerances as per the order or Indian Standard specification relating
to the product. Unless otherwise agreed between the supplier and the
purchaser the material with dimensions outside the specified tolerance
limits may be rejected by the purchaser.


5.1 Sampling
5.1.1 For Chemical Composition - One sample shall be taken to represent
2 000 kg or fraction thereof of the material despatched, except that not
more than one sample shall be required per piece. For wet analysis
sample shall be taken out according to IS : 1817-1961*, while for
spectrochemical or other analytical method samples shall be taken out so
as to suit the analytical method utilized.
5.1.2 For Mechanical and Other Tests - The required number of test
samples from each batch/lot shall be selected as per relevant Indian
Standard or procedure of testing. For any special product characteristic
and in absence of Indian Standard specification, sample shall be seIected
according to mutual agreement between the supplier and the purchaser. In the case of aluminium and non heat-treatable aIuminium
alloys, the selected test samples shall not be subjected to any thermal or
mechanical treatment ( except straightening and machining to the shape
of the test piece ) before they are tested.

*Methods of sampling non-ferrous metals for chemical analysis.

IS:10259 - 1982 In the case of heat-treatable aluminium alloys for materials

supplied in the as-manufactured or annealed condition, the test samples
may be heat-treated and tested in that condition; if SO specified by the
purchaser. The test samples, after heat-treatment shall not be mechani-
cally worked ( except by straightening and machining to the shape of the
test piece ) before they are tested.
NOTE - One batch shall consist of a group of products which has the same
nominal thickness/diameter from the same cast under the same production
conditions. If heat-treated, then they should have been heat-treated under the same
heat-treatment conditions.

5.2 Testing

5.2.1 Chemical Comfosition - The chemical composition of the material

shall be determined either by the method specified in IS : 504-1963* or
any other instrumental/chemical method.
In case of dispute, the procedure given in the latest edition of
IS : 504 shall be the refer method.

5.2.2 Mechanical Tests - Mechanical testing shall be carried out in

accordance with the methods given below:
a) For tensile test, the procedure of testing and preparation of test
pieces shall be in accordance with IS : 1816-1979t,
b) Bend tests for rolled sheet and strip shall be carried out in
accordance with IS : 4598- 1968$,
c) The wires shall be tested in accordance with IS : 2658-19648,
IS : 4168-196711 and IS : 4176-19671.
d) The tube shall be tested in accordance with IS : 2657-1967**,
IS : 4177-1967tt and IS : 4599-1968$$.

5.3 Special Tests - Some special tests are required for product to be
used for certain specific applications. These tests are described in relevant
Indian Standard specification which should be referred to for products
concerning these special requirements.
______ __~__...
*Methods of chemical analysis of aluminium and its alloys (r&cd).
tTensile test for light metals and their alloys.
rMethod for simple bend test for aluminium alloy sheet and strip of thickness
between 0.2 mm and 7 mm.
SMethod for tensile testing of aluminium and aluminium alloy wire.
JIMethod for wrapping test of aluminium and aluminium alloy wire.
flMethod for simple torsion test of aluminium and aluminium alloy wire.
**Method for tensile testing of aluminium and aluminium allow tubes.
+tMethod for flattening test of aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes.
$$Method for drift expanding test on aluminium and aluminium alloy tubes.

IS : 10258 - 1962

5,4 Dimensional Inspection - The dimensional checking shall be

done with the help of proper measuring instruments which ensure the
accuracy required in dimensions and dimensional tolerances in accordance
with the relevant Indian Standard specifications.

5.5 Finish and Workmanship

5.5.1 The product shall be free from injurious surface defects. Unless
otherwise specified, the product should be supplied in mill or workman-
like finish. Discoloration characteristics due to heat treatment shall not
be a cause for rejection.

5.5.2 Unless otherwise agreed between the parties concerned, surface

examination shall be carried out with the naked eye without the
assistance of any magnifying apparatus.

5.6 Inspection - The purchaser shall notify the supplier when placing
the order, if it is his intention to inspect the material at the suppliers
works. The supplier shall afford the purchaser of reasonable facilities to
satisfy himself that the material is in accordance with the standard. For
this purpose, the purchaser or his representative may, by prior
arrangement, attend to inspect the material, to select and identify the
test samples for testing and to witness the tests being made.


6.1 Rejection - Only the material failing to conform to the require-

ments of the material standard or specification may be rejected by the

6.2 Retests - If any test specimen fails to satisfy the specified

mechanical properties requirements, then the following procedure shall
be adopted by the inspection authority:

a) Select for test from the same batch two further test samples, one
of which shall be from the test pieces from which the original
test sample was taken, unless it has been withdrawn by the
supplier. Both the test specimen prepared from these retest
samples shall satisfy the mechanical properties requirements. If
either of these specimens fails to conform to the applicable
requirements, the material may be rejected; and
b) For annealed or heat-treated material, the supplier has right, if
he desires, to re-anneal or re-heat-treat the material before
selecting the two retest specimens. However, material shall not
be re-heat-treated more than once.

IS : 10259 - 1982

6.2.1 For other properties, the relevant standard or order conditiotis

should be consulted.


7.1 The supplier shall, on request, furnish to the purchaser a certificate

stating that the material has been tested and inspected in accordance with
the relevant standard/specifications as per order, and has been found in
conformity with the requirements.


8.1 Packing - The material shall be packed in such a manner so as to

prevent damage in ordinary handling and transportation. Unless
otherwise mentioned in the order, the type of packing and gross weight
of individual package will be left to the discretion of the supplier. Each
package shall contain only one size, alloy, or temper of material when
packed for despatch unless otherwise agreed upon.

8.2 Marking - Each package shall be marked as per the discretion of

the supplier unless it is otherwise agreed upon or mentioned in relevant
standard/specification according to the order.


9.1 Should there be a dispute about the compliance of the material with
material specification, the supplier and the purchaser each shall have the
right to get the material tested by a mutually acceptable independent
testing authority.

9.2 The results obtained by the independent testing authority shall be

accepted as final. If the material does not comply with the material
specification, the cost of independent testing shall be borne by the
supplier; if the material complies with the material specification, the cost
shall be borne by the purchaser.

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