For 5 Semester ME, EE, CE & CST. Time Allowed: 3 Hours Full Marks:75

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November2014 501(s)

Industrial Management
For 5th semester ME, EE, CE & CST.
Time Allowed : 3 Hours Full Marks:75

Answer to Question No. 1 is compulsory and to be answered first. This answer is to be

made in separate loose script(s) provided for the purpose. Maximum time allowed is 45
minutes, after which the loose answer scripts will be collected and fresh answer scripts for
answering the remaining part of the question will be provided. On early submission of
answer scripts of Question No. 1, a student will get the remaining script earlier.

Answer any FIVE questions from Group A , B and C .Taking at least

one from each group

1. A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 1x15

(i) ______ and ______ are two basic functions of management.
(ii) The number of the people that can be supervised effectively is termed as ________.
(iii) Organizational behavior primarily deals with a set of fundamental concepts revolving
around _______ and ________.
(iv) According to Fedrick Hetzburg lack of ________ factor work as dissatisfies and ______
work as satisfiers.
(v) ______ and _______ are the higher order needs of an individual as propounded by A. H.
Maslow in his motivational theory.
(vi) _______ planning is absolutely essential as prerequisite to new recruitment in an
(vii) The purpose of performance appraisal system in an organization is to ascertain ________
of an employee.
(viii) Training is important to provide/upgrade necessary _______ and required by an
individual to accomplish his task in better way.
(ix) Six Sigma is a ______ measure of the performance of a process or a product.
(x) Standard time in the sum of _______ and allowance.
(xi) The ABC analysis is based on ________ principle.
(xii) ______ and _______ are two most important aspects in respect a product which
determines its market penetration.
(xiii) At break-even point profit is _______.
(xiv) The brand name is important for effective ________ or the product.
(xv) Customer Penetration is the ________ of all customers who buy a particular product from
the company.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False. 1x10

(i) While money is important, what employees value most in todays context, is recognition
by their supervisors for a job well done.
(ii) The most important role of leadership is to give order to the people to do job.
(iii) Delegation can be made effective by giving clear, well communicated briefings to the
people working at lower level.
(iv) Autocratic leaders work According to the wishes of their followers.
(v) Autocratic leaders work According to the wishes of their followers.
(vi) DCP type fire extinguisher can be used in any kind of fire.
(vii) Dispatching indicates movement of raw materials from one section to other one.
(viii) High inventory turnover ratio indicates effective materials management.
(ix) Dispatching indicates movement of raw materials from one section to other one.
(x) Procurement cost of a firm increases in quantity to be produced.


2. (a) Discuss the principles of management as propounded by Henry Fayol.

(b) What is neo classical theory of management? 7+3

3. Write short notes on- (a) Role of communication in managerial function; (b) Leadership style


4. Write short notes on (a) Motivation & Productivity; (b) Human resource planning. 5+5


5. Write short notes on (a) Quality level and Quality reliability; (b) Layout Planning 5+5

6. What is inventory? Briefly enumerate the ABC inventory system. 4+6

7. Briefly state the objectives of financial analysis from a companys point of view.

State the importance of- (a) Liquidity ratios (b) Profitability ratios 5+9


8. Describe different elements of marketing mix. How does marketing mix differ from product mix?


9. Discuss the factors affecting the decision on channels of distribution? 10

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