Is It Safe To Design A Building Structure With Simple Joints, When They Are Known To Exhibit A Semi-Rigid Behaviour?

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Is it safe to design a building structure with simple joints, when they

are known to exhibit a semi-rigid behaviour?

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 1
Introduction 2
Results/Findings 3
Discussion 4
Conclusion 4
Recommendation 4
Glossary 5
References 5

Executive Summary

The research report tried to test the idea that simple joints, known to exhibit
a semi-rigid behavior, can be used as a frictionless pinned-joints in building design
calculations. In evaluating the assumption, comparison of computer simulations
were used and experimental test data for the actual structure. The results showed
that the experiment was ideally safe and is usually conservative in estimating the
structural strength; but these conclusions are limited to cases where the joints
display large deformations before rupture of the bolts or welds. And that only a few
unrealistic cases will this assumption lead to unsafe results which are due to
overestimating its strength. It is however recommended that three conditions are
necessary for the safety of the semi-rigid joints; joints must show ductility, welds
must be well designed in order to avoid premature fracture, and the design of the
joint must be the same such that the rotation is practically possible.


In design building, joints are referred to as pinned, semi-rigid or rigid

depending on their hardness relative to the framing in which they are used.
Engineers consider some joints as pinned in their structural analysis, even though it
is common knowledge that all joints must exhibit some rotational constraint. For
example, beam-to-column joints made with a thin and non-extended end plates are
actually semi-rigid but are modelled as frictionless pinned connections.

Until recently there has been no reliable evidence that the assumption of
such joints are safe for building design practice. Even in the absence of definite
proof the above assumption continues to be used. Only recently have extended
studies been performed and design rules have been established for the modelling of
structural joints; these are published in the European regulatory document Annex J
of Euro Code 3.

This raises the question of safety for existing buildings whose designs are
based on the assumption of pinned joints. Another important question is whether
building practitioners can continue to safely use the pinned joint assumption or
adopt a more accurate (and complex) modelling technique. These questions are
important for the building industry and will strongly influence the complexity, time
and cost of structural analysis and design of buildings.
This research compares the computer numerical simulations based on Euro
Code 3 for the behavior of an existing building with experimental test results.
Therefore, a Euro Code 3 model-test comparison is used to evaluate the level of
accuracy of the Euro Code modelling guidelines.


A braced structure that is made of two types of steel was considered to be

the frame. By using thin and non-extended end-plates with 10mm thickness, the
joints of beams B1 to the central column were bolted to be connected. On the other
hand, Joint EP2 has been submitted to test and the results are reported in Aribert et
al. Based on the rules of Eurocode 3 Annex J, the momentrotation curve
characterizing EP2 has been recalculated. After that, the test results are compared.

The calculations were performed by using the CoP computer program. The
program has a symmetrical loading identical to the loading applied during
experimental testing. The loading that was consisted of two transverse loads at the
end of the beams was applied at a distance of 1730 mm from the axis of the
column. The full non-linear FINELG computer was used for the calculations of the
frames. Both fully pinned beam-to-column joints and semi-rigid joints were
analyzed. The MI response calculations are performed step by step up to the
collapse of the structure. Instability and plasticity are taken into account but are
limited to in-plane behavior because the pinned or semi-rigid character of the
joints mainly influences this behavior.


The experimental and theoretical moment-rotation curves for the joint EP2
was shown in Figure 2. As the test result shows, it can be seen that the plastic
resistance and the initial stiffness are in perfect agreement. Besides the result
confirmed by the test, there was still a failure that was obtained from the
calculations. The models disregard the effect of the steel strain-hardening. This is
why a plastic plateau indicates the theoretical failure of the joint.


The failure in the model including the pinned joints is because of a plastic
hinge in the middle of all four floor beams and a maximum load factor with an
ultimate limit state (ULS) of 1.12. The model that is using semi-rigid joints shows a
plastic failure mechanism in the two right floor beams with three plastic hinges: one
in the middle of the beams and one in the two end joints. The load factor at collapse
is 1.28. For the pinned joint model the beam deflections and collapse loads are
smaller than those obtained with semi-rigid joints and will therefore lead to a more
conservative design.


It has shown that the assumption of pinned joints are more conservative than
the semi-rigid model and can be safely used in building design and analysis under
the following conditions:
It must be emphasized that the pinned joint assumption is not economical and could
possibly lead to a reduction of the beam profiles. This however requires further
analyses and is recommended as a topic for further research.


It is recommended that three conditions should be met to ensure the ongoing safety
of semi-rigid joints. These are:
Joints must show enough ductility,
Welds must be well designed in order to avoid premature fracture,
Design of the joint must be such that the rotation is practically possible.

Bolts - a metal rod or pin for fastening objects together that usually has a
head at one end and a screw thread at the other and is secured by a nut
Ductile - of a metal: capable of being drawn out into wire or thread
Eurocode - the ten European standards (EN; harmonized technical rules)
specifying how structural design should be conducted within the European
Union (EU)
Fracture - the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken
Hinges - a jointed or flexible device on which a door, lid, or other swinging
part turns
Joints - a place where two things or parts are joined
Welds - to become or be capable of being welded
ULS - ultimate limit state


[1] Revised Annex J of Eurocode 3. Joints in building frames. European Prestandard

ENV 1993-1-1:1992/A2. Bruxelles (Belgium): CEN; 1998.
[2] Aribert JM, Braham M, Lachal A, Richard C. Testing of simple joints and their
characterisation for structural analysis. Proceedings of the Third European
Conference Eurosteel on Steel Structures, Coimbra, September 1920, 2002,
Portugal. 2002, p. 1079 90.
[3] CoP, The Joint Program. Computer program for the calculation of joints,
developed by JP Jaspart, University of Lige, MSM department, and K Weynand,
RWTH Aachen (D). Version 2000R19, 2000. Commercialised by ICCS bv (NL).
[4] FINELG, Finite Elements Computer Program for non linear Analysis. MSM
Department of the University of Lige (B). Journal of Constructional Steel, Research
60 (2004) 713723

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